Dream Of Cat Jumping On Me? Top 36 Best Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “dream of cat jumping on me“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: https://chewathai27.com/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

What does it mean when you dream about a cat attacking you?

What does a dream of a cat attacking me mean? Cats that attack in a dream are a symbol of fear of someone or something. Dreaming of aggressive cats is quite common for people who are going through a disagreement with a loved one. The end of the dream is also very important.

What does it mean when a cat appears in your dreams?

Cats are said to be strongly linked to curiosity, stealth, and independence, but also hidden knowledge, bad fortune, and deception of some kind. It’s why a dream about cats might mean you suspect someone is deceiving you, or you might be deceiving yourself about something.

What does cat represent spiritually?

The cat message is of balance, knowing when to stop, reflect, and listen to your instincts. The cat’s spiritual meaning is of being aware of when to act and when to relax.

What Do Dreams About Cats Mean? Here’s What Experts Say

Hello friend!

Thank you for visiting and reading! My name is Garth and I would like to welcome you to my personal birding space.

Whether you want to attract songbirds to your garden, enjoy birding hotspots, learn bird symbolism, or start bird photography, you’ve come to the right place.

What does a cat symbolize?

Cat meaning and symbolism includes elegance, curiosity, independence, protection, magic, and other notable qualities. For thousands of years, people have been captivated by cats. Even before wild cats became domesticated, ancient cultures believed in the cat spirit animal.

What Do Dreams About Cats Mean? Here’s What Experts Say

Cat meaning and symbolism includes elegance, curiosity, independence, protection, magic and other notable qualities. Humans have been fascinated by cats for thousands of years. Even before wild cats were domesticated, ancient cultures believed in cat spirit animals. And as wildcats around 8000 B.C. When we started living more closely with humans, cats became even more important in our lives. In this post, you will learn about cat symbolism and meanings around the world, as well as cat mythology, the cat spirit animal, and more.

What do cats symbolize?


curiosity and mischief






Much luck

Detailed cat symbolism and meanings

Here are details on commonly shared cat meanings and what they could mean in your life.


You won’t see a cat rolling in the mud. No, these elegant creatures are quite finicky when it comes to keeping themselves clean and groomed. In fact, a friend of mine who is a director of an animal shelter said that a cat who doesn’t groom herself has most likely gone through trauma because it’s just not in her nature to be unkempt.

Cats aren’t heavy breathers like the average dog. You are much more independent. While we’ve all seen clumsy kittens, cats are, for the most part, a graceful species. They slink so quietly on their dainty paws that you might not even hear them coming until they let out a gentle meow. Cats are generally quiet creatures unless they’re chatting to you, yelping about something important, or purring in your lap.

Entertain luxury in your life.

The cat spirit reminds you to appreciate your ability to be elegant and to appreciate the finer things in life. The truth is the world can be a rough and ugly place. Where would we be without artistry, beauty and elegance? It would be like a world without cats. When a cat comes into your territory, it might very well be a reminder to bring more elegance into your life. Take some time to pamper yourself, get your hair done, relax in a sunny spot, or put on a nice dress or tuxedo and head to town.

curiosity and mischief

Although they can be very elegant and reserved, cats see the world as an interesting place. And life can get boring if you don’t cause a little chaos every now and then. After all, cats really enjoy knocking things off the counter. Why? Because it was there!

Maybe it’s time you changed some things in your own life? Sometimes it’s necessary to shake things up a bit – if only to get someone’s attention.

As you curl up contentedly on your windowsill, the cat spirit animal reminds you to get out into the world and explore your oddities. Just don’t get yourself killed in the process.

The cat spirit animal asks, “Is your life getting boring and routine? Maybe it’s time to smack your loved ones when they come over or knock down some Christmas trees?”


People who don’t know cats might say they’re unfriendly or distant. But those of us who know and love them know that they are actually very friendly and social. They just enjoy their independence too. Like their larger feline relatives, lions and tigers, cats love to cuddle with someone they love, but they also value their freedom.

Preserve your autonomy.

If the cat is your soul animal, your home situation can be quite content. But the feline spirit reminds you to always maintain your individual identity and most importantly, never become co-dependent. Autonomy is important because it lets us understand the true nature of ourselves. When we’re happy within ourselves, we can emerge and be a better participant in our relationships.

Likewise, if you have a tomcat (or Tomelina cat) in your life and you are trying to tame them to sit on your lap by the fireplace every night, you might be looking for a fool. It’s far better to be patient and give them their space. Rather than demanding, tempt her by skipping treats and slowly gain her trust over time.


Although they can be quite independent, cats are very clear about loving their humans and wanting company. And while they can be demanding, I suppose we can all agree – a cat’s demands are easily met.

If the cat is your spirit animal, you are an easy person to be with. You let your loved ones be who they are in hopes that they will let you be who you are in return. Meanwhile, you know that you will always be there for each other.

Cats let you know when you’re the one – they make it very clear that you’re the cat’s meow. In their truest nature, they are a steady, devoted presence. This is a noble quality that we can all aspire to.


The ancient Egyptians, which you can read more about later in this post, worshiped cats. In fact, they believed that cats helped protect the home from bad energy and disease.

Cats are considered protectors by many cultures. Despite being short in stature, they can display lion-like courage when it comes to protecting those they love.

You may have seen this video on social media. I thought I’d share it here because it’s such a clear testament to the courage and devotion a cat has for loved ones.

comfort and serenity

Journalist Jane Pauley said, “You can’t look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.” In fact, doctors say a cat’s purr helps lower your heart rate. When a cat is loved and their needs met, they offer comfort and serenity that are nothing short of divine.

A personal story about feline comfort

After my dog ​​Roo died, I went through a depression punctuated by tidal waves of grief. I would pull myself together only to be knocked over again by what felt like a rogue wave catching me off guard. What got me through this time were my two cats Uti and Isa.

When I rescued Roo from the shelter as a scared little puppy, I made her a crib between the couch and the coffee table because she seemed safe there. This was her favorite place to sleep throughout her life. If I was grieving after her death, I would lie in that room and cry and cry. But whenever I did, Uti and Isa would come and sit with me. And inevitably, Isa (my black cat) would ask me her kitty question: “Meow?” In my brain it always translated as: “Mom, are you alright?”

Cats bring calm to the spaces they occupy. Some psychics say they absorb negative energy and turn it into positive energy just like a tree absorbs CO2 and turns it into oxygen.

The cat spirit animal is reminding you to find that serenity within yourself and create it in your home, work place and other places you need sanctuary. In this way, cats are very much like little zen masters, reminding you to return to your breath. Breath in, breath out. All is well.

Cat symbolism: magic

Cats are associated with magic for a number of reasons. First, they are nocturnal and can see in the dark. In addition, in ancient times they most likely spent time with healers and sages while going about their silent work.

Early healers most likely had many animals around them with whom they had a spiritual connection. The animals recognized them as old souls who understood that everything is connected.

Some cultures referred to healers’ animal friends as familiars, and they could be any type of animal. However, since dogs and ravens can be restless, it is very likely that a cat was present as these advanced souls worked on their healing potions, studied the world, and connected with their angels for guidance.

Much luck

As protectors and companions, cats are also considered good luck charms. The saying that cats have nine lives comes from the fact that cats have the ability to escape from danger. As they say, a cat always lands on its feet.

For those of us who love black cats, we know that having one cross our path is a sign of good fortune and just something to be feared by the unenlightened.

Cats can also be more sensitive to sounds, and their ability to see at night means they can pick up on things we don’t. If cat is your spirit animal, be open to opportunities even if you don’t think you have them. Limited thinking is not reality. The feline spirit says happiness is there, just open your awareness and be receptive.

cat spirit animal

Cats have been the beloved companions of people around the world for centuries, to the point that humans and cats can share a spiritual connection. Native Americans believe your spirit animal chooses you, which sounds a lot like a cat. And those who believe in reincarnation will often say that their cat was with them in a past life.

But for all of us cat lovers, the question arises: if you have a feline companion, does that mean the cat is one of your spirit animals? Only you can answer this question. But I’ll put my own opinion in here and say – yes!

Did your kitty choose you?

There are many stories about a cat that goes out of its way to choose its human companion—making it as clear as possible, in its kitty way, that you belong together.

I am telling the story of one of my cats, Isa. I had adopted a puppy (my dog ​​Roo which I mentioned above). As a puppy, Roo showed a strong hunting instinct. I knew that if I didn’t raise her with a cat, she would probably never be able to live with one. So I decided to adopt an oversized adult tabby. I had a big cat in mind who had been around dogs before and would know how to keep a puppy in line. So I went to the animal shelter.

At the shelter, as I was walking past the small rooms where the cats were housed, a skinny black kitten came up to the glass pane and stared straight at me and yelped. Then she put her front paws on the glass and howled louder. The shelter volunteer I was with said, “These are the kittens, but we have some older cats in the back.” But I was blown away by this little black kitten. I said, “No, that’s the cat. That’s the right cat.” Twelve years later, Isa is sitting on my lap as I write this.

Here are a few other examples of cats choosing their humans. Is it a soul connection? You decide!

Cat spirit animal

As the name suggests, a power animal can empower you with its most dynamic qualities. So if you want to change an area of ​​your life, convey about the attributes that the power animal represents. For example, you can summon the cat power animal when you:

Desire more independence in your life, whether it be in a relationship, in financial matters, in your career, or in a creative endeavor.

Feeling the need to ward off bad energy or negative vibes.

Need psychological and spiritual protection.

Hope for luck and a positive outcome in a given situation.

cat totem

An animal totem is a helpful symbol that represents the protective powers of the animal it represents. Therefore, a cat totem serves as a helpful symbol to manifest more protection, luck, and magic in your life. The cat totem is also a helpful symbol for attracting companions who will give you the comfort and support you need to reach your potential in a specific area.

Cat mythology in ancient cultures

Archaeologists and anthropologists estimate that wild cat domestication in the Fertile Crescent (the area that now includes southern Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Turkey and Iran) began around 8000 BC. These wildcats most likely helped deter small animals from eating the crops, so local people appreciated their presence.

These quasi-domesticated cats eventually spread throughout Asia and then arrived in Asia around 4400 BC. to Europe. However, another lineage of domestic cats can be traced back to Africa, specifically Egypt, a place where it thrived. These cats eventually traveled across and around the Mediterranean Sea. No doubt they were brought on ships and land voyages for rodent control.

Perfect as they are

Unlike domesticated dogs, which were bred specifically by humans to perform a variety of tasks, cats were apparently considered fine just the way they were. Case in point: Today’s domesticated cats still closely resemble their wild cat ancestors from thousands of years ago.

What is clear is that cats have impressed every society they have entered, and as such they are the subject of mythology and folklore in a variety of cultures around the world.

Cat meaning in ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians worshiped animals, but no animal was worshiped like the cat. The Egyptians not only found cats beautiful, but also saw them as magical creatures that bring happiness to a household.

The Egyptians dressed their cats in jewels and they were important family members. When a pet cat died, the family had it mummified so that it could join its human companions in the afterlife. In addition, when a family cat died, all household members shaved their eyebrows to express their grief.

The ancient Egyptians considered the cat a protector because it killed snakes, insects and other dangerous creatures. In fact, archaeologists have found the skeletal remains of many feline companions in the tombs of pharaohs and other nobles.

Animal Shapeshifters

Similar to Native Americans, the ancient Egyptians believed that deities could transform into animals. For example, it was believed that the Egyptian goddess Bastet took the form of a cat.

Bastet ruled the house, fertility and childbirth. She was also a tutelary deity, preventing evil spirits and diseases from entering the home.

Cat symbolism in Greek mythology

When the ancient Greeks before 500 BC. When they came to Egypt around 1000 BC, the number of domesticated cats was most likely staggering, as cats had not yet fully made themselves at home in Greek households. Therefore, cats do not feature in early Greek myths. However, historians suspect that the Greek goddess Artemis was inspired by the Egyptian goddess Bastet, and thus a cat is sometimes associated with Artemis.

Cat meaning in Islam

According to Muslim narrations, the Prophet Mohammed loved cats. Some say that a cat, such as a tabby cat that has an “M” shape on its forehead, was blessed by Muhammad, who blessed his own cat by touching its head.

In a popular story, Muhammad’s cat was sleeping on his arm when the Prophet was called to prayer. Reluctant to disturb his sleeping kitten, Muhammad slipped his arm out of the sleeve of his robe and then cut off the sleeve so he wouldn’t disturb the cat by pulling his sleeve out from under him.

The cat in Celtic mythology

The Celtic goddesses Brigid and Ceridwen were both associated with cats. In addition, both the Irish and Scots tell tales of a fairy cat named Cat Sith, which was a large black cat with a white patch on its chest. Some versions of the Cat Sith say he was a witch shapeshifter.

In Celtic tradition it was important to set out a saucer of milk for the Cat Sith on the eve of Samhain – the holiday we all know as Halloween. Otherwise, the home could bring bad luck.

Cat symbolism in the Bible and Christianity

Cats are not mentioned in the Bible, most likely because they were not present when it was written. However, as Christianity spread across Europe in the Middle Ages, cats were associated with paganism by misguided Christians. When the Christian fundamentalists tried to eradicate paganism, the cats suffered.

In the Middle Ages, both Pope Gregory IX. as well as the writer Walter Map the view that cats are demonic. Cats were ritually killed in England in the 12th and 13th centuries. However, this unfounded cruelty was not without consequences. Historians theorize that the deaths of so many cats allowed rat populations to thrive, making the effects of the mid-13th century bubonic plague far worse than needed.

Cat meaning in Norse mythology

The Norse goddess Freya rode a chariot drawn by two cats. (She was also associated with falcons.) Much like the Egyptian goddess Bastet, Freya was a fertility goddess as well as the goddess of love and happiness.

The association of cats with Freya is most likely due to the fact that the Vikings viewed cats as having special powers, including seeing and hearing things that others could not. In addition, they saw the cat as a symbol of divine feminine or female power. Additionally, the cat’s independence symbolized Freya’s power to be her own wife or goddess.

Cat symbolism in India and Hinduism

As in other cultures, cats have been welcome in Indian homes for centuries because they do an excellent job of keeping rodent populations under control.

The Mahabharata tells the story of a cat named Lomasa and a mouse named Palita who became friends and helped each other face adversity.

The goddess Shashthi

In other Hindu stories, the goddess Shashthi rides a cat. She closely resembles the Egyptian goddess Bastet in that she is also a fertility goddess as well as a benefactor of children.

In a Hindu story, a gluttonous young woman steals extra food from her household. When other family members ask who ate the food, the young woman blames the black cat on the family. So the family hits the cat.

Unnoticed by them, the black cat is special to the goddess Shashthi. So the cat goes to Shashthi and tells her what happened. Of course, the goddess takes revenge. She steals every child the young woman gives birth to and keeps them as her own.

Cat meaning in Japan

In Japan and other Asian countries, the cat symbolizes good luck and blessings. They are also considered the protectors of the home. Many Japanese restaurants and other Asian businesses display a figurine of the waving cat, depicted with a raised paw. They believe that the waving cat will bring good luck to the establishment.

The Tale of the Waving Cat

According to Japanese legend, an emperor was walking past the temple of Gotoku-ji when it started to rain, so he took shelter under a tree. As he stared at the temple, he saw a cat sitting outside. The cat raised its paw in greeting to the Emperor, who was fascinated. So he decided to go to the temple. Just as he did, lightning struck the tree where he had been standing. The cat is said to have saved his life.

cat dream meaning

Dreams are personal to the dreamer, so there is not one meaning that is applied to a dream about a cat. However, I share the belief of many Native American tribes that animal dreams can be messages from your spirit guides and are worth studying.

When analyzing your cat dream, it is important to analyze the emotions you felt in your dream, whether it was fear, anger, fear or some other emotion. Your feelings will help you understand the nature of an issue that you need to address in your waking, conscious state.

Dreaming of our own feline companions

Many of us have feline companions that we dream of making. I had a black cat named Keith that I often dreamed about after he died. I also felt him climb onto my bed. A psychic told me that it was simply his spirit communicating with me.

Our animal companions can be soulmates and we connect with them on both a spiritual and physical level. So to dream of a cat of your own can be a spiritual connection. Having nightmares about your cat may mean that you need to take closer care of them while they are awake.

cat tattoo

A cat tattoo is a beautiful tribute to these special animals. Surely cat lovers everywhere would understand why you would get a tattoo of your own kitty. But even a generic display of cats sends the message that you love these elegant and insightful creatures. Tattoos are personal to each individual, but hopefully understanding cat symbols and mythology can give your tattoo a deeper meaning.

Organizations that protect cats

In the US alone, approximately 3.2 million cats enter animal shelters each year. And about 860,000 of those cats are euthanized. Despite being predators with sharp teeth and claws, cats are actually extremely vulnerable in the human-dominated world. If you care about cats, please do what you can to protect them. Here are some organizations dedicated to the safety and welfare of our feline friends:

What color cat is good luck?

A lot of people don’t realize that black cats have also considered good luck through the ages. Examples of vintage postcards from the early 1900’s make it readily apparent that black cats were well-loved and considered good luck in America.

What Do Dreams About Cats Mean? Here’s What Experts Say

What is this mysterious stigma surrounding black cats? Even in this day and age, as silly as it may sound, you still hear about black cats being associated with superstition, black magic, and pagan holidays like Halloween. In honor of National Black Cat Appreciation Day, which falls on August 17th every year, we’re trying to dispel this myth!

Types of black cats

According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association, there are 22 cat breeds that have solid black as a possible coat color characteristic. The quintessential black cat has to be the Bombay, a breed originally developed to resemble a miniature black panther. Known for their black fur, black nose, and yellow eyes, they are considered intelligent, playful, and attention-grabbing. You might recognize a Bombay black cat (real or animated) from popular shows and movies like The Simpsons, Star Trek, Hocus Pocus, Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Coraline. Let’s also remember one of the most notable black cats in the world – Homer the Blind Wonder Cat from the book Homer’s Odyssey.

Is that what black cats are?

Folklore varies from culture to culture and over time. In medieval Europe, black cats were believed to be the familiars (supernatural entities that aided in the practice of magic) of witches or even shape-shifting witches themselves.

Black cat superstition

Most people have heard of the superstition that a black cat crosses your path. This derives from European folklore, which claims that a black cat crossing paths in the moonlight often portends death by epidemic. Most likely, a black cat crossing your path simply means that the cat is going somewhere! Another superstition, quoted in various excerpts and of particular interest here in Las Vegas, is: “The gambling world believes that if a black cat crosses your street or path on your way to a casino, that person will not go to the casino.” should go ; Most players believe that black cats are bad luck.”

Black cats and luck, good or bad?

Many people don’t know that black cats have also been considered good luck charms throughout the centuries. Examples of vintage postcards from the early 1900s make it clear that black cats were very popular and considered good luck in America. Until the year 3000 BC Dating back to around 1000 BC, black cats were held in the highest regard and harming someone was considered a capital crime. Sailors throughout history have believed that a black cat on board their ship would bring good luck, and some fishermen’s wives kept black cats at home to influence the safe return of their husbands.

Black Cat Adoption Myths

How is all of this affecting current adoption rates and occupancy of black cat shelters? There is a common myth that black cats are the least likely to be adopted in shelters in the United States. However, the data does not confirm this. Black cats are found in shelters more often than any other color cat, and black cats are more likely to be adopted than any other color cat!

Myths aside, it’s clear that black cats are popular because they share the same needs for love, care, and a forever home as other cats, along with charisma and charm. Check out The Animal Foundation’s black cats (and other animals) available for adoption online, or visit one of our two adoption centers!

This post was originally written by guest blogger Ashlee D’Andrea. It has since been updated, revised and edited.

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What Do Dreams About Cats Mean? Here’s What Experts Say

The players

The best customers can least afford it

A close look at Orange and a computer analysis of the New Jersey lottery game by The New York Times paints a compelling picture of how important the people who live and work in cities like this are to the lottery business.

The Times analysis found that the poor and less educated were far more acquainted than previously and spend a larger percentage of their income on the lottery than wealthier New Jersey residents.

Using 1998 data from the New Jersey State Lottery, the analysis found that in the ZIP codes populated by the lowest-income people, the amount spent on lottery tickets was more than five times higher per $10,000 of income like the amount spent by people spent on tickets in more affluent countries postcodes. The analysis was calculated using information on 48,875 lottery winners and estimates based on census data.

It found that people living in the 100 lowest median income ZIP codes in New Jersey spend $53 for every $10,000 of their income to redeem an instant win scratch card. But in the 100 highest median income ZIP codes, spending on instant tickets was just $12 per $10,000.

And for the Pick 4 game, which can pay out up to $2,788 for a 50-cent bet on the right four numbers and is one of the state’s most popular games, people in the 100 ZIP Codes gave the lowest earners $29 per $10,000 of income from , compared to $5 per $10,000 of income in the top 100 income ZIP codes.

In New Jersey, too, less educated people spend far more money playing the lottery. In the ZIP codes with the lowest percentage of people with college education, people spent more than five times as much per $10,000 of income as in areas with the highest percentage of people with college education.

What do cats represent in the Bible?

The Overall Biblical Meaning of Cats

In the Bible, felines are symbolic of the best and worst traits of humankind. They encompass the full gamut — jealousy, anger, fierceness, power, strength, majesty, and protector, all of which we see in them, and ourselves, today.

What Do Dreams About Cats Mean? Here’s What Experts Say

Because your cat needs you

What does it mean when a cat bites you?

When your cat nibbles you playfully, she’s really offering her affection. This is much different from a fearful or defensive bite that’s meant to cause harm, and the feelings behind it are different as well. Love nibbles are a ticklish, funny little quirk of lovable cats.

What Do Dreams About Cats Mean? Here’s What Experts Say

Cats show affection in ways that are often not recognized by their pet parents because some people are unsure of how cats show their love. Since cats express affection in very different ways than humans and other pets, it makes sense that we often miss these precious moments. But if you’ve ever wondered if your cat loves you, you’ll most likely be glad to find out that she does! Though their actions are strange, they certainly aren’t any less meaningful.

1. Headbutt

One of cats most endearing behaviors is when they bang their heads and rub against your body. Not only is it cute to look at, it’s a sure sign that your cat loves and cares about you. In fact, your cat leaves pheromones by butting your head to let everyone else know you’re hers, says Vetstreet.

2. Love Bites

Biting is something humans generally associate with negative feelings, but cats are a little different. When your cat playfully nibbles at you, she’s really offering affection. This is very different from a fearful or defensive bite meant to do damage, and the feelings behind it are different as well. Love munchies are a ticklish, funny little quirk of lovable cats.

3. Knead

Cats start kneading as little kittens when they are nursing. This behavior is the act of taking a little little march on your leg, and it translates into affection in adult life. When your cat hugs you, she is showing very clearly that she feels loved and comfortable. Kneading is probably one of the most well-known ways cats show affection, and it’s certainly not a myth.

4. Purring

Purring is one of the loudest ways cats show love. Although there are times when cats will purr when they are uncomfortable, this is rarely the case. Most of the time, your cat purrs because it likes to be around you. The more your cat purrs, the better!

5. Follow you

Many pet parents may find it strange that their cats follow them everywhere, even into the bathroom! But that just means your cat wants to spend more time with you. A cat that enjoys your company and is comfortable around you will follow you around the house and cling to you like glue. She just wants you to know that she sees you as a great companion. For those of you who are trying to do chores around the house and your cat is making it impossible, she is just telling you that she is more important than anything else you are doing and that it is time to reach out to her focus.

6. Bring gifts

Probably the most unpopular thing with pet owners is the kind giving of gifts from their furry friends. Often, cats show their affection by leaving gifts for their pet parents to find. Cats are natural hunters. So when your kitten brings you freshly caught prey, it’s actually offering you a delicious meal. You don’t want to touch it with your bare hands, but remember that she means well and this behavior is really a sign that she cares a lot about you.

How cats show their love can be a little confusing to their human companions, but as long as you understand their behavior for what it is, you can learn to appreciate it. You love your cat and it’s nice to know that she loves you too. So knowing when and how your cat shows affection will give you both clear communication. After all, there is nothing better than knowing that you are loved.

What does a cat represent in the Bible?

In the Bible, felines are symbolic of the best and worst traits of humankind. They encompass the full gamut — jealousy, anger, fierceness, power, strength, majesty, and protector, all of which we see in them, and ourselves, today.

What Do Dreams About Cats Mean? Here’s What Experts Say

Because your cat needs you

What does it mean when you dream of a black cat biting you?

You may erroneously associate the black cat with evil, destruction, and bad luck. In particular, if the black cat is biting, clawing or attacking you, then the dream means that you must acknowledge what your intuition is trying to tell you. You can no longer ignore it.

What Do Dreams About Cats Mean? Here’s What Experts Say

Cat Seeing a cat in your dream symbolizes an independent spirit, female sexuality, creativity and power. It also represents misfortune and bad luck. The dream symbol has different meanings depending on whether you are a cat lover or not. The cat could indicate that someone is being deceitful or treacherous towards you. If the cat is aggressive, it indicates that you have issues with the feminine aspect of yourself. If you are afraid of the cat in your dream, it indicates that you are afraid of the feminine. The dream can be a metaphor for “cats” or someone who is “cats” and malicious. If you see a cat without a tail, it means a loss of independence and lack of autonomy. To dream that you cannot find your cat highlights your independent spirit. You must allow yourself to be free and not let anyone or anything hold you back. To dream of a cat biting you symbolizes the devouring woman. Maybe you take and take without giving. They can express fear or frustration, especially when things don’t go as planned. To dream of saving a cat’s life implies regaining your independence and power. To dream of a cat scratching you indicates that you are feeling threatened. Seeing a black cat in your dream indicates that you are afraid to use your psychic abilities and believe in your intuition. You may mistakenly associate the black cat with evil, destruction, and bad luck. Especially if the black cat bites, scratches or attacks you, the dream means that you need to acknowledge what your intuition is trying to tell you. You can no longer ignore it. Don’t be afraid to face the situation. If you see a white cat, it portends difficult times. To dream of a cat killing a spider suggests that you are expressing your femininity in a seductive and cunning way rather than in an overt and almost destructive way. Seeing a dead cat or hearing a cat being killed means you lack autonomy and independence in some areas of your life. Alternatively, the dream means that you refuse to acknowledge your feminine power. Seeing cats playing in your dream refers to your playful nature. You have to show your playful side. Seeing a cat with green spikes suggests that jealousy is preventing you from forming meaningful relationships. You stay away from a situation or relationship. To dream of a cat with no body or legs symbolizes limited independence. You are misled into thinking that you have the freedom to do whatever you want. If you see two identical cats in your dream, it means you need to balance your own needs with the needs of others. You must remember to take care of yourself and not always worry about others. To dream of thousands of cats roaming around a house indicates a lack of direction in your life. There is too much going on in your life that you lose sight of what is important. If you dream of a cat with two heads, it means indecisiveness; you can’t decide on something. Alternatively, the dream can also mean that you are too easily distracted by your surroundings. TOP **See the meaning in action: “Black Cat” or Injured Cat Cat Eyes Seeing or dreaming of cat eyes indicates your ability to guide your way through a dark and troubling problem Find. You are able to see the positive side of a negative situation. Alternatively, it suggests that you are smart or clever. To dream of a cat having bright blue eyes indicates that you need to look at something from a different perspective. The dream can also signify a sudden enlightenment that can induce feelings of fear or anxiety. you are afraid of the truth TOP cat litter *See Litterbox. Catacomb To dream of a catacomb indicates that you need to face your subconscious fears. TOP Catapult Seeing a catapult in your dream indicates that you will overcome your obstacles through ingenuity and determination. Alternatively, the dream implies that you know no limits. You are on the fast track to success. TOP Cataract To dream that you have cataract or are having a cataract removal indicates that you are looking for clarity in a certain situation. You don’t see all the details clearly. TOP Catastrophe Having a catastrophe in your dream represents sudden instability and upheaval in your changing life. You are extremely concerned about the unknown changes that are coming your way. TOP Catch Catching something in your dream indicates that you need to incorporate something into your life. Look at the object you are trying to catch and look up its meaning. If you are trying to catch a ball, it indicates that you want to feel whole or need to be rounder. If you catch a fish, this indicates that you need to be more spiritual. To dream that you are playing tag represents your carefree attitude. you enjoy life Think about who you play tag with. Playing tag with your mom or dad represents your connection and closeness to them. The dream can also be a metaphor to indicate something that is “catchy” or contagious. TOP catcher To see or dream that you are a baseball catcher means that you must be willing to accept whatever life throws at you. The dream tells you to be prepared. Since baseball often equates to sexual foreplay when it comes to reaching first, second, or third base on a date, the catcher in your dream may be a pun telling you to “catch” them. Maybe there’s a girl you like and you’re not sure if you should go after her. TOP Caterpillar Seeing a caterpillar in your dream means a phase in your personal growth and development when you are on the way but have not yet reached your goal. TOP Catfish Seeing a catfish in your dream symbolizes someone who may not look the way they are. Your true self may not be obvious or immediately obvious. TOP Cathedral *See Church. Catsup Seeing or eating catsup in your dream represents simplicity, youth and happiness. Alternatively, the dream may be a play on words that you need to “catch up” on something. TOP Cattle Seeing cattle in your dream indicates that you need to be careful in some situations or relationships. Seeing a herd of cattle in your dream represents a lack of individuality. In general, you go with the flow of things. Alternatively, it symbolizes prosperity. If you see a stampede of cattle in your dream, it indicates that something in your life is out of control. TOP Catwalk To see or dream of walking a catwalk represents your new found confidence. It can also mean that you like to be the center of attention. You will be recognized for your talents or creativity. Alternatively, the dream could mean that you are using your looks to get your way. You have to start looking within. TOP Caught To dream of being caught doing something represents your fears and vulnerabilities. You are afraid of being judged. Consider the importance of what you did and how you felt when you got caught. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are overly vigilant about your surroundings. TOP Caul If you see a caul in your dream, it means that you are not seeing something clearly. Your vision is being obstructed or obscured by something or someone. A caul is also a symbol of good luck and protection. TOP Cauldron Seeing a cauldron in your dream means that you are undergoing a transformation. It also indicates destiny or some magical, spiritual power. Alternatively, the cauldron symbolizes fertility and the womb. Consider the symbolism of what is in the cauldron and its meaning. TOP Cauliflower Seeing or eating cauliflower in your dream symbolizes spiritual sustenance, purity and perfection. It also represents sadness and the need to be uplifted. Your dream indicates that the difficult times you are going through will be over soon. Alternatively, the cauliflower represents the brain and your mental abilities. TOP Cave To see or to dream of being in a cave symbolizes the womb and thus means refuge, protection and secrecy. To dream of walking in a dark cave represents an exploration of your subconscious. It signals self-discovery. TOP Cave Painting Seeing a cave painting in your dream indicates that you are not yet ready to share your ideas. You are reluctant to share your innermost thoughts and fully express who you are. TOP Caveman *See Barbarian. Caviar Seeing or eating caviar in your dream indicates your expensive taste. You enjoy the finer things in life and aren’t afraid to flaunt it. TOP Tooth Decay To dream that you have a tooth decay indicates feelings of fear and uncertainty about a situation. You lack self-confidence. TOP CD To see a CD in your dream represents a need for pleasure or a distraction. It also points to the chances and opportunities that are available to you. Consider the type of music and the title of the CD. If you are giving the CD away, you may be trying to convey a message to that person in the songs. Alternatively, the CD is analogous to meaning a circle. Also consider whether the initial “CD” has any additional meaning for you. It may represent a person or even be a pun on something that is “shabby”. TOP CD Player Seeing or using a CD player in your dream represents the impression or image you wish to project onto others. It can also symbolize inspiration and the simple joy of listening to music. TOP Cedar To see a cedar in your dream symbolizes longevity, constancy, strength, perseverance and immortality. The dream could be trying to bring you security during a difficult time in your life. TOP Blanket To see a blanket in your dream represents a mental or spiritual perspective. It can also symbolize the limit you have set for yourself. If you see a vaulted ceiling in your dream, it means your crooked perspective or view. To dream of ceiling water damage refers to an emotional issue that you are not addressing. They keep pushing those feelings aside, which can end up becoming a bigger problem. me TOP Celebration To dream of a celebration represents your achievement toward a higher level of growth. This can also be a smug dream for the goals achieved and the recognition gained. They can also honor a victory, success, or achievement. Alternatively, the dream of a celebration symbolizes freedom and emotional liberation. Celebration dreams are common for those who anticipate an upcoming turning point or event in their waking life. TOP Celebrity To dream that you are a celebrity represents your high aspirations that may be far beyond your reach in the present moment. You may just be setting yourself up for disappointment. To dream of a friend or lover becoming a celebrity represents your fear of losing that person’s friendship and loyalty. Seeing a celebrity in your dream represents your belief and understanding about him or her. Consider what the celebrity is famous or known for and how you relate to that trait. Something in your waking life was triggering these similar beliefs and feelings. It’s not uncommon for your obsession with a particular celebrity to carry over into your dream world. Celebrities are often seen as heroes and all things powerful. Also, consider any puns within the name. To dream of becoming good friends with a celebrity represents your idealized version of someone you know in your life. Maybe you’re hoping that a true friend can act more like a certain celebrity. Consider the traits you see in this celebrity and how you would like your friends to have those traits. Alternatively, the dream may be trying to make up for your own lack of confidence. You want to escape your own reality and live the high life. You want to adapt. To dream of dating a celebrity implies that you are idealizing a relationship. If you are infatuated with or obsessed with a certain celebrity, you may also have dreams of dating him or her. To dream that you are kissing or having sex with a celebrity represents your desire for success. Think about what attributes or films you associate this celebrity with, or what makes this celebrity famous for clues as to where and what you want to achieve. Alternatively, the dream can just represent your fascination or obsession with that particular celebrity. TOP *See also actor/actress. Celery Seeing or eating celery represents your need to be cleansed, either physically or emotionally. The dream can also be a pun on ‘salary’, indicating your financial worries. TOP Celibacy To dream of being celibate represents your fear of intimacy. You may be trying to block your sexual energy. TOP Cell Phone If you see or use a cell phone in your dream, it indicates that you are receptive to new information. It also represents your mobility. Alternatively, the dream means a lack of understanding. You may have trouble reaching someone. To dream of losing your cell phone represents a lack of communication. You have lost touch with an aspect of your feelings or of yourself. If you find a cell phone, it symbolizes reconnection and reopened communication. To dream of your cell phone snapping open and shut implies that you are ready to talk about something you have been holding inside. To dream that your phone screen is cracked means you are not expressing yourself in a healthy or effective way. If you dream that your cell phone explodes in your hand, then it represents a breakdown in communication. You are trying to connect with someone but it is going nowhere. To dream of your parents giving or letting you a cell phone refers to better communication with them. Maybe the dream is telling you that you should open up to them more. If you dream about getting a free cell phone, it symbolizes the importance of communication. In other words, you can’t price it. TOP *See also Telephone Cell Phone Tower Seeing a cell phone tower in your dream symbolizes communication and your connections with others. To dream of a cell phone tower being built on top of your house implies that there is a lack of communication within your family that can no longer be ignored. You need to address this communication issue. TOP Basement To dream of being in a basement represents a part of your subconscious where you have been hiding your fears and problems. To dream that you are going to the basement means that you are digging deep into your own past and confronting your fears. TOP Cello To see or hear a cello in your dream represents sensual or creative achievements. You show a lot of strength and stability. TOP Celtic Knot Seeing a Celtic knot in your dream symbolizes continuity, longevity, good health and/or immortality. It also references a timeless tradition. Consider the general geometric shape of the knot for further meaning. TOP Cement Truck To see a cement truck in your dream represents solid and “concrete” ideas or plans being put into motion. To dream of mixing cement indicates that you are merging ideas or aspects of yourself. TOP * See also concrete. Graveyard To dream of being in a graveyard indicates the end of a habit or behavior. You experience a rebirth. More directly, the dream can symbolize sadness, unresolved grief, or your fear of death. To dream of cleaning up the graveyard indicates that you are cleaning up with your past. In some Asian cultures, a special holiday revolves around surviving family members visiting and cleaning the tombs of the deceased to pay their respects. So, in this regard, your dream can mean respecting your past and where you come from. TOP Censor To dream of being censored indicates that you are being prevented from expressing your views, opinions, or feelings. A relationship or situation can be unhealthy and depressing. To dream of something being censored indicates that you do not have all the facts to make an informed decision about a matter. TOP Centaur Seeing a centaur in your dream symbolizes the duality of human nature. It indicates that you are trying to balance your intellectual/mental nature with your physical nature. The centaur also represents humanity, wisdom and compassion. TOP Center To dream of being the center of something represents your belief that everything revolves around you. The dream can also be a metaphor that you are in the middle of a situation that you cannot get out of. If you are uncentered, it indicates that something is out of balance in your life. TOP Centipede Seeing a centipede in your dream suggests that your fears and doubts are preventing you from making progress and achieving your goals. You need to stop thinking negative thoughts. TOP Ceramics Seeing or making ceramics in your dream indicates that you need to lend a hand in some situations or relationships. You need to express more of your creative side. TOP Muesli To dream that you are eating muesli means the beginning of a new project or chapter in your life. It can also indicate that you need to restore yourself in a basic way. Alternatively, your mind may already be thinking about breakfast. It is not uncommon for your fleeting thoughts to flow into your dream. TOP Ceremony To dream of attending a ceremony suggests that sacrifice and dedication are necessary for success. You may be going through a pivotal moment in your waking life that requires your commitment. It is a time for introspection, self-discovery and inner change. TOP Certificate If you see a certificate in your dream, it indicates that you are looking for validity and truth in a certain situation. You want recognition for your work. TOP Caesarean section To dream of having a cesarean section implies that you need help to get your idea or project off the ground. You can’t do it yourself. A more direct interpretation of this dream could represent your fears of having a cesarean section in real life. TOP cesspool If you see a cesspool in your dream, it indicates that you need to undergo emotional purification. You need to let go of the negativity and the things that are holding you back. TOP Chains To see chains in your dream means that you need to break free from a routine, an old idea or a relationship. When you are chained, a part of you is being held in check by force. You are being held back from what you really want to do. TOP Chainsaw If you see a chainsaw in your dream, it indicates that something drastic is going to happen. Success comes only through willpower. Alternatively, it suggests that you quickly get to the heart of the matter. The chainsaw can be seen as a phallic symbol and can be related to your sexual urges. TOP chair Seeing a chair in your dream symbolizes your need to sit down and take your time to think about a situation before proceeding. Or you just need to relax. Alternatively, it indicates that your feelings or ideas are being dismissed or pushed aside. To dream of someone offering you a chair suggests that you need to be open to accepting and accepting advice. To dream of falling or someone falling backwards into a chair implies that you are too comfortable walking around and not achieving anything. If you see or sit on a folding chair in your dream, then it refers to an ever-changing situation. You can easily and smoothly adapt to changes. TOP Chairlift Dreaming of going up a ski slope in a chairlift represents reaching new heights and conquering your fears. You are in control of your emotions and will face any feelings and inhibitions that you have been suppressing. They’re about to bring her to the surface. To dream of riding a chairlift while watching other people suggests life is passing you by. Instead of taking control of your life and being more proactive, just let things happen. In particular, if you are dreaming of a chairlift underwater, it means that you are feeling numb from your emotions. TOP Chakra To dream of your chakra indicates that the flow of your spiritual energy is blocked. you have to open up There are 7 chakras, so you need to consider which chakra has additional meaning. The crown chakra radiates a violet color and signifies wisdom and intellect. Also referred to as the third eye, the brow chakra is represented by an indigo colored light and symbolizes psychic abilities, intuition and mutual understanding. This dream may be telling you to focus on the big picture. The throat chakra emits a blue light and is related to your voice and how you express your opinions and beliefs. The heart chakra is represented by a green color and symbolizes pure and divine love for everyone and everything around you. The solar plexus chakra emits a yellow light and represents your relationships with others. Are you in conflict or at peace with others? The Hara chakra is represented by an orange. It relates to sexual matters and questions about love. The root or base chakra emits a red light. It relates to material and physical life. Dreaming about your base chakra indicates feelings of being lost or uprooted in your waking life. TOP Chalice Seeing a chalice in your dream represents your need for spiritual sustenance. You are searching for your individual self and for a more meaningful existence. TOP Chalk To see a piece of chalk in a dream refers to school and learning. Your skills and knowledge are being questioned. Seeing something written in chalk means something that can easily escape your grasp. You can have an advantage in some situations, but it’s only temporary. Consider the meaning of the written message. TOP Blackboard Seeing a blackboard in your dream represents the classroom and the difficulties you may have experienced in school. There is a lesson to be learned from this dream. Maybe you feel like you’re being tested. Think about what is on the board. Alternatively, it means your debt. To dream that you are writing on the board indicates that some situations will require you to get your hands dirty. TOP Chameleon To see a chameleon in your dream represents your ability to adapt to any situation. You are versatile and versatile. Or you feel like you’re being overlooked. TOP Champagne Seeing a champagne bottle being opened symbolizes a sexual act. Alternatively, it stands for extravagance and excess. Or it indicates a celebration or personal achievement that you are proud of. TOP Chamomile Seeing or smelling chamomile in your dream represents patience. In some situations you need to calm down. TOP Chandelier To see a chandelier in your dream represents grandeur and grandeur. You see a bright future ahead of you. If the chandelier is made of crystal, it symbolizes wealth. TOP Change To dream that you are given the wrong change depends on whether you have come up short or not. If you’ve come up short, it’s analogous to having low self-esteem issues. you feel unworthy Getting more change than you’re owed indicates your ego is inflated. You feel entitled to certain things. UP Locker Room *See Locker Room. Singing To dream of yourself singing symbolizes your camaraderie and unity with others for a common cause. It also suggests that you are in touch with a higher level and a heightened sense of spirituality. Hearing singing in your dream means chaos and disagreements. TOP Chapel *See Church. Lip balm *See lip balm. Seeing or wearing chaps in a dream symbolizes a passive aggressiveness. TOP Character To dream that you are playing a character indicates that you avoid certain responsibilities or refuse to acknowledge your role in them. Alternatively, the dream means that you are performing an act. By playing a character, you pretend to be someone else instead of being yourself. Consider a situation in your waking life where you are not being sincere. TOP Charades To dream that you are playing charades indicates that there is something that you cannot put into words or articulate. Try to decipher what message you want to convey. TOP Charcoal To dream of yourself eating charcoal symbolizes your burning passion and libido. You go through some kind of transformation and embrace your sensuality. TOP Chariot To dream that you are driving in a chariot indicates that you need to control your life. To dream of yourself or someone else falling from a chariot means failure. TOP Charity To dream of giving or receiving charity is analogous to your ability to give and receive love. You have compassion for others. TOP Charleston To dream that you are dancing the Charleston means an important and considerable achievement for you. TOP Charlie Chaplin Seeing or dreaming that you are Charlie Chaplin indicates that you are searching and searching for a direction in your life. You need a change from your everyday life. TOP Charm Bracelet Seeing or wearing a charm bracelet in your dream is a symbol of protection from any harm. Consider the symbolism of the specific spell for additional meaning. TOP Diagram Seeing or reading a diagram in your dream symbolizes your goals and attitude towards life. TOP Chase To dream of being chased means you are avoiding a situation you don’t think you can handle. It’s a metaphor for some form of insecurity. In particular, to dream of being chased by an animal represents your own unspoken and unacknowledged anger being projected onto that animal. Alternatively, you can run away from a primal drive or fear. To dream that you are chasing someone means you are trying to overcome a difficult goal or task. You can also express some aggressive feelings towards others. To dream of being pursued and enjoying it implies that you enjoy being the object of desire. You like to feel wanted. The dream can correspond to a blossoming relationship. TOP *Click on Common Dreams: Chase for a detailed analysis. Abyss *Please see Abyss. Chastity Belt Seeing or wearing a chastity belt in your dream shows your attitudes and feelings towards sex. Alternatively, the dream can be a metaphor to indicate that you are overly protective. Maybe your way of thinking is outdated. TOP Chat Room To dream of being in a chat room represents your need to mentally connect with others. Also, the dream could mean that you are spending too much time in front of the computer and this has carried over into your dreams. You need to get out and socialize in the real world. TOP Chauffeur To dream that you are a chauffeur indicates that you are helping someone with their goals. They try to steer them in the right direction. To dream that you are being chauffeured means extravagance and luxury. You have high self-esteem. Alternatively, the dream represents your dependence on others. You are not in control of your life. TOP Cheap To dream of yourself or someone being cheap represents your own feelings of inadequacy. You don’t fully appreciate your own self-worth. To dream that you got something at a bargain price suggests that you are undervalued. Or are you cheating someone out of their valuable belongings? Consider the symbolism of the item and how it makes you feel about it in the dream. TOP Cheating To dream of cheating on your spouse, fiancé, or significant other indicates feelings of self-guilt and self-betrayal. You may have compromised your faith or integrity and/or wasted your energy and time in unsuccessful endeavors. Alternatively, cheating dreams reflect the intensity of your sexual passion; You explore areas of your sexuality. In this scenario, the dream can actually serve as a confirmation of your commitment. Additionally, as you approach your own wedding date, it is not uncommon to have dreams of having erotic experiences with partners other than your intended spouse. Most likely, such a dream represents the novelty of your sexual passion. It can also mean that you could change your identity – that of a spouse. To dream that your partner, spouse, or significant other is cheating on you represents your fear of being abandoned. You may feel a lack of attention in the relationship. Alternatively, you may feel that you are not living up to the expectations of others. This notion may stem from issues of confidence or self-esteem. The dream could also indicate that you are subconsciously picking up cues and clues that your significant other is not being entirely honest or fully committed to the relationship. To dream of your boyfriend being cheated on represents your subconscious dislike of his significant other. You think your friend deserves to be treated better. To dream of cheating at a game indicates that you are not being honest with yourself. You feel inadequate and insecure. TOP ** *See Common Dreams: Cheating Dreams for more analysis. Check If you see a check in your dream, it indicates that you may have an obligation to others. The dream can also be a pun of checking things. Seeing a blank check in your dream symbolizes your untapped potential. It can also indicate unclaimed rewards. Seeing a tick in your dream means approval and acceptance. Your hard work has paid off. TOP Checkerboard To see a chessboard in your dream indicates the many aspects and facets of your personality. Alternatively, a chessboard can reflect your struggle between good and evil or good and evil. The dream can also be a metaphor for your “checkered” past. Maybe you did something you weren’t proud of or something that keeps haunting you. TOP Checkers Seeing or playing checkers in your dream indicates that you need to have a clear strategy in order to overtake your opponents. The dream can also be a pun on “check her”. Maybe you need to re-evaluate this female persona. TOP Checkout To dream that you are standing at a checkout symbolizes completion. you feel whole Alternatively, if you are standing at a cash register in your dream, it means that you are not fully privy to a situation. You want to get out of a relationship or circumstance. Cheeks Seeing your cheeks in your dream symbolizes devotion, intimacy and closeness. It also shows your strength of character and your opinions. Alternatively, cheeks can also be slang for buttocks. To see rosy cheeks in a dream means vitality, enthusiasm and vitality. If the cheeks are sunken, this symbolizes sadness, hunger, poverty and/or struggles. The emphasis on the cheeks in your dream could also indicate health problems. To dream of having painted cheeks represents your attitude toward courage and violence/passiveness. To dream of you kissing someone on the cheek or someone kissing you on the cheek means admiration, courtesy, reverence, friendship, or respect. TOP Cheers If you hear or start cheering in your dream, it indicates that you are going in the right direction or making the right decisions in your life. You have more confidence and believe in yourself. The dream can also be a metaphor to “cheer you up”. TOP Cheerios Seeing or eating Cheerios in your dream indicates that you are missing something in your life. You don’t feel quite whole. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on “farewell” or “goodbye.” TOP Cheerleader To see a cheerleader in your dream represents competition and triumph. Your dream may be telling you to praise and encourage others more. To dream that you are a cheerleader represents your confidence and self-esteem. You need to be more active and positive in some waking moments of your life. TOP Cheese To see cheese in your dream symbolizes gains and gains. Alternatively, the dream can be a metaphor for something that is “cheesy” or lame. Or it could mean you need to smile more. TOP Cheese Curl Seeing or dreaming that you eat Cheese Curl indicates that you are leaving behind evidence or a clue of your indulgent or negative behavior. Alternatively, the dream can only mean that you have a strong desire for cheese curls. TOP Cheesecake Seeing or eating cheesecake in your dream indicates that things are going well for you. You deserve a sweet reward for a job well done. TOP Cheetah If you see a cheetah in your dream, it means that you need to move and be more active in order to pursue your goals. Maybe you’ve been a little lazy and need to get up from that seat. TOP Chef To dream that you are a chef indicates that you have the ability, knowledge and talent to choose your life path. You know what action to take and you move forward productively. And you have learned from your past life experiences. To see a chef in your dream represents transformation and changes. Think about what “cooking” is in your life? TOP Chemicals Seeing or using chemicals in your dream indicates that you are undergoing a process of transformation and individuation. To dream of mixing or combining chemicals represents creativity, manipulation, and/or intellectual power. TOP Chemistry To see or dream that you are a chemist indicates your ability to change yourself. You change your persona depending on the situation. To dream of chemistry refers to manipulation. You are being manipulated or you are the one manipulating. TOP Cherry To see cherries in your dream symbolizes honesty and truthfulness or sweetness and happiness. Alternatively, the dream could tell you that “life is like a bowl of cherries.” In other words, don’t take life so seriously; always with Tranquillity. Seeing a cherry tree in your dream represents happiness, springtime, femininity and youth. TOP Cherry Blossom Tree To see a cherry blossom tree in your dream symbolizes feminine power, beauty and love. The dream may be telling you that you can be strong and tender at the same time. Alternatively, dreaming of a cherry blossom tree symbolizes mortality. It can also be a reminder that life is short and to take advantage of what life has to offer. TOP Cherub To see a cherub in your dream represents childlike innocence, fragility and spite. You need to take life a little less seriously. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you may have been dishonest or manipulative. TOP Cheshire Cat To see the Cheshire Cat in your dream means mischief, deceit and mockery. It may represent someone in your life that you are not sure you can trust or depend on. TOP Chess Seeing or playing chess in your dream indicates that you need to think the situation through carefully before making a decision. The light and dark squares of the chessboard symbolize the positive (pro) and negative (contra) of a situation. The dream can also comment on how you met your partner in love or in business. To dream that your king chess piece is in danger indicates that you are being smothered by a female figure in your life. To dream of chess pieces coming to life means that you are fully engrossed or absorbed in a situation, relationship, or task. You ignore everything else around you. Alternatively, the dream implies that you are no longer in control of a situation. A situation in your waking life determines your actions and behavior. TOP Breast To see your breast in your dream means confidence, conquest and vitality. Alternatively, it represents feeling overwhelmed and confronted with something dangerous. Also, consider if the dream is telling you that there is something you need to “take off your chest.” To dream that you are beating your chest indicates triumph and a great achievement. It is common for those who experience true chest pain to have dreams in which they are shot in the chest or feel intense pressure on their chest. To dream of a storage chest or a wooden chest is symbolic of suppressing one’s own needs or feelings. You tend to put the needs of others ahead of your own. Alternatively, a storage chest represents memories that you hold onto. TOP Chestnut Tree To see a chestnut tree in your dream represents strength and health. TOP Chevron To see a chevron in your dream symbolizes protection. TOP Chewing To dream of chewing something indicates that you are sorting things out and thinking about them carefully. TOP Chicago To dream of being in Chicago represents mainstream thinking. Known as the windy city, the dream can also indicate that your life is blowing in a new direction. You will experience additional strength, vitality and energy in your life. TOP Chick Seeing a chick in your dream symbolizes youthful curiosity and innocence. The dream can also be slang for a girl. TOP Chickadee Seeing a chickadee in your dream means that you need to pay attention and become aware that something unique and special is happening in your life. TOP Chicken Suit To dream that you are wearing a chicken suit implies that your subconscious is calling you a chicken. You lack self-confidence. TOP Chickens To see chickens in a dream symbolizes cowardice and lack of will. The dream may be a pun on being a chicken or wriggling out of a situation. Chickens also represent excessive chatter and gossip. Listen carefully to what people are saying about you or what you are saying about others. Seeing a rubber chicken in your dream indicates that you are too serious and need to relax. It’s okay to be silly sometimes. To dream that you are eating chicken implies fear. You are a chicken”. Especially when you eat fried chicken, it refers to an unhealthy aspect that you need to eliminate from your life. Maybe you are too lenient. If you are eating raw chicken in your dream, it indicates that you are feeling unprepared for a situation. You are struggling to achieve your goals. TOP Chief If you see a police chief in your dream, it means that you must take responsibility for your actions. There is a higher authority to which you must answer. Alternatively, a police chief symbolizes a father figure in your waking life. Your attitude or impression of the chief reflects your waking relationship with this father figure. TOP Chiffon To see or wear chiffon in your dream represents your feminine and delicate side. It can also indicate your weak points. TOP Chihuahua Seeing a chihuahua in your dream represents someone around you who is unexpectedly loud. It can also represent someone who is insecure. Alternatively, the dream can refer to a situation or relationship where the bark is larger than the bite. TOP Child To dream that you are a small child again indicates that you are feeling the burdens of adulthood. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibilities and you are looking for someone who will protect, protect and care for you. To dream that you are losing a child means losing hope. It can also indicate that a project is not performing the way you wanted it to. Saving a child in your dream means that you are trying to save a part of yourself from destruction. If you dream that you are separated from your children, then this symbolizes failure in a personal endeavor or setback in an ideal that you had. Seeing a child falling down in your dream means lost innocence. TOP Childhood To dream of your childhood indicates your desire to return to a life where you had few responsibilities and worries. It also represents innocence. Alternatively, it suggests that certain aspects of your childhood have not yet been integrated into your adult personality. On the other hand, some childhood fears have yet to be resolved in your adult life. TOP Children Seeing children in your dream represents an aspect of you and your childlike traits. You may withdraw into a childlike state and long for the past. They are still trying to satisfy suppressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Maybe there is something you need to see growing and nurturing. Take a break and nurture your inner child. Alternatively, the dream can highlight your innocence, purity, simplicity and carefree attitude. When you fight with children, it means you are repressing your inner child. The children could represent someone in your waking life (colleague, partner, sibling, etc.) acting like a child. If you see children fighting in your dream, it means that your sense of morality and your character are in conflict. Forgetting your child or children indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed by your waking duties. The dream is telling you that you are too focused on small details and you are overlooking the important things in your life. You need to reprioritize your time and focus on what matters most. To dream that your own adult children are very young indicates that you still see them as young and dependent. They want to feel needed and meaningful. To dream that you have more children than you actually have in real life means you are discovering old talents or skills that you have pushed aside. To dream that you are watching children but they don’t know it is you is a metaphor for a hidden knowledge or talent that you have not realized. Saving a child in your dream means that you are trying to save a part of yourself from destruction. If you dream that you are separated from your children, then this symbolizes failure in a personal endeavor or setback in an ideal that you had. Seeing children being abused in your dream implies that you lack a voice for your own inner child. You feel that a part of your own childhood is being lost. TOP Chili Seeing or eating chili in your dream symbolizes intense passion and raw emotions. The dream can also be a metaphor for being “happy”. TOP Chills Chills in your dream means fear. Alternatively, it represents your indifference to a situation or person. The dream can be an actual physical reaction; maybe your blankets fell down. Or the dream can be a metaphor indicating that you need to “relax” or calm down. TOP Chimera Seeing a chimera in your dream represents a feeling of confusion. You have to sort your thoughts and feelings. TOP Chimes Hearing chimes in your dream symbolizes calm. Alternatively, it means you need to pay special attention to something. Chimney To see a chimney in your dream represents warmth, tradition and family values. Alternatively, a chimney symbolizes the phallus. So when the chimney smokes, that represents sexual redemption. If it’s not smoking, then it means sexual tension or your need for sexual relaxation. If the chimney collapses, it means impotence. To dream that you are sweeping the chimney indicates that you need to vent your frustration and get things out in the open. You need to let go of all that negativity and/or guilt that you are holding on to. TOP Chimpanzee If you see a chimpanzee in your dream, it indicates that what you thought was true is actually not true. You are considering a problem. TOP Chin Noticing your chin in your dream relates to your resilience and ability to recover from adversity. The chin often symbolizes character, strength and determination. Maybe you need to “keep your head up” and stay optimistic. TOP Chinchilla Seeing a chinchilla in your dream indicates that you are feeling emotionally content or content. It is also a symbol of warmth. Alternatively, dreaming about a chinchilla indicates that you are high maintenance and need a lot of attention. Since chinchillas are coveted for their ultra-soft fur, the dream may also reflect your attitude towards the fur industry. TOP Chipmunk If you see a chipmunk in your dream, it indicates that you need to hold on to the past and learn to let go. TOP Chiropractor Seeing a chiropractor in your dream indicates that you are seeking support and advice. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it; it is not a sign of weakness. ABOVE

Dream of cat jumping on me

Dream of cat jumping on me
Dream of cat jumping on me

See some more details on the topic dream of cat jumping on me here:

Dream of cat jumping on me – Explore Your Dream Life

It’s trying to get your attention. This dream involving cats is saying that your se of you that’s more feminine is trying to almost claw back against your …

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What does dreaming about cats jumping on you mean ?

Dreaming about cats jumping on you suggests that you have great difficulty making choices. Being very open, you are intrigued by everything and …

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What does dreaming about cats jumping on you mean

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Cat Jumping At Me dream meanings – HiddenDreaming.Com

Short meaning: To see cat jumping at me , while you are sleeping, denotes absolute life-force, effete desire, great skill in creative endeavors and …

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Dream of cat jumping on me

One of the most interesting dreams you could ever have is about an otherwise cute creature. I’m talking about your average domesticated cat or kitten.

Cats have become one of mankind’s favorite companions, and for good reason. There’s just something adorable about your typical house cat. Not only do they have that playful nature, but they are also very independent.

If you live in an apartment or are a very busy person, caring for a cat or kitten is a breeze.

For the most part, they take care of themselves. All you have to do is skip some food and of course water, and they’ll take care of the rest. Unlike dogs, they have enough self-control not to eat all of their food at once.

If you’re looking for a creature that will keep bugs out of your home, a cat is definitely up to the task. Plus they’re a lot of fun.

Seeing a cat in a dream may seem quite mundane. In fact, many people completely overlook cat or kitten images in their dreams. Seeing mice in dreams or frogs in dreams may seem even more memorable even though they are smaller creatures.

It’s like your feline companion has to do something pretty dramatic to grab your attention through dream symbols. That way, you’ll be more likely to remember them.

For example, if I’m playing around with my cat or kitten in my dream, I could easily forget that scene because of another dream with more traumatic or memorable imagery. Or I would just sleep with cat images several hours after my dream.

But if I dream of a cat jumping on me, I would sit up and pay attention.

Maybe they bite. Maybe their tails are thrashing all over the place as they run through your house. Maybe they’re meowing like crazy.

Whatever the case, the fact that I dream about a cat physically jumping at me means I’m more likely to remember. They did something that caught my attention.

Let the cat out of the bag

Given the almost universal familiarity humans have with cats, it’s very tempting to simply overlook these creatures when they appear in our dreams.

In fact, we might automatically think that cats in dreams are just part of the scene. When we dream about them, it’s as if they are almost camouflaged. They’re not noticeable unless they’re doing something dramatic in the dream – like jumping on us, biting us, scratching us, or something that grabs our attention in a directly physical way.

But if you keep seeing a dream sign of your cat or a strange kitten in your dream, you should be careful.

You must understand that your subconscious could have displayed many other different images in your dream. Instead, it indicates a familiar four-legged furry feline companion while you dream. There’s a reason for that.

The fact that this sign keeps appearing in your dream in many different scenes and contexts only serves to emphasize the importance of the message your subconscious is trying to convey.

Cat dreams in the everyday world

Cats are pretty popular precisely because they look like they’re everywhere. A cat can even be seen as an everyday household image.

If you imagine the ideal of a well-balanced, happy family, pets are certainly included in that picture. You best believe that a domestic cat could be featured in this picture. Cats are definitely a top runner-up for inclusion.

Many people who live in apartments, condos, or have busy schedules prefer cats to dogs.

A cat may be less clingy. Cats know their way around the house. And cats are pretty good at taking care of themselves. Cats, unlike dogs, haven’t really lost their survival instincts.

For these reasons, cats are pretty much everywhere. Even if you are not a cat fanatic or own one, you can recognize the image of a cat. In fact, they seem to be so ubiquitous that you really can’t blame them for being easy to miss in dreams.

General dream interpretation of a cat in a dream may indicate spirituality

If you keep dreaming about a cat in a dream, your subconscious is telling you something about your spiritual state. It also tries to communicate with you through your dreams about a specific side of your spirituality.

When people hear the word “spirituality” today, they automatically think of religion. These are not identical concepts. Religion is a small subset of spirituality. Spirituality is so much bigger.

It involves not only personal philosophies and differing ethical perspectives, but also experiential morality. These may or may not have ties to long-standing religious and philosophical traditions.

Believe it or not, you don’t need a religion to be a moral person. That shocks a lot of people.

Only from a purely mutual perspective is there a sense of morality there. If I want to be treated a certain way, I need to take the initiative and treat you that way. If I want to be respected, then I must give you respect, which is due in advance.

That’s how most of the world works—regardless of where we come from, what we look like, and what we’ve been through. That’s how we understand each other.

And it works despite superficial religious differences. There is a certain core human morality that transcends dogma, doctrine, or any particular theological perspective.

But spirituality is broader, believe it or not.

Spirituality can also cover your mindset.

The power of personal spirituality

Defined in terms of mindset, your personal spirituality really governs the rest of your waking life.

Reduced to the essentials, your spirituality encompasses your way of thinking, your attitude, your dreams and—most importantly—your inner dialogue. This is the inaudible inner monologue that you repeat over and over in your head.

It’s that personal narrative of who you think you are, who you think you could be, how you dream of yourself to be in the future, and the places you can and can’t go can go, and the people they can and won’t.

We all have this internal script.

Here’s the interesting part about it: it’s purely elected. That’s correct. It’s a choice.

Your inner script may have been with you for so long that it seems like you were born with it. You may even see it in the lives of your parents and their parents’ parents.

When you see this, you might give the impression that it somehow runs in the family or is etched into your genes as a person. think again

The fact that it appears so automatic because it appears to have been “passed down” from generation to generation is just a series of choices. Your parents chose the inner narrative that their parents showed them. But they could have said no and gone in a different direction.

Consequences of patterns from repeated experiences and insights

Often the path of least resistance is simply to pick up on the patterns we see from our parents. It is, after all, what we have known all our lives. It’s what we’re most familiar with, so we decide to adopt this internal personal script without much of a fight.

We don’t question it. We don’t compare it to other scripts.

Pretty soon we come to think that this is just part of our personal heritage – much like our genes determine our blood type and, in large part, the types of diseases we are susceptible to.

But make no mistake; this internal script is an option. There are many other scripts, but you chose yours.

You might be thinking, “Okay, so what? I chose this script. Doesn’t everyone do it the same way?”

Yes, it is true. Everyone else on this planet runs by their personal internal script. But don’t think for a second that all of these scripts are one and the same or functionally equivalent.

Just like with movies, the difference between a bad movie and a good one is the script.

If you are – in any way – unhappy, frustrated, stuck, or upset about any aspect of real life, you need to understand that it all goes back to the internal personal script you have chosen.

Choose your inner monologue

A lot of people don’t like that. They are outraged about this. To their ears, that’s like saying, “You chose the life you have.”

The headwind, of course, is, “I’ve decided to be unhappy? I’ve decided to feel like I’m always under pressure and stressed out? Have I chosen to be unhappy? I wanted my dreams to fail? How can I select this? Who in their right mind would make that kind of decision?”

I understand the emotional resistance. I also understand where you are from.

As you play this script for many years, it becomes part of your identity.

But no matter how familiar it is to you and how ingrained it is in your daily routine, it doesn’t make it any less of a choice. You can choose a different script.

This is your personal spirituality. What you choose to feed your mind and how you choose to see, define, and portray yourself ultimately determines your outside world—that’s the part people can see.

We talk about the type of job you have, how much money you make, what your net worth is, how respected you are by those around you, how happy you are with your circumstances, the quality of your relationships, and even your physical health.

All of these are connected because they all flow from your mind.

Ultimately, what people can see about you – from your haircut to your weight, the health of your skin, your general appearance, demeanor and posture – reflects everything that’s going on inside you.

Take control of the narrative

If you look at yourself in the mirror or reflect on your life so far and are in any way unhappy or insecure, take comfort in the knowledge that you can still change. You can always dream of something better for your future.

All of these things come from a specific place. They come from your mindset. This is your self definition. This is the script you keep playing to yourself.

In fact, you’ve heard it so many times and in so many different circumstances that you can’t even recognize it. It’s like your inner song, or it could even be likened to white noise, basically.

At first glance, it may seem static. But once it sinks in, you hardly hear it. But it’s still there. It’s still a script. And like any script, it can be modified.

So when you feel like you deserve so much more in your waking life, sometimes you have to question the script you’ve chosen.

Everyone has to check their personal script

Your personal script is a central part of your spirituality. It governs and dictates how you interact with the rest of the universe. That’s how crucial it is to your personal being.

Unfortunately, most people never get to examine and analyze, let alone question, the personal scripts that drive their lives.

Put it this way: If I bought two computers with the exact same processor and all the different hardware, I would have two identical machines. Now if I install a video game operating system on one and a bitcoin mining operating system on the other, I have two completely different machines functionally.

I can only play video games on the first machine. I can’t keep accounts. I can neither Photoshop nor graphic editing. I can’t dictate my articles or blog posts into it. All I can do is play high definition, impactful and amazing games.

For the same reason, when I turn on the other machine, it only shows how much bitcoin I am about to mine and not much more. I cannot override the operating system so that I can browse websites on the Internet. I can’t load any software because the operating system is focused on one thing and one thing only: Bitcoin mining.

From a functional and visual point of view, these two machines that started out as identical hardware are two completely different machines.

The same applies to people. Your inner script or dialogue is your personal operating system.

Believe it or not, you and Bill Gates have a lot in common. Imagine this: Bill Gates – one of the richest men in the world – is functionally the same as you. You would probably laugh.

Bill Gates, of course, lives in a multi-million dollar house. He flies all over the world, has his own private jet and all the accessories one would expect from people who are spectacularly rich.

And here you are, a person with far fewer assets. The life of Bill Gates is the stuff of dreams and fantasies. How can anyone in their right mind say that you and Bill Gates are the same?

Well you are in terms of the hardware. They each have two eyes, a nose and two pairs of legs and arms.

The big difference between you and Bill Gates or anyone else you want to compare yourself to is your mindset. This is your operating system.

We all choose our personal operating system

It is important to understand the power of choice. No matter how many times your parents try to drum their value system and frustrated dreams and personal moral compass into you, nothing will happen if you don’t follow along. You’re wasting your time.

It is important to understand that at some point you have decided on your mental operating system. This is a crucial finding.

If you resist that idea and keep telling yourself, “I was just born that way. I can not do anything about that. That’s all I’m looking forward to. My waking life is as it is because of forces beyond my control.” Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, this may all seem real to you. It may all seem immutable.

You might even delude yourself that it’s somehow hard-coded into your personal identity. It’s like this is a fate you can’t escape.

But you’re just fooling yourself. It’s a choice. Just as Bill Gates chose his mental operating system, you have the same power of choice.

But maybe you just took the path of least resistance. Your parents had a script and you saw how they live, so maybe you just picked up their script.

But none of that changes the fact that you still chose that script over something else. It also doesn’t change the fact that as you get older, see more of the world and interact with other people, you become aware of the other scripts out there.

There are over seven billion different people on this planet. That’s at least seven billion different scripts, but you chose yours.

You can only claim your personal power if you take responsibility for your decisions

Here’s the kicker: Now that we realize that the way you think – aka your mental operating system – is a choice, it’s important to understand that you must adopt that choice.

If you want to live a better life and really understand cat dream meanings, you have to take responsibility. You must recognize and accept that you chose your waking life because you chose the internal script that runs it.

This is difficult for many people to bear because many of us are unsettled, dissatisfied or even completely unhappy and miserable. How can we have chosen this miserable existence?

But this is where the Force comes in. When we stop making excuses or pointing fingers at other people for the bad choices we’ve made in life, we reclaim our power.

You face the universe and say loudly and proudly, “I chose this because I understand I have the power to choose. So I take responsibility. My waking life is all a reflection of my choices.”

This is the necessary first step. There is no place to hide, no enemies to blame, no past to escape to or blame, and no future excuses. Instead, you claim 100% of your ability to choose.

Understand the importance of this action. Once you understand the power that only you have, the next step is to make a different choice.

This is the ultimate act of personal spirituality. You replace one internal script with another.

How cats in dreams represent conscious choices

Cats are very sensitive and empathetic beings. A lot happens when you look at those cat eyes. A cat may just seem cute and awesome, but when you look into their bright eyes, there’s a lot going on. You are very perceptive.

The imagery of a cat in a dream could mean a change in your spirituality.

Perhaps for the longest time you have felt that life has just dealt you a bad hand. Maybe your father abused you as a child. Maybe your mother drank too much and always called you names. Maybe you hung out with the wrong people and ended up doing things you’re not too proud of. Maybe you had enemies in the past or hurt a lot of people.

All of these are broadcasts of the script you have chosen up to this point. And these all manifest in your dreams.

A dream about cat pictures and the power of choice

The good news this dream interpretation brings is that when you realize that you have the power to choose the direction of your waking life and your inner script, you can free yourself from the heavy burden of those past choices.

You don’t have to define and represent yourself based on what you’ve done in the past or what your so-called enemies or other people say about you.

When you are 100% aware that you can change your personal scripts, you can become a new person. Most importantly, you can become the kind of person you specifically chose to be.

I can’t stress this enough. Many of us sleepwalk in our early days.

When we were children, we were overshadowed by the authority and care of our parents. Everything we did was seen through our parents’ lens because they were in charge. Even our life dreams have been influenced by their decisions and actions. We were their responsibility.

But once you’ve turned 18 and grown up, you don’t have to live in that shadow anymore. But many people continue to choose their parents’ inner script out of habit.

Most people never get to really choose what kind of person they want to be. They don’t think about the values ​​that should guide their lives, that dictate their priorities.

Instead, when they turn 18 and leave the house, they wear the same script.

Sure, it might change a bit as they deal with different circumstances. But the core remains intact. His core beliefs, assumptions, and expectations remain unchallenged and held to be gospel truth.

No wonder most people are unhappy or feel incomplete or awkward. No matter what dreams they pursue and no matter how far they get in life, it just doesn’t seem to all work out because there’s no intention.

Listen to your cat’s spirituality

Cats are very sensitive. Cat eyes reduce the world to black and white so they can see slight movement and trigger those instincts. That’s how sensitive cats are.

When you are sensitive enough to the values ​​and dreams you want to guide your life, you begin to change. You no longer run on autopilot, like some sort of zombie ruled by forces you don’t understand and are beyond your control.

Instead, you begin to live a purposeful life because you have consciously chosen the values ​​that will guide your inner script. It boils down to asking yourself, “What kind of person do I want to be?”

Again, most people automatically just want to be their parents. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as that choice is the result of a fully conscious process.

But most people are not fully aware of this. Instead, they just do what comes naturally and they just automatically repeat what they see. Monkeys see, monkeys do, right?

But if your parents work and do well in a context and you take that script, it may not work well in your own specific context, with your own personal circumstances.

Maybe you live in a different place. Maybe you meet different people with different values. Maybe you just live in a different time. Worse, you may be recording an inner script that you know isn’t working.

You know your parents’ issues better than anyone – not just with each other but with themselves. Issues of low self esteem, poor confidence, low self esteem, a legacy of abuse – I could go on.

When you take control of your ability to choose your life script comes with the equally heavy responsibility of choosing the values ​​by which you want to live your life. You are reprogramming your life.

You can only do this if you practice self-knowledge. That requires tact.

This is where the cat images in your dreams come into play.

A cat dream indicates self-awareness

Cats are everywhere.

If you keep seeing a dream about a cat scene, don’t think about it much. You see a cute cat just chasing something – like a ball of yarn darting from room to room – and it’s as if in your dream your mental camera is out of focus or doesn’t really know where it’s going.

But if you dream about seeing cats and the scenes keep playing out in different contexts, pay close attention. The image of a cat in your dream is not accidental. Your mind isn’t just filling in some empty detail with cats or trying to kill time.

This dream interpretation with cats tries to convey a very important truth to you as a dreamer. Basically, the sign of a cat in a dream indicates the need for self-knowledge. There is a pattern that governs your life.

When you are feeling unhappy, frustrated, powerless, speechless, helpless and restless, this cat dream is telling you that they all come from somewhere. You don’t just keep tripping over these emotional states.

The dreamer consciously chooses the person he wants to be

When you choose your values, you set up a new script for yourself.

A kind person will behave in a certain predictable way in a variety of situations. It’s not your fault. This person is friendly. That’s her character.

If you choose to do this, understand how it should affect your behavior.

Now you might be thinking, “Isn’t this just some kind of self-hypnosis? Are you just trying to live your life based on a set of chosen answers? That’s what it’s all about.

When you choose to respond to your circumstances based on the values ​​and life dreams you have consciously and purposefully chosen, you begin to act differently.

As you’ve probably heard many times, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

If you’re tired of your life patterns producing the same stress, disappointments, frustrated dreams, and heartbreak, all you have to do is change what you’re doing.

It may seem easy, but for most people it is very difficult because they are deeply rooted or even feel enslaved by their inner script. They lose sight of the fact that it’s still a script. Much like a director can change the script of his film, you could do the same for your life.

Here’s the trick: when you change your actions, you change how the world reacts to them. This is how you “edit” your reality.

I’m sorry to say this, but all of your intentions, motivations, dreams and even emotions are worthless to the world. There are more than seven billion of us, and we all have these things. And for the most part, they all take place between our ears.

But the moment we say something and, more importantly, when we do something, the world can’t help but sit down and pay attention because those actions set off a chain reaction.

It may not be dramatic, and it may not happen overnight, but you best believe that you will have an effect on other people and their reaction will have an effect on you.

Whatever frustration you have, shame, embarrassment, uneasiness, stress, loneliness, sadness or whatever else you feel results from a decision.

You may not be satisfied with the result. Maybe you expected something different, but it didn’t work out. So you react emotionally.

Draw the line between emotion and truth

Remember that the reaction is not the reality. The reality of your life boils down to what you do. If you want to change your life, change what you do. Seems easy enough?

The problem is, you are what you keep doing. So if you occasionally break out of your script to do something that you think will lead to a better place but isn’t consistent, your results can be unpredictable. In fact, they can be anywhere.

If you really want to take your life to a whole different level or go where you feel you deserve to go in life, change your inner script. This changes how you perceive the stimuli of the world, and this changes your emotional change, which in turn changes your response.

Your reaction to the world determines your future

Please understand that the world sends you hundreds of stimuli and other signals every second. These are the things you see, hear, touch, taste and smell.

At their core, they are all neutral. What gives them color, shape, and meaning is your mindset—your inner script. Then, from here, you respond to them in an emotional way. They have an emotional effect on you.

From there, these emotions affect your decisions.

If you change the way you think, even slightly, so that it triggers different emotions, which leads to different actions, what do you think will happen to your life? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Your life will change for the better.

Let me give you an example: Let’s say you are walking past a building and notice thick black smoke coming out followed by red, light yellow and orange flames.

People scream at the top of their lungs as smoke and flames billow and billow behind them. Some people run at full speed, half dressed, out of the building.

People are running in all four directions. Shouting again.

When you see all of this and your mindset tells you this is the end of the world, what do you think is going to happen to you?

Chances are you’ll be so freaked out by what’s happening that you’ll likely join the folks taking cover far from the building. You basically join the large number of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off. You may let your emotions get the best of you and start screaming too.

How effective do you think this mindset is in helping the people who are stuck in the building? The answer should be obvious.

Now take the exact same stimuli — in terms of what you see, hear, touch, taste and smell — but apply them to a different mindset.

In this second scenario, your mindset is, “Disasters happen, but we can do something about it.”

If that’s your thinking, what do you think will happen? Well, first of all, you probably won’t freak out because you already expect bad things to happen. We live in an imperfect world.

Da Sie die ganze Aufregung sehen, kommt der zweite Teil Ihres Mindset-Skripts ins Spiel. Sie können etwas dagegen tun.

Sie nehmen beiläufig Ihr Handy heraus, rufen die örtliche Feuerwehr an und teilen ihnen mit, wo Sie sind, was Sie sehen und andere Details. Ziemlich bald kommen mehrere Feuerwehrautos. Das Feuer wird gelöscht. Die Leute bekommen Decken. Und diejenigen, die medizinische Hilfe benötigen, werden in das nächstgelegene Krankenhaus gebracht.

Nun, lassen Sie mich Sie fragen. Welche Denkweise führte zu einem besseren Ergebnis? Welche Denkweise hat Leben gerettet?

Es sollte offensichtlich sein. Ihre Denkweise spielt eine große Rolle bei Ihrem Verhalten, was Konsequenzen auslöst.

Der Opfermentalität entkommen

Bitte verstehe, dass deine spirituelle Programmierung die Ursache ist und dein Leben die Wirkung. Du bist weder in deinem Leben gefangen, noch bist du eine Art Opfer.

Bitte schlag dir diese Ideen aus dem Kopf. Sie haben keinen Platz in deinem inneren Drehbuch. Sonst bleibst du unten hängen.

Du wirst weiter kämpfen, weil du darauf wartest, dass sich alle anderen ändern. Schließlich sind sie es, die dir das angetan haben. Sie sind diejenigen, die dich schikaniert haben. Du bist das Opfer.

Hast du nicht genug gelitten? Warum musst du dich ändern? Warum musst du opfern? Warum muss man das Risiko eingehen, Dinge zu ändern und möglicherweise zu scheitern? Schließlich bist du derjenige, der von deinen Feinden verletzt wurde.

Sie könnten dieses Skript immer wieder auf sich selbst spielen. Aber lassen Sie mich Ihnen sagen, die Ergebnisse werden die gleichen sein.

Sie werden von Ihren Träumen frustriert bleiben, in Ihrer Situation feststecken und mit dem Leben unzufrieden sein. Sie müssen Ihr Skript ändern. Es beginnt mit der Auswahl Ihrer Werte.

Man muss sich fragen: „Bin ich der Typ Mensch, der Dinge bewegt? Oder bin ich die Art von Person, die nur machtlos herumrennt und fragt: ‚Was ist passiert?‘ Bin ich die Person, die die Verantwortung für mein Leben übernimmt und es so gut es geht lenkt?“

„Oder werde ich mich einfach zurücklehnen und zusehen, wie sich mein Leben wie eine Art Kinoleinwand vor mir abspielt? Ist mein Leben eine Art Film, bei dem ich keinen Einfluss auf das Drehbuch, die Dialoge und die Handlung habe?“

„Oder bin ich der Kapitän meines eigenen Schiffes?“

Du musst anfangen, dein Leben wie eine Katze zu betrachten. Jede kleine Veränderung ist ein Spiegelbild Ihres inneren Drehbuchs.

Ein Katzentraum bedeutet, dass Sie Ihr inneres Drehbuch überdenken müssen

Der berühmte Psychologe Carl Jung entwickelte ein Konzept namens Archetypen. Dies sind eine Reihe von Symbolen, die Schlüsselkonzepte der menschlichen Erfahrung darstellen.

Tiere werden in Träumen häufig als Avatare des menschlichen Selbst gezeigt. Verschiedene Tiere haben natürlich unterschiedliche Attribute in Bezug auf jeden Träumer. Und die Katze ist ein sehr unabhängiges, feminines und kreatives Wesen.

Die Katze spricht zu diesen Aspekten des menschlichen Unterbewusstseins. Katzen repräsentieren auch unsere Intuitionskraft.

Wenn Ihnen eine dieser Assoziationen bekannt vorkommt, sollten sie das tun.

Ihre Intuitionskraft, Ihr feminines Selbst – das eher mit Ihrer Fähigkeit in Verbindung steht, aus Chaos etwas zu erschaffen – sowie Ihre Unabhängigkeit und Kreativität fließen aus Ihrem inneren Drehbuch. Dies sind spezifische Auswahlmöglichkeiten für Ihr Skript.

Wenn Sie wiederholt von einer Katze träumen, sagt Ihnen die zugehörige Traumdeutung, dass Ihr gewähltes Drehbuch Probleme hat, wenn es darum geht, Ihre Träume zu verwirklichen und das Leben zu führen, das Sie sich wünschen.

Aber dieser Traum über Katzen sagt Ihnen auch unmissverständlich, dass Sie die ultimative Autorität haben. Sie können die Änderung vornehmen. Wenn Sie Selbsterkenntnis üben, können Sie in den Griff bekommen, wie sich Ihre mentalen Entscheidungen und Gewohnheiten auf Ihre praktische Alltagsrealität auswirken.

Ein Katzentraum bedeutet und repräsentiert unsere Fähigkeit, die Kontrolle zu übernehmen

Nichts ist ein Unfall. Sie leben genau die Art von Leben, die Sie aufgrund des von Ihnen gewählten Drehbuchs leben sollten.

If you are in any way unhappy with your life, then choose to feel good about the fact that you can change it by focusing on the script that you have installed. Your current script doesn’t have to be that if you’re dissatisfied.

But you have to factor in and be mindful of your ability to create reality as well as your intuition and your connection and attitude towards chaos. Ultimately, this is where independence comes from.

But if you’re scared of your freedom, you’re going to struggle for a long, long time. You have to take ownership of your script.

General cat dream meanings and dream interpretation

Building on what I’ve said in the sections above: in your dream, cat symbolizes and represents many different realities in your waking life. You could look at the cat as one symbol, but depending on the cat attribute that you’re looking at, the dream could mean different things.

Now, keep in mind that the general idea behind the cat – which is of the observer and their feminine nature and your intuition – never really changes in terms of dream meanings.

What’s at issue is how much emphasis a dreamer places on the cat symbolism and other elements in their dream. The emphasis, of course, depends on the attribute of the cat in the dream.

You need to try to remember details about the cat in your dream. It’s not enough that you repeatedly dream of seeing a cat.

In fact, these amazing feline creatures in your dream – cats – might take center stage. That’s all well and good, but the details of your dream about cats are what give direction to the interpretation of the dream. These dream symbols can involve the appearance of the cat, its general health, how it is acting, and other factors.

Take the time to think back and try to capture in writing as many of the details of the cats in your dream. This is crucial.

There is no right or wrong answer here. Just off the top of your head, write down very quickly everything that you remember about the cat in your dream.

The good news is you’re not going to be wasting any energy or time here because every single dream detail counts, especially when it comes to the image of cats.

Dream interpretation of a healthy and bouncy cat

If your dream focuses on the image of a cat playing around with a ball of yarn or leaping through a cat tree or some sort of cat playing station, your subconscious is telling you that you have a healthy intuition, and it would be a shame to ignore it.

You have what it takes to make the right call at the right time with the right people to produce the right results. For whatever reason, you may be holding back.

Or, in the case of most people, you’re just quite unsure about your ability to make the right call without all of the facts in plain view. A lot of people respond to this by waiting for as much information as they can before they make a call.

On the surface, this makes a lot of sense. Usually, informed decisions tend to lead to actions that are more successful. At the very least, we’re less likely to feel guilty or to regret making them.

But there are certain situations in your life where it seems that you have already seen the setting of your decision before. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but something deep inside you tells you you’ve been here.

You may not have physically visited that place; you may not know those people. But there’s something telling you that you’ve seen this pattern before – that in some remote corner of the universe, you’ve been there before.

I know, this sounds freaky. But this is your intuition screaming at you.

A cat in the dream suggests that you can tap into the power of your intuition

When you see a dream about cats having a good time in the peak of health, your subconscious is telling you that you have this ability to reach deep down inside and, at the last minute, make the right call.

This usually happens despite your best judgment and whatever consensus tells you.

No wonder a lot of people are afraid of this part of themselves. It seems so irrational. It’s as if it just came from left field, but take a look at the results.

If you’re like most people, have you ever decided on something at the last minute? Just gut instinct?

You know what your mind is telling you. Its logic and reasoning framework is all cleanly laid out. You know what to expect, as well as the probabilities of success and failure. It’s all out there in plain black and white in your mind as you sort through the decision.

But out of nowhere, there’s this feeling that just comes over you. It starts out very small, like some sort of crazy idea from left field. But soon, it starts to grow.

Interestingly enough, you’re not reacting out of frustration with what you know about your decision. In fact, if you ask anybody else, they would say, “Well, I would focus on what I already know because this is based on facts and, more likely, experience.”

But you go with your gut. And if you’re completely honest, you ended up deciding correctly.

The flip side is also true. There are many situations where you’re almost ready to pull the trigger based on intuition. But, at the last minute, you decide to fall back or scale back your decision.

It turns out that your first instinct was the right one. Now, you’ve lost out on that opportunity.

Similarly, you may have decided to hedge your bets and just go halfway in. It turns out that if you had trusted your earlier instincts, you would have gotten the full range of benefits and blessings of that decision that you had made.

Be honest. This happened to you, and it’s probably currently happening to you.

Trusting your gut towards greater success

Your subconscious is telling you in these cat dreams that you could be living a much better life if you learned to trust yourself more. Your intuition doesn’t come out of nowhere. It’s based on your subconscious learning with you through your waking life.

But this body of knowledge can’t be fully articulated. You can’t slice and dice it or reduce it into a nifty little equation.

Instead, when you see a bouncing or healthy cat in a dream, and the cat is the center focus of that dream, your subconscious is telling you that you have this power.

It’s really sad that you just relegate this power to stuff that really doesn’t matter.

While it’s definitely enjoyable to bounce a ball or play around with a laser pointer with a cat in your dream, your mind is telling you that you’re capable of so much more.

That amazing cat that you play around with in your dream because of its agility and amazing instincts actually reflects you. You have so much to offer. Ultimately, your intuitive side is the cat in a dream that you can’t quite explain.

Sadly, when you see a cat in your dream, it’s very easy to dismiss it. It’s like watching yourself go through a hallway, and there are several rooms. You look to the left and to the right; you see a cat in one room, then another cat in another room. But you don’t think much of it.

The fact that your subconscious is showing you one cat after another in your dreams means or represents that there’s something going on here. You need to sit up and pay attention.

General meaning of cats jumping in dreams

That cat jumping in your dreams isn’t just doing it because it had nothing else better to do.

As I will explain later in this discussion, that feline image in your dream doesn’t have to be of a cat jumping. It could be something else. Why is your subconscious choosing these dream symbols instead of another?

Cats play a big role in your subconscious if they are portrayed in dreams.

Please understand that you could’ve had a dream about any other symbol. After all, there is a large number of animals to choose from.

But your subconscious chose for you to see a cat in your dreams. Sit up and pay attention.

Dream interpretation of seeing an ill cat in the dream

If you notice that the cat in your dream is obviously sick – maybe it’s lying on its side and not doing much of anything – it is showing you that there are issues in your life that you may be overlooking.

The image of an ill cat that may be so sick that it has the appearance of a dead cat should be viewed as a flashing red sign in your dreams. Your subconscious is telling you through this dream involving cats that there’s a battle within you regarding your inner power, your intellect, and your rationality.

A lot of people think that to live a successful, responsible life, they just need to focus on what they could explain. Believe me; I understand where that comes from because there is a lot of comfort to be had when you rely on your rational waking side.

But you cannot deny your feminine self as well. Your feminine side is the realm of chaos, intuition, and creation.

There has to be a good balance between your rational aspect and your feminine side. You have to also draw your confidence from the fact that there is a hidden part of yourself that has a tremendous amount of power.

This intuition can manifest itself in many different ways. As I’ve mentioned earlier, at the most basic, it’s the ability to do the right things at the right time with the right people to produce the desired results.

So many people would easily dismiss this as plain, old good luck. Well, if you think about it, good luck doesn’t happen to everybody at the same rate.

It turns out that a lot of people who are “consistently lucky” are doing something else. There’s the old saying that ‘the harder I work, the luckier I get.’

The idea being that if they put themselves out there, open a lot of doors, network with a lot of people from different backgrounds and different parts of the world, their dream starts to fall into place seemingly without effort. But this is just one aspect of good luck.

The other way involves your intuition. This is where you embrace your feminine side and understand that there is some unspoken logic to how things play out, and it’s rooted in our collective subconscious and experience.

This is what dreaming of the ill cat represents. It’s trying to get your attention. This dream involving cats is saying that your side of you that’s more feminine is trying to almost claw back against your rational side that is all too eager to bury, deny, or otherwise overcome things it cannot readily explain. After all, it views these things as a threat to its power.

But your inner self is a collective whole. Pay close attention to what I just said. I did not say that the only part of yourself that matters is the one that can make rational sense of the world.

If that is your working strategy throughout life, I’m sad to report that you probably are not going to be as successful and as happy as you would like.

You have to factor in your spiritual element. You don’t have to just appreciate and recognize it, but you also have to embrace it. This is as crucial.

When you see a cat in your dream, and the cat is so sick that it looks like it’s almost dead, pay attention. This struggle between your rational mind and your intuition is taking a turn for the worse.

The rational mind can trick itself into thinking that the dark, spiritual, inexplicable part of you is somehow evil, embarrassing, or primitive. Pretty soon, you start suppressing certain feelings and denying your intuition.

A dead cat in a dream may carry different dream meanings

This dream image is a little bit tricky. I need you to think back to your dream and zero in on whether the cat is dying or is already dead. If the cat is dead, what state is it in?

Now, a lot of people might think that dead is dead. When you see a cat hit by a car, it’s dead. no

There are freshly deceased cats. They’re soft to the touch, although the flesh is cold. There are also cats that have been dead for a very long time, and they start to bloat.

In many cases, they blow up to two to three times their normal size. They’re obviously dead because they stink, but there’s a lot going on. Given enough time, they deflate back, and now they’re just skin and bones. Before you know it, they’re just bones.

Saying that a cat is dead doesn’t quite go so far in terms of dream analysis. How dead is the cat in your dream?

Keep this in mind because dreams about cats that are deceased also differ in interpretation depending on how far along they are in the decomposition cycle.

Seeing a cat that’s newly deceased in a dream means you can still reprogram your mindset

Now, with all that said, if you notice that the central cat in your dream or a kitten that is the central character is dead, pay close attention to its state.

If the cat had just died – maybe from a sickness or an illness – the kitten or cat dream could indicate or represent a temporary victory or suppression of your rational side.

On the surface, this might seem like a positive thing. After all, a lot of people believe that their conscious mind must always take priority over their subconscious mind.

They are under the impression that their feelings, intuition, and other internal forms of knowledge and meanings are somehow suspicious at best and evil at worst. These are the part of themselves that they should be embarrassed about or actively suppress.

So when you see cats or a kitten that just died in your dream, this dream indicates or suggests a temporary victory of the waking side. You may be thinking, “This feels great because, now, I can explain everything, and I’m a fully rational person.”

Well, it isn’t that quite straightforward. As a human being, you know that there are many things in your life that you can’t fully explain.

As much as we try to believe that we have a tremendous amount of control over the things that we do, our feelings, and our goals and ambitions in life, at the end of the day, we can only deal with and take ownership of the consequences of our actions.

We don’t dictate the results. We’re not in that position. It’s really important to take stock of just how important intuition is.

The good news is there’s still time for you to reclaim the spiritual part of yourself. This is your inner world that is made up of symbols and actively looks for the meanings behind every single sign.

The broad label for this is your “spiritual side.” So if you see a cat that has just died fairly recently, you could still go back.

Seeing a cat that’s long-deceased in a dream indicates that your intuitive side is losing

If the dream image involves just skin-and-bones cats or a bloated cat that is stinking up the room, sit up and pay attention.

Your subconscious image is screaming at you through your dream at this point. It’s using the very graphic image of a dead cat to catch your attention.

This dream is telling you that whatever it is you’re doing right now has degraded your intuitive and spiritual side to the point that your feminine side is almost hidden. Put simply: you have to put in a lot of work to even connect with this part of yourself.

What this dream indicates or suggests, in the most straightforward way, is that you are dying inside.

If you are only focusing on your masculine and rational side, and you’re denying your feminine aspect – your intuition or inner shadow – you’re operating at half power. You’re letting that part of you die.

Since we live in a world where we can’t explain everything, and things just seem to hit us from out of nowhere, you are definitely living life with a serious disadvantage or handicap. It’s like purposefully sawing one of your legs off – not exactly a winning strategy.

Sure, feelings can get complicated. In many cases, a lot of people – both men and women – wish they had less feelings because they seem to get thrown off track. I understand where you’re coming from.

But your feelings play a big role in your integrity as a collective whole. If you were to deny it, dismiss it as evil, worthless, or counterproductive, then you’re going out in the world – with all its dangers, hazards, and enemies – with half your faculties. Not a good strategy.

So when you see that cat that has basically just rotted away in your dream, you need to wake up to your spiritual side as soon as possible.

Dream interpretation of black and white cats

General dream meanings of black cat dreams

Black cats have historically been seen as a bringer of bad omens. Black cats have often been associated with witches and the occult.

Interestingly enough, if you look at the historical record of who these witches are, they’re mostly women practicing nature magic.

These were in parts of Europe that functioned quite well before they were conquered by Christian kingdoms. They had their own different spin on personal spirituality and day-to-day religion.

Black cats have often been associated with these witches, and for the longest time, people automatically believed that a black cat represents bad luck.

If the central figure or the central dream cat of your night vision is a black cat, this dream indicates or suggests one of two things.

Dreaming of a black cat represents awareness of bad decisions

On the one hand, a black cat dream indicates and suggests that you have fully bought into the stereotype of the black cat image. This black cat dream means or represents that you think there are certain things that are going to come undone soon. It’s as if you’re teetering in some sort of personal or financial disaster.

Now, the interesting thing about this interpretation of the black cat dream that you just had is that it doesn’t indicate or represent bad luck. Instead, contrary to white cat dreams, a black cat sign suggests or indicates that you already know that you made certain bad decisions.

Your subconscious is like a sponge. It’s always soaking up a tremendous amount of information and making good sense of it. You can detect that you’ve been doing things that you shouldn’t be doing, and now is the time to pay the piper.

So instead of owning up to the negative consequences of your past decisions, you’d rather chalk it all up to bad luck or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. After all, it’s very comforting to imagine ourselves as some sort of victim of life and the enemies we think we’ve made.

But are we really? Or is the world just a series of causes and effects?

Our decisions, which come from our mindsets, are almost always the causes. And our lives are the effects.

Seeing a black cat means you’re embracing your feminine side

The other way to read the difference between a white cat from a black cat in your dream is that it can represent or indicate a growing sense of respect for your intuitive side.

You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you’re beginning to see that a lot of your decisions are not purely rational, and you’re beginning to become comfortable with that.

You’re saying to yourself: “I can live with that because I know that I cannot explain everything. I cannot slice and dice reality into a neat little quadratic equation or computer algorithm. There’s always that random element.”

This is your feminine side and feminine knowledge speaking to you. Dreaming of black cats can be quite a hopeful sign and symbol because this dream can represent or indicate that you’re truly beginning to mature.

A white cat dream could point to challenges in the future

If the central image of your dream shows a white cat or several white cats, it can indicate or represent that your subconscious is detecting some sort of turbulence up ahead.

This white cat dream is not automatically a bad sign. You have to understand that if you’re playing the stock market, you need volatility. You need stocks to bounce up and crash down because what you choose to do in between those extremes can determine whether you make a lot of money or lose a lot of cash.

The same goes with the turbulence and potential chaos that a white cat symbolizes and represents in a dream.

Instead of being cautious to the point that you’re paralyzed internally, see these white cat dreams for what it is. This is how life plays out. There are always blessings and opportunities behind every challenge.

In fact, one of the traditional dream dictionary interpretations of a white cat represents love or more romance in your life if you’re already with a person you love. This dream of a white cat or several white cats could mean that you just have to open yourself up to the day-to-day ups and downs of life and claim the blessings they bring.

But here’s the problem: most people would rather not do that because they don’t want to be disturbed or challenged. If given a choice, they prefer that their life be reduced to a series of days blurring into each other.

Well, life doesn’t work that way. What some people would consider bad luck, other people could see as an opportunity. This is what the white cat image points to.

Live yourself in such a way that you see it as a series of opportunities.

A cat dream indicates being unable to overcome

The problem with automatically dismissing white cats or black cats in a dream as harbingers of bad omens or crushing challenges is that you never learn. That’s the bottom line.

You will always be the type of person who runs away from challenges. To learn from a challenge, you have to stare it straight in the eyes and take the chance that it will knock you down.

The good news is if you keep taking the knockdowns and keep learning from your actions and mistakes, eventually, you will overcome them. That’s how life is. It has always been unfair, and it has always been unjust.

The question is, how are you going to choose to deal with it?

Cats of other colors and their dream meanings

If you notice that, in your dream, cats of different colors are present other than black or white cats, this dream could indicate or represent a slight change in the meaning.

A gray cat in a dream suggests fluidity

For example, if you see gray cats in the dream, it suggests or indicates that your situation – whether it’s in your relationships, mental life, spiritual life, or what have you – is very fluid. In many cases, the ultimate direction can only be dictated by what you choose consciously.

This might seem pretty straightforward. But the problem is that a lot of people don’t want to do this. They’d rather have the conclusion handed to them.

If they see a disaster, they seem to themselves, “Okay, it’s a disaster. That’s what it is.” If they see a blessing, they say, “Okay, this is a good thing. It is what it is.” no

In many cases, a lot of the things that are happening in your life are in flux. They only turn out the way they do based on the choices that you make, and you have to make that choice.

Believe it or not, things that could have turned into a disaster, humiliation, or heartbreak could have been victories. But for your attitude. Stop looking at your life as some sort of foregone conclusion.

If you see gray cats in your dream, it suggests or indicates that things are in flux. There’s a lot you can do about it.

If you think that a good thing is happening, it could be brighter. If you think a bad thing is happening, you could turn it around and use it as an opportunity.

Dreaming of a blue cat means you’re on the top of your game

Blue cats are very rare. If you see a cat that is bluish, which is basically like a shade of gray, it’s a great sign in a dream.

Basically, your subconscious is telling you in this dream that it’s detecting a fairly rare confluence of events. If you play your cards right, something that’s already bright will get one thousand times brighter. And something that is very positive will turn out okay.

The blue cats in the dream represent that you are handling things in such a way that it’s going to be very hard to take you down.

A green cat in a dream signifies your envious side

A green cat in a dream, on the other hand, suggests or indicates selfishness.

In the real world, there is no such thing as a green cat – unless we are talking about a feline with an algae problem on its fur, and that is very rare.

If you see this mysterious magical cat in your dreams, pay close attention to how self-centered you are. If you’re the type of person who always has to process everything based on what you think, what you want, or what you need, there’s going to be a problem.

Your subconscious is telling you through this dream that you might want to first try to understand before seeking to be understood. You might have fewer problems that way.

A slight variation of this green cat symbology in a dream is a cat with green spikes. This indicates that you are always comparing yourself to other people. And, as a result, your real-life accomplishments don’t add up to much.

In your real life, you may have achieved a lot of your goals and dreams. But, for whatever reason, they never seem to be enough because the other people that you look up to seem to have much better luck. You ask yourself, “Maybe I just have bad luck.”

Well, you have to understand that the best way to rob yourself of any sense of joy is to constantly compare yourself to others. If you need to compare yourself, compare yourself with yourself and your values.

This is built on the proposition that you know that you are capable of so much more. If you keep it at that level, you’d be surprised as to how far you get in life.

A kitten dream denotes feelings of helplessness

Again, like with other aspects of cats, take a look at what the kittens are doing and what shape they’re in in the dream.

If you see a newborn kitten meowing loudly with its eyes closed, this dream involving cats indicates that you’re having a tough time seeking help from others. You think that talking to a person about your feelings is a sign of weakness.

There’s a part of you that’s so scared of being vulnerable because you don’t want people to judge you. You don’t want people to think that you’re somehow crazy or you’re not normal.

Guess what? We’re all hurting inside. There’s a part of us that is aching and incomplete. All of us have this.

No matter what kind of front we put up and no matter how other people think we have our acts together, there’s always that side. Don’t deny it. hug it

There’s always that part of you that feels that it lacks power, and people don’t listen to it. It’s OK. This is where family comes in.

If you don’t have good family relations, that’s okay. Find a friend or a person to talk to. If that’s not available, seek professional help. When you see newborn kittens meowing loudly and helplessly, this indicates that a part of yourself is feeling helpless.

But you’re not helpless. You can reach out. Your unwillingness to seek help is what’s making you helpless.

A large litter of kittens in a dream may point to your creative side

If you see the central image of a large litter of kittens, this dream indicates that your playful side is coming up. Don’t deny it. Don’t sweep it under the rug. hug it

Your playfulness is not just all about leisure. It’s not just all about camping out in front of a Play Station and having yourself a ball. It can also involve looking at projects at work from a completely different perspective.

When you dream of a cat that is playing, it’s your intuition. And your intuition plugs into your chaotic feminine side. Dreaming of this represents no boundaries. Talk about powerful.

Part of the reason why we feel so stuck in many areas of our lives is that we think that things are fixed – that the boundaries are set, and there are all these walls standing in the way between us and the kind of life we want to live.

The truth is, these are all in our heads. And when you tap into your inner shadow, and that inner cat attacks, the things that you have assumed to be true, rigid, or unmovable, things become possible again.

If you see a big litter of kittens licking each other, vaulting around, and having a good time in your dream, connect with that sense of possibility and adventure welling up within you.

You are beginning to be at peace with your intuitive side. This is the side of you that doesn’t take no for an answer. In its eyes, nothing is yet formed.

A lot of people are scared stiff of chaos because they think it’s anarchy, disorder, decay, or even death. But it’s actually the raw material of the universe.

Can you imagine just how much more powerful, effective, and loving you could be if you tap into this side of your psyche?

Dreaming of kittens involve vulnerability

Whether you’re looking at newborn kittens meowing loudly or a litter of kittens being unbearably cute n a dream, kittens are a symbol of vulnerability.

Now, a lot of people might see red flags with this. No, you shouldn’t. Not necessarily.

For you to be strong, you first must accept the fact that you are weak. Your vulnerability doesn’t have to be a liability. Instead, it could be your shield or a source of inner strength.

Just allow yourself to understand your limits, and then tap into your intuition to overcome them.

Dream interpretation involving many cats in the house

If you are seeing too many cats in the house in the dream, and there’s seem to be a lot of strife or cat fights, this dream suggests that you’re placing too much emphasis on your feminine side.

It’s very important to be honest with this side of yourself and to connect with it. But it cannot take over – just as your rational side cannot be your only intellectual, mental, and spiritual compass in life.

There has to be a balance. Otherwise, the power of your intuition is just going to go haywire.

This is the kind of thing that Carl Jung has written about several times. You’re basically going to become a walking bundle of neurosis and self-contradictions.

It’s one thing to understand this side of yourself and tap into your inner chaos to make things possible again, but don’t go overboard.

Cats surrounding a man and a woman in a dream indicates sexuality

When you see the symbol of a man and a woman in a dream – cats surrounding them, or they’re playing around with a cat – pay attention to the contrast.

For most, cats often represent sexuality and femininity. In the case of a woman, this represents or suggests power in her mysterious sexual allure – in her unformed, chaotic emotions. That is her province.

For men, it indicates driven sexuality. It indicates focus, and this colors how he defines intuition.

When you see this image of a man, a woman, and their cats in your dream, pay more attention to the woman. This is the part of yourself that you tend to overlook, ignore, or actively deny.

The woman is so much more powerful precisely because she isn’t given enough value or attention. But when you factor in the woman with the cat in your total persona, it has to be balanced out. You can’t go overboard.

But, with the proper emphasis, the woman in the dream can lead you to dark places and come out more powerful because you’ve done so. This is a significant and heavy dream symbol.

Among all the dream symbols that you could think of, this is one of the most powerful. Your subconscious is telling you – in so many ways – just how much power you have.

This can be quite problematic for a lot of people because they’re thinking of how powerless they are. They automatically assume that they’re voiceless.

But you have a lot more going for yourself than you care to imagine.

What does a dream of cat jumping on me say about me?

If you see a cat jumping in your dream, pay close attention to the context.

In the dream, are you holding a ball of yarn that’s suspended on by a string? Do you have a laser pointer, and the cat just wants to go from point A to point B?

There are many ways to interpret this dream. You shouldn’t automatically assume that you are enemies with the cat or that it’s a sign of an evil cat attacking you somehow.

But assuming that you’re clear as to what’s happening with this dream symbology of a cat jumping on you, here are some potential meanings.

Dream interpretation of a cat attacking

If you’re dreaming of a cat attacking you, all your subconscious is telling you is that you have a passion for exploring new things. But, for the longest time, you have subsumed this or hidden it away into a layer upon layer of responsibilities, duties, and obligations.

Part of the reason you may be struggling in school, or you had academic challenges in the past, is because you did not reconnect with this part of yourself.

Now, your subconscious is telling you through your dream that you need to embrace, celebrate, and rediscover this phase of your life. It’s a symbol of reconnection.

Dream interpretation of a cat attacking you by jumping on you

If you have a dream of cat jumping, this dream means that you’re still struggling with your inner self. There’s a part of you that you’re trying to deny.

Maybe it’s your real sexuality. Maybe it’s your real attraction to members of the opposite sex. Maybe it’s your real preferences.

There are a lot of reasons why people find themselves in this situation. A lot of it has to do with our parents. Some of it has to do with the culture that we’ve grown up in.

But the good news is it doesn’t have to be like this. There’s a lot more leeway in your life than you give yourself credit for. The more you reduce things to black and white, the more you will suffer.

Please understand that it’s a multi-colored world out there with bright rainbow hues all over the place. So live life as it is. Discover. Be free. Stop being afraid of your freedom.

A dream about cats that jump off after attacking indicates the necessity of choice

If you see a cat in a dream attacking you in one second and then jumping off the next, this dream means that the struggles that you’re facing with your internal intuition of the feminine side are over. What’s left is your choice.

A lot of people look at this internal struggle as just an opportunity to feel relief and go back to normal. Well, you can definitely choose that.

But have you grown? Have you explored new internal territory when you do that? Or do you use this experience of internal struggle to point you to a different place and a different way of thinking and being?

Maybe that’s where your victory comes from.

You have to understand that the worst enemy that you have is yourself. There are many enemies out there, but some enemies are more relentless than others. Ultimately, these “enemies” reveal themselves to be just aspects of ourselves.

Nobody can really do you evil and have it stick unless you allow it to.

Don’t necessarily think that this dreaming of a cat fighting with you, attacking you, and then jumping off indicates that some sort of evil has passed. You need to think beyond shallow definitions of good and evil.

Instead, focus on learning, becoming, and being.

A dream about cats fighting and what they could mean

This cats fighting dream means that there is an internal struggle between the things that you consider evil and the things that you consider normal and good.

Unfortunately, this is a clash of different dream symbols. And, oftentimes, they don’t automatically mean what you think they mean.

All throughout, there are a lot of conflicting feelings based on what you think certain things or forces in your life mean. But they indicate, really, a lack of self-awareness or willingness to spiritually mature.

And if you are to analyze the real source of evil in your life, it falls more along these lines.

Spiritual dream meanings of cats

If it hasn’t already been clear, the cat is a very spiritual dream symbol. But, in terms of specific spirituality, cats in a dream may indicate or represent wisdom and the willingness to trust the unknowable.

That’s the interesting thing about your intuition: ultimately, it gains its power based on your lived life. It can only pull you in one direction or another based on the information that it has put together from your actual lived experience.

It may seem like it comes out of nowhere, but it’s actually rooted in the part of you that’s very deep, dark, and mysterious. Still, it is fed from the rivers of experience.

In terms of spiritual growth, having a cat dream means that you need to trust your intuition more and allow the process to change you and reshape your ego.

A lot of the things that we consider evil, unpleasant, painful, or humiliating stem from our unwillingness to change and both shape and be reshaped by what’s going on around us and outside of us.

A cat in your dream can also be a symbol of communication in dreams

Dreaming of cats can be the bridge between your dead self – I’m talking about your past hopes and dreams and who you were in the past – and who you are now. This can take the form of intuitive decision-making. You’d be surprised as to how powerful this is.

When you see cats running around the house in the dream, this could mean that you are struggling with the power of your mind to connect with the unknowable and with the hidden corners of your experience.

All it takes is to change your perspective. You go from chasing a cat to saving a cat or holding kittens in your arms.

Dream Example #1

I dreamed a happy dream about my family and our pet cat.

I was visiting my mum. My older brother had also come to visit, with his daughter Clare.

I was feeling pretty chipper because I hadn’t seen my niece in a long time, nearly 1-year. It was just delightful to have her around, running and playing. The sound of her laugh is joy in itself.

It was late afternoon, and we were all sitting in the living room, watching a Nollywood action movie and pointing out all the errors in the plot and acting. My other brother, the second son, was around too, with my sister. The house was full of laughter, arguing, and the smell of chicken stew.

My niece ran around the house, from the living room to my mum’s bedroom, looking for the cat.

“Kitty kitty kitty,” she called.

She ran into the living room while I was criticizing the sound of the gunshot in the movie;

“Auntie, where is Swan-cat?” She asked me.

I was momentarily shocked that she could talk very well now.

And she still called the cat Swan-cat

The last time I saw her, she could only say her favorite words like ice cream and grandpa. But now, she could speak clearly. Incredible, I thought.

Some time ago, my sister had rescued a lost kitten and brought it home.

The kitten was so tiny and fragile that we’d thought it wouldn’t make it. So we hadn’t complained. Except for my older brother, the superstitious one. He suspected the original kitten had died, and this is a demon one.

My sister miraculously nursed the kitten back to health. She’d hoped to leave it in the family house because she said she couldn’t afford a pet.

But no one wanted the responsibility of caring for it.

After much argument and ‘rock-paper-scissors, the superstitious brother had won the kitten, to his utter disappointment.

To spite everyone, including the kitten, he had named it ‘Swan.

I remember telling him that it was a ridiculous name because cats hate to get wet. I told him that if he wanted to name it after a bird, he should call it ‘rooster.

Oh, the look he’d given me! I’d be dead and gone if looks could kill.

My niece, who could barely pronounce words then, was the first to call it by the stupid name. But she called her ‘Swan-cat’

“Her name is Swan,” I told her then. But she still called it swan-cat for a long time, till my brother took the cat to his house. She still thought of it as Swan-cat.

“It’s Swan,” I told her.

“Swan kitty kitty kitty,” she called out.

The cat ran out from under the chair on which my brother was sitting and leaped onto my lap.

I stroked it gently as my niece grinned and approached to pat it too.

The cat jumped down from off of me and ran into the master bedroom. I wondered why she was avoiding the child.

I was still smiling when I woke up.

Dream Example #2

I had recently adopted a kitten. I lovingly named him Whiskers. He has soft and smooth, white fur, and his eyes are a bright and shiny yellow. He loves to jump and play with me when I’m lying on my bed at night.

Yesterday, as usual, I was playing with him on my bed. I have my final exams coming up and had spent most of the day studying.

So naturally, I was feeling very tired. My eyes were feeling very heavy while I was looking at Whiskers.

Suddenly, I heard an unfamiliar voice say “Hey! Listen!” I looked around my room. “Over here!” said the voice again, from my right.

I looked in that direction and all I could see was Whiskers, standing with his tail held upright. He started jumping on me and said “Come on! Come with me!”

I stared at him for a moment, shocked. Whiskers jumped onto the floor and ran to the door. Then, he turned his face towards me and asked me to follow him again. I got up, walked to the door, and opened it.

As soon as the door opened, I felt light, cool breeze blow past my face. To my surprise, I was standing at the foot of a mountain!

I couldn’t believe it! How did this mountain appear here, where my hallway was supposed to be?

I ran after Whiskers, telling him to stop. I don’t know why I did that – he wasn’t going to understand me anyway.

Then I looked around me. I appeared to be in a place where it had rained recently, as the ground was wet. The smell of rain hitting the soil had filled the air. The place seemed lifeless.

There were only a few plants scattered around, and even they were dried up and yellow, just like hay.

The sky was filled with dark grey clouds and I could hear thunder every few seconds. Sometimes, a bright flash of lightning would fill up the area too.

I was getting worried as I didn’t know where I was, it looked like it could rain at any moment and my new kitten was getting away from me.

There were some large rocks tightly placed next to each other. Only two of the rocks had enough space to walk between, and Whiskers ran right into this space

As soon as I entered that space between the rocks, all light faded away and I couldn’t see anything. However, I still kept running.

I felt something light and rough on my face. I thought they must be leaves. Then I felt something like wet sandpaper rubbing against my nose.

I opened my eyes to find Whiskers sitting on my chest and licking my nose. His whiskers were brushing against my face.

I was lying on my bed, back in my room. I looked at my clock, which showed it was 6:55 AM – 5 minutes before my alarm would go off. ! then realized it was all just a dream!

Dream Example #3

Ever since I was a kid, I am known to have fear of cats. I know that most people love them as pets but having a cat around me has always been horrifying for me.

Dreaming of them is most likely the same. I was at my friend’s house as we had planned to enjoy the day together.

This friend of mine has an unexplainable love for cats. She has three cats with her in her house which made visiting her a struggle.

I know that if I do nothing, the cat will do nothing as well. So as long as I’m not a threat to them, they wouldn’t try to harm me. I was seated on my friend’s bed when all 3 of them gathered in the room.

At this moment, I was filled with fear and tried to call my friend to come to join me in the room.

The cat with clean white fur stared at me and made a soft sound. I moved further on the bed. My feet that were once hanging by the bedside are now lying on the bed with my whole body.

I let out a sigh of relief when my friend entered the room. The cats who were once staring at me were now around her. The white cat snuggled her legs which my friend responded with a cute “aww” The two other cats left the room.

However, the white cat continued to stay in the room with my friend and me. I felt more comfortable with only one cat in the room, but her presence was still terrifying.

I couldn’t focus on the movie that my friend and I were trying to watch. Thankfully, the cat wasn’t on the same bed as ours. My friend is well aware of my fear.

My friend noticed that we ran out of drinks. She decided to refill our supply so that we could enjoy our time.

I felt tense with only the cat and me in the room. I knew that this wasn’t good. I felt like something unpleasant was going to happen.

The cat circled in her place and laid down. It was a peaceful moment for both of us since I’m pretty sure that she feels that I’m not comfortable around her.

There was a blank moment after this. Suddenly, there was a transition with the scenes. I saw myself lying beside the cat on the bed. I looked at the cat and saw that it was staring straight at my face.

I noticed that its eyes were blue. I was astounded at the sight of it. I tried to scream but no voice was coming out.

I admired her a little bit more until I had enough will to sit down on the bed. As I sat down, the cat got up as well and let out a scream. Yes, a scream.

If only I did not saw it open its mouth, I wouldn’t believe that the sound was from the cat.

I was so terrified at this point. I tried to make my way to the door. Unfortunately, the cat attacked me and hanged herself on my clothes. I was screaming so loud.

I started to wonder where the heck is my friend at this time that I needed her. I was so careful not to let her fingernails touch my back. She continued to hang on my clothes while letting out a terrifying scream. It looked like both of us were fighting for our lives.

What dreaming about cats mean

Regardless of whether you have cats as pets or not, there are times when they appear in your dreams charged with symbolism that you cannot always identify. Cat dreams can have different meanings, especially when it concerns an unfamiliar animal that can vary in color or behavior.

Do you often dream of cats? These dreams are more common than you might think and today we reveal the meaning of the most common ones. Pay attention to your dreams every night, because below we reveal what your subconscious wants to tell you when a cat appears in your dreams.

What do dreams about a black cat mean?

A black cat is a symbol of bad luck in many cultures, and while this is not true, the animal’s color is a message many of us have etched into our subconscious.

If you dream about black cats, it is because you are being gripped by a fear or regret. Are you scared? This black cat can be a sign that something is bothering you, although it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Take it as an invitation to reflect on and let go of that worry that won’t let you rest.

What dreams about white cats mean

According to dream analysis experts, white cats signify hope or desire. When you meet a white cat who is affectionate towards you, it is a sign of joy and hope.

When the cat runs away from you and you run to catch it, it is a dream you want to achieve but you are struggling with it. But if the white cat will attack you when you want to catch or touch it, it is because you have a hard time to reach and you don’t want to stop fighting.

What do dreams about kittens mean?

To dream of kittens is a symbol of protection and tenderness. These little animals are often associated with someone you love and care for, such as: B. Your children or young children in the family.

Dreams with kittens are usually positive. If you refer to them, it is because they are a metaphor for your current situation. From a kitten growing up, becoming independent is a very important step that shows you have a struggle.

What does a dream about a cat attacking me mean?

Cats attacking in a dream are a symbol of fear of someone or something. Dreaming about aggressive cats is common among people who are going through a disagreement with a loved one.

The ending of the dream is also very important. Who wins the fight in the end, the cat or you? How you deal with this attack in your dream is the key to overcome the obstacle that is troubling your mind.

What does a dream about a cat dying mean?

To dream of a dead cat can have very different meanings. If in a dream you killed the cat when it attacked you, this is a sign of how you managed to overcome your fears.

To dream of dead cats that you didn’t kill means you are feeling a lack of independence and self-confidence. If the cat drowned, this feeling is even worse, suffocation and a lot of fear.

Do dead cats and live cats appear in your dream? Maybe it’s an inner struggle you’re going through or a conflict you’re afraid of and very upset about. If there is blood in the dream, it is because you are afraid of losing something that is very important to you, such as a family. a family member or loved one.

What Do Dreams About Cats Mean? Here’s What Experts Say

Strange things keep popping up in your dreams – things you think shouldn’t be there: people you’ve never met, activities you’ve never done, skills you never had (raise your hand , if so ever became a full superhero and flew in a dream). Sometimes, however, your nocturnal wanderings are host to more… mundane things. Like cats for example. But what does it mean if you dream about cats? People tend to associate personality traits or characteristics with animals. So when animals appear in your dreams, they offer a fantastically rich dream decoding opportunity. This is especially the case when the animal is as familiar to humans as cats are.

Like any other dream topic, cat dreams can be your sleeping mind’s way of sending you a message. And that is why experts suggest to look for common lines in your dreams. “Whenever you wake up and can remember your dream, quickly jot down as much information as you can,” says Danielle Massi, LMFT, therapist and owner of The Wellness Collective. “Do this for several weeks and you will find that some patterns emerge from your dreams.”

From there, try to look past the cat symbolism. According to psychiatrist Josiah Teng, MHC-LP, it can be helpful to think of the cat as a puppet and the dream meaning as strings. “Look at his function,” he tells Bustle. “What role does the cat play in your dreams? Does it guide you through the dreamscape or wreak havoc with its actions? Do you feel comforted by his presence or threatened when he shows up? The cat’s actions reflect those of a force in your real life.”

Each dream symbol is a chance to better understand yourself and what you may need to address or change in your waking life. With this in mind, according to experts, here are different interpretations of cat dreams.

A History of Cats in Culture


When interpreting this particular dream theme, it helps to be aware of the long history of mythology and symbolism associated with cats. For example, it’s possible you’ve learned about Bastet, the Egyptian tutelary goddess who was traditionally portrayed as a part cat, and now that the story has made its way into your dreams.

Then there is the long list of legends and folklore associated with cats. Some believe cats smother babies or cause both good and bad luck. Some say cats can also predict the weather. Depending on what you’ve heard, it might help explain why a cat appeared in one of your dreams and what the appearance might mean to you.

Then there is the psychological side to consider. While some schools of thought – such as those of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung – credit the idea of ​​universal dream symbols, other researchers disagree. In a 2012 Psychology Today article, Dr. Stephanie A. Sarkis: “Your chipmunk is not someone else’s chipmunk. The importance you attach to a chipmunk is your experience with chipmunks in everyday life.” So if your experience with chipmunks was mostly negative, chances are your dreams about chipmunks will be too – but someone who has had generally positive chipmunk experiences probably will have other dreams about them.

The same goes for cats, if you dream about cats the best way to interpret this dream is to look for themes and possibilities connecting your dreams with waking life and also to think about your own thoughts, feelings and associations with cats . When you find that out, you may be able to land on the cat dream meaning that is specific to you.

What it means when you dream about cats


1. You want more independence

Have you noticed that cats often sleep alone, play alone, or stalk alone through the night? If yes, are you a little jealous?

According to licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Holly Schiff, Psy.D., Cat dreams often represent a desire for greater independence. “You may feel like you’re too dependent on others or that you long to be strong enough to stand on your own,” she tells Bustle.

To find out, look at the different elements of your dream. “If you dream that you can’t find your cat and it’s lost, it can be a metaphor for your own independence and a feeling that something is holding you back,” says Schiff. “Saving the life of a cat in your dream can be a symbol of regaining your independence.”

2. They tap into your feminine energy

Historically, cats have represented the divine feminine, Massi says, so consider how that might be true. According to Massi, if the cat is happy, it could mean that your divine feminine energy is in balance. But if the cat is unhappy, it may mean that some aspect of your energy is out of whack.

A cat dream could also indicate that a feminine energy in your life – like a friend or partner – is throwing you off balance or in need of more attention.

3. A spirit guide is trying to get your attention

Some believe that the Egyptian deity Bastet sends a cat via a dream as a message or an invitation to work with her, especially in moments when you need protection. To interpret this type of dream, Massi suggests researching what Bastet symbolizes to see if any of these elements apply to your life.

4. You feel uncomfortable

If you’re the cat in your dream, consider how you’re thinking and feeling as you move through the dream world, Teng suggests. For example, if you are constantly hiding from dogs, it could indicate that you are not feeling safe or that there is a threatening presence in your waking life that needs to be addressed.

“Cat dreams are often less about the cat itself and more about your relationship with the cat, their actions and your reaction,” he says. “By searching for threads connecting these elements and finding its counterpart in real life, you can find the meaning of cat in your dreams.”

5. You suspect someone is lying to you

Cats are said to be strongly associated with curiosity, stealth, and independence, but also with hidden knowledge, misfortune, and some sort of deception. Therefore, a dream about cats could mean that you suspect that someone is deceiving you, or that you are deceiving yourself about something. As you jot down these issues in your journal, consider whether there are any shady behaviors in your daily life that need to be addressed.

6. You must listen to your intuition

If a cat appears in your dream, listening to your intuition could be a powerful message. Like a cat, your intuition is always there, but it is often hidden and you are not aware of it.

Alternatively, depending on how you perceive cats, it could also represent something about yourself that you don’t want to reveal, either because you’re ashamed of it or lack the confidence to fully express yourself. Think of a cat hiding in the shadows.

Like cats themselves, your intuition is unpredictable. It shows up when it feels like it and isn’t easy to train or contain. Again, paying attention to how the cat appears in your dreams is important as it tells you how well attuned you are to your own intuition.

7. You feel overwhelmed

Cats are a dream symbol of independence, but there is an exception to this rule. When they appear in the form of a helpless kitten—representing innocence, purity, and openness to the future—you may feel vulnerable and overwhelmed. If so, take better care of yourself or ask for help when you need it and you might find this type of dream unraveling.

And depending on what is going on in your waking life, dreaming of a kitten or cat giving birth may suggest a new project or relationship or something or someone that you are not yet sure about or that needs nurturing to establish themselves. And if you have a lot of cats in your dreams, you may feel overwhelmed by chaos or confusion.

8. You are lonely

Had a dream of a cougar or bobcat hanging out in the forest or on a windswept mountaintop? Wild cat dreams could indicate that you are feeling free and independent or that you are feeling lonely. There are also often themes of survival, power, cunning, and ferocity to watch out for.

Whether it’s a lion, tiger, leopard, panther, or jaguar, a wild cat might indicate that you feel you are in a dangerous place, but that any difficulties can be overcome with courage and a roar. You have to face your fears. When you can clearly see which wild cat is chasing you, there is a whole new world of symbolism and association to delve deep into.

9. You need to trust yourself more

If you lost a cat in your dream or you are trying to find one, it indicates that in real life you are aware that you need to trust yourself more, but you are not there yet. Now may be the time for you to put your own emotional needs ahead of others. If the cat is being abused or neglected, consider your close relationships. Are there toxic patterns of codependency? Remember, people treat you the way you treat yourself.

10. You need to face an unresolved fear

Although some people only dream in black and white, most dream in vivid color, so you need to explore the color associations and see if they speak to you. is it a white cat You may have “difficult times” ahead of you. is it black Maybe you have an unresolved fear of something. Black cats are often mistaken for a sign of bad luck, which could indicate that you don’t trust your intuition enough. If you dream of an orange cat, it is a sign of unbridled creativity in your life.

11. You must embrace your uniqueness

Remember that what the cat is doing in your dream can affect its symbolism as well. If the cat is chasing a mouse or a toy, your subconscious may be telling you to embrace your independence and uniqueness no matter what others think. You may also see an interpretation of your own playful side, which could be an indication that you should show that playful side more often.

The final result


According to Freud, cats represent erotic tensions, but Jung believed cats were an archetype, a source of inner inspiration and guidance. Cats can certainly be associated with your sexual energy or be a sign that sexual adventures are on your mind or maybe just on the horizon. The way forward is to express yourself and love like a cat: calmly be confident, listen to your intuition, choose your moment. Then don’t be afraid to explore and ask for whatever you want, like an inquisitive cat tends to be.

In summary, whether or not you are a cat person will determine whether dreaming about cats feels like a dream or a nightmare. If anything about the dream upsets or confuses you, try to figure out what’s going on in your waking life to make you feel that way. Your dreaming mind urges you to shine a spotlight on this topic and use your feelings towards cats and the lessons they can teach you to help you understand and heal what is holding you back.

In that sense, cat dreams – like their real-life counterparts – can truly become your best friend and your trusted lucky charm.


Danielle Massi, LMFT, Therapist

dr Holly Schiff, Psy.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Josiah Teng, MHC-LP, Mental Health Clinician

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