Bean Bag Launcher Ideas? The 49 Latest Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “bean bag launcher ideas“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: 940+ tips for you. You will find the answer right below.

What is a bean bag launcher?

Mike Daley, an IMPD firearms instructor, called it a launcher; the gun doesn’t shoot regular shotgun rounds. Cops are trained to shout “bean bag” before pulling the trigger. It sounds like a real shotgun; however, the bean-bag round is a Kevlar fabric bag filled with lead shot.

What do you put inside beanbags?

EPS Beads. Most bean bags are filled with a manmade material known as expanded polystyrene (EPS). EPS is a hard-celled plastic very similar to Styrofoam, which is extruded polystyrene. Besides bean bag beads, EPS is used for disposable coffee cups and as cushioning material for packaging and shipping.

What can I make out of bean bags?

Let’s Make Bean Bags from Fabric Scraps
  1. Fabric scraps in assorted sizes (medium weight fabric is best)
  2. Filling (dried beans, popping corn, rice, small plastic or wooden beads, aquarium gravel or plastic pellets)
  3. Sewing machine.
  4. Iron.
  5. Fabric scissors.
  6. Thread.
  7. Sewing pins.
  8. Sheet of paper or wide mouth funnel.

How do you make beanbags?

  1. Cut the Fabric and Muslin Squares. Start by cutting the fabric and muslin. …
  2. Sew the Inserts and Outer Shells. Lay two matching fabric pieces on top of each other with the right sides of the fabric together. …
  3. Fill the Bean Bag Inserts. …
  4. Finish the Bean Bag Inserts. …
  5. Sew the Bean Bags Shut.

Can you legally buy a bean bag gun?

ARMA 100 Bean Bag Gun

It’s also legal to own in all 50 States and requires no license or training to own. The one thing worth noting, however, is that — in the right combination of circumstances — this could theoretically be lethal, especially if fired at someone’s face or throat.

How To Sew Tossing Bean Bags + 10 Bean Bag Game Ideas for Kids

According to the US Department of Justice, nearly 5,000 home burglaries occur on American soil every day — many of them when residents are at home. This seemingly scary statistic might have you running to the nearest gun shop and buying a firearm or two, just in case. However, if you own and operate a firearm, you also have to reckon with the possibility that you could end up killing someone. While this can be an effective way to stop a home invasion, not everyone wants this on their conscience. However, if you want to protect your home, family, and property through less than lethal means, there are other options. Non-lethal self-defense weapons are indeed plentiful and can be an effective and efficient way to protect you and yours, although some are better suited for use around your home than others. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up what we think are the top 10 most useful non-lethal self-defense weapons for home security. They vary in style and format so you can choose the one(s) that best suits your needs, but they are all worth considering for staying safe and secure in your own home.

Photo: TASER Pulse+

The value of non-lethal self-defense and what to look for

First of all we must reiterate that the main purpose of any less than lethal home and/or self defense weapon is to protect you, your property and your people without causing fatal damage to an intruder and/or attacker. While a firearm can definitely get the job done, there remains a risk when using one – especially during a home invasion where you may be groggy from sleep or your brain isn’t at its sharpest when it comes to decision-making due to a distinct combination of fear and adrenaline – you could end up killing someone whether you want it or not. If you don’t want this on your conscience and hope to avoid the legal ramifications of it, you should avoid firearms altogether and choose a non-lethal self-defense weapon instead.

Of course, understanding what exactly the purpose and aim of your favorite self-defense weapon is will help in your decision-making process. Of course, this will vary somewhat depending on the device type – be it a blunt force option or something with a bit more distance – but the overarching goals will still mostly remain the same. To give you an idea of ​​what to expect from these non-lethal offerings, we’ve outlined a quartet of the top factors and metrics to consider in your search. Remember: these are intended as a deterrent and are specifically designed to allow you to avoid the act of killing – hence their “non-lethal” nature.

Intimidation: Psychologically, through the simple act of living, people are trained to avoid anything that might cause them pain. Even the toughest martial artists in the world know that injuries are no fun and can have serious consequences. Therefore, sometimes the mere suggestion of physical pain is enough to distract and/or deter potential attackers. Scare an attacker enough and he’s sure to realize that the potential reward isn’t worth the potential damage. As such, this should be considered the primary purpose and goal of all self and home defense weapons.

Distance: You should immediately assume that anyone who breaks into your home has also considered and struggled with the possibility that they may have to defend themselves — and are likely to attack first and ask questions later. As such, it’s a good idea to keep your distance from intruders in the event of a confrontation, which can be managed by carefully selecting your favorite home defense weapon. Obviously your best bet is to pick up something that can be used over a long distance – like a taser or bean bag gun. However, you can also rely on blunt implements like bats or batons to keep you away from a potential attacker. The greater the distance between you and an intruder, the less likely you are to suffer physical harm. It’s also worth noting that the US Department of Justice estimates that of the 3.7 million burglaries per year, 61% of intruders commit their crimes unarmed and only 12% carry firearms, making using a less-than-lethal option in your own home.

Damage: When things go to extremes, it’s important to remember that your favorite self-defense device should actually come in handy in a combat situation. Even if you don’t want to kill the perpetrator who broke into your home, that doesn’t mean you don’t want to cause enough damage to protect yourself, your family, and your property. There are many “weapons” that can be found online – particularly inexpensive stun guns – that all bark and don’t bite – which means they sound intimidating and even look intimidating, but don’t do much in practice. When someone breaks into your home and closes the distance between you and them, you want to be able to fight them off – by force if necessary. After all, in these extreme circumstances, it’s you or them. Not wanting to kill someone doesn’t mean you want to give them carte blanche to do with you, your family, and your property as they please.

Convenience: They say the best weapon is the one you carry – and that goes for home and self-defense tools as well. Consider this: There is a definite possibility that a home invasion will happen at night when you are sleeping. This means you may be dazed and/or frantic in your response. So it’s in your best interest to grab something that’s close by and easy to use. If you over-complicate things, you risk being overtaken in the heat of the moment. So comfort doesn’t seem like the most important factor right away, but it can make all the difference.

Luminous Kubaton keychain

Ideally, you probably want to keep your distance from anyone who has broken into your home. Unfortunately, that’s not always an option. In these circumstances, the Glowiiny Kubaton keychain would come in handy. Simply wrap your fingers around this device and it can be used as a fist wrap – making your fist more robust and effective as a blunt instrument – but it also has a pointed tip that creates a concentrated pressure point – meaning all your power is there focuses on a much smaller surface area and can therefore deal more damage to an intruder than something blunt. This device also benefits from the lack of moving and/or electronic parts, meaning it won’t let you down in times of need. Again, you probably don’t want to get as up close and personal as is necessary to use a cubatone, but you’ll be glad to have one in case it’s unavoidable.

Purchase: $12

SABER RED Crossfire Pepper Gel Spray

Because it can temporarily blind and incapacitate attackers, pepper spray is one of the most trusted non-lethal weapons used by military and law enforcement personnel around the world. And, wouldn’t you know, SABER is the brand of choice for the NYPD, Chicago PD, and even the US Marshals. This particular version fumes a gel that lasts up to 4 years, can shoot up to 18ft, lasts 18 shots, and offers a max strength recipe for unmatched stopping power. As if that weren’t enough, each can of SABER RED Crossfire Pepper Gel Spray includes access to in-depth training videos and safety tips to help you use it effectively and without incident.

Purchase: $15

Cold Steel Brooklyn Crusher Baseball Bat

Obviously most baseball bats could work perfectly as a home defense weapon; In fact, they’ve become something of a trope in film and television for precisely this reason (check out M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs for reference). However, baseball bats are typically designed to hit baseballs. In contrast, the Cold Steel Brooklyn Crusher looks like a traditional baseball bat, but was actually designed specifically for use as a blunt weapon – meaning it should survive heavy, repetitive hits. That’s why it’s made from Polypropylene, a virtually indestructible plastic that will never break, splinter, crack, rot, etc. It’s also available in five different lengths so you can choose the one that suits you best. For reference, the one pictured above measures 29 inches overall and the smallest is 20 inches.

Purchase: $28

Smith & Wesson SWBAT21H Folding Cane

The Smith & Wesson SWBAT21H Collapsible Baton measures 21 inches when fully deployed and offers users roughly the same range and power as a small baseball bat – meaning it can be swung with great force and hit attackers with devastating force. Unlike bats, however, it folds down to just 8.5 inches when not in use — about small enough to tuck into any standard-sized bedside table or kitchen drawer. It’s also made from super-strong, lightweight chromoly steel – meaning it can take some abuse without breaking or becoming ineffective as a self-defense weapon. If that’s not enough to get you on board with this device, it’s also used by real law enforcement officers across the country, lending credence to its overall effectiveness as a tool.

Purchase: $40

Streetwise Barbarian stun baton

If you’ve ever been accidentally electrocuted, you probably know how stinging even a low-voltage electric shock can be. Of course, if you’ve never felt it yourself, you can simply google videos of people who are shocked to understand how uncomfortable it can be and how effective it can bring down even a tall, healthy man. As such, you can probably understand the value of using the Streetwise Barbarian stun baton as a home defense weapon. Thanks to its 19-inch length, not only does it help keep some distance between you and potential attackers, but it can also emit 9 million volts across three contact zones (the tip and the sides) — the sound of it alone could intruders scare off. Just remember: yes, this device can deliver a shock; However, it is probably more effective as a psychological deterrent than as an actual effective means of preventing someone from attacking you, and we do not recommend using it as a blunt instrument as repeated striking may not leave the internal electrics intact.

Purchase: $45

OLIGHT Warrior X Pro Tactical Flashlight

As with so many offerings on our list, the Olight Warrior X Pro Tactical Flashlight is an effective self-defense weapon with built-in versatility – meaning it works in more ways than one. For starters, this light emits a beam of light up to 2,100 lumens, which is more than enough to temporarily blind and disorient any attacker. In fact, it’s so bright that it can be useful even if an attacker is wearing sunglasses. However, when the light can’t stop an attack, this portable flashlight was also built with a durable and lightweight aluminum body and serrated bezel specifically designed for use as a blunt percussion instrument. In summary, the Warrior X Pro can be used to blind and strike an attacker, giving this device credibility as a dual threat. Better still, it’s also useful as a simple piece of everyday carry gear when you don’t need to defend yourself, giving it even more overall value.

Purchase: $120

ARMA 100 bean bag gun

Used by law enforcement and military personnel around the world, the ARMA 100 Bean Bag Gun is effective at taking down attackers up to 20 feet away – it sends through non-lethal bean bag rounds at 135 feet per shot the room second. For reference, that’s enough power to take a sane adult male’s breath away if you land a direct hit. It is also legal to own in all 50 states and requires no license or training to own. It is worth noting, however, that – in the right combination of circumstances – this could theoretically be deadly, especially if someone is shot in the face or throat. What’s more, it’s only good for a single shot before needing to be reloaded – which means you’ll need to be confident you can hit your target on the first try if you want to use it as a home defense weapon. If you are satisfied with these two problems, then this could be one of the best self defense devices.

Purchase: $199

Salt Supply Co. s1 Pepper Spray Gun

A mainstay of the home and self defense industry, the Salt Supply Co. s1 Pepper Spray Gun actually works two ways (as long as you go for the black one). First, it looks like a real firearm – which might be enough to deter an intruder in the heat of the moment. However, if the home invader continues to come at you, you can simply pull the trigger and send pepper spray and/or tear gas rounds (10 of each supplied) in their direction at a speed of 320 feet per second with an effective range of 150 feet or more . Not only do these bullets cause physical pain on impact, much like paintballs, but they also burst — causing even more physical ailments, including blindness and shortness of breath like coughing and choking. It is so effective, in fact, that the US military actually uses it in less than fatal circumstances. Unfortunately, if you live in California, New York or Massachusetts, this gun is not available for home delivery. However, in all other states, Salt Supply Co.’s s1 pepper spray gun is fair game.

Purchase: $350

TASER Pulse+ Stun Gun

This brand is so synonymous with non-lethal electric self-defense devices that people use the name TASER interchangeably with “stun gun”. And that’s probably because they’ve mastered the creation and implementation of said devices. One of the brand’s latest and greatest offerings is the ultra-compact Pulse+, which you can see here. Weighing just 8 ounces total, this stun gun can effectively stop and disable attackers up to 15 feet away – using a powerful electrical charge that can incapacitate muscles for up to 30 seconds at a time. Better still, the Pulse+ can connect to Noonlight, a smart app that can dispatch emergency personnel to your location when your stun gun is fired. In addition, TASER will replace your Pulse+ for free as long as you fire it in self-defense. Yes, $450 is an investment – but if it means security and peace of mind, we think it’s more than worth the price.

Purchase: $450

Adopt a guard dog

Colloquially referred to as “man’s best friend,” a dog can actually be an effective tool in many ways to help protect your home from burglaries and burglaries. For starters, a barking dog, regardless of its breed and/or size, can work as an alarm, alerting you, your neighbors and (of course) the intruders themselves that they’ve noticed a break-in. That alone is enough to ward off a multitude of potential burglars. However, should barking not deter an attacker, a dog can also be trained to attack unfamiliar people – meaning your dog itself can be turned into a weapon, something we’ve seen in practice by police and military organizations around the world have world. It should be noted that this should not be your primary reason for getting a dog and we would be neglecting our duties if we did not suggest adoption (as opposed to buying from a breeder) as the preferred method of acquiring a dog.

Learn more: Here

Honorable Mention for the SimpliSafe Home Security System

Because home security systems don’t actually function as “weapons” per se, they didn’t quite make the list. However, these systems are an exceptional option when it comes to deterrence. After all, you probably won’t need to defend yourself against an intruder if your home is wired to call the police at the first sign of a break-in. Installing a home security system – like SimpliSafe’s numerous, brilliant options – can greatly reduce your risk of a home invasion. In fact, Dr. Joseph B. Kuhns of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at UNC Charlotte conducted a study that found that only 13% of intruders would proceed with a break-in after raising an alarm. As such, a home security system is a significant, effective means of stacking the deck in your favor — and can even reduce your personal risk to negligible levels.

Purchase: $160+

Are bean bag rounds lethal?

Dangers. A bean bag round can severely injure or kill in a wide variety of ways. They have caused around one death a year since their introduction in the US. A round can hit the chest, break the ribs and send the broken ribs into the heart.

How To Sew Tossing Bean Bags + 10 Bean Bag Game Ideas for Kids

Less than lethal cartridge for shotguns

Two views of the intact round of beanbags and one view of the bullet

A beanbag round, also known by the proprietary name flexible truncheon round, is a type of truncheon round fired from a shotgun and used for less-lethal suspect arrests.


The beanbag round consists of a small fabric cushion filled with #9 lead shot and weighs about 40 grams (1.4 ounces). It is fired with a standard 12 gauge shotgun. When fired, the bag is ejected at around 70 to 90 meters per second (230 to 300 ft/s). It spreads in flight, spreading its effects over approximately 6 square centimeters (1 square inch) of the target. It is designed to deliver a blow that causes minimal long-term trauma and no penetration, but induces a muscle spasm or other reaction to momentarily immobilize a violent suspect. It can still cause serious injury and death. The shotgun is inaccurate over about 6 meters (20 feet) and has a maximum range of about 20 meters (70 feet). Changes to the beanbag round since its introduction in the early 1970s have included a speed reduction from 120 to 90 meters per second (400 to 300 ft/s)[2] as well as a shift from a square shape to a more rounded sock-shaped projectile.[2 ]

Shotguns intended for beanbag rounds are often visibly modified with either yellow or green markings or bright orange stocks and stops to reduce the possibility of a user accidentally loading lethal ammunition into the gun.

Use [edit]

RCMP officer in 2010, armed with a shotgun equipped to fire beanbag rounds

Beanbag slugs are used when a person poses a danger to themselves or others, but does not pose a direct threat in such a way that deadly force would be appropriate – typically a suicidal person with a bladed weapon. The round is designed to disable the person without killing them.

Dangers [edit]

A beanbag party can seriously injure or kill in a variety of ways. They have caused approximately one death every year since their introduction in the US.[3] A bullet can hit the chest, crack the ribs, and send the broken ribs to the heart. A shot to the head can break the nose, crush the larynx, or fracture the subject’s neck or skull. For this reason, many officers are taught to aim for the extremities when using a bean bag round. A blow to the abdominal area can cause internal bleeding or hit the celiac plexus, which can disrupt breathing or heartbeat, but such a blow is generally safer than most other areas and represents a larger target than an extremity. Fatalities are occasionally the result of mistaking other shotgun shells for beanbags.[3]

In 2006, protesters were shot in the head with beanbags during anti-corruption protests in Budapest, Hungary. At least 3 of them were permanently blinded. One of the victims committed suicide in 2013 due to psychological complications resulting from his blindness. In addition, many people suffered minor injuries (broken noses and fingers, bruises). In addition, some victims suffered long-term psychological trauma as a result of the shock. [4] [5] [6]

In 2013, an autopsy in Park Forest, Illinois found a 95-year-old man had died of hemoperitoneum after being shot by police with a beanbag gun. [7]

On August 11, 2019, during protests against the Hong Kong extradition law, a first responder was suspected of being hit with a beanbag, resulting in a fracture of one of her eyeballs. [8][9][10]

On November 23, 2019, a beanbag shot by the Colombian riot police hit student Dilan Cruz in the head, killing him. [11]

On May 31, 2020, 20-year-old Justin Howell was shot in the head by Austin PD and suffered a fractured skull that led to a seizure and brain trauma.[12] The next day, June 1, 2020, 16-year-old Brad Levi Ayala also suffered a fractured skull after being shot in the head with a beanbag by the Austin PD. [13]

See also[edit]


What’s the cheapest way to fill a bean bag?

What Alternative Bean Bag Fillers Are There?
  1. Stuffing. You can buy quilt and pillow stuffing at craft stores, on the cheap and in large amounts. …
  2. Shopping Bags. …
  3. Organic Material. …
  4. Eco-Beans. …
  5. Beans. …
  6. Rice. …
  7. Packing Peanuts. …
  8. Old Clothes.

How To Sew Tossing Bean Bags + 10 Bean Bag Game Ideas for Kids

You won’t be surprised to know that the first beanbags were simple sacks filled with; You guessed it, beans! Though it took thousands of seeds to fill a bag, that’s how these childhood staples got their name.

The bean bags we know and love today no longer use organic materials. Ours use native polystyrene beans and are reinforced to prevent messy leaks.

If you’ve ever had an inferior bean bag chair in your home that had a leak, you know why this is important.

Not good. Organic parents, nature lovers, and vacuum-tired tired of crafting or repairing beanbags themselves. Find out what kind of DIY beanbag fillers they use below.


You can buy quilt and pillow fillings cheaply and in bulk at craft stores. This cottony, spongy substance is found in most stuffed animals and throw pillows.

It’s a great bean bag filler with a heavenly pillow-top feel. When it starts to go flat you can fluff the bean bag up like a big pillow. Or throw it down the stairs, as my five-year-old swears by heavy fluff.

If you don’t want to spend money at the craft store, find out what you have around the house. Do your kids have stuffed animals they haven’t looked at in years? Off with the heads!

Yes, we mean literally. Cut up old and unloved stuffed animals and use the insides to stuff your bean bag chair. Depending on the size of your stuffed zoo, you may need to add something from the store.

shopping bags

You know those plastic bags that you always come home with even though you’ve spent money on reusable bags? The ones you never remember taking out of the car?

These bags are great for filling DIY beanbags. They are soft, light and easy to fluff.

If you use this method, you should collect bags for some time before what looks like a lot of bags in storage compacts goes downhill fast. You can ask friends or family to save something for you or give you what they have around the house.

When you have enough bags (there is no right number), ball them up. You want to rotate the bag’s handle so it holds it in a spherical shape, even if it’s not very secure.

You don’t have to worry about the balls keeping their shape when in your pocket.

With this project, you’ve not only cleared out your closets, you’ve also recycled them! However, recent changes to single-use plastic bags may make this option a bit difficult!

organic material

There is a huge gap between people who want to use natural materials like pine needles and leaves in bean bags and those who don’t. Those on the pro side say it’s nature’s cushioning and that mattresses of history have been given their shape.

The cons say the organic materials will break down, creating a sort of in-bag compost.

organic beans

A New Zealand company – Bio Polymer Network – has developed an organic, plant-based bean bag filling. Eco-Beans are 100% compostable and made from sustainably sourced plant-based material. The innovative product is called technically expanded polylactic acid or EPLA. PLA is one of the most widely used bio-based polymers in the world today

Eco-Beans are sold in Australia by Envee and can be purchased online through their website.


Yes, you can still make a bean bag chair with beans. Nobody stops you! If you want to fill a beanbag with beans, we recommend starting at a large store. It takes some to fill your comfortable seat.

The Best Types of Beans for Bean Bag Chairs? It does not matter. Dried and clean is what you need. You can mix bean varieties or use whatever is most readily available

If you don’t want to buy pounds of beans, you can combine the beans with a different fill method. Something like grocery bags and beans works well. It gives the bag some weight so it doesn’t fly out from under you.

On the other hand, because the beans weigh more than the different fillings, they sink to the bottom of the bag.


If you’re determined to fill your beanbag with something you can buy at your local grocery store, then get yourself a giant bag of rice. Your bean bag chair will be a large version of those little rice heat pillows that people make. However, we would not recommend putting it in the microwave.

You can mix rice and beans (yummy!) for a hefty but form-fitting bean bag filling.

Packing peanuts

No, these aren’t natural, and they can be a chore to tidy up if your kid likes to tear them apart (are we the only ones?), but they make great bean bag filling.

If you’re not going to the post office to buy lots of these, you’ll need to save here, too. Store them in a large garbage bag until you have enough to fill a bean bag chair.

Don’t want to track the mail for packing boxes filled with peanuts? These work particularly well with the plastic bag filling method.

Old clothes

Children outgrow their clothes so quickly and we often can’t donate their clothes fast enough. When you have a towering outgrown bunch, ball up each piece and toss in the bean bag.

Attention, these make the bags a little lumpy, but with a little fluff everything is fine. We recommend this style to people who like to flop onto their beanbags, as if the bag rips a seam, the clothes won’t go everywhere.

Don’t use this method if you have kids who like to have huge pillow fights with bean bag chairs. They become heavy and someone could be seriously injured.

The best DIY bean bag fillers

We’re biased, but we believe the best bean bags are those made by professionals. There’s nothing wrong with fixing something you’ve got, but we wouldn’t bother bagging years of peanuts.

We’ve been selling our bags for years and have had minimal complaints. Remember not to dunk a bomb into a beanbag unless you know it can withstand the force and your weight. Not sure how many beans you need? Check out our article on how many bags of beans it takes to fill a bean bag chair.

If your beanbag breaks, try the DIY beanbag fillers above, otherwise browse our products and see if you catch a glimpse.

spread the love

Can you use rice in a bean bag?

Not all bean bags are filled with beans; there are many things that can be used as filling. Some examples include rice, feed corn, sand, dried lavender, beads.

How To Sew Tossing Bean Bags + 10 Bean Bag Game Ideas for Kids

The bean bag is ready!

*These bean bags were the March project for our Sew Giving fundraising program. They are used by the therapists at Mount Saint Vincent Home.

Here are some ways to use beanbags in the sewing room:

How do you make bean bag boards slippery?

Here is a brief overview of how to make cornhole boards slick in 8 simple steps.
  1. Clean the board.
  2. Apply the polyurethane or polycrylic.
  3. Let the layer dry.
  4. Gently sand the layer.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until the last layer.
  6. Apply the last layer.
  7. Let the layer dry.
  8. Apply one layer to the rest of the board.

How To Sew Tossing Bean Bags + 10 Bean Bag Game Ideas for Kids

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Here’s a quick rundown of how to smooth cornhole boards in 8 easy steps.

Clean panel Apply polyurethane or polyacrylic Allow layer to dry Sand layer lightly Repeat steps 2 to 4 to last layer Apply last layer Allow layer to dry Apply one layer to remaining panel

When you make your own cornhole board, you want the best finish. A poor finish can ruin your fun if it’s not smooth enough. Below I will walk you through the best way to finish your perfect cornhole board.

What is the best finish for a cornhole board?

The first thing to consider is the type of finish you intend to use. Although there are many different ways, there are two types that are generally considered to be the best. They are polyurethane and polyacrylic.

Polyurethane is further divided into oil and water based while polyacrylic is only water based. These three are pretty similar but have quirks that make them better for certain jobs.

Oil-based polyurethane has several major advantages. It is the most durable option and works best in high temperatures. However, it dries slightly yellowish and is quite toxic.

Water-based polyurethane is still durable, but not as much as oil-based. To compensate for the reduced durability, it dries quickly and is less toxic. The best part is that it dries perfectly clear.

Polyacrylic, on the other hand, is the weakest of the three. It dries clear but may appear milky. It also dries quickly, although it’s more likely to be damaged if you use it before it’s fully cured.

What speaks in favor of polyacrylic is the fact that it is non-toxic. In addition, it is the cheapest option.

Since these three work better with different wood colors and circumstances, you best know which option to choose. That said, I would recommend water-based polyurethane for most cornhole boards.

How does color affect the finish?

If you have varnished your board before applying the finish, be aware that this may affect the finish. Fortunately for your customization desires, the effect is usually small.

If you use polyacrylic over latex paint it may take longer to dry. Occasionally they can also make it difficult for the paint to adhere.

What do I need to make my board smooth?

Preparation is key. In addition to the tools and materials I list below, you’ll need to set up a workspace.

Your workspace should ideally be well-ventilated (especially if you are using oil-based polyurethane) and dust-free. You should also place a tarp under your board to avoid making a mess.

The tools and materials you will need include:

Design of your choice

Foam brush



320 grit sandpaper

How do I smooth my cornhole board?

#1 Clean the circuit board

This first step is one of the most important. Make sure your board is completely clean as it will trap any dust, dirt, hair etc that is on the board. A good way to do this is to use a damp washcloth. Be sure to dry it afterwards.

It is therefore also important to have a dust-free workplace. If anything gets into the finish as it dries, it’s a hassle to remove.

#2 Apply a coat of finish

Be sure to follow all instructions on the finish container. Remember that you don’t have to shake it like you paint it.

Lay the board flat and apply the finish with your foam brush. Take time to apply an even coat for best results.

#3 Let the layer dry

In most cases this takes a few hours. One way to speed up the process is to use a small fan on low speed. However, it is important to let the poly rest for a bit first. Usually 20 to 30 minutes should be enough.

#4 Sand gently

Once the poly is completely dry you should very gently sand the surface with 320 grit sandpaper. This will help the next layer stick to the previous one. It’s also a chance to smooth out any imperfections. Be careful to avoid decals.

#5 Repeat steps 2 to 4 until the last layer

No matter what material you use, you’ll want multiple layers. A good average is between 5 and 10. Apply coats closer to 10 if using less durable materials.

#6 Apply the last coat

Apply the last coat as before.

#7 Let the layer dry

Let it dry for several hours. If you want to speed it up, you should use a fan as mentioned above. If you work outdoors, this may not be necessary.

#8 Coat the rest of the board

If you wish to stop coating the top, feel free to do so. However, it is best to finish the rest of the surfaces.

You don’t have to do many, but at least one layer would be beneficial. Being fully sealed makes it much more resistant to moisture. Also, it looks more professional.

Final Thoughts

After your cornhole board is sealed, allow about three days for the finish to fully cure. Now you know how to smooth cornhole boards!

It’s a rather time consuming endeavor due to the drying times, but it’s very worth it.

How do you keep bean bags from going flat?

To prevent your bean bag from going flat, you should perform the “fluffing” procedure on your bean bag on a regular basis, even while it’s still in perfect condition. This involves unzipping your bean bag and shaking it to reactivate the air pockets in the beans.

How To Sew Tossing Bean Bags + 10 Bean Bag Game Ideas for Kids

A high-quality beanbag is almost indestructible and will last a lifetime if cared for properly. However, it doesn’t fill up. After prolonged use, your bean bag may start to look flat and feel less comfortable, and you may be wondering, “How can I stop my bean bag from going flat?”.

To prevent your beanbag from going flat, you should follow a simple method known as “fluffing” your beanbag. By regularly performing this process on your bean bag chair, even if it’s still in good working order, you may be able to prevent it from going flat.

If you left it a little late and your bean bag already feels and looks flat, you can try the fluffing method to see if you can revive the filling in your bean bag – if you’re lucky, this may just work . However, sometimes it can be a little too late and you need to fix your bean bag chair by replacing the filling instead.

In today’s article, I’m going to teach you all about how and when to fluff your bean bag, how to know if this procedure has revitalized your bean bag, and how to know when it’s time to replace your filling instead.

So, are you ready to learn all about how to take good care of your beanbag by fluffing, filling and securing it? If so, read on.

Why do beanbags go flat?

I must first give you some insight into the exact reason behind the question, “Why do beanbags go flat?”. As you can see, the filling of beanbags usually consists of so-called expanded polystyrene (EPS) beans, a material that is very closely related to styrofoam.

EPS beans are 98% air. This means these beans have multiple air pockets inside them, making them more comfortable to sit on. However, it also means that after many uses, they will drastically decrease in size as the air oozes out of them.

Problems arise after sitting on it for a long period of time as the air pockets deflate, reducing the size of the beans and compressing them. This compression issue not only gives your bean bag a flat look, but also creates issues with its comfort and ergonomics (i.e., its ability to help you be productive).

4 steps to prevent beanbags from going flat

If you have a bean bag chair that has gone flat, the first thing you can try is to rejuvenate it by “fluffing” it up. It’s a very simple process – just follow these 4 easy steps to fluff your beanbag

1. Unzip Your Bean Bag – Open the child resistant cover on your bean bag to reveal its inner core. Please do this in a safe environment away from pets or animals – if the bean filling is exposed to children or animals, they could be injured or suffocate by swallowing or inhaling the filling.

Your bean bag may have a secondary lining known as the inner lining. If so, you can easily remove these as all of your EPS beans are contained within the inner liner. However, if the filling is loose, carefully empty it into a garbage bag, trying not to spill any of it.

(One quick tip – while you’ve got the beans out, this would also be a good time to give your bean bag cover a little maintenance by cleaning it according to your cover’s directions).

2. Shake your bean bag – Once you’ve opened your bean bag, hold it so the opening is facing up. Once you remove the filling and put it in a trash bag, put it back in the bean bag. Otherwise just shake the bean bag for 2-5 minutes.

This activation refills the air pockets in the beans, allowing them to regain their original shape.

3. Check for Fluff – Close the beanbag and assess its appearance to see if it still looks flat. Also, try sitting in it to see if it gives you the satisfactory support you need. If not, reopen it and try again (step 2).

Please note – if your beanbag doesn’t regain its original shape after a second fluffing, unfortunately the filling is past the point of taper and it’s time to refill your beanbag – another process I’ll detail below (see only section “How do I refill a flat bean bag?”).

4. Replace Cover – Put the filling back into the beanbag shell as you found it (i.e. either in the inner lining or loose). Pull up your beanbag again, sit down and relax – your work here is done!

You should carry out this method regularly, e.g. B. every 2-3 months, even if your beanbag still looks good.

By fluffing up your bean bag chair every time you clean it, you can prevent it from going flat and keep it looking new.

However, if it’s too late and your beanbag has already gone flat, follow the fluffing method to try and repair the damage done. In many circumstances, stimulation can reinvigorate the air pockets in your filler and make your beanbag look and feel brand new again.

Unfortunately, bean bag inflation is designed to have a limited lifespan (generally less than 5 years for the standard EPS beans), so fluffing your bean bag won’t always work. If this is the case, it means your beanbag needs to be refilled.

How do I fill a flat beanbag?

Unfortunately, there comes a time when the only way to fully fix your bean bag chair is when it’s empty by completely refilling it. Refilling a bean bag chair means replacing the filling in your bean bag chair with a new filling – generally the expanded polystyrene (EPS) beans.

As mentioned, EPS is typically the fill of choice for most beanbags, as its main benefits are:

• They’re lightweight, keeping your beanbag versatile.

• They are rigid enough to keep their shape for about 5 years.

• They are insensitive to moisture and heat.

Although EPS beans are not biodegradable, they can be reused and recycled in a variety of ways, including selling them, donating them to local recycling centers, using them for craft projects, or as a soil filler in the bottom of potted plants. If you need to refill your beanbag, I recommend using virgin (i.e. brand new) beads instead of recycled beads as recycled beads can have a shorter lifespan.

Refilling a beanbag is viewed by many as a messy, time-consuming, and complicated process. However, if you follow our 7 easy steps to filling a beanbag, it can be really easy, simple and even fun.

For all information on refilling your beanbag, read our article How to refill a beanbag – 7 easy steps to follow.

For my recommendations on where to buy your bean bag fill, either in-store or online, see our Where to Buy Bean Bag Fill article.

For ideas on what you can fill your beanbag with beans other than expanded polystyrene (EPS) and the benefits of these fillings, see our Alternative Beanbag Filling article.


When you buy a quality bean bag like the one at Bliss Bean Bags you can be assured of a lifetime guarantee that covers everything from our workmanship to our zippers and yarn. Because high-quality beanbags like ours are extremely hard-wearing and designed to last. One thing that a beanbag’s warranty doesn’t cover, however, is the stuffing inside.

The filling of beanbags usually consists of so-called expanded polystyrene (EPS) beans. These have several air pockets inside that make sitting more comfortable. However, over time, the air pockets will deflate, causing compression issues and giving your bean bag both a flat look and feel.

To prevent your beanbag from going flat, you should regularly “fluff” your beanbag, even if it is still in good condition. To do this, you need to open your beanbag and shake it to reactivate the air pockets in the beans.

This method can also be done on a beanbag that has already gone flat to revive it and if you are lucky it may just work.

However, there comes a time when the only way to fix a flat beanbag is to completely replace all the beans with new ones. If you follow our recommendations in this article, you will know how to refill a bean bag, where to buy your bean bag filling and also alternative DIY bean bag filling options.

So if you’re willing to take good care of a bean bag, give it a regular fluff and don’t have any trouble refilling it, start designing your bean bag at Bliss Bean Bags today!

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Is it cheaper to make your own bean bag chair?

It costs less to make your own beanbag chair than to buy one, plus you get to determine the color and size of the finished product so it fits perfectly within your homes decor and space. Beanbag construction methods exist for those with sewing skills and those without.

How To Sew Tossing Bean Bags + 10 Bean Bag Game Ideas for Kids

Beanbags consist of a fabric cover that is filled with a packaging material such as styrofoam or polyester granulate. These plush cushions rest on the floor, providing additional seating in any room. Depending on the materials used, the cost of a commercially made bean bag chair can exceed your budget. It costs less to make your own beanbag than to buy one, and you can customize the color and size of the finished product to make it a perfect match for your home decor and space. Bean bag construction methods exist for those with sewing skills and those without.

How do you dress up a bean bag?

  1. Consider Your Color Palette. First things first: You’ll want your bean bag to blend in so that it enhances your space. …
  2. Use Bean Bags to Add Texture to a Space. …
  3. Get Creative With Shape. …
  4. Style Your Bean Bag To Match the Space. …
  5. Be Mindful of Fabric Choice. …
  6. And Give It a Little Extra Love. …
  7. Don’t Forget About Wall Art.

How To Sew Tossing Bean Bags + 10 Bean Bag Game Ideas for Kids

News: beanbags aren’t just for playgrounds and kids’ rooms, and we’re stoked because this type of seating is pretty damn comfortable. Bean bags can also look quite good in bedrooms, living rooms and dens – the key is in the styling. We spoke to four designers who gave us tips on how to integrate a bean bag chair into a space in a way that makes it look sophisticated and not like an afterthought. Read on for her top tips, then get ready to sit back and laze.

Meet the Expert Karina Lameraner is Senior Creative Stylist at Modsy.

is Senior Creative Stylist at Modsy. Betsy Moyer is co-founder of Airbnb consulting and design company Retreat.

is co-founder of the Airbnb consulting and design company Retreat. Malka Helft is a designer at Think Chic Interiors.

is a designer at Think Chic Interiors. Brianna Hill is a designer at Over the Hill Designs.

1. Consider your color palette

First things first, you want your beanbag to blend into your surroundings so that it enhances your space. “Choose a beanbag that complements your home and decor,” advised Karina Lameraner, senior creative stylist at Modsy. “Otherwise, no matter how you style it, it will stick out like a sore thumb.” Luckily, this process is pretty straightforward and easy. Lameraner said, “Opt for a bean bag chair that is in your home’s color palette and complements the textiles already present in your space.”

2. Use bean bags to add texture to a room

Think about the goals you want to achieve when incorporating a bean bag chair into your decor. Betsy Moyer, co-founder of Airbnb consultancy and design firm Retreat, thinks beanbags are a great way to add texture to a space. She shared an additional styling tip: “Treat the beanbag like you would a pouf in your decor, or grab a pair as this repetition has a greater impact. They are the most coveted spot in the house among teenagers and toddlers.”

3. Get creative with shape

There’s no reason your beanbag needs to be circular; There are many styles on the market today. “If you’re looking for a more sophisticated look, go for a bean bag chair with a lightweight shape,” Lameraner said. Some bean bags have raised backs that make lounging extra comfortable.

Mindy Gayer / Photo by Vanessa Lentine

4. Design your beanbag to match the room

Treat your beanbag like any other side chair in the living room to ensure a cohesive look. Explains Lameraner, “If you’re going to decorate your sofa and side chairs with cushions, you should opt for a small throw pillow for the beanbag so it blends in with the decor and feels like a part of the decor as opposed to an odd man.”

5. Pay attention to the choice of fabric

Since young people are drawn to beanbags for lounging, choose a material that’s easy to clean in case sticky hands leave a stain! The decision to use washable fabrics is a must, says designer Malka Helft. She noted, “Kids tend to eat while sitting on [beanbags] and you want to be sure you can clean them easily!”

If your space is just for the older set, you might want to be a little more adventurous with materials. Moyer is a fan of natural materials like leather, fur or seagrass.

6. And give him a little more love

“Give meaning to the beanbag,” added Lameraner. “If it’s standing alone in a corner, give it a small, organically shaped rug like a cowhide, a small side table, and maybe a throw blanket or small pillow.” Lighting is another useful addition to the setup. “Lighting – whether it’s a small lamp on a table or a hanging lamp – makes the area look more inviting and aesthetically pleasing,” commented designer Brianna Hill. Make the bean bag feel special, even if it’s not as grand as your tufted sofa or leather armchair.

7. Don’t forget the wall art

After completing the steps above, you should start looking at the walls around the beanbag. There are many ways you can get creative! “Add either hanging or potted plants near the beanbag to add some life to the area,” suggested Hill. “Wall art, like tapestries and framed paintings, complement the bean bag chair and further adorn the space,” she added.

ICS Grenade Launcher – Bean Bag Prototype Test 1 #shorts

ICS Grenade Launcher – Bean Bag Prototype Test 1 #shorts
ICS Grenade Launcher – Bean Bag Prototype Test 1 #shorts

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Supporting Catapult Play | Playvolution HQ

Our Bean Bag Catapults have been popular both in our Webshop and at … catapult setup and payload eas, let’s look at some play eas to …

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Bean bag launcher single rentals Omaha NE

Daily: $6.00. Weekly: $18.00. Comments: Comes with 6″ x 24″ launcher and 3 bean bags. The ea is to “stomp” or launch the bean bags into the air and then …

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IMPD demonstrates ‘bean bag’ launcher designed to be powerful, but less lethal

i team 8

IMPD demonstrates a “beanbag” launcher that is powerful but less deadly

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — By the end of the week, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department will have nearly 50 more officers trained to use a less deadly tool.

IMPD doesn’t want this modified shotgun in the hands of every IMPD officer.

Sergeant Mike Daley, an IMPD firearms instructor, called it a launcher; The weapon does not fire regular shotgun rounds. Cops are trained to yell “beanbag” before pulling the trigger. It sounds like a real shotgun; However, the beanbag round is a Kevlar cloth bag filled with lead shot. Daley says it feels like being hit by a 300 mph fastball. The department says the bag of lead shot is a far less lethal projectile than a regular shotgun shell.

“The design effort was to give an officer an additional tool to try and save lives with, so we see it as one of our de-escalation tools, kind of like the taser or the chemical spray or OC an officer’s ability to deal with someone who is violent and typically armed,” Daley said.

Nearly 350 IMPD officers carry the less-lethal launcher. The department spent less than $100 changing the stock color of older department-issued shotguns, which were then reissued to officers trained in how and when to use that firearm. When a cop breaks out a launcher, the department requires a back officer to have a deadly shotgun ready.

Daley describes the type of situation the launcher is intended for. “A naked person in the middle of the street has a knife and is threatening to kill himself,” Daley said.

A cop armed with a launcher can remain 60 feet away, unlike a cop with a taser and/or chemical spray who must get in close and may be injured.

The department places a greater emphasis on less-lethal and non-lethal force training. Use of the launcher is not directly tied to the department’s body-worn camera system.

Best Filling For Bean Bag Chairs? What Is

Beanbags and beanbag furniture are not only comfortable and ergonomic, but also fun, exciting and affordable. However, there is more to bean bags than the uniquely designed and colorful covers you see on the outside. You may not have given it much thought, but bean bag fillers come in many varieties, and the quality of your particular product depends on having the best filling for your needs. Understanding the different types of beads that can be found in bean bag chairs will give you a better idea of ​​the best bean bag bean bag filling for your family.

EPS beads

Most bean bags are filled with a man-made material known as expanded polystyrene (EPS). EPS is a hard-celled plastic very similar to styrofoam, which is extruded polystyrene. In addition to beanbag beads, EPS is used for disposable coffee cups and as a cushioning material for packaging and shipping.

EPS is perfect for most affordable bean bags because it’s lightweight but stiff enough to hold its shape for several years. EPS consists of 98 percent air. The EPS beads used for bean bag fillers have a diameter of 3mm to 5mm. EPS beads are resistant to moisture and heat.

Although EPS is not biodegradable, it can be reused and recycled in a variety of ways. After the beads have been exchanged, they can be packaged and sold or handed in at a regional recycling center. However, many people keep the older beads to use in other craft projects or as soil filler for potted plants. If you need replacement beads, it is recommended to use new beads instead of recycled beads. as recycled beads may have a shorter useful life. Learn how to pick up bean bag beans after a spill.

EPP beads

Expanded polypropylene (EPP) is another thermoplastic polymer used to fill beanbags, but it’s more popular in Asia than the US and Europe. EPP beads have several advantages over EPS beads and other fillers. EPP foam is very strong and durable, yet incredibly resilient. When crushed or deformed, the material quickly returns to its original shape and size. This allows the pearls to be compressed without losing their airy cushioning properties.

EPP beads also have several other advantages. They don’t lose their volume as quickly as EPS beads. And they don’t smell that strong. The main problem with EPP beads is that they are very susceptible to fire and burns. And EPP also degrades when exposed to oxygen. EPP is popular in many other applications including plastic furniture and plastic lids with living hinges.


Microbeads used to be used in certain types of beanbags like pillows and neck pillows, but they are not suitable for large beanbags and furniture. They are made of tiny beads of a plastic known as polyethylene. They have a size of 10 µm to 1 mm.

In recent years, microbeads have been widely used as an exfoliating agent in various types of cosmetic products, including liquid soaps and lotions. These small spheres are exceptionally smooth, and their roundness allows for smooth application while adding aesthetic appeal to the products that contain them. However, several cities and one state, Illinois, have banned the sale of anything containing microbeads. This is after they were found in very high concentrations in the Great Lakes because they can pose an environmental hazard.

Compressed foam

One of the newest materials used in bean bags is compressed foam. This is also known as memory foam. People who buy memory foam bean bags have given them very positive reviews and this furniture is expected to grow in popularity over the next few years.

Memory foam is a type of polyurethane made through a unique process to increase its density and viscosity. For this reason it is also referred to as viscoelastic foam and low-resilience polyurethane (LRPu) foam. This foam was invented for NASA in 1966, but is now a popular material for pillows and mattresses. Memory foam is an ideal filler for your vintage pouf.

Memory foam bean bags are easy to transport. This is because they can be compressed to about a quarter of their resting size during transport. When used for beanbags, this material can be found inexpensively in the form of offcuts. However, because shape memory foam pieces are large and irregularly shaped, some people don’t like their texture when used in thin-lined beanbags. The material is best used in combination with leather or 1680D polyester.

Beans, rice and natural fillers

Bean bags have been around a lot longer than plastic, and they didn’t get their name for nothing. In the past, bean bags were filled with dried beans or other dried grains such as rice or corn. In recent years, these types of fillings have regained popularity because people are looking for natural fillers instead of artificial ones. One of the most popular natural fillers is buckwheat hulls. These hulls are tough, but when used in a thick liner they can be very comfortable.

Other fillers

Buckwheat hulls fall into a category of other bean bag fillers, like sand and small pebbles, that can be used with stretchy fabric. These products can then be heated on a stovetop, in an oven, or in a microwave and used for therapeutic purposes. Other materials that work well for DIY heating pads include dry cherry pits, rice, and wheat.

A popular game with kids and for outdoor parties is tossing bean bag chairs. The small beanbags used for this game are filled with different materials such as dry grain or sand.

Beanbag Security

Regardless of which bean bag filler you use, it’s important to remember that any small, lightweight item, like the beads discussed above, can pose a hazard to children if inhaled or swallowed. Because of this, all bean bags sold in the US must be heavily double-stitched. And all bean bag zippers must have a child-locking mechanism or a removable zipper handle. However, it is up to you to ensure that all bean bags are properly sealed before use. Bean bags, especially cotton bean bags, can pose a fire hazard. Be sure to keep your beanbag away from open flames and open flames at all times.

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How To Sew Tossing Bean Bags + 10 Bean Bag Game Ideas for Kids

I loved playing with beanbags as a kid, probably because I was a bit uncoordinated and beanbags were a lot easier to catch than a ball, which kept bouncing out of my hand.

There are so many ways kids can play with bean bags and they are a great way to practice tossing, catching and balancing which encourages gross motor skills and encourages active play.

I made these for Emma when she was a toddler and we’ve had lots of fun playing with them over the years. Nine years later, she still pulls them out of her toy box to play the occasional beanbag toss.

Beanbags are very easy to sew, even if you have limited sewing skills. You can make them with just a few scraps of fabric and a few store items.

Yes, it’s time to dig up that old bag of dried beans from the back of the pantry that you don’t remember ever buying and put to good use!

If you have a budding seamstress in your midst, this sewing project is great for kids. Just a few straight seams on the sewing machine are enough.

Any reasonably sturdy fabric will work for this project, including old clothing like denim from an old pair of jeans.

I have 10 fun bean bag play ideas for kids at the bottom of this post, so just scroll down past the DIY bean bag tutorial to see the list of ideas.

Let’s make bean bags from leftover fabric

You will need:

Fabric scraps of various sizes (medium weight fabric is best)

Filling (dried beans, popcorn, rice, small plastic or wooden beads, aquarium gravel or plastic pellets)

sewing machine


fabric scissors


sewing needles

Sheet of paper or wide-mouth funnel

General sewing accessories

Note on fillings: If using food for filling, store in a cool, dry place, avoid getting the bean bags wet, and store away from pest infestations. Properly stored, your homemade beanbags will give you many years of pleasure. We have had these bags for almost 9 years (manufactured in 2010) and they are still in perfect condition.

If you intend to use bean bag chairs outdoors, I would recommend filling them with synthetic corn hole filling that won’t rot or get moldy.

How to sew your own bean bags:

1. Cut your fabric into rectangular/square shapes that are twice your desired size when folded in half. A bean bag no larger than about the size of your hand is ideal, remember it’s for small hands.

2. Fold right sides together in half and sew around 2 sides, leaving one side open for turning. Use a 1 cm (1/2″) seam allowance. I recommend double stitching the seam with a short stitch length. Cut off the corners to remove bulk.

3. Turn inside out and press the fabric in on the open side to create a 1cm (1/2″) wide hem. This will help later in step 5.

4. Fill your bag. Roll a sheet of paper into a cone shape to act as a funnel and fill about 2/3 full with beans (or whatever filling you like).

5. Move the filling away from the open end and pin to secure.

6. Sew up the opening. Sew the seam twice for extra strength.

All done! That wasn’t difficult at all. Check out some fun ways kids can play with beanbags below.

Beanbag variations:

Make bags of different sizes, colors, or fabric textures for a fun tactile and sensory play. Tactile fabrics to be used may include velvet, corduroy, satin, denim, felt.

Use different fillings and vary the weight of each bag to make throwing games extra challenging.

Add dried lavender or a few drops of essential oil to the filling for an aromatic play. (This can also help repel pests).

10 bean bag game ideas for kids

There are so many ways to play with fabric bean bag chairs, I’ve put together a few ideas to get you started. Beanbag chairs are great for indoor play because they don’t bounce around the room like a ball.

Because they are easy to use, children of all ages can use them to develop gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Almost all of these play ideas can be adapted for children of different ages – so there can be fun bean bag activities for toddlers, preschoolers, kids and teens.

These game ideas are great to play on a rainy day and they make fun party games too!

1. Balance the beanbag race

Walk, hop, run with a beanbag that balances on your head, shoulders or elbow. Try not to drop it or you’ll have to start over.

2. Throw and catch

Throw the beanbag in the air and catch it. Make it harder by throwing yourself over just overhead, clapping between throws and catches, and throwing and catching with just one hand.

3. Bean Bag Toss

Use baskets, pots, hula hoops, or buckets as targets to throw in beanbags. As players get better, they step back and try again from further away. Older children can play with dots. Assign points for each target, the smaller or more distant containers should have a higher score. Ideal for practicing math skills.

4. Bean Bag Cone

Place empty plastic bottles at the end of a hallway (you can partially fill them with sand or rice to make them more stable) and push or throw the bean bags to knock the bottles over.

5. Hopp

Use a beanbag instead of a rock to play hopscotch. If playing indoors, mark a hopscotch game with masking tape or washi tape.

6. Hot potato

Players sit in a circle and pass or toss the beanbag to the next player while music plays. Once the music stops, the player with the hot potato beanbag is out.

7. Juggling

Beanbags are a great tool to develop juggling skills. Start by tossing a bean bag chair from one hand to the other. Add more beanbags as your skills progress. Here is a great juggling lesson video to help you get started with juggling.

7. Keep it up / Hacky Sack

Balance the beanbag on your foot and throw (or kick) it in the air and catch it with either the same or a different part of your foot. The aim is not to let the beanbag fall to the ground. Count how many times you can “hold out” the bag. Try to beat your score. You can use the inside, outside or front of your foot.

8. Hide the beanbag

One player hides beanbags in the room/house and the other player tries to find them. You can add variations to make the beanbags easier to find, e.g. B. say “cooler/warmer”, create a treasure map or give hints to the seeker.

9. Bean Bag Tower

When you have enough beanbags, stack them and build the tallest tower you can. Try folding the beanbags in different ways to make the tower even taller.

9. Bean Bag Shuffle Board

On a smooth floor, mark a line with masking tape. Players have to push the beanbags across the floor, the aim is to place them closest to the line.

I hope you enjoy these fun bean bag games and activities for kids. If you have other bean bag games you want to share, just leave a comment with your suggestion.

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This DIY bean bag tutorial was originally published in October 2010. Updated and republished June 2019

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