Are you looking for an answer to the topic “dog artificial insemination cost uk“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.
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How much does it cost to artificially inseminate a dog UK?
As soon as your dog is ready to be mated, you can artificially inseminate her. The cost of this is £40. Not only does it ensure your dog is under the least amount of stress, but it is also a much quicker and cleaner method of mating.
How much do vets charge for artificial insemination for dogs?
Artificial insemination done without surgery is $125 with semen provided by owner. Collection of semen from stud dog and evaluation before insemination is $125.
How much does it cost to collect sperm from a dog?
Current fees are approximately $445 for the freeze and $94 per year storage. If you have an AKC or UKC breed, these registration bodies require a DNA number be on file and will cost approximately $40-45 to process.
How long does it take for a dog to get pregnant after artificial insemination?
Once the progesterone levels reach ovulation level, one final insemination is done 2 days later. Pregnancy can then be confirmed about 25 days later with an ultrasound. Progesterone levels can be determined either by a laboratory or by an in-hospital test kit.
How much do vets charge for AI?
Cost of Artificial Insemination in Dogs
A typical stud fee for a one-to-one mating is $500 to $1,000. A straw of semen varies in price depending on the heritage and pedigree of the dog. For this reason, the cost is usually available “on request” from each specific breeder.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
If a bitch in heat is not available, swabs that have previously collected pheromones from a bitch in heat’s vulva can be rubbed on a bitch’s buttocks. This is usually enough to pique the man’s interest.
The semen is checked under a microscope to ensure a healthy number of active sperm. The seed is used either immediately, refrigerated (used within 24 hours) or frozen in liquid nitrogen (will germinate for months to years).
The female recipient must be in heat (which happens about twice a year) and about to ovulate or have recently ovulated. This stage of her reproductive cycle can be gauged with blood tests that monitor her progesterone levels or by looking at slides of her vaginal cytology.
Then a plastic or glass straw containing the sperm is inserted into her vagina and the sperm is released. More sophisticated methods of insemination involve inserting a fine endoscope into the vagina and using it to thread the straw through the cervix and into the uterus.
How many times should you AI a dog?
The estrus period starts four days before ovulation and sticks around until three days after ovulation. That gives a total of 7 days of possible breeding. If you do AI every other day, you are looking at 3-4 inseminations at a time.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
Artificial insemination (AI) has opened up a new world of possibilities in terms of dog breeding. While natural breeding is nature’s best breeding method, AI is becoming the order of the day. It offers advantages that natural mating lacks. The biggest is the fact that breeding can take place anywhere in the world without having to transport dogs to mate. If you are a breeder wanting to go down this route, there is no reason not to. As long as you have the right information about what you’re getting yourself into, you’ll do well. To help you, we’ve put together a guide to how often to fertilize a dog.
What is artificial insemination?
AI has been used primarily on cattle for centuries. Dog breeders were initially shy about using the procedure, but the trend has now caught on in the canine world. This was fueled by increased demand for artificial insemination and advances in seed technology. Simply put, this is the process of breeding dogs without mating by inserting semen into the mother’s vagina when she ovulates to facilitate conception.
The AI is all about choosing the right man to harvest seeds from. He should have the desired personality, intelligence and other qualities. Once he’s chosen, a female teaser will be brought near him. If no female is in heat, a cotton swab scented with a female in heat can be used to arouse the male. When he attempts to mount a female, his penis is then diverted into an artificial vagina from which the semen is extracted.
The seed can be used immediately, chilled in the refrigerator, or frozen. To use it, a syringe with the semen is inserted into the bitch’s cervix during ovulation. Fertilization can also be done surgically or through an extended transcervical endoscope.
Benefits of AI
AI is beneficial as it brings convenience to breeders looking to diversify their genetic pool. In the past, a female had to be transported across borders to mate with the desired male. Now male dog semen can be harvested, stored and transported from any part of the universe. Expanding the genetic pool is especially beneficial for dog breeds that are found in small numbers in certain geographic locations.
AI also allows breeders to improve kennel genetics. You have access to a plethora of options, even seeds from deceased dogs. The procedure also allows the sperm to be examined for abnormalities and fertility. It also prevents sexually transmitted diseases.
Success rate of artificial insemination in dogs
According to an article in BBC News, the success rate of AI is over 50%. This is an average success rate, but the actual number depends on the quality of the seed. Fresh semen is essentially the best. When a skilled and experienced breeder performs the procedure, the success rate is around 80%. This drops to 59% – 80% when the seed is refrigerated and 52% – 60% when it is frozen. Storing semen can affect sperm viability and ultimately the breeding outcome. Frozen semen is processed before being mixed with a preservative and then frozen with liquid nitrogen. This process can greatly affect its quality.
With AI, timing is everything. The fertile window period is rather narrow. You only have a few days to breed the dog. For fresh semen, AI is best performed 2 days after ovulation, while frozen semen is administered 3-4 days after ovulation. There are several ways to determine if the dog is ovulating or not. The most common is the progesterone test, which is done every other day to get accurate results.
There are different opinions on how often a dog should be inseminated. According to this study published on PubMed, you get better results with two inseminations than with one insemination. 36 bitches inseminated with frozen semen took part in the study. Some were inseminated once, others twice with an interval of 1-2 days. The average conception rate was 67% with a litter size of 6.4. Animals fertilized once had a conception rate of 64%, and 69% for those fertilized twice.
Revival Animal Health recommends inseminating a dam every other day until the heat season is over. The oestrus period starts four days before ovulation and lasts until three days after ovulation. That gives a total of 7 days of possible breeding. If you do AI every other day, watch 3-4 inseminations at a time.
How often the dog has to be inseminated depends heavily on the type of insemination. If you are hand-inserting sperm into the dam, you can afford to do the procedure every other day. However, if you go the surgical route, you can only do it once at a time. The surgery involves sedation and cutting open the dog. If you care about the puppy’s well-being, you don’t want to have him undergo more than one invasive procedure. Transcervical insemination is best performed once and includes sedation.
AI is a remarkable breeding technique in the canine world. It can change your world as a grower in so many ways. As long as you stick to the rules, you will have an amazing experience with it.
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Is it illegal to artificially inseminate a dog?
Breeders should be aware that performing AI on their own and other dogs is illegal for nonveterinarians in some states. For example, in Minnesota owners can perform AI with fresh semen on their own animals but cannot legally perform AI on animals they do not own and cannot use semen that has had anything added to it.
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How do you ai a dog with fresh sperm?
An incision is made into the abdomen, the uterus is then identified and exteriorized. The semen is then injected directly into the uterine horns. It can only be carried out once during the bitch’s heat. Further, surgical insemination does not increase conception rates or litter sizes.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
types of seeds
Insemination can be performed with three types of dog semen: fresh, fresh chilled and frozen.
Freshly ejaculated dog semen has the longest viability. Sperm from young, fertile stud dogs can survive in the bitch’s reproductive tract for up to 5-7 days.
Freshly chilled
Fresh chilled semen involves the dilution of ejaculated semen in special canine diluents containing egg yolk and buffers that protect sperm during the chilling process. The elongated seed is then slowly cooled to 4°C and can remain viable for up to 3-4 days at 4°C. (Semen from some stud dogs has been reported to retain viability and fertility after 10 days storage at 4˚C). Cooling the semen conserves the energy of the sperm, thus prolonging their longevity and viability.
Storing semen at refrigerator temperatures makes it easier to ship canine semen either within the United States or internationally to Canada or Mexico. It is a great alternative to transporting the stud dog to the bitch or vice versa when both are far apart which can be very costly and inconvenient.
Frozen semen is stored in liquid nitrogen at an extreme temperature of -196ºC. Sperm is preserved in a frozen state in either “straws” or “pellets”. The freeze-thaw process causes some degree of sperm damage, greatly reducing the bitch’s sperm lifespan to only 12-24 hours. Therefore, when dealing with frozen semen, it is crucial to know exactly when ovulation occurred so that we can ensure that the frozen semen is deposited in the uterus when the ova or “eggs” are ready for fertilization.
Timing of insemination: Monitor your bitch’s estrus cycle
The timing of insemination is very important. Monitoring your bitch’s heat or heat cycle to determine the optimal time for insemination involves performing one or a combination of the following procedures:
Blood samples to measure the hormone progesterone
Vaginal swabs for cytological examination to determine the time of fertilization and to check for infectious or inflammatory processes
Vaginoscopy to assess the vaginal vault, which correlates with the stage of the oestrus cycle and is a very useful timing tool. Vaginoscopy can also rule out anatomical abnormalities (strictures, septa, persistent hymen) before breeding.
The number of samples taken to determine the timing of insemination varies between bitches. We recommend starting the test about 5 days after the onset of heat (first noticeable sign) and then every second or third day until we determine when the bitch has released her ovulation hormone called “luteinizing hormone” or “LH”. The day this occurs is called an “LH surge” or “LH day 0” and coincides with a progesterone level around 2 ng/mL.
The day or days that we recommend performing artificial insemination depends on the type of semen used. For example, insemination with TG sperm takes place on “day 5” (after LH 0) if only one insemination is to be carried out, or on days 4 and 6 or 5 and 6 (after LH 0) if two inseminations are carried out should be able to be carried out.
Place of semen deposition: techniques of artificial insemination
Transcervical Fertilization
The intrauterine insemination technique that we recommend when using frozen-thawed semen or small numbers of potentially vulnerable fresh or chilled semen is transcervical insemination, where the semen is placed directly into the uterus to maximize the chance of pregnancy .
This internationally recognized technique was developed in 2001 by Dr. Developed by Marion Wilson in New Zealand. It has the advantages of being anesthetic and sedation free, non-surgical and relatively stress free. In addition, it has the decisive advantage over surgical artificial insemination that more than one insemination can be carried out during the bitch’s heat.
Transcervical insemination may not be a viable option for some female dogs, typically for behavioral reasons.
There have been some developments with the canine transcervical insemination endoscope. A new longer and slimmer endoscope has been specially developed for transcervical insemination in dogs. This facilitates transcervical insemination in large and giant breeds and virgin bitches.
Vaginal insemination
When using fresh or chilled semen with sufficient sperm count and sperm quality, the deposition of semen to the extreme end of the vagina can result in pregnancy and litter sizes consistent with natural mating.
There are many different types of catheters that can be used for vaginal artificial insemination. We insert a special artificial insemination catheter at the very end of the vagina. At this point, a bulb at the end of the catheter is inflated to mimic the swelling of the dog’s bulbous gland during mating. This not only prevents the backflow of semen, but also stretches the vaginal wall, resulting in the release of oxytocin and stimulation of contractions of the vaginal and uterine smooth muscles, facilitating the transport of sperm into the uterus. After the bulb is inflated, fresh sperm is slowly injected through the catheter into the back end of the vagina. This is then followed by a warm canine semen extender, which helps flush the semen into the uterus just as prostate fluid does during natural mating.
This is a technique that can be used in all bitches, is non-invasive, requires less skill and equipment than intrauterine artificial insemination techniques, and is therefore more economical. It is often used in virgin bitches and stallions who cannot “bond” or mate for a number of reasons.
Vaginal artificial insemination is not the preferred method of using frozen and thawed sperm. In addition to the greatly reduced lifespan already mentioned, frozen semen breeding units contain significantly fewer (i.e. 100 million motile sperm per “AI dose”) than a fresh or chilled insemination dose. Therefore, the deposition of small numbers of fragile, frozen and thawed sperm in the hostile vaginal environment causes a small number to travel through the cervix into the uterus and reach the fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes), the site of fertilization. This obviously results in a lower pregnancy rate and litter size.
Surgical intrauterine insemination
We neither recommend surgical insemination nor do we perform this insemination technique at the CSU. This technique involves general anesthesia and surgery, with the associated risks. An incision is made in the abdomen, the uterus is then identified and brought out. The semen is then injected directly into the uterine horns. It can only be performed once during the bitch’s heat. Additionally, surgical insemination does not increase conception rates or litter sizes.
Importance of seed treatment and assessment
Regardless of what type of semen (fresh, fresh-chilled, or frozen) or artificial insemination method is used to deposit the semen, careful and skillful handling of the semen is essential. Additionally, the assessment of a semen sample by a qualified and knowledgeable professional prior to fertilization plays a vital role in maximizing pregnancy rates.
Artificial insemination is a very useful tool of reproductive management. It allows the transport of semen both nationally and internationally. Management of both stud dog and bitch is critical to maximize both pregnancy rate and litter size after artificial insemination.
Can I get my dog artificially inseminated?
If the male and female dog are separated by great distances it may be cheaper to AI than to pay for transportation for the dog and their handler. Artificial insemination can also make the semen from a desirable male dog more widely available.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
Article overview
Before artificially inseminating your dog, take him to your vet to make sure he is in good health. If this is the case, the vet will collect and examine the sperm to make sure the sperm appear normal. If you don’t plan on using the semen right away, ask your vet to refrigerate or freeze it. Once the bitch is ready, the vet will insert the semen into the uterus using a dropper. For more advice from our veterinary expert, including caring for your dog after insemination, read on.
Does AI produce smaller litters?
Artificially inseminated dams produce smaller litters than those impregnated naturally. This is likely due to more sperm dying during collection and insemination. Another key factor that affects size is when a dam gives birth to a litter of puppies.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
The normal pup litter size usually varies between one and twelve. The world record according to Guinness is a whopping 24 puppies born to a Neapolitan Mastiff in the UK in 2004. Why does litter size vary so much and what determines litter size in puppies? OVRS examines the main factors affecting litter size.
Does breed determine a dog’s litter size?
Dog breed is the most important determinant of litter size. In general, large dogs have larger litters because they are biologically capable of carrying more puppies safely.
Here are some breeds and their estimated litter sizes:
Bullmastiff – 5-13
Labrador retrievers – 5-10
German Shepherd – 5-9
American Cocker Spaniel – 3-7
Yorkie and Chihuahua – 2-5
While the norm is for larger dogs to have larger litters, this is not always the case. For example, the Pekingese, which weighs only 7 to 14 pounds, can give birth to up to 10 puppies.
Large litters can be dangerous for the mother dog (mother) due to birthing problems, especially in smaller dogs. Some of the pups may be stillborn and the mother may be exhausted during birth.
Can humans affect a dog’s litter size?
Reputable breeders will want more puppies when they have a number of people who want them. Dog owners may want more bundles of squirming puppy joy from their canine companion. Humans have control over certain aspects of when and how a bitch is bred that can affect litter size, but there are limits.
Artificially inseminated dams produce smaller litters than naturally inseminated ones. This is likely due to more sperm dying during collection and fertilization.
Another key factor affecting size is when a mother gives birth to a litter of puppies. According to the American Kennel Club, litters born in the spring are generally larger than litters born at other times of the year.
Are there other ways to affect the size of a dog litter?
The age of the dog at breeding plays a key role in litter size. The older the mother, the smaller the litter, especially in larger breeds. Mothers bred between the ages of 2 and 5 typically have the largest litters.
Despite the mother’s age, the first 2 litters are usually smaller than the following ones. According to an article in Royal Canin, 3rd and 4th pregnancies are generally the largest.
The age of the male also plays a role in the litter size. After 5 years, the number and quality of the father’s sperm begin to decline. By 1.5-5 years, there is a greater chance that the sperm will fuse with the mother’s eggs. The most famous champions are usually bred to around 5 years of age.
Do genetics play a role in litter size?
The answer to that is yes and no.
Genetics (other than breed) accounts for approximately 15% in determining litter size. Genetic traits are mainly coat color, eye color and size.
What role does diet play in litter size?
Diet plays a big part in determining the number of puppies in a litter. To maximize the chances of a larger litter, a high-quality, high-protein diet should be consumed year-round. Dams with less than healthy diets, including overweight ones, produce smaller litters.
A pet parent or breeder can choose their breed, breed them at the optimal time, and feed them highly nutritious meals year-round. But they can’t determine the size of the litter – that’s up to Mother Nature.
Is it OK for a 1 year old dog to get pregnant?
Is it bad for a 1-year-old dog to have puppies? Most dogs reach puberty and become fertile when they are six months old, although they shouldn’t have puppies until they are fully grown. Small breeds reach adulthood when they are one year old and can safely have puppies if they are done growing.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
Letting a pregnant dog welcome a new litter into the world is one of the greatest things a dog owner can experience.
When you’re ready to experience all the joys of doggy pregnancy, you might be wondering: can dogs be too old to get pregnant, and how old can dogs still have puppies?
I was very surprised to discover that dogs are never too old to have puppies! Yes, you read that right – in fact, there is no such thing as pooch menopause, and bitches come into heat all their lives.
Although dogs are naturally capable of breeding and having puppies well into old age, that doesn’t mean they should.
Pregnancy can be difficult even for young dogs in their prime, but older dogs are at much higher risk of health problems and stillborn puppies.
Whether you’re looking for a new puppy or are a breeder considering retiring your dogs, it’s important to consider the age of your male and female dogs before breeding them! In this article I will tell you everything you need to know about responsible breeding and fertility in dogs.
What is the oldest age a dog can have puppies?
Before I delve further into the topic of when a dog is too old to have puppies, let’s address the topic of when a dog is considered a senior and needs special care. Knowing your pooch is a senior citizen can help you determine if it’s safe and appropriate for your dog to conceive in the first place.
Most dogs enter their senior years when they are around seven years old; However, the aging process is slightly different in small and large breed dogs. For example, a small Chihuahua is considered a senior when it is 11 years old. On the other hand, a giant breed like a Great Dane is considered a senior at five years old.
The age difference between smaller and larger breeds is mainly due to their size. Several studies have confirmed that larger breeds tend to age much faster than their smaller counterparts.
Therefore, how old a dog is too old to have puppies is directly related to the size of that particular dog. Unlike humans, both male and female dogs technically remain fertile throughout their lives. However, their fertility and ability to produce healthy pups decreases as they age.
Let’s see at what age dogs can have puppies, starting with males.
What is the oldest age at which a male dog can sire puppies?
A healthy male can still produce puppies into old age. In fact, most professional breeders will shed male dogs much later than their females. Under AKC rules, you can register a litter of puppies sired by a male dog no older than 12 at the time of mating.
In practice, most reputable breeders will retire their male dogs between the ages of 10 and 12.
But just because a male is over 12 years old doesn’t mean he can’t sire puppies. Older males are still able to conceive females, but they are not as fertile as they used to be and may require more attempts to conceive a female.
Age is just one of several factors that affect a male dog’s ability to father puppies. The age at which a male can have puppies also depends on the quality and quantity of his sperm.
Many professional breeders therefore check their males’ sperm count regularly, at least once a month, to see if they are still able to father litters.
In addition, breeders will check many other things to determine if their male dogs are too old to breed and ready to retire. A low conception rate is another sign that a dog is getting too old to father puppies on a regular basis.
This means that under ideal conditions, a male will not conceive a bitch: one mating per day and a perfectly healthy bitch.
In addition, a breeder may decide that the male is too old to father puppies if his partner is consistently producing smaller litters or if the puppies are weak and ill.
What is the oldest age at which a bitch can have puppies?
You may be surprised to learn that female dogs don’t go through menopause and can technically get pregnant all their lives. This can come as a big shock, especially if you thought it was safe for your senior pooch to go off the leash and hang out with other dogs at the park.
According to AKC rules, a mother must be no older than 12 at the time of mating if you wish to register the litter. However, many breed clubs, including the UK Kennel Club, set eight years as the maximum limit for breeding bitches.
When it comes to the order of nature, female dogs can get pregnant well over 12 years old and remain fertile their entire lives. However, at this advanced age, most bitches have difficulties in giving birth and serious complications often occur during labour.
Older bitches can have problems giving birth if they do get pregnant, and seeing stillborn puppies in a litter is unfortunately quite common. Additionally, older dogs can have trouble producing enough milk to nurse their puppies, who often die if not bottle-fed by their human caregivers.
Because of all of these risks and complications, most reputable breeders choose to retire their dams around the age of five or six. In deciding whether or not to remove a bitch from a breeding program, breeders consider the same factors as they do for male dogs.
The breeder compares conception rates, litter sizes, the health of the mother, complications during delivery, and the time it takes for recovery. Considering all of these criteria can give you a good idea of whether or not it is safe to continue breeding your bitch.
Our Golden Retriever Raven was a breeding dog. She was retired by her breeder at the age of 6 when we officially adopted her.
The most important thing to remember when owning a female dog is that she can become pregnant at any point in her life. Although older dogs are less fertile than their younger counterparts, there is still a risk of unwanted pregnancy.
So you must take care of your pooch and prevent an unwanted mating or choose to have them spayed if their age and general health does not pose a risk to the procedure. Now that you know dogs can get pregnant throughout their lives, talk to your vet about the best ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
At what age can dogs have puppies?
If the fact that dogs can have puppies all their lives surprised you, you will be even more surprised to learn that most dogs reach sexual maturity while they are still puppies. That’s right, your cute fluffy pup can have puppies of his own!
Once they reach sexual maturity, males can mate anytime, even every day! Females, on the other hand, can only mate when they are in heat, which usually occurs twice a year. However, some dogs can come into heat up to four times a year, while others are ready to mate once a year, depending on their size and breed.
Here is the earliest age a dog can have puppies, starting again with male dogs.
At what age do male dogs become sexually mature?
Male dogs generally become fertile earlier than their female counterparts, usually when they are around five or six months old. Toy and small breeds like Chihuahuas mature earlier than large breeds. who become fertile when they are between seven and nine months old.
Although they are technically able to impregnate a bitch, you should not allow males to mate until they are physically mature. In most cases, you should wait until your dog is at least a year old to breed to a female dog.
Keep in mind that large and giant breeds will take more time to fully grow, so you should wait until your pooch is 18 to 24 months old to breed him for the first time.
We have bought from Labrador and Golden Retriever breeders. The breeders we have worked with wait until their dogs are around 2 years old and have passed all health checks before breeding them.
If you decide to use your male dog to mate with litters, you must first ensure that he is perfectly healthy and fertile. Your veterinarian can help you with this and provide health certificates that your dog is a qualified stud dog ready for breeding.
Once a male reaches sexual maturity, he remains fertile throughout his life. However, their sperm count tends to be low at the beginning and end of their reproductive cycle. It is therefore important to wait until your puppy is fully grown before breeding for the first time and not to breed dogs that are too old.
At what age do female dogs become sexually mature?
Unlike males, who can mate literally any day after puberty, females can only reproduce when they are in heat. Bitches usually reach sexual maturity by six months of age, but smaller breeds can come into heat as early as four months of age.
Although they are fertile and can conceive, it is not recommended to breed bitches during their first heat. As with male dogs, you should wait until your female dog is fully grown before attempting to mate her for the first time.
Your dog’s size and breed will determine when is the best time to mate your bitch for the first time. Smaller breeds reach adulthood earlier than their larger counterparts and consequently can safely conceive much sooner.
After their first heat, also called heat or season, bitches usually come into heat every six months until they are old. However, this time frame can vary from dog to dog and depends on the size of the dog. In general, smaller dogs come into heat more regularly than larger breeds and can produce more litters over their lifetime.
The estrus cycle is divided into four phases: proestrus, estrus, diestrus, and anestrus. During the proestrus phase, which lasts about nine days, a bitch will have a bloody discharge and will attract but not breed with males.
The heat phase also lasts about nine days. At this point the female is fertile and ready to be mounted by a male. In most cases, ovulation occurs within the first 48 hours of estrus, but this can vary widely.
The diestrus phase lasts 60 to 90 days, during which time the dog’s reproductive system is under the control of the hormone progesterone. This stage occurs whether or not the bitch is pregnant and some dogs may develop signs of false pregnancy at this stage.
Finally, the anoestrus phase is the time when a bitch is no longer able to conceive and a period of no sexual activity. In most cases, this phase lasts three to four months.
Although some become fertile much earlier, AKC rules do not allow registration of litters from dams younger than eight months at the time of mating. And while old female dogs can have puppies, by the age of five, female fertility begins to decline.
Bitches who are too young or too old cannot handle the physical stress of pregnancy, which often leads to birth complications, preterm labor, and stillborn puppies. Therefore, it is important that you do not start breeding your mother too early or continue to breed as she grows old.
Frequently asked questions about how old a dog can be and still have puppies
Can a dog be too old to have puppies?
Technically, both female and male dogs can have puppies their entire lives. However, a female dog’s fertility begins to drop after the age of 7 and most female dogs are not able to conceive as often as they used to. The same thing happens with male dogs, and while they can still have puppies, their fertility rate isn’t as high as it used to be.
The actual labor is also more difficult and risky for older dogs and often involves complications. Older dogs can also have trouble producing milk and nursing their puppies.
What is the age limit for breeding a dog?
AKC rules do not permit the registration of a dam litter that is less than eight months or older than 12 years at the time of mating. Additionally, any litter sired by a male dog less than seven months old or older than 12 years old at the time of mating cannot be registered with the AKC.
On the other hand, the UK Kennel Club, the VHD in Germany and many other clubs state the maximum age limit of eight years for bitches.
Can a 9 year old dog have puppies?
A 9-year-old dog can technically become pregnant and give birth to a litter of puppies. However, most reputable breeders will not breed female dogs that old because of the risks associated with pregnancy and birth complications.
However, an older bitch may well become pregnant if she is mounted by a fertile male while she is in heat. To avoid health problems and unwanted pregnancies, keep a close eye on your dog on heat and consider having her spayed.
Is it bad for a 1 year old dog to have puppies?
Most dogs will reach puberty and become fertile by the time they are six months old, although they should not have puppies until they are fully grown. Small breeds reach adulthood when they are one year old and are safe to have puppies when they are done growing.
However, large and giant breeds will continue to grow until they are between 18 and 24 months old, and they should not have puppies until they reach adulthood. A year-old Great Dane is still a puppy and it would be bad for a growing puppy to become pregnant and have to take care of a litter of newborn puppies.
Knowing how old dogs can be to have puppies is important information if you plan on breeding your dog at some point in his life.
While dogs are technically fertile and can have puppies throughout their lives, older female dogs are at risk of preterm labor, stillbirth, and birth complications. To ensure your dog’s pregnancy goes well, you need to consider the following:
Males can father litters until they are between 10 and 12 years old
Breeders retire female dogs when they are five to six years old
Do not breed your dog until he is an adult
While it’s hard to imagine that dogs can have puppies all their lives, you should be careful not to breed your dog if he’s too young or too old. Before you breed your pooch, talk to your veterinarian and have your dog fully examined.
Are you a breeder?
Have you worked with us or bought a dog from a breeder?
If so, do you know how old their breeding dogs are?
Tell us about your experience in the comments section below.
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Can a dog get pregnant after one tie?
A whopping 40% of female dogs will fall pregnant after just one mating session! That incredibly high number means you are at considerable risk of having a litter of unwanted puppies if you are not careful. Thankfully, there are relatively safe means to prevent pregnancy after mating.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
Unfortunately, accidents happen. Dogs in heat will sneak out and bond with neighborhood dogs and often become pregnant as a result. But there are some things you can do to prevent pups after mating.
When bitches are in heat, they release pheromones to attract males, and males can travel considerable distances just to mate. Mating occurs quickly and the entire process can take as little as 10 minutes, often without pet owners even realizing it. Some parents don’t realize what happened until their dog’s body changes. So what should parents do when they notice their pet’s belly growing?
The first way to prevent puppies after mating is to spay the dog. Neutering is a minimally invasive surgery in which a veterinarian removes a dog’s uterus and ovaries. Veterinarians can perform castration even when the bitch is in early pregnancy and remove the fetuses along with the reproductive organs. Neutering during pregnancy carries a higher risk of surgical complications, is more invasive, and often costs more than regular neutering. However, sterilization has a 100% effectiveness rate and will ensure that your pooch will never get pregnant again.
Most dogs, given the opportunity, will mate when the female is in heat. A whopping 40% of female dogs will conceive after just one mating session! This incredibly high number means you are at significant risk of having a litter of unwanted puppies if you are not careful. Fortunately, there are relatively safe ways to prevent pregnancy after mating. Such an option is known as “mismatch injection”. If you suspect your dog has mated in the past 22 days, an injection of alizin, an antiprogestagen compound, may be an option. This drug stops the growing cell clusters in your dog and is 100% effective within 22 days of mating. It can also be given later in pregnancy but is likely to be less effective. Injections are an effective preventive measure, especially when given early. However, this is not a long-term solution and does not protect against pregnancy in the future either. If you are looking for a long-term solution, we recommend having your dog neutered.
Veterinary Abortion
Male dogs can be extremely stubborn when it comes to bitches in heat, and they’re not above breaking into kennels or digging under fences! Even responsible pet parents with big breeding plans can face unwanted pregnancies. When spaying and improper mating injections are not an option, a veterinary abortion is a viable and effective way to end an unwanted pregnancy.
However, the decision to have an abortion is a big medical decision for your dog. Abortion carries more risks of complications than castration or injections in mismating. Most vets will not perform them unless the dog is too advanced for other options and pregnancy is not possible (either for health or personal reasons). Depending on how far along the dog is, veterinarians may choose surgical abortion or terminate the pregnancy with abortifacient medication. Abortions are tough on a dog’s body, and dogs often need to stay in the vet clinic for up to a week while they recover. Abortions are also expensive to perform, especially if the dog is born late, and offer no protection against future unwanted pregnancies such as neutering.
Effects of contraception in dogs
Birth control has many benefits for pets and their pet parents. A litter of puppies is an enormous responsibility. You will need to clean up their accidents, get them their first vaccinations, deworm them, wean them and keep them safe for at least the first 8 weeks of their lives. Also, in the meantime, they still have to take care of their nursing mother and find the homes of the puppies.
Pregnancy can also take a lot of stress on a dog’s body, and some dogs may be at a higher risk of pregnancy complications because of their age, size, or breed. Also, caring for a pregnant mother and her puppies is time-consuming and costly. Preventing pregnancy can save your family from the financial burden and extra work that come with having puppies, and eliminate the risk of pregnancy-related health problems in your pet. If you decide to proceed with your dog’s pregnancy, check out our pet insurance comparison tool. Caring for a pregnant or breeding dog can be expensive, and most accident and medical insurance plans will not cover costs related to pregnancy. However, some providers, like Trupanion, offer add-ons that reimburse veterinary expenses.
Take Home Points
Dogs are sneaky when it comes to mating, and dogs can be tied up in a snap. Even attentive pet parents can be confronted with an unwanted pregnancy. But fortunately, there are several options available to these parents, especially if they catch the pregnancy early.
Neutering is an excellent option during early pregnancy and will prevent pregnancy for the rest of your dog’s life. Pet parents who intend to breed their dog in the future may prefer to go the route of injection through mismating as it will terminate the pregnancy but will not render the dog infertile. However, mismatch injections are only effective during a narrow window of time, so this is not a viable option if more than 22 days have passed since the mating session. Finally, a veterinary abortion should only be used as a last resort as it will put a serious strain on your beloved canine.
Do vets do dog artificial insemination?
Surgical method
Surgical AI can only be conducted by a Veterinary Surgeon. For many years, surgical AI has raised many ethical concerns. Since 2019, surgical methods of artificial insemination have been banned (except for very limited exceptional reasons) by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RVCS).
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
What is AI?
Many dog breeders aim to increase conception rates and litter sizes, and some breeders use AI to achieve this. Artificial insemination is a method of introducing semen (previously collected from a male stud dog) and depositing it into a bitch’s vagina or uterus during the most fertile time of her estrus cycle with the aim of conceiving a pregnancy. Chilled and frozen semen can be used. However, this article does not address the required collection or special storage/transportation methods. AI is not necessarily more successful than the natural method of mating as success is still very much dependent on targeting the ideal stage of ovulation during the oestrus cycle.
Practical aspects of canine AI
There are a few practical reasons why dog breeders prefer AI as a breeding method over natural mating methods (this list is not exhaustive):
AI allows the use of semen from stud dogs worldwide. And eliminates the need to transport stud dogs around the globe to cover a bitch. Since the stud dog does not have to travel, there is no stress related to transport.
AI is sometimes chosen as the method of conception when there have been unsuccessful natural matings, no natural conception has been achieved, or when the bitch or stud dog is inexperienced.
Frozen semen offers the opportunity to pass on “superior” genetic traits from stud dogs that are no longer with us; This allows their desirable traits to be passed on to future litters.
AI reduces (although not completely eliminates) the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Since the AI method eliminates physical contact, it will prevent the spread of infections and devastating diseases; such as brucellosis, canine herpesvirus (CHV) and canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVF).
In practice, AI can lead to an expansion of the gene pool as genetic traits are no longer confined to narrow geographic regions.
Canine AI weaknesses/disadvantages
There are also many concerns about the welfare and ethics of canine AI; and there are disadvantages to this breeding method (this list is not exhaustive either!):
There is a risk of direct physical or psychological trauma from the AI process. Inexperienced or incorrect AI methods can lead to complications and infections. Surgical AI in particular carries a high risk of surgery. Some argue that this procedure is not in their best interest.
Because sperm can be frozen and used for many years to pass on certain genes, there is a risk of unwanted traits and genetic disorders being passed on for a very long time.
AI is sometimes a chosen method of breeding in bitches who, for anatomical or breed reasons, cannot conceive naturally. Breeding these dogs with suspected hereditary traits using AI is a major welfare and ethical issue as there are clearly undesirable traits that are likely to be passed on to their offspring and potentially affect their health in the future.
Animal welfare remains highly topical as AI poses risks of transmitting hereditary diseases and conditions.
surgical method
You may be wondering what exactly is surgical AI? During surgical artificial insemination, the breeding bitch is put under general anesthesia and a wound/cut is made to gain access to her abdomen/stomach. The semen is then inserted directly into the uterus. Surgical AI can only be performed by a veterinarian.
For many years, surgical AI has raised many ethical concerns. Since 2019, surgical methods of artificial insemination (except for very limited exceptional reasons) have been banned by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RVCS). Surgical artificial insemination is now considered banned in dogs by the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
The AI surgical method has been described by many veterinarians as unethical, traumatic and now falls into the group of prohibited procedures within the mutilation procedures category. The Kennel Club will no longer register litters made using this method.
Non-surgical methods
There are two non-surgical methods of AI:
Transvaginal or intravaginal – here, fresh or chilled semen is introduced into the vaginal canal with an insemination pipette directly in front of the cervix. This is the most common method of AI in dogs and (apart from natural mating) the least invasive method.
Transcervical – Here the fresh or frozen semen is placed directly into the uterus with special equipment through palpation or the use of an endoscope. Often this procedure is performed without sedation.
Of the two non-surgical AI methods, the transcervical is a more invasive method that is only performed by a veterinarian, but the literature suggests that it has a higher success rate than the transvaginal method.
Is artificial insemination in dogs legal in the UK? Yes, but only the non-surgical methods are legal.
Who Can Legally Perform Artificial Insemination on Dogs?
Only a veterinarian can legally perform the surgical AI method and the transcervical method as they are classified as “acts of veterinary surgery” and can be performed by appropriately competent laypersons.”
In summary, the global demand for artificial insemination is a growing market and there is a growing demand for chilled and frozen semen. I hope this article has adequately summarized the different methods of AI along with some pros and cons. If you are aspiring to or already involved in AI methods for dogs, please ensure that the AI services are provided by professionals as I understand many inexperienced people are inappropriately providing fertility services and animal welfare must remain a priority.
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Do vets do artificial insemination?
Artificial insemination involves collecting the semen of a male dog or stud, and then contributing this to the female dog’s reproductive system. This can be done at home or by a veterinarian.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
male dog
Artificial Vagina (Dog)
Plastic tube, ¼ inch diameter, as long as the bitch’s hind leg
Medical syringe without a needle
Tips Your local veterinarian can give you more specific information about your breed’s specifications.
Artificial insemination in dogs is common among dog breeders trying to contribute other traits to their breeds. A male is selected for his personality, intelligence, and ability to produce useful offspring and is mated with females, who are normally capable of breeding. In artificial insemination, semen is collected from a male or stud dog and then fed into the bitch’s reproductive system. This can be done at home or by a veterinarian.
Put the male and female dogs in one room together. Keep the artificial vagina close to the two dogs and let the male try to mount the female. When he starts to rise, the artificial vagina needs to be placed over the male penis to collect the semen.
Stimulating the penis by gently squeezing and creating a pulsating effect with the palm of your hand around the artificial vagina will induce the male dog to ejaculate.
Remove the male dog from the area so he does not attempt to mount the female.
Insert the end of the syringe with the medical syringe without a needle into the artificial vagina to remove the semen. To do this, make sure the plunger is all the way down before inserting the syringe into the artificial vagina. While inside the artificial vagina, slowly pull the plunger outward, which collects the semen in the barrel of the syringe.
Insert the 1.4 inch tube into the bitch’s vagina. The dog’s breed and size will determine how much of the tube should be inserted. For dogs weighing less than 5 pounds, it is best to have a vet perform the procedure. For small breeds like Spitz and Chihuahuas, insert the hose only 2 inches. For larger breeds such as Great Danes and German Shepherds, it is recommended that the hose be inserted only 5 inches.
Insert the syringe into the other end of the tube that will be inserted into the bitch’s vagina. Slowly push the plunger until all of the semen has entered the tube, and hold the tube upright to ensure the fluids are dispensed and not spilled.
Is it illegal to artificially inseminate a dog?
Breeders should be aware that performing AI on their own and other dogs is illegal for nonveterinarians in some states. For example, in Minnesota owners can perform AI with fresh semen on their own animals but cannot legally perform AI on animals they do not own and cannot use semen that has had anything added to it.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
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Can I get my dog artificially inseminated?
This technique involves a general anesthetic and surgery with associated risks. An incision is made into the abdomen, the uterus is then identified and exteriorized. The semen is then injected directly into the uterine horns. It can only be carried out once during the bitch’s heat.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
types of seeds
Insemination can be performed with three types of dog semen: fresh, fresh chilled and frozen.
Freshly ejaculated dog semen has the longest viability. Sperm from young, fertile stud dogs can survive in the bitch’s reproductive tract for up to 5-7 days.
Freshly chilled
Fresh chilled semen involves the dilution of ejaculated semen in special canine diluents containing egg yolk and buffers that protect sperm during the chilling process. The elongated seed is then slowly cooled to 4°C and can remain viable for up to 3-4 days at 4°C. (Semen from some stud dogs has been reported to retain viability and fertility after 10 days storage at 4˚C). Cooling the semen conserves the energy of the sperm, thus prolonging their longevity and viability.
Storing semen at refrigerator temperatures makes it easier to ship canine semen either within the United States or internationally to Canada or Mexico. It is a great alternative to transporting the stud dog to the bitch or vice versa when both are far apart which can be very costly and inconvenient.
Frozen semen is stored in liquid nitrogen at an extreme temperature of -196ºC. Sperm is preserved in a frozen state in either “straws” or “pellets”. The freeze-thaw process causes some degree of sperm damage, greatly reducing the bitch’s sperm lifespan to only 12-24 hours. Therefore, when dealing with frozen semen, it is crucial to know exactly when ovulation occurred so that we can ensure that the frozen semen is deposited in the uterus when the ova or “eggs” are ready for fertilization.
Timing of insemination: Monitor your bitch’s estrus cycle
The timing of insemination is very important. Monitoring your bitch’s heat or heat cycle to determine the optimal time for insemination involves performing one or a combination of the following procedures:
Blood samples to measure the hormone progesterone
Vaginal swabs for cytological examination to determine the time of fertilization and to check for infectious or inflammatory processes
Vaginoscopy to assess the vaginal vault, which correlates with the stage of the oestrus cycle and is a very useful timing tool. Vaginoscopy can also rule out anatomical abnormalities (strictures, septa, persistent hymen) before breeding.
The number of samples taken to determine the timing of insemination varies between bitches. We recommend starting the test about 5 days after the onset of heat (first noticeable sign) and then every second or third day until we determine when the bitch has released her ovulation hormone called “luteinizing hormone” or “LH”. The day this occurs is called an “LH surge” or “LH day 0” and coincides with a progesterone level around 2 ng/mL.
The day or days that we recommend performing artificial insemination depends on the type of semen used. For example, insemination with TG sperm takes place on “day 5” (after LH 0) if only one insemination is to be carried out, or on days 4 and 6 or 5 and 6 (after LH 0) if two inseminations are carried out should be able to be carried out.
Place of semen deposition: techniques of artificial insemination
Transcervical Fertilization
The intrauterine insemination technique that we recommend when using frozen-thawed semen or small numbers of potentially vulnerable fresh or chilled semen is transcervical insemination, where the semen is placed directly into the uterus to maximize the chance of pregnancy .
This internationally recognized technique was developed in 2001 by Dr. Developed by Marion Wilson in New Zealand. It has the advantages of being anesthetic and sedation free, non-surgical and relatively stress free. In addition, it has the decisive advantage over surgical artificial insemination that more than one insemination can be carried out during the bitch’s heat.
Transcervical insemination may not be a viable option for some female dogs, typically for behavioral reasons.
There have been some developments with the canine transcervical insemination endoscope. A new longer and slimmer endoscope has been specially developed for transcervical insemination in dogs. This facilitates transcervical insemination in large and giant breeds and virgin bitches.
Vaginal insemination
When using fresh or chilled semen with sufficient sperm count and sperm quality, the deposition of semen to the extreme end of the vagina can result in pregnancy and litter sizes consistent with natural mating.
There are many different types of catheters that can be used for vaginal artificial insemination. We insert a special artificial insemination catheter at the very end of the vagina. At this point, a bulb at the end of the catheter is inflated to mimic the swelling of the dog’s bulbous gland during mating. This not only prevents the backflow of semen, but also stretches the vaginal wall, resulting in the release of oxytocin and stimulation of contractions of the vaginal and uterine smooth muscles, facilitating the transport of sperm into the uterus. After the bulb is inflated, fresh sperm is slowly injected through the catheter into the back end of the vagina. This is then followed by a warm canine semen extender, which helps flush the semen into the uterus just as prostate fluid does during natural mating.
This is a technique that can be used in all bitches, is non-invasive, requires less skill and equipment than intrauterine artificial insemination techniques, and is therefore more economical. It is often used in virgin bitches and stallions who cannot “bond” or mate for a number of reasons.
Vaginal artificial insemination is not the preferred method of using frozen and thawed sperm. In addition to the greatly reduced lifespan already mentioned, frozen semen breeding units contain significantly fewer (i.e. 100 million motile sperm per “AI dose”) than a fresh or chilled insemination dose. Therefore, the deposition of small numbers of fragile, frozen and thawed sperm in the hostile vaginal environment causes a small number to travel through the cervix into the uterus and reach the fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes), the site of fertilization. This obviously results in a lower pregnancy rate and litter size.
Surgical intrauterine insemination
We neither recommend surgical insemination nor do we perform this insemination technique at the CSU. This technique involves general anesthesia and surgery, with the associated risks. An incision is made in the abdomen, the uterus is then identified and brought out. The semen is then injected directly into the uterine horns. It can only be performed once during the bitch’s heat. Additionally, surgical insemination does not increase conception rates or litter sizes.
Importance of seed treatment and assessment
Regardless of what type of semen (fresh, fresh-chilled, or frozen) or artificial insemination method is used to deposit the semen, careful and skillful handling of the semen is essential. Additionally, the assessment of a semen sample by a qualified and knowledgeable professional prior to fertilization plays a vital role in maximizing pregnancy rates.
Artificial insemination is a very useful tool of reproductive management. It allows the transport of semen both nationally and internationally. Management of both stud dog and bitch is critical to maximize both pregnancy rate and litter size after artificial insemination.
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How Much Is Artificial Insemination For Dogs?
What is artificial insemination of dogs?
Artificial insemination of dogs is a dog breeding method used by breeders around the world. Because of the method’s safety, efficiency, and success rate, it’s becoming increasingly popular, especially among smaller breeds.
Normally, two dogs would be bred naturally. This includes the pre-selection of a stud dog and a bitch. The bitch is then mated on a specific day of her season or whenever the male shows most interest in her. However, natural dog breeds are notorious for their risk of STDs and potential harm to both the stud dog and the bitch.
The bitch is usually damaged if she is mated incorrectly on the wrong day of her season. This happens when an inexperienced male is introduced to a female in heat and he subsequently attempts to breed with her.
We recommend testing your bitch for progesterone to minimize damage and ensure she is mated on the right day.
What exactly is artificial insemination?
Artificial insemination is different from natural mating. Breeding is done “artificially” with special equipment and trained staff.
First, the bitch is tested for progesterone to determine her most fertile day. This helps maximize litter size and chances of a successful mating.
After that, the seed should be collected from the male. This can be completed by safely stimulating his genitals and collecting the resulting semen in a semen collection bag. The prostate fluid is normally separated from the sperm around this time.
Finally, the sperm is placed in a syringe and catheter. The artificial insemination catheter is then inserted into the bitch and the sperm deposited safely and quickly.
No anesthesia is required.
The process is easier that way. Artificial insemination takes the pain and stress out of dog breeding, resulting in a happier dog and a joyful breeding process.
Reproductive Services –
Budget Vet performs over 300 c-sections annually on all dog breeds. We primarily perform C-sections on the Bully breeds including French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, American Bullies and Pugs. We are used to the unique anesthetic and surgical issues associated with these breeds. We adjust our anesthetic and surgical techniques to minimize the risk to the mother and puppies. dr Lassiter has performed over 1500 caesarean sections in her career and is well versed in both simple and complex surgeries.
It is best to establish a relationship with us before the caesarean section. We much prefer to see the female before she gives birth and get an idea of her breeding dates etc so we can plan the cesarean in advance. We currently only have one doctor. While we try to be available, there is only so much one person can do. If you do not develop a relationship with us, we may not be available when the time for the caesarean section comes.
An additional fee of $250 will be charged for all reverse progesterones arriving AFTER 12:00 PM with a woman (who is ready for a C-section). We do not see appointments after 3pm.
Schultz Veterinary Clinic
Why Frozen Sperm?
Long Term Storage – If your stud has positive, enduring traits that should be preserved for the breed or your own future breeding program, consider freezing his semen. This guarantees its breeding availability for future generations.
For Breeding When the Stud Dog is Unavailable – There are times when the stud dog is unavailable when a single bitch needs to be bred. The reason may be due to a show or trial schedule, booked stud services, temporary illness or injury, or any other logistical scheduling conflict that could limit a stud dog’s availability.
Long Distance Breeding and International Breeding – Long distance breeding can be done without having to ship the bitch or stud dog by using either chilled/extended or frozen semen.
How is sperm obtained?
The semen is taken from the stud dog by manual stimulation. The different parts or fractions of the ejaculate are collected separately so that good quality sperm rich semen is frozen and stored. In general, the best quality and higher numbers of semen will be collected when the stud dog’s libido is high. We try to simulate a typical breeding situation for each tomcat and encourage owners to provide a bitch in heat as a “teaser”. If the stud dog also associates a specific item with the breed, such as B. a blanket, a table, a breeding rack, etc., this item can be helpful and should be brought to the appointment. If necessary, we recommend an injection, which is temporary and has no permanent effect, to increase libido. It’s often recommended to wait for a teaser before scheduling a frozen semen collection appointment unless there are time constraints.
What happens after seed collection?
Immediately after collection, the semen is evaluated under a microscope. We have a video screen attached to the microscope that allows us to show you the sample as it is analyzed. If the quality is acceptable for freezing, the sample is then extended with a buffer solution that protects the cells during freezing and thawing. A sperm count is performed and the sample is further diluted to a uniform concentration. The diluted semen sample is then divided into several individually labeled straws – the number of straws is determined by the initial sperm count. After a gradual cooling and freezing process, a “part” straw is thawed and inspected for mobility and quality. An average motility after thawing is 40-60% – this means that 40-60% of the original sperm survived the freezing and thawing process.
How long does the collection and freezing process take?
Usually the whole process takes 3-4 hours from the time of pickup. However, customers only need to be present for the collection process, which can take 15-30 minutes. Additional time may be required at the office as all required documentation must be complete at the time of pickup.
How and where is the frozen semen stored?
We are an AKC approved permanent storage facility. Frozen semen is stored at our facility in a special insulated container called a dewar that contains liquid nitrogen. The frozen seed is kept in liquid nitrogen vapors at a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius, or about 300 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. This temperature is maintained and keeps the seed viable indefinitely. Since the container does not require electricity, there is no fear of accidental thawing due to power failure.
How much semen is stored from each collection?
The number of straws stored is directly related to your stud dog’s sperm count. The quantity and quality of the semen produced in an ejaculate can vary considerably from dog to dog and from sample to sample in a short period of time. Factors that can affect your stud’s semen quality include:
Age – Generally, a young adult dog (2-4 years old) has a higher sperm count and better semen quality than older or immature dogs.
General Health – A sick or stressed dog will rarely produce good quality semen. After recovering from illness or severe stress, it can take up to 3-6 months for the ejaculate to return to normal. Some medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, can affect sperm production.
Size – In general, large breeds produce more sperm than smaller breeds. Toy breeds often need to have semen collected multiple times to store enough semen to breed one bitch, while a large or giant breed in one collection can produce enough semen to inseminate multiple bitches. It is the number of sperm cells that matters, not the volume of the collection.
Predisposition and Temperament – In general, an experienced stud dog will produce better quality semen than one that does not fully understand the collection process and what is expected of him. It may be advisable to have a young or inexperienced dog picked up once or twice prior to seed storage to get them used to the process. If a stud dog is shy or nervous, their semen counts may be poor and preclude freezing and storage of the collection. Additionally, a dog that is accustomed to having people around and being handled during breeding will do better once they have collected semen. We endeavor to simulate natural breeding for a frozen semen collection trial – a bitch in heat standing in front of the stud dog will aid in the collection process.
Is it worth trying semen freezing on an unproven stallion?…An older stallion?…A sick dog?
If a dog is producing motile sperm cells, it makes sense to try freezing their semen. In general, when sperm count and/or quality is compromised, only a small amount of viable sperm is stored. While this leaves you with an “insurance policy” seed bank, you should make every attempt to either breed your stud with fresh semen, or to improve semen quality and freeze subsequent collections.
What does it cost?
Current fees are approximately $445 for freezing and $94 per year for storage. If you have an AKC or UKC breed, these registries require that a DNA number be on file and will cost around $40-45 to process. Insemination with TG sperm results in ovulation timing and surgical insemination is usually preferred. The costs vary and can be discussed individually.
What kind of paperwork and records are required?
As a rule, a copy of the stud’s individual registration papers and a positive ID including a microchip or tattoo and current photos are required. The signature of the stud dog owner must be obtained so that we can submit the appropriate documentation to the stud dog registry. After the semen has been collected and stored, the stud dog owner receives written information about the collection statistics and an annual storage invoice.
What is the success rate of breeding with frozen semen?
Individual success depends on semen quality, bitch fertility, and breeding methods used. Parameters for the appropriate use of TG semen for breeding are available and should be assessed prior to a bitch’s estrus cycle. Often a better option is to postpone the use of frozen semen until the stud dog has passed away or is unable to provide fresh semen for some reason.
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