Can You Manifest On Your Phone? The 68 Correct Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can you manifest on your phone“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Table of Contents

Can you do scripting on your phone?

Yes.. one can make script recording on phone in audio format.. & make sure proper beautiful words are included in content which has power to raise vibes, energies ..

What is the easiest way to manifest?

Eight ways to manifest anything
  1. Be clear about what you want. …
  2. Figure out how what you want makes you feel. …
  3. Create a plan – and stick to it. …
  4. Practice gratitude and radical kindness. …
  5. Address limiting beliefs. …
  6. Trust the process. …
  7. Raise your vibration. …
  8. Don’t be afraid to receive and acknowledge signs from the universe.

How do you manifest in notes?

5 Ways to Start Manifesting by Writing
  1. Write about what you want and why you want it. Instead of just writing down what you want, make sure to include the reason that you want it. …
  2. Focus on the feeling. …
  3. Repetition, repetition, repetition. …
  4. Use a structured journal. …
  5. Put it away.

Can I type my manifestations instead of writing?

I want to start a manifestation journal but I don’t want anybody to read it so I’d prefer to type it. Yes, you can write your manifestation journal whichever platform or formatting you wanted it to be. It is easy to understand that initially we wanted them secret to every body, at first.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.

Try again

How do you do a 3 6 9 manifestation?

What is the 369 manifestation method? The method itself couldn’t be simpler. You write down the object or feeling you want in your life (for example: “I am wealthy,” or “I have a loving partner”) three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night. It’s that easy!

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

As a wise woman (Ariana Grande) once said (sang like an angel), “Manifest it, I refined it.” Take my pen and write some love letters to heaven.”

Well, there is something to this technique, and according to manifestation and spirituality experts, you don’t have to be rich and famous at the Ari level to get massive results.

The 369 Manifestation Method has taken TikTok by storm as people manifest their way to more money, better relationships, and even pregnancy. The idea of ​​manifesting, or the theory that if you believe and embody the feeling that you have something you want, you can draw it into your life, isn’t new, says Inbaal Honigman, a psychic who has used the method for a number of years used for more than 20 years.

“What we call manifestation today, 10 years ago we called the law of attraction,” says Honigman. “Twenty years ago we called it witchcraft and people were uncomfortable with it. And 30 years ago we called it prayer.”

Like many things that have stood the test of time, this shit works, says Honigman, “I can honestly say there’s no magic stronger than affirmations and manifestations.”

Though its roots are in the spiritual realm, the manifestation is anything but supernatural. It’s been scientifically proven that repeating affirmations or positive mantras reduces stress, increases quality of life, improves school and work performance, and makes people more open to behavior change overall, according to neuroscientific studies.

You have probably already seen manifestations at work in your own life, either for the better or for the worse. Who among us hasn’t widened our eyes, sighed and thought, “This is going to be the worst day ever?” only to literally have a day worse than your wildest dreams. You step onto freshly poured concrete in new shoes, spill your coffee on your white shirt and get into a massive fight with your partner before noon. This is a classic example of how your thoughts create your reality!

So how do you think your way to living your dreams? I’ll break it down for you.

What is the 369 manifestation method?

The method itself couldn’t be simpler. You write down the object or feeling you want in your life (for example, “I am rich” or “I have a loving partner”) three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening. As simple as that!

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But the key to achieving your dreams? Repeat, repeat, repeat. Continue to practice the Method of 369 Manifestations every day, says Honigman. If nothing seems to happen after a week, a month, or more, encourage patience.

And while you may not feel like you’re making any progress, take a moment to reflect on all the small steps you’ve taken in the right direction. For example, if you’re trying to manifest a loving relationship, you might think that multiple “meh” dates are a sign of failure when it’s absolutely not.

You may have started to become more outspoken after beginning the 369 Manifestation Method. With that one small action, you’ve changed your entire mindset, opening yourself up to love and learning more about yourself and what you want (or, um, don’t want) in a partner. After all, even suffering through the worst date ever creates a lot more self-growth than sitting at home.

What do I need for this?

To use the 369 technique, make sure you have a journal or piece of paper and a pen or pencil. If you feel like it, as I often am, you can use a marker or gel pen and maybe buy a new paper journal dedicated to your manifestations. Whatever makes you feel good!

On the metaphysical side, keep an open mind and relax your nervous system. Manifesting can also be a great addition to your existing meditation or breathwork practices, says Adora Winquist, who has spent over twenty years helping others find physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing.

She also suggests using manifesting as a way to recalibrate the energy you are putting out into the universe. “To be open to what you’re asking for, you have to be a vibrational match,” says Winquist. You want a partner who is active, friendly and emotionally developed? Well, first start showing yourself that way. Make sure you’re in your wandering game, introduce yourself to people and do the self-growth work.

If you’re hoping for more money, look for new work or partnership opportunities. Start investing, work with a financial advisor, or even buy lottery tickets (in a responsible amount, of course). Let your intuition guide you as you prepare your life for all the good energy you summon!

Do you have money on your mind? Here are a few tips to help you save on high-ticket items:

Why 3, 6 and 9?

If you are unfamiliar with numerology, the belief that certain numbers carry their own vibration and have their own personality, these numbers could appear randomly. But they have been associated with luck and a connection to the universe for years.

Three is a number related to manifestations and the divine, says Winquist, referencing its importance in numerology. Many believers in this spiritual modality attribute their incarnation to the Greek philosopher Pythagoras (you may have struggled with his theorem in high school, as I did). In addition to the famous Pythagorean theorem, his other merit was the supposedly mystical powers contained in numbers.

The number three, according to this theory (which is a lot more fun than the triangle nonsense he proposed), is the “noblest of all digits.” Today, Winquist simply refers to three as “magical.”

As for the other two numbers, 6 refers to harmony, a key element in manifestation, and 9 represents the completion of a cycle, Winquist explains.

So what do I write down?

It’s really up to you, but Honigman and Winquist have some tips for beginners. Based on her own experience with the manifestation of money, Honigman recommends being as specific as possible—especially if you’re on a deadline.

When she was in her twenties, she spent a summer manifesting £800 to fund an August trip to Greece. She wrote and read her manifestation to herself as the method dictates, saying to herself every day, “I’ve saved £800 if I want to fly to Greece.” She topped up her cash and worked hard to make the dream a reality, only to find herself £100 short before departure. She was content with her manifestation success, even if the universe didn’t provide the exact cash value.

A day later, an opportunity presented itself. A friend who worked in a west London pub asked Honigman to give readings to guests at a carnival. At first she hesitated. While Honigman is now a full-time tarot reader, at the time she was only practicing on herself and close friends and family. Then something clicked: This was the chance for her to manifest! Honeyman worked at the carnival at the weekend, earned exactly £100 and spent two blissfully partying weeks in Greece.

Winquist emphasizes the importance of keeping an open mind and genuinely believing in your manifestations as you write them down. “When we are present and grounded in the power of the moment, we open up to higher realms,” she says.

Not sure where to start? Be inspired by these phrases:

I have a loving partner who accepts all parts of me and is emotionally available.

I am a thriving member of my vibrant community of friends.

In my workplace I feel respected and admired.

I travel the world freely without worrying about money.

Grab your best notebooks and pens and let’s have some magical moments!

Jacqueline Tempera Jacqueline Tempera is an award-winning author and reporter who lives in New Jersey with her many pets.

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How long does scripting take to manifest?

How Often Should You Script to Manifest? If you’re new to scripting, you should script daily for at least 40 days. It takes around 40 days for you to build a new habit, so scripting for 40 days will help you turn this new way of positive thinking into a habit.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

Scripting is one of the most popular manifesting techniques. In this blog post, you will learn how to use scripts to manifest your desires in 5 easy steps.

What is scripting?

Scripting is a manifestation technique where you describe the experience you want to manifest as if it had already happened.

Scripting works at manifesting because it helps you cultivate the feel of your desired experience.

The more you feel like you can have what you want, the faster you’ll be able to attract it into your life.

Follow these 5 steps below to start scripting today.

Step 1: Be thankful for what you already have

The first step to scripting is to be thankful for what you already have.

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational energies according to the Emotional Guidance Scale.

So, starting your letter with words of appreciation will align you with the creative forces of the universe.

Get out your manifestation journal and write down 3 things you are grateful for and how good they make you feel. (You can also script on your phone or laptop if you prefer.)

The more you embody the feeling of gratitude, the more your desires will be supported.

Step 2: Describe what you want to manifest

The second step to scripting is to describe what you want to manifest.

That’s the best thing about scripting. Let your imagination run wild and create the experience you want to manifest.

If you want to manifest multiple things, just pick one to focus on for each script.

As I teach my Manifestation Course, the best way to manifest is to focus on one thing at a time.

So take the time to write down the desire you wish to manifest.

Expand the script by using your five senses to describe the experience and add specific details.

The more specific you are, the easier it will be to get a feel for what it’s like to experience your desire.

Step 3: Clarify how it makes you feel

The third step to scripting is to clarify how your desire makes you feel.

Think about your desire and how you feel as if you have already manifested it.

As discussed in my book on manifestation, Feeling Good, your emotion is your barometer for identifying your vibration.

According to the law of vibration, everything in the universe, including your feelings and emotions, is made of energy vibrating at a specific frequency.

And by the Law of Attraction, energies of similar vibrations are drawn together.

So the key to manifesting what you want is to identify the feeling you want to experience and align yourself with it.

Start a new paragraph below what you wrote in Step 2 and write down the positive vibes you want to feel.

Use the Emotional Guidance Scale to identify the high-vibrational emotions you can align with to manifest what you want.

Remember that the higher the vibration, the more positive something is.

Step 4: Be open to other possibilities

The fourth step to scripting is to be open to other possibilities.

One of the biggest mistakes in scripting is getting too attached to the desired outcome.

While you may have a very accurate picture of what you want, be sure to tell the universe that you are receptive to whatever opportunities are available to you.

Don’t let your attachment to a particular outcome get in the way of your manifestation.

Your desire can manifest in ways you could never have imagined.

By staying open to the infinite possibilities that are out there, you become receptive to whatever situations, opportunities, and people lead you to where you want to be.

Express your belief in the plan of the universe by writing this powerful mantra: “I commit my timelines, agendas and plans to the care of the universe. I trust that everything will develop for the highest good of all. I know I will manifest this or something better.”

Step 5: Thank the Universe

The final step in scripting is to thank the Universe for this opportunity to co-create your reality.

The universe always conspires to guide you to solutions that are everyone’s highest good.

So thank the Universe for this amazing opportunity to co-create your desire with this prayer of gratitude: “Thank you Universe for your loving guidance and support. I am so grateful for this opportunity to co-create my desires with you. I am open to universal guidance, spiritual solutions and creative ideas. I will step back and let you show the way.”

Ending the letter with more gratitude will raise your vibration even more and bring you into vibrational alignment with the creative forces of the universe.

Read the script again, and then let the inspirational words boost your energy.

Keep it in a safe place and re-read it from time to time to get back in tune with your cravings.

As you await your manifestation, keep your vibration high by using these affirmations for manifestation, prayers to the universe, or affirmation cards to detach from the outcome and keep your vibrational alignment with what you want.

How often should you script to manifest?

If you are new to scripting, you should script daily for at least 40 days.

It takes about 40 days to form a new habit. So scripting for 40 days will help you make this new kind of positive thinking a habit.

After 40 days, you can continue scripting weekly.

It’s not about the quantity, it’s about the change that occurs in your mindset.

Ideally, you want to practice using your imagination to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.

How often do you have to script it to manifest?

You should script at least 40 days when manifesting a new desire.

This consistent practice will help train your mind to focus on opportunities instead of obstacles.

This new mindset will help you eliminate self-doubt and self-sabotage and release any resistance to your desires.

What to do after scripting?

When you’re finished with your script, take some time to read and think about it.

Ideally, your script should make you feel really good, hopeful, and optimistic.

Your script should inspire you to dream big, like listening to your favorite motivational speaker on stage.

Does scripting to manifest work?

Yes. Scripting works to manifest. I have used scripts to manifest all sorts of things in my life from relationships to money.

The reason it works is because it trains your mind to think differently.

Most of us use our imagination to anticipate what could go wrong and so we manifest more negative experiences.

But scripting is a radical inversion of this paradigm. It helps you use your imagination to dream of anything that could go well.

Focusing on solutions rather than obstacles, evoking the manifestation of positive experiences.

Is manifesting a sin?

Manifestation is not wrong or sinful if your intentions are good. It’s a way to focus on gratitude, improve your circumstances, help others, and build confidence in yourself and your abilities. As long as you manifest in good faith and you’re willing to work for what you want, good things will come your way.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

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Does manifesting actually work?

In general, research has shown that positive thinking, one of the core concepts of manifestation, can be beneficial to your overall mental well-being—it can lead to lower instances of depression and better coping skills during stressful situations, according to the Mayo Clinic.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

Another potential downside to be aware of: when you’re trying to manifest something important and things don’t go your way, it can be detrimental to your mental health. “The concern I have with manifesting, or any mental exercise that makes us feel like we can actually control or direct life’s outcomes if we just try or think hard enough, is that some people feel that they didn’t do enough or that they weren’t good enough, and that’s why life brought them disappointment,” says Dr. Ng. It’s not a healthy attitude because there is so much that is out of our control, especially in such an uncertain world, and part of mental wellbeing is finding effective ways to cope with things we don’t change be able.

How to practically manifest something

The manifestation may not suit you depending on your situation. And again, looking into your metaphorical crystal ball and wishing for something to happen is unlikely to change your circumstances overnight. But if you want to give it a try, there are some guidelines for trying the practice in a way that may support your mental well-being.

Remember that there is no one exactly right way to manifest, so your strategy can be whatever you want as long as it is consistent with inner reflection (to become clear about what you really want for your future) and practical action (to help get you there), says Bartz. Some people perform a formal ritual such as lighting a candle on a full moon and speaking a specific intention, while others incorporate these positive intentions into their daily meditation practice. It might even take a brief moment while you’re journaling to write down a specific goal you’ve set. Here are some expert-approved suggestions to get you started.

1. Recognize that manifesting is not the same as wishing.

It’s not like blowing out the candles on your birthday cake. “Rather than thinking of manifestation as a form of magic, think of it as a practice of becoming aware of where your attention is going, noticing the nature and quality of your thoughts, and realizing the power you have over your own inner experiences and actions have,” says Dr. Fournier. Going back to the healthy relationship example, this might seem like intentionally putting yourself in a group (anything from a book club to a softball league) where you could meet new people, rather than just finding a significant other and waiting for it to show up at your doorstep one day. Being aware of what your intentions are — and how to get there — is one small way to make meaningful changes in your life, she adds.

2. Try saying your goal out loud.

Saying your goal out loud, even if it’s just a whisper (perhaps every morning when you wake up), is one way to focus on it and make sure it aligns with your self-reflection. For example, if you’re trying to get back together with a toxic ex, saying it out loud can be the gut test you need to realize that the intention doesn’t align with your true desire to be in a loving relationship.

3. Write down your intention or set up calendar reminders.

The goals or milestones you hope to achieve should be front and center, as should your to-do list and events on your calendar. Maybe that means putting your goals down on paper, either on a post-it where you can see it daily, or in a journal if you want more privacy, suggests Dr. Fournier before. You can also set calendar reminders (e.g. weekly) that prompt you to review your vision for just 10 minutes – to reflect on the actions you have taken (or not taken) to achieve your goal as a form of accountability . “Effective manifestation relies on keeping intention and vision consistently in focus so that we can align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with it,” she reiterates.

4. Consider making it a meditation ritual.

Manifesting can be a spiritual practice in its own right if you choose to use it in this way, but you can also incorporate it into a regular mindfulness practice. “Some people like to meditate and imagine how they would feel once they’ve achieved their goal,” says Bartz. It’s a way to focus your positive energy on the reality you’re hoping for and the steps it takes to get there. (How to meditate when you don’t know where to start.)

She also recommends writing your goal on a candle (on the jar) with permanent marker—or simply thinking of a candle as a visual symbol of your goal—and lighting it each day as part of a morning meditation ritual. Will the candle magically burn down all your student debt or slip your soulmate into your DMs? Maybe; maybe (probably) not. But again, if you keep your goal at the forefront, you’re more likely to direct your thoughts and actions towards achieving it. (And at least candles create a relaxing atmosphere.)


How do you manifest a text immediately?

Visualize your specific person, the text message, your phone’s ringtone – anything that will help you get into the feeling of receiving the text. Turn to visualization whenever your negative thoughts start to creep in so that you can return this high-vibe feeling.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

A question I get asked a lot is, “Is it possible to manifest a text message from a specific person?” The answer is yes.

Although you may not always be aware of it, you are constantly manifesting your reality.

As explained in my Ultimate Guide to the Law of Attraction, the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like.

Without exception, you will always draw into your life what you put your energy, focus, and attention on.

Of course, this law also applies to text messages.

Read below to learn how to manifest a text in 5 steps.

Step 1: Clarify what you want

The first step is to tell the universe exactly what you want. If you are not clear about what you desire, you send confusing messages out into the universe. As a result, you get unwanted results.

For clarity, grab your manifestation journal and write down the name of the specific person you wish to receive the text from and the text message you are attempting to manifest.

Be as specific as possible.

Step 2: Visualization

Your energy creates your reality. Therefore, it is important to remember that when it comes to manifesting, it is your emotion that attracts.

Of the many manifestation techniques available, the best way to get into that feeling when you finally get the text message from that particular person is through visualization.

Take a deep breath and imagine how you’ll feel when you get the message you’re waiting for. Most people feel excited, optimistic, or happy, all of which are high vibrational emotions.

Visualize your specific persona, the text message, your phone’s ringtone – anything that helps you feel like you’ve got the message.

Turn to visualization whenever your negative thoughts creep in so you can return that high vibe feeling.

Once you are comfortable with visualization, you can try using these 22 manifestation techniques to raise your vibration and manifest what you want.

READ NEXT: How to Use the Emotional Guidance Scale

Step 3: Acknowledge your limiting beliefs

The third step is to acknowledge your limiting beliefs that are blocking your path to manifestation.

Limiting beliefs are the negative beliefs that limit your life in some way, shape or form. Limiting beliefs block your power of manifestation by pulling your energy into a low vibrational state.

Some common limiting beliefs when attempting to manifest a text are:

They do not like me

You don’t want to talk to me

They don’t want anything to do with me

I have no friends

I don’t know how to deal with relationships

One thing that all of these limiting beliefs have in common is that they are all wrong. These beliefs only exist in your mind as a result of your past experiences to protect yourself from pain in the future.

By acknowledging your limiting beliefs, you regain the power to protect your high vibrational energy.

Step 4: Recite affirmations

The best way to destroy your limiting beliefs is to recite affirmations. Affirmations are positive phrases or statements used to challenge negative thoughts.

Use affirmations to gently replace your negative thoughts with high vibrational energy. Recite your affirmations while holding the energy you cultivated in Step 2.

To start, choose one of the following affirmations that resonates with you and use it whenever you need to combat negative thoughts.

All of my relationships provide a positive and loving experience. I am worthy of love and deserve to receive love in abundance. I love the people around me and I love myself. Others show me love. I attract loving and caring people into my life. I only attract healthy, loving relationships. I happily give and receive love every day. I know that the universe will only bring me loyal and loving relationships. Love surrounds me and everyone around me.

You can also try writing affirmations for yourself. Nobody knows you and your circumstances better than you! The strongest affirmations are the affirmations that you write to yourself.

Step 5: Let go and allow

The last step is to step back and let the universe take the lead. Many people screw up at this stage because they are constantly checking and worrying about whether the text will manifest.

This is a big no-go because it essentially undoes all the work you’ve put in. Feelings of worry and pessimism lower your vibration and throw you out of alignment with the universe.

The biggest lesson here is to be patient and just trust that the universe has your back.

Even though the text message may not appear as quickly as you hoped, or the message may not be what you expected.

Trust that the plan of the universe always exceeds yours and will always lead to the highest good.

As you await your manifestation, you can use these prayers to the universe to detach from the outcome and remain in alignment with the universe.

How long does it take to manifest a text?

A text can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks to manifest. How long it takes for your text to manifest depends on how well you stay consistent with the belief that you will receive it.

If you always doubt or worry about when the text will appear, block the manifestation.

But don’t let the timing throw you off balance with what you want.

As long as you think they will talk to you again, you will receive the text message or other form of communication.

Can you manifest a text from an ex?

Yes you can manifest a text from your ex. I have done it myself and many of my readers have done it too.

Your ex, like any other person, always reacts to your thoughts.

As long as you believe they will write to you, you will receive it.

Does manifesting someone’s text always work?

Yes. Manifesting someone’s text always works.

However, your result may turn out differently than you planned.

For example, instead of getting a text, you might bump into them on the street. Or call. Or receive an email.

Never limit the way you think your manifestation will unfold. Always be open to creative possibilities.

Yes, you can manifest a text even if you are not in contact with them. It doesn’t matter whether you have contact or no contact at all.

You don’t have to worry about how you’re going to manifest the text.

As long as you believe in the end result, you will manifest it one way or another.

Can you manifest a text even if they blocked you?

Yes, you can manifest a text even if they blocked you. It doesn’t matter if they blocked you or not.

You don’t have to worry about how they will contact you.

As long as you believe in the end result, you will manifest it one way or another.

The key to manifesting

To manifest is to acquire the energy of what you want to feel and then to be, live and believe in that experience. And finally, to let this experience take shape.

The key to manifesting is to feel the energy of what you wish to experience.

The Universe is always responding to your energy – whether you are aware of it or not.

When you send out low vibrational energy into the universe, you attract negative results.

But when you send out high vibrational energy into the universe, you will get the results you desire.

Without exception, the universe will provide you with people, experiences, and outcomes that match your vibrational frequency.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of your energy and thoughts at all times so that you can stay in tune with the universe.

What is the strongest way to manifest?

Here are some ways to get started:
  1. Make a vision board. …
  2. Start journaling. …
  3. Say positive affirmations. …
  4. Give the pillow method a try. …
  5. Go outside the box. …
  6. Surround yourself with positivity. …
  7. Practice the 369 manifestation method. …
  8. Walk the walk.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

If you believe you can, you can. You’ve probably heard that from a well-meaning supporter at some point in your life. There’s nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it.

The question is: do manifestation methods work?

These platitudes are well-intentioned, intended to help. Especially when we’re young, her simple, positive message can help us overcome fears and self-doubt that can limit us.

This type of encouragement has gained popularity as a mantra in an idea known as manifestation or manifestation. Manifesting is based on the idea that you can turn your dreams into reality. By having a clear vision and focusing on it through a variety of manifestation methods, you can draw your dream into your life.

That’s the idea.

In fact, we know that just thinking about — or singing about — something we want will get you where you want to go. Yet in life we ​​tend to go where we focus. Our mindset shapes our thoughts. Our thoughts shape our behavior.

If you believe you can, you can. This type of mantra is sometimes called the Law of Attraction. While it won’t bring your dream into being, visualizing what you want is a simple yet effective method of manifesting to help you achieve your goals.

The power of positive thinking is no joke. The way we think determines how we see the world and seize opportunities.

Knowing how to manifest your goals can be a first step in making those dreams a reality. We will examine how it works.

collapse of the law of attraction

How does it work?

Like attracts like. What you send out into the world, you get back. Your mind is like a magnet and the energy you give off will come back to you. That’s the idea.

How does that actually help? It’s hard to hide your mood. If you’re gloomy and pessimistic or cynical, it shows in your face, your body language, and your decisions. This applies to both positive and negative thoughts. If you’re excited, engaged, and optimistic, it shows too.

In general, people choose to spend more time with others who evoke positive emotions in them. And research shows that people with a positive attitude are more productive, creative, and problem-solving than their peers.

In other words, when you radiate positive vibes you are ready to perform better, and you attract other similarly well-endowed people who may prove to be useful allies, mentors, or colleagues.

This does not mean that you should overdo it with optimism and optimism. Be authentic. It’s not easy being optimistic 24/7.

It is possible to achieve your dreams – first you have to believe in it.

What things do I have to consider?

Your mind is your most powerful tool. Reprogramming your conscious and subconscious takes work. The more you practice thinking positively, the more natural it becomes.

At BetterUp, we believe that physical well-being, mental fitness and everyday performance go hand in hand. It takes daily practice and some determination to make a change. Our coaches can help you revise your automatic thought patterns and let go of your limiting beliefs.

How can I start manifesting?

Sometimes it’s hard to look ahead, especially when we’re constantly preoccupied with work, bills, family, and our thoughts. But planning and looking forward to the future is good for our mental health. When the world seems unpredictable, all we have to do is keep our vision flexible and be ready for change.

Luckily, many effective manifestation techniques will help you focus on where you want to be in the future. Here are some ways to get started:

1. Create a vision board

Putting your goals together with pictures and words on a vision board is a great way to let your mind wander. Hang your board somewhere where you will see it every day. Seeing your vision board is a great reminder to keep going.

2. Start journaling

Journaling gives you a safe place to record your thoughts, concerns, and goals without judgment. You can always be yourself on paper. You can keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of what you are grateful for or a manifestation journal to focus on what you want to achieve.

Also, you can always go back to your journal and reflect on how far you’ve come and what goals you’ve achieved.

You can also try scripting. It tricks your brain into thinking you’ve already gotten what you want. Write a journal entry from your future self’s point of view. Describe how you feel like you’ve landed your dream job, met your soulmate, or won a six-figure salary.

3. Say positive affirmations

Ever heard of the Wonder Woman pose? It’s when you stand in a superhero position and sing positive things to yourself. I have this. I am worthy of my dreams. I’m constantly learning. I will succeed.

It may sound cheesy. But for people who struggle with self-criticism and automatic negative thoughts, it’s an effective way to retrain thought patterns.

Repeating these affirmations on consecutive days, superhero position or not, trains your mind to automatically think positively. It will help you boost your confidence. You can practice repeating affirmations every morning or before your stressful events – like tests, presentations, or difficult conversations.

4. Try the pillow method

This transfers your positive affirmations into your sleep. Write your dreams down and put them under your pillow before bed.

The theory behind the pillow method is that your final thoughts of the day help shift your subconscious beliefs in a gradual but powerful way. Your dreams will improve and you will feel better.

Is there anything special about putting them under your pillow? no But writing things down before bed can help clear your mind, and a positive bedtime ritual can change your mindset.

5. Think outside the box

There’s nothing wrong with staying in our comfort zones. But if you become curious and push those boundaries, you will grow and learn. You will discover new possibilities. Start with small steps and work your way up to bigger ones.

Thomas Jefferson said, “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” Those words ring true. Action ensures progress.

6. Surround yourself with positivity

Being around like-minded and supportive people can help you maintain a healthy mindset.

When you fail or make a mistake, you have a safety net ready to meet you with open, loving arms. This is better than being greeted with negative energy.

While a positive support system is great, forced positivity isn’t helpful. Toxic positivity is when people force an optimistic attitude and refuse to see negative or negative sides regardless of what is happening around them.

Real life has ups and downs. Ups and downs. Some days you will be scared or unhappy. Unexpected obstacles and setbacks will happen. Surround yourself with people who can be with you and help you find your way back up.

7. Practice the 369 Manifestation Method

This numerological method is popular and simple. Write down what you want to manifest. You will do this:

3 times in the morning

6 times distributed throughout the day

9 times in the evening

If you believe in numerology, then by all means use this simple trick. Inventor Nikola Tesla believed these numbers were divine and could unlock the mysteries of the universe.

For everyone else, the 369 Method is a reminder to get in touch with our intentions and goals throughout the day. Consistently writing what is important to you can help solidify your sense of purpose and direction. Your intentions determine the direction of your thoughts and actions.

8. Go for a walk

There is some truth to the phrase fake it till you make it when you manifest your dreams. It takes courage to believe in yourself and keep going despite obstacles, but it’s always worth it.

The final result

Manifesting and the Law of Attraction are easy ways to work toward a vision and build the life you desire. It doesn’t matter which method you prefer. What matters is that you are convinced and persevere.

How you think and feel affects what you do. Manifesting will be challenging some days, but that’s okay. Keep going. And don’t be afraid to ask for help.

At BetterUp, we believe everyone deserves to live alive. We can help you realize your infinite potential and find your purpose.

Personal growth, social connections and mental fitness work together for positive transformation. Change is hard work. But if you can dream it – and you put in the work – you can do it.

How do you manifest in one night?

How to Manifest Something Overnight
  1. 1 Get super specific about your desire.
  2. 2 Visualize the object or outcome you want.
  3. 3 Speak positive affirmations to yourself.
  4. 4 Take actions that will bring your goal closer.
  5. 5 Look for small ways to change your routine.
  6. 6 Act like you already got what you wanted.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

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How do you start manifesting for beginners?

Be specific in what you’d like, choose how to ask the universe, believe that it will happen and enjoy the feelings of getting excited, take inspired action and be open to how you will receive your opportunities and finally, and most importantly, be grateful for the great things to come into your life.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

I’ve talked a lot here on the blog about manifestation and the law of attraction, how it has transformed my life, how to use scripting to manifest your ideal day, 10 ways to raise your vibrations – hell we did even talked about a occasional shamanic tapping now and then – but I realized last night that I’ve never actually gone back to basics, focused on Manifestation for Beginners and how to approach the Law of Attraction as a spiritual novice.

It’s very easy when you’ve been studying something for a while (I started my journey of self-discovery into all things spiritual in 2016 when I went on with The Secret Audible for the third time) to forget that other people don’t really guess what are you talking about

It seems easy for me to talk about how I attract amazing things into my life, but that’s only because I know the basics. Ask me the difference between a hollandaise sauce and a bearnaise sauce (friends refer to anyone?) and I’d have no idea.

So today I’m sharing my beginner’s manifestation to help more people raise their vibrations, change the way you think, attract the things you really want into your life, and realize that the possibilities are endless.

Start with…

be specific

The line “ask, believe, receive” is synonymous with the law of attraction, but over the years I’ve worked on other mindset shifts that can really increase your energetic attraction – by which I mean how fast you’re able to to attract things into your life.

The first of these is to be specific.

If you want to attract something into your life, you need to place your order in the universe like you are shopping at ASOS. They want the black dress, size 14 in the Tall range. You are very specific about what you want to order, the same is true when you speak to the universe.

Let’s say we are beginning our beginner’s manifestation and you want to start small to build your confidence and belief in the universe. My first conscious manifestation (I’ve been doing it my whole life without realizing it) was the manifestation of a pink feather. Shortly after reading The Secret and deciding to give it a try, I received a press pack with a pink quill taped next to the gift. Coincidence or Universe? I do not care.

You might want to see a yellow car or even a penguin. It sounds silly, but when you pick something you wouldn’t normally see, it’s all the more amazing when you discover it. I manifest seeing Idris Elba naked as we speak, come through for me girl.

If you want to manifest money, state exactly how many pounds and pence you want. For example, in the month of July I wanted to earn £6,000. I asked the Universe for £6,000, I followed the steps below, kept my vibrations high, took the action and lo and behold, on July 31st I had agreed to a job worth over £6,000.

I knew exactly why I wanted that amount, I had plans for the money and I was very specific about what I was asking for. I didn’t say oh I’d love to be able to pay my credit card and maybe a little extra to spend money on my LA trip. I knew exact numbers of what I would do with that money and I kindly placed my order.

ask the universe

But what do I mean by asking the universe? where do you start

First of all, you ask respectfully. That sounds totally woo but to me the universe is a being, it’s energy, it’s a her in my eyes and that’s why I ask her, I thank her and I trust her. In a restaurant, you don’t order food in a rude way, so please and thank you are still relevant in my spiritual home.

There are many different ways to speak to the universe, but I like to write mine down and say them out loud. For me it’s a form of praying to a higher power, so I either speak out loud and ask what I would like, or I write a journal entry about what I would like, why and how thankful I am for that it’s on the way. For example, a diary entry might read like this:


See how I write like it’s already happened? I talked about it in my scripting blog post, but by writing it in the present tense as if it has already happened, you are signaling to the universe that you already believe it is yours. What an amazing thing.

How often should you write? Some people say ask and don’t. I believe there is no harm in amplifying these positive feelings every now and then, so write as little or as often as you like. Sometimes doubts can creep in, we are human after all so when that happens just reestablish those feelings and journal about how excited you are to have what you are manifesting in your life.

Another way to consult the universe is to create a vision board on which you cut out words and images that evoke how you will feel when you receive your order. For example, would you like to imagine a new car or a vacation? Cut out pictures of your special car or beautiful, quiet beaches, laughing people or the sunset. Vision boards are a really fun way to spend an afternoon, especially if you invite like-minded friends over and have a vision board and pizza party!

When I put together a vision board (I’ll have to make a new one soon, so there’ll be an in-depth blog post on how to do this properly in the next few weeks), I like to stick to an absolute maximum of three things I manifest. There’s more you can do, but to be perfectly honest I prefer to focus on one thing at a time rather than overloading the universe with orders. You work in a way that feels comfortable and easy for you.

What color is used to write manifestations?

Green. Green is associated with abundance, attraction, manifestation, growth, and plant magic. Use it to connect with the earth, to manifest your desires, and to facilitate your own personal growth.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

by blog contributor Eryn Johnson, July 2018, updated January 2022

If you’ve shopped at Woman Shops World before, you know how much we love color.

But that’s not just because color is beautiful and fun. Did you know that each color has its own vibrational energy that affects your feelings, mood and thoughts?

You can use specific colors as manifestation colors in many different ways to channel a specific type of energy:

Wear them as clothes

Wear them as jewelry (our favorite!)

Eat different colored foods

Paint the walls of your house

Create art focused on specific colors and more!

The sky really is the limit. Many of us wonder, “What is the best color for manifestation?” or “What color represents protection?” Scroll through the list below to discover the meaning behind the colors you see every day – we bet some of them will surprise you!

Black. Black is the color of protection, banishment, grounding and security. Do you feel like your sense of security has been shaken in the weirdness of the world lately? Wear and work with black to restore boundaries, protect your energy, banish negative energies, and find more safety and security. Shop black here at Woman Shops World.

Blue. Blue is associated with forgiveness, harmony, astral projection and the throat chakra. Use it to open your throat chakra (your communication center and your boundary setting center) to help you find and use your voice. You can also use it to create more harmony in your life, to work with the astral realm if you like that kind of thing, and to cultivate forgiveness for yourself and others. Shop Blue here at Woman Shops World.

Indigo.Would you like to open your third eye chakra, connect with your intuition and develop your psychic abilities? Work with Indigo. This color is great for helping you with divination, meditation and connecting with your own psychic abilities. Shop Indigo at Woman Shops World here.

Brown.Brown is great for blessing your home and working with the earth. When you feel disconnected from nature, moving to a new environment or feeling stuck with many anxious thoughts in your head, wear and work with Braun! Shop brown at Woman Shops World here.

Copper. Copper is associated with money, success and career growth – think of the coins in the tarot in the most traditional sense in the world. Work with copper to bring more money and career opportunities into your life. Shop Copper here at Woman Shops World.

Gold. The color gold is naturally associated with the energy of the sun. For this reason, it is also associated with sacred masculine energy, health and happiness. Work with gold to connect to the more active or yang side of you and maintain good health! Buy gold at Woman Shops World here.

Orange. Orange is associated with your sacral chakra, the center of your creativity, passion and sexuality. Wear and work with orange to cultivate this energy and create more joy and pleasure in your daily life. Shop orange here at Woman Shops world.

Pink.Pink is the color of nurturing, emotional healing and harmony. Work with pink to create more Libra-style bliss in your life, nurture yourself and others, and prioritize self-care. Shop Pink at Woman Shops World here.

Purple.Purple was traditionally the color of royalty. It is associated with wisdom, spiritual power, independence and understanding. Work with purple to connect with your own wisdom and spiritual power and open greater areas of understanding within yourself. Shop purple beads, tassels, poms and more at Woman Shops World here

Green. Green is associated with abundance, attraction, manifestation, growth and plant magic. Use it to connect to the earth, manifest your desires, and fuel your own personal growth. Shop green here at Woman Shops World!

Red.Red is the color of passion, sexuality, courage and the fire element. Work with red when you want to channel the energy of fire, e.g. B. when you are working on a new creative project, when you are with your romantic partner, or when you need an extra dose of courage and confidence. Shop red here at Woman Shops World.

Silver. Silver is the color of dreams, meditation and the moon. Use silver to attune to the phase of the moon (and your own phases!), your feminine energy, receive messages in your dreams, and quiet your mind for meditation. Shop silver here at Woman Shops World.

White. White is associated with truth, aura balancing, peace and purification. You can wear and use white in your home to balance your aura, clear your chakras and energy field, and cultivate more peace in your life. Shop white beads, tassels and more at Woman Shops World here.

Yellow. Yellow is the color of inspiration, pleasure, happiness and the element of air. Wear and work with yellow when you want to be inspired, when you want to bring more pleasure and joy into your life and when you want to manifest travel! Shop yellow at Woman Shops World today.

Not only can you use these colors in your future life, you may also want to take a look at how you are already using these colors in your life. Don’t you feel connected to the energy of the color you always wear or the color painted in certain rooms of your home? Now that you know more about color meanings, you can change them!

Explore the candy land of colors in Woman Shops World to work with each of these magical colors.

About Eryn Johnson:

Eryn is a yoga teacher, freelance writer, and social media manager currently based in Philadelphia. She completed her 200 hour teacher training in Rishikesh, India where she became obsessed with mantra chanting, yoga philosophy and chai tea. When she’s not doing yoga, she’s planning her next trip, hosting the Living Open podcast, or eating Thai food. Follow her adventures on Instagram at @erynj_ and at

Do you want to create your own colorful magic?

Download The Art of Mala Making today!

What tense do you manifest in?

Additional Tips on How to Manifest Through Writing

Always write in the present tense, as if the life you desire is already yours. Be clear and specific in penning your manifestation. Be confident in your writing, and do your best to sincerely imagine that you are already living your desired outcome.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

We all have dreams and we all want them to come true. Are you tired of wishing Try a new method – try working with manifestations and start living your dreams. Here’s how.

Manifestation Basics

If you want to define manifestations, “affirmations on steroids” will certainly suffice. Manifestations are used to attract the type of energy that would help you achieve a specific goal. When working with manifestations, your goal can be as broad as “be happy” or as specific as “get a job at the New York Times.”

Manifestations should be viewed in the context of the Law of Attraction – a philosophy or attitude to life that states that “like attracts like”. Positive thoughts, in particular, allow you to welcome positivity into your life, while a cycle of negative thinking causes pain and suffering.

You are probably already familiar with affirmations, or positive statements designed to put you in a positive frame of mind to succeed and live your best life. Manifestations are similar in that people use them to bring about new events or circumstances, but they are also different. At manifestations, you don’t just sing statements. They also take the necessary actions to get you where you want to be. You work hard to achieve your goal and you do whatever it takes to make sure your soul is aligned with that goal and your emotions are in the right place.

Do you want to find your soulmate? It’s not going to happen just by singing “I’m so lucky to have a wonderful partner in my life.” At least you have to go out and meet some people too.

Do you want to be a millionaire? Telling yourself every day that you already are one won’t do it. You’ll almost certainly need to start a successful business to get there.

You get the point – manifestations continue where affirmations leave off by making sure you create the right circumstances to make your dreams come true.

Benefits of Writing Your Manifestations

Think back to a time in your life when you were unexpectedly rewarded with the very thing you had long since intensely desired, and you will realize that you don’t necessarily have to write down your manifestations in order to achieve your dream of being.

However, journaling helps to manifest, and that’s because:

When you write something down, make it concrete. You commit to it. you do it physically

Journaling gives you a place to visualize your future.

Journaling can give you an opportunity to identify what you need to work on to remove the barriers that stand between you and achieving your goal.

When you write manifestations, you can keep track of those that have already arisen and give yourself more to be grateful for each day. This will also support you in your positive mindset.

4 Best Ways to Write Your Manifestations

You can of course follow your own unique style while writing your manifestations, but here’s a look at methods that work well for other people.

1. Manifestation List

A manifestation list is one of the easiest ways to start your manifestations. You simply write a list of your desires in a special manifestation journal, describe your dreams in order of priority, and use the present tense.

You read the manifestation list every day and make a note of whether something you wished for has happened. Remember to be thankful for the present!

2. Manifestation Scripting

Yes, this is scripting like in “Movie Screenplay”. To use this technique, sit in a quiet and peaceful place with your journal and envision every detail of your new life—the life you desire. Tell the journal how it feels, what you smell, what you can taste, what makes you smile, who you work with and how they are. Write in the present tense and do your best. Your future could depend on it.

3. Vision Board Journal

For the absolute newbies, we’ll assume you’re familiar with Pinterest. If you’ve ever gotten lost on the healthiest side of the platform, you’ve already seen something very similar to a vision board. Your vision board will be as unique as you are and it will be filled with your personal dreams.

Many people use traditional cork boards for a vision board, which they can hang in the home office. You can also use a journal for your vision board, and in this case it looks most like a scrapbook. A vision board is filled with everything you want in your life. This can include:

Pictures and other images that show your dream – maybe a beautiful home decorated in a certain style, or maybe a successful career.

Powerful inspirational quotes from famous people or people you know personally.

If you are religious, the Scriptures.

Your personal affirmations.

If you want, you can also handwrite affirmations and use the same journal as a gratitude journal—as long as you’re visually inspired, the rules are up to you.

4. Manifestation methods of repetition

Repeat manifestation methods are among the most powerful and popular, and you have many different options to choose from, depending on your personal preference:

The 369 Manifestation Method was inspired by inventor Nikola Tesla, who loved the numbers 3, 6, and 9, and has since been modernized by several different innovators. You start with just one manifestation, about two sentences long. Be specific and phrase it as if your desire has already manifested. Write your manifestation three times in the morning, six times at noon, and nine times before bed.

was inspired by inventor Nikola Tesla, who loved the numbers 3, 6, and 9, and has since been modernized by several different innovators. You start with just one manifestation, about two sentences long. Be specific and phrase it as if your desire has already manifested. Write your manifestation three times in the morning, six times at noon, and nine times before bed. The 55×5 manifestation method asks you to write your manifestation 55 times a day, 5 times in a row. Your manifestation should be exciting, specific, written in the present tense, and fairly short.

asks you to write your manifestation 55 times a day, 5 times in a row. Your manifestation should be exciting, specific, written in the present tense, and fairly short. The 1×11 manifestation method has its origins with Abraham, the non-physical entity from the book Manifest Your Desires. Decide what you are trying to manifest and write it down in positive, specific terms, as if the dream you have is already your reality. In a special journal, mark 11 pages. Write the affirmation 11 times in the morning and 11 times in the evening for 11 days in a row. Memorize the statement if you can. After you’ve finished writing, take some time to meditate and be one with the universe. This method recognizes that it may take longer than 11 days for your desire to manifest and asks you to take a break of at least a few days before attempting the practice again.

originated with Abraham, the non-physical being from the book Manifest Your Desires. Decide what you are trying to manifest and write it down in positive, specific terms, as if the dream you have is already your reality. In a special journal, mark 11 pages. Write the affirmation 11 times in the morning and 11 times in the evening for 11 days in a row. Memorize the statement if you can. After you’ve finished writing, take some time to meditate and be one with the universe. This method recognizes that it may take longer than 11 days for your desire to manifest and asks you to take a break of at least a few days before attempting the practice again. The 77×7 Manifestation Technique is another repetition method—and by now you’ll be familiar with the essence. In a special diary you write your manifestation 7 times after waking up and 7 times during the night, for 7 days at a time. It works well for many people for the simple reason that the number 7 marks a week and as such fits into your natural rhythm very well.

– and now you will be familiar with the essence. In a special diary you write your manifestation 7 times after waking up and 7 times during the night, for 7 days at a time. It works well for many people for the simple reason that the number 7 marks a week and as such fits into your natural rhythm very well. The 3×33 manifestation method requires you to write your manifestation 33 times a day for 3 days in a row. Once you’ve done that, let it go and let the universe work.

Which Repeat Manifestation Method is Right for You? This is ultimately a matter of personal preference. If any of these numbers already have a special meaning for you, you should select them.

A step-by-step guide to writing manifestations

As a complete newbie to manifestation writing, the whole process can be a little intimidating. This step-by-step guide to writing manifestations can help you get started.

1. Get a manifestation journal

Their manifestations are important – and they should unfold in a special journal. Choose one with high-quality paper and a nice, durable cover, such as B. a Moleskine diary.

This journal is where you will write your manifestations, following your chosen method, so you will. You can also write about the things in your life that you are particularly grateful for. Your manifestation journal is not a journal in which you can write whatever you feel like. Keep angry or disappointed thoughts away and focus on the positive. Focus on manifesting your desire.

If the method you are using requires a certain amount of disk space, mark that first. Leave space in another section to share your thoughts on gratitude and love.

Now all you have to do is keep your manifestation journal close to you as often as possible. This not only allows you to write your manifestations at the designated times, but also gives you a little peek whenever you need extra motivation.

2. Meditate and visualize your dreams

No matter what method of manifestation you choose, meditation should be a key part of the process. You can do this immediately after writing your manifestations, or right beforehand if you prefer. As you meditate, visualize your dream. Imagine that your desires are already part of your life. You can do this by:

Visualization of your environment.

Imagine how you feel.

Imagine your daily routine.

Think about the tastes, smells, and sounds that exist in your ideal life.

If you’ve ever been to a yoga class and been asked to think of a peaceful beach or pine forest, and you’ve heard the waves crashing on the beach and smelled the fresh smell of pine trees, you can , to.

3. Write down your manifestations in detail

If your goals are too vague, you may never know if you’ve achieved them. Their manifestations should be specific. It’s usually best not to settle for “I’m happy” or “I’m healthy.” Instead, visualize your desires in great detail. you know what you desire It could be a specific action. It could be a specific weight goal. Write this down so you know if your manifestation worked.

4. Repetition

In order to feel that the manifestation is really a part of your life, you have to keep coming back to it. This is why in popular methods you write your manifestations several times a day and this is why you write them a certain number of times. After a while, the manifestations begin to feel real.

5. Trust in yourself and the universe

Some people can actually manifest their desires while trying to prove to a friend that manifesting doesn’t work, but don’t count on it. You have to trust that your desire or dream is a possibility and that you are worthy of having it present in your life. After going through the process, you should also trust the universe (god, cosmic energy or whatever you see it) to take care of you.

Examples of written manifestations

are you still stuck It might be helpful to see what types of manifestations people use to manifest their desires, so here are some examples.


I am truly grateful that my special someone came into my life.

I am so passionately in love with my soulmate and I will forever be grateful that the universe put her on my path.

My true love and I live a wonderful life of beauty and peace, comfort and laughter.

I’m so lucky to be able to spend so much time with my amazing partner!

I’m so incredibly happy to have met my one and only!


I am very fortunate to have found a job that I enjoy and that meets all my material needs.

I attract wealth like flowers attract honey. I feel good and so grateful to be able to give back to my community.

I work hard and have a job that I am so grateful for and I am so grateful for the material benefits I enjoy every day.

I am proud to be able to help the world with my great work.

new moon

I embrace the new and trust that the universe will show me my way.

As the moon goes through all its phases, I too rise like a phoenix.

As the moon begins a new cycle, I am so thankful that the earth is at peace and my community is safe.

Additional tips for manifesting through writing

To make the most of your manifestations, use these tips extensively!

Always write in the present tense as if the life you want is already yours.

Be clear and specific when writing your manifestation.

Be confident in your writing and do your best to seriously imagine that you are already living your desired outcome.

Be patient. If your desire doesn’t manifest itself the next day, that doesn’t mean it won’t.

Avoid writing negative words like “never,” “don’t want to,” “can’t,” “unhappy,” and the like—rephrase your manifestation positively instead. (For example, avoid “I’m grateful I left my horrible, stressful job and found a better one”—these words evoke negativity.)

frequently asked Questions

What is the best way to write manifestations?

Write your manifestations in ballpoint ink in a quality journal.

What color represents manifestations?

This depends on your cultural context, but you can use warm and positive colors like orange, red, or yellow if you wish. Green can represent new beginnings.

Where should you write manifestations?

You should write your manifestations in a peaceful environment conducive to personal growth.

Can you manifest for someone else?

Yes you can! Always feel free to manifest for someone you love or care about. Never use manifestations in the hope that something negative will happen to someone.

Is a handwritten journal better for writing manifestations?

Yes. The act of handwriting manifestations helps you connect with them.

How Often Should You Write Your Manifestations?

This depends a lot on the method you follow, but repetition is always key.

Does spiritual manifestation work?

To learn more about how spiritual manifestation works, you can look at The Law of Attraction. Some people believe that non-physical entities or a higher power are at work, while others believe that the power of manifestation lies simply in the transformative act of positive thinking. As we change ourselves for the better, we also change our reality.

How many times should I write something to manifest it?

The 369 method involves writing down what you’d like to manifest three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times in the evening.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

With the 369 Method, you write down what you want to manifest three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times in the evening.

This method grew in popularity (of course) on TikTok, with videos tagged “369method” garnering over 165 million views combined. You don’t have to look far to find people on the app claiming technology has helped them manifest new relationships, large sums of money, and more.

It was the famous inventor Nikola Tesla who first thought that three, six and nine were powerful numbers for manifestation in the 20th century. “He believed these divine numbers were the key to unlocking the universe,” spiritual advisor Diana Zalucky told mbg.

Numbers aside, the 369 practice tracks feature the Law of Attraction, which states that we tend to attract what we put our attention on.

Hypnotist and Wishcraft author Shauna Cummins adds that if you focus on what you desire, you could help your brain “find what it’s looking for and therefore be more likely to act on what you want.” especially in such a consistent way.

How do I run a script on my phone?

To create a job to run customized scripts and deploy it to the enrolled device(s) or group(s) remotely, follow these steps:
  1. On the SureMDM Web Console, navigate to Jobs > New Job > Android > Run Script.
  2. In the Run Script prompt, enter a Job Name, Script and click Save.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

Run Script (Android)

The Run Script job allows administrators to remotely run custom scripts on the enrolled devices.

Follow these steps to create a job to run custom scripts and deploy it remotely to the registered devices or groups:

1. In the SureMDM web console, navigate to Jobs > New Job > Android > Run Script.

2. At the Run Script prompt, enter a job name and script and click Save.


To add a predefined script in the Script field, do the following:

a. Select a function under Generic/Knox/EA/Shell.

b. At the Run Script prompt, paste the script in the space (if necessary) and click Validate.

A confirmation is displayed if the validation is successful.

c. Click Insert.

The newly created job is listed in the Job List section.

3. Go back to the Home tab and select the Android device(s) or group(s).

4. Click Apply to launch the Apply job/profile to device prompt.

5. At the Apply job/profile to device prompt, select the job and click Apply.

Can you write your shifting script on your phone?

Can you write your shifting script on your phone? Yes, you can! Many people write shifting scripts on their phone. If you have a physical notebook, you can also add sketches, though, and that might make for a better experience.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

Switching has exploded on TikTok — and if you want to try it, you might decide you need to script it to simplify the experience. Here’s how.

What is the shift about?

Reality shifting—usually simply called shifting—is a meditative state in which the “shifter” enters an alternate reality. Key terms to be familiar with include:

Current Reality (CR). Also called “IRL” or “Meatspace” in other circles – in other words, the physical world you live in.

Also called “IRL” or “Meatspace” in other circles – in other words, the physical world you live in. Desired Reality (DR). This is where shifters are trying to get to. The Harry Potter universe and the MCU are examples of popular wishful thinking.

This is where shifters are trying to get to. The Harry Potter universe and the MCU are examples of popular wishful thinking. The Waiting Room (WR) is also referred to as the world in between. It’s essentially a portal between your CR and DR.

is also called the intermediate world. It’s essentially a portal between your CR and DR. A script is a framework that shifters create to define what they want to experience in their DR.

is a framework that shifters create to define what they want to experience in their DR. The method is the way to the DR – and there are many.

The ultimate goal of shifting is to experience an alternate reality in real-time, and while every shifter has unique experiences, many describe it as feeling like “lucid dreaming on steroids.” Scripting your shift gives you more control over what you might experience when you step into your DR, but you still don’t have full control.

Do you need a script to switch?

People who are trying to change often write screenplays. These are in some ways very similar to affirmations or visualizations in meditation – they clarify the intentions of the shifter to create a better and more inclusive DR experience. Scripts for switching are written down, on physical paper or virtually.

You don’t need a script to switch. Some people switch without scripts, in which case the “script” still exists in your head.

Why is scripting important for shifting? Would you go on holiday without a compass and map, without sunscreen, without a translation app and without your favorite holiday-appropriate clothes? If you’re very adventurous, maybe, but most people would answer, “Of course not!”. Switching is the same. A script helps you prepare for the experience, which can only be good.

What to write in a script for the move

If you’re new to panning, you should know that the scripts used in panning aren’t anything like a movie script. They don’t outline the plot. All you do is set the tone, and the more detail you add, the more perfect your shifting experience can be.

Details that many shifters include in their scripts for moving to a DR include:

Personal data – name, nickname, date of birth, age, family history and so on.

— Name, nickname, date of birth, age, family history and so on. your personality. You don’t have to be the same as in the CR. You might be brave, good at math, hilarious about your hobbies, or a number of other things. Think about what properties would work well in your DR.

You don’t have to be the same as in the CR. You might be brave, good at math, hilarious about your hobbies, or a number of other things. Think about what properties would work well in your DR. How you look in the DR. This can be what you look like in the CR, or it can be completely different.

This can be what you look like in the CR, or it can be completely different. Relationships in the DR. Who are your friends? Do you have love interests? Any enemies?

Who are your friends? Do you have love interests? Any enemies? What are you doing in the DR? For example, Hogwarts is a popular DR. What house are you in? what are you good at

For example, Hogwarts is a popular DR. What house are you in? what are you good at Helpful extras like strength, perfect vision, powers and details about the DR. Let’s say everyone in your DR only speaks Japanese and you don’t. You now either have a magic translation machine or everyone has learned English.

, like strength, perfect vision, powers and details about the DR. Let’s say everyone in your DR only speaks Japanese but you don’t. You now either have a magic translation machine or everyone has learned English. Many shifters also state that there will be no harm to their bodies in the CR and that whatever they experience in the DR shouldn’t cause them any trauma in the CR.

DR Shifting Script Templates

Are you hoping to switch to your favorite fictional universe? Here’s how to structure scripts for popular DRs. We only give you the questions so you can fill in the answers yourself.

Moving to Hogwarts: Questions for Your Screenplay

Which Hogwarts house are you in?

What’s your backstory? Were your parents muggles or wizards?

What is your favorite course and professor?

Who are your friends? Who are your enemies?

Do you like to play Quidditch? If so, what position do you play?

who are you dating who is your crush

How do most people see you at Hogwarts? Popular? awkward? a nerd?

Switching to the MCU: Questions for your script

Name and nickname, date of birth, personality.

what is your role your backstory?

If you are a superhero what are your powers? Add a strong healing factor as you may get into a lot of fights!

Are you part of the Avengers?

Who are your friends? who is your love interest are you dating anyone

what are your mistakes You can definitely be too perfect and risk boredom in your DR!

Switching to Any Anime: Questions for Your Script

Here we’re going to do it a little differently, answering the questions instead of asking them – to show you how.

My name is Suki. I’m slim and 5′ 3′ tall. I have purple hair. I’m 15 years old.

I’m a student at Six Dragons High School and I’m good at chemistry, but my true love is literature. I’m a bit of a nerd, but the cute, cool kind that most of my classmates get along with.

My close friends are Fumiko, Rin and Mirai. I am in love with Akari. She doesn’t know it yet, but she also has a secret crush on me.

I live with my father. He’s cool, but often away for work. That’s a good thing because I’m a ninja and he doesn’t know about it. Akari also has powers and I secretly found out about them.

Convenient – I wear a watch that shows the time in my CR. Time runs differently here. Twenty minutes in the CR is a full day in the DR. When I switch back, the DR hits a pause button. I fight but I feel no pain.

You have the idea – flesh it out from there. An additional detail we should mention is that your sense of smell (sense of smell) is very strong, and for this reason shifters write details about the smells they perceive in the DR into their scripts. For example, your classroom smells like peaches, or you smell the air just after it rains.

Where you write your switching script

Each shifter must find their own unique way of writing a script, but your options include:

On paper in a sweet diary.

On your phone.

Make a nice graphic that conveys the feel of your DR, for example in Photoshop or Krita.

In a Word document or Google Docs, after that you can print it out.

Create a vision board that Pinterest can help you with. You can also try scrapbooking.

Tips for writing a good screenplay for transition

Still not sure how to write a switching script?

Basically, you envision everything you want to experience in your DR, and then you write that down in as much detail as you can and want. Then imagine in great detail how you are in the DR. You don’t have to be who you are now and should adjust your skills and appearance to fit the DR. Try sketching yourself.

After you’re done with that, start thinking about practical things. Does your DR pause when you’re not around? Does your script include a dimension shifting ability that lets others in your DR know why you won’t be there sometimes?

After trying to switch, here’s what else to include in your scripts. Learn from previous experiences and add more details.

frequently asked Questions

Can you write your shift script on your phone?

Yes you can! Many people write switching scripts on their cell phones. However, if you have a physical notebook, you can add sketches as well, potentially resulting in a better experience.

Can you write fictional realities?

Shifting became more popular in the context of the Hogwarts universe, where it mostly revolved around Draco Malfoy on TikTok. Other popular fictional universes are also frequent DRs for shifters, including MCU, Anime, Game of Thrones, and Peter Pan. You can also write your own DR. In that case, why not try writing a novel to really build your world?

How to quickly switch to reality?

You must have patience. Most people wait until they are in a state close to sleep.

Is Reality Shift Safe?

Not everyone has the same opinion on the subject, but most of the time shifting seems harmless as long as you don’t forget the CR.

How long does it take to change realities?

Some shifters claim to be able to shift in seconds, but the popular Raven method relies on counting to 100 with confirmations in between. Newcomers can take half an hour or even longer to even reach the “waiting room”.

What are the methods to move?

There’s more than we can handle, but the Raven Method, Pillow Method, Rabbit Hole Method, and Heartbeat Method are among the most popular.

Can I run scripts on Android?

But regarding to your question, yes it is possible to run python and php in Android, though you do need to install them first since unlike many other Linux systems, they’re not installed by default.

How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

Logically, since Android is Linux at its base, I think it should be possible to run a script on Android, like a Python script or a PHP script (obviously with executable bit).

If not conventional, is there a way to do it?



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Can I Write a Manifestation Journal On My Phone?

Manifestation journals are a fantastic tool that can help you achieve your goals.

They allow you to focus on your goals and to notice even the small victories.

Traditionally, manifestation diaries are written in paper form.

But in this era of digital everything, can manifestation journals be written on our phones?

The answer is yes.

Writing (or typing) on ​​your phone to manifest your desires is a powerful tool, and the process works much like writing down manifestations with a pen and journal.

Since almost everyone has a phone in their pocket, it makes scripting and manifesting your intentions that much easier.

As an expert in Manifestations and the Law of Attraction, Julie Collins explains, “It’s easy to create reminders on your phone, and it’s even easier to see all your manifestations in one place when you script them on your phone.”

Oh, and for anyone asking, “can I manifest in the Notes app?” Yes, you can.

I wrote my manifestation journal in the Notes app on my iPhone. I use it regularly to manifest all sorts of targets.

Does manifesting work on your phone?

Yes, manifesting on your phone will work.

A lot of people think that writing their manifestation journal on their phones is not going to be as effective.

However, this is completely wrong.

I have found that writing a manifestation journal on your phone can be just as effective as writing a manifestation journal on paper.

I wrote my current manifestation diary from early January to July this year on my phone using the Notes app.

Each and every one of these manifestations was achieved through writing in my manifestation journal.

If I had written them on paper it would not have made any difference because I was still following best practices for manifesting.

As long as you can focus on your goals, believe they are possible, and act like they’ve already been accomplished, writing a manifestation journal on your phone shouldn’t be a problem.

How do I manifest something on my phone?

The steps to manifesting on your phone are the same as creating a manifestation journal by writing on paper.

The only major difference is that you write one manifestation journal on paper and for the other you type your manifestations right on your phone.

Below are the 6 steps you need to follow to manifest anything on your phone:

1. Choose a format

For your digital manifestation journal, you want to choose a format that works best for you.

Will you focus on manifesting long-term or short-term goals?

Long-term manifestations tend to be larger and more profound. They usually span months or even years as part of your life journey. For example, manifesting yourself to buy your dream home.

While short-term manifestations tend to be minor achievements that don’t take that long to manifest. For example, manifesting going out for coffee with a friend.

If you are new to manifesting, it may be easier to start with smaller, short-term manifestations first.

2. Be clear about what you want

Turning your desires into reality will always work best when you know exactly what you want.

The more precise and detailed the picture you have of your manifestation, the easier it will be to manifest.

You should start asking and answering questions like:

what is my goal

Where should this goal lead me?

What do I need?

Do I want to manifest something professional?

Do I want to manifest something relational?

The more detailed and clear you are, the better.

And remember, your desires should always be based on what you want, not what someone else wants. You should feel passionate and excited about what you are manifesting.

3. Visualize

Once you have your goal clearly defined, imagine what it will be like when you reach your goal.

This is one of the most important steps in making anything manifest into reality.

Close your eyes and imagine what it will be like when you reach your goal.

You want to see it in as much detail as possible.

Think about how you will feel when you reach your goal.

How will it change your life?

Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool for turning things into reality, so use visualization as much as possible!

You can also draw pictures of what you are visualizing or write detailed stories of how it all unfolds and is accomplished.

4. Start typing!

Writing down (or in this case typing out) how you feel about having already achieved this goal is the next step in creating a digital manifestation journal.

If you have trouble with this step, try to think of all the ways that achieving your goal will have a positive impact on your life.

For example, if you could manifest a new house for yourself, write down each day how it feels to live in that new house.

How will it change your life?

What are the advantages of owning a home?

Keep tapping until you feel really good about starting the kick-off process to turn your goal into reality.

5. Believe and achieve

Having faith that your desires will manifest is an essential part of manifesting.

You should feel positive and excited about what you are manifesting.

You should believe it will happen.

The Law of Attraction attracts whatever you focus on.

If you don’t believe in your desires, chances are they won’t come true.

So it’s important to believe in and feel good about what you’re trying to manifest.

To help you keep your faith and positive attitude, you can repeat affirmations such as:

I attract [desire] into my life.

I will reach my goal.

The universe will help me to manifest [desire] in my life.

6. Be patient and persistent

Manifestation takes time.

It’s like planting a seed and growing a flower or tree from it.

It takes a lot of time and effort to plant a seed, wait for it to grow, and then water it regularly.

In order to manifest your desires, you must be patient and persistent to achieve what you want.

You should start by taking one step at a time to create the bigger picture of what you are trying to manifest.

By breaking down the steps to reach your goal, you can create smaller goals that are easier to achieve.

So, when trying to manifest the purchase of your dream home, start by putting some money aside each month.

Take these small steps toward your main goal until they add up enough to make the big picture that you already have your home.

When things slow down or get difficult, take a step back for a moment and appreciate all the progress you’ve already made on your journey to manifesting your desires.

When you are in that appreciative place, it will be easier to continue the process of achieving what you want.

Can you write affirmations on a phone instead of paper?

Yes, you can write affirmations on a phone instead of paper.

If you prefer to write your affirmations on paper, then do it.

If you want to type them on a computer or phone and think that would work just as well, then go ahead!

Both methods work the same.

Can you script on your phone?

Yes, you can create scripts on your phone.

Scripting by typing on your phone has the same result as scripting by typing on a computer or writing in a notebook.

Julie recommends creating vision boards on your phone using apps like Canva or Pinterest to help you with your scripting and manifesting process.

As long as you create images using the law of attraction and visualization, you will manifest your desires.

Can you enter your manifestations?

Yes, you can enter your manifestations.

Just as you can write your manifestations down on paper or type them into a computer, you can also type your manifestations into your phone.

No matter which method you use, the law of attraction will still work in these different ways.

Can you create a manifestation vision board on your phone?

Yes, you can create a manifestation vision board on your phone.

Creating a vision board is a great way to manifest what you want as it combines the power of the law of attraction with visualization.

Before you create your vision board, think about what you want to manifest and take some time to meditate on it.

When creating your vision board, use different colors to represent those desires.

For example, if you’re trying to manifest abundance (more money flowing into your life), you can use green.

If you’re trying to manifest a new career change, use gold on your vision board as it’s a color often associated with success.

You can use apps like Pinterest or Canva to create a vision board on your phone.

This way you can add lots of images to your vision board and change the color schemes if you need inspiration later.

Check your vision board regularly and add to it as you come up with new ideas.

Final Thoughts

Not only is writing a manifestation journal on your phone possible; it is very powerful.

You can use your manifestation journal to track desired changes in your life, create positive affirmations, and document how it feels when you manifest your desires.

The best way is simply the method that works best for you.

If writing things down on paper helps you focus better, or typing them into an app to express yourself better, then it’s worth doing both!

I hope this article answered your question about writing a manifestation journal on your phone!

What is your favorite method of writing and documenting your affirmations?

Please comment below and let me know!

Can I script for manifestation on my phone? Also, do I have to read that script every day for it to work?

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How to Manifest Using These Eight Methods

What does it mean to manifest?

In order to manifest, intentionally think, act and live in ways that ultimately lead to what you want. You can manifest love, money, your perfect home, a dream job – anything you desire! In order to manifest your dreams and work toward your goals, you must trust the process, stay positive, and perhaps practice the Law of Attraction.

The law of attraction seems simple enough: by visualizing your desires and focusing your mind on what you want, the universe will present those desires to you. There are many conflicting thoughts about whether the law of attraction is helpful or harmful, but it all boils down to the fact that you just can’t wait for the universe to show you what you want; You must actively play a role in manifesting what you desire most.

The good news is that it is absolutely possible! Manifest works, though maybe not in the way you expect.

Eight ways to manifest anything

1. Be clear about what you want.

This is the basis of your manifestation journey. To get what you want, you need to know exactly what you want! And the key word here is accurate – be really specific about what your desired outcome is.

For example, if your desired outcome is a new job in a field you’re passionate about, outline all the details, including roles and responsibilities, salary, and even whether you want to work in an office or remotely. You can also think about what kind of team structure or environment you want to work in. Would you like a team to report to you? Are you looking for flexible working hours? The more detailed the better! You will know when you have reached your goal because it will look exactly how you wanted it.

2. Find out how what you want feels like.

In addition to visualizing all the details of your desired outcome, determine how you want that manifestation to feel. This is an important step as it helps you clarify the why behind your goals. Through this practice, when you are manifesting something that does not improve your life or increase your well-being, it becomes very clear.

Let’s stay with the new job example. Aside from that awesome new job that pays the salary you want and deserve, how do you want this job to make you feel? Would you like to feel freedom and autonomy in your work and schedule? Would you like to be inspired by the people around you? Would you like to be in another city or place? What kind of experiences would you like to have as part of this job, such as travel, networking or other?

Figuring out these kinds of details will take longer than just specifying what you want. So remember to be patient. Some of the best ways to manifest this full picture are to create vision boards, meditate, and journal these feelings.

3. Make a plan – and stick to it.

Creating a plan to manifest your dreams will not only hold you accountable, but will serve as a roadmap for any future manifestation process!

To land your dream job in the city you’ve always dreamed of, you’ll need to work backwards from that goal to figure out the steps that will get you there. The first step might seem like just moving to town, and if you’re spontaneous and have the means, that’s amazing! But even this step requires some planning, which might seem like analyzing your finances to create a budget for your move, making changes to your current schedule to make time for apartment/house hunting, and dealing with Connect with friends or family at your eventual destination. Start building a foundation of support.

Stick to the plan as best you can, but don’t be too discouraged if a hiccup in your life necessitates a change of plan (that’s life, after all!). The great thing about planning things ahead is that you can try to predict those hiccups and make contingency plans.

4. Practice gratitude and radical kindness.

It’s easy to get caught up in the moves necessary to manifest and achieve your goals, and it can sometimes lead to frustration and the need for a morale boost. Cultivating a daily practice of gratitude and showing radical kindness to yourself can help revitalize you on your manifestation journey.

Gratitude can help you shift your mindset from “lack” to “abundance,” meaning choosing to focus your energy on everything you have versus what you don’t have. This is incredibly powerful in the manifestation process because in order to focus your long-term energy on a positive outcome, you must remain positive in the short-term. Even if you are manifesting something you don’t currently have, rely on what you have to get you there.

Practicing gratitude on your journey of manifestation can look like this:

Each day, write down one thing you’re grateful for, such as your ability to stay calm, cool, and collected during a job interview

Thanking someone for their unconditional support, e.g. B. if a friend helps you to optimize your CV

Show radical kindness to yourself, such as B. Regular self-care to promote your mental health

5. Address limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are the thoughts floating around in your head that say you can’t achieve your goals! These beliefs form the story you tell yourself when you fail at something, as if you weren’t smart enough, determined enough, or skilled enough to achieve your goals. The remarkable thing about these limiting beliefs is that if you continue the same story enough times, they become truth – our thoughts have immense power over our well-being!

Limiting beliefs can make you (accidentally) stop working toward your goals, whether it’s procrastinating on a to-do list or letting your doubts dominate your inner conversations and decisions. One of the best ways to prevent these limiting beliefs from holding back your manifestation progress is to address these thoughts as they arise.

For example, you’ve often told yourself that you don’t deserve the salary you want, resulting in you never asking for a raise, keeping you in roles with the same salary, and perpetuating that belief. When that thought comes up—“I don’t deserve it…”—reply to it, “I’m qualified and I deserve the salary I want.” You can also write these positive thoughts on sticky notes and leave them lying around in plain sight to constantly remind yourself of your limiting beliefs to challenge.

6. Trust the process.

Even when you’re actively working to manifest your dreams, part of the process actually requires a bit of letting go. This can be difficult, especially for those who love to plan from A to Z, but practicing trust in the universe can go a long way toward realizing your desires.

Much like your limiting beliefs, distrust of the manifestation process can create undesirable experiences or situations. You create distrust in the process by focusing on what can go wrong instead of what can go right, creating stress, tension, frustration and disappointment that realizing your dreams is taking much longer than you would like.

To trust the process, you must trust that everything you are doing is working toward your greater goal and that every block, hiccup, or curveball thrown your way is destined to give you resilience and determination to teach.

7. Raise your vibration.

Everything in the universe is made of energy or the vibration of molecules constantly colliding with each other. We all also give off energy, which you can tell by a person’s body language, tone, attitude, and demeanor. Similar to the concept of karma – “what goes around comes around” – raising your vibration and radiating positive energy sends signals to the universe that you are open to new possibilities, which is central to the manifestation process.

In order to raise your vibration, it is important that your attitude, thoughts, and behavior are all aligned with your ultimate goal. It’s difficult to trust someone when they say one thing and do the other, and the same goes for manifesting. In order to manifest your dreams, the energy you put into everything you do must be consistent and aligned with your manifestation plan.

8. Do not be afraid to receive and acknowledge signs from the universe.

As you do all of these things to manifest, don’t be surprised if you receive signs from the universe that your plan is working. If you are skeptical of the universe’s ability to send you signs, you are likely to attribute everything to chance. But what do you have to lose if you change your mindset to believe you are receiving signs that you are on the right path to manifestation? That’s the basic idea – realizing that anything is possible and that you are capable of achieving anything.

Important souvenirs

How long it will take for your dreams to manifest depends a lot on what those dreams are about. However, following these steps can reduce the time it takes to manifest exactly what you want. Remember, the clearer you are in your mind about what you want and how you will get there, the better able you are to achieve your dreams.

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