Can I Move My Roomba Home Base? The 91 Correct Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can i move my roomba home base“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 474 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

You should be able to relocate the home base without any issues as long as the basic space rules are followed.At least >1.5 ft (0.5 m>) on each side of the Home Base®. At least >4 ft (1.2 m>) in front of the Home Base®, with no furniture such as tables or chairs within this area. At least >4 ft (1.2 m>) between the Home Base® and any stairs. At least >8 ft (2.4 m>) from Virtual Wall® barriers.Roomba® can also learn your home as it cleans. It typically takes three (3) to five (5) cleaning missions or Mapping Runs to generate a fully developed Imprint™ Smart Map that you can then customize and use.

Can Roomba home base be under a table?

At least >1.5 ft (0.5 m>) on each side of the Home Base®. At least >4 ft (1.2 m>) in front of the Home Base®, with no furniture such as tables or chairs within this area. At least >4 ft (1.2 m>) between the Home Base® and any stairs. At least >8 ft (2.4 m>) from Virtual Wall® barriers.

How long does it take a Roomba to learn your house?

Roomba® can also learn your home as it cleans. It typically takes three (3) to five (5) cleaning missions or Mapping Runs to generate a fully developed Imprint™ Smart Map that you can then customize and use.

How do I get Roomba to map a new room?

If you want to add areas to your Smart Map, run a Select All clean from the New Job button or a Mapping Run to allow your robot to access all the areas of the floor. After the job, your Clean Map will highlight “New Space Found.” Your Smart Map should also automatically update with the new space.

Does Roomba eventually learn your house?

iRobot says the device can remember up to 10 floorplans, meaning you can “kidnap” it, take it to a new place, and it will learn that one, too. (It will also work with Alexa and the Google Assistant, so you should be able to shout at an Echo Dot for the Roomba to clean a specific room you’ve just sullied.)

Can I put Roomba in a corner?

Ideally, says Hild, “there should be ample space in front of (about four feet) and to the sides of (about 1.5 feet) the Home Base to allow the signal to reach the Roomba when it’s near.

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

Although these robot vacuums require very little human assistance, you should keep them in specific places to get the best possible results.

Vacuuming is a tedious and time-consuming job. Whether you live in a multi-story house or a one-bedroom apartment, getting a vacuum around every carpet and corner of your home can take forever. When work, family and other commitments overload our schedules, who has time for that? This is why so many people are drawn to the Roomba, a robot vacuum that roams and cleans your living space autonomously — without you having to push it around, so to speak. Goodbye, tedious cleaning sessions… hello, free time! But before you welcome a Roomba into your home, there are a few things you should know.

How does a Roomba work exactly?

Not only can Roombas work independently, they can “navigate seamlessly around furniture, along the edges of walls, and in places that people often can’t reach with traditional vacuums,” explains Brent Hild, senior product manager at iRobot. You don’t even have to remind these robot vacuums to do their chores…unlike your kids. “Roomba robot vacuums can be programmed to clean when it’s convenient for owners, even when they’re not at home,” says Hild.

When the robot is finished cleaning or needs to be charged, it rests on a Home Base charging station that plugs into the wall. All Roomba models use dozens of sensors and technologies to autonomously clean your home, avoid obstacles, traverse different floor types, and navigate to and from their home bases, says Hild. However, you can’t just keep its Home Base just about anywhere – just like you can’t keep your phone in those places. In order to properly care for your Roomba, it is important to keep the charging station in the right place.

Store your Roomba on the floor

For your Roomba to function independently, “it’s a good idea to place the Home Base on a flat surface,” says Hild. While you might think that placing the charging station on a table is a clever organizational idea, the best flat surface for your Roomba is actually the floor. Finally, Roombas cannot jump off a table onto the floor. If you keep the charging station on the floor, your Roomba will wake up and clean at the scheduled time without human intervention.

Give him some space

Placing Roomba’s Home Base on the floor also allows the device to navigate back to the charging dock when it’s done cleaning. The Home Base emits a signal that Roomba detects when it’s nearby; This indicates to the Roomba where the Home Base is located and guides it to the charging contacts. Ideally, says Hild, “there should be enough space in front (about 4 feet) and to the side (about 1.5 feet) of the Home Base for the signal to reach the Roomba when it’s nearby. If the signal is blocked, Roomba may not make it back to Home Base.”

Stick it to a wall

Because Roomba returns to its Home Base when it needs to rest and charge, the charging base should be plugged into an outlet. So Hild suggests keeping Roomba’s Home Base against a wall. Also, placing the device against a wall is a great organizational tactic to declutter your living space. According to Hild, not storing the Home Base in this prime location “could result in a bad experience as the robot can’t find its way back to charge.”

Don’t store your Roomba in a closet

Since the whole purpose of buying a Roomba is to remove the human hand from the vacuuming process, it’s important to keep your Roomba in an accessible place. “Closets are bad places for Roomba charging stations because they don’t usually have the clearance to the side or front of the base that’s needed,” says Derek Hales, Editor-in-Chief of Modern Castle. “They usually have a nearby door or doors that they can walk into, [and] they’re usually not near the most heavily trafficked areas of your home.” While the device can work in a closet, it doesn’t bring the same benefits as in an open space. You can keep your Roomba in any room, but these 10 things you should never keep in your bedroom.

Skip spots near the stairs

All Roomba models have “cliff detection sensors to avoid stairs and other drops,” says Hild. However, that doesn’t mean you should store your Roomba at the top of a flight of stairs. Despite Roomba’s highly intelligent sensors, “it’s still best to place the charging base four to seven feet away from stairs so Roomba can better navigate itself to and from the base,” says Hales. This simple precaution will help you take good care of your robotic vacuum cleaner. Not to mention it will probably keep you from tripping over it and falling down the stairs in the dark.

Avoid an area with obstacles

All Roomba models not only have sensors to detect cliffs, but also bump sensors to detect obstacles. They also feature anti-tangle technology, which reverses the robot’s dual brushes to prevent them from snagging on cords and carpet tassels, says Hild. Although your Roomba can function properly in rooms with obstacles, it’s a good idea to place the charging station in a location where there aren’t too many of them. like what “Cords, shaggy carpets, doors that Roomba might close, or other loose items on the floor,” says Hales. This ensures that your Roomba has enough space to recognize and adapt to any obstacles in its path. Don’t miss out on these other smart home gadgets that are worth every penny.

Should I run my Roomba everyday?

It’s really up to you. We would recommend four to seven times a week. If you live in a big house with mainly carpeted areas, it’s better to clean more frequently. Pet owners should also clean their homes every day to remove excessive fur shedding.

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

How often should Roomba run? – Best robot vacuum cleaner guide for you

The best thing about Roomba robot vacuums is that they take care of the floors and keep your house clean without you having to lift a finger. In addition, vacuum robots never get tired, even if you let them run all day.

We all love a clean house, but we all ask the same question: how often do you use Roomba? Most owners think running their robot vacuum four times a week is enough to keep floors dust-free. We’d recommend running the Roomba every day, but it all depends on these factors.

Roomba robot vacuums are easy to use and great for carpets and rugs.

How often should Roomba run? Consider these important factors.

Before you answer how often I should run my robot vacuum, you should ask yourself the following questions:

how big is your home

What types of finishes do you have?

Do you have pets? Do they have long hair and lose a lot?

Do many people live in your house?

How big is your house?

The size of your house is one of the most important factors when it comes to vacuuming. For example, if you have a four bedroom house, you may need to vacuum more frequently than you would in a one bedroom studio. The number of floors and stairs also plays a significant role in determining how often Roomba should be used.

What type of flooring do you have?

The type of flooring will determine how often you should run your Roomba.

It would help if you also consider the type of floor covering and ask yourself, “How often should I run my Roomba?” For example, your robot vacuum cleans quickly on bare floors like hardwood and tile compared to carpeted floors, since the robot takes longer to clean the same room repeatedly.

If you have deep pile carpets, you’ll need to run your Roomba more often. Low-pile rugs don’t require as much effort as thick-pile rugs.

Number of people living in your household

When more people live at home, more dust and dirt accumulates. As a result, your Roomba has to work harder to clean the floors. Children also contribute to the clutter as small children usually play on the floors. Because of this, we need to run the Roomba vacuum cleaner daily to keep the play area clean.

Number of pets you have

Pets are a source of joy and happiness, but they also shed all over the house. Most pets often shed their fur and bring in dirt from the outside as well. The more furry pets you have, the more often you need to use your Roomba vacuum.

If you live with a lot of pets, consider running your Roomba vacuum more often.

The location of your home

If you live in the city or near areas with more air pollution, you might want to run your Roomba more often. Even if you live in rural areas like near farms and fields, a lot of dirt and dust will get into the house and you will have to leave Roomba running often. On the other hand, if you live in suburbs where the air is cleaner, you don’t have to run the Roomba every day.

The health of your family member

If you or your family members suffer from respiratory diseases or asthma, you should keep the house clean at all times. Running the Roomba vacuum every day will prevent bacteria and allergens from floating around the house and reduce the risk of allergies.

➜ RELATED: Irobot Roomba E5 Reviews – Is This the Best Entry-Level Robot?

How often do you run your Roomba? Useful tips to try at home

Here are useful things to look out for when setting up and getting your Roomba up and running.

plan ahead

Remove large items on the floors so your Roomba can vacuum better.

It’s always important to plan before letting your Roomba robot walk alone. Picking up random things off the floor can help keep your vacuum cleaner running smoothly. You can put these “obstacles” in a storage room while the vacuum cleaner is working.

It’s best to move large items, such as dining room chairs and tables, so your vacuum can get underneath and clean the floor properly. Move your pets and children to another room so they don’t interrupt Roomba’s cleaning schedule.

Monitoring your Roomba

We always recommend users to watch the vacuum for the first few runs. If there are areas that the Roomba vacuum can’t reach or that needs help, you can move things around to make it work better.

Avoid liquids

Your Roomba vacuum doesn’t do well with water, as liquids can affect its functions and cleaning performance. Therefore, you should clean up any liquid sludge and take care of any leaks before setting up the vacuum for a cleaning session.

Take care of your vacuum

Here are some tips for caring for your Roomba vacuum:

Empty the dust bin before each run.

Clean the brush rollers at least once a week. If you have pets, you should clean the brushes twice a week.

Wipe the robot’s docking station with a damp cloth twice a month.

Your Roomba vacuum cleaner also needs a thorough cleaning every three months.

Update your robot vacuum’s software.

If you are going to be away for a while, it is best to fully charge the battery and remove it from the vacuum to preserve battery life.

Clean the brushrolls on your Roomba vacuum at least once a week.

Is your Roomba not connecting to WiFi? Here are some simple steps you can follow to identify the reasons.

Is your Roomba not connecting to WiFi? Here are some simple steps you can follow to identify the reasons.

Follow the steps below to reconnect your Roomba to WiFi.

Make sure your WiFi is working

You can test if your WiFi is working by connecting a smartphone or laptop to the internet. Please ensure you are connecting the laptop to the same Wi-Fi network that Roomba is using.

Does your WiFi broadcast a signal to the whole house?

If you are using an old router that cannot cover the entire house, your vacuum cleaner may not be able to receive the internet signal. If this is the case, you need to buy a new router that can broadcast signals throughout the home. Once that is achieved, you should schedule your Roomba robot vacuum to run in areas with good WiFi.

Check if the Roomba vacuum is turned on

It is important to verify that your Roomba vacuum is powered on.

Sometimes the problem is that your vacuum cleaner is not turned on. You should make sure your Roomba is fully charged through the Home Base. Then you can check if the Roomba’s lights are on. Press the cleaning button to turn it back on when there is no light indicator.

Set up WiFi on your vacuum cleaner

First, you should enable Bluetooth on the vacuum cleaner. Then connect the robot vacuum to the same WiFi that your phone is connected to. If you see a flashing green Wi-Fi icon, you’ve set up Wi-Fi correctly.

Reset your WiFi

Sometimes a quick router restart will solve your problems. First reset your WiFi and see if the vacuum cleaner is reconnected. You can also try resetting your Roomba manually. After everything has been reset, you can set up the WiFi again.

We hope our tips will help you solve the problems where your Roomba won’t connect to WiFi.

Do robot vacuum cleaners work? should i get one

Do robot vacuums work? Should anyone invest in a robot vacuum?

Are you a busy parent who doesn’t have time to clean the house? Do you prefer to spend your time doing other things than cleaning? What you need is a robot vacuum that cleans the floors while you relax. If you’re not sure how these robot vacuum cleaners work, we’re here to help you learn more about these hard-working robot vacuum cleaners.

How do robot vacuums work? Robot vacuums clean in the same way as traditional handheld vacuums: both use brushes to lift and collect dust off the floor. Next, the vacuum robots push the dirt through a filter before entering a dust compartment. Some robots can also automatically dump the dust into a larger dust bin on the docking station.

Some robot vacuums have sensors that help them move around the room without bumping into various objects or falling off stairs or landings. You can also connect some Robo-vacs to the internet, allowing you to control all cleaning activities via a smartphone application. Some modern robot vacuums also have voice control capabilities that are compatible with Amazon Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. You can tell the machine where to clean with your own voice.

Overall, robot vacuums are more expensive than your average upright vacuum, but you pay extra for accessibility if you don’t have to lift the heavy loads yourself. If you want a hands-free cleaning experience, we highly recommend investing in the best robot vacuum cleaner. However, please note that these robots do not offer the same suction power as traditional vacuum cleaners.

How to empty the Roomba vacuum.

Roomba robot vacuums are great for keeping your home clean while you’re sleeping or away from home. However, since vacuum robots are usually smaller than normal vacuum cleaners with or without a cable, their dust containers also fill up quickly.

Some owners said they have to empty the bin while cleaning. It may not be very pleasant, but we all have to do it at some point. If you’re wondering how to empty the robot’s bin, read on to find out!

For the Roomba 400 series

Step 1: Look for the bin release button under the CLEAN button.

Step 2: Press the button.

Step 3: Pull out to remove the container.

Step 4: Empty the bin by tapping the filter against the bin.

Step 5: Reinstall the canister.

For Roomba 500 and 600 series

Step 1: Press the bin release button.

Step 2: Remove the bin door.

Step 3: Pull out the filter from the side of the canister.

Step 4: Empty the trash can into a trash can.

Step 5: Put the filter back into the container.

Step 6: Slide the bin back into the main unit.

Note: You should not wash the filter or let it come into contact with liquids.


We hope you enjoyed reading our How Often Should You Use a Roomba Vacuum? guide. Let us know if you have any other questions in the comments section below.

How long does a Roomba last?

A Roomba vacuum clean can last you between 2 to 6 years. The period it lasts mainly depends on how you maintain it and the quality of the Roomba. If you manage it well, then it is likely to last you even longer than this.

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

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You’ve probably seen Roomba adverts on TV or online, and you’ve also probably seen how expensive some models are. But do they last long?

A Roomba vacuum cleaner lasts between 2 and 6 years. The length of time mainly depends on how you take care of it and the quality of the Roomba. If you take good care of it, it will likely last you even longer.

How often does a Roomba battery need to be replaced?

When you’re buying an appliance for your home, the longevity of the item should help you determine if it’s worth buying. The same goes for buying a Roomba vacuum for your home. Does the battery last longer?

The lifespan of the Roomba battery depends on various factors, e.g. B. how often you use it. If you don’t use the cleaner for a long time, you can count on the battery to last some time. In addition, the lifespan also depends on the care you give it and the measures taken to extend its lifespan.

The Roomba battery design consists of 12 NiMH batteries combined, creating a solid nickel-based cell. According to iRobot, the battery manufacturer, they say the battery can run for about 2 hours. The two hours the battery can last is after a full charge.

On the other hand, the battery can hold up to 400 charges. Therefore, the years of operation can be between 2 and 4 years with this amount of power. However, this does not limit the period of time that will last and you may find that others survive longer than this time.

Typically, the Roomba battery lasts before subsequent recharging is dependent on cell maintenance. If you are interested in maintaining it, then it should last you a long time. In some cases, the battery even stops working before an hour has passed.

This happens when it’s poorly maintained, even if you fully charge the battery. In other cases, thanks to good care, the battery even runs for 4 hours without any problems. Because of this, you need to make sure you take proper care of the battery; Otherwise you will have to replace it sooner than expected.

One way to increase the suction time of your battery is to clean the brushes regularly. After the Roomba collects dirt and debris, it usually sticks to the broom and accumulates over time. Because of this, the vacuum will work hard to spin the brushes, draining a lot of its battery, which is why Roomba’s brushes need constant cleaning.

How many years do robot vacuum cleaners last?

For more than two decades, robot vacuums have been doing the cleaning job so well in most of our homes. There are different models of robot vacuum cleaners and each has their way of perfecting things. Additionally, each model has different specs that help ensure they last a good while.

But even if the vacuum robots are different, you can assume that most of them will last around 4 to 6 years. Of course, this period varies and depends on how well you care for the vacuum cleaner. If you maintain it well, it can last even more than six years, but it can stop doing a good job after a few months if you fail.

In addition, the service life also depends on the quality of the vacuum robot. Of course, you should expect cheaper versions of vacuum cleaners on the market that are quite low in quality. The cheap versions mean low quality, according to iRobot, and rest assured they won’t last long.

In order for the vacuum robot to last a long time, it must be serviced regularly. One way to extend the life of the vacuum cleaner is to replace the brush more often. Dirt and debris are usually left on the sweeper after cleaning, and the more you use the vacuum, the more the broom wears out.

When the brush wears out, cleaning may require more energy than usual. This causes the battery to be discharged. So it is best to replace it after about six months of use and don’t forget to clean it after use.

Also, the filter needs to be replaced every 3 or 6 months, especially if you have pets in your home or if you get severe allergies from time to time. Also, maybe replace the battery every 2 to 3 years to extend the life of the vacuum cleaner.

When should I replace my Roomba?

There is no defined time when you should replace your Roomba. You can have this robot vacuum cleaner for up to ten years before deciding to buy new. You can also use it for a few years and then replace it.

How often you can replace the Roomba usually depends mainly on how well you take care of it. With regular maintenance, you can be sure that it will last six years or more before replacing it. However, if you don’t perform routine maintenance, the vacuum cleaner will have problem after problem, from rapid battery drain to non-working brushes and other problems.

One way to ensure vacuum cleaner maintenance is to take care of its parts. If the details remain in good condition, it means that the cleaner will serve you for a long time before it needs to be replaced. Some of the parts include the brushes, battery, filter, and tank.

For example the brush you have to make sure you clean it after use and you also have to replace it after six months. You need to make sure you clean it and replace it every 3 to 6 months for the filter. If you swap out the parts that often, your vacuum cleaner will remain unproblematic.

As a rule, if you can service the parts of the vacuum cleaner, please do so. It will save you a lot and you won’t have to replace it often. However, you can buy a new one if it is getting old or if the cost of maintaining the parts is high.

Does Roomba have a lifetime warranty?

Roomba does not have a lifetime warranty. However, iRobot offers a limited warranty on Roomba vacuums and other of its products. The warranty usually covers the parts of the vacuum cleaner, including the battery.

Roomba vacuum cleaner warranties typically begin on the date of purchase. Also, safety depends on where you buy the vacuum cleaner. You must also provide proof of purchase in order to receive the warranty.

It is also important to note that the warranty also covers manufacturing defects in materials. It also covers any quality issues that may arise when using the vacuum. However, it does not replace defects due to improper use of the machine.

Is Roomba worth repairing?

For some reason, Roomba repair can be an excellent decision. If you’re using the Roomba for maybe three years or less, an upgrade is in order. You might just need to fix one or two of its parts to make it work.

However, if it is older, you can save that money for a new vacuum cleaner as its useful life is about to expire. In some cases you need to replace the parts that don’t work, e.g. B. the battery or other factors. Once you get brand new features for your Roomba, it should work just fine.

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A Roomba can last as long as ten years, but that period depends on how well you take care of it. You must ensure that you replace parts more frequently and carry out the necessary maintenance procedures to ensure that the vacuum lasts long. However, if the repairs are very extensive, you can replace them.

What do I do if my Roomba misses a room?

You may need to clean the sensor. Although the Roomba is supposed to be self-operating, it still needs to be well cared for. You can easily turn the machine over and lightly clean the sensor and brushes either every day or a few times a week, depending on how much you’re cleaning.

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

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What to do if the Roomba i7, i3 or 960 is missing rooms/spots?

Arguably the biggest feature of the latest Roomba robot vacuums is their ability to clean your entire home without you having to lift a finger. As we’ll learn each of the models, the i7, i3 or the 960, all have a variety of different specs, but one thing they all promise is that they’ll navigate and clean your floors, but what are they missing spots or even entire rooms?

If your Roomba i7, i3 or 960 is missing rooms or spots, there are a few ways to solve the problem.

Since these three models should already have mapped every room in your home, you can see the maps in your iRobot app and selectively click on entire missing rooms to ensure a complete clean.

If certain spots on the floor are missing, you may need to clean the sensors, turn on the lights, and remove larger obstacles.

Sometimes working with technology makes your life a lot easier, and sometimes a few extra steps are needed before you can really relax and allow the machine to do all the work. In the case of the Roomba robot vacuum, many users have reported that once they fix these little issues, cleaning floors by hand is a thing of the past! So let’s learn exactly how to solve this problem with each model so you can sit back and watch your Roomba at work.

What to do if the Roomba i7 or i3 is missing rooms?

As mentioned, these Roombas are quite technologically advanced, and all three models offer Smart Mapping, which allows you to learn the layout of up to 10 different floor plans on different levels of your home or workspace. But what if they are missing a room?

First, check the app’s settings. Your settings could accidentally tell your Roomba to only clean certain rooms, not all. This is a super easy solution and you might already be enjoying a full cleaning of your Roomba again!

. Your settings could accidentally tell your Roomba to only clean certain rooms, not all. This is a super easy solution and you might already be enjoying a full cleaning of your Roomba again! If not, turn on the light. The Roomba camera needs adequate lighting to see the room they are in. So if the light is dim or off, she may not know where she is. (Note: the i3 doesn’t actually have a camera.)

The Roomba camera needs adequate lighting to see the room they are in. So if the light is dim or off, she may not know where she is. (Note: the i3 doesn’t actually have a camera.) You may need to clean the sensor. Although the Roomba is meant to be self-powered, it still wants to be taken care of. You can just turn the machine over and lightly clean the sensor and brushes either daily or a few times a week depending on how much you clean.

Although the Roomba is meant to be self-powered, it still wants to be taken care of. You can just turn the machine over and lightly clean the sensor and brushes either daily or a few times a week depending on how much you clean. Remapping your home is the last and most time-consuming option. But if nothing else works, be sure to reset the card before giving up your Roomba!

Now you know how to fix your Roomba if an entire room is missing, but what if only individual spots are missing?

What to do if the Roomba i7, i3 or 960 is missing digits?

While they’re pretty amazing little machines, they’re not without flaws. Sometimes too many obstacles in a room can cause the Roomba to run around in small circles instead of producing a well-organized sweeping clean.

To fix this problem, you may need to move a few things around to create a more open floor plan for your Roomba.

You should also turn the lights up high so the camera can see every object in its path. (Except for the i3, because it only works with sensors so it can navigate in the dark.)

If those options don’t work or you’re not home, you can send Roomba to a specific spot to clean from your iRobot app, but you may have to instruct it repeatedly if it really can’t figure out how to get there on its own .


No device is absolutely perfect. And while the Roomba robot vacuums have certainly become one of the most popular options on the market, they’re still known for causing a little trouble every now and then.

The Roomba i7, i3 and 960 models are all fully capable and can usually clean your space effortlessly and without your help! But if you are encountering the problem of missing rooms or spots, hopefully now you know how to fix it!

However, if you’re still encountering issues, Roomba has an excellent help page to help you and get your device up and running perfectly.

Why does my Roomba keep cleaning the same room?

Roomba cleaning FAQ

** A Roomba may frequent the same place multiple times due to an immense amount of dirt on the floor, or more likely due to dirty sensors or low light.

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

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Robot vacuums are a breakthrough smart home invention. They’re not a jack of all trades, but something that does one thing (two for swipe variants) masterfully. So even if you save just an hour from vacuuming your home, that’s an hour that you can put away elsewhere in your life.

Difficulty Easy Duration 10 minutes What you need Roomba Smart Vacuum

Admittedly, like all technology devices, robotic vacuums aren’t perfect. Machine Learning or A.I. Devices must go through growing pains. Sometimes your Roomba or other robot vacuum has a problem, e.g. B. cleaning the same area repeatedly, even after it has been cleaned.

Here we are going to talk about how to stop your Roomba from repeatedly driving over the same area. First we need to identify what might be wrong with the Roomba itself. There are various reasons why it might not work optimally when cleaning your home. Some causes of Roomba malfunctioning can be lack of light, lots of objects on the floor, faulty wheels or a dirty sensor. Let’s see how to fix these problems with a step-by-step plan.

This will prevent your Roomba from cleaning the same area

There is no simple solution to this problem. Try each of these troubleshooting steps to help Roomba move around the room and not just stay in one place.

Step 1: Update the app and system

First and foremost, make sure the iHome app and Roomba are updated to the latest firmware.

Step 2: Provide better light

Most robot vacuums require a decent light to ensure the best cleaning. Make sure the vacuum has adequate lighting when running your Roomba’s routines.

Step 3: Tap on the bumpers

Gently tap the side bumpers to remove trapped dirt and debris, then press the cleaning button again to restart Roomba.

Step 4: Clean the bumper and crash sensors

When the sensors are covered or dirty, they report to the Roomba mainframe that the area where the device is located is dirty. Wipe the sensors to return to optimal cleaning.

Step 5: Check the wheels

Oftentimes, dirt, thread, or other objects can get caught in your wheels and prevent Roomba from driving properly. Clean the wheels from any dirt.

Step 6: Reset Roomba

One of the last software steps you can perform is resetting your Roomba. To do this, press and hold the cleaning button on either the charging station or the vacuum cleaner for 10 seconds and then perform a full cleaning.

Step 7: Replace the battery

It is possible to remove and replace the Roomba battery if you see that it is not cleaning optimally. You can charge it through another device to see if it is the battery or the charger and then you can order another battery online. At this point it may be necessary to move on to the next step.

Step 8: Make it wait

Before you buy another Roomba, check if iHome will service the robot under warranty and get you a new one.

Frequently asked questions about Roomba cleaning

Why isn’t my Roomba cleaning the whole house? There are many reasons why your Roomba isn’t cleaning the whole house. As mentioned above, it could be glitches on the floor or a malfunction in the Roomba itself.

**Why does my Roomba keep driving over the same area? ** A Roomba may revisit the same location multiple times due to an immense amount of dirt on the floor, or more likely dirty sensors or low light.

**How ​​do I get my Roomba to remap my house? ** To remap your house with your Roomba, have it in an open space and then select the Clean Everywhere option. This will check the vacuum everywhere.

Does Roomba learn the floor plan? From the first cleaning session, Roomba records where it can go and clean. This feature allows the vacuum cleaner to optimize its cleaning route and ensure no areas are missed.

After completing all of these steps, you should have a working Roomba. If this is a frequent occurrence, it may be worth buying a brand new vacuum or a different model.

Editor’s Recommendations

Does Roomba Learn the floor plan?

The Roomba® i7+ uses Imprint™ Smart Mapping to learn a home’s floor plan. The Roomba i7+ brings a new level of intelligence and automation to robotic vacuum cleaners with the ability to learn, map and adapt to a home’s floor plan.

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

“With the ability to learn, adapt and remember a home’s floor plan, and the introduction of automatic debris removal, the iRobot Roomba i7+ represents the most advanced robotic vacuum cleaner ever built,” said Colin Angle, Chairman and CEO by iRobot. “This robot fulfills the original vision we had when we set out to build a vacuum cleaning robot almost 20 years ago.”

Knows the floor plan of your house. Understands your command.

The Roomba i7+ ushers in a new era of consumer robots, allowing customers to clean specific rooms in the home. Using Imprint™ Smart Mapping, the Roomba i7+ learns the floor plan of the home, giving customers complete control over which rooms are cleaned and when. The robot learns each room – remembering up to 10 different floor plans – so users can carry their robot to another floor or to a separate home, where the robot will recognize its location and clean as instructed. iRobot’s patented iAdapt® 3.0 navigation with vSLAM® technology helps the Roomba i7+ navigate the home seamlessly and efficiently by tracking where it’s already cleaned and where it still needs to clean. The Roomba i7+ also adapts to changing living environments, so it always knows the best cleaning method.

The Roomba i7+ works with Alexa™-enabled devices and Google Assistant and is the only robot vacuum that allows users to clean specific rooms by name with a voice command1. For example, just say “Alexa, ask Roomba to clean my kitchen” or “Hey Google, clean the living room” and the Roomba i7+ will efficiently find its way to the appropriate room to clean it. Once finished, the robot returns to its base to recharge and automatically dumps its contents when paired with the Clean Base™ automatic debris disposal.

Empties itself.

The iRobot Roomba® i7+ robot vacuum takes convenience to a whole new level with the first of its kind Clean Base™ automatic dirt disposal, which automatically dumps the contents of the Roomba i7+ dust bin into the Clean Base. The Clean Base doubles as the robot’s charging station and does the dirty work of vacuuming for you, storing dirt in an included bag and trapping dirt and dust so it doesn’t escape into the air. When the bag is full, the user will be notified via the iRobot HOME App. Then simply pull it out of the Clean Base and replace it with a new one. The bag can hold 30 bins, so users won’t have to think about vacuuming for weeks.

“iRobot addresses a long-standing customer request by giving Roomba the ability to empty its own bin after each cleaning,” said Christian Cerda, COO of iRobot. “This improves the customer experience by eliminating the dusty and messy mess often associated with emptying vacuum cleaner canisters. With the ability to remember the home, clean specific rooms, and empty itself when finished, the Roomba i7+ with Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal literally liberates customers from every aspect of vacuuming – start to finish – for weeks .”

Introducing the Roomba® e5 robot vacuum.

iRobot also introduced the Roomba® e5 robot vacuum. Starting at $449, customers can enjoy the luxury of automated cleaning at a more affordable price. The Roomba® e5 is packed with innovative technologies that ensure a clean home every day. It starts with the best-in-class 3-stage cleaning system and two multi-surface rubber brushes. The specially designed edge sweeping brush focuses on dirt that accumulates on edges and corners. Intelligent navigation and Dirt Detect™ technology work together to cover a ground and focus on the areas that need it most. And because it’s connected to Wi-Fi®, users can control and schedule cleanings on Roomba e5 with the iRobot HOME App or with their voice when paired with Alexa™-enabled devices or the Google Assistant.

Powerful performance, intelligent cleaning.

iRobot is the only leading robot vacuum brand with robots that feature two multi-surface rubber brushes that work together to effectively clean both carpets and hard floors2. The Roomba i7+ and Roomba e5 robots automatically adjust the height of the cleaning head, allowing the two brushes to engage directly with the floor. One brush loosens and stirs up dirt and the other moves in the opposite direction to extract and draw in dirt. And instead of bristles that can flex and miss dirt, the flexible rubber brushes hug the floor to clean everything from small particles like dust and dirt, to hair and large debris.

The Roomba i7+ and Roomba e5 robots feature a low-profile design for cleaning under furniture and along tiptoes, and use a highly efficient filter to capture 99 percent of pollen, mold, dust mites, and cat and dog allergens.

Using Dirt Detect™ technology – an iRobot patented feature – the Roomba i7+ and Roomba e5 robots are always looking for the spots that need the most attention. Sensors in the robot detect particularly dirty areas, such as sand near a house entrance, and prompt the robot to clean them more thoroughly. Once the Roomba i7+ robot has finished cleaning, users can view Clean Map™ reports in the iRobot HOME App to see where the robot has cleaned and other details3.

Prices and Availability

The Roomba i7+ Robot Vacuum with Clean Base™ Automatic Dirt Disposal is available now for pre-order in the US and Canada starting at $949 at Shipping begins Wednesday September 12th. The Roomba i7+ will be available at select retailers beginning in October. The Roomba i7 robot vacuum is also available without the Clean Base™, starting at $699 at Clean Base™ automatic debris removal, sold separately, retails for $299. Additional debris removal bags can be purchased for $14.99 for a three bag pack. The Roomba i7+ with Clean Base™ automatic debris removal is expected to be available in select international markets in Q1 2019.

The Roomba e5 robot vacuum starts at $449 and will be available in the US and Canada beginning Wednesday, September 12 at

For photos, videos and information on the Roomba i7+ and e5 robot vacuums, visit:

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About iRobot Corp.

iRobot®, the global leader in consumer robots, designs and builds robots that empower people to do more, both inside and outside the home. iRobot created the home robotic cleaning category with the introduction of the Roomba® Robot Vacuum in 2002. Today, iRobot is a global company that has sold more than 20 million robots worldwide. iRobot’s product line, including Roomba and the Braava® family of robot mops, features proprietary technologies and advanced concepts in cleaning, mapping and navigation. iRobot engineers are building an ecosystem of robots and technologies to enable the smart home. For more information about iRobot, visit

For iRobot investors

Certain statements in this press release that are not historical information are forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. This press release contains express or implied forward-looking statements regarding iRobot Corporation’s expectations regarding management’s plans and objectives, including product features and product delivery times. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in these forward-looking statements. Existing and potential investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this release. iRobot undertakes no obligation to update or revise any information contained in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances, or otherwise. Additional disclosures regarding these and other risks iRobot faces can be found in the disclosures contained in our public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including but not limited to our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K.

1 When paired with Alexa™ enabled devices or Google Assistant

2 Based on top 10 unit sales of NPD unit stock data July-December 2017

3 Clean Map™ reports are only available for iRobot Roomba 900 series, i7 and i7+ robot vacuums


Can you track a stolen Roomba?

To find your Roomba, open up the iRobot HOME app on your phone and tap the three dot menu button in the bottom right corner of the screen. On the next screen, tap the Locate button. This will cause your Roomba to start playing a little song (assuming it has enough battery life left to do so).

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

If you leave your Roomba unattended – which is the whole point, after all – it can occasionally get stuck in a corner or under furniture. If you can’t figure out where it went and you have a model with a Wi-Fi connection, you can call it from the app to find it.

To find your Roomba, open the iRobot HOME app on your phone and tap the three dots menu button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

On the next screen, tap the Search button. This will start your Roomba playing a little song (provided it has enough battery life left for that).

Once your Roomba rings, walk around your house until you find it and either put it back on the path or carry it back to the charger.

Why does Roomba go in random pattern?

Robot navigation on a budget

They tell robots when they hit or are about to hit objects. With that information, they can slow down or change course altogether. Additionally these sensors help vacuums avoid falls down flights of stairs.

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

Even a terrible robot vacuum will remove at least some dirt from your floors. However, how much ground it covers and how it moves through rooms will vary greatly from model to model.

The most important factor behind this is a robot’s navigation system. Its navigation technology, together with the software, determines the actions of a vacuum cleaner. That plays a big part in how well a given robot cleans a room or even hunts for weeds in the garden. As you might expect, some robot vacuums do this job better than others.

Read more: How to prepare your house so your robot vacuum won’t get stuck

Luckily, our robot vacuum test room in our warehouse lab in Louisville, Kentucky can help us show the differences between robot vacuums, including how well they sense, interact, and otherwise move in a physical space.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET

Robot navigation on a budget

There are three main types of systems that robot vacuums typically use to navigate around a room. The first is a simple collection of collision, wheel, brush, and cliff sensors. They tell robots when they hit or are about to hit objects. With this information, they can slow down the course or change it entirely. In addition, these sensors help vacuum cleaners avoid falls on stairs.

You can usually find these systems in budget robot vacuums. The advantage is that they cost much less than more complex machines. The $250 is an example of a product with this style of navigation.

Gianmarco Chumbe/CNET

The downside is that they operate randomly, bumping into things and, willy-nilly, twirling around space. The very first iRobot Roombas did the same. Unfortunately, this results in incomplete ground coverage. Spots in tight spots (corners, table and chair legs) get a lot of repeated attention. However, open areas are likely to be vacuumed once (or maybe not at all) as the robot will travel in a straight line until it detects something in its path.

Gianmarco Chumbe/CNET

These machines also take a long time to run, roughly three times as long as the most advanced robot vacuum cleaners to attack the same area.

Sure, long cleaning times don’t matter if you tend to vacuum when nobody’s home and have all day to spare. If the company has to arrive in 45 minutes or in other time-limited situations, that’s a problem.

Read more: The Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners of 2021

Visual or optical navigation

Other robot vacuums combine the basic array of collision sensors with a main visual sensor complemented by a lens. These vacuums use a navigation algorithm called Visual Simultaneous Location and Mapping, or VSLAM. The optical system can identify landmarks on the ceiling and assess the distance between walls.

Gianmarco Chumbe/CNET

VSLAM also calculates the relative position of the vacuum cleaner in a room in real time, allowing the bot to create a map while it’s cleaning. Robot vacuums that work this way navigate a room more efficiently, systematically cleaning the floor in a logical pattern. You won’t waste time vacuuming areas of a room the robot knows it’s already traversed. This allows them to cover the same area in less time and with better coverage than a robot based only on physical sensors.

iRobot’s current line of Roombas, including the , feature this type of navigation system. The same goes for higher-end Ecovac models like the .

Gianmarco Chumbe/CNET

Optically controlled vacuum robots have some disadvantages. Since their optical sensors need at least some ambient light, they have trouble finding their way around in completely dark rooms. Compared to basic models, you also pay a premium for these smarter robots.

laser navigation

Another way robot vacuums can sense their surroundings is through lidar (light detection and ranging). It’s the same type of technology you’ll find in many self-driving car prototypes like those from Waymo and Uber. All Neato Botvacs use this method, including the Botvac D7 Connected.

Gianmarco Chumbe/CNET

Top-end Ecovac Deebots like the $579 Ozmo 930 also have a built-in lidar. In this sophisticated system, a tower-based laser mounted on top of the vacuum robot illuminates objects to help the robot determine their location and distance. Vacuum cleaners equipped with lidar can also detect the size and shape of things in their path.

Gianmarco Chumbe/CNET

They also actively scan their surroundings. Because of this, these machines tend to cover floors with extreme efficiency. For example, both the Neato Botvac D7 and Botvac D6 cleaned the floor of our test room in just under 21 minutes.

With its easy navigation, the SharkNinja Ion S87 spent 1 hour and 9 minutes cleaning the floor of our test room. Likewise, two budget Ecovacs machines, the Deebot 500 and Deebot 600, both had cleaning times in excess of 1 hour (60 and 64 minutes respectively). The longest, however, was the $170 Eufy RoboVac 11S Max (100 minutes, 34 seconds), also the cheapest model in this group.

Gianmarco Chumbe/CNET

A shorter runtime is not the only advantage of lidar. Coupled with the Simultaneous Location and Mapping algorithm (aka SLAM), these robots also create detailed maps on the fly. You can also perform useful interactions with these cards. For example, you can draw virtual borders within these borders or set up no-go zones for the robot to avoid as you wish. These vacuum cleaners also navigate in the dark if necessary. That’s all great. Remember that you are paying a premium for these machines. They typically occupy the ultra-high-end leap of the market.

hybrid systems

A new approach taken by some robotic vacuum cleaners is to combine multiple navigation technologies into one system. These include brush, cliff, wheel and optical sensors as well as laser emitters. Currently there aren’t that many products that can do that.

One you can buy today is the Electrolux Pure i9 for $499. This unique robot vacuum is equipped with two forward-facing lasers. In the middle, on the front of the vacuum cleaner, there is also a large optical sensor behind a lens.

Gianmarco Chumbe/CNET

Despite all this engineering, the movement of the Pure i9 appeared confused through our test room. It didn’t roll as confidently as the Neato and Roomba machines. Instead, it burrowed through it in spurts, constantly turning in different directions.

Brian Bennett/CNET

With so many tools, as well as improved software and computing power, robots with hybrid navigation have the potential to offer unprecedented levels of automation and intelligence. I find the optics particularly promising. According to Ecovacs, the vacuum can actually identify and avoid objects like piles of shoes, clothes, and toys.

Gianmarco Chumbe/CNET

And the company says the robot’s AI-based recognition will learn new objects over time. Perhaps that list includes animal feces and other wet, sticky, or sticky dirt. That would be a welcome update that might save your flooring and carpet from getting even messier than it was before the robot vacuum started cleaning.

A note on our robotic vacuum test room

We’ve run straight-forward cleaning performance-based tests on robot vacuums in the past, but that really only tells part of the picture of how well a robot vacuum will clean your home. How well it can navigate a room, how much area it actually covers, and how long it takes are also important factors.

To help us gather this information, we built an industry standard test room as specified by the International Electrotechnical Commission, the international standards body that governs, among other things, robotic vacuum test methods for manufacturers.

Now playing: Check this out: Lasers, sensors and robots, oh my god: Some robot vacuum cleaners…

In our test room are objects and challenges that mimic what a robot will encounter cleaning a room. This includes designs intended to mimic large furniture such as sofas or dressers, smaller objects such as lamps or table and chair legs, and even surface irregularities such as carpets, transitions between floors, and power cords.

A camera mounted above captures the action from a bird’s eye view. From there we can determine the path each vacuum cleaner takes during its cleaning cycle. This system also allows us to calculate how much floor space a machine actually covers and how much time it takes to do it.

Look for more robot vacuum testing from us in the near future. For now, at least, we can say conclusively that not all robot vacuums are created equal, and how a bot navigates a room not only affects its cleaning performance, but also how long it takes to get the job done take care of.

Can a Roomba base be under a couch?

Best Answer. No, the robotic vacuum’s charging station cannot be placed under household furniture or other objects. 0.5 m of free space to both sides and 1.5 m of free space in the front.

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

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Does Roomba go under chairs?

The Roomba i3+ makes use of it’s Light Touch Bumper Technology as well as an array of intelligent floor sensors to navigate your home. At just under 3.7″ tall, Roomba will fit under most chairs and will attempt to clean around obstacles.

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

It maneuvers around the chairs and tables. If it fits in between/under it, then it will. I run mine at night, so I just put my chairs up like they do in restaurants after they close. Then it gets the entire floor area.

Answered by Lolo4444

How to Set Up the Home Base | Roomba® | iRobot®

How to Set Up the Home Base | Roomba® | iRobot®
How to Set Up the Home Base | Roomba® | iRobot®

See some more details on the topic can i move my roomba home base here:

Can I Move My Roomba Base? (Quick Guide!) + More! »

You can move a Roomba base. Your Roomba base location is mapped into the robot to ensure it finds its way back and recharges itself to continue …

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Can I Move Roomba Home Base? – Complete Guide

The answer is yes, moving your Roomba Home Base is possible. In fact, many …

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Can I Move My Roomba Home Base? – Life on AI

Yes, you can move the Roomba Home Base to other locations in your home. Your Roomba will still find its way back to the Home Base to recharge itself after …

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Date Published: 3/21/2022

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Home – Blog – How do I change Roomba base location?

If you pick up Roomba and manually move it to another location, it may have difficulty finding its Home Base. For best results, allow Roomba to complete its …

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Can I move my Roomba home base? – All Famous Faqs

You can move a Roomba base. Your Roomba base location is mapped into the robot to ensure it finds its way back and recharges itself to …

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Tips on Where and How you should place your Roomba …

Place the Home Base® in an open, uncluttered area: Consistent Wi-Fi coverage will allow your robot to receive information via the iRobot® HOME App, …

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Date Published: 9/20/2022

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What happens if I move my roomba i7 base??? – Reddit

Place your Roomba no more than 6ft away from the Home Base and simply press the home/dock button on the top. It should travel around and attempt …

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Can You Pick Up and Move a Roomba? 5 Things To Know

1. Always Move Your Home Base With the Roomba … You can pick up and move your Roomba if you’d like it to clean a specific room. However, …

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How do I change Roomba base location? – High tech guide

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Date Published: 9/22/2021

View: 8592

Roomba’s new robotic vacuum remembers your home’s layout for quicker cleaning

In 2018, there are generally two types of robotic or assistive devices worth including in your home. The first: a smart speaker that lets you talk to Alexa, the Google Assistant, or Siri. The second? A robot that cleans your floors. If you invest in an expensive, non-toy machine that can move, it should make your home cleaner. (Compare that with the cute Kuri robot that could drive around a house but didn’t clean. The company recently stopped making them.)

Massachusetts-based company iRobot has been producing its floor cleaning robots since 2002 and today announced the latest version. It’s called the i7, and it’s a Roomba that can remember the layout of your home. You can instruct it to leave its base and clean up a specific room, and then it can empty itself back to its dock. So it can find out where it is in your home.

The not all-seeing eye

The key component of this Roomba is an image sensor on the top. The previous generation of Roomba – the 900 series – had that too, but an update to both the hardware and software has essentially given this latest vacuum cleaner a better memory than its ancestors. This previous generation could create a map of your house as it drove around, but the technology wasn’t advanced enough to keep that map (or even maps of multiple houses, like this one) in their silicon brains.

“The 900 Series would create and maintain a map of the house during a single cleaning mission – once that job is done, it starts over the next time you press ‘clean,'” says Chris Jones, vice president of technology at iRobot. It was a robot with no long-term memory.

However, the i7 “will now remember the environment in which it has been driven in the past and be able to use that historical information for the current cleaning mission,” he says.

Crucial to this process is the imaging sensor, which points forward and up. It’s not a full-fledged camera. Instead, it’s looking for something simpler: “A handful of pixels in an image that form a unique lighting pattern,” says Jones. The things that actually create these patterns? “It could be the corner of your TV set against a white wall,” he explains, and there might be a picture frame next to it “that has its own contour of light and dark.”

Jones compares these types of markers in your home and their relationship to each other to stars forming constellations that allow the robot to locate itself in your home. It also uses the cloud to make this possible: data about these visual landmarks is stored there for the Roomba to refer to. “Whenever the robot restarts, it requests the latest from the cloud,” says Jones.

It’s an approach that makes sense at the household level, as GPS wouldn’t be accurate enough and doesn’t work well indoors. (Another way more advanced robotic systems, like self-driving cars, figure out where they are is by using a rotating laser system – LIDAR – cameras and radar, but that kind of equipment would be overkill in a vacuum.)

Roomba’s image sensor is located at the top center and faces forward and up. i robot

One of Roomba’s competitors, Neato, uses a laser-based mapping system, but it doesn’t have the same kind of room recognition that lets you send it to specific zones at all times.

All of this means the Roomba is fine if it encounters what the robotics industry calls the “robot kidnapping problem,” says Jones: That’s what happens when someone picks up the robot and takes it to a new location.

“With this vision approach, as soon as it sees one of these constellations, it knows where it is,” he says. (The technique used by iRobot is called Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, or vSLAM.)

That image sensor on Roomba isn’t the only way it learns about its surroundings. It also has one that tracks the ground as the robot moves over it, as well as wheel odometry, meaning it can use the rotation of the wheels to infer how far it’s gone, just like your car.

The big picture

This results in a Roomba that can remember its surroundings, so you can label the map by room type in the relevant app and then tell the vacuum to clean a specific room by name. According to iRobot, the device can remember up to 10 floor plans, meaning you can “hijack” it and take it to a new location, and it’ll learn that one too. (It also works with Alexa and the Google Assistant, so you should be able to call an Echo Dot to have the Roomba clean a specific room you just soiled.)

Finally, it’s also the first Roomba to come equipped with a docking station (dubbed the Clean Base) that empties the bot’s dust bin, makes a loud noise, and sucks the dirt into a bag containing 30 robotic dumps before you throw it need it out – you will eventually need to buy more bags for this part. With the Clean Base, the i7+ costs $949, ​​but you can just buy the robot itself for $699.

Can I Move My Roomba Base? (Quick Guide!) + More! »

We know how important our Roomba base is as your Roomba cannot dock or charge without it. It’s also important for your Roomba to know the location of its home base so it can easily return there.

But what if you need to move the Home Base after Roomba has mapped the entire floor and saved the Home Base’s location? Need to remap the ground and train the Roomba to recognize its home base all over again?

We answer these and other popular questions about Roombas in this article.

Can I move my Roomba Base?

You can move a Roomba base. Your Roomba’s base location is mapped to the robot to ensure it finds its way back and recharges itself to continue cleaning or retreat after cleaning, but nothing says your Roomba won’t return to that base can, even after it has been moved.

You only need to keep a few things in mind:

1- The basic site rules for setting up the home base must be followed. Without this, your Roomba will have a hard time docking. Also, make sure the home base is not near any stairs or bus stops.

2- The Roomba base should not be moved while cleaning. If you do this, your Roomba will become confused and unable to find its base to dock.

3- The Roomba base should be against a wall. Not only do you need to make sure there is enough space around the base, but the Home Base needs to be placed correctly for Roomba to dock successfully.

What happens when you move the Roomba Home Base?

Because your Roomba is smart and well-engineered, several things happen when you move its base to ensure it registers the new location and docks without issue.

If you move your Roomba home base to a new location but are still in the same room that your Roomba has already mapped, it will dock without issue the next time it performs a cleaning run from that location.

Roomba will automatically learn the new location and you don’t have to do anything.

Note that the home base icon on the map may remain in the old location, but this will not prevent your Roomba from docking at the new home base.

After a few passes, the map will update itself and the home base icon will appear in the new location.

Can I move my Roomba to another room?

You can move your Roomba to another room and not have to do any further training and naming before your Roomba finds its base after cleaning.

Sometimes the Roomba can have a hard time docking after finding its base, or can have a hard time finding it at all. In this case you can manually update the map in the app without remapping your floor.

Just follow these simple steps:

STEP 1: Go to the map and check the history.

STEP 2: On the history page, select one of the old runs. Preferably one with an “everything clean” mission.

STEP 3: You will see 3 dots in the top right corner. Click on it and select “Update my smart app”. This will update the new Roomba base and your Roomba will find it with no problem.

Can you move your Roomba from floor to floor?

You can easily move a Roomba from one floor to another. Regardless of the model, Roomba vacuums can clean multiple floor surfaces. The Roomba I7 can even save up to 10 different floor plans.

If it’s a floor your Roomba has never cleaned before, it will use its sensors to map the area, identify the dirtiest areas and focus on those spots.

You must manually move Roomba from floor to floor as it cannot go up or down on its own. Simply bring your Roomba to a new floor and press “Clean”.

Can you put Roomba Base on a carpet?

Your Roomba base can be placed anywhere, even on a carpet, with no docking issues, as long as there is enough space for Roomba to navigate and find its way to the base.

Some people prefer hardwood floors, tile, linoleum, etc., but carpet also works well if it is necessary to place the vacuum cleaner on it.

Some people are afraid to put their Roomba base on carpet for fear of overheating while the Roomba is charging. But that has never been a problem. Your Roomba base will not overheat if placed on carpet.

Can you have two Home Bases for Roomba?

Roomba works with multiple Home Bases, which is an advantage for homes with multiple floors to clean.

Instead of buying Roomba vacuums for each floor, you can buy just one and place Roomba bases on each floor, saving you a lot of money.

Roomba easily returns to the base from which it started. You can start your Roomba from the homebase you want it to return to.

However, in most cases this is not even necessary as your Roomba will always dock to the nearest Home Base as long as the Home Base is compatible with your Roomba model.

If your area is large and you have more than one Roomba with their homebases, don’t necessarily dock them to their homebase. They simply find the closest one when they need to be charged or when they’re done cleaning.

Do I need to reset my Roomba if I move?

Your Roomba doesn’t need to be reset whether you move its base or a different location.

Even if it’s a new home, your Roomba will create a map of the area it’s cleaning (as it’s cleaning it) so there won’t be any problems at all.

On rare occasions when your Roomba is having trouble cleaning your new home, the app may not be working well with the new home’s WiFi, then you may need to reset your Roomba.

You can do this in two ways.

You can reset from the mobile app or from Roomba itself.

It is better to reset from the mobile app. Resetting the Roomba from the Roomba itself can be tricky as not all series can be reset the same way.

Easy steps to reset Roomba via mobile app.

STEP 1: Make sure the mobile device and Roomba are connected to the same WiFi network.

STEP 2: Open the app and go to settings. click it

STEP 3: Now click Remove. You will see “Factory reset (name of Roomba). E.g. factory reset Roomba I7. Click on that and you’re done.

Where is the best place to put my Roomba Dock?

You can place your Roomba Home Base/Dock anywhere in your home as long as you follow these few guidelines:

Enough space

There should be no obstacles around your Roomba dock that could prevent your Roomba from finding its way home.

There should be at least 1.5 or 2 feet of space on each side of the dock and 4 feet in front of the dock. We’re not talking about rear space because the dock should be placed against a wall. Make sure your furniture isn’t an obstacle to the dock. (Source)

level surface

Place your dock on level ground. An uneven surface will make it difficult to dock your Roomba as the Home Base just slides around. Also, your Roomba will clean at an angle (diagonally) to match the angle of the Home Base.

Far from stairs

Your Roomba should be at least four to five feet away from stairs or drop-off points.

Final Thoughts!

You can move your Roomba base without remapping your floor or resetting your Roomba. Normally your Roomba will update itself on the next run or after a few runs. If it doesn’t, you can update it manually. We wrote about this in detail in the article.

Your Roomba can also use two homebases, making it easier for you to clean two floors with just one Roomba. If desired, you can even clean more than two floors.

You also don’t have to reset or remap when you move to a new location. If for one reason or another you need to reset, we have written simple steps for you so you can do it easily.

Have fun vacuuming!

Can I Move Roomba Home Base? Fool Proof Guide!

Are you new to the smart home industry and wondering can I move Roomba Home Base? Would I be able to relocate it to cover most of the space I want to clean?

Luckily for you, we will discuss that in this guide. We will go through it fully and comprehensively.

You can move the base of your Roomba vacuum by first finding a good spot/room for it. Then unplug the base station, clean the charging ports, and reconfigure them to match the new base station location.

So would you be able to move or relocate your Roomba Home Base to a different location in your living space?

Is it possible to have more than one (1) base at home? Those are the questions we answered, so stay tuned!

Why move Roomba Home Base?

Of course, the main reason for relocating or moving the Roomba Home Base is so that the smart device covers parts of the room that you want to cover.

For example, if it is placed in the living room, it may not be able to clean the kitchen, reception area, even other entrances and rooms on the same floor due to its proximity.

Now what is the truth behind moving or relocating your Roomba Home Base?

Can I move the Roomba Home Base?

The answer is yes, moving your Roomba Home Base is possible. In fact, many homeowners move and relocate regularly to change and change their neighborhood.

However, finding a new location for your Roomba Home Base could be a difficult process. Because of this, you must be familiar and familiar with the steps.

Don’t worry because once you learn the process it will be easy for all subsequent times you will ever need.

How do I move the Roomba Home Base?

Follow this process and move and relocate your Roomba Home Base with ease.

Decide on a new location

When moving the Roomba base to a new location, you must first decide on a suitable location.

Think about why you want to move your Roomba Home Base in the first place and what problem you want to solve.

NOTE: Make sure you choose a location that solves the problem that is causing you to move it in the first place.

Many common Roomba vacuum problems are due to poor placement of the Roomba Home Base.

The ideal location for your Roomba Home Base is a level, open, uncluttered area.

Here are some of the pointers to keep in mind when choosing a new place for it:

There must be at least 18 inches of space around all sides of the Roomba Home Base

There should be at least one meter of space in front of the Roomba Home Base

There must be at least one meter of space between the Roomba Home Base and each staircase

There should be at least 8 feet of space between the Roomba Home Base and any Virtual Wall barriers.

Pro Tip: For best results, make sure the back of the Roomba Home Base is against a flat wall on a level surface within reach of an electrical outlet.

Additionally, the Roomba Home Base location should have consistent WiFi coverage to ensure clear communication.

Relocate your Roomba Home Base

Once you have decided on a suitable new location for your Roomba Home Base, you can start moving.

You should also perform some important maintenance on the Roomba Home Base to ensure that it functions as properly as possible in its new location.

Step #1: Make sure Roomba is not running

If cleaning jobs are in progress, either wait for them to complete or cancel them before moving the Roomba Home Base.

Moving your Roomba Home Base while a cleaning job is in progress can cause navigation errors. So turn it off or off completely before proceeding with the process.

Step #2: Unplug your Roomba Home Base

Turning them off is one thing, unplugging them completely is another.

Unplug the home base from the port or wall outlet to which it is connected.

Step #3: Start the move

After unplugging, you can now move your Roomba Home Base to its new location.

Of course, you need to bring everything with you, including the power cords, the braces and even the base.

NOTE: For best results, remember to place the back of the Home Base against a flat wall on a flat, level surface and away from stairs and furniture.

Step #4: Plug it into the new location

Your Roomba Home Base needs power to communicate with your Roomba vacuum.

If the selected location is not within range of an electrical outlet, move the Roomba Home Base closer to an electrical outlet.

Step #5: Clean the charging contacts

Regular maintenance of the charging contacts is essential to keep your Roomba vacuum running efficiently.

Using a melamine sponge (sometimes sold as a “magic eraser”), gently wipe the silver metal charging contacts on the Roomba vacuum and Roomba Home Base.

Step #6: Dock the Roomba vacuum

Place your Roomba vacuum on the Roomba Home Base and ensure the charging contacts are working properly.

When properly docked, the “Clean” button on your Roomba vacuum should flash briefly.

Reconfigure Roomba Vacuum

If your Roomba vacuum connects to an iPhone or Android app, you may need to update your Roomba vacuum’s floor plans and other settings.

Some Roomba models are app-controlled and may have schedules, floor plans, or other settings that need to be adjusted. Check your owner’s manual for specific configuration instructions for your Roomba vacuum model.

That’s all there is to it! You have successfully moved your Roomba Home Base to a new, more suitable location.

By now you shouldn’t have any trouble relocating or moving your Roomba Home Base!

Can my Roomba vacuum have two different home bases?

Yes, your Roomba vacuum can connect to multiple Roomba Home Bases.

For example, you can place a Roomba Home Base on each floor of your home and avoid carrying your Roomba Home Base from one floor to the next.

You can also have more than one Roomba Home Base on the same floor as long as they are at least eight feet apart. This is especially useful if you have a large floor plan.

If your Roomba vacuum needs to dock with a Roomba Home Base, it will choose the closest one.

However, your Roomba vacuum must be the same or newer model than the Roomba Home Base to function properly.

Alternatively, if you have a Roomba i-Series vacuum and a Roomba 600-series home base, your Roomba vacuum will dock normally with the 600-series home base.

Your Roomba vacuum even goes to the i-Series Home Base to empty its bin and only goes to the 600-Series Home Base when it needs to be charged. It really is a smart vacuum cleaner!

Read Next: How to Fix Roomba Not Charging in Dock?

Final Thoughts

In short, if you’re wondering about the ability to transfer or move your Roomba Home Base, this is it! You just have to make sure it’s powered off, unplug it from its connection to the wall, and reinstall it in the new location.

Hopefully we have enlightened you on the possibility of moving or relocating your Roomba Home Base.

So next time you stop to look for the answer to Can I move my Roomba Home Base, you’ll know what guide to look for.

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