Can You Paint An Alternator? The 68 Correct Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can you paint an alternator“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

I’ve seen a couple of posts with pics here of painted alternators where the owner’s have not disassembled before painting. Some have just used some Scotch Brite on the casing and gotten a surprisingly nice finish.Cleaning the alternators is pretty good to help maximize its performance. Nevertheless, it would be best if you do not pressure wash the alternators. Doing so can cause some serious damage to the seal, which would be bad for the car.You can definitely clean your alternator with water if you don’t pressure wash it directly. You wouldn’t want to clean your engine bay by pressure washing it because it can damage the seals that could cause another problem for you.

Can you jet wash an alternator?

Cleaning the alternators is pretty good to help maximize its performance. Nevertheless, it would be best if you do not pressure wash the alternators. Doing so can cause some serious damage to the seal, which would be bad for the car.

Can you clean an alternator with water?

You can definitely clean your alternator with water if you don’t pressure wash it directly. You wouldn’t want to clean your engine bay by pressure washing it because it can damage the seals that could cause another problem for you.

Can you lubricate an alternator?

Liquid Bearings 100%-synthetic oil for alternator lubrication, use it on bearings, bushings, pulleys, any moving parts, never becomes gummy, gets noisy units moving quietly again!

Can water damage my car’s alternator?

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Does tapping on alternator work?

Some people believe that you can just tap the alternator with a hammer to get it to operate. You should not do this because it will damage the part and you might even damage the surrounding parts to the car, resulting is a large car repair bill.

Can water damage my car’s alternator?

Dos and don’ts for alternators

Spring brings warmer weather and a desire to get out after returning home in winter. Your car has made it safely and securely through snow, freezing cold and ice and now is the best time to inspect your car to see if you are ready for spring travel. After you’ve checked your fluids, changed your oil, cleaned your headlights, and aligned your tires, you might think you’re ready to go. Then one day your car won’t start. What could be the problem? Maybe it’s the alternator. The alternator is a very important part of your car and there are some things you should know, do and not do about it.

purpose of the alternator

If the battery were the heart of the car, the alternator would be the life spark, or the spirit that keeps the heart beating. It is the power source for the electrical system and works in tandem with the battery and voltage regulator. It keeps the battery charged and powers all electrical components such as headlights and wipers. The main job of this part is to convert the AC voltage it generates into the DC voltage required by the battery. This conversion of energy is the life force that keeps the heart beating, or in this case, the car running.

The dos of the alternator

To make sure your alternator is working, you should have it checked regularly. Your owner’s manual may have a schedule for performing the inspection. It would be wise to test the voltage output so you can assess the condition. You can also have it tested by your mechanic. If you test your device and find that the voltage reading is low, you should have it replaced as soon as possible. The alternator will give you signs that it is running poorly, but those signs will not manifest for very long. If you notice when you start your car that your headlights or dashboard gauges are not glowing brightly, this is a sign that you should replace the alternator soon.

The prohibitions of the alternator

You should not continue to operate your car if the alternator goes bad. While it gives you indications that it’s about to fail, it doesn’t give you any warning when it fails completely. Your car just won’t start. Some people believe that you can just tap the alternator with a hammer to get it working. You should not do this as it will damage the part and you could even damage the surrounding parts of the car resulting in a high auto repair bill. Do not dispose of the device with household waste; it should be recycled in an environmentally responsible manner.

What happens if your alternator stops working?

If a faulty alternator fails to keep your battery consistently charged, the fuel injectors may not fire, causing your engine to stall. A dying alternator can lead to a wide range of other electrical issues. Generally speaking, such issues manifest as an inability to perform at normal power.

Can water damage my car’s alternator?

Today’s cars use two different sources of energy: mechanical and electrical. Your engine produces mechanical power through combustion, providing the power needed to move your wheels. Meanwhile, a number of other systems from your headlights to your radio rely on the electrical power provided by your battery.

These two systems interact through the alternator, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, keeping the battery charged. When an alternator stops working properly, it can cause a variety of problems. This article takes a closer look at four common symptoms of a failed alternator.

1. Car won’t start

A dead battery is almost always behind a car that won’t start. If you jump start the car and it runs properly, the problem is probably with the battery itself. In some cases, the battery may just be dead – for example, if you forgot to turn off the lights. In such cases, skipping the battery and letting your car run for a few minutes will fix the problem.

If your car keeps running after a jump but won’t turn over the next time you try to start it, you may need a new battery. Because the car keeps running after starting, you know the alternator is still able to do its job. Instead, the battery doesn’t seem able to hold a charge with the engine off.

If your engine dies again within seconds or minutes after the battery jumped, the fault is likely with your alternator. In fact, your alternator may have died completely. Inserting a new battery may fix the problem for a short time. But once the new battery dies, you’re stuck with a car that won’t start.

2. Engine stall

A dead alternator almost always results in a car that won’t start. But before things get that far, you may encounter a number of other issues. A faulty or dying alternator may only work intermittently. As a result, the alternator may not have what it takes to keep your battery fully charged—even with the engine running.

As a result, your car may stall at unusual times. The immediate cause of such a stall is often with the fuel injectors, which require power to do their job. If a faulty alternator isn’t keeping your battery constantly charged, the injectors may not fire and your engine will stall.

3. Electrical problems

A dying alternator can lead to a variety of other electrical problems. In general, such problems manifest themselves as an inability to work with normal performance. For example, you may find that your headlights appear dimmer than usual – or even that their brightness varies inexplicably.

Other signs include dashboard and overhead lights, which may also flicker or appear dim. Automatic windows may open and close much more slowly than usual. Or your radio and/or entertainment centers may turn themselves off periodically.

4. Unusual noises

Bad alternators often produce loud or unusual noises. An alternator receives its mechanical energy from the engine via a belt. If this belt is misaligned or excessively worn, you may notice strange squeaking noises coming from under your hood. A worn belt may not be able to spin the alternator fast enough to produce adequate power.

The interior of the alternator contains bearings that allow the inner stator to rotate along with the belt. Over time, these bearings will corrode and wear out, producing a humming noise. This noise increases as the bearings continue to wear.

If you have noticed any of these symptoms, seek professional help as soon as possible. Even if your car keeps running, the alternator can soon fail completely and leave you stranded. For more information on how to identify a faulty alternator, please contact the automotive repair experts at Evans Tire & Service Centers to schedule an appointment at one of our locations.

Do you need a new battery? Check out these savings coupons!

Can I use salt water in my pressure washer?

Seawater will not harm pumps, because pumps used by pressure washers are almost identical to the pumps used in reverse osmosis plants. If the washer is additionally cleaned by fresh water after its usage, there is no chance for harming.

Can water damage my car’s alternator?

The high-pressure cleaner was very popular and heavily used by people for their daily needs. When people hear “pressure washer” they usually think of a machine that uses fresh water. However, in most cases, ordinary water was used for these washing machines. On the other hand, we have a seawater pressure washer called a “saltwater pressure washer”.

Saltwater pressure is used to clean boats, boarding ships and other marine environments. Their needs make them a good tool for a small, cowardly corporation. The water purification service is needed much more than we actually think and there are always some washing customers placed almost everywhere.

Over time, seawater pressure washers are becoming more and more popular due to their benefits. They remove layers of dirt very well and are important for heavier constructions with large layers of dirt, e.g. B. Ship constructions. While seawater pressure washers are great for larger jobs, after washing the construction, the user must ensure that no salts or minerals remain on the surface. Fresh water is used for a final wash to remove any remaining salts.

The next advantage is their use. They are very easy to use and are also considered to be the most suitable washer for use on large constructions. You don’t have to worry about time and energy because it saves a lot of time. Plus it lasts longer. Each saltwater print is designed to last longer and perform great for whoever chooses it.

There is always a fear of possible risk of damage, especially given that this water comes from the sea. Filters in pressure washers remove dirt from seawater and protect both the pump and the membranes. Seawater cannot harm pumps because the pumps in high-pressure cleaners are almost identical to the pumps in reverse osmosis systems. If the washing machine is also cleaned with fresh water after use, nothing can be damaged.

What is interesting about using this washing machine is that it can only be used with cold water. Even if their advantage is ease of use, something must be done on cold days, otherwise the water will freeze. The solution is pressure washer antifreeze. Antifreeze is a liquid that is added to water to lower the temperature at which it freezes. Many experienced users of antifreeze and water pressure washers have said that non-toxic, alcohol-based vehicle antifreeze is better than car antifreeze. With the right antifreeze, it will remove water from the discharge area.

Marine companies order many saltwater pressure washers. Their environment (salt water) is a huge opportunity and advantage to their use, and the ability to use cold water means marines have unlimited resources.

All in all, it depends on what purpose you want to use a pressure washer for. If you have a boat, yacht or larger construction then a salt water pressure washer is a very good solution. Advantageously, they have no negative impact on the environment and are easy to use due to their long service life.

How do you wash your car at a petrol station?

How to use the drive through car wash
  1. Find a local car wash. Nowadays you should be able to find a petrol station with an automatic car wash fairly easily. …
  2. Work out the payment method. …
  3. Prepare to enter the car wash. …
  4. Enter the car wash. …
  5. Wait for the cleaning to begin. …
  6. Exit the car wash.

Can water damage my car’s alternator?

If you don’t have the time or patience to wash your hands, driving through car washes is an easy alternative.

They’re easy to use, quicker than a hand wash, and typically only cost a few bucks.

But if you’ve never used one before, car washes can seem a little intimidating.

In this quick guide to using a drive-through car wash, we’ll go into detail on how to use, the pros and cons, and also how to use the hand washes.

If you are struggling with car washing, read our post How often should I wash my car?.

How to use the drive-through car wash

At first glance, figuring out how to wash a car shouldn’t be too difficult. But washing your hands at home involves much more than a bucket and sponge.

If you don’t have the cash for a professional detail, using a car wash might be a reasonable middle ground.

Luckily, using a car wash couldn’t be easier!

1. Find a local car wash

Nowadays you should be able to find a gas station with an automatic car wash relatively easily. You may find standalone car washes near showrooms or even in mall parking lots to have them cleaned while you shop. Try to find one with soft touch brushes to limit any abrasion on your clear coat.

2. Calculate the payment method

Most car washes are self-service and accept cash or cards through a machine. If none are available, you usually have to go to the garage or find a cashier to pay.

You should then be able to select the type of car wash at the checkout or at the machine. Drive-through washes typically offer a range of services, ranging from a simple wash to additions such as tire and wheel cleaning, undercarriage rust protection, and spray wax.

Although the latter seems to save time and effort, a proper hand wax protects your car that much better. You can even read our top tips on how to wax a car and how often you should wax your car.

4. Prepare to enter the car wash

We know it’s obvious, but before you go through the car wash, your entire car must be closed. Any open windows or slightly ajar doors could result in a soggy interior and possibly passengers.

If you have dogs or small children in the car, it’s a good idea to lock the doors and windows to prevent them from being accidentally opened during the car wash.

You should also turn off all automatic wipers. Wipers that turn on automatically when water is detected could interfere with the car wash brushes and damage both your wipers and the car wash.

5. Enter the car wash

Automatic car washes usually have some sort of indicator of where your car should be positioned. This could be a rail system that your front tires should be stopped against, or there will be a sign indicating where your car must park. Some systems have lights to let you know your car is positioned correctly.

Once you have positioned your car correctly, put it in neutral (for manual transmission vehicles) or park it (for automatic transmission vehicles). Turn off your car’s engine when prompted.

6. Wait for the cleaning to start

When the car wash begins, you may feel your car move or shake slightly. You don’t have to do anything, just sit back and wait for your car to be cleaned.

If you feel water entering the car, check your doors and windows and close/roll them if necessary.

7. Exit the car wash

When the car wash is over, you should be notified by a traffic light or signal so you know it’s safe to exit.

Exit carefully when using one next to a garage or gas station as other cars may block or drive over the exit.

How to use the self-service car wash

Using a self-service car wash is a great alternative to a drive-through car wash. It’s especially ideal if you’re happy to clean your car yourself but don’t want to invest in the necessary cloths and products.

It’s also great for those days when you spend hours cleaning only to end up with bird droppings all over your car. Self-service car washes mean you don’t have to go through a full automatic car wash, and you can selectively clean where you need it.

So how to use it?

1. Park your car next to the SB cleaner – There should be a marked area for this, but make sure you leave enough space around the car to use the attachments.

2. Find the spray wand and make sure you have enough room – you want your car close enough for the wand to go all the way, but far enough away that you don’t get soaked.

3. Choose the spray setting – There is usually a wash, shampoo/soap and conditioner setting.

4. Insert money into the self-service machine – If you have chosen the setting, inserting money into the machine will give you a certain amount of time to launder. This can be displayed on the machine or there is a timer once you put your money in. The spray wand will usually start immediately, so be prepared and point the wand away from you.

5. Start washing your car – Spray wands work in a similar way to a pressure washer. Staying 3 to 5 feet away from your car is ideal to avoid damaging the paintwork, but you can test on a small area first.

Start on the wash setting (work from top to bottom) to remove larger dirt, then shampoo/soap to thoroughly clean the dirt and finally rinse to remove any soap residue.

Although the self-service service gives your paint a decent finish, read our posts on cleaning car windows and cleaning your car glass to get the best result for your car’s glass.

Automatic car wash vs. hand wash

Both automatic car wash and hand wash have a number of advantages. How do you choose between them when one is more convenient and the other more precise?

Pros and Cons of Drive-Through Car Wash

Benefits Fast and convenient

No need to invest in towels or products

Saves time and money Cons Abrasive finish than hand wash

Less detailed processing

Pros and cons of hand washing

Advantages Gentle on the paint

Clean precisely and thoroughly

Saves money in the long run Disadvantages Time consuming

Requires materials to wash (except for self-service laundry)

Good news – you can!

For more information on washing an electric car, see our blog post.


If you decide that a trip through a car wash isn’t for you, washing your car by hand doesn’t have to be daunting. We’re here to take you all the way, covering everything from cleaning your car headlights to cleaning your alloy wheels.

Whichever method you choose to get that shiny exterior, make sure the inside matches our guide to cleaning your car interior.

How to Paint An Alternator

How to Paint An Alternator
How to Paint An Alternator

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What could be wrong with painting an alternator? – Honda-Tech

Yes, you’re right. The parts inse are pretty similar.. but a motor is different from a generator. Just don’t get paint on the parts inse ( …

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Can I paint my alternator? – Vintage Mustang Forums

I agree with the others (especially Dan). Yes, the paint will effect the heat transfer, but no, not enough to bother your Mustang’s alternator, …

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How to Paint Alternator? | Modded Mustang Forums

Then spray on a coat of primer that is for use on non ferris metals. Wait 15 min, then spray with your choice of color of engine enamel. 2-3 …

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If you paint your alternator or brackets, just recognize that the alternator gets its ground through the bracket and block. Anywhere that the …

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Our alternators are powder coated with top quality powder coating by PowerBastards. Your alternator will have a high level of reliability …

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Has anyone polished or painted their alternator without taking it apart?


Patches Originally posted by

I’ve seen a few posts on here with pictures of painted alternators that the owner didn’t disassemble before painting. Some have simply used some Scotch Brite on the case and got a surprisingly nice finish.

I went the disassembly route and had the case powder coated as I was doing other things on the side. I’ll admit it was a mini project in itself so I can understand not wanting to take it apart.


“You have to remove that coating where the bracket connects the block and alternator chassis. These must be clean metal or you will have serious electrical problems. The chassis of the alternator is what is called absolute mass. Not the frame of the car and not the negative terminal of the battery.”

How to Clean Alternator Step By Step Guide – Rx Mechanic

Good maintenance practice is great for auto parts and the alternator is not left out. With constant use, vehicle alternators tend to wear out. However, with proper care, you can extend its lifespan. This article would reveal easy steps to clean alternators.

Various contaminants from the outside can always cause serious damage to your car’s alternator. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them through proper cleaning. If such contamination persists for a long period of time, it will reduce the life of the alternator.

Again, the alternator can soon have various problems, resulting in a dead battery or alternator. However, a good inspection and maintenance would help a lot. Interestingly, cleaning the alternator doesn’t require much equipment and you can do it in no time.

Step-by-step instructions on how to clean the alternator

The car is powered by the alternator and as such is one of the main components. While the engine is running, the alternator helps charge the battery. Although they work frequently, they seem to be quite durable and can even last 10-15 years.

However, you may need good maintenance practices to keep your car’s alternator lasting as long. Dirt can soon accumulate from the outside and the best thing to do is learn how to clean alternator windings.

Your car will benefit in a number of ways when you clean the alternator as its performance is optimized. You can also be sure that there will be no downtime caused by dirty alternators. The dirt in alternators can cause them to develop some faults that can cause some problems for the car

The process is fairly simple and you don’t need a sophisticated tool to clean the alternator. With water and a degreaser (water soluble) you can keep your vehicle’s alternator looking new and remove any contaminants.

Still, here are some steps you can take to help you out:

Step one: choose a suitable cleaner

Various cleaners are available at car dealerships and you can get a suitable one to clean the alternator. You can use CRC generator cleaner or AutoZone generator cleaner to clean the electrical windings.

They work effectively as they come with a formulation that gets rid of all built up dirt and grime. Sounds good right?

Step Two: Disconnect the alternator

Open the hood and detach the alternator from the car. Then place it on your work table along with the cleaner and brush you will need for the cleaning process.

Step three: diluting the degreaser

Once you have the degreaser, you should make a 50:50 mixture of water and cleaner. Such a mixture would be just right for cleaning the alternator and don’t worry it would get the dirt out.

Step Four: Applying the Mixture

Soak the cleaner with a cloth and apply to the alternator. Alternatively, you can also get a spray bottle with the cleaner and spray it on carefully. Then leave the cleaner on for a while to soften the dirt and let the dirt come out quickly.

Step 5: Brush lightly

Use a soft-bristled brush to work on those areas of your car’s alternator that appear quite dirty. Such an action would help get rid of the accumulated dirt. You should also try to focus on the terminal connection points.

Step Six: Rinse

Rinse gently with some water and allow the alternator to dry to avoid rusting or damage.

Please note that dirty electrical connections can overload the alternator. You should try to look for contaminants and take them out. With this you can be sure that the internal components will not be damaged.

However, here are some things to avoid:

Now that you’ve figured out what to spray on alternators, you’ll want to make sure you’re not spraying directly on the air intake vents.

It is recommended to avoid petroleum based engine degreasers.

Finally, high pressure washing or the use of compressed air can be harmful to the alternator.

Generator cleaning demonstration YouTube

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is it safe to wash the alternator?

Cleaning the alternators is pretty good at maximizing their performance. Still, it would be best if you didn’t pressure wash the alternators. This can seriously damage the seal, which would be bad for the car.

You can rinse the alternator with some water, but try to let it dry as well. You may want to start by covering the electrical components before spraying the water. Such a measure would protect them from possible damage.

Q: Is it recommended to clean my alternator with brake fluid?

Some people apply brake cleaner to their alternator as it seems like a cheap option and can also remove the dirt. It may also seem safe, but you should try not to spray it directly to avoid damage.

Such an action would ensure that the vents do not get any of the liquid. You can put some on a cloth and rub gently over the alternator. It would be helpful if you read the manufacturer’s warnings and know that brake fluid can damage paintwork. You don’t want the paint on your alternator (if you have one) to be ruined.

Q: Can you clean an oily alternator?

You can easily clean an oily alternator with a suitable cleaner mixed in equal parts with water. It is best if you apply the solution and leave it on for a while. It would work quickly, remove the oil, and you can scrub lightly with a soft brush.

Then rinse gently to remove any remaining oil stains and clean the alternator with a clean cloth. After that, make sure you let the alternator dry for a while. After drying, it is ready for reinstallation.

Q: Can I spray WD40 on my alternator?

Some people spray WD40 on their car alternators while having them cleaned. However, it is not a recommended solution. You don’t want to clean the alternator with WD40 as it would weaken the winding insulation.

Therefore, it can cause further damage to the engine. Again, spraying WD40 directly on the alternator can ruin it as the fluid can get in places it shouldn’t and cause damage. So it would be best to find and use better solutions.

Q: How can I make my alternator look new?

You can give your car alternator a new look by removing the dirt and doing a proper cleaning. If you remove the cover by removing a few screws, you’ll notice that it looks caked on due to the dirt. So you need a suitable degreaser to remove grease and dirt.

You need to mix an equal part of the cleaner with water and apply to the alternator. Continue by using a brush to gently remove any additional dirt and then rinse the alternator. Then dry the alternator and reinstall it in the car.

last words

Very few people know how to clean their vehicle’s alternator. Would you like to learn how to clean alternators? It’s pretty important to clean the alternator and keep it in good condition. Such an action would make the car run optimally and receive sufficient power. The dirt usually accumulates from the external environment.

If dirt builds up, the alternator can have problems and you will find that the vehicle will not start. Looking through this piece would show you how to clean the alternator connections and remove the dirt from your car’s alternator.

Continue reading:

Can water damage my car’s alternator?

As a car owner, you need to be aware of the things that can go wrong, the significant problems that can arise and when a repair is needed. The car alternator is one of the components that you should pay special attention to. It is one of the most important components that can cause problems while driving. Therefore, you should be aware of the problems that can arise with your alternator.

What is an alternator for?

The alternator is a component in your vehicle that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The truth is that the alternator provides the energy to run the vehicle while the battery is solely responsible for powering the vehicle’s electrical systems. The alternator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, which is stored in the battery by turning a pulley. Since your alternator is a generator, you probably don’t want it to get wet.

Is the alternator in the car waterproof?

Alternators in cars are NOT waterproof. Because of its function, it is almost impossible to make it waterproof. Most alternators are air-cooled, with an internal fan mounted on the drive end of the alternator shaft, drawing air through the alternator. The B-side is sucked in with cold air, while the drive-side is sucked out with hot air. But just because your alternator isn’t waterproof doesn’t mean it can’t withstand water.

The alternator is waterproof

Since your engine compartment is not sealed, your alternator is often exposed to water. It is constantly sprayed with water. These include rainwater, puddles and washing the engine compartment directly. The problem isn’t with splashing water. It’s a pool of water. If you flood it, bad things will happen.

It works if you dip the alternator. The electrical components of your alternator are sealed. The problem is not what is, but what is not. Your alternator’s brass or bronze brushes are oiled to reduce wear and arcing. This lubricant disappears when they get wet. The brushes are then damaged by the arc and wear out.

These brushes can rust from repeated exposure to water causing them to lose contact with the slip rings. With a flooded alternator, you also have to contend with dirt. Things like sand and dirt can get into the brushes and push them out of contact with your slip rings when your car is submerged in water.

Can you clean an alternator with water?

You can definitely clean your alternator with water if you don’t pressure wash it directly. You don’t want to clean your engine bay by pressure washing as it can damage the gaskets which could cause another problem for you. However, water is recommended for cleaning alternators rather than a petroleum-based engine degreaser.

To dry an alternator, get a can of CRC Electric Clean or similar product and split it into the alternator. Then, after letting it sit for 24 hours, it should be fine. Another option is to leave the hood open to allow air to flow through the engine compartment to dry it.

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