Can You Shower With Your Crystal Necklace? The 68 Correct Answer

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Can you wear a crystal necklace in the shower?

Mohs Hardness of 3

For crystals that have a Mohs hardness rating of 3, you should only briefly wash them, then dry them completely with a soft absorbent cloth right away. It’s advisable to remove them before showering. They are fine coming into quick contact with water, but should not be left wet for too long.

Is it OK to shower with rose quartz?

This is best done during the waxing moon, which is a time for detoxifying, reflection, recharging, and regeneration. Though this is a bathing ritual, it can be done in the shower or as a meditation.

Can you swim with a crystal necklace?

Your best bet is to remove your jewelry before jumping into a swimming pool or ocean. And at the beach oils and lotions can also affect many stones which are often coated with color or treatments that give them an iridescent look such as mystic topaz.

Can I sleep with my crystal necklace?

Proponents believe that placing certain crystals in your bedroom, putting them on your body, or keeping them under the mattress may support a good night’s sleep. While there’s no scientific research to support the use of crystals for sleep, there’s likely no harm in giving them a try.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

Share on Pinterest Cyndi Monaghan/Getty Images There are countless remedies for restless sleep, like counting sheep, avoiding screens before bed, or practicing relaxation exercises. Another option that some people swear by is using crystals. There is no scientific evidence supporting the use of crystals for sleep, but energy healing proponents believe that placing crystals in your bedroom or wearing them before bed could help you get a decent night’s sleep. “The ancient healing properties of crystals are a relatively untapped phenomenon of the natural world,” says Adora Winquist, a self-proclaimed modern alchemist and expert in vibrational medicine. “The earth is made up of thousands of minerals with specific and powerful abilities to heal, balance and strengthen our existence,” she says. “Their vibrational patterns receive, transmit, and amplify energy.” While these claims aren’t backed by any scientific evidence, Winquist and others like her believe crystals may have the potential to promote well-being as a whole — which in turn could improve sleep patterns. “[Crystals] remind us of our deep connection to the earth and its bounty of medicines,” says Winquist.

What the Science Says Research on crystal healing as a whole is very limited and research on crystals and sleep is non-existent. A popular hypothesis is that crystals create a placebo effect. An older study from 2005 states that the healing properties of crystals are due more to the power of the mind than anything else. However, cultures around the world have used crystal healing to treat a variety of ailments for centuries and continue to do so to this day. While there isn’t much research to back up their benefits, there probably isn’t any harm in trying crystals. Crystals should never replace medical care for any condition. There is no scientific evidence to support the use of crystals for sleep or sleep disorders. The following suggestions are based on anecdotal evidence. If you decide to use them, do so only as an adjunct therapy to appropriate medical treatment.

Best Crystals for Sleep Sleep can be disrupted for many different reasons, such as stress, anxiety, nightmares, an inability to shut off the mind, or health concerns. Whatever the problem, proponents say there might be a crystal to help. Peaceful sleep For a peaceful sleep, Winquist recommends: Fluorite

green calcite

Rose Quartz “Fluorite and Green Calcite provide a calming and soothing energy, inviting us to a lightness of emotion after a long day,” says Winquist. “Rose quartz is a stone of love that encourages us to let go of any discordant energies or interactions of the day.” Keith Birch, owner of KSC Crystals, recommends howlite. “Howlite reduces overly critical thinking but also increases creativity,” he says. “It has an extremely calming energy and can be used to relieve anxiety, tension and intense emotions.” Birch says howlite is said to: Calm your mind

reduce annoying thoughts

help with relaxation

helps you prepare for sleep or meditation. Anxiety and Sleep If worry is keeping you awake, Winquist suggests: rhodochrosite

red tiger eye

Amethyst “These three stones are helpful for relieving anxiety and calming the nervous system to relax the mind and body,” she says. Winquist claims that anxiety associated with chest tightness can benefit from rhodochrosite. When it comes to full-body anxiety, she recommends red tiger eye. “Amethyst is calming for those suffering from anxiety conditions such as tension headaches or indigestion,” she says. It is important to note that none of these claims are backed by any scientific evidence. Insomnia Birch and Winquist recommend the following stones for insomnia: Howlite



Ruby “If you suffer from insomnia caused by racing thoughts before bed, a piece of howlite to put under your pillow or as a crystal grid around your bed can help,” says Birch. Winquist notes that moonstone and opal can help those who tend to overthink. “These stones instill a sense of deep calm and remind us of the mysteries of the universe,” she says. When it comes to other causes of insomnia, Winquist recommends Ruby. She notes that it doesn’t have to be gem quality to be effective. If you suffer from persistent insomnia, be sure to talk to your doctor about treatment options. Dreams and Nightmares If you want to enjoy your dreams and ward off nightmares, Winquist suggests: Epidote

black tourmaline

Citrine “Epidote is a stone of great understanding. It’s wonderful to enhance dreaming and harness your wise, intuitive nature,” she says. “Black tourmaline is a stone of protection and helpful against nightmares, while citrine is a stone of empowerment and helpful in overcoming the challenges that often arise in recurring dreams.” Sleep and Relaxation If you’re having trouble relaxing, recommends Winquist: sapphire


Celestine According to Winquist, sapphire activates mystical vision and brings an energy of deep peace. “Sugilite promotes a sense of meditative zen and calm at the cellular level,” she says. “Also known as the stone of angels, Celestite fills us with grace and a desire for calm and serenity.” Sleep Apnea If you are looking to use crystals as an adjunctive therapy for sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing stops repeatedly during sleep, suggest Winquist before: quartz


Lapis Lazuli “Quartz helps keep energy channels open throughout the body,” she says. “Jasper fills our blood with the energy of renewal and vitality, empowering us at the cellular level.” When it comes to lapis, Winquist says, “It connects us to the cosmic principle of harmony and balance and allows our spirit to connect with esoteric Keeping busy so our physical body can rest and rejuvenate.” Snoring If you’re looking to use crystals as a complementary treatment for snoring, Winquist suggests trying: blue kyanite

blue calcite

Selenite “These stones help clear, balance, and expand the throat and sinus areas to allow for better energy flow,” she says. Sleepwalking If you sleepwalk, Winquist recommends using: Garnet


Shungite “These three stones help create a protective energy shield around the individual to induce a sense of security at the subconscious level,” she says.

How to Use Crystals for Sleep Winquist recommends several methods for using crystals. In the bedroom, Winquist claims that keeping an appropriate crystal near your bed could bring benefits, as could placing a crystal grid. Crystal lattices are a geometric pattern of crystals arranged with a specific intent. It is believed that the shape of the lattice and the type of crystals used evoke a particular energetic quality. “Crystal trellis can be placed in different parts of your bedroom and matched with your intention. The right essential oils will also enhance their effects,” says Winquist. She recommends setting up a trellis in the bedroom or other quiet place for meditation, surrounded by four pieces of lapis lazuli to invoke the cosmic principles of harmony and balance. Putting crystals under the mattress and pillow under the mattress might help you sleep, says Winquist. She suggests placing one on each of the four corners of your bed or mattress for balance. “I have a fairly large piece of fluorite that I like to keep under my pillow. It’s gently calming and helps me connect with a deep sense of the dream state,” says Winquist. “When I sleep with this stone, I often wake up with clear guidance of my main goals for the day.” On Your Body When placing crystals on your body to promote sleep, Winquist recommends a three-crystal grid. “Place an amethyst on each side of your head as you lie on your back and a moonstone over the crown of your head as you focus on deepening your breath,” she advises. Winquist also recommends practicing gratitude for your crystals while placing them on your body to increase the effects. “This allows your heart to open and free the monkey mind as you focus on aspects of your life with gratitude,” she says. In the Bath A hot bath before bed can be a reliable way to relax, and Winquist says it can be even more effective when paired with the right crystal. “I like to add rose quartz and a few drops of my favorite essential oils and imagine myself surrounded by a pink cocoon of unconditional love that envelops me and lures me into the dream world,” she says. Winquist recommends adding a cup of soothing herbal bath tea to enhance the experience. Crystals and Water Some crystals, such as selenite, do not react well to water. Check the Mohs hardness scale and examine your crystals to determine if they are suitable for bath use.

Precautions Winquist recommends using caution when storing crystals in your bed. “Terminated crystals are sharp and can poke or pierce the body if kept in bed,” she says. “Small crystals should be avoided when children have access to the family bed, and fragile crystals can break if kept in bed.” Be mindful of the crystals you place in and around your space. Crystals to Avoid in the Bedroom According to Winquist, not every crystal is suitable for the room you sleep in. “Crystals, which can be overstimulating, shouldn’t be kept in the bedroom,” she says. These include turquoise and moldavite. “Everyone reacts energetically differently to certain crystals. So if you’re sharing your bed with others, it’s best to research their susceptibility before putting them in the bedroom,” says Winquist.

What crystal Can I shower with?

A grounding stone of luck, motivation, and success, Tiger’s eye is a great crystal to take with you into the bath.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

Bathing with crystals is one of the most powerful yet relaxing ways to absorb the energy of your natural stones. Water, people, and crystals are all great conductors, so it makes sense that combining the three will surpass your intentions. This is why crystal bath therapy is becoming so popular right now.

Just like planet Earth, human beings are made up of 70% water. The molecular structure of water is crystalline, so if you want to get technical, we’re 70% crystal! You can view crystal bath therapy through this lens as a macro scale crystal lattice, where you are one of the fundamental parts.

The benefits of crystal bath therapy

How does crystal bath therapy actually benefit you? What do you get out of it?

Honestly, bathing with crystals is like a spa treatment in its own right. It’s a message for the mind, body and soul, especially when you sprinkle a little more into the water. You can add about ten drops of your favorite essential oil – lavender oil works perfectly to create a soft and sensual aroma while encouraging you to relax even more deeply. A cup of Himalayan salt wouldn’t hurt either. It helps protect your energy, also strengthens and smoothes your skin.

If you want to set the mood, make sure the lights are dimmed before you begin and light some candles. It is best if the candles are scented. You can use incense if you prefer.

Still not satisfied with your homemade spa treatment? Use a tuner to adjust the frequency of the water and take your crystal bath therapy to a new level. Because of its crystalline nature, water is easily programmable. Use this to your advantage and create an incomparable aura of relaxation. 528 Hz is the frequency of love, and bathing in this water with your crystal allows you to absorb the positive energy into every fiber of your body.

Whether or not you choose any of the above suggestions, immersing yourself in the water with your crystals for 15-20 minutes will help you connect with them on a much deeper level. You may feel your chakras humming a little. It’s their way of letting you know they’re ready to open as this is the perfect time to make an intention. Clear your mind of the worries and stresses of everyday life, then relax in your crystal bath. Think of the one thing you want to achieve or manifest and visualize it as clearly as you can. Be concise and specific, and use this time to really experience the emotions that come with what you want. This condition can be life changing.

How to create a crystal bath?

Would you like to reap the rewards of crystal bath therapy for yourself? Follow these short and simple guidelines to create a crystal bath. Apply your intuition where you feel it is needed for maximum personal benefit.

Choose your crystals: Choose which waterproof crystals you want to take with you. Prepare the bath: run the water and have candles, salt, and essential oils ready. Come in and relax: Get in with your crystals and soak for 15-20 minutes. Set an Intention: Use this time to focus on your goals, ambitions, and intentions.

Easy right?

You can use affirmations in your crystal bath if that sounds like something that would appeal to you. Check out the suggestions below and choose the one that appeals to you. Of course, you could also create your own.

Self-development: I strive to be better than yesterday.

Self Love: I am worthy of love and compassion.

Confidence: I radiate strength, courage and confidence.

Creativity: I am in touch with my artistic self.

Happiness: I have so much to be thankful for.

Ambition: I can achieve anything I put my mind to.

Mindfulness: I am aware of the present moment.

Protection: My energy is safe and secure.

The best crystals for bathing

There are countless crystals to choose from when bathing. You might even have considered showering with crystals instead, and the same rules apply.

Some crystals are poisonous and should not be near the water at all. Others are softer and can crumble and dissolve in water. Avoid them while taking a crystal bath or shower. They should also be left out when crafting Crystal Elixirs.

However, there is no definitive list of water-safe crystals. Research your crystal before you begin if you are unsure. Or you could pick one or two from this list:

rose quartz

Bathing with rose quartz is great when you’re feeling down and need something to lift your spirits. It helps free the heart chakra and opens you to forgiveness and unconditional love. It is known to heal relationships and promote acceptance. Let negative energy fizzle out while bathing with rose quartz.

tiger eye

A cornerstone of happiness, motivation and success, Tiger Eye is a great crystal to take into the bath. Tiger’s eye healing properties stimulate the solar plexus chakra and to a lesser extent the root. This is an advantage if you have a lot on your plate and want to let off some steam. It helps declutter and reprogram your mind for victory. Only use a polished or tumbled tiger eye stone in water.

Clear quartz

The All-Healer has great energy that helps magnify your intentions. In crystal bath therapy, this can do a lot. Like tiger’s eye, clear quartz is excellent for clearing the mind and bringing a sense of clarity to your thoughts. It helps you let go of the past and stop worrying about the future. Now is all that matters, so make good use of it.


Citrine is an uplifting bundle of joy and a positive energy magnet. When you’re feeling drained or tired, citrine can give you the boost you need to get you through the rest of the day. It is also fantastic to program for abundance as it is one of the most extraordinary prosperity crystals one can get!


This purple gemstone helps you connect to higher realms of consciousness and access the divine on a deeper level. It connects you with your intuition and activates the crown and third eye chakras. It is known for its ability to reduce insomnia and bring peace to the mind, body, and spirit. Bathe with amethyst just before bed, then tuck it under your pillow to ensure a good night’s sleep.


If you are facing some kind of mental block, bathing with aventurine can help clear the mind. It relieves tension throughout the body and invigorates your thought process. It sparks creativity and stimulates your imagination, making it one of the best crystals to bathe in when you’re facing writer’s block or another creative dead end. It helps you break through the procrastination phase and get back on track.


Another creativity stone, carnelian, heals the sacral chakra, increases libido and boosts sexual energy. Carnelian’s healing properties can help you harness these energies in many different ways, including a new zest for life. It reconnects you with your emotional body and encourages you to process your true feelings. Bath time with a carnelian crystal can stimulate your inner energies, but it’s worth it for the emotional reset.

How often should you bathe with crystals?

If you felt like it, you could add crystals to your bath every day! There are no borders. It is important that you use waterproof crystals and charge them regularly so that they do not harbor stagnant energies.

You will intuitively feel that some crystals work better for you at night, others in the morning, and others during the day. They react differently depending on how bathing makes you feel. Keep that in mind and don’t be afraid to mix it up from time to time.

Another thing to keep in mind is the temperature of the water. In general, crystals prefer mild temperatures. Too hot or too cold and you could damage the stone. This is especially true for something like obsidian, which is volcanic glass. In extreme temperatures, obsidian can crack. This also applies to showering with crystals.

Once you’re confident you’re using waterproof crystals, experiment with them and see where your personalized crystal bath therapy takes you.

What necklace can you wear in the shower?

Plastic and glass jewelry are generally okay to wear in the shower and at the beach. Simply wipe them down when you dry off or take them out to air dry. Be careful of any baubles or filigree that may come loose or be damaged on glass and plastic pieces. Stainless steel is also a go for showering.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

Many of us wear jewelry on a daily basis and don’t want to keep putting it on and taking it off, especially when we’re working on something intense!

Likewise, we sometimes forget to remove our jewelry before jumping in the shower or going for a swim at the beach.

We are often asked how water affects rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings. People want to know if certain metals or stones react negatively to water exposure.

Whether you have pieces of sterling silver, costume jewelry, or something you’ve always had and don’t even know what material it’s made of, below are some general guidelines to help you know when “yes” or “no” to decide It comes down to wearing your pieces before swimming or showering.

General guidelines for wearing jewelry in the water

GENERAL RULE OF FUCK: It’s best to remove jewelry before showering or diving into the ocean.

The shower water comes from local water works that filter out dirt but also add chemicals to clean and sanitize our hydration supply. And when hard water comes out of the pipes, it’s good to know if it’s causing any reactions with your jewelry.

If your jewelry collection is high quality and you’re careful to dry it off, you should be fine wearing your bling in the water.

However, watch out for any pearls and precious stones that may be present. If the setting is loose, you might have to dig these gems out the drain! Also, gemstones become dirty and lose their luster if not properly cared for.

I am sure you are aware that most of your shower products contain chemicals. These products can cause dirt to build up in the earring mounts and damage, discolour, or fade metals over time.

Shower or swim with different jewelry

Water is essential for the survival of life. But water also cuts deep into the earth over time and can tamper with your jewelry if you’re not careful.

A jewelry mistake many of us make is misidentifying the metals present in our rings, bracelets and necklaces before exposing our jewelry to the elements (including your body and all of its sweat and oils). You can get metal test kits to help you determine what’s in your pieces, but there are some general guidelines you can follow.

Let’s identify some popular types of jewelry and how they react to water and other chemicals.


As beautiful as you may look with your favorite diamond studs, just make it a strict rule not to wear them in the shower or in the sea. You will lose the sparkle of your diamonds and if the setting is loose it could be very bad – like going your diamonds down the drain.

The same goes for diamond rings, necklaces and bracelets. Keep your bling dry by removing it before stepping foot in a water source.

Sterling silver jewelry

Sterling silver tarnishes more quickly with repeated exposure to water. So if you wear any, take them off before taking a bath or washing yourself.

Salt, chlorine and chemicals in your shower products will tarnish sterling silver. It may not be an immediate threat to new sterling silver jewelry, but it can damage your pieces over time.

Snip out a few minutes each month and wipe down your sterling silver with special silver cloths. You’ll thank yourself later.

It is best to avoid a combination of sterling silver and water.

Gold Jewellery

For gold-plated jewelry, keep away from water when wearing it. Gold plated jewelry tends to chip and scratch with exposure. And it can get boring. If gold is dull, it looks like a fake.

If your jewelry is solid gold (rose, white, or yellow gold), you’re usually in the clear. This is generally true for gold favorites from 10k to 18k. Simply wipe it with a soft cloth after swimming or bathing to prolong the life of your parts.

Gold filled jewelry tends to hold up well in water as the layer of gold that is plated onto the base metal is quite thick and sturdy. Let’s go!

Fashion and fast fashion jewelry

Showering with costume jewelry is not a good idea at all.

While costume jewelry can be affordable, manufacturers tend to use cheaper metals and materials like glue to design and create costume pieces.

For example, nickel is used in a variety of jewelry (and isn’t very well regulated by governments). And as a consumer, you may not know that you can easily develop a nickel allergy with prolonged exposure. Water does nothing but aggravate this potential threat, so just don’t wear nickel-laden clothing when showering or swimming. It’s not Bueno.

In addition, costume jewelry can flake off in water. So just don’t – it’s not worth it!

If you haven’t been to your dermatologist in a while and are having a reaction, do a patch test to find out which metals your body might not like as much.

wood, plastic and other materials

It probably goes without saying that you won’t want to shower with your new peacock feather earrings on. You also don’t want to be wearing your family heirloom diamond studs when you’re frolicking in the ocean.

However, be careful with wooden jewelry. If it’s been treated and has a shine over it, it’s probably fine. However, when untreated wood gets wet it can expand, dry out and then crack! So be careful.

Plastic and glass jewelry are generally fine to wear in the shower and on the beach. Just wipe them off when you dry off or take them out to air dry. Watch out for balls or filigree that can come loose or get damaged on glass and plastic parts.

Stainless steel is also suitable for showering. However, take off your stainless steel parts before jumping into the ocean as chloride is not good. You should know if additional metals are included, because the lower the quality, the more likely it is that your stainless steel jewelry will tarnish. For durability, try investing in surgical grade stainless steel.

If you carry gauges, always check that they are safe before and after your water trip. It’s so annoying to find out later that a plastic safety ring or clasp has fallen off your meter!

Shower and swim with jewelry

When all is said and done, it’s a good idea to remove your jewelry before heading to the beach or shower. Water can be corrosive to metals, and the chemicals we use every day can cause a multitude of problems with your favorite pieces of jewelry.

You don’t want to damage your prized pieces, and no one likes explaining how the family heirloom was eaten by a dolphin on your surf trip.

Whether you’re buying a gift for your best friend or want to treat yourself, it’s best to get quality jewelry at a fair price. This way you won’t drain your bank account, but you can also ensure that your jewelry pieces will stand the test of time – and some wear and tear – for years to come.

Our collections change monthly, so there’s always a new way to tell your story. And Rellery’s quality jewelry is ethically made in the USA. We cut out (thank goodness) middlemen so our handmade rings, bracelets, earrings, anklets and necklaces can be sold to you at a fair price. And the packaging is decorated too! Tip Tip: great gift ideas!

Just make sure you tell your gift recipients all the water pollution information we gave you today!


Can crystals be in water?

At the bottom of the scale, you have talc and pearls and rock salt and at the top of the scale, you have the unbreakable diamond, ruby, and sapphire. As mentioned, crystals above a 5 or 6 are generally safe to go in water but this scale shouldn’t be the sole factor when it comes to decision making.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

What crystals can go in water? As a general guide, only clean crystals with a rating of 6 or higher on the Mohs hardness scale with water. You should also avoid water for crystals that contain iron ore or copper.

If you care as much about your pretty crystals as we do, the last thing you want is to ruin them. It is important to keep our precious gems and sparkling stones clean and free of stagnant energy so they can hum at the highest frequency and do all this important healing work. Some crystals can be cleaned with water, others don’t like it at all. You definitely want to avoid putting crystals in water that are at risk of cracking, rusting, or dissolving. We’ve gathered all our crystal knowledge (and then some) to put together this straight forward guide to which crystals can get soaked and which should stay dry.

Understanding the Mohs Hardness Scale

The Mohs Hardness Scale is a sophisticated kit that helps us understand the hardness of minerals out there in the world. On a scale of 1-10, the minerals are tested with other minerals to check the stone’s surface durability. By scratching one stone with the other and seeing which one deals damage and which one takes damage, it can then be given a number on the scale. At the bottom of the scale you have talc and pearls and rock salt and at the top of the scale you have the unbreakable diamond, ruby ​​and sapphire.

As mentioned, crystals above a 5 or 6 are generally safe to enter the water, but this scale shouldn’t be the only factor when making your decision. Some crystals that are high on the scale have different properties and facets, meaning they cannot get wet – whether it’s from adding other elements within them or from other sensitivities. Don’t worry, we’ll outline this for you so that you have a handy reference guide for you to use when in doubt.

Hard crystals that are safe in water

Check out our amethyst energy bracelet

All of these crystals below score high on the Mohs scale and have no other factors that could make them water sensitive. Feel free to give these gems a thorough rinse with water for a spring cleaning, add them to your tub for a goddess bath, or even leave them in a glass of H2O to create a magical crystal elixir.


This stone rebalances the body and brings mind and soul into harmony. Different types of agate have different healing properties, but all share calmness and balance.


Obsidian is a highly protective and grounding stone that traps bad energy to keep you stable and clear no matter what.

rose quartz

This heart-healing gemstone shines with gentle shades of love and self-compassion. For those looking to bring more light into their lives, this gem will help boost that mood.

smoky quartz

Say goodbye to fear and let go of negative thinking as this stone will help you find emotional calm and move towards positive thinking and action.


The supreme nurturer is filled with warming energy to awaken your soul, ignite your passions and iron out your yin and yang vibes.

Clear quartz

Master Healer Clear Quartz is an amazing all-rounder that cleanses and aligns all of your chakras, helping you find a place of perfect clarity.


Get ready to flatten that crown of serenity because this purple jewel is all about spirituality, connection and calm. It can heal headaches, promote sleep, and illuminate your crown chakra.


Prosperity and a sense of inner strength are both qualities empowered by this shimmering green stone. Great for improving leadership skills and healing the heart.

tiger eye

Power and skill are the key elements of this black and gold gemstone. For those seeking healthy boundaries, strong decision making, and enhanced intuition.


This golden gemstone with its sweet sun mood is known as the Merchant’s Stone as it brings luck and optimistic thinking.


Fire-kissed carnelian is a high energy stone associated with the lower chakras. This gem isn’t a fan of salt water, so only clean it in fresh water.

Stones that cannot be washed with water

Check out our aquamarine energy bracelet

Now we come to the softer end of the scale and stones that should not be washed in water to preserve their gentle nature. Practicing care, compassion, and intention with your gemstones will strengthen your connection and relationship with your crystal collection. Instead of cleaning these stones with water, you can use safe, non-invasive techniques such as Here are the gems that should fall out with soaking or even splashing…


Mystical and magical, this dreamer’s stone is all about intuition, healing the third eye and accessing higher tones of wisdom.


Always ready to go with the flow, this flawless, clear-headed gemstone carries a calming vibration that can bring order to chaos and boost our sense of self, along with clearing auras and chakras.


Inner strength and balance abound in this copper-speckled blue stone. Azurite also activates the third eye chakra.


Although kyanite is infused with water energy, this stone has plenty of purity without hailing water. Known for its sense of stillness, presence, and silent strength.


Divine feminine energy and rejuvenation bless Selenite’s desert rose delight. Known for angelic connections and lunar magic.


Apatite is a stone with a strong commitment to truth. It cleanses the throat chakra, awakens creativity and helps balance the yin-yang energies according to your needs.


Eliminates emotional stress, awakens psychic abilities and helps you direct your energy into pursuits that suit your soul.


Emotional balance and inner peace are the focus of this healing purple stone. Release blockages, heal old wounds and promote your self-acceptance.


This angelic stone activates the higher chakras and fills you with a beautiful, gentle, uplifting energy.


Full of flowing and cleansing energy, this teal gemstone entices you to move into acceptance, speak your truth, increase your trust and let go of what doesn’t serve.


Strong and protective, hematite restores strength and keeps your circulation flowing. A bloodstone that grounds and protects, you feel connected and ready to stand tall.


Love and devotion and divine heart healing are found in the pretty pale pink Kunzite stone. Full of high vibrations, kunzite paves the way for you.


Soft and sweet, plaster of paris is great for breaking old habits, transitioning from stress to serenity, and learning how to set healthy boundaries.

Black Tourmaline

A gulp of negative energies and full of strong grounding powers, this inky stone can keep us strong and full of life.


Boost your masculine energy, improve lung health and boost your optimism with this prosperous and wondrous golden nugget gemstone.


Full of feminine energy and always ready to help us embrace cyclical change, Moonstone is a magic for new beginnings, overcoming PMS problems and boosting fertility.


Open your heart, heal old wounds and rid your space of electromagnetic smog and bad vibes with this soft pink gemstone.

lapis lazuli

Creativity and clarity are reflected in this starlit blue and gold gemstone. Lapis is a lullaby for higher thinking, accessing inner wisdom and expressing feelings and emotions.


Cool and pure in energy, turquoise helps you feel calmed and supported. It also strengthens the immune system and promotes a positive flow.


Calm your nervous system and tap into universal love with this gentle and harmonious stone of hope.


Feel whole and healed with the loving energy of Angelite. Angelite is a truly calming stone that can help balance overwhelm and give you a peaceful presence.


Absorbs negative energies and activates the chakras – especially the heart. Malachite is very soft and extremely toxic in water. Keep it away from water and do not touch water it has been in.

Charge your crystals

Now we have the facts on how to clean your crystals. It’s also good to know how to recharge them. Here’s how to keep your stones performing at peak performance so they can support you on your spiritual journey through life without stuttering. Here are a few ways you can amplify and recharge your crystal power…

Leave them in the light of the full moon overnight

Leave them in the sunlight for a short time

Plant in soil or garden

Place in a bowl with other high vibrating crystals

Place it in a jar or water bottles filled with spring or salt water (if it’s safe to do so).

You can also use your crystals to create elixirs and gem water, which you can drink whenever you need an infusion of healing power.


The world is full of beautiful crystals, and they are all absolutely unique in their composition and creative healing – there is no one size fits all. Because of this, it’s important to understand the unique characteristics of your gemstone collection and have an inherent understanding of how to care for them so they can look after you. Soft crystals and gems containing copper or iron should be kept away from water, but these harder gems with a strong surface can absolutely benefit from being cleaned and discharged in water and can be used to set bath times and mineral water to make even more nurturing in life.

What crystals go in bathroom?

Clear quartz is always a good idea

Since the bathroom is a place of cleansing, you might want to add some extra healing crystals to this room for maximum benefit. Clear quartz is an effective go-to crystal for any situation, but we especially love the idea of keeping it in your bathroom.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

The five best crystals for your bathroom

Crystals are excellent healing stones that can be used for so many purposes and weaving them into the interiors of our home is one of our favorite ways to display them. We love placing crystals on our bedside tables to bring love into our boudoirs, into our kitchens to inspire many inspiring and creative new dishes, and into our living rooms to bring positive vibes into space. You may be wondering what would be the best crystals for your bathroom. After all, it is the room in your home where you prepare for important life events or where you wash away your worries after a long, stressful day.

Crystals have powerful energies that are used to heal or help with various issues – some crystals can help with sleep while others can help with stress. Using crystals to bring the right energies into the different rooms of your home can be a total game changer! Crystals have many different uses, and it’s important to choose one that’s right for you based on what you want to do with it. Keep scrolling to find out which five crystals are the best for your bathroom.

How do you charge crystals?

9 crystal charging methods:
  1. Placing them under the full moon. …
  2. Soak them in moon water. …
  3. Bury them in the ground. …
  4. Give them a sound bath. …
  5. Burn incense or herbs over them. …
  6. Immerse them in salt. …
  7. Use your breath to charge them. …
  8. Connect them to your spirit guides.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

Crystals tend to hold onto whatever energy they’re exposed to – which isn’t always a good thing. As modern mystic Imani Quinn explains to mbg, if you use a crystal for protection energy, for example, that stone will absorb the energy it is protecting you from.

That’s why it’s important to get rid of negative energy that has accumulated in your crystal as needed. “It needs to be refueled, just like our energy needs to be refueled through sleep every night,” adds Quinn.

Part of charging your crystal is clearing its energetic board – this is why some people refer to charging crystals as “cleansing”. From there it’s a matter of replenishing your crystal, often with grounding energy that comes from places in nature: the moon, the earth, the water, etc.

Which crystals Cannot go in water?

Toxic Crystals you don’t Want in your Crystal Water Bottle
  • Actinolite: fibrous form of asbestos.
  • Amazonite: contains copper which is toxic.
  • Angelite: contains lead and sulfur.
  • Azurite: contains copper.
  • Chrysocolla: contains copper.
  • Garnet: contains Aluminium.
  • Hematite: contains iron and will rust when submerged.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

In this article:

It’s a popular topic in the crystal clearing world: which crystals can go in water, or more importantly, which crystals cannot go in water? With each individual stone there is a vast amount to examine; from iron levels to asbestos levels, you don’t want to make a mistake when adding minerals to water.

There is often a lot of confusion regarding waterproof crystals, salt water purification, and drinking from a crystal water bottle or any other form of crystal water. The internet can give mixed signals and some crystal experts may not even know themselves.

The truth is: to choose crystals that are safe in water, you need to research the individual gemstone. While there are some generalizations, there are many exceptions!

A quick guide: Which crystals can’t go in the water?

Use the Mohs hardness scale. If you want a quick and general rule for waterproof crystals, the Mohs hardness scale is your friend. Stick to crystals that are a 6 or higher and you should be fine. These are generally considered waterproof. Avoid copper-bearing iron ores or crystals. A mineral like pyrite can rust when it comes into contact with water. Water might even cause some crystals to dissolve. An iron ore crystal should never get wet, especially over a long period of time or through complete submersion. Crystals ending in “ite” are generally water hazardous crystals. This could be another generalization, but it’s mostly correct. The actual reason crystals end with the suffix “ite” is because there are moves to officially standardize mineral names. It’s just that the crystals that keep that name tend to be water-unsafe crystals. Stones like malachite, calcite, hematite, fluorite, and selenite should avoid water. They have low water tolerance and are also usually softer on the Mohs hardness scale. This makes them easy targets to take irreversible damage.

Toxic crystals you don’t want in your crystal water bottle

Not all crystals are safe to use in crystal-infused water. The last thing you want to do is pick up chemicals from poisonous crystals. Not only can water damage the gemstone, a natural stone elixir made from these crystals could be extremely damaging to you and your well-being. Toxic crystals can cause illness, allergic reactions, or even death.

17 stones you should NEVER put in your crystal water bottle

Here are some of the most common crystals to avoid putting in your crystal water bottle or crystal elixir.

Actinolite: fibrous form of asbestos Amazonite: contains toxic copper Angelite: contains lead and sulfur Azurite: contains copper Chrysocolla: contains copper Garnet: contains aluminum Hematite: contains iron and will rust if immersed Labradorite: contains aluminum Lapis Lazuli: contains sulfur Magnet : contains iron and rusts Malachite: contains copper Pyrite: contains iron and traces of sulfur Serpentine: fibrous form of asbestos Stibnite: contains lead and antimony Tiger’s eye: raw tiger’s eye is a fibrous form of asbestos Unakite: contains aluminum and may also contain zirconium, which is radioactive Zircon: contains zirconium (radioactive)

This is by no means an all-inclusive list, and you should always check your individual stone before creating Gem Elixir.

You can also create a perfectly safe crystal elixir with any of these stones by placing the gem outside of the water bottle. This indirect method is possible because it is believed that the water can absorb the healing properties of the crystal even without direct contact.

The main things to look out for is whether the crystal contains copper, lead, sulfur, asbestos, or any other toxic or harmful chemical that you normally don’t want to ingest.

Waterproof crystals used to create a crystal elixir

Be sure to use waterproof crystals before making gemstone elixirs or homemade crystal water bottles. Make sure the stones are natural and have not been artificially altered in any way. Also, make sure they are clean before putting them in a water bottle.

8 Common Crystals That Are Safe to Add to Drinking Water

Here’s a list of crystals that can go in water, and more specifically, which are safe for a crystal water bottle or other form of ingestion.

Amethyst Black Obsidian Carnelian Citrine Clear Quartz Rose Quartz Rutilated Quartz Smoky Quartz

As with the water-polluting crystals, this list is not extensive. You can make water bottles with crystals that aren’t on this list, but make sure you research them before drinking crystal-infused water.

The stones of the quartz family, namely quartz crystal, amethyst, citrine and co., are generally all safe to place in crystal water. So start with quartz crystals when looking for water safe crystals for your gemstone elixirs.

cleaning crystals

While all stones need to be cleansed to remove any accumulation of negative energy, not all crystals can be cleansed in the same way. As mentioned earlier, the Mohs hardness scale is a great way to distinguish hard crystals and soft crystals. The softer the material, the safer it is that it shouldn’t be cleaned in water – especially salt water.

Before cleaning, inspect your gems one by one to make sure you are not damaging them. Check out the full guide on how to clean crystals if you want to learn more about alternative methods such as:

How to clean crystals with water

If you are wondering how to clean crystals with water, a great cleaning technique for water resistant gems is to leave a bowl of tap water outside on a full moon night. This water is believed to absorb lunar energy, a powerful force that can remove negative energies from certain minerals. Place your stone in the moon water to banish unwanted energies. This works even better when using spring water with harder crystals on the Mohs hardness scale.

Place a quartz crystal in a bowl of drinking water during the new moon to replenish and recharge its energy. This is absolutely ideal for setting intentions as quartz crystals have healing properties that will amplify your manifestations while the new moon is considered the best time to start new endeavors and set new goals.

Leave the stone in for a few hours to get the best effect. Longer periods of time are possible without damaging quartz, but other crystals with a softer nature will need a bit more monitoring while submerged. A few minutes is enough for some.

Is there a difference between cleaning in mineral water and cleaning in salt water?

While some crystals are safe in water, they might be unsafe in salt water. Because there are various minerals in salt water that can cause certain crystals to dissolve. While they may not fully disintegrate, the structure holding them together weakens and they become much more prone to cracking and breaking.

As you begin your crystal journey, it’s good practice to track your crystal’s rank on the Mohs hardness scale so you can get a rough idea of ​​its performance in water.

For example, rock salt, which is on the lower end of the scale, seems almost destined to completely dissolve in water of any kind. However, diamonds could quite easily cope with long term exposure to water and other elements which would destroy various stones.

What crystals can’t be cleaned in salt water, you ask?

21 Common Crystals To Avoid Saltwater At All Costs

As always, this is not an extensive list.

Fluorite Malachite Mandarin Quartz Amber Black Tourmaline Tiger Eye Opal Turquoise Labradorite Hematite Celestite Lapis Lazuli Carnelian Pyrite Selenite Kyanite Azurite Apatite Lepidolite Calcite Kunzite

Some crystals that can be briefly cleaned in water cannot be cleaned in salt water. Other factors also play a role, since the content of the water is completely different.

It’s also worth noting that Tangerine Quartz is the exception to the quartz family rule. It contains iron and therefore should not be used in crystal water of any kind. Despite its strength and high ranking on the Mohs hardness scale, water is Tangerine Quartz’s Achilles heel.

So which crystals are safe to clean in salt water?

11 stones you can easily clean in salt water

Some crystals can remain undamaged in salt water for a long time, while other minerals prefer only a short time in salt water. No two minerals are the same in their water preferences.

Clear Quartz Smoky Quartz Rutilated Quartz Rose Quartz Amethyst Citrine Agate Jasper Moonstone Aventurine Black Obsidian

After all, what crystals cannot be purified in water of any kind?

18 common gems you should NEVER put in water

There are some crystals that cannot go in water at all. Those crystals that cannot be in water should avoid salt water, gem water, running water, spring water and everything in between. If your crystal is on the list and upsets you, don’t cry as it may not be able to withstand your tears either…

Just kidding.

But seriously, when cleaning these stones, you want to avoid getting them wet.

Gypsum Selenite Celestite Pyrite Hematite Azurite Apatite Malachite Lepidolite Opal Fluorite Apophyllite Smithsonite Magnetite Jade (long term) Halite Ulexite Angelite

You might notice a little pattern here, hence the earlier generalization. Most crystals that cannot be submerged in water end in -ite. Many of the gems on this list will survive brief periods of running water for a quick cleaning, but you’ve been warned. Putting them in water for long periods of time could be their downfall.

While it is important to cleanse crystals and remove any negative energy they may contain, it is even more important to keep your crystals safe. As they begin to dissolve, the entire atomic structure of the stone is reshaped, irreversibly altering its healing properties. It is not only damaged physically but one could say that it is damaged mentally as well.

Frequently asked questions about poisonous and waterproof crystals

Can rose quartz go in water?

Many people ask: is rose quartz safe in water? As previously mentioned, most quartz stones are safe in water, including rose quartz.

Can clear quartz go in water?

Yes! The same here. In fact, one of the best ways to clean this quartz stone is in water.

Can citrine go in water?

Another type of quartz, citrine is a hard stone, ranking 7th on the Mohs hardness scale. This means it is perfectly safe to put in water.

Can amethyst go in water?

Yes, yes and even more yes. Amethyst is another quartz stone and as such is good in water! Amethyst Crystal Elixirs are some of the best!

Can selenite get wet?

Unlike the four above, selenite is neither a quartz stone nor a water-resistant crystal. Selenite can get wet for a short time, but will be damaged if left underwater for too long. Selenite is a soft crystal and should rarely, if ever, be placed in the water. It can dissolve fairly easily if left underwater for a long period of time.

The good thing about selenite is that it is actually a self-cleaner. This means that it does not retain energy like other gemstones. If you want to clean your water-polluting crystals with selenite, then get a cleaning lamp.

Can carnelian go in water?

Carnelian is a waterproof crystal. You can clean your carnelian crystals in a water bath for a few hours and there shouldn’t be any problems. However, carnelian should never be used in conjunction with salt water. Learn more about the properties of carnelian crystals in our complete guide.

Double check before placing your crystals in water

Always do your own research and make sure your crystals are safe in water before purifying them and certainly before using them to make crystal water bottles or elixirs. Take a look at our collection of healing stones to find a new gem now that you know which ones can go in water and which ones can’t.

What crystals can’t be together?

  • Clear quartz and stones with powerful properties. Quartz amplifies the energy of minerals nearby, so it is not recommended for use with strong minerals. …
  • Lace agate and red jasper. …
  • Smoky Quartz and Tiger Eye. …
  • Pure quartz and green aventurine. …
  • Amazonite and tiger’s eye.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

Incompatible minerals are those that neutralize or, on the contrary, excessively enhance the properties and effects of the other. As a rule, such minerals are not very harmful to humans, but they do not bring any benefits either. In other words, such stones have no active properties.

The main reason is that some stones cannot work together, their beneficial properties are suppressed and they stop emitting healing energy. Some minerals do not harmonize with each other, it negatively affects the harmonious state of a person.

It’s worth noting that there is no definitive list of incompatible minerals. This is because there are a variety of combinations of minerals.


1. Clear quartz and stones with strong properties

Quartz amplifies the energy of nearby minerals, so it’s not recommended for use with strong minerals. For example, moonstone has powerful sedative properties and quartz will enhance moonstone. It will turn out that you just won’t have enough energy. Or if you use, for example, quartz with citrine, then, on the contrary, you will receive too much energy, which will prevent you from focusing on one thing.

2. Lace Agate and Red Jasper

Blue lace agate relaxes and decelerates, while red jasper is used to increase vitality. Therefore these stones should not be used together as they will neutralize each other.

3. Smoky Quartz and Tiger Eye

Smoky Quartz protects its owner from excessive energy that can harm him. This stone suits people who are very active in life and sometimes need rest and relaxation. At the same time, tiger eye is a mineral that gives a person a lot of energy and courage. It is not recommended to wear these two stones together as they have opposite meanings. One of them tries to give you energy, while the other, on the contrary, reduces it.

4. Pure Quartz and Green Aventurine

These stones are not compatible due to the different mode of action: the first stone gives strength, while the second calms and relaxes.

5. Amazonite and Tiger Eye

Amazonite is often used for problems with insomnia. It helps you sleep well at night and fall asleep quickly. At the same time, tiger eye in combination with amazonite does not allow restful sleep, a person can even have prolonged sleep disorders.

SOME JEWELRY IDEAS WITH HEALING STONES HEALING JEWELRY Discover lifetime rings and pendants with healing stones


The following crystals are almost always compatible:

• Crystals with the same crystal structure

For example, you can combine two stones with a cubic structure or stones with a hexagonal structure.

• Stones with the same or similar properties, uses and values

Always find out about the properties of the stones you want to combine. This will help you find the most compatible minerals that complement each other.

• Minerals with the same zodiac signs or planetary associations

• Stones of the same or compatible color

Stones of the same color are usually energetically compatible and can be worn together. But it is better to check their properties and compatibility. For example, garnet and ruby ​​are not compatible despite having the same shade.

Often stones with opposite colors are just as well matched in energy.

• A stone of the same mineral group.

For example, the stones in the quartz family go well together.

• Same elements

You can combine stones according to the elements i.e. water, fire, air, earth. For example, when you combine these air vents, they encourage a positive change in your mindset.

Can I swim with my amethyst?

Yes – because Amethyst is non-porous and ranked 7 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, it is safe to place in water!

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

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Water is one of the most popular ways to clean crystals – but it’s not safe for every stone!

Soft, brittle or porous crystals should never be submerged in water as liquid can weaken the stone’s structure and result in a dull appearance.

But can amethyst go in water?

Yes – since amethyst is non-porous and is rated 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, it is safe to put in water!

Even though amethyst can go in water, you still need to know what types of water sources can be used — and which ones should be avoided.

Can amethyst go in salt water?

It is not recommended to put amethyst in salt water as this can corrode your crystal.

While some people like to clean their crystals in seawater for the energetic benefits, the high salinity of amethyst and other crystals can cause long-term corrosion damage.

If you choose to clean your amethyst with seawater, make sure you only dip your crystal in the water for a few seconds – not for long periods of time.

Whether you expose your amethyst to salt water intentionally or accidentally, you should rinse it immediately with regular tap water or fresh filtered water.

After rinsing, use a soft, non-abrasive cloth to dry your amethyst to avoid water stains.

Avoiding salt water completely is quite simply the best way to ensure your amethyst stays strong and beautiful for years to come.

Featured in this post: Large Amethyst Dream Tower by ConnectCo on Etsy

Can amethyst go in bath water?

Yes, amethyst can be submerged in bath water!

Adding amethyst to your bath is the perfect way to create a calm, relaxing atmosphere and benefit from the high vibrational energy of this powerful crystal.

However, you should exercise caution when introducing other products into your bathwater that may contain corrosive elements, such as: B. bath salts or acidic soaps or detergents.

To be on the safe side, rinse your amethyst with fresh tap water after the bath and then dry it with a soft cloth.

Can amethyst go in pool water?

It is not recommended to add amethyst to chlorinated or chemically treated water.

Chlorine and other harsh chemicals can weaken the structure of each crystal and also cause fading and discoloration.

If you wear amethyst jewelry of any kind, be sure to remove it before swimming or entering a hot tub.

If you accidentally submerge your amethyst in pool water, remove it immediately and wash with gentle soap and regular tap water.

After rinsing off any soap residue, dry your crystal with a soft cloth.

Featured in this post: Large Amethyst Dream Tower by ConnectCo on Etsy

How to dry amethyst

It is best to dry your amethyst with a soft, non-abrasive cloth.

While air or sun drying will not cause permanent damage to your amethyst, it can leave unsightly water stains.

It is also not recommended to dry your amethyst with a hair dryer as excessive heat can change the appearance of your amethyst over time.

No matter which method you use, it is recommended to always dry your amethyst after it has gotten wet to keep your crystal looking shiny and beautiful.


Amethyst is a strong, durable crystal that makes a wonderful addition to crystal altars, moonwater rituals, bath times, and other water activities!

Amethyst is safe to place in most freshwater sources that do not contain salt or chemicals.

You should always avoid placing your amethyst in salt water or chemically treated water as these water sources can cause damage, corrosion and weakening over time.

If you must submerge your amethyst in sea or pool water, be sure to wash your crystal with gentle soap and regular tap or filtered water afterwards. And don’t forget to give your amethyst a final rinse to remove soap residue!

Anytime your amethyst gets wet, dry it gently with a soft, non-abrasive cloth to keep it looking beautiful and pristine.

Treating your amethyst and other crystals with care and prudence will ensure you maximize the energetic benefits you receive from your stones for years to come!

Can I wear 2 crystal necklaces?

Yes, you can wear most* therapeutic gemstone necklaces together. We suggest wearing no more than three at the same time, and they work best when they are different lengths.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

frequently asked Questions

Can I wear more than one gemstone necklace at a time?

Yes, you can wear most* therapeutic gemstone necklaces together. We recommend wearing no more than three at a time, and they work best when they’re different lengths. The exception is lavender. Due to lavender’s aligning properties, it can be worn as a fourth necklace and in the same length as another necklace.

*Some gemstone necklaces are best worn alone. Check a gemstone’s specific page for individual guidelines or call our Gemstone Advisory Team if you have any questions about gemstone compatibility.

What is the best way to travel by plane with my gems?

We recommend that you avoid exposing your therapeutic gemstones to the radiation associated with X-ray and scanning procedures. If you must travel by plane with your gems, it is best not to pack them in your luggage or carry-on as they will be screened as part of airport security.

One option is to wear your necklaces through security and ask them to refuse the body scanner. Logging out means you will be frisked by security. After going through security, you can put your gems in your carry-on if you don’t want to carry them any further.

Another option is to place your gems in a clear plastic zip-lock bag and request that the items be hand-inspected by security personnel. Gemisphere cannot guarantee that TSA will honor this request.

For instructions on cleaning gemstones that have been exposed to unwanted electromagnetic frequencies, see “If my gemstones have been exposed to X-rays” below.

How long does it take for the gems to cast?

The time it takes to notice the healing effects of the gemstones varies greatly depending on the gemstones, the person, and the severity of the problem the gemstones are treating. If you feel you could get more out of your gemstones, please call a Gemstone Advisor at 800.727.8877 for assistance.

Why do I feel the energy of some gems and not others?

Not everyone experiences the gems in the same way. Some people “feel” the energy of a gemstone and some don’t. It is also common for a person to feel the energies of certain gemstones and not others. This is simply a reflection of each person’s unique energetic makeup. It is important to remember that you do not have to consciously feel the energies of the gems for them to work and that over time and with use you may develop more sensitivity to their energies.

What is “therapeutic quality”?

Only the highest quality, pure gemstones provide the therapeutic results we have come to expect from Gemstone Energy Medicine. Most gemstones available on the market are lower quality stones that have been altered with dyes, radiation or heat to enhance their appearance. In most cases, these treatments render the gemstone non-therapeutic and possibly even harmful when used on the human body for healing. Gemisphere’s mission is to secure and sell only therapeutic grade gemstones. More information on therapeutic grade can be found here or by speaking with a Gemstone Advisor.

How do I know which gems to choose?

Some people immediately know what therapeutic necklaces they are drawn to and want to work with. Maybe they see the necklaces or their photos, or they read about the benefits of the necklaces and just know. For others, many choices feel right and they are unsure which ones work best for them. If you need help deciding which therapeutic necklaces are most beneficial, read our tips on choosing or call us at 800.727.8877 for a free consultation.

How do I know what quality, size and length I should buy?

There are several factors to consider when choosing the quality, gemstone size and length of gemstone necklace you wish to purchase. All Gemisphere gemstones are therapeutic grade, so you really can’t go wrong, but here are a few things to consider:


The higher the quality of a gemstone, the more effective its therapeutic effects. The quality of a necklace has an even greater impact on its therapeutic effectiveness than the length or size of the necklace. For example, an 8mm Exquisite-Plus necklace is therapeutically more potent than a 10mm Exquisite necklace of the same gemstone.

Gem size and length

For the same quality, larger gemstones and longer necklaces are more therapeutically effective than smaller, shorter ones. All necklaces 23 inches or shorter include a 14k gold clasp; longer necklaces do not have a clasp.


If your neck is weight sensitive, consider wearing slightly smaller gems or shorter necklaces, especially if you intend to wear more than one necklace at a time. For example, a 10mm gemstone necklace may be too heavy for sensitive necks. Smaller people may also prefer to wear shorter necklaces.


Some people may find wearing a milder potency necklace more comfortable, while others enjoy a stronger dose. Again, higher quality and larger gems have more powerful energy than smaller gems in a lower quality category. Children usually require shorter necklaces and smaller gems.


As a gem’s quality increases, its therapeutic potency often increases far more than its price. Even increasing the quality level can provide multiple times the therapeutic power. When in doubt, we recommend choosing the highest quality gemstones within your budget.

Can I wear my other jewelry while working with the gems?

There is no hard and fast rule for wearing aesthetic jewelry with therapeutic gemstones. However, some people simply prefer not to wear other necklaces along with their therapeutic gemstones. We suggest trying both ways yourself to see which way feels best for you. Some gems have special metal requirements: roselle should not be worn in contact with gold; Care should be taken when wearing clear topaz and metal; and some people may experience energetic blockages when wearing sodalight and metal jewelry.

Can I share my gems?

Most gems can be shared with friends and family as long as you clean them well between users. A handful of therapeutic gemstone necklaces are best worn by just one person or only within a family. Necklaces that should only be worn by one person include Clear Topaz, Quartzite, and True Self. Gems that should only be shared within a family are Rhodonite and Sodalight (as long as the Sodalight has not been used by a person suffering from PTSD). Leopard skin jasper may only be divided after it has been cleaned in the sunlight for 20 to 30 minutes.

Can I wear the gems at night while I sleep?

Yes. Some people find that wearing one necklace at night and another during the day is a great way to alternate the gems they work with. Others have found that wearing certain gemstones can disrupt their sleep. If you want to work with a necklace continuously but don’t want to wear it at night, you can hold it within a meter of your body to maintain your connection with its energy. This can also be a good time to use the salt bed method of cleaning your gemstones. We encourage you to experiment to find what works best for you.

Do I need to clean my new gems before working with them?

You are welcome to clean your new gemstone necklaces before processing, but you do not have to. Before we ship your necklace to you, we give each of its gemstones a Rallop® diamond treatment. This clears them of discordant energies and ensures they are ready for you. Of course, once you start using your gems, it is important to clean them regularly.

Can children use therapeutic gems?

Kids love therapeutic gems too! Because children grow and change quickly, they can experience a gem’s healing changes faster than adults. Most gemstones can be worn by children — and some are particularly beneficial for children — but be sure to check a necklace’s specific page for any specific guidelines or contraindications. To prevent choking, do not allow babies or children under the age of three to wear a necklace, and young children should be closely supervised when wearing therapeutic gemstone necklaces.

Feel free to call our Gemstone Advisors at 800.727.8877 if you need help choosing gemstones for a child or have questions about adjusting the length of a necklace.

Do animals benefit from therapeutic gems?

Like humans, our pets face a variety of issues that can be helped by therapeutic gemstones. Almost all gemstone necklaces from Gemisphere are suitable for animals. Choose therapeutic gems for your animals just as you would choose them for yourself. Call our Gemstone Advisors at 800.727.8877 if you need help making a selection or have questions about ordering a necklace that’s the right length for your pet.

Are the healing effects of the gems permanent?

Some of the effects of gemstones can last for quite a while, but as life keeps throwing changes and challenges at us, you may want to return to a specific gemstone for another healing cycle. One of the greatest strengths of therapeutic gemstones is that with proper care they can last a lifetime and often much longer, making them a truly worthy investment in your health.

Do you make custom combination necklaces?

Our gem combination necklaces are designed with much thought and internal testing to ensure optimal effectiveness. Many considerations go into the creation of our gem combinations, including the implications of numbers and gem sequences, the interactions of specific gems, and concepts from multiple healing modalities. Due to the complexity involved in designing therapeutic gem combinations, we do not create or recommend custom combinations.

Why is a particular necklace sold out? When will it be available again?

As you’ve probably gathered by now, ensuring the quality of our gemstones is our number one priority. If a gemstone is not of exceptional quality, we simply will not offer it to our customers. Anything else would be inconsistent with our mission to provide only the highest quality gemstone energy medicine tools. If we cannot find a specific gemstone that meets our quality standards, we always wait until that quality is available before sourcing it for our clients. In the meantime, don’t get discouraged! Our search for therapeutic grade gemstones continues and in most cases the wait is short.

If an item is out of stock, call us at 800.727.8877 to check availability or ask to be placed on our back order list to be notified when it is back in stock. As we cannot guarantee when it will be available again, we are waiting for new gems to arrive to enter these orders into our system.

It is possible that our website does not yet show an item that we have recently received in stock. Although we update them regularly, our website will only indicate a newly received shipment after all gemstones have been carefully inspected and graded for quality.

If my gems have been exposed to X-rays or other EMFs, how can I clear the gems of those frequencies?

If your gemstones have absorbed X-rays or other EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) it is important to clear them of those frequencies before wearing or using the gemstones again. Otherwise, they will gradually release this potentially harmful radiation back into your aura or energetic field.

To safely discharge the frequencies and cleanse the gems, place the gems directly on the ground outdoors for four to five days. Placing them on a patch of lawn in a sheltered area is a good choice. To protect the thread and certain gems that should avoid moisture, you can put a piece of cotton cloth or gauze between the ground and the gems. By staying in contact with the earth, the gems emit the radiation and are restored to their natural state.

Certain gemstones can also be cleared of EMF by cleaning them with a clay pack. However, always check the “Use” tab on the appropriate side of the necklace to see if it can handle clay packing, which can dull the luster of certain gemstones.

How do you activate crystals?

How to activate your crystal. If your stone feels heavier than expected — like it’s lost its shine — it may benefit from a little energetic activation. Try lending it some of your own energy by speaking to it, singing to it, or sending it some vital life force energy through your breath.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

Why is cleaning important? While working with crystals is a popular practice, it’s important to note that there is currently no scientific evidence to support its benefits. In fact, a 2009 review suggests that the perceived benefits of crystal healing may result from a placebo effect. Still, many people swear by the benefits of crystals. It certainly doesn’t hurt to try them as a complementary treatment. Many people use crystals to calm the mind, body, and spirit. Some believe that crystals work on an energetic level, sending out natural vibrations into the world. Crystals often travel long distances from source to seller before a purchase is made. Each transition exposes the stone to energies that may not match your own. And when used for healing, these stones are meant to absorb or redirect the negativity you are working to release. Regularly cleaning and charging your stones is the only way to restore your crystal to its natural state. This act of caring can also reinvigorate your own sense of purpose. Read on to learn about some of the most common purification methods, how to align a crystal with your intention, and more.

1. Running water Water is said to neutralize any negative energy stored in the stone and return it to the earth. Although natural running water – like a stream – is best, you can also rinse your stone under a faucet. Whatever your water source, make sure your stone is completely submerged. When finished, pat dry. Approximate duration: 1 minute per stone. Use this for: hard stones, such as B. Quartz. Do not use this for: brittle or soft stones, such as B. selenite, kyanite and halite

2. Salt Water Salt has been used throughout history to absorb unwanted energy and banish negativity. If you are near the ocean, you should collect a bowl of fresh salt water. Otherwise, mix 1 tablespoon of sea, rock, or table salt in a bowl of water. Make sure your stone is fully submerged and let it soak for a few hours to a few days. Rinse and pat dry when finished. Approximate Duration: Up to 48 hours Use this on: Hard stones like quartz and amethyst Don’t use this on: Stones that are soft, porous, or contain trace metals like malachite, selenite, halite, calcite, lepidolite, and angelite

3. Brown Rice This method can also be used to draw out negativity in a safe and closed environment. It is particularly advantageous for protective stones such as black tourmaline. To do this, fill a bowl with dry brown rice and bury your stone under the grains. Discard the rice immediately after cleaning as the rice is said to have absorbed the energy you are trying to eliminate. Approximate Duration: 24 hours Use this on: any stone

4. Natural Light Although ritual cleansing often focuses on specific points in the solar or lunar cycle, you can set up your stone at any time to cleanse and charge. Set up your stone before dark and plan to bring it in before 11am – this will allow your stone to bathe in the light of the moon and sun. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can weather the stone’s surface, so make sure you pick it up in the morning. If you can, place your stone directly on the ground. This allows further cleaning. Wherever they are, make sure they are not disturbed by wildlife or bystanders. Afterward, quickly rinse the stone to remove dirt and debris. Pat dry. Approximate Time: 10 to 12 hours Use this for: most tumbled stones. Don’t use this for: glowing stones like amethyst in the sunlight; soft stones such as celestite, halite, and selenite that can be damaged by inclement weather

5. Sage Sage is a sacred plant with a variety of healing properties. Smudging your stone is said to eliminate discordant vibrations and restore its natural energy. You will need: a fireproof bowl

a lighter or matches

loose or bundled sage If you can’t smudge outdoors, make sure you’re near an open window. This allows the smoke and negative energy to disperse. When done, light the tip of the sage with the flame. Transfer the sage to your non-dominant hand, grip your stone tightly, and wave it through the smoke. Allow the smoke to envelop the stone for about 30 seconds. If it’s been a while since your last cleanse — or you feel like the stone is holding onto a lot — consider smudging for another 30 seconds. Approximate Duration: Approximately 30 to 60 seconds per stone. Use this on: any stone

6. Sound Sound Healing flows a single pitch or tone over a range and brings it into the same vibration as the tone. This can be accomplished with singing, singing bowls, a tuning fork, or even a beautiful bell. It doesn’t matter what key the tone is as long as the tone emitted is loud enough for the vibration to fully engage the stone. This method is ideal for collectors who have a large amount of crystals that are not easy to inventory or transport. Approximate Time: 5 to 10 minutes Use this on: any stone

7. Using a Larger Rock Large piles of quartz, amethyst geodes, and slabs of selenite can be great tools for removing smaller rocks. Place your stone directly in or on one of these stones. It is believed that the vibrations of the larger stone remove the inharmonic energies of the stone at rest. Approximate Duration: 24 hours Use this on: any stone

8. Use of Smaller Stones Carnelian, clear quartz and hematite are also said to have an overall clarifying effect. Because these rocks are usually smaller, you may need to have more than one on hand to successfully clear other rocks. Place the cleaning stones in a small bowl and place the stone you wish to restore on top. Approximate Duration: 24 hours Use this on: any stone

9. Breath Breathwork can also be an effective cleansing method. To begin, hold the stone in your dominant hand. Focus on your intention for a moment and breathe in deeply through your nostrils. Bring the stone closer to your face and take short, forceful breaths through your nose and onto the stone to bring the stone into its highest vibration. Approximate Time: About 30 seconds per stone Use this for: Small stones

10. Visualization While this is considered the safest way to remove bricks, it can be intimidating for some. The more aligned you are with your sense of self, the easier it can be to focus your energy on the stone you wish to restore. Take a few minutes to ground and center your energy, then pick up your stone and imagine your hands filling with white radiant light. See this light surrounding the stone and feel it brighten in your hands. Imagine the impurities being washed out of the stone, leaving the stone shining brighter with new purpose. Continue this visualization until you feel a change in the energy of the stone. Approximate Time: About 1 minute per brick Use this on: each brick

How to Program Your Crystal Although crystals are said to have innate healing properties, taking the time to set an intention for your stone, connect with its energy, and restore your own sense of purpose can help you. You may feel comfortable holding the stone while you meditate or placing it on your third eye. You can also sit back and let the stone rest on the appropriate chakra or body area you want to work with. Imagine the energy of the stone merging with your own. Talk to the stone—silently or verbally—and ask for assistance in completing your current endeavor. Thank the stone for its presence, then spend a few minutes in meditation.

How to Activate Your Crystal If your stone is feeling heavier than expected – like it’s lost its luster – it can benefit from a little energetic activation. Try to give him some of your own energy by talking to him, singing to him, or sending life energy through your breath. A small interaction can make a big difference! If you have plans outside, you should take the stone with you. Many people find that allowing the stone to absorb natural energy in the park or on the beach has a powerful effect. You can also create an activation grid by surrounding the stone with its more energetic counterparts. Popular choices include ruby, clear quartz, apophyllite, kyanite, selenite, and carnelian. You can use any stones that you are attracted to. Just make sure they completely surround the main crystal so it can fully bask in their vibrations.

Frequently Asked Questions How often do I need to clean my stones? The more times you use a stone, the more energy it collects. A good rule of thumb is to remove all stones at least once a month. If a single stone feels heavier than usual, go ahead and clean it. You don’t have to wait a specific amount of time between cleanings. What is the best method for cleaning stones? Find a method that suits you and your practices. What works best for you might not work as well for someone else, so pay attention to what feels right. How do I know when a stone is clean? The stone should feel lighter energetically and physically. What should I do with my stones after they have been cleaned? Find mindful places to keep your stones. If possible, keep them near windows or plants so they can absorb this natural healing energy. Otherwise, place the stones in your home, office, or other space to suit your intentions.

What crystal should I wear around my neck?

Amethyst — This purple stone can help deflect negative co-workers and their influences. Rose Quartz — Wear this light pink gem around your neck or place it in your purse, bra or pocket to help bring you self-acceptance, love and support throughout the day.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

The world of crystals can be daunting, but as a trained shaman, I’ve spent the last decade learning the ins and outs of various alternative healing modalities and can attest to the power of these sparkling objects. There is a crystal for everything, and this ancient stone medicine has been used for over 10,000 years to improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance. Crystals are used to heal body aches, support emotional issues such as anxiety, invoke romantic love into one’s life, manifest goals, perform beauty rituals, and balance the energy of a space.

So who needs crystals and how to use them? Well, it all depends on your goals.

The first step to introducing crystals into your life is to acquire some crystals. However, before stepping into a crystal shop or enlisting the help of a crystal expert, ask yourself a few simple questions such as: What am I trying to work on right now? What do I want to bring into my life? What is keeping me from my dreams?

Once you have an honest conversation with yourself, you can start buying crystals. One option is to visit a gem mine and hand pick your stones, but a more practical approach is to start at your local metaphysical store. There you should ask the shopkeeper where he or she acquires their stones. Knowing the lineage of a crystal is like knowing where the food comes from. They want from farm to fork and free from animal testing. Everything carries an energy and you want clear energies in your crystal, which is why it’s also important to “bathe” new crystals before using them for the first time.

Some of my favorite crystal hangouts are Rock Star Crystals in New York and Spellbound Sky in Los Angeles. Average prices range from $2.00 to $100.00. This is a personal journey and I highly recommend only buying stones that you feel a personal connection to, but some good options to start with are:

Selenite – Like a cosmic vacuum cleaner, this clear crystal is best placed in your closet to cleanse your belongings of old and negative energy

Black Tourmaline – Keep this black gemstone under your bed or next to your nightstand for grounding and protection

Scolecite – This opaque white stone is also best found near your resting place and is known to provide a good night’s sleep

Citrine – Put this orange colored crystal to work as it is known to bring business and financial success into your life

Amethyst – This purple stone can help distract negative associates and their influences

Rose Quartz – Wear this light pink gemstone around your neck or slip it into your purse, bra, or pocket to bring you self-acceptance, love, and support throughout the day

Another great crystal to incorporate into your life is iron pyrite. It can help you manifest any changes you wish to see and is especially effective at this time of year when everyone is making New Year’s resolutions. Just write down all the things you want to receive and achieve for the year and put a piece of iron pyrite at the top of your list. Look at this list and say it out loud every day for the next 30 days. Our thoughts and actions manifest our reality, and it’s important to put energy into the things we want. You can also close your eyes and visualize these goals for additional recognition.

Crystals can help you achieve your goals and as the shamans say, “Believe and you will see.”

May you walk in beauty.

Colleen McCann is a fashion stylist turned shaman and the founder of Style Rituals. She combines ancient practices with intuition to improve the lives of her clients worldwide.

Contact us at [email protected].

What do crystal necklaces do?

Crystals are used for healing body aches, supporting emotional issues such as anxiety, calling romantic love into one’s life, manifesting goals, beauty rituals and balancing the energy of a space.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

The world of crystals can be daunting, but as a trained shaman, I’ve spent the last decade learning the ins and outs of various alternative healing modalities and can attest to the power of these sparkling objects. There is a crystal for everything, and this ancient stone medicine has been used for over 10,000 years to improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance. Crystals are used to heal body aches, support emotional issues such as anxiety, invoke romantic love into one’s life, manifest goals, perform beauty rituals, and balance the energy of a space.

So who needs crystals and how to use them? Well, it all depends on your goals.

The first step to introducing crystals into your life is to acquire some crystals. However, before stepping into a crystal shop or enlisting the help of a crystal expert, ask yourself a few simple questions such as: What am I trying to work on right now? What do I want to bring into my life? What is keeping me from my dreams?

Once you have an honest conversation with yourself, you can start buying crystals. One option is to visit a gem mine and hand pick your stones, but a more practical approach is to start at your local metaphysical store. There you should ask the shopkeeper where he or she acquires their stones. Knowing the lineage of a crystal is like knowing where the food comes from. They want from farm to fork and free from animal testing. Everything carries an energy and you want clear energies in your crystal, which is why it’s also important to “bathe” new crystals before using them for the first time.

Some of my favorite crystal hangouts are Rock Star Crystals in New York and Spellbound Sky in Los Angeles. Average prices range from $2.00 to $100.00. This is a personal journey and I highly recommend only buying stones that you feel a personal connection to, but some good options to start with are:

Selenite – Like a cosmic vacuum cleaner, this clear crystal is best placed in your closet to cleanse your belongings of old and negative energy

Black Tourmaline – Keep this black gemstone under your bed or next to your nightstand for grounding and protection

Scolecite – This opaque white stone is also best found near your resting place and is known to provide a good night’s sleep

Citrine – Put this orange colored crystal to work as it is known to bring business and financial success into your life

Amethyst – This purple stone can help distract negative associates and their influences

Rose Quartz – Wear this light pink gemstone around your neck or slip it into your purse, bra, or pocket to bring you self-acceptance, love, and support throughout the day

Another great crystal to incorporate into your life is iron pyrite. It can help you manifest any changes you wish to see and is especially effective at this time of year when everyone is making New Year’s resolutions. Just write down all the things you want to receive and achieve for the year and put a piece of iron pyrite at the top of your list. Look at this list and say it out loud every day for the next 30 days. Our thoughts and actions manifest our reality, and it’s important to put energy into the things we want. You can also close your eyes and visualize these goals for additional recognition.

Crystals can help you achieve your goals and as the shamans say, “Believe and you will see.”

May you walk in beauty.

Colleen McCann is a fashion stylist turned shaman and the founder of Style Rituals. She combines ancient practices with intuition to improve the lives of her clients worldwide.

Contact us at [email protected].

What do crystal necklaces mean?

In fact, many ancient cultures — including Egypt, Greece, and China — believed that crystals have healing properties. Some people claim that crystals promote the flow of good energy and help rid your body and mind of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

Share on Pinterest Yaroslav Danylchenko/Stocksy United There has been a recent surge in American adults turning to what is known as complementary and alternative medicine. This includes everything from acupuncture and yoga to tai chi to healing crystals. In fact, you’ve probably heard people talking about and showing off these beautiful stones. But you may not know what they have to offer, if anything.

Why Use Healing Crystals? There are different types of crystals. Some people believe they have healing abilities for the body, mind, and spirit. In fact, many ancient cultures—including Egypt, Greece, and China—believed that crystals had healing properties. Some people claim that crystals encourage the flow of good energy and help rid your body and mind of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits. However, it is important to note that there is almost no scientific evidence to support the use of crystals.

The Science Behind Crystals Crystals have been largely dismissed as pseudoscience, although some studies suggest they may have a placebo effect. An older study presented at conferences in 1999 and 2001 but not published in a peer-reviewed journal suggests that any healing benefits associated with crystals are most likely due to the power of suggestion. For example, a 2005 study from the University of Waterloo in Canada found that a person’s mind can have far more healing power than is given credit for. Still, some people believe it goes deeper. “Crystals are made up of different elements or compounds that our bodies respond to in different ways,” says Sonali Saujani, a crystal master healer. “Crystals are minerals that contain energy, and since we humans are made of energy, we can exchange energy with the crystal when we work with it.” Saujani points out that crystals are used to enable the function of many everyday objects such as watches, plugs , improve hospital equipment and lasers. She cites a 2008 study stating that “quartz can act like a flint to start a fire or generate electricity.” “If a crystal can be piezoelectric [contain an electric charge], I’m sure it can do so much more. They equalize electrical currents and prevent devices from exploding,” says Saunjani. “In the same way, crystals and our bodies merely balance the frequency of the electromagnetic currents in our bodies.” Although science doesn’t support crystals as a healing method, there’s no harm in trying them if you have realistic expectations of what they can and can’t do . Crystals should never replace medical treatment from a qualified professional.

How Can Healing Crystals Help You? To get you started, we’ve put together a comprehensive roundup of some of the most popular crystals. Healing Crystals for Health Clear Quartz: A clear crystal considered a master healer and believed to support the entire energy system

A clear crystal considered a master healer and believed to support the entire energy system. Jasper: a nourishing stone said to offer support in times of stress

a nourishing stone said to offer support in times of stress. Obsidian: said to help process and release emotions and experiences

It is believed to help process emotions and experiences and aid in letting go. Amethyst: Used for healing, purification, and strengthening the willpower

used to heal, cleanse and strengthen willpower Bloodstone: said to improve circulation and help with blood-related problems Healing Crystals for Prosperity Tiger’s Eye: said to provide motivation and reduce anxiety

intended to motivate and reduce anxiety Citrine: intended to inspire enthusiasm, creativity and focus

is intended to arouse enthusiasm, creativity and concentration. Turquoise: said to calm emotions and attract happiness

thought to calm emotions and attract happiness. Sapphire: Known as a stone of prosperity

known as the Stone of Prosperity Jade: another known stone for prosperity and good luck Healing Crystals for Love Rose Quartz: sometimes referred to as the Stone of Love and is said to promote love and trust

sometimes referred to as the stone of love and is said to promote love and trust Moonstone: said to evoke feelings of inner strength and inner growth

is said to evoke feelings of inner strength and growth. Ruby: supposed to support sexuality and sensuality

Different Types of Healing Crystals and Their Significance Want to dive into crystal lore? Get the details below. Clear Quartz This white crystal is considered by some to be a master healer. It’s supposed to: Amplify energy

Promote concentration and memory

Help Balance Your Energetic System This stone is often paired with others such as Rose Quartz to support and enhance their abilities. Obsidian Obsidian is considered an intensely protective stone. It is said to: Provide protection from physical and emotional negativity

release emotional blockages

promotes the qualities of strength, clarity and compassion

helps you find your true self-esteem This stone can also help you digest experiences, emotions and baggage and free you from negative blocks. Rose Quartz As the color would suggest, this pink stone is all about love. It is said to help restore trust and harmony in relationships

improve connection

gives comfort and peace in grief

Encouraging Love, Respect, Trust and Self-Esteem Who couldn’t use some of this? Jasper This smooth crystal is known as the supreme nurturer. It means strengthening the mind

support you in stressful times by preparing you to appear fully

Protect and absorb negative vibrations

promote courage, quick thinking, and self-confidence. These are qualities that are particularly helpful when it comes to tackling important issues, and this stone can be good for doing just that. Share on Pinterest Citrine Bring joy, wonder and enthusiasm to every area of ​​your life with citrine. It is said to help release negative emotions such as fear and doubt

promote optimism, warmth, motivation and clarity

Improve mindfulness qualities

stimulate creativity

Aid Concentration Turquoise This blue crystal is said to help heal the mind, body and spirit. It also means being a lucky charm

help balance emotions

Spiritual Grounding Support When it comes to the body, it is said to represent the respiratory, skeletal and immune systems. Amethyst This purple stone is said to be incredibly protective, healing, and cleansing. It is also said to help clear the mind of negative thoughts

brings forth humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom

promote willpower and healthy choices

aids sleep and demystifies dreams Tiger Eye If you need a boost of strength or motivation, this golden stone may be for you. It is designed to help free your mind and body from anxiety, fear and self-doubt

lead you to harmony and balance

help you to make clear and conscious decisions. This can be an advantage for your career aspirations or for matters close to your heart. Share on Pinterest Moonstone Moonstone is known for new beginnings. It is said to: promote inner growth and strength

Calm feelings of stress and instability as you embark on new endeavors

help you move forward successfully

promote positive thinking, intuition and inspiration

Support Success and Luck Bloodstone This powerful healing stone lives up to its name. Bloodstone is said to: Draw off negative environmental energies

promote the circulation of ideas and energy

promote selflessness, creativity and idealism

reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience Bloodstone is symbolically associated with blood and blood-related physical processes such as menstruation. Sapphire This blue stone represents wisdom and royalty. It is said to attract prosperity, happiness and peace

open the mind to beauty and intuition

help you see clearly

Promote a positive mood. Ruby This striking red stone is a real eye-catcher. It is said to: restore vitality and energy

promote sexuality and sensuality

Support intellectual activities

Bringing self-knowledge and knowledge of truth Share on Pinterest

How to choose your crystal First things first: Identify what you’re missing before looking at what the stones can offer you. This will help you find out what’s on your mind before relying on external sources. From there, just let your intuition decide what is best for you. Whether a crystal catches your attention or you are physically attracted to one, your inner subconscious will help you find the right crystal for you. Once it’s selected, you can make the connection you need.

How to Take Care of Your Crystal When you first bring your crystal home, experts say you want to eliminate any negativity it may have picked up. Depending on the type of stone, you can: Hold it under cold, running water

Dip it in sea salt

Put it in sun or moonlight

Smear your crystal with sage or other herbs Make sure you do your research before getting your crystal wet. Some stones become toxic or dissolve when immersed in water. Check the Mohs hardness scale to see if your crystal will dissolve in water. However, it is not only about their physical care. In order for crystals to work their magic, experts suggest mentally clearing negative energies or any skepticism you may have about their abilities. According to believers, it’s important to respect what crystals can do for you.

Crystal Accessories Many people believe that the main use of crystals is their metaphysical abilities. But if we’re completely honest, they’re also really beautiful. It’s no surprise that people make tons of accessories out of it, like jewelry or home decor. Not only do they look good, but a little more positive energy never hurt anyone. Prayer Beads Prayer or mala crystal beads are worn on the heart or wrist to inspire positive feelings, be it hope, courage or peace. They’re a great way for anyone to carry around the healing powers of crystals. Prayer beads can also be used during meditation to count repetitions of mantras or sacred chants. Practitioners use the main or guru bead to keep count. Jewelry Jewelry is another great way to incorporate crystals into your everyday life and wardrobe. From rings to necklaces to earrings, there are many options to choose from. Not to mention that you can also use it to show off the natural beauty of each stone. Coasters These stunning coasters are made from genuine gemstones from Brazil. The agate stone in this household item is believed to help promote balance and harmony in the home. These are ideal for those who want to bring good energies into their home. Sex Toys These crystal sex toys are designed to blend their metaphysical energies with your sensual ones. They’re great tools for those who want to try something new with a crystal-infused twist. Just make sure to skip the yoni eggs. Pipes Believe it or not, you can even smoke from crystal hand pipes. They are sleek, easy to use and sturdy. This makes her a great gift for anyone using medical marijuana to treat a health condition. Water Bottles Cute water bottles are just as trendy as crystals now, so it’s no surprise that the two have been fused into one. A “gemstone capsule” sits in the base of these beautiful glass bottles. It is said to promote everything from wellness and beauty to balance, although its actual benefits are up for debate.

Where to Buy Crystals It is important to buy crystals that are authentic and ethical. Many crystals are over-mined, contributing to social and environmental problems in their countries of origin. Crystals sometimes take thousands of years to form, meaning there are only a finite number. Ask your crystal vendor how their crystals are sourced. They can even issue a certificate of authenticity for very rare crystals. The best places to buy crystals are from small independent shops where you can see, feel and ask questions about the product

Retailers who issue a certificate of authenticity for rare crystals

Retailers who provide information on how their crystals are sourced, such as Mystic Wolf

Retailers with realistic price points, because cheaper isn’t always better

How do you wear a crystal necklace?

The Right Side. The right side is viewed as the masculine side of your body, promoting action over thought. This side is more associated with your external environment and how you react to the outside world. If you want to extend your healing powers to others then wear your crystals on the right-hand side.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

A crystal’s energy can vary depending on where it is placed on the body. Bracelets have different effects on your body depending on which side you wear them.

The left side

The left side of our body is considered the feminine and sensitive side. It deals with the inner self and introspection and helps you heal from within. It allows you to control external stress and benefit from the healing energy of your chosen crystal.

The right side

The right side is considered the masculine side of your body and encourages action over thought. This side is more connected to your external environment and how you react to the outside world. If you wish to extend your healing powers to others, wear your crystals on your right hand.

You can also decide where to wear a particular crystal based on the purpose you want it to have. Different stones promote different qualities depending on what part of the body they are worn on.

Crystal obtained

The left hand promotes relaxation, meditation, peace, harmony, introspection, wisdom and mysticism. Stones that increase these skills are great for your left side. Below are some examples: amethyst, fluorite, citrine, malachite, rose quartz and tiger eye.

projection crystal

The right hand is brilliant for success, healing, physical strength and any action that gives energy to others. Any crystal that increases these traits is a fantastic choice. Here are some of your options: Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, and Red Agate.

The hand

When someone wears a ring, they usually wear it their whole life. This means that any crystal you choose will have a major impact on your life. Jewelry like this needs some serious thought.


It’s rare for people to wear jewelry on their thumbs. It is a symbol of willpower and transmits and receives extremely powerful energy. Loading up with crystals can overwhelm the thumbs, so it’s best to avoid it.

The index finger

This finger represents our goals, hopes, desires and even karma. The energy of the jewelry on this finger is amplified by the conscious and unconscious messages that come from within us. From the right hand it transmits into the environment, while the left hand directs the energy inwards. Crystals that increase index qualities are lapis lazuli (knowledge, logic, memory), garnet (confidence, humility), and turquoise (relaxation).

The middle finger

The energy in this finger is associated with intuition and is vital in transmitting our feelings and emotions. Said to balance our personalities, it represents the planet Saturn, symbol of truth, obedience and rebellion. Rings on this finger focus on introspection and individuality, supporting your vision of good and evil or right and wrong. A ring on the left middle finger provides a direct connection to the heart. Amethyst (creativity and inspiration), sapphire (noble goals) and ruby ​​(inner beauty and soul purification) are perfect gems for middle finger skills.

The ring finger

This finger is deeply inspired by love as you would expect to be the finger for marriage. It embodies Apollo, the Greek god, and his reign: creativity, culture, love and beauty. Rings on this finger lead to grace, love, beauty and compassion. Try diamond (love), emerald (new ideas), and tiger eye (creativity) to enhance this finger’s qualities.

The little finger

The pinky transmits and receives energy associated with change, transformation, and new ideas. It embodies Mercury and stands for more self-expression, communication and intuition. Crystal rings on this finger harness are characterized by qualities such as persuasion, eloquence and ingenuity. Use Pearl (organization), Turquoise (stress and tension relief) and Aventurine (new opportunities) to maximize pinky qualities.

Can you wear multiple pieces of crystal?

You may be wondering, “Can I wear multiple bracelets?” or “Can I have more than one crystal ring?” The answer is yes. There is absolutely no limit to how many crystals you can use in your jewelry, or how many pieces of jewelry you use. Each brings its own characteristics and subtle energy to your aura.

For example, to enhance love or intimacy, you can wear rose quartz bracelets on your left wrist along with rhodochrosite, moonstone, or pink tourmaline. Not only will this attract fresh love, but it will also help those in a stagnant relationship by reinvigorating and revitalizing both partners and reminding them why they fell in love in the first place.

Mix and match to get the benefits you want.

How long does it take for crystals to start working?

It takes consistency,” Jandro continued. “When you want to start working with a crystal or an energy of the earth, just be consistent. It doesn’t have to be crazy; take seven days and carry it around in your pocket or hold onto it before you go to bed at night.”

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

You don’t need to know what type of crystal you have in order to use and enjoy it.

You may already be using crystals for decoration or have them lying under your belongings. Callie Ahlgrim/INSIDER

If you have some crystals laying around the house but have no idea what they are called or why you bought them, that’s perfectly fine; You were attracted to them for a reason.

“Remember when you were a little kid and you used to go to the beach and pick up pebbles? We naturally absorbed the energy of the earth because it was fun,” Askinosie told INSIDER. “So this isn’t a religious talk – believe what you want to believe, but our common denominator is the energy of the earth. And many people feel like they need to reconnect with that energy.”

In fact, Lee recommends choosing crystals without paying attention to their names or meanings.

“Sometimes when you look up a crystal, it’s going to have about 30 different meanings assigned to it,” Lee told INSIDER. “Suppose you see a crystal – a small tumbled pocket stone that draws you very much. Take this rock and put it in your pocket or under your pillow for 30 days. Do not read any information about it. Then at the end of those 30 days, check out what people are saying about what that crystal is about. See if you felt that energy.”

“If there’s one crystal that you’re kind of really drawn to, it’s an energy that you need,” Lee said. “Some people say it’s just aesthetics, but I’ve watched over and over again how people respond to the crystals that they actually need in their lives.”

Don’t Do These Things With Your Crystals | Crystals Do’s \u0026 Don’ts

Don’t Do These Things With Your Crystals | Crystals Do’s \u0026 Don’ts
Don’t Do These Things With Your Crystals | Crystals Do’s \u0026 Don’ts

See some more details on the topic can you shower with your crystal necklace here:

Can You Shower With Your Crystal Necklace? – Kylon Powell

Although water should be able to protect all gemstones, chemicals in shower products can cause damage to more delicate stones. There should be …

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Can you shower with your crystals? – Quora

If the crystal is safe in water (and you’ll need to research the specific stone), then I see no reason why you could not shower with your crystals. Some people …

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Questions on Showering with Crystals and Crystal Cleansing

Turquoise are a few that could possibly break apart or disintegrate in water. Another quick and easy solution is to simply place your pieces on …

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View: 8934

Can I Shower with My Crystal Bracelet – Lunary Crystals

It’s advisable to remove them before showering. They are fine coming into quick contact with water, but should not be left wet for too long. You need to put a …

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Date Published: 3/29/2022

View: 9041

guys can i shower with my rose quartz bracelet daily … – Reddit

Quartz is fine when exposed to water. Just make sure you let it dry out after your shower as it can weaken the elastic in the bracelet.

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Date Published: 7/4/2021

View: 6480

Can You Wear a Swarovski Necklace in the Shower?

Like any natural crystal, you need to keep your Swarovski crystals away from any physical damage …

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Date Published: 3/27/2021

View: 5821

Can you shower with Crystals? – Crystador

All minerals exist on the MOHS hardness scale. The scale gives a measure of its relative resistance to scratching, which is determined by scratching the stone …

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Date Published: 5/16/2021

View: 3536

Crystal Bath Therapy: What are the Benefits & Which Crystals …

Bathing with crystals is one of the most powerful, but also most relaxing, ways to absorb the energy of your natural stones.

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Date Published: 8/28/2021

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Ever worn jewelry while bathing? – Karmic Ally Coaching

How to take a gemstone bath with the right gem … Indian Vedic gemology talks about taking a gemstone bath which means that you wear the crystal or gem while …

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Date Published: 11/8/2022

View: 299

Can You Shower With Your Crystal Necklace?

Can I sleep with my crystal necklace?

However, some energy healers believe that placing crystals in your bedroom or wearing them before bed can help you sleep better. There is no scientific evidence for this.

Can you shower with rose quartz?

The waxing moon is the best time for this as it promotes purification, reflection, recharging and regeneration. You can perform this ritual in the shower or as a form of meditation. a rose quartz crystal is required.

What stones to wear in the shower

Although water should protect all gems, chemicals in shower products can damage more delicate stones. Under no circumstances should there be chemical contact with organic gemstones such as amber and coral (this also includes household cleaners and perfume).

Which crystals belong in the bathroom?

Clear quartz should almost never be avoided. The bathroom is a place of purification, so adding some extra healing crystals to that space might be a good idea. While clear quartz can be used in almost any situation, our favorite place to keep it is in the bathroom.

Need to clean your crystals?

How often do I need to clean my crystals? With each use, the energy of the stone increases. It’s a good rule of thumb to remove your stones once a month. Release it if it’s bothering you more than usual, and then cleanse it.

How do you charge a crystal?

You can also dip the crystal in a bowl of sea salt and water and place in bright sunlight as long as your crystals are not sensitive to light or water. To further energize the water itself and charge the stone after purification, the sun begins to shine on the stone itself.

Can I Shower with My Crystal Bracelet

Many people are curious if it’s okay to shower with their crystal bracelets, whether it’s for convenience or because they just don’t want to part with our crystals. There are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your bracelet stays in good condition. In this blog post, I will share some tips on how to take proper care of your bracelet while showering.

Can I shower with my crystal bracelet?

Showering with your crystal bracelet is a great way to cleanse your energy and remove any negative energy you may have picked up during the day. For this reason, it is also important that you clean your crystals regularly. So is it okay to shower with your crystal bracelet on? It depends on the type of crystal. While most common crystals can easily be in contact with water for an extended period of time, there are some that can only be in contact with water for a short time, and some should never be in contact with water at all.

A general guide is the Mohs scale

We use the Mohs mineral hardness scale to determine which crystals can come into contact with water and for how long. It’s not definitive, but serves as a good benchmark. The Mohs scale is a 1 to 10 scale that reflects the hardness of a mineral, with 10 being the hardest and 1 being the softest. To give you a guide, diamonds have a rating of 10 and talc has a rating of 1. In general, softer crystals tend to be more porous, allowing water to penetrate much more easily than harder crystals.

Mohs hardness of 6 or higher

Crystals with a Mohs hardness of 6 or higher are generally waterproof. You can submerge them in water for a short time without damaging your crystals. Crystals with a Mohs rating of 7 or higher can also be submerged for long periods of time.

Mohs hardness from 4 to 5

Crystals with a Mohs hardness of 4 to 5 can safely come into contact with water (not salt). However, it is not recommended to continuously immerse them fully in water for more than a few minutes. And after contact with water, you should blot them with an absorbent cloth and make sure they are completely dry. Crystals in this range generally do not tolerate water contact as long as you are careful not to leave them excessively wet for long periods of time.

Mohs hardness of 3

Crystals with a Mohs hardness of 3 should only be washed briefly and dried immediately with a soft, absorbent cloth. It is advisable to remove them before showering. They easily come into contact with water, but should not stay wet for too long. In order for crystals in this series to look beautiful for a long time, they need a little more care.

Mohs hardness of 2 and below

Anything with a Mohs hardness of 2 and below should not come into contact with water at all. If this is the case, be sure to dry them completely as soon as possible. Crystals in this range are soft and sometimes even water soluble. Imagine everyday objects like salt or chalk coming into contact with water (an extreme example); they resolve almost immediately. So remember not to wet “soft” crystals at all!

Other considerations

Also note that there are some exceptions to these guidelines. Some “hard” crystals should not come into contact with water (e.g. those with iron oxide in them), and some “soft” crystals can come into contact with water without any problem.

There are also crystals that are toxic to humans, such as malachite, which releases toxic copper-containing fumes when wet.

Crystals that are safe to wash with water (polished form)

Here is a list of crystals that you can shower with, with minimal impact on them. Many have also reported no effects on these crystals after bathing with them as well.






Black Tourmaline














tiger eye




Clear quartz

rose quartz

rutile quartz

smoky quartz

snow quartz



Shortly water washable crystals (polished form)

You can take a quick shower with crystals in this area from time to time, but be sure to dry them completely immediately after showering. It is advisable not to take these crystals in a bath, so remember to remove them before bathing!









lapis lazuli






Crystals that should not come into contact with water

These crystals should not come into contact with water. You have to be extra careful not to get them wet!

Hematite (contains iron oxide)


Malachite (emits toxic copper fumes when wet)


Mandarin Quartz (contains Iron Oxide)

Can crystals come into contact with soap?

A mild soap or detergent is generally safe to use on waterproof crystals. With crystals that shouldn’t come in contact with water at all, it’s pretty clear that you shouldn’t get soap on them either. Anything in between (most crystals from 3 to 5 on the Mohs scale) should only be used very briefly with a small amount of soap.

You might want to consider using a natural soap instead of commercial products. Natural soaps tend to be gentler on your skin and won’t damage your crystals. If you are concerned about getting soap residue on your crystals, you can always rinse them thoroughly afterwards.

Can I wash my crystals with hot or cold water?

Some crystals are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. Feldspar crystals like labradorite and moonstone are known to behave this way. This is because they are subject to thermal shock, which could cause cracks and fractures in the stone. You should avoid washing this type of crystals with water at extreme temperatures.

Can my crystals come into contact with cleaning chemicals?

It’s good to take care of your crystals when you tidy up your house. Many cleaning solutions contain chemicals that can damage your crystals. Be extra careful when working with cleaning solutions or remove your crystal accessories when doing chores around the house.

Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

The best way to banish hate is with love.

Photo by Kelsey Haley Media.

I rarely hear, read, or watch “the news.” It always seems so desperate and fatalistic, and I don’t want to see the world like that. I’m an emotional, empathic person, so I pick up on the energy around me and it really affects me. Anger, destruction and hate get way more airtime than love these days, and if you’re like me it makes you sad too.

So let’s make a vow to radiate more love. I know this isn’t always easy, so I have a simple ritual to help. One important thing to remember is that it’s hard to love others unless you love yourself first. This ritual will help you put aside your self-criticism and become imbued with self-love and love for others. This works for me, but feel free to change it up based on what brings you joy and love.

Rose Quartz Bath Ritual “Radiate Love”.

Inspires self-love and love for others. This is best done during the waxing moon, which is a time to detox, reflect, recharge, and rejuvenate. Although this is a bath ritual, it can be done in the shower or as a meditation.

You will need:

Psst ~ I now offer a Rose Quartz Radiate Love Bath Set (shown above) with everything you need to manifest more compassion, love, and self-love. It’s also a great gift! get it here

Gather your materials in your bathroom. If you live with others, let them know you need a few minutes of quiet time.

Fill your bathtub with warm water and pour in your bath salts, bath milk or any other bath product you use.

Light your candles and carefully place them on the edge of your tub if you can. If this is not possible, place them on the floor or near the back of the toilet, or on a table or other surface. Be careful to keep the flame away from anything that could catch fire. Place your rose quartz in the tub.

Photo by MOJALVO.

Get in the tub and soak for a few minutes. Hold on to Rose Quartz and release the negative thoughts you have about yourself and others. Imagine moments when you witnessed or experienced love. Invoke the Goddess, Gaia or Mother Mary if you wish. Think or speak:

I love and accept myself, mistakes and all.

I also love and honor my gifts and talents – they are unique and wonderful.

I am a good person and I am worthy of being loved.

There is goodness and compassion in the world.

I will radiate love and warmth.

i am love

Breathe in gratitude and love. Exhale gratitude and love. Repeat the above mantra as many times as you like.

Spend as much time in the tub as you need. This is your time to relax and be in tune with yourself and your body. When you’re ready, step out of the tub and gently pat yourself dry with a towel. Apply your body oil or lotion and repeat the above mantra to yourself or out loud.

Go into the world with love and light in your heart.

One of the ways I remember radiating love is by wearing my favorite necklace, a wire wrapped rose quartz on a copper chain made by my dear friend Kate Stephen Jewelry. Kate exudes love and compassion, so I know every piece she makes is imbued with both. This is especially true of Rose Quartz, a stone that represents love (especially learning to love yourself) and treats sadness and emotional imbalance.

Note: If you are not a bath person, this can be done in the shower or outside of the bathroom as a meditation. Light the candles nearby (but not too close to you) and sprinkle the rose petals around you or on the floor of your shower.

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