Dream About Black Stuff Coming Out Of Mouth? Top Answer Update

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “dream about black stuff coming out of mouth“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: https://chewathai27.com/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

What does black represent in a dream?

It can represent a bad situation for you or something dark going on in your life. It may also represent mystery or death, as well as feeling unloved. In your dream, the blackness could represent you trying to swim through your subconscious, or it could be a representation of death to an old life.

What do mouth dreams mean?

Mouth dream fortune

The “mouth” can utter words and eat things because it is a part of the body. Dream fortune-telling represents “communication” because it communicates with others through the lips, as well as “vital force” because it consumes food as a source of nourishment.

Is black in dream normal?

Over all, 12 percent of people dream entirely in black and white. Go back a half-century, and television’s impact on our closed-eye experiences becomes even clearer. In the 1940s, studies showed that three-quarters of Americans, including college students, reported “rarely” or “never” seeing any color in their dreams.

What does it mean when you dream about pulling something out of your teeth?

Dreams about pulling teeth can be interpreted as anything from an indication that something needs to come out of one’s life to a feeling of pulling yourself too hard in some situation or life event. If someone else is pulling at your teeth, it could mean they are trying to get something from you.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

Dreams about teeth, their meaning and symbolism have been the subject of speculation for millennia. As with any dream analysis, the meaning of different images can be very subjective, depending on the association of the dreamed person. Interestingly, teeth as the central dream image are among the most common images reported in dreams around the world in many different cultures.

The many interpretations of tooth dreams

Tooth dreams may have the subject breaking, rotting, missing or pulling. One of the most popular dreams is tooth loss. This has been interpreted to symbolize everything from regret at the words escaping our mouths to the fear of failure. In some cultures, this dream can mean the death of a loved one and has even corresponded to premonitions. In other cases, it has been associated with the end of an important relationship.

Dreams about teeth pulling can be interpreted as anything from an indication that something needs to come out of one’s life to a feeling of pulling yourself too hard in a situation or life event. If someone else pulls your teeth, it could mean they’re trying to get something from you. Sometimes people experience teeth extraction dreams when they have a toothache and are nervous about going to the dentist.

Tooth dreams as reflections of ourselves

Probably the most common dream that people experience at least once in their lives is one in which our teeth are rotting. This dream is said to be associated with our fears and anxieties, and also with our concerns about how other people might perceive us. Broken or chipped teeth can indicate a feeling that something inside us is broken or that some aspect of our lives needs repairing.

According to Jungian psychotherapist Richard Nicoletti, dreams of falling teeth can be associated with feelings of threatened survival. Recurring dreams about teeth falling out may be related to a general feeling that your life is getting out of control or that there are multiple concerns that are affecting your ability to feel secure. If you dream that someone else’s teeth are falling out, it may indicate an excessive fear of that person in waking life.

On the other hand, dreams of shiny, straight teeth can indicate feelings of confidence and self-assurance, or peace and contentment about a certain situation. To dream of a person or pet with beautiful teeth can express feelings that the relationship with that person is a source of joy and induces a sense of trust.

Of course, dreams about teeth may not be symbolic at all. If you have real problems with your teeth or are worried about them, you may have dreams about them at night. If you have troubling or painful symptoms, or are preparing for oral surgery, you may have pain at night that keeps you from sleeping and also gives you disturbing dreams.

The field of dream interpretation is a very subjective one. Although there are many theories about dreams and different methods to analyze and interpret them, mostly it is a cryptic method to uncover hidden aspects of the unconscious. By tracking their progress and noting images and situations that repeat themselves regularly, we can learn more about ourselves, our fears, and our desires.

Perhaps because our teeth are such a vulnerable part of our body, so easily damaged or broken, they are a natural choice for our subconscious to focus on as metaphors for our deepest fears and anxieties. Whatever you believe, when you dream about teeth you are most likely dealing with something personal that is affecting you on a deep emotional level.

Either that or you’re overdue for your next dental exam…

What does the color black mean in a dream biblically?

Most commonly, when the context is positive, the colour black in dreams represents mystery, in the biblical sense of the word. This is how God most often uses it in my dreams – and I love it! Our modern idea of mystery suggests something unknown that cannot be understood or explained.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

Biblical symbolism of the color black in dreams, what that means in practice, with real dream examples.

Have you ever wondered what the color black means as a dream symbol?

In this article, I take inspiration from the Bible to explore the potential spiritual meaning of dreams.

We’ll delve into the mystery of its symbolism in positive and negative contexts, including some real dream examples!

I approach dream interpretation from a biblical perspective. My belief is that our dreams can come from God and are best understood in the context of an ongoing relationship with Him.

The symbolic nature of dreams

Firstly, if you just came across this post and are new to dream interpretation, it is worth noting that dreams are symbolic in nature. You may find it helpful to Understand Your Dreams: A Biblical Introduction to Dream Language and my 3-Step Dream Interpretation Method to give you a foundation.

Second, remember that dreams are personal, so the meanings I suggest may not apply to your specific dream. But please feel free to use my ideas as a springboard to start thinking and praying about dreams for yourself. Don’t take my ideas as gospel, let them help you think metaphorically.

Introduction to the color black

Black is a wonderful color. In decoration it is the darkest color in the palette – due to its complete absorption of light. It exudes elegance and sophistication. Over the centuries it has had many different cultural associations.

The color black is sometimes negatively contextualized in films and media (think of the Black Riders in The Lord of the Rings, for example). However, the color often appears in my dreams in a positive context. That’s what I want to focus on.

As with any dream symbol, black can have both positive and negative meanings in dreams. The context, feeling, and atmosphere of a dream give us clues that help us decide whether to interpret it positively or negatively.

Positive meaning of black: mystery

Most commonly, when the context is positive, the color black in dreams represents mystery in the biblical sense of the word. This is how God uses it most often in my dreams – and I love it!

Our modern conception of mysteries suggests something unknown that cannot be understood or explained. It’s “black” because you can’t see it. However, that doesn’t adequately describe what we’re talking about.

Mystery has a deeper meaning in the Bible. It feels like something secret and hidden, but it also carries the hope that God has hidden it for us to find. It tells us that there is something to seek and to discover. It carries the excitement of a treasure hunt!

The secret is black because you cannot see it now, but it holds a promise that you will see and understand in due course.

Examples of mysteries in the Bible

Here are some examples from the Bible that illustrate this:

Daniel 2:47, NASB The king answered Daniel and said, “Surely your God is the God of gods and Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, since you were able to reveal this mystery.”

The king answered Daniel and said: “Surely your God is the God of gods and Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, since you were able to reveal these things.” Mark 4:11, NASB And He (Jesus) said to them: “You have been given the mystery of the kingdom of God.

And He (Jesus) said to them: “The kingdom of God has been given to you. Colossians 1:26, NASB…the mystery that was hidden ages and generations past, but has now been revealed to His saints.

..that which was hidden ages and generations past, but has now been revealed to His saints. 1 Corinthians 15:51, NASB Behold, I tell you a secret. ..

Behold, I tell you a.. Revelation 17:7, NASB And the angel said to me: “Why do you wonder? I’ll tell you the secret…”

In each of these examples we can see that something was not initially understood but was revealed at the right time! There is a feeling of understanding something that was not understood before. How exciting!

Real dream examples: Black as a mystery

I’ve included some examples from my own dreams in hindsight in the table below so you can see how this works in practice:

DREAM INTERPRETATION EXPLANATION I was walking through a forest looking for a black bear, and then I suddenly spotted one on the path right in front of me. This dream was given to me at a time when I was seeking God for something and wanted to give up. The dream told me not to give up because the answer would be right in front of me when the time came. Our family recently vacationed in the US in the mountains and I was dying to see a black bear! So I knew this was a positive dream symbol for me. A scene at the end of a long dream – I was taken to a hotel and given a nice new black skirt to replace my old one. I would get a new role that I couldn’t imagine at the time of dreaming. It would be revealed in due course, so I could be patient and hold on to that hope. Clothing in dreams often represents what we are called to do and whether we are equipped for that task. The black skirt was positive because it carried the hope of something beautiful and new. I got a necklace that consisted of alternating dark pink and black beads. God encouraged me that as my relationship with Him deepened, new insights and understandings would come to me. Pink can be about our relationship with God. The deep color suggested that deeper intimacy would come with revealing secrets.

More positive meanings of black

Here are a few other positive uses of black I’ve found in the Bible:

Song of Songs 5:11, NIV says: “His head is of purest gold; his hair is wavy and jet black.” Black hair in this quote is a symbol of youth, attractiveness and vitality. There are no gray hairs here!

Psalm 97:2, NIV says of God, “Clouds and dense darkness surround him,” so sometimes darkness can be positive and represent God’s presence. For example, a black cloud in a dream could be God.

Negative meaning of black: darkness

I think we sometimes use the word “black” when we actually mean “darkness”. For example, we use it to describe stormy conditions (like in black clouds) or to refer to night time. This is certainly true in the Bible, and correlates with the idea of ​​the absence of light rather than color itself. Consider the following verses:

1 Kings 18:45, NASB After a while the sky turned black with clouds and wind, and there was a heavy shower

In a little while the sky grew with clouds and wind, and there was a heavy shower Proverbs 7:9, YLT In the twilight—evening of the day, In the darkness of the night and darkness.

In the twilight – in the evening of the day, In the darkness of night and night. Jeremiah 4:28, YLT The land mourns over it, and the heavens above are black.

From the dream perspective, black can also be used to represent something that is not of God. As we have just seen, this has more to do with a lack of light or a lack of God’s presence. This could be the case when we find ourselves acting independently of God, or it could be from the “enemy” in Christian language. This could be a black object, or the dream is set in a dark place or at night.

More on this topic… The importance of background color and atmosphere in dreams

Black is also sometimes used in the Bible to represent things like famines or difficult times (e.g. the black horse in Revelation 6).

True dream examples: Black as darkness

Here are some other examples from my own dreams where the context or atmosphere of the dream indicated to me that the color black was being used in a negative context.

Note, however, that the interpretation was still positive and God used the dreams to give me courage and hope. It’s really important!

DREAM INTERPRETATION EXPLANATION In the dream I was wearing a dark or black costume in a shady place. The whole dream was dark. I did something I shouldn’t have done because it was my idea, not God’s. The dream gave me the opportunity to change direction. The place felt “dodgy,” suggesting that this was negative context and that God was not in what I was doing. In late 2019 I dreamed I saw a huge black cloud rising in the air behind Windsor Castle, then coming towards us. A great fight ensued and I had to stop what I was doing to escape. This indicated that difficult times were ahead in the UK and that this would have an impact on my work. This proved prophetic for COVID-19 affecting the UK. Windsor Castle represented England to me. Here the black cloud is a negative context. This dream later encouraged me because I could see that God knew all along what was to come. A few years ago I dreamed that a church leader rushed in and told me a storm was going to pass, then I saw it pass. It was pitch black. This dream warned me that our church would be going through a difficult time, but it would pass. Black is used here

means darkness, which in turn indicates difficult or stormy times. But it gave me courage to know that we would get through this.


In a positive context, black usually represents mystery (something good that needs to be discovered or understood in due course). In a negative sense, it symbolizes difficult times in general.

Here are a few final thoughts:

The color black in a dream could represent a number of things. The ideas above should give you a good starting point.

I believe that only God can tell us what it means in a specific dream, so you could try asking Him!

Consider the atmosphere and context of the dream to see if the color is being used in a positive or negative sense.

In addition to the biblical meanings I have shared, keep in mind that it may mean something personal or cultural to you that is not mentioned here.

Of course, dreams are an excellent way for God to reveal heavenly secrets to us. And now that you understand the biblical meaning of black, you can seek these treasures in your dreams!

If this article helped you interpret a dream, please leave a comment below!

I hope you found this article helpful. If you want to know more, subscribe to my emails below for regular dream interpretation tips.

The purpose of this blog is to provide solid biblical foundations for interpreting dreams, changing mindsets in the church, and encouraging others to take their own dream journey with God. I am first and foremost an author and Bible teacher – who loves dreams, and I hope you will be inspired to learn to interpret your own dreams.

It is not currently my goal to routinely engage in dream interpretation or offer training other than through blog posting. You can read my most recent position on dream interpretation here: Dream Interpretation Inquiries.

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Do psychopaths dream in black and white?

“I do remember the schizophrenics usually dreamed in color—the more intense a dream, the more likely it’s going to be in color—but the psychopaths, if they managed to have a dream at all, dreamed in black-and-white.”

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation



It was the French psychiatrist Philippe Pinel who first suggested in the early 1800s that there is insanity that does not involve mania, depression, or psychosis. He called it “manie sans delire” – madness without delusions. He said those affected appeared normal on the surface but lacked impulse control and were prone to violent outbursts. It wasn’t until 1891, when the German doctor J.L.A. Koch published his book The Psychopathic Inferiorities, that it got its name: Psychopathy.

Back then – in the days before Bob Hare – the definitions were rudimentary. The Mental Health Act 1959 for England and Wales described a psychopath simply as “a persistent disorder or mental handicap (with or without subnormality of intelligence) resulting in unusually aggressive or seriously irresponsible behavior on the part of the patient and requiring or being amenable to medical treatment.” subsceptible.”

The consensus from the start was that only 1 percent of people had it, but the havoc they caused was so widespread that it could actually reshape society, reshape everything wrong, like someone breaking their foot and doing it badly becomes hardened and the bones stick out in strange directions. And so the pressing question became: How can psychopaths be cured?

In the late 1960s, a young Canadian psychiatrist thought he had the answer. His name was Elliott Barker. His odd story has all but faded now, save for the occasional fleeting cameo — a once-lovely but now-battered 1960s star — in the obituary of a hopeless Canadian serial killer, but back then, his peer group watched his experiments with great excitement. He seemed to be on the verge of something extraordinary.

I encountered references to him in the weeks following my visit to Tony at Broadmoor and Essi Viding as I attempted to understand the meaning of psychopathy. There were hints of his warm-heartedness; his childish if odd idealism; his willingness to travel to the furthest reaches of his imagination in his attempts to cure psychopaths. These were phrases I hadn’t seen anywhere else in reports on psychiatric initiatives in institutions for the criminally insane, so I started emailing him and his friends.

“Elliott is very deep and doesn’t allow interviews,” emailed a former colleague of his, who asked not to be named. “He’s a sweet man who to this day has a lot of enthusiasm for helping people.”

“I don’t know of anything that compares to what Elliott Barker did,” wrote another, Richard Weisman, a social sciences professor at York University in Toronto who authored a brilliant paper on Barker, via email: “Reflections on the Oak Ridge Experiment with Mentally Disordered Offenders” – for the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. “It was a unique synthesis of a number of different cultural trends in Canada in the ’60s, and Elliott was fortunate to have a remarkably free hand in his improvisations.”

I became quite obsessed with putting the Oak Ridge story together. I fired off emails to no avail: “Dear Elliott, I don’t usually get through this much and I apologize for that” and “Is there some way I can convince you to talk to me?” and “I promise this will be my last E email will be if I don’t hear from you!”

And then I got lucky. While other potential interviewees might find my somewhat fanatical determination strange, maybe even unnerving, Elliott and his fellow former Oak Ridge psychiatrists found it appealing, and the more I bullied them, the more they grew quietly warm to me. Eventually they started to open up and answer my emails.

It all started in the mid-1960s. Elliott Barker was then an aspiring psychiatrist, fresh out of college. As he pondered his career path, he began reading in psychiatric journals about the emergence of radical therapeutic communities in which the old hierarchies of the wise therapist and the incompetent patient had been torn down and replaced with something more experimental. Intrigued, he and his young wife took out a bank loan and embarked on a year-long odyssey around the world to visit as many of these places as possible.

In Palm Springs, California, he heard about nude psychotherapy sessions being conducted under the guidance of a psychotherapist named Paul Bindrim. The hotel where the sessions took place combined (as the promotional material said at the time) “abundant in trees and wildlife” with the facilities of a “high quality resort”. There, Bindrim asked his fully clothed clients, who were strangers to each other and were usually middle- to upper-class Californian freethinkers and movie stars, to first “eye the eye,” then hug and wrestle, and then in the dark and to the company of new-age -Music remove their “clothes tower”. They would sit naked in a circle, emit a “meditation-like hum,” and then dive headfirst into a 24-hour nonstop nude psychotherapy session, an emotional and mystical rollercoaster ride during which participants would scream and scream and sob and confess their innermost fears and worries.

“Physical nudity,” Bindrim explained to visiting journalists, “facilitates emotional nudity and therefore accelerates psychotherapy.”

Bindrim’s most controversial idea was what he dubbed the “Gryphon Eye”. He instructed one participant to sit in the center of the circle with their legs raised. He then ordered the others to stare at that person’s genitals and anus, sometimes for hours, while sporadically shouting, “Here it is! Here we are so damn negatively conditioned!”

Sometimes he instructed the participants to address their genitals directly. One journalist who attended a session—Jane Howard of Life Magazine—reported a conversation between Bindrim and a participant named Lorna in her 1970 book Please Touch: A Guided Tour of the Human Potential Movement.

“Tell Katy what’s happening in your crotch,” Bindrim ordered her. Katy was Lorna’s vagina. “Say, ‘Katy, this is where I shit, fuck, piss and masturbate.'”

There was an awkward silence.

“I think Katy already knows that,” Lorna finally answered.

Many travelers in California’s human potential movement felt nude psychotherapy was a step too far, but Elliott found the idea intoxicating on his odyssey.

A nude psychotherapy session with Paul Bindrim photographed by Ralph Crane on December 1, 1968.

Elliott’s odyssey took him further, to Turkey and Greece and West Berlin and East Berlin and Japan and Korea and Hong Kong. His most inspirational day was in London when he (as he emailed me) “met with [legendary radical psychiatrists] R.D. Laing and D.G. Cooper and visited Kingsley Hall, their therapeutic community for schizophrenics.”

As it happened, Adrian, the son of R.D. Laing, runs a law practice just a few blocks from my home in north London. And so, in an effort to understand Elliott’s influences, I called to see if he could tell me about Kingsley Hall.

Adrian Laing is a slim, slender man. He has his father’s face but on a less intimidating body.

“The point about Kingsley Hall,” he said, “was that people could go there and process their insanity. My father believed that if you let the insanity run its course without intervention—without lobotomies and drugs and straightjackets and all the horrible things they did in mental institutions back then—he would burn himself out, like an LSD trip, his takes away through the system.”

“What might Elliott Barker have seen when he visited Kingsley Hall?” I asked.

“Some rooms were seductively draped in Indian silk,” said Adrian. “Schizophrenics like Ian Spurling – who eventually became Freddie Mercury’s costume designer – danced and sang and painted and recited poetry and mingled with freethinking celebrities like Timothy Leary and Sean Connery.” Adrian paused. “And then there were other, less beguiling rooms, like Mary Barnes’ shit room down in the basement.”

“Mary Barnes’ shit room?” I asked. “You mean like the worst room in the house?”

“I was seven when I first went to Kingsley Hall,” said Adrian. “My dad said to me, ‘There’s a very special person down there in the basement who wants to meet you.’ So I went there and the first thing I said was, ‘What smells like shit?'”

The smell of shit came, Adrian told me, from a chronic schizophrenic named Mary Barnes. She represented a conflict at Kingsley Hall. Laing appreciated madness very much. He believed that the insane possessed a special knowledge – only they understood the true madness that pervaded society. But Mary Barnes, down in the basement, hated being crazy. It was torture for her, and she desperately wanted to be normal.

Your needs have won. Laing and his fellow psychiatrists at Kingsley Hall encouraged her to revert to the infantile state in hopes that she might eventually grow up again, but sane. The plan didn’t go well. She was constantly naked, smeared herself and the walls with her own excrement, communicated only through squeaks and refused to eat unless someone fed her from a bottle.

“The smell of Mary Barnes’ shit turned out to be a real ideological problem,” Adrian said. “They used to talk about it for a long time. Mary needed the freedom to roll in her own shit, but the smell would interfere with other people’s freedom to smell fresh air. So they spent a lot of time formulating some shitty policy.”

“And what about your father?” I asked. “How was he in the midst of all this?”

Adrian coughed. “Well,” he said, “the downside of not having barriers between doctors and patients was that everyone became a patient.”

There was silence. “When I envisioned Kingsley Hall, I envisioned everyone becoming a doctor,” I said. “I think I was pretty optimistic about humanity.”

“No,” Adrian said. “Everyone became a patient. Kingsley Hall was very wild. There was an unhealthy respect for madness. The first thing my dad did was lose himself completely, go insane because part of him was insane. In his case, it was drunken savage madness.”

“It’s an incredibly depressing thought,” I said, “that when you’re in a room and there’s madness on one end and sanity on the other end, it’s human nature to go to the end of madness.”

Adrian nodded. He said visitors like Elliott Barker had been kept away from the darkest corners, like Mary Barnes’ shit room and his father’s drunken madness, and instead turned to Indian silks and the delightful poetry evenings with Sean Connery.

“By the way,” I said, “have you ever managed to formulate a successful shit policy?”

“Yes,” Adrian said. “A colleague of my dad said, ‘She wants to paint with her shit. Maybe we should give her colors.’ And it worked.”

Mary Barnes eventually became an acclaimed and widely exhibited artist. Her paintings were much admired in the 1960s and 1970s because they illustrated the crazy, colourful, painful, exuberant, complicated inner workings of a schizophrenic.

“And it got rid of the shit smell,” Adrian said.

Elliott Barker returned from London, his head a jumble of radical ideas gleaned from his odyssey, and applied for work in a psychopath ward at Oak Ridge Hospital for the criminally insane in Ontario. Impressed by the details of his great journey, the hospital management offered him a job.

The psychopaths he encountered in his early days at Oak Ridge were nothing like R.D. Laing’s schizophrenics. Though they were undoubtedly insane, you would never know. They seemed perfectly ordinary. This, Elliott concluded, was because they buried their insanity deep under a facade of normalcy. If only the madness could be brought to the surface somehow, maybe it would work itself through and they could be reborn as empathic humans. The alternative was harsh: if their personalities could not be radically altered, these young men were destined for life imprisonment.

And so he successfully applied for permission from the Canadian government to obtain a large quantity of LSD from a government-approved laboratory, Connaught Laboratories, University of Toronto. He selected a group of psychopaths (“They were chosen on the basis of their verbal ability and most are relatively young and intelligent offenders between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five,” he explained in the October 1968 issue of the Canadian Journal of Corrections); led her into what he called the Total Encounter Capsule, a small room painted bright green; and asked her to take off her clothes. This was truly going to be a radical milestone: the world’s first marathon nude psychotherapy session for criminal psychopaths.

Elliott’s raw, nude, LSD-fueled sessions lasted epic 11-day stretches. The psychopaths spent every waking moment traveling into their darkest corners to try to get better. There were no distractions – no television, no clothes, no clocks, no calendars, just constant discussion (at least a hundred hours a week) about her feelings. When they got hungry, they sucked food through straws sticking out through the walls. As in Paul Bindrim’s own nude psychotherapy sessions, patients were encouraged to go to their roughest emotional places, screaming and clawing at walls and confessing fantasies of forbidden sexual longing for one another, even if they were to share it in the words of an inside Oak Ridge report of the time, “in a state of excitement about it”.

I suspect that in the context of a Palm Springs resort hotel, this would have been a more comfortable experience than a safe haven for psychopathic killers.

Elliott himself was absent, watching from behind a one-way mirror. He wouldn’t be the one treating the psychopaths. They would tear down the bourgeois constructs of traditional psychotherapy and be each other’s psychiatrists.

There were some accidentally weird touches. For example, visitors to the unit were an inevitable inconvenience. There would be tour groups of local teenagers: a government initiative to demystify asylums. This caused Elliott a problem. How could he ensure that the presence of strangers didn’t riddle the radical atmosphere he had spent months creating? And then he had a brainwave. He acquired some particularly grisly crime scene photos of people who had taken their own lives in gruesome ways, such as shooting themselves in the face, and hung them around visitors’ necks. Everywhere the psychopaths looked, they would be confronted with the terrifying reality of violence.

Elliott’s early accounts were grim. The atmosphere in the capsule was tense. Psychopaths would glare at each other angrily. Days passed when nobody exchanged a word. Some uncooperative prisoners were particularly resentful at being forced by their fellow psychopaths to participate in a sub-program in which they had to have intense discussions about why they didn’t want to intensely discuss their feelings. Others took offense at being forced to wear little girl-style dresses (a punishment developed by psychopaths for non-cooperation in the program). Also, nobody liked looking up to see a teenager staring curiously at them through the window, with a giant crime scene photograph dangling around their neck. Despite all the good intentions, the whole thing seemed doomed to failure.

I was able to locate a former Oak Ridge inmate who had been invited by Elliott to participate in the program. Today Steve Smith runs a plexiglass shop in Vancouver. He had a prosperous and normal life. But back in the late 1960s, he was a teenage loafer who was locked up in Oak Ridge for thirty days in the winter of 1968 after being caught stealing a car while tripping on LSD.

“I remember Elliott Barker coming into my cell,” Steve told me. “He was charming, reassuring. He put his arm around my shoulders. He called me Steve. It was the first time anyone used my first name there. He asked me if I thought I was mentally ill. I said I thought I wasn’t. “Well, I’m telling you,” he said, “I think you’re a very skilled psychopath. I want you to know that there are people like you here who have been imprisoned for more than twenty years. But we have a program here that can help you get over your illness.” So there I was, only eighteen at the time, had a car stolen so wasn’t exactly the criminal of the century, locked in a rubber room with one for 11 days Bunch of psychopaths, we were all high on scopolamine [a type of hallucinogen] and they were all staring at me.”

“What did they say to you?”

“For being there to help me.”

“What is your most vivid memory of your days in the program?” I asked.

“I went in and out of delirium,” Steve said. “Once when I regained consciousness, I saw that they had me strapped to Peter Woodcock.”

“Who is Peter Woodcock?” I asked.

“Look him up on Wikipedia,” he said.

Peter Woodcock (born March 5, 1939) is a Canadian serial killer and child rapist who murdered three young children in Toronto, Canada, in 1956 and 1957 when he was a teenager. Woodcock was arrested in 1957, declared legally insane, and placed in Oak Ridge, a psychiatric facility in Penetanguishene, Ontario.


“That sounds awkward,” I said. “Oh. I just found a video interview with him.”

PETER WOODCOCK: I’m sorry children died but I felt like God. It was the power of God over a man.

INTERVIEWER: Why was that important to you?

WOODCOCK: It was the pleasure it gave me. I have very little joy in anything else in life. But in strangling children I found measure and a sense of pleasure. And of performance. Because it felt so good, I wanted to duplicate it. And so I went in search of duplication.

INTERVIEWER: People would be shocked to hear that you consider this an achievement.

WOODCOCK: I know, but I’m sorry, this isn’t for sensitive ears. This is a terrible recitation. I’m as honest as I can.

—The Mask of Sanity (BBC DOCUMENTARY)

“Why were you strapped to Peter Woodcock?” I asked Steve.

“He was my ‘buddy’ and made sure I got through the drug trip safely.”

“What did he say to you?”

“That he was there to help me.”

That’s all Steve said about his time with Peter Woodcock. He portrayed it as a fleeting hallucinatory nightmare. But a few months later, in March 2010, when I emailed Steve to ask if he had heard the news that Woodcock had just died, he replied, “This makes me cringe. Goddamn! You see, I have a deep but unintended connection to this monster. We had matching small floral tattoos on both of our right forearms. We did it together – typical prison tattoos.”

Getting a matching tattoo of a multiple child killer was exactly the kind of twisted thing that happened in the Oak Ridge Capsule, Steve said, where nothing made sense, where reality was misshapen by LSD, where psychopaths are all around you Walls clawed around where everyone was sleep deprived, and Elliott Barker watched from behind a one-way mirror.

But then, as the weeks rolled into months, something unexpected happened. The transformation was captured by a CBC documentary filmmaker, Norm Perry, who was invited to Oak Ridge by Elliott in 1971. It’s an incredibly moving film. These tough young prisoners are changing before our eyes. They learn to take care of each other in the capsule.

“I love the way you speak,” says one prisoner to another. There is real tenderness in his voice. “You just let it flow out of you like you own all the words in the world. They are your personal property and you make them dance for you.”

We see Elliott in his office and the look of happiness on his face is quite heartbreaking. He tries to hide it, tries to assume an air of professionalism, but it shows. His psychopaths have gone soft. Some even tell their parole board not to consider release until their therapy is complete. The authorities are amazed. Patients never ask not to be let out.

By the mid-1970s, the Oak Ridge milieu was becoming a little, if anything, too pretty. At this point, Elliott – tired and a bit burned out and looking for a break – stepped down for a while and a child prodigy, a young psychiatrist named Gary Maier, took over the helm. Oak Ridge staff have been relatively silent about what happened under Gary Maier’s leadership. “He wasn’t Elliott, that’s for sure,” wrote a staffer via email, who asked not to be named. “While Elliott was by all accounts a conservative-looking guy, despite the outlandish treatment ideas, Gary was a long-haired, sandaled hippie.”

Today Gary Maier lives in Madison, Wisconsin. He is semi-retired but still practices psychiatry in two maximum security prisons there. When I met him for breakfast at the Ambassador Hotel in downtown Milwaukee, he told me how he first heard about Elliott’s program. It was at a government-sponsored recruitment seminar for psychiatric graduates. Barry Boyd, who chaired Oak Ridge, was one of the speakers. He praised Elliott in front of the audience and shared the program’s many success stories.

“Like Matt Lamb,” Gary said. “Apparently this Matt Lamb guy had been killing people.” (Nineteen-year-old Matt Lamb was hiding behind a tree near a bus stop in Windsor, Ontario, in January 1967 when a group of young people walked by. He jumped behind the tree shot out and shot out without saying a word. Two of them, a twenty-year-old girl and a twenty-one-year-old boy, died.) “And when they asked him what it was like to kill those strangers, he said it was like crushing bugs . He was one of Elliott. . . I wouldn’t want to say all-stars, but he had about as cold a personality as psychopaths and he really seemed to be warming up and benefiting from the program.”

When Barry Boyd told the story of Matt Lamb at the recruitment seminar, some of the psychiatric graduates gasped to hear that he was now a free man declared cured in 1973, a Capsule success story, and with Elliott and his family lived on her farm, peacefully passed his days whitewashing fences and contemplating his future. It had remained undisturbed, but the consensus was that psychopaths inevitably descended into chaos. Inviting Matt Lamb to live with him was a huge leap of faith, like a lion tamer sharing a house with his lion.

But Gary didn’t gasp. He clasped his hands in delight. At the end of the night he approached Barry Boyd.

“If a job ever opens up at Oak Ridge . . .” he told him. Coincidentally, Elliott was looking for an employee, and a few weeks later they offered Gary the job.

That evening, Gary had a spontaneous out-of-body experience. He took it as a sign that it was right.

“And how did you feel on your first day at work?” I asked.

“I felt right at home,” Gary said.

Gary has the thick, muscular body of a prison guard, but the goatee and kind eyes of a 67-year-old hippie. He said he saw the men of Oak Ridge back then as kind-hearted searching souls, just like he was. He looked them in the eyes and did not fear them.

“When you look into another person’s eyes, you can only see as far as their closed door,” he said. “So take this opportunity to knock on that door. If he doesn’t want to open the door, bow to him and say, “That’s okay. When you’re ready.’ ”

“What would be behind their closed doors?” I asked.

“Freedom,” Gary said.

And there was freedom in Oak Ridge, Gary said, freedom everywhere: “One guy had a real crush on another guy who lived in a different community. He would see him in the yard. So he just left his body, went through the walls, made love to the guy, and then came back to his cell. We all said he should go ahead as long as he was gentle. He personally updated me on their lovemaking. I have no idea what that other guy went through.” Gary laughed sadly. “I haven’t had that memory for a long time,” he said.

Those were the best days of Gary’s life. He knew how to heal these men.

“I honestly believe I did a job that most Canadian psychiatrists couldn’t do,” he said. And the hospital administration had enough faith in him to allow him to take his psychopaths on a voyage into uncharted waters. Like the dream group.

“People dream, and I wanted to capture what’s going on in their dreams,” Gary said. “Before they went to bed, I would have them hold hands and say, ‘Let me live my dream life in this community.’ And then they would go to sleep peacefully and dream.”

When they woke up, they went straight to the dream group, which was made up of equal parts psychopaths and schizophrenics.

“The problem,” Gary said, “was that the schizophrenics had incredibly vivid dreams — dream after dream after dream — but the psychopaths would be lucky if they had a dream at all.”

“Why do schizophrenics dream more than psychopaths?” I asked.

“I do not know.” Gary laughed. “I remember that the schizophrenics usually dreamed in color – the more intense a dream, the more likely it is in color – but the psychopaths, if they had a dream at all, dreamed in black and white.”

All of this led to a power imbalance. At regular group meetings, Gary said, the schizophrenics would be subservient to the psychopaths, “but all of a sudden the poor psychopaths had to sit and listen to the schizophrenics talk about dream one, dream two, dream three. . .”

When it came time for the patients to vote on whether to continue the dream group, the schizophrenics said yes, but the psychopaths loudly argued against it and won.

“Just because of the power struggle?” I asked.

“Well, there it was,” Gary said, “and who wants to listen to a schizophrenic’s boring dream?”

Then there was the mass singing.

“We’ll do that after lunch. We sang Om for maybe twenty-five minutes. It was so enjoyable for the boys. The station sounded like some kind of echo chamber and soon they started singing Om in harmony.” Gary paused. “We used to have visits from psychiatrists. One day one of them was singing along when she suddenly jumped up and ran out of the room. It was pretty embarrassing. We found her outside in the corridor. She said: “Being in that room was like a freight train trying to run me over. I just had to get out of there.’”

“She panicked?”

“She panicked,” Gary said. “She thought she was going to lose control and be attacked in some way.”

Gary’s most vivid memories of Oak Ridge were of gentle psychopaths learning and growing, but foolish psychiatrists and security guards conspiring to spoil everything. That’s exactly what happened, he said, when it all went too far, when it all sort of became Heart of Darkness.

Concerns have been expressed about the direction of recent developments in treatment. The use of LSD appears to be undergoing some changes from the approach originally approved [along with] the introduction of mystical concepts. Ich möchte Sie bitten, diese Aspekte Ihres Programms sanft zu deeskalieren.


„Okay, du hast das Memo gesehen“, sagte Gary. “Ah.”

“What happened?”

Gary stieß einen Seufzer aus. “Recht . . .“ er begann.

Gary bat mich, darüber nachzudenken, was passiert, wenn einer von uns – egal wie alt wir sind – an Weihnachten nach Hause geht, um unsere Eltern zu besuchen. Es spielt keine Rolle, wie weise und einsichtig das Erwachsenenleben uns gemacht hat. „Zwei Tage mit deinen Eltern an Weihnachten und ihr werdet alle auf die tiefste Ebene der Pathologie der Familie zurückgeworfen.“

Er hatte genau das gleiche Problem bei Oak Ridge. „Wir würden diesen Typen LSD geben. Sie hatten diese Marathon-Wochenenden, und sie wechselten, aber dann gingen sie zurück in eine allgemeine Abteilung, die für die Veränderung nicht bereit war. Also würden sie gleich zurückgeschlagen werden.“

Zwei Schritte vor, zwei Schritte zurück. Wenn nur die gesamte allgemeine Abteilung – jeder Psychopath am ganzen Ort – irgendwie gleichzeitig metaphysische Erleuchtung erlangen könnte . . .

Und dann kam es zu ihm: ein Massen-LSD-Trip! Es war radikal, aber kritisch, der einzige Weg, die tiefe Pathologie der Station zu durchbrechen.

„Ich sah es als Höhepunkt all der Dinge, die ich getan hatte“, sagte Gary. „Geben Sie allen gleichzeitig den Übergangsritus von LSD. Oder über ein paar Tage. Nun, das war sehr ärgerlich für das Sicherheitspersonal. Sie kamen zur Arbeit und ich sagte zu ihnen: ‚Lasst die Jungs einfach in Ruhe.‘“

Und so waren die Wachen, die vor Wut und Unsicherheit strotzten, gezwungen, zurückzutreten, als sechsundzwanzig Serienmörder und Vergewaltiger herumliefen, in Massen, auf LSD.

„Wahrscheinlich habe ich dort meine Karten nicht richtig gespielt“, sagte Gary. „Ich glaube, die Wachen haben ihre Identität verloren. Die Gewerkschaftsleute dachten wahrscheinlich, ich würde Leute feuern.“

Ein paar Tage später erhielt Gary die Abmahnung, und ein paar Tage später kam er zur Arbeit und stellte fest, dass seine Schlüssel nicht mehr in die Schlösser passten. Die Wachen hatten sie über Nacht gewechselt. Einer sagte ihm – von der anderen Seite der Gitterstäbe –, dass er gefeuert wurde und nie wieder einen Fuß nach Oak Ridge setzen könnte.

»Na ja«, sagte Gary jetzt und schob die Reste seines Frühstücks über seinen Teller. „Ich war bereit, weiterzumachen.“

In den Jahren nach Garys Abgang gewann Elliott Barker weiterhin Fans aus der gesamten kriminellen Psychiatrie-Community. Vielleicht hatte er wirklich etwas erreicht, was niemand zuvor geschafft hatte: „In den ersten dreißig Jahren von Oak Ridge wurde niemand, der wegen eines Kapitalverbrechens angeklagt war, jemals von hier entlassen“, hatte er dem Dokumentarfilmer Norm Perry gesagt. „Aber es gibt jetzt echte Hoffnung, dass die Patienten aus ihrem psychologischen Gefängnis der Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber den Gefühlen anderer ausbrechen, einem Gefängnis, das uns alle mehr oder weniger einschränkt. Wir machen Menschen wieder gesund – Menschen, die getötet oder vergewaltigt haben, während sie psychisch krank waren – wir machen sie gesund und in der Lage, sichere und nützliche Mitglieder der Gesellschaft zu sein.“

Elliotts beste Freunde auf der Welt waren, wie er seinen Nachbarn erzählte, ehemalige Patienten von Oak Ridge. Sein Vater war ein gewalttätiger Alkoholiker gewesen, der seine Familie geschlagen und Selbstmord begangen hatte, als Elliott zehn Jahre alt war. Ich fragte mich, ob er deshalb sein Leben der Aufgabe gewidmet hatte, Psychopathen Zärtlichkeit beizubringen. Und tatsächlich wurden Patienten aus Oak Ridge entlassen. Elliott blieb mit vielen in Kontakt und lud sie ein, auf seiner Farm in Midland, Ontario, zu bleiben, wo sie zusammen Racquetball spielten, Zäune bauten und Feldfrüchte pflanzten.

Back home in London, as I began to piece this story together, I was bowled over by Elliott’s accomplishments. I felt terribly sorry for Tony, trapped in Broadmoor. So many psychopathic murderers—fortunate to have been under Elliott and Gary’s radical tutelage—had been declared cured and freed. Why couldn’t Broadmoor adopt some of Elliott’s ideas? Of course they seemed hokey and dated and naive and perhaps overly reliant on hallucinogenics, but they were surely preferable to locking someone up forever because he happened to score badly on some personality checklist.

I learned that, fascinatingly, two researchers in the early 1990s had undertaken a detailed study of the long-term recidivism rates of psychopaths who had been through Elliott’s program and been let out into society. Its publication would surely have been an extraordinary moment for Elliott and Gary and the Capsule. In regular circumstances, 60 percent of criminal psychopaths released into the outside world go on to re-offend. What percentage of their psychopaths had?

As it turned out: 80 percent.

The Capsule had made the psychopaths worse.

One, Cecil Gilles, was declared cured and released after many intensive therapeutic months. Within days he had grabbed at random a fourteen-year-old girl, sexually assaulted her, and thrown her, unconscious, from a bridge into a creek. She managed to crawl to a nearby house and in through a window where she was found later that night lying on the kitchen floor. She survived but suffered severe scars from where her head had hit the bottom of the creek.

Another, Joseph Fredericks, was released from Oak Ridge in 1983 and within weeks attacked a teenage girl with a knife and sodomized a ten-year-old boy. He was released again a year later and attacked an eleven-year-old boy. After being released four years after that, he headed to a mall called Shoppers World, where he abducted and raped an eleven-year-old boy, Christopher Stephenson. The boy wrote a note to his parents:

“Dear Mom and Dad, I am writing you this note.”

And then the note stopped.

When the police caught Fredericks, he showed them the boy’s body and said, “He was such a nice boy. Why did he have to die?”

Matt Lamb—whom Gary had described as not one of Elliott’s “all-stars,” but almost—ended his days in less inauspicious circumstances. While whitewashing fences and pondering his future at Elliott’s ranch, he decided to become a soldier. The Israeli army turned him down because he was a psychopath. (“See?” Gary said. “They have standards.”) But the Rhodesian army welcomed him and he died in a shoot-out with supporters of Robert Mugabe.

Most discomforting for the program was what happened with the multiple-child-killer Peter Woodcock. This was the man Steve Smith had once been attached to. He was given his first-ever three-hour pass one summer’s day in 1991. His psychiatrists were unaware that he had secretly allotted ten minutes of it (3:10 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.) to kill a fellow psychiatric patient, Dennis Kerr, who had spurned his advances. He invited Kerr into the woods behind the hospital and chopped him one hundred times.

“I did it,” he explained during his trial, “to see what effect a hatchet would have on a body.” Kerr died as a result of “chopping injuries” to his head and neck.

Later, after Woodcock had been returned to Oak Ridge, he was interviewed by the BBC about the murder:

INTERVIEWER: What was going through your mind at the time? This was someone you loved.

WOODCOCK: Curiosity, actually. And an anger. Because he had rebuffed all my advances.

INTERVIEWER: And why did you feel someone should die as a result of your curiosity?

WOODCOCK: I just wanted to know what it would feel like to kill somebody.

INTERVIEWER: But you’d already killed three people. WOODCOCK: Yes, but that was years and years and years and years ago.

The interview’s most painful moment was when Woodcock admitted that Elliott and Gary’s program was kind of to blame, because it had taught him how to be a more devious psychopath. All those chats about empathy were like an empathy-faking finishing school for him:

“I did learn how to manipulate better,” he said, “and keep the more outrageous feelings under wraps better.”

The Oak Ridge program was over. Elliott Barker, crushed by the weight of evidence against his life’s work, became a director of the Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, specializing in counseling the children of psychopaths.

“I have certainly always felt that Elliott’s heart was in the right place,” e-mailed a former colleague, who didn’t want to be named and who works at Oak Ridge today. “He’s been the subject of much criticism, of course, for his idea and methods and frequently has had malpractice suits against him. Yes, you guessed right, psychopaths from the program looking to make a lot of money. But Bob Hare and us have always agreed that psychopaths are born that way and not created by controlling mummies and weak fathers.”

“That’s lucky,” I e-mailed back, “as I am a weak father and my wife is a controlling mummy.”

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What does it mean when you dream of having gum stuck in your mouth?

Hoda said that according to experts, the dream involving all the gum means KLG is “experiencing some indecision, some powerless or frustration. Your current problem is overwhelming.” “Than what’s my current problem?” KLG said.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

No, it’s not a sudden wine shortage that’s haunting Kathie Lee and Hoda’s nightmares. Instead, it’s being chased by an attacker or… a mouth full of chewing gum?

“It’s not weird, it’s just unusual,” Kathie Lee said on TODAY Wednesday during an epic bad dream discussion. “Just tons of gum in your mouth and you just can’t get it out. You can’t stick your finger in there and get it.”

Dreammoods.com published a list of the most common nightmares and what they mean, in which the ladies discussed why they toss and turn at night. Hoda said that according to experts, the all-gum dream means that KLG is experiencing “some indecisiveness, some impotence or frustration. Your current problem is overwhelming.”

“As what is my current problem?” said KLG. “Because it’s every night.”

According to Dreammoods, one of the most common nightmares is imagining teeth falling out, which is linked to fears of rejection or aging. Hoda’s nightmares involve a lot more running.

“The thing I have all the time that I hate but have all the time is I’m running away and someone is chasing me,” Hoda said. “I can barely move, slow motion, and then I try to scream because he’s holding me and I can’t scream. I can’t say anything and I’m scared.”

The dream means that Hoda is experiencing helplessness and frustration or difficulty communicating in a situation. At least Hoda makes it out of her dream alive. Kathie Lee recalled having a nightmare about her own death as a young girl.

“They always said that you can never die in your dreams, but I vividly remember a dream when I was about 7 years old where I died,” she said.

On a beautiful autumn day, she was raking leaves with her family when she looked up at heaven and saw Jesus sitting Indian-style, making a fire.

“(He) looks down and says my name very nicely, and I’m out of there,” she said. “Gone. Dropped dead.”

KLG’s other main nightmare is preparing to go on stage and realizing that she is completely unprepared, which ties in with her being unprepared or nervous in waking life.

“It’s before you go in front of an audience and I haven’t learned how it usually is or I haven’t learned a script and I have to go out there and fake it,” she said.

Dying, being chased by an assailant, an endless wad of gum, and stage fright are apparently all in one night’s sleep for KLG and Hoda.

“Boy we’re a wreck,” KLG said. “How do we make it here on time in the morning?”

What does it mean when you dream that you can’t swallow?

When swallowing is a subject of a dream, you may be finding something ‘is hard to swallow’ or emotions can be stuck in your ‘throat,’ meaning that you have difficulty in expressing them. An aspect of the situation remains ‘undigested’ as you continue to process it.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

If swallowing is a subject of a dream, you may find that something is “difficult to swallow,” or that emotions are getting stuck in your “throat,” meaning you are having trouble expressing them. One aspect of the situation remains “undigested” as you continue to process it. Swallowing a type of food symbolizes accepting and integrating what that food represents. see food

Do blind people dream?

Although their visual dream content is reduced, other senses are enhanced in dreams of the blind. A dreaming blind person experiences more sensations of sound, touch, taste, and smell than sighted people do. Blind people are also more likely to have certain types of dreams than sighted people.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

If you are a sighted person, you probably experience most of your dreams visually in full color. While in a dream state, you are likely to see people, places, and things that look real, just as you would see them in real life. Maybe you’ve wondered, do blind people see in their dreams?

The answer is not a simple yes or no. Some blind people see complete visual scenes in dreams, as do sighted people. Others see some visual imagery but no robust scenes. Others have no visual component at all in their dreams, although some researchers debate the extent to which this is true.

Learn more about how blind people dream, how dreams are affected by when a person goes blind, and whether blind people have nightmares.

Do blind people have visual dreams?

The visual aspect of a blind person’s dreams varies significantly depending on when they became blind in their development. Some blind people have dreams that are similar to sighted people’s dreams in terms of visual content and sensory experiences, while other blind people have very different dreams.

The blind from birth

Researchers tend to disagree when it comes to dreams of being blind or born blind. Some experts argue that people who were born blind see no visual content in their dreams, just as they see no visual content when they are awake. Others, however, disagree.

People with congenital blindness experience fewer eye movements than their sighted counterparts during the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep phase. Since the most complex dreaming occurs during the REM phase and eye movements are hypothetically correlated with visual dream content, this could indicate that people with congenital blindness do not experience visual content during dreaming.

However, people who go blind later also experience less eye movement during the REM sleep phase. These sleepers experience visual dream content, suggesting that the hypothesis that a lack of eye movement during REM indicates a lack of visual dream content is probably not true. Eye movements during REM may correlate with visual dreams in sighted people, but they do not appear to do so in blind people, regardless of when they went blind.

Other experts have noted that people who were born blind report experiencing visual dreams. Like sighted sleepers, blind sleepers can draw some of the visual content of their dreams after they are awake. Furthermore, their EEG activity during dreams, which they describe as visual, resembles the EEG patterns of sighted people during visual dreams.

Although blind sleepers may experience some visual dream content, they are likely to experience slightly less compared to sighted sleepers. Your mind seems to make up for the lack of visual content by enhancing other sensory experiences. For example, from birth, blind people experience more elements of sound, touch, taste, and smell in their dreams than sighted people.

People who became blind before the age of five to seven

People who were not born blind but became blind in early childhood are likely to experience more visual dream content than those who were born blind but less than those who went blind later. Researchers assume that the later a person goes blind, the more visual content they experience in their dreams.

Research studies categorize blind participants into different age groups. People who went blind between the ages of five and seven tend to have fully visual dreams. People who were not born blind but became blind before the age of five to seven were able to experience varying degrees of visual elements in dreams, depending on their developmental stage when they became blind.

People who became blind after the age of five to seven

People who go blind after the age of five to seven tend to have visual dreams. However, they may not experience as much visual dream content as fully sighted individuals. As with people who become blind at a young age, in those who become blind later on, other sensory elements often become more prominent in the dreams to compensate for the reduced visual content. For example, they tend to experience more tactile or physical sensations while dreaming than sighted people.

Blind people’s visual dream experiences are not just related to people and places they saw before they went blind. As they dream, they see things that have come into their lives since they became blind. This suggests that while we are dreaming, our minds are constructing a world rather than replicating one we are familiar with, since someone with total vision loss does not really know what something they have never seen visually looks like.

How are dreams for the blind?

What happens during sleep is similar for blind and sighted people, although many blind people experience fewer visual images when dreaming. Both groups experience dreams that involve real-life stories in which they are actors, have sensory experiences, and interact with others.

Although their visual dream content is reduced, other senses are enhanced in blind people’s dreams. A dreaming blind person experiences more sensations of sound, touch, taste and smell than sighted people. Blind people are also more likely to have certain types of dreams than sighted people. For example, blind people seem to experience more dreams about exercise or travel and more nightmares.

Do blind people have nightmares?

Like sighted people, blind people experience nightmares. Research has shown that blind people are more likely to dream of trips that involve unfortunate circumstances. Some of these dreams could possibly be considered as nightmares. One hypothesis is that the nightmare content may reflect the difficulties blind people face when getting around in waking life.

Is it possible to not have a dream?

On its own, not dreaming is no cause for concern, and there are even a few things you can do to encourage dream memory. When a lack of dreaming is due to lack of quality sleep, that’s another story. Poor sleep could be a sign of a physical or mental health problem. Chronic sleep problems can harm your overall health.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

Science has not been able to fully explain the purpose of dreaming. It can help us process emotions and make sense of the world. That’s probably why even the fanciest of dreams contain snippets of reality. You may remember a dream in minute detail as vividly as anything you have ever experienced. Or you may wake up with the faint hint of a dream that fades before you can fully comprehend it. You may not even remember the tiniest sliver of a dream. It’s unlikely that you’ll never dream, although you could be on a dry streak because you’re not sleeping well. Or it could be that you just can’t remember your dreams. Let’s look at why you might miss dreams, how it affects health, and tips for remembering dreams.

Doesn’t dreaming affect sleep quality? There is a connection between sleep quality and dreams. If you struggle with insomnia or sleep disorders, you may be missing out on REM sleep. This is the phase when you are most likely to dream. A lack of sleep quality can make mental disorders worse, and mental disorders can make sleep problems worse.

Tips for remembering your dreams You wake up with a dream in your head. Minutes later you can’t remember it anymore. This is frustrating. Or maybe you don’t remember dreaming at all. Anyway, here are a few tips to boost your dream recall: Before you go to bed, tell yourself you want to dream and remember those dreams.

Put a notebook and pen by the bed. Every time you wake up, no matter what time it is, write down everything you can remember about your dreams, even if it’s just a small detail or emotion.

Set an alarm to wake up a little earlier if you’re more likely to remember a dream.

Pause for a moment before getting up. Think about dreams and look at your notes from the night. Better sleep can help you remember your dreams. Here are some tips for getting a good night’s sleep: Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine, especially in the few hours before bed.

Get regular aerobic exercise.

Go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time every day.

Eliminate electronic screens in the bedroom.

Do something relaxing in the hour before bed.

Do people dream in comas?

Patients in a coma appear unconscious. They do not respond to touch, sound or pain, and cannot be awakened. Their brains often show no signs of the normal sleep-wakefulness cycle, which means they are unlikely to be dreaming.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

Asked by: Lucie Coltman, via Twitter


Comatose patients appear to be unconscious. They do not respond to touch, sound, or pain, and cannot be awakened. Their brains often show no signs of the normal sleep-wake cycle, which means they’re probably not dreaming. However, many people who have recovered from a coma report having dreams invaded by something from the outside world. Others remember nightmares that seemed to go on forever.

Whether they dream or not probably depends on the cause of the coma. When the visual cortex is severely damaged, visual dreams are lost; When the auditory cortex is destroyed, they can no longer hear dreamed voices. When the cause is damage to areas of the brain, such as the reticular activation system that controls the sleep-wake cycle, normal dreams may not occur, but other dream-like states may occur. The term “coma” encompasses many states. Until we understand them better, it’s hard to say what dreams may contain.

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What do teeth symbolize?

They symbolize the basis of holistic oral health. Physically, teeth provide nourishment to the body by grinding food and acting as a gateway to stomach. Spiritually, teeth are involved in the spiritual development by serving as stoic storehouses.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

The Spiritual Significance of Teeth

Effective and sustainable holistic health is key to understanding the right balance in your life. We often hear that there is an intimate spiritual connection between body and soul. Simply put, a small disruption in an interdependent part of our body can upset the spiritual and mental rhythm alongside it.

Teeth, the biographers of our life, are the representatives of our personality. They symbolize the basis of holistic oral health. Physically, the teeth provide nourishment to the body by grinding food and acting as a gateway to the stomach. Spiritually, teeth are involved in spiritual development by serving as stoic storehouses.

Do you have any idea what the spiritual meaning of teeth is? The spiritual meaning of teeth will help you identify the root cause of poor dental health.

Dental procedures can cause several problems:

Dental problems such as tooth decay, tooth decay, unexplained toothache, and tooth abscess or infection can be treated through surgical procedures that do not address the root cause of dental problems.

When a dentist fails to identify the root cause of a particular dental problem, it can result in an unresolved energetic influence. However, some of the following issues occur with unknown cause:

The problems can recur in the same place, such as B. Persistent tooth decay, tooth decay, failed root implants.

Problem occurring on the nearby tooth or gum on the same meridian.

A problem can be stirred up elsewhere in the body.

Therefore, it is important to understand the root cause, both physical (lack of nutrients in the body) and metaphysical (the presence of suppressed emotions), which have an intimate connection.

The Spiritual Significance of Teeth

As the densest matter in our body, teeth are believed to hold a type of repressed emotional energy that needs to be released. In addition, teeth are more susceptible to energetic stress and physical pressure.

Cavities or tooth decay are trying to alert you that something in your life needs to change. Holistic health can help us determine what our teeth “really” need. Holistic approaches like spiritual healing, exercise, herbs can be used to prevent the root cause of tooth decay.

The spiritual meaning of tooth decay explains that you hardly or not at all stick to your routine. You refuse to accept your creative needs because you don’t trust yourself. The spiritual significance of tooth decay further illustrates the lack of self-confidence and trust.

The diagram of the tooth meridians

According to the meridian system of Traditional Chinese Medicine, each tooth is connected to an organ of the body that contains certain emotions, which in turn are influenced by the teeth. This can be better explained by the table of tooth meridians.

dr Michele Caffin also developed the Psycho-Social Teeth Chart, which shows a connection between teeth and psychological issues

Body Organ Teeth Associated Emotions Kidney and Bladder (7,8,9,10,23,24,25,26) Feelings of fear, emptiness, confusion and regret Lungs and Colon (4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 18 , 19 , 30 , 31) Chronic sadness, feeling of cage, depression Liver and gallbladder (6, 11, 22, 27) Anger, frustration, manipulation, blaming heart and small intestine (1,6, 17, 32) Worry, and Agony, feeling self unworthy Pancreas and Stomach (2, 3, 14, 20, 15, 21, 28, 29) Unhealthy obsession or addiction, self hatred

A word from us

The above data makes it clear how important our oral health is and why it is necessary to seek both professional and personal help to maintain mental health in addition to physical health. Remember that every state of your being deserves a lot of attention – be it emotional, physical, mental or spiritual. Acknowledge the vitality of each factor and experience a shift in the way you used to operate on a deeper level.

What happens if cat comes in dream?

You Suspect Someone Is Lying To You

Cats are said to be strongly linked to curiosity, stealth, and independence, but also hidden knowledge, bad fortune, and deception of some kind. It’s why a dream about cats might mean you suspect someone is deceiving you, or you might be deceiving yourself about something.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

Strange things keep popping up in your dreams – things you think shouldn’t be there: people you’ve never met, activities you’ve never done, skills you never had (raise your hand , if so ever became a full superhero and flew in a dream). Sometimes, however, your nocturnal wanderings are host to more… mundane things. Like cats for example. But what does it mean if you dream about cats? People tend to associate personality traits or characteristics with animals. So when animals appear in your dreams, they offer a fantastically rich dream decoding opportunity. This is especially the case when the animal is as familiar to humans as cats are.

Like any other dream topic, cat dreams can be your sleeping mind’s way of sending you a message. And that is why experts suggest to look for common lines in your dreams. “Whenever you wake up and can remember your dream, quickly jot down as much information as you can,” says Danielle Massi, LMFT, therapist and owner of The Wellness Collective. “Do this for several weeks and you will find that some patterns emerge from your dreams.”

From there, try to look past the cat symbolism. According to psychiatrist Josiah Teng, MHC-LP, it can be helpful to think of the cat as a puppet and the dream meaning as strings. “Look at his function,” he tells Bustle. “What role does the cat play in your dreams? Does it guide you through the dreamscape or wreak havoc with its actions? Do you feel comforted by his presence or threatened when he shows up? The cat’s actions reflect those of a force in your real life.”

Each dream symbol is a chance to better understand yourself and what you may need to address or change in your waking life. With this in mind, according to experts, here are different interpretations of cat dreams.

A History of Cats in Culture


When interpreting this particular dream theme, it helps to be aware of the long history of mythology and symbolism associated with cats. For example, it’s possible you’ve learned about Bastet, the Egyptian tutelary goddess who was traditionally portrayed as a part cat, and now that the story has made its way into your dreams.

Then there is the long list of legends and folklore associated with cats. Some believe cats smother babies or cause both good and bad luck. Some say cats can also predict the weather. Depending on what you’ve heard, it might help explain why a cat appeared in one of your dreams and what the appearance might mean to you.

Then there is the psychological side to consider. While some schools of thought – such as those of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung – credit the idea of ​​universal dream symbols, other researchers disagree. In a 2012 Psychology Today article, Dr. Stephanie A. Sarkis: “Your chipmunk is not someone else’s chipmunk. The importance you attach to a chipmunk is your experience with chipmunks in everyday life.” So if your experience with chipmunks was mostly negative, chances are your dreams about chipmunks will be too – but someone who has had generally positive chipmunk experiences probably will have other dreams about them.

The same goes for cats, if you dream about cats the best way to interpret this dream is to look for themes and possibilities connecting your dreams with waking life and also to think about your own thoughts, feelings and associations with cats . When you find that out, you may be able to land on the cat dream meaning that is specific to you.

What it means when you dream about cats


1. You want more independence

Have you noticed that cats often sleep alone, play alone, or stalk alone through the night? If yes, are you a little jealous?

According to licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Holly Schiff, Psy.D., Cat dreams often represent a desire for greater independence. “You may feel like you’re too dependent on others or that you long to be strong enough to stand on your own,” she tells Bustle.

To find out, look at the different elements of your dream. “If you dream that you can’t find your cat and it’s lost, it can be a metaphor for your own independence and a feeling that something is holding you back,” says Schiff. “Saving the life of a cat in your dream can be a symbol of regaining your independence.”

2. They tap into your feminine energy

Historically, cats have represented the divine feminine, Massi says, so consider how that might be true. According to Massi, if the cat is happy, it could mean that your divine feminine energy is in balance. But if the cat is unhappy, it may mean that some aspect of your energy is out of whack.

A cat dream could also indicate that a feminine energy in your life – like a friend or partner – is throwing you off balance or in need of more attention.

3. A spirit guide is trying to get your attention

Some believe that the Egyptian deity Bastet sends a cat via a dream as a message or an invitation to work with her, especially in moments when you need protection. To interpret this type of dream, Massi suggests researching what Bastet symbolizes to see if any of these elements apply to your life.

4. You feel uncomfortable

If you’re the cat in your dream, consider how you’re thinking and feeling as you move through the dream world, Teng suggests. For example, if you are constantly hiding from dogs, it could indicate that you are not feeling safe or that there is a threatening presence in your waking life that needs to be addressed.

“Cat dreams are often less about the cat itself and more about your relationship with the cat, their actions and your reaction,” he says. “By searching for threads connecting these elements and finding its counterpart in real life, you can find the meaning of cat in your dreams.”

5. You suspect someone is lying to you

Cats are said to be strongly associated with curiosity, stealth, and independence, but also with hidden knowledge, misfortune, and some sort of deception. Therefore, a dream about cats could mean that you suspect that someone is deceiving you, or that you are deceiving yourself about something. As you jot down these issues in your journal, consider whether there are any shady behaviors in your daily life that need to be addressed.

6. You must listen to your intuition

If a cat appears in your dream, listening to your intuition could be a powerful message. Like a cat, your intuition is always there, but it is often hidden and you are not aware of it.

Alternatively, depending on how you perceive cats, it could also represent something about yourself that you don’t want to reveal, either because you’re ashamed of it or lack the confidence to fully express yourself. Think of a cat hiding in the shadows.

Like cats themselves, your intuition is unpredictable. It shows up when it feels like it and isn’t easy to train or contain. Again, paying attention to how the cat appears in your dreams is important as it tells you how well attuned you are to your own intuition.

7. You feel overwhelmed

Cats are a dream symbol of independence, but there is an exception to this rule. When they appear in the form of a helpless kitten—representing innocence, purity, and openness to the future—you may feel vulnerable and overwhelmed. If so, take better care of yourself or ask for help when you need it and you might find this type of dream unraveling.

And depending on what is going on in your waking life, dreaming of a kitten or cat giving birth may suggest a new project or relationship or something or someone that you are not yet sure about or that needs nurturing to establish themselves. And if you have a lot of cats in your dreams, you may feel overwhelmed by chaos or confusion.

8. You are lonely

Had a dream of a cougar or bobcat hanging out in the forest or on a windswept mountaintop? Wild cat dreams could indicate that you are feeling free and independent or that you are feeling lonely. There are also often themes of survival, power, cunning, and ferocity to watch out for.

Whether it’s a lion, tiger, leopard, panther, or jaguar, a wild cat might indicate that you feel you are in a dangerous place, but that any difficulties can be overcome with courage and a roar. You have to face your fears. When you can clearly see which wild cat is chasing you, there is a whole new world of symbolism and association to delve deep into.

9. You need to trust yourself more

If you lost a cat in your dream or you are trying to find one, it indicates that in real life you are aware that you need to trust yourself more, but you are not there yet. Now may be the time for you to put your own emotional needs ahead of others. If the cat is being abused or neglected, consider your close relationships. Are there toxic patterns of codependency? Remember, people treat you the way you treat yourself.

10. You need to face an unresolved fear

Although some people only dream in black and white, most dream in vivid color, so you need to explore the color associations and see if they speak to you. is it a white cat You may have “difficult times” ahead of you. is it black Maybe you have an unresolved fear of something. Black cats are often mistaken for a sign of bad luck, which could indicate that you don’t trust your intuition enough. If you dream of an orange cat, it is a sign of unbridled creativity in your life.

11. You must embrace your uniqueness

Remember that what the cat is doing in your dream can affect its symbolism as well. If the cat is chasing a mouse or a toy, your subconscious may be telling you to embrace your independence and uniqueness no matter what others think. You may also see an interpretation of your own playful side, which could be an indication that you should show that playful side more often.

The final result


According to Freud, cats represent erotic tensions, but Jung believed cats were an archetype, a source of inner inspiration and guidance. Cats can certainly be associated with your sexual energy or be a sign that sexual adventures are on your mind or maybe just on the horizon. The way forward is to express yourself and love like a cat: calmly be confident, listen to your intuition, choose your moment. Then don’t be afraid to explore and ask for whatever you want, like an inquisitive cat tends to be.

In summary, whether or not you are a cat person will determine whether dreaming about cats feels like a dream or a nightmare. If anything about the dream upsets or confuses you, try to figure out what’s going on in your waking life to make you feel that way. Your dreaming mind urges you to shine a spotlight on this topic and use your feelings towards cats and the lessons they can teach you to help you understand and heal what is holding you back.

In that sense, cat dreams – like their real-life counterparts – can truly become your best friend and your trusted lucky charm.


Danielle Massi, LMFT, Therapist

dr Holly Schiff, Psy.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Josiah Teng, MHC-LP, Mental Health Clinician

Does dreaming in color mean anything?

Similarly, colours also stimulate emotions in dreams. Scientific REM studies have proven that we tend to dream in colours but we do not always recall them. The meaning of colours in dreams is not just indicative of the dreamer’s emotional state but also one’s personality traits.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

Scientific SEM studies have proven that we tend to dream in colors but don’t always remember them.

We often claim to have dreamed in color, but when questioned we cannot say clearly what colors we dreamed in or what the color of a particular object or something was. Each color has its own symbolism for each of us. Colors play an important psychophysiological role in our lives.

Dreaming is fairly visual in nature, but those who have heightened awareness of color while awake may be more likely to recall their dreams in color than their less color-aware peers. Dreams cannot be captured or encapsulated, they are subject to the filter of consciousness making them difficult to study. In our waking state, colors stimulate emotions. Colors also stimulate emotions in dreams.

Scientific SEM studies have proven that we tend to dream in colors but don’t always remember them. The meaning of colors in dreams is not only an indication of the dreamer’s emotional state, but also of one’s own personality traits.

According to Robert Hoss, who has extensively studied the meaning of color in dreams and their interpretation, dreams are characterized by the following aspects:

1. Most people cannot remember their dreams and therefore perceive them as colorless.

2. Only 25 percent of dreamers remember colors in their dreams. This is because people can only remember the emotionally stimulating parts of the dream.

3. The colors and shapes in dreams come entirely from internal stimuli, which may be based on the psychological associations the dreamer makes with these objects and colors.

Colors and their meaning in dreams:

Brown stands for practicality

Burgundy represents wealth and success

Cream means acceptance

Green stands for vitality

Gold relates to spiritual healing

Gray represents rejection, a lack of commitment, or a depressed state

Indigo stands for clairvoyance

Ivory refers to tainted purity

Purple indicates responsibility

Mauve means endurance

Maroon represents courage and strength

Navy blue indicates a lack of individuality

Orange stands for energy, drive and ambition

Peach represents empathy

Pink indicates the desire for unconditional love

Purple can refer to a spiritual leader or teacher

Red represents passion while dark red represents anger

Scarlet is lust

Silver stands for intuition

Yellow is an intellectual color, dark yellow

stands for clouded thinking and light yellow for enlightenment

Black and white play a significant role in dreams because they have their own meaning, but they also affect other colors. White purifies other colors and black distorts them.

Black represents fear. Hate, fear, guilt, depression, lack of hope, lack of faith and nothingness.

White represents enlightenment, hope, faith, purity, trust and perfection.

Together they can represent extreme beliefs or perceptions. The images and events in the dream play a significant role in interpreting the meaning of colors. For example, a yellow hue can represent energy, but it can mean illness or betrayal in others.

However, interpreting a dream using only color can give inaccurate results. It is important to consider other symbols and your relationship with the colors you dream about.

The author is a tarot reader and spiritual mentor

What does it mean if you dream in color or black and white?

A logical conclusion to draw from black and white dreams is to think that your life has become quite drab and uninteresting. This is accurate. If you dream that the world around you is black and white while you are in color, your subconscious is trying to tell you that you feel unmotivated and bored in life.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

Our lives are full of color and so are our dreams. Colors have the extraordinary ability to set the tone in any situation, including our dreams. Some colors are associated with good luck, wealth, good health and love. On the other hand, some colors are associated with anger, illness, and depression.

Since we assume that our dreams are as colorful as our lives, we may wonder what it means when your dreams are in black and white.

7 meanings when you dream in black and white

Black and white are considered classic colors. But that doesn’t mean that we want to live in black and white. Instead, we choose to experience color as we watch movies, take photos, and enjoy paintings. So what does it mean when your dreams are suddenly black and white?

Here are a few possible meanings your black and white dreams may have:

1. You feel like your life is boring

A logical conclusion from black and white dreams is the thought that your life has become rather dreary and uninteresting. That’s exactly. When you dream that the world around you is black and white while you are in color, your subconscious is trying to tell you that you are feeling unmotivated and bored in life.

If you keep having dreams where everything is black and white, thinking about making your life more interesting will benefit you as you are feeling frustrated on an emotional level. There are several ways you can do this including:

You can start a new hobby.

Hobbies can be very stimulating, relaxing, and rewarding. In addition, they offer the opportunity to meet new people who can add some color to your life. If you’ve started a new hobby, check social media to see if there are groups in your area and join their activities.

You can learn a new language.

Learning a new language can be very challenging and give you purpose that you may be missing. In addition, a new language can be a motivation to travel some in the future. So, learning a new language and planning a trip will definitely make your life more exciting.

You can start a new form of sport or exercise.

Exercise is so important to our health and happiness. By starting a new sport or form of exercise, you present your body with new challenges while increasing the chances of a good night’s sleep.

You can try to challenge yourself on a professional level.

Often our black and white dreams imply that we are not stimulated enough. If you’re in a job that has become very routine and uninspiring, consider how you can improve your attitude at work. Think about how you can take responsibility in the office.

2. You feel like you’ve lost touch with your loved ones.

Black and white dreams often symbolize a sense of loss. So if you keep dreaming in black and white, it means you feel sad because you are losing friendship or love. But that happens naturally in life and unfortunately cannot always be avoided.

If you are feeling depressed because of a falling out with a friend, family member or colleague, your dreams indicate that it needs to be addressed because you are suffering on an emotional level. While taking the first step can be difficult, you can consider the following:

Reaching out in an attempt to make amends

Talk to someone you trust about what happened

See a therapist about the argument and ways to resolve it

Unfortunately, when the loss you are experiencing is not due to an argument with a loved one but is due to death, it can be difficult to find the closure your subconscious needs. In this case you can try the following:

Write a farewell letter to the deceased

Reach out to friends and talk about the loss

Seeing a therapist about the loss you are experiencing

Black and white dreams should not be ignored as they convey an important message to us straight from our subconscious. These dreams imply that you are not doing very well emotionally. Therefore, ignoring these dreams can lead to depression and emotional exhaustion.

3. You feel lonely

Black and white dreams can symbolize the feeling of loneliness in the world. Likewise, a colorless world is often associated with loneliness. Loneliness can wreak havoc on our emotions, leaving us feeling depressed, unappreciated, and helpless.

If you have colorless dreams night after night, you are wondering if you are lonely. If the answer is yes, you may consider expanding your circle to not feel so lonely. Here are a few things you can try:

Join a book club

Book clubs are great ways to meet new people who have similar interests and enjoy meeting each other. Nowadays, book clubs have become so popular that you can find a club that focuses on the genre of books you like.

Try a dating app

If you are longing for love, you can try showing yourself a little more. If you join a dating app, you might meet “the one” and make some new friends.

do volunteer work

Volunteering offers two main benefits: it gently reminds us to be thankful for what we have and it puts us in touch with kind-hearted people. In addition, it creates meaning and a sense of contribution. So if you are feeling very lonely, consider joining a cause where you help less fortunate people or animals.

Join a class

A classroom environment creates the perfect opportunity to meet new people. In addition, you can learn a new skill. So choose a course that will stimulate you and that you enjoy. For example, if you enjoy cooking, take a cooking class.

4. You are ready for a fresh start

Interestingly, black and white dreams can signify readiness for a fresh start. So if you are moving to a new city, starting a new job or having a baby, black and white dreams do not have negative connotations. Instead, they provide some reassurance through your subconscious.

It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous or hesitant about major life changes. However, your dreams tell you that you are in the right emotional state to make the most of what lies ahead. It is normal for these dreams to pass after significant life changes have occurred.

5. You regret something that happened in the past

If you think about it, black and white is akin to the past and memories as old photos had no color. Therefore, the two colors are often associated with a longing for the past. But unfortunately, they also imply that you are struggling to let go of something that happened a long time ago.

Unfortunately we cannot change the past. However, dreaming in black and white constantly shows that the issue should be addressed as it weighs on your emotions. So, if your colorless dreams continue, here are some things to consider:

Think carefully about what happened and how to fix it

Discuss the events with those affected

Talk to people close to you about what happened. It often helps to talk about troubling things from the past.

Seek professional help

6. You long to change your bad habits

Black and white dreams are clear signs of longing for a time when things were better. As such, these dreams are often a gentle nudge to improve the negative habits you have developed over the past few years. Of course, if you have changed dramatically in the last few years, these dreams will not come as such a big surprise. Of course, none of us are perfect, but minimizing our negative habits is always beneficial.

To dream only in black and white is a friendly warning from your subconscious to stop bad behavior. So if you continue to dream in black and white, you should ask yourself:

Which negative habits could affect me on an emotional level?

Have I recently developed a bad habit that could seriously affect my health?

How can I reduce my bad habits?

7. You feel powerless

If you are dreaming of being surrounded by complete blackness, it means that you are feeling that there is no solution to a problem you are currently having. This can be very stressful and frustrating. Of course, none of us likes to feel that way.

If you keep having dreams of being stuck in total darkness, ask yourself what is the problem that is putting so much pressure on your subconscious. Then think carefully whether there is a solution to this problem and do not be afraid to turn to others. This situation is emotionally stressful for you, so you should not ignore it.


Black and white are considered fashionable colors when it comes to design. Unfortunately, in our dreams, they don’t offer the same pleasure. So if you are dreaming in black and white, take the time to assess how your life is going and act accordingly. You may find that a few small changes can completely transform your life.

Is it good to see cat in dream?

General Meanings of Dreaming about Cats

According to Eastern tradition, dreaming of a cat is usually a good thing. Cats often appear in our subconscious world. According to Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams, cats in dreams often symbolize a certain characteristic of a person or a certain person, often a woman.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

In everyday Chinese life, it can be said that cats are an animal species that people are very fond of. If there is a cat in the house, the Chinese treat it like their own child and give it the best care. So let’s see what it means to dream about cats according to the Chinese dream theory!

Chinese dream interpretation theory

“Zhou Duke Interprets Dreams” (周公解梦Zhou Gong Jie Meng) is the classical Chinese text that forms the basis of most traditional Chinese dream interpretation theories. He is traditionally attributed to the Duke of Zhou (reign 1042-1035 BC), who is worshiped as the “god of dreams” and “prime sage”.

Common meanings of dreaming about cats

According to Eastern tradition, dreaming about a cat is usually a good thing.

Cats often appear in our subconscious world. According to Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams, cats in dreams often symbolize a specific quality of a person or a specific person, often a woman. In a dream, a cat often feels gentle and a little smart.

To dream of a cat could mean that in the next two days you will receive unexpected reactions or you will see some surprising behaviors in one of your relationships. It’s best to keep your mind flexible to face them. In such an unusual atmosphere, there are some strange and unpredictable acts and relationships that deviate from societal conventions, and these can leave you emotionally vulnerable.

To dream of many cats means that you can achieve your work or financial management goals step by step. You don’t have to be fast or greedy. You can do it without any problems. Just keep calm and focus on getting everything done and you will be satisfied with your work.

Dream meanings for colored cats in dreams

To dream of a black cat indicates bad luck in the near future and bad things are about to happen, but don’t take it too seriously. Let everything go with the flow and avoid serious negative emotions as this makes things more difficult.

To dream of a white cat means that an apparently harmless entanglement will eventually damage your property and you will be sad.

To dream of a yellow cat portends days of confusion. Coincidences affect you easily these days. Oftentimes, getting things right is impossible due to wild guesses. It is recommended that you exercise more to return to a normal state of mind.

If you dream of a gray cat, then in the next two days you can dress in a more relaxed and leisurely manner. As long as you don’t do it too casually, this small change will make others feel new.

Dreaming of motley cats indicates that you may be distracted and not in the right frame of mind for things that require careful consideration, especially important negotiations and contract signings.

Meanings of dreams about kittens or small cats

To dream of (newborn) kittens indicates that your relationship with others will be very good in the near future. If there is any problem between them, both parties will solve it quickly. In your career you will get help from noble people and you should treat people who help you sincerely. If you also work long term in your career, your career can be prosperous if you work together.

To dream of small cats indicates that you have a lot of thoughts and feel insecure. You are sensitive to the people around you and the things around you. You will notice the slightest disturbance and your work will be slightly affected. just do your thing; don’t think too much If you have concerns or pressure, you can reach out to your parents or partner, which will quickly relieve your stress.

Sick cat or dead cat dream meanings

To dream of a sick cat means that when you do things in the coming day, you will run afoul of the rules and regulations that prevent you from doing what you want. You will have doubts about proceeding. But the rules aren’t usually something that a person can change in a single moment. After giving vent to your emotions, it’s better to think about how to avoid breaking the rules. Acting out of love can lead to emotional actions, so you should always remember restraint.

To dream of dead cats indicates a recent decrease in wealth and there will be many annoying things that will bother you. At the same time, it also shows that you’ve been a bit depressed lately and maybe you’re obsessing over some things and can’t shake off their influence.

Meanings of cat dreams with mice/dogs

Dreaming of mice and cats reminds you to be extra careful with theft.

If a cat and a mouse are close to each other in your dream, it means very unlucky. It often implies that the dreamer has failed in his duties, is suspected of dereliction of duty, breach of discipline and fraud.

Dreaming about cats and dogs is good if you dream about cats and dogs living in harmony. It indicates that you will befriend people with whom you previously had a bad relationship. If you dream about cat and dog fights, it indicates that your recent misunderstandings with others will gradually disappear, which is a good sign.

Cat attack dream meanings

Dreaming of aggressive cats indicates that disaster is imminent and it may fall on your head or on the head of someone you protect.

To dream that a cat bites you means that in real life you will have to beware of bad guys. They may have the power to defame your reputation and cause loss of your property.

To dream of a cat biting your hand suggests that competitors, enemies, or even friends will hurt you.

Luck and Fengshui for Cat Dreamers

Love rating: 92%

Wealth Index: 75%

Health index: 77%

Success rate: 99%

Good luck Color: white

Favorable orientation: south-east

Appropriate activities: lend to others, plan something important

Taboos: building a temple, moving to a new house

For more information, see How to do good feng shui for the 12 zodiac signs.

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Dream about Black Stuff Coming Out Of Mouth


A dream about black stuff coming out of the mouth suggests that a family member may share some hopeful news with you. You are a complete picture full of chiaroscuro. It’s not as easy as you’d like, but examine the past and take stock to correct mistakes. One of your friends will particularly benefit from your advice and will be very grateful to you. Maybe you’re not ready to face your feelings yet. Today you are ready to talk to someone about a job.

In-depth interpretation

A dream about black stuff coming out of the mouth indicates that you need to be more aware of your surroundings. A family member may bring you hopeful news. Together you can advance in a very intimate area, since your sensitivity and his are in tune, you will have enough money to live well, but you cannot let up in the coming weeks. There are messages or calls that make you genuinely happy and even excited.

Today will be a quiet but immensely enriching day for you, a lot of money is coming to you now for an inheritance or unexpected gifts, you look into yourself what makes you really happy, far from material goals, you will demand pampering from your partner, since you feel particularly sensitive, you are a complete picture, full of chiaroscuro.

A dream about black stuff coming out of the mouth means that you will celebrate good news in the company of your family or close friends. You have come to a point in your life where you have multiple options to weigh, limited by the choices you are presented with, your life energy and will conflict with your emotional side. It’s not as easy as you’d like, but examine the past and strike a balance to correct mistakes.

Perhaps you need to be louder and be heard, One of your friends will particularly benefit from your advice and will be very grateful to you, You will show your most seductive side at a social event, You express a desire to get away from your daily commitments and demands. They are in the early stages of romantic love.

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Maybe in your dream you are swimming in an ocean of black. You are alone in the water and the sun is going down. Eventually, you’ll reach an island that’s all in color. You climb onto the beach and then wake up.

In this dream, the ocean is obviously an important symbol, as is the island. But it is also important that the dream has switched from black to color.

In your dreams, an apple is not always just an apple. It can mean something else. In other words, things in your dreams can be symbols of other things. Dreams are a glimpse into your subconscious, and your brain can use a variety of things to represent that subconscious to you. It’s especially important to pay attention to things that keep popping up or stand out for one reason or another.

Mouth Dream Symbolism & Interpretation

mouth dream meaning

oral dream ability

The “mouth” can utter words and eat things because it is a part of the body.

Divination in dreams represents “communication” because it communicates with others through the lips and “vital force” because it consumes food as a sustenance source.

If the image of your mouth in your dream is lively and vibrant, it indicates gains in interpersonal happiness and vitality, while a small mouth or lack of energy indicates a lack of communication skills. It could be interpreted to mean deterioration or physical suffering.

It also means paying attention to the words

The meaning of “beware of words” is hidden in dreams with an impressive mouth, just as the mouth is said to be the source of mischief.

Of course it has an impact on human interactions and leads to the embodiment of spirit through the use of words to describe what is in spirit. Your remarks will affect those around you and will eventually haunt you.

This can be interpreted in a number of ways, including the idea that words spoken from a pure heart and words spoken from a filthy heart are returned the same way. And what comes back is gathered in your heart and you are born as “the soul that forms you”.

As a result, the dream about the mouth can be interpreted as “pay attention to the words you utter”. Man forms himself according to his own thoughts. It’s possible that now is a good time to confirm your decision.

Divination dreams when something comes out of your mouth

Something that comes out of the mouth in a dream is interpreted as something that is not usually imaginable.

You can read such a dream in the sense that you can or can share the emotions and words that have accumulated in the depths of your heart.

It also implies that you will be relieved from the various challenges you have faced up to now and that your thoughts will become lighter and brighter. However, the difficult state may continue for some time after spitting out the save, and at first glance it may seem that it has worsened, but it will gradually converge, making it a calm, unhurried activity. Keep this in mind.

There’s only one thing to watch out for, and that’s if you’re vomiting words that make you want to complain or speak negatively. There’s an old adage about not engaging in negative public relations at home, but words born of negative emotion carry negative power. Because they “come through your ears,” even words that come out of your mouth are not very good. You have a subconscious that tells you to vomit such comments when the emotions hidden in the depths of your heart are just complaints or you just want to speak ill of people.

How to purify the mind

The observable world is not uniform, everyone perceives it differently. Apples don’t refer to being red and round, but to the fact that everyone reacts differently to the sight of an apple, some positively, some negatively.

This phenomenon can occur in any situation, and an event that makes you unhappy can be viewed by others as a fantastic opportunity. “Mind cleansing” means feeling the energy of all things and drawing only what you need.

That doesn’t mean you don’t deny it; Rather, it is a reminder to cleanse your mind so that you are aware of “knowing all events once and choosing from them.” The important thing is that you admit it. Of course, this also applies to myself, and being able to recognize myself leads to self-confidence. It will be easier to get negative feelings out of your mouth when you have them in your heart and want to express them.

Negative emotions should not be your focus at this point; instead, “acknowledge and thank you for speaking from your heart.” Please accept and thank your feelings for coming out and know that no matter how nasty they may be, you are letting go of your heart to like.

Oneiromancy, having a big mouth

A dream with a big mouth and a wide open mouth indicates that the relationship is healthy and vital.

I have a lot of energy and leeway as I am very active and enthusiastic which means I have a good exchange with my environment.

Overall it is a dream with deep meaning but right now when job and relationship are going well I spend my days stretching my antenna to make sure I don’t miss any positive actions and situations that could help my happiness. Please note this.

Oneiromancy with a small mouth

Dreams about a small mouth or a closed mouth indicate that your vitality and energy are dwindling due to your weakness.

There’s an incident that weakens the spirit and it’s possible he’s caught in a vicious circle that erodes it from there and because he lacks the strength to ride a good river he’s being washed disadvantageously. Depth psychology is concerned about their presence.

Even worse things could happen in this situation, so the dream is: “I can’t do anything by myself, so I should ask for help.”

A tip for getting out of the current scenario is to talk to someone close to you who you can trust or someone who can likely resolve the cause of your tension and act to get help.

Dream fortune telling with an impressive laughing mouth

A dream in which the lips are shaped like a smile reveals the underlying psychology that the heart is dazzling and that everything is fun to do. It’s a great psychological state and no matter what you do, you will see wonderful results. So if you act positively, even better things will happen.

Since you make a good impression on others, starting a love affair with the opposite sex is easy and you may receive a variety of approaches. It’s easy to accept anything, so think calmly and carefully if it’s really right for you.

Dream fortune telling to eat food

If you dream about eating food, it means that you are looking for love.

Singles may feel lonely because they haven’t had many good interactions, while unrequited lovers are tired of thinking about the other person without getting anything in return. People who date can get sick because they can’t feel the other person’s affection.

It’s a moment when anyone can love you, so don’t let a mistake turn into an irreversible problem overnight.

Dream about fortune telling to put inedible things in your mouth

Also, be mindful of your physical condition when eating something you can’t eat.

Examine any unhealthy or quitting habits you have, such as B. a lack of vegetables, an unbalanced diet or staying up late. If you keep going with what you are doing, your physical condition could deteriorate to the point where it is irreversible.

Don’t hesitate to go to the hospital if you feel unwell. An unexpected illness might strike you.

Dream about a swollen mouth

A dream about a swollen mouth is a forewarning dream that indicates insensitive behavior.

Are you trying to gain access to someone’s private parts? There are secrets you don’t want people to know and areas you don’t want to enter, no matter how close your friends are. The bigger the swelling in your mouth, the more you loathe what you say and do.

If the swelling of the mouth is caused by an illness, this is also an indication that it is a good idea to go over the communication with others. However, it is possible that you are not a bad faith person. Even if you think it’s a joke, the recipient may not see it that way. If you are having this dream, you may be able to identify a reflection point by critically examining your normal statements and actions.

Mouth ulcer dream happiness

Dreams about mouth ulcers indicate that you are overeating to cope with stress. I consume more than I need, so even if I can relieve my stress, the pus will continue to build up in my body. If at all possible I would prefer that you discover an alternative to eating out.

If you free yourself from daily tension by eating, you will not move much. In the long run, the best solution is to eliminate the source of stress.

If your job is the cause of the problem, we recommend changing jobs; If you are still unable to do this, please note the following. I don’t feel responsible, I don’t complain, I know 60 points, I don’t discuss values ​​with others and I only do my best at work.

Sometimes my body complains about something that isn’t right

It is believed that mouth ulcers are caused by lack of food, but dreams can have the same meaning, in which your subconscious experiences physical stress and presents an image of a mouth ulcer. With this I convey a message like “Be health conscious”.

It is not a foreboding dream, but if you have such a dream, you may get a mouth ulcer. This has to do with the fact that despite the fact that the mind, having sensed the physical condition, advised immediate action “to prevent it from happening,” the effect of ignoring it was a mouth ulcer.

It’s a nightmare that can be overcome, so focus on improving your oral hygiene, diet, and sleep hygiene as much as possible.

Dreams about bad breath

Dreams about bad breath are a warning sign that something is wrong. The worse your bad breath, the more trouble you will have. Let’s be careful about what we say and do on a daily basis. Please do not pay lip service either.

If you’re concerned about someone else’s bad breath, it’s because you had trouble with that person’s words and behavior. You are free to listen to stories that make you uncomfortable, but you must not behave inappropriately. If you just look good, most things will work.

Dream of divination worrying from bad breath

Halitosis dreams are full of unpleasant words, behaviors, and words unrelated to your own or someone else’s foul breath, and they represent the stress of having those words pointed out. Conversations, gestures, and facial expressions are the most common ways people communicate, but continued exposure to words they’re not good at and phrases and actions that make them uncomfortable can result in feelings of rejection building in manifest dreams.

Sure you could cover your ears in foul language, but it’s crucial to appreciate and appreciate the fact that you have a sensitivity that makes it so. Be careful not to be swayed or influenced by mistakes, and have confidence in your ability to use language that is not offensive to others.

Avoiding offensive remarks is ideal, but if the person is close to you or has a close relationship with you, you may need to be instructed to correct them.

Dream divination said to have a bad mouth

If you have a foul mouth in your dream, it means that your words and actions will cause interpersonal problems.

Who said your mouth smells bad? If you are a close friend, your comments and behavior can irritate you on a daily basis. It seems that it is preferable to check your own words and actions when you can think of them.

It’s a sign that you’re angry with yourself or hate yourself when someone you don’t know informs you. Maybe I want to express my feelings more clearly but can’t, or maybe I’m just saying the exact opposite of what I really mean.

When you can’t figure things out on your own, confide in someone you trust.

whistling dreams

The whistling dream is a symbol of temptation. Hitting the opposite sex is a sign that you are becoming more sexually desirable and you might try something different.

When someone whistles at you, it is a sign that you will succumb to temptation. It could be a romantic relationship, gambling, or a commercial venture. It’s okay to give in to temptation, but in the long run, it’s best to remain cautious.

Rough lip dreams

A protruding hard lips dream shows that your heart is also rough and that you cannot afford to communicate with the people around you, which reduces your human attractiveness.

It is usually avoided by those around you, and your love affairs often go awry, so take this as a warning from your dreams not to fall into dangerous love because you are impatient or irritable.

The first step is to free up some mental space, so try to relax and unwind today. The environment is radically transformed and the fading charm is restored.

Dream about cutting your mouth

The dream of cutting your mouth open indicates that you have become hypersensitive to a variety of stimuli.

The words of those around you may unintentionally overwhelm or hurt you. You can also try to hide your weak heart and appear attractive, or say something that is not true.

And I believe that this could lead to self-loathing. You may be fed up with the relationships around you and it would be preferable to spend your time alone rather than trying to adjust to them until you feel peaceful.

Oneiromancy to open mouth

The meaning of a dream in which something opens its mouth varies depending on the situation.

If you open your mouth as if you are about to eat, it is a sign that something good is about to happen to you. You may be lucky enough to have a wonderful occasion, especially when it comes to love. You could have a nice encounter, or if you have a crush, you could be alone with your favorite person. If you are already in love, you will feel your partner’s love and you will be satisfied.

However, this is a dream telling you not to exaggerate or dramatize the story if it is too wide open to gape at you. My feelings seem to grow and I often exaggerate the story. Even if you don’t want it, it might be seen as a lie and you might lose people’s trust.

Dream about a fortune telling that won’t open your mouth

An open mouth dream means poor health and bad luck with other people.

After a dream, pay close attention to your own physical condition for a while. You might get a surprise illness. Having this dream can also mean that you are tired of talking and you do not want to talk to anyone.

Maybe you want to spend some alone time now. If you don’t want to spend more time with your friends, don’t force yourself to join in and spend more alone time. Do not forget to visit a medical facility if necessary.

Dream fortune telling that shuts your mouth

People with closed dreams are unlucky.

This is a time when you need to watch your happiness with other people. Being blocked means you cannot speak. So the idea that you need to hide your true intentions and adapt to your surroundings is not true. There might be people who are already in this situation, but I don’t know for sure.

It might be difficult for the person holding your mouth to say what you want to say if they know you. You may not think about it, but it’s possible that you’re doing something that doesn’t care about your surroundings and that someone wants you to be messy.

Dream of a fortune telling that won’t shut your mouth

It’s a bad idea to lie too much in your dreams.

In some places it seems like you tell lies so people don’t get bored with you. You’re someone who cares about other people and it seems like you talk a lot, even if it’s just to keep them from getting bored.

People will start to doubt if you tell them too many lies. No one will help you when it matters if they don’t believe in you. It’s best not to lie when you talk. People who can have good conversations don’t tell lies that are too big. Please make it a little exaggerated.

Loneliness of a person without a mouth

Secret: The person who had no mouth in the dream means that he is hidden in the heart and cannot speak.

Even if you don’t talk to yourself in your dreams, it means that there is something in your life that you cannot tell anyone about.

Some mysteries come from gentleness and kindness, while others come from the message from the dream hidden in your mind because “the mouth is the evil of the first.” Make sure you get it the way you should.

To avoid bigger problems with your friends and family, it is important to keep your secrets private until the end. However, if you feel guilty, you may need to be prepared for the anger and apologize.

Dream fortune telling biting your lip

Anger and hate are at the heart of dreams showing people with impressive lip-biting and biting scenes. They show a state of mind that is about to explode.

It’s possible that you’re a victim and your goal is to get so angry and hateful that you can’t move on because you can’t. Keep your anger in check.

Unless you’re getting enough sleep or eating right, you won’t be able to control your emotions. Dreaming like this helps organize your brain and suppress your emotions. So be very careful.

There are some people who don’t do the right thing in social situations, but now I have an image that makes me feel bad and I put the power to move forward first. If you do, I’m sure it will make you laugh.

A dream with sensual lips

A dream with attractive lips that have sex appeal portends sexual desire and concern for the opposite sex. It doesn’t matter whether the person is male or female.

With a growing desire for sex, people may look more attractive than usual, which makes them more attractive to other people.

It’s a good idea not to get attracted to things that you don’t know why you’re attracted to when you’re calming down.

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