Fordyce Spot Removal Uk? Top Answer Update

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How do I get rid of Fordyce spots UK?

As Fordyce spots are a normal part of the anatomy, there is no need to remove them or “cure” them. However, if removal is desired for cosmetic reasons, this can be achieved by a number of methods such as hyfrecation or laser therapy.

Can Fordyce spots be removed?

Surgical removal called excision can also remove Fordyce spots. While some treatments have side effects, studies show that carbon dioxide laser, cauterization, or surgical removal are helpful. Generally, Fordyce spots are harmless and don’t need to be removed.

Can you remove Fordyce spots at home?

Fordyce spots are a natural and harmless occurrence. If your spots are making you uncomfortable for cosmetic reasons, discuss possible treatments with your doctor. There’s no scientific evidence that home remedies help remove these spots. Don’t pick or squeeze Fordyce spots.

Can Fordyce spots be removed with cream?

Topical treatments: Application of topical creams that contain trichloroacetic acid, topical Tretinoin, and oral Isotretinoin may help to shrink or remove Fordyce spots.

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

There are several treatments to get rid of Fordyce spots, including natural remedies and other medical treatments.

Fordyce spots are harmless, small, slightly raised, yellowish or white papules that appear in the armpits, pubic area, or around the nipples. Fordyce spots can also appear on the cheeks and around the edges of the lips. Fordyce spots are characterized by intense itching, dark and dry skin. These spots are naturally present in our bodies, which increase in size as we age. Hormonal changes in combination with oily skin can be the causative factors. Fordyce spots can look ugly and affect your overall appearance. If you are unhappy with the way you look, there are several treatments to get rid of Fordyce spots, including natural remedies and other medical treatments. If you want to get rid of Fordyce spots quickly, the doctor may prescribe the following treatments:

Laser treatments: In this method, the spots are removed with a CO2 laser.

Cryotherapy: It involves freezing the area by applying liquid nitrogen.

Photodynamic Therapy: This therapy uses a combination of a special blend of medicine and light therapy.

Surgical excisions: This involves removing the spots with the help of an operation.

Topical Treatments: Applying topical creams containing trichloroacetic acid, topical tretinoin, and oral isotretinoin can help shrink or remove Fordyce spots. Tretinoin and isotretinoin (retinoids) are considered unsafe during pregnancy. You must tell your doctor if you are pregnant so that they can prescribe you accordingly.

Some of the natural remedies that can help remove Fordyce spots are:

Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has antimicrobial properties in addition to astringent properties. Apple cider vinegar’s astringent properties help control excess oil production. Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and apply to the stains twice a week.

Garlic: It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that help clear bacteria from the bloodstream. Daily consumption of garlic can help destroy the bacteria and maintain oral hygiene. To do this, take crushed garlic cloves and mix them with water. Add lemon juice for taste.

Coconut Oil: Dry and dehydrated skin can lead to excess sebum secretion. Coconut oil can be used as a moisturizer to treat dry skin and prevent excess sebum production. Apply coconut oil directly to the area or mix with lavender oil to apply.

Jojoba Oil or Argan Oil: Argan and jojoba oil are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E is effective against various skin infections or skin diseases. Mixing these two oils and applying to the area can be helpful in treating Fordyce spots.

There is no direct scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of these natural remedies for treating Fordyce spots; Therefore, always consult a doctor before trying these remedies. Several other conditions, including sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), can mimic Fordyce spots. Therefore, for a definitive diagnosis, you need to consult a dermatologist.

What type of doctor treats Fordyce spots?

It is not uncommon for people with Fordyce spots on their lips to visit several dermatologists and plastic surgeons and find that only a minority can identify them. If you notice any changes to the genitals or face, they should be checked out by a doctor. However, Fordyce spots are not a pressing health concern.

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

Fordyce spots are small raised bumps that appear on the shaft of the penis, labia, scrotum, or next to the lips. They can be pale red, yellow-white, or skin-colored. They are also known as Fordyce granules and sebaceous glands. They are common in both men and women. These harmless stains can be a cause for concern based on their appearance, but they do not pose a health risk. They are only a cosmetic concern. Fast facts on Fordyce spots Fordyce spots are not a sexually transmitted infection.

You are not contagious.

These skin abnormalities are not a health concern, but should be checked out by a doctor if they start to change.


Fordyce spots affect the oil-producing glands of the skin. The treatment of these spots is purely cosmetic. Most doctors advise against treatment. Dermatologists and other doctors emphasize that the appearance of Fordyce spots on the body is normal and not dangerous for human health. However, there are a number of cosmetic treatments. It’s likely that a person who wants to remove the spots will have to pay for the treatment themselves, since insurers generally don’t pay for cosmetic treatments. Electro-curing Electro-curing or carbon dioxide (CO2) laser treatment have been used with some success to make the spots less visible. This treatment addresses the purely cosmetic problem of this skin condition. Pulsed dye lasers These have also proven themselves in some cases. This is a laser treatment that’s usually used for a condition known as sebaceous hyperplasia, in which the glands that cause Fordyce spots enlarge. Pulsed dye lasers tend to leave fewer scars than other methods. However, they can be expensive. In most cases, the above treatment methods are not effective enough for most people. Micro-punch technique Researchers reported promising results for the micro-punch technique in the Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. A retrospective study with 23 people from 2003 to 2011 achieved satisfactory functional and cosmetic results. The study added that there has been no sign of recurrence between 12 and 84 months when the person is observed in the post-procedure period.

Causes Share on Pinterest A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with Fordyce spots.

Photo credit: Hong Kong Medical Association A Fordyce spot is a type of fat gland that has appeared in an unusual place on the body. These are called ectopic sebaceous glands. It’s not known what causes Fordyce spots, but some studies have linked their development to hormonal changes, and others suggest they begin to form as an embryo grows in the womb. Although technically these glands are not in their correct place, they are not associated with any disease or condition. Dermatologists point out that they are only of cosmetic importance. People who have them may not be happy with the effect Fordyce spots have on their appearance, but they pose no physical health risk. Experts say Fordyce spots are natural and affect most people to some extent degrees occur.

Symptoms Fordyce spots are small, pale bumps or spots between 1 and 3 millimeters (mm) in diameter. They are usually surrounded by a yellow, white, pale red, or flesh-colored color and are visible on the following parts of the body: the shaft of the penis and the scrotum

the point on the face where the lips and skin meet, known as the vermilion border

Labia On the shaft of the penis, scrotum, and labia, they may appear as bright red or purple papules, or they may be pale in color. They can appear singly or in groups of 50 to 100 spots. They become more apparent when the skin is stretched. They do not cause pain or itching. In some cases, they may bleed during or after intercourse. They are not contagious and cannot be passed from one person to another. Some men with Fordyce spots may wonder if they have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or some type of cancer, but these are often harmless.

Complications Many people with severe occurrences of these vermilion-bordering spots are at risk of anxiety and depression because of the sometimes unsightly appearance of the spots. The eyes and lips are prominent parts of the face. Stains in these areas can affect people emotionally. Those with severe symptoms in their genitals may feel embarrassed or worried about what their sexual partners might be thinking. In some cases, the spots may bleed from injuries or during intercourse. However, there are no known physical complications of Fordyce spots.

Risk Factors While the causes of pimples are largely unknown, they can be linked to various skin types and other medical conditions. Fordyce spots are twice as common in men as in women and are also more common on oily skin. Spots around the mouth and eyes have also been linked to hyperlipidemia, and research has shown links between Fordyce spots and other risk factors for heart and artery disease.

Is Fordyce spot removal painful?

Fordyce spot removal at our clinic in Leamington Spa involves using the CO2 laser to gently target the affected area. Typically these spots, also called Fordyce granules, appear on the lips, cheek and genitalia. They are very common and should not cause any pain.

What happens if you pop Fordyce spots?

Fordyce spots are neither itchy nor painful. Popping or squeezing the bumps will not cause them to go away and will only irritate them. Although Fordyce spots can be found on the genitals, they are not considered a sexually transmitted disease.

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

Fordyce Spots 51588 38 Information for Teens and Adults Table of Contents Overview Who Is At Risk Signs and Symptoms Self Care Guidelines When to Seek Medical Attention Treatments Your doctor can prescribe trusted links References

Overview Fordyce spots are small yellow-pink bumps that can appear on the lips, gums, vulva, and penis and are caused by an overgrowth of the normal oil glands. They are completely normal, not contagious and have nothing to do with cancer. Fordyce spots are not itchy or painful. Popping or squeezing the bumps will not make them go away, just irritate them. Although Fordyce spots can be found on the genitals, they are not considered a sexually transmitted disease.

Who is at risk? Fordyce spots can appear at any point in life, but they usually become apparent after the teenage years and are most common in older people.

Signs and Symptoms The most common location for Fordyce spots is on the edge of the lips, particularly near the corners of the mouth. Other places are the back parts of the inner cheeks and inside the mouth, including the tonsils. The head of the penis and the inner part of the foreskin can also be affected.

Multiple (usually less than 10) 1 to 2 mm painless, yellowish patches are seen.

Self Care Guidelines None required.

When to See a Doctor Fordyce spots are normal and noncancerous (benign), but see a doctor if they itch or become irritated.

If you’re concerned about abnormal bumps, it’s important to show them to your doctor for reassurance and possible treatment.

Treatments Your Doctor May Prescribe If irritation is noticed, a mild topical steroid may be prescribed for relief, but should be used with caution. While there is no specific treatment for Fordyce sports, treatment with a laser can make them less noticeable in some cases.

Trusted Links Clinical Information and Differential Diagnosis of Fordyce Spots

Can a Fordyce spot get bigger?

Fordyce spots are usually present from birth; however, they may not be easily seen. After adolescence, and with hormonal changes, these spots can become larger and more visible.

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

Fordyce spots, also known as Fordyce granules, are small yellowish or whitish spots that can appear on the lips, inside of the cheeks, or on the genitals. They occur on their own and usually do not cause any health problems.

These spots can appear due to enlarged sebaceous glands and can appear at any age (although they most commonly appear during puberty due to hormonal changes). They are not related to HIV, herpes, sexually transmitted infections, genital warts or cancer.

Although Fordyce spots do not require any special treatment, there are ways to remove them for aesthetic reasons through the use of creams or even laser surgery.

main symptoms

Fordyce spots are associated with the appearance of small yellow or whitish spots. They can appear as an isolated spot or a collection of many in the area of ​​the mouth or genitals. Fordyce spots in the mouth usually appear on the upper lip, inner cheek, or gums. The Fordyce spots that appear on male genitalia are most commonly found on the shaft of the penis, glans, foreskin, or testicles.

Fordyce Granules do not cause pain or irritation. They usually only change the aesthetics of the region in which they are created.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see a dermatologist to confirm a diagnosis and discuss potential treatment options.

What can cause the spots to appear

Fordyce spots are usually present from birth; However, they may not be easy to spot. After puberty and with hormonal changes, these spots can become larger and more visible.

The spots can affect anyone, but are twice as common in men and in people with very oily skin.

Are Fordyce spots contagious?

Fordyce Granules are not contagious, nor are they caused by viral or bacterial infections. They develop by themselves in the area of ​​the mouth or genitals.

treatment options

Fordyce spots are usually only treated for aesthetic reasons. However, it is not always possible to completely eliminate the lesions. Some of the more common ways to remove the stains are:

Use of ointments and creams that contain tretinoin or dichloroacetic acid. These medications can visibly reduce skin changes but should only be used as directed by a dermatologist;

containing tretinoin or dichloroacetic acid. These medications can visibly reduce skin changes but should only be used as directed by a dermatologist; Micro-Punch Technique: Local anesthesia is applied to the affected area and then the doctor uses a pen-like device to remove the lesions from the skin;

: Local anesthesia is applied to the affected area and then the doctor uses a pen-like device to remove the lesions from the skin; CO2 Laser: The doctor uses a powerful beam of light to remove the lesions. This technique can leave scars and should therefore only be performed by a dermatologist.

With these treatment techniques, Fordyce spots can be removed or disguised on any part of the body, including the genital area.

Natural remedies such as jojoba oil, vitamin E or argan extract are successfully used in combination with medication in the treatment of Fordyce spots.

It’s important to avoid squeezing or plucking Fordyce spots to remove them at home, as this technique doesn’t get rid of them permanently and can put you at risk of skin infection.

How many guys have Fordyce spots?

Fordyce spots are a type of sebaceous gland (small glands usually associated with hair follicles that produce sebum, the oily substance that helps to protect the skin). They are a normal part of your body. About 4 out of 5 people have Fordyce spots on their genitals and/or mouths3. They usually first appear at puberty.

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

Fordyce spots are small (1-5mm) pale spots1 found on your penis and scrotum. They can also appear on your lips and the inside of your cheek.

Fordyce spots are usually more noticeable when the skin is stretched, so you may notice them more when you have an erection2 or when you are warm and your scrotum is loose.

Fordyce spots are a type of sebaceous gland (small glands usually attached to hair follicles that produce sebum, the oily substance that helps protect skin). They are a normal part of your body.

About 4 out of 5 people have Fordyce spots on their genitals and/or mouth3. They usually first appear during puberty.

How do I reduce the size of my Fordyce spots?

Fordyce Spot Treatment
  1. Laser treatment with a CO2 laser, pulsed-dye laser or ablative laser.
  2. Cryotherapy (freezing)
  3. Photodynamic therapy (applying medication and using light to activate it)
  4. Topical bichloracetic acid (a caustic agent)
  5. Topical tretinoin (Retin-A)
  6. Oral isotretinoin (a vitamin A derivative in capsule form)

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

What are Fordyce spots?

What do Fordyce spots look like?

Fordyce Spot Causes

Fordyce Spot Treatment

What are Fordyce spots?

Fordyce spots are small, pale bumps caused by enlarged sebaceous (oil) glands that are not connected to hair follicles like most sebum glands are. Sometimes called Fordyce glands or Fordyce granules, they are named after a 19th-century physician.

They most commonly appear on the edge of the lips or on the inside of the lips or cheeks. Less commonly, they occur on the penis or scrotum, or on the labia in women.

Fordyce spots are common. Between 70% and 80% of adults have them. They are benign (they are not and do not become skin cancer) and are not contagious.

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What do Fordyce spots look like?

Fordyce spots are tiny – about the size of a pinhead. They can be yellow to yellowish white or skin colored. They may appear reddish on the genitals. They can develop as a single spot or as a cluster of 50 to 100 spots.

They are more noticeable when you stretch the surrounding skin. For example, Fordyce spots on the penis are more noticeable during erections.

Fordyce spots don’t usually cause any problems, but occasionally they can be itchy. If they are on the penis, they can bleed or make sex uncomfortable.

To the untrained eye, Fordyce spots can resemble a number of other skin conditions such as: B. milia, sebaceous hyperplasia, syringoma and molluscum contagiosum. When they appear on the genitals, some people worry that they have an STD like genital warts. An experienced board-certified dermatologist can make an accurate diagnosis, usually by looking at the patches. Occasionally a biopsy is required.

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Fordyce Spot Causes

People with Fordyce spots are born with them, but the bumps don’t become visible until puberty, when normal hormonal changes cause the affected oil glands to enlarge. Not much is known about why one person is more likely to have Fordyce spots than another, but there are two factors that could play a role.

Gender: Males have it about twice as often as females.

Skin type: There is evidence that the spots are more common in people with oily skin.

Studies suggest that people with a lot of Fordyce spots are more likely to have high cholesterol, but experts don’t yet know how the association works, if there is one.

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Fordyce Spot Treatment

In general, the best way to treat these spots is to leave them alone. Do not scratch, crush, or try to scrape them. Avoid using oily creams, lotions, and other products that can further block the oil glands.

If your Fordyce spots are bothersome or you don’t like the way they look, there are a number of treatment options, although many aren’t always 100% effective. They include:

Laser treatment with CO2 laser, pulsed dye laser or ablative laser

cryotherapy (freezing)

Photodynamic therapy (administering drugs and activating with light)

Topical bichloroacetic acid (a caustic)

Topical Tretinoin (Retin-A)

Oral isotretinoin (a vitamin A derivative in capsule form)

Micro-punch surgery (after numbing the area, the patches are cut out with a micro-punch scalpel and the skin is then closed with microscopic sutures)

Keep in mind that some of these treatments can make things worse by causing scars. Be sure to discuss the pros and cons of any treatment you’re considering with your dermatologist.

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How did I get Fordyce spots?

The spots are caused by the body’s sebaceous glands, which are responsible for the moisturizing oils in your skin and hair.

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

Fordyce spots, also called Fordyce granules, are small pimple-like structures that often form on the body. They are most commonly seen on male genitals, particularly around the shaft and testicles, but can also be found on the lips and inside the mouth. They are also present in female genitalia, especially around the labia. The spots were first described in 1896 by John Fordyce, a well-known dermatologist. ‌ You are likely born with Fordyce spots, but they usually appear during puberty. However, they can still develop randomly with age. Fordyce spots can be a bit disconcerting at first – your first impression might be that you have an STD – but don’t worry! Not only are they not sexually transmitted, but these spots are not “transmitted” at all. Fordyce granules are neither contagious nor dangerous.

How do you recognize Fordyce spots? If you have them, you will know. Fordyce spots often appear in clusters, clumped together, and are easily visible under direct lighting. Try stretching the skin if you’re having trouble finding it. If you can’t see them, that doesn’t mean they’re not there, just that they’re too small to notice.

The small “spots” vary in size between 1 and 5 millimeters in diameter. They are either yellow or white and sometimes form symmetrical lines. In fact, you might be tempted to confuse them with genital warts. Up to 80% of adults have Fordyce spots, but that doesn’t mean they don’t scare you a little when you first see them. In addition, it would be an excellent idea to be seen by a doctor if you think you have Fordyce spots. They are easily confused with several other conditions that have a “similar” presentation such as: Sebaceous hyperplasia

milium cysts

epidermoid cysts

In other words, if you think you have Fordyce spots, you should have your doctor confirm the diagnosis to make sure it’s not a more serious condition.

How did I get Fordyce spots?

The spots are caused by the body’s sebaceous glands, which are responsible for the moisturizing oils in your skin and hair.

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

Fordyce spots, also called Fordyce granules, are small pimple-like structures that often form on the body. They are most commonly seen on male genitals, particularly around the shaft and testicles, but can also be found on the lips and inside the mouth. They are also present in female genitalia, especially around the labia. The spots were first described in 1896 by John Fordyce, a well-known dermatologist. ‌ You are likely born with Fordyce spots, but they usually appear during puberty. However, they can still develop randomly with age. Fordyce spots can be a bit disconcerting at first – your first impression might be that you have an STD – but don’t worry! Not only are they not sexually transmitted, but these spots are not “transmitted” at all. Fordyce granules are neither contagious nor dangerous.

How do you recognize Fordyce spots? If you have them, you will know. Fordyce spots often appear in clusters, clumped together, and are easily visible under direct lighting. Try stretching the skin if you’re having trouble finding it. If you can’t see them, that doesn’t mean they’re not there, just that they’re too small to notice.

The small “spots” vary in size between 1 and 5 millimeters in diameter. They are either yellow or white and sometimes form symmetrical lines. In fact, you might be tempted to confuse them with genital warts. Up to 80% of adults have Fordyce spots, but that doesn’t mean they don’t scare you a little when you first see them. In addition, it would be an excellent idea to be seen by a doctor if you think you have Fordyce spots. They are easily confused with several other conditions that have a “similar” presentation such as: Sebaceous hyperplasia

milium cysts

epidermoid cysts

In other words, if you think you have Fordyce spots, you should have your doctor confirm the diagnosis to make sure it’s not a more serious condition.

How do I get rid of Fordyce spots on my lips naturally?

There are numerous home remedies that can be used to effectively treat the white spots on the lips which are also known as Fordyce spots.
  1. Garlic. Garlic is known to decrease the number of bacteria that is present in the circulation of the bloodstream. …
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar. …
  3. Coconut Oil. …
  4. Jojoba Oil and Argan Oil.

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

What home remedies are there to get rid of white spots on lips?

The white color patches on the lips are caused by the abnormal secretion of oil by the sebum glands known as sebum present in the skin. When this special oil builds up on the lips, it serves as a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, and hence the infection causes inflammation of the surrounding tissues. It’s important to note that this is not a sexually transmitted infection.

There are numerous home remedies that can effectively treat the white spots on lips, also known as Fordyce spots.


Garlic is known to reduce the number of bacteria present in the bloodstream circulation. Therefore, eating garlic will surely help reduce those white spots. This also has many medicinal properties that help in getting rid of these stains and maintaining general personal hygiene.

Make a drink from crushed garlic cloves mixed with water and add some lemon juice. This should be taken before meals for the best results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been shown to be very effective in reducing white spots on lips. Its antibacterial and astringent properties eliminate the bacteria present and also bring the necessary balance in sebum secretion.

To use apple cider vinegar on these spots, you need to mix small and equal amounts of apple cider vinegar with water. Use a cotton swab to apply this mixture on the affected area and after a while you can rinse it off with hot water. Repeat this no more than twice a week.

coconut oil

One of the main causes of white spots on lips is excessive sebum secretion, which causes the skin to dry out and dry out. Using coconut oil will make your skin healthy and really smooth. Coconut oil also possesses antimicrobial properties. Use a few drops of lavender oil along with coconut oil. Make a mixture and then apply this oil to the affected area with clean fingers and leave on for a few hours before rinsing off.

Jojoba Oil and Argan Oil

Jojoba oil is very rich in pore-refining compounds like vitamin E, which help in nourishing the skin on and around the lips. It ensures that the pores that secrete excess sebum are reduced.

Argan oil is easily absorbed by the skin and helps balance oil production in the skin. Use a mixture of one drop each of these two oils and apply to your lips with clean fingers. Leave the oil on for 8-10 minutes and then rinse off with water.

How long does it take for Fordyce spots to go away on lips?

You can expect to see fading in 3-6 months.

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

Your doctor will perform an oral exam and may take a swab from your cheeks or gums. This swab is tested for the presence of bacteria or viruses. If the test comes back negative, you most likely have Fordyce spots.

If you have white bumps on your lips or in your cheeks, you should discuss this with your doctor. They can examine you to see if you have harmless Fordyce spots or something more serious, like thrush or oral herpes.

Finally, some trials have found that chemical cautery can be successful without leaving significant scarring or discoloration. Consult with your doctor to choose the cosmetic removal treatment that is best for you.

If you don’t like your Fordyce spots or find them aesthetically unappealing, there are some potential cosmetic treatments you can consider. Some dermatologists offer laser treatments to both remove the spots and prevent them from coming back. However, these treatments can leave scars. Others recommend oral isotretinoin, which should only be taken for short periods of time.

There is no need to treat Fordyce spots for your health. They are common and harmless, so as long as they don’t bother you, you can leave them alone.

How do I get rid of age spots naturally?

Skin changes are a part of life for most people. Your skin is the protective barrier that protects your internal organs and bones from damage, including sun damage. The skin itself is damaged.

A symptom of skin damage is dark spots on the skin. These are sometimes called age spots. Small patches of skin take on a darker tint than the surrounding skin. The causes are usually post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, hormonal changes and sun exposure.

Most dark spots are harmless, although you may not like them. There are many products you can get at the store or doctor’s that will lighten dark spots. If you try an all-natural method, you can use ingredients from your own kitchen.

Find out more about age spots, what you can do about them and what natural ingredients you can use.

The dark spots that appear on your hands and face are the result of deposits of extra melanin. Melanin is a naturally occurring chemical that gives skin its color. When you produce extra melanin in a certain area, the skin in that area looks darker than the skin around it.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Your skin can overproduce melanin in response to injury or irritation. Acne, bug bites, or psoriasis can all trigger post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. After the irritation has healed, you may notice a dark or rough patch that remains. These usually fade over time.

hormonal changes

Pregnancy and hormonal contraceptives can trigger an overproduction of melanin. The resulting discoloration is called melasma. It may fade over time or be permanent in some people.

sun damage

Dark spots from sun exposure are very common. The age spots on the face, arms and hands are often the result of spending time in the sun. They can darken over time, especially if you continue to be exposed to the sun.

How to treat FORDYCE SPOTS – Doctor O’Donovan explains…

How to treat FORDYCE SPOTS – Doctor O’Donovan explains…
How to treat FORDYCE SPOTS – Doctor O’Donovan explains…

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Fordyce Spot Removal – Eve Clinics

Fordyce spot removal at our clinic in Leamington Spa involves using the CO2 laser to gently target the affected area. Typically these spots …

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Fordyce Spots Lips Removal UK Mancester, Glasgrow …

We use CO2 Laser & Radiosurgery to achieve best results for Fordyce spots on Lips removal. For free online consultation, whatsapp: 01926 422 454.

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What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

Fordyce Spots Treatment · Carbon dioxe laser. Your doctor might suggest removing the spots with a carbon dioxe laser. · Retino medication.

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Fordyce spots: Quick and Informative guidance – DermNet NZ

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Fordyce Spot Removal

Fordyce spot removal at our clinic in Leamington Spa, the CO2 laser is gently applied to the affected area. Typically, these spots, also called Fordyce granules, appear on the lips, cheeks, and genitals. They are very common and should not cause pain. They are also not contagious.

Fordyce spots can be difficult for the common person to diagnose, and these spots are often confused with other conditions. Some may mistake the lesions for sexually transmitted infections. We advise patients not to self-diagnose and seek medical advice. Although the stains may appear unsightly, please be assured that they are completely harmless. Spots are white, yellow, or red and may appear in clusters. Usually these spots are very small, often no more than a millimeter in diameter. Because of their unattractive appearance, many attempt to have them removed using non-surgical, non-invasive methods.

Fordyce spots are believed to be caused by clogged pores or sebaceous glands, although scientists aren’t entirely sure why or how they form. We know that pimples become more common as we age.

With DEKA’s SmartXide Touch CO2 laser, removal is easy, quick and painless. There is little risk and the removal is suitable for all skin types. Surgical removal is unsuitable for Fordyce spots and carries the risk of scarring or hyperpigmentation/hypopigmentation. High energy is directed at the lesion without affecting the surrounding tissue. This controlled removal of the lesion stimulates the body’s self-healing powers to promote new collagen. Because the laser sterilizes the lesion, there is no blood present. Usually, patients only need one session to get effective results, but occasionally some patients with a serious long-term condition will need more than one session. With our advanced laser you can achieve excellent cosmetic results.

Present in more than 120 countries, DEKA has always been an epicenter of innovation for the entire global medical sector: unprecedented applications and systems for medicine, surgery and aesthetic dermatology.

To ensure that you are suitable for the treatment, you must first attend a medical consultation at our aesthetic clinic. During your appointment, we will take a complete medical history and answer your questions. Patients also require a patch test prior to treatment. Depending on how many Fordyce spots are present and in how many areas, the treatment usually lasts between 20 and 30 minutes. After the procedure, patients can usually resume their daily activities immediately.

Fordyce spots on the penis

Fordyce spots often appear on the penis or in a man’s private parts. The spots usually appear on the shaft or tip of the penis and look unattractive. Fortunately, Fordyce spots are not contagious or dangerous. They are also present in female genitalia, especially around the labia. A major reason for removal is that individuals may feel embarrassed or concerned about what their sexual partners might think. The treatment of these spots is purely cosmetic. Pimples can be successfully removed by our urologist, who specializes in this treatment and has more than 20 years of experience.

Fordyce Spots Treatment

Whilst Hyfrecation is an established treatment and has been in practice for over 80 years, it is a lesser known treatment in the UK compared to laser.

Hyfrecation is a minor surgical procedure that works by cauterizing skin lesions using electrocautery, resulting in the immediate elimination of those lesions.

Performed under local anesthesia (i.e. the skin around the lesions to be removed is numbed prior to treatment), Hyfrecation is a very safe procedure, achieving significant results in almost 100% of patients treating Fordyce spots.

We’ll start with a patch test so you can fully assess what the results may look like before moving on to the main procedure. This is especially important as the end results may vary depending on skin type.

A follow-up appointment may be required after the main procedure (depending on the extent of your Fordyce spots) for best results.

The procedure leaves a small open area that should heal in a few days. As this is a medical procedure, it is important to be aware of possible side effects.

Short-term side effects such as bleeding, bruising, pain and infection may occur. Fortunately, long-term consequences are rare but can include a change in skin color, scarring, the development of neuralgic pain, and a loss of feeling in the treated area.

What to Know About Fordyce Spots on Your Foreskin

Fordyce spots are enlarged oil glands without hair follicles. They are a normal part of your skin and are often found on the inside of your cheeks, the edges of your lips, and on your foreskin. While Fordyce spots may seem something to worry about, they’re fairly harmless. Let’s take a closer look at what they are and what causes them.

What are Fordyce spots? Fordyce spots are harmless, flesh-colored bumps usually found on the inside of your cheeks and on the lips. They are enlarged sebum glands, also known as ectopic sebum glands or Fordyce granules. These spots were first described by John Fordyce in 1896. ‌ They can also appear in other places, including the: esophagus, or the tube that goes to your stomach

penis shaft

head of the penis


Labia of the Vagina‌ While oil glands are usually connected to your hair follicles, Fordyce spots have no hair follicles. The glands open just above the surface of the skin.

What causes Fordyce spots on the foreskin? Having these spots on your foreskin is normal. Everyone is born with Fordyce spots, but they generally become more noticeable during puberty. Your hormones can make you bigger. Most people develop Fordyce spots in early adulthood. You are more likely to get them as you age. Most men have Fordyce spots on the foreskin of the penis and scrotum, while women usually have them on the labia of the vagina. Between 80% and 95% of adults have Fordyce spots.

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