Beer Pong Ring Of Death? Trust The Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “beer pong ring of death“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: 940+ tips for you. You will find the answer right below.

When these four cups are removed first, the remaining cups are in the formation of a circle. Hence Ring Of Fire Beer Pong Rule’s other name, “Ring of Death.” Whatever you call it, this guideline is a must on the Chuggie Beer Pong House Rules List.Not to be confused with the Ring of Fire drinking game, this rule states that if a team knocks out the three corner cups, as well as the middle or “freshman” cup, forming a ring of connected Solo cups, that team immediately wins.Each player shoots until they miss, the order in which this is done does not matter. If there are racks left over they may be used now. Once both players miss and there are remaining cups, the game is over. If the players manage to hit all remaining cups the game goes into a 3 cup overtime.

What is the Ring of Fire in beer pong?

Not to be confused with the Ring of Fire drinking game, this rule states that if a team knocks out the three corner cups, as well as the middle or “freshman” cup, forming a ring of connected Solo cups, that team immediately wins.

What happens if you don’t pull a cup in beer pong?

Each player shoots until they miss, the order in which this is done does not matter. If there are racks left over they may be used now. Once both players miss and there are remaining cups, the game is over. If the players manage to hit all remaining cups the game goes into a 3 cup overtime.

What happens when someone spills a cup in beer pong?

What happens when you spill a cup in beer pong? It counts as a hit cup. You’re the one in charge of cleaning up the mess.

What happens if last cup of beer pong falls off the table?

Since there were two cups remaining when last cup is hit, the rule is still “Unlimited 1-ball Redemption”. So, Player A from Team 2 will shoot. If he misses, the game is over. If Player A hits, then Player B shoots.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

7. Appendix A – Redemption Examples

7.1. Here are some general examples of how the redemption rules are applied. Each team has two players, which we will call Player A and Player B:

7.1.1. There are 4 cups left on Team 1’s side, and Team 1 just hit the last cup (it doesn’t matter if the first or second shooter hit the last cup). Team 2 must hit all 4 cups on Team 1’s side without missing. Team 2’s Player A shoots. If he misses, it’s game over. If he hits, the cups are formed into a triangle and player B shoots. If player B misses, it’s game over. If player B hits, then player A shoots. If player A misses, it’s game over. If player A hits, player B shoots. If he misses, it’s game over. If he scores, the game goes into overtime and Team 1 gets the first two shots.

7.1.2. There are 3 cups left on Team 1’s side, and Team 1 has just hit the last cup. Team 2 must hit all 3 cups on Team 1’s side without missing. Team 2’s Player A shoots. If he misses, it’s game over. If he hits, player B shoots. If he misses, it’s game over. If he hits, player A shoots at the last cup. If he misses, it’s game over. If he scores, the game goes into overtime and Team 1 gets the first two shots.

7.1.3. There are 2 cups left on Team 1’s side and one cup on Team 2’s side. Team 1’s Player A shoots and misses. Team 1’s Player B hits the last cup. Since the last cup had two cups left, the rule is still Unlimited 1-Ball Redemption. So Player A from Team 2 shoots. If he misses, it’s game over. If Player A scores, Player B shoots. If Player B scores, the game goes into overtime and Team 1 gets the first two shots.

7.1.4. There are 2 cups remaining on Team 1’s side and one cup on Team 2’s side. Team 1’s Player A shoots and scores on the first shot. Since there are several trophies left on Team 1’s side, this situation is played just like Example C.

7.1.5. There are 2 cups left on Team 1’s side and 2 cups on Team 2’s side. Team 1’s Player A shoots and hits a cup. Team 1’s Player B then shoots, hitting the last cup. Since there are several trophies left on Team 1’s side, this situation is played just like Example C.

7.1.6. There are 2 cups left on Team 1’s side and 3 cups on Team 2’s side. Team 1’s Player A shoots and hits a cup. Team 1’s Player B shoots and hits a cup. A ball is rolled back. One of the players shoots and hits the last cup. Since there are several cups left on Team 1’s side, this situation is played just like Example C.

7.1.7. There remains 1 cup on Team 1’s side and 1 cup on Team 1’s side. Team 1’s Player A shoots and misses. Player B then hits the last cup. Since there is a cup on Team 1’s side and two balls on Team 2’s side, Team 2 has two opportunities to hit the cup to put the game into overtime. If Team 2’s Player A scores, the game goes into overtime. If player A misses, player B shoots.

7.1.8. There remains 1 cup on Team 1’s side and 1 cup on Team 2’s side. Team 1’s Player A shoots and hits on Team 1’s first shot. Since the last cup has been hit, play proceeds directly to Rebuttal. Because there is only one ball on Team 2’s side, Team 2 has only one chance to hit the remaining cup to score overtime. Each player of Team 2 may shoot.

7.1.9. Team 1’s side is left with 1 cup and Team 2’s side is left with 2 cups. Team 1’s Player A shoots and scores. Team 1’s Player B shoots and hits the last cup. Since there is a cup on Team 1’s side and two balls on Team 2’s side, Team 2 has two opportunities to hit the cup to put the game into overtime. This is played just like Example G.

7.1.10. Team 1’s side is left with 1 cup and Team 2’s side is left with 3 cups. Team 1’s Player A shoots and hits a cup. Team 1’s Player B shoots and hits a cup. A ball is rolled back. Each player shoots and hits the last cup. Since there is a cup on Team 1’s side and two remaining balls on Team 2’s side, Team 2 has two chances to hit the cup to put the game into overtime. This is played just like Example G.

What happens if you break the ring of fire?

The player who drew the card makes a new rule (e.g. you can’t say the word ‘yes’ or you can’t put your drink down) and anyone who breaks the rule at any time throughout the rest of the game has to drink.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

ring of fire. If we had to make a table of the best drinking games that have ever existed in human history, this one would probably be pretty high on the list.

A classic at virtually every pre-drink, Freshers event and house party, Ring of Fire is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Also, unlike games like beer pong, little equipment or preparation is required. Just grab a deck of cards, a giant pint of beer, and a group of willing attendees, and voilà.

And while it can be fun to learn new dinner party games to shake things up a bit, there’s nothing quite like getting stuck in an old favorite. The joy of being the thumb master and seeing that no one has noticed yet? Unsurpassed. Draw an ace and everyone yells “waterfall”? Just a nice moment tbh. Plus, there’s definitely no other game that’s guaranteed to get you as drunk as Ring of Fire (responsibly, of course). Ah, the blurred memories.

But as much as we love it, there’s a problem. Considering that there are actually 13 different cards (and their meanings) to memorize, it can sometimes be difficult to memorize the rules on demand. Also, you’ve probably had a cocktail or two before you even started playing, which, you know, doesn’t exactly help either.

So, in your hour of need, here’s a recap…

So what are the rules of the Ring of Fire?

A tall glass is placed in the center of the table and surrounded by the playing cards face down in a large circle (see image above). This becomes the “Ring of Fire”. Players take turns drawing a card from the deck, being careful not to break the circle – e.g. Make sure each card touches at least one other that remains in the circle. If you break the circle, you must drink. There is a specific rule for each card you draw –

2 – You, the player who drew the card, chooses someone to drink.

, the player who drew the card chooses someone to drink. 3 – I, the player who drew the card, drinks.

, the player who drew the card drinks. 4 – Anyone who identifies as a female drink.

Anyone identifying as a female drink. 5 – Thumb Master, the player who drew the card must put his thumb on the table at a given time (but before the next five are drawn, or he loses the right). Whoever puts their thumb on the table last has to drink.

The player who drew the card must put his thumb on the table at a certain point (but before the next five are drawn, or he loses the right). Whoever puts their thumb on the table last has to drink. 6 – Anyone identifying as a male drink.

Anyone identifying as a male drink. 7 – Sky, the player who drew the card must point to the sky (at any point before the next 7 is drawn). The last person to point to the sky has to drink.

The player who drew the card must point to the sky (at any point before the next 7 is drawn). The last person to point to the sky has to drink. 8 – Buddy, the player who drew the card chooses a drinking buddy who has to drink every time he drinks. As a side rule, you can decide if that means that whenever they drink, you must drink as well.

, the player who drew the card chooses a drinking buddy who must drink each time he drinks. As a side rule, you can decide if that means that whenever they drink, you must drink as well. 9 – Rhyme, the player who drew the card says a word and you go around in circles rhyming that word until someone messes up and has to drink.

, the player who drew the card says a word, and you go around in circles rhyming that word until someone messes up and has to drink. 10 – Categories , the player who drew the card comes up with a category (e.g. dogs, cars, types of alcohol) and you go around in circles naming words in that category until someone messes up and has to drink .

, the player who drew the card, thinks of a category (e.g. dogs, cars, types of alcohol) and you go around in circles naming words in that category until someone screws up and has to drink. Jack – Make a rule. The player who drew the card makes a new rule (e.g. you can’t say the word “yes” or put your drink down) and anyone who breaks the rule during the rest of the game must drink.

– Make a rule. The player who drew the card makes a new rule (e.g. you can’t say the word “yes” or put your drink down) and anyone who breaks the rule during the rest of the game must drink. Queen – Ask the Master. You become the question master, and if someone answers a question you asked (the player who drew the card), they must drink. This applies to EVERY question.

quizmaster. You become the question master, and if someone answers a question you asked (the player who drew the card), they must drink. This applies to EVERY question. King – The player who drew the card must pour some of their drink into the cup in the middle. Whoever draws the last king must drink what is in the middle cup.

– The player who drew the card must pour some of their drink into the cup in the middle. Whoever draws the last king must drink what is in the middle cup. Ace – Waterfall. Starting with the player who drew the card, each player must continuously drink their drink. They cannot stop until the person to their right has stopped drinking.

Prepare for a very fun (and probably very drunk) evening. Please drink responsibly.

Dusty Baxter-Wright Cosmopolitan Deputy Entertainment Editor Dusty Baxter-Wright (she/she) is Cosmopolitan UK’s entertainment editor for print, digital and video.

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What are the Ring of Fire Rules?

King – the player who drew the card must pour some of their drink into the cup in the middle. The person to draw the last King has to drink whatever is in the cup in the middle. Ace – waterfall. Starting with the player who drew the card, every player has to continually drink their drink.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

Photo credit: Getty Images

ring of fire. If we had to make a table of the best drinking games that have ever existed in human history, this one would probably be pretty high on the list.

A classic at virtually every pre-drink, Freshers event and house party, Ring of Fire is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Also, unlike games like beer pong, little equipment or preparation is required. Just grab a deck of cards, a giant pint of beer, and a group of willing attendees, and voilà.

And while it can be fun to learn new dinner party games to shake things up a bit, there’s nothing quite like getting stuck in an old favorite. The joy of being the thumb master and seeing that no one has noticed yet? Unsurpassed. Draw an ace and everyone yells “waterfall”? Just a nice moment tbh. Plus, there’s definitely no other game that’s guaranteed to get you as drunk as Ring of Fire (responsibly, of course). Ah, the blurred memories.

Photo credit: CosmopolitanUK

But as much as we love it, there’s a problem. Considering that there are actually 13 different cards (and their meanings) to memorize, it can sometimes be difficult to memorize the rules on demand. Also, you’ve probably had a cocktail or two before you even started playing, which, you know, doesn’t exactly help either.

So, in your hour of need, here’s a recap…

So what are the rules of the Ring of Fire?

A tall glass is placed in the center of the table and surrounded by the playing cards face down in a large circle (see image above). This becomes the “Ring of Fire”. Players take turns drawing a card from the deck, being careful not to break the circle – e.g. Make sure each card touches at least one other that remains in the circle. If you break the circle, you must drink. There is a specific rule for each card you draw –

2 – You, the player who drew the card, chooses someone to drink.

3 – I, the player who drew the card, drinks.

4 – Anyone who identifies as a female drink.

5 – Thumb Master, the player who drew the card must put his thumb on the table at a given time (but before the next five are drawn, or he loses the right). Whoever puts their thumb on the table last has to drink.

6 – Anyone identifying as a male drink.

7 – Sky, the player who drew the card must point to the sky (at any point before the next 7 is drawn). The last person to point to the sky has to drink.

8 – Buddy, the player who drew the card chooses a drinking buddy who has to drink every time he drinks. As a side rule, you can decide if that means that whenever they drink, you must drink as well.

9 – Rhyme, the player who drew the card says a word and you go around in circles rhyming that word until someone messes up and has to drink.

10 – Categories , the player who drew the card comes up with a category (e.g. dogs, cars, types of alcohol) and you go around in circles naming words in that category until someone messes up and has to drink .

Jack – Make a rule. The player who drew the card makes a new rule (e.g. you can’t say the word “yes” or put your drink down) and anyone who breaks the rule during the rest of the game must drink.

Queen – Ask the Master. You become the question master, and if someone answers a question you asked (the player who drew the card), they must drink. This applies to EVERY question.

King – The player who drew the card must pour some of their drink into the cup in the middle. Whoever draws the last king must drink what is in the middle cup.

Ace – Waterfall. Starting with the player who drew the card, each player must continuously drink their drink. They cannot stop until the person to their right has stopped drinking.

The story goes on

Prepare for a very fun (and probably very drunk) evening. Please drink responsibly.

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Why is beer pong called Beirut?

Supposedly, people at Lehigh felt that the U.S. should’ve bombed Beirut in retribution for the attacks, and thought the ping-pong balls dropping to the other side of the table resembled bombs being dropped on the Lebanese capital. They started calling the game “Beirut,” and it caught on.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

This post originally appeared in an issue of What’s the Difference?, a weekly newsletter for the curious and confused by New York writer Brette Warshaw. Eater will publish all issues analyzing food-related differences, although these barely scratch the surface of world (and newsletter) oddities: Subscribe to see What’s the Difference? in your inbox or get the entire archive.

What’s the difference between…

Beer Pong and Beirut?

Whether you are a current fraternity, aspiring fraternity, recovering fraternity, a romantic relationship with a fraternity, a parent of a fraternity, or a friend or foe of a fraternity, or are otherwise acquainted with a fraternity, you likely have some familiarity with a few beer-soaked drinking games. Chances are that one of these drinking games will involve beer mugs, ping pong balls, and drunk people trying to get the ping pong balls into the beer mugs. But is the game Beer Pong or Beirut? Did the fraternity stars who poured beers and banged their chests and declared themselves champions actually use the right term?

As with many things that involve large amounts of alcohol, the answer is hazy. The first beer pong games were played in Dartmouth in the early 1950’s when people played table tennis and left their beer mugs on the table; Someone decided that aiming the ball at the cups would be a good idea, and a drinking game was born. The game evolved into a competition in which opponents use table tennis bats with broken handles – no handles mean more accuracy – and aim at cups arranged in various formations such as a bush, tree, ship or line. Hit the side of a cup with the ball and your opponent drinks half of the cup. sink the ball successfully and your opponent drinks the whole thing.

Beirut – a game with a similar ending (drunk) but different rules – originated in either Bucknell or Lehigh in the 1980s. (There is some dispute as to where it was first played.) In Beirut, 10 cups are arranged in a pyramid shape on either side of a table; The contestants then stand on either side and take turns tossing the ping-pong ball across the table instead of paddling it. When a ball is potted in a cup, one of the opponents must chug it.

But what’s with the name? The game became popular at a time when Beirut, Lebanon was in the news: in 1983, suicide bombers killed 241 US Marines stationed in a barracks at Beirut airport. Allegedly, people in Lehigh thought the US should have bombed Beirut in retaliation for the attacks and thought the ping-pong balls falling on the other side of the table resembled bombs being dropped on the Lebanese capital. They started calling the game Beirut and it caught on.

But as the game spread across the United States, in areas unfamiliar with the original Dartmouth version, people started dropping the name “Beirut” – calling it “Beer Pong” instead. (Have to say, the name makes intuitive sense even without the use of paddles.) Now…wait a minute…they’re both called Beer Pong. Some might still use the name Beirut — and if they do, you’ll know what game it’s about — but when you hear the term “beer pong,” it could mean one of two things.

A messy story, an unsatisfactory conclusion: sounds about right for a drinking game. Bottom up!

• What is the difference between Beer Pong and Beirut? [With]

Is Bouncing allowed in beer pong?

The ball is allowed to bounce, or it can go directly into the cup, but read below for details on house rules. The game goes on until one team has no cups left. The team with remaining cups wins the game.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules


Beer Pong Drinking Game – What is it and what are the rules?

Beer Pong: noun 1. A drinking game played at house parties, wherever someone says, “I’m usually way better than that.”

By Mairyn Chorney in May. 23rd, 2018

Beer Pong is a drinking game in which players throw a ping pong ball across a table with the aim of landing the ball in the opposing team’s cups. If a ball lands in a mug, the defending team must remove it from the table and drink the beer in the mug. Each team takes turns shooting until one team eliminates all of their opponent’s cups.

Drink responsibly!

Hold your hops! Before we get into the rules of beer pong, we want to disclose that we do not encourage binge drinking and advise our beer geeks to always drink responsibly! For more information, click here to learn how to be a responsible drinker.

how to play them

Beer Pong Drinking Game

What you need to play:

20 Solo Mugs

1 eight foot long rectangular table

2 table tennis balls

Beer (your choice, but preferably not your finest craft brew)

Setup for a standard beer pong game:

Choose Teams: Usually, Beer Pong is played with 2 teams of 2, but you can have as many people on a team as you like. Just take turns throwing! Arrange cups: Generally 10 in a pyramid-like formation on your team’s side of a standard 8-foot table. Fill each mug with the desired amount of beer. Typically 2 beer cans are used to fill up 10 cups. Repeat this setup for the opposing team. Decide Which Team Goes First: To determine this, have one player from each team kick the ball while maintaining eye contact with their opponent throughout the shot. If both players miss or both players make it, their partners throw next. This goes on until one person makes it and their opponent doesn’t. Once the starting team has been determined, the game can begin.

Looking to buy a “legitimate beer pong table”?

Check out these official beer pong tables.

Beerpong Gameplay:

The team that goes first has both ping-pong balls. Each person on a team takes turns trying to throw a ping pong ball into their opponent’s solo cups. When a ball is pocketed, that team must remove the cup from the pyramid, drink the beer, and set the cup aside. The ball may bounce or go straight into the cup, but read the house rules details below. Play continues until one team runs out of cups. The team with remaining cups wins the game.

House Rules for Beer Pong:

There are many different rules that can be added to your beer pong game. You will most likely learn a new rule every time you play. Here are some rules to know so you don’t look like a total beer pong newbie at your next house party.


Elbows are usually an unspoken rule…until someone breaks it. When shooting, elbows must remain behind the edge of the table. This means you don’t have to reach as far across the table as possible to try to sink your ball. If this rule is violated, the shot does not count.


During the game, either team may request a reformation of the opposing team’s cups. Each team may do this twice per game at the start of their turn. You cannot request a reformation during “Rollbacks” or during a “Redemption Round”.

Popular Reformation

Bounce Shots & Swatting:

If your ball touches the table before going into a cup, 2 cups will be removed. The cup you sank and another cup of the defender’s choice. When only 2 cups remain, the bounce shot only removes the 1 cup. If a bounce shot is thrown, the defending team can knock the ball away before the ball hits a cup. Hitting is only allowed on a bounce shot. If a player strikes on a non-ricocheting shot, the other team gets both balls back and shoots again.

Fingers & Bubbles: (yes, you read that right)

If a ball is thrown and spins in the cup, defenders can either try to flick the ball out with a finger. Instead of fingering the ball out, you can try blowing into the cup to get the ball out. Once the ball has settled in the beer, fingers and bubbles are no longer allowed.


Explosion is when both partners sink their ball into the same cup. Any cups that touch the sunken cup are also removed. A variation on this rule is that only 3 cups are removed (the pocketed cup and 2 extra cups chosen by the defenders).


If you shoot, miss, and the ball rolls back to you on the table, you can grab the ball and shoot again. This replay MUST be a trick shot. Throw the ball with your non-dominant hand behind your back, blindfolded, off the wall, blow it out of your mouth… Get creative!

Death Cup:

If a player from the opposing team is still drinking his beer from the previous round, you can try to throw the ball into his cup. You must hold the cup for this shot to count. If you succeed, your team automatically wins the game of Beer Pong and the other team has to drink all the beer on the table.


After the last cup is hit, each player on the losing team gets a Redemption. This is their chance to stay in the game. Each partner gets a shot to try and sink a cup. If they miss, it’s game over. If a cup is sunk while redeeming, its last cup comes back into play and the game continues. Each team will only receive one Redemption Round.

Beer Pong Rules – A video demonstration

A Brief History Lesson – Who Invented Beer Pong?

Beer Pong is believed to have originated in the Dartmouth College fraternities in the 1950s. Back then, their version was more like a traditional ping pong game because they used rackets and a net. Sometime in the 1980s in the United States the game switched to no paddles or nets and the name beer pong was adopted.

Did we forget your favorite beer pong rule? Let us know!

Variations of Beer Pong:

Looking to change up your beer pong game at your next house party? Check out these hilarious variations from CollegeHumor.

Looking for more fun drinking games to play with your friends?

Drinking Games That Won’t Get You Drunk:

What are some dare ideas for beer pong?

So, pick wisely because here are some of the dares you will find in the game:
  • Unzip someone’s pants without using your hands.
  • Change shirts with the co-player across you.
  • Put whipped cream on a co-player’s neck across you and lick it off.
  • Suck a finger of a co-player across you for 15 seconds.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

What’s the most exciting game you always play at parties? Most of you will say Beer Pong. We fully understand! It’s also one of our favorite games, but instead of letting you play it in its classic version, we’ve jazzed it up a bit with our TruthDare Pong game by adding truth and dare questions. Read on to find out what you’ve been missing out on and see what this game is all about.

We started this concept by thinking about the benefits of playing beer pong. Most people play it as an icebreaker at parties and then keep going until the end of the night. Well, what could be nicer than putting a few questions in the cups so that you can get to know each other while you’re drunk?

The point of the game is to score in opponents’ cups and get them to answer a truth question or perform a dare. The funny thing is that you can always refuse it, but you have to take a shot instead!


Truth questions have been carefully crafted so that not only will you have trouble answering them, but they will also reveal some of your secrets. Let me give you some examples of these sharp truths:

1. What qualities do you look for in a partner?

2. What is your favorite type of foreplay?

3. What animal do you resemble in bed?

4. From this group, with whom do you think you would have a pretty baby and with whom would you have an ugly one?

5. What was the most desperate thing you did to get laid?

6. Point out a teammate that you would do now!

7. Whose mind would you like to read right now and why?

8. Which of your teammates do you think likes SM?

9. Marry your ex or go to jail for a year?

10. Where would you never dare to have sex?

11. What was the strangest sexual request you have ever received?

12. Dominant or Submissive?

13. How long does it take you to get to know someone before having sex with him/her?

14. What was the longest time without sex?

15. Which of your male teammates do you think has the largest and which has the smallest genitals?


The tasks are designed in such a way that you don’t always have to do them alone, but usually need the help of one of your fellow players. So choose wisely because here are some of the challenges you will find in the game:

1. Unbutton someone’s pants without using your hands.

2. Switch shirts with the player opposite.

3. Put whipped cream on a player’s neck and lick it off.

4. Suck another player’s finger over you for 15 seconds.

5. Finish your drink without using your hands.

6. Kiss the teammate all over you.

7. Stand against the wall and let one of your fellow players feel you thoroughly.

8. Do a striptease or lap dance for 30 seconds.

9. Get blindfolded. Feel everyone’s butt and guess who it is. Each wrong tip means a shot.

10. Play the rest of the game shirtless.

11. Talk dirty to a teammate across from you for 20 seconds with your cheekiest look.

12. All players must whisper a secret in your ear.

13. Become a fellow player vibrator. Make noises and movements.

14. Take a body shot. The group decides by whom and where.

15. Have a fellow player search your phone for 1 minute.

If you liked the questions and want to find out what else we have prepared for you in TruthDare Pong, be sure to check it out on Amazon:

Buy our games now on your favorite platform!

What happens if you get both balls in the same cup?

Death Cup: When a team makes two balls into the same cup simultaneously, it becomes the “Death Cup” and the other team automatically loses the game.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

Beer Pong is a super fun game that most table tennis players are really good at. Since we have a lot of experience hitting and throwing ping pong balls, it’s only natural that we excel at throwing them into cups. My boyfriend and I wreak havoc at beer pong and we always have a good time!

Below we’ll walk you through the game, the beer pong rules you might not know, and some techniques and variations to ensure you get the most out of beer pong. Let’s start.

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How to play beer pong

The goal of the game

Cup pong rules are simple. To win a game of beer pong, one team must eliminate all of the opposing team’s cups. You eliminate an opponent’s cup by successfully tossing in a ping pong ball from the other end of the table. If you eliminate all of your opponent’s cups, you win the game. While the number of cups for beer pong varies depending on house rules, here we mainly follow the official beer pong rules.

The shared beer pong setup

They play beer pong in teams of two. Usually either 1v1 or 2v2, and you generally play on a ping pong table or the longest table available. You can even purchase a dedicated beer pong table if you are serious about your beer pong.

The game starts with the team that won the previous game getting to shoot first, or you play one-on-one (eye-to-eye style) to determine who shoots first. In the normal course of play, if both team members make a cup, they get “roll-backs”, i.e. they get their two balls back and immediately get a bonus shot each. Otherwise it is the next team’s turn to shoot.

This continues until a team completes all cups or until a team requests a “re-rack”. A re-rack is useful when there are gaps between the cups from previously successful throws. Each team can rearrange the cups in any layout of their choosing, but grouping the remaining cups together is clearly the best strategy.

However, you can only request a re-rack twice per game, and only if the remaining cups add up to 6, 3, 2, or 1.

There are several choices as to what formation of the re-rack you desire. A triangle, line, diamond, and sailboat are all common options. After a team has made all the trophies, the opposing team has a chance at “Redemption”, but only if they haven’t already caught up. If the losing team, shooting for redemption, manages to make all of the remaining cups before missing, the game goes into overtime until it ends.

What you need for Beer Pong

Beer – Beer is fun, but you can use water if needed. Really any liquid.

6 cups or 10 cups per team. 16 oz Red Solo cups are the standard.

A beer pong table (but any oblong table will do).

Table tennis balls (at least 2).

An audience.

Recommendations for beer pong tables

Official beer pong tables are 8 feet long, 24″ wide and 27.5″ high. However, if you can find a table that comes close to those measurements, it’s great for beer pong. You don’t need a custom built beer pong table, although it’s the best. With that in mind, here are a few recommendations.

Official measurements

GoPong 8 foot beer pong table

This black beer pong table is made from a sturdy aluminum frame with an MDF top. Beer wipes away easily, and its clamshell design and light weight (21 lbs) make it easy to carry around.

EastPoint Sports Beer Pong Table

A beer pong table very similar to the GoPong model. It also features a clamshell design and weighs just 21 pounds. The table comes with 8 table tennis balls and 22 cups.

Stiga XTR

The Stiga XTR is one of the most affordable outdoor table tennis tables you can get from a quality manufacturer. So you can not only play beer pong at parties, but also table tennis! Being an outdoor model, it’s waterproof, so it copes very well with alcohol spills. If you are looking for a better table tennis table, check out our guide.

How to set up Beer Pong and other important considerations

Your beer pong setup will depend on whether you want to play 10 cup beer pong or 6 cup beer pong. For both versions, group the mugs into triangular beer pong formations at the ends of each side of the table. Fill the mugs 1/3 full with beer, water or any other liquid of your choice.

The Complete Beer Pong Rules

The rules for beer pong tend to be somewhat contradictory. That’s because players often adopt their own ruleset from beer pong game variants – probably unknowingly. For this reason, we recommend ironing out the ruleset with all members before starting. Below are the official game rules.

1. Death Cup: If a team throws two balls into the same cup at the same time, it becomes a “Death Cup” and the other team automatically loses the game. Some people don’t play this rule.

2. Roll-Backs: If a team or person takes two shots into different cups in the same round, the other team drinks the two cups, removes the cups from the triangle, and the shooting team gets the ball back for another shot. This is known as “rollbacks”.

3. Rim Bounces: If the ball bounces off the lid of the cups onto the table before it hits the ground, you can grab it and shoot again, this time with your left hand (women) or behind your back (men). When the ball hits the lid and bounces in the air, you can grab it before it goes into one of your cups or bounces back to the opposing team. If the ball hits the rim of one cup and then falls into another cup, it would be one cup or two depending on house rules.

4. Re-racking: As a game progresses, it can be beneficial to re-organize your cups in a different pattern. This is “retrofit”. You are only allowed to make one or two re-racks per game, and the re-rack prevents you from getting a payback shot. There are many different patterns or shapes that you can transform them into. The most common patterns are a triangle, a line, a rhombus, and a sailboat (triangle tilted), but you can basically remake anything you want.

5. Bouncing: Bouncing the ball into the opposing team’s cup counts as two. However, the opposing team is allowed to hit the ball mid-impact.

6. Finger or Punch: There are two special conditions where you can either blow or finger the ping pong ball mid-shot. If you’re a man playing a woman and the ball starts to wash into the cup, quickly “finger” the ball out of the cup. This is void once the ball touches the beer in the mug. If you are a woman, the opposite is true. There must be a male on the table and you must “blow out” the ball by literally blowing into the cup and pushing the ball out.

7. Redemption: After one team has won all of the opposing team’s trophies, the others are given a chance to redeem (assuming they have not collected again). Redemption is when you try to make every cup of your opponent without missing. Both you and your partner have a chance to redeem in doubles (one shot each). If the losing team manages to make the redemption (make all remaining cups without missing), the game goes into overtime. Then you arrange 3 cups into a triangle and continue.

8. Elbow: If a player’s shooting elbow goes over the edge of the table while shooting the ball, his shot should not be counted. This is referred to as “elbows” or “bows.”

9. Celebrity Shots: A “celebrity shot” or celebrity shot is when you have a friend shoot for you. You can only “celebrate” once in the entire game.

10. Skunked: If at any time you knock over a cup within the play triangle, remove that cup from play. If a team wins by taking all of the other team’s trophies before their opponents take a trophy, the losing team must run around the house naked. This is referred to as “skunked”.

shooting techniques

There are three types of shots that you can use in beer pong. The first is your standard throw. This is generally the best as it isn’t too fast or high, giving you the highest accuracy. However, sometimes you might want to try a bow throw. In general, these high throws are more challenging. But they can come in handy if you keep hitting and missing the rim of the cups.

The last type is the jumping shot. The ball must be bounced on the table at least once before it lands in the cup. Now the ricocheting shot is strong, but you shouldn’t abuse it. If you make the shot, your opponent drinks the cup and another of your choice (possibly forcing a re-rack).

However, your opponents can knock the ball away, which means you could waste your turn. This means that you should use bounce shots sparingly when your opponents won’t notice, and only when you’re more skilled than the average player.

Popular Beer Pong Varieties

Aside from the “standard” beer pong game, there are several variants that people turn to when they want to mix things up a bit. Here are some of the best we could find.

civil war

Civil War is a variation of Beer Pong where the table is set in a 3×3 formation. Players have 3 to 6 cups and can quickly shoot any number of enemy cups. The losing team has to drink all their cups, and the winning team – well, they’ve had enough anyway.


Baseball is a more complex beer pong version that includes Flip Cup. Each team arranges four cups in a straight line – these represent each of the bases. When the batsman makes successful throws, they move to the base they secured.

The attacking players are eliminated if:

They miss their 3 shots (3 punches and you’re out!)

The defending team catches missed balls before they land

The defending team steals a base – a defender must chug their drink and flip their cup in front of the attacker


The difference between chandeliers and classic beer ping-pong is that plastic cups are all placed in the center of the table. Each player has their own cup and they surround a middle cup.

Each player then tries to throw their ball into the middle cup. When they do that, each person has to drink their own cup and then try to turn their cup over. The last person to do this drinks the middle cup.

If your toss lands in a cup other than the middle cup, be it yours or someone else’s. You drink the cup and refill it. It should come as no surprise that this game will get you drunk in no time!

Russian roulette

Russian Roulette adds an extra level of anticipation to the game. Each team can spike one of the opposing team’s cups with a shot of vodka. The defending team doesn’t know which cup is spiked, making the game very entertaining.

death cup

A surefire way to get tipsy! Any cup that has been sunk and has yet to be completed is referred to as a “Death Cup”. If a team manages to shoot into one of the enemy’s death cups, they automatically win the game. This strongly encourages players to stay alert and drink their cups as soon as possible. Some players include this in the core rules, some don’t!

Is beer bad for my table?

Yes, theoretically. But it depends on the table itself – its support, finish and the like.

Spilling beer and wiping it off within a reasonable amount of time (e.g. 15 minutes) would most likely not cause any damage to your beer pong table.

However, leaving spilled beer for hours or days can cause your table to become discolored as alcohol attacks colors and surfaces. The plywood can also flex if it is not attached, glued, or somehow attached to a stronger support structure, such as a plywood. B. a metal frame or another, more stable wooden board underneath. Finally, the smell of alcohol tends to linger and it can be very difficult to get rid of completely.

Therefore, try to keep the table as clean as possible, especially after the game of beer pong. For example, passing it through with a disposable towel after every spill (where it happened) might be the best approach here.

Brief History of Beer Pong

Beer Pong (also called “Beirut”) is believed to derive from the beer games that students at Dartmouth College played in the 50’s and 60’s. Then as then, beer pong was typically played with rackets and net, just like table tennis.

In the ’70s, the racquets and net were thrown away for “throw pong,” where you toss the ball with your hand. This was the beginning of the modern version of this very fun, attractive and social drinking game, often played in fraternities at the universities in the country.

Around the 1990s, players began to place the actual beer by the table, replacing the beer mugs with water mugs. This was done for hygiene reasons, as the ball carries a lot of microbes with it.

frequently asked Questions

Does the ball have to bounce in beer pong?

There is no need for the ball to bounce in beer pong. However, you can still use bounce shots. Remember that the opposing team can knock them away.

What happens if you knock over a cup at beer pong?

It depends on whether the ball crosses the top level of the cup. If this is the case, the cup is sunk. However, if it doesn’t, you’ll need to refill and reset the cup. As a side note, you should fill cups high enough that they cannot be knocked over.

On the other hand, if you accidentally knock over a cup as a defender, the cup is considered pocketed. However, you can exploit the “dipshit not paying attention” rule. This means you can quickly refill and replace the cup if the opposing team hasn’t noticed your mistake.

What is heating up in Beer Pong?

This beer pong rule comes from the NBA variant of the game Jams on Fire. It states that a player can say they are “heating up” after making two successful shots in a row. If they manage the third, they can say they are “on fire” and keep shooting until they miss.

However, unless they declare that they are heating up, they cannot say that they are burning.

What happens in beer pong when the ball lands on the cups?

The throw is a mistake, but it rarely happens!

Can you secretly throw at beer pong?

Both underhand and overhand throws are allowed in the beer pong rules. Throw as you like!

How does Beer Pong work during overtime?

Each team places three more cups in a triangle shape and play continues normally. The team that scored the last cup takes the first shot, and overtime may occur again if one team sinks all of their opponent’s cups.

Can you bounce off anywhere in Beer Pong?

The beer pong rules state that you can hop anywhere on the table as everything on the table is part of the game. Just remember that slow or long jumps are not a good idea as they give your opponents more time to bat the ball away.

What happens if you call Island and miss?

Island: Once per game, each player may select an isolated cup (not touching any other cups) to shoot at and call “island”. If the cup is made, it’s removed and another cup of your opponent’s choice. If the cup is missed and inadvertently goes into a different cup, nothing is made and that cup remains on the table.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

Dubbed the “Great American Drinking Game,” the popularity of Beer Pong cannot be underestimated. You’ll find it at house parties, receptions, tailgates, and the occasional festival. It’s this popularity that has led to wide variation in styles and rules, with virtually no games being played exactly the same (outside of official tournament play… more on that later).

The rules listed below are casual (or “party”) rules, which means we’ve taken typical rules and themes and put them into a general format for you to follow. Feel free to invent any variations you like, but note that these rules are widely accepted and should form the basis of your specific gameplay.

If you are a seasoned hardcore player and want to follow the official rules, check out the World Series of Beer Pong (WSOBP) Rules for rules of the game. Read on for general rules and information on casual play.

What is beer pong?

Beer Pong is usually played on a table measuring 8 feet by 2 feet with ten cups arranged in a triangle pattern at each end. Teams of one or two take turns throwing a ping-pong ball at the opposing team’s cups. When a shot is made (thrown directly into a cup or bounced into a cup), the cup is removed and consumed by the opposing team. The goal is to eliminate all of your opponent’s cups before your cups. The winning team reserves the right to stay and play at the table. The losers find another team to replace them, although there are usually a number of people willing to play. just right? Well, unfortunately, that’s where the simplicity ends.

Casual Rules

Before starting a game, you need to establish and be aware of the following rules. Trust us, this is important. If the rules are not clear or defined before a game begins, this can lead to conflict. And nobody wants people to go out; They want to drink, enjoy friendly competition, and have a good time. The rules are arranged alphabetically for convenience. You are welcome.

What happens if both balls go in the same cup beer pong?

8.1 If both players in a team make the same cup, including if one or both of those shots are bounced shots, that team get both balls back and get to nominate 2 other opposition cups as being made (i.e. 2 shots in 1 cup is the same as making 3 cups).

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

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Official Rules

Anyone who has played beer pong before seems to have their own set of rules, and kiwi pong are no different. We’ve put together a set of rules that we feel apply to the New Zealand aspect of the game. The rules below are also the Official Rules for our World Series that we host each year and award $10,000 to Champs



1.1 Cups: 20 x Official Kiwipong Cups

1.2 Table: 2.4m long x 60cm wide x 70cm high

1.3 Balls: 2 x 40mm Official Kiwipong Balls

Players & Teams

2.1 Players must be over 18 years of age unless otherwise stated

2.2 A team consists of two players

2.3 A player can only play for one team


3.1 A team can choose the liquid in their cups

3.2 Each cup is filled with 100ml of beverage

starting game

4.1 The starting team will be determined by a rock off

Cup Formations & Re-Racks

4.1 At the beginning of the game, cups must be placed in a diamond shape

4.2 A re-rack can be called twice during a game

4.3 A re-rack can only be called at the start of a round, before a teammate has fired

4.4 The re-rack can be done in any formation

4.5 Cups should always be placed within the official triangle with the cups touching each other and the bottom of the cups resting fully on the table

4.6 If, in the course of play, a cup is knocked over and no longer touches another cup, it cannot be moved and must remain where it is unless repositioned in accordance with Rule 4.2

4.7 No shots may be fired until a re-rack is completed and the opponent has moved all parts of his body behind the edge of the table

take shots and block

5.1 Each player on a team gets one shot per round

5.2 When batting, a player may lean over the table unless supported, meaning that players are not allowed to touch the table with any part of their body or a teammate

5.3 Opposing players’ hands must remain behind the edge of the table until the shot leaves the player’s hand. This is a serious offense that will be treated as unsportsmanlike conduct and may be penalized under Rule 14.4

5.4 If an opposing player blocks a shot before rebounding, it counts as if a cup had been made. The player who takes the shot nominates which trophy

Bouncing shots

6.1 A ricocheted shot counts as two cups

6.2 The opponent may choose which cup is the second cup

6.3 Opposing players may block ricocheted shots in accordance with Rule 5.3

6.4 If a ball bounces 2 or more times that is well done but treated as a normal bounce

2 shots 2 cups

7.1 If both players on a team make separate cups, including when one or both of those shots are ricocheted off, that team gets both balls back, this can happen until a player misses a shot

2 shots 1 cup

8.1 If both players in a team make the same cup, even if one or both of those shots ricocheted off, that team gets both balls back and is allowed to nominate 2 other opposing cups made (i.e. 2 shots in 1 cup is the equivalent of preparing 3 cups).

8.2 If one shot is a rebound, it means 4 cups have been made, if both shots are rebounds, 5 cups have been made, the opposing team nominates the cups

Boys can finger, girls can suck

10.1 If a ball is thrown and spins around in a cup before falling into the drink, the opposing player may attempt to remove the ball

10.2 Boys may try to flick the ball out of bounds with their fingers

10.3 Girls may attempt to blow out the ball

10.4 If the removed ball has liquid from the cup on it, or if the cup falls over as a result of any of these actions, the cup is deemed to have been made

Cup distance

11.1 Cups cannot be removed until both opponent’s shots have been fired

11.2 Made cups must be removed and then placed off the table and are no longer part of the game.


12.1 The first team to reach all opposing cups wins

12.2 There is no right of objection


14.1 Dropping a ball into your own cup counts as a shot. He has to take the cup out of the game. The player does not get a second shot

14.2 Knocking over your own cup means removing that cup from play

14.3 If a player knocks on the table and knocks over more than 3 cups, his team automatically loses. If fewer than 3 cups are knocked over, the offending team must remove that number of cups from their rack while the other team replaces their cups.

14.4 Unsportsmanlike conduct can lead to exclusion from the tournament


15.1 Distractions are allowed as long as no part of a player crosses the edge of the table before the other team throws. See rule 5.3


16.1 The decision of an arbitrator is final

How do you get fire in beer pong?

When an offensive player has made 2 cups in a row, they can call “heating up.” This means that if they make a third shot in a row they are “on fire”. When a player is “on fire” they continue to keep shooting until they miss.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

If you’ve ever been to a college party, or have followed closely, you’ve most likely played or seen a game of beer pong. Many of the skills you need to be successful in this game aren’t that different from Cornhole. The goal of the game seems so simple: throw a ping pong ball across a table into a beer mug. The first team to sink all of their shots wins. Seems easy enough, right? But you’ve probably heard your friends spill some “rules” that you’re unfamiliar with. For example, have you heard of the beer pong island rule? (No, a tropical vacation is not one of them.)

What exactly are these rules? are they official Do they change depending on whose house you’re playing in? If you never want to look like a beginner when playing beer pong, familiarize yourself with the following rules.

House Rules vs. Tournament Rules

There are two types of rules you can use to play beer pong. The first is known as house rules. The basic rules are generally the same in every house you play in. Things change with the additional rules each house creates to make things more interesting.

The second type of rules are the Official Beer Pong Tournament Rules (WSOBP). These rules remain consistent every time for three reasons:

Fairness to all players

Efficiency in running a maximum number of games simultaneously

Minimizing possible disputes between participants

Because house rules are more flexible (and therefore more confusing) than tournament rules, we’ll only cover house rules in this article. So get out your beer pong table and mugs and get ready to play.

House Beer Pong Rules

For such a simple game, beer pong certainly has a large number of rules. These may vary from household to household, but they all use the same basic gameplay rules. Here is a list of the basic rules that we will explain:

1. Setup

First things first, you need the essentials. You can use any long rectangular table to play, but we recommend using a regular sized beer pong table. You will also need cups (red/blue solo cups). A total of 22 cups are required for each game (10 game cups and 1 water cup per side). The cups in the game are placed in a triangle shape with the base of the triangle closest to the edge of the table. The third thing you need is two ping pong balls to shoot. Next you will need the beer, which you will consume throughout the game. And finally, you need the right number of players: there are two teams with two players on each side (4 in total).

2. Decide who goes first

The first game of the evening will be decided by the two teams playing evenly. One player from each team receives a ball and shoots toward the opposite side while maintaining eye contact with the opposing shooter throughout the shot. The first team to make it goes first. If both players miss or both make it, their teammates will now shoot. The crafted cups (a thrown shot lands in a cup) are not removed from the game. Both balls are given to the team taking the shot and a round of play begins. After the first game of the night, the winners of the previous game shoot first into the next.

3. Elbow/Wrist Rule

The elbow and wrist rules are designed to ensure everyone’s shooting range is the same. When the elbow rule is in effect, all players must ensure that their elbows do not extend beyond the edge of the table when shooting. The wrist rule is the same as the elbow, except this time the wrist can’t extend beyond the edge of the table, forcing players to shoot from longer distances. If these rules are violated, the shot does not count. This rule is usually the most debated rule. There is no way to truly measure whether a player’s elbow/wrist crosses the edge of the beer pong table.

Reracking is rearranging cups during a game. This can only be done twice per game per team. The only times you are allowed to withdraw again is when there are 6, 4, 3 or 2 cups left for your team. If you and your opponent both shoot during your turn, you get both balls back. If you get the balls back, you may not ask for more until your next turn. It can always be requested that the last remaining cup be withdrawn and centered.

5. Hopping / hitting

We like this rule as it helps focus on the game and speeds things up. Bouncing a ball off the table and putting it in a cup will remove 2 cups from the beer pong table. The cup that the ball falls into and a cup that the defending team wants to remove. The only time an impact won’t remove 2 cups is when there are only two cups left. Hopping at this point is basically useless. The defending team always has the option to block a bounce. Be careful though: if the impact is hit and doesn’t hit the ground, it’s a live ball. That means even if you hit it, there’s still a chance it’ll be knocked into a cup. If any cups are knocked over by the defending team while batting, all knocked over cups are removed from play.

6. Fixing cup

Fixing cups should not be confused with retooling. During a game, cups tend to move due to the wet surface and balls bounce off them. A player may request that the cup(s) be returned to their original place at any time during the game.

7. Beginners Cup / Death Cup

Once a cup is crafted, the attacking team has a chance to take a shot into that cup before the cup’s contents can be consumed. If the offensive team can make the cup, it’s called the Rookie Cup or Death Cup. Making the Death Cup means the team that takes the shot automatically wins the game. This strategy usually works best when the player holding the cup is not paying attention or is slowly drinking the contents of their cup.

The crafted Cup must be removed from the table before it can be considered a Rookie/Death Cup. If the cup is still on the beer pong table and both balls land in it, they are only worth 3 cups (2 additional cups chosen by the defending team). This strategy usually works best when both offensive players fire their shots at the same time.

8. For table rollbacks

If offense takes a shot and misses, that team has a chance to try and get the ball before it hits the ground. If the offensive player can reach it before the ball hits the ground or the ball rolls back to that player, he can shoot the ball behind his back. When the shot is made, it only counts for 1 cup.

9. NBA Jams: On Fire Rule

When an offensive player has made 2 cups in a row, they can shout “Heat up.” That means if they take a third shot in a row, they’re “on fire”. When a player is “on fire” they keep shooting until they miss. If the player does not say “Heat” before making his third consecutive shot, he cannot shout “Fire”.

10. Beer Pong Island Rule

Once per game, this rule may be attempted by each player if the opportunity presents itself. This rule goes by many different names – like Solo, Iso, and Lonely Cup – but they all share the same concept. When a cup is singled out and no other cups are touching it, it is called a solo cup. The cup has to be singled out as the cups surrounding it made shots. If the solo cup shot is taken, the defending team must draw that cup plus one additional additional cup of their choice from the table. The player who calls the solo cup may only make that cup during that round. If the player calling the solo cup shoots and puts another cup on the table, that cup stays.

11. Refutation

If the opposing team takes the last shot, the defending team has a chance to “Rebut”. During a “Rebuttal,” each player shoots to try and prevent the end of the game. Only one of the team members has to take the shot. If both players take the shot, the balls are back. If the losing team can make all remaining cups, the game goes into overtime. If both players on the losing team miss, it’s game over. The losing team has to drink the remaining cups on the beer pong table.

12. Overtime

In overtime, each team has to win three trophies. The three cups are shaped into a small triangle. The team that doesn’t “refute” goes first. No re-racks are allowed. If a cup is left, it can be pulled back and centered. The first team to get all three trophies wins.

Now that you know the basic rules of beer pong, you’re ready to throw a real American party yourself. If you want to get the most out of your beer pong experience, make sure you’re playing on a regular-sized beer pong table.

What happens if you make two balls in the same cup?

Death Cup: When a team makes two balls into the same cup simultaneously, it becomes the “Death Cup” and the other team automatically loses the game. Some people don’t play this rule.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

Beer Pong is a super fun game that most table tennis players are really good at. Since we have a lot of experience hitting and throwing ping pong balls, it’s only natural that we excel at throwing them into cups. My boyfriend and I wreak havoc at beer pong and we always have a good time!

Below we’ll walk you through the game, the beer pong rules you might not know, and some techniques and variations to ensure you get the most out of beer pong. Let’s start.

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How to play beer pong

The goal of the game

Cup pong rules are simple. To win a game of beer pong, one team must eliminate all of the opposing team’s cups. You eliminate an opponent’s cup by successfully tossing in a ping pong ball from the other end of the table. If you eliminate all of your opponent’s cups, you win the game. While the number of cups for beer pong varies depending on house rules, here we mainly follow the official beer pong rules.

The shared beer pong setup

They play beer pong in teams of two. Usually either 1v1 or 2v2, and you generally play on a ping pong table or the longest table available. You can even purchase a dedicated beer pong table if you are serious about your beer pong.

The game starts with the team that won the previous game getting to shoot first, or you play one-on-one (eye-to-eye style) to determine who shoots first. In the normal course of play, if both team members make a cup, they get “roll-backs”, i.e. they get their two balls back and immediately get a bonus shot each. Otherwise it is the next team’s turn to shoot.

This continues until a team completes all cups or until a team requests a “re-rack”. A re-rack is useful when there are gaps between the cups from previously successful throws. Each team can rearrange the cups in any layout of their choosing, but grouping the remaining cups together is clearly the best strategy.

However, you can only request a re-rack twice per game, and only if the remaining cups add up to 6, 3, 2, or 1.

There are several choices as to what formation of the re-rack you desire. A triangle, line, diamond, and sailboat are all common options. After a team has made all the trophies, the opposing team has a chance at “Redemption”, but only if they haven’t already caught up. If the losing team, shooting for redemption, manages to make all of the remaining cups before missing, the game goes into overtime until it ends.

What you need for Beer Pong

Beer – Beer is fun, but you can use water if needed. Really any liquid.

6 cups or 10 cups per team. 16 oz Red Solo cups are the standard.

A beer pong table (but any oblong table will do).

Table tennis balls (at least 2).

An audience.

Recommendations for beer pong tables

Official beer pong tables are 8 feet long, 24″ wide and 27.5″ high. However, if you can find a table that comes close to those measurements, it’s great for beer pong. You don’t need a custom built beer pong table, although it’s the best. With that in mind, here are a few recommendations.

Official measurements

GoPong 8 foot beer pong table

This black beer pong table is made from a sturdy aluminum frame with an MDF top. Beer wipes away easily, and its clamshell design and light weight (21 lbs) make it easy to carry around.

EastPoint Sports Beer Pong Table

A beer pong table very similar to the GoPong model. It also features a clamshell design and weighs just 21 pounds. The table comes with 8 table tennis balls and 22 cups.

Stiga XTR

The Stiga XTR is one of the most affordable outdoor table tennis tables you can get from a quality manufacturer. So you can not only play beer pong at parties, but also table tennis! Being an outdoor model, it’s waterproof, so it copes very well with alcohol spills. If you are looking for a better table tennis table, check out our guide.

How to set up Beer Pong and other important considerations

Your beer pong setup will depend on whether you want to play 10 cup beer pong or 6 cup beer pong. For both versions, group the mugs into triangular beer pong formations at the ends of each side of the table. Fill the mugs 1/3 full with beer, water or any other liquid of your choice.

The Complete Beer Pong Rules

The rules for beer pong tend to be somewhat contradictory. That’s because players often adopt their own ruleset from beer pong game variants – probably unknowingly. For this reason, we recommend ironing out the ruleset with all members before starting. Below are the official game rules.

1. Death Cup: If a team throws two balls into the same cup at the same time, it becomes a “Death Cup” and the other team automatically loses the game. Some people don’t play this rule.

2. Roll-Backs: If a team or person takes two shots into different cups in the same round, the other team drinks the two cups, removes the cups from the triangle, and the shooting team gets the ball back for another shot. This is known as “rollbacks”.

3. Rim Bounces: If the ball bounces off the lid of the cups onto the table before it hits the ground, you can grab it and shoot again, this time with your left hand (women) or behind your back (men). When the ball hits the lid and bounces in the air, you can grab it before it goes into one of your cups or bounces back to the opposing team. If the ball hits the rim of one cup and then falls into another cup, it would be one cup or two depending on house rules.

4. Re-racking: As a game progresses, it can be beneficial to re-organize your cups in a different pattern. This is “retrofit”. You are only allowed to make one or two re-racks per game, and the re-rack prevents you from getting a payback shot. There are many different patterns or shapes that you can transform them into. The most common patterns are a triangle, a line, a rhombus, and a sailboat (triangle tilted), but you can basically remake anything you want.

5. Bouncing: Bouncing the ball into the opposing team’s cup counts as two. However, the opposing team is allowed to hit the ball mid-impact.

6. Finger or Punch: There are two special conditions where you can either blow or finger the ping pong ball mid-shot. If you’re a man playing a woman and the ball starts to wash into the cup, quickly “finger” the ball out of the cup. This is void once the ball touches the beer in the mug. If you are a woman, the opposite is true. There must be a male on the table and you must “blow out” the ball by literally blowing into the cup and pushing the ball out.

7. Redemption: After one team has won all of the opposing team’s trophies, the others are given a chance to redeem (assuming they have not collected again). Redemption is when you try to make every cup of your opponent without missing. Both you and your partner have a chance to redeem in doubles (one shot each). If the losing team manages to make the redemption (make all remaining cups without missing), the game goes into overtime. Then you arrange 3 cups into a triangle and continue.

8. Elbow: If a player’s shooting elbow goes over the edge of the table while shooting the ball, his shot should not be counted. This is referred to as “elbows” or “bows.”

9. Celebrity Shots: A “celebrity shot” or celebrity shot is when you have a friend shoot for you. You can only “celebrate” once in the entire game.

10. Skunked: If at any time you knock over a cup within the play triangle, remove that cup from play. If a team wins by taking all of the other team’s trophies before their opponents take a trophy, the losing team must run around the house naked. This is referred to as “skunked”.

shooting techniques

There are three types of shots that you can use in beer pong. The first is your standard throw. This is generally the best as it isn’t too fast or high, giving you the highest accuracy. However, sometimes you might want to try a bow throw. In general, these high throws are more challenging. But they can come in handy if you keep hitting and missing the rim of the cups.

The last type is the jumping shot. The ball must be bounced on the table at least once before it lands in the cup. Now the ricocheting shot is strong, but you shouldn’t abuse it. If you make the shot, your opponent drinks the cup and another of your choice (possibly forcing a re-rack).

However, your opponents can knock the ball away, which means you could waste your turn. This means that you should use bounce shots sparingly when your opponents won’t notice, and only when you’re more skilled than the average player.

Popular Beer Pong Varieties

Aside from the “standard” beer pong game, there are several variants that people turn to when they want to mix things up a bit. Here are some of the best we could find.

civil war

Civil War is a variation of Beer Pong where the table is set in a 3×3 formation. Players have 3 to 6 cups and can quickly shoot any number of enemy cups. The losing team has to drink all their cups, and the winning team – well, they’ve had enough anyway.


Baseball is a more complex beer pong version that includes Flip Cup. Each team arranges four cups in a straight line – these represent each of the bases. When the batsman makes successful throws, they move to the base they secured.

The attacking players are eliminated if:

They miss their 3 shots (3 punches and you’re out!)

The defending team catches missed balls before they land

The defending team steals a base – a defender must chug their drink and flip their cup in front of the attacker


The difference between chandeliers and classic beer ping-pong is that plastic cups are all placed in the center of the table. Each player has their own cup and they surround a middle cup.

Each player then tries to throw their ball into the middle cup. When they do that, each person has to drink their own cup and then try to turn their cup over. The last person to do this drinks the middle cup.

If your toss lands in a cup other than the middle cup, be it yours or someone else’s. You drink the cup and refill it. It should come as no surprise that this game will get you drunk in no time!

Russian roulette

Russian Roulette adds an extra level of anticipation to the game. Each team can spike one of the opposing team’s cups with a shot of vodka. The defending team doesn’t know which cup is spiked, making the game very entertaining.

death cup

A surefire way to get tipsy! Any cup that has been sunk and has yet to be completed is referred to as a “Death Cup”. If a team manages to shoot into one of the enemy’s death cups, they automatically win the game. This strongly encourages players to stay alert and drink their cups as soon as possible. Some players include this in the core rules, some don’t!

Is beer bad for my table?

Yes, theoretically. But it depends on the table itself – its support, finish and the like.

Spilling beer and wiping it off within a reasonable amount of time (e.g. 15 minutes) would most likely not cause any damage to your beer pong table.

However, leaving spilled beer for hours or days can cause your table to become discolored as alcohol attacks colors and surfaces. The plywood can also flex if it is not attached, glued, or somehow attached to a stronger support structure, such as a plywood. B. a metal frame or another, more stable wooden board underneath. Finally, the smell of alcohol tends to linger and it can be very difficult to get rid of completely.

Therefore, try to keep the table as clean as possible, especially after the game of beer pong. For example, passing it through with a disposable towel after every spill (where it happened) might be the best approach here.

Brief History of Beer Pong

Beer Pong (also called “Beirut”) is believed to derive from the beer games that students at Dartmouth College played in the 50’s and 60’s. Then as then, beer pong was typically played with rackets and net, just like table tennis.

In the ’70s, the racquets and net were thrown away for “throw pong,” where you toss the ball with your hand. This was the beginning of the modern version of this very fun, attractive and social drinking game, often played in fraternities at the universities in the country.

Around the 1990s, players began to place the actual beer by the table, replacing the beer mugs with water mugs. This was done for hygiene reasons, as the ball carries a lot of microbes with it.

frequently asked Questions

Does the ball have to bounce in beer pong?

There is no need for the ball to bounce in beer pong. However, you can still use bounce shots. Remember that the opposing team can knock them away.

What happens if you knock over a cup at beer pong?

It depends on whether the ball crosses the top level of the cup. If this is the case, the cup is sunk. However, if it doesn’t, you’ll need to refill and reset the cup. As a side note, you should fill cups high enough that they cannot be knocked over.

On the other hand, if you accidentally knock over a cup as a defender, the cup is considered pocketed. However, you can exploit the “dipshit not paying attention” rule. This means you can quickly refill and replace the cup if the opposing team hasn’t noticed your mistake.

What is heating up in Beer Pong?

This beer pong rule comes from the NBA variant of the game Jams on Fire. It states that a player can say they are “heating up” after making two successful shots in a row. If they manage the third, they can say they are “on fire” and keep shooting until they miss.

However, unless they declare that they are heating up, they cannot say that they are burning.

What happens in beer pong when the ball lands on the cups?

The throw is a mistake, but it rarely happens!

Can you secretly throw at beer pong?

Both underhand and overhand throws are allowed in the beer pong rules. Throw as you like!

How does Beer Pong work during overtime?

Each team places three more cups in a triangle shape and play continues normally. The team that scored the last cup takes the first shot, and overtime may occur again if one team sinks all of their opponent’s cups.

Can you bounce off anywhere in Beer Pong?

The beer pong rules state that you can hop anywhere on the table as everything on the table is part of the game. Just remember that slow or long jumps are not a good idea as they give your opponents more time to bat the ball away.

What is the Pacific Ring of Fire?

The Ring of Fire, also referred to as the Circum-Pacific Belt, is a path along the Pacific Ocean characterized by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes. The majority of Earth’s volcanoes and earthquakes take place along the Ring of Fire.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

Also known as the Circum-Pacific Belt, the Ring of Fire is a path along the Pacific Ocean marked by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes. Its length is approximately 40,000 kilometers (24,900 miles). It traces boundaries between several tectonic plates – including the Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, Indo-Australia, Nazca, North American and Philippine plates.

75 percent of the earth’s volcanoes – more than 450 volcanoes – are located along the Ring of Fire. Ninety percent of Earth’s earthquakes occur along their path, including some of the planet’s most violent and dramatic seismic events.

The abundance of volcanoes and earthquakes along the Ring of Fire are caused by the movement of the tectonic plates in the area. Along much of the Ring of Fire, plates overlap at convergent boundaries called subduction zones. That is, the underlying plate is being pushed down, or subducted, by the overlying plate. When rock is subducted, it melts and becomes magma. The abundance of magma so close to the Earth’s surface creates conditions ripe for volcanic activity. A notable exception is the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates. This section of the Ring of Fire is a transformation boundary where plates move laterally past each other. This type of boundary creates a large number of earthquakes as stresses build and release in the earth’s crust.

Beer pong. Zero gets ring of fire

Beer pong. Zero gets ring of fire
Beer pong. Zero gets ring of fire

See some more details on the topic beer pong ring of death here:

Ring of Fire / Ring of Death – Rules of Beer Pong #3

Our favorite beer pong rule is the ring of fire (sometimes known as the ring of death). This rule states that if the front cup and bitch cup …

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Ring Of Fire Beer Pong Explained (AKA Circle Of Death)

Your goal is to hit the two back corner cups, the end of the pyram cup, and the center cup to make the ring of fire. That should be your …

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Date Published: 6/29/2021

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Beer Pong Rules: The Best House Rules For the Drinking Game

The Death Cup refers to any cup that’s been sunk but has yet to be fully consumed. Should a player sink a ball into the unfinished cup, the game …

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Date Published: 3/30/2022

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25 Best Rules of Beer Pong ideas – Pinterest

Sep 25, 2018 – Explore Beer Pong All-Stars’s board “Rules of Beer Pong” on Pinterest. … Ring of Fire / Ring of Death – Rules of Beer Pong #3.

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Death Pong – Urban Dictionary

The combination of arguably the best two drinking games out there, beer pong (Beirut) and circle of death (ring of fire, kings).

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Ring of Fire / Ring of Death – Rules of Beer Pong #3

3. Ring of Fire / Ring of Death

Our favorite beer pong rule is the ring of fire (sometime known as the ring of death). This rule states that when the front cup and bitch cup are hit along with the back corner cups without hitting any other cups, the game is over. Check out the chart below. This is the most satisfying way to win a beer pong game! When playing Ring of Death you can win the game before the other team is allowed to shoot. If both players make one of the crossed out cups in the first round, they get balls back. By crafting the remaining crossed out cups, they can form a ring of fire without giving the other team a chance to shoot. Make sure this rule is displayed in your home. New players often haven’t heard of it.

Beer Pong Rules: The Best House Rules For the Drinking Game

Beer pong is to drinking games what baseball is to sports: it’s the ultimate American pastime. It’s the one game that rules them all, the heart of every great party, the running of the gauntlet that determines a true winner of the night. And while the basic version of Beer Pong has its core rules, it’s important that each “house” come up with their own unique set of rules or variations to truly make the game their own. Here’s a list of seven great beer pong rule variations to add to your house rules asap.

Russian roulette

Increase the stakes by adding a Russian Roulette cup to each side. To build up, the teams fill all the cups with beer as usual and arrange them in a pyramid formation. Then the teams switch sides and secretly pour a shot of vodka into an opponent’s mug. Then the teams switch back and start the game. When the shot-spiked cup is hit, the drinker gets an extra kick in the pants from the vodka, adding an extra layer of excitement to the game.

death cup

If you’re playing with a Death Cup, make sure you chug your beer – quick. The Death Cup refers to any cup that has been sunk but not fully consumed. If a player sinks a ball into the unfinished cup, the game is over immediately. This rule motivates all players to finish their drinks quickly and holds everyone accountable for every beer.


Playing beer pong is like any other sport: sometimes it’s your turn, sometimes it’s not. And if you’re really down, you can play a game without winning a single trophy, which is bad news when playing with this rule. If you fail to make a cup during an entire game of beer pong, you are considered an underachiever, also known as “The Rog”. And as an underachiever, you’ll have to sit under the table next game. Hope the floor is clean. (Spoilers: the floor is never clean.)

bullet hit

Not every shot is a clean one. Rather than simply falling into a cup or missing it entirely, the ball sometimes spins around the rim before deciding its fate. If you’re quick enough to spot a shot like this before it falls into the cup, you can try to blow the ball out of the cup before it falls in. You can’t use anything other than your steely breath, so make sure you’re blowing hard and aiming well.

ring of fire

This rule applies to the ultra-competitive crowd rather than the “we really just want to drink and have fun” crowd. Not to be confused with the Ring of Fire drinking game, this rule states that if a team knocks out the three corner cups and the middle or “rookie” cup and forms a ring of connected solo cups, that team wins instantly. This rule rewards pinpoint accuracy with an automatic win, which is great for a quick table turnover, but not so great if you want to keep the game (and drinking) going.

Behind the back

The behind-the-back rule states that if you miss a shot but are able to get the ball off the table before it hits the ground, you are allowed to take another shot. The trick: You have to throw the ball behind your back. Good luck with this, but if you make it, you’ll be the hero of the party.


This rule requires you to have a stout on hand. As you fill your mugs during the build, fill one mug with a stout like Guinness so that it’s noticeably darker than the others. This cup is the “wormhole”. Each time someone sinks a ball into the wormhole, the teams switch sides. That means if your team has made it and made five trophies before the other team has even scored a goal, you’ll have to switch sides and take on their lost formation if they sink a ball into the wormhole. This gives some of the less qualified teams a chance at victory.

money ball

Start the game with two different colored balls, one white and another color. The ball that is not white is called the “money ball.” If you sink a cup with the money ball, you can shoot again and keep shooting until you miss, similar to being “on fire” after making three cups in three consecutive rounds. Any teammate can shoot the moneyball at the start of a round, but if someone does the moneyball in a cup, they must keep shooting until they miss – no switching shooters mid-turn. This is a good rule to enforce if you want to speed up a game as the queue to the table approaches

the double digits.

Battleship Pong

Picture Battleship, the classic game where you guess a combination of letters and numbers on a grid to try to sink your opponent’s battleship, but with beer. To play Battleship Pong, set up tall dividers that prevent teams from seeing their opponents’ cups. Arrange your cups behind your divider however you like. Some rules suggest keeping four cups together, three cups together, two cups together, and a single cup to simulate the different battleship parts, but feel free to arrange them however you like. Then start throwing balls over your opponent’s partition and try sinking the ball into their cups. It’s important to pay attention to every cup contact so you at least know the approximate area of ​​the cup when you’re not sinking it. Also, feel free to play two shots at once – this may take a while.

Bermuda Triangle

In commemoration of the numerous ships and planes that were never heard of again after traveling through the triangle area between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda, the Bermuda Triangle rule in Beer Pong states that you throw your opponent’s cups like this sink so that a triangle is formed from untouched cups you must not ask for a re-insertion. Think of it as a communication jam. Only by making one of the cups in the triangle can you restore your right to re-stack and create the Bermuda Triangle.

Beer Pong Rules – House/Party/College Rules

If it’s the first game of the night, Eyes’ first shot will be decided. This occurs when a player from each team shoots the ball while maintaining eye contact with their opponent throughout the shot. If both players miss or both players make it, their partners shoot now. This goes on until one person makes it and their opponent doesn’t. The hit cup is not removed; The ball is removed and rolled back to the team that sunk the shot. If it is not the first game, the winner of the previous game shoots first. When new teams are formed or when the winning team quits, “eyes” are again taken to see who goes first.

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