Blissful Gal Live Happy And Healthy? The 103 Latest Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “blissful gal live happy and healthy“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Louise Hay – Affirmation for Happy Healthy Fulfilling Peaceful Life

Louise Hay – Affirmation for Happy Healthy Fulfilling Peaceful Life
Louise Hay – Affirmation for Happy Healthy Fulfilling Peaceful Life

See some more details on the topic blissful gal live happy and healthy here:

Finding Your Happiness And Bliss – Vera Whole Health

That’s just one question you’ll need to explore as you make your way toward a blissful, wholehearted, and happy life.

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When can one get a happy and blissful life? – Quora

For better, I can call them as Spiritual Happiness, Mental Happiness And Physical Happines. If you want to keep them in a healthy state and in balance, then you …

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Blissful Health with Emma – Facebook

A holistic health + nutrition coach and mum to my little boy… … Happy 6 months (corrected) baby girl ❤️ … Best time of your lives.

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Date Published: 10/16/2022

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Happiness and Joy – Living a Blissful Life – HealthyPlace

Have you ever wondered about the mental health benefits of the yoga philosophy? I always felt emotionally refreshed after a yoga and recently I began yoga …

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Date Published: 3/14/2022

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Finding Your Happiness And Bliss

What is the essence of (individual) happiness? That is just one question to ask yourself as you embark on a blissful, full-hearted, and happy life.

The New York Times article “How to Be Happy” explores how to define and strive for happiness. The article points out that there is a difference in the tangibility of happiness; it’s not about things, status or relationships. It’s about recognizing what things are at our core and truly give us meaning, value, and joy. And being okay with the possibility of disappointment, knowing that “if we don’t actively try to be happy, we’re much more likely not to be happy at all.”

The article also emphasized that it makes no difference if an extreme event, bad or good, happens in the life of a “lucky” (long-term) person. Studies have shown that with practice, you can return to your baseline of “happiness” and even increase or increase your baseline. Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neutral connections throughout life, makes it possible to develop happiness, or a state of bliss.

In this article, you’ll read about 11 ways to find out what makes you happy, including:

Do something you love. Keep working.

love your surroundings Create a positive environment.

Find humor and laugh.

Move and train body, mind and soul.

Nurture relationships by surrounding yourself with other/loved ones.

Do it now (don’t wait for tomorrow).

Be yourself, authentic.

Be of service to others. Connect with those who need connection.

Practice self-compassion.

Let go.

Lean into intent/discomfort.

Do something you love. Keep working.

“Happiness is within, not without; therefore it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are.” —Henry van Dyke

Focus on making the most of your life and doing what you love instead of getting things.

We say it all the time, “I want you to be healthy and happy.” What we want for others, we want for ourselves. As a health coach, I hear this over and over at the beginning and throughout a person’s journey to “be their truest and best self.” I believe it’s built into all of us to long for our own unique happiness or bliss.

The more we strive to get more out of life, the better we become as individuals and the happier we become. Less is more, it occurs to me, or placing less emphasis on things, power and accumulation of “stuff” and more on the joy we have when we feel fulfilled.

love your surroundings Create a positive environment.

Connecting with nature gives us awareness and appreciation, which may increase our joy or happiness. Create a positive environment for yourself at work, at home, with family or friends, or go into the great outdoors, a park, a favorite walk, or any other area that appeals to you and brings you joy.

Nature can help:

regulate emotions

improve memory

benefits those suffering from depression

improve our mood for the better

revitalize us

motivate us

reduce stress

strengthen our immune system

Reduce hypertension and the risk of tachycardia

Increase awareness and focus

help us get better

give us increased concentration

reduces the likelihood of developing ADD

Find humor and laugh.

Humor and laughter can be associated with happiness. Ever heard of laughter therapy? It is a real thing and has been associated with leading and engaging with the world with a more positive attitude or perspective. One of our health coaches has used this with patients and I have participated as a health coach. It’s amazing how even a forced laugh will eventually turn into a real laugh and change the mood.

Laughter helps release endorphins and can balance a bad situation or difficult circumstance. A little laughter and humor can lift the human soul out of the negative. Practice laughing and see if it makes a difference for you.

Move and train body, mind and soul.

When we move our bodies (especially regularly) during activity or exercise, we get those doses of hormones called endorphins that make us humans feel positive or happy. In a recent WebMD article, they explain it by saying that we have happy chemicals in our bodies that appear like euphoric states. I liken it to a runner’s high. These hormones and states give us a positive and energetic attitude.

I’ve heard this from others and know it personally; that I feel drained of energy when I’m not exercising regularly (for me, running or cycling, or both, is daily). If I skip exercise for just one day or wait until later in the day to get it done, my energy and mood aren’t the same. This also explains why for many of us, exercising in the morning sets a positive and happier mood for the day.

Nurture relationships by surrounding yourself with other/loved ones.

As a health coach, creating a strong coaching plan or action plan with my clients is at the heart of how to start moving forward in behavior change. The question asked of the patient is: “What drives or motivates you? generally, both internally and externally?” More than 80-90% of people respond with some version of a relationship, whether it’s family, building relationships with others, or the need to be social. There is a need for genuine friendships and Having relationships with others, confiding in others, and a sense of belonging.

Do it now (don’t wait for tomorrow).

“One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that we all tend to procrastinate. We all dream of a magical rose garden on the horizon – instead of enjoying the roses that bloom outside our windows today.” – Dale Carnegie

A theme I’ve heard from my health coaching clients in the nearly 14 years I’ve been in this space is “no regrets” and the desire to “age well.” When I think about it, I find myself saying Dr. Hear Wayne Dyer’s voice in my head encouraging people to make the most of the only thing we know we have for sure, the present. He says: “Don’t die with your music still in you.” That’s how I hear it, don’t put things off, work on the areas of your life or your deep desires and dreams now. Even if that means taking the smallest steps towards them.

Be yourself, authentic.

“Just be yourself,” you hear people say, but what does that really mean?

According to the Via Institute on Character, character strengths are distinct from your other personal strengths (your unique skills, talents, interests, and resources) because they reflect the “real” you – who you are at your core.

The study of strengths began in the early 2000s to scientifically examine the positive qualities of humans. From these hundreds of articles and research across many cultures emerged a groundbreaking test of strength, or the VIA Strengths of Character Survey. This test measures 24 strengths of character in people, which in turn allows a person to delve into their core of who they really “are.” This information can unlock not only your potential but also your progress towards bliss or happiness.

Be of service to others. Connect with those who need connection.

“Those who want to feel good do good” is the motto of Action for Happiness. They talk about how not only do people get an endorphin-rich boost when they help others, but that people who see that act of kindness and receive the act of kindness receive the same physical, emotional, and mental benefits. Isn’t that interesting?

Connecting with others is a way to feel good about yourself. It allows us to be more open, accept help, and build self-efficacy and a stronger community.

Practice self-compassion.

Loving ourselves with compassion, being free from our self-criticism and self-judgment, is a difficult endeavor for most of us. According to (Barnard & Curry, 2011) and Neff (2003) in an article on “The Importance of Happiness and Psychological Wellbeing”, self-compassion is a state of mind with three main elements:

Self-kindness versus self-judgment Sense of shared humanity versus isolation Mindfulness versus over-identification

In this article they also talk about how compassion for ourselves enables growth, acceptance, understanding and comfort in our own lives and can point the way to a more resilient and happier life. Not that we don’t still have to deal with difficult situations and tragedies in our lives, but we will reassure ourselves that these things are a common humanity. This gives us the tools to find clarity, value and balance when faced with difficulties.

Let go.

In a Positive Psychology online article (September 2014) on letting go, Suzanne Gerber talks about how “the ego never wants to give up; it wants to be right”. and clinging to things, but how different is the heart. The article goes on to say, “People usually give up when they realize something isn’t working in their life and they need to find a new approach.” Once that overwhelming feeling is in play, the only path to peace is through it to let go or “let go” of it. When one can do this, a movement begins toward bliss or happiness and away from the negative struggles of the ego or the “being right/this is how I do things/I can’t change” mindset.

Lean into intent/discomfort.

When we lean into discomfort and come out the other side, there can be a great sense of accomplishment, relief, and a higher sense of confidence. When we return to purposeful living, we gain calm and self-confidence.

I think of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and how uncomfortable and insecure we all felt. At the outset of this terrible crisis, trying to overcome it was probably a process of learning, grieving and “clinging on”. Some of us may have come to the perspective of gratitude for the simple things and relationships that we may have once taken for granted. “Leaning” wasn’t necessarily a choice, but it may have benefited our planet, our relationships, and ourselves (in the form of appreciation).

You will know you are in a state of bliss when you experience one or more of the following (says Psychology Today):

You have numerous experiences of synchronicity.

You feel like you are contributing to the common good.

You feel energetic.

You feel extraordinarily creative.

You feel completely alive.

You feel playful and happy.

You feel a direction in your life.

You have a deep sense of meaning.

The search for happiness means making a commitment to delve and discover what makes you truly happy or blissful; be willing to try something new (without judgment or the harsh criticism in you); and to practice this new way of thinking, being and acting. Stay the course and all of this will lead you to your happiness!

Remember that you are unique and have many skills, dreams and gifts that will guide you in your own unique direction. So, good luck on your expedition and adventures, my friends!


Online article, Humor Makes Us Happy and Happiness Is Contagious, December 22, 2017, by Peg O’Connor Ph.D. Posted on May 18, 2018.

Positive Psychology Articles, The positive effects of nature on your mental well-being. By Madhuleena Roy Chowdhury, BA, 05/06/2020.

(Online) Article in Home Psychology, Happiness Is Not Doing What You Want, It’s Loving What You Do (June 10, 2016)

WebMD medical reference reviewed by Smitha Bhandari, MD on February 18, 2020.

Article online, New York Times, author Tara Parker-Pope, September 2019.

Online site, Action for Happiness: % 20only our%20time%2C%20ideas%20and%20energy.

Online site for the Today Show (2020), article How to be Happy.

5 Daily Tips for Happiness, Bliss and Positivity in Life, by Katherine Hurst (2020).

When can one get a happy and blissful life?

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Happiness and Joy – Living a Blissful Life

There are signs of healthy relationships just as there are red flags of unhealthy ones. Almost everyone can relate to being in an unhealthy relationship. It’s easy to see when those we care about are inside them, but sometimes it’s harder to see when we’re in the middle of one ourselves. Luckily, there is a lot of information from relationship experts online and in books about red flags in relationships. But what about green lights for relationships? What are the signs that you are in a healthy relationship? Read on to find out what I’ve learned about the six signs of a healthy relationship.

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