Can Husband Hide Things From Wife In Islam? Best 47 Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can husband hide things from wife in islam“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 474 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

What is prohibited between husband and wife in Islam?

Islam strictly discourages nudity and public nakedness, and it is also forbidden for spouses to spread the secrets of what happens between them in their private marital life.

What rights does a husband have in Islam?

A husband is commanded by the law of Allah to treat his wife with equity, to respect her feelings, and show her kindness and consideration, especially if he has any other wife. Nevertheless, the man may not be able to be fair and just in terms of love.

How should a wife treat her husband in Islam?

Express your affection to your husband in the ways that come naturally to you. Find out what your loved one responds to, and show him love in this way. If your husband likes physical affection, kiss and hug him when you greet him. If he likes to be told that you love him, tell him freely.

Can husband and wife see their private parts in Islam?

In front of her husband: There is no restriction in Islam on what body parts a woman may show to her husband in private. The husband and wife can see any part of each other’s body especially during sexual intercourse. In privacy: It is recommended that a person cover his or her sexual organs even when alone in private.

What are the rights of wife?

Right to live with dignity and self-respect: A wife has the right to live her life with dignity and to have the same lifestyle that of her husband and in-laws have. She also has right to live free from any mental or physical torture. Right to child maintenance: Husband and wife must provide for their minor child.

How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Summary Will is an essential legal document that should be drawn up during the testator’s lifetime. A will can be written in any language and must be signed by the testator. In addition, the will document must be authenticated by at least 02 witnesses. A will can be registered with […].

Can a husband stop his wife from meeting her parents?


How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

271 votes

A daughter-in-law’s legal rights in her home are the same as her husband’s rights. What’s his, hers.






How should a husband treat his wife?

And you value your spouse ten different ways:
  1. She needs to be number one. …
  2. She needs intimacy. …
  3. She needs you to be vulnerable. …
  4. She needs to be praised. …
  5. Let her be part of your team. …
  6. She needs you to protect and defend her. …
  7. Make her feel like her opinion counts. …
  8. Share your life with her.

How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

What is the secret to a happy and long-lasting marriage for busy professionals and entrepreneurs? No different than everyone else. It’s about learning to develop the kind of real love that doesn’t seek to win, only to give.

First of all, it doesn’t say, “I want to date this woman because the market valuation of her business is 5 million!” Real, unconditional love has no fine print. It has no ulterior motive.

What does that look like in real life when you’re about to tie the knot? Or even if you have been with us for 10 or 15 years? You need to know yourself at the core of your gender identity. Men and women have very different and specific needs.

10 things women need in a marriage

Do you know what a woman’s #1 need is? It’s knowing that she matters and that you (I’m looking at you husbands) appreciate her.

You’re a wise man if you can bring that up every day because your spouse wants to know that she’s… valued. And you appreciate your spouse in ten different ways:

1. She must be number one. Your wife needs to feel that she is more important than your business or work and most importantly more than your mother, children, friends, sports and hobbies.

2. She needs intimacy. If your wife is stressed and overwhelmed putting out fires all day while trying to meet that important deadline, she needs to know that you are ready to share an intimate moment of comfort without demanding explanations or lecturing. In other words, don’t fix them. Listen and let them process.

3. She needs you to be vulnerable. Open or unhindered communication is extremely important for the female sex and that you can be emotionally available for them.

4. She needs praise. Make a habit of acknowledging and praising her work accomplishments often so she feels like a worthwhile part of your life.

5. Let them be part of your team. Your woman needs to feel free to help you and contribute to the things you care about without fear of retribution and anger.

6. She needs you to protect and defend her. Not only from physical injury, but also from the criticism of others. She wants to know that you are there for her and that you have her back.

7. Make her feel like her opinion counts. She needs to know that her opinion of your work or company is so valuable that you discuss decisions with her and act only after carefully considering her advice.

8. Share your life with her. She needs to connect with you in a special way, so create a space for her to share her life with you in all areas—home, family, work, and other interests. Don’t rule them out.

9. Be a man of character and integrity. She needs you as the man her son can follow and whose daughter wants to marry.

10. Hold them often. She needs physical affection to be held tenderly just to be around you apart from times of sexual intimacy. (Don’t worry men I’ve got you covered in the next section below in the sex section)

10 things men need in a marriage

So what do men want? Aretha Franklin sang it best in 1967: R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

While this can be a risqué proposition for some women (“He doesn’t deserve my respect, he’s a narcissistic slob!”), most men want to be held in high esteem and be seen by their wives as their heroes — even if they make mistakes.

Men want and need their buddies to believe in them, especially when they put in 70 hours of work to get this startup off the ground. And women hold the key because so much approval and validation comes from their wives.

Despite being dedicated and hard-working husbands and fathers, they may have different emotional and sexual expectations, and at the end of the day, these men want to be respected for who they are and not for what you’ve been doing for me lately ?

Here are 10 ways men need to be respected in a marriage:

1. Stop the insults to motivate him to change. Wives may think that their harsh criticism will fix their husbands and make them better. nope! What you do actually causes rejection, which leads to anger, which then leads to bitter resentment towards you.

2. Create a safe space for an open and emotionally honest dialogue. If a woman can risk respecting her husband despite his Neanderthal ways, he will eventually show with his heart that he can and will change. Respect is the gateway to such conversations, and a wise woman will often offer it to build up her husband and set the stage for such intimate encounters.

3. Express respect in his love language. It can be pronounced through “words of affirmation” – one of Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages. Nothing matters so much to such a man when his wife assures him that he is great, competent and heroic. So make your home a safe place in his life, where the critical voices he hears in his business life will be drowned out by the soothing voice of your affirmations.

4. Respect him by offering yourself for physical affection (yes, sex). When wives make love to their husbands willingly and passionately (I said passionately, not passively) and occasionally initiating the act, it speaks loudly to your respect for his need for physical affection, served in his own way.

5. Respect him by letting him be a man. If a woman allows her Joe to be Joe without mothering him and lets him “be” who he should be without having to fix him, Joe will drop the remote hanging on ESPN and come out of his den more often, Hand his heart and get emotionally involved….without losing his manhood.

6. Respect him by giving him space. Suppose you and your husband get into a heated argument. Sometimes a woman tends to push for immediate conflict resolution. Is that true? What’s going on in your mature man’s mind is just the opposite. He says, “I need some space now!” Give him the space he needs to go into his cave and process his thoughts. He might be new to this, so even allow him to complain and express himself in a way that needs to be heard until he finally comes around.

7. Support and encourage him because most of the time he is under pressure but won’t tell you. A man struggling to provide for his family needs constant reassurance that she believes in him and looks up to him. Wives must see themselves in the privileged role of offering their husbands what no other person can—the full acceptance of their masculine truth. A woman who achieves this level of respect for her man will have a man who will love her forever.

8. Appreciate all parts of your man, not just the parts that connect you emotionally. If you appreciate his brawn, his athleticism, his creative flair, how he handles the bills, mows your beautiful lawn with accurate precision, or fixes things around the house without you asking him, tell him how much you appreciate it all , and often. What may happen next is that it starts opening the missing relational parts.

9. Be attractive to him. I’m not talking about what a woman three kids later looks like in a two-piece suit, although it’s important for husbands to take care of themselves physically. The attraction I’m talking about that a mature man desires goes beyond the physical and into the emotional. When he connects with her at its best, sparks fly. This means that a woman’s self-love, her passion for life and how she carries herself will trump his love for you. If you embody your attractiveness, he will reflect the same passion. A woman who wants a mature man invests in life to the fullest.

What is a wife duty in Islam?

In reality, the Quran holds women in high esteem. According to the Quran, an Islamic wife’s role is to be her husband’s equal partner, supporter, and helper in life and in their spiritual journey together.

How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

There are many stereotypes about how Islamic women are treated, and most critics tend to blame religion rather than specific cultural or political practices. In reality, the Qur’an values ​​women very highly. According to the Qur’an, the role of an Islamic woman is to be her husband’s equal partner, supporter and helper in life and on their spiritual journey together.

1 Caretaker… Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images Islamic wives are charged by the Qur’an with taking care not only of their husband’s emotional and physical needs, but also of his household and any children they have. If she is entrusted with her husband’s money, the Qur’an says that she must perform all related duties sparingly and efficiently. She also needs to nurture her marriage by loving her husband unconditionally and forgiving him small mistakes.

2 Spiritual Partner… Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images According to the Qur’an, men and women in Islam are both responsible for helping their spouse to attain Paradise. For example, wives are expected to offer wise and considered advice on matters of morality and religion. The Koran also tells her to pray for her husband and children and not to do anything that would go against Islam. The Qur’an also dictates that Muslim wives must always put God’s commandments above their husbands.

3 Servant The Qur’an emphasizes that wives should obey their husbands; However, this does not mean that they are slaves. This means that they should consult their husbands for advice, comply with his desires (as well as urge him to fulfill theirs), and refrain from actions or words that have the potential to harm him. For example, Muslim wives must always attend to their husband’s marital needs and obtain permission before allowing a stranger into the home or fasting outside of Ramadan.

What are the duties of a husband towards his wife?

Love Your Wife Unconditionally

Loving your wife unconditionally is one of the primary responsibilities of a husband. You must satisfy her emotionally by assuring her that you love, respect, and value her. Not just verbally, but this must also appear in your everyday actions.

How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

A healthy marriage takes work and effort. The role of a husband is just as important as that of a wife. And the role of a husband is just as important as that of a wife. There are set duties and responsibilities for man and woman. It helps make things easier. In the past, the man was the breadwinner and the woman was the caregiver. Today, however, a man and a woman can take on each other’s roles and maintain a peaceful marriage. If you are married or about to get married, it is best to know what the role of a husband is. It will help you formulate your expectations and avoid unwanted disputes. Read on to learn more about a man’s role in a successful marriage.

What role does the husband play in a marriage?

Did you know that the origin of the word “husband” comes from “house band” meaning a person who holds the house together? The man’s role in a marriage was to be the protector or guardian of the home. In contrast, a husband today is a 50% partner in a marriage. In the past, the entire household depended on the husband bringing in money and food and protecting the wife and children. He was portrayed as a “savior” and everyone wanted a strong husband.

However, in the world we live in today, the role of a husband, while largely remaining the same, has changed somewhat as women have taken their 50% share of marriage. Most religious books, such as the Bible, Vedas and Quran mention that a man must respect and love his wife. Despite this status of women, in earlier times marriage was largely dominated by the husband. This is still happening in many cultures and countries around the world, where men demand a family from their wives and look down on their wives as birthers and nurturers.

The main duty of a man in a marriage is to love his woman unconditionally and selflessly. The husband is often seen as the rock solid support in a family and someone a wife can lean on in her difficult times. Regardless of era or age, the husband in a marriage is always the stronger, masculine, and less emotional of the two.

When a man sincerely and completely loves his woman, respect and honor follow almost immediately. Women used to be considered the weaker sex, and husbands took it upon themselves to keep their wives safe and protected. Today a man walks hand in hand with his equally strong woman. This is the key to a successful marriage today.

Roles and responsibilities of a husband

A husband’s role goes beyond providing for or guiding his family with the money he earns. A husband’s primary duty or responsibility is to be a good man and to participate honestly in the family. Here are some roles and responsibilities of a man in marriage:

1. Protect your wife

Has your wife ever told you how safe she feels in your arms? Well, that’s exactly what a man should give his wife – sure! Protecting your wife from all possible dangers in life is the main responsibility of a man. Be it physical, mental, emotional or psychological, a husband must protect his wife from anything that could harm her. Your wife needs to feel safe and secure in your presence.

2. lead

The husband was always the head of the family. Although duties are shared with wives nowadays, it is a husband’s role to take on your responsibilities and perform certain duties at home. But remember – when you’re leading, don’t be too bossy.

3. Love your wife unconditionally

The foundation of every marriage is love and trust. These two qualities belong together. Loving your wife unconditionally is one of the main duties of a man. You need to satisfy her emotionally by reassuring her that you love, respect, and appreciate her. Not only verbally, but also in everyday actions.

4. Be patient with her

Your wife is an individual. She will not have the same behavior or thoughts as you. There may be times when she nags or times when you don’t like something about her. Be patient. Remember to value her individuality and not criticize or dismiss her for the little things she does. Your wife often has your goodwill at heart when she says or does something. Try to be gentle when trying to tell her you don’t like something about her. Also, avoid openly criticizing them or doing so in front of others.

5. Fulfill their needs and desires

No matter what religion or culture you belong to, one of the marriage vows that every man and woman takes is that it is their duty to meet each other’s needs and desires. The role of a good husband is to fulfill his wife’s needs, wants, desires and dreams. Yes, modern wives are capable of meeting their own needs, but making sure she has everything she needs is your duty as her husband.

6. Treat her well

Playing or fooling around is part of every man-woman relationship. But remember to always be a gentleman with your wife. The way you speak to and treat your wife speaks volumes about how much you value her and your marriage. When you have children, the way you treat your wife teaches them how to treat their partners in the future.

7. Spend time with your wife

Aside from tending to the needs of the home, a good husband spends quality time with his wife. No matter how busy your life is or how much time you invest in your children, a good husband must always make time for his wife. Go out with her, go shopping with her, watch a movie together, or just spend an hour or so talking to her at the end of the day. This helps strengthen the sacred bond of marriage that you and your wife have.

8. Be there for them

Remember the vow “in sickness and in health”? The vow should bind both husband and wife to a promise of always being available for one another. As a husband, you must always be available to your wife. It is common for many husbands to take their wives for granted after a few years of marriage. Avoid that complacency and be available to your woman no matter what.

9. Respect your wife

Your wife’s dignity is also your responsibility. As a husband, you must respect your wife both in private and in public. You must avoid discussing your wife’s private affairs with friends and other family members. Your relationship with your wife is an extremely private issue, and not sharing or disclosing these matters is a way of maintaining her dignity and respecting her.

10. Maintain a balance in your marriage

Once you have children, devoting time to your marriage can sound boring. When couples become parents, it’s natural for their focus to shift from their relationship to their children. You must maintain a balance between husband and father.

11. Your opinion counts

Marriage is a joint venture between you and your wife. you are both the same As a good husband, you must accept their opinions on matters affecting your marriage and children. She has an equal say in these matters and you must consider her thoughts and opinions. It also lets your wife know how much you appreciate her.

12. Help her with the housework

Women used to be housewives and were responsible for housework. However, an important responsibility of a good husband is to help his wife with household chores—especially when she is busy, late from work, tired, or ill. How a couple divides up their chores is up to them, but if your wife is busy doing chores, it can always be a good idea to give her a break every now and then.

Relieve her, especially during pregnancy, when she cannot cope with the strenuous housework. After the birth of your child, share a burden of parenting because the child is equally your responsibility!

13. Make her feel special

Everyday life and routine can rob a marriage of romance. It is a man’s duty to make his woman feel special from time to time. Buy her a present, surprise her with something she has always wanted, cook her a meal – the list is endless.

Below are some simple things you can do to be a good husband.

Tips to be a good husband

Now that you understand the role of a husband in a healthy marriage, here are some tips on how to be a good husband:

Be your wife’s best friend.

Take care of your wife physically and emotionally.

protect her

Respect your wife’s beliefs, even if you disagree with them.

Be sensitive to their needs, thoughts, and feelings. Pair your words with actions like showing affection, being intimate, and showing up.

Accept their mistakes.

Support her in all her endeavors.

Take an interest in their job.

Solve problems with effective communication. Always discuss things with your wife as no problem is insurmountable.

Be passionate and trustworthy.

While the expectations of a wife are varied and much talked about, a husband’s role in maintaining the relationship and nurturing a healthy family is also vital. As a loving husband and loving father, you are the anchor of your family. It takes a lot of work, effort, dedication and love to support a family. However, you must not overwhelm yourself with the idea of ​​being the perfect husband or father. Talking openly about your concerns, expectations, and boundaries would help you and your partner create a happy, healthy family of shared responsibilities and immense love.

KEY FINDINGS The husband is usually viewed as the guardian or protector of the home.

In a successful marriage, love, respect, and trust go hand in hand.

Whether in illness or health, it is important to stand by your partner unconditionally and with all your heart.


What is haram for a woman in Islam?

In Islam, a mahram is a member of one’s family with whom marriage would be considered haram (illegal in Islam) (excluding husband, whom the woman is already wedded to), concealment purdah, or concealment of the body with hijab, is not obligatory; and with whom, if he is an adult male, she may be escorted during a …

How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

This article is about a male social role in Islam. For adult female escort for unmarried women in western tradition, see Chaperones (social)

Term used to identify a Muslim’s non-marriageable relatives in Islamic law

In Islam, a mahram is a family member with whom marriage is considered haram (illegal in Islam) (except for the husband to whom the woman is already married), concealing purdah or concealing the body with hijab is not obligatory ; and, if an adult male, with whom she may be accompanied during a trip, although companionship may not be mandatory.[1]

Overview [ edit ]

People with whom marriage is forbidden[edit]

Permanent mahrams or blood mahrams include: all direct ancestors all direct descendants siblings siblings of parents, grandparents and further ancestors children and further descendants of siblings

or include: in-law mahrams, with which one becomes a mahram by marrying someone: all ancestors of one’s spouse all descendants of one’s spouse all who marry a lineal ancestor all who marry a lineal descendant

Who you become with by marrying someone:

(Note: A woman may only marry her stepfather if the stepfather has not consummated his marriage to her mother.)

Rada or ‘milk-sucking mahrams’, with which one becomes a mahram because one is breastfed by the same woman: foster mother foster siblings

or ” ” with which one becomes because one is breastfed by the same woman:

When a woman acts as a wet nurse (i.e. she breastfeeds a child who is not her own child under certain conditions for a certain period of time), she becomes the Rada mother of the child. In English these may be referred to as milk brother, milk mother, etc. For a man, mahram wives include his mother, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunt, great-aunt, niece, great-niece, his father’s wife, his wife’s daughter (step-daughter), his daughter-in-law (if previously married). his biological son. She is not a mahram if she was married to his adopted son), mother-in-law, Rada mother and Rada sister. As the Prophet Muhammad said, “What is forbidden for reasons of kinship is forbidden for reasons of nursing.”[2]

These are considered mahrams because they are mentioned in the Quran (An-Nisa 22–23):

22. Do not marry your father’s previous wives – except what was previously done. It was indeed a shameful, despicable, and evil practice. 23. “Likewise” you are barred from marriage your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your paternal and maternal aunts, your brother’s daughters, your sister’s daughters, your foster mothers, your foster sisters, your mothers-in-law, your stepdaughters under your guardianship, if you have consummated marriage to their mothers – but if you have not done so, you may marry them – nor your own sons’ wives, nor two sisters at the same time – except what has been done before. Verily Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Sura An-Nisa 4:22-23

All of the man’s female relatives mentioned in these two verses are considered his Maharim because it is unlawful (haram) for him to marry them, except for the woman’s sister, whom he can marry if he divorces her divorces his sister or if his wife dies. The idea of ​​mahram is reciprocal. All other relatives are considered non-Maharim.

Legal escort of women during travel[edit]

A woman may legally be accompanied by her husband or by any healthy adult male mahram of blood during a voyage, although an escort may not be required, including:

their father, grandfather or other male ancestor

their son, grandson or other male descendant

her brother

their uncle, great-uncle or uncle of a previous generation

the son, grandson or other descendants of their siblings

Rules [edit]


A Muslim woman’s mahrams form the group of permissible companions when she travels.’.

For a spouse, being a mahram is a permanent condition. This means, for example, that a man remains mahram for his ex-mother-in-law after he divorced her daughter.

See also[edit]


Can I breastfeed my husband in Islam?

Therefore Quran 4:23 prohibits a man from having sexual relations with his “milk mother” or “milk sister”; hadith explain that the wet-nurse’s husband is also included as a milk kin, eg. a woman may not marry her wet-nurse’s husband.

How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Breastfeeding enjoys a high status in Islam. The Koran sees this as a sign of love between mother and child. In Islamic law, breastfeeding creates bonds of dairy kinship (known as raḍāʿ or riḍāʿa (Arabic: رضاع‎, رضاعة‎ pronounced [rɪˈdˤɑːʕ(æ)]), which has implications for family law.[1][2] Muslims around the world have different ones breastfeeding habits traditions.

Quran and Hadith[ edit ]

Several Qur’anic verses, all from the Medina period, establish the Islamic ethics of breastfeeding [3]: 106 Qur’an 28:7 and Qur’an 28:12 refer to the Islamic prophet Moses’ breastfeeding in order to foster the loving bond between babies Emphasizing Moses and his mother.[3]: 106 Breastfeeding is alluded to as a basic maternal bond in the Qur’an 22:2, where a mother neglecting to breastfeed her child is considered an unusual sign.[3]: 106

According to the Koran, breastfeeding is a fundamental right of every infant.[4] Qur’an 2:233 calls on fathers to finance the child’s care by providing the child’s mother with food and clothing for two years, although it allows the child to be weaned earlier by mutual consent of the mother and father.[3] :106 The same verse also allows for motherly nursing to be substituted by wet nurses.[3]:106 Qur’an 65:6-7 expects the child’s father to be generous to the wet nurse.[5]:477

The Qur’an regards milk ties as similar to blood ties.[5]:477 Hence Qur’an 4:23 forbids a man to have sexual relations with his ‘milk mother’ or ‘milk sister’;[3]: 107 Hadith explain that the husband the wet nurse is also considered a milk clan,[5]: 477 eg. a woman must not marry her nurse’s husband. According to scholars, this prohibition is not found in the Jewish and Christian tradition, although it is found in matrilineal groups.[3]: 107

In Islamic law[ edit ]

Breastfeeding is considered one of the most fundamental rights of a child in Islamic law.[4] Muslim jurists have dealt extensively with this subject, for example al-Mawardi (d. 1058) wrote an entire treatise Kitab al-rada on the subject of breastfeeding.[4] These include the specifics of the right to breastfeeding, as well as the impact of breastfeeding on the prohibition of marriage between persons related by milk.

Right to breastfeeding[edit]

The right to breastfeeding is considered one of the most important children’s rights in Islamic law.[4] If the mother cannot breastfeed the child, the father has to pay for a wet nurse.[6] If the child’s parents are divorced, the father has to compensate his ex-wife during the breastfeeding period.[7] The Jafaris also believe that a mother is entitled to compensation for breastfeeding even if the parents are married.[6] However, Sunni doctrines disagree, arguing that if the two are divorced, the mother’s father is not obliged to pay the mother,[6] the wife already has the right to maintenance (food and clothing) under Islamic law. [8th]

Some opinions hold that a mother has the right to breastfeed her children, but can choose not to if she wishes.[8] This is an extension of the general principle in Islamic law that a mother has the right to raise her children, but she can waive that right as it is not her duty.[8]

Dairy relations for infants

The Qur’an regards breastfeeding as establishing a dairy relationship, which has implications for marriage.

Islamic jurisprudence discusses at length the precise delineation of which relationships are subject to prohibition once the milk relationship is established. According to the Koran, Shia Islam also forbids marriage to blood relatives of a milk parent. In Shia societies, the wet nurse always belonged to a subordinate group, so that marriage to her clan would not have been likely. Texts mention that Ahmad ibn Hanbal, founder of the Hanbali school of law, also dealt with similar questions.[9]

The minimum number of infants required to establish milk kinship has been the subject of much debate. An infant was enough for the adherents of older schools of law, such as the Malikis and Hanafis. Others, like the Shafiʿis, claim that the minimum number was five or ten, arguing that a Qur’anic verse once fixed that number until it was repealed from the Qur’anic text, but the regulation was still in effect. However, Imam Malik believed that the sentence was overturned along with the text.[10][11]

Adult suckling[edit]

The following narration (Hadith) deals with this issue as well as that of radāʿ al-kabīr or breastfeeding an adult or breastfeeding an adult and the number of infants:

She [Aisha] reported that “in the revelations of the Qur’an, ten certified breastfeeding procedures were mentioned that were required to establish the prohibition on marriage. The ten have been replaced by mentioning five certified breastfeeding events. The Prophet died and The Five were still being recited in the Qur’an. No man ever invoked ‘Ā’isha who had not completed the minimum number of five infants.” …Urwah ibn al-Zubayr narrates that the Prophet ordered Abu Hudhayfa’s wife to feed her husband’s mawlā [i.e. servants], Sālim, so that he could continue living with them [after attaining manhood].[12][13][14][15]

For most jurists (Ibn Hazm is a prominent exception), the marriage ban was effective only if the infant was an infant. But even these allowed a new relationship to develop between the two; Ibn Rushd, for example, decided that the woman could now behave more freely in front of the well-groomed adult man, such as appearing before him unveiled.[16] The famous traditionalist Muhammad al-Bukhari was forced to resign his position as mufti and leave the city of Bukhara after deciding that two infants suckling from the same farm animal would become siblings.[17]

In May 2007, Dr. Izzat Atiyya, a lecturer at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, issued a fatwa that suggested male and female colleagues could use breastfeeding to circumvent a religious prohibition on being alone. The fatwa said that if a woman feeds a male colleague “directly from her breast” at least five times, they would establish a family bond and thus be allowed to work alone together. “Breastfeeding an adult ends the problem of private meeting and does not prohibit marriage,” he said. “A woman at work can remove her veil or show her hair in front of someone she has been breastfeeding.”[18] The fatwa sparked outrage and embarrassment, with critics mocking the author on Egyptian television. The university suspended the lecturer who ran the university’s hadith department. The fatwa was widely broadcast by Arabic-language satellite TV channels and debated in the Egyptian Parliament.[19] After being threatened with disciplinary action by the university, Atiyya issued a retraction, saying the fatwa was “a poor interpretation of a particular case” during the time of Muhammad[18] and was based only on the opinions of a minority of scholars.[19] Egyptian Religious Affairs Minister Mahmoud Zaqzouq has called for future fatwas to be “consistent with logic and human nature.”[18]

In 2010, a spiritual adviser to the Saudi royal court and the Ministry of Justice issued a fatwa proposing that women should provide their hired drivers with breast milk, making them relatives.[20] The driver could then be trusted to be alone with the woman. The fatwa was derided by activists.

See also[edit]


Is kissing your wife Haram?

Other than the above three restrictions, there is absolutely no harm if one kisses or sucks the lips of wife, because Allah has created them for each other to satisfy each other.

How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

question answer

Is sucking on the woman’s lips allowed?

a/a i am a young man and recently married and my wife is very beautiful and she has nice lips and i arouse her if i ever feel like having sex by kissing and sucking her lips it leads her to fuller Arousal and she enjoys it too, is it allowed?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We start with Allah’s blessed name, we praise Him and we glorify Him, ask His forgiveness and ask Him to guide us. Whom Allah guides, no one can lead astray, and whomever He leads astray, no one can guide. There is no power and no strength except from Allah, the Most High, the Greatest, the Mightiest. We testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone and we testify that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is His servant and the Seal of His Messengers. We pray for peace and blessings for all Noble Messengers and especially for the last of them all “the blessed Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)”.

Your wives are like a pledge to you; so approach your tilth when or how you want. Quran[2:223]

Abu Dhar al-Ghafari reported: “The Messenger of Allah (saas) said: “There is a reward for you [self] in sex with your wife.” The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah (saws) there is a reward if someone satisfies his passion?” He (saws) said: “Do you know that he has taken on a sin if he satisfies it wrongfully? Likewise, if he fulfills it lawfully, he will be rewarded.” Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim.

And one of His signs is that He has created companions for you so that you may find rest in them, and He has provided love and compassion between you… (Qur’an, 30:21)

Allah says in the Qur’an: Islam has granted the husband and wife every possible freedom to enjoy sexual relations with one another, except for three:1. It is strictly forbidden to have sexual intercourse with the woman during her menstruation.2. It is strictly forbidden to enter the woman through her anus.3. Oral sex Aside from the above three limitations, there is absolutely no harm in kissing or sucking woman’s lips because Allah created them for each other to please each other. And Allah alone knows the best.

I ask Allah to make this a sincere effort and seek His pleasure and I ask Him to grant us refuge in Him from the evils in ourselves and from our deeds. I ask him to grant us success in achieving what pleases him; And may Allah shower His blessings and mercy on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his family and companions and all who follow him until the last hour.

Ummah Helpline

Is kissing your wife haram?

Other than the above three restrictions, there is absolutely no harm if one kisses or sucks the lips of wife, because Allah has created them for each other to satisfy each other.

How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

question answer

Is sucking on the woman’s lips allowed?

a/a i am a young man and recently married and my wife is very beautiful and she has nice lips and i arouse her if i ever feel like having sex by kissing and sucking her lips it leads her to fuller Arousal and she enjoys it too, is it allowed?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We start with Allah’s blessed name, we praise Him and we glorify Him, ask His forgiveness and ask Him to guide us. Whom Allah guides, no one can lead astray, and whomever He leads astray, no one can guide. There is no power and no strength except from Allah, the Most High, the Greatest, the Mightiest. We testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone and we testify that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is His servant and the Seal of His Messengers. We pray for peace and blessings for all Noble Messengers and especially for the last of them all “the blessed Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)”.

Your wives are like a pledge to you; so approach your tilth when or how you want. Quran[2:223]

Abu Dhar al-Ghafari reported: “The Messenger of Allah (saas) said: “There is a reward for you [self] in sex with your wife.” The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah (saws) there is a reward if someone satisfies his passion?” He (saws) said: “Do you know that he has taken on a sin if he satisfies it wrongfully? Likewise, if he fulfills it lawfully, he will be rewarded.” Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim.

And one of His signs is that He has created companions for you so that you may find rest in them, and He has provided love and compassion between you… (Qur’an, 30:21)

Allah says in the Qur’an: Islam has granted the husband and wife every possible freedom to enjoy sexual relations with one another, except for three:1. It is strictly forbidden to have sexual intercourse with the woman during her menstruation.2. It is strictly forbidden to enter the woman through her anus.3. Oral sex Aside from the above three limitations, there is absolutely no harm in kissing or sucking woman’s lips because Allah created them for each other to please each other. And Allah alone knows the best.

I ask Allah to make this a sincere effort and seek His pleasure and I ask Him to grant us refuge in Him from the evils in ourselves and from our deeds. I ask him to grant us success in achieving what pleases him; And may Allah shower His blessings and mercy on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his family and companions and all who follow him until the last hour.

Ummah Helpline

⛔Warning⛔ Don’t Make Your Wife Cry! Powerful Reminder by Mufti Menk

⛔Warning⛔ Don’t Make Your Wife Cry! Powerful Reminder by Mufti Menk
⛔Warning⛔ Don’t Make Your Wife Cry! Powerful Reminder by Mufti Menk

See some more details on the topic can husband hide things from wife in islam here:

Husband hiding information –

Is a husband allowed to he things from his wife such as who gets hanging out … If both spouses adopt that attitude, the marriage will be a bond of love …

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Husband and wife rights. Can a husband hide his actions and …

He does not have a right to he the wrong things he does, rather the rights are with you because you are married to him.

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In Islam, what are the things which husbands cannot do …

Nothing, since a husband has no obligation to obey his wife. It’s the wife who has to obey her husband and take permission for stuff in Islam.

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Lying between spouses – Fiqh

Lying is not allowed except when necessary, like the 3 circumstances mentioned in the hadith, one of the three circumstances is lying to your spouse, …

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Can husband hide things from wife in Islam?

Yes.. There is no such duty mentioned in Islam that wife should disclose everything to her husband. How do you know when your wife doesn’t …

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Yes..There is no such duty mentioned in Islam that wife should disclose everything to her husband. Wife must be willing to let her husband go …

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can husband he things from wife in islam. Muslim husband and wife should never do these four things mentioned, please read carefully and spread it to the …

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The Role of Spouses under Islamic Family Law – CORE

He can twist it whichever direction He likes. The Prophet was reported that he used to distribute things among his wives in a just and fair manner. However, he …

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I would like to know how much the wife can ask her husband about family budget, … I feel not comfortable if my husband he some of these things.

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Husband hiding information

If a husband does not do things that are important to the wife, such as if he doesn’t like something, does he need to change his behavior to suit what she likes and cares about? Does she have to sleep with him every night whenever he wants her physically, even if she’s upset with him, worried about his hiding things and being mean to her? If he breaks a promise, does she still have to fulfill his sexual desires even if she would hate it because he neglects her? Please let me know. Can a husband hide things from his wife, e.g. B. Who does he hang out with and where does he go? If he keeps things secret and neglects her desires, does a woman still have to have intercourse with her husband if he asks him to, even if she is treated unfairly? JazackAllah khair.


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Gracious.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

You raised many questions regarding the husband. We do not know the reason for the man’s attitude in this regard.

In general, however, if a wife disapproves of the husband’s attitude and behavior, she should approach him with wisdom and persuade him to discuss the matter.

It is possible that the wife is the real reason for his behavior. If that’s the case, she should make adjustments to make him comfortable.

The husband must also be fair and open with his wife. He should avoid any behavior that arouses fear and suspicion in her.

The success of a marriage is the happiness of the spouse. [1]

When both spouses adopt this attitude, the marriage becomes a bond of love (Ra’fa) and mercy (Rahma).

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Saad Haque

Disciple Darul Iftaa

New Jersey, USA

Checked and approved by,

Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

Sexuality in Islam

Islamic views and laws on sexuality

A legal advisor who gives sexual advice. From Khamsa by Atai (Walters MS 666). This illustration from Walter’s manuscript W.666 shows a mufti, having heard a mother’s complaint about her son-in-law’s inability to consummate his marriage to her daughter, giving sexual advice. 1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman). Atai (Uzbek, died 1044 AH/AD 1634) (author of the text). Khayr Allah Khayri Jawush Zadah (Writer)

Views and laws on sexuality in Islam are largely based on the Qur’an, the sayings of Muhammad (Hadith) and the rulings of religious leaders (Fatwa), which restrict sexual activity to marital relationships between men and women.[1][2] While most traditions discourage celibacy, all encourage strict chastity, modesty, and privacy in all relations between the sexes, and assert that their intimacy, as perceived in Islam, is largely reserved for marriage. This sensitivity to gender differences, gender seclusion, and modesty outside of marriage is reflected in current prominent aspects of Islam, such as the interpretation of Islamic dress and the level of gender segregation.[3]

In Islam, prohibitions on sex outside of marriage are strong and permissible sexual activities in marriage are familiar subjects.[4][5] Marriage is the only permissible sexual relationship and is described in the Qur’an and Hadith as strong love and closeness. The use of contraceptives is allowed for contraception. Actions and behaviors such as certain abortions and homosexuality are strictly prohibited.[6]

Islamic scholarly perspectives and judgments on sexuality are codified as either sexual jurisprudence (Arabic: الفقه الجنسي[a]) or matrimonial jurisprudence (Arabic: فقه النكاح[b]), both of which in turn also contain constituents of Islamic family jurisprudence, Islamic matrimonial jurisprudence, hygiene – and criminal law.[7][8][9][10][11]

Sex education[edit]

Islam has a long tradition of pragmatism when it comes to sex education, where sex is welcome to be discussed and is not an issue or taboo as long as the issues discussed are Islamically permissible. A hadith attributed to Muhammad’s wife Aisha states that the Ansar women in particular were not afraid to ask questions about sexual matters as long as they were halal.[12] Entire manuscripts on Islamic sex education had been written in Arabic since the 14th century in Baghdad, which was then a major literary center of the Muslim world.[13]

In modern practice, sex education is not recommended until just before puberty, to teach children the signs and characteristics that distinguish males from females.[14] Islamic tradition also encourages connecting sex education with morality by explaining the Islamic rules, which include covering the intimate parts of the body, ‘aura, and the Islamic positions on modesty, chastity and avoidance of promiscuity.[14]

circumcision [ edit ]

Khitan or Khatna (Arabic: ختان‎, Arabic: ختنة) is the term for male circumcision, performed as a cultural rite by Muslims and considered a sign of belonging to the broader Islamic community.[15] Whether or not it should be performed after conversion to Islam is debated among Islamic scholars.[16][17] The Qur’an does not mention circumcision in any verse, either explicitly or implicitly, while some hadiths mention circumcision in a list of practices known as fitra (acts considered to be performed by a refined person). However, various hadiths contradict each other as to whether circumcision is part of fitra or not. According to some traditions, Muhammad was born without a foreskin (apothetic), while others claim that his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib circumcised him when he was seven days old.[18][19] Islamic sources that advocate circumcision also do not set a specific time for circumcision, which can depend on family, region, and country. The preferred age is usually seven, although some Muslims are circumcised as early as the seventh day after birth and only at the onset of puberty.[15]

puberty [edit]

Bāligh or bulūgh (Arabic: بالغ or بُلوغ‎‎) refers to a person who has reached maturity or puberty and has full responsibility under Islamic law.

In marriage matters, for example, baligh is related to the Arabic legal term hatta tutiqa’l-rijal, meaning that a marriage must not take place until the girl is physically fit for intercourse. In comparison, Baligh or Balaghat concerns the attainment of sexual maturity, which is manifested through menstruation. The age associated with these two concepts may or may not coincide. Only after attaining a separate condition called rushd, or intellectual maturity to manage one’s property, can a girl receive her dowry.[20]

Nocturnal emission[ edit ]

Nocturnal emission is not a sin in Islam. While a person who fasts (in Ramadan or otherwise) is usually presumed to have broken their fast through intentional ejaculation (either during masturbation or intercourse), nocturnal emission is not such a cause. They still have to bathe before undergoing some rituals of the religion. Muslim scholars view ejaculation as something that renders one temporarily ritually unclean, a condition known as junub. meaning that a Muslim who has had an orgasm or ejaculated must have a ghusl.[21]

menstruation [edit]

The Quran specifically mentions menstruation in verse 2:222, which instructs Muslims to “keep away from women during menstruation and not approach them until they have become clean; then when they have cleansed themselves, go into them as Allah has commanded you”,[22] language so understood clearly implies that sexual relations during menses are forbidden.[23] Ibn Kathīr, a muhaddith, narrated a hadith describing Muhammad’s habits with his menstruating wives. This hadith shows that Muhammad permitted all forms of conjugal intimacy during the period of menstruation, with the exception of vaginal intercourse. Women must perform ritual purification (ghusl) before engaging in religious duties or sexual relations after their menses have ended.[24]

Modesty and Chastity[edit]

Islam has heavily emphasized the concept of conservatism, decency and modesty; In addition to legitimate sexuality, decency and chastity are paramount both within and outside of marital relationships. The Qur’an warns against fahisha, or immoral desire,[25][26] and in the hadith literature, modesty has been described as “a part of faith.”[27] Islam strictly discourages nudity and public nudity,[28][29] and spouses are also forbidden to divulge the secrets of what is happening between them in their private married life.[30]

Legal sexual behavior[ edit ]

Legal relationships[edit]

There are two types of permissible sexual relationships in Islam: marriage and concubinage.

Marriage [ edit ]

In Islam, marriage is a legal contract between two people. Both the groom and the bride must voluntarily consent to the marriage. Marriage is an act of Islam and is strongly recommended.[32][33] In Islamic jurisprudence, the main purpose of sexual intercourse between marriage and concubinage is procreation. Islam recognizes the strong sexual urge and craving for procreation and supports a pro-natalist view of procreation.[34]

In Islamic law (Sharia), marriage (nikāḥ نکاح) is a legal and social contract between two people, outlining the rights and duties of the groom and bride.[32] Polygyny is permitted in Islam under certain conditions, but polyandry is forbidden.[35] Divorce in Islam can take a variety of forms, some performed by a husband personally and others performed by a religious court on behalf of a plaintiff wife who succeeds in her legal petition for divorce on valid grounds.[36]

Besides Nikah, there is another temporary marriage known as zawāj al-mut’ah (“temporary marriage”)[37]: 1045, which is permitted only by the Twelver branch of Shia for a predetermined period of time. 38][39]: 242 [40][41] There is also Nikah Misyar, a permanent marriage with the suspension of some conditions such as cohabitation, which is permitted by some Sunni scholars.[42][43][44]

Interfaith marriages are recognized between Muslims and non-Muslim “People of the Book” (usually Jews, Christians and Sabians).[45] According to the traditional interpretation of Islamic law (Sharīʿa), a Muslim man is allowed to marry a Christian or a Jew, but this rule does not apply to women belonging to other non-Muslim religious communities, while a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim man of a non- to marry a Muslim religious group.[47] However, marriage to an idolater is forbidden,[48]

In the case of a Muslim-Christian marriage to be entered into only with the consent of the Christian partner, according to the Ashtiname of Muhammad, a contract between Muslims and Christians, the Christian spouse must not be prevented from attending church for prayer and worship recorded between Mohammed and St. Catherine’s Monastery.[31][49]

Marriage is not permitted between most relatives with whom relationships would normally be considered incestuous, including a man marrying his mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece or mother-in-law. Other forbidden marriages are stepdaughters born to women with whom one had a marital relationship, two or more sisters from the same family.[48]


A 13th-century depiction of a slave market in Yemen where concubines could be bought

Before the abolition of slavery, Islamic law permitted a man to have sexual intercourse with his female slaves.[50] Concubinage, a sexual relationship between a Muslim man and an unmarried slave girl who belonged to him, was the only legal sexual relationship outside of marriage in Islamic law.

“Concubine” (surriyya) refers to the female slave (jāriya), whether Muslim or non-Muslim, with whom her master has intercourse. The word Surriyya is not mentioned in the Qur’an. However, the expression “Ma malakat aymanukum” (that which your right hand possesses), which occurs fifteen times in the holy book, refers to slaves and therefore, although not necessarily, to concubines. Concubinage was a pre-Islamic custom allowed to be practiced under Islam through some reforms with both Jews and non-Muslims. Muhammad also inspired freeing and marrying “converted pious” concubines.[51]

Islamic jurisprudence places limits on the master’s right to have sexual intercourse with his slave. A man’s ownership of his unmarried slave girl gave him the exclusive right to have sex with her on condition that he not sell her to others (to prevent slave prostitution) or harm her.[52] A man could have an unlimited number of concubines that he could afford and maintain, but had no access to his wife’s slaves. Marriage between the master and his concubine was only possible if she had first been granted permissive status. In order to avoid pregnancy, the master had the right to practice coitus interruptus. The birth of offspring would change the concubine’s legal status to that of umm al-walad (“mother of the child”); As such, the concubine could not then be sold and her child would be considered legitimate and free. Upon the (lawful) death of her master, she would automatically attain free status.[53]

Sexual techniques[edit]

One of the areas of Islamic sexual jurisprudence where there are not many restrictions is when it comes to discussing sexual techniques. Almost everything practiced under Islamic law relating to sexual techniques and the act of intercourse derives from Hadith, which are not restrictive in nature but are followed by a mutual etiquette known as foreplay.[54][55] [56]

In Islam, the husband should have sexual intercourse with his wife according to what satisfies her as long as it does not harm him physically or prevent him from earning a living. The husband has an obligation to treat his wife kindly and fairly. Part of this kind and appropriate treatment is the sexual intercourse he must have. The majority of scholars fix the period beyond which the husband is not permitted to abstain from sexual intercourse at four months and mention this tradition.[57] [c] According to other scholars, there is no time limit.[58] However, most scholars say that it is equally obligatory for women not to refuse their husbands when calling them unless the woman being called is menstruating or so ill that intercourse is injurious to her, or is observing a obligatory fasting. If she refuses without apologies, she is cursed.[59]

Sexual intercourse is also forbidden during menstruation,[23] for forty days after childbirth (puerperium), during the daylight hours of the month of Ramadan (i.e. during fasting) and on pilgrimages to the sanctuary (at Ahram) in Mecca, pilgrims are not allowed to have sexual intercourse and marriages contracted during pilgrimage are invalid.[60]

Cleaning and hygiene[ edit ]

Sexual hygiene in Islam is a prominent topic in Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) because of its everyday character. After engaging in sexual activity involving penetration or ejaculation, both men and women must perform a full-body ritual ablution known as ghusl to restore ritual purity before prayer.[61] Ghusl requires clean, odorless water that has not been used in any previous ritual and begins by declaring the intention of purity and worship.[62] A Muslim who performs the complete ablution then washes every part of his or her body.[62]

During Ramadan, sexual activity is only permitted at night.[63] Although this passage is specifically addressed to men, the precepts regarding sex in relation to fasting generally apply equally to male and female Muslims.[64]

Ambiguous sexual behavior[ edit ]

Masturbation[ edit ]

There are differing scholarly views on masturbation (Arabic: استمناء Arabic, romanized: istimnā’) in Islam, mainly because the Qur’an does not explicitly mention the subject. There are some references to this in the hadiths, but these are considered unreliable.[65] Also, the hadiths regarding masturbation do not take a definitive stance on the subject. Therefore, the positions for masturbation are very different.[66]

Masturbation has nonetheless been considered haram or forbidden by many jurists in the past,[67][68] often with the proviso that it may be permissible if done out of necessity. For example, one scholar expressly permitted masturbation as a means by which soldiers could remain chaste far from their wives on a tour of duty.[69] At the same time, at certain points in history, masturbation was also considered one of the major sins[70] and subject to stricter penalties in the event of a repeat offense[72] at one’s discretion ta’zir under Islamic law[71] ]

The four Sunni schools of law or fiqh (Hanafi, Shafi’i, Maliki and Hanbali) have different viewpoints on this issue. Some see it as forbidden in certain cases (e.g. when it causes a man/woman to sexually ignore their spouse) but recommend it when they see it as a lesser evil to illegal sex. In the Maliki and Shafi’i schools, masturbation is usually completely forbidden,[73][68] while in the Hanafi and Hanbali schools it is usually forbidden unless a spouse is unavailable and there is a fear of adultery or fornication (i.e. in a state of extreme sexual desire), in which case it is permissible to liberate oneself through masturbation.[74][75][76][77][78][79][d][e]

The Maliki and Shafi’i position stems from the fact that it was considered forbidden by both Imam Malik ibn Anas and Imam Al-Shafi’i, the latter noting that verses in the Quran on protecting one’s chastity and the [67][68] At the same time, within the Maliki school, there is a minority opinion that allows masturbation if it is done privately and without the use of illegal materials such as pornography and drugs.[82] Some Hanbali jurists now also condone that those under the pressure of desire are not married, and Ahmad ibn Hanbal also said that for prisoners, travelers and for men and women who have difficulty in finding a lawful spouse, is permissible.[83][68] In Hanafi scholarship, a woman who masturbates her husband is now unpopular but not forbidden, meaning that it would be preferable not to do so, but doing so will not incur any sin.[84][ 85]

In Shi’a jurisprudence, masturbation is generally regarded as forbidden, although the intention has always been to allow masturbation as the lesser of two evils (to prevent one from fornicating).[86] Those jurists who allow masturbation in various cases distinguish between those who masturbate out of necessity and those who have the means but nevertheless masturbate to satisfy their lust.[66] Ja’far as-Sadiq also quoted the Qur’anic verses on protecting one’s chastity and private parts.[87][88] The modern Iranian jurist Ali al-Sistani has stated that while he emphasizes that masturbation is haram in all other circumstances, it is permissible in the case of medical necessity provided there were no lawful means of achieving ejaculation.[ 89]

oral sex [ edit ]

In Islam, oral sex between a husband and wife is considered by some Islamic jurists to be “makruh tahrimi”[90] or highly undesirable when the act is defined as contact of the mouth and tongue with the genitals.[91][92] The reasons for considering this act inadvisable are manifold, most notably the issue of modesty, purification (taharat), and cleanliness.[93]

The most common argument is[92] that the mouth and tongue are used for reciting the Qur’an and for remembrance of Allah (dhikr).[94] The status of contact between the genitals and the mouth and genital secretions is also debated among the four Sunni schools, some scholars considering them impure and others not.

Illegal sexuality[edit]

According to Islamic laws established through exegesis of the Qur’an and Hadith, all sexual relations other than with a spouse (or a man’s concubine) are considered zinā (fornication).[53] Zina must also be committed by a person of their own free will.[95] According to traditional jurisprudence, zina commits adultery,[96][97][98] fornication,[96][97][98] prostitution,[99] rape,[95] bestiality,[96][100] incest,[101] [102] and bestiality.[96][103][104]

Prostitution was practiced by some Arabs in the 6th century but was forbidden in Islam from the 7th century after Muhammad declared it forbidden on all grounds.[105][106] Incestuous relationships in Islam (zinā bi’l-mahārim) are those with any person’s mahram, a definition of core and extended family derived from hadith.[107][108]

rape [edit]

Rape is considered a serious sex crime in Islam and can be defined in Islamic law as: “Forced illegal sexual intercourse by a man with a woman who is not lawfully married to him, without her free will and consent.”[109]

Classical Islamic law defined what is now commonly referred to as “rape” as a forced form of fornication or adultery (zināʾ).[110] This basic definition of rape as “forced zināʾ” meant that all normal legal principles pertaining to zināʾ—its definition, punishment, and determination by evidence—were also applicable to rape; The prototypical act of zināʾ has been defined as sexual intercourse between a man and a woman over which the man has neither marital nor property rights.[110] Zināʾ was established under classical law by confession of one or both parties, as well as evidence. A second type of evidence – pregnancy in an unmarried/unpossessed woman – was contested between schools. The strict evidential and procedural standards for the implementation of the Zināʾ punishment may have helped offset the severity of the punishment itself, an effect apparently intended by the judicial authorities, who in the early period developed legal maxims encouraging the avoiding ḥadd punishment as much as possible, whether by claiming ambiguity (shubhah) or lack of legal capacity (ahliyya).[110]

What distinguished a prototypical act of zināʾ from rape for the jurists was that in the prototypical case both parties act of their own volition, whereas in rape only one of the parties does so. Lawyers acknowledged a wide range of situations as “imperative,” including the use of physical force, the existence of coercion, or the threat of future harm either to oneself or to loved ones; they also included in their definition of coercion the inability to give valid consent, as in the case of minors or the mentally ill or unconscious. Muslim jurists from the earliest period of Islamic law agreed that perpetrators of forced zināʾ should receive the ḥadd punishment, which usually applies to their personal status and sexual status, but that the ḥadd punishment should not apply to victims of forced zinkāʾ or non-consensual Zināʾ should be applied because of their reduced capacity.[110]

According to the Mālikī, Ḥanbalī and Shāfiʾī schools of law, the rape of a free woman consisted of not one but two violations: a violation of a ‘right of God’ (ḥaqq Allāh) which provoked the ḥadd punishment; and a violation of a “human” (interpersonal) right (ḥaqq ādamī) requiring monetary compensation. [additional citations needed] These jurists saw the free woman in her ownership of her own sexuality (buḍʾ) as no different from the slave owner who owns his slave’s sexuality. For them, just as the slave owner was entitled to compensation for sexual appropriation, so too was the free woman entitled to compensation. The amount of this compensation, they argued, should be the amount any man would normally pay for sexual access to the woman in question—that is, the amount of her dowry (ṣadāq or mahr) [additional citations needed]. [110] Regarding abortion in relation to rape, most legal scholars do not see rape as a valid reason: the sanctity of the new life takes precedence over the autonomy of the pregnant woman.[111]

Anal sex [ edit ]

All Muslim jurists agree that anal sex is haram (forbidden) based on the hadith of Muhammad.[112]

Many scholars point to the story of Lot in the Qur’an as an example of sodomy being a egregious sin. However, several others hold that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was not specifically due to the bestiality practiced in those cities, but rather a combination of multiple transgressions. Death by stoning for people in Sodom and Gomorrah is similar to stoning for illegal heterosexual sex. There is no punishment for a man who sodomizes a woman because it is not procreative. However, other jurists insist that any act of pleasure in which the result is the injection of semen into another person constitutes sexual intercourse.[53]

Bestiality often falls under the same category as sex between unmarried men and women who engage in sexual activity. Sexual intercourse between males and males is referred to as liwat while sexual intercourse between females and females is referred to as sihaq. Both are considered reprehensible acts, but there is no consensus on the punishment for either. Some jurists define zināʾ solely as the act of unlawful vaginal penetration, and thus categorize and punish anal penetration in different ways. Other jurists included both vaginal and anal penetration in the definition of zināʾ and thus extended the punishment of one to the other.[113]

Religious discourse has mostly focused on sexual acts, which are clearly condemned. The Qur’an explicitly refers to male-male sexual relations only in the context of the story of Lot, but refers to the actions of the sodomites (commonly understood as anal intercourse in the later tradition) as “abominations” (female-female relations are not addressed). Reported utterances by Muhammad (Hadith) reinforce the prohibition of male-male sodomy, although there are no reports that he ever ruled an actual case of any such offence; He is also cited as condemning cross-gender behavior for both sexes and banning them from local venues, but it is unclear to what extent this qualifies as sexual relations. Several early caliphs, faced with cases of sodomy between men, are said to have executed both partners in various ways. Considering such precedents, medieval jurists could not reach a consensus on this question; Some schools of law prescribed the death penalty for sodomy, but others opted for only a relatively mild punishment at their discretion. However, there was general agreement that other homosexual acts (including any between women) were minor offenses subject only to arbitrary punishment.[114]


The Qur’an strictly forbids homosexuality through the story of Lot (also in the biblical Book of Genesis), in Al-Nisa, Al-Araf and possibly verses in other suras.[115][116][117] The hadiths consider homosexuality to be zina, and male homosexuals are punishable by death. For example, Abu Dawud,[116][118] Al-Nuwayri (1272–1332) states in his Nihaya reports that Muhammad “is said to have said what he feared most for his community were the practices of the people of solder”. [119]

All major Islamic schools reject homosexuality.[120] Islam regards same-sex desires as an unnatural temptation; and sexual relations are viewed as a violation of the natural role and goal of sexual activity.[121] There is disagreement as to what punishments should be imposed according to the above Qur’anic and Prophetic instructions.[111] Early caliphs were known to have both male partners executed in different ways.[114] Some other jurists believe that there is no punishment that would serve as an effective purgative for this act, and thus their immorality precludes earthly punishment.[111] Some lawyers are so morally affected by homosexuality that the mere discussion of it gives rise to excommunication and anathematization.[111]

The discourse on homosexuality in Islam is primarily concerned with activities between men. However, there are some hadiths that mention homosexual behavior in women.[122][123] Although punishment for lesbianism is rarely mentioned in the history books, al-Tabari records an example of the casual execution of a pair of lesbian slaves in al-Hadi’s harem in a collection of highly critical anecdotes about the caliph’s actions as ruler. [124] Einige Juristen sahen den Geschlechtsverkehr nur für eine Person als möglich an, die einen Phallus besitzt;[113] daher jene Definitionen des Geschlechtsverkehrs, die sich darauf stützen, dass möglichst wenig des Kranzes des Phallus in die Öffnung eines Partners eindringt.[113] Da Frauen keinen Phallus besitzen und keinen Geschlechtsverkehr miteinander haben können, sind sie in dieser Interpretation körperlich nicht in der Lage, Zinā zu begehen.[113]

Familienplanung [Bearbeiten]

Der Koran enthält keinen expliziten Text zur Empfängnisverhütung. Muslime beziehen sich auf den Hadith zur Frage der Empfängnisverhütung. Laut muslimischen Gelehrten ist Geburtenkontrolle erlaubt, wenn sie vorübergehend ist und einen triftigen Grund hat.[125][126] Als solches ist die Entzugsmethode der Empfängnisverhütung – ‘Azll – gemäß dem Hadith erlaubt. Muslimische Juristen stimmen der Zulässigkeit zu[127] und billigen mit Analogieschlüssen andere Formen der Empfängnisverhütung (z. B. die Verwendung von Kondomen).[128]

Unter normalen Umständen wird die Sterilisation in der Scharia als nicht erlaubt angesehen. Die irreversible Natur, die sowohl mit der männlichen als auch mit der weiblichen Sterilisation verbunden ist, widerspricht einem der Hauptzwecke der Ehe, Kinder zu haben, wie von Abu Hamid al-Ghazali in seinem Ihya’ Ulum al-Din erwähnt. Darüber hinaus gilt die Sterilisation als eine Form der Selbstverstümmelung (Muthla), die verboten ist. Nur in Fällen absoluter Notwendigkeit ist eine Sterilisation erlaubt.[129][bessere Quelle erforderlich]

Bereits 1980 legten maßgebliche Fatwas der berühmten ägyptischen Al-Azhar-Universität nahe, dass die In-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF) und ähnliche Technologien im Islam zulässig sind, solange sie keine Form der Spende Dritter (von Sperma, Eizellen, Embryonen oder Uterus).[130]

Abtreibung [ bearbeiten ]

Islamische Rechtsschulen haben unterschiedliche Meinungen zur Abtreibung, obwohl sie von den meisten verboten oder abgeraten wird.[131] Allerdings ist eine Abtreibung unter bestimmten Umständen erlaubt, etwa wenn die Gesundheit der Mutter bedroht ist. Wenn die Abtreibung notwendig ist, um das Leben der Frau zu retten, stimmen Muslime allgemein darin überein, dass ihr Leben Vorrang vor dem Leben des Fötus hat.[132] Muslimische Juristen erlauben in diesem Zusammenhang die Abtreibung nach dem Grundsatz, dass das als größere Übel geltende Sterben der Frau durch die Akzeptanz des kleineren Übels der Abtreibung abgewendet werden soll. In diesen Fällen gilt der Arzt als besserer Richter als der Gelehrte.

Schwangerschaftsabbrüche, die lediglich ungeplant oder ungewollt sind, sind im Allgemeinen haram (verboten).

Muslimische Ansichten zur Abtreibung werden auch von den Hadithen sowie von den Meinungen von Rechts- und Religionswissenschaftlern und Kommentatoren geprägt. Im Islam wird angenommen, dass der Fötus nach vier Monaten der Schwangerschaft zu einer lebenden Seele wird,[133] und eine Abtreibung nach diesem Zeitpunkt wird allgemein als unzulässig angesehen. Viele islamische Denker erkennen für bestimmte Umstände Ausnahmen von dieser Regel an; Tatsächlich bemerkt Azizah Y. al-Hibri, dass “die Mehrheit der muslimischen Gelehrten Abtreibung erlaubt, obwohl sie sich in dem Stadium der fötalen Entwicklung unterscheiden, ab dem sie verboten wird.”[134]

Die meisten muslimischen Gelehrten sind der Meinung, dass das Kind einer Vergewaltigung ein rechtmäßiges menschliches Wesen ist und daher den normalen Abtreibungsgesetzen unterliegt, dass es nur erlaubt ist, wenn der Fötus weniger als vier Monate alt ist oder wenn es das Leben seiner Mutter gefährdet.[ Zitieren erforderlich] Einige Gelehrte sind mit dieser Position nicht einverstanden. Einige zeitgenössische Fatwas haben auch den Standpunkt vertreten, dass Abtreibung erlaubt ist, wenn das Neugeborene auf irgendeine Weise krank sein könnte, die seine Versorgung für die Eltern außergewöhnlich schwierig machen würde, wie etwa durch angeborene Missbildungen oder geistige Behinderung.[135]

Intersexualität [ bearbeiten ]

Intersexuelle Personen im Islam werden in den Fiqh-Büchern als Khunthaa bezeichnet.[136] Mukhannathun (مخنثون „Weibchen“, „Männer, die Frauen ähneln“, Singular Mukhannath) waren Männer, die auf eine Weise handelten, die als weiblich interpretiert wurde. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden die Mukhannathun gezwungen, kastriert zu werden.[136] Es gab bedeutende Erwähnungen von „Mukhannathun“ in Ahadith und von Islamgelehrten.[137] Das Wort bezieht sich auf eine Person, die sich in Sanftheit, Sprache, Aussehen, Bewegungen und so weiter wie eine Frau verhält. Der Mukhannath oder verweichlichte Mann ist jemand, der sich männlich darstellt, was anders sein kann als der khuntha (intersexuell).[136] It is generally prohibited for a person to undergo sex changes operations within Islam.[138][139]

Intercourse with jinn [ edit ]

Islamic belief includes the existence of jinn or genies, and among are said to be those that have sexual intercourse with humans.[140] There are some hadiths, considered fabricated (maudhu) by some Sunni hadith scholars (muhaddith), in support of this view.[140] Lory states that, in Islamic belief, love is one of the most frequent causes of relationships between humans and jinn, according to Sylvaine Camelin, in her study of exorcism in the Yemeni province of Hadramawt.[f] Some scholars say that, while marriage is permissible between a jinn and a human, it is undesirable (makruh) while others strongly forbid it.[140]

See also[edit]


Notes [edit]

^ Arabic pronunciation: [fiqhu’l dʒin’siːu’l ʔis’laːmiː] Al-fiqh al-jinsi ^ Arabic pronunciation: [fiqhu’n nikah] Fiqh al-nikah ^ [57] Umar bin Al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam, during his routine patrols in the streets of Al-Madina, heard the desperate chanting of a young female. The latter was uttering the following lines: “This night is becoming longer: it’s dimensions am becoming darker. (In the flush of my aroused passions). I am restive: I yearn for my beloved to play with. By Allah, If I wouldn’t have feared Allah. I would have managed someone in the bed and moved all its sides.” Umar understood clearly that the broken-hearted desperate woman was sustaining the agony of separation of her husband. He also realized that the separation period was ostensibly longer. Her husband at that time was engaged in military operations against infidels. Umar also realized that such separations are decisive factors leading to acts of sure deviance and crimes. With such thinking. he approached his daughter Hafsa and raised a question: -How long a wife can tolerate the separation of her husband,” Hafsa responded: -From four to six months”. Thereupon. Umar issued a Caliphal decree. By virtue of this decree. he commended all Muslims on military service to return to their homes, though for a short duration. after a span period of four months. ^ [80] Hanafi scholar, Ibn Nujaym wrote, “It is mentioned in the collection of fatawa Al-Walwaljiya that there is no harm [in masturbating] if one only seeks to relieve sexual desire (i.e. excessive sexual desire that distracts a person from religious and worldly matters). Also if one is spouseless or has a spouse, yet it is difficult to reach her/him due to certain circumstances. This opinion is also stated in Al-Siraj Al-Wahaj.” ^ [81] The Hanafi jurists have two words for the ruling that the other Sunni schools and Islamic denominations would refer to as simply “Haram” (forbidden) – 1) “Makruh Tahrimi”, 2) “Haram”. The difference is that what is “Haram” in their terminology is that which is established definitively, whilst the evidence for something labelled “Makruh Tahrimi” is not definitive (e.g. it is based on a Hadith that is Khabar Ahad .) “Makruh Tahrimi” should not be confused with what other schools generally refer to as Makruh – which in the Hanafi school is known as “Makruh Tanzihi” (Categorically Disliked). The Hanafi scholars view the sin of committing a “Makruh Tahrimi” act as lesser than the sin of committing what they call a “Haram” act, though both are forbidden and so incur sin. ^ [140] Love seems to be the most frequent occasion of contact between men and jinn. A jinni meets a woman and falls in love with her, or vice versa… This possession is manifest notably when the jinni has sexual intercourse with the person he/she possesses. In that case, the individual behaves with gestures and words as if they were having sexual intercourse, although he/she is apparently alone in the room. Besides, this person seems to suddenly lose all interest for his/her environment.”



Ulwan, Abdullah Nasih (2002), Islam and Sex . Cairo: Darus Salam

. Cairo: Darus Salam Ulwan, Abdullah Nasih (2002), Islam and Love . Cairo: Darus Salam

. Cairo: Darus Salam Ayubi, Nazih (2004). Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Arab World. New York: Routledge.


How to Be a Successful Muslim Wife: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

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Article overview


If you want to be a successful Muslim wife, be open about what you expect from your spouse and encourage them to do the same so you can build trust and strengthen your relationship. You should also ensure that you share household responsibilities. For example, if your husband doesn’t notice when things are messy, you could ask him to do certain chores around the house. Besides working well together, you have fun together exploring activities you both enjoy or trying something new. When spending time with your spouse, look for Allah’s love in his words, actions and looks. To improve both of your relationships with Islam, consider studying it together. At the same time, don’t be afraid to ask Allah for guidance when you have problems with your husband. For more tips including how to enjoy physical intimacy according to the Qur’an, read on!

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