Dragon Fruit And Star Fruit? Top Answer Update

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “dragon fruit and star fruit“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: https://chewathai27.com/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

Dragon fruit and starfruit are two different plants. They belong to distinct families. The dragon fruit is a cactus, and the star fruit is a tree called the carambola. This tree comes in several varieties, all of which are long and ribbed and, when cut across, resemble a star.The tree and fruits have many different names, carambola is the Spanish vernacular name of the tree. In English it is called star fruit, five-corner or carambola, in Malaysia and the Philippines it has numerous names. In Indonesia it is called belimbing, in Tagalog it is called balimbing.It can be yellow or greenish and has a taste ranging from bitter to sweet. Studies show that eating starfruit can have a harmful (toxic) effect for people who have kidney disease. The substances found in starfruit can affect the brain and cause neurological disorders. This toxic substance is called a neurotoxin.

Dragon Fruit to Durian: Southeast Asia’s Exotic Produce
  • Dragon Fruit. With a vibrant pink exterior and white, fleshy interior, the dragon fruit is both beautiful and delicious. …
  • Tamarind. A sweet-and-sour tang makes the tamarind a unique treat. …
  • Rambutan. …
  • Lychee. …
  • Durian.

What is star fruit called in English?

The tree and fruits have many different names, carambola is the Spanish vernacular name of the tree. In English it is called star fruit, five-corner or carambola, in Malaysia and the Philippines it has numerous names. In Indonesia it is called belimbing, in Tagalog it is called balimbing.

Why is star fruit not good for you?

It can be yellow or greenish and has a taste ranging from bitter to sweet. Studies show that eating starfruit can have a harmful (toxic) effect for people who have kidney disease. The substances found in starfruit can affect the brain and cause neurological disorders. This toxic substance is called a neurotoxin.

What fruits are similar to dragon fruit?

Dragon Fruit to Durian: Southeast Asia’s Exotic Produce
  • Dragon Fruit. With a vibrant pink exterior and white, fleshy interior, the dragon fruit is both beautiful and delicious. …
  • Tamarind. A sweet-and-sour tang makes the tamarind a unique treat. …
  • Rambutan. …
  • Lychee. …
  • Durian.

What is star fruit good for?

Star fruit is a nutritious tropical fruit that is low in calories and sugar but packed with fiber and antioxidants such as vitamin C. Eating star fruit may help regulate blood sugar, protect the cardiovascular system, and support the immune system.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

Star fruit can provide many health benefits and can be an excellent addition to the diet. However, people with certain health conditions may need to avoid it. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is essential for good health.

In this article, we’ll focus on the star fruit, examining its nutritional profile and health benefits, as well as the possible downsides of consuming this tropical fruit. We also look at how to prepare it.

What is star fruit? Share on Pinterest Zen Rial/Getty Images A star fruit typically has five segments, giving it a star shape. It is a crunchy, juicy fruit with a light flavor. The skin is waxy, yellow or green and edible, and the fruit has tiny dark seeds at its center. Although star fruit is not a member of the citrus family, its sweet and tart flavor can come across as citrusy. The fruit’s homeland is Southeast Asia, where it is sometimes called “carambola” or “cane apple” in the Malay language.

Nutritional Profile A medium-sized star fruit weighing 91 grams (g) contains: 28 calories

6.1 grams of carbohydrates

1 g protein

2.5 g fiber Star fruit is high in fiber and contains about 60% cellulose, 27% hemicellulose and 13% pectin. Star fruit contains an impressive array of vitamins and minerals, including natural antioxidants like vitamin C and gallic acid, which help prevent cell damage. According to the fruit’s mineral and vitamin profile, a medium-sized star fruit weighing 91 g contains: 121 milligrams (mg) of potassium

31.3 mg vitamin C

10.9 mg phosphorus

9.1 mg magnesium

2.73 mg calcium

1.8 mg sodium

Benefits Star fruit is a source of antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamin C. A person can get about 31 mg of vitamin C from one medium-sized fruit. The recommended dietary intake of vitamin C is 90 mg per day for adult males and 75 mg per day for adult females, although this increases to 85 mg per day during pregnancy and 120 mg per day while breastfeeding. The body cannot manufacture vitamin C, so the diet must provide adequate amounts. In addition to fighting oxidative stress, vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which the body needs to heal. Meanwhile, the high amount of fiber in star fruit can help the blood slowly absorb glucose and balance blood sugar levels. Star fruit contains soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance. Insoluble fiber doesn’t break down, but instead creates volume to allow food and waste to pass through the digestive tract easily. The soluble fiber in star fruit has a cholesterol-lowering effect. And since soluble fiber can help remove fat molecules from the blood, including a source of this fiber, such as: B. star fruit, in the diet reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Soluble fiber also helps lower blood sugar levels by slowing the rate at which the body absorbs carbohydrates. In many Asian countries and Brazil, star fruit is a popular alternative to traditional medicines. For example, practitioners of Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine use it to treat fevers, sore throats, coughs, asthma, headaches and skin problems. In addition, the leaves, fruit, and roots of the star fruit contain compounds called saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and tannins, which have antioxidant and healing properties.

Risks of Eating Too Many Starfruits There can be downsides to eating too many or unripe starfruits. These can include: Kidney stones Star fruit is high in a compound called oxalate, or oxalic acid. This occurs naturally in various plants, such as rhubarb, beetroot, and dark leafy greens like spinach and Swiss chard. The body also produces oxalate as a waste product and excretes it naturally in the urine. When some people consume high amounts of oxalate, it can lead to kidney stones and damage. Upset Stomach All star fruit is edible, and people should be sure their fruit is ripe. Oxalate levels are higher in unripe star fruit, and eating this fruit may cause an upset stomach or vomiting. Complications of Kidney Disease Those suffering from kidney disease should avoid or limit the consumption of star fruit. For some people with these health issues, the fruit can cause neurological complications, including confusion and seizures. If a person with no history of kidney problems consumes too many, star fruit can damage the kidneys over time. For some people with chronic kidney disease, star fruit consumption can be extremely dangerous and potentially fatal. Anyone with kidney problems should consult their doctor before consuming star fruit. Drug Interactions Starfruit can alter the way the body breaks down and uses drugs. Like grapefruit, star fruit can slow the rate at which the body breaks down drugs, potentially leading to higher than intended levels of those drugs in the body.

Anyone with concerns about possible interactions should consult a doctor.

How to Eat Starfruit First, rinse a starfruit under running water to remove any impurities, then slice thinly, discarding the pit in the center and enjoy. A ripe fruit is mostly light yellow with minimal green areas. If a fruit has brown spots, trim them off before eating. A person can add star fruit to salads, juices, and smoothies. Due to their unusual shape, the discs can also make an attractive set. Some people also make star fruit syrup for desserts.

Can diabetics eat star fruit?

YES, Star Fruit is considered suitable for diabetes as it has a low glycemic index (45). The fruit is also high in fibre, which helps regulate blood glucose levels.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

The health benefits of Star Fruit are many. It’s high in fiber and vitamin C. Star Fruit also contains protein, vitamin B5, folic acid, copper, potassium and magnesium, which help control sugar and glucose levels. A medium-sized fruit (about 91 grams) has 28 calories and 6 grams of carbohydrates. It has a glycemic index of 45.

100 grams of star fruit contain the following nutrients:

Can you eat star fruit?

Star fruit — or carambola — is a sweet and sour fruit that has the shape of a five-point star. The skin is edible and the flesh has a mild, sour flavor that makes it popular in a number of dishes. The star fruit is yellow or green in color. It comes in two main types: a smaller, sour variety and a larger, sweeter one.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables can be repetitive if you don’t try different things. Fortunately, there are many delicious fruits and vegetables that add variety to the diet. An unusual fruit that is gaining popularity is the star fruit. This article examines the benefits and potential health risks of star fruit. Share on Pinterest

What is star fruit? Star fruit – or carambola – is a sweet and sour fruit shaped like a five-pointed star. The skin is edible and the flesh has a mild, sour flavor that makes it popular in a number of dishes. The star fruit is yellow or green in color. There are two main types: a smaller, sour variety and a larger, sweeter one. SUMMARY Star fruit is a sweet and sour fruit shaped like a five-pointed star. There are different varieties.

Star Fruit Nutrition Facts Star fruit is a decent source of several nutrients — particularly fiber and vitamin C. This is the nutrient content of a single, medium-sized (91 grams) star fruit (1): Fiber: 3 grams

3 grams of protein: 1 gram

1 gram of vitamin C: 52% of the RDI

52% of the RDI Vitamin B5: 4% of the RDI

4% of RDI Folate: 3% of RDI

3% of RDI Copper: 6% of RDI

6% of the RDI Potassium: 3% of the RDI

3% of the recommended daily allowance Magnesium: 2% of the recommended daily allowance Although the nutrient content may seem relatively low, consider that this serving contains only 28 calories and 6 grams of carbohydrates. This means that calorie for calorie, star fruit is highly nutritious. SUMMARY The star fruit is low in calories but high in fiber and vitamin C. Given its low calorie content, it is very nutritious.

Star fruit is full of healthy botanicals Star fruit also contains other substances that make it even healthier. It’s an excellent source of healthy botanicals, including quercetin, gallic acid, and epicatechin. These compounds have powerful antioxidant properties and various health benefits. The plant compounds in star fruit have been shown to reduce fatty liver risk and cholesterol levels in mice ( 2Trusted Source ). They are also being studied for their ability to prevent liver cancer in mice (3). Additionally, some evidence from animal studies suggests that the sugars in star fruit may reduce inflammation ( 4Trusted Source ). However, research is lacking to confirm these potential benefits of star fruit in humans. SUMMARY Star fruit contains many beneficial plant compounds. Animal studies show that these can reduce inflammation, cholesterol and the risk of fatty liver. However, human research is lacking.

Safety and Side Effects Star fruit can cause side effects in some people, mainly due to its high oxalate content. As such, people with kidney problems should avoid star fruit and its juice — or consult a doctor before attempting it. For people with kidney problems, regular consumption of star fruit can lead to kidney damage as well as star fruit toxicity, which can cause neurological problems — like confusion, seizures, and even death (5, 6). Individuals taking prescription medications should also proceed with caution. Similar to grapefruit, star fruit can change the way a drug is broken down and used by your body. SUMMARY People with kidney problems or those taking prescription medications should check with their doctor before consuming star fruit.

How to Eat It You may hesitate to try star fruit if you don’t know how to prepare it. Here’s an easy way to prepare and eat starfruit: Make sure they’re ripe – a ripe starfruit should be mostly yellow with just a hint of green. Rinse the fruit under water. Cut off the ends. cut it Remove seeds and enjoy. You can add this fruit to your diet in many ways, including: Cut it up and eat it plain.

Add it to salads or other fresh dishes.

Use it as a garnish.

Turn it into cakes or puddings.

Add it to Asian or Indian stews and curries.

Cook it with seafood or shellfish dishes.

Make jam, jelly or chutney.

Juice it and drink it as a drink. SUMMARY Star fruit is easy to prepare and eat. It can be used in many different dishes and desserts.

What happens if you eat too much starfruit?

Symptoms of “star fruit intoxication” include persistent hiccups, nausea, vomiting, agitation, insomnia, mental confusion and convulsions that occur within one to five hours of eating the fruit. The problem seems to be the high levels of oxalic acid (or oxalate) in this fruit that can accumulate in weakened kidneys.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

Is Eating Starfruit Dangerous? I’ve heard that star fruit is bad for the kidneys and should be avoided. Is that true?

Star fruit (also known as carambola) is a tropical fruit traditionally derived from a tree (Averrhoa carambola) native to Sri Lanka and the Moluccas (also known as the Spice Islands), an archipelago in Indonesia. It is now grown in Florida and Hawaii, as well as Southeast Asia and Malaysia. The name star fruit comes from the fact that the cross-section when sliced ​​is in the shape of a five-pointed star.

It can be yellow to green. The star fruit flavor can be a complex flavor that can be tart or sweet, combining flavors of pineapple and lemon.

A note on the correct consumption of star fruit: If you don’t have kidney problems, you can eat as much star fruit as you want – this has no effect on healthy kidneys. But if your kidney function is compromised, star fruit consumption can be very dangerous, even fatal. Symptoms of “star fruit poisoning” include persistent hiccups, nausea, vomiting, agitation, insomnia, mental confusion, and convulsions that occur within one to five hours of eating the fruit.

The problem seems to be the high levels of oxalic acid (or oxalate) in this fruit, which can accumulate in weakened kidneys. But since kidney patients don’t seem to have trouble eating other oxalate-rich foods (like spinach), Brazilian researchers who’ve studied the reaction suspect another, unidentified substance that’s toxic to nerves to be the real culprit. Whatever this toxin is, people with healthy kidneys have no problem excreting it, while those with impaired kidney function have problems with the combination of the unknown toxin and oxalate. The only way to deal with star fruit poisoning is immediate dialysis — so anyone who has kidney problems and develops hiccups, vomiting, or other symptoms after consuming star fruit should see a doctor right away.

Star fruit poisoning can develop in kidney failure patients after eating only half a fruit or drinking less than 8 ounces of star fruit juice. In one case, a patient with impaired kidney function died after eating just a single star fruit.

Andrew Weil, MD

Does starfruit make poop?

If you’re suffering from digestive issues, star fruit could be the answer to your problems. According to a gastroenterologist known as Lisa Ganjhu, DO, fiber helps keep the bowel movements regular. In other words, fiber adds bulk to stool movement, providing colon lubrication, and ensuring smooth transit.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

I can continue to talk about the reasons for eating star fruit. We all want to get healthier, and there’s no better way to do that than by consuming more fruits and vegetables. What makes a healthy lifestyle interesting is creativity and the constant search for different fruit and vegetable options. If you’re tired of the same old fruit bowls, why not try some of the famous star fruit?

The star fruit, also known as carambola, is one of the most sought-after fruits, and rightly so. They are incredibly nutritious and have a sweet and tart taste. These irresistible fruits get their name from their cut shape and are often found in India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

If you’re looking for something new to add to your fruit bowl, you can’t go wrong with star fruit. Below are the top benefits of these popular fruits and reasons to eat starfruit.

Helps with weight loss

Starfruit is low in calories but very high in fiber. The high fiber content in this fruit has been found to slow digestion, which helps increase satiety. Additionally, fiber takes longer to chew, giving your stomach time to recognize when you’ve eaten more than enough.

Star fruit supports the digestive system

If you suffer from digestive problems, star fruit could be the answer to your problems. According to a gastroenterologist named Lisa Ganjhu, DO, fiber helps keep bowel movements regular. In other words, fiber adds volume to stool movement, provides lubrication to the colon, and ensures smooth passage.

Do not overindulge in fiber consumption, as this can lead to diarrhea or loose stools. Keep it balanced.

strengthening immunity

Starfruit is rich in antioxidants, which give it anti-inflammatory properties. This means that these sweet-tasting fruits have the ability to fight free radicals and prevent disease. Starfruit is also rich in vitamin C, which aids in the elimination of toxins and boosts the immune system. No scurvy here!

Maintain cardiovascular health

The older we get, the higher the risk of developing a complication with our cardiovascular health. This is especially true if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Foods high in fat, sugar, and salt are known to increase fat on important parts of the body, including the lining of the arteries. This leads to high blood pressure and complications such as a stroke.

To lower cholesterol in the body, you should eat more star fruit. Star fruit is loaded with potassium, sodium, and folic acid, which may help prevent, manage, and lower your risk of heart disease or stroke.

Improve respiratory health

No one is immune to breathing problems. All it takes is the overproduction of phlegm or phlegm in our body to suffer from a sore throat or congested chest. Star fruit (also known as carambola fruit) can prevent mucus build-up in the body thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Boost metabolism with Star Fruit

People with a slow metabolism tend to gain weight quickly and vice versa. You can improve your metabolism by drinking more water and exercising more. Another option is to eat more star fruit.

Star fruit is rich in riboflavin and folic acid, which boost metabolism and thus contribute to weight loss. This, in turn, keeps insulin levels in the body at optimal levels.

How do you eat a star fruit and what does it taste like?

That’s an excellent question if you’ve never eaten star fruit before. Like all fruits and vegetables, you should wash them thoroughly. The good news is that star fruit is edible in its entirety, skin, seeds and all—no need to peel it.

Slice the star fruit broadside about 1/4 inch thick. Now you will understand how it was named. The star fruit flavor is like a cross between orange and papaya, especially when ripe. The light yellow skin with brown edges makes this clear.

Go ahead and brighten up your dinner with star fruit; You will surely be the life of the party.

Warning: If you have kidney disease, starfruit consumption can be toxic. Starfruit contains a neurotoxin that can cause neurological disorders. Some of these include hiccups, confusion, seizures, and in the worst cases, death!

In summary, if you don’t have kidney problems, star fruit is incredibly rich in antioxidants and antioxidants that are extremely good for our health. Benefits aside, star fruit is known to contain anti-cancer properties. Additionally, if you eat starfruit regularly, you will find that your skin and hair look healthier. These are the reasons to eat star fruit!

Here’s another plant that’s super healthy and has a lot of surprising benefits that you can drink or apply to your skin! Can you guess what it is?

Is dragon fruit poisonous?

Is Dragon Fruit Skin Poisonous? Dragon fruit skin is not poisonous. So long as you properly wash it to get rid of any traces of pesticide, eating dragon fruit skin is not only safe but even healthy. If your dragon fruits are too dirty, wash them using a vegetable scrub.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

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Dragon fruit is certainly one of the most interesting fruits. And its prickly skin is one of the reasons why. Is the skin of the dragon fruit edible?

Can you eat dragon fruit skin? Yes, you can eat dragon fruit skins as long as you wash them properly. You can use dragon fruit skins to make an Indonesian-style stir fry, or dry them and brew some tea. You can also use it to make dragon fruit jams and jellies and leave it on the fruit while juicing.

Read on to learn all about dragon fruit skin, how to use it in cooking, what it tastes like, and if it’s healthy!

What is dragon fruit?

Also known as pitaya and strawberry pear, dragon fruit is a tropical fruit of various species of cacti.

This fruit has become more popular because of its unique appearance. The leathery skin with scaly spikes is why people call it dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit has 3 main varieties. The most popular dragon fruit variety is the one with pink skin and white flesh. You may also come across red-skinned dragon fruit, which is also red on the inside.

A less common variety of dragon fruit is the yellow-skinned one. The flesh of the yellow dragon fruit is also white.

The taste of dragon fruit is not overwhelming. People describe it as a taste between kiwis and pears. Some people also find it a bit like watermelon!

In terms of texture, dragon fruit pulp has a creamy mouthfeel. It has small black crusty seeds scattered throughout the fruit.

Just like the seeds in kiwifruit, dragon fruit seeds are perfectly edible. Besides, they are healthy. The oil in dragon fruit seeds contains several healthy acids, including fatty acids and linoleic acid.

Aside from looking amazing, this particular fruit also has a number of health benefits. This low-calorie fruit is very nutritious.

A 100-gram serving of dragon fruit has 3 grams of fiber and no fat. Dragon fruit is particularly rich in magnesium. It also contains iron and vitamin C.

Dragon fruit is also a source of several groups of antioxidants that help protect cells from damage.

how do you eat it

One of the first questions that came to mind when we first heard about this fruit was how to even eat it!

Perhaps the easiest way to eat dragon fruit is to cut it in half and dip in with a spoon. The flesh of the dragon fruit is quite soft, so scooping it out shouldn’t be a problem.

Another option is to cut the fruit in half and scoop it out whole with a large spoon.

This is the peeling technique used for avocados as well. Once you have the flesh out, dice it and serve on a plate or in the empty skin of the fruit.

You can also cut the dragon fruit into wedges and remove the skin with your fingers. While the dragon fruit’s skin is quite thick, it peels off easily, especially if you cut the fruit into quarters.

A great way to eat dragon fruit on its own or add it to your morning acai bowl, yogurt, or oatmeal! You can also use dragon fruit to make smoothies and fruit salads. This fruit is also a refreshing addition to hearty salads.

Dragon fruit pairs well with grilled or fried fish, including tuna and cod. Make some dragon fruit salsa with fish, or add them to mango or pineapple salsa for extra flavor.

If you like grilled fruit, then you should definitely try grilled dragon fruit!

Can you eat dragon fruit skin?

The skin of most fruits is not only edible, but in many cases healthier than the flesh. Fruit and vegetable peels are high in fiber and nutrients.

Is the skin of the dragon fruit also edible? Most people would think that dragon fruit skins are inedible due to their intimidating appearance! However, the skin of the dragon fruit is safe to eat.

To use the skin in cooking, cut off the ends of the fruit. Make a cut across the fruit and peel off the skin. If it doesn’t come off easily, cut the fruit in half or into four.

If the outermost layer of skin is too tough for you, use a vegetable peeler to peel it off. This will remove the spines and leathery outer layer of the dragon fruit skin.

Do this when the fruit is still whole. Once you’ve removed the skin, using a vegetable peeler is pretty inconvenient.

Cut the dragon fruit peel into strips of the desired thickness and length.

Is Dragon Fruit Skin Toxic?

Dragon fruit skin is non-toxic. As long as you wash it properly to remove all traces of pesticides, eating dragon fruit peel is not only safe, it’s actually healthy.

If your dragon fruit is too dirty, wash it with a vegetable scrub.

How does dragon fruit skin taste?

Dragon fruit skin is not particularly tasty. It has a savory flavor that can be enhanced with the help of some spices and sugar.

As for texture, dragon fruit peel feels leathery when raw. When cooked, it should have a slightly slimy and slippery texture.

Using dragon fruit skin in cooking

Dragon fruit skin is certainly more versatile than you can imagine. And while it’s not the most delicious ingredient to cook with, you can certainly use it every once in a while because of the many health benefits it has.

Although you never know, you might like the taste of this special ingredient once you try it.

Dragon Fruit Skin Vegetable Stir Fry

Using dragon fruit skins in stir-fried vegetables is a common practice in Indonesia.

Oseng-oseng, a Javanese-Indonesian stir-fry, uses sliced ​​dragon fruit skins along with shallots, garlic, ginger, chillies, mushrooms, and chicken or beef (optional).

Raw sugar, palm sugar, and Indonesian bay leaves are also added to the stir-fry to make it tastier. If you get it right, you’ll end up with a beautifully caramelized dragon fruit skin.

Dragon fruit skin tea

To prepare dragon fruit skin tea, you must first cut it into small pieces and dry it in the sun. Depending on the size of the pieces, it will take 1-2 days for the shell to dry completely.

Brew dragon fruit skin tea like any other tea. Pour boiling water over the dried peel and leave for 3-4 minutes.

You can sweeten the tea with sugar or your favorite syrup.

Dragon Fruit Skin Juice

If you have a juicer, you can try juicing a whole dragon fruit with the skin on. This increases the nutritional value of the juice and makes the consistency a bit thicker.

Dragon fruit jams and jellies

Another great use for dragon fruit skins is to turn them into jelly or jam. Dragon fruit contains a lot of pectin. When you heat it with sugar, pectin thickens, making jellies and jams the perfect consistency.

You can also use dragon fruit skin to make guilt-free jellies. Boil in water with some maple syrup and agar-agar.

Let the mixture simmer over low heat until the agar-agar is completely dissolved. Meanwhile, the fruit peel gives the liquid a beautiful pink color.

Then remove the pieces of skin from the liquid and let them cool. Then pour into an ice cube tray and place chunks of dragon fruit flesh into each cube. Leave the jelly in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or until it sets.

What Are the Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit Skin?

If dragon fruit skin is still something you think you would never eat, the health benefits might convince you.

Dragon fruit skin is rich in antioxidants. There are anthocyanins in dragon fruit peel. These pigments are powerful antioxidants that have anti-diabetic and anti-cancer properties. These antioxidants are also good for overall heart health.

Dragon fruit peels are also a good source of fiber. That means it’s good for improving digestion, regulating blood sugar levels, and improving cholesterol levels.

How to choose dragon fruit

Whether you eat dragon fruit peel or not, it would be helpful to learn how to choose dragon fruit.

First of all, you should know that the peak months for most dragon fruit varieties are from June to September.

And while you can find dragon fruit in supermarkets year-round, buy them in summer or early fall to experience the best flavor of this tropical fruit.

Second, always buy ripe dragon fruit. Ripe dragon fruit has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste. To check the dragon fruit’s ripeness, simply press on it with your finger. It should be neither too soft nor too hard.

And finally, especially for the cases where you also use the skin, choose dragon fruit that has an overall even color and no softened and damaged spots on the skin.

Next: Can you ferment maple syrup?

What does dragon fruit taste like?

When ripe, dragon fruit has a mildly sweet flavor often described as a blend of pear and kiwi, and a soft texture similar to a ripe kiwi. Under-ripe dragon fruit, on the other hand, is basically flavorless. Native to Mexico, Central and South America, the dragon fruit plant is a cactus.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

1330385063 Pitaya or dragon fruit HUIZENG HU/Getty Images

By Fraya Berg for Food Network Kitchen

Fraya is a chef and writer at Food Network.

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is visually stunning and has health benefits to match (vitamins, prebiotics, and tons of fiber and antioxidants). But before you buy one and slice it onto your smoothie bowl, let’s discuss how it tastes.

How does dragon fruit taste?

When the dragon fruit is ripe, it has a slightly sweet taste, often described as a cross between a pear and kiwi, and a soft texture that resembles a ripe kiwi. Underripe dragon fruit, on the other hand, is basically tasteless.

Native to Mexico, Central and South America, the dragon fruit plant is a cactus. Each fruit begins as a flower that blooms only once in the dark. Although you’ve probably seen dragon fruit that is pink on the outside and white flesh on the inside, dragon fruit actually comes in a spectrum of colors, including pink on the outside and inside, yellow on the outside and white on the inside, and white on the outside and inside. All have tiny, edible black seeds like kiwi seeds.

Cacti have thorns and the dragon fruit plant, with thorns on every branch, is no exception. The fruit is a different story as only the yellow variety has thorns on the fruit itself and they can be easily removed.

1151268221 Dragon fruit in wooden box. Pitahaya tropical fruit. View from above. Free space for text. Natalia Mysak/Getty Images

How do you know when dragon fruit is ripe?

Since the pink dragon fruit is the common variety in the US, we’ll focus on that. The fruit is harvested when it’s not yet ripe for easy shipping: it’s firmer and doesn’t bruise easily, plus it’s not likely to spoil in transit.

The pink dragon fruit is sweeter than the white variety. The producer label on the fruit should indicate the flesh color. If not, size and shape are a guide: the pink dragon fruit is round with short wings (the petal-shaped pieces on the outside of the fruit), while the white-fleshed dragon fruit is oblong with long wings.

When picking dragon fruit in the market, look for fruit that is heavy for its size (take several and you’ll notice a difference) as this will be the juiciest fruit. The fruit itself should be consistently pink on the outside with no signs of bruising. Dragon fruit is a bit firm when ripe, but will give way under the pressure of your thumb when you squeeze it, like a ripe avocado. When the dragon fruit is ripe, its wings will dry up and turn yellow with some brown on their tips. If you buy them, leave them on the counter until they reach that stage, and then they’re ready to eat.

1344507440 Tropical fruit salad with dragon fruit, watermelon and orange served in half a dragon fruit. yuphayao phankhamkerd/Getty Images

Peel and cut dragon fruit

Cut the dragon fruit in half, slice and eat each slice as if it were a slice of baby watermelon with the rind still on.

Or if you want to slice it open over a smoothie bowl, use a paring knife to carefully trim the rind from each slice. Alternatively, you can scoop out the inside with a spoon and slice.

How do you eat dragon fruit?

When the dragon fruit is ripe, it will be soft and juicy, so the easiest way to enjoy it is to cut it in half and eat it straight from the peel. Even when the dragon fruit is ripe, it can be sliced ​​or diced and will keep its shape for a fruit salad. Dragon fruit is popular in smoothies and other drinks, like the margarita we featured below. If you want to make sure you’re getting red fruit, you can buy bags of frozen dragon fruit that’s diced or mashed. Look for them at Hispanic markets.

Is Dragon Fruit Good For You?

The answer here is a resounding yes. Dragon fruit has vitamins C and B. The pulp itself is a good source of fiber, but it’s the seeds that have the power. Unlike some seeds that need to be ground up so your body can access the good stuff inside (we’re looking at you, flax), the natural bacteria in your gut are able to break down the fibrous shell of dragon fruit seeds and release their prebiotic benefits.

Dragon Fruit Recipes

Food Network Kitchen’s Healthy Dragon Fruit Waldorf Salad, as seen on Food Network. Stephen Johnson, 2015, Television Food Network, G.P. All rights reserved

Grapes, honey and apples give dragon fruit an extra sweet flavor in this reinterpretation of a classic salad.

This recipe couldn’t be simpler: frozen mashed dragon fruit is available at Hispanic markets, making it a 5-minute recipe.

How do I eat dragon fruit?

Peel and cut it into sections when you’re ready to eat it. Much like an avocado, you eat the flesh and discard the skin. You could also cut it in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon or melon baller. Dragon fruit is best eaten raw, but you can throw it on the grill like some other fruits.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

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Dragon fruit is a nutritious — not to mention a vibrant — fruit that can benefit your body and taste buds, says Registered Dietitian Mira Ilic, MS, RDN, LD.

Ready to get a little adventurous? Here’s how to incorporate dragon fruit into your diet when it’s in season from summer through early fall.

What is dragon fruit?

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya or strawberry pear, looks like it was straight out of a Dr. Seuss: On the outside, it’s a pink oval with green scales (hence the name “dragon”). Inside, it has white flesh with tiny black seeds. The fruit’s odd appearance also exudes “psychedelic artichoke” vibes.

“It’s a tropical fruit that comes from a cactus. It’s available all over the world, but it’s native to Mexico and South America,” notes Ilic.

How does dragon fruit taste?

“If you like kiwis and pears, then you probably like dragon fruit. It’s sweet and crunchy.”

Dragon fruit comes in a variety of shapes and colors:

Pink skin with white flesh. This is the most well-known species, but it is the least cute. It is sold under the names Alice, Cosmic Charlie and Guyute, among others.

This is the most well-known species, but it is the least cute. It is sold under the names Alice, Cosmic Charlie and Guyute, among others. Pink skin with red or pink flesh. Larger and sweeter than its white-fleshed cousin, this strain is sold in stores under names like Red Jaina and Bloody Mary.

Larger and sweeter than its white-fleshed cousin, this strain is sold in stores under names like Red Jaina and Bloody Mary. Pink skin with violet flesh. Look for the name “American Beauty” in stores.

. Look for the name “American Beauty” in stores. Yellow skin with white flesh. Yellow dragon fruit is the hardest to find, but also the sweetest.

The benefits of eating dragon fruit

Dragon fruit pulp is low in calories and fat-free. It also includes a lot:


Dragon fruit is an excellent source of fiber, says Ilic. The daily recommendation for adults is at least 25 grams — and dragon fruit packs 7 grams in a single 1-cup serving.

“Fiber may benefit gastrointestinal and cardiovascular health,” notes Ilic. “Fiber is also filling, which is helpful when you’re trying to lose weight. People who eat whole, high-fiber foods are more likely to maintain a healthy weight.”


Dragon fruit has a ton of useful vitamins and minerals, including:

Carotenoids (may reduce cancer risk).

Lycopene (may improve heart health and reduce cancer risk).

Magnesium (important for cell function, dragon fruit provides 18% of the recommended daily amount).

Iron (important for healthy blood and energy, dragon fruit contains 8% of the recommended daily allowance).

Vitamin C (helps your body absorb iron and boosts immune system health).

Improves gut health

Healthy bacteria in your gut can aid in digestion and even reduce the risk of colon cancer. “Some studies seem to show that dragon fruit promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria,” says Ilic. “It can have a positive effect on the gut microbiome, the good bacteria in our gut.”

How to cut and eat dragon fruit

If you can’t find dragon fruit at your local supermarket, you might have better luck at a grocery store or Asian market.

To pick one, Ilic recommends trusting your gut. “Follow your fruit know-how,” she says. “It should be a little soft when you test it with your finger. If it’s too firm, you can always bring it home and age it on your counter.”

Peel and cut into chunks when ready to eat. Similar to an avocado, you eat the flesh and discard the skin. You can also cut them in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon or melon baller.

Dragon fruit is best eaten raw, but you can throw it on the grill like some other fruits. Enjoy neat or add:



Fish, especially cod, tuna and maimahi.



“Once you cut it, wrap it up tightly and put it in your fridge,” says Ilic. “If your dragon fruit turns mushy and brown, throw it out.”

When should you eat star fruit?

Star fruits taste best when consumed ripe. Unripe star fruits may taste excessively sour and at times bitter. Once ripe, these fruits turn completely yellow with a hint of green at the edges; this is the best time to consume star fruit.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

Starfruit tastes best when eaten ripe. Unripe starfruit can taste overly sour and sometimes bitter. When ripe, these fruits turn completely yellow with hints of green around the edges; This is the best time to consume star fruit. You can enjoy a star fruit by:

Clean with water

cutting off the edges

The skin is not peeled because it is edible

Cut horizontally

removing the seeds

You can use star fruit for the following preparation:









Seafood or shellfish dishes

Asian or Indian style curries or stews

As a garnishing ingredient

We can also consume raw starfruit. Aside from eating, raw starfruit is also useful for cleaning rusted utensils.

What Are the Health Benefits of Star Fruit? Researchers have claimed certain health benefits of star fruit including: Reducing skin inflammation

Relief of stomach problems and ulcers

lowering cholesterol levels

Removal of toxins from the body

Strengthens the immune system

Lowering the risk of heart disease

Reducing the risk of brain tumors

Relief of constipation with the help of fibers

Lowering blood sugar levels

Is star fruit good for liver?

It contains many beneficial plant-based compounds. Several studies have reported that consuming star fruit can reduce the risk of inflammation, cholesterol and fatty liver. It contains elements like vitamin B9 and fiber, which control cholesterol and also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

Consuming star fruit can prove to be very beneficial to avoid the cancer problem as it contains high amount of beta-carotene. Let us tell you that beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant that can help reduce the risk of cancer.

Is star fruit related to pineapple?

Although they are both tropical fruits, star fruits and pineapples look and taste distinctly different from each other. Star fruits and pineapples look and taste distinctly different. Star fruits are fleshy, crunchy, juicy, slightly tart, sweet, and acidic in taste.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

what is pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit native to South America but grown worldwide, including in Thailand, the Philippines, and Brazil. It belongs to the bromeliad family and is the only member of this family that produces edible fruit.

The nutritional value of pineapple

Pineapple is full of minerals and vitamins. The active ingredient in pineapple, bromelain, is responsible for several health benefits. Hence, bromelain supplements are used in the treatment of various medical conditions.

Table. The Nutritional Value of a Cup of Fresh Pineapple Chunks Nutrient Amount Calories 82 grams Protein 0.89 grams Fat 0.20 grams Carbohydrate 22 grams Fiber 2.3 grams Calcium 21.4 mg Magnesium 19.8 mg Phosphorus 13.2 mg Potassium 180 mg Vitamin C 78 .9 mg

The active compounds in pineapple that are responsible for various health benefits include:

What does a starfruit taste like?

It has a slightly sweet-sour flavor, somewhat like a mix between a ripe pear, green grape and orange. The meat is juicy and firm, similar to a grape. The entire fruit can be eaten, including the waxy skin, making it easy to eat raw.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

Star Fruit sustainability

Starfruit has been relatively difficult to grow in the US, which is generally cooler and drier than areas where the plant is native. It requires nutrient-rich soil and is sensitive to cooler temperatures and wind. A decent commercial star fruit industry has existed in Florida since the 1970s, where growers are looking for other fruits to complement the citrus and avocado crops. Today, researchers are investigating how cover crops can be used to support increased fruit growth, which would also reduce fertilizer use through the development of biologically diverse, fertile soil.


Star fruit plants are susceptible to some insect pests, including aphids and mites. Commercial growers can use pesticides, but growers using organic methods such as B. the release of predatory wasps to combat pests, have been successful. To avoid a potential toxic load, buy organic starfruit whenever possible.


Because starfruit is native to subtropical and tropical climates, the plant has high water requirements.


Starfruit is harvested in South Florida in two seasons; from August to September and December to February. Depending on the grower’s planting schedule, you can likely find the fruit locally year-round.


Carambola is grown commercially throughout Southeast Asia, Australia and South America. It is also grown commercially in the southern United States; Florida represents about 90 percent of US production, with the remainder being grown primarily in Hawaii.

eat star fruit

To cut the fruit, place it on a cutting board and carefully run a sharp knife along each of the five ridges (or “star points”), removing the brown outer edge and discarding. Holding the star fruit horizontally, slice across to desired thickness; the pieces will look like stars. Use the tip of the knife to remove the seeds. The fruit can be cut into smaller pieces, but the iconic shape is half the fun of using the tropical fruit.


If you buy a green star fruit, you can store it at room temperature (without sunlight) for a few days and it will turn yellow. Store starfruit with brown ridges in the refrigerator for up to four days to avoid overripening. (Overripe fruit will have brown spots all over it and may have a fermented flavor.)

Is star fruit related to apple?

The star apple is part of the Sapote or Sapotaceae family and comes in mainly two colors, purple and green. It is a tropical tree that is native to the West Indies and the Greater Antilles. Despite the name, it isn’t an apple.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

Another tasty tropical fruit to share with you. The star apple, also known as cainito, caimito, star plum, tar apple, milk fruit, gold leaf tree and several other names is a wonderful fruit.

I love learning about and trying new fruits and talking about some of my favorite fruits. The star apple is a fruit that I really like. And I ate them many years ago when I lived in the Philippines for a few years.

In this article, you will learn where the star apple comes from and where it grows, its health benefits, how to eat it, and what it tastes like. Of course, taste is subjective, so I’ll describe how I like them. Now for the information!

Where does the star apple come from and where does it grow?

The star apple belongs to the Sapote or Sapotaceae family and comes in two main colors, purple and green. It is a tropical tree native to the West Indies and Greater Antilles. Despite the name, it is not an apple.

They are spreading and not being grown in many places in the tropics and subtropics. Places like India, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, China, Central America, Jamaica, Cuba and many other places.

A fast growing tree that can reach a height of over 20 feet and grows very well from seed. When grown from seed, the star apple tree can bear fruit in as little as 4 years. That’s extremely fast.

But if you buy a seedling from the nursery, grafted onto rootstock or propagated from a branch, it can bear fruit in as little as 1 to 2 years after planting.

They also grow here in the United States, in Hawaii, Florida and South Texas. And hobbyists can even grow her right here in AZ and Southern California. As long as there are warm/hot temperatures in the summer and the temperature average doesn’t drop below 35 or 40 F.

The ones I buy are usually grown in the US, are probably from Florida and are quite expensive. Last time I bought them they were $9.99/lb which is crazy. They grow everywhere like roadside in the Philippines. And are pretty free to choose, haha.

So if you like them and live in the warm parts of the US or around the world, consider planting them.

What Are the Health Benefits of Cainito Fruit?

The star apple has many health benefits:

Help improve digestive health. They contain a good amount of fiber.

Rich in vitamin C

Helps control diabetes. The fiber helps keep blood sugar under control.

Rich in antioxidants

Helps prevent iron deficiency anemia

There are a few other health benefits as well. Check out this article for more health benefits.

How do you eat the star apple?

Be sure to wash the outside of the fruit. Then cut along the equator from it. The trunk is the top. Cut in about half an inch or so and then go around it.

Now you can take your hands and gently pull it apart revealing the star pattern. Likewise the seeds. The number of seeds varies, but usually there are 5 to 10 fairly large seeds in each fruit.

A few things don’t. The star apple skin contains a sticky latex substance, so do not eat the skin. The seeds are also not edible. Only the white, milky flesh and rubbery membrane surrounding the seeds are eaten.

Usually, the inside is scooped out with a spoon and then eaten fresh. Some people would just skip the spoon and just bite down the middle. Someone recommended putting a little oil on your lips when you do this to keep them from getting too sticky from the latex in your skin. I always use a spoon haha.

While commonly eaten fresh, it is also used in ice cream and sorbet. Occasionally it is also processed into preserves.

How does star apple taste?

(Pin it!)

Now time to describe the taste. First of all, the flesh is extremely juicy. The membrane around the seeds reminds me of squid in texture but not as rubbery or chewy.

The taste of the star apple reminds me of a mix of diluted, sweetened condensed milk, hints of blueberry flavor and texture, and hints of lychee or rambutan. Again, taste is very subjective. It tastes like a star apple lol.

Unfortunately, only about a third of the fruit is actually eaten. The rest can simply be composted or thrown away. And don’t forget to plant those seeds if you like.

And that’s the star apple, a delicious tropical and subtropical fruit. Enjoy!

Now watch the video where I tell all about it!

How to Eat a Star Apple | How does star apple taste?

Watch this video on YouTube

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Papaya How to Eat it and Taste Test

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How to eat star fruit

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What do we say Kamrakh in English?

English meaning of kamrakh

Hide. Noun, Masculine, Singular. star fruit, carambola, Averrhoa carambola.

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

Meaning of Lake means Kamrakh in English, Hindi and Urdu

English meaning of kamrakh noun masculine singular star fruit carambola averrhoa carambola Pictorial Reference Do you have a picture that describes this word better? Feel free to upload images to enhance the visual representation of the meaning. More information Upload image

Tags for Kamrakh English Meaning of Kamrakh , Kamrakh Meaning in English, Kamrakh Translation and Definition in English. kamrakh का मतलब (मीनिंग) अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में जाने | Khair means in Hindi

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STAR FRUIT (Belimbing) – How to Draw and Color – Coconana
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Dragon fruit and starfruit- What is the difference? (Details included) – All The Differences

Dragon fruit and star fruit are two different plants. They belong to different families. The dragon fruit is a cactus and the star fruit is a tree called carambola. This tree comes in several varieties, all of which are long and ribbed and, when cut crosswise, resemble a star.

All fruits provide various benefits to the body and improve health in many ways. They provide variety on the plate and make it colourful. They bring variety to your diet.

Some are famous while others are underrated. Dragon fruit and star fruit are two fruits that are becoming increasingly popular these days. They each have their unique benefits and taste. These fruits are very pretty and unique in appearance.

As you read this blog, you will get all the information about these fruits, along with their nutrients, health benefits, and risks associated with them.

What is a star fruit?

Star fruit, also known as carambola, is a fruit that looks like a star. It has a sweet and sour fruit that is exactly in the shape of a star. It includes five-pointed ends that make it look exactly like a star. The skin is edible and the flesh has a mild, acidic flavor that works well in a variety of dishes.

The color of the star fruit is yellow or green. It comes in two sizes: a small, sour variant and a larger, sweeter variant.

Star fruit is a sweet and sour fruit with five pointed ends. There are a multitude of them.

What is a dragon fruit?

Dragon fruit is a fruit that grows on the Hylocereus climbing cactus found in tropical regions around the world.

The plant’s name derives from the Greek words hyle, meaning woody, and cereus, meaning waxy.

Externally, the fruit resembles a pink or yellow onion with spike-like green leaves that shoot out around it like flames. If you cut it open you’ll find fleshy white stuff covered in black seeds that you can eat.

This fruit is available in both red and yellow-skinned varieties. The cactus is originally from southern Mexico and South and Central America.

Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit that has been gaining popularity lately, although people eat it for its distinctive appearance, it is evident that it can have health benefits.

The dragon fruit cactus is native to southern Mexico and South and Central America. It was introduced to Southeast Asia by the French in the early nineteenth century. Central Americans refer to it as “Pitaya”. In Asia it is known as the “strawberry pear”.

All in all, this fruit has a unique taste and aesthetic appearance that appeals to everyone who tastes it.

A fruit bowl is the healthiest breakfast

How do you compare dragon fruit and star fruit?

Dragon fruit and star fruit are different from each other, they contain unique properties and nutritional content.

Let’s take a look at its description.

Dragon fruit is high in nutrients and low in calories. It can act as an immunity booster and help fight disease. It can also improve gut health. Dragon fruit is high in fiber, vitamins and minerals i.e. manganese and iron.

On the other hand, the star fruit is an exotic fruit that is rich in nutrients and minerals. It has also become popular in recent years. The name derives from this fruit’s distinctive shape when cut in cross section – it resembles a star. The whole fruit, including the waxy outer layer, can be eaten.

Dragon fruit is beneficial to ;

weight loss

improve digestion

lowering cholesterol levels

Improvement in energy levels

Prevention of cancer and heart disease

While starfruit helps with:

Strengthening of the immune system

detoxification of the body

relief from shortness of breath

acceleration of metabolism

Optimizing digestion

building strong bones

Improving skin and hair health

This is why star fruit has so many benefits compared to dragon fruit. But if we add both to our diet, we can benefit from them individually. As you can see, dragon fruit and star fruit should be added to our diet to benefit from them individually.

Are dragon fruit and star fruit the same?

No, they have distinctive features. Even the nutrient count is different. We have discussed the benefits they offer our bodies; Now let’s discuss their nutrient count.

This table compares the nutrients of both fruits.

Nutrient Content Dragon Fruit Star Fruit Vitamins 3% Vitamin C RDI 52% RDI (Vitamin C)

Vitamin B5 (4% ​​of the RDI) Fiber 3 grams 3 grams Proteins 1.2 grams 1 gram Carbohydrates 13 grams 0 grams Minerals Iron

4% RDI copper

6% of the FEI


3% of the RDI Magnesium 10% of the RDI 2% of the RDI Nutrient Content of Dragon Fruit and Star Fruit

Considering the nutrient content of both fruits, it is observed that dragon fruit is rich in nutrients while star fruit is nutritious but not as much as dragon fruit. Nevertheless, both fruits should be part of our daily diet.

Fruits contain many nutrients

How does dragon fruit taste?

People usually say that the taste is melon-like and resembles a cross between a kiwi and a watermelon. Others include pears in this category. Some describe the taste as tropical. So everyone has their perception of this fruit, it has done a lot with the texture and color of dragon fruit.

Also known as pitaya, dragon fruit is known to have a very mild flavor similar to kiwi. Note that the kiwi doesn’t have a strong flavor, but rather a combination of sweetness and acidity. However, the mild part stands out the most, which is why most people find its mild flavor unattractive.

However, you can leave it unpeeled if you don’t like the taste as the appearance of the dragon fruit is very beautiful.

Unfortunately, the taste of a good dragon fruit can only be described in the context of another cactus fruit. The taste of the best red-skinned, purple-fleshed dragon fruit was the same as that of a very good purple-colored prickly pear (tuna), the fruit of the nopales cactus, but only ten times more concentrated.

Overall we can say that dragon fruit is neither sweet nor sour, it has hints of kiwi essence and a cucumber aftertaste. it is not a particularly tasty fruit; Rather, it is a moderately tasty fruit.

Check out some of the weird fruits around the world

Why should we add dragon fruit to our diet?

Dragon fruit contains a high concentration of antioxidants that protect your cells from damage. It contains prebiotics, which are foods that feed the good bacteria in your gut known as probiotics. Dragon fruit is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants that are beneficial for your immune system.

Dragon fruit helps improve insulin resistance, promotes a healthy heart, and also keeps the liver free of bacteria.

What is the difference between red dragon fruit and white dragon fruit?

Red dragon fruit and white dragon fruit are very different from each other. They differ in color, sweetness, price and nutritional value.

The most common dragon fruits in the market are the red dragon and the white heart.

Dragon fruit is a magical fruit and vegetable that combines fruits, flowers, vegetables, health care and medicine. It is also known as Red Dragon Fruit, Green Dragon Fruit, Fairy Honey Fruit, and Jade Dragon Fruit. Shaped like a large mango, it is not only nutritious but also delicious.

Red dragon fruit has a red skin while the white heart is pure white.

Another important distinction arises from different sugars. The fructose of red heart dragon fruit is usually above 15 degrees, and the sugar of white heart dragon fruit is also around 10 degrees, so red heart dragon fruit is sweeter and better than white heart dragon fruit.

The red dragon has high nutritional value compared to the white heart. Red Heart Dragon Fruit contains more carotene, which boosts immunity and protects the fiber parts of the crystals in both eyes. The fruit is high in anthocyanins, which help prevent hardening of blood vessels and can prevent heart attacks caused by heart attacks and blood clots.

You can have red dragon fruit for nutritional benefits, you can also store it in your fridge.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Star Fruit?

Starfruit contains many beneficial plant compounds. Animal studies have shown that they can reduce inflammation, cholesterol and the risk of fatty liver.

Star fruit is very tasty. It’s low in calories but high in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber. Caution: People with kidney problems should avoid consuming star fruit or consult a doctor before consuming it.

Although there is not that much research on humans, it is observed to be beneficial to humans as well.

Star fruit should not be eaten if you have kidney problems, why?

How do you cut a dragon fruit?

Dragon fruit can be eaten as part of salads and smoothies. It is easy to cut with a simple knife used in our daily life. To eat it, you just have to find a perfectly ripe one.

Here are the following steps to cut a dragon fruit perfectly:

Halve lengthwise with a sharp knife.

Halve lengthwise with a sharp knife. Scoop the fruit out with a spoon or cut into cubes, making vertical and horizontal lines in the flesh without cutting through the skin.

Scoop out the fruit with a spoon or dice it, making vertical and horizontal lines in the flesh without severing the skin. Press on the back of the skin to reveal the cubes, then use your fingers or a spoon to remove them.

on the back of the skin to reveal the cubes, then remove them with your fingers or a spoon. Mix it into salads, smoothies and yoghurt with food or simply snack on it.

If you want to add variety and color to your food, dragon fruit is the best choice for that. It has an amazing appearance along with a delicious taste.

It’s a fruit worth trying.

Red dragon fruit has many health benefits

Final Thoughts

In summary, dragon fruit and star fruit have opposite properties. Star fruit is shaped like a five-pointed star, usually colored yellow. While resembling a cactus, dragon fruit is round and either red or white.

Dragon fruit is juicy and sometimes has a mild taste. Its unique look is what attracts each of them and they try it at least once in their life. Star fruit has a slightly sweet or sour taste.

Dragon fruit strengthens the immune system, contains prebiotics and antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals. Star fruit is low in calories but high in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. They help in the fight against cancer and heart disease. Do not forget that a person with kidney problems should avoid eating star fruit.

Therefore, slicing these fruits is fairly easy, but there are many recipes available online to help you diversify their intake into your diet. They add flavor and color to your diet.

At least once in your life you must taste these two fruits and then you can choose whether or not to make them a part of your diet.

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Averrhoa carambola

tree species

Averrhoa carambola is a species of tree in the family Oxalidaceae native to tropical Southeast Asia;[1] it has a number of common names including carambola, star fruit, and pentagon.[2] It is a small tree or shrub, 5 to 12 m tall, with pink to purplish red flowers. The flowers are small and bell-shaped, with five petals that have whitish edges. The flowers are often produced year-round under tropical conditions. The tree is grown in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible fruits.

Taxonomy [ edit ]

Leaves – Both sides in India


The species in the genus Averrhoa, along with the species in the genus Sarcotheca, are the only woody, tree-like plants belonging to the oxalis family Oxalidaceae. The Oxalis family has nearly 900 species; Most are herbaceous perennials or annual plants native to tropical and subtropical areas, although some also grow in other parts of the world. Averrhoa has sometimes been classified in the Averrhoaceae family.[3] Averrhoa carambola is one of two species in the genus Averrhoa, both have edible fruits; The other species, A. bilimbi, sometimes called the bilimbi or cucumber tree, is restricted to tropical regions. The fruits of A. bilimbi are too acidic to be eaten raw, while the sweet forms of A. carambola are eaten raw. The fruits of A. bilimbi and the acidic forms — which are high in oxalic acid — of A. carambola are pickled and made into jellies, marmalade, and juice.

The genus was named after Abu ‘l-Walīd Muḥammad bin Aḥmad bin Rushd (better known as Ibn Rushd), who was called Averroes in European literature – a famous 12th-century Arab physician,[4] astronomer and philosopher.[5 ]

Earlier synonyms include:[6]

Averrhoa pentandra Blanco, Fl. Filip., 392. 1837.

Blanco, Fl. Filip., 392. 1837. Averrhoa acutangula Stokes, Bot. Mat. Med. vol. 2, 543. 1812.

Stokes, Bot. Mat. Med. vol. 2, 543. 1812. Connaropsis philippica Villar in Blanco, FL. Philip. ed. vol. 3, app. 33. 1880.

The tree and the fruit have many different names, Carambola being the Spanish vernacular of the tree.[4] In English it is called Star Fruit, Five-Corner or Carambola,[7][8] in Malaysia and the Philippines it has numerous names.[5] In Indonesia it is called Belimbing, in Tagalog Balimbing. The related bilimbi is called kamias in Tagalog. In French, the tree is called carambolier and the fruit is called carambole.[2][6]


Averrhoa carambola An illustration of the fruit, leaves and flowers of


Averrhoa carambola is a small, slow-growing evergreen tree with a short trunk or shrub. The branches hang down and the wood is white and turning reddish.[9] It has a bushy shape with many branches forming a broad, rounded crown. The compound leaves are soft, mid-green, arranged in a spiral alternate around the branches. The pinnate leaves have a single terminal leaflet and 5 to 11 nearly opposite leaves, each leaf is 15-20cm long and the 3.8-9cm long leaves are ovate or ovate-oblong in shape. The upper sides of the leaves are smooth and the undersides are finely hairy and whitish. The leaflets are sensitive to light and tend to fold up at night, they are also sensitive to sudden impact and also tend to close when shaken. The lilac or lilac striped downy flowers are produced in the leaf axils at the end of the branches. The flowers are arranged in small clusters at the ends of the branches or sometimes on the larger stalks and trunk, each cluster attached to the tree with red stalks. The bell-shaped, perfect flowers are in lax racemes that are heavily branched with stalked flowers; Each flower is approximately 6mm wide and has 5 petals with reflexed ends. The fruits are conspicuous with an elongated shape: they are 5- to 6-edged in the longitudinal direction and 6.35-15 cm long and up to 9 cm wide. The fruits have a thin, waxy skin that is orange-yellow in color. The juicy fruits are yellow on the inside when ripe and have a crunchy texture and are star-shaped in cross-section. The fruits have an oxalic acid odor that varies from strong to mild depending on the plant, the taste also varies from very sour to slightly sweet. Each fruit can have up to twelve seeds 6–12.5 mm long that are flat, thin, and brown. Some cultivars produce fruit without seeds.[10][11]

Rapid plant movement[edit]

Rapid plant movements can be seen in many plants and there are various mechanisms based on the speed of movement and the situation the plant is in. Some plants can perform moves within 2 seconds, while others take 20 seconds to complete a move. Additionally, in some plants, movement may involve the activation of action potentials,[12] or it may involve changes in water pressure and fluctuations in ions moving in and out of cells. In the Averrhoa carambola plant, it takes about 20 seconds for the leaves to move from their horizontal position to their vertical position. This mechanism involves the flow of ions and water. When the leaves receive an external stimulus (herbivore hands), this is translated into an electrical stimulus, which then leads to the flux of ions (especially potassium and chloride) from the pulvinus. Within the pulvinus there are flexor and extensor cells and this is where the change in potassium and chloride concentration takes place. So as you can see in the diagram [where is the diagram?] when the cell is in its swollen state the leaves are horizontal and the cells are filled with water. So, as chloride and potassium move out of the cells, the water flows out, causing the leaves to align vertically. This movement of the leaves hanging down lasts only a few seconds, as we saw in the video. {Which video?] However, when the leaves or tree are shaken, it activates contractile proteins located in the pulvinus and they cause the leaves to droop.[13]

Drooping leaves have a few advantages: First, it has been hypothesized that drooping leaves make the plant look malnourished and unattractive, forcing herbivores to eat another plant. In addition, moving the plant helps reduce water loss[14] and prevent damage.[15]

The mechanism and reasons for how this movement reduces water loss for plants are not fully understood. However, a known mechanism is the closing of the stomatapores, which are the openings of the plant where gas exchange takes place. It absorbs carbon dioxide, which is important for photosynthesis. This movement of the stomatal pores is carried out by the guard cells that surround the pores. When there is insufficient water in the air, the guard cells are good at releasing K+ ions to the surrounding cells, causing water to leak out of the guard cells.[16] After the water is drawn out, the protective cells as well as the pores of the stomata shrink and this prevents water from escaping through the pores. This information was gleaned from Yahyai’s research on the star fruit tree’s response to varying levels of soil water deficiency. Trees were grown in a greenhouse and there were four levels of soil water depletion. Stoma response, CO 2 levels and perspiration were recorded and then analyzed.

Finally, the drooping motion in the star fruit trees helps reduce leaf damage, protect them from increased leaf temperature, and lose photochemical efficiency (light energy is converted to be used for photosynthesis) by the sun. Excess radiation acts as a stimulus on these leaves and they respond by moving rapidly. It is important that the leaf moves to a position that makes it parallel to the light source as the leaves do not face the sun directly. This information was obtained by recording insolation on leaf area, canopy diameter and root growth. Trees were exposed to the sun at different levels, and how the tree responded was measured and analyzed.[15]


Distribution[ edit ]

Sliced ​​carambola with 7, 6 and the usual 5 points

The center of diversity and the original range of Averrhoa carambola is tropical Southeast Asia, where it has been cultivated since ancient times.[1][17][18] It may have been introduced by Austronesian traders in the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka, along with ancient Austronesian cults such as Langsat and Santol.[19] It is native to Southeast Asia, but since this plant does not occur in the wild, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where it originated.


Averrhoa carambola is best known as star fruit as it is best known for the star-shaped shape it takes when cut. In addition to consumption, the fruit is used in traditional Asian medicine to treat chickenpox, intestinal parasites, headaches, and other ailments. Star fruit contains oxalate, too much of which can be dangerous.

Starfruit juice can be used to remove stains from linen.[20]

Cultivation [ edit ]

fruit, leaves and stem

Averrhoa carambola has a number of different forms that vary in fruit flavor, texture and shape, some are very acidic and some are sweet. The plant is grown in Malaysia and Taiwan, with smaller concentrations in Thailand, Israel, the United States, Brazil, the Philippines, China, Australia, Indonesia, and the warmer parts of India and other areas of the world with the same climate. It has become a commercial crop in many of these places, grown for its edible fruits.[21] The flowers require cross-pollination to produce fruit, so plants grown from seed are variable. Plants can flower and bear fruit about a year after seed germination. Larger plants can flower all year round in tropical areas as long as the environmental conditions are suitable, plants can have flowers, immature and ripe fruits at the same time. Under different climatic and environmental conditions, plants tend to flower in spring and then again and again throughout the rest of the year. Many different cultivars are grown, most selected to optimize fruit flavor and maximum fruit production for specific growing areas, with each country or region having its own specific selection.[21]

Averrhoa carambola shrub

Toxicology [ edit ]

Like some other plants in the Oxalidaceae family, its fruits are rich in oxalic acid, which is toxic in high concentrations.

There have been reports of poisoning in dialysis and uremia patients caused by a neurotoxin present in the fruit called caramboxin[22][23]. This toxin is normally filtered by the kidneys, but dialysis patients or patients with kidney failure can experience severe symptoms after drinking the fruit juice, which in some cases can be fatal.[24]

Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit

Starfruit (Carambola or Averrhoa Starfruit) is a fruit found in tropical areas. It originally comes from Asia. The fruit gets its name because it is shaped like a star when sliced. It can be yellow or greenish and tastes bitter to sweet.

Studies show that star fruit consumption can have a harmful (toxic) effect on people with kidney disease. The substances contained in the star fruit can affect the brain and cause neurological disorders. This toxic substance is called a neurotoxin. People with healthy, normal kidneys can process this toxin and eliminate it from their bodies. However, this is not possible for people with kidney disease. The toxin remains in the body and causes serious illness.

Symptoms of star fruit poisoning include:


mental confusion


death (in severe cases)

If you have kidney disease, it’s important to avoid star fruit and talk to your doctor or nutritionist to learn more about the effects of star fruit or other fruits you may be unsure about.

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