Can You Pray Jummah Alone? The 68 Correct Answer

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How many Rakats is Jummah prayer alone?

The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) before Jummah was to pray 4 sunnah ghair muakkadah. Next would be 2 fardh (prayed in congregation), followed by 4 Sunnah muakkadah, 2 Sunnah muakkadah, and then 2 nafl. In total there would be 14 rakats for Friday prayer.

Is it compulsory to pray Jummah?

It is valid to hold friday prayer with two or more persons, this is based on the Hadith of Tariq Ibn Shihab who reported that Muhammad said, “Al-Jumuah is an obligation (wajib) upon every Muslim in the community.” (An-Nasai). The scholars differ on how many people are required for performing Jumuah Prayer.

Do we have to pray Zuhr on Friday?

On Friday, the Zuhr prayer is replaced or preceded by Friday prayer which is obligatory for Muslim men who are above the age of puberty and meet certain requirements to pray in congregation either in a mosque or with a group of Muslims. The khutbah is given by the imam.

Friday prayer

Fourth prayer of the day in Islam

Zuhr prayer (Arabic: صَلَاة ٱلظُّهْر ṣalāt aẓ-ẓuhr, “midday prayer”) is one of the five obligatory salah (Islamic prayer). Since an Islamic day begins at sunset, the Zuhr prayer is technically the fourth prayer of the day.[1][better source required] When counted from midnight, it is the second prayer of the day.[2][better source required] [3][better source required]

It contains four units (rakaʿāt) and begins after the sun has reached its zenith.[4]

On Friday, the Zuhr prayer is replaced or preceded by the Friday prayer, which is obligatory for Muslim men over the age of puberty and meets certain requirements [clarification needed] to pray in congregation either in a mosque or with a group of Muslims. citation required]

The Khutbah is given by the Imam.

It is also transliterated Dhuhr, Duhr, Thuhr or Luhar.

The five daily prayers are taken together as a pillar of the Five Pillars of Islam in Sunni Islam and one of the Ten Furnished Goods of Faith (Furū al-Dīn) according to Shia Islam.

Name variations[ edit ]

See also[edit]


Is Jummah fard or Sunnah?

Of course Jummah prayer is fard. Dhohr prayer has 4 rakah fard. Likewise, two rakah Jummah prayer and listening to Qutba is fard.

Friday prayer

5 air-conditioned outdoor spaces in Doha

Qatar is one of the fastest warming regions in the world with intense heat. With temperatures typically rising to (enter temp), certain activities become a chore – especially outdoors. But life must go on and we witness how Qatar aims to air-condition the marketplaces, streets and even outdoor malls so that we can enjoy pleasant breezes during activities. Here are some places to keep an eye on, especially in summer.

Is ZUHR Sunnah compulsory?

Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha are all names of compulsory prayers.

Friday prayer

Optional ritual prayer in Islam

A sunnah prayer (Arabic: صلاة السنة‎) is an optional or additional prayer (ritual prayer) that can be performed in addition to the five daily prayers that are obligatory for all Muslims. Sunnah prayers have different characteristics: some are performed simultaneously with the five obligatory daily prayers, others only at certain times (e.g. late at night) or only on certain occasions (e.g. during a drought); Some have their own name (e.g. Tahajjud) and others are identified by their execution (e.g. “4 (rakat) before Zuhr and 2 after”). The length of Sunnah prayer also varies.[1]

While the five daily salahs are wajib/fard (mandatory), sunnah prayer (and other sunnah actions) are mustahabb (encouraged) – those who perform them will earn a reward in the afterlife, but there will be no punishment for them give neglect.

Sunnah (in mainstream Islam) means the traditional customs and practices believed to follow the example of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad. According to the stories, narrations and interpretations of Muslim tradition, all of these prayers were originally offered by Muhammad (in addition to the five obligatory daily prayers).[2]


Compared to the regular obligatory prayer

Sohaib Sultan states that the steps for Sunnah prayer (Takbir, al-Fatihah, etc.) are exactly the same as for five daily obligatory prayers (Fard), but depending on the prayer, the number of rakat[3] (also rakʿah (Arabic: ركعة rakʿah, pronounced [ˈrakʕah]; plural: ركعات rakaʿāt), which is a prayer unit.

Prayers are only performed at certain times

Tahajjud and Tarawih are night prayers, Tarawih is performed only during Ramadan. (see below)

prayers for specific occasions

Salat ul istasqa is a prayer to ask God for rain. Kusuf is made during an eclipse of the sun; Khusuf during a lunar eclipse. (see below)

Sunnah prayer performed at the same time as the regular obligatory prayer

According to Sohaib Sultan, the Islamic prophet Muhammad performed Sunna prayer “before and/or after each obligatory prayer” in order to obtain more blessings and benefits from Allah.[3] Examples of these sunnah mu’akkadah or “confirmed” sunnah prayers as established in the Hanafi school of fiqh (according to Faraz Rabbani) are:

“2 Rakats Before Fajr”

“2/4 Rakat before Zuhr and 2 after”

“2/4 rakat before Asr

“2 Rakats to Maghrib”

“2 rakats after Isha”[4]

These sunnah prayers have no special name. Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha are all names of obligatory prayers. A rakʿah (Arabic: ركعة rakʿah, pronounced [ˈrakʕah]; plural: ركعات rakaʿāt) is the movement from standing to bowing on the floor to standing up that is part of every salat prayer.[5]

Confirmed and unconfirmed prayers[edit]

Another division between non-obligatory prayers is whether they are “confirmed” or “unconfirmed”:

Sunnah mu’akkadah, or “confirmed sunna” prayers,[2] which Muhammad “continuously performed and almost never gave up” (according to tradition). Examples of sunnah mu’akkadah are “Eid prayer or the two rakat after Maghrib prayer”. [6]

or “confirmed sunna” prayers, which Muhammad “continuously performed and almost never gave up” (according to tradition). Examples include “Eid prayer or the two rakat after Maghrib prayer”. Ghair Mu’akkadah or “Unvalidated Sunnahs”. This Muhammad was not so exacting in the performance as he sometimes performed it “and sometimes gave up”. An example of Ghair Mu’akkadah is two rakat before Isha prayer.[6]

These two types of prayer have “different terminology and rules”.

Some examples of unacknowledged sunnah prayers are

4 rakats after Zuhr (either by making the 2 confirmed sunnah rakats into 4, or separately),

4 or 2 rakats before Asr

6 rakats (salat al-awwabin) after Maghrib, ideally in sets of two (the confirmed sunnah can be included as part of the 6 if one wishes)

2 rakats before Isha

4 rakats after Isha (you can include the confirmed sunnas in this if you wish).[4]

(If the prayers duplicate the above-mentioned confirmed sunnahs, they may or may not be included in the confirmed sunnah prayers.)[4]

Sunnah of prayer[edit]

Sunnah prayer is not to be confused with the Sunnahs of prayer. There are not only obligatory and optional types of prayer, but obligatory and optional parts (words and deeds) of a prayer (at least for conservative Salafi Muslims like Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid).[7]

Examples of mandatory and “pillar” words and actions are:

I. Standing during obligatory prayers when able;

ii. The opening takbir, i.e. saying “Allaahu akbar”;

iii. The recitation of al-Fatihah at the beginning of the rakat

Examples of Sunna words and actions are:

I. After the opening takbir, say: Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa bi hamdika, wa tabaaraka ismuka, wa ta’aala jadduka wa laa ilaaha ghayruka (Glory to You, O Allah; blessed be Your Name, exalted be Your Majesty, and there is no God except you).” This is called du’aa’ al-istiftaah (opening du’aa’).

ii. seek refuge in Allah

iii. say Bismillah

IV. say ameen

Tahajjud [ edit ]

Muslims performing Sunnah Salah after Jumua’ah Salaat at the Orient Islamic School Hall in KZN Durban South Africa on Friday 01/24/2014

Tahajjud prayer (Arabic: صلاة التهجد‎‎) is performed at night and it is recommended that it be performed for part of the night after first bedtime. Scholars have differing opinions as to whether or not sleeping is essential. In Saudi Arabia, during the fasting month of Ramadan, there are many people who hurry out of the tarawih prayers in the main masjid so that they can go home, go to sleep, and then wake up early in the morning to perform their tahajjud prayers. Others just stay in the mosque and perform these optional prayers before going home.

The time for the Tahajjud prayers falls between the prayer times of the Isha’a prayers and the Fajr prayers. It is also recommended to perform the prayers in the last third of the night. Muslims believe that the reward is greater for those who perform this prayer at a later time. (It is more difficult to wake up early in the morning and pray, increasing the effort of the person, resulting in a greater reward from God.)

Every prayer for a Muslim consists of repeated actions and at least one rakat. Tahajjud prayer consists of at least one rakat and the maximum number 11. Some say 13, but any number above 13 is a bidah (innovation); for there is no Hadith; this is saheeh (strong), showing that Muhammad exceeds more than 13 rakats (according to Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Nasr al-Marwazi)[8]

It is reported of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) that he said: “Hold fast to the night prayer, for it is the habit of the righteous before you and a means of drawing nearer to your Lord; it is an expiation for sins and a deterrent from wrong.” [Tirmidhi & al-Hakim]

Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-‘As (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah be pleased with him) said to him: “O Abdullah, do not be like so-and-so, he used to pray at night he then gave up the night prayer.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

A hadith attributed to Aisha reports:[9]

Allah’s Apostle used to offer eleven rakats and that was his prayer. He used to prolong the prostration so that one could recite fifty verses (of the Qur’an) before raising his head. He used to pray two rakat (sunna) before Fajr prayer and then used to lie on his right side until the caller came and informed him about the prayer.

It is recommended to pray Tahajjud in the last third of the night, but doing it at any other time is better than not doing it at all.


Tarawih (Arabic: صلاة التراويح‎‎) is a Sunnah Muakada night prayer during Ramadan.[10] It is a prayer performed only during the Muslim month of fasting, Ramadan. It can be done alone, in a group, at home, or in a mosque or other public gathering place, it doesn’t matter. Typically, Muslims gather and perform tarawih as a group, often among extended family members in a large house. Others may meet at their local mosque, meeting hall, or even in an outdoor field. Depending on the country, the tarawih prayers in the mosque may be performed by men only or by a mixture of men and women (although physically separated). The number of rakat of Tarawih Salah is twenty. Muhammad was afraid that if he continued to perform the prayers in the mosque, his followers would believe that they were obligatory and not voluntary.

After Muhammad, Taraweeh was still prayed with 20 rakats. The problem people make that he prayed 8 is about Tahajjud (Salah). In the main mosque in Mecca, the imam (leader of prayer) performs twenty rakat and then you pray your Isha Witr prayers. The total number of people who join the tarawih prayers in the main mosque in Mecca can reach 3-4 million. They fill all levels inside the mosque, the flat roof, outside in the courtyard, some nearby streets (which are closed) and occasionally even take up space in the lobbies of some nearby hotels.

It is also customary for the Imam in each mosque to recite the entire contents of the Qur’an during the month of fasting, reading approximately one section per day. This practice of reading the Quran in its entirety is known as khatm (full recitation).


Salat ul istasqa (Arabic: صلاة الإستسقاء‎) is a prayer to ask Allah for rain. It consists of two rakat. According to Ibn Qudaamah said, “The prayer for rain is a confirmed Sunnah proved by the practice of the Messenger of Allah… and his successors.”

The Imam prays two rakats with the followers at all times except at times when it is undesirable to pray. In the first rakat, the Imam recites Surah Al-A’la after Surah Al-Fatiha. And in the second rakat he reads Surat Al-Ghashiyah after Al-Fatihah and holds a khutbah before or after the salah. As soon as he finishes the khutbah (sermon), people face the qibla (direction of prayer) and pray to Allah. It was first introduced in Medina in the month of Ramadan the 6th Hijrah.[11][12]

There are a number of hadiths from Muhammad that speak of praying for rain. Ash-Shaf’i states that it was narrated from Salim ibn ‘Abdullah on his father’s authority that Muhammad would say for ishsqa:

“O Allah, give us a saving rain, productive, plentiful, universal, continuous. O Allah, grant us rain and do not make us despairing. O Allah, (Your) slaves, land, animals and (Your) creation all suffer and seek protection. And we do not complain except to You. O Allah, let our harvest increase and let the udders replenish. Give us from the blessings of heaven and grow for us from the blessings of earth. O Allah, remove from us toil, hunger and barrenness and remove from us suffering as none removes suffering but you. Ash-Shaf’i said: “I prefer the Imam to supplicate with this (prayer).”[13]

Sa’d narrated that Muhammad would pray for ishsqa’: “O Allah, let us be covered with thick clouds that have plentiful and beneficial rains that frequently drop a light rain on us and sprinkle us with lightning. O Allah, you are full of majesty, bounty and honor.” This is reported by Abu ‘Awanah in his Sahih.[13]

‘Amr ibn Shuaib reports from his father, under his grandfather’s authority, that Muhammad would say for Istisqa’: “O Allah, provide water for your slaves and your cattle, show your mercy and revive your dead lands.” This is reported by Abu Dawud.[13]

It is preferred that the one making this supplication raises his hands to heaven with the backs of his hands. Muslim records of Anas showing Muhammad showing the back of his hand during ishsqa.[13]

It is also preferred when he sees the rain to say, “O Allah, make it a beneficial rain” and he should expose part of his body to the rain. On the other hand, if one fears that it will rain too much, one should say: “O Allah, give us mercy and give us no punishment, disaster, destruction or flood. O Allah make it on the forests, farms and trees. Do it around us and not on us.”

Kusuf and Khusuf (solar and lunar eclipse) [ edit ]

Salat ul-Kusuf (Arabic: صلاة الكسوف‎‎) is a prayer said during a solar eclipse; Salat ul-Khusuf (Arabic: صلاة الخسوف‎‎) is performed during a lunar eclipse. They are both Nafl (not obligatory) with two rakat prayers to be performed by the Muslim community in the community.[14][15]

Two or four rakat (units) of khusuf salah are offered in a jama’ah (group) or individually, with individual prayer being preferred.[16] Neither adhan (call to prayer) nor iqamah (second call to prayer) are called to khusuf-salah. The recitation of the Qur’an during khusuf salah can be done either softly or aloud.

During the time of Muhammad there was an eclipse of the sun. People rushed to connect this to a secular event, namely the death of Muhammad’s son Ibrahim. Muhammad clarified the truth of this matter to them. In his Sahih (authentic Hadith) Imam Muslim narrated that `A’ishah (rali) said:

In the time of the Messenger of Allah there was a solar eclipse. He got up to pray and greatly prolonged his standing. Then he bowed and lengthened his bow greatly. Then he raised his head and prolonged his standing much, but it was less than the first standing. Then he bowed and lengthened the bow much, but it was shorter than the length of his first bow. Then he prostrated himself and then stood up and prolonged standing, but it was less than the first standing. Then he bowed and lengthened his bow, but it was less than the first bow. He then raised his head and then stood up, extending his stand, but it was less than the first stand. Then he bowed and lengthened the bow, and it was less than the first bow. Then he prostrated himself; then he turned, and the sun had become bright, and he spoke to the people. He praised Allah and praised Him and said: “The sun and the moon are two signs of Allah; they are not eclipsed because of anyone’s death or birth prayer, give alms. O Ummah of Muhammad, none is more outraged than Allah when his servant or maid commits fornication. O people of Muhammad, by Allah, if you knew what I know, you would weep a lot and laugh a little. O Allah, witness, I have informed them.”[17]

See also[edit]

How do you perform a Friday prayer?

How To Pray The Friday Prayer (Jum’a)
  1. After the first adhan of Friday and before the second adhan, four rakats of sunnah prayer should be offered. …
  2. After the khutbah, two rakats fard (obligatory) Friday prayer should be offered with the imam. …
  3. Thereafter, four rakats sunnah should be offered.

Friday prayer

Edited excerpts from Heavenly Ornaments by Imam Ashraf Ali al-Tahanawi

Friday prayer is personally obligatory for non-traveling men. It was created from the Qur’an, Hadith and the consensus of the Ummah. It is one of the most salient features of Islam.

Allah the Exalted says in the Qur’an: “O you who believe! When Friday prayers are called, hurry up to the remembrance of Allah, the Exalted, and leave all business. That is best for you if you only know.” In this verse, “remembrance” refers to the Friday prayer and the khutbah. “Hurry” means that one should go with great concern and care.

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “The person who takes a bath on Friday cleanses himself as much as possible, puts oil on his hair, puts on perfume and goes to the mosque when he arrives In the mosque he does not sit down, removing someone from his seat, offers as many Nafl prayers as possible, when the imam holds the khutbah he is silent – ​​then his sins from last Friday until now will be forgiven.” ( Bukhari)

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “The person who takes a bath on Friday and goes to the mosque early on foot and not by vehicle, hears the khutbah and does not commit any stupidity while it is being delivered receive the reward of a year of worship, a year of fasting, and a year of prayer for every step he takes.” (Tirmidhi)

The method of Friday prayer

Four rakats of Sunnah prayer should be offered after the first adhan on Friday and before the second adhan. This Sunnah is confirmed Sunnah (sunna mu’akkada). After the khutbah, two rakats fard (compulsory) Friday prayers should be performed with the imam. The Friday prayer should be offered with the following intention: “I intend to offer two rakat fard of Friday prayer.” After that, four rakat sunnah should be offered. These are also confirmed Sunnah (sunna mu’akkada). After that, another two rakats should be offered to Sunna. According to some ulama, these two rakats are also confirmed Sunnah (sunna mu’akkada).

Rules for the Friday Khutbah

Once all the people have gathered, the imam should sit on the minbar and the mu’azzin should call out the adhaan in front of him. Immediately after the adhan, the imam should get up and deliver the khutbah. Once the imam stands up to deliver the khutbah, it is forbidden (makruh tahriman) to pray or talk to each other. However, it is permissible for the Saahib-e-Tartib to perform his qada prayer at this time. In fact, it is necessary for him to offer his qada prayer. As long as the imam does not complete his khutbah, all these things are forbidden. Once the khutbah begins, everyone present must listen to the khutbah. It does not matter whether they are sitting near the Imam or far away from him. It is also forbidden (makruh tahriman) to do anything that would distract one from listening. Just as eating, drinking, talking, walking, making salam, responding to a salaam, reading some tasbeeh, showing someone a Masa’ala of Sharia while praying, it is also forbidden while the khutbah is being held. However, the one delivering the khutbah is permitted to display a copy of Sharia while delivering his khutbah. If the khutbah begins while one is offering prayer, it is better to complete it if it is a confirmed Sunnah (Sunna Mu’akkada). If it is Nafl prayer, one should do salaam after two rakaats. It is forbidden (makruh tahriman) for the followers of the prayer as well as the imam to raise their hands and make dua between the two khutbahs when the imam is seated. However, it is permissible to make dua in the heart without raising your hands, as long as you do not say anything with your tongue – neither softly nor loudly. It is permissible to deliver a khutbah while looking at a book. When the name of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) is mentioned in the khutbah, it is permissible for the followers of the prayer to send blessings to him in their hearts.

The virtues of Friday

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “There is such an hour on Friday that if a Muslim makes dua in it, his dua will definitely be accepted.” (Bukhari, Muslim) The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “Of all days, Friday is the most virtuous. On this day the trumpet is blown. Send me bounty on Fridays because they are offered to me on that day.” The Companions (may Allaah be pleased with them) asked: “O Messenger of Allaah! How will they be presented to you if not even your bones will be there after your death?” The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) replied: “Allah the Exalted has forbidden the earth for the Prophets forever.” (Abu Dawud) On a Friday, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “O Muslims! Allah Most High has made this day a day of Eid. So take a bath that day, whoever has perfume should put it on and use the miswaak. (Ibn Majah)

The Adab of Friday

How do you lead Jummah?

Start by greeting the congregation, after which you recite the Khutbat-ul-Haajjah. Then, recite verses from the Qur’an about taqwa. Deliver your khutbah into two parts. Once you are finished, end with some supplications and salutations upon the Prophet, then commence the Jumu’ah prayer.

Friday prayer

will be convenient to carry out. It actually brings the whole family together, husband, wife, son and daughter and maybe other family members as well.”


“Is ideal for any Muslim family during the virus to read at home as long as it has more than three people

How do you lead Jummah?

Start by greeting the congregation, after which you recite the Khutbat-ul-Haajjah. Then, recite verses from the Qur’an about taqwa. Deliver your khutbah into two parts. Once you are finished, end with some supplications and salutations upon the Prophet, then commence the Jumu’ah prayer.

Friday prayer

will be convenient to carry out. It actually brings the whole family together, husband, wife, son and daughter and maybe other family members as well.”


“Is ideal for any Muslim family during the virus to read at home as long as it has more than three people

How many Rakats are in ZUHR?

Zuhr prayer consists of four Rakats (units) and is done after the sun descends towards the west from the middle of the sky.

Friday prayer

This blog lays out the details of how to perform Zuhr prayer, which is an Islamic noon prayer. Considering that an Islamic day begins at sunset, Zuhr is the fourth prayer performed by Muslims in a day. It is believed that the gates of heaven are open at this hour and good deeds and offering of Zuhr will bless the person. During the summer months when the heat is extreme, it is recommended to postpone the Zuhr prayer as the Prophet did, peace and blessings be upon him. The reason for this is the belief that the heat of the dessert is associated with the heat of the blazing fire of Jahannnam or Hell. It is better to postpone prayers at this hour and wait until the midday heat subsides.

What is Zuhr? How many rakats in Zuhr?

Zuhr prayer is one of the five obligatory salah (Islamic prayer). It is the second prayer offered to God at noon in the morning. The Zuhr prayer consists of four rakats (units) and is performed after the sun has set from the middle of the sky towards the west. It starts at noon and ends in the afternoon.

Zuhr prayer time

As mentioned above, the Zuhr prayer is said at noon, so the ideal time is between 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. However, the exact Zuhr time varies for each day and also changes by location. Local Islamic websites often provide detailed information on the exact prayer time for each of the daily prayers.

How to offer the Zuhr prayer?

In Zuhr prayer there are 4 rakats of sunnah and 4 rakats of fard followed by 2 rakats of sunnah. Below are the steps to perform Zuhr prayer:

Performing 4 rakats sunnah

Rakat 1: Declare Niyyah by reciting “I intend to perform the Sunnah portion of the four rakats of the Salat Al Zuhr”. Say Takbir “Allahu Akbar” and then begin the prayer by reciting “Shubhanaka”. After saying “Audhubillahi min-ash-shayta-nir-rajeem Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-raheem” ​​recite Surah Al-Fatiha and get into a bowing position and say “Subahaana Rabbiyal Azeem”. After saying “Sami AllahuIiman Hamidah,” stand up again and say “RabbanaIakal Hamd” in a low voice. Then go into the 1st sajdah and say “Subahaana Rabbiyal Aa’la” and then sit from the position into a Jalsa position, then go into the 2nd sajdah and say “Subahaana Rabbiyal Aa’la” .

Rakat 2: Now rise to start the next rakat by saying “Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem” ​​and then recite Surat Al-Fatiha. Then return to a bowing position and say “Subahaana Rabbiyal Azeem.” After saying “Sami AllahuIiman Hamidah,” stand up again and say “RabbanaIakal Hamd” in a low voice. Then go into the 1st sajdah and say “Subahaana Rabbiyal Aa’la” and then sit from the position into a Jalsa position, then go into the 2nd sajdah and say “Subahaana Rabbiyal Aa’la” . Finally you sit down and recite Al-tahiyyat.

Rakat 3: Repeat the same steps as Rakat 2 except recite Al-tahiyyat at the end.

Rakat 4: Repeat the same steps as Rakat 2, but along with Al-tahiyyat also recite “Allah-ummasalli, Allah-umma Barik and Rabbana”. Then turn your face to the right and left and say “Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah” in both directions.

Performance of 4 rakats fard and 2 rakats sunnah (last part)

Follow the same steps as for the 4 rakat sunnah. For the last part of the 2 rakat sunnah, follow the first two rakats of the 4 rakat sunnah and recite at the end together with Al-tahiyyat Allah-umma salli, Allah-umma Barik and Rabbana. Then turn your face to the right and left and say “Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah” in both directions.

How do you pray Zuhr on Friday?

For male Muslims, the Zuhr prayer may be preceded by the Friday prayer. One can replace the Zuhr prayer with the Jummah prayer as it is obligatory for adult male Muslims. Those who do not perform Jummah prayer for any of the reasons (travel, illness, etc.) should ideally pray Zuhr before Jummah prayer begins. This also applies to women as it is not obligatory for women to attend Jummah prayers.

What are the benefits of Zuhr prayer?

The Zuhr prayer is the time when the gates of Jannah are opened to the Muslims. During this hour it is necessary to do good deeds and offer salat (one of the five pillars of Islam). Also, the angels of Allah continue to record the good deeds done by a person and narrate the results to Almighty Allah. Allah showers His blessings on His worshipers who perform the Zuhr prayer. The additional prayer at this time of day prevents a person from facing Hellfire on Judgment Day. The individual is granted the mercy of Almighty Allah. The fard portion of Zuhr is an obligation and carries the same reward as other fard prayers. Whereas, according to the words of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Hadith, it is necessary to offer the Sunnah portion of Zuhr before and after Zuhr prayer in order to get the added benefit of the protection of Allah Almighty. Since Zuhr prayer time falls in the middle of a hectic routine, taking a break and praying to Allah can help revitalize a person’s spirit and give them more energy to get through the day. Prayer helps a person stretch and relax, which is a healthy habit for the human body during a long stressful day. It helps maintain blood circulation in the body and cures many diseases and relieves chronic problems. Since it is offered in the middle of the day, prayer helps a person break away from the dangers of worldly possessions. Also, it is best to bring Muslims closer to the truth, which is Almighty Allah. The spiritual benefits of Zuhr prayer make a person more relaxed, calm, and focused in the activities of daily living.

Hadiths about the Zuhr prayer

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “This is an hour when the gates of heaven are opened and I like my good deeds to ascend to heaven at this time.” (Tirmidhi)

“Whoever keeps the practice of doing four rakat before Zuhr prayer and four (2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl) after Zuhr prayer, Allah will send against the Fire (of Hell).” (Tirmidhi)

Imam Bukhari, Aisha (R.A.) reported: “The Prophet did not, under any circumstances, allow four rakats to be prayed before Zuhr and two rakats before Fajr Salah.”

Ibn Umar (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “I performed together with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) two optional prayers before Zuhr and two after the noon prayer and two after the Friday prayer and two after the Maghrib prayer. and two after the Isha prayer.” (Al-Bukhari)

Hazrat Aisha (R.A.) narrated: “If the Prophet (peace be upon him) could not perform four rakats before the Dhuhr prayer, he would perform them afterwards (the obligatory prayer).” [At-Tirmidhi]

Allah’s Apostle said: “If it is very hot, then pray the Dhuhr prayer when it gets cooler, since the severity of the heat is due to the raging of Hellfire.”

Prayer is an important part of Islam. Its purpose is to purify the soul and clear the mind of worldly clutter to focus on Allah. It is the time when Muslims leave everything else behind to connect with their God. Islamic prayers follow a specific routine in terms of the timing and process of prayer. One must learn how to properly perform the Zuhr prayer in order for it to achieve its reward and bring the worshiper closer to his God.

Frequently asked questions about the Zuhr prayer

Can Zuhr be offered on Friday? On Fridays, it is obligatory to perform Friday prayer instead of Zuhr prayer.

Can a person recite Zuhr aloud? Since the Zuhr prayer is the Sunnah (tradition and practice) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), it should be prayed in silence.

When can a person offer Zuhr? Zuhr is offered after the sun has passed its highest point.

When should a person not pray Zuhr? The Zuhr prayer is performed before Asr except for the time about 10 minutes before sunset as it is delegated to the Asr prayer.

How late can I pray Zuhr? The last time of the Zuhr prayer is after the sun has passed its zenith (highest point) and it takes about 20 minutes before the start of the Asr prayer. Muslims usually do their Zuhr in the middle of the working day, i.e. during their break.

What are the benefits of Zuhr prayer? Offering the Zuhr prayer improves a person’s health and concentration along with the spiritual benefits of Almighty Allah’s rewards.

Can the Zuhr prayer save a person from Hellfire? Yes, the Zuhr prayer can help an individual avoid hellfire on Judgment Day.

How many Rakats are there in namaz?

Each daily prayer has a different number of rakats per prayer: Fajr: 2 Rakat Sunnah, then 2 Rakat Fardh. Dhuhr: 4 Rakat Sunnah, then 4 Rakat Fardh, then 2 Rakat Sunnah, then 2 Rakat Nafl. Asr: 4 Rakat Sunnah, then 4 Rakat Fardh.

Friday prayer

Qibla (also spelled Qibla or Kiblah) is the direction towards the Kaaba (located at the center of the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia). It is the direction in which Muslims around the world face when performing their prayers, wherever they are in the world.

You can use apps and tools like Qibla Finder to find Qibla direction when you are on the go.

Can we pray Friday prayer at home (Lockdown) – Assim al hakeem

Can we pray Friday prayer at home (Lockdown) – Assim al hakeem
Can we pray Friday prayer at home (Lockdown) – Assim al hakeem

See some more details on the topic can you pray jummah alone here:

Is it allowed to pray the Jummah prayer alone? – Quora

No. Jummah prayer is only done in congregation because of the extra sunnah prayer. If your at home, you can only pray Zuhr.

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Can you pray Jummah Prayer at home? – IslamicBoard

It’s not possible to pray Jummah at home. But there’s a solution to your problem. If one can’t pray Jummah, then he should pray 4 Rakat Zuhr as …

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Praying Jummah by yourself : r/islam – Reddit

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How to Pray Salat al-Jumu’ah (Friday Prayers) at Home

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Unable to Attend Jumu’ah Prayer Sometimes Fatwa No: 83662

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Is it true that women can not pray jummah` at – Islamhelpline

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Offering Jummah in house because it dangerous going outside

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Is it allowed to pray the Jummah prayer alone?

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How Many Rakats In Jummah Prayer? (Sunnah)

Number of Sunnah Rakat before Jummah

The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) before Jummah was to pray 4 Sunnah Ghair Muakkadah. Next would be 2 fardh (prayed in congregation) followed by 4 sunnah muakkadah, 2 sunnah muakkadah and then 2 nafl.

In total there would be 14 rakats for Friday prayers.

For those who are not familiar, Ghair Mu’akkadah means salat which was sometimes performed by the Prophet (peace be upon him) but sometimes it was abandoned.

Sunnah Mu’akkadah is a voluntary act of worship (praying the Eid prayer or 2 Sunnah Rakat of Maghrib). The Prophet prayed these regularly and made it a point never to give them up. Although not mandatory, a person who intentionally skips it will be considered at fault.

Hadith about Jummah Rakat

Here is the hadith that mentions the number of rakats the Prophet used to pray for the Jummah salat.

1. Abu Huraira narrated: The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever of you should pray after the Friday prayer, he should pray four.” Degree: Sahih (Darussalam) Reference: At-Tirmidhi 523

2. Narrated by Abd Allah b. Shaqiq: I asked A’ishah about the optional prayers of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). She replied: Before noon prayer he prayed four rak’ahs at my house, then went out and led the people in prayer, then returned to my house and prayed two rak’ahs. Degree: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 1251

3. Abdullah b. ‘Umar, while describing the Nafl prayer of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), said: “He did not perform the (Nafl) prayer after Jumu’a until he went back and performed two rak’ahs in his house. Yahya said: I guess I uttered these words (in front of Imam Malik) which he (she) of course observed. Reference: Sahih Muslim 882 b

From the combination of these hadiths we can see where the four rak’ah before the Jummah prayer, the 4+2 sunnah mu’akkadah after the prayer and then the 2 nafl come from.

If any of us made an unintentional mistake, may Allah forgive us.

Friday prayer

Substitute prayer for Dhuhr on Friday when performed in a mosque in the community

Jumu’ah at a university in Malaysia

In Islam, the Friday prayer or congregational prayer (Arabic: صَلَاة ٱلْجُمُعَة‎, Ṣalāt al-Jumuʿah) is a prayer (ṣalāt) that Muslims say every Friday after noon instead of the Zuhr prayer. Muslims typically pray five times a day according to the sun’s celestial path, regardless of time zones.[1] Jumu’ah means Friday in the Arabic language. In many Muslim countries, the weekend includes Friday, while in others Friday is half a day for schools and some workplaces.

meaning [edit]

It is one of the supreme Islamic rituals and one of its attested obligatory acts.[2]

obligation [edit]

There is a consensus among Muslims that the Friday prayer (salat al-jum’ah) is wajib – required – in accordance with the verse of the Qur’an, as well as the many traditions transmitted by both Shia and Sunni sources. According to the majority of Sunni schools and some Shia jurists, Friday prayer is a religious obligation,[3] but their differences have been based on whether its obligation is linked to the presence of the ruler or his deputy, or whether it is unconditionally wajib. The Hanafis and the Imams believe that the presence of the ruler or his deputy is necessary; Friday prayer is not obligatory if neither is present. The Imamis require the ruler to be just (‘adil); otherwise its presence is equal to its absence. For the Hanafis, his presence is sufficient, even if it is not fair. The Shafi’is, Malikis and Hanbalis attach no importance to the ruler’s presence.[4]

In addition, it has been established that Jum’ah is not obligatory for old men, children, women, slaves, travelers, the sick, the blind and the disabled, and those who are outside the border of two Farsakh.[5][Page required ]

In Islamic texts[edit]

Quran [ edit ]

It is mentioned in the Quran:

Oh you, who believe! When the call to prayer is called on Friday, hurry to the remembrance of God and leave all business behind. That’s better for you, you should know. And when the prayer is finished, scatter through the land and seek God’s grace and remember God greatly so that you may be successful. Quran, Surah Al-Jum’ah (62), Ayahs 9-10[6]

Hadith[ edit ]

Narrated by Abu Huraira: The Prophet said: “Every Friday the angels take their places at each gate of the mosques to write down the names of the people chronologically (i.e. by the time of their arrival for Friday prayers) and when the Imam is seated (on the pulpit) they fold up their scrolls and get ready to listen to the sermon.” Collected by Muhammad al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari[7]

Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj an-Naysaburi narrates that the Islamic Prophet Muhammad used to read Sura 87 (Al-Ala) and Sura 88 (Al-Ghashiya) in Eid prayers and also in Friday prayers. If either of the festivals had fallen on a Friday, Muhammad would have made sure to read these two suras in the prayers.

Muhammad is quoted as saying, “The best day for the sun to rise is Friday when Allah created Adam day as Friday.” [Ahmad and at-Tirmithi].

Aws ibn Aws, narrated that Muhammad said: Whoever performs ghusl on Friday and causes (his wife) to perform ghusl, then goes to the mosque early and attends from the beginning of the khutbah and approaches the Imam and listens to him paying attention to , Allah will give him the full reward for every step he has taken to the mosque by fasting every day of the year and keeping vigil on each of his nights.” [Ibn Khuzaymah, Ahmad].

There are many hadiths narrated about the meaning of Jum’ah. It was reported that the Prophet said:

“The Jum’ah is the pilgrimage of the poor”. [8th]

“Whoever misses three jum’ah to be indifferent to him, Allah seals his heart.” [9]

It was narrated from Ahmad that the Prophet said: “A worshiper who washes himself completely on Friday and then comes to salatul jum’ah in the early time, then listens to the imam’s speeches and does not do anything wrong, Allah will grant that worshiper.” Reward for a year of fasting and prayer. [10]

“Any Muslim who dies on the day or night of Friday will be protected by Allah from the trial in the grave.” [At-Tirmithi and Ahmad].

Also, a Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari quoted the Prophet as saying: “On the day of Friday there is an hour when if a worshiper asks Allah for anything he desires in that hour, Allah will grant it and it will not.” refuses as long as he or she meant no harm”. [10]

“Friday has 12 hours, one of which is the hour when dua is granted for Muslim believers. This hour is believed to be in the afternoon after Asr prayer.”[11]

In Sunni Islam[edit]

The Jum’ah prayer is, for convenience, half of the Zuhr (Dhuhr) prayer, preceded by a khutbah (a sermon as a technical substitute for the two reduced rakaʿāt of the ordinary Zuhr (Dhuhr) prayer), followed by a congregational prayer. led by the Imam. In most cases, the khaṭīb also acts as the imam. Participation is strictly mandatory for all adult males who are legal residents of the locality.[12] The muezzin (muʾadhdhin) makes the call to prayer, called an adhan, usually 15–20 minutes before the start of the jum’ah. When the khaṭīb takes his place on the minbar, a second adhan is made. The khaṭīb is to preach two sermons, pausing and sitting between them. In practice, the first sermon is longer and contains most of the content. The second sermon is very short and ends with a dua, after which the muezzin calls the iqamah. This signals the beginning of the main prayer of the two rak’at of Jum’ah.

In Shia Islam[edit]

In Shia Islam, salat al-jum’ah is wajib takhyiri (at the time of occultation),[13][14] meaning that we have the ability to offer jum’ah prayers when the necessary conditions are met, or to offer Zuhr prayers. Therefore, when salat al-jum’ah is offered, there is no need to perform Zuhr prayer. It is also recommended by Shia scholars to visit Jum’ah as it will become Wajib after the appearance of Imam al-Mahdi and Jesus Christ (Isa).[15]

Shias (Imamites) attach great importance to the presence of a righteous ruler or his representative or faqih, and in the absence of a righteous ruler or his representative and a righteous faqih, however, there is an option to perform either the Friday or Zuhr prayer of preference lies in the performance of Friday prayers.[4][clarification needed]

history [edit]

According to the history of Islam and the report of Abdullah bn ‘Abbas, the Prophet narrated that: Permission to perform Friday prayer was given by Allah before Hijrah, but people were unable to gather and do it perform. The Prophet wrote Mus’ab b. Umair, who deputized for the Prophet in Madinah to pray two raka’at in congregation on Friday (i.e. jum’ah). Then, after the Prophet’s migration to Medina, the Jum’ah was held by him.[16]

For Shias, historically, their clergy discouraged Shias from attending Friday prayers.[17][18] The joint Friday prayer with a sermon is wrong and will be obsolete until the return of their 12th Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi (along with several other religious practices).[18] Among others, however, the Shia modernist Muhammad ibn Muhammad Mahdi al-Khalisi (1890–1963) demanded that the Shia should observe Friday prayers more carefully in order to bridge the gap with the Sunnis.[19] The practice of joint Friday prayers was later developed by Ruhollah Khomeini in Iran and later by Mohammad Mohammad Sadeq al-Sadr in Iraq and became standard there. They justified the practice with the newly promoted tutelage of Islamic jurist doctrine. When al-Sadr installed Friday prayer imams in Shia-majority areas – a practice not traditional in Iraqi Shiism and considered “revolutionary if not heretical”[18] – it brought him into conflict with the Shia religious establishment in Najaf.[20] Political sermons were heard under both Khomeini and al-Sadr.[18]

Attendance rates [ edit ]

The congregational prayers have higher worshiper approval as compared to the non-congregational ritual prayers. In Turkey, for example, the ritual prayers are regularly performed by 14% of the total adult population, while Friday prayers were regularly attended by 26% (25% responded that they sometimes attended and 19% that they did not). However, these numbers may not be accurate as many men in Turkey perform the Jum’ah prayers at work and many boys perform the Jum’ah prayers at school.[21]

According to surveys by the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, less than 1.4% of Iranians attend Friday prayers.[22]

Conditions [ edit ]

An accurate jum’ah has been said to meet certain conditions, including the following:

Friday prayer must be prayed in congregation.

It is valid to say Friday prayers with two or more people, this is based on the Hadith of Tariq Ibn Shihab who narrated that Muhammad said: “Al-Jumuah is an obligation (wajib) for every Muslim in the community.” ( An-Nasai). Scholars differ on how many people are required to perform the Jumuah prayer. The view that is considered to be the most correct is that the Jumuah prayer is valid when two or more people are present. This is based on the Hadith in which the Prophet is said to have said: “Two or more form a gathering.” (Ibn Majah). Imam Ash-Shawkani explains: “The other prayers are considered to be performed in congregation when two people are present. The same goes for Friday prayer unless there is a reason it should be different. There is no evidence that [for the purposes of the congregation] their number should be greater than that for the other prayers.”

According to Shia law, only one Friday prayer may be said within a 3-mile (720-yard) radius. If two prayers are held within this distance, the latter is invalid.

Before the prayer, two sermons must be preached by the Imam and listened to attentively by at least 4 (or 6) people.”[23]

format [edit]

Khutbah Jum’ah[ edit ]

A lecture or sermon given before Friday prayers in mosques. [24] The sermon consists of two distinct parts, between which the khatib (speaker) must sit down for a short rest. [25]

The sermon consists of two different parts, between which the khatib (speaker) has to sit down for a short rest. There should be no inappropriate pause or irrelevant action between the sermon and the prayer. [26] It should preferably be in Arabic, particularly the passage of the Qur’an that must be recited in the sermon. Otherwise, it should be in the language understood by the majority of the faithful present. In this case, the preachers should first respond Arabic verses from the Quran praising God and Muhammad.” [27]

It should preferably be in Arabic, especially the Qur’anic passage that must be recited in the sermon. Otherwise, it should be in the language understood by the majority of the faithful present. In this case, the preacher should first recite Quranic verses in Arabic praising God and Muhammad. ” According to the majority of Shia and Sunni teachings, the content must contain the following: “[28]

The praise and glory of Allah. Invocation of blessings on Muhammad and his descendants Exhortation of participants to taqwa, exhortations and exhortations. Recitation of a short surah from the Koran

In addition to the above topics, it was recommended that the second sermon address the following:

Which will be useful for all Muslims in this world and the Hereafter. The important events around the world for or against Muslims. Particular attention should be paid to the problems in the Muslim world. Political and economic aspects of society and worldwide.[29][30]

Those present must listen attentively to the sermon and avoid any action that might divert their attention. [29]

Prophet Muhammad “forbade a person to touch their stomach with their knees drawn up while the Imam is delivering the Friday sermon.”[31]

Jumu’ah prayer [ edit ]

The Juum’ah prayer consists of two rak’at prayers, just like the morning prayer (fajr) which is performed immediately after the khutbah (sermon). And it is a substitute for Zuhr prayer. [fifteen]

According to Shia teaching, it is advisable (Sunnat) to recite Surat al-Jum’ah in the first rak’at and Surat al-Munafiqun in the second rak’at after Surat al-Hamd.[23]

Qunut [ edit ]

According to Shia teachings, two qunut (raising one hand in supplication during salat) during salatul jum’ah is especially recommended. The first qunut is offered in the 1st rak’at before Ruku’ and the second in the 2nd rak’at after rising of Ruku’.[23]

See also[edit]

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