Dream About Fighting With My Dead Mother? The 118 Detailed Answer

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What does it mean when you dream about your mother who is already dead?

You Are Trying to Resolve Your Feelings

In some cases, a dream about your dead mother may represent unresolved feelings about your relationship. This is particularly likely to apply where you dream of the same scenario on more than one occasion. That’s a strong sign that your brain is trying to work something out.

What does your mother symbolize in a dream?

As a symbol, the mother can represent nurturing, intimacy, attentiveness, gentleness, kindness, commitment and unconditional love. She may appear in dreams to guide and support you through difficult periods.

What does anger in a dream mean?

“In my experience and research, it’s the third most common emotion in dreams — the first being frustration and the second being fear,” she says. In general, it’s important to get to the root of your anger dreams because they’re usually connected to an issue in your waking life.

What is the meaning when you dream about someone who is already dead?

The most common reason you might dream of someone who is already deceased is that your brain is trying to process your feelings about this person that have come to your conscious awareness. When the thoughts and feelings buried deep in our subconscious rise to our conscious awareness, they manifest in dream form.

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

Have you recently dreamed of a dead man? Do you often dream about someone who is already dead? Such dreams can leave you shocked and shaken, mainly because of the mystery and fear of death that many cultures hold.

Explaining to others that you had a dream about a deceased friend, relative or acquaintance can be difficult as well, as you may be perceived as crazy. But you’re not crazy! It is possible to dream of a dead person and such an experience can carry a lot of meaning and symbolism.

So if you’re curious and wondering what it means when you dream about someone who is already dead, you’ve come to the right place. This article will examine the different meanings of dream visits. Read on to find out more!

Can the dead really visit us in our dreams?

Dream visits are dreams in which you see a deceased person. You may see a close relative or friend, experience their presence, and perhaps even speak to them. Visits can be difficult to explain or even prove to others because of our belief in death. There is no scientific evidence for heaven, hell, or the afterlife; Only when you personally experience a dream visitation from a loved one do you know that the dead can visit us in our dreams.

Dreaming about a loved one is a personal experience. The interpretation of what the dream means mainly depends on your state of mind, the life situation you are in, the type of relationship you had with the deceased, etc.

Now let’s look at some possible explanations of what it means to dream about someone who is already dead.

1. You process your grief

The most common reason you dream about someone who is already deceased is because your brain is trying to process your feelings about that person that you have become aware of. When the thoughts and feelings buried deep in our subconscious rise to our conscious awareness, they manifest in dream form.

According to the renowned psychotherapist Sigmund Freud, dreams are our unconscious way of fulfilling our desires. The information we store in our heads throughout the day can be reflected in our dreams.

If you have thought a lot about a loved one, you may end up dreaming about him. If this person has recently passed away and you are grieving for them, dreaming about them could be your mind’s way of helping you process and deal with the grief.

2. You have a pending issue to work on

Do you have something to do but keep putting it off? It could be that work is piling up and stressing you out. Maybe you’re toying with a late meeting to break some not-so-good news. Or it could be a confrontation that you avoid but have to have.

Something that weighs on your mind can be very stressful, but the more you put it off, the deeper you’ll get into trouble. Seeing someone who has passed away, especially if you worked together or solved problems, might mean you need to put your head down and work on the issue you kept putting off. Otherwise, your inaction will lead to big problems and possible losses, e.g. B. by losing a customer, which can negatively affect your financial well-being.

3. You struggle with the end of a relationship

In many cultures, death symbolizes an end. We use expressions like “end of life”, “transition”, “expire” to indicate the finality of death. Therefore, dreams about death or deceased people symbolize the end of something close to our hearts.

If you dream about someone who is already dead, you might be mourning the fact that you broke up with someone you love in real life.

If you’ve ever gone through a breakup, you know how much it can hurt and how difficult it is to deal with such an event. It’s common for people to describe their breakup with phrases like “it hurts like death” or “it felt like I was dying.”

When you’re struggling with a breakup, you can evoke memories of how you felt when the loved one died. These feelings and memories are stored in your subconscious and can be embodied in a dream in which you see your deceased relative, friend or acquaintance.

4. They need the guidance of the deceased

Did you rely on the guidance of the deceased? If so, you might end up dreaming about it, especially when you are dealing with a difficult decision or situation where you could use some wise advice or encouragement.

Think of the kind of advice the deceased would give you on a typical day. Think about how they have dealt with problems in their own lives. If you have looked up to them as a mentor and guide, then dreaming about them could be a sign that you should emulate their problem-solving approach to solving the problems you are facing.

5. You must bring balance into your life

If a deceased loved one visits you in your dreams, they could be sending you a powerful message to spend more time with the loved ones in your life.

The dream could be a reminder of life’s fleeting provisional nature and the importance of making the most of the limited time one has with one’s close friends and family. You never know when their life will end and you can no longer talk, laugh, hug or be with them.

Now is a good time to take stock of your life. For example, if you’ve spent a disproportionate amount of time at work or a hobby and haven’t been as present in the lives of your loved ones, consider creating more balance if it’s really important to you.

In our busy world, finding balance isn’t easy, but losing a loved one and dealing with the guilt of not spending time with them is even harder. Then it would be a little too late.

6. Prepare for tough times

Many people report that they dream of parents who have already passed away. While the death of a loved one can be a profound loss, the death of a parent can be particularly hard, especially if you were in a close relationship.

Having a dream visit from your parents can mean that a difficult situation is lurking around the corner. You must be prepared to deal with anything that comes your way. On the other hand, you don’t have to feel alone; Even though your parents are no longer physically with you, their respective spirits are watching over you.

The difficult situation lurking around might not be inevitable. But by visiting you in your dreams, your parents are letting you know that you can find comfort in knowing that you are loved, guided, and supported.

7. You are on the right path and everything will be fine

To dream of a friend or relative who has already died does not always mean doom and gloom. If the deceased is smiling happily, they could be conveying the message that they are well, healthy and at peace and you don’t have to worry. Although you may wake up shattered after seeing your loved one who has passed away, the good news is that you can rest assured that they are not suffering in any way.

If you are pursuing something, say a business, promotion, relationship or some other worthwhile opportunity, dreaming about a deceased smiling at you could mean that you are on the right track, you should do well and move on.

You may also dream that your deceased loved one is hugging you. They may not communicate in words or in a language they are familiar with, but you will simply understand what they said to you when you wake up.

If you dream about someone who is already dead hugging you, it could be his way of saying he is fine and proud of you. This is definitely good news as you prepare to move on, such as starting a new relationship after losing your lover. You may feel guilty for moving on, but take the smile and hug from your deceased loved one as a sign that they are okay as you take the next steps in your life.

What does it mean when you dream about someone who is already dead?

Processing the overwhelming emotions that accompany the loss of a loved one can be difficult. Seeing this person in your dreams can bring a sense of relief. But it can also make you feel confused as to why you are dreaming about someone who is already dead.

A dream visit is often a positive sign. Your loved one comes back to you to reassure you that they are fine and ready to move to the other world. Also, dreaming about them could be their way of guiding you and subtly helping you deal with the different situations in your life. Take heart, their presence will always be with you.

What does a mother Symbolise?

The mother (full moon): The mother denotes responsibility, love, fertility, nourishment, patience, and gratitude. Some cultures argue that she also represents self-care and control. The maiden (crescent moon): She embodies new beginnings, purity, pleasure, creation, and naivety.

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Home » Information 7 Common Maternity Symbols and Their Meanings 7 Common Maternity Symbols and Their Meanings Dani Rhys

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Symbols related to various aspects of femininity, especially motherhood, have been used since ancient times. These maternity symbols have deep, intriguing meaning. If you’re curious to learn more about the different maternity signs and symbols, read on as we cover the most common maternity symbols from around the world.

Lakshmi Yantra

This symbol is common to Hindu culture. Yantra is Sanskrit for the word symbol and Lakshmi is a Hindu deity. The term Lakshmi derives from the Sanskrit word Lakshay, meaning purpose or goal.

Lakshmi Yantra represents striking beauty, good luck, light and wealth. Taken together, she is the mother of all kindness. She is also known to have a golden form adorned with a gold garland. This deity has a golden glow, lives in a lotus and symbolizes purity. It is said that when the goddess Lakshmi first emerged from the ocean, she was carrying a lotus in her hand. To this day, Lakshmi Yantra is associated with the lotus flower. This goddess embodies wealth, great wealth, beauty, grace, luck, splendor and charm.

Lakshmi facilitates enlightenment and spiritual growth. When you focus on this symbol and all it stands for, you activate Lakshmi vitality.

Triple goddess symbol

The sign of the triple goddess is known to Wiccans and neo-pagans. This figure consists of a full moon sandwiched between a waning crescent moon on the right and a waxing crescent moon on the left. It is a trinity of three deities united into one mother figure.

Sometimes this sign is referred to as the mother goddess. Interestingly, each phase of the moon that makes up the Triple Goddess symbol is related to the phases of life as a woman. The full moon signifies the woman as a caring mother, while the two crescent moons on either side represent an old crone and a girl.

Some of the goddesses denoted by this symbol are Demeter, Kore, and Hekate. Here is a breakdown of the Triple Goddess symbol:

The Mother (Full Moon): The mother represents responsibility, love, fertility, sustenance, patience and gratitude. Some cultures argue that it also represents self-care and control.

The mother represents responsibility, love, fertility, nourishment, patience and gratitude. Some cultures argue that it also represents self-care and control. The Virgo (crescent moon): She embodies new beginnings, purity, joy, creation and naivety. Focusing on the girl increases your spiritual, creative and sensual power.

She embodies new beginnings, purity, indulgence, creation and naivety. Focusing on the girl increases your spiritual, creative and sensual power. The Crone (Fading Moon): Just like the fading moon, the crone represents ending, death, acceptance, and wisdom. With every beginning there must be an end. The old woman begs you to accept that there can be no births and new beginnings where there is no death and no end.

The triple goddess sign also represents the cycles of life, namely life, birth and death. It also focuses on rebirth. Additionally, the triple goddess symbol connects with women, femininity and the divine feminine.

triple spiral

This is an ancient Celtic symbol whose other names are triskelion or triskele. The name of this symbol derives from the Greek word triskeles, which means three legs. The symbol has three interlocking spirals that appear to come from a common center.

An intriguing point is that any figure made up of triple protrusions can represent something similar to the triple spiral. Similar to the triple goddess symbol, the triple spiral symbol characterizes the three phases of femininity, which are maiden, mother, and crone.

The triple spiral represents many of life’s trios. For example, it can represent the three trimesters of human pregnancy: life, death, and rebirth; or father, mother and child. In some communities, the triskelion represents past, present and future.

Celtic maternity knot

Also known as the Celtic Mother’s Knot, this figurine consists of two hearts woven into a knot. The knot is tied in such a way that there is no beginning or end. This symbol clearly shows the deep eternal love between a mother and her child.

If you look closely at the symbol, you will see that one heart is lower than the other. The lower heart represents the child while the upper is that of the mother. To make the symbol more descriptive, a dot is often inserted into the hearts. One dot represents one child, while more dots represent more children.

The circle

As simple as the circle looks, it is an important symbol with deep meaning. For motherhood, it symbolizes fertility. This meaning comes from the perception of a round belly during pregnancy, the female breast and the navel. All of these have circular shapes and play an important role in the origin and maintenance of life.

The circular shape has no beginning and no end, perfectly representing the infinite life cycle of birth, death and rebirth. It also represents family ties and closeness. All wrapped in a mother’s warm and caring embrace.


Common in North American culture, the turtle symbol is the oldest symbol representing motherhood. You must have heard of ancient folklore about how the turtle saved mankind from a great flood. It could be true as the turtle is the symbol of Mother Earth.

As the tortoise carries her house on her back, so does Mother Earth carry the weight of humanity. The tortoise also produces many hatchlings at once. For this reason, it rightly symbolizes fertility and the continuity of life.

Turtles have thirteen segments on their lower abdomens. Although these sections are simply parts of a turtle’s body, they do have meaning. They represent the thirteen lunar cycles of the moon and as we know the moon is often associated with feminine energy and vibrancy.

Also, if you look closely at a turtle’s shell, you’ll see that it has twenty-eight markings. These marks represent the twenty-eight days of a woman’s cycle.

Mother Crow Kachina

Crows are associated with magic and many of life’s mysteries. In the Hopi culture they carry the power for growth and transformation. Kachina, the mother crow, is considered the guardian of all children. In winter, a mother crow kachina is said to appear with a basket full of sprouts.

This is symbolic as it represents seed germination, even in winter. In addition, the mother crow is a loving and gentle mother who carries abundance. It represents warmth and thriving harvests.


Signs and symbols are a part of humanity, with different cultures having different emblems. If you are a mom, you might find it easy to relate to some of the above symbols.

Why do I always dream about fighting with my mom?

Dreams can be very telling of other circumstances in your life that may be affecting you on a deeper level. If you’re dreaming about you and your mom fighting, or her possibly ignoring you, or even your mother dying, these can all be symbolic of the existing relationships in your life. Dr.

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

Dreams can be pretty strange, there’s no doubt about that. They’re basically proof that your subconscious is always working, even when you’re not fully aware of it. It is especially strange when you dream about the people you love – for example your mother or mother figure. Figuring out what dreams about your mother mean can be very difficult as honestly they can be attributed to a plethora of elements depending on who you are talking to or where you are getting your information from.

For example, a dream about your mother could say something about the woman herself or it could mean something about one of the other relationships in your life. Your maternal figure may represent positive traits that need to be embraced or nurtured within you, or perhaps negative aspects of yourself that you subconsciously want to release.

While there are many different ways to interpret dreams, I can’t help but believe that they ultimately hold back significant meaning. According to Psychology Today, dreams are often marinated in “symbols” and they tend to solve problems in very strange ways, to say the least. They can help you solve certain problems in your life, but not always in the easiest way.

Elite Daily spoke to Dr. Fran Walfish, Beverly Hills-based family and relationship psychotherapist, who says dreams don’t generally flow in a straight line.


according to dr Walfish you may dream about your mother, but the meaning of the dream does not necessarily have to have anything to do with her. Walfish tells Elite Daily: “It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s about your mother. It could symbolize that you may be in a conflicted relationship.”

However, Walfish says that dreams are usually a direct result of the thoughts of your subconscious, so you should analyze them and pay close attention. Dreams can be very revealing about other circumstances in your life that may be affecting you on a deeper level.

If you dream that you and your mother are quarreling, or that she may ignore you, or even that your mother is dying, all these can be symbolic of the existing relationships in your life. dr Walfish explains, “You should ask yourself, ‘What is the type of relationship I have with my mother?’ For example, is it a conflict? Is it an overprotective relationship? Is it warm and fuzzy? Is it aloof and distant? Does your mother control? And then you want to examine the relationships you’re in right now and ask yourself where you feel a similarity.”

So, the inner meaning of the dream may not even have anything to do with your mother. For example with your boss or a partner who gets on your nerves.


What if you dream about your mother after she died? Is there a unique type of symbolism in this context?

according to dr To Walfish, this could also mean a plethora of things, ranging from longing for your mother’s presence in her physical form to a general sense of indecision with her death. She explains: “It could mean that you miss her; it could mean that you are unresolved in the closure. It could mean that you feel safer with her than with anyone else. It could also mean that it is your attempt to say goodbye, to find peace. ”

Walfish adds that your dreams are usually not about the actual people in your dreams. She says: “But the dreams aren’t usually about the character in the dreams. It’s more about how each character feels as a representation or projection of yourself. For example, what it means when you dream about your mother, whether alive or dead, how she feels in the dream is a representation of how you feel.”

dr Walfish advises that you don’t be afraid to examine your dreams thoroughly because, in the end, they can actually help you understand yourself more clearly. She adds: “Too many people are very afraid of their dreams and avoid looking at them. But in fact, dreams can be a window into our subconscious, and they can help us resolve conflicts that we don’t know we’re struggling with.” So they can be a very useful tool for getting at problems we’re dealing with don’t bother us.”

Personally, I like to think of dreams as your third eye, speaking to your state of consciousness as best it can. It’s like your intuition is manifesting itself in visual form – only it speaks in code. Dreams are there for you to comb through, to look at your life as critically as possible, to understand what’s going on in the furthest corners of your psyche. Until then, sweet dreams.

This post was originally published on September 6th, 2017. It was updated on August 20, 2019.

What does crying in a dream mean?

If you see yourself crying in your dream, then it could mean that you wish to express your feelings to someone or people in general. This could be suppressed anger, grief, joy, agony or ecstasy etc.

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

Image for representation purposes only. Photo credit – Pixabay

Tears speak volumes about a person’s feelings and reveal their emotions to the world. A person gets tears in their eyes when they think about something or someone. And expressing sorrow through shedding tears is one of the easiest and best ways to alleviate inner anguish. So, by crying, a person helps himself and gets rid of the emotional burden that has taken refuge in the head. But what does it mean when you see yourself crying in your dream? Is crying in a dream an extension of the emotions you experience in real life? According to dream interpreters, crying in a dream can indicate different things.

Let’s take a look at some of the dream meanings.

If you see yourself crying in your dream, it could mean that you want to express your feelings to someone or people in general. This could be suppressed anger, sadness, joy, anguish or ecstasy, etc. The feelings inside you might suffocate you after not finding a vent and hence you might see yourself with tears in your eyes in a dream.

If someone has hurt you through words or deeds, then you might see them expressing your sadness in your dream by crying. It could also mean that you are an emotional person by nature and tend to let circumstances overwhelm you. And if you are someone who starts crying after seeing someone cry in a movie, then dreaming about crying should not worry you at all.

Crying in a dream could also indicate that it is high time to share your feelings or concerns with people who matter most to you. And if not, such dreams could also indicate that you are depressed. And since depression isn’t a healthy lifestyle choice, you need to work to overcome it.

What does fighting in the dream means?

Thus, when you see yourself fighting in your dream, it could mean that you genuinely wish to vent your rage by picking a fight. Such a dream could also indicate suppressed anger or frustrations. For instance, you may have wanted to express yourself to someone for a very long time.

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

Image for representation purposes only. Photo credit – Pixabay

How many times have you woken up in the morning thinking about a dream you saw the previous night? People all over the world dream and it occurs when a person is in the state of sleep. Therefore, it is totally out of his or her control. Some people don’t even remember what they saw in their dream, while others have vivid memories. But what do dreams mean? Are they a product of your imagination or an indicator of something that may happen in real life? Read on to know what dream interpreters think.

Those who believe that dreams have a deeper meaning and meaning believe that we see what affects us in real life. For example, we may see ourselves fighting in a dream when there are unresolved issues in real life. You may need an answer or an answer from someone, and that person may remain silent. And since his or her answer is very important to you, his or her silence can start to affect you.

Additionally, if you are in turmoil, then you may be in serious need of clarity. Lack of certainty can make you feel uneasy, and your frustration could be reflected as anger. So if you see yourself fighting in your dream, it could mean that you really want to vent your anger by starting a fight.

Such a dream could also indicate suppressed anger or frustration. For example, you may have wanted to express yourself to someone for a very long time. But for various reasons you may not have been able to comment. When things stay muted in your head for a long time, your emotions can eventually explode. And this explosion may seem groundless to an onlooker, but it could help you relieve yourself of excessive stress.

The best thing to do when you have a dream about fighting someone is take the time to analyze your life and the people around you. Introspection is the best form of practice for peaceful living.

What does it mean if you fight with someone in your dream?

You can fight with someone or many people while in your dream. It means that there are things you still doubt in your life. Also, it shows that your emotions aren’t in any balance. The battle will be between your heart and mind.

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

How many times do you wake up from a dream where you are involved in a fight? Do you see people fighting or are you the one fighting? Sometimes these fights can scare you or do nothing because you don’t know what it means.

But no worry. Here we will cover all about ten meanings of dream fight.

In any dream, fighting will always disturb your peace. You have to know that it is a form of connection with your spirit.

Sometimes you can’t remember what you saw in the dream fight. But some other dream fights will stick in your memory.

So are you ready for this? Here are the eleven interpretations of dream fights.

1. Dreaming about being in a fight

You can fight with someone or many people in your dream. It means that there are things that you still doubt about your life.

Also, it shows that your emotions are out of balance. The battle will be between your heart and your mind. So there you will not have inner peace in your life.

But what can you do? You should sit back and think about the most important decisions you have to make in your life.

If you quarrel with people only in your dreams, it shows that you always have a hard time looking for solutions to your problems. Remember that the people you are arguing or fighting with in your dreams represent the issues surrounding your life at the moment.

Sometimes you can be in a fight with violence. That should be a clear warning to you. So, this means that you should be careful while looking for solutions to the warning.

The best step when you have dreams about fighting other people is to observe people in your life. Couldn’t you do it in a hurry? Yes, it is one of the best ways to bring peace into your life.

2. Seeing a fight in your dream

If you see people fighting in your dream, you should worry less. In these cases, you just watch the factions fight, but do nothing.

If you see such a fight in your dream, it means that your spirit is telling you that you have to make a decision on a certain matter. This action mostly occurs when you saw something wrong and did nothing about it. Know that the conflict is much closer to you.

If you remember the problem and it’s over, please take good action if it happens again. You should take the right actions when you realize something is wrong. By doing this action you will avoid seeing people fighting in your dream.

Remember, every dream helps you see what is affecting you in real life. If you see people fighting in your dream, it means that you should listen to them. It will bring peace.

Such a dream fight can also speak to your mind to avoid conflicts always. If you choose to support people or help them make peace, it should go without saying.

3. Dream about fighting family members

Yes, you can dream that you are fighting against one of your family members. Also, you can see them fighting each other in your dream. Such a family dream fight should scare you.

If you dream about fighting your mother, then it is about you and your feelings. The answer will be that you are always angry and you lack patience. It would be best if you controlled your anger and your emotions.

If you are the one who started the argument between you and your mother, it also means that you are not acting friendly. So you should be careful not to make a mistake by hurting people you love.

But sometimes you may have already hurt her. Know that it’s never too late to start again.

Remember, if it is your mother who started the argument with you, be careful and vigilant. But treat family members with love.

If in the dreams you happen to be arguing with your father, it means that you will find it difficult to achieve your goals in life. So if you don’t finish the fight in your dreams, it can be difficult to achieve your goals. But if you finish the fight, your path to success will be clear.

Her father represents goals in the dream. So if you hit him in your dream, it shows that you want his permission.

But if your father hits you first, it shows that you have no connection with him. You have to be very focused on yourself.

Fighting your brother or sister shows that you have emotional problems. Well, that’s because siblings make best friends with a lot of ease. Such a dream tells you that you need to be prepared for anything because something is wrong.

Remember, you will see your family fighting in a dream; it means you have family problems. This dream represents an easy transition for you.

4. Dreaming about a couple arguing

You can see a couple, you know how they fight. Sometimes you may not be the couple.

The dream means that the couple’s relationship needs healing. It shows that the zest for life in the partnership is low. So the couple should consider how to bring life into the marriage.

Be careful when you see a couple fighting. It means there are two things about it. There will be a fine line between resolving the conflict and invading her privacy.

So as soon as you wake up, try to bring people together, but be careful not to break the peace with them. Remember that you should bring peace to her call.

Sometimes such a fight can never mean only internal problems. Thus, it will be safe to deal with any problems that come into the relationship.

Even if you fight with your partner, it means that you have things that you should work out with her. When your marriage is in deep trouble in real life, you need to look at the problems very quickly. It shows why when you see yourself fighting in a dream you want to get rid of your anger by starting a fight.

5. Dreaming about fighting with your partner

When you argue with your girlfriend or boyfriend, it shows you the problems you have with him or her. So it should warn you. You should both take your time and work through the issues you are facing as a couple.

Also, both of you should prepare yourself to face other issues in your relationship. That is because this dream is from a painful situation. So you should both sit down and talk about these issues.

But if it can’t solve the problems, you can end the relationship. Sometimes you will see that the dream of you fighting together keeps coming back. So it would be helpful if you are looking for someone who you think will make you happier.

6. Dream about fighting with your close friend

This dream can disturb you between all the dream fights. It comes with many meanings that may not seem good to you.

Such a dream could mean that you are about to lose something you love. It could also tell you that you are about to lose someone important in your life.

The best step is to treat everyone you love with a lot of care. These people can be your best friend, a close friend, or a family member. In return, expect them to appreciate and love you too.

But what if the people you love don’t do the same for you? Prepare your mind and soul to know that these people will no longer be a part of your life.

Also, dreams about fighting a close friend can mean that you are hurt. So things may not favor you at this moment in life.

The solution is to first investigate what is causing the injury in you. After that, be wise and run after your happiness.

7. Dreaming that you are fighting a child or a woman

You can dream that you are fighting a child or a woman. These are people who are considered modest in society. Therefore, if you fight them in a dream, you will regret it.

If you are an adult and you dream of fighting a child, it means that you have no conscience. You should then sit back and think about the damage you caused and then change it.

It could be something you did recently or a while ago. In any case, change your behavior for the benefit of the future.

Again, fighting a woman never bodes well. If you’re not fighting, it means you care more about other people’s lives than yours.

Plus, it means you always blame the people around you for being too harsh. So your mind will tell you to focus more on your life.

8. Dream fights against your pet

Pets are always friendly with lots of love. It means that there is no good in fighting a pet.

Take for example when you dream of yourself in a fight with a dog. This dream shows that you are having friction with someone in your home or place of work. But don’t let fear consume you.

Remember that dogs or other pets that you keep at home will always obey you and be kind to you. But once you engage in a fight with them, they turn violent to win the fight.

So if you look back on your life and realize you have an issue with someone at work, please resolve the issue quickly. Also remember that if you ignore these little things, they will affect your performance at work.

The same should be in your home too, solve the problem soon. Just like the relationship with your pet, it’s good to have a healthy space both at home and at work.

9. Dreams of two fighting animals

Sometimes you see two or even more animals fighting. Your ghost will tell you that when two of your friends are fighting, you have important decisions to make.

Everyone has power over animals and plants. So if you see two animals fighting, your job is to separate them to avoid getting hurt.

When connecting it with real life, seeing such a dream should tell you that you should not risk the relationship with your two friends. It means you shouldn’t take sides.

So if you have friends who are constantly fighting or have a grudge, talk to them. Also tell them that you are not happy if they fight all the time. They can help in keeping the peace between the two people.

10. Dreaming about killing people while fighting

If you dream that you are killing people in a dream, it is okay if you get scared. Things seem to be the opposite. This dream should give you hope.

It shows that you are almost overcoming the problems you are facing in life. They will have gone through the steps of accepting instead of denying that everything was bad.

It should also bring more inner peace into your life. Remember, it comes from the fact that you got victory after killing someone during the fight.

But if you see blood during such fights, even if you achieve victory, it shows that you trust people too much. Someone can take this chance to hurt you and cause more problems in your life.

These dreams also show you that you are angry with someone. So it would be best to open up to the person in an excellent way to avoid bad results.

11. Dreaming about you dying in a fight or battle

Sometimes you can dream that you die in a battle. Then next you will wake up very quickly. This is because you would have seen your death in a dream.

But it shouldn’t scare you that much. It doesn’t mean you’re going to die soon. This dream represents that you have a problem that makes you deny.

Remember, such things can harm you. Change the way you deal with your problems.

So don’t be afraid to face your problems. In the end you will win


No doubt the dream match will create tension. Such dreams come from the problems you are having in your everyday life.

These dreams speak a great message to us. If you can take the message seriously, you will lead a peaceful life. But if you choose to ignore the signs, things will not be good for you.

But to avoid dream fights happening in your sleep every time, make sure you solve the issues in your waking life. Remember that these problems can appear in your life or in the lives of other people.

Did you have other dream fights that were difficult to interpret? did it scare you Please share your thoughts with us.

What do dreams about conflict mean?

Conflict in dreams can reveal what you are “fighting” against on a symbolic level, and what it is you fear losing or letting go of. Perhaps you have made a resolution to create greater work/life balance. While consciously this a goal, your dreams may reveal what fears you would have if you pursued this goal.

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

How conflict in dreams can help you achieve your goals

Last week we looked at how getting more sleep, journaling dreams, and looking for signs of a fresh start in dreams can help you achieve your goals. This week I will explore how recognizing and resolving conflict in dreams can be used to overcome obstacles in your waking life.

Recognize conflicts in your dreams: Conflicts in dreams can tell you a lot about the “inner struggles”. When you set goals, you’re trying to change a behavior or belief that you’ve held for a while. Often the first step to change and personal growth is to assert the will – to try to “force” the change through strong commitment. Unfortunately, many of the best intentions fail at this approach. Only when you truly accept the conflict associated with personal growth at your deepest, subconscious level, not just at the conscious ego level, will lasting change really take place in your life. Every change requires some loss—giving up, letting go, or letting something go so that new behaviors, beliefs, and relationships can emerge.

When you set goals, you’re trying to change a behavior or belief that you’ve held for a while.

Conflicts in dreams can show what you are “fighting” against on a symbolic level and what you are afraid of losing or letting go of. Perhaps you have made it your goal to create a better work-life balance. Although this is a conscious goal, your dreams can reveal what fears you would have if you pursued this goal. You may have dreams about falling down the stairs, which may indicate a loss of social standing, declining wealth, or a downward trend in your career. Or you may have dreams about not being able to drive a car, symbolizing your fear of “delaying” your career or losing control of your life if you were to focus less on work or make less money.

Look for clues that will help you resolve conflicts. Just as dreams can symbolize the struggle that is taking place within you to achieve your goals, they can also provide clues to help you triumph in waking life. Once you have recognized the conflict that is going on inside you, pay attention to how this conflict is playing out in your dreams. If you don’t win at first that’s okay, this can be representative of your subconscious trying to absorb the goals your conscious mind is sending it. But if you stay committed and make small gains, your subconscious will pick up on those gains and incorporate them into your dream.

The trick is to understand your own symbols and what your dreams are telling you. If you are on a diet and had a dream about a wolf attacking you, you may notice that the wolf always bites your right hand. Starting to eat with your left hand while awake may force you to eat more slowly, which will help you enjoy your food and make you feel full sooner, causing you to eat less. Or maybe beat the wolf by drowning it. This could mean deciding to drink water instead of eating unhealthy foods, or taking up swimming so that the exercise allows you to eat some of the foods you still like, or maybe you realize that water represents your emotions, and you eat when you’re depressed, so this awareness can help you stop comfort eating. Or you can decide that all three things are relevant! It’s up to you to recognize what your own symbols can mean to you and what is helpful.

Next week we will examine how we can ask dreams for specific help and how friends and allies in dreams can provide specific answers and guidance.

See The Dream Well for more information.

Why do I keep having dreams about my family?

A family member

According to Dreamhawk, dreaming about a family member is connected to your own identity as family represent our attitudes, values, and emotional responses. Dreaming about your mother can convey your maternal instincts.

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

Dream interpretation can give us insight into our subconscious and reveal our emotional state, fears and experiences.

Decoding the images and characters in our dreams can give us new meanings to our nighttime imaginings that we may not have been aware of.

Here are the meanings behind dreaming about specific types of people as compiled by Dreamhawk and the Metro.

1. A family member

According to Dreamhawk, dreaming about a family member is linked to your own identity, as family represents our attitudes, values, and emotional responses.

Dreaming about your mother can convey your maternal instincts. While dreaming about your father, you might reveal your authority instincts. But it also depends on the circumstances of your dream.

Another possibility is that you are reliving events in your subconscious, whether happy or traumatic. It can be a way for your brain to work through them and make sense of them.

2. Someone’s death

Traditionally, dreaming of a person’s death was considered a good omen, meaning that they would not get sick or die in the near future.

However, more recently, this type of dream is believed to represent fear. If you have a dream about a loved one dying, it could indicate that you are worried about what the future holds for them and your relationship with them.

Sylvie Prevot / EyeEm Getty Images

3. Someone you like or love

To dream of someone close to you or someone you love can simply mean that they are important to you and have a significant place in your life. If the dream is positive, it is a good sign that you will feel safe with him.

However, if the dream shows that this person is cheating on you, it may indicate that you are worried about the trust between the two of you.

4. A work colleague

Sometimes when someone has an important role in our waking life, they can often appear in our dreams. However, if the dream is work-related, it could mean your fear and concern about a work issue such as a job. B. a project or your relationship with your boss.

Dreaming about becoming romantic with your boss or co-workers does not automatically represent your desire to be with them. It may mean that you want to develop the professional skills that they have.

Dreams cannot predict the future, but they can help us sort our thoughts and feelings from our everyday lives. If you are having disturbing dreams it might be a good idea to keep a dream journal to try to pinpoint the cause of any problem.

H/T subway

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Why did I have a dream about my mom dying?

“Death of your loved one in your dream indicates that this particular quality that you possess is being transformed in some way. The transformation is often the result of a major change in your waking life where you have to let go of old habits and welcome new ways of doing things.”

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

The details of the dream can provide more insight into what is really going through your mind. The person you imagine walking by is especially important. “You usually use them to represent a characteristic or personal quality about yourself,” says Ian Wallace, dream expert and psychologist, in his book The Top 100 Dreams: The Dreams That We All Have and What They Really Mean. “The death of your loved one in your dream indicates that this special quality that you possess is about to be transformed in some way. Transformation is often the result of a major shift in your waking life, in which you need to let go of old habits and embrace new ways of doing things.”

What does it mean to dream you are running away?

If you were running without any haste and destination in your mind, it means that lately, you’re feeling lonely in your waking life. On the other hand, if you were running away to avoid something in your dream, it is an indication that you’re avoiding issues that need to be immediately addressed in your real life.

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

Running away from dreams can have multiple interpretations. As with any other dream, some dream plots can be a warning for you to do better, some are telling you to prepare for upcoming difficulties while others convey a message that everything will be better soon and a blissful and colorful phase of yours life is waiting for you .

So, if you have recently had a dream about running away and are wondering what the dream means, you have come to the right place! In this post, we have listed 16 meanings of dreams about running away. Let’s start!

What does it mean when you dream about running away?

1. Dreaming of running toward something:

Dreams in which you are running toward something represent your desire to achieve the thing in your waking life. You may be running continuously to achieve your goals and this dream can also be a reminder to take a break.

You’re doing great, but if you relax a little and recharge mentally, physically, and emotionally, you can accomplish so much more in your waking life.

2. Dreaming of walking alone:

In your dream, did you just run or run to avoid something or someone? If you have been running with no hurry or purpose in your head, it means you have been feeling lonely lately in your waking life.

On the other hand, if in your dream you ran away to avoid something, it is an indication that you are avoiding problems that need to be addressed immediately in your real life.

3. Dreams about running with many others:

The good news is that dreams about running away with others signify success. You are probably about to achieve everything you have worked hard for.

However, your competitive spirit might force you to be hard on yourself. You are probably someone who has tried to prove their worth to others. But that mindset won’t get you very far in life. Strive for your work, learn new things, be productive, but do everything you can for yourself.

4. Dreams about not being able to walk:

Dreams of being stuck and unable to walk represent your disappointed emotions in waking life. You may have recently failed in your endeavor, which may have forced you to doubt yourself and your abilities.

However, you must understand that failure is a part of your life and find a way to move on. Once you have a positive outlook on life, you will begin to see failure as a path to great success. Even if you encounter obstacles along the way, you can easily eliminate them.

Also, this dream is an indication that you will not be able to move on to the next step in your love life. Find out if the problem is with you or your partner and communicate clearly if the situation is bothering you too much.

5. Dreaming about watching a marathon or a race:

Seeing others compete in your dream is a good omen. It signals growth, success and prosperity. Not only that, but your success will be witnessed, recognized and applauded by those around you.

6. Dreams about entering a competition:

If you are entering a competition in your dream, you are signaling that you are a competent person who is aware of your skills and strengths.

Success will probably be knocking on your door soon. You also know that your competitors are working equally hard to beat you. However, they are not intimidated by their preparations; You simply trust your process. Such confident behavior will be one of your greatest assets in life.

7. Dreaming about not being able to stop while running:

Do you feel overwhelmed and exhausted in your waking life? Such feelings of frustration often lead to dreams of not being able to stop.

However, you need to be reminded that it is you who are making yourself do too much work. Instead of going at your own pace, you keep taking on too many responsibilities, rushing and tiring.

This dream is reminding you to take a break from the hustle and bustle of your waking life. Relax or, if possible, take a short vacation to yourself. Only when you take the time to recharge your mental and physical energy will you be able to effortlessly succeed in life.

8. Dreaming of chasing someone:

If you are chasing something or someone in your dream, it is an indication that you are willing to cross mountains and rivers to reach it in your waking life. You probably place too much emphasis on achieving your success or maintaining a relationship with someone. This dream is a signal for you to keep going no matter what.

However, if you pursue someone to the point of obsession and make them uncomfortable and won’t let them of their will, that is humanly wrong.

So try to communicate and maintain a healthy relationship. But when things don’t work out, you should be smart enough to know when to stop.

9. Dreaming of running to complete exhaustion:

You are probably a hardworking person if you often have dreams of running to the point of exhaustion. Or you’re trying too hard to collect and collate every aspect of your life. You’re trying too hard in life.

However, sometimes when you prepare for the worst and let go of the fear and expectations, you will finally feel a sense of relief. It is best not to overexert yourself and only devote yourself to the work that your physical and mental strength is capable of.

10. Dream about running without shoes:

Have you been making unwise financial decisions lately? Dreams about walking barefoot are a wake-up call for you to better manage your finances. If not, you are likely to suffer a great financial loss soon.

Make wise decisions in your personal life and in your business. Don’t be distracted by materialistic greed and live a low-key life for some time, at least until your finances don’t get back on track.

11. Dreaming about walking up stairs or uphill:

You know your goals and the strategies to achieve them. In fact, you are already running towards your ambitions. You are making progress and you should be proud.

On the other hand, however, you are likely to miss some important life moments while you are busy chasing your dreams. So if possible, relax every once in a while and look far, you’ve come. Don’t forget to have some zest for life.

12. Dream about walking down the stairs:

Dreaming about walking down a flight of stairs is a negative omen. Due to some issues in your waking life, most likely emotional issues, you are not moving forward as fast as you can.

Instead of worrying, it would be best to reflect and heal yourself. You can pursue your dream a week, a month or a year later. But if you move forward in life with unhealed trauma, it will definitely affect your entire life.

13. Dreaming about running for an exercise:

Are you striving for a mental and physical glow-up? Dreaming about running for an exercise represents your desire to improve. You actually strive to be the best version of yourself.

However, before taking any action, it is imperative to think carefully about each step as there is a high probability that your efforts will not yield any result. Get to know all your strengths and weaknesses and set goals accordingly. You are trying to take control of your life and you should be proud of it.

14. Dreaming about finding a safe place after running:

If you have been having problems in real life for a long time, then this dream is a signal that the depressing period of your life will not last long. Since you could reach a safe destination in your dream, you will soon find a way to tackle the problems in your waking life as well.

In fact, getting rid of these problems will not be a big deal for you. Obstacles on your way to success are easily avoided or addressed if you have the will.

15. Dreaming about chasing after your partner:

Dreams about chasing after your partner or spouse represent negative emotions and boredom. You are probably involved in activities that you find boring. This dream also means that in your waking life you are probably surrounded by annoying people who do not let you enjoy your life moments in a positive way.

Now that you are aware that some people and situations that are draining your energy in your life should be pushed aside, it is best for you to take immediate action and save your peace of mind.

16. Dream about running in the rain:

According to Hinduism, walking in the rain brings strength and good luck. If you have many problems to solve or deadlines to meet in your waking life, this dream is an indication that you have all the strength to help yourself. In times of sorrow, remember that luck is in your favor.


It’s only human that sometimes someone runs away from problems and responsibilities. And if you do this in a dream, it means that you will not avoid problems in your real life. You don’t have time to enjoy and refuel.

Something is bothering you, but you don’t have enough courage to be loud. This dream is asking you to relax, heal your trauma, stand up for yourself, take pride in your accomplishments, and listen to your needs and desires.

What does it mean when you dream about someone?

When you dream about someone, it is usually a reflection of how you feel about them in your waking life. Your dream may be telling you to pay attention to that person in your waking life. Your subconscious may be trying to connect the dots on something and needs your conscious mind to help them figure it out.

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

What does it mean when you dream about someone? This is one of the most common questions people have about their dreams.

Finally, dreams provide a rich, universal language for speaking about present and future concerns.

Below we look at 9 frequently asked questions and 9 helpful answers.

We will teach you all about the possible symbols and themes to deepen your understanding of what these dreams could mean to you.

1. When you dream about someone, does he think about you?

The notion that when you dream about someone, they dream about you is a common misconception.

This is actually a false assumption, because your brain never stops making new connections, even when you’re asleep.

Of course it can also be the case that when you dream of someone, they often think of you or even dream about you.

This phenomenon is called “dream telepathy” and has been extensively studied by scientists who have found no solid evidence that dream telepathy exists.

Some research suggests that when a person dreams about someone else during their sleep, they are actually dreaming about themselves.

Dreams basically reflect what someone was doing or thinking before they went to sleep.

In this respect it is of course possible that the person who dreams of you thinks of you.

However, there is no evidence that this is a common occurrence.

2. What does it mean when you dream about someone you barely know?

Dreaming about people we barely know can be very confusing and frightening.

It’s not uncommon to dream about people from our past that we have forgotten or with whom we have never had a strong relationship.

When you dream of someone you barely know, it is a sign of a connection you feel with them, although you may not know why.

It could mean that you like the person and that in some way that person has a place in your life.

It could also indicate that this person represents something to you that you are not fully aware of.

If there are people in your life who keep appearing in your dreams, then it could be because they play an important role in your life that you haven’t fully acknowledged (yet).

Take the time to think about these people and what they might represent to you – why do you think they are suddenly appearing in your dreams?

There are many instances where people even dream about someone they have never met.

For example, if you liked someone growing up and never met them during that time, the dreams could represent frustration at not being able to connect with the person, or even your emotional attachment to them.

3. Is it true when you see someone in your dream that they miss you?

When people dream of other people, it usually has more to do with the dreamer’s life than the other person’s.

The dreamer may be worried about the other person and may be dreaming about them because they are in an emotional state right now.

Dreams are a product of our subconscious, and as such dreams generally have no real relevance to what is going on in other people’s waking lives.

Dreaming about someone you know is a common experience for many people.

One study found that 60% of people dream about someone they know, and 95% of those people dream about their current romantic partner at least once a month.

Dreams can also be deeply personal and represent fear or uncertainty that you are unaware of.

However, sometimes there can be a symbolic meaning that we can derive from the dream.

And because dreams are the product of our own unconscious thoughts and experiences, it means that when we dream about someone, it’s not because they’re thinking about us, it’s because we’re unconsciously thinking about them.

4. What does it mean when you dream about someone all the time?

Dreams can be interpreted to provide insight into a person’s unconscious desires or fears. The person you dream about could be a part of your life that you need to focus on.

If we keep dreaming about certain people, it could mean that they are meaningful or important to us, but not in the way we would expect.

To dream of someone could represent relationship with them in your life. The person could also be an aspect of you that you find difficult to understand or that you have not dealt with.

Dreams can help us understand ourselves better as they often reflect parts of our personality that we are not aware of.

People generally dream about someone they have strong feelings for.

So if you have regular dreams about a certain person, chances are you have strong feelings for them.

Facing these feelings may be difficult, but do your best not to let them consume you and cause grief.

5. What does it mean when you dream about your ex?

People dream about their ex-boyfriends for many reasons, but one of the most common is that they feel conflicted or unresolved about the relationship.

Dreaming about an ex could mean that you want him back or it could be a sign that you are ready to break up with him.

For example, dreaming of an ex can be a sign that you are comfortable with the breakup.

It can also mean the opposite, which is that you’re still pining for him or that you’re still attracted to him and want to get back together with him.

The dreamer often interprets their ex in a dream as a sign of their deep-rooted feelings for the person.

They may also daydream about what could have been if they had chosen to stay in the relationship or had not chosen to break up with them.

It is important to note that not all dreams about an ex mean something significant.

Dreaming about someone you used to like may indicate that you are trying to reconnect with that person. You may not have learned to let go and move on.

To dream of an ex is often a sign of unresolved feelings or anger.

Maybe you dream about them because that’s the only way you can communicate with them.

It’s also possible that your dreams bring a sense of completion to the relationship, allowing you to heal and move on.

6. So how do I stop dreaming about my ex?

Many people experience nightmares about their ex, and this is especially true for those who have recently gone through a breakup.

The dreams are usually related to an unresolved event in the relationship, which can be anything from jealousy to a lack of closure.

Nobody likes to dream about their ex, even if they are happy in a relationship.

It’s just a waste of sleep and can keep you from enjoying the present.

The key to stopping dreaming about your ex is understanding what triggered the nightmare and finding a way to resolve it.

It could be as simple as finding closure or changing your perspective on the situation.

There are other options too; For example, you can write a letter or talk to someone about how you are feeling.

Specifically, the best way to stop dreaming about your ex is to get him out of your mind by focusing on other things before you fall asleep.

Treat yourself to something to do before bed: watch TV, read a book, make dinner, wash dishes, listen to soothing music, or take a bath and just relax before bed.

The key is to keep your thoughts busy so they don’t wander off to your ex.

Also, try to get some exercise during the day (but not too close to bedtime).

Research shows that this can help some people sleep better because it helps reduce stress and anxiety.

8. What does it mean if I keep dreaming about people from high school?

In the interpretation of dreams, high school is often seen as a new beginning.

In a high school environment, starting over is often met with trepidation.

If the previous day was a troubled day, this night’s dreams may reflect that.

High school dreams can depict a person trying to escape from themselves or their problems.

The dreams can also show someone who has made some mistakes and is trying to make them right.

9. The spiritual meaning of dreaming about the same person

This generally indicates that you and this person have some kind of karmic connection or unfinished business.

If you dream about someone you haven’t thought about for years, it’s possible that person is trying to send you a message from the other side.

If you dream about someone you haven’t thought about for years, it’s possible that person is trying to send you a message from the other side.

If you keep having the same dream about the same person, maybe it’s time to take a closer look at your relationship with them. There may be something unresolved between the two of you that needs to be addressed.

Alternatively, this type of repetitive dreaming could simply be a way for your subconscious to process whatever emotions you are currently experiencing in relation to that person.

If you keep dreaming about the same person, it’s important to figure out what the dreams mean to you.

What about this person evokes such strong emotions in you? What do they represent to you?

Once you have figured out what the dream is trying to tell you, you can start working on solving any issues that may be causing you stress or anxiety.

Common dream interpretations for why some people keep appearing in your dreams

Dreams are one of the most interesting parts of life. They happen while we sleep and can be very informative.

In some cases, they are a sign that something is going on in our lives that is not being addressed.

Dreaming about someone can only be a reflection of your thoughts and feelings towards that person.

However, it could also be a sign or symbol of something else that is important in your life.

It is difficult to interpret exactly what dreams mean, but they are often symbolic of the situations in our lives that we struggle with the most.

It could also be an indicator of things we think about in our waking hours.

Dreams can be about anything, sometimes even things we have never seen or experienced in real life.

When you dream about someone, it usually reflects how you feel about them in your waking life.

Your dream may be telling you to pay attention to this person in your waking life.

Your subconscious may be trying to connect the dots of something and needs your conscious mind to help it figure it out.

You may also want to pay attention to recurring themes for clues as to what is going on in your life.

Why would you discuss these dreams with people you know well?

Your best friend has a knack for what your subconscious is trying to tell you.

They know you better than anyone and can tell what you’re going through without you saying anything at all. If you have a problem or have a horrible dream, just tell them and they will know what to do.

As for your peers, they probably won’t be able to pick up on what’s bothering you.

They are not as close to you and do not have the same perspective on the many different ways your mind works.

Each dream is a different story and can be analyzed by examining the symbols in the dream, the current situation in the dreamer’s life, and their family dynamics.

For example, a dream in which a family member disapproves of the dreamer’s current relationship may reflect fear of disapproval from the family member.

This type of dream can also be an indication that the family member is feeling lonely or left out in the family.

interpretation of dreams in general

Dreams are the result of your subconscious trying to process emotions and thoughts that you had during the day.

Some psychologists often interpret dreams with a kind of symbolic language. These interpretations can vary from person to person, but there are some general themes you can expect.

Dreams can be analyzed with Freudian and Jungian psychology because they are representations of mental processes.

Dreams usually represent what we are feeling in the present or what we want in the future.

They also represent our hidden desires and our deepest fears.

The subconscious tries to understand everything that happened during the day and it does this by responding with symbols and images from our daily lives and experiences.

Some people believe dreams are just stories created by the brain to process information or understand experiences and feelings, while others say dreams have significant meaning.

A dream can be viewed as a way for the subconscious to process information that it does not consciously understand.

Dreams allow us to process our own experiences and emotions and the thoughts of others in a safe environment where anything is possible.

Dreams can also help you learn more about yourself, your personality traits, and your emotions that you may not be aware of when you are awake.

There are many different theories about the meaning of dreams and what they might represent.

For example, some people believe that dreams are the result of memories from everyday life or the release of unconscious thoughts.

Sigmund Freud, for example, believed that dreams were a way of resolving conflicts in the dreamer’s mind.

He believed that most dreams were wish-fulfilling and typically involved the gratification of needs, drives, or desires.

Others believe that dreams are forms of wish fulfillment.

The interpretation of dreams is an old and time-honoured tradition.

A well-known school of thought holds that shared dreams seem to be universally understood in similar ways by people from different backgrounds.

Such ordinary dreams are often interpreted as symbols or warnings to the dreamer.

Dreams that deal with danger and fear, for example, could be interpreted as a warning to avoid such things in everyday life.

The interpretation of dreams can vary depending on the person and circumstances.

For example, in a person’s dream, their best friend may be a colleague. In another person’s dream, their colleague can be their best friend.

What does it mean when you dream about your crush?

Dreams about a crush can be interpreted in different ways.

They may be wishful thinking or your subconscious is trying to tell you something about the person you are dreaming about.

One interpretation is that as children we are taught to admire love and affection from others.

When we dream about our crush, we may identify with them in some way.

Maybe they represent someone strong and confident, like a hero in a movie or book.

It has been said that the Freudian theory was debunked because it makes no sense for people to dream of their crushes to fulfill a need or desire.

But it’s not so much about the person themselves as it is about the unmet need behind the dream.

Dreaming about your crush could be a sign that you are feeling insecure.

When you dream about your crush, the interpretation can change from person to person.

For some, it could mean seeing them as a safe bet to rely on, or it could symbolize a longing for someone they’ve been separated from.

Enter the dream analysts

People trained in the art of dream interpretation are called “dream experts.”

Also known as “dream analysts,” they are able to interpret the meaning of dreams by analyzing the symbols in the dream.

Professional dream analysts are trained to interpret the meaning of dreams.

Dream experts have said that dreams are a way for the subconscious to process thoughts, feelings, and memories.

A dream is a visual representation of your thoughts and feelings, and the symbols in your dream are what your mind is trying to process to make sense of them.

Because of this, vivid dreams can be intense. Because of this, it is important to analyze what a dream means, as they often indicate something that the person needs.

Three of the most common dream terms

REM sleep: The most restful phase of sleep, characterized by rapid eye movement, which is why it’s often referred to as “REM” sleep. When someone is dreaming in REM sleep, their eyes move rapidly behind their eyelids. Vivid Dreams: Dreams to remember. They occur when people are in the REM sleep phase. Sleep Cycle: A full sleep cycle takes about 90 minutes.

Conclusion: what does it really mean to dream about someone?

Dreams are an unusual phenomenon, but they are also a great way to understand yourself. A dream is when the unconscious communicates with the conscious self.

It is important to remember that figuring out what your dreams mean is not always easy and it can take time to decipher their meaning and intent.

It could also be a sign of a need. For example, if you dream about an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, you may have a need for companionship or emotional support.

It is generally accepted that dreaming about a person, place or thing can be a sign that the person, place or thing is important in your life.

Dreams can indicate problems that you are currently facing.

Most importantly, dreams are symbolic representations of events in our waking life.

To understand the meaning of a dream, it helps to look at the context of the dream and how it relates to your waking life.

This can help you uncover their “hidden meaning”.

In summary, dreams can mean many different things.

For example, the dreamer may be curious about the person in their dream.

It is important to understand the context of the dream before reading too much into it.

How to dream about someone

There is no right or wrong way to dream about someone.

Nonetheless, one of the best ways to dream about someone is to focus on them when you are awake, which will help you remember them in your dreams.

This could be as simple as keeping them in your head while you work.

Alternatively, it could involve something much more intentional, like writing a letter to them and imagining what they think they would say.

This type of “intentional dreaming” is a form of lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming is a skill that allows you to become aware that you are dreaming while in your dreams.

You can control what happens in your dreams and experience anything your imagination can think of.

In other words, it’s an experience where you can consciously manipulate your dreams.

If you want to have lucid dreams, then there are certain things you can do before you go to bed.

Follow the 15 steps below and hopefully your lucid dreaming adventures will begin soon.

15 easy steps to amazing lucid dreaming

Have a positive attitude about lucid dreaming and think ahead about what you want to do in your lucid dream. drink enough Sleep in a dark room. Take a nap during the day. Stay active throughout the day to keep your mind fresh. Try to recall your lucid dreams from the past day or two. Practice observing your surroundings during the day. Remember to do reality checks throughout the day: ask yourself, “Am I dreaming now?” That way, if it’s a dream, you can control it. Before you go to bed, try to remember as many details of your day as possible. Set your alarm for 5 hours before you want to wake up. Alternatively, set your alarm to go off every 30 minutes. When the alarm clock rings, open your eyes and visualize yourself in the dream world. Try to get as comfortable as possible. Watch your breathing. Try to stay conscious. Imagine a place you want to visit or something you want to do in the dream, like fly or talk to someone.

When you return, write down what you experienced!

Keeping a dream journal like this makes it easier to remember your dreams and can be helpful for spotting patterns that bring clarity.

For this purpose, keep pen and paper by your bedside and write down everything you dreamed about

With these skills you can have amazing adventures, solve problems and face any fears that bother you in real life.

Have fun dreaming!

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Images: via Pexels, Pixabay and Upsplash

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Dream Of Arguing With Dead Mother

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Losing a mother is one of the hardest things anyone can go through. Those who have lost their mother know how long the loss stays with you and how many opportunities you have to remember your mother every day.

Dreaming about your mother is a wonderful way to feel connected to her after she has passed, but sometimes these dreams are not always comfortable.

What does it mean to dream of arguing with your deceased mother? If you are arguing with your dead mother in your dream, it could indicate that you are worried about an upcoming loss and afraid of losing again. It could also indicate instability in your life or an unresolved issue between you and your mother.

If you had a dream about arguing with your late mother, there might be more meaning than you think.

Dreaming about arguing with meaning of dead mother

To dream of arguing with your dead mother can be very annoying. You want to remember the good things and not evoke unpleasant emotions. Arguing with your late mother might make you feel terrible and miss her even more, but the dream might also have a deeper meaning.

This dream could mean that you are feeling that you are going to lose something soon or you will face another loss. Losing a parent can make you feel petrified when you feel that pain again, and this dream could be how your subconscious processes those emotions.

Arguing with your mom reinforces that sense of worry and anxiety that you may have to feel loss again, and serves as a warning that you may soon have to go through the pain again.

It could be that you feel like you are losing a close relationship, a friendship, or even a relationship at work. This is a very similar interpretation to dreaming that your mother hates you.

It could also mean that you are afraid of losing your goals and you feel like you cannot achieve them. This is not a sign that you will not reach them, just a representation of the stress you are feeling.

If it’s early enough, you could try to avoid losing a relationship or missing your goals. You just have to be open to trusting your dreams and taking them as a sign to move forward, no matter how upset you may feel after the dream is over.

If earlier in life your mother was a little critical of you and this was the subject of your dream, it could represent your own inner criticism of yourself and the choices you have made. This can be your sign to take it easy on yourself and find a way to relax.

Unresolved issues with your mother

The dream may have to do with resentments or unresolved feelings that you had towards your mother before she died.

It could be that these issues appear in your dream and make you face them directly. Your brain may be telling you not to just try to brush them aside. You must either resolve them through therapy or let them go and forgive yourself or your mother. Facing the negative emotions will help you find closure and move forward.

You don’t want these emotions to hold you back from future plans, so the dream could be a good thing and prompting you to deal with your unfinished business, forgive and move forward.

related questions

What does it mean to dream of a deceased mother?

Grief is a very strange thing and everyone processes it differently. To dream of a deceased mother could be an indication that you are feeling great sorrow and are struggling with the grief.

Dreams about a mother who has died can also offer some comfort as dreams can feel so incredibly real and it can feel like the dream has come to an end making you feel like you are having one last moment with your mother.

What does it mean to dream of arguing with someone?

Arguing with someone in your dream could indicate that you are struggling with inner conflicts and struggling to resolve them. You may find it difficult to forgive someone, or you may feel trapped and want to contain your negative feelings rather than confront them and the people who caused them.

You may be feeling insecure about your life and struggling to make a decision about something fairly serious. It could also show that you are torn between circumstances or people. Overall, it is a symbol of a conflict that needs to be addressed and resolved.

What does the dream of arguing with your father mean?

If you dream about arguing with your father, it could mean that you have stress in your life. It could indicate that you are feeling hopeless and helpless in a situation and that there is no way out.

Take this dream seriously and seek help. Talk to someone you trust to try to help you through the stress and help you overcome your feelings of helplessness.

A father is usually a symbol of strength, so a fight with him could show that your strength is faltering and stress is overwhelming you.

Next: Dreaming about someone who doesn’t love you anymore

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7 Meanings When You Dream of Talking to Your Dead Mother

Dreams about talking to someone who has passed can be upsetting, comforting, or both. And if that person is a close relative in the family, these emotions can be even more intense.

If you had a dream about talking to your mother and unfortunately she is dead, you may have all sorts of questions. What did the dream mean? What, if anything, should you do about it? And is it possible that it’s a message from your mother?

We are here to help you explore these questions. We will look at seven meanings when you dream about talking to your dead mother. And we will look at some different causes that could be behind these dreams.

So if you’re ready, let’s get started.

Are dreams messages from the other side?

Many people believe that dreams can come from supernatural sources. They believe they can predict the future and give advice or warnings.

For others, dreams are products of our subconscious. If they provide insights into our future, it is because they come from our own observations in waking life.

And some people believe that both can be true. In some cases, our dreams warm up information from everyday life and help us process it. And in other cases, the dream experience has a more spiritual dimension.

There is currently no way to disprove any of these theories. Some people find great comfort in believing that a dream about a dead parent portends an ongoing connection to their spirit. For others, there is comfort in simply reliving an interaction with their loved one in their dream.

But whatever you choose to believe, it can help to understand the meaning such dreams can have. The remainder of this article explores some of the possibilities.

Remember – there are no hard and fast rules for dream interpretation. In almost every case, you are in the best position to unravel the meaning of your own dream.

To do this, look closely at each of the elements that caught your eye. These can be people, objects, circumstances or feelings. If you remembered them after waking up, they probably have meaning to you.

Now let us explore some of the possible meanings when you dream about talking to your deceased mother.

talking to your dead mother in a dream

1. You miss your mother

Whatever our relationship with our mother, it is often one of the defining aspects of our lives.

For many, even most children, the mother is the most important caregiver. It is she who is responsible for our physical and mental well-being. And as well as she is able to meet those needs, she is the most important character in our young lives.

The death of a mother usually triggers feelings of intense grief and loss. These can reverberate over the years, but the pain can be most severe in the immediate aftermath of death.

You can feel this pain even if your relationship with your mother was problematic. In some cases, this can even increase the sense of loss. You may have felt reconciled to the nature of your relationship. Nevertheless, death brings the certainty that it cannot be otherwise now.

All of this gives your mind tremendous range and weight of emotions to process in the aftermath of her death. Your mother is probably both consciously and subconsciously in your thoughts. It is therefore hardly surprising that she appears in your dreams.

Dreaming about your mother, especially just after her death, may simply reflect this emotional reality. You miss her and your dreaming mind is calling her back to you.

In some cases, people have reported dreaming that their mother told them that she is not really dead.

Some people take this as a comforting message that they will be reunited in the afterlife. For others it is a message from their own brain. Denial is known as one of the stages of the grieving process – your dream can be the literal denial of what happened.

2. You try to resolve your feelings

In some cases, a dream about your dead mother can represent unresolved feelings about your relationship. This is especially true if you dream about the same scenario more than once. This is a strong sign that your brain is trying to work something out.

Think about all the details in your dream and what they mean to you. Refer to a single event in the past, such as B. a conversation or an argument? Or are they symbolic of a longer-standing question or insecurity you had about your relationship with your mother?

These types of dreams can be more common in the immediate aftermath of your bereavement. But there is no template for how long it takes to process your grief. Dreams like these can be experienced years after your mother’s death.

As difficult as it may feel, talking about your feelings can really help. You can choose to confide in a friend or loved one. Or you might feel more comfortable talking to someone who doesn’t know you personally.

There are no right and wrong answers on how to respond to the feelings your dream is highlighting. A strong emotional response is a natural part of the experience of loss. It can be helpful to contact one of the many organizations that offer support after a bereavement.

3. They seek comfort or protection

Dreams about loved ones are not always related to that person. In some cases, they may represent something else. And with so many qualities attributed to the classic vision of motherhood, your brain could use your mother as a symbol.

Mothers are typically associated with offering comfort and protection. If as a child (or even as an adult) you waited for your mother to instill these qualities, now that she’s gone your dreaming mind may be doing the same.

Perhaps you are struggling with a difficult situation – perhaps at work or in a romantic relationship. Your mother’s appearance in your dream could indicate your own need for comfort.

If this appeals to you, be kind to yourself. We all need help from time to time, and it’s not always easy to know where to find it. Perhaps you could confide in a friend or another family member. Or it might be helpful to get counseling or join a support group.

4. You need help to overcome a problem

In addition to sources of emotional comfort, we can often turn to our mothers for practical advice. If your mother appeared in your dream, it could be because you are looking for just such words of wisdom.

Now that it’s over, we can’t stop by or call her. But that doesn’t mean we can’t ask ourselves what our mother would say to us if we discussed our situation with her. And our subconscious might do just that – and provide us with an answer.

By sifting through our memories and observations, our clever brains can often come up with a convincing answer. After all, we probably took our mother’s advice for years.

And some people believe that our dreams represent a real gateway to communicate with the dead. They believe that advice from a dead parent is what it appears to be – messages to guide us.

Whatever you believe, it is a good idea to listen to any advice that is given to you in your dream. Whether it’s the product of sifted memories or a literal message from your mother, it has value.

Write it down as soon as possible. Even things that you remember vividly when you wake up can vanish from your memory in the blink of an eye. By recording your dream, you give your conscious mind a chance to calmly contemplate its message.

5. You have to rely on yourself

Some dreams reverse the traditional role of seeking and receiving advice.

If your mother was seeking your advice in your dream, it could be a sign that you need to rely on yourself. Your mind may be running this scenario to reinforce the message that you are your own number one advisor.

This may sound scary, but dreams of this type can also be very calming. They may be accompanied by feelings of confidence and even excitement. Such positive feelings are a good sign that you are recognizing your own ability to overcome the obstacles you are facing.

6. You see your mother in you

Sometimes the people we see in our dreams represent parts of ourselves. It may be certain aspects of our own personality that we most identify with that person.

In the case of our mothers, our biological connection means that we were once literally a part of them. And as much as we don’t want to acknowledge it, it’s likely that we share at least some of their characteristics.

Therefore, your deceased mother appearing in your dream could actually represent an aspect of you. You may find it easier to analyze your behavior when it is presented as if it came from someone else.

Dreams in which you are arguing with your dead mother can also carry this interpretation. Such dreams can be an expression of the tension you feel between different parts of your personality. This tension could be coming more into focus because of events in your life.

This can often be the case when faced with the prospect of significant change. For example, if you are considering a promotion, you might be torn between striving for success in your career and wanting to focus on other pursuits.

Your mother may play the role of one of these aspects of your personality. This is probably the part you most associate with her views when she was alive. By presenting “their” case, your mind allows you to process your different feelings about the situation.

7. You feel disturbed by your actions

Parent figures often represent authority. If your mother was mad at you in your dream, it may reflect your own feelings of insecurity or guilt.

As with all dreams, the details give you important clues as to whether this is the correct interpretation. There may be objects, places, or other features that symbolize different aspects of your situation.

Did your mother dress you up in your workplace? Perhaps you subconsciously worry about something you’ve done in your professional life.

Maybe your angry mother was in the passenger seat of your car. You know you should have had your vehicle serviced last month. Or maybe she’s staring in dismay at the inside of your dirty oven!

For many of us, our mothers are among the people we are most afraid of disappointing. It doesn’t stop just because your mother is gone. When you are troubled by an aspect of your behavior, it is natural for your subconscious to call out to you to point it out.

grief, loss and connection

Dreams about deceased mothers are often associated with feelings of loss and sadness. But they can also offer hope for ongoing connection, advice, and guidance. And in some cases, they reflect aspects of our own personality and behavior to us.

Whether you believe that dreams contain messages from the dead or just from our subconscious, their meaning remains important. So try to record every detail of your dream while it is still fresh. And don’t forget to write down the feelings you experienced as well.

All this information will help you interpret your dream more accurately. Then it’s time to look at it in the context of things you are experiencing in your waking life. You will often find that your dream offers you new insights to guide you on your path.

Finally, if you’re struggling to cope with your mother’s death, don’t be afraid to seek help. For many of us it is the most intense pain of our lives and it can stay with us for a long time. It’s important to find sources of support, whether professional or personal, to see us through.

Sleep well and sweet dreams.

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean? –

Mother figures in dreams: why do they appear and what does it mean

Mother figures in dreams can relate to your own (possibly complex) relationship with your mother, how you feel about being a mother yourself, or it could be a more symbolic dream about what mothers mean to you in general. This could be about what the concept of motherhood means to you, or even the idea of ​​Mother Earth.

Before reacting to your own mother in waking life, it can be helpful to take a moment to think about what the idea of ​​mother means to you personally, and then think about how these traits are relevant in your day-to-day life are. You may associate love, responsibility, appreciation, support, protection, sacrifice, control, resentment, guilt, criticism, deep ambivalence, or rejection. Each person’s relationship with their mother is unique and there is no right answer. It is important that you honestly question your own feelings.

Sometimes mother figures in dreams offer an opportunity to reflect on the relationship you have with your own mother and gain insights that may improve that relationship or help you understand yourself and her a little better. When we are young, we see our mothers through the eyes of a child. Our mothers may seem almost otherworldly; a mother as a thing and not as a real person. As we grow, we become aware of our mother’s mistakes, as well as her accomplishments, her fears, and her desires. We see her less as a symbol and more as a real person. As our mothers grow older, we see their weaknesses. These changing seasons of our mothers’ understanding can come with their own unique challenges. It can be hard at first to realize that our mother made choices that we don’t agree with. It can be painful to recognize our mother’s fallibility and her mortality. When we experience these deep and often life-changing perceptions, mothers can appear in dreams to help us process these ideas.

Your mother may appear in your dream when you feel the need to access qualities that you believe she possessed. If you see your mother as being patient, you might daydream about her when you are faced with a waking life challenge where you can lean on her example of patience to help you through it. Perhaps your mother embodies affection towards you and therefore may appear in your dreams when you are looking for more affection in your waking life or are having difficulty showing it to someone you care about. Consequently, mother figures in dreams might remind you that you have received affection before, you know what it is, and you can find it within yourself to help you through loneliness, or access it to share when needed .

Most of our relationships in life are multi-layered and complex. You may have felt at times that your mother’s love suffocated and restricted your freedom. This could mean exploring in your dreams where in your life you may need to break free and take care of yourself and where you seek the safety and comfort of being taken care of. Traditional roles have seen mothers as housewives, but even in modern families, a mother can still play a central role in domestic affairs. Your mother may appear in your dreams when domestic issues become relevant in your own life as you explore how much you contribute to running a household and family and how much you wish to challenge traditional roles.

If your relationship with your mother was negative at any point, you may have subconsciously programmed the life lessons and language she taught you into your own inner dialogue. The voice we often refer to as the “inner critic” may have started with a parent figure. Your mother may have been critical or a perfectionist, and therefore you often criticize yourself in the same way as she does. Perhaps your mother was distant and disinterested in your life, making you feel like the things you do don’t matter and that no one will care what you do. This kind of parental internalization is unhealthy and unhelpful for a happy, independent adult. When you have had such experiences, your mother may appear in your dreams to help you bring feelings that you have been keeping hidden into your awareness so that you can recognize them, heal them, and eventually move away from them.

It is not uncommon for dreams of both parents to appear when you are becoming a parent yourself or when you are faced with a difficult issue or decision regarding your own children. As children, we learn by imitating those around us, especially our parents. What a mother does in front of and around a child becomes a model of behavior for that growing child, not only of a mother’s behavior but also of a woman’s behavior or even adult behavior. When children emerge, it’s no surprise that the subconscious invokes this parenting template and guides them through the dream sequence to try to give ingrained beliefs the conscious consideration they deserve. At times like these, it pays to reflect on what you liked and want to emulate about your mother’s upbringing. It’s also worth considering the less than positive experiences and what you can learn from them and change for the better. Most of the time these ideas are intertwined and complex, but sometimes they can be strikingly negative. If this is the case, breaking the pattern of intergenerational trauma is the goal and may require additional help and support. Taking the time to recognize this fact and recognize the desire to change the pattern is the first important step in this process.

In dreams, the mother can also appear as an archetype; a symbol that offers an opportunity to reconnect with core aspects of what it means to you to be mothered or to mother someone or something, regardless of your own upbringing. Dreams like these offer an opportunity for deep personal healing. As a symbol, the mother can represent care, intimacy, attention, gentleness, kindness, devotion and unconditional love. She can appear in dreams to guide and support you through difficult times. The symbolic mother in dreams can also help heal troubled relationships by allowing you to reconnect with the noblest aspects of yourself. Dreams about mothers may ask you to think about where in life you need to give or receive care.

Mother figures in dreams can also be symbolic of “The Great Mother” as the sacred source of life. This can be the essence of creativity or even the ultimate divine source. If you feel that your dream is not just about a mother but about the mother, it can represent a powerful symbol of female divinity that holds the opportunity for profound personal growth or spiritual insight. Such dreams can herald a time of great creativity in your life. Mothers in dreams can also allude to Mother Earth and the cradle of life that supports her. If you are affected by environmental issues, Mother Earth may appear in your dreams. You might even receive practical advice in this type of dream that can help you heal yourself, your community, or even a part of the earth itself.

Sometimes mother figures appear symbolically in dreams as more than one human being. You can dream about mother animals like birds, bears, cats, dogs, etc. Each of these animals can be understood on two levels, both as a symbol of what the animal represents to you personally and as a symbol of what the idea of ​​motherhood is, specifically that animal’s motherhood can mean to you. You may dream of a mother bird building a nest when you are pregnant, or decorating a child’s bedroom or nursery as if you are “feathering your nest”. You may dream of a wild mother bear when you have found out your child has been bullied and your wild instincts make you want to protect your child at all costs.

Mother figures in dreams are often as complex as our relationships with our own mothers and can explore a range of themes and emotions. Ultimately, the mother’s symbol is one of creativity, protection and nurturing. If this has been lacking in your life, you can access these qualities by integrating your own inner mother to grow into the best of what it means for you to create and thrive. Every dream about a mother is an opportunity to reflect on the sacred role of female creativity and nurturing and how you can enhance and celebrate this or how you may need to balance areas where this aspect has been neglected, exploited or suppressed.

It’s important to remember that while you may be dealing with an archetype, it doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to binary and restrictive conformist thinking. Mothers can be fierce protectors, bastions of strength, vengeful seekers of justice, and dominating matriarchs—just as fathers can be gentle and playful, tender and sweet, patient teachers, and insightful guardians. What we think about mothers and fathers can reflect our own culture and upbringing as well as our understanding of traditional gender roles.

To dream of a mother or father who exhibits different qualities than what you experience in your normal waking life can be an opportunity to reflect on the standard roles you were taught or absorbed as a child. You then have an opportunity to question whether these ideas can continue to serve you as an adult who is able to make up your own mind as you observe and experience the diversity of archetypes in the world.

Want to learn more about what your dreams mean? Visit our Dreams archive page.

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