Can I Shoot Pigeons On My Roof? The 160 Top Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can i shoot pigeons on my roof“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 474 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

It is illegal to kill pigeons or any other wild bird species due to the wording of the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981. This means that the birds can only be repelled, and by far, the best way to scare pigeons and keep nesting pigeons away is to use falconry.Generally, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in the UK has legislated through the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Chapter 69) that it’s illegal to harm or kill wild birds, such as pigeons and seagulls, unless an individual adheres to certain licenses.Birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law, and it is illegal to destroy or interfere with them except under licence. Even where their destruction is licensed, non-lethal methods must be considered first, and many killing methods are outlawed.

How To Keep Pigeons Off Your Roof
  1. Install scare-pigeons.
  2. Use reflective surfaces.
  3. Install sloped sheathing.
  4. Use natural repellents.
  5. Use bird netting.
  6. Don’t make your property pigeon-friendly.
  7. Call a pest controller.

Can I shoot pigeons on my roof UK?

Generally, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in the UK has legislated through the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Chapter 69) that it’s illegal to harm or kill wild birds, such as pigeons and seagulls, unless an individual adheres to certain licenses.

Is it illegal to kill pigeons UK?

Birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law, and it is illegal to destroy or interfere with them except under licence. Even where their destruction is licensed, non-lethal methods must be considered first, and many killing methods are outlawed.

How do I get rid of pigeons on my roof UK?

How To Keep Pigeons Off Your Roof
  1. Install scare-pigeons.
  2. Use reflective surfaces.
  3. Install sloped sheathing.
  4. Use natural repellents.
  5. Use bird netting.
  6. Don’t make your property pigeon-friendly.
  7. Call a pest controller.

Can I shoot pigeons on my roof in Arizona?

You may find yourself wondering, “are pigeons protected in Arizona?” Most Arizona birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Among other things, this makes it illegal to hunt, possess, or transport the birds.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

You may be wondering, “Are pigeons protected in Arizona?” Most Arizona birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Among other things, this makes it illegal to hunt, possess or transport the birds. The only birds not protected in Arizona are rock pigeons (pigeons), English sparrows, and European starlings.

Pigeon harassment

Large groups of pigeons can be annoying. They can even transmit diseases. It’s easy to believe that there are rules to protect pigeons as there are so many of them.

Imagine you’re sitting on your porch when you start looking around and notice bird droppings on your house and vehicle. Aside from looking unattractive and potentially smelly, it can do real harm. If left on surfaces, the acidic nature of the waste can degrade your color.

Cleaning your home or vehicle only takes care of the surface issue. If you can’t keep the birds away permanently, it may be time to call in a professional to take some deterrent measures.

Pigeons are often thought of as “flying rats”. Diseases that their feces can transmit include:

E. coli – Symptoms include nausea, fever and convulsions

Encephalitis – Symptoms include drowsiness, headache and fever

Histoplasmosis – Symptoms include decreased respiratory function

Salmonellosis – Symptoms include fever, chills, abdominal discomfort and flu-like symptoms

Pigeons can even carry mites and fleas. After removing bird droppings, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly. Avoid touching a pigeon, whether it’s alive or dead.

control pigeons

Pigeons will eat just about anything that makes it easier to survive in urban areas. You were probably already in the park when someone tossed their crust of bread to a nearby bird. Pretty soon you see the whole herd flying in to get the lunch.

When people feed pigeons, they feel more comfortable around people. Eventually, they will start approaching people who don’t offer leftovers. This is when they become a nuisance. Some may begin to make this area their new home.

There are a few ways you can try to control pigeons:

Eliminate Water – Replace leaking drip systems. Empty fountains or bird baths.

Eliminate Food – This can be difficult since they eat everything. Keep your trash in a locked container. Since pigeons eat seeds, be sure to remove landscape debris after trimming.

Unfriendly Landscape – Create a less welcoming home by trimming your trees and reducing the places for pigeons to perch or sleep.

You may not inspect your solar panels often. However, they form a cozy, unreachable nesting place for pigeons. Budget Brothers use clips and shielding material to prevent nests from being built under your solar panels. The clips are non-invasive and provide a permanent seal against pigeons.

Call the pros

If you’ve tried all of these tips, it might be time to seek outside help. Budget Brothers professionals use various techniques to get rid of pigeons. Our team of inspectors and installers have experience in both residential and commercial properties. Sometimes the job even requires an elevator and several days of installation. When you arrange a meeting with our inspector, he will determine the best way to approach your property.

The process of removing the pigeons from your home is complex. First we remove the nests and pressure wash the area to remove bird droppings. Next, we carry out screening work in roof pens where the pigeons nest, using a screen or netting. We will also install spikes in the areas where they normally sleep. Budget Brothers offer guy wire and posts or bird gel as an alternative to spikes for a more discreet installation. Other methods of elimination include the use of a variety of visual deterrents or baited and caged traps.

Pigeons are very social. They live in flocks of 20-30 birds. That means if you see a pigeon, it’s time to pay attention. Removing birds from your property is not a do-it-yourself project. Because of the risk of exposing yourself to the diseases they carry, as well as the danger of climbing to tend to their roosts, it’s a good time to call the professionals.

If you’ve noticed a pigeon problem in your garden, contact Budget Brothers to set up an appointment for your free estimate.

Is it legal to shoot pigeons in my garden UK?

Let’s start with doves and pigeons: You can shoot woodpigeons and feral pigeons all over the UK. You can’t shoot stock doves, collared doves or turtle doves. Woodpigeons make good eating but you can’t shoot one to eat it. And if someone questions you, you have to show that you were preventing serious damage to crops.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

Airgun Law UK: What can you shoot with your airgun in your garden in the UK?

It’s a garden, it’s private property where you have permission and you’re happy with your backstop and that backstop is in your garden. What birds can you shoot? We’ll get to them in a moment. Pests – yes! Gray squirrels, rats, rabbits are good to shoot, as are stoats and mink.

Do airguns need a license? Are Airguns Legal?

Don’t forget the airgun laws on age rules in the UK: under 14 years old you can borrow an airgun under 12ft/lb (that’s most of them) and you must shoot under supervision, 14-17 year olds you can borrow an airgun and shoot without supervision, from the age of 18 you can own your own air rifle. In Scotland you must have an Air Force license if you wish to shoot unsupervised. If you are shooting under supervision in Northern Ireland, that supervisor must be at least 21 years of age.

Pest Birds – Can You Shoot Them? This is where it gets complicated. In England, air gun laws used to list birds not to be shot. Then the government almost inadvertently banned all bird hunting, so they had to rush out a new list of 20 birds you can shoot — it’s a list we call the general licenses.

Let’s start with pigeons and pigeons: you can shoot wood pigeons and feral pigeons across the UK. You cannot shoot Stock Doves, Collared Doves, or Turtle Doves. Wood pigeons are good food, but you can’t shoot one to eat them. And if anyone questions you, you’ll need to show that you’ve prevented serious crop damage. Here is a harvest. Or animal feed. Here are groceries. Also, it’s worth making a scarecrow to show you’ve tried other means. Serious.

How about corvids? You can shoot Carrion Crows and Magpies throughout Great Britain, Hooded Crows only in Scotland and Northern Ireland, Jackdaws in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland but not England, Jays in England, Scotland and Wales but not Northern Ireland, Crows in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland but not Wales, and Indian house crows only in England.

It is only allowed to shoot greylag geese in Scotland, ring-necked parakeets in England but not monk parakeets, and starlings only in Northern Ireland.

Can you shoot a duck, pheasant, partridge or grouse in your garden? Yes you can. But you probably live next to a gunfight, so your local game warden won’t love you.

You are now in the loop. good shooting.

For more information see

How do I get rid of Neighbours pigeons?

There are many suggestions you can offer. Installing bird spikes or deterrents on the roof, covering the roof in bird tape, usage of optical gels on the roof, and the installation of wire mesh around nesting spots on the roof can all be effective at reducing or eliminating pigeons.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

Pigeons and other nuisance birds can actually cause problems for many of the homes and businesses that sit next to their nest site. If you’ve ever lived in a rented apartment or condo, you probably already know how pests can infest and migrate to surrounding units. The same principle is observed in sturgeon pigeons. If your neighbor’s pesky pigeons are also causing problems for your property, is there anything you can do about it?

If a neighbor’s pigeon infestation is causing nuisance pigeons on your property, you can and should contact your neighbor to resolve the issue. There are specialized bird removal services that can eliminate the problem. You can also turn to your advice to solve the problem.

In this post, we will take a closer look at this issue and address the various issues that can arise from neighboring pesky pigeons. A neighbor’s pigeon problem shouldn’t automatically be your problem, and we’ll also address some of the most common questions or concerns you may have about this problem. Read on to learn more and find out how we here at Malum can help fix this problem.


What to do against the pigeon harassment of your neighbors?

Pigeons and other nuisance birds can cause noise pollution, property damage, insect infestations and, in more extreme and prolonged infestations, even health problems for home and business owners.

Pigeon droppings soil surfaces and attract insects, spread germs and pathogens, and diminish the aesthetic value of homes and properties. The list of problems goes on and on.

What makes this problem even more difficult is when nuisance birds are actually caused by a neighbor who is either unaware of the problem or is slow or unwilling to address it.

With pesky nesting birds, you need to control the problem, and getting advice on how to deal with it is the first step.

You can’t force a neighbor to do anything, but you can definitely report the neighbor to your municipality. However, this can lead to unwanted drama and problems, and it is certainly admirable to open up a dialogue with your neighbor first.

There are many suggestions you can make. Installing bird spikes or deterrents on the roof, covering the roof with bird tape, using optical gels on the roof, and installing wire mesh around nesting sites on the roof can all be effective in reducing or eliminating pigeons.

But by far the best method is to suggest to your neighbor to hire a bird removal specialist, which is one of the main services of our company.

Of course, it all depends on your neighbor’s desire to tackle the problem as well, and they may very well not want to. As a last resort, contact your community and fully describe the problem to them and offer to provide evidence of the damage, noise and most importantly structural damage caused by the birds.

It can be helpful to get photographic evidence of the pigeons flying onto your land from your neighbor’s property.

Can I stop my neighbors from feeding pesky birds?

Feeding troublesome birds is like pouring gasoline on a blazing fire; This makes the birds feel even more comfortable and at home in their behavior.

If your neighbor throws the food in your yard or the pigeons also scatter the food and trash around your property or surrounding buildings, raise this with your neighbor immediately or collect photographic evidence to show your council if he refuses to feed the birds.

There is nothing you can do directly to stop the pigeons from being fed other than have a chat with the neighbor or consider contacting your landlord or their landlord if you know or share the same landlord.

Pigeons under neighboring solar panels are causing problems – what can I do?

Solar panels have become a favorite resting place for pigeons and other pests. The voids under the panels provide protection from the elements and predators, allowing the pigeons to feel protected and live comfortably under a covered structure.

For this problem, Pigeon Screening with Solar Panels is by far the best method to remove pest pigeons under solar panels. The price of the intervention varies depending on the inventory of the roof structure, the severity of the infestation and the number of solar panels.

At Malum we will first consult with you and your neighbor as to whether he is willing to pigeon proof his solar panels which is the best way. This way we can arrange access and organize any special equipment in advance.

Once on site we will remove and inspect all pigeons from the area and clean the area to ensure it is free of dirt and potential parasites. This is the best procedure to suggest to your neighbors and we are more than happy to visit the area and assess how serious the rest stop is.

How do I get rid of pigeons from my neighbor’s yard and roof?

You can suggest a variety of different methods to your neighbor that may solve the problem. A technique called bird netting can be installed over a roof or garden and may be the only technique that can be guaranteed against certain birds. Bird nets with different sized holes are also available for a number of different species.

This procedure can be dangerous when performed on a roof and may not immediately resolve the specific issue, so there is no guarantee that the issue will be resolved.

There are also some visual deterrents that your neighbor could put up on their roof or yard to scare the birds away. These are actually good methods that you should also consider for your home to keep the birds away. These visual props usually take the form of birds of prey or even mimic humans or even large animals.

Birds are very visual and deterrents work, but not always. Also, someone needs to regularly check the deterrents to make sure the items are still there.

Placing optical gels around the house or garden could also be very effective.

Optical gel appears like fire to birds, deterring birds from landing when applied near a landing or roosting site in a garden or on a roof. This works by changing the bird’s behavior rather than acting as a barrier.

Undisturbed optical gel can be effective for up to three years before replacement is required. Optical gel is ideal when it comes to housing aesthetics and can be used on all bird pressure points.

By and large, you can really only offer these suggestions, but in all honesty, there’s no harm in trying them out in your own home.

What can the community do to stop the problems caused by birds and pigeons being fed by a neighbor?

It is best to turn to your advice if a neighbor does not respond to the problem. A representative will obey tenancy law in your area and may even force the neighbor to address the issue emanating from their home.

For example, if feeding is causing the problem, the council can order a tenant to stop feeding problem birds. If the birds damage your house, the council will respond to this matter very quickly. The council will endeavor to maintain peace and order in the city or community, so rest assured that they will work to find a solution to the problem.

This can be problematic in terms of neighborly relations, years of friendship or cordiality could break, but if your neighbor is unwilling to handle the matter responsibly, by all means contact your community.

Contact Malum for bird control

Involving the Council can permanently damage warm neighborhood relationships, which is why Malum would like to help mediate wherever we can. Our bird control services are designed to prevent pigeons and other pests from roaming and settling on properties and to prevent this behavior in the future.

Thanks to our team of experts and the use of state-of-the-art technology, we are able to reach hard-to-reach rooftops and address all hiding places in buildings and even inaccessible hiding places in buildings. If you are looking for someone to help you solve this problem, we are at your disposal.

Ask your neighbor to contact us today on our website for a free quote or call us on 0800 228 9238. Your neighbor can also email us at [email protected]. We understand that this problem can bring many different complications and we will do everything we can to explain the problems at hand if your neighbor is willing to seek help for the pest birds that should not be your problem as well.


Can I shoot pigeons in my garden 2020?

The United States of America. In the United States, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act 1918 protects native wild birds, making it illegal to kill them or remove their nests. If it is absolutely necessary to do so, a permit must be obtained.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that any work undertaken is legal, whether they do it themselves or hire a pest control contractor. The contractor is not liable.

The average person who needs guidance on how to legally and humanely deal with pest birds such as pigeons and gulls will soon realize that the subject is complex and many conflicting views exist. This overview addresses the legal issues surrounding the lawful removal of pigeons and seagulls from your property.

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

The lethal control (killing) of pigeons, gulls and other wild birds in the UK is legislated by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), courtesy of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Chapter 69), which effectively reports it It is illegal to kill or injure wild birds, including pigeons and gulls, unless general permitting regulations are followed.

Anyone confronted with a problem related to wild birds should be aware that whether they take care of the problem themselves or hire a contractor to carry out controls, it is their responsibility to ensure that they are checked Checks are legal, up to him and not his contractor. It’s a common misconception that if a contractor provides controls on behalf of a third party, they will be held legally liable if the law is broken – they are not; It is the responsibility of the property owner on whose premises or building these controls are provided.

General Permissions for Killing Wild Birds

If you cannot solve your pigeon problem using non-lethal methods, you may consider culling under a general license. These are free of charge and only permitted where the nature of the work poses a low risk to the conservation and welfare of the birds and the conditions stated on the license are strictly adhered to.

On April 25th 2019 Natural England and DEFRA repealed the old system of general licensing and in June 2019 introduced two new general licenses covering pigeons. The GL35 – General Permission to Kill or Take Certain Species of Wild Birds for the Purpose of Public Health or Public Safety, including the Feral Pigeon, and GL36 – General Permission to Kill or Take Certain Species of Wild Birds to Allow Serious Damage to Livestock and Livestock Feed prevent , cereals, vegetables, fruits, timber cultivation, fisheries or inland waters, including the wild pigeon and wood pigeon.

In order to carry out a culling operation and ensure it is within the law, the property owner must be able to show that:

1) The pigeon-related problems experienced have resulted in, or are likely to result in, a risk to public health or safety.

2) All non-lethal control methods have been tried and found unsuccessful. Culling cannot be used as a control method just because pigeons foul damage to a property. Culling for this purpose would always be illegal.

Access these licenses online at General Licenses for Wildlife Management.

From January 2020 Natural England have made changes to their lethal control licenses for Herring Gulls and Lesser Black-backed Gulls and will license gull control through individual licenses which will need to be prioritised. Natural England will assess the level of need on an individual license application basis, but in general the protection of human life and health will be the overriding priority.

In rural areas where lethal control has contributed to population declines, sustainable numbers of birds could be killed or captured – representing no more than 5% of each species’ total natural mortality – without affecting their conservation status. Nest, egg and chick control levels are not limited in urban areas where populations are likely to have better hatching success rates. However, Natural England will continue to encourage the use of non-lethal methods such as bird goading through integrated management strategies that reduce opportunities for seagulls to nest and feed in problem areas within the built environment.

Animal Welfare Act 2006

The Animal Welfare Act 2006 addresses issues relating to cruelty and unnecessary suffering, intentional or unintentional, to animals and birds. An example might be where birds have become entangled behind a nylon bird netting installed on a building and starved to death as a result. If the property owner were challenged and prosecuted for cruelty and needless suffering then most likely the above Act would apply and not the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Police Act 2014

There is currently no specific law to prevent a person from feeding wild birds. When constant feeding of wild birds such as pigeons and gulls is deemed inappropriate and detrimental to the local community’s quality of life (e.g., a food build-up that attracts rodents), local authorities and police forces sometimes turn to Anti-Social Behaviour , Crime and Policing Act 2014 issuing Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) or Community Protection Orders (CPO).

The United States of America

In the United States, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 protects native wild birds and makes it illegal to kill them or remove their nests. If absolutely necessary, a permit must be obtained. To remove a nest without permission, you must wait until the nest is completely cleared. However, the pigeon is an exception to this law as it is an introduced species to America and is not considered native.

Individual states have their own pigeon laws. Some states allow poisoning, while others consider it cruelty to animals. Most allow shooting as the most effective way of killing pigeons, and while you don’t need a special license, a basic hunting license is required. In fact, pigeon hunting is a recognized sport.

Gulls are considered migratory and are therefore protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. This makes it illegal to track, hunt, kill, or sell gulls and violates the law to disturb, destroy, or move active gull nests. It doesn’t even distinguish between dead or alive birds and provides protection for bird parts, including individual feathers, eggs and nests. Gulls can only be killed with special permission from the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

How do I get rid of pigeons on my roof?

The easiest way to keep pigeons away is to scare them, which can be done in a variety of ways. For instance, the use of wind chimes or reflective tape on the roof can be enough to scare pigeons. You can also purchase large fake owls or similar items that will act like a scarecrow for pigeons.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

sucking pigeons. That’s where I said it. After years of people making excuses for pigeons, I’m ready to tell the truth about them. They’re awful, they stink, they’re gross, they’re annoying, and they poop everywhere. They’re basically rats with wings, to borrow a Woody Allen expression.

OK, so maybe this mentality isn’t all that uncommon, but it’s important to think about. You can also be anti-dove; it doesn’t make you a bad person. For example, if you have pigeons on your roof, you don’t have to worry about them all the time. Maybe you like animals and want to be human; That’s fine, but that doesn’t excuse the pigeons that perch on your house. Not only is it irritating and unattractive to have a row of pigeons on your roof, it also leaves you and your vehicles vulnerable to nasty air raids.

So stop messing around with those flying rats on your property and follow our four steps to get rid of pigeons on your roof:

Step 1: Remove all attractive food/water sources

If you have a bird feeder or bird bath, it’s obviously time to get rid of it. Although other, more agreeable birds can use them, pigeons tend to be bullies. If they decide they like the food or water source, they will monopolize it. It’s best to get rid of these little ornaments.

Additionally, if you have plants that produce edible nuts, these are also attractive food sources for pigeons. And if you keep the dog or cat bowl outside, you should start putting it away unless it’s feeding time.

Step 2: Consider scaremongering first

The easiest way to keep pigeons away is to scare them, which can be done in a number of ways. For example, using wind chimes or reflective tape on the roof can be enough to scare pigeons. You can also buy large fake owls or similar items that act like a scarecrow for pigeons. However, remember that pigeons will eventually recognize your methods. You’ll realize after a while that the owl is fake, so be prepared to move it or adjust your methods in the future.

Step 3: Introduce the heavyweights

If the scaremongering didn’t work, then it’s time for more drastic action. These methods will almost certainly work, but they will require some great effort on your part. Our first suggestion is metal anti-seat spikes. You’ve probably seen these on commercial roofs and signs, but they can be installed on your own roof as well. The downsides, of course, are the effort required and the fact that your spiked roof doesn’t look good. But hey, no pigeons!

You can also opt for sticky gels, which can be purchased at many retail stores or online. You apply the gel to your roof, which makes it uncomfortable for pigeons to settle there. Finally, putting screens, mesh, or chicken wire over areas where pigeons are common will make it difficult for them to perch.

Step 4: If all else fails, contact Professional Backup

You may not see them on our billboards, but pigeons are definitely pests – which means we can deal with them. If your pigeon problem doesn’t go away or you just don’t have the time or patience to take care of it, please contact us. We are happy to take care of your pigeon problems and can eliminate them in no time at all.

What happens if you kill pigeons?

Even though you target and shoot a pigeon well, the bird is not likely to die instantly and may fly to some other place. If this happens, it will pass through severe pain before eventually dying and that is too inhumane. Shooting is also not suitable in urban places, so it is mostly restricted to rural areas.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

Do you need a pigeon removal in your hometown? We serve over 500 locations in the USA! Click here to rent us in your city and check prices – updated for 2020.

I discuss the different options below. Shoot. poisons. To catch. Even rice and alka-seltzer.

Killing is by no means the only way to get rid of pigeons effectively. Yes, they keep coming back once they’ve found a place to sleep in your home, and they can be a disruption on a large scale. You may be prevented from settling down in the first place, but maybe you missed that step and now need to stem the havoc on your balcony, garden, yard or ledge? Fortunately, there is one thing you CAN do to keep pigeons away – pinstripes. Available in metal and plastic, they prevent birds from perching on unwanted areas such as ledges, beams, signs, roofs, etc. Nets and shock tracks also work, and a few other physical deterrents. You can install them yourself, or if you need professional pigeon help click here for my nationwide list of pigeon trappers. Well, if you’ve already made up your mind, here are some ways you can kill those pigeons.

1. Shoot

Shooting is an old and conventional method of killing pigeons. It has been practiced since the days when people hunted and killed pigeons for food. Despite this, people still use it today to get rid of these flying creatures. An airgun can be useful in this regard, but it requires great marksmanship to achieve great success. The best time to hunt pigeons is at night when they are usually dormant.

However, there are many problems associated with pigeon shooting. Even if you aim and shoot a pigeon well, it is unlikely that the bird will immediately die and fly to another place. When this happens, it will go through intense pain before eventually dying, and that’s too inhuman. Shooting is also not suitable in urban areas, so it is mostly limited to rural areas.

2. Poisoning

The use of poisons to kill pigeons is severely restricted in many countries and requires special permission in some countries. Poisoned bait, as most commonly used, also has some repercussions – like a poisoned bird being eaten by neighborhood wildlife or even pets; this leads to the death of untargeted animals. Read the guide Should you ever poison a pigeon?

Another disadvantage of using poison when killing pigeons is that they can eventually die in hidden areas on your property where the carcass will create a huge stench. This also leaves you with the responsibility of disposing of the decaying, disease-infested carcass. Nonetheless, there are several poisons that people use to kill pigeons and other birds in general. Each of them uses a different mechanism to eliminate pigeons.

Alphachloralose – This poison is usually given to pigeons in the form of treated grain. You should start by feeding them unpoisoned grain for a few days to attract more pigeons to the feeder. Alphachloralose makes them feel numb and they later die. However, with this mechanism, they are very likely to die in undesirable places, such as where scavenging wild or domestic animals will eat the carcass and also become poisoned.

Avitrol – it contains 4-aminopyridine which is a central nervous system toxin. It causes spasmodic reactions for hours and is characterized in pigeons by falling and flapping before finally giving up the ghost. Although it effectively kills pigeons, it can also kill other animals, so watch out for pets in the neighborhood.

Thallium – this composition can be administered to pigeons by inhalation or oral ingestion. It’s a tasteless poison that can be mixed with their food or even dissolved in water. Thallium causes nausea, vomiting, and pain before killing them.

Antifreeze – another deadly agent that is often used to kill pigeons.

3. Deadly Catch

Pigeons can also be killed using deadly traps, which usually come in the form of cages with a constriction or snap mechanism that does the killing. Be extremely careful when using a deadly trap, read and understand the instructions in the manual well in order to set it up correctly and avoid injuring yourself in the process. You can also bring in an animal controller to do the job.

Place your trap in a convenient place where the birds have settled and bait it with grains, seeds or fruit. Before that, you should feed the pigeons in the same place for a few days to make them feel safe. However, this method brings little success, since these clever birds quickly decipher the danger and then avoid the trap.

A better way to kill pigeons with traps is to use live traps. Although live traps are not intended for killing, the birds can be caught and killed manually. Captured pigeons can be killed humanely by placing them in a confined space and introducing poisonous gas, or by breaking their necks with special pliers. Read more about catching pigeons and how gamekeepers deal with pigeons.

4. Rice or Alka Seltzer

Does uncooked rice kill pigeons? Will it expand in her stomach and make her burst? nope They’re good at metabolizing it, and when push comes to shove, they’ll just throw up. Birds can vomit, you know! So the answer is that rice does not kill any birds.

Will Alka Seltzer kill pigeons? No, not more than you or me, because birds, like us, can accelerate. Read more about steps to find and remove a dead pigeon.

Visit my main page on pigeon removal for more information.

Can you poison pigeons UK?

Poisoning of birds is illegal in the UK. Pigeons may be caught in live traps after a short period of baiting. A large proportion of a flock feeding in a given area can be removed by this technique.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)


The feral pigeon (Columba livia var) and its by-products are very familiar to those involved in building surveying and maintenance, particularly in inner cities.

Many pest control companies offer pigeon control services and many pigeon exclusion systems are marketed. However, there is a general misunderstanding of the problem among management and construction professionals. This means that the control techniques used are often applied inappropriately or incorrectly, causing them to be ineffective. This is no small problem as tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds can be spent on pigeon related contracts without proper independent advice or specification and without proper tendering. Such “one-off” measures, using a single technique without reference to other factors, are often doomed to failure. This is because pigeons are living organisms and can adapt over time and space to circumvent most measures. As with other biologically based construction problems, their control requires the application of an ongoing strategy of measures to control the combination of environmental factors that favor their activities. This requires some background knowledge and careful assessment of the individual case.

The natural history of the pigeon

The feral pigeon (Columba livia var) descends from the feral rock pigeon that inhabits both inland and sea cliffs around the Mediterranean Sea and along the west coast of Europe (1). This species was domesticated by the ancient Egyptians and has spread to many different native tribes around the world.

The feral pigeon population descends from many different strains of escaped ornamental, racing and pet populations, but tends to revert to a wild type of coloration and conformation. These birds are well-adapted to survive in a modern urban environment where the tall buildings provide habitats very similar to the cliff-top homes of their ancestors. Their natural diet consists of seeds and grains, but they easily learn to utilize a wide range of processed plant and animal products. In all non-reproductive activities, the pigeon is a social bird, actively seeking the company of others to rest, preen, and feed. They can therefore form flocks of tens to hundreds of individuals depending on the food sources available. These herds develop a set pattern of activity based on a defined range of foraging, resting, and roosting sites. With a sufficient supply of food, the pigeon can breed all year round and a stable pair bond develops. Preferred nest sites are dark, enclosed areas simulating a cave or crevice (3). Usually two eggs are produced and the brood is divided. Three broods can be produced by a pair per breeding season, and individuals can live up to thirty years.

The most important factor in the survival of pigeons is the active promotion of their population by humans for recreational and emotional reasons. This is most important in providing food and protection from human predators. The uncontrolled increase in feral pigeon populations resulting from this commensal relationship has caused significant problems in many urban and port environments. These can be reduced through appropriate management and public education programs.

problems caused by pigeons

Structural damage, moisture and rot

Pigeon activity in and around a building can damage the structure directly, as pigeons are able to lift roof coverings to force entry, especially when these are already slightly displaced. This activity can allow significant water intrusion into the building and subsequent decay. Even worse, they clog stormwater drains with their feces, feathers, and other debris. This can lead to massive water infiltration and serious rot problems. Nesting activities are particularly dangerous in this regard, as pigeons often nest in hoppers and parapet gutters, which leads to complete clogging in a very short time. This disruption of drainage and the resulting water ingress is particularly damaging in unoccupied buildings where problems are less likely to be identified before major damage has occurred. The consequences of water intrusion are also more serious as buildings may already have serious moisture and rot problems. Such pigeon activity can therefore negate the effectiveness of conservation and rehabilitation work. This is a significant waste of time and money and can lead to degradation and loss of valuable building features.

detritus and feces

Pigeon droppings, and particularly pigeon droppings, present both an aesthetic and a health concern, particularly inside a building. Pigeon droppings quickly mar surfaces both inside and outside buildings and are difficult and expensive to remove.

noise and disturbances

Although actively fed and encouraged by many members of the public, pigeons pose both a public nuisance and a health hazard. This can be due to disturbances caused by calling or nesting in the early hours of the morning and by crowding for food.

fleas and parasites

Pigeons can spread fleas and other parasites in occupied buildings.

feces and human diseases

The presence of feral pigeons, and particularly their droppings, poses a potential health hazard to employees and the general public. This is especially true where a building has a large accumulation of debris. They are common carriers of a number of serious human diseases, including salmonellosis, psittacosis and pseudotuberculosis. Their feces provide an ideal environment for the growth of organisms that cause diseases such as histoplasmosis, aspergillosis, cryptococci, and listeriosis. Although the risk of infection from pigeons can be relatively low, the diseases are serious and can be life-threatening. Pigeon droppings pose a health and safety hazard to employees who need to clean them up or work around them. They are therefore a particular problem when renovating buildings where large accumulations have formed. Dealing with such accumulations can be expensive and time consuming due to the protective equipment and procedures that may be required.

Health and safety issues are also caused by fecal build-up due to the slippery and unsafe footing they provide on walkways and ledges, hindering proper maintenance. This can also be a particular problem during construction work and renovations.

Unless measures are taken to minimize pigeon activity around a building, their presence will cause significant problems for building management and maintenance. These problems are both avoidable and expensive to manage. They can also have a noticeable impact on the cost of renovations and the time it takes to complete a project.

Common pigeon control techniques

Many techniques have been used to control pigeons around buildings, all of which have advantages and disadvantages (4). Some of the more common techniques currently in use are listed below. When considering control options, it is useful to distinguish those that reduce the number of pigeons in an area or simply change their behavior.

meal reduction

This is the most successful long-term measure to control the absolute number of pigeons in an area. During World War II, the reduction in food availability dramatically reduced pigeon numbers, despite the increase in suitable nesting and roosting sites.

Poisons and narcotic baits

Poisons can provide effective control, particularly those that induce a period of disordered behavior before death. This will alert other birds in the flock and they will avoid the spot in the future. Narcotic baits are available to stun the birds, which can then be collected and disposed of by licensed bird dealers. Poisoning of birds is illegal in Britain.

To catch

Pigeons can be caught in live traps after a short baiting time. By this technique, a large part of a herd feeding in a given area can be removed. Traps require a private area to operate and regular attention from an experienced operator. The problem with this and other techniques that remove birds from an area without affecting the suitability of the surrounding area is that other birds will soon move in from adjacent areas.

Birth control and removal of nest sites

Baits impregnated with contraceptives can be used, but are of limited benefit as the decrease in reproduction is offset by increased recruitment of birds from other areas. Removing nest sites reduces reproduction, but more importantly, it forces breeding birds to vacate the area. Nesting activity is a major source of the debris blocking drainage around the building.


Shooting with an air pistol or .22 garden pistol must not significantly affect the pigeon population. However, it is an effective way to deter the birds from a location. If this is done regularly when the birds settle for the night, it will prevent a roost from being established in that place.


Food supply and not predators are the main determinants of pigeon numbers. However, hawks and other raptors are used successfully to drive birds away from feeding sites such as airfields. In buildings, the problem often results from sleeping rather than eating behavior. When threatened by a bird of prey, pigeons tend to crouch down in their roosts rather than fly away. Therefore, the use of trained airborne predators would not make sense in these circumstances. Domesticated carnivores such as mink, ferrets or cats kill individual birds. More importantly, they disturb the birds in the areas where they hunt, preventing them from roosting, resting and nesting.


Scarecrows can be visual, audible, mechanical, or a combination (2). They work by creating a stimulus that the pigeons perceive as frightening or harmful. Unfortunately, they have generally proved ineffective for this species due to their great adaptability and ability to learn. If not reinforced by actual pigeon die-offs, they soon learn to ignore alarming sights and sounds. Appropriate reinforcement may include killing pigeons and displaying their carcasses. The use of recorded alarm calls is also ineffective in this species, mainly because no true alarm call has been identified, but also because the rock pigeon tends to perch firmly on its perch when alarmed. The use of noxious stimuli, such as loud sirens or explosions, is often ineffective for similar reasons. These techniques are also unacceptable in the vicinity of occupied buildings due to the disturbance and annoyance they cause to people.

bird nets

Fine, standard large mesh plastic netting is used to keep pigeons out of areas of a building. They can be used in large sections to demarcate entire areas, or in small strips to block pigeons from accessing individual features. Fastening should be done with stainless steel pins and wires. The color is generally black to reduce the breakdown of the plastic by ultraviolet sunlight. Netting is a very effective and economical way to prevent pigeon damage to a building, but it can present the following problems: Netting can blur the appearance of buildings with finely detailed decoration, and they can be distracting on brightly colored buildings. Using nets in small sections requires a relatively large number of attachment points and has a lifespan of five to ten years. The strongest possible mesh should be used, and particular care should be taken to reinforce it at edges or attachment points. If this doesn’t happen, it will soon break down. For large areas and exposed areas, the mesh should be reinforced with stainless steel wire.

spring wires

Stainless steel wire can be mounted to thin stainless steel brackets via short springs of the same material. These are placed a few centimeters above the ledges at a suitable height to disrupt the pigeons’ landing and take-off. This is particularly useful and very cost effective on narrow ledges where long straight runs of a few meters can be laid. Such wiring is unobtrusive, easily removed and replaced for maintenance, and has a service life of at least ten years.


Various systems of stainless steel or plastic spikes are available that can be attached to buildings to deter pigeons from landing. While some of these are quite effective, they suffer from a number of issues; sharp steel points are very dangerous to maintenance personnel, debris can snag on the points, fecal buildup renders them ineffective, they can be unattractive in appearance, they are relatively expensive, and they may require more attachment points than netting or wire.

repellent gels

There are a number of adhesive gels designed to be spread on surfaces to make birds uncomfortable to sit on. These can be effective when fresh. However, they are expensive and lose their effectiveness after about a year. As a result, they have to be replaced regularly and are uneconomical in most cases. The gels can also cause damage or pollution problems themselves and can be very difficult to remove from a building once applied. They can be unsightly and dangerous to those working on the treated surfaces.

Specialized investigation

Combating pigeons and pigeon-related problems requires the coordinated application of a combination of measures and attention to detail. Applying individual techniques is inefficient at best and often ineffective. What is required, therefore, is a careful assessment of the pigeon problem, the environmental factors that favor the pigeons, and the factors that could be most cost-effectively controlled. This requires a site survey and some analysis.

site survey

An expert survey should be carried out to determine the activity of feral pigeons on the building. Often the most important issues are not immediately apparent, and the ones causing the most management turmoil may in fact be trivial. The short- and long-term consequences of the problem should be evaluated and calculated to assess their relative importance.

The next step is to conduct a detailed study of the ecology of the pigeon population in the area. This should include a mapping of pigeon numbers and activity around the building over a 24-hour period, assessing critical factors such as feeding sites, roosting sites, nesting sites and roosting areas.

The factors limiting the pigeon population in the area should be evaluated. The most important of these factors is usually the availability of food sources. The proportion of sick and condition birds in the population and the general condition of the birds should be determined. The effect of current and previous measures to combat pigeons should be considered. It is important to identify which of the pigeon activities are causing the problems identified, e.g. B. Nesting activities leading to clogged drains or sleeping leading to fecal contamination.

data analysis

The results of the investigation of the pigeon ecology around the problem of buildings should be analyzed in detail. From the data it is possible to determine which pigeon activities and environmental factors are largely responsible for the problems identified. Simple statistical techniques and graphs can be particularly useful for this purpose. They are also very useful to demonstrate the problems to the owner or manager. The next step is to identify the factors limiting the pigeon population and the problematic activities. For example, the availability of safe nesting sites can be the key factor that attracts activity near a particular building. Alternatively, the availability of sheltered rest areas can be critical. Have factors that can be controlled in a cost effective manner and the work and/or management actions required can then be identified.

remedial program

Based on the investigation and analysis results described above, a comprehensive remediation program should be developed. The management and use of the building as well as aesthetic and financial constraints must be taken into account. Rarely will it be possible to eliminate a pigeon population or completely exclude pigeons from a building. In most cases, a percentage reduction in the number of pigeons or combating a particularly harmful activity is sufficient. Acknowledging this fact and presenting achievable goals to the building owner or manager will prevent disappointment. Defining acceptable limits for pigeon activity early on will also prevent the overuse of certain techniques where the law of diminishing returns can lead to wasted resources and disfigured buildings.

Specialized control and exclusion techniques

A combination of specialized techniques should be chosen considering their limitations described above. Care and attention to detail in specification and application are essential, or even the most appropriate technique or product will be inefficient or ineffective. For example, the positioning of wires can be critical and a single faulty attachment point in a netting system can render it unusable. Likewise, the side effects of any protection technique on other aspects of the building’s performance must be treated just as carefully. For example, nets or spikes can trap debris, attachment points can allow water ingress or accelerated erosion of surfaces, and most products will restrict access for maintenance personnel.

Clogging of indoor spaces, such as attics, without careful attention to proper ventilation can lead to condensation and moisture-related rot problems.

Measures to limit damage

It is often inexpensive to take steps to limit the harmful effects of pigeon activity and this can often be easier than controlling the pigeons themselves. For this purpose, shafts and hidden gutters that drain the roof surfaces should be cleared of pigeon droppings. They should then be protected from future clogging with “sausages” of shredded wire mesh or secured with mesh screens. In any case, precautions should be taken to remove accumulating dirt. Providing adequate access and safety points for clearing pigeon infested areas is also important.

Regular inspection and cleaning

The building should be routinely inspected for pigeons, fresh droppings, nesting material, and pigeon-related problems such as clogged roof drainage systems. The building should also be checked for structural defects that could allow pigeons to access the interior of the attic rooms. All debris should be removed from the structure and any defects should be repaired as necessary. Such a program would require at least a monthly inspection. Again, providing adequate access and equipment is very important.

meal reduction

A continuous and vigorous policy of food restriction should be applied around the building. This should include eliminating litter and litter through regular cleaning, using pigeon-proof bins, and educating the public to discourage voluntary feeding. This is the most important measure in any pest control strategy.

management actions

Responsibility for aspects of combating the pigeon problem must be explicitly included in the building cleaning and maintenance management programs. Appropriate budgetary provisions are necessary for this. Overall responsibility for pigeon management should be given to a single manager and appropriate accounts should be maintained to enable the cost of pigeon damage and its prevention to be assessed. In addition, the overall pigeon problem in the area should be evaluated annually as part of the facility management program to assess the effectiveness of the program. Normally such a program would be the responsibility of the managers responsible for cleaning, but there may be benefits in making pigeon control a health and safety responsibility to increase its priority.


The control of feral pigeons is a management issue that requires the continuous application of a range of measures over a period of time.

Control is unlikely to be achieved through the use of a single product or technique.

The most important actions to be taken are often general maintenance and management work.

Total elimination of pigeons and the problems they cause is unlikely to be cost effective or even achievable.

Efficient pigeon control requires that the extent and nature of the problem be defined before action is considered.

Goals should then be set that are acceptable and achievable with the available resources.

It is important to monitor the effect of all actions taken and take further action if necessary.

As with all building refurbishment work, the key factors are independent investigation and advice, careful specification, competitive bidding, a holistic approach and continuous monitoring (5).


E. Simms, “The Public Life of the Street Pigeon”, 1979, Hutchinson, London

Kreds JR, “Bird Scaring”, 1980 in “Bird Problems in Agriculture”, Wright EN (ed.), BCPC Publications, London

Goodwin D, “Behaviours”, 1983 in “Physiology and Behavior of the Pigeon”, A & SM (eds.), Academic Press, London

Howard M. and Oldsbury D. “Pest birds: The role of building and design and maintenance”, 1991 Structural survey 10 No 1 p 38-44

Hutton, T.C., Lloyd, H. and Singh, J., “The Environmental Control of Timber Decay”, 1991 Structural Survey 10, No. 1, pp. 5-20

Why are pigeons congregating on my roof?

Why are there pigeons on my roof? If you’ve noticed an unusual amount of pigeons on your roof, it’s likely they have a nearby food and water source. If you’re aware of these sources, remove them – it’s important not to feed pigeons and birds if you wish to get rid of them.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

How to repel and keep pigeons off your roof

Pigeons seem to be everywhere in the UK and if you find them on your roof – at home or at work – you’ve probably heard them too. Not only are pigeons notoriously noisy, they can also cause a lot of mess and costly damage to your roof tiles. In addition, their feces can carry diseases and attract bugs like flies and rats to your property, which can create another problem for you.

Getting rid of pigeons/birds: can home remedies work?

There are some commonly recommended home remedies for getting rid of pigeons and other birds, but these are generally ineffective in practice.

Can spices drive away pigeons?

Spices such as chili powder, pepper and cinnamon have been touted as repellents against pigeons/birds. Unfortunately they are far from an effective solution – you also have to use them very frequently as they get washed away by the rain and lose their effectiveness. Going to the roof every weekend to sprinkle more spice is far from ideal, to say the least.

Do decoys scare pigeons?

Decoy statues of raptors or light kites have been known to be used as pigeon/bird repellents to try and prevent pigeons from nesting on your roof. But even if you initially have success with decoys, they will only be effective for a short time as birds become accustomed to their fixed placement – and as the birds approach they will see that they are just an object.

Does spreading sticky stuff get rid of the pigeons?

Sticky substances, like an eco-friendly commercial gel repellent or honey, are another temporary solution that has been tried to prevent pigeons and other birds from perching on your roof due to its slippery coating.

However, just like with spices, this method needs to be used repeatedly to maintain its potency — and it’s not very effective to begin with. It is not only inconvenient but also potentially dangerous to continue on your roof as you could injure yourself and possibly further damage your roof. If you’re not sure, talk to the experts who can keep birds off your roof.

Spray pigeons with water

For a solution that works every two minutes, you can spray pigeons with a water hose. This method simply deters them at first, but they will happily return to nest on your roof again in no time.

How to keep pigeons out of your garden

Ultrasonic devices to keep pigeons/birds away

These devices can be installed by pest control companies and are effective bird repellents, producing sound waves that we humans can’t hear, but for pesky pigeons and other birds – it’s annoying. This device can be effective and the high frequency will be a sure way of tricking birds into finding another location.

Can my pets deter pigeons?

If you have a dog or cat, they can help with the bird problem to some extent, but chances are the birds won’t be overly deterred due to the size advantage they have over your beloved pets.

Will using a scarecrow get rid of birds?

Installing a scarecrow in your front or back yard – wherever the pigeons see this figurine – is a similar idea to the raptor decoy. It also has a similar potency – very little – especially once the birds have become accustomed to it.

Why are there pigeons on my roof?

If you notice an unusual number of pigeons on your roof, they probably have a source of food and water nearby. If you’re aware of these sources, get rid of them – it’s important not to feed pigeons and birds if you want to get rid of them. Pigeons, and all birds in general, love grass seed, berries, and your pet’s food. So consider adding fresh sod to your lawn, replacing fruit trees with fern, oak, pine or maple trees, and keeping your pet’s food indoors.

Access points to your attic could be the reason you see so many pigeons on your roof. This area provides them with the ideal breeding ground where they are warm and safe from predators.

Basic DIY bird protection measures

Keep food sources away

Seal the attic

Remove fruit bearing trees

close chimneys

Get rid of bird feeders

When should I call the bird pest professional?

If your home remedies aren’t working, it’s important to call your local pest controller, who can put a stop to your pest symptoms. At Pest Defense we offer effective and efficient solutions that keep pigeons off your roof and your premises free from clutter and damage.

How do pros keep birds off your roof?

Bird Nets – to prevent pigeons from settling, bird nets are an effective method. The mesh is available in a range of sizes so this protection can be made to suit all sizes of building. To rule out pigeons, starlings or sparrows, we make sure the grids on the net are the optimal size to force your pest problems to be ruled out. This method can be used to protect building siding, flat roofs, balconies, statues and decorative trim where birds may be able to nest.

Bird spikes – are indeed a humane solution to bird deterrence and highly effective too. This device can be installed on any linear surface where pigeons and other birds can nest.

Bird wire – also known as anti-pigeon wire – is ideal for large facilities such as cathedrals, churches and banks, offering a discreet solution that will eliminate any pigeon or bird infestation. This method has little visual impact and will subtly address the issue at hand.

Electric Bird Repellent System – This is used around heavily populated buildings and measures a discrete 8mm. Birds get a bit of a shock when a bird of any kind lands on the building. This does not harm the bird, it just encourages it to move elsewhere.

Keep pigeons out of your garden and balcony

Finding pigeon or bird droppings on your patio furniture, patio or balcony can be extremely irritating and difficult to clean up. It is likely that you will need to contact a professional who can implement a more permanent solution.

For more information or top-notch services that will get rid of your pests and prevent them from returning, speak to the experienced professionals today. We are highly recommended by our countless past clients because we can eliminate anything including: birds, wasps, bees, rats, mice, squirrels, bed bugs, fleas, moles, rabbits, ants, roaches and flies – so you can be sure that your situation is controlled quickly and discreetly. We offer our services in multiple locations, so find your nearest branch today!

Can you shoot pigeons with a BB gun in Arizona?

A rather alarming number of you replied that was no problem because you were potting away at the birds with BB or pellet guns. Bad news, Nimrods. It is also illegal under most circumstances to pop off BB or pellet guns with the city limits. For a rundown of most such city ordinances go to

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

Clay Thompson

The Republic |

OK, so last week we talked about getting rid of pesky pigeons, and I pointed out that you can’t just shoot them because it’s illegal to fire a firearm within the city limits of almost all – if not all – Valley cities.

A fairly alarming number of you responded that this was not a problem because you used BB guns or air guns to attack the birds.

Bad news, Nimrods. It is also illegal to fire BB or pellet guns within city limits under most circumstances. For an overview of most of these city ordinances, visit

You guys. If you only knew how much I worry about you. They will shoot out your eye.

What’s up with the many, many locusts that have appeared in the area over the last week? You seem lethargic.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I haven’t noticed any particular numbers of locusts, lethargic or not. Maybe I need to get out more.

There are three options here:

Maybe a deadeye boosted them with a BB or a pellet gun. Seems unlikely. But I can never be sure about you.

Or maybe a landowner has treated the area with something called Nosema locustae, a protozoan that infects and slowly kills grasshoppers, locusts, and some species of crickets.

Or like this: Locusts are cold-blooded – cold-blooded. This means that a grasshopper’s body temperature is altered by its environment. So if you encounter locusts on your early morning walk before it gets warmer or during a chilly weather, the bugs probably make a bit of sense.

I would bet on the third.

Are pigeons protected?

Controlling Pigeons

You may be surprised to hear that pigeons, and other wild birds, are actually protected under the law. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 declares it is illegal to kill or injure any wild bird, including pigeons and seagulls unless general licensing regulations are complied with.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

Let’s be honest; Wild pigeons are not everyone’s favorite animal…

They have taken over our cities and left chaos and destruction everywhere. The fact that we often refer to them as “flying rats” clearly shows our feelings towards pigeons – and it’s not a positive one.

For this reason, the term “vermin” is often used in discussions about pigeons. But is that correct? Are pigeons actually classified as vermin?

In this article we explore what the term ‘vermin’ really means, whether pigeons fall into this category and why.

What does vermin mean?

The term vermin is defined in the dictionary as follows:

“harmful, objectionable, or disgusting animals in general, especially those of small size, which are common and difficult to control.”

The word vermin does not refer to a scientific classification such as the term rodent. Instead, the word is somewhat subjective, technically there is no right or wrong answer.

Which animals are considered vermin?

Although there is no scientific classification to determine which animals are vermin, certain animals are still commonly referred to as vermin. These include:





bed bugs


If we look at the types of animals that are typically considered vermin, we can see a trend; these are all pests.

It might be more accurate to describe the term vermin as a derogatory word used when referring to vermin, sometimes substituting the word vermin in discussions of such animals.

Are pigeons vermin?

In short, yes. We’ve researched the meaning of the word vermin and know that it refers to animals that are common, difficult to control, and considered pests.

Unfortunately for pigeons, they fit into all of these categories – meaning they actually count as vermin.

You can’t walk down a main street in the UK without spotting several pigeons slinking around looking for food – so they’re definitely a common sight.

They carry and spread disease and cause damage wherever they go, which certainly qualifies them as pests.

And as pest control experts who deal with pigeons on a daily basis and provide pigeon control services in London, we know that controlling animals can be difficult.

Therefore, it is clear to see that pigeons are vermin.

Leave it to the bird control professionals on 0208 914 7894 or request a quote

What problems do pigeons cause?

As pests, pigeons cause various problems for many people every year. There are an estimated 18 million pigeons in the UK alone! Unfortunately, pigeons can also breed up to six times a year, so this number is constantly increasing.

You might be thinking, well, they might occasionally poop on my car or get in my way on the street, but they sure as hell don’t do that much damage, right?

Well I’m afraid you’re wrong! Pigeons cause major problems year after year. Some of these problems are:

pigeon droppings

While not ideal to look at, pigeon droppings are a lot more dangerous than you would initially think. Not only can they pose a potential slip hazard on the floor, but the droppings also pose health risks.

If you come into contact with feces, you must wash your hands immediately. When cleaning up pigeon droppings on your property we strongly recommend that you wear gloves and a mask as appropriate PPE.

You may think this is an exaggeration; However, pigeon droppings can contain over 50 different types of bacteria – some of which can cause life-threatening diseases. For example, inhaling dust or water droplets contaminated with pigeon droppings can cause a flu-like illness known as psittacosis and salmonella, toxoplasmosis, and even meningitis.

Amazingly, pigeon droppings contain incredibly high levels of uric acid, making them corrosive. In addition, pigeons are likely to always sleep in the same spot, which means they defecate in the same spot as well. As a result, repeated bird droppings can cause structural damage over time.

Did you know: The 2007 Minnesota Bridge collapse is believed to have been a direct result of repeated bird droppings corroding the metal bridge supports!

pigeon nests

Unfortunately, a typical area where pigeons like to build their nests is in gutters. They build their nests from sticks and other organic materials they can find, which can easily clog your drainage and gutter systems – resulting in a costly repair for you.

In addition to gutters, pigeons are also known to be at home in attics. Besides the physical damage this can cause to your home, it can also mean that they make a lot of noise. Cooing or the sound of their wings flapping around your home may wake you rudely.

Additionally, these pigeons (albeit unknowingly) create a fire hazard on your property by building their nests in your lofts and bringing in large amounts of organic and dry matter! Because many electrical wires run through attics, it creates a dangerous mix and greatly increases the likelihood of a house fire.

Unfortunately, if you have solar panels installed on your property, they are also at risk. Pigeons nest under solar panels for warmth and shelter. However, this can render them ineffective – resulting in an expensive mission to repair the solar panels as well as a separate job to remove the pigeons!

If you have solar panels and want to protect them, why not visit our Pigeon Proof Solar Panels page and schedule a consultation today.

deaf habits

Pigeons are very social animals, often spending their time in large groups. Unfortunately, they are also creatures of habit, returning to their roost time and time again. This dangerous combination can cause a single pigeon in your home to become an infestation very quickly.

Also, pigeons are incredibly stubborn and become more and more comfortable around humans over time. Unfortunately, this makes them one of the more difficult pests to remove once they’ve decided to call your property home.

control pigeons

It’s clear that pigeons are a lot more dangerous than you would initially think, so it’s important that we control them to protect not only our homes but our health as well.

If you’ve noticed signs of pigeons on your property, read our helpful blog post for tips and tricks on getting rid of pigeons.

Although there are many DIY pigeon repellent and control options on the market, we recommend hiring the services of bird control experts to ensure the job is completed correctly.

You may be surprised to know that pigeons and other wild birds are actually protected by law. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 states that it is illegal to kill or injure wild birds, including pigeons and gulls, unless general permitting regulations are observed.

At Integrum, all of our bird control experts are BPCA members and fully licensed to successfully carry out the tasks at hand. Protect yourself and your family by leaving it to the professionals; it’s not worth the risk of a life-threatening illness or a criminal conviction.

Contact our friendly team on 0208 914 7894 or email us at [email protected] to discuss your options today!

Integrum provide pigeon protection and control services in the South East of England and throughout London.

Is it legal to shoot pigeons in Phoenix?

According to the new rules, hunters can bag up to 10 birds a day, and can now hunt until sunset statewide. Don’t expect to be walking near Phoenix City Hall and see hunters blasting away at pigeons — AGFD has limited municipal pigeon hunting to mainly uninhabitable areas of the city.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

With a population of around 1.4 million, Phoenix is ​​the sixth-largest city in the country — so it only makes sense that hunting pigeons is perfectly legal within the city limits.

The Arizona Game and Fish Department recently released its 2011-12 Arizona Dove and Band-tailed Pigeon regulations and has opened up approximately one million acres of land for hunting — all in communal areas across the state.

Under the new rules, hunters can capture up to 10 birds per day and can now hunt nationwide until sunset.

Don’t expect to walk near Phoenix City Hall and see hunters going after pigeons — the AGFD has restricted urban pigeon hunting to mostly uninhabitable areas of the city. Click here for a map of where you can and can’t hunt pigeons in Phoenix. And state laws about where you can get fired still apply, such as: B. the following:

ARS § 17-309(a)(4) It is unlawful for a person to:

“Discharge a firearm while taking wildlife within a quarter mile of an occupied farmhouse or other residence, cabin, lodge, or building without the permission of the owner or occupant.” ARS § 17-301(b): “… No one shall knowingly fire a firearm or shoot any other device at, on, over, or into any road or railroad.” ARS Section 17-304 provides provisions for private landowners that ensure that: A person may not enter private property to capture wildlife if that property has a “no hunt” notice on it or if a person is requested by the owner to leave it to leave.

Click here for more information on Phoenix’s new municipal pigeon hunting rules.

How do I get rid of pigeons on my roof?

The easiest way to keep pigeons away is to scare them, which can be done in a variety of ways. For instance, the use of wind chimes or reflective tape on the roof can be enough to scare pigeons. You can also purchase large fake owls or similar items that will act like a scarecrow for pigeons.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

sucking pigeons. That’s where I said it. After years of people making excuses for pigeons, I’m ready to tell the truth about them. They’re awful, they stink, they’re gross, they’re annoying, and they poop everywhere. They’re basically rats with wings, to borrow a Woody Allen expression.

OK, so maybe this mentality isn’t all that uncommon, but it’s important to think about. You can also be anti-dove; it doesn’t make you a bad person. For example, if you have pigeons on your roof, you don’t have to worry about them all the time. Maybe you like animals and want to be human; That’s fine, but that doesn’t excuse the pigeons that perch on your house. Not only is it irritating and unattractive to have a row of pigeons on your roof, it also leaves you and your vehicles vulnerable to nasty air raids.

So stop messing around with those flying rats on your property and follow our four steps to get rid of pigeons on your roof:

Step 1: Remove all attractive food/water sources

If you have a bird feeder or bird bath, it’s obviously time to get rid of it. Although other, more agreeable birds can use them, pigeons tend to be bullies. If they decide they like the food or water source, they will monopolize it. It’s best to get rid of these little ornaments.

Additionally, if you have plants that produce edible nuts, these are also attractive food sources for pigeons. And if you keep the dog or cat bowl outside, you should start putting it away unless it’s feeding time.

Step 2: Consider scaremongering first

The easiest way to keep pigeons away is to scare them, which can be done in a number of ways. For example, using wind chimes or reflective tape on the roof can be enough to scare pigeons. You can also buy large fake owls or similar items that act like a scarecrow for pigeons. However, remember that pigeons will eventually recognize your methods. You’ll realize after a while that the owl is fake, so be prepared to move it or adjust your methods in the future.

Step 3: Introduce the heavyweights

If the scaremongering didn’t work, then it’s time for more drastic action. These methods will almost certainly work, but they will require some great effort on your part. Our first suggestion is metal anti-seat spikes. You’ve probably seen these on commercial roofs and signs, but they can be installed on your own roof as well. The downsides, of course, are the effort required and the fact that your spiked roof doesn’t look good. But hey, no pigeons!

You can also opt for sticky gels, which can be purchased at many retail stores or online. You apply the gel to your roof, which makes it uncomfortable for pigeons to settle there. Finally, putting screens, mesh, or chicken wire over areas where pigeons are common will make it difficult for them to perch.

Step 4: If all else fails, contact Professional Backup

You may not see them on our billboards, but pigeons are definitely pests – which means we can deal with them. If your pigeon problem doesn’t go away or you just don’t have the time or patience to take care of it, please contact us. We are happy to take care of your pigeon problems and can eliminate them in no time at all.

Can you shoot pigeons on a Sunday UK?

Shooting is not permitted on Sunday or Christmas Day. The use of a firearm to kill any wild bird or animal is not permitted on Sunday, Good Friday and Christmas Day unless acting under and in accordance with the terms or conditions of a licence.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

England and Wales

No game may be killed or captured in any district on Sunday or Christmas Day. Game for the purposes of this section means pheasant, partridge, black grouse, black grouse and hare.

Orders prohibiting the shooting of wildfowl on Sundays under Sections 2 and 13 of the Birds Act 1954 are still in force in the following counties (or parts of counties that existed prior to the 1974 local government reorganization): Anglesey, Brecknock, Caernarvon, Carmarthen, Cardigan, Cornwall, Denbigh, Devon, Doncaster, Glamorgan, Great Yarmouth County Borough, Isle of Ely, Leeds County Borough, Merioneth, Norfolk, Pembroke, Somerset, North and West Ridings of Yorkshire.


There are no legal restrictions on killing game on Sunday or Christmas Day, but it is not common to do so. The wildfowl species listed may not be shot on Sunday and Christmas Day.

Northern Ireland

It is an offense to kill a wild bird, game fowl or rabbit on a Sunday. Although there is no restriction on killing wildfowl, wildfowl or hares on Christmas Day, it is not customary to do so provided it does not fall on a Sunday. There is no hunting ban on any day during the hunting season.

Isle of Man

Killing or taking game is not permitted on Sunday. There are no restrictions on shooting on Christmas Day unless it falls on a Sunday.


Shooting is not permitted on Sunday and Christmas Day.


The use of a firearm to kill wild birds or animals is not permitted on Sunday, Good Friday and Christmas Day unless it is about and in accordance with the terms of a licence.

What time of year can you shoot pigeons?

Pigeon shooting is popular all year round, although the spring months are often the best for those seeking sport after the end of the game bird season.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

This pigeon hunting calendar tells you when and where you have the best chance of catching a good bag.

This pigeon hunting calendar will help you plan your pest control. Pigeon shooting is popular all year round, although the spring months are often the best for sport seekers after the game bird season has ended. The most important factor is to know when to shoot pigeons and over what crops. This handy pigeon hunting calendar guides you through the year.



Go pigeon shooting over canola and any frosted root crops like potatoes, carrots, sugar beets, and turnips if you have them.


Rapeseed is again a strong attraction as the core food of the pigeon. Maize and other cover crops when chopped or plowed in. And in inclement weather, frozen crops like cabbage, cauliflower, and sprouts work well. spring clover can

be a big draw.


Rape will more or less feed the dove this month. As the ground warms up, watch all the spring bores. Clover should meanwhile use her for extensive pigeon shooting.


Triplets and peas in late spring can prove fertile for pigeon hunting. Tree buds, especially ash, can be great this month.


A tricky month on the pigeon shooting calendar, with many temptations. Peas and spring oilseed rape that are being shown. Barring surprises, a tricky month to get under the tap.


Again this month can be a difficult month on the pigeon hunting calendar unless they are peas or seeds lacing. That is, produced last June

some amazing sacks over fields of failed rapes, an opportunity not to be missed.


Peas once again, either growing or harvested, but also cereal crops, particularly barley or wheat at this milky stage.


harvest time. Breeders will be on rape and almost all crops harvested. When it’s hot and dry, remote watering areas can be good places to find pigeons that aren’t busy attacking the crop.


Similar to August, so don’t overlook freshly plowed and harrowed land.


A difficult month in the pigeon hunting calendar due to the weather. Be alert to fall drill, but also to wild food such as acorns and beech poles.


A lot depends on how much wild fodder is available, how well any autumn seeds have grown and when crops such as turnips are harvested. When wild food is plentiful, they rarely leave.


Rapes, mainly towards the end of the month as there will be more offers. One or the other stubble field can pull in a few more.

What birds Can you shoot in the UK 2020?

But every January, the agency in charge of wildlife in the UK, Natural England, has been issuing a general licence that allows anyone in the UK to kill 16 species of birds including wood pigeons, crows, jays, rooks, jackdaws, magpies, Canada geese and parakeets.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

There will no longer be a blanket license to shoot wood pigeons in the UK. Geoff Smith / Alamy Stock Photo

What’s all this fuss about shooting birds?

In the European Union, people are generally only allowed to kill wild birds if they have been given express permission to do so. But every January, UK wildlife agency Natural England issued a general license allowing anyone in the UK to kill 16 species of birds, including wood pigeons, crows, jays, rooks, jackdaws, magpies, Canada geese and parakeets. These general licenses were revoked on April 25, meaning individuals must now apply for a license.


In February, conservationists Mark Avery, Ruth Tingay and Chris Packham launched a lawsuit alleging that the system of granting general licenses was unlawful. On April 23, Natural England conceded that they were right.

And that upset a lot of people?

Yes. Many farmers and landowners are angry, saying they have to kill pigeons to protect crops, carrion crows to protect lambs, and so on. Someone got so upset they hung dead crows on Packham’s gate. Crows are also killed to protect ground-nesting birds such as endangered curlews and lapwings.


Do conservationists want the shooting to stop?

No, absolutely not, says Avery. The trio accept that sometimes landowners need to kill birds that cause problems. Rather, the goal is to get everyone to sit down and talk and agree on a system that is legal, fair and science-based, he says. People shouldn’t be able to kill birds just because they feel like it.

Can you give examples?

Farmers should be able to shoot wood pigeons when they’re damaging crops, Avery says. They are already the number one target – it is estimated that 1 to 3 million pigeons are killed every year. In contrast, there’s no reason humans should be able to kill jays with impunity, Avery says. Although they kill songbirds, they are not responsible for the sharp decline in songbird numbers in the UK over the past 50 years – this is due to farming practices destroying songbird habitat.

What about crows?

This is the most controversial area. Aside from sometimes attacking vulnerable livestock such as newborn lambs, crows are the second largest British predator after foxes of ground-nesting birds. “There’s definitely a case for controlling crows around ground-nesting birds,” says conservationist Mary Colwell, who has written about the curlew’s plight. Organizations like the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds kill several hundred crows every year for this reason.

Overall, an estimated 100,000 people are killed each year, Avery says. “We’re not saying that nobody should be killed, but we’re saying that killing should be legal, well-designed and regulated,” he says.

Are crows also declining?

No, far from it. They are thriving and the UK population has grown to one million. It’s thought that the 50 million wild birds abandoned each year by the UK hunting industry help predators such as crows and foxes thrive as most are not shot and end up as street killers, for example. High numbers of predators put pressure on species like curlews, although the main reason for their decline is intensive farming.

If people can still shoot birds, why is everyone so upset?

That’s partly because the general licenses were suddenly revoked with just two days notice and no plan B. “Natural England is working flat out to take alternative action over the next few weeks to continue lawful control of these bird species where necessary,” the agency said in a statement. That wasn’t what Avery, Tingay and Packham intended – their lawsuit simply asked for the licenses not to be renewed next year.

It appears that Natural England decided to act sooner. It couldn’t have happened at a worse time, Colwell says. But she supports the overall goal. “People shouldn’t be able to photograph wildlife just because they feel like it.”

Trick to Get Rid of Pigeons on Roof – Dad’s Den

Trick to Get Rid of Pigeons on Roof – Dad’s Den
Trick to Get Rid of Pigeons on Roof – Dad’s Den

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Can I Shoot Pigeons On My Roof? – Pigeonpedia

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Can i shoot pigeons on my roof? –

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How to Get Rid of Pigeons

It might sound hard to believe, but pigeons are actually a bit of a nuisance to the human population, no matter how attractive these pests can be. Pest control measures often include pigeon control procedures due to the risk of disease and property damage that pigeons can bring.

When getting rid of pigeons, handy traps and repellents are the best options to ensure the birds are kept off your property. Falconry, anti-bird spikes, parallel wires, bird nets, bird gels, decoy kites and lasers are all effective in scaring pigeons off your property.

This article covers some basic pigeon behavior tips, as well as a number of ways to keep pigeons away. Read on to find out more. If you are interested in our pigeon control services in London please contact us for a quote.

pigeon behavior

Pigeons have long been a bird known for their beauty but feared for their annoying behavior. The types of pigeons that regularly worry home and business owners are known as feral pigeons.

Pigeons usually congregate in a behavior known as roosting, which is easy to spot when spotting large groups of pigeons congregating on rooftops and the eaves and sides of buildings. Even if you go to great lengths to never feed pigeons to get rid of them, most people usually accidentally feed pigeons by dropping grain-rich foods on the ground and leaving the lids of trash cans.

In much the same way that cockroaches and bed bugs depend on humans for food and shelter, pigeons can be said to share the same trait. These pests depend on grain for survival, which is why pigeons are a regular feature of the environment around farm sites, feed processing plants, as well as parks, large recreation areas, and city restaurants.

This may not sound alarming, but pigeons regularly drop litter on sidewalks and buildings, which over time can damage the exterior appearance of buildings. In addition, people can slip and fall when walking through pigeon droppings, and feral pigeons can actually transmit a number of diseases.

With this in mind, considering how to get rid of pigeons is a legitimate question.

How to get rid of pigeons without hurting them

Under the terms of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, it is illegal to kill pigeons or any other wild bird species. This means the birds can only be repelled, and by far the best way to scare pigeons and keep nesting pigeons away is to use falconry.


There are some products you can use to deter pigeons (more on that below) but using raptors is great as this natural method directly triggers the fight or flight response in pigeons.

Our method is to allow our birds to periodically circle and fly over the problem area. Pigeons will soon receive word that the territory is occupied by a predator and will grab their wings and move on.

Using such a natural threat is the most humane and effective way to rid your property of pigeons in the long term. Falconry can deter pigeons and prevent pigeons from becoming a nuisance to your property, and you don’t have to worry about using barbed strips or other pigeon repellents to get rid of pigeons.

Additional measures to keep pigeons away

When it comes to getting rid of pigeons, falconry is the most natural and effective form of pest control you can employ. Precautions such as removing bird feeders or skipping food and water from bird feeders can be effective, but it will likely take more than stopping the urge to feed pigeons to break the habit of sleeping.

With all of the following procedures, you must ensure that the pigeons become accustomed to the equipment regardless of the type of pest control you use, and therefore you may need to change the procedure from time to time to get rid of pigeons and keep them away.

Let’s examine some methods to get rid of pigeons:

Anti-bird spikes

Anti-bird spikes or “spike strips” are a set of attachable spikes that can be attached to a surface to prevent pigeons from perching or nesting in areas you wish to keep outbirds. The spikes won’t necessarily harm the birds, which is good for staying on the right side of the law; However, the spines will discourage the birds from perching where the spines are misplaced.

parallel wires

Parallel wire bird screens are a great way to keep pigeons away from your roof or other areas of your home that are attractive to the birds. This method works by using parallel wires running across the structure that prevent pigeons from landing and nesting.

bird net

Bird nets are a bit unsightly but very effective at keeping pigeons out of certain locations. This mesh netting works similarly to the previous examples, creating a netting barrier that discourages the birds from nesting.

Vogel Gels

A sticky trap or sticky gel is a bird repellent that keeps pigeons at bay by using a chemical that creates a translucent barrier across structures that causes a bird’s feet to stick to the surface, causing the bird to fight must in order to free himself. A pigeon does not want the experience of having to rid itself of the sticky chemical a second time and will therefore avoid landing on structures containing the gel.

bait kite

Decoy kites can get rid of bird populations using a kite-shaped decoy bird image to sway in the wind to deter a pigeon from landing in a specific area. This method can be effective but may not work as baits can sometimes be easily missed making this method problematic for getting rid of pigeons.


Lasers used against pigeon populations can be effective due to the penetrating light that blinds pigeons as soon as they scout an area to nest or roost. This method can be effective at first, but over time the pigeons can get used to the lasers and simply avoid them.

What do pigeons hate?

Pigeons hate the sight or presence of other domineering birds such as raptors. This is what makes falconry such a successful deterrent against pigeon populations.

Also, pigeons don’t like strong smells like cinnamon or paprika juice or spray. If you can safely reach the areas where the colony of pigeons roost and nest, you can spray and apply these substances to repel the birds.

How do I get rid of pigeons on my roof?

Colonies of pigeons seek out hiding places and nesting sites and there is no better place for this than on the roof. When it comes to figuring out how to keep pigeons off the roof, it’s best to find methods that will keep populations off the roof.

A good pigeon repellent to use on your roof is bird netting or parallel wire. Both of these methods require little maintenance on your part and can work 24/7 to keep the birds safely off your roof.

If you’re wondering how to deter colonies of pigeons from roof structures, decoy kites require less installation, but you need to make sure the birds don’t get used to the sight of the decoy kite.

Falconry is the easiest method as our birds mimic the same basic flight patterns and acclimatization to altitude as pigeons.

What smell do pigeons dislike?

As previously mentioned, strong and repulsive scents and odors such as pepper or even essential oils can deter pigeon populations for a time. To completely get rid of pigeons with odors, you would need to consistently spread the odors throughout their roosting and nesting sites to make the habitat uninhabitable.


A pigeon infestation is serious business, but rest assured we can help. At PMP, our recommended approach to removing pigeons is to use falconry; It is a highly effective and humane pest control method that does not harm the pigeons.

Call us today to discuss your pigeon problem and how falconry can save you a great deal of time and money by scaring away pigeons to get rid of pigeons.


Can You Shoot Pigeons in the UK 2022?

Can I shoot pigeons with a firearm?

According to the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), different regulations apply to the handling of firearms, which also apply in general to shooting birds.

Firing a firearm within 50 feet of a lane without a valid permit or a fair excuse is illegal in England and Wales, particularly when injuring, disturbing or endangering a user of the lane. For example, if a member of the public is harassed by your shooting, it likely means you broke the law.

Section 19 of the Weapons Act also applies to carrying a “firearm in a public place”. This law extends to all public spaces, not just public property.

When a public walkway crosses private property, the property owner’s property and sports rights are affected. Consequently, a person with shooting/sporting rights on their property may not shoot on or across footpaths on their property as the public should pass safely.

Firing a firearm on a street to block, disturb, or endanger residents or passers-by is illegal. Any road, alley, court, square, freeway or public way shall be referred to as a “road” under Section 28 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847.

Therefore, in simple terms, firearms may only be used on private property that is not close to public property, and shooting may not cause problems for the public.

Pigeons (Advisory visit only)

Pigeons (only consultation visit)

Birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law and it is illegal to destroy or tamper with them unless licensed. Even where their destruction is authorized, non-lethal methods must be considered first, and many methods of killing are prohibited. Deadly methods should always be left to pest control professionals.

However, for most pigeon problems, deadly methods are completely ineffective. They simply reduce competition for food and shelter, and the remaining birds increase their breeding rates to compensate. Though there is an immediate drop, the numbers soon recover, leading to an endless cycle of killing and repopulating. Reduced food supply coupled with pigeon safety where appropriate and possible is key.

The council does not offer pest control services for dealing with pigeons, but you can contact a pest control company that specializes in birds and may be able to help. However, this service will be charged.

Details of reputable pest control companies in your area can be found on the British Pest Control Association website.

What is the problem?

Many people enjoy urban wildlife and enjoy feeding birds. However, sometimes pigeons can cause problems, especially when they are in large numbers.

Bird droppings are unsightly and their acidity will attack masonry and damage buildings. Feces on sidewalks can become slippery when wet and pose a hazard to passing pedestrians.

Feces, nesting material and dead birds can clog gutters and drains and cause water damage to buildings.

Also, dead pigeons in open water tanks can contaminate the water supply.

Many problems arise when neighbors overfeed birds, which can attract many pigeons. There are no laws the Council could use to prevent people from feeding birds. However, if there is a large amount of rotting food piling up, or the feeding is attracting rats or mice, the advice may be able to help.

If the feeding causes only a nuisance with droppings, etc., this is a private matter between neighbors. Try reaching out to your neighbor to explain the problems they are causing and ask them to reduce the amount of food they are offering to reduce the number of birds attracted. A gradual reduction in feed will not starve the birds. They will seek food elsewhere and naturally reduce their reproduction. In this way, populations can be humanely reduced.

Overfeeding can actually harm pigeons as it can overcrowd feeders and encourage the spread of disease among birds. In addition, every year many pigeons are killed by people trying to reduce their numbers. People should try to ensure that the number of birds they attract doesn’t cause a problem that could prompt a neighbor to hire a pest control company to kill them.

There are a number of pigeon screens that can be used to prevent or deter pigeons from sleeping or nesting on your property. It is advisable to leave this work to professionals who can determine the most appropriate system for your circumstances and install it to maximize its effectiveness.

Are they hazardous to health?

Many people express concern that pigeons pose a health hazard to humans, but this fear is generally unfounded and overdone.

Pigeons, like other birds, can suffer from some diseases that can also affect humans. However, with the exception of people who, through their work or hobbies, come into close contact with large numbers of birds or their droppings, the actual risk of disease transmission through casual contact is negligible.

Still, it’s important to use good hygiene practices, such as B. Thorough washing of hands after contact with pigeons or their droppings to prevent inhalation or ingestion of pathogenic substances.

Can the council stop my neighbor from feeding pigeons?

no There is no law stopping a person from feeding wild birds.

In serious cases, when there is a build-up of rotting feed or the feed has been proven to be the cause of a rat or mouse infestation, we may be able to intervene.

If your neighbor is a tenant, such behavior, particularly on communal properties, may be covered by the rental regulations. You should contact housing management or the landlord to inquire.

If your neighbor won’t stop or reduce feeding and you’re having trouble with pigeons sitting or nesting on your property, you can contact a pest control company that specializes in birds.

They can advise you on the different pigeon screen options that may be suitable for your circumstances.

Please note that it is illegal to kill birds or destroy their eggs or nests without government permission.

Don’t be tempted to do it yourself!

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