Can You Eat Hot Pockets With Braces? Top 42 Best Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can you eat hot pockets with braces“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Can I have a hot pocket with braces?

Hot chips such as Flaming Hot Cheetos, Takis and Sabritones are the number one food that you can not eat with braces. Flaming Hot Cheetos, Takis, Hot Fries, Hot’n Spicy chicharrones, Flaming Hot Doritos, Sabritones chips and Sabritas Chips must be avoided while you have braces on.

Can u eat pizza rolls with braces?

Very chewy foods, like pizza crust, can be disastrous for your brace. They can get stuck in brackets and may be tough to eat. You’ll want to steer clear of eating: Large pieces of chewy meat (instead, cut into very small pieces)

What junk can I eat with braces?

Things like string cheese, peanut butter and jelly, fruit, crackers, or pudding taste good and travel well.

They include:
  • Chocolates like M&Ms, Hershey bars, Kit Kats, and Reese’s Pieces.
  • Soft, fresh-baked cookies.
  • Ice cream or frozen yogurt.
  • Soft pretzels, potato chips, cheese puffs.

Can I eat hot noodles after braces?

The overall consensus of the internet is no, spicy foods are not a problem, and yes, you can eat them. Eating spicy foods and chili will not hinder or slow down your orthodontic treatment in any currently known way.

What candy is OK for braces?

Here’s a list of some of the best candies and treats you can eat while wearing braces.
  • Reese’s Pieces.
  • KitKats.
  • Reese’s Peanut butter cups.
  • 3 Musketeers and other soft chocolate-only bars.
  • Plain or peanut butter M&Ms (NOT peanut M&Ms)
  • Chocolate bars (no nuts)
  • Soft cookies (no nuts)
  • Ritz Bits mini crackers.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

We’re glad to see you, but we don’t want it to be an orthodontic emergency when we can help you avoid it. So before you pop a retainer or break a wire, let’s lay out the best candies and snacks for Halloween and the ones to avoid!

Here are the best sweets to eat when you have braces

Good news! Some of the best Halloween candy is actually safe to eat with braces! So if your bag is full of 3 Musketeers or Reeses, you’re good to go! Just make sure you skip the bars with nuts.

Here’s a list of some of the best sweets and treats to eat while wearing braces.

Reese’s pieces


Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

3 Musketeers and other soft chocolate bars

Plain or Peanut Butter M&Ms (NOT Peanut M&Ms)

Chocolate bar (without nuts)

Soft biscuits (without nuts)

Ritz Bits mini crackers

Cheez-It mini crackers

cheese balls

While these candies should be safe, remember to take it slow with anything that feels chewy or sticky. Also, be sure to brush and floss your teeth afterwards. Otherwise, the sugar can be left behind and turn into plaque and acids that can cause tooth decay.

Halloween treats to avoid with braces

Unless you really, really want to see us for an emergency visit, there are some Halloween treats to avoid while wearing braces. If it’s hard, sticky, chewy, or particularly crunchy, there’s always a chance it could damage your braces — so avoid those foods.

If you find these in your Halloween candy, find a friend who will trade them for something from the list above:


Chewy Candies (Tootsie Rolls, Sugar Daddies, Sugar Babies)

Caramels (including Sugar Daddies, Sugar Babies, Milk Duds)

Caramel or sugar apples


Candy or chocolate with nuts (Snickers, Mounds, etc.)

Popcorn and popcorn balls



Candies (Nerds, Jolly Ranchers, Butterscotch, Peppermints)


Candy corn and gummy bears

Jellybeans (dots, swedish fish, jelly beans everything)

Doritos or other hard, crunchy chips

What is the problem? Sticky foods like tootsie rolls and toffee can stick to your braces, which can loosen or pop the braces. Hard food can also loosen the brackets. Tortilla chips, nuts, or candy can break wires. This usually means an emergency visit to Northwest Orthodontics for repairs – that’s no way to spend your Halloween!

Can I eat Takis with braces?

Any type of hard and crunchy food is something you will want to avoid while wearing your braces. Chips like Fritos, Doritos, Tostitos, Cheetos, Takis, as well as pretzels and other hard breads are foods that can not only damage your wire, but also cause your brackets to break.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

Why do I need to avoid eating chips with braces?

When you put on your braces, it’s important to think not only about how to care for your braces, but also what foods are okay with your braces and what foods to avoid. One of the most popular types of food to avoid during orthodontic treatment with braces is chips. You should avoid any kind of hard and crunchy food when wearing your braces. Chips like Fritos, Doritos, Tostitos, Cheetos, Takis, as well as pretzels and other hard breads are foods that not only damage your wire, but can also cause your clips to break.

How can fries and hard breads (like pizza crust) mess up my wire?

We’re glad you asked! The wires in your mouth are very flexible, especially in the early stages of your braces treatment. So when you eat chips and salsa from your favorite restaurant, biting into the chips can cause these light and flexible wires to bend and permanently deform your wire or even break the wire entirely!

What other types of foods should you avoid during orthodontic treatment with braces?

Chips and hard breads aren’t the only foods to avoid during treatment. Peanuts should also be avoided during treatment. Sticky foods like toffee can stick to the teeth around the brackets and you may not be able to remove the toffee.

What foods can I eat?

As a general rule, softer foods are better during orthodontic treatment with braces and Invisalign. Foods like mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and pasta are more comfortable to eat during treatment and also don’t cause broken brackets, Invisalign fasteners, or orthodontic wires.

Can I eat fries with braces?

Yes – you may eat fries – but you need to make sure that you’re brushing your teeth properly and after every meal. Remove any leftovers with a proxy tip or floss tip. Also, don’t forcefully remove any leftovers if you are having a hard time doing so – trying repeatedly will only cause damage to your braces.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

As you read this article, we believe you already have your braces and are trying to adjust to the pressure on your teeth. Or maybe you’re planning to put them on but are wondering what to eat with braces and what not.

As exciting as getting braces is, one of the major downsides is that you have to give up certain foods.

Your braces are only effective if you take care of them. And there are certain foods that are off-limits throughout your treatment.

We have prepared this blog post to help you understand and understand the foods that you can eat and that you should avoid while wearing your braces.

But first – let’s learn why it’s really important not to eat the wrong foods during your treatment.

Why is it extremely important to avoid the food

Certain foods with braces on?

You want your braces to be effective, don’t you? And certain foods can cause extreme discomfort — they can even put you at risk of breaking your wires or clamps. And when that happens, you may need to see your orthodontist. It may even extend your treatment time.

In addition, eating foods high in sugar or foods that easily get stuck in your braces can lead to the buildup of bacteria and plaque, which can damage the enamel or tooth and cause tooth decay. Equally important is avoiding hard foods.

However, let’s learn more about the foods you can and can’t eat with your braces on.

The foods to avoid right after braces – what not to eat to begin with

The foods you can eat with braces – what you can eat

Well – you can eat almost anything if you stick to bite-sized pieces and break up the tough foods.

Here are some instructions to help you do this:

Cut meat into small pieces

Cut meat off the bone, especially ribs and rotisserie chicken.

Slice oranges, pears and apples. Never bite into a whole apple or pear.

Cut corn from the cob

Cut the lettuce into small pieces

Grate or slice carrots

Pizza and crusty bread should be shredded or cut into small, bite-sized pieces.

As you go, you can start eating certain foods, but the ones that are strictly forbidden — let’s look at those foods now.

The foods you should definitely avoid during treatment: What not to eat during treatment

Your orthodontist will already provide you with a list of foods you can and cannot eat, but it’s important to be aware of the things you absolutely must avoid after wearing braces:

Thicker cuts of meat

Thick, chewy bread that is difficult to chew. For example bagels

Chewy foods like jelly beans and toffee

Crunchy products such as hard pretzels

Hard foods like raw carrots or whole apples

Articles containing sugar

Sticky Food

In short, “If it’s hard, sticky, or chewy, don’t eat it.”

can i eat

Let’s look at some of the most common questions our patients usually ask us.

can i eat chocolate

Chocolate may be eaten, but should only be eaten in moderation. Chocolate has a high sugar content, so be careful when consuming it. Instead of consuming milk chocolate, we recommend dark chocolate.

While you can consume chocolate in moderation, it’s extremely important to avoid frozen chocolate and candy – which can chip braces.

can i eat pizza

pizza is love But the pizza crust is extremely hard. Therefore, it is important to break the crust into smaller pieces. You can eat pizza but be careful with the crust.

can i eat apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away – we’ve all heard or read it. But you must be extremely careful when consuming apples with braces on. Avoid whole apples. Instead of eating them straight, consider slicing them to avoid damaging any staples or wires.

Can I eat fries with braces?

Yes – you can eat fries – but you need to make sure you brush your teeth properly and after every meal. Remove any residue with a proxy tip or dental floss tip. Also, don’t force any residue off if you’re having trouble with it – repeated attempts will only damage your braces.

can i eat sweets

Most people like to eat sweets every now and then. But trust me – you have to be careful when consuming sweets. If you like eating sweets, that’s fine. You can consume sweets in moderation – but don’t eat them all the time.

Otherwise plaque can build up – which can lead to tooth decay. And we advise you to brush immediately after eating sweets.

Safe Eating With Braces: Final Words

During the entire treatment period, you should avoid hard foods and limit foods high in sugar. And while we’ve shared the lists with you in this blog post, there’s no way we could include every single food item here — it’s literally impossible.

But our orthodontic specialists can shed more light – so you can take care of your braces and your teeth throughout the treatment period.

Highly experienced and talented, our team is committed to helping you and your family members build a stress-free, comfortable and rewarding life – one where you can count on your smile and dental health.

And if you’re struggling with your tooth movement, contact our experts today.

For a virtual consultation click HERE.

For an in-office consultation click HERE.

Can I eat tacos with braces?

Crunchy tacos, chips and other hard snacks are a big no-no while you’re wearing braces. Not only can they lead to damage, but these foods can easily get stuck in your braces which can be incredibly uncomfortable. Soft shell tacos, though, are fine, so always opt for that route.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

If you have or are considering getting braces, congratulations. You are making an incredible investment in your health – or that of your child – and will undoubtedly benefit from it for decades to come. Straight teeth and a healthy bite not only look good, but can also help boost your confidence and ward off a range of oral health problems now and in the future. To get the most out of your treatment, it’s important to follow your dentist’s or orthodontist’s plans closely, including avoiding these not-so-braces-friendly foods. Not only can they lodge in your teeth and cause immediate – and lasting – discomfort, but they can also lead to cracking, chipping, or more serious damage to both your teeth and braces.

Foods to avoid popcorn

Popcorn is one of the worst foods for people with braces. Cores can easily get stuck in your teeth without braces, so imagine what happens when you have braces and bands. And when popcorn gets stuck, it can easily lodge in your hardware, leading to breakage and cracking.

Foods to avoid Chewing gum and sticky candy

Chewing gum and other sticky candies are among the biggest culprits—and one of the most common reasons braces wearers need repairs. Even if you chew with your molars or are very careful, it’s important to avoid chewing gum and sticky candy. Their sticky consistency clings to brackets, wires, and bands and can cause major damage with a single bite.

Foods to Avoid Crispy tacos

Crunchy tacos, fries, and other hard snacks are a total no-no when you’re wearing braces. Not only can they cause damage, but these foods can easily get stuck in your braces, which can be incredibly uncomfortable. Softshell tacos are fine, though, so always go that route.

dr Harrison and the SOS team have been extremely professional on every visit, yet warm and welcoming. My daughter’s orthodontic treatment is going wonderfully and I am grateful for the entire process. Quartella B. Read more reviews here

Foods to Avoid Corn on the Cob

Corn on the cob — and fruits you bite into (think apples) — are another food group to avoid. Biting directly into these foods can break and break off your staples. Instead, cut hard fruit into small, bite-sized pieces and cut the corn off the cob before eating.

Take care of your braces with Smart Food Choices

While it can be disappointing to avoid foods you love, making a few smart changes will keep you satisfied while also ensuring your orthodontic treatment is as effective as possible. Note, however, that this list isn’t foolproof, so make wise decisions when it comes to questionable foods. If it’s very gooey, chewy, or crunchy, you should probably avoid it. Any questions? We have answers. Contact Southern Orthodontic Specialists at 901.853.9934 or 662.349.0777 to learn more and schedule your consultation.

Can I eat Pringles with braces?

Can I eat chips with braces? Yes, you just need to select the right ones. Pringles, “baked” chips and Cheeto Puffs/Fries are great braces options for chips. Just try to remember to eat ONE CHIP AT A TIME, so that you don’t accidentally break a bracket.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

As the braces go on, you should be given a list of foods to avoid and foods approved for braces…but with all the excitement, it’s hard to remember all of it. However, this is a really important part of your treatment, as food and things we eat can tear off brackets that are glued to your teeth. Broken braces usually mean uncomfortable braces, doctor visits to the emergency room, and can even increase treatment time. It’s good we have your full, comprehensive list of foods to avoid and foods to make a part of your diet right here!

What foods do you avoid during braces?

Avoid foods that are hard and crunchy or sticky and chewy. Hard and crunchies: Tortilla chips or hard-shell tortillas, Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, kettle chips, Cheez-Its, pretzels, popcorn, bread or pizza crust, crunchy french fries, well-toasted bread, fried chicken, and sandwiches/hamburgers should be avoided during braces . Also, do not eat candies and lollipops while wearing braces. Sticky and Chewy: Chewing gum, jelly beans, gummy worms, sour straws and sour belts, skittles, starbursts, jelly boans, licorice, laffy taffy, tootsie rolls, now-and-laters, and caramel chewy should also be avoided.

Are there any healthy foods to avoid while wearing braces?

There are definitely healthy foods that can break brackets. Biting into an apple, granola bar, nuts, carrots, corn on the cob, chunky peanut butter, well-cooked steak or beef jerky, and chewy and/or toasted bagels can break clenches. Avoid these.

What foods are okay during braces?

In general, you want to eat foods that dissolve easily in your mouth, don’t contain hard parts, and don’t require a lot of chewing. There are options for all different meals and snacks, it just takes a little planning and thought before eating. Read below to see your options.

What foods are okay for breakfast during braces?

Protein shakes, pancakes, eggs (any kind), hash browns that aren’t crispy, oatmeal, granola that’s slightly soggy (soak the milk for a few minutes first!), lightly toasted bread with butter or cream cheese (cut off the crust), yogurt /Cottage cheese and avocado toast.

What foods are okay for lunch and dinner during braces?

Mashed potatoes (sweet potatoes), fish (any kind including sushi), ground beef or turkey, shredded chicken or pork, steamed vegetables, pasta or ramen noodles, meatloaf, macaroni and cheese, rice, beans, burritos, soft tacos, soup/chili , tofu, quinoa, and couscous are excellent choices for your second and third meals of the day.

What are good snacks during braces?

Sliced ​​(or diced) fruits like watermelon, banana, mango, apples (or applesauce!) and small fruits like blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, along with bite-sized pieces of cheese, are a great way to eat something tasty and nutritious. Baked chips, puddings, jello, muffins are great afternoon snacks. And of course, ice cream is a great option when teeth are sore (remember to brush afterwards!).

Can I eat chips with braces?

Yes, you just have to choose the right ones. Pringles, baked chips, and Cheeto puffs/fries are great chip options. Just try to remember to EAT ONE CHIP AT A TIME so you don’t accidentally break a staple.

Can I drink soda with braces?

Technically, yes, you can drink whatever you want with braces on. However, drinks with sugar cause cavities and teeth are harder to clean with braces. So if your brushing isn’t 5-star, you may end up with tooth decay before your braces treatment is complete. It is best to avoid sugary drinks during braces. But if you drink them, be sure to brush right after and keep your teeth perfectly clean to avoid cavities!!

This is a great list, but we can’t tell you all the foods in the world to avoid with braces…so…when in doubt or when unsure, avoid the food that reminds you They think because broken brackets are never worth it.

Can I eat Oreos with braces?

You want to avoid anything crunchy or hard, which means no nuts, potato chips, or popcorn. Instead, opt for Cheetos or Pirate Booty. Soft cookies (without nuts) are good, but avoid hard cookies like Oreos and Chips Ahoy unless you’re a milk dunker. Ice cream is fine, but skip the nuts and hard candy toppings.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

The biggest fear most teenagers seem to have when they’re told they need braces is the thought of having to live on mashed potatoes for years. Let’s dispel this myth right now and explore the foods that can be eaten with braces on. With braces comes the responsibility of maintaining the hardware, which unfortunately means a slightly different diet.

Why it’s important to eat the right foods

Traditional braces are a series of brackets and wires used to straighten the alignment of your teeth. They are strong enough to position your teeth correctly, but they are easily damaged. Eating the wrong foods can loosen the wires and ligaments, which can lead to an emergency trip to the orthodontist for repairs.

Foods to avoid include anything sticky, chewy, overly hard, or crunchy. If you are a gum chewer, ask your doctor which gum is safe to chew with braces. Remember that your dietary restrictions are only a temporary inconvenience. The perfect smile after treatment is worth giving up potato chips for a moment.

Food with braces

Instead of talking about what you can’t eat, let’s focus on what you can eat. With that in mind, let’s discuss some food types and how to assess them for their “harm potential.”

side dishes, sandwiches and soups

Almost everything in this category can be eaten with braces. Some cheeses are incredibly hard, so of course you should avoid those. Soups are probably all in the good to eat category too.

Bread and grain will be a mixture. Most flour-based products such as tortillas, pancakes, donuts, muffins (no nuts), and pasta are fine. Avoid hard breads like bagels, crusty rolls, and thin pizza crusts. For pizza, stick to the pan style with softer crusts and avoid hard toppings like bacon.

Meat, seafood and spaghetti

Most seafood is on the okay-to-eat list. Most cooked chicken is tender and delicate. However, avoid the turkey leg straight off the bone as it may be a little tricky for your hardware.

Common sense should be used when it comes to steak and pork. Tender cuts like roast beef or pulled pork are fine. Hamburgers (skip the crispy bacon), meatballs, lasagna, and ground beef are all good. Lunchmeats are all good but be careful with hard salami and pepperoni.

fruits, vegetables and snacks

Soft fruits are in. Hard fruits are out. Fruit cocktail, diced peaches, mixed fruit, applesauce, and the like are all good. Raw vegetables are usually not good because they are too hard, but boiling or steaming vegetables is definitely on the menu. And of course, the aforementioned mashed potatoes are always a great choice.

Snacks are another area of ​​common sense. You should avoid anything crunchy or hard, such as nuts, potato chips, or popcorn. Opt for Cheetos or Pirate Booty instead. Soft cookies (no nuts) are good, but avoid hard cookies like Oreos and Chips Ahoy unless you’re a dairy dunker. Ice cream is ok but skip the nuts and candies. Milkshakes are good too, as are jello, custard, and soft cake.

Yeah we said pizza (sort of)

Pizza is a teenager’s staple. It would be heartless and cruel to take that away from him, even temporarily. But use common sense when eating. When it comes to food, keep in mind whether or not it could damage your hardware. If it could damage your braces, it’s best to avoid it.

Contact Centralia Orthodontics with additional questions. Use the contact form to request an appointment or the live chat function on our website in the lower right corner. You can also call our office at (360) 736-0129.

Follow us on social media too!



Can you eat Mcdonald’s chicken nuggets with braces?

Here are some ideas of soft fast foods you can eat with braces: Pizza —avoid the crust. Brownies — no nuts. Chicken nuggets — cut these into pieces to avoid damaging your braces!

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

One of the most common questions patients ask is, “Can I eat after getting braces?” The answer is yes! But you need to make a few small changes to your fridge.

During the first week of treatment, your teeth and gums may feel a little sore as they adjust to the pressure of your brackets and wires. Choose softer, colder foods this week. Our wires are also temperature sensitive, and eating colder foods helps the wires become more flexible and helps your teeth feel less sore… pretty cool!

We’re here to help you transition to your new braces diet with five simple tips to ensure a smooth treatment process with minimal discomfort.

Eating with braces

We want you to enjoy your new braces treatment and maximize your end results – and that means taking care of your braces so you don’t end up with broken brackets and messy wires! Follow these helpful tips to ride the wave of confidence with us throughout your treatment.

1. Soft foods. Your teeth and gums can be sore for the first week with braces, so stocking your fridge with soft foods is a good idea. Deciding on a gentler diet is the first step in relieving pain as you adjust to the gentle pressure of your new treatment. Also, your orthodontist will adjust your braces every 8 to 10 weeks to keep your smile transformation on track. After these fitting appointments, you may notice some minor pain! Here are some soft, tasty food ideas for a tender mouth:

Scrambled eggs – try adding some avocado, salt and pepper!

Healthy smoothies – add your favorite fruits!

Soft Fruits – Avoid apples and other hard foods during your treatment (It’s easier to cut these fruits into bite-sized pieces

instead of biting them. Biting into whole fruit can break brackets and make your teeth sore!)

Soft Bread – soft buns and delicious pastries (Avoid hard crusts!)

Dairy products – yogurt, milk and cottage cheese

2. Avoid sticky candy. As tempting as candy can be, it’s important to avoid candy that’s hard, gooey, or chewy, as they can damage your braces by loosening a bracket or dislodging a wire. However, not all sweets are off the table! Here are some ideas for sweet treats that you can choose as an alternative – as long as you brush and floss your teeth afterwards.


soft chocolate

Ice cream, sherbert or sorbet

3. Fast food to eat with braces. We know you have a busy schedule and sometimes need to eat on the go. There are some fast foods that you can eat with braces. (Remember, you shouldn’t eat hard foods during your treatment. Crunchy foods can damage your braces and may require an emergency visit to our office!) Here are some soft fast food ideas to eat with braces:

Pizza – avoid the crust

Brownies – no nuts

Chicken nuggets – cut these into chunks to avoid damaging your braces!

Soft tacos with all the trimmings – avoid hard shells!

4. Chew carefully. It can take a few days to adjust to your braces treatment, so we encourage you to take your time and be patient with yourself! Choosing a softer diet allows you to chew comfortably without damaging your braces or irritating your gums. After the first week, as you become more comfortable with your braces and adjusted to your changing bite, you will have more food choices!

5. Saltwater. It is normal for patients to experience some pain for a few days after getting their new braces. If your mouth is sore, we recommend gargling with a warm salt water solution! Mix one teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water and swish it around in your mouth. (You can also take Tylenol or an over-the-counter pain reliever to relieve the pain.)

We want you to smile from ear to ear during and after your orthodontic treatment! At your free initial consultation, our exceptional doctors (Dr Caudill and Dr McNeight) will tell you everything you need to know about your treatment! We give you tips and advice on what to expect in your first week with braces and what to expect during the rest of your treatment.

If you prefer orthodontic treatment that doesn’t require a change in diet, consider Invisalign®! The clear Invisalign aligners can be removed at mealtime, so you don’t have any dietary restrictions. We’re proud to be the only Invisalign Diamond Plus provider in Brevard County! This means we offer Invisalign for the same price as braces and can treat complex cases that other orthodontists may not be able to!

At Caudill & McNeight Orthodontics, we offer orthodontic treatments for all ages using only the most advanced treatments and technologies. We approach each patient individually. When you begin treatment with us, you can rest assured that you are in the best of hands.

If you’re ready to take the next step, request your free exam from us today! Catch a wave of confidence with us in Melbourne, Merritt Island or Viera.

What color is best for braces?

Choose gold, dark blue, pink, orange, turquoise, green, or violet to complement darker skin tones. Choose light blue, bronze, dark purple, or subdued reds and pinks to complement lighter skin tones. Choose darker colors to make your teeth appear whiter.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

It’s summer and a great time to change up the colors of your braces, but which colors should you choose and which colors should you avoid? From colors like red and blue to green, yellow, purple or pink, the options are virtually endless and Sturbridge orthodontists have the colors you desire. There is no official style guide for braces, but these suggestions may help you narrow down your choices:

Choose gold, dark blue, pink, orange, teal, green, or purple to complement darker skin tones.

Choose light blue, bronze, deep purple, or muted reds and pinks to complement lighter skin tones.

Choose darker colors to make your teeth appear whiter.

Watch out for lighter colors that could make your teeth look more yellow.

Consider colors that complement or complement your eyes.

Think of colors that complement the color of the clothes you wear most often.

Try your school colors or the colors of your favorite sports team.

Go red, white and blue for Memorial Day and the 4th of July.

of July. Feel festive during the holidays with red and green for Christmas or blue and pink for Easter.

Glow-in-the-dark ribbons are fun for Halloween.

You should avoid these colors:

Black (may appear like your teeth are rotting or food is stuck in your teeth).

(may appear like your teeth are rotting or food is getting stuck in your teeth). White (can make your teeth appear more yellow and white gums tend to stain more easily).

(can make your teeth appear more yellow and white gums tend to stain more easily). Yellow (tends to enhance the appearance of yellow-tinted teeth).

(tends to increase the appearance of yellow-tinted teeth). Green or brown (can be mistaken for food in your teeth).

Don’t be afraid to ask about different colors of braces at every orthodontic visit. If you are unsure about shade selection, consult a Sturbridge Orthodontist for suggestions and advice. Call to schedule an appointment today for more information on how to jazz up your braces.

Do braces not eat list?

Foods to avoid with your braces are:
  • Nuts.
  • Potato chips.
  • Popcorn.
  • Crunchy veggies.
  • Hard candies (such as jolly ranchers or lollipops)
  • Gum (Sugar-free gum is okay)
  • Sticky candies (like laffy-taffy or gummy bears)
  • Corn on the cob.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

Wondering what foods you can eat while wearing braces? Can you still have pizza? What about chewing gum? Will you only eat soft foods in the next two years? What do you avoid completely with braces? These are all great questions to think about if you’re considering braces in the future!

The good news is that you don’t have to stick to a totally soft diet for the next two years. There are many good foods that you can still have while wearing your braces. Awareness of “good” and “bad” food is very important so that you can take care of your braces throughout your treatment and get the best results.

Why certain foods must be avoided with braces

Your braces may have brackets, bands, and archwires, all of which can be damaged by certain foods. Avoiding very hard or sticky food is a big priority. In addition to avoiding certain foods, proper hygiene is essential to ensure no cavities form around the braces. If food debris is not properly cleaned from teeth and braces, tartar and plaque can build up, which can cause white stains on the surfaces of teeth.

Foods you can’t eat with braces

Crunchy and sticky foods like nuts and gum, and candy like lollipops and candy canes can loosen brackets and wires, which can delay treatment. Foods to avoid with your braces include:


Potato Chips


Crunchy vegetables

Candies (such as Jolly Ranchers or lollipops)

chewing gum (sugar-free gum is fine)

Sticky candies (like laffy taffy or jelly beans)

corn on the cob


Beef jerky

pizza crust

It’s not just hard foods that can damage the devices in your mouth! Other items and habits to avoid that could damage brackets include:

pen chewing

chewing pencil

Chewing finger nails


chew straw

It is important not to chew on hard objects!

Foods you can eat with braces

Now that you know what you can’t have with braces, let’s talk about all the good things you can have! While there are many things to avoid with braces, there are many tasty things to still enjoy. For example, you can still enjoy:


Mashed potatoes

Boneless meat

soft vegetables



Dairy products

Soft breads and sandwiches


Pizza (without crust)

Even with braces we can enjoy the beautiful things in life! At each visit, Dr. Green and your dental assistant check the braces for damage to the brackets or plaque build-up. All of our patients receive a short course after their braces are fitted to learn how to best care for your appliances to ensure they stay in tip-top shape throughout your treatment. Remembering the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” can have a huge impact on your treatment outcome and will help get that beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of!

Do hot drinks help braces pain?

Hot Food and Drinks

If you get your braces tightened during the colder part of the year, you may feel adversely about ingesting cold food and drink products. Luckily, hot or warm drinks and food such as soup, tea, oatmeal, can have a soothing effect on the pain in your mouth.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

While putting on braces doesn’t actually hurt or cause pain, the pressure of the newly donned gear can cause some mild mouth soreness when you first get braces. This is common when people first put on their braces and when their orthodontist in Idaho Falls tightens the bands every six weeks or as needed. Since you are dealing with moving bones and teeth, pressure and pain are common. In addition to the pressure, your new brackets can rub or irritate the inside of your mouth, leading to chafing and potential lacerations. Thankfully, this pain will go away after a few days. In the meantime, the following ten remedies and treatments can help relieve and counteract pain from braces

If you have pain for more than a week, make an appointment with your Idaho Falls orthodontic office, Randall Orthodontics. We can see what is causing the unwarranted pain and find a solution.

Read on to learn more about how you can get rid of mouth pain from braces now.

Reduce mouth soreness before your appointment


Take an over-the-counter pain reliever about an hour before your appointment. Of course, be sure to follow the directions on the bottle. Pain relievers can also be used in the days following your appointment; However, taking painkillers regularly can be dangerous. Use painkillers sparingly and as directed.

Ways to relieve mouth pain right after your Idaho Falls orthodontist appointment

The following treatments can be performed right after your appointment

Use orthodontic wax

Whether it’s your first or third appointment, after you leave, make sure your orthodontist in Idaho Falls gives you enough orthodontic wax until your next appointment. Your new braces and wires can leave the insides of your cheeks and lips sore; orthodontic wax acts as a barrier. It can be helpful to harden the skin near these brackets and wires so you don’t have to use wax over time.

Gargle with salt water

Rinsing your mouth with salt water after putting on or tightening your braces can help relieve pain and keep bacteria at bay — a critical issue that can arise if your braces initially cause sores or cuts in your mouth. To effectively rinse with salt water, you should:

Stir 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of table or sea salt with a cup of warm water until completely dissolved.

Once your solution is ready, swish it in your mouth and around your teeth for about 30-60 seconds. When the time is up, spit out the saline solution into the sink—do not swallow.

Repeat as needed to reduce pain.

Use an ice pack

An ice pack works great to reduce inflammation and pain caused by braces. When using an ice pack, be careful never to put ice directly on the skin and wrap it with a cloth if necessary. Put the ice pack on the affected area with some pressure for 10-20 minutes. You can repeat as many times as necessary. However, if you don’t seem to feel any pain relief from the ice pack, you should try using a heating pad instead.

heating pad

As with an ice pack, apply a heating pad or warm washcloth to the affected area for 10-20 minutes throughout the day. Some orthodontic patients in Idaho Falls alternately use both an ice pack and a heating pad to combat the discomfort caused by putting on or tightening braces.

Medicinal ointments

If you have pain in certain areas of your mouth like the upper or lower gums, you can try an over-the-counter medicated ointment like Orajel. These medicated gels relieve pain and lightly numb the area of ​​application. Read the instructions and apply as instructed.

Foods and drinks that can relieve pain from braces

Blueberry smoothie in a glass on a rustic table

In addition to medications and topical treatments, certain foods and drinks can also help get rid of the pain you may be experiencing. Here are what some of our patients have tried in the past and had successful results:

Cold food and drinks

Just like an ice pack, eating cold foods like ice cream, smoothies, frozen yogurt, ice water, etc. can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. However, be sure to avoid soda and sugary drinks and limit your ice cream consumption.

Warm food and drinks

Tightening your braces during the colder months can make you uncomfortable when consuming cold food and drinks. Fortunately, hot or warm beverages and foods like soup, tea, oatmeal can have a calming effect on mouth pain.

soft food

In addition to being mindful of the temperature of your food and drink to avoid excessive pain, stick to soft foods and avoid hard, crunchy, and chewy foods. For now, stick to soups, yogurt, mashed potatoes, smoothies, etc. However, while wearing braces, you should continue to avoid crunchy, chewy, and hard foods such as chips, raw vegetables, caramels, candies, and chewing gum.

Finally, have patience!

Like most things worth waiting for, braces take time, and there will be a time when you feel uncomfortable. Instead of focusing on the pain, try to be patient and do something productive that takes the focus off of the pressure and potential pain you may be experiencing. Walking, spending time with friends, cooking, and even meditating are all ways you can take your focus beyond the pain. Plus, know that it will only last a few days, but your new smile will last forever.

If you have any questions or concerns about your Idaho Falls braces, you can always contact our office. We want to help you get your dream smile with as little pain as possible.

Can you eat burgers with braces?

You can still eat things like ice cream, brownies, cookies, cake, French fries, burger, hot dogs, and pizza (just avoid the crust), no problem.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

Making life with braces easy for Bethel Park patients

There’s no escaping it – braces will have an impact on your lifestyle. However, with a little effort, you can minimize the impact on your life and get the most out of your smile investment. The following sections are designed to provide you with some basic information on fitting your new orthodontic appliances, proper care and protection from damage. As always, feel free to contact Cartwright Orthodontics with any questions!

Eating with braces

Everyone at Cartwright Orthodontics wants your smile to be amazing when your braces are removed. All it takes is a little care and knowing what to avoid and you can have that great smile!

You need to limit or even avoid certain foods. You can avoid problems while wearing your braces by cutting back on sugar and sodas! If you eat or drink something with a lot of sugar, rinse your mouth out with water or better yet, brush after eating or drinking. Sugar causes plaque to grow quickly, which can lead to swollen gums, decalcification, and tooth decay. Decalcification is the plaque that damages or eats away the enamel. When your braces are removed your teeth can become discolored and unfortunately this is permanent.

Next, avoid eating foods that are sticky or chewy like gum, caramel, toffee, tootsie buns, jelly beans, and other similar sweets. They can pull brackets off teeth and bend wires. Avoid very hard foods like ice cream, jolly ranchers and lollipops – they ruin everything!

Hard breads like bagels, chewy pizza crusts, tortilla chips, hard taco shells, thick pretzels, and cauldron-cooked potato chips can all wreak havoc on your devices. Also, please do not eat popcorn, nuts and seeds as the pieces may get stuck in your devices or break them.

Hard fruits and vegetables should be cut into bite-sized pieces so you don’t just rip them in with your incisors – let your molars do the work for a while. But please continue to eat your fruits and vegetables! Remember, take small bites.

You can still eat things like ice cream, brownies, cookies, cakes, french fries, burgers, hot dogs, and pizza (just avoid the crust), no problem.

Below is a list of foods to avoid and foods you can eat. If you are careful and practice good oral hygiene, you will Cartwright estimated time to achieve a great smile.

Foods to avoid:

Instead of: hard pretzels

Hard Taco Shells

Doritos, Cheetos, Fritos


carrot sticks

apples, pears or peaches

Hard buns, bagels or crust

Ribs, chicken wings or drumsticks

Corn on the cob Try: soft pretzels or thin pretzel sticks

Soft tacos or burritos

Cheese puffs, cheese balls or potato chips

Caseless popcorn

Carrot curls or thin sticks

Cut fruit into pieces

Cut or break bread into small pieces

Detach meat from bone

Corn from the cob

Foods you should never eat

What can you eat the first week of braces?

Here’s a list for first week of braces foods that we recommend our patients stock up on.
  • Eggs.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Smoothies.
  • Cold drinks.
  • Yogurt.
  • Noodles and pasta.
  • Soup.
  • Mashed potatoes.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

It is common for children and adults to experience mild discomfort or tooth sensitivity when they first wear braces. Your gums can be a little sensitive for a few weeks, which means you may need to make some dietary changes. We understand this challenge!

The initial tenderness is part of the process of getting a perfect smile. The good news? The sensation won’t last too long, I promise!

We get a lot of questions from our patients so we’ve compiled them with the following information so you know what to expect in the first week of wearing braces and what foods we recommend.

Why do braces hurt at first?

Over time, braces gradually align your teeth and jawbones by applying pressure. Although this pressure is gentle, it is constant. This can cause the gums to feel sore and the teeth to become slightly more sensitive. Many patients experience this pain when they first get braces and sometimes after fitting appointments.

It is normal for patients to experience:

The feeling of pressure in your gums and teeth

Minor abrasions in your cheeks caused by the newly placed braces in your mouth – (see these top 5 ways to deal with mouth sores!)

Cuts on the tongue

How long will the symptoms last?

The good news is that initial sensitivity only lasts about a week or two after you first get braces. However, you may need to change your diet during this introductory period.

Foods to eat in the first week of wearing braces

Wondering what to eat in the first week with braces? We recommend eating soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing. Here is a list of foods we recommend our patients to eat for the first week of braces.




Cold drinks


Noodles and Noodles


Mashed potatoes

soft fruits


For younger patients, we also recommend parents pack a lunch with these soft foods to eat with braces for school-age children.

to avoid foods

In general, the following foods should be avoided. It can be easy to avoid these for the first week if your teeth are still sore, but try to avoid these foods as much as possible during your treatment as well. These foods can damage your brackets or wires.


Hard Candy

Chewy foods like gum and toffee



Hard pizza crust

Frequently asked questions we receive

Q. How long after getting braces can you eat normal or solid food?

A. The time it takes to adjust to the pressure exerted by the braces varies from patient to patient. Some may get used to the feeling in a few days, while others may take a week. Returning to a normal diet — which is also “braces friendly” — can take a week on average.

Q. Besides eating soft foods, is there anything else I can do for the pain?

A. For patients with moderate symptoms, an over-the-counter pain reliever can be taken. Try gargling some warm salt water to relieve discomfort too!

Q. How do I properly care for the braces in the first week?

A. Proper care of braces should continue well beyond the first week and be a committed effort throughout the course of treatment. This includes brushing and flossing your teeth after each meal and regular dental cleanings.

A beautiful smile is worth it

Braces can help patients experience the smile and confidence they’ve always dreamed of. While they may cause a little discomfort at first, it will wear off quickly. A week of mild muscle soreness is worth a lifetime of trust!

Do you have anymore questions?

Do you have anymore questions? We want to hear them! We’re here to answer all of your questions about traditional braces, retainers, or Invisalign clear aligners. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

If you’re ready to get started, request your free consultation today.

How hot is a Hot Pocket?

For food safety and quality, read and follow these cooking instructions to ensure the product reaches internal temperature of 165°F. Cook thoroughly before eating. Product will be hot! Save your taste buds and wait for your sandwich to cool.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks


Remove carefully from the oven and enjoy.

*Ovens vary; Cooking time may need to be adjusted.

leave frozen. For food safety and quality reasons, read and follow these cooking instructions to ensure product reaches an internal temperature of 165°F. Cook thoroughly before eating. Product gets hot! Save your taste buds and wait for your sandwich to cool.

Is it safe to eat a thawed Hot Pocket?

Is it safe to eat a HOT POCKETS® brand sandwich item once it is thawed? Absolutely do not eat any HOT POCKETS® sandwiches if they are thawed. Always prepare them according to the cooking recommendations on the package.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

Each variety may have slightly different cooking times, but in general, when reheating a HOT POCKETS® brand sandwich in the microwave, we recommend cooking for two minutes. Leave for two minutes to finish cooking and enjoy. For conventional ovens, preheat the oven to 350°F and bake (without the crisper sleeve) for 28 minutes. Ovens vary and cooking time may need to be adjusted.

Cooking times vary depending on the product, the amount of product to be cooked and the appliance you are cooking with. For specific instructions for each HOT POCKETS® sandwich style, visit our Cooking Time page.

How do Hot Pocket sleeves work?

Here’s why it works: The sleeve on the outside of a Hot Pocket is called a susceptor. It’s made with a material that turns a microwave’s electromagnetic energy into radiant heat. Instead of just steaming the food, the microwave acts like a broiler and will crisp bread instead of steaming it dry.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

Did you know that you can make a crunchy grilled cheese sandwich or a crunchy pizza in your microwave? It’s all thanks to the magic of the little sleeves that surround Hot Pockets, useful for more than just heating that empanada in the freezer. Consume the Hot Pocket then save the sleeves for this office lunch hack.

For a grilled cheese, butter the outside of two slices of bread, season with salt, and place grated or sliced ​​cheese inside. Then cut the sandwich to the size of the Hot Pocket sleeve and slide it inside. Microwave on high for about a minute and a half.

For pizza, cut to fit inside the Hot Pocket sleeve, place inside and microwave on high for about a minute.

Here’s how it works: The shell on the outside of a Hot Pocket is called a susceptor. It is made of a material that converts the electromagnetic energy from a microwave into radiant heat. Instead of just steaming the food, the microwave acts like a grill and crunches bread instead of steaming it dry.

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Chips you can eat with Braces #braces #chips

Chips you can eat with Braces #braces #chips
Chips you can eat with Braces #braces #chips

See some more details on the topic can you eat hot pockets with braces here:

Can You Eat Hot Pockets With Braces Recipes – TfRecipes

Flaming Hot Cheetos and Takis have earned the number one spot as a food that you must avo with braces. Popcorn is one of the best snacks for ks, teens and …

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Date Published: 11/11/2021

View: 3953

Can You Eat Hot Pockets With Braces? [Explained] – Instador

The answer is no. It is not advisable to eat hot pockets with braces. The main reason is that the hot pocket’s dough and meat and cheese fillings are chewy and …

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Date Published: 11/11/2021

View: 2502

What Can You Eat With Braces – ProSmiles Orthodontics

Hot chips such as Flaming Hot Cheetos, Takis and Sabritones are the number one food that you can not eat with braces. Flaming Hot Cheetos, Takis …

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Date Published: 9/26/2022

View: 3531

examples of hard foods to avoid – Dr. Chris Tsintolas

WHAT TO EAT AND NOT TO EAT. A QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE FOR DR. … big sandwiches, subs, Hot Pockets ….. cut into small pieces … break brackets off teeth,.

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Date Published: 4/12/2021

View: 1744

Can You Eat Pizza with Braces and Other Foods – IS – Invisalign

Braces are created by modern technology, so no need to worry about your meals. You can eat all types of soft foods, as usual, just some hard and sticky food you …

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Life with Braces – Greenway Orthodontics

Until you become accustomed to eating with your new braces, you may find it beneficial to follow a diet consisting of soft foods. Will the braces cause …

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Avoiding Hot Pockets – Placerville Dental Group

Our Placerville dentists know how common chronic periodontitis is and how to treat it. At every exam and cleaning they do a “gum pocket …

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What Can You Eat with Braces, and What Should You Avoid?

spicy foods; citrus foods. You’ll be able to eat these items once your teeth adjust to having braces.

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Date Published: 9/8/2022

View: 2235

Can You Eat Hot Pockets With Braces Recipes

2022-06-21 Fruits like raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are best eaten with braces, especially if your wires just got changed and your teeth are tender to the touch. 9. Seafood. Most seafood, such as tuna, salmon, and crab, is naturally soft and easy on your braces.

2020-11-17 Here are 50 delicious foods to eat with braces this holiday season: turkey (tender and boneless) ham. Fork-tender beef such as brisket, roast beef or pot roast. Lamb (tender and boneless) Chicken (tender and boneless) Meatloaf. Salmon and other soft-cooked fish and seafood.

Try some of these ideas and recipes for great snacks that are easy on your braces. Fruits and vegetables . You still need to eat fruits and vegetables for the healthy nutrients. The trick is to cut harder objects into small pieces that you can easily chew with your molars. Canned fruit is also a good choice, but choose water-packed fruit to avoid the heavy, sugary syrups. It is a …

2021-10-25 Good news – there are candies that you can eat without restriction, although you wear braces they will not damage the wires and brackets. Some of these are candy bars – dark, milk or white, gelatin based candies, ice cream, smoothies, cookies, crackers, candy bars (e.g. Kit-Kat), most fruits. Kit-Kat candy bars are soft…

milkshakes. fruit smoothies. Pasta, such as macaroni and cheese, ravioli, spaghetti, etc. Rice. Chili. beef stew. Sugar should always be consumed sparingly! This is even more important if you wear braces. Eating and drinking sugary foods and drinks greatly increases the risk of tooth decay because the sugar has more areas for it to hide.

Yes, you can eat fudge brownies even if you wear braces. But you must know how to eat fudge brownies. First trim the edges of the brownie. Then, take a knife and cut the brownie into bite-sized pieces. Now place the brownie pieces between two pieces of wax paper. Place the wax paper on a plate.

2022-04-29 Boil a very small amount of water – about an inch or two. Let the water boil, then turn the heat down until the water stops boiling but is still very hot. Use a spatula to pop the bubbles at the bottom of the pan, but don’t stir. Place the saucepan with the egg in the water and pour the egg in – don’t drop it.

To make hot pocket bread dough, you need to mix flour, yeast, salt, sugar, shortening, milk, eggs, and butter. Then knead the mixture into a smooth ball. Then let the dough rest until it has doubled in volume. Once the dough has doubled in size, roll out into a rectangular shape about 1/2 inch thick.

Hummus and pairings. Don’t feel caught between sandwiches and soups. Hummus and delicious pairings are acceptable soft foods for braces. Try slicing peppers and enjoying them with hummus for a filling meal. You can also thinly slice hard vegetables like cucumbers and carrots and dip them in hummus.

Somehow, it wasn’t until 2001 that the makers of Hot Pockets figured out that these sandwiches could be turned into on-the-go breakfast items. Now you can eat your eggs in…

2022-06-18 Eating Toast with Braces Tip #1. Slice your toast before eating, then eat with your molars. We usually eat the toast by tearing off a piece with our teeth and chewing it. This won’t be healthy with expensive braces, so we need a way to avoid using the front teeth for cutting and the middle teeth for chewing.

2016-01-06 Try some of these ideas and recipes for great snacks that are gentle on your braces. Fruits and vegetables . You still need to eat fruits and vegetables for the healthy nutrients. The trick is to cut harder objects into small pieces that you can easily chew with your molars. Canned fruit is also a good choice, but choose water-packed fruit to avoid the heavy,…

2021-01-12 Your child will likely need to learn to chew differently, so starting with a softer diet can help. These are some ideas for foods to eat after getting braces: Mashed potatoes. Yogurt. soups. Scrambled eggs. Oatmeal. Soft fruit (berries, bananas) soft cheese.

2021-09-05 Foods to avoid with braces are… Chewy foods like lollipops and licorice. Crunchy foods like chips and popcorn. Sticky foods like caramel, gum, and Snickers. Hard foods like nuts and pretzels. Foods that require a good bite, such as whole apples, raw carrots, and corn on the cob.

2013-10-03 Cereals, Grains, Nuts and Seeds. Whole grains provide essential nutrients and our orthodontist recommends eating these foods, which are made up of grains, nuts and seeds. Soft, wholesome bread with no crust and cut into small bite-sized pieces. Cookies and crescent rolls are a lot easier to eat than hard buns and bagels.

Here’s a list of foods you can eat with braces: Bread, most breads are fine, but avoid bread with nuts. Additionally, if you’re eating bagels or bread with a hard or chewy crust, it’s a good idea to cut it up into smaller bites. Dairy products, including cheese, milk and yogurt. Grains such as rice, pasta and oatmeal. Protein including eggs, chicken…

2022-04-25 1. Candy. High on the list of foods every orthodontist should avoid while wearing braces is candy. Candies are notorious for damaging braces — that’s why it’s one of the top food restrictions when it comes to braces. It can break brackets, pull wires out of position, and get stuck between your teeth, leading to tooth decay.

10/19/2020 You can repeat this as often as you like. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever as directed by the manufacturer or your doctor. You can take anything you would use for a headache. Know the foods to avoid with braces and stay away from them. We give you a list of the foods you can’t eat with braces that…

Some of the safe fast food options that you can have with braces without causing pain and sensitivity to them are: 1. Pizza. Yes, you read it right. You can still enjoy this delicious meal with braces as long as you avoid a crunchy crust. You can eat the soft-crust pizza that has easy-to-chew toppings.

2017-08-17 Fluffy scrambled eggs. You may want to save this food for the second or third day after braces as it may take a little longer to chew depending on the veggies you put in your eggs. To make your eggs extra fluffy and easier to eat, add milk to the eggs and whisk vigorously. Whisking the eggs with milk adds air which…

2021-03-23 ​​Hard buns or bagels. Even your morning bagel must be left behind, at least for a while. Because your teeth move with the force of the braces, ripping and ripping into a chewy bagel or hard roll can throw off the alignment of your teeth. Skipping them is the best way to keep yourself from changing the way your teeth are…

2021-10-11 However, this sacrifice is necessary if you want your braces to do the job properly. Some ideal foods to eat with braces are: Seafood. Pasta. Scrambled eggs. Mashed potatoes. grains. Boiled and soft vegetables. soft cheese.

Sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and snickerdoodles are all great desserts—when they’re soft. If you’re topping a sugar cookie with extra sweetness, use frosting, not sprinkles. Keep nuts off your chocolate chip cookies (because of your braces, yes, but also because you’re not a monster). You also want to be sure that you don’t have…

2022-03-06 You can eat meat with braces. Thing is, meat can get caught in it and damage your braces. Orthodontists suggest that if you wear braces and want to eat meat, here’s what you should do: Eat boneless and tender meat. Eat slowly and with little pressure on your jaw. Eat bite-sized pieces of meat.

2022-04-29 The short answer is yes, but there are some guidelines you must follow. First of all, avoid eating sticky, hard, or crunchy foods. You should also avoid eating things like crust pizza, popcorn, or Cheetos, as these can damage your braces. If you really want to enjoy fries, make sure you eat them soft.

2022-02-16 20 foods you CANNOT eat with braces. 1. Potato chips: This food causes a gummy mass on braces. 2. Raw Celery or Carrots: Cook these foods instead for safer eating. 3. Nuts: Hard nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews can damage braces. 4.

2022-02-21 Soups are a quick and easy soft meal with braces. 12. Soft fruit. Fruit tastes great at any time of the day and with any meal. Try soft fruits like bananas, grapes, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, or peaches. They can be delicious soft foods for braces. However, be careful with crunchy fruits like apples. 13.

2021-03-17 Mashed potatoes, steamed spinach, and boiled beans are some of the best vegetables to have when you have braces in New Jersey. Skip raw vegetables and stick to anything that’s soft-cooked and easy to chew. Many fruits are easy to eat, such as applesauce, bananas, and fruit juice. An apple a day can keep the doctor away, but skip the raw apples if…

2015-10-22 Minimal chewing is required, and that’s the key to a braces-friendly recipe. A healthy breakfast provides energy and gets your metabolism going. A smoothie is not only a good source of fruit, but it’s also easy on braces. More importantly, smoothies are fun to create. You can throw anything in the blender (bananas, mangoes, strawberries…

2021-10-11 Candy like this can damage your teeth and braces. These hard and sticky treats can get stuck in the brackets and wires of your braces. It could even cause the staples to loosen, break, or pop off. 1. Caramel. Caramel is delicious, but it’s also sticky and chewy, so it’s best avoided.

2015-10-13 At Clear Advantage Dental & Orthodontic Clinic, Drs. Suzanne Cziraki and our staff know that eating with braces can be difficult. You want to avoid damage. At Clear Advantage Dental & Orthodontic Clinic, Drs. Suzanne Cziraki and our staff know that eating with braces can be difficult. You want to avoid damage. Skip to content. New Patient Forms | Book a…

Avoid eating meat straight off the bone. For example, chicken wings, roast chicken, roast meat or fish with bones. Braces can get dented when bones get caught in your teeth. 9. Nuts. Most nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, or cashews, are hard and the chunks can dislodge brackets and break bracket wires. 10

04/05/2022 Hard and crunchy food is a no-go. Therefore, chips are not usually recommended with braces. Pringles provide some relief because you don’t have to chew hard, and Pringles break into lots of pieces on the first bite. But make sure you only eat one at a time to avoid putting too much pressure on the braces.

Noodles, soft rice. Soft or semi-hard cheese, milk, yoghurt, pudding. Fruits like bananas and berries (but watch out for seeds!) Steamed or roasted vegetables, mashed or mashed potatoes, carrots, suede. Apple, pear or rhubarb compote. Cut fresh fruit or vegetables into smaller pieces.

2019-05-23 Chewy foods can also damage the delicate components of your braces and make chewing more painful for those who wear braces. It is recommended that children and adults who wear braces not avoid chewy foods such as bagels, bread, and baked goods. Chocolate. Granola bar.

2019-03-11 Baked Mac and Cheese. Even people who have had their own recipe for homemade baked macaroni and cheese for years ask for mine when they try this version with crumbs. For the best baked macaroni and cheese, use…

Eating is a big part of living with braces and can be challenging, especially when you are first starting out. Follow your orthodontist’s rules about what you can and can’t eat. But trust the experts, they are there to help you…

Warm cereal is perfect during braces, so continue to eat oatmeal, rice flakes, cream of wheat, and other similarly soft warm cereals. Hard, crunchy cereal that you eat with milk isn’t safe to eat with braces on. bite…

2019-11-13 3 sweet potatoes. The nutritional value of the sweet potato is well known. It’s an extremely versatile and soft food to eat with braces on. It can be prepared in a number of ways, e.g. B. baked, steamed, fried or …

2019-07-30 Pancakes, waffles, and muffins (no nuts) are all on the list of foods you can eat with braces. You should avoid syrup and all…

Are you on a diet or just want to check the nutritional values ​​and ingredients of your food? We will help you find recipes by cooking method, nutritional value, ingredients … Try it »

frequently asked Questions

Can you eat hard food with braces? Crispy foods can cause the staple wires to bend, the bands to loosen, and the staples to fall off. Or they could get stuck in braces, causing discomfort and possibly tooth decay. However, some hard foods can also be eaten if chewed properly. When you straighten teeth with aligners, your nutritional needs will be slightly different.

What Healthy Snacks Can You Eat With Braces? Healthy snacks recommended when you have braces include: Sticking to easy-to-eat foods that are nutritious and low in sugar can also help prevent tooth decay from forming. There are some healthy snacks that can also damage your braces, so it’s important to be careful when consuming these foods, which can include:

Can you eat cookies with braces? You can eat cookies all you want as long as they’re not chewy — in which case cookies (and any candy) can bend the wires in your braces. Don’t reach for caramelized apples as they are difficult to bite into.

Foods You Can and Can’t Eat with Braces – Orthodontist Raleigh NC

What can you eat with braces? Can you eat chocolate with braces? Can you eat chips with braces? Are there any foods that you must avoid completely with braces? Do you only eat soft foods until you remove your braces? These are all questions you might be looking for on the internet when you first wear your braces.

The good news – there are many delicious foods you can eat while wearing braces, and no, you’re not limited to just soft or pureed foods. However, it is important to be aware of the foods you can and cannot eat in order to properly care for your braces and get the best results from your orthodontic treatment.

Why certain foods must be avoided when you have braces

Your orthodontist will instruct you to be careful about your eating habits when getting braces, and for good reason. Your braces have brackets, bands, and archwires, all of which can be damaged by various foods. Eating the wrong foods can damage the braces.

In addition to damaging your braces, avoiding certain foods is also essential to prevent tooth decay. When you wear braces, it’s easier for food to get caught between the braces and your teeth. For this reason, proper brushing and flossing are important during orthodontic treatment. If you don’t remove food debris properly, you not only risk tooth decay, but also plaque and tartar, which can discolor your teeth. This is a problem for many patients with braces because when the braces are removed, the discoloration is only around the surface of the tooth that is not covered by the braces. Because of this discoloration pattern, post brace teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular to correct discoloration that may have occurred during orthodontic treatment.

Foods you can’t eat with braces

While wearing braces, you must avoid certain foods until you are finished with your treatment. This will ensure that your braces are not damaged during the meal. Do you know which foods you can and can’t eat with braces? Here are some potentially harmful foods that most patients inquire about:

Can I eat popcorn with braces?

Crunchy foods like popcorn have the ability to loosen ligaments, knock off brackets and bend wires on your braces. They can also get stuck in your braces, which can lead to tooth decay or pain. Crunchy foods to be wary of or avoid include:



Celery, other crunchy vegetables

Most chips


Hardshell tacos

Can I eat candy with braces?

Hard foods can also damage braces, and they can also hurt your teeth, especially if you’ve recently had an adjustment or just got your braces. Hard foods to avoid include:

Candy (including lollipops and candy canes)

Some raw vegetables, like carrots

peanut brittle

Biscuits or hard biscuits

Hard Buns


Can I eat corn on the cob with braces?

It’s difficult to eat foods that you bite into with your front teeth when you’re wearing braces. This can bend wires or loosen brackets. Avoid foods like:

Corn on the cob (cutting corn on the cob for eating)

chicken wing

Whole pears and apples

Whole cucumbers


Can I eat pizza with braces?

Very chewy foods like pizza crust can be disastrous for your braces. They can get stuck in brackets and be difficult to eat. You should stay away from eating:

Large chunks of tough meat (cut into very small pieces instead)


Beef jerky

pizza crust

Can I eat sticky candy with braces?

Sugary and sticky foods are always bad for your teeth, even if you don’t wear braces. They’re a bigger problem if you have braces, however, as sticky foods will stick to the braces and become difficult to remove from your teeth, leaving you vulnerable to tooth decay. Prohibited items include:




gummy bear

Chewing gum (sugar-free chewing gum in moderation is fine)

fruit rolls

Foods you can eat with braces

Now that you know what you can’t eat, what about what you can eat with braces? While there are foods that you must avoid when you have braces, there are many delicious foods that you can enjoy. The following are some great options:

Boneless meat

Avoid eating meat off the bone, but most meats are fine when wearing braces. Your orthodontist will likely recommend slicing the meat into smaller pieces as a precaution.

Pasta, potatoes and some breads

Do you love carbs? Most types of pasta, potatoes and bread are safe to eat with braces. Just avoid chewy or hard breads, like chewy buns or chewy bagels, which can damage your braces due to the force required to chew.

soft vegetables

While you may have to forego the crunchy raw veggies, soft veggies are perfect for snacking on if you’re going through braces. You can boil or boil tougher vegetables like carrots to make them easier to chew.

Lots of fresh fruit

Fresh fruit is a refreshing snack for braces patients. Most patients like fruits like bananas, blueberries, or strawberries, which are soft and easy to chew. We recommend avoiding whole apples or other hard fruits. If you fancy an apple or pear instead, slice the fruit thinly to be sure to enjoy.


Soup is a filling meal for braces patients, especially if you have new braces and your mouth is still adjusting. If your braces are new or you’ve just had an adjustment, your teeth may feel too sore to chew much.

Dairy products

Dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cream cheese are all safe when you have braces. As with all foods consumed with braces, just make sure to brush and floss to remove any remaining particles from your smile.

Certain types of sweets in moderation

While hard candies and sticky candies are totally taboo, certain types of sweets and sweets can be enjoyed in moderation. The occasional peanut butter cup, nut-free candy bar, cake, pudding, and ice cream are fine. Since sugar can fuel tooth decay-causing bacteria, you should clean your teeth and braces well after drinking.

Even if you wear braces, you can still enjoy a wide range of food. When you choose Laster Orthodontics for your orthodontic treatment experience, we ensure that all of our braces patients are well-equipped with the knowledge they need to enjoy their everyday life with braces.

Remember, what you eat now has a big impact on your treatment outcome. Therefore, avoid foods that are taboo in the short term for best results. If you have any questions about the foods you should or should not eat, be sure to contact Dr. vice.

At Laster Orthodontics, we help families develop healthy, life-changing smiles through the use of tailored treatments, cutting-edge technology, and caring relationships. Our customized treatment plans help our patients achieve their perfect smile in the quickest and most painless way, using a wide range of options from traditional braces to Propel accelerated treatment to Dr. Laster’s in-house aligner program Laster Perfect Smile. With three locations in the Triangle area, we create life-changing smiles every day.

Braces-Friendly Movie Snacks

Braces-friendly movie snacks

With or without braces, everyone loves a special movie experience

With summer in full swing, you can catch one (or two) of the latest Hollywood blockbusters either at the cinema or at home to beat the heat. But you can’t watch a movie without a proper snack! Your ARCH orthodontist knows that the most popular movie snack is delicious, buttery popcorn. Unfortunately, these delicious seeds don’t work well with braces.

However, there are so many other tasty foods that are compatible (and delicious) that you won’t even mind passing the popcorn on. We will unravel the snacking nightmares and love stories that come with braces.

The good, the bad and the unhealthy

With or without braces, limiting your intake of sugary sweets is always best for you and your teeth. But with regular brushing and flossing, it’s okay to enjoy a small snack while you watch a movie. If you have braces, it’s probably best if you avoid these concessions altogether:

gummy worms

chewing gum


Sticky chocolate bars

Chewy candies with caramel

hard candies

These foods can break or get caught in your braces, leaving you picking your teeth instead of getting the most out of your movie viewing experience.

A handful of snacks

Not everything is taboo in the theatre. There are still plenty of tasty snacks that don’t run the risk of causing costly damage to your braces. They include:

Chocolates like M&Ms, Hershey bars, Kit Kats and Reese’s Pieces

Soft, freshly baked biscuits

Ice cream or frozen yogurt

Soft pretzels, potato chips, cheese chips

If you don’t want to spend the money on snacks at the theater or watching a movie on the couch, there are always healthy, braces-friendly foods you can make at home. Things like cream cheese, peanut butter and jelly, fruit, crackers or pudding taste good and are easy to transport.

When you have Invisalign clear aligners, no food is off limits! Just remember that if you want to enjoy a snack, you must remove the aligners and brush thoroughly afterwards to remove any food particles from your teeth.

Your friends at ARCH Orthodontics wish you and your family a safe and healthy summer. If you have any problems or questions about your orthodontic treatment, please give us a call at any of our nine locations.

Visit our offices in Bridgewater, Brockton, Randolph, Canton, Westwood, Orleans, Hyannis, Hyde Park and Stoughton.

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