Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks? 62 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can guinea pigs eat leeks“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 474 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

What food is poisonous to guinea pigs?

Make sure you do not feed your guinea pigs the following foods (this is not an exhaustive list): cereals; grains; nuts; seeds; dried beans, corn, and peas; buttercups; garden shrubs (such as hemlock or privet); lilies of any kind; sweet peas; nightshade; oak; avocado; onion grass; onions; potato tops; mushrooms; …

What vegetables can guinea pigs not eat?

  • Iceberg lettuce and the lighter lettuces give guinea pigs diarrhea. …
  • Cabbage, cauliflower, or other gassy veggies can lead to bloat. …
  • Avocado. …
  • Onions, leeks, chives, or shallots can lead to blood disorders.

Is onion toxic to guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs cannot eat onions. Even a small amount of onion can poison and kill guinea pigs, making onions one of the most poisonous vegetables available. Although guinea pigs are not technically allergic to onions, onion compounds are highly toxic.

What veg can guinea pigs eat?

Vegetables like red or green pepper and broccoli have high levels of vitamin C in them and are great daily options. Add carrots, zucchini, tomato or sweet potato once or twice a week.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

What can guinea pigs eat?

And how much? Guinea pigs don’t usually overeat, but it’s important to get the right balance of pellets, hay, and fresh vegetables. Like humans, guinea pigs cannot make their own vitamin C, so they need foods rich in vitamin C in their daily diet.

Commercial food: Choose vitamin C-enriched pellets with no added seeds or dried fruit. Because vitamin C is normally broken down fairly quickly, it’s important to also offer your guinea pig vitamin C-rich vegetables and fruit on a daily basis. About 1/8 cup of pellets once a day – supplemented with hay and fresh vegetables as detailed below – is sufficient.

Timothy hay: Offer unlimited fresh timothy hay daily. Guinea pigs need constant access to hay to aid in their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth.

Guinea pig hay on

Fruits and Vegetables: Fresh vegetables can be offered once a day and should total about one cup per guinea pig per day. Leafy greens like romaine lettuce, red and green leaf lettuce, kale, cilantro, and parsley should make up the bulk of your pig’s fresh produce. The best way to add variety is to feed different greens each day. Vegetables like red or green peppers and broccoli are high in vitamin C and are great options for everyday use. Add carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, or sweet potatoes once or twice a week.

Guinea Pig Pellets on

Fruit works well as an occasional treat, offered once a day or several times a week. Keep the portion size small as fruit is high in sugar; a small slice of orange or apple, several blueberries or a thin slice of banana are sufficient. Kiwis, strawberries and citrus fruits are high in vitamin C.

Introduce new fruits and vegetables gradually to avoid diarrhea. If your guinea pig develops loose stools, reduce the amount of fresh produce for a few days and then reintroduce it in smaller portions.

Note: Because guinea pigs are prone to painful bladder stones, and some bladder stones are made up of calcium oxalate, reducing or eliminating foods high in oxalate — such as spinach, parsley, and strawberries — may be beneficial in guinea pigs that develop calcium oxalate stones . Read a more detailed explanation and consult a veterinarian specializing in guinea pigs for specific nutritional questions.

Time for treats

There are a variety of commercial treats marketed for guinea pigs and other small animals. Loaded with artificial sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup, fructose, or sucrose, they provide little nutritional value and lots of empty calories.

Commercial treats are unnecessary and a waste of money. Your pig will be completely happy with quality pellets and hay, as well as fruit and vegetable treats. For a special snack, try mixing some oatmeal into your guinea pig’s pellets or filling a small cardboard tube with fresh hay.

Why do guinea pigs cry?

Some guinea pigs will squeal when they are experiencing potential pain or they need attention. It can sometimes be that another guinea pig is stealing his favorite spot to eat. Pay attention to your guinea pig if you hear a squeal because it could indicate that they need help from something hurting them.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

Guinea pigs use a variety of sounds to communicate

You go to get the hay sack and you know it’s coming – the guinea pig thighs! At Kaytee, our guinea pigs LOVE hay and it’s clear that those are happy sounds because they think they’re getting their favorite food. But that’s not the only noise our pets make. Have you heard your guinea pig do a?


? Or purr?

We’ve compiled a list of common guinea pig noises to help you better understand your pet’s needs. While we can’t speak “guinea pigs,” we can learn more about our pets to better care for them in need and connect with them when they’re satisfied.

Use these tips below to better understand how your guinea pig is feeling or trying to communicate.


This sound indicates a disturbance or slight excitement. They can hear it when they are disturbed by something that is going on. It can also sometimes be used for attention. If your guinea pig is feeling neglected, you may hear a few chirping sounds as it seeks its owner’s attention.


The chut is a common sound guinea pigs make to themselves and to each other. It indicates contentment in their home or environment. Owners often hear chuts when a guinea pig explores its habitat.


If you hear a chuttering noise, you should be careful. This could indicate a slight dissatisfaction with another guinea pig around them or something else. They usually don’t want to be disturbed when they make this noise. These rattling noises are sometimes followed by howling.


If your guinea pig is startled, it will likely make a drrr noise. This is their version of saying “Ah” or “Wow” when they hear a loud noise or something unexpectedly bothers them. When this sound is made, most guinea pigs will freeze in place because they are frightened.


Guinea pigs scream when they are frightened or when they are arguing with another animal. Pay close attention to your pet if you hear a cry.


Some guinea pigs will squeak when they sense potential pain or need attention. It can sometimes happen that another guinea pig steals its favorite place to eat. Pay attention to your guinea pig when you hear a squeak, as it could indicate that it needs help from something that is hurting it.


Tweets are made by younger guinea pigs after nursing. This sound occurs after they have relieved themselves. You probably won’t hear that from an adult guinea pig.


As previously mentioned, a wheel shows the excitement of being let out, eaten, or gambled. Owners hear their guinea pigs panting when they’re being fed, when they hear their favorite treat bag, or when they’re excited to play with something. On the contrary, a low wheel usually means the owner is on their way to the habitat and will be making this noise until reunited with their owner or guinea pig pal.

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Please note that all pets are unique. Some behaviors may indicate something other than what is typical. It’s important to keep your guinea pig safe and healthy by controlling irregular activities and taking your pet for regular vet check-ups.


Source: Animal Planet, Guinea Pigs by Julie Mancini

Why is iceberg lettuce toxic for guinea pigs?

High Calcium

Another problem with feeding your guinea pig iceberg lettuce is that it contains a large amount of calcium which can be harmful to your pet. Too much calcium in your pet’s diet can result in bladder stones and kidney stones. Most experts prefer to provide foods with less calcium to keep their pets healthy.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

Iceberg lettuce is a popular and inexpensive food that many of us have at home. Most of us consider it healthy, so it’s common to wonder if it’s safe to feed our guinea pig. Iceberg lettuce will not harm your guinea pig, and it’s okay if eaten in small portions. However, it’s best to keep a few things in mind before making it a regular part of your diet. Read on as we look at the nutritional value and the pros and cons of consuming it. We’ll also tell you how much to feed and some substitutes to try.

Is Iceberg Lettuce Bad For My Guinea Pig?

High water content

One problem with feeding your guinea pig iceberg lettuce is that it contains a lot of water. Too much water can upset your pet’s stomach and cause diarrhea or even vomiting.

Low Nutrients

While eating lettuce isn’t bad for your guinea pig, it doesn’t provide much nutritional value and won’t help your pet meet their daily needs. Most other types of lettuce provide your pet with more vitamins and minerals that can help them thrive and stay healthy. Vitamin C, in particular, is an important nutrient that’s lacking in iceberg lettuce, which you can get in other varieties. Guinea pigs are prone to scurvy, which is the result of not getting enough vitamin C. Scurvy can cause rough hair and diarrhea and death in its early stages if you don’t take steps to control it.

High calcium content

Another problem with feeding your guinea pig iceberg lettuce is that it contains a large amount of calcium, which can be harmful to your pet. Too much calcium in your pet’s diet can lead to bladder and kidney stones. Most experts prefer to offer foods with less calcium to keep their pets healthy.


Lettuce’s large surface area can accumulate a large amount of pesticides, and these chemicals can find their way into your pet’s diet and cause health problems. Guinea pigs’ small bodies are particularly vulnerable to the toxic chemicals in pesticides. You must wash the lettuce thoroughly before feeding it to your pet to minimize the risk of poisoning.

Is Iceberg Lettuce Good For My Guinea Pig?


Iceberg lettuce provides your guinea pig with essential carbohydrates that are important for energy and help keep your pet active.

omega fats

Iceberg lettuce provides your guinea pig with essential omega fatty acids. These fats help keep your pet’s coat soft, and it helps reduce inflammation and relieve the pain of arthritis. They can also help slow the progression of osteoarthritis by up to 50%.


Although not found in large amounts, iceberg lettuce provides your pet with several nutrients, including vitamins A, E, K, and B. These vitamins can help improve vision, blood clotting, and the immune system. Minerals in iceberg lettuce, including potassium and magnesium, help balance electrolytes and prevent muscle pain.


Iceberg lettuce provides your guinea pig with plenty of fiber, which can help balance your pet’s digestive system. Fiber helps prevent constipation and diarrhea by regulating water balance in the gut. However, too much fiber can lead to bloating and stomach cramps.

How Much Iceberg Lettuce Should I Feed My Guinea Pig?

You can feed your guinea pig a leaf of iceberg lettuce once a week if your pet likes it. Make sure you wash it well and you can cut it into 1 inch squares or leave it in one piece.


Since iceberg lettuce doesn’t contain many nutrients, there are several other options available. If your pet likes lettuce, we recommend romaine lettuce instead, but green leafy lettuce is another healthy option you might want to try. You can also feed these next few foods to provide your pet with a healthy and balanced meal.


We recommend limiting the iceberg lettuce your pet eats to small amounts, once a week at most, if it is one of your pet’s favorite foods. However, it is better to choose one of the other options we have mentioned since your pet will get more food and less calcium. Because calcium can lead to bladder stones, it’s one of the biggest concerns for guinea pig owners. Feeding your pet iceberg lettuce means cutting back on other calcium-rich foods for a few days. If your pet ate something while you weren’t looking, don’t worry.

We hope you enjoyed reading and found this advice useful. If we helped answer your questions, please share this guide to feeding your guinea pig iceberg lettuce on Facebook and Twitter.

Learn more about food safety for your guinea pig:

Selected image source: Pezibear, Pixabay

What is the best veg to feed guinea pigs?

Summary. Of all the vegetables we have listed, the best ones are asparagus, broccoli, bell peppers, dandelions, romaine lettuce, spinach, and zucchini. You can begin adding these foods to your guinea pig’s daily diet to help them get the nutrients they need to live long, healthy lives.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

If you’ve just bought your first guinea pig, you’re probably excited to learn more about it, and one of the most important things to understand is how to provide it with a balanced diet that will keep it healthy so that it grows full life can lead life. Guinea pigs enjoy eating grass and timothy hay, but they also enjoy eating a variety of vegetables. We’ve compiled a list of safe vegetables to feed your pet to speed up the process and minimize the risk of feeding them something unhealthy. We provide you with a picture of each food along with a short description explaining what makes it good. Join us as we look at the ingredients of different types of vegetables that you can feed your guinea pig to help you feel comfortable with the dinners you offer.

The 17 Best Vegetables for Guinea Pigs (A-Z):

1. Asparagus

Asparagus is a perfect example of a nutritious vegetable that you can feed your guinea pig frequently. It is low in sugar and provides your pet with many vitamins and minerals. It is also unlikely to cause an upset stomach or diarrhea. It is low in pesticides, so there is less risk of health problems after washing. You can feed your pet up to ¼ cup of raw chopped asparagus several times a week.

2. Basil

Basil is healthy and provides your pet with plenty of vitamin C and other nutrients, and is low in fat and sugar. However, it contains a lot of calcium, so you should not give it to your pet every day. Most experts recommend limiting the amount to less than a handful of chopped basil once or twice a week.

3. Beets

You can feed your guinea pig all parts of the beet plant, including the roots, leaves, and stems. It provides plenty of vitamins, potassium and fiber. The only downside to beets is that they are high in calcium, which can be harmful to guinea pigs if they get too much. Most experts recommend giving your pet a quarter cup as a treat once a week.

4. Peppers

Bell peppers are a great vegetable to feed your pet. It contains several vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C. It’s also low in sugar, making it a perfect staple. Cut raw peppers into manageable sizes and give them to your pet every day.

5. Broccoli

Broccoli is a safe food for your guinea pig and you can start adding it to their daily diet. All parts of the plant are edible and provide your pet with many beneficial nutrients. Most experts recommend adding about a teaspoon of broccoli to your pet’s daily diet.

6. Cabbage

Both red and green cabbage make excellent additions to your guinea pig’s diet, and most experts recommend feeding them raw two or three times a week for optimal health. It is high in vitamins and minerals but can cause digestive problems in some guinea pigs. Start with small amounts to see how your pet reacts.

7. Carrots

Carrots are a healthy vegetable that your guinea pig will love to chew on. It’s one of her favorites, so it’s a great treat. However, carrots are high in sugar, so you can only offer them in small amounts of less than ¼ cup several times a week. Your pet can also eat the green tops of carrots, which are also high in nutrients, but these are high in calcium, so you should only offer them once a week.

8. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a common garden vegetable that is safe for your guinea pig in small amounts. Most pigs prefer the leaves of the plant, which are also better for them to eat. Experts recommend offering it raw, as cooking vegetables removes the nutrients.

9. Celery

Celery is another nutritious food that you should only offer your guinea pig once or twice a week as it can cause diarrhea in some pets and is also high in calcium which can cause health problems. It’s a rich source of vitamin C and guinea pigs tend to enjoy it, but you shouldn’t offer more than ¼ stalk along with the leaves at a time as a treat. Adding other vegetables can also help balance nutrients and reduce the risk of diarrhea.

10. Leafy cabbage

Collards contain a variety of helpful nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K. Some studies show that collards may help balance blood sugar due to an enzyme they contain called alpha-lipoic acid. However, it’s also high in calcium and water, so only give less than a handful once a week to avoid diarrhea and other health problems.

11. Cucumber

Cucumbers are safe for your guinea pig if you cut them up into small pieces, and they contain some beneficial nutrients. It’s also 97% water, so has almost no calories and is a great way to keep your pet hydrated during the summer months. However, this high water content can also lead to diarrhea, vomiting and a feeling of fullness in your pet. Most experts recommend opting for more nutritious foods, except as a summer treat or to help with constipation.

12. Dandelion

Dandelions are extremely healthy and you can add them to your pet’s diet every day by breaking some of them up into smaller pieces. This weed grows in almost every garden, so it’s one of the cheapest options on this list. It can help lower blood sugar, increase appetite and boost the immune system.

13. Kale

Kale is a healthy food for humans because it is packed with nutrients. However, it contains too much calcium to give to your pet every day. The high moisture levels can also lead to diarrhea and vomiting, so most experts recommend limiting it to less than a handful once a week.

14. Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce is a large leafy green that your guinea pig is sure to enjoy eating. It has many nutrients that are beneficial for your pet and it also provides them with fiber that helps regulate their digestive system. You can feed your pet romaine lettuce several times a week as long as you wash it well to remove pesticides. Cut it into 1 inch squares to make it easier to eat.

15. Spinach

Most experts consider spinach to be one of the healthiest foods to offer your guinea pig. It’s packed with fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients to keep your pet healthy. The only downside to spinach is that the large flat leaves can become contaminated with pesticides, so it’s important to wash them off before giving them to your pet. Although your pig can eat the entire leaf, it’s usually better to cut it into 1-inch squares to avoid a mess.

16. Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is another popular vegetable with many beneficial nutrients, but contains too much calcium to feed your pet every day. If your pet likes this treat, you can break up a small amount and give less than a handful once or twice a week.

17. Zucchini

Zucchini is a nutritious plant that provides your pet with plenty of immune-boosting vitamin C and other beneficial nutrients. You can add it to your pet’s daily diet as it has no harmful side effects. Cut the zucchini into small manageable pieces and add them to your guinea pig’s daily diet.


Of all the vegetables we’ve listed, the best are asparagus, broccoli, peppers, dandelion, romaine lettuce, spinach, and zucchini. You can start adding these foods to your guinea pig’s daily diet to give them the nutrients they need to live a long, healthy life. Wash the vegetables in warm water to remove any pesticides and wax that may be present, and cut the food into small pieces your pet can handle. Always serve vegetables raw or at maximum nutritional value.

We hope you enjoyed reading through this list and found some new ideas to try. If we helped you create a more varied pet feeding plan, please share the best vegetables for guinea pigs on Facebook and Twitter.

Selected image source: Fraukefein, Pixabay

Can you overfeed guinea pigs?

Overfeeding can be damaging to your guinea pig’s digestion tract, and cause obesity. To prevent yourself from overfeeding your guinea pig, all you need to do is serve your guinea pigs the right portioned meals and cut down on unnecessary sugary treats.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

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Do guinea pigs have to have veggies every day?

Guinea pigs’ need fresh greens and vegetables every day to help them get enough vitamin C (they can’t produce it themselves). Our vets’ advise one teacup of greens and veg, per guinea pig, per day, which can be split into morning and evening feeds.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

Guinea pigs need fresh vegetables and greens every day to get enough vitamin C (they cannot produce it themselves).

Our vets recommend a teacup of greens and vegetables per guinea pig per day, which can be split between the morning and evening feedings. Try to aim for a variety of 5-6 different greens (including some high in vitamin C) to ensure they have a balanced nutrient balance. If your guinea pig is new to fresh vegetables and greens, introduce them slowly and don’t give them more than the recommended daily allowance as this can cause an upset stomach.

There are a wide range of green vegetables that are safe to feed your guinea pigs – some contain more vitamin C than others. Take a look at our list below for ideas:

Can guinea pigs have tomatoes?

The ripened tomato fruit is the only safe part of the plant that guinea pigs can eat. Guinea pigs cannot eat unripened tomatoes, tomato leaves or tomato stem. These parts of the plant contain a compound called “Tomatine”. Similar to Solanine it is a glycoalkaloid poison, commonly found in nightshade species of plants.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes?

Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes?

Guinea pigs can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, but it can be difficult to discern which ones are best, safest, and healthiest.

Tomatoes are safe for guinea pigs. Tomatoes have many beneficial nutritional benefits, including:

Great source of fiber – necessary for healthy digestion

Rich in Vitamin C – A necessary vitamin in your diet

Rich in Vitamin K – Helps with bone development

Folate – A B vitamin that supports tissue growth

Are all parts of the tomato safe to feed?

Unfortunately, no. The ripened tomato fruit is the only safe part of the plant for guinea pigs to eat. Guinea pigs cannot eat unripe tomatoes, tomato leaves, or tomato stalks. These parts of the plant contain a compound called “tomatine.” Similar to solanine, it is a glycoalkaloid toxin commonly found in nightshades. It is found in small amounts in the tomato plant.

Although this compound is not toxic to humans in small amounts, this compound can cause health problems in a small guinea pig due to its size. It is best to feed only the safely ripened fruits of the plant and avoid areas where there are tomato located in the stem, unripe fruits and leaves.

How often can I feed my guinea pig tomatoes?

A small cherry tomato per day can be fed. It can be included in your guinea pig’s diet on a daily basis, but tomatoes are also high in oxalic acid. Too much oxalic acid can cause a condition called cheilitis. This condition causes a scab to form on the guinea pig’s mouth, which can be painful. It requires veterinary treatment when developed, generally in the form of an antibiotic lotion or cream, with a dietary change that removes elements rich in oxalic acid.

Therefore, it is best not to feed more than one cherry tomato per day or every other day. Tomato can also be a wonderful treat for your guinea pig if you add a small amount to your guinea pig house or coop. Most guinea pigs really enjoy eating the delicious fruit.

Can guinea pigs eat cucumbers?

Cucumber: Guinea Pigs can eat both the flesh, seeds (not too much) and the skin. Green beans:These contain vitamin C, and can be fed in a raw state. However, be cautious as they also contain calcium and phosphorus.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

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Which hay is best for guinea pigs?

Hay and grass should make up the bulk of your pig’s diet.

As a baby (or puppy), alfalfa hay is best for your guinea pig as it contains more calcium.

However, as your guinea pig grows, consider switching to hay with a lower calcium content. Too much calcium can lead to problems like bladder stones.

Timothy hay is best for your guinea pig as an adult. It’s lower in calcium and higher in fiber, so it’s your best bet.

Access to unlimited amounts of hay and grass is essential as it helps control the growth of their teeth and keeps their intestines healthy.

Without plenty of hay and grass, your guinea pig could develop serious dental disease and digestive problems.

Guinea pigs love grass and hay and it is important that they have constant access to it.

What else do guinea pigs eat best?

Pelleted food can also be part of your guinea pig’s diet. You should make sure that they are high in fiber and contain protected vitamin C.

You should also provide some vegetables and the occasional fruit, as these can be high in vitamin C and other nutrients. Vitamin C is an essential part of your guinea pig’s diet. Learn more about vitamin C.

You can buy guinea pig food from Jollyes and other good pet stores.

We can offer £2,000 vet cost coverage for guinea pigs. Find out more about our guinea pig insurance

Guinea pigs can eat hay and grass indefinitely.

What vegetables can guinea pigs eat? | What fruit can guinea pigs eat? | to avoid guinea pig food | Guinea Pigs and Grass Clippings | General advice on feeding your guinea pig | Calcium to Phosphorus | Oxalic Acid and Calcium and Your Guinea Pig | Vitamin C in Your Guinea Pig’s Diet | Treats for Guinea Pigs | Can you mix guinea pig and rabbit food together?

What vegetables can guinea pigs eat?

Guinea pigs can eat a number of vegetables. Don’t forget, however, that hay and grass should make up the bulk of your piggy’s diet.

The following vegetables are safe for your guinea pig:

Asparagus: This contains some oxalate and phosphorus. It also contains vitamin C. You can feed your guinea pig asparagus occasionally.

Broccoli: This contains vitamin C, but also contains high amounts of vitamin A, so it should be fed occasionally.

Cabbage: This contains high amounts of vitamin C. However, do not overfeed your guinea pig with it as it can cause gas and bloating.

Carrots: These are loved by guinea pigs but contain sugar that can lead to dental problems and diabetes. They also contain oxalate, which can lead to oxalate stones. They also contain high amounts of vitamin A. Carrots can be fed occasionally.

Cauliflower: Can be fed to your guinea pig occasionally. It contains vitamin C but can also give your guinea pig gas.

Corn on the Cob: This contains vitamin C but is high in starch, so only feed occasionally, once or twice a week.

Cucumber: Guinea pigs can eat the flesh, the seeds (not too much), and the skin.

Green beans: These contain vitamin C and can be fed raw. Be careful though, as they also contain calcium and phosphorus.

Peas: Like most vegetables, these contain phosphorus and calcium. However, they also contain vitamin C. You can feed your guinea pig peas in moderation.

Parsley: This can be a good snack for your guinea pig. It can be fed occasionally, once or twice a week.

Parsnips: Can be fed frequently and are a tasty vegetable for your guinea pig

Raw Beetroot: This can be fed to your guinea pig once or twice a week occasionally. It does not contain oxalates, but a small amount of calcium and phosphorus.

Sprouts: These contain phosphorus and oxalic acid. They can also cause gas. They can be fed occasionally, once or twice a week.

Spinach: Your guinea pig may eat this occasionally, but be aware that it can cause stones when mixed with calcium. This is due to the high oxalate content.

Pumpkin: Can be fed to your guinea pig in moderation.

Tomatoes: Can be fed frequently. However, the green stalk is poisonous, so don’t let your piggy eat it.

Kohlrabi: These are low in phosphorus and high in calcium. They also have a reasonable amount of vitamin C. They can be fed to your guinea pig once or twice a week occasionally.

Watercress can be fed occasionally. It is good for your guinea pig and is high in vitamin C.

Red cabbage is high in vitamin C and has a hint of calcium. You can feed it frequently.

Red Peppers: These are high in vitamin C and can be fed frequently.

Kohlrabi contain vitamin C, they also contain calcium and a touch of phosphorus. You can occasionally feed your guinea pig this once or twice a week.

You should be aware that different vegetables contain different amounts of vitamin C, phosphorus, oxalates and sugars.

When are guinea pigs allowed out? Find out more…

What fruit can guinea pigs eat?

Guinea pigs can eat a number of fruits in limited quantities. These should only be fed as a treat as they are high in sugar. Read our list to find out what fruits your piggy can eat:

Bananas: These should be fed infrequently as they are high in sugar and can cause constipation.

Blueberries: These can be fed frequently and are a good source of vitamin C.

Oranges: These should be fed occasionally as citrus fruits can cause mouth sores.

Pears: These should be fed occasionally and are a good source of vitamin C.

Pineapple: This should be fed occasionally as it is acidic and can cause mouth sores.

Plums can be fed occasionally, but they are high in sugar.

Occasionally, strawberries including the green tops can also be fed.

Eating Frequency Guide: Frequent is 2-4 times a week; Occasionally is once or twice a week; Rarely once or twice a month. You can feed your piggy about a cup per chosen day of your chosen fruit or vegetable.

What setup do you need for your guinea pig? Experience…

Here are some very frequently asked questions about food:

Can guinea pigs eat grapes?

Yes, piggies can eat grapes frequently, but be aware that they are high in sugar, which can lead to dental and obesity problems.

Can guinea pigs eat celery?

Yes, piggies can eat celery and it also contains vitamin C. However, you should be careful as it has a stringy texture that could pose a choking hazard.

Can guinea pigs eat dandelions?

Yes, piggies love dandelions, both the stem and the flower. However, be sure to wash them thoroughly before feeding them and avoid picking them by the side of the road or in places where pollutants or pesticides may be present.

Can guinea pigs eat apples?

Yes, you can only eat apples occasionally due to their high sugar content. Do not feed your pig the seeds as they can be poisonous.

Can guinea pigs eat beetroot?

You can occasionally feed your guinea pig beetroot. Beetroot contains vitamin C, but also some phosphorus and calcium, which should be fed in a balanced manner. Beets are low in oxalates.

Can guinea pigs eat cauliflower?

Yes, your piggy can eat cauliflower as it contains vitamin C. However, he can also cause bloating, so don’t feed him too often.

Can guinea pigs eat raspberries?

Yes, they can eat raspberries but only feed them occasionally due to the sugar content.

Can guinea pigs eat radishes?

These should seldom be fed to your pig as they contain oxalic acid. Radish leaves are high in calcium so you should be careful with these as too much calcium can lead to bladder stones.

Can guinea pigs eat lettuce?

Aside from iceberg, which contains no nutrients, lettuce is a delicious salad vegetable for your guinea pig

Can guinea pigs eat zucchini?

Zucchini is high in vitamin C and can be fed to your guinea pig frequently.

Can guinea pigs eat bananas?

These should be fed infrequently as they are high in sugar and can cause constipation.

Can guinea pigs eat turnips?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat turnips. Some piggies love it while others hate it.

Can guinea pigs eat sweet potatoes?

This is not very good for your guinea pig as it is high in oxalates and starch

Can guinea pigs be fed mushrooms?

Mushrooms contain very few nutrients and therefore offer no health benefits to your piggy. If you choose to feed mushrooms, do so infrequently. And avoid wild mushrooms entirely, and there are many poisonous varieties.

Remember, the most important thing you can feed your guinea pig is hay and/or grass. This should make up the majority of his diet.

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Avoid guinea pig food

There are some foods that are unsafe for your guinea pig that you should avoid.

Read our list to see which foods guinea pigs can’t eat and why:

Cereals – avoid cereals as different types are not good for guinea pigs

Meat – Guinea pigs are herbivores and cannot process meat

Cooked Food – Guinea pigs cannot digest cooked food

Anything related to the potato plant – Potatoes contain toxins that can be harmful to your guinea pig

Immature tomatoes – these contain toxins that can be harmful to your guinea pig

Tomato leaves and stems – these contain toxins that can be harmful to your guinea pig

Rhubarb – these contain toxins that can be harmful to your guinea pig

Avocado – the skin is poisonous, and although the flesh is not poisonous, it is high in fat. This can slow down digestion

Fruit pits, pips, and seeds – many of these cannot be eaten, so it’s best to avoid them

Buttercups – these contain pungent toxins that can cause intestinal irritation

Dairy Products – Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. come from animals and should not be fed to your guinea pig

Garlic – There is much debate about the safety of garlic. It’s probably best to avoid it

Juice – Guinea pigs should only drink water

Onions – these belong to the onion family and can cause bloating and intestinal upset

Leeks – this also belongs to the onion family

Nuts – these can cause digestive problems

Guinea pigs and grass clippings

You shouldn’t feed your guinea pigs grass clippings from a lawnmower as these can cause digestive problems, according to the RSPCA.

General advice on feeding your guinea pig

Fruits tend to be high in sugar so these should be fed in moderation as the sugar is bad for your piggy’s teeth.

However, vegetables are a valuable source of vitamin C, which is an essential part of your guinea pig’s diet. To keep your piggy from getting too much oxalate, phosphorus, or calcium, be sure to offer a variety of vegetables.

Never feed your guinea pig cooked food as it cannot digest it. It will upset his stomach.

You should also never feed your guinea pig lawn mower clippings as this can upset his stomach as well.

calcium to phosphorus

Food should contain more calcium than phosphorus in proportion. The opposite ratio can lead to phosphate stones.

Oxalic acid and calcium and your guinea pig

High levels of oxalic acid and calcium in a guinea pig’s diet can lead to calcium and bladder stones. The oxalate combines with the calcium to form the stones. These can be very painful for your guinea pig. You should ensure that foods high in oxalic acid and calcium are fed in moderation.

Vegetables are giving my guinea pig diarrhea

Giving your piggy too many vegetables or introducing a new vegetable into their diet too quickly can upset their small stomach and cause diarrhea. It can also cause bloating.

When introducing new foods, do so slowly. A small amount now and then.

Do guinea pigs eat their own poop?

Yes, guinea pigs eat their soft droppings called caecotrophs. These are an essential part of their diet and help them absorb the full goodness of their high-fiber diet. Guinea pigs also produce hard, shiny poop that they don’t eat.

Can guinea pigs drink from a water bowl?

Yes, they can, but they can easily become contaminated with food, feces, or urine. A water bottle may be better as this will keep your guinea pig’s water source clean. When your guinea pig is sick, it may find it easier to drink from a bowl, and some guinea pigs are used to just drinking from a bowl. However, if you can use a water bottle, it’s probably better.

Vitamin C in your guinea pig’s diet

Guinea pigs, like humans, do not produce their own vitamin C, so it is up to you to provide it in their diet. Pelleted foods should contain the vitamin, as should fresh vegetables and limited amounts of fruit.

They can also include vitamin C supplements in their diet. However, this should not be added to the water as it can break down quickly and you will not know how much of the vitamin your guinea pig has been drinking.

Without enough vitamin C, your guinea pig could get scurvy.

Treats for guinea pigs

You can give your guinea pig vegetables as rewards. Even if your guinea pig eats these regularly, you can chop them up into bite-sized pieces and place them in a bowl. Make sure you remove them after a few hours as they will start to turn brown.

You can also hide some hay in a toilet paper roll. Your guinea pig will have fun getting the hay out!

If you prefer to buy guinea pig snacks, Jollyes has a selection that you can buy online.

Can you mix guinea pig and rabbit food together?

In a word, no. Guinea pigs need an adequate form of vitamin C. Rabbit food may not contain enough vitamin C to meet your guinea pig’s needs. So make sure you only feed your guinea pig the right food for them.

What is guinea pigs favorite food?

Most of them love carrots and broccoli, and some love nothing better than fresh grass nibbled from a lawn. Some owners swear by shop-bought treats, but these are not essential, and you should check the ingredients to make sure you’re not feeding th GPs sugar and colorings!

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

Every guinea pig is different and most have their own favorites. Most of them love carrots and broccoli, and some love nothing more than fresh grass nibbled off a lawn.

Some owners swear by store-bought treats, but these aren’t essential and you should check ingredients to make sure you’re not feeding the GPs sugar and coloring! A piece of apple takes some GPs to culinary heaven, while others are paprika fanatics. However, feed these acidic and watery foods in moderation.

Every guinea pig has its favorite food

So where do you start? It’s easy – just look at our list of recommended foods and take it from there.

Be careful with the treats. Only give fruits and salad vegetables in moderation. Too much of the former can cause mouth sores due to the acidity. Watery and leafy foods can cause stomach upset and are usually low in nutrients. Check out the Harmful Foods section of this guide for more insight into the not-so-good things.

What should a guinea pig eat daily?

The preferred basic diet for guinea pigs is unlimited amounts of Timothy or other low-calcium hay, supplemented with smaller amounts of a commercial, high-fiber, Timothy-hay based guinea pig pellets. Vitamin C (see below) should be given each day. Hay should be offered free-choice throughout the day.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

Guinea pigs, like rabbits, are true herbivores, although the physiology and function of their gastrointestinal system is not as well understood as the rabbit. Guinea pigs develop food preferences early in life and do not readily accept changes in diet, appearance or presentation. Sudden changes can lead to refusal to eat. Any change in diet should be done gradually. The most critical aspect of a guinea pig’s diet is their need for vitamin C. That being said, the key to a healthy guinea pig diet is an unlimited amount of hay.

“Hay is important not only to wear down their ever-growing teeth, but also to keep the bacteria in their intestinal tract healthy that ferment their food.”

In its homeland, the South American forests, the wild guinea pig eats a wide variety of foods, from fruits to leaves and plants to root vegetables, but especially many high-fiber grasses. Pet guinea pigs are often fed a dry guinea pig mix with an occasional bit of fresh vegetables that are insufficient in fiber and generally too high in carbohydrates. Hay is important not only to wear down those ever-growing teeth, but also to keep the bacteria in your intestinal tract that ferment your food healthy.

What should I feed my guinea pig?

The preferred basic diet for guinea pigs consists of unlimited amounts of timothy hay or other low-calcium hay supplemented with smaller amounts of commercially available high-fiber timothy-hay-based guinea pig pellets. Vitamin C (see below) should be given daily. Hay should be offered for free choice throughout the day. Hay and pellets should be supplemented with a variety of fresh, well-washed leafy greens or colored vegetables (especially those high in vitamin C, such as bell peppers, tomatoes, and asparagus).

Other good choices for vegetables include green and red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, endive, kale, carrot tops, beet leaves, cilantro, carrots, and squash. Iceberg or lettuce has little nutritional value and is mostly water, so it should not be offered.

“The preferred staple diet for guinea pigs is unlimited amounts of timothy hay or other low-calcium hay supplemented with smaller amounts of commercially available high-fiber timothy-hay-based guinea pig pellets.”

Fruit should also be limited, as feeding too much of its high sugar content can lead to an imbalance in the gut bacteria and cause serious and potentially life-threatening diarrhea. Preferred fruits that are occasionally offered include those high in vitamin C, such as small amounts of orange (citrus) and kiwi, or high-fiber fruits such as pear and apple. Oats, seeds, nuts and dry cereals should be avoided as they contain too many carbohydrates and fat.

Fresh, clean water should be freely available. Drinking bottles need to be cleaned daily, and their tubes should be checked for clogs in the tips. Water bowls are often impractical since guinea pigs often soil their water with food or droppings, or knock over bowls. Food bowls should be heavy enough to be difficult to tip over.

Why do I need to give my guinea pig vitamin C?

Guinea pigs and primates, including humans, cannot make their own vitamin C, so it’s important to supplement their diets with vitamin C. Vitamin C is vital for the normal development and maintenance of skin, joints and mucosal surfaces such as gums. It also plays an important role in wound healing. A lack of vitamin C makes the body more susceptible to other diseases, including infections, and predisposes guinea pigs to skin problems. A guinea pig that has a rough coat, is not eating, has diarrhea, is reluctant to walk, may appear to be in pain, has swollen feet or joints, or is bleeding and ulcerating its gums or skin is likely to be deficient in vitamin C and should be seen by your veterinarian as soon as possible.

“A deficiency in vitamin C makes the body more susceptible to other diseases, including infections, and predisposes guinea pigs to skin problems.”

Depending on the condition of the animal (young, old, stressed, healthy, pregnant), guinea pigs need 10-50 mg of vitamin C per day. Your vet can tell you exactly how much vitamin C your guinea pig needs. While vitamin C is readily available from fresh fruit and green or colored vegetables, guinea pigs cannot consume enough products each day to get the vitamin C they need. Although guinea pig pellets contain vitamin C, it is a relatively unstable compound that breaks down or oxidizes quickly. Therefore, make sure your guinea pig pellets are used up or replaced within 90 days of the date of manufacture, otherwise the vitamin C they contain may be depleted. All guinea pigs should be given one vitamin C tablet or liquid vitamin C per day directly orally rather than through drinking water, as the vitamin also breaks down quickly in water and loses its potency.

In summary, an unlimited amount of hay, a smaller amount of pellets enriched with vitamin C, as well as a variety of fresh produce are extremely important to maintain your guinea pig’s health. Have your guinea pig examined annually by your veterinarian, who will be able to discuss your guinea pig’s specific nutritional needs.

What do guinea pigs like to play with?

What Do Guinea Pigs Like To Play With? This Top 10 List Will Give You Some Great Ideas!
  • Crumpled paper or paper bags.
  • Cardboard boxes.
  • Tunnels.
  • Hay or grass chew balls.
  • Chew sticks.
  • Fleece accessories.
  • Stuffed socks.
  • Stuffed tubes with hay.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

Are your guinea pigs looking a bit bored in their guinea pig apartment? Have you heard more snoozing than scurrying lately? Are you a new pet parent who just has no idea what these adorable rodents like to play with? Then it is good that you came across this detailed list of the top 10 toys that guinea pigs love. And before you can say, “Pious pigs pinch pink piñatas,” your precious piggies will become perfectly happy pets!

1. Crumpled paper or paper bags

Simple and inexpensive, you most likely already have these two things at hand at home. Basically, just crumple them up into a large ball or a few smaller sizes and place it in your guinea pig’s cage. Don’t be fooled by how simple this sounds, paper balls are actually excellent toys for guinea pigs. Not only are they drawn to the crunchy sound that comes from playing, but guineas will happily gnaw on any (safe, non-toxic) paper product.

2. Cartons

Much like crumpled paper, cardboard boxes are an ingenious homemade or store-bought toy that doubles as a hiding place and crunchy snack. If you have a pair of plain shoes or moving boxes gathering dust in your closet, then get them out, clean them and show them off to your fluffy friends.

3. Tunnels

As burrowing rodents, guinea pigs have an innate need to dig tunnels. Unfortunately, this is simply not possible in a guinea pig cage or C&C habitat. However, you can provide them with some tunnels to play with. Luckily, you can find these online or make your own.

Wrapping paper tubes can be used as tunnels, but you’ll need to make sure you cut open the entire length of the tube to ensure your pig doesn’t get his fluffy butt stuck when you’re checking out his awesome new toy.

Alternatively, there are some great toy tunnels you can buy online such as the Living World Pet Tunnel or my guineas personal favorite, the Nature’s Hideaway Grass Tunnel Toy. With the grass tunnel toy, rodents can use it for exercise, as a hiding place for a nap, or even for a quick bite to eat.

4. Chewing balls for hay or grass

Made from all-natural materials, hay or dry grass balls make an ideal toy that’s also a treat. Again, this is another option that will both entertain and keep their teeth in check. Cavies have fun rolling these balls around their cage and with some of these toys they get the added bonus of a fun jingle toy inside that makes a pleasant noise. My little Fluffsters had a kick from Peter’s Woven Grass Play Ball so I would recommend this if you are unsure of which product to buy.

5. Chew chopsticks

In the world of guinea pigs, you can never have enough to chew, gnaw and nibble on! Chew sticks are another good toy these rodents enjoy, so long as you opt for high-quality, all-natural wooden sticks like the Sharllen Apple Sticks Pet Chew Toys or, our Muffy’s personal favorite, Simona Micah Organic Apple Tree Branches. Don’t be surprised if these disappear ultra fast! Not only are these sticks delicious, but they’re also a great way to keep their teeth neat and healthy.

6. Fleece accessories

Fleece is by far one of the best (and cheapest) materials you can buy to make your pet’s home cozier, fun, and entertaining. How is this possible, you might ask? Well, a simple fleece blanket can be made into a warm, cozy tent or a fun fleece forest. Simply cut strips into a fleece piece and turn it into a curtain. Then hang it up somewhere in their habitat where they can walk through the hanging strips. Try this quick and easy game structure and you will see how quickly your piggies will play with it!

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7. Stuffed Socks

Before you throw away those lonely solo socks that just can’t find their long-lost partner, consider using them instead to create a stuffed-sock feel. All you have to do is gather a sock or two, stuff them with hay or clean bedding, and then tie the sock shut with wool at the open end. And voila, you’ve just made a throw pillow for your pets to lug around, play with and snuggle on!

8. Tubes filled with hay

Another wonderful and inexpensive all-time favorite is hay-filled paper towels or toilet paper rolls. Because they’re non-toxic, plain tubes, they make a great nibble toy. But when you fill the center with tasty hay, you create the ultimate Guinea treat! Cavies have teeth that are constantly growing, so you’ll need to provide them with wood and hay to gnaw on to keep their choppers at bay.

9. An obstacle course

Guinea pigs tend to get bored unless they are mentally stimulated. So, grab those unused boxes you haven’t given them to chew on yet and build a custom, one-of-a-kind maze or obstacle course. Use a large piece of cardboard for the base and then just glue the walls to the bottom section. Get creative by adding twists and turns, but whatever you do, don’t forget to have a treat ready at the end of it all! If you are in one of those mastermind moods then go wild and add interesting obstacles like cardboard tubes, bridges or tunnels to the maze.

10. A playpen for free time

Guineas also enjoy their free time outside of the cage and especially like to play in a small animal playpen. With this type of enclosure, you give them the opportunity to roam around in a separate area. Since guinea pigs love to socialize, they also get a chance to hang out with their rodent friends and share a hay tube or two. Also, don’t forget that guineas love to play with their humans! As such, playpens are a nice, comfortable place for guinea pigs to interact with their pet parents.

We use the multicolored small pet playpen from Prevue Pet Products. Admittedly, I consider this item a must-have and I particularly like it because it folds easily and stores flat. This makes it a great product to take with us when we are adventurous and exploring the neighborhood park.

With a little imagination and a few household items, you can make some pretty awesome and (fortunately) inexpensive toys that guinea pigs love to play with. However, as a final word of warning, please remember to avoid exercise balls at all costs. While many other types of rodents absolutely love their exercise ball or wheel, these things aren’t made for guinea pigs’ physiques. Therefore, guinea pigs can be seriously injured when using these devices. In some cases, the consequences can even be fatal. However, if you stick to our list of toys they love to play with, you’re sure to keep these guinea pigs healthy, happy, and thoroughly entertained!

What do your guinea pigs like to play with?

How do I know if my guinea pig is poisoned?

The symptoms of poisoning can vary based on what caused the poison. In general, symptoms include diarrhea, salivation, skin rash, labored breathing, or a fast pulse. Guinea pigs are incapable of vomiting, so they will not vomit if they have an upset stomach.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. dr Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. She has worked at the same vet clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 11,495 times.

Article overview


To avoid poisoning your guinea pig, keep all your cleaning supplies and medicines on high shelves and cabinets where they cannot be reached. While your guinea pig leaves its cage, keep it in a well-ventilated space in a secured area such as a playpen. Get rid of all plants that are poisonous to guinea pigs including ivy, poinsettia, tulips and many others that you can find online. You should also know which foods are toxic to guinea pigs, such as avocado, potato skins, and the green part of tomatoes. Read on for more tips from our veterinary co-author, such as: B. How to recognize the symptoms of poisoning in a guinea pig.

Can guinea pigs eat banana?

Overall, bananas can be a great treat every once in a while for healthy guinea pigs. They are great health benefits like potassium and vitamin C, both are vital for your pig’s health. Bananas can also be harmful to your guinea pig if they are not properly portioned due to their high levels of sugar and fiber.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

Learning the ins and outs of your pet’s ideal diet is a crucial part of pet ownership. Guinea pigs are herbivores whose natural diet consists of grasses, hay, herbs, seeds, fruits, vegetables and other forms of plant matter. Although grass or hay should make up the majority of a guinea pig’s diet, they lack many necessary vitamins and minerals. One of the most common household fruits, bananas are a family favorite for many. High in fiber and a variety of important vitamins, bananas are typically seen as a quick snack or a great breakfast. We also know that many animals like elephants, birds, monkeys and bats enjoy wild bananas. But what about guinea pigs? Can they eat bananas like us?

It’s safe for guinea pigs to eat a small portion of bananas occasionally, as long as they don’t have kidney problems, diabetes, or are obese.

The advantages:

Just like humans, guinea pigs can benefit tremendously from the potassium and vitamin C in bananas. Potassium is an essential mineral that not only helps internal organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys function properly, but also regulates healthy blood flow, fights arthritis, and minimizes muscle spasms. A single gram of banana contains approximately 3.6 mg of potassium.

Vitamin C, which is also found in bananas, is one of the most important vitamins for guinea pigs as they can get scurvy without it. Guinea pigs with vitamin C deficiency also suffer from poor bone and skin health, excessive weight loss and weakened immune systems. Along with other fruits and vegetables, bananas are a great source of vitamin C, which helps prevent scurvy and other health problems.

The disadvantages:

Unfortunately, there are also some reasons why bananas should only be fed to your guinea pig as a treat, or perhaps never. First off, bananas are loaded with sugar, which can give them upset stomach or diarrhea shortly after eating, while promoting obesity and diabetes in the long term.

Thanks to the high fiber content in bananas, it’s not uncommon for a guinea pig to experience gas, cramps, and/or gas after eating. Make sure you only feed your pig a small amount of bananas occasionally, no more than 10-15 grams per week.

The final and most serious concern when feeding guinea pigs is kidney problems. Although potassium is great for guinea pigs and can strengthen their kidneys, it should not be given to guinea pigs that already have kidney problems. This is because the pig’s kidneys cannot process and filter their body’s excess potassium, making them very sick or even killing them.

Reasonable portion size and preparations

Any time you give your guinea pig something new to try, you should give them a very small amount. This will help reduce the problems that arise afterwards if it upsets your guinea pig’s stomach or it has an adverse reaction. If your guinea pig has tried banana a few times and seems to have taken it well, great!

For guinea pigs with no pre-existing kidney problems and no problems with obesity or diabetes, a small slice of banana can be a healthy treat. It is important to feed bananas in small amounts to avoid negative effects on your pig’s health. About 10-15 grams of bananas is the maximum your guinea pig should have in a week. You can serve it as a small slice or mash the banana between your fingers for a sweet treat!

Overall, bananas can be a great treat for healthy guinea pigs every now and then. They are great health benefits as is potassium and vitamin C, both of which are vital to your pig’s health. Bananas can also harm your guinea pig if not properly portioned due to their high sugar and fiber content. As long as you are careful and feed your pig a safe amount, he is sure to enjoy his treat. Remember to check with your vet before making any major changes to your guinea pig’s diet, and feed them responsibly!

To learn more about safe fruits for your guinea pigs to eat, visit our other blogs: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries and Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes.

Can guinea pigs eat cheese?

Dairy products – dairy products such as milk, cheese, yoghurt etc are derived from animals and should not be fed to your Guinea Pig.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

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Which hay is best for guinea pigs?

Hay and grass should make up the bulk of your pig’s diet.

As a baby (or puppy), alfalfa hay is best for your guinea pig as it contains more calcium.

However, as your guinea pig grows, consider switching to hay with a lower calcium content. Too much calcium can lead to problems like bladder stones.

Timothy hay is best for your guinea pig as an adult. It’s lower in calcium and higher in fiber, so it’s your best bet.

Access to unlimited amounts of hay and grass is essential as it helps control the growth of their teeth and keeps their intestines healthy.

Without plenty of hay and grass, your guinea pig could develop serious dental disease and digestive problems.

Guinea pigs love grass and hay and it is important that they have constant access to it.

What else do guinea pigs eat best?

Pelleted food can also be part of your guinea pig’s diet. You should make sure that they are high in fiber and contain protected vitamin C.

You should also provide some vegetables and the occasional fruit, as these can be high in vitamin C and other nutrients. Vitamin C is an essential part of your guinea pig’s diet. Learn more about vitamin C.

You can buy guinea pig food from Jollyes and other good pet stores.

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Guinea pigs can eat hay and grass indefinitely.

What vegetables can guinea pigs eat? | What fruit can guinea pigs eat? | to avoid guinea pig food | Guinea Pigs and Grass Clippings | General advice on feeding your guinea pig | Calcium to Phosphorus | Oxalic Acid and Calcium and Your Guinea Pig | Vitamin C in Your Guinea Pig’s Diet | Treats for Guinea Pigs | Can you mix guinea pig and rabbit food together?

What vegetables can guinea pigs eat?

Guinea pigs can eat a number of vegetables. Don’t forget, however, that hay and grass should make up the bulk of your piggy’s diet.

The following vegetables are safe for your guinea pig:

Asparagus: This contains some oxalate and phosphorus. It also contains vitamin C. You can feed your guinea pig asparagus occasionally.

Broccoli: This contains vitamin C, but also contains high amounts of vitamin A, so it should be fed occasionally.

Cabbage: This contains high amounts of vitamin C. However, do not overfeed your guinea pig with it as it can cause gas and bloating.

Carrots: These are loved by guinea pigs but contain sugar that can lead to dental problems and diabetes. They also contain oxalate, which can lead to oxalate stones. They also contain high amounts of vitamin A. Carrots can be fed occasionally.

Cauliflower: Can be fed to your guinea pig occasionally. It contains vitamin C but can also give your guinea pig gas.

Corn on the Cob: This contains vitamin C but is high in starch, so only feed occasionally, once or twice a week.

Cucumber: Guinea pigs can eat the flesh, the seeds (not too much), and the skin.

Green beans: These contain vitamin C and can be fed raw. Be careful though, as they also contain calcium and phosphorus.

Peas: Like most vegetables, these contain phosphorus and calcium. However, they also contain vitamin C. You can feed your guinea pig peas in moderation.

Parsley: This can be a good snack for your guinea pig. It can be fed occasionally, once or twice a week.

Parsnips: Can be fed frequently and are a tasty vegetable for your guinea pig

Raw Beetroot: This can be fed to your guinea pig once or twice a week occasionally. It does not contain oxalates, but a small amount of calcium and phosphorus.

Sprouts: These contain phosphorus and oxalic acid. They can also cause gas. They can be fed occasionally, once or twice a week.

Spinach: Your guinea pig may eat this occasionally, but be aware that it can cause stones when mixed with calcium. This is due to the high oxalate content.

Pumpkin: Can be fed to your guinea pig in moderation.

Tomatoes: Can be fed frequently. However, the green stalk is poisonous, so don’t let your piggy eat it.

Kohlrabi: These are low in phosphorus and high in calcium. They also have a reasonable amount of vitamin C. They can be fed to your guinea pig once or twice a week occasionally.

Watercress can be fed occasionally. It is good for your guinea pig and is high in vitamin C.

Red cabbage is high in vitamin C and has a hint of calcium. You can feed it frequently.

Red Peppers: These are high in vitamin C and can be fed frequently.

Kohlrabi contain vitamin C, they also contain calcium and a touch of phosphorus. You can occasionally feed your guinea pig this once or twice a week.

You should be aware that different vegetables contain different amounts of vitamin C, phosphorus, oxalates and sugars.

When are guinea pigs allowed out? Find out more…

What fruit can guinea pigs eat?

Guinea pigs can eat a number of fruits in limited quantities. These should only be fed as a treat as they are high in sugar. Read our list to find out what fruits your piggy can eat:

Bananas: These should be fed infrequently as they are high in sugar and can cause constipation.

Blueberries: These can be fed frequently and are a good source of vitamin C.

Oranges: These should be fed occasionally as citrus fruits can cause mouth sores.

Pears: These should be fed occasionally and are a good source of vitamin C.

Pineapple: This should be fed occasionally as it is acidic and can cause mouth sores.

Plums can be fed occasionally, but they are high in sugar.

Occasionally, strawberries including the green tops can also be fed.

Eating Frequency Guide: Frequent is 2-4 times a week; Occasionally is once or twice a week; Rarely once or twice a month. You can feed your piggy about a cup per chosen day of your chosen fruit or vegetable.

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Here are some very frequently asked questions about food:

Can guinea pigs eat grapes?

Yes, piggies can eat grapes frequently, but be aware that they are high in sugar, which can lead to dental and obesity problems.

Can guinea pigs eat celery?

Yes, piggies can eat celery and it also contains vitamin C. However, you should be careful as it has a stringy texture that could pose a choking hazard.

Can guinea pigs eat dandelions?

Yes, piggies love dandelions, both the stem and the flower. However, be sure to wash them thoroughly before feeding them and avoid picking them by the side of the road or in places where pollutants or pesticides may be present.

Can guinea pigs eat apples?

Yes, you can only eat apples occasionally due to their high sugar content. Do not feed your pig the seeds as they can be poisonous.

Can guinea pigs eat beetroot?

You can occasionally feed your guinea pig beetroot. Beetroot contains vitamin C, but also some phosphorus and calcium, which should be fed in a balanced manner. Beets are low in oxalates.

Can guinea pigs eat cauliflower?

Yes, your piggy can eat cauliflower as it contains vitamin C. However, he can also cause bloating, so don’t feed him too often.

Can guinea pigs eat raspberries?

Yes, they can eat raspberries but only feed them occasionally due to the sugar content.

Can guinea pigs eat radishes?

These should seldom be fed to your pig as they contain oxalic acid. Radish leaves are high in calcium so you should be careful with these as too much calcium can lead to bladder stones.

Can guinea pigs eat lettuce?

Aside from iceberg, which contains no nutrients, lettuce is a delicious salad vegetable for your guinea pig

Can guinea pigs eat zucchini?

Zucchini is high in vitamin C and can be fed to your guinea pig frequently.

Can guinea pigs eat bananas?

These should be fed infrequently as they are high in sugar and can cause constipation.

Can guinea pigs eat turnips?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat turnips. Some piggies love it while others hate it.

Can guinea pigs eat sweet potatoes?

This is not very good for your guinea pig as it is high in oxalates and starch

Can guinea pigs be fed mushrooms?

Mushrooms contain very few nutrients and therefore offer no health benefits to your piggy. If you choose to feed mushrooms, do so infrequently. And avoid wild mushrooms entirely, and there are many poisonous varieties.

Remember, the most important thing you can feed your guinea pig is hay and/or grass. This should make up the majority of his diet.

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Avoid guinea pig food

There are some foods that are unsafe for your guinea pig that you should avoid.

Read our list to see which foods guinea pigs can’t eat and why:

Cereals – avoid cereals as different types are not good for guinea pigs

Meat – Guinea pigs are herbivores and cannot process meat

Cooked Food – Guinea pigs cannot digest cooked food

Anything related to the potato plant – Potatoes contain toxins that can be harmful to your guinea pig

Immature tomatoes – these contain toxins that can be harmful to your guinea pig

Tomato leaves and stems – these contain toxins that can be harmful to your guinea pig

Rhubarb – these contain toxins that can be harmful to your guinea pig

Avocado – the skin is poisonous, and although the flesh is not poisonous, it is high in fat. This can slow down digestion

Fruit pits, pips, and seeds – many of these cannot be eaten, so it’s best to avoid them

Buttercups – these contain pungent toxins that can cause intestinal irritation

Dairy Products – Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. come from animals and should not be fed to your guinea pig

Garlic – There is much debate about the safety of garlic. It’s probably best to avoid it

Juice – Guinea pigs should only drink water

Onions – these belong to the onion family and can cause bloating and intestinal upset

Leeks – this also belongs to the onion family

Nuts – these can cause digestive problems

Guinea pigs and grass clippings

You shouldn’t feed your guinea pigs grass clippings from a lawnmower as these can cause digestive problems, according to the RSPCA.

General advice on feeding your guinea pig

Fruits tend to be high in sugar so these should be fed in moderation as the sugar is bad for your piggy’s teeth.

However, vegetables are a valuable source of vitamin C, which is an essential part of your guinea pig’s diet. To keep your piggy from getting too much oxalate, phosphorus, or calcium, be sure to offer a variety of vegetables.

Never feed your guinea pig cooked food as it cannot digest it. It will upset his stomach.

You should also never feed your guinea pig lawn mower clippings as this can upset his stomach as well.

calcium to phosphorus

Food should contain more calcium than phosphorus in proportion. The opposite ratio can lead to phosphate stones.

Oxalic acid and calcium and your guinea pig

High levels of oxalic acid and calcium in a guinea pig’s diet can lead to calcium and bladder stones. The oxalate combines with the calcium to form the stones. These can be very painful for your guinea pig. You should ensure that foods high in oxalic acid and calcium are fed in moderation.

Vegetables are giving my guinea pig diarrhea

Giving your piggy too many vegetables or introducing a new vegetable into their diet too quickly can upset their small stomach and cause diarrhea. It can also cause bloating.

When introducing new foods, do so slowly. A small amount now and then.

Do guinea pigs eat their own poop?

Yes, guinea pigs eat their soft droppings called caecotrophs. These are an essential part of their diet and help them absorb the full goodness of their high-fiber diet. Guinea pigs also produce hard, shiny poop that they don’t eat.

Can guinea pigs drink from a water bowl?

Yes, they can, but they can easily become contaminated with food, feces, or urine. A water bottle may be better as this will keep your guinea pig’s water source clean. When your guinea pig is sick, it may find it easier to drink from a bowl, and some guinea pigs are used to just drinking from a bowl. However, if you can use a water bottle, it’s probably better.

Vitamin C in your guinea pig’s diet

Guinea pigs, like humans, do not produce their own vitamin C, so it is up to you to provide it in their diet. Pelleted foods should contain the vitamin, as should fresh vegetables and limited amounts of fruit.

They can also include vitamin C supplements in their diet. However, this should not be added to the water as it can break down quickly and you will not know how much of the vitamin your guinea pig has been drinking.

Without enough vitamin C, your guinea pig could get scurvy.

Treats for guinea pigs

You can give your guinea pig vegetables as rewards. Even if your guinea pig eats these regularly, you can chop them up into bite-sized pieces and place them in a bowl. Make sure you remove them after a few hours as they will start to turn brown.

You can also hide some hay in a toilet paper roll. Your guinea pig will have fun getting the hay out!

If you prefer to buy guinea pig snacks, Jollyes has a selection that you can buy online.

Can you mix guinea pig and rabbit food together?

In a word, no. Guinea pigs need an adequate form of vitamin C. Rabbit food may not contain enough vitamin C to meet your guinea pig’s needs. So make sure you only feed your guinea pig the right food for them.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks

See some more details on the topic can guinea pigs eat leeks here:

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks? It Could Harm Them

Can guinea pigs eat leeks? Guinea can eat leeks, but it’s highly not recommended to feed them. This root vegetable contains sulfes which in large amounts is …

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Date Published: 8/22/2021

View: 7382

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks?

Straight on, the answer to this question is no. As a guinea pig owner, you probably know by now that guinea pigs feed on fresh fruits, veggies, and water. Leeks …

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Date Published: 2/15/2022

View: 2069

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leek? – Pawbility

Leeks can contain dirt and other impurities that can make your guinea pig sick. You should also remove the root end and the tough green leaves.

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Date Published: 8/11/2022

View: 159

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks? – Petsolino

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Leeks are not safe for your guinea pig. Members of the garlic family generally are not good for guinea pigs, …

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Date Published: 8/28/2022

View: 5699

Leek? | The Guinea Pig Forum

Generally, feeding any bulb plants (including the onion family) is not recommended for guinea pigs. A one-off small amount of spring onions or …

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Date Published: 4/19/2022

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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks – Furry Facts

Are Leeks Safe For Guinea Pigs? … No, you should not be feeding leeks to your guinea pig as they are not safe to their diets. As leeks are part …

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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks? – Vet Explains Pets

Can guinea pigs eat leeks? Dr. Jess breaks down whether or not leeks are healthy and safe for your guinea pig to consume in this article.

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Can guinea pigs eat leeks? – Pigii

Leafy greens are a staple in a guinea pigs diet, but what about leeks? Let’s investigate whether they are a safe food choice.

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View: 3686

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks – PetsFollower

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks. One of the most popular pet foods is leeks. This vegetable is loaded with nutrients, phosphorus, calcium, …

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Date Published: 1/16/2022

View: 4827

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks? – Guinea Pig Care

They will definitely eat the leeks… however the answer is NO you shouldn’t feed your guinea pigs leeks. Leeks are a part of the garlic family and contain …

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Date Published: 3/11/2021

View: 6449

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks? It Could Harm Them – Small Pet Hub

Leeks are onion and garlic-like vegetables that belong to the leek family. This vegetable is known for its sweet and mild taste. Leeks can be used in recipes such as soups, stews, and stir-fries. If you love using leeks in your cooking and you own guinea pigs, you might be wondering if they can eat leeks too.

Can guinea pigs eat leeks? Guinea can eat leeks, but feeding them is strongly discouraged. These root vegetables contain sulfides that are toxic to them in large amounts. In a small amount, it cannot kill you, but it can cause digestive problems such as diarrhea and upset stomach.

Is It Safe For Guinea Pigs To Eat Leeks?

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It is generally not safe to feed leeks to guinea pigs as they contain toxic sulfides. The amount of poison content varies from leek to leek. This is due to the time of year, the soil it is grown in and the time of harvest.

Because measuring the toxin in each leek is too time-consuming and difficult, it’s best not to feed them at all.

Health benefits of leeks for guinea pigs

Although this vegetable contains sulfides, it has some health benefits for the guinea pigs.

One of the nutrients that leeks contain is vitamin C. This vitamin is critical to guinea pig health. These creatures are unable to synthesize and store vitamin C in their bodies. Because of this, they need plenty of vitamin C from external sources such as food and supplements.

Another nutrient that leeks contain is vitamin A. This vitamin is important for guinea pigs as it is needed for normal vision, immune system and reproduction. Vitamin A also helps the lungs, heart, kidneys, and other organs work properly.

Can Baby Guinea Pigs Eat Leeks?

Baby guinea pigs should never eat leeks, whether cooked or raw. The probability that they will be poisoned by the vegetables is too high due to their small size.

Also, at this age, they should be fed alfalfa hay and breastfed with mother’s milk. These provide them with all the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

Can guinea pigs eat cooked leeks?

Cooked leeks should not be fed to guinea pigs. Cooking the leek does not remove all of the toxin. This still poses a great danger to them, so it’s best to avoid cooked leeks as well.

Can guinea pigs eat dried leeks?

Even though you have dried leeks or bought them as dried vegetables, it is still dangerous for guinea pigs to eat them. Dried leeks contain sulfides, so you shouldn’t feed them to your guinea pigs.

How much leeks to feed guinea pigs

If you plan to feed your guinea pigs leeks, they can only have a really tiny piece of it. Anything beyond that could be toxic to them.

Better safe than sorry, so it’s best to avoid feeding them leeks.

Other vegetables guinea pigs can eat

Instead of feeding them leeks, there are many other vegetables that you can feed your guinea pigs. Below are some of the veggies you can feed them. It’s safe and packed with nutrients.


This is a vegetable that you should feed your guinea pigs daily. It is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world. It is rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C. This is the vitamin that is most important for guinea pigs. They need vitamin C and plenty of it as they cannot produce this vitamin themselves.


Broccoli is packed with nutrients that include fiber, protein, calcium and vitamin K. All of these nutrients are necessary for the guinea pigs to stay healthy. Since the vegetable is high in calcium, it should be fed in moderation to avoid health problems.


Zucchini is low in calories but high in nutrients. One of the most important nutrients for guinea pigs is vitamin C. They need this vitamin on a daily basis to stay healthy and strong. Plus, zucchini contains iron, calcium, zinc, and several other B vitamins. Feed your guinea pigs zucchini once or twice a week.


Due to the toxic sulphides contained in leek, it can be fatal to them. While toxin levels vary from one leek to another, it’s best not to feed them to avoid health problems.

What should I feed my guinea pigs? – RSPCA Knowledgebase

Guinea pigs are natural herbivores and would spend their time foraging and grazing in small herds in the wild. They need to be fed the types of food to which they have adapted. Their teeth are constantly growing, which is one of the reasons they need a lot of roughage to chew; This wears down their teeth and helps prevent serious dental problems. Getting enough fiber in your diet is also very important for your gastrointestinal system and overall health.

To keep your guinea pigs happy and healthy, you should:

Make sure your guinea pigs have a constant supply of grass and/or grass hay (such as timothy, oat, barley, or grass hay). Guinea pigs should not be fed alfalfa or clover hay as they are too high in protein and calcium. The hay you feed should be readily available and of good quality; dry, sweet smelling and free of mold, mildew or fungus. This is paramount for a complete diet and encourages the guinea pigs to chew for a long time. This chewing contributes to wear down the continuously growing teeth and is very important for maintaining dental and gastrointestinal health. The hay should ideally be kept in a hay rack or basket to prevent it from lying on the floor of the pen and being contaminated by your guinea pigs’ droppings and becoming damp, dirty and moldy; this is unsanitary and could make your guinea pigs sick.

(such as timothy, oats, barley or grass hay). Guinea pigs should not be fed alfalfa or clover hay as they are too high in protein and calcium. The hay you feed should be readily available and of good quality; dry, sweet smelling and free of mold, mildew or fungus. This is paramount for a complete diet and encourages the guinea pigs to chew for a long time. This chewing contributes to wear down the continuously growing teeth and is very important for maintaining dental and gastrointestinal health. The hay should ideally be kept in a hay rack or basket to prevent it from lying on the floor of the pen and being contaminated by your guinea pigs’ droppings and becoming damp, dirty and moldy; this is unsanitary and could make your guinea pigs sick. Offer a selection of fresh green leafy vegetables and herbs daily. Some examples include dark-leaf lettuce like arugula, dandelion, snow peas, and herbs like marjoram, borage, marigold, nasturtium, rosemary, parsley, cilantro, basil, and dill. Other foods that are good to feed guinea pigs several times a week include broccoli, cabbage, endive, carrot tops, Brussels sprouts, kale, silver beets, mint, and fruits like apples (but without the seeds), mango, and papaya.

Daily. Some examples include dark-leaf lettuce like arugula, dandelion, snow peas, and herbs like marjoram, borage, marigold, nasturtium, rosemary, parsley, cilantro, basil, and dill. Other foods that are good to feed guinea pigs several times a week include broccoli, cabbage, endive, carrot tops, Brussels sprouts, kale, silver beets, mint, and fruits like apples (but without the seeds), mango, and papaya. Provide your guinea pigs with a dietary source of vitamin C, as guinea pigs (like humans) cannot synthesize vitamin C from other food substances. Vitamin C-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables and bell peppers (green, orange, and red) should be fed to your guinea pigs daily. Foods like carrots, kiwis, berries, and pineapple are also great sources of vitamin C and are treats for your guinea pigs, but only feed them a few times a week, not every day, as these foods are quite high in sugar.

because guinea pigs (like humans) cannot synthesize vitamin C from other food substances. Vitamin C-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables and bell peppers (green, orange, and red) should be fed to your guinea pigs daily. Foods like carrots, kiwis, berries, and pineapple are also great sources of vitamin C and are treats for your guinea pigs, but only feed them a few times a week, not every day, as these foods are quite high in sugar. Make sure you source grass, herbs, fruits and vegetables that have not been sprayed with chemicals as these could harm your guinea pigs. Lawnmower clippings should never be fed to your guinea pigs as it can cause gastrointestinal obstruction and make your guinea pigs very ill.

Commercially high quality “guinea pig” pellets (minimum 16% fiber) can be offered in small quantities but should not form the main part of the diet. Although many fresh contain sufficient vitamin C, this is only the case if the food is very fresh and within a few months these foods will no longer contain vitamin C.

Leftover food should be removed from your guinea pig’s enclosure after a few hours so that it does not rot or become moldy and harm your guinea pig.

Please remember that any new food should be introduced gradually to allow your guinea pig’s digestive system to adjust and prevent them from becoming ill. Mix new foods into the existing diet in small amounts and slowly increase the amount over two weeks.

Knowing what not to feed guinea pigs is also important, as there are many things that may seem harmless but can actually cause significant health problems. Make sure you don’t feed your guinea pigs the following foods (this is not an exhaustive list): grains; grains; Nuts; seeds; dried beans, corn and peas; buttercups; garden shrubs (such as hemlock or privet); lilies of any kind; sweet peas; nightshade; Oak; Avocado; onion grass; onions; potato tops; Mushrooms; daffodils; Thimble; rhubarb leaves; and human foods such as breads, cookies, candies, sugar, breakfast cereals, dairy products, chocolate, pasta, crackers or pickles.

If you need to change your guinea pig’s diet, please ensure you introduce the changes gradually over a few weeks.

Provide clean, fresh water at all times. Several water dispensers should be available and the pens should be equipped with a water bottle and a small water bowl should also be available.

Giving your guinea pig a chance to graze on grass is also important for their well-being. If they don’t have areas where they can safely graze (e.g. free-roaming in a secure pen), offering clipped grass is another alternative (however, they should not feed grass clippings as this can cause indigestion). If you’re harvesting grass to feed your guinea pigs, you need to make sure it’s safe. Make sure the grass has NOT been sprayed with herbicides or pesticides, do not harvest grass by the side of the road as it may be contaminated with exhaust toxins, or from areas where it may be invaded by other animals (e.g. livestock or dogs). has been contaminated. The grass should be fresh and green with no mold, mildew or fungi. As with hay, alfalfa should not be given fresh and clover should be avoided and not given in large quantities).

It is important that guinea pigs are introduced to a variety of different and healthy foods from a young age as they may not try or accept new foods later in life.

Please note that it is normal for guinea pigs to eat their soft, nitrogen-rich droppings that come from their cecum after passing it (coprophagia). This does not indicate a nutritional deficiency or abnormality, and guinea pigs should be allowed this.

15 Things Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat

There’s a really easy first step when considering sharing something with your guinea pig. Think like a guinea pig! You look around for noun nouns. What is available to you as a natural diet? No meat – you don’t hunt prey. Not milk. What are you nibbling on? Grasses, leaves, shoots, blossoms, some berries, now and then tree bark. some fruits. you eat plants

Now that you have that image in your head, let’s just go through 15 things your guinea pig shouldn’t eat and a brief description of why:

1. Meat of any kind. So no cat, dog or ferret food either! Guinea pigs’ digestive systems are not designed to digest anything other than plants. They don’t have the gastrointestinal equipment to even digest meat and it can make them pretty seriously ill.

2. Dairy products, including yogurt, cheese, kefir, sour cream, cream cheese and cottage cheese. Again, the guinea pig’s gastrointestinal tract is only for plants. They just don’t have the enzymes and other things they would need to digest dairy products. Yoghurt candies are NOT okay… they can damage your piggy’s system and it can take a while for symptoms to show up.

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