Can You Put Concord 11S In The Washing Machine? 122 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “can you put concord 11s in the washing machine“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Can you put Jordan 11’s in the washer?

Yeah, you can. I suggest using shoe trees and letting them air dry. Here’s a good video on cleaning Jordan XI in the washer and using reshoevn8r, which is what I use to clean all my shoes.

How do you wash sneakers in a washing machine?

How to wash you shoes in the washing machine
  1. Remove laces and/or insoles. …
  2. Put the shoes in a mesh garment bag. …
  3. Pre-clean your shoes. …
  4. Place your washer settings on the delicate, cold water cycle. …
  5. Let them air dry.

Is it okay to wash Jordan shoes?

It’s generally not a good idea to throw your shoes in the washing machine. For sneakers, use a combination of warm water and a mild detergent to wipe away any blemishes or marks. You may be able to brush dirt and mud out of your shoes with a clean brush as well.

Can you wash Air Jordan 11s?

This article was co-authored by Marc Sigal. Marc Sigal is the founder of ButlerBox, a dry cleaning and shoe care service based in Los Angeles, California. ButlerBox places custom wrinkle-free lockers in luxury apartment buildings, Class A office buildings, shopping malls and other convenient locations, allowing you to pick up and drop off items 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Marc holds a BA in Global and International Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara. This article has been viewed 141,861 times.

Article overview


Cleaning your Air Jordans is an important step in keeping them looking fresh, and all you need are a few household items. For light cleaning, brush off loose dirt or dust with a toothbrush. Then wipe the soles with a cloth and warm water. For a more thorough cleaning, dampen a toothbrush with cold water mixed with a little dish soap and scrub away dirt and stains. Then rinse off the soap with cold water. Avoid using hot water while cleaning as this can damage the material and cause your shoes to stick together. After rinsing your shoes, place them in front of a fan to dry. If your shoes smell, put a tablespoon of baking soda in a coffee filter, tie it with a rubber band, and then place it in your shoes for 24 hours to absorb odors. Read on to learn how to use vinegar to clean your Air Jordans!

How do you clean 11s soles?

To clean your icy soles, try using baking soda. Start by mixing baking soda and water into a paste. Then, use a cloth to apply the paste to your soles in an even layer. Leave it for 10 minutes before you wipe it off.

Can you wash Air Jordan 11s?

This article was co-authored by Rio Jongsae Kim. Rio Jongsae Kim is a designer shoe and bag repair specialist and owner of Kim’s Shoe & Bag Repair in Vancouver, BC, Canada. With over 40 years of experience, Rio and Kim’s Shoe & Bag Repair specialize in the repair and reconstruction of leather and luxury goods such as shoes, handbags and accessories. Rio’s experience and commitment to quality repairs and restorations has resulted in his work being featured on Yahoo, Insider and MSN. This article has been viewed 103,166 times.

Article overview


To clean your icy soles, try baking soda. Start by mixing baking soda and water into a paste. Then use a cloth to apply the paste to your soles in an even layer. Leave it on for 10 minutes before wiping it off. To clean the sides of your soles, try detergent. First, mix 1 teaspoon of laundry detergent and 1 cup of water. Then brush it onto the sides of your shoes with an old toothbrush to remove dirt and grime. If your soles are still stained, scrub them with bleach. Just be careful not to get bleach on the fabric of your shoes. Read on for more tips including how to avoid damaging your icy soles in the future!

How do I get my Jordans white again?

Use a dry, soft brush and a dry toothbrush first to knock off any dirt. Then, stuff the shoe with a dry cloth to help it stay dry and hold its shape. Dip a soft brush into your cleaning solution and then gently scrub the shoes until all stains are gone.

Can you wash Air Jordan 11s?

Credit: Mark Brown/Getty Images Sport/GettyImages See more photos

Air Jordans are among the most valuable sneakers on the market, and many are even collectible. What’s the use of being a sneakerhead without wearing your sneakers? If you want to wear white Jordans, you need to know how to clean them. If you want your shoes to look fresh, clean them regularly to remove stains, scuffs, and dirt before they ruin your sneakers.


video of the day

Use a sneaker cleaning kit

Every true Jordan collector should invest in a sneaker cleaning kit, whether you buy a pre-made kit or build your own. Your kit should contain a cleansing serum, a soft brush, a hard brush, a clean cloth, and a toothbrush.


Dilute your cleansing serum in a small bowl of cold water according to the manufacturer’s directions. If you don’t have cleansing serum, use a solution of one part baking soda and two parts vinegar, which kills bacteria and odors while removing stains. Alternatively, micellar water is great for removing dirt and oil from leather, suede and rubber without drying it out.


First, use a dry, soft brush and a dry toothbrush to brush off dirt. Then stuff the shoe with a dry cloth to keep it dry and keep its shape. Dip a soft brush in your cleaning solution, then gently scrub the shoes until all stains are gone. When the shoe is sufficiently clean, wipe off any detergent residue with a damp microfiber cloth.


Follow the same process for the sole, just use a stiff brush and scrub a little harder as the soles are sturdier. A toothbrush can be useful for getting into small crevices. Let the sneakers air dry.

Try using a magic eraser

While these mild abrasives can damage your leather if used too frequently and should never be used on soft materials like mesh or particularly pesky scuffs, they really can work like magic. Simply dip the Magic Eraser in some water and then lightly scrub away scuffs.


For the laces

Remove the laces from your shoes and either hand wash them in your sink with a little mild soap or detergent, or place them in a mesh bag and run them in your washing machine on the gentle cycle. Allow them to air dry to avoid damaging the plastic tips at the end of the laces.


If your white shoelaces are still dirty, try soaking them in a solution of three tablespoons of bleach diluted in a gallon of water for five minutes. To prevent them from floating to the top, you need to put them in a mesh laundry bag and then put something heavy on top. Wash them by hand or in your washing machine after removing them to remove bleach residue. Never bleach colored shoelaces.


For leather laces, apply a solution of soap and water along the laces, then wipe with a damp cloth. After drying, apply olive or coconut oil to the laces with a cloth to maintain the softness and shine of the leather.

For the insoles

Take the insoles out of your shoes and let them air out while you make a cleanser with hot water and a few drops of a mild detergent or cleansing serum. Next, use a dry, soft brush to remove any residue before dipping the brush into your cleaning solution and then scrubbing the insoles in a circular motion. Clean the top and bottom, but avoid soaking the insoles. Use a microfiber towel to dry the insoles while wiping away any soap residue and allow to air dry.

Is it bad to put sneakers in the washing machine?

Wash your shoes in a gentle, cold water cycle with a slow or no-spin setting. Remember to place them in a closed mesh bag with the laces and insoles removed. This helps preserve the condition of your favorite sneakers and protect your washer from damage.

Can you wash Air Jordan 11s?

Which shoes are machine washable?

Shoes made of materials such as canvas, nylon, cotton and polyester can usually be washed in the washing machine without any problems. These materials are durable and should not be damaged by detergents. Before you begin cleaning, read your shoe’s care guide for washing recommendations.

While there are some shoes that lend themselves well to machine washing, many other types of shoes require hand cleaning or special care. Shoes made of materials such as leather, suede, rubber, and vinyl should not be put in the washing machine.

If your shoes are made of delicate material (like silk) or have beads, embroidery, sequins, or other embellishments, take them to a shoe repair and cleaning specialist to avoid damaging them. Always check your care instructions to make sure you can safely wash your shoes in the washing machine.

Will shoes damage washing machine?

Shoes can damage your wash drum. That is why we recommend putting them into a wash bag or pillowcase to protect them from getting caught on the drum.

Can you wash Air Jordan 11s?

With older washing machines, it wasn’t a good idea to put your shoes in the washing machine at home. Today’s machines are much more advanced and can now handle it. Older models were too hard on items like shoes and could ruin them. Nowadays, devices offer many more improved options and functions that allow you to safely clean your shoes in a washing machine.

Process of washing shoes

Although it is possible to clean your shoes in the washing machine, we do not recommend taking them off as is and throwing them in a regular load of clothes. There is a step-by-step process that you must follow so that your shoes come out clean and in good condition and without damaging your machine, shoes or other clothing.

tools recommended

Before you put your shoes in a washing machine, you need to gather these tools to help:

Washing machine with temperature and cycle options

liquid detergent

wash bag or pillow case

baking powder

Soft bristle brush


washing steps

1. Shoe preparation

A washing machine is built to remove stains and normal soiling. Heavily soiled shoes with heavy dirt and stuck mud need more help. It is recommended to use a soft bristled brush such as B. an old toothbrush, to remove excess dirt and mud.

Remove all insoles and laces from your shoes. Place the laces in a laundry bag or pillowcase so they don’t get tangled and wrapped around anything. The insoles must be cleaned manually, so do not put them in the washing machine.

Use a small amount of baking soda in each shoe the night before you wash your shoes. This will improve smell and cleaning. Wash off the baking soda by hand before adding it to the machine.

2. Put the shoes in the washing machine

Shoes can damage your washing drum. That’s why we recommend packing them in a wash bag or pillowcase to protect them from snagging on the drum. To reduce the loud noise, wrap your shoes in a towel of the same color and place it in a wash bag or pillowcase.

If you have a top-loading washing machine, tuck your shoe all the way down first, then cover it with towels.

3. Settings

With the newer devices, you can choose from several settings so that your shoes are in good condition and come out sparkling clean.

Choose the right washing settings to keep your shoes clean and in good condition. Be sure to use a liquid detergent instead of powder.

Here are the recommended wash cycle settings:

Gentle cycle to avoid damage

Cold water to avoid warping

To remove excess soap trapped inside, select the extra rinse cycle

drying options

Can you put your shoes in the dryer? The answer is yes, with conditions.

Putting shoes in a dryer can cause the soles to warp. Wrap a towel around your shoes to prevent exposure to intense heat. Use the gentle cycle with low heat.

repair or service

If your device is not working optimally, it may need repair or at least a service check. Be sure to contact an experienced quality equipment and repair specialist who will get it back in top condition.

Contact us

Gulf Coast Appliance Repair is the local appliance repair company you can count on. Our family business has been serving customers in Pinellas County for more than 10 years. We specialize in repairing electrical appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, stoves, dishwashers and much more. Call our Equipment and Repair Service at 727-510-3524; Email us to get the job done or set up your appointment.

Can sneakers go in the washer?

It may seem like common sense, but certain types of shoes just don’t belong in the washer. Your sneakers and tennis shoes are made from fabrics that will agree with the rigors of machine washing. Much like garments made from these materials, your favorite pair of leather or suede shoes should never go in the washer.

Can you wash Air Jordan 11s?

If you’ve ever stared at your feet while wearing that particularly favorite (read: dirty) pair of sneakers, you’ve probably wondered if cleaning your shoes could be as easy as popping them in the washing machine. Bearing the brunt of an active lifestyle, shoes can quickly become a home for dirt, bacteria and odors.

If your favorite pair of shoes is getting a little unconventional, is it okay to pop them in the washing machine and let a machine do the dirty work for you? We’re here to teach you how to properly clean your shoes in the washing machine – so you can avoid damaging your shoes, your washing machine and your pride (if you need to call someone to fix your appliance).

What Causes Shoes to Smell?

Before explaining how to clean your shoes in the washing machine, it helps to understand what causes smelly shoes. There are several reasons why your shoes might get a bit unconventional, the first and most obvious being frequent wear. Shoes absorb sweat from your feet and if they are not allowed to dry properly, you will notice an unpleasant smell. Try alternating between multiple pairs so your favorites can air out properly.

Other reasons shoes can smell include not wearing socks (which help absorb sweat), fungi like athlete’s foot, or poor ventilation. If you’ve noticed that your shoes are often unconventional, what they’re made of could be contributing to the stink. Certain materials, like leather, just don’t let your feet breathe and can trap the sweat that causes odor.

The best tips for cleaning shoes in the washing machine

When it comes to cleaning your shoes in the washing machine, it’s not as simple as just tossing them in and letting the machine do its job. As with regular laundry, there are steps you can take to protect your shoes and increase the likelihood of a sparkling clean result. We’ve answered some common questions you might have if you’re nervous about washing your shoes in the machine for the first time.

What kind of shoes can I put in the washing machine?

It might seem like common sense, but certain types of shoes just don’t belong in the washing machine. Their sneakers and tennis shoes are made from fabrics that stand up to the rigors of machine washing. Much like clothing made from these materials, your favorite pair of leather or suede shoes should never be put in the washing machine.

What is the best way to prepare my shoes for machine washing?

A crucial step before you put your shoes in the washing machine is to remove the laces and insoles. To prevent your laces from getting tangled, remove them from your shoes and place them in a separate bag or pillowcase to put in the washing machine. However, your insoles should be hand washed. Take them out and use a solution of warm water and detergent to remove stains and odors. Allow them to air dry completely before returning them to their rightful place.

What setting should I use to wash my shoes?

The key to protecting your items during this process is to be gentle and gentle. Use liquid detergent and a cold water setting to wash your shoes. A cold cycle reduces the risk of color bleeding through the fabric of the shoe and reduces shrinkage or warping. If possible, you should also choose a program with a low spin speed. These are usually the tricky cycles. Using a low spin speed will help keep your washing machine balanced.

What can I do to protect my washing machine (and my shoes) during this process?

Before throwing your shoes in the washing machine, add 4-6 old towels. This keeps the load balanced and helps prevent your shoes from banging around while the bike is running. You may also want to put your sneakers in a mesh laundry bag for added protection.

Do I need to add disinfectant to my wash cycle?

This is a matter of personal preference, but if your shoes are particularly spongy and you’re prone to fungal infections like athlete’s foot, this is a smart move. To avoid nasty bacteria and fungi, try adding a pine oil disinfectant at the beginning of the wash cycle. The sanitizer must be at least 80% pine oil and you must run the washing machine on warm water for it to be effective.

Top Load vs. Front Load: Which is Better for Washing Shoes?

Ah, the age-old battle between top-loaders and front-loaders – which one is best for your shoes?

When it comes to machine washing your shoes, the case for a front loader makes the case. Front-loading washing machines tend to be gentler, which means both your shoes and your appliance endure less of the hardship. Front-loaders also have better control over spin and temperature, allowing you to easily achieve the cold water, low-speed combo mentioned earlier.

Most top loading washing machines clean by shaking, and the clue is in the name – this method is harsher on your clothes. The exception is impeller models that do not have a central column (the agitator). Impellers are rather rare, but softer. That’s not to say you should banish your shoes from your top-loader — if you use your best judgment and stick to a delicate cold-water cycle, you should be fine.

Can shoes go in the dryer?

After washing, it’s time to dry the shoes. But a word of warning – do not put your shoes in the dryer. The high temperatures can damage the glue that holds them together and even cause certain fabrics or materials to shrink. Using the dryer can also permanently warp your shoes, affecting fit and performance.

So how do you dry shoes after washing them? To properly dry your shoes, find a cool and well-ventilated place to air dry them. In general, you should only wash your shoes when you have enough time for them to air dry completely, otherwise you’re just creating a humid environment for bacteria to thrive. If you need something faster, you can put a fan on them. Stuffing a few small towels in your shoes will keep them in shape as they dry.

If in doubt, follow the manufacturer’s instructions

Before you wash your shoes, make sure you check the labels (usually under the tongue of the shoe) or the manufacturer’s website for recommended cleaning steps. Some shoes just aren’t made to go in the washing machine, and throwing them in there can ruin them. Likewise, certain materials require special hand washing methods. By following the suggested steps and following the tips above, your favorite pair will be looking great and smelling fresh for months to come.

What NOT to do when cleaning shoes in the washing machine

While cleaning your shoes in the washing machine may seem deceptively easy, there are some things you must avoid at all costs during the process. This is a brief summary of the top things to avoid.

Never put fabrics like leather or suede in the washing machine.

Do not use warm or hot water programs – this can warp the shoes, damage the fabric and cause colors to run.

Don’t use powdered detergent – these can get caught in your shoes and not dissolve properly.

Do not put your shoes in the washing machine without first removing the laces and insoles. Insoles should be hand washed, while shoelaces should be stored in a separate laundry bag or pillowcase.

Do not put your shoes in the dryer – this can damage the glue and distort the shape.

Washing machine broken? Do you need a professional now? Book a qualified, local repair professional in just a few clicks with American Home Shield ProConnect. Click here to book now. *Available in most major markets. Services vary by market.

Alternative methods of washing your shoes

Do you still feel a bit anxious when you put your shoes in the washing machine? If your shoes aren’t machine washable or you just don’t want to risk damaging them, don’t worry. There are a few simple ways you can hand clean your shoes. Try one of the following methods:

Handwash Cloth Shoes – You can use a solution of one teaspoon of dish soap and two cups of warm water to handwash cloth shoes. Simply scrub the shoes with the solution and a toothbrush, then wipe with a paper towel to dry. You can wash your insoles with the same solution.

Use Vinegar on Leather – If you’re dealing with leather shoes, consider using equal parts cool water and distilled white vinegar. Dip a cloth in the solution, then wipe down your shoes and let them air dry.

Deodorize – There are also simple ways to combat shoe odor. Spray your shoes with baking soda and leave overnight to eliminate odors.

Final thoughts on cleaning your shoes in the washing machine

When it comes down to it, using your washing machine to get your shoes sparkling clean is an easy option — but it’s not without its risks. As long as you pay attention to things like the material of the shoes, the wash cycle used and proper drying methods, there is no reason to fear the convenience of “shoe washing”. If you’re ever in doubt about whether or not to take the plunge, check with the shoe manufacturer directly — and if not, play it safe with a spot clean or hand wash.


Can u put shoes in dishwasher?

Dishwasher detergents are harsh and can ruin and fade leather, and the high heat can shrink and melt parts of the shoe. If you’re concerned about bacteria and athlete’s foot fungus, disinfect your shoes while washing them. Pine oil disinfectants work in hot and warm water and won’t damage fabric or leather.

Can you wash Air Jordan 11s?

Both leather and fabric athletic shoes can usually be cleaned in a washing machine to keep them looking new. However, there are some important things to consider before washing tennis and athletic shoes. First, always use the manufacturer’s instructions to check whether the shoes are washable. If you have a standard top-loading washing machine, always clean the shoes with a load of towels to balance the machine. With a front-loading machine or a high-efficiency top-loading machine without a central agitator, there is less need to balance the load.

When you’re ready to wash your athletic shoes, follow these general steps to get the job done right.

How often to clean tennis and sports shoes

Tennis and athletic shoes generally need cleaning every few months. Luckily, washing most athletic shoes is easy and requires just a few simple steps. Before you wash your shoes, vacuum them inside and out with a brush attachment to remove loose dirt or stones from hard-to-reach crevices.

How do you dry Jordans in the dryer?

However, if you’re in a hurry and you decide to try this method, make sure to dry your shoes on low heat. You should also suspend the shoes from the dryer door or tie the shoelaces together and place the shoes in a mesh bag before drying.

Can you wash Air Jordan 11s?

Whether your shoes get soaked from a wet-weather run or a regular cleaning, you should dry them completely before stepping on the treadmill or hitting the trail again.

Wet shoes (and socks) are not only uncomfortably soggy — they’re also more likely to cause blisters and create the perfect environment for mold to grow. But dedicated athletes don’t have time to wait for their athletic shoes to dry.

When you’re ready to get back to your workout, here’s how to dry your shoes faster without damaging them or altering their fit.

How can I clean my white Jordans?

Use a dry, soft brush and a dry toothbrush first to knock off any dirt. Then, stuff the shoe with a dry cloth to help it stay dry and hold its shape. Dip a soft brush into your cleaning solution and then gently scrub the shoes until all stains are gone.

Can you wash Air Jordan 11s?

Credit: Mark Brown/Getty Images Sport/GettyImages See more photos

Air Jordans are among the most valuable sneakers on the market, and many are even collectible. What’s the use of being a sneakerhead without wearing your sneakers? If you want to wear white Jordans, you need to know how to clean them. If you want your shoes to look fresh, clean them regularly to remove stains, scuffs, and dirt before they ruin your sneakers.


video of the day

Use a sneaker cleaning kit

Every true Jordan collector should invest in a sneaker cleaning kit, whether you buy a pre-made kit or build your own. Your kit should contain a cleansing serum, a soft brush, a hard brush, a clean cloth, and a toothbrush.


Dilute your cleansing serum in a small bowl of cold water according to the manufacturer’s directions. If you don’t have cleansing serum, use a solution of one part baking soda and two parts vinegar, which kills bacteria and odors while removing stains. Alternatively, micellar water is great for removing dirt and oil from leather, suede and rubber without drying it out.


First, use a dry, soft brush and a dry toothbrush to brush off dirt. Then stuff the shoe with a dry cloth to keep it dry and keep its shape. Dip a soft brush in your cleaning solution, then gently scrub the shoes until all stains are gone. When the shoe is sufficiently clean, wipe off any detergent residue with a damp microfiber cloth.


Follow the same process for the sole, just use a stiff brush and scrub a little harder as the soles are sturdier. A toothbrush can be useful for getting into small crevices. Let the sneakers air dry.

Try using a magic eraser

While these mild abrasives can damage your leather if used too frequently and should never be used on soft materials like mesh or particularly pesky scuffs, they really can work like magic. Simply dip the Magic Eraser in some water and then lightly scrub away scuffs.


For the laces

Remove the laces from your shoes and either hand wash them in your sink with a little mild soap or detergent, or place them in a mesh bag and run them in your washing machine on the gentle cycle. Allow them to air dry to avoid damaging the plastic tips at the end of the laces.


If your white shoelaces are still dirty, try soaking them in a solution of three tablespoons of bleach diluted in a gallon of water for five minutes. To prevent them from floating to the top, you need to put them in a mesh laundry bag and then put something heavy on top. Wash them by hand or in your washing machine after removing them to remove bleach residue. Never bleach colored shoelaces.


For leather laces, apply a solution of soap and water along the laces, then wipe with a damp cloth. After drying, apply olive or coconut oil to the laces with a cloth to maintain the softness and shine of the leather.

For the insoles

Take the insoles out of your shoes and let them air out while you make a cleanser with hot water and a few drops of a mild detergent or cleansing serum. Next, use a dry, soft brush to remove any residue before dipping the brush into your cleaning solution and then scrubbing the insoles in a circular motion. Clean the top and bottom, but avoid soaking the insoles. Use a microfiber towel to dry the insoles while wiping away any soap residue and allow to air dry.

SOLE SOBRIETY! How to Wash your Concords in the Washing Machine!

SOLE SOBRIETY! How to Wash your Concords in the Washing Machine!
SOLE SOBRIETY! How to Wash your Concords in the Washing Machine!

See some more details on the topic can you put concord 11s in the washing machine here:

Machine washing Concord 11s? : r/Sneakers – Reddit

Usually most of my shoes can be cleaned perfectly fine by the toothbrush method, but I must be doing something wrong , because the upper …

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Can you wash Air Jordan 11s? – Quora

Yes, but please do not put them in a washer. Wash them with a brush or even a tooth brush. I recommend Crep protect cleaning supply’s that you can get online, …

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Washing Jordan 11’s in Washing Machine – Golfwrx Forums

Yeah, you can. I suggest using shoe trees and letting them air dry. Here’s a good veo on cleaning Jordan XI in the washer and using reshoevn8r …

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However, what if i set the laundry machine to only release cold water … Keep in mind its 01 Concord 11s I plan on putting in the washer.

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Washing Jordan 11’s in Washing Machine

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How To Wash Your Sneakers So They Look Brand-New Again

Keeping a pair of sneakers clean is no easy task. And if you’re not sure how to wash your sneakers, keeping them in good condition and generally prolonging their wearability can be even more difficult. You don’t have to be a sneakerhead to understand the ins and outs of proper shoe care. There are more than a few simple ways to make your favorite pair of sneakers—no matter the color—look brand new again.

Whether you need to restore your formerly crisp white sneakers or are hoping to make dull colors shine again, all you really need to get the job done are a few different materials that you may already own. And get this: There’s even a way to use your washing machine — hello, time saver — without harming your beloved sneakers. If you’re ready to give your shoes a serious makeover, here’s how to wash sneakers at home.

How to wash your shoes in the washing machine

1. If possible, check the material of your shoes and the manufacturer’s care instructions

According to Shawn Ashby, Whirlpool Laundry’s brand manager, not all shoes are safe to throw in the washing machine. Canvas-style kicks and athletic sneakers made from materials like nylon, cotton, and polyester are naturally more durable and shouldn’t be affected by detergents. However, suede, rubber and/or vinyl models will most likely need to be hand washed.

2. Remove laces and/or insoles

This helps keep your laces and insoles from “getting tangled or wrapping around other moving parts” in your laundry, Ashby says.

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3. Place the shoes in a mesh garment bag

The last thing you want is your shoes kicking around in the washing machine. Putting them in a bag can prevent your kicks from getting damaged and they can be safely cleaned with other clothes.

4. Pre-clean your shoes

If your shoelaces and insoles are exceptionally dirty, give them a thorough scrubbing first. For this step, Ashby recommends using Swash Laundry Detergent ($16) and a soft brush to brush away the excess dirt and grime before washing.

5. Set your washing machine settings to the delicate cold water cycle

Hot water can potentially distort the shape of your shoes and cause the colors of your footsteps to fade. However, it is best to wash your shoes in cold water and choose a slow spin or no spin option. This not only protects your shoes from getting damaged in the machine, but also allows for an all-round more even wash.

6. Let them air dry

“Using a dryer isn’t recommended unless you have a drying rack, as the heat and falling over can damage or warp your shoes,” says Ashby. However, if you need to dry your shoes ASAP, Ashby recommends “wrapping your shoes in old towels” and setting your dryer on a “delicate or airy fluff setting.” This will help them dry quickly and protect them from potential damage. Please note that it can take more than 24 hours for your shoes to dry completely. To speed this up, stuff a piece of cloth or some paper towels into your sneakers to soak up any excess moisture.

How to clean shoes with baking soda and a toothbrush

If your white sneakers could use a refresh, you can easily make a DIY solution to get rid of dirt and stains. This involves a mixture of baking soda, white vinegar and warm water, says Jamie Hyam, SEO executive at London-based sneaker brand The Sole Supplier. Use this along with a toothbrush or a medium bristle brush to remove stains and remove scuffs on your shoes. Hyman explains the process below:

“Start by brushing some surface dirt off your shoes. Then dip your brush into the water, apply a small amount of the solution to your brush, and then quickly dip it back into the water. Brush the shoe in a circular motion similar to brushing your teeth to create a lather with the solution. Particular attention should be paid to the midsole of the shoe as this can be a bit more difficult to clean. When finished, wipe clean and repeat if necessary. ”

How to hand wash your sneakers

Not sure if you should throw your precious sneakers in the washing machine? There is also an easy way to hand wash them. Fill your sink with warm water and some detergent, then soak your shoes. According to Reddit users, using a toothbrush can help remove accumulated dirt. After they look sparkling clean, let them air dry.

At the same time, different materials require different cleaning techniques. Suede shoes, for example, should come into contact with as little water as possible. According to Hyam, using a suede brush ($7) or an eraser is the best way to clean these styles. The brush has a unique bristle set that gently removes dirt, water stains and scuffs without affecting the shoe’s natural design.

“When using the suede brush, gently brush the suede material in different directions until you remove the stain,” explains Hyam. “Once it looks how you want it, you need to make sure you brush all of the suede back in one direction to preserve the pile of the material.”

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