Can Roach Spray Kill Lizards? Best 47 Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can roach spray kill lizards“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 474 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

Does cockroach spray work on lizards?

If you spray the cockroach killer once or little it might not affect the lizards. But spraying continues and a moderate quantity of cockroach killer may terminate the lizards too. As lizards are not able to detoxify the poison fast to live.

Which spray can kill lizard?

Home-Secure Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L., (250 ml)
Brand Home-Secure
Model Name Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L.,
Quantity 250 ml
Type Liquid
Organic Yes

What does bug spray do to lizards?

Lizards can inhale the insecticide, consume insects poisoned with the chemical, drink contaminated water and absorb the insecticide through their skin. If the amount of insecticide the lizard is exposed to is high, it could prove fatal to the reptile.

What will kill a lizard instantly?

Coffee Powder

This is a very effective method to kill lizards. Make your own lizard death-balls by combining coffee powder and tobacco powder and rolling them into small balls. Stick them on toothpicks or matchsticks and leave them around the house – especially behind shelves and cupboards where they hide.

Home-Secure Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L., – Buy Baby Care Products in India

How much do you hate it when you turn on the light and see a lizard scurrying across your floor? Honestly they walk around like they own the place! If you are looking for ways to get rid of these slippery pests, look no further. Here is a list of home remedies to keep lizards away that you can use with confidence. Sure, there are lizard repellents on the market—but they’re packed with harmful chemicals. They’re a big no-no, especially if you have small children and pets in the house. Wondering how to kill lizards and make your home creep free? Without further hesitation, choose one of these excellent home remedies from the list below and say goodbye to lizards in the house for good!

What are the reasons lizards visit your home?

Can we spray hit on lizard?

You can get rid of the lizards which are already in your house by spraying HIT on them. They will lie still when this sprayed and you can get rid of them.

Home-Secure Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L., – Buy Baby Care Products in India


First of all, you should make sure that they do not come into the house. They usually come through open windows and doors. You can use mosquito nets for the windows. This ensures that there are no openings and air is allowed in if the windows are kept open. They have a lattice door at the entrance. You can get nice looking window screens these days (not the old nylon screens).

You can get rid of the lizards that are already in your house by spraying HIT on them. They will lie still when this is sprayed and you can get rid of them.

I hope you have a lizard free home soon. Even I’m scared to death of lizards.


Chitra Prakash

Do lizards eat cockroaches?

Many lizards are known to eat insects, including cockroaches. Lizards like bearded dragons, monitor lizards, and leopard geckos naturally prey upon cockroaches. Even pet geckos and iguanas still get to eat cockroaches, since they’re cheap for humans to buy and nutritious for pet lizards to eat!

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Although cockroaches are incredibly tough creatures, they are still at risk of being eaten by predators. Many creatures depend on a high-protein diet to survive, and roaches can serve as the perfect bite-sized snack for the right animal. So what eats cockroaches?

insects and arachnids

Oddly enough, fellow insects are one of the most prevalent types of predators faced by roaches! The emerald cockroach wasp Ampulex compressa, for example, has an unusual way of preying on roaches. The wasp stings the roach’s brain, which paralyzes the roach. The wasp then takes the roach to its nest and lays its eggs on the roach’s abdomen. As soon as the young wasps hatch, they eat the cockroach as their first meal.

Other insects also eat roaches, although not in the same way as the green cockroach wasp. Praying mantises, certain species of beetles, and centipedes also prey on roaches. Certain species of spiders, like the huntsman and brown recluse spiders, also eat roaches.


Many lizards are known to eat insects, including cockroaches. Lizards such as bearded dragons, monitor lizards and leopard geckos naturally prey on cockroaches. Even pet geckos and iguanas can still eat roaches as they are cheap for humans to buy and nutritious for pet lizards!

Snakes small enough to survive on insects, like the rough green snake and ringneck snake, are also known to prey on roaches.


Birds are known to have a rich diet of seeds, fruits, and insects, including roaches. However, roaches tend to prefer dark, damp spaces like houses or sewers. Because of this, birds are rarely able to track down a hard-to-reach cockroach snack. However, if cockroaches lived more outdoors, birds would surely take advantage of this tasty opportunity.


Two of the most common roach predators are toads and frogs! Both amphibians are known to eat insects like flies, but they’re also happy to welcome roaches. Because both frogs and toads tend to live in shady, humid environments, they often encounter roaches, which also love the darkness and humidity. Many homeowners intentionally include small water features in their yard to encourage insectivorous amphibians to live nearby.


There are also some mammals that occasionally eat cockroaches. Possums, for example, are well known for their diverse diet. They eat everything from trash to street killers to insects! Rats are also open to just about anything, including seeds, snails, shellfish, and insects like roaches.

Oddly enough, even domesticated mammals have an instinct to hunt and occasionally kill and eat insects that may invade the home, such as cockroaches. Cats have an ingrained instinct to hunt insects, but indoor cats’ diets usually contain enough protein that cats don’t bother eating the roach. Like cats, dogs can playfully chase a roach or other insect, but they probably won’t eat it.

Photo credit:


The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

What home remedy kills lizards?

Check here the home remedies to get rid of lizards that you can employ within your house.
  1. Place Onion or Garlic in Frequented Corners. …
  2. Air Out Cabinets Regularly. …
  3. Use Naphthalene Balls. …
  4. Use Empty Eggshells. …
  5. Pepper Spray. …
  6. Dispose of open or Leftover Food. …
  7. READ: How to apply for high security registration plate: Steps to follow.

Home-Secure Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L., – Buy Baby Care Products in India

Lizards are a very common companion in homes. These small reptiles keep insect populations down, so it’s best to chase them away rather than try to poison or kill them. If you are afraid of lizards, the presence of a lizard in your living room could be scary.

The common house lizards are called house geckos. These little geckos are non-toxic and not harmful to humans. No matter how many times people say lizards are harmless, let’s face it: they’re still classified as creepy crawlies.

Here are the ways to get rid of lizards at home:

Check out the home remedies to get rid of lizards that you can use in your home here.

Place onion or garlic in high-traffic corners

The smell of garlic will drive them away. You can also place it next to a small table fan to blow it across the room.

Air cupboards regularly

Check the cabinets under the sinks regularly and try to keep them dry (use newspapers to line the floor and change them often). As a benefit, this also prevents wood rot and helps your cabinets last longer.

Use naphthalene shot

Naphthalene balls repel lizards and many other types of bugs. Be careful not to put them in places where children could reach and accidentally swallow them.

Use empty egg shells

Lizards don’t like the smell of eggshells. Place the eggshells in areas of the house where lizards are often seen. You will stay away from rooms with that egg aroma.

pepper spray

You can make a pepper spray at home using black pepper. Make a crushed powder and add water. Pepper spray creates a burning sensation on a lizard’s body that keeps them away.

Discard opened or leftover food

Exposed food is a favorite of lizards and will help them breed in your home. Never leave leftover food lying around. Leftover food attracts flies and ants, which indirectly attracts lizards, and lizards eat insects.

READ: How to Apply for a High Security License Plate: Steps to Follow

Will ant spray kill lizards?

Chemical-based ant killers may contain substances harmful to humans, pets, lizards and frogs, so using such remedies isn’t an entirely safe option.

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Ants can be a nuisance problem outdoors, especially when large colonies exist, because they invade spaces that you would otherwise enjoy on your property. Chemical-based ant killers can contain substances that are harmful to humans, pets, lizards, and frogs, so using such agents is not a completely safe option. Homemade methods of killing ants are not harmful to other critters in your yard, so you can eat outside in peace again. Killing ants is a process that must be done over time as it will take a while to rid the entire area of ​​ants while keeping new ones from colonizing the area.

Will lizards crawl in your bed?

Will lizards crawl in your bed? Most lizards are scared of people and will run away if you try to approach them. There is a little chance that a lizard can crawl in your bed (because you are warm or if they see a bug), but a slight movement will scare it away, and there’s certainly nothing to worry about.

Home-Secure Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L., – Buy Baby Care Products in India

The most common lizards can easily get into your home. But how do you get rid of a lizard without killing it? In this post you will find information about whether it is good or bad to have lizards in your house, how to get rid of lizards in your house without killing them, how to get rid of lizards on the porch or in a car.

If you are trying to get rid of lizards in your bedroom, porch, kitchen, car, etc. please do not use toxic substances/sprays or cruel methods. Please don’t kill her either.

Although lizards leave small droppings around the home, they are generally harmless. Do not use rat poison, sticky traps, pesticides, etc. Below are tips on how to get rid of lizards naturally once and for all.

Is it bad or good to have a lizard in the house?

Having a lizard in the house is definitely not a bad thing. The main factor is that many people are afraid of lizards in their home. Lizards are harmless and will help you get rid of small bugs by eating them.

Will lizards crawl into your bed?

Most lizards are afraid of humans and will run away if you try to approach them. There’s a small chance a lizard will crawl into your bed (because you’re warm or if it sees a bug), but a slight movement will scare it away, and there’s certainly nothing to worry about.

How long does it take for a lizard to die in the house?

In general, when active, the lizard can survive about a month without food (it is very likely to find something to eat and drink). When cold, it can brumate (sleep) without eating or drinking for several months at a time.

How to get rid of lizards in your home?

Tip 1: Make it disappear

If you’re really scared of lizards, you probably won’t want to touch or touch them. In this case, you need to help him get out on his own. To do this, get a long rolled-up newspaper and point it towards the exit.

Leave all doors/windows open so it can come out easily. Most lizards also come into houses because it is warm there – they are completely dependent on warmth from the outside.

You can also spray some water on it to scare it away – make sure it’s warm water. Water spray will scare the lizard and it will leave. Don’t use cold water unless you want to pick the lizard up. This is because cold water will shock them and the lizard will likely freeze for some time.

Tip 2: Block all entrances and small gaps

Most lizards are small and fast, and can fit into tight spaces. If you want to leave it you have to block false entrances and even small gaps and cracks.

Create a “path” for the lizard before chasing it away. Otherwise, it goes in the wrong direction and takes much longer to find and get rid of.

Tip 3: Try to pick it up gently

If you are not afraid of lizards and can handle one, you can try to catch them to later release them. Catching a small lizard is not always easy and you may need someone to help you.

However, catching a lizard like a gecko isn’t always the best idea unless you do it slowly and without startling them. That’s because you might put a lot of stress on it and make it drop its tail. A lizard with a lost tail is vulnerable in the wild and needs time to heal.

So the correct word here would be to pluck the lizard, not catch it. This is especially true if a lizard can shed its tail (geckos, etc.) because they see you as a predator.

The key to picking a lizard would be to only make slow movements and approach it carefully. Don’t put your hand from above (predatory behavior), don’t shout, or jump. Make sure your pets (if you have any) aren’t there either or they will startle the lizard.

Tip 4: Lure him into a bag/box by taking him out of hiding

Another great idea is to lure the lizard into a large bag or box so you can release it later. This is way better than putting a jar on it – which will scare it to death and likely cause tail loss.

You can help lure the lizard out of hiding by turning on a desk lamp and leaving it on the table. Alternatively, you can use a heat pad. If possible, make sure that the temperature in the house drops at the same time. The lizard will feel cold and will likely come out to seek warmth.

Leave the lamp on for as long as necessary – make sure it gets warm. A warm lamp will most likely lure a lizard out of hiding – lizards love warmth and light and are attracted to it. But if it’s loud in the room, it might not come out at all. Heat pads are great too.

Tip 5: Use an ultrasonic repellent to keep lizards and other pests away

If you have a lot of different pests in your home, garden or on your porch, you could benefit from an ultrasonic repellent like this one.

Ultrasonic pest repellents produce high-frequency sounds that larger pets and humans cannot hear. But smaller animals will hear the sound and find it irritating as they are forced to leave the coverage area. It helps to keep away various pests like snakes, bugs, spiders, cockroaches, rats, lizards and others.

When you get an ultrasonic repellent, be sure to check what coverage it offers so you can protect all the areas you need.

Tip 6: Remove the food and water source

Lizards come to your home to warm themselves and mainly to eat. If you remove the food source, it will leave the house. To get rid of the lizard and reduce the chances of them coming in the future, get rid of all the bugs in the house.

After eating, clean thoroughly, do not leave the garbage for too long, and cover the garbage can. Also, do not leave crumbs on the table/floor.

Also, if you get lizards on your porch, make sure you keep them clean there at all times. Do not leave food scraps, scraps of food, crumbs, etc. Repair any cracks your lizards can use to get into the house. Also, don’t leave drinking water near your house unless you need it – lizards will come to drink.

Tip 7: Introduce irritating smells

There are smells that irritate lizards. If you have lizards on your porch or around the house, consider placing some garlic, egg shells, and onions. Some lizards are also afraid of bird feathers – birds are their natural enemies.

Please hang the vegetables so that lizards cannot eat them – garlic and onions are poisonous to them. The smell alone makes her go.

How do you get rid of a lizard in a car?

If there is a lizard stuck in your car, please don’t worry. Please don’t try to kill the lizard in your car – the main goal is to make it leave. Also, be prepared for the possibility that it will come out while driving, and please be careful.

To get a lizard to leave the car, take a rolled up newspaper and slide it anywhere. Open all doors and even windows and reach all small spots to scare it away.

Another thing you can do is get a sprayer and spray cold water on the spots where you think the lizard is hiding. Cold water will make the lizard very uncomfortable and it will run away.

In addition, you can open all windows/doors to cool the car. Then turn on the heater and the lizard will very likely come out to warm up. Lizards rely on outside heat because they are cold-blooded. When it comes out you can pick it up (slowly) or let it run away.

Thanks for reading this post on how to get rid of lizards in your home and car! But if you have a lizard in your yard and want to take care of it, you will find tips in this post.

Do lizards like bleach?

Clean infected areas with bleach. Lizards hate the smell of chemical and the odour from bleach can feel foreign or even “dangerous” to them. If you’re against using chemicals at home, or don’t want to actually harm lizards by using insect repellent or poison, this trick is for you.

Home-Secure Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L., – Buy Baby Care Products in India

Theme: The Scientist

We don’t know about you, but once in a while we stumble across a tiny lizard that scurries across our kitchen, bathroom, or even worse bedroom walls at night. Difficult to get rid of, lizards are so quick on their tiny feet that catching them is almost impossible – heck, most of us just shoo them away.

Here are 10 effective ways to get rid of them and prevent them from coming back:

1. Egg shells

Lizards are said to hate the smell of eggs, so you may want to scatter eggshells around the house or kitchen. If possible, try not to wash them before laying them out. Instead, wipe them dry and leave them alone for a stronger smell.

2. Coffee powder

Just like cockroaches, lizards hate the strong smell of ground coffee. However, if you want to do more than just stop them from entering your home, you can actually mix coffee and powdered tobacco and leave it in the house. Tobacco powder is poisonous to lizards.

3. Garlic

Who would have thought that this humble ingredient could be so useful both in the kitchen and anywhere in the house. Lizards really hate the smell given off by the enzymes in garlic. So if you have a lizard problem in the kitchen, leave a few cloves around. Alternatively, you can make a garlic juice spray and wipe down your countertops with it.

4. Onion

Just like garlic, onions are said to be great for keeping lizards at bay. You can also make an onion juice spray and spray your countertops with it.

5. Pepper

Lizards really hate the “spicy” smell of pepper, so if you’re desperate to get them out of the house, pour some pepper into a porous bag and let the smell put them off.

6. Chili powder

Just like pepper, chili powder deters lizards because of its “pungent” smell. Store them in a porous bag and leave them indoors.

7. Dried Chilies

Not a fan of leaving powder packets around the house? Instead, omit dried chilies. They’re easy to find and work the same way as chili powder.

8. Bleaching

Clean infected areas with bleach. Lizards hate the smell of chemicals, and the smell of bleach can feel alien or even “dangerous” to them.

9. Cold water spray

If you’re against using chemicals in your home, or don’t really want to harm lizards by using insect repellent or poison, this trick is for you. Since lizards are cold-blooded creatures that prefer warm and humid environments, the sudden cold will cause them to stay put. This makes it easier for you to remove them from your home.

10. Keep away from standing water and keep away from food

The best way to prevent lizards from coming into your home is to make sure they don’t have a reason to come in. That means eliminating standing water so bugs don’t breed and storing food properly so they don’t have a reason to come in.

Adapted from The Singapore Women’s Weekly.

This article was updated on December 24, 2020.

How do you scare away lizards?

But, your average household lizards are at best visually repelling and give you a squirmy and unsettling feel.

Here are a few that you can try for useful results.
  1. Coffee. …
  2. Naphthalene Balls. …
  3. Pepper Spray. …
  4. Coldwater. …
  5. Peacock Feather. …
  6. Eggshells. …
  7. Tobasco Sauce Spray. …
  8. Onion.

Home-Secure Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L., – Buy Baby Care Products in India

Last updated on April 3, 2020

Keeping your home pest-free is one way to maintain hygiene and avoid being spooked by them at every corner of the house. Opening your closets and drawers only to find an awkward sight of lizards is not something you feel like doing. While most lizards are generally harmless, you shouldn’t have to put up with their presence in the home. The Gila Monster, Mexican Pearl Lizard, and Komodo Dragon are the only 3 species of lizards that are venomous. But your average household lizards are visually repulsive at best, leaving you feeling wobbly and unsettling. This is greatly amplified if you are someone with herpetophobia – the fear of reptiles. Finding reliable, easy methods to get rid of the lizards is nothing short of a survivability skill in such cases.

Also read: How to get rid of mice and rats in the house

How to remove lizards from your home naturally?

There are several simple home remedies for getting rid of lizards that you can use around your home. Here are a few you can try to get useful results.

1. coffee

Coffee and tobacco mix balls are great for getting rid of lizards. You can place these balls in any corner of the house and you can see the lizards disappear or die.

2. Naphthalene balls

Place some naphthalene balls in your home, in every drawer, cupboard or corner. Lizards find the pungent odor of these bullets irritating and stay away.

3. Pepper Spray

Stir some pepper powder in water and spray it around the house where you see lizards. You are allergic to pepper and stay away due to irritation.

4. Cold water

Lizards love warmth and are mostly found in warm places. One remedy is to splash cold water on the lizard, which will hinder the lizard’s mobility when you can catch and dispose of it.

Also Read: Natural Ways to Get Rid of Spiders in the House

5. Peacock Feather

Lizards find peacocks intimidating as the latter have been known to make a meal out of lizards. Therefore, peacock feathers should keep lizards away.

6. Egg shells

Egg shells have a pungent odor that makes lizards nauseous. They also give them the impression that a larger creature is nearby, which induces fear.

7. Tobasco Sauce Spray

Mix 1-2 tablespoons of the sauce with water and pour into a spray can. You spray this on your walls or places where you often find lizards to keep them away.

8. Onion

The sulfur in onions gives off a pungent odor that lizards cannot tolerate. You can cut out some slices and keep them indoors, or mix onion juice with water and spray.

9. Garlic

Placing garlic cloves around the house will give off a strong odor that will help deter lizards from entering. You can also mix some garlic juice with water and spray it for the same effect.

10. Flycatcher

Flycatcher can catch lizards as well as flies. Glue some of these papers to the wall and you’ll find some lizards trapped on the glue. You can quickly dispose of these later.

11. Phenyl tablets

You can place phenyl tablets around the house to repel lizards. These tablets have an odour, unattractive to lizards, which deters them.

12. Lemongrass

The lemony smell of lemongrass is a great option for repelling lizards while keeping your house smelling nice. Just keep a few lemongrass stalks around your house.

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Your Home

Commercial repellent options to get rid of lizards

If you’re figuring out how to keep lizards evicted from your home permanently, here are a few commercial options you might want to try.

Natural pest sprays to spray around the home to kill lizards

Organic granules that can get rid of pests, including lizards

Electronic pest repellers that can spray pesticides and insecticides

Pest repellent sprays that won’t kill the lizard but will prevent it from entering the home

Measures to keep lizards away

Aside from opting for extreme measures to keep your home lizard-free, you can also follow some necessary steps to avoid having to deal with a lizard infestation. Following the do’s and don’ts below can be a great way to deter lizards from entering the home.


Keep your house clean. A well-groomed home will have fewer damp, dusty, and closed-off spots that can be attractive to a lizard

Close your windows and doors

Seal any cracks, holes, or openings that could serve as an entry point for the lizards or other pests

Like many other pests, lizards are attracted to lights. So turn off your light when you’re not in the room or when you don’t need it

Install metal screens to cover your open windows to keep lizards from entering

Don’t pack things around the house and leave the right amount of space, about 5 or 6 inches between your furniture and the walls, so as not to provide lizards with cozy hiding places

Keep your home insect free. Since there is no prey to hunt, lizards will also avoid your house

Owning a cat can also keep pests at bay


Frames and hangings on the walls offer lizards many hiding places. Limit the number of wall hangings you have.

Try not to spill food or drink on the floor

Mosquitoes and insects breed in stagnant water and are therefore very attractive to lizards. Remove standing water

Empty trash cans regularly

Lizards make an unsightly addition to your home, especially if you can’t stand them. It is advisable to get rid of them and keep your house clean and pest-free using the methods above. In addition, you can also get a cat that will kill or chase away the lizards. If you want to remove them without harming them, you can try capturing them in a box and letting them outside.

Also read:

How to make your home allergy free

Brilliant house cleaning tips for a tidy and clean house

How to get rid of houseflies at home naturally and safely

Effective home remedies for bed bugs

How do I lure a lizard out of my room?

Things like hot sauce, pepper, and cayenne emit a strong smell that deters lizards. For best results, mix a few tablespoons of your pepper of choice with a pint of warm water. Shake the mixture well and spray it in the corners of your home, and outside, along access points like doors and windows.

Home-Secure Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L., – Buy Baby Care Products in India

By controlling insects and keeping insect populations in check, lizards play an important role in our ecosystem. In fact, they can even reduce diseases like Lyme disease.

Even so, you probably don’t want lizards to invade your home or scurry around your property. When you have a lizard problem, you need a solution—fast.

Luckily our team is here to help you. Here at Smith’s Pest Management, our reptile control specialists exterminate lizards in Northern California homes every day.

In this post, we share our top tips on how to humanely remove lizards from your home, garden, or landscaping.

Let’s dive in.

How to recognize lizards

You probably already know what a lizard looks like, but did you know that there are more than 4,000 species of lizards?

There are two specific species invading homes in the US that we see most commonly. They are the common house gecko and the Carolina anole (also known as the green anole).

Here is an overview of each:

Common house gecko

These lizards are distributed throughout the US but tend to congregate in warmer climates. They have a long, slender body that grows 3-6 inches tall and a flat, arrowhead-shaped skull.

They are typically brown, green, or gray with a delicate pattern of spots. Male anoles have pink neck fans. They are most likely to find their way indoors in winter.

The Carolina Anole

Carolina Anole are small lizards that grow to about 5-8 tall.” They are green or brown depending on environmental conditions.

If the lizard is brown, it may have a series of faint markings on its back. Like the common house gecko, males have a pink throat fan that helps them attract a mate.

These lizards usually live in trees but can be found anywhere. They particularly enjoy perching on fences and roofs and making their way indoors in cold weather.

In Northern California in particular, we deal with…

alligator lizards

Alligator lizards get their name from their distinctive, scaly bodies. They are skilled climbers and are usually found in high places, such as on walls or behind tall furniture. They range in length from 3 to 7 inches and are typically brown, green, gray, or yellow.

These lizards usually live near humans and come out in the morning and evening to look for food.

Western sand lizards

Western sand lizards are found throughout California, Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah.

Because the abdomen of adults is usually blue, this lizard is sometimes referred to as the “blue-bellied lizard.” These are small lizards that are usually around 3-6 inches long. They are brown or black with black stripes down their backs.

These lizards are active during the day and may come out to bask on rocks, fence posts, or decks.

What attracts lizards in the house and yard?

Lizards are small reptiles and most of us don’t consider them pests. However, they can occasionally take over your house, yard or garden. And when they do, you can be in for a serious problem.

The first step in solving a lizard problem is to uncover its root cause.

What Attracts Lizards to Your Home and Garden? Here are some of the main culprits:

1. Food Sources

Like all pests, lizards love food, and they’ll happily set up a business anywhere they can find it. While lizards primarily eat worms, ants, spiders, bugs, and flies (meaning if you have any of these other pest problems you’ll often have a lizard problem), they also love fruits and vegetables and crumbs left behind by humans.

As such, they’re common in kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor spaces — like gardens and compost heaps.

2. Shelter

Lizards love dark, cool places, and homes offer plenty of them. They hide behind cabinets and furniture, and can often be found behind sheds, raised beds, and outdoor benches.

3. water

Water sources – either indoors or outdoors – will attract lizards to your property. Pet bowls, bird baths, or even leaky pipes and fixtures provide enough water for lizards to survive and thrive for months.

How to look for lizards

Once you’ve determined that you have a lizard problem, you need to inspect your property for signs of lizard activity.

Here are some steps we recommend:

Check common hiding spots. Again, lizards like cool, sheltered areas. Look behind clutter in your home, garage, kitchen, or garden shed for lizards or their droppings, which look like small black globules with a white tip. When looking for lizards outside, search common hiding places such as warm, humid parts of the yard.

. Again, lizards like cool, sheltered areas. Look behind clutter in your home, garage, kitchen, or garden shed for lizards or their droppings, which look like small black globules with a white tip. When looking for lizards outside, search common hiding places such as warm, humid parts of the yard. Note entry points. Lizards are small enough to squeeze through gaps in doors or windows, or small openings in your wall. When inspecting your property, pay close attention to these potential lizard highways.

. Lizards are small enough to squeeze through gaps in doors or windows, or small openings in your wall. When inspecting your property, pay close attention to these potential lizard highways. Check your screens. Lizards can easily enter homes through open windows or windows with torn screens. When inspecting your property, check all your window screens to make sure they are intact and in good condition.

Because lizards primarily eat insects, they are less likely than other pests to leave a trail of destruction in your garden or landscape.

Still, it’s wise to inspect your fruit and vegetable crops, as lizards look at these valuable food sources.

How to get rid of lizards in your home

Getting rid of lizards in your home requires you to focus less on the actual lizards and more on their potential food sources and hiding places.

Put another way, you treat lizards by treating other pests like bugs and insects.

Here are some steps we recommend:

1. Identify and seal entry points

Make it harder for lizards to get into your home by figuring out how they access it. Remember that lizards have tiny, flexible bodies and can fit through very small cracks.

We recommend focusing on filling holes and cracks with caulk, installing weatherstrips on the sides of windows and doors, and using wire mesh to patch larger access points like air vents.

2. Use natural repellents

If you’re looking for a home remedy to get rid of lizards, you’re in luck. Many natural repellents can help keep lizards off your property.

What smell do lizards hate? Things like hot sauce, pepper, and cayenne pepper give off a strong odor that deters lizards. For best results, mix a few tablespoons of your choice of pepper with half a liter of warm water.

Shake the mixture well and spray in the corners of your home and outside along access points such as doors and windows.

We never recommend setting a lizard trap as this usually kills or injures lizards.

3. Eliminate food sources

Wondering how to get a lizard out of your house? The best way is to eliminate their food sources. Use common pest control methods such as Such as securing trash and compost, cleaning up leftovers quickly, and keeping your home, garbage disposal, and kitchen sink clean.

If you have a serious insect problem in your home, it may also help to invest in a Smith’s professional pest control product. This treatment will eliminate insects in your home and make the lizards go away.

What to Avoid: Lizard Control Myths

While there are some effective home remedies for lizards, there are also some myths to avoid.

Will Baking Soda Kill Lizards? What about eggshells?

Unfortunately, most of these ideas are myths. For example, there is no evidence that lizards are deterred (or killed) by the smell of eggshells. Lizards may actually view eggshells as a snack. Also, baking soda is not a reliable repellent for lizards.

How to get rid of lizards in your garden

If you have lizards outside, you probably really want to get rid of them.

Here at Smith’s Pest Management we always recommend a humane approach to lizard removal. There’s rarely a reason to hurt or kill lizards, and there are many effective ways to remove them without doing either of those things.

With that in mind, here are our top recommendations:

1. Use homemade deterrents

If you have lizards on the porch or lizards under your siding, there may be an easy fix: homemade pepper spray.

Simply mix some cayenne pepper or tabasco sauce with water and spray the mixture anywhere you’ve noticed lizard activity. This is a simple but effective solution that can quickly relieve your lizard problem.

2. Plant outdoor plants that repel lizards

You already know you can use pepper to repel lizards, but what about lizard-repellent plants? As it turns out, an effective way to get rid of lizards is to incorporate plants they don’t like.

Here are a few recommendations:



pencil trees

Lizards don’t like the smell of these plants, and adding them to your garden and landscaping is a great way to get lizards to pack.

3. Keep your landscaping clean

Why are there so many lizards in your garden?

A simple answer could be that you offer them a lot of protection. To eliminate hiding places for lizards outside, keep your landscaping neat and tidy.

Sweep porches and decks, trim trees and hedges, and eliminate sources of standing water (which will deter pests).

4. Contact a pest control expert

If none of your DIY approaches work, you may choose to hire a professional pest control company like Smith’s who can assess your property, assess your lizard problem, and develop a comprehensive, effective, and humane approach to getting rid of lizards once and for all.

How do pest control specialists get rid of lizards?

If you need comprehensive lizard control, Smith’s Pest Management has you covered. Here is the approach our reptile control team will take to eliminate your lizard problem:

1st review

Before we can solve your lizard problem, we need to know what we’re dealing with. Our team begins with a comprehensive assessment of your home and property to identify lizard access points, high traffic areas and hiding spots. We also identify the lizard species on your property and develop an ongoing treatment and control plan.

2nd treatment

Next, we treat your lizard problem with a mix of pest control methods (to reduce lizard food sources) and exclusion methods. This combined approach is both humane (we never kill lizards – we only remove them from your property) and effective. The result is a clean, comfortable, and lizard-free environment.

3. Tracking

Keeping your property lizard free often requires maintenance and aftercare. We offer annual pest control plans to keep your property pest free without the need to manually schedule each treatment. Contact us today to find out more.

This will prevent lizards from infesting you again

Instead of dealing with recurring lizard infestations, apply these tips to prevent lizard problems from reoccurring:

Address insect populations in your home, lawn, or garden

Use barrier treatments to keep lizards out of your home

Keep leftover food and water sources safe

Are lizards taking over your property in the San Francisco Bay Area? We are here to help!

Here at Smith’s Pest Management, we provide comprehensive and humane reptile control services for residential and commercial properties throughout Northern California – from Marin to Monterey.

Contact us today to find out more or to book your lizard removal service today.

What attracts lizards to your house?

Lizards often gravitate towards people’s homes because they’re seeking food and water. Many of them are carnivores and will eat meat in addition to produce, which means human foods are tasty to them. Don’t leave any food lying about in the open—put everything away and clean up waste after meals.

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Carefully remove visible lizards

The first step is to remove any lizards you spot from your home and bring them back outside. It’s a good idea to wear gloves if you plan on picking one up, as they can transmit salmonella. If there’s one near a door, open it and encourage them to leave with a rolled-up piece of newspaper.

You can also cover a lizard on the ground with a bowl and then carefully slip a piece of cardboard underneath to trap it in the bowl. Take the bowl outside and release the lizard.

Smaller lizards are generally not aggressive, so don’t be afraid to get too close. Since they are cold-blooded, any cold will immobilize them, so try spraying one with ice cold water to stun them and make it easier for you to remove them from your home.

Remove their food sources

Lizards are often drawn to people’s homes for food and water. Many of them are carnivores and eat meat in addition to produce, meaning they are palatable to human food. Don’t leave food lying around in the open – put everything away and take out the rubbish after eating.

Lizards may have entered your home somewhere because of a pool of water. Fix leaks and dry wet areas so they have no reason to enter your home.

Dealing with bug problems

Lizards may be attracted to your home because it contains their favorite bugs to eat. Deal with your insect problem to eliminate one of their food sources. Keep flies away from your home by regularly removing trash outside of the home and cleaning it regularly.

Protect your home and yard from ant invasions and other insect troubles, and you’ll see a lot fewer lizards hanging around.

Find and seal openings

It’s easy for lizards to wriggle through cracks and holes in your windows, foundations, and other areas. Closing all openings is one of the best ways to keep them and other pests from entering your living space.

If you love keeping windows open, make sure you cover any windows that are still in good condition. The same applies to all outward opening doors. It’s easy for lizards to enter your home through a broken screen or an unprotected window or door.

Turn off lights when not in use

Lizards are attracted to bright light for two reasons: they are a source of heat and they attract insects. Turning off lights and keeping rooms in your home dark when you are not using them can make your living quarters less lizard friendly.

Lizards need warmth to thrive, so keeping your home cool can also discourage them from cozying up.

Place peacock feathers in your home

Peacocks are among reptile predators, and placing peacock feathers in and around your home can deter them. A bonus is that they look pretty and can add to your decor.

Understand how to get rid of lizards quickly

The tips above explain how to quickly get lizards out of your house and garden. It’s important to realize that while lizards can be a nuisance, we still need them to control the bug population. The good news is that getting rid of them is easy by keeping your house clean and lizard-proof.

Reynolds Pest Management has been helping South Florida residents live pest-free since 1991. If you’re still having a lizard problem after following these tips, contact us for a free assessment.

What happens if you kill a lizard?

According to the ‘puranas’, snakes and lizards are considered auspicious. It is believed that killing or even harming lizards in any way invites danger to your coming generations. Destroying the eggs of lizards can also bring a curse on you.

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Gowli sastra or the astrology of predicting the immediate future based on the movements and sounds of lizards is very popular in Kerala. Predictions are made depending on the shape of the lizard seen each day and how it falls. There are several species of lizards. When each type falls on a specific part of the body, a specific incident can occur. Even then, some general effects are mentioned in lizard astrology.

According to the Puranas, snakes and lizards are considered auspicious. It is believed that killing or even harming lizards in any way poses a danger to your generations to come. Destroying lizard eggs can also cast a curse on you.

Another premise of this branch of astrology is that if a lizard is accidentally crushed between doors, any misfortune that awaits us would be over. However, seeing a dead lizard is not promising.

In this case, remedial measures such as praying to the family deity and making an offering can be resorted to. Another point to remember is never invite other people to see a dead lizard.

The most unfavorable sign is a lizard falling on a traditional oil lamp. If a lizard falls on a vehicle while driving, it is believed that an accident can happen. So stop the vehicle for a while and then continue driving.

A lizard falling on the bed is a portent of misfortune in the future. If it falls on the chair, a mixed fortune awaits you.

A lizard falling in front of you at the start of a journey is not considered a good indicator. In such a situation, if possible, abandon the journey or continue it after a prayer and an offering of a coin to your deity.

Quarrels between family members and relatives are predicted when two lizards fall down together.

The following chant will help you overcome adversity:

Agrato Narasimho me/

Prishto Garudadhwaja/

Paraswayostu Dhanushmanthau/

Sakarau Rama Lakshmanau/

Agratah Prishdhashaiva/

Parswayosha Mahabalau/

Aakarnapoorna Dhanvanvau/

Rakshataam Rama Lakshmanau/

How can I get rid of lizards permanently at home?

Check here the home remedies to get rid of lizards that you can employ within your house.
  1. Place Onion or Garlic in Frequented Corners. …
  2. Air Out Cabinets Regularly. …
  3. Use Naphthalene Balls. …
  4. Use Empty Eggshells. …
  5. Pepper Spray. …
  6. Dispose of open or Leftover Food. …
  7. READ: How to apply for high security registration plate: Steps to follow.

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Lizards are a very common companion in homes. These small reptiles keep insect populations down, so it’s best to chase them away rather than try to poison or kill them. If you are afraid of lizards, the presence of a lizard in your living room could be scary.

The common house lizards are called house geckos. These little geckos are non-toxic and not harmful to humans. No matter how many times people say lizards are harmless, let’s face it: they’re still classified as creepy crawlies.

Here are the ways to get rid of lizards at home:

Check out the home remedies to get rid of lizards that you can use in your home here.

Place onion or garlic in high-traffic corners

The smell of garlic will drive them away. You can also place it next to a small table fan to blow it across the room.

Air cupboards regularly

Check the cabinets under the sinks regularly and try to keep them dry (use newspapers to line the floor and change them often). As a benefit, this also prevents wood rot and helps your cabinets last longer.

Use naphthalene shot

Naphthalene balls repel lizards and many other types of bugs. Be careful not to put them in places where children could reach and accidentally swallow them.

Use empty egg shells

Lizards don’t like the smell of eggshells. Place the eggshells in areas of the house where lizards are often seen. You will stay away from rooms with that egg aroma.

pepper spray

You can make a pepper spray at home using black pepper. Make a crushed powder and add water. Pepper spray creates a burning sensation on a lizard’s body that keeps them away.

Discard opened or leftover food

Exposed food is a favorite of lizards and will help them breed in your home. Never leave leftover food lying around. Leftover food attracts flies and ants, which indirectly attracts lizards, and lizards eat insects.

READ: How to Apply for a High Security License Plate: Steps to Follow

What are lizards attracted to?

Lizards are attracted to bright light for two reasons: they’re a heat source, and they attract insects. Turning off lights and keeping rooms of your home dark when you’re not using them can make your living spaces less friendly to lizards.

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Carefully remove visible lizards

The first step is to remove any lizards you spot from your home and bring them back outside. It’s a good idea to wear gloves if you plan on picking one up, as they can transmit salmonella. If there’s one near a door, open it and encourage them to leave with a rolled-up piece of newspaper.

You can also cover a lizard on the ground with a bowl and then carefully slip a piece of cardboard underneath to trap it in the bowl. Take the bowl outside and release the lizard.

Smaller lizards are generally not aggressive, so don’t be afraid to get too close. Since they are cold-blooded, any cold will immobilize them, so try spraying one with ice cold water to stun them and make it easier for you to remove them from your home.

Remove their food sources

Lizards are often drawn to people’s homes for food and water. Many of them are carnivores and eat meat in addition to produce, meaning they are palatable to human food. Don’t leave food lying around in the open – put everything away and take out the rubbish after eating.

Lizards may have entered your home somewhere because of a pool of water. Fix leaks and dry wet areas so they have no reason to enter your home.

Dealing with bug problems

Lizards may be attracted to your home because it contains their favorite bugs to eat. Deal with your insect problem to eliminate one of their food sources. Keep flies away from your home by regularly removing trash outside of the home and cleaning it regularly.

Protect your home and yard from ant invasions and other insect troubles, and you’ll see a lot fewer lizards hanging around.

Find and seal openings

It’s easy for lizards to wriggle through cracks and holes in your windows, foundations, and other areas. Closing all openings is one of the best ways to keep them and other pests from entering your living space.

If you love keeping windows open, make sure you cover any windows that are still in good condition. The same applies to all outward opening doors. It’s easy for lizards to enter your home through a broken screen or an unprotected window or door.

Turn off lights when not in use

Lizards are attracted to bright light for two reasons: they are a source of heat and they attract insects. Turning off lights and keeping rooms in your home dark when you are not using them can make your living quarters less lizard friendly.

Lizards need warmth to thrive, so keeping your home cool can also discourage them from cozying up.

Place peacock feathers in your home

Peacocks are among reptile predators, and placing peacock feathers in and around your home can deter them. A bonus is that they look pretty and can add to your decor.

Understand how to get rid of lizards quickly

The tips above explain how to quickly get lizards out of your house and garden. It’s important to realize that while lizards can be a nuisance, we still need them to control the bug population. The good news is that getting rid of them is easy by keeping your house clean and lizard-proof.

Reynolds Pest Management has been helping South Florida residents live pest-free since 1991. If you’re still having a lizard problem after following these tips, contact us for a free assessment.

Do lizards like bleach?

Clean infected areas with bleach. Lizards hate the smell of chemical and the odour from bleach can feel foreign or even “dangerous” to them. If you’re against using chemicals at home, or don’t want to actually harm lizards by using insect repellent or poison, this trick is for you.

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Theme: The Scientist

We don’t know about you, but once in a while we stumble across a tiny lizard that scurries across our kitchen, bathroom, or even worse bedroom walls at night. Difficult to get rid of, lizards are so quick on their tiny feet that catching them is almost impossible – heck, most of us just shoo them away.

Here are 10 effective ways to get rid of them and prevent them from coming back:

1. Egg shells

Lizards are said to hate the smell of eggs, so you may want to scatter eggshells around the house or kitchen. If possible, try not to wash them before laying them out. Instead, wipe them dry and leave them alone for a stronger smell.

2. Coffee powder

Just like cockroaches, lizards hate the strong smell of ground coffee. However, if you want to do more than just stop them from entering your home, you can actually mix coffee and powdered tobacco and leave it in the house. Tobacco powder is poisonous to lizards.

3. Garlic

Who would have thought that this humble ingredient could be so useful both in the kitchen and anywhere in the house. Lizards really hate the smell given off by the enzymes in garlic. So if you have a lizard problem in the kitchen, leave a few cloves around. Alternatively, you can make a garlic juice spray and wipe down your countertops with it.

4. Onion

Just like garlic, onions are said to be great for keeping lizards at bay. You can also make an onion juice spray and spray your countertops with it.

5. Pepper

Lizards really hate the “spicy” smell of pepper, so if you’re desperate to get them out of the house, pour some pepper into a porous bag and let the smell put them off.

6. Chili powder

Just like pepper, chili powder deters lizards because of its “pungent” smell. Store them in a porous bag and leave them indoors.

7. Dried Chilies

Not a fan of leaving powder packets around the house? Instead, omit dried chilies. They’re easy to find and work the same way as chili powder.

8. Bleaching

Clean infected areas with bleach. Lizards hate the smell of chemicals, and the smell of bleach can feel alien or even “dangerous” to them.

9. Cold water spray

If you’re against using chemicals in your home, or don’t really want to harm lizards by using insect repellent or poison, this trick is for you. Since lizards are cold-blooded creatures that prefer warm and humid environments, the sudden cold will cause them to stay put. This makes it easier for you to remove them from your home.

10. Keep away from standing water and keep away from food

The best way to prevent lizards from coming into your home is to make sure they don’t have a reason to come in. That means eliminating standing water so bugs don’t breed and storing food properly so they don’t have a reason to come in.

Adapted from The Singapore Women’s Weekly.

This article was updated on December 24, 2020.

Which hit is best for lizards?

Insecto-50 is a perfect DIY pest control spray which kills insects, cockroaches, silverfish, Ants and repels Rats and Lizards. Easy to use Insecto-50 takes care of pests at your home and offices. This is odourless spray.
Brand Bugnil
Protects Against Cockroaches, Flies, Bed Bugs, Spider, Lizard, Ants

Home-Secure Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L., – Buy Baby Care Products in India


Each bottle contains 100ml of concentrate which needs to be topped up with water before use. Insecto-50 is a perfect DIY pest control spray that kills insects, cockroaches, silverfish, ants and repels rats and lizards. Easy to use Insecto-50 takes care of pests in your home and office. This is an odorless spray.

How do insecticides kill cockroaches?

How do insecticides kill cockroaches?
How do insecticides kill cockroaches?

See some more details on the topic can roach spray kill lizards here:

I killed a lizard by cockroach spray. While dying, she opened …

I killed a lizard by cockroach spray. While dying, she opened her mouth and was saying something. Can lizards curse humans (Hinduism)?. All related (34).

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Date Published: 6/6/2022

View: 3415

Does Raid® Kill Lizards? – Pest Control FAQ

So, does Ra® kill lizards? Yes. Ra® is a powerful pestice that can even hurt humans. It certainly can kill pesky lizards, …

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Date Published: 7/6/2022

View: 6910

Can You Kill Lizards by Cockroach HIT Spray?

Contrary to popular belief, lizards are neither dangerous nor poisonous.

In fact, lizards provide many health benefits in our environment – as they help reduce the number of flying insects by preying on mosquitoes, flies and moths.

Like humans and others, these creepy creatures are part of our ecosystem.

And killing them can cause a few unwanted problems for you.

However, if you want to kill the lizards in your home, using a HIT scabbard spray may work for you.

While a bug spray like Raid Max, Baygon, or HIT may not kill the lizards outright, if used in sufficient quantities, these bug sprays will hurt them greatly and can slowly lead to death.

These sprays and insecticides are so powerful that they can harm people, so they can certainly kill the lizards.

But you sometimes have to spray a dozen times to kill those pesky lizards before they get to their deathbed.

Generally, after a spray or two, these pesky pests will become uncomfortable and try to flee in one place whenever possible.

The half-dead lizard can try to hide but soon comes out as it can’t breathe properly.

You then have the opportunity to spray more. Keep spraying the liquid for a few seconds and you’ll soon find that it’s dead.

When using these mosquito killer sprays to kill the lizards, remember to cover your skin and nose properly.

Do not inhale the strong cockroach spray or other pesticide sprays as it can severely irritate or clog your throat.

7 ways to get rid of lizards in the house

As mentioned earlier, killing lizards shouldn’t be your first choice. Instead, you should try steps that will allow you to get rid of them without killing them.

If a lizard has invaded your home, you must get rid of it as soon as possible to avoid the risks involved.

Just tap your hand or smash it with your book or an old newspaper to push it toward the exit.

Sometimes getting rid of them can be difficult, but the sooner you take the step, the easier.

Some of the additional steps you can take to get rid of lizards are:

1- Eliminate the food source completely

Lizards are attracted to food sources such as garbage or insects. They prefer to eat flies as food.

So try to remove the insects from your house, which will also make the lizards leave your place (since they won’t find anything to look for and eat).

To stop the insects, you can use products like Bayer Advanced Insect Killer or a Lizard Defense Spray.

The dirtier the house, the higher the chances there is food for lizards and their young babies.

Therefore, you should keep your home neat and tidy to keep the lizards away from it

2- Make your house inhospitable

If your home has an unsanitary atmosphere, it will welcome all species of house lizards.

A messy home serves as a perfect hiding place for lizards. They can hide anywhere and secrete anywhere.

Also remember that a dirty home breeds their favorite treat – flies. So make sure you clean and mop your house regularly.

If possible, use antibacterial solutions to clean the walls, floors, windows, and ceilings.

3- Make it difficult for the lizards to enter

A small opening is an easy way for lizards to enter your home.

Because they have a slender and scaly body, they can easily slip in from all sorts of openings and holes.

Check the inside and outside of your home and be aware of areas where lizards may invade.

Seal any small cracks and holes (such as those found in walls, ceiling, windows, or door panels) tightly to prevent them from getting inside.

To seal the cracks, you can either use products such as joint compound, wood spatula, steel wool, foam, silicone, etc.

You may also consider placing the furniture in your home 5 inches from the walls, where the lizards often hide.

Metal screens can also be used to cover your open windows and doors.

4- Make the yard area inhospitable

Do not leave the water in the garden for a long time. The stagnant water leads to the breeding of lizards.

Also, use fly repellent to keep lizards from chasing them for food and staying there.

Keep in mind that lizards are also attracted to bright places and lights where they can easily find insects.

So if you want to keep lizards out of your yard and home, it’s good to turn off unneeded lights.

5- Get a pet cat in your house

Cats are among the best natural enemies of lizards. Or in other words, domestic lizards or geckos can be your pet cats’ favorite food.

So, if you want to keep your home lizard-free, consider keeping a cat or kitten as a pet.

If you have a cat or kitten in your home, the lizards will also become fearful and will keep them away from your home.

6- Keep plants that repel lizards

While lizards like to eat some fruits and potted plants, there are many plants that can help them stay away.

These plants are like Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Japanese Mint, Pencil Tree or Euphorbia etc.

You can keep these plants in your home or garden to repel the lizards very easily.

7- Catch the lizard and release it from your house

Lizards usually come and hang around at night to eat the insects. So this is the best time if you want to hunt them.

You can install traps in the places where lizards enter your home. Or can place bait in this area to attract them.

Make sure that when setting gecko traps, you use them along with gecko-scented bait, or you won’t be successful in catching them.

After catching these common house geckos, you can either kill them or carry them to a remote location and release them.

Home remedies you can try to eradicate lizards

The little Dino successors often become quite a challenge in the house.

If you are also afraid of lizards then here are some easy DIY hacks to stop and get rid of them.

These products are easily accessible in the kitchen and can be picked when needed:

1- Use of coffee

A simple and effective method is to mix tobacco with ground coffee.

Mix and mix the coffee powder with tobacco properly to make lizard-killing DIY bullets out of it.

You then need to keep these balls in every corner of your home, including the spots where lizards enter your home.

Soon lizards will either flee the place or end up dying.

2- naphthalene balls

Mothballs, or Naphthalene Balls, are a great lizard-resistant item that’s super easy to use.

You can put these balls (naphthalene balls or mothballs) in your cupboard, closet or any other corner of the house.

Don’t forget to place them at the entrance of the house, bathroom and kitchen sink.

3- Chilled water

Cold water freezes the lizard and can easily immobilize it for some time.

When lizards are sprayed on their bodies, they may be unable to move for a few minutes.

With this defensive spray you have a good chance of catching them and throwing them far.

4- Onion

Lizards dislike the strong pungent smell of onions and it irritates them.

Cut the onion slices and keep them around the spots where lizards come in or hang out to keep them away.

Onions have sulfur that creates a strong odor and makes the lizards run away.

If you like, you can also mix some onion juice with water and spray it all over the house.

5- Peacock feathers

It’s a simple and handy trick to get lizards to stay away from your home.

All you have to do is place some peacock feathers in spots where lizards are usually seen around the house.

This home remedy works very well because peacock eats lizards, which makes their feathers scare the lizards away.

6- Homemade Pepper Spray

Pepper is considered an allergic compound for lizards, which irritates them greatly.

So you can prepare a DIY pepper spray and apply it to them to keep them away from your home.

Simply crush some black pepper and mix with water to finish the spray.

Scatter it all over your house, especially in the places where the lizards hide.

7- eggshells

The smell of eggshells makes the lizard think there are other organisms around you, which makes them leave the place.

Put eggshells in all corners of your house and also near doors and windows.

8- Phenyl tablets

These are also great home remedies to repel lizards.

As with other products, you need to place the phenyl tablets along the entryway and corner of your home to keep the lizards away.

9- Garlic

Garlic has a strong odor that lizards literally cannot tolerate.

You can mix garlic juice with water and spray around to make the lizards go away.

Placing some cloves along with garlic in the entrance and areas where lizards live could also prove effective and get them to run away.

10- carton

Capturing lizards in cardboard boxes (like your shoe box) is another great way to capture them and kick them out of your house.

This method can work if you are not afraid to catch them live. Catch them in the box and get rid of them.

11- Flycatcher

Flycatchers are known for catching flies. But they are also an effective way to catch lizards.

Place the fly screen at the corners of the tube light or at the lizard entry points.

The lizard will stick to the paper and you can then throw the paper away.

12- Tabasco Sauce Spray

Just as lizards are irritated by pepper, they also hate Tabasco sauce.

Dilute two tablespoons of Tabasco sauce in water and pour into a spray bottle.

Now spray in the area where lizards are commonly seen, especially on ceilings and walls. This keeps the lizards out of the house

These are the 12 home remedies you can use to get rid of lizards.

Choose someone to achieve workable results for you. You can try more than one remedy.

Where do house lizards generally lay their eggs?

Lizards typically lay their eggs in a dark, sheltered location that may include:

Damp and messy basement

Behind the bookshelves

Under the sink

In the closets

woodpiles, sheds and decks

Under the rocks tree bark or tree trunks

Unlike chickens, lizards do not sit on their eggs to incubate. Instead, they rely on the right environmental conditions for the eggs to hatch automatically.

Most house lizards lay their eggs in groups. Each batch can contain up to 20 eggs.

The problem is compounded by the fact that each female lizard can lay two to three batches per mating season.

Commercial repellents you can use to ward off the lizards

Killing or catching a lizard indoors can be a nuisance for many.

Whether you want to keep lizards at bay inside or outside your home, there are a few very effective commercial repellents that can help.

These can easily be purchased online or at a local hardware store.

Some of these lizard repellents that are safe for humans and pets include:

pest control spray

Ridsect lizard repellant

Organic granules for pest control

Electronic Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

BuyBlocker all-natural lizard blocker

Obasan Organic Lizard Repellent Spray

Is lizard poop poisonous – what to do if you find it in your home?

Now that you know how to protect your home with lizards, it’s also important to know about their droppings.

For identification, lizard droppings are usually black in color with white tips.

Like all reptiles, lizards expel their feces (urine and stool) through the same opening.

The white spike in the stool is uric acid crystals, which are due to the highly concentrated urine.

The smaller common geckos at home usually have a drop that is about a quarter of an inch long and an eighth of an inch wide.

Because the lizards can transmit salmonella, which can cause serious health problems in humans, their droppings can also be dangerous.

Although they are not naturally poisonous, house lizard droppings can contaminate your food and drink, which can cause food poisoning if consumed.

Feces in small numbers (like two to four) may go unnoticed in your kitchen and household.

But when you find it in large numbers, it can cause a significant problem for you and your family.

It is important, that:

Avoid inhaling dust from the dried feces

Wash your garden vegetables thoroughly before eating

Keep your dishes and groceries covered in your kitchen if you find them

Use a vacuum to remove the droppings as soon as you find them in your home

If it’s wet, you can use a damp cloth (in soapy water) to clean the surface. You can also use rubbing alcohol to clean

Also, taking the right steps to permanently evict the lizards from your home will help you stay safe from their harmful droppings.

Other related questions:

Are native lizards poisonous?

Native lizards or geckos found on your walls are not poisonous at all.

However, to defend themselves, they may bite people, pets, or other predators around them.

The good thing is that lizard bites are harmless but can cause pain.

Are lizards harmful to humans?

Lizards do not usually harm humans, with the exception of two species, the Mexican beaded lizard and the Gila monster.

These two species of lizards can be dangerous because they have poisonous venom.

Some species are safe enough to keep as pets. These include iguanas, bearded dragons, geckos and anoles.

Do house lizards change color?

Most house lizards can only change color from lighter to darker.

Male bearded dragons are territorial and may sport a dark beard to show their authority.

However, green anoles and some chameleons can make dramatic changes in their colors and patterns.

The conclusion

Many people are afraid of the common house lizards because of their moving eyelids, color and texture.

In many cases, people have a phobia of lizards, which can cause many problems and problems in everyday life.

The reptile phobia is called herpetophobia. It includes fear of all types of reptiles, from snakes and lizards to crocodiles.

If you are one of those people who are afraid of house gecko or lizards, it is best to try to get rid of them without killing them.

Using mosquito or roach sprays (like HIT, Baygon, Mortein, etc.) to kill these lizards should be your last resort.

Are cockroaches killer enough to kill lizards?

Native lizards are neither harmful nor poisonous. Instead, a lizard can be useful in a way as it will scare out other creepy insects in the house like mosquitoes, flies, moths, etc.

In some countries, seeing a lizard on Diwali festival is considered lucky.

But still on normal days, who would want to see these creepy pests in their house. However, some people simply want to get rid of lizards with hooks or crooks (by killing them or chasing them out of the house) at any cost.

But some just want to keep the lizard at bay rather than kill it. So, let’s learn about the different ways to deal with lizards.

What spray can kill a lizard?

Almost every family deals with cockroaches, so it is common to have cockroach killers as well. When you start finding lizards in your home too, you may be wondering if cockroach killers can kill lizards too.

Spraying the roach killer once or a little may have no effect on the lizards. But the spraying goes on and a moderate amount of roach killer can also kill the lizards. Since lizards are unable to quickly detoxify the venom, they live.

Even if lizards continuously consume the cockroach killer gel bait, it could also help kill them.

Cockroach pesticides composed of beta-cyfluthrin or harsh chemicals are more effective against lizards.

Can cockroaches infested with pesticides kill lizards?

Pesticide devours other insect-like mosquitoes and cockroaches. So, when cockroaches are infested by harmful cockroaches or spray, and lizards eat them. It may affect the lizards somehow, but it won’t kill them.

However, if all the insects die due to the poisonous spray, lizards will move away from the place without food. Lizards need these insects to live, and if they can’t find anything, they move away from there.

Natural methods to kill a lizard

If you are someone who is against chemical methods and want to get rid of the cockroach. Then these methods are made for you.

baking powder

There have been myths that baking soda can kill cockroaches. But the fact of the matter is, baking soda doesn’t kill the lizards. However, baking soda is effective in terminating the other insect that lizards typically depend on for food.

Therefore, when there is no food for lizards, they leave the house or change places.

Epsom salt

Epsom salt acts kind of like baking soda. Epsom salts cannot kill the lizards, but it does work to shut down their food sources.


Bleach works effectively in killing lizards. Bleach is made up of harsh chemicals, so if you spray or pour the bleach directly on lizards, it will burn their skin. Not only that, bleaches also ensure that no eggs are left behind by eliminating them.

Essential oil for lizard

The essential oil has an aroma that can be calming to us, but insects do not find it pleasant. And run away. In the case of lizard, neem oil and lemongrass essential oil are very effective as they have a pungent odor that lizards hate.

Put the lemongrass oil or neem oil in a small bowl and set it inside. the pungent smell will drive the lizard away.

Cold water

You must have heard of many ways to get rid of lizards. But you might be surprised to hear that even cold water can make lizards run. Pests like a warm environment and lizards are also clump-flowered, which is why you usually see the lizard in the summer.

With the right planning to catch the lizard, throw the cold water on them. cold water will make the lizard run and meanwhile you can catch and dispose of the lizard.

peacock feather

As we’ve already discussed, some people don’t want to kill lizards, they just want to make them run. So this is the perfect way to keep the lizard at bay.

Lizards are afraid of a peacock feather. The reason is that peacock eats lizard. Whenever the lizard sees the peacock feather, they tend to run away.

Home-Secure Lizard Shield Lizard Repellent Spray 250 M.L., – Buy Baby Care Products in India


Say goodbye to those pesky lizards and geckos! Home-Secure Lizard-Shield Lizard Repellent Spray is an all-natural formula that solves your lizard problem in the safest possible way. The repellent consists of all-natural ingredients and has an odor that is unpleasant for lizards and geckos but pleasant for us. No messy traps or poisons, just a surefire way to make the lizards go away! Whether it’s a garden, patio, door, patio, window or more, Lizard Defense will keep them out! True professionals at Home-Secure have developed this amazing formula based on their experience and knowledge so you can be confident in the results!

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