Fruit That Means Two Escape Room? The 224 Detailed Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “fruit that means two escape room“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 711 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

What fruits name also means two?

Pear is a fruit that also pronounced as ‘Pair’ which mean two.

What fruit is never found singly escape room?

Pear” is a fruit which never found singly because the word “A Pear” is pronounced as the word “Pair”.

Who is closer to you father or mother?

All mammals are genetically closer to their fathers.

All mammals are genetically closer to their fathers than their mothers, according to research by scientists at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

All mammals are genetically closer to their fathers than their mothers, according to research by scientists at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.

In particular, research shows that even though we inherit the same amounts of genetic mutations from our parents — the mutations that make us who we are and not a different person — we actually “use” more of the DNA. that we inherit from our fathers.

The research, published in the journal Nature Genetics, has far-reaching implications for the study of human disease, the authors say.

For example, in many mouse models created to study gene expression associated with disease, researchers typically do not consider whether the specific genetic expression is maternal or paternal. However, UNC research shows that inheritance of a mutation in mammals has different consequences depending on whether the genetic variant is inherited from the mother or father.

“This is an extraordinary new research finding that opens the door to a whole new area of ​​research in human genetics,” said Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena, PhD, professor of genetics and senior author of the publication. “We know that there are 95 genes that are subject to this parent-of-origin effect. They are called imprinted genes and can play a role in disease depending on whether the genetic mutation came from the father or mother. Now we have found that, in addition to them, there are thousands of other genes that have a novel parent-of-origin effect.”

For the study, Pardo-Manuel de Villena’s team selected three genetically distinct inbred strains of mice descended from a subspecies that evolved on different continents. These mice were bred to produce nine different types of hybrid offspring, using each strain as both a father and a mother. As the mice reached adulthood, the researchers measured gene expression in four different tissue types, including RNA sequencing in the brain. Then they quantified how much gene expression came from the mother and father for each individual gene in the genome.

“We found that the vast majority of genes — about 80% — had variants that altered gene expression,” Crowley said. “And then we discovered a new, genome-wide expression imbalance in favor of the father in several hundred genes. This imbalance resulted in offspring whose gene expression in the brain was significantly more similar to that of their father.”

What is the name of this fruit 🍑?

Plum. The plum season is about to begin.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

Fruits in English! List of different types of fruit with pictures and examples. Learn these fruit names to expand your vocabulary about fruits and vegetables. This list of fruits illustrated with interesting pictures will also help you learn and remember the new words better.

Whether you’re trying to find your favorite fruit at the grocery store or want to talk about which fruits you like and dislike, you need to know the names of fruits in English. There are many different fruit names to learn, but that doesn’t mean it’s an impossible task, if you learn a few at a time you’ll soon be able to name any fruit in English!

names of fruits

Fruits are a type of healthy food that grow on trees or other types of plants and usually contain seeds. Fruits taste sweet because they contain natural sugars, and they are soft, dry, or fleshy to make them easy to eat. You can eat the skin of some fruits like apples and pears, but people don’t typically eat the skins of other fruits like bananas, kiwis, and citrus fruits. When fruits are ready to be picked and eaten, they are said to be “ripe.” There are a few different groups that fruits are divided into, including citrus, stone, exotic, melons, and berries.

list of fruits












Carambola (UK) – Starfruit (USA)

















List of fruits | names of fruits


Fruit names with pictures and examples

Learn a list of fruits illustrated with pictures and example sentences in English.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.



The woman cut up the watermelon and shared it among the four children.



He cut the orange into quarters.



The pear is a tasty fruit and I like it very much.



Each cake had a cherry on top.



The strawberry harvest failed due to the drought.



Cut this nectarine into four pieces and then take out the stone.



He put a grape in his mouth and swallowed it whole.



This mango tasted divine!



When we got home my mom decided to make a blueberry pie.



The pomegranate trees in the yard have borne fruit.


Carambola (UK) – Starfruit (USA)

We decorated dishes with slices of carambola/star fruit and kiwi.



Plum season is upon us.



She peeled off the skin of a banana for the child.



For dessert I grab the raspberry bread pudding.



Mandarins are high in vitamin C.



Many people like the taste of jackfruit, but it smells awful.



Papaya and pineapple contain enzymes that break down soft proteins.


I like to drink kiwi juice.



The pineapple was sweet and juicy.



Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit are types of citrus fruits.



We better add some lemon juice before mixing the flour with sugar.



The apricot trees are in full bloom.



Grapefruit may help lower harmful blood cholesterol levels, and cranberry juice relieves bladder infections.



At school we had melon for lunch.



Coconut is a staple ingredient in many curries and other Asian dishes.



Avocado salad is my favorite.



The peach trees shed all their blossoms after the heavy rain.


List of fruits | fruit names image


Fruit and Vegetable Videos

Learn more with Herbs and Spice List and Vegetable List in English.

What is the name of this fruit 🥑?

Custard Apple / ˈkʌstərd ˈæpl / (ˈকাছটর্ড ˈঅ্যাপল) n [the custard apple is a large green tropical fruit with black seeds; it is deliciously creamy, fleshy, white and sweet. Its taste like custard] (আতা): Taiwan is famous for producing a hybrid of custard apple as well, called pineapple-custard apples and sugar apples.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer


Frucht / fruːt / ( ফ্রূট্‌ ) n [ a fruit is a part of a flowering plant that originates from specific tissues of the flower . Consists of one or more seeds/pitch and flesh with skin that are sweet or sour and edible raw or ripe, like mango; tamarind; Malta etc. ] (ফল) : I like local fruits like plum; grapefruit; pig plum, etc. as exotic. The guava tree in our house bears fruit. She runs a fruit shop in the market square. End the meal with fresh fruit, it’s good for your health. Now he was reaping the fruits of all his hard work.

Note on necessary vocabulary related to fruits

Ø derivative /dɪˈraɪv/ (ডি ˈরাইভ্‌) v/ (

( উৎপন্ন/ উদ্ভুত হওয়া ) : The word “politics” derives from Sth [= come or develop]: The word “politics” derives from a Greek word meaning “city”.

Ø pass /kənˈsɪst/ ( কএন ˈ ছিস্ট্‌ ) v/ (

( গঠিত হওয়া ) : The team consists of four Europeans and three Asians. Consist of Sb/Sth [=to be formed from the things]: The team consists of four Europeans and three Asians.

Ø seed /siːd/ ( ছীড্‌ ) n {UK pip} [a small round or oval hard part produced by a plant from which a new plant can grow] ( <ফলের>বিচি; আঁঠি; বীজ) : The farmers grow these crops for seeds.

Meat Ø meat / fleʃ / (ফ্লেশ) n {syn -cell fabric} [the soft part of an fruit, vegetable fish and animal that is between the skin and the bones / seeds] (ফল, সবজি দেহের দেহের মাংসল অংশ): The thorn went deep into the flesh of my hand. The pulp is white.

Ø skin /skɪn/ (স্কিন্‌) n {also peel} [the natural outer layer of tissue covering an animal, fruit, vegetable, etc. Also} [the natural outer layer of tissue covering an animal, fruit, vegetable, etc.] ():

skin / skɪn / (স্কিন্‌) v {also peel} [to remove the skin of an animal, fruit or vegetable] (<ফল, প্রাণী ছিলকা ছিলকা> ছেলা): You need four maturity mangoes, skinned and chopped .

Sour Ø Sour /ˈsaʊər/ ( ˈ ছাওয়র ) adj [having a pungent, sometimes unpleasant taste or smell, like that of a lemon or some unready fruit] (টক; টকে গেছে এমন): Sour mango. Sour milk

Ø Edible /ˈedəbl/ ( ˈএডএব্‌ল্‌) adj [fit or suitable for consumption; non-poisonous] ( ভোজ্য; বিষমুক্ত ): The food at the hotel was barely edible. / (adj[edible or suitable for consumption; non-poisonous] (): The food at the hotel was barely edible.

Ø Raw /rɔː/ (রও) adj [ not cooked] (কাঁচা): These fish are often eaten raw. / (adj[ not cooked] (): These fish are often eaten raw.

Green / griːn / ( গ্রীন ) adj [not yet ready to eat] ( <ফল সম্বন্ধে> কাঁচা ): green mango / (adj[not yet ready to eat] (): green mango

Ø Ripe /raɪp/ ( রাইপ্‌ ) adj [ fully developed and ready to be eaten or gathered]): Pick the mangoes before they get too ripe. These bananas are not yet ripe – they are still green.

Ripen /raɪpən/ ( রাইপএন ) v [to ripen sth] ( পাকানো; পেকে যাওয়া ): The summer sun ripened the jackfruit. These mangoes ripen beautifully. / ([to ripen sth]): The summer sun has ripened the jackfruit. These mangoes ripen well.

Ø Native /ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs/ (ইন ˈডিজএনএছ্‌) adj [present naturally in one place or country, rather than coming from another place] (দেশী; দেশজ): Native fruits. / (adj[naturally present in one place or country rather than coming from another place]): Native fruit.

Ø Exotic /ɪgˈzɑːtɪk/ ( ইগ ˈ জা্‌ টিক ) adj [from or in another country] ( বিদেশী; বহিরাগত ): I travel to all sorts of exotic places around the world. / (adj[from or in another country] (): I travel to all sorts of exotic places around the world.

Ø reap /riːp/ (রীপ্‌) v [to cut and gather a crop, especially from a field or garden] ( <শস্য> কাটা; চয়ন /আহরণ করা): They now reap the fruits of all their hard work. / ([to cut and gather a crop, especially from a field or garden] (): They are now reaping the fruits of all their hard work.


Reaper / ˈ riːpər / (ˈ রীপএর) n [a person or a machine that cuts and collects plants on a farm] (১। ২। শস্য কর্তন যন্ত্র যন্ত্র):


Mango /ˈmæŋgoʊ/ (ˈম্যাঙ্‌গৌ) n [an oval-shaped tropical fruit with a smooth yellow or red skin, soft and juicy orange-yellow flesh, and a large hard core in the middle] (আম): The delicious fruit mango is nutritionally superior, source , of several vitamins and minerals.

Ø oval /ˈoʊvl/ ( ˈ ওউভ্‌ল ) adj [shaped like an egg] ( ডিম্বাকার; উপবৃত্তাকার ): an oval m irro r . An oval face. The leaves are long and almost oval.

Ø tropic /ˈtrːpɪkl/ (ˈ ট্রাঃপিক্‌ল্‌) adj [of or relating to the area between the two tropic S] (গ্রীষ্মমণ্ডলীয়): [of or relating to the area between the Amazonas two – (adj): The / in the Amazonas: the / River Basin contains the largest tropical rainforest in the world.

Ø tropic / ˈtrːpɪk / (ˈ ট্রাঃপিক্‌) n [one of the two imaginary lines around the earth with approximately 23.5 degrees south of the equator] (বিষুবরেখার ২৩ ২৩ ২৩ ডিগ্রি ২৩ ২৩ ডিগ্রি রেখা রেখা রেখা ক্রান্তিরেখা): / ([one of the two imaginary lines around the earth at about 23.5 degrees south of the equator] ():

Ø Smooth /smuːð/ ( স্মূদ্‌ ) adj [completely flat and level, with no lumps, holes or rough spots] ( মসৃণ ): The road ahead was flat and smooth. This cream helps keep your skin smooth. / (adj[completely flat and even, with no lumps, holes, or rough spots] (): The road ahead was flat and smooth. This cream helps keep your skin smooth.


Ø Delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ ( ডি ˈ লিশএছ্‌ ) adj [having a very pleasant taste or smell] ( সুস্বাদু; উপাদেয় ): : The delicious smell of meat coming from the kitchen

Ø Nutrition /nuˈtrɪʃn/ ( নিউ ˈ ট্রিশ্‌ন্‌ ) n [the process by which living things obtain the nourishment they need to grow and be healthy] ( পুষ্টি ): Good nutrition is essential if patients are to recover quickly . / ([the process by which living things obtain the nourishment they need for their growth and health] (): Good nutrition is essential if patients are to recover quickly.

Nutritionally /nuˈtrɪʃnlɪ/ (নিউ ˈট্রিশ্‌ন্‌লি): A nutritionally balanced food / (): A nutritionally balanced food

Ø Superior /suːˈpɪriər/ ( ছূ ˈ পিরিএর ) adj [qualitatively better than Sb/Sth otherwise] ( শ্রেষ্ঠ; উৎকৃষ্ট ): She was selected for the position because she was the superior candidate. / (adj[qualitatively better than Sb/Sth otherwise] (): She was selected for the job because she was the better candidate.


lychee /laɪˈtʃiː/ ( লাই ˈ চী ) lychee } n {[ USA [a Chinese fruit with a rough reddish skin and white flesh has a delicate whitish flesh with a floral odor and a fragrant, sweet taste, and a large black seed inside] ( লিচু ): On average, eating nine peeled lychees would meet an adult’s daily vitamin C needs.


Ø shell / ʃel / (শেল) n [The hard outer outlook of something particularly nuts, eggs and some animals] (<ডিম, বাদাম, কোনোকোনো বীজ ও এবং প্রাণিদেহের> শক্ত): Brazilian nuts have very hard mussels.

Ø Tender /ˈdelɪkət/ ( ˈ ডেলিকএট্‌ ) adj [ light and pleasant; not strong] (): Delicate food should be served to patients.

Ø Pulp /pʌlp/ ( পাল্প ) n [the soft part in fruits and vegetables] ( ফলের ভেতরকার নরম শাঁস ): Please scoop out the flesh of the melon and serve with light salt. / ([the soft part in some fruits and vegetables] (): Please scoop out the flesh of the melon and serve with light salt.


Ø Floral /ˈflɔːrəl/ ( ˈ ফ্লোরএল ) n [produced from পুষ্পময়; ফুলেল ): floral curtains/print / ([made of flowers or decorated with floral images] (): floral curtains/print

Ø fragrance / ˈfreɪgrənt / (ˈ ফ্রেইগ্রএন্‌ট্‌) adj [with or with a pleasant smell] (সুগন্ধ; সুগন্ধি; সুগন্ধি): The sauce itself was light, fragrant and slightly sweet. / (adj[with or having a pleasant smell] (): The sauce itself was light, fragrant and slightly sweet.

Ø flavor /ˈfleɪvər/ (ˈ ফ্লেইভ্‌এর্‌) n [How food or drink tastes or a certain taste itself] (<খাওয়ার সময়> স্বাদ্্): The lemon juice imparts extra flavor. / () n [taste like food or drink, or a specific taste itself](): The lemon juice adds extra flavor to the sauce.

Longan Longan /ˈlɑːŋɡən/ ( ˈ লাঃঙগএন্‌ ) n [ a tropical fruit similar to but smaller than the lychee, with a brown skin and sweet, the white flesh a round, glossy, black single seed or the evergreen tree on which this fruit lies growing] (কাঠলিচু):

Rambutan Rambutan /ræmˈbuːtən/ ( র‍্যাম্‌বূটএন্‌ ) n [ a tropical fruit with a red or yellow hairy skin and edible white flesh surrounding a white seed that has a slightly sour taste, native to Southeast Asia ] ( রামুমুম


Papaya /pəˈpaɪə/ (পএ ˈ পাইএ) n [a large, oval, tropical fruit with yellow and green skin, orange or red sweet flesh, and small round black seeds] (পেঁপে): Papaya plants come in three sexes, male and female, and hermaphrodites. The male only produces pollen, never fruit. The female produces small, edible fruits unless pollinated. i.e. The hermaphrodite can self-pollinate because its flowers contain both male stamens and female ovaries. Almost all commercial papayas only contain hermaphrodites.

Ø sex /seks/ ( ছেক্‌ছ্‌) n [the state of being either male or female] ( লিঙ্গ; স্ত্রী বা পুরুষ ): What is your dog’s sex? Please enter your gender and date of birth below. / (n [the state of being either male or female] (): What is your dog’s gender? Please provide your gender and date of birth below.


Ø Hermaphrodit / hɜːrˈmæfrədaɪt / (হা্‌র ম্যাফ্রএডাইট্‌ ম্যাফ্রএডাইট্‌) n [a plant, person, একাধারে পুংলিঙ্গ বৈশিষ্ট্য বৈশিষ্ট্য সংবলিত সংবলিত প্রাণী উভলিঙ্গ যেমন কেঁচো কেঁচো স্ত্রী বৈশিষ্ট্য সংবলিত কেঁচো কেঁচো স্ত্রী স্ত্রী ও পুংলিঙ্গ কিংবা সংবলিত উভলিঙ্গ কেঁচো একাধারে ও পুংলিঙ্গ পুংলিঙ্গ উভলিঙ্গ কেঁচো কেঁচো কেঁচো স্ত্রী স্ত্রী কিংবা প্রাণী প্রাণী যেমন যেমন স্ত্রী স্ত্রী ও ও উভলিঙ্গ যেমন কেঁচো ও বৈশিষ্ট্য সংবলিত কেঁচো স্ত্রী স্ত্রী স্ত্রী ও সংবলিত বৈশিষ্ট্য প্রাণী যেমন কেঁচো একাধারে পুংলিঙ্গ বৈশিষ্ট্য সংবলিত / () n [a plant, person, an animal or a flower that has both male and female genital organs or properties] (): The earthworm is a hermaphrodite.

Ø Produce /prəˈduːs/ ( প্রএ ˈ ডূছ্‌ ) v [to grow or manufacture Sth as part of a natural process; having a baby or kitten] ( সৃষ্টি করা; জন্ম দেওয়া ): My cat had kittens last week. / () v [Grow or manufacture Sth as part of a natural process; having a baby or kitten] (): My cat had kittens last week.

Ø pollen /ˈpɑːlən/ ( ˈ পাঃলএন ) n [fine vigor, usually yellow, formed in flowers and carried by the wind or insects to other flowers of the same species in order for those flowers to produce seeds] ( পরাগ; পুষ্পরেণু) :/( )n [fine force, usually yellow, formed in flowers and carried by the wind or by insects to other flowers of the same species to cause those flowers to produce seeds]():

Pollinate /ˈpɑːləneɪt/ ( ˈ পাঃলএনেইট) v [putting pollen into a flower or plant to make it produce] (পরাগ; পুষ্পরেণু): Flowers pollinated by bees/the wind. / () v [to get pollen into a flower or plant to make it produce] (): Flowers pollinated by bees/the wind.

Ø stamen /ˈsteɪmən/ ( ˈ স্টেইমএন )n [a small thin male part in the center of a flower that produces pollen and consists of a stalk that supports an anther] (পুংকেশর): The center of each flower usually has multiple stamens. / () n [a small thin male part in the center of a flower that produces pollen and consists of a stalk bearing an anther](): The center of each flower usually has multiple stamens.

Ø ovary /ˈoʊvəri/ ( ˈওউভএরি) n {Plu. Eggsticks} [The part of a female animal or a plant that produces eggs or seeds] (স্ত্রীজাতীয় ডিম্বকোষ ডিম্বকোষ ডিম্বাশয় ডিম্বাশয় ডিম্বাশয় উদ্ভিদের):


Plum /plʌm/ ( প্লাম্‌ ) n [ a soft round fruit is usually medium-sized, between 1 and 3 inches in diameter, globose to oval-shaped, with smooth green or purple skin, with a natural waxy surface that adheres to the skin sh and a single large hard seed glimpse ] ( আলুচা ) : Ripe plums can have a dusty-white coating, giving them a glucose-like appearance.

Ø wax /wæks/ ( ওঅ্যাকছ ) n [a solid substance made from beeswax or from various fats and oils, used in the manufacture of candle polish, models, etc.; it softens when heated] ( মোম বা মোমজাতিযছ): Wax polish. / () n [a solid substance made from beeswax or from various fats and oils, used in the manufacture of candle polish, models, etc. It softens when heated] (): Wax polish.

Waxy /ˈwæksi/ ( ˈ ওঅ্যাকছি ) adj [of wax; looks or feels like wax] ( মোমের মতো ): The cheese has a red waxy rind. / () adj [of wax; looks or feels like wax] (): The cheese has a red waxy rind.

Ø glue / ədˈhɪr / (এ ˈ হিয়ার হিয়ার হিয়ার হিয়ার হিয়ার হিয়ার হিয়ার সেঁটে সেঁটে সেঁটে থাকা থাকা থাকা থাকা থাকা Ø Ø সেঁটে থাকা). / ([adhere firmly to sth] (): First clean the surface, otherwise the paint will not adhere.

Chinese date Chinese date /ˌtʃaɪˈniːz deɪt/ ( ˌ চাই ˈ নীয ডেইট্‌ ) n {Also jujube or Indian jujube; Chinese apple; scientific name: Ziziphus mauritiana } [ a small soft green fruit with a hard stone, this is a kind of plum with soft, juicy, white and crisp flesh ] ( বরই ) :


Date /deɪt/ ( ডেইট ) n 1. [ the fruit is known as a date with a sweet tick and brown flesh growing on a tree common in North Africa and West Asia ] ( খেজুর ): Dates can be dehydrated d, ground and mixed with grain to make a nutrient-rich staple food.

2. Date /deɪt/ ( ডেইট ) n [a specific day of the month, sometimes in a specific year, indicated in numbers and words] ( তারিখ ): What date is it today? /What date is it? / What is today’s date?

1. Stone Ø stone / stoʊn / (স্টৌন্‌) n {us Pit} 1. [A hard shell with a large hard seed in the middle of some fruit types] (কোনো ফলের ফলের বিচি, যেমন, খেজুর, প্রভৃতি): Peacher, Plums, dates, avocados, jackfruit, and olives all contain stones.

2nd stone

2. Stone /stoʊn/ (স্টৌন্‌)n [the hard solid substance found in the ground, often used for building, or a piece of it] (পাথর, প্রস্তর, শিলা): a primitive stone axe

Ø Dehydrate /diːˈhaɪdreɪt/ ( ডী ˈ হাইড্রেইট ) v [to lose too much water from something] ( জল শুন্য করা/ হওয়া ): you won’t dehydrate easily in this heat.

star fruit

Starfruit /ˈstɑːrfruːt/ ( ˈ স্টাঃ র ফ্রূট ) n {also carambola} [a yellowish tropical fruit with a smooth skin and five-pointed, curved sections that form a star shape when cut through, hence its name. The whole fruit is edible and is usually eaten out of hand. They can also be used in cooking and made into relishes, preserves and juice drinks ] ( কামরাঙা ): The flesh of the star fruit is crisp, firm and extremely juicy.

Section Ø section /ˈsekʃn/ ( ˈ ছেকশ্‌ন্‌ ) n [each of the parts into which Sth is divided] (অংশ; কোয়া; কোষ): the section of the orange

Ø Cut through Sth (< কোনোকিছু > বরাবর কাটা ): They used a machete to cut through the bush. [=make a path or passage through sth. by cutting] (

Ø Therefore /hens/ ( হেনছ্‌ ) adv [for this reason] ( এই ভাবে; এ কারণে ): Her father is Italian, hence her name – Aster. / (adv [for this reason] (): Her father is Italian, hence her name – Aster.

Ø Gesamtes /ɪnˈtaɪər/ (ইন ˈটাইএর) adj [whole or complete, containing everything, with nothing missing] (সম্পূর্ণ; পুরো; অখণ্ড): The entire area was hit by the cyclone. / (adj[whole or complete, containing everything, with nothing missing] (): The entire area was hit by the cyclone.


Totally /ɪnˈtaɪərli/ (ইন ˈটাইএরলী) adv [in any way imaginable; fully] ( সম্পুর্ণরুপে; পুরাপুরি ): I totally agree with you. I admit it was all my fault. / (adv[in any way; fully] (): I totally agree with you. I admit that it was entirely my fault.

Ø Out of Hand (= হাত থেকেই )

Ø relish / ˈrelɪʃ / (ˈ রেলিশ) V [to enjoy or enjoy or enjoy something] (উপভোগ করা; <কোনোকিছু> রুচিকর হওয়া হওয়া): I always enjoy a challenge. / ([to take great pleasure in sth or to like or enjoy something] (): I always enjoy a challenge.


Relish [=take great pleasure in sth] ( রুচি ): He eats the cake slowly but with relish. [=to enjoy sth very much] (): He eats the cake slowly but with relish.

Ø juice /dʒuːs/ ( জূছ্‌ ) n [the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetable; drink made from it] ( <ফল, সবজি কিংবা মাংসের>রস ): the grated zest and juice of two lemons

Ø crunch /krʌntʃ/ ( ক্রানচ ) v [to squeeze noisily between teeth while eating] ( কড়মড় বা কচমচ শব্দ করে চিবা): He crunched his fruit. / ([to noisily crush sth between his teeth while eating]): He nibbled on his star fruit.

Crunchy /ˈkrʌntʃi/ ( ˈ ক্রানচি ) adj [ firm and crunchy and makes a sharp sound when bite or crushed] ( মুচমচে; কুড়মুড়ে ): A fruit crunchy and a /crunchy and makes a sound when biting or crushing it] (): A crunchy fruit


Tamarind /ˈtæmərɪnd/ ( ˈ ট্যামএরিন্ ‌ ড্ ‌ ) n [the tamarind tree produces edible, pod-like fruits that are used extensively in cuisines around the world, other uses include traditional medicine and metal polish] (ঁ:েঁ) tamarind can be found in the Test is best described as sweet and sour.

Ø pod / pːd / (পাঃড) n [a long, narrow, flat case of some fruits such as beans and peas that contains the seeds and normally has thick skin] (<মটরশুঁটি, শিম ইত্যাদির> বা খোসা): A pea pod ( = মটরশুঁটির খোসা ). A vanilla pod /([a long, narrow, flat pod of some fruits, such as beans and peas, containing the seeds and usually having a thick skin] (): a pea pod (=). A vanilla pod

Ø cuisine / kwɪˈziːn / (ক্যুই জীন্‌ জীন্‌) n [a style of cooking] (রান্নাবান্নার বিশেষ পদ্ধতি): Chinese cuisine / ([a style of cooking] (): Chinese cuisine

Water chestnut water chestnut / ˈwɔːtər ˈtʃesnʌt / (ˈ ওয়াটএর্ চেছনাট্ ‌ ‌ চেছনাট্ ‌ ‌ ˈ চেছনাট্ ‌) [floating one -year aquatic plants that are native to Africa in slowly flowing water. They bear intricately shaped fruit, each fruit containing a single, very large, starchy seed that is eaten

Dragon fruit Dragon fruit /ˈdræɡən ˌfruːt/ ( ˈ ড্র্যাগএন্ ‌ ˌ ফ্রূট্ ‌ ) n [ a night flowering climbing cactus native to Mexico and Central America, grown in tropical regions for its edible fruit. The fruit of this plant has bright red or yellow skin covered with large scales and white or pink flesh, and contains many small black seeds


Pomelo / ˈpːməloʊ / (ˈ পাঃমএলৌ) n [A large round of fruit has very thick, light green and yellow when it is tires, with sweet whitish meat and it tastes similar to a grapefruit, but sweeter] (জাম্বুরা বাতাবী লেবু): pomelo is a very good source of potassium and each fruit provides about 37% of your daily requirement.

Grapefruit -grapefruit / ˈgreɪpruːt / (ˈ গ্রেইপ্‌ফ্রূট্‌) n [a large round citrus fruit with much slightly sour juice or less sweet and yellow skin] (<স্বাদে বড়ো কমলা জাতীয় জাতীয়> মোসম্বি):


Lemon /ˈlemən/ ( ˈ লেমএন )n [an oval-shaped fruit, lemon is a small evergreen tree native to Asia. It has a thick yellow skin and sour juice, its juice contains about 5% to 6% citric acid, which gives it its distinctive sour taste and makes it a staple ingredient in drinks and food] ( লেবু ): Would you like a few drops of lemon? juice in your tea? Squeeze the juice of half a lemon over the fish dish.

Ø ingredient /ɪnˈgriːdiənt/ ( ইন ˈ গ্রীডিএনট ) n [one of the things like a food used together with other food to prepare a particular dish] ( উপকরণ; উপাদাণ): Curry is a staple ingredient for many. ):

To press

Ø Squeeze /skwiːz/ ( স্কুঈজ্‌ ) v [to squeeze something hard, especially from all sides, to change its shape, reduce its size, or dehydrate it] ( কচলানো/ কচলিয়ে রস রস ): cut the juice in half into the lime Bowl. She squeezed his hand and smiled at him. / ([press something hard, especially from all sides, to change its shape, reduce its size, or remove liquid from it] (): Cut the lime in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl. She squeezed his hand and smiled at him .


Limette /laɪm/ ( লাইম ) n [a small round fruit with lots of juice that is sour like a lemon but smaller and has a green skin, but the lime is slightly sweeter than the lemon] ( কাকজি লেবু; সরবতি লেবু ) : Both Both lemon and lime are good for health as they are rich in vitamin C, but lemon has more vitamin C than lime.


orange /ˈɔːrɪndʒ/ ( ˈ ওরিন্‌জ্‌ ) n [the round fruit, orange is the fruit of the citrus species, the orange is a cross between pomelo and tangerine, which has a thick reddish-yellow skin and lots of sweet juice and its center divided into many parts Very thin-skinned meat] ( কমলা লেবু ): freshly squeezed orange juice. orange grove s

Ø citrus /ˈsɪtrəs/ ( ˈ ছিটরএছ )n [any of a group of plants that produce tart fruits with lots of sour or sweet juice, such as grapefruit; Grapes; Lemons; Lemons] ( লবুজাতীয় ফল বিশেষ ): The field was planted with citrus trees. / ([any of a group of plants that produce sour fruits with lots of sour or sweet juice, such as grapefruit; grapes; limes; lemons] (): The field was planted with citrus trees.

Ø species /ˈspiːʃiːz/ ( ˈ স্পীশীজ্‌ ) n [a group in which animals, plants, etc., which can reproduce with each other and produce healthy young, are classified, smaller than a genius and identified by a Latin name] ( প্রজাতি ) : a rare species of beetle. / () n [a group in which animals, plants, etc., capable of interbreeding and producing healthy young are classified, smaller than a genius and identified by a Latin name): a rare species of beetle.

Ø grove /groʊv/ ( গ্রৌভ্‌ ) n [a small piece of land with fruit trees of certain species planted close together on it] ( তরুবিথী; কুঞ্জবন; উপবন ): An apple orchard grows around the village. / ([a small piece of land with fruit trees of a certain kind planted close together] (): An apple orchard grows around the village.


Mandarin / ˈmændərɪn / (ˈ ম্যানডএরিন) n [a type of small sweet orange but with a thinner, looser skin that comes off very easy] (পাতলা খোসাযুক্ত ছোটাকৃতি কমলাফল কমলাফল কমলাফল): Mandarin Sections are peeled to remove the white pith with carefully; otherwise they become bitter.

Ø Pith / Pɪθ / (পিথ্‌) n [eine weiche, trockene weiße Substanz zwischen der Haut und dem Fleisch von Zitrusfrüchten wie Orangen] (<কমলা লেবুর খোসার ভিতর অনুরুপ পাতলা, নরম, স্বচ্ছ> খোসা): / ((a weich , trockene weiße Substanz zwischen Schale und Fruchtfleisch von Zitrusfrüchten wie Orangen] ():


Ø Bitter / ˈbɪtər / ( ˈ বিটএর ) adj [ mit einem starken, unangenehmen Geschmack; nicht süß] ( তিক্ত; কটু; তিতা ): Schwarzer Kaffee hinterlässt einen bitteren Geschmack im Mund.



Malta / mʌltə / ( মাল্টএ ) n ( মালটা )

Satsuma satsuma / sætˈsuːmə / (ছ্যাট ˈ ছূমএ ছূমএ) n [eine Art kleiner Orange ohne Samen / Pip mit loser Haut, die leicht entfernt werden kann] (<ছোট আকারের সুগনন্ধ যুক্ত যুক্ত ঢিলা খোসা বিশিষ্ট লেবু লেবু> ঢিখোসা-কমলা লেবু):

Ø Loose / luːs / ( লূছ্‌ ) adj [nicht fest fixiert, wo es sein sollte; fähig, sich von Sth zu trennen] ( ঢিলা; শিথিল; ছাড়া ): ein lockerer Zahn / () adj [nicht fest fixiert, wo er sein sollte; in der Lage, von etw getrennt zu werden] (): ein lockerer Zahn

Tangerine Tangerine / ˈtændʒəriːn / ( ˈ ট্যানজএরীন্‌ ) n [ eine Frucht wie eine kleine Orange mit loser Schale, die sich leicht ablösen lässt ] ( ছোট কমলা লেবু ) :

Tangelo Tangelo / ˈtændʒəloʊ / ( ˈ ট্যান্‌জএলৌ ) n [ eine Frucht wie eine Orange, produziert von einer Kreuzung der Mandarinenbäume mit Grapefruitbäumen ] ( সঙ্কর-কমলা ) :

Ø Hybrid / ˈhaɪbrɪd / ( ˈ হাইব্রিড্‌ ) n [eine Pflanze oder ein Tier, das aus zwei verschiedenen Arten von Pflanzen oder Tieren hergestellt wurde, insbesondere um etwas besser zu machen] ( সঙ্কর; উচ্চফলন শ ীলন শ ীল্চফলন শ ীল্চফলন শ ীব্রিড্‌ ) . / () n [eine Pflanze oder ein Tier, das aus zwei verschiedenen Pflanzen- oder Tierarten hergestellt wurde, um besonders etwas zu verbessern] (): Die Gartenerdbeere ist eine großfrüchtige Hybride.

Persimone Persimmon / pərˈsɪmən / ( পএর্ ‌ ˈ ছিমএন্‌ ‌ ) n [ eine süße tropische Frucht , die wie eine große orangefarbene Tomate aussieht ] ( টমলা ফল ) :


Brombeere / ˈblækberi / ( ˈ ব্ল্যাকবেরি ) n [ eine kleine weiche schwarze Frucht, die am Baum wächst ] ( কাল জাম ): Brombeere gilt als wirksames Medikament zur Behandlung von Diabetes.

Ø Viable / ˈvaɪəl / ( ˈ ভাইএবল্‌ ) adj [fähig, wie beabsichtigt zu arbeiten oder erfolgreich zu sein] ( টিকে থাকতে সামর্থ; টেকসই ): Keines der Projekte erwies sich als finanziell tragfähig. Ich fürchte, Ihr Plan ist politisch nicht durchführbar. / (adj[funktionsfähig oder erfolgsfähig] (): Keines der Projekte hat sich als finanziell tragfähig erwiesen. Ich fürchte, Ihr Plan ist politisch nicht tragfähig.


Himbeere Himbeere / ˈræzberi / ( র‍্যাজ্‌বেরি ) n [ eine kleine, weiche dunkelrote Frucht oder der Busch, auf dem sie wächst ] ( কন্টকগুল্ম ফল ) : Reihen von Himbeerstöcken

Blaubeere Blaubeere / ˈbluːberi / ( ˈ ব্লূবেরি ) n [ die dunkle Blaubeerfrucht, die an Sträuchern in Nordamerika wächst, ähnlich der Heidelbeere und essbar ist ] ( নীলফল; ব্লূবেরি ) :

Ø Busch / b ʊ ʃ / ( বুশ্‌ ) n [eine Pflanze, die dicht wächst mit mehreren harten Stängeln, die entweder direkt aus dem Boden oder aus einem harten Holzstamm wachsen, was der Pflanze eine abgerundete Form verleiht] ( গুল্ম; ঝোপ; ঝাড় ): Stechpalme Gebüsch


Erdbeere / ˈstrɔːberi / ( ˈ স্ট্রোবেরি ) n [ Eigentlich ist Erdbeere eine Pflanze. It is cultivated worldwide for its fruit, which flower is white on that, this fruit frowns is called also strawberry. It is soft and small juicy red fruit with very small yellow seeds on the surface is widely appreciate d for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture , and sweetness. It is consumed in large quantities, either fresh or in prepared foods ] ( ছোট্ট রসালো একধরনের ফল; স্টোবেরি ) : I thought we would have strawberries and cream for dessert .

Ø Appreciate / əˈpriːʃieɪt / ( এˈপরীশিএইট্‌ ) v [to recognize or understand that something is valuable, important or as described] ( সঠিকভাবে মূল্যায়ন করা; কদর করা ): Only a trained person is able to appreciate a modern painting.

Ø Dessert / dɪˈzɜːrt / ( ডি ˈ জা্‌র্ট ) n [sweet food is eaten at the end of a meal] ( ভোজের শেষে পরিবেশিত ফল বা মিষ্টান্ন ইত্যাদি ): What’s for dessert? For dessert, there is apple pie, cheesecake or fruits. / ([sweet food is eaten at the end of a meal] (): What’s for dessert? For dessert, there is apple pie, cheesecake or fruits.


Gooseberry / ˈguːsberi / ( ˈ গূজ্‌বেরি ) n [ a small green fruit covered with short hairs, which grows on a bush and has a sour taste ] ( বৈঁচি লতা ফল ) : Gooseberries are used for making pies and jam.

Indian Gooseberry Indian gooseberry / ˈguːsberi / ( ˈ গূজ্‌বেরি ) n {Also amla or amalaki } [ a small, round and glossy green fruit that grows on a tree, Its taste sour and are usually cooked to make jam, pickle , etc. ] ( আমলকী ) : the gooseberry fruit is eaten raw or cooked into various dishes.

Ø Pickle / ˈpɪkl / ( ˈ পিকল ) n [a thick spicy sauce made from fruit or vegetables which have been preserved in a vinegar sauce or salty oil] ( আঁচার ): Have some pickles with your salad. / ([a thick spicy sauce made from fruit or vegetables which have been preserved in a vinegar sauce or salty oil] (): Have some pickles with your salad.

Blackcurrant Blackcurrant / ˌblækˈkɜːrənt / ( ˌ ব্ল্যাক ˈ কাঃরএন্ট্‌ ) n [ a small round dark purple berry that grows in bunches on a garden bush and can be eaten ] ( জাম বা বৈঁচিজাতীয় ফল বিশেষ; কারেন্ট জাম <ফল> ) : blackcurrant jam

Redcurrant Redcurrant / ˌredˈkɜːrənt / ( ˌ রেড্‌ ˈ কাঃরএন্ট্‌ ) n [ a very small red berry fruit that grows in bunches on a bush and can be eaten ] ( রেড কারেন্ট ফল ) :


Olive / ˈɑːlɪv / ( ˈ আলিভ ) n { amla } [ a small bitter green or black fruit with a strong taste, used in cooking or used to produce oil ] ( জলপাই ) : The olive tree is very hardy, d rough t , disease and fire-resistant , it can live to a g reat ag e .

Elephant Apple Elephant apple / ˈelɪfənt ˈæpl / ( ˈ এলিফএন্ট্ ‌ ˈ এ্যাপল্ ‌ ) n {Also chulta ; scientific name: Dillenia indica} [ a round large fruit with greenish yellow color, it has many seeds and are edible. It has 15 carpels, each carpel containing five seeds embedded in ] ( চালতা ) :

Monkey Jack Monkey jack / ˈmʌŋki dʒæk / ( ˈ মাঙ্ ‌ কি জ্যাক্ ‌ ) n {Also money fruit ; barhar ; scientific name: Artocarpus lacucha } [] ( ঢেউয়া বা বত্তা ) :

Kumquat Kumquat / ˈkʌmkwɑːt / ( ˈ কাম্‌কোঅট্‌ ) n [ an oval fruit which looks like a small orange and has a sweet skin that can be eaten, and has sour flesh ] ( কাম্‌কোয়াট ফল ) :


Apple / ˈæpl / ( ˈ অ্যাপল ) n [ a round fruit with shiny red or green skin and firm white flesh ] ( আপেল ফল ) : Apples are commonly stored in chambered with higher concentrations of carbon dioxide and high air filtration.

Adam’s Apple

Adam’s Apple / ˌædəm ˈ ʒ ˈæpl / ( ˌ এ্যাডএম ˈ জ ˈ অ্যাপল ) n [the lump at the front of the throat that sticks out , and usually moves up and down as you speak or swallow ] ( মানুষের গলার সম্মুখভাগের উন্নত অংশ; কণ্ঠমণি ):

Ø Lump / lʌmp / ( লাম্প ) n [a piece of Sth hard or solid, usually without a particular shape] ( পিণ্ড; খণ্ড ): / ([a piece of Sth hard or solid, usually without a particular shape] ():

Ø Stick out [=to be further out than Sth else or come through a hole] ( প্রলম্বিত বা অভিক্ষিপ্ত হওয়া; <কোনোকিছু ভিতর থেকে> বার করা বা হওয়া ): Do not stick your hand out of the car window. Please stick out your tongue.(= জ্বিববা বের কর ) [=to be further out than Sth else or come through a hole] (): Do not stick your hand out of the car window. Please stick out your tongue.(=

Ø Swallow / ˈswɑːloʊ / ( ˈ ছোয়ালৌ ) v [to cause food, drink, or pills, etc. go down your throat into your stomach] ( গেলা; গলাধঃকরণ করা; ঢোক গেলা ): Always c he w( চিবানো ) food well before swallowing it. / ([to cause food, drink, or pills, etc. go down your throat into your stomach] (): Always cw() food well before swallowing it.

Nectarine Nectarine / ˈnektəriːn / ( ˈ নেক্‌টএরীন্‌ ) n [ a type of round red and yellow, sweet juicy fruit, like a peach but with a smooth skin ] ( <একধরণের মসৃণ পাতলা ত্বক ও ঘন শাঁসযুক্ত পিচফল বিশেষ>সুধাফল ) :

Passion Fruit Passion fruit / ˈpæʃn fruːt / ( ˈ প্যাশন্‌ ফ্রূট্‌ ) n [ a small tropical fruit with a thick purple skin and many seeds inside, produced by some types of passion flower ] ( আবেগ ফল ) :

Ø Passion / ˈpæʃn / ( ˈ প্যাশ্‌ন্‌ ) n [a very powerful feeling, for example of sexual attraction, love, hate, anger or other emotion] ( প্রবল অনুরাগ/উৎসাহ/ঘৃণা/ক্রোধ; আবেগ ): He is a man of violent passions.

Custard Apple

Custard Apple / ˈkʌstərd ˈæpl / ( ˈ কাছটএর্ড ˈ অ্যাপল ) n [ the custard apple is a large green tropical fruit with black seeds; it is deliciously creamy, fleshy, white and sweet. Its taste like custard ] ( আতা ) : Taiwan is famous for producing a hybrid of custard apple as well, called pineapple­-custard apples and sugar apples.

Sugar Apple Sugar apple / ˈʃʊɡər ˈæpəl / ( ˈ শুগএর ˈ অ্যাপল ) n {Also sweetsop } [ a small West Indian tree, or a heart-shaped fruit of this tree which has a green scaly rind and sweet edible pulp ] ( সরিফা ) :

Wood Apple

Wood apple / wʊd ˈæpl / ( উউড ˈ অ্যাপল ) n [ wood apple is round in shape and has green or yellow hard outer shell with yellowish rind and orange , brown sweet gummy pulp, it is consumed as raw, jams, juice, drinks, syrups and many health drinks ]( বেল ) :

Ø Rind / raɪnd / ( রাইন্‌ড্‌ ) n [the hard thick layer or outer skin of some particular fruits] ( আস্তর বা ছাল ): Wood apple/coconut rind / ([the hard thick layer or outer skin of some particular fruits] (): Wood apple/coconut rind

Ø Gum / gʌm / ( গাম্‌ ) n [a sticky substance produced by some types of trees] ( আঠা; গঁদ ): / ([a sticky substance produced by some types of trees] ():

Gummy / ˈgʌmi / ( ˈ গামি ) adj [sticky or covered in gum] ( আঠালো ): adj[sticky or covered in gum] ():


Pear / per / ( পেয়ার ) n [ a green sweet fruit with a lot of juice that is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom ] ( নাশপাতি ) :


Fig / fɪg / ( ফিগ ) n [ a soft, sweet, purple or green fruit that is full of small red seeds and often eaten dried ] ( ডুমুর ) : Figs have insoluble fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the colon ; fiber regulates digestion and allows normal defecation . Figs­­ – natural cure for constipation and upset stomach.

Ø Purple / ˈpɜːrpl / ( ˈ পার্প্‌ল্‌ ) adj [having the color of blue and red mixed together]( লাল এবং নীলের মিশ্রণে সৃষ্ট রং; রক্তবর্ণ ): a dark purple bruise. Her face is purple with rage. / (adj[having the color of blue and red mixed together]: a dark purple bruise. Her face is purple with rage.

Ø Insoluble / ɪnˈsɑːliəbl / ( ই ন ˈ ছাঃলিএবল্‌ ) adj [ that does not dissolve in a liquid] (< পদার্থ সম্বন্ধে > অদ্রাব্য; আদ্রবণীয় ): These minerals are all insoluble in water. / (adj[ that does not dissolve in a liquid] (


Ø Colon / ˈkoʊlən / ( কৌলএন ) n [the lower and bigger half of the bowels in which water is removed from solid waste] ( মলাশয় ): / ([the lower and bigger half of the bowels in which water is removed from solid waste] ():

Ø Defecate / ˈdefəkeɪt / ( ˈ ডেফএকেইট ) v [to pass the contents of the bowels out of the body] ( মলত্যাগ করা; পায়খানা করা ): I need to defecate. / ([to pass the contents of the bowels out of the body] (): I need to defecate.

Defecation / ˌdefəkeɪʃn / ( ˌ ডেফএকেইশ্‌ন্‌ ) n [] ( মলত্যাগ বা পায়খানা ): Regular clear defecation is good for health. / ([] (): Regular clear defecation is good for health.

Ø Constipation / ˌkɑːnstɪˈpeɪʃn / ( ˌ কাঃনছ্‌টি ˈ পেইশ্‌ন্‌ ) n [the condition of being unable to get rid of waste material from bowls easily] ( কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য; কষাপায়খানা ): / ([the condition of being unable to get rid of waste material from bowls easily] ():

Ø Upset / ʌpˈset / ( আপ ˈ ছেট ) v [to make Sb feel sick after they have eaten or drunk Sth] ( <কোনোকিছু খাওয়ার পর> পেট গন্ডগোল করা ): He cannot take milk – it upset his stomach. / ([to make Sb feel sick after they have eaten or drunk Sth]): He cannot take milk – it upset his stomach.


Mangosteen / ˈmæŋgəstiːn / ( ˈ ম্যাঙ্‌গএস্টিন ) n [ tropical fruit mangosteen with a thick reddish-brown skin and sweet flesh with a lot of sweet and tangy juice, so mewh at fibrous ] ( গাবফল ) : Mangosteen twig s have been used as chew stick s in Ghana.

Ø Tang / tæŋ / ( ট্যাঙ্‌ ) n [a strong, sharp taste or smell] ( তীব্র বা কড়া স্বাদ বা গন্ধ ): the tang of lemons

Tangy / ˈtæŋi / ( ˈ ট্যাঙি ) adj [a tangy flavor is pleasantly strong and sharp] ( কড়া স্বাদ বা গন্ধযুক্ত ): a refreshingly tangy lemon flavor.


Ø Twig / twɪg / ( টুইগ্‌ ) n [a small and very thin branch that grows out of a large branch on a tree] ( গাছের ছোট ডাল; উপশাখা; শাখিকা; প্রশাখা; ফেঁকড়ি ): I collected dry many twigs to set the fire.

Ø Chew / tʃuː / ( চূ ) v [to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow] ( চিবানো ): You do not chew your food enough – that’s why you get indigestion. / ([to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow] (): You do not chew your food enough – that’s why you get indigestion.

দাঁতন ) Chewstick (=


Watermelon / ˈwɔːtərmelən / ( ˈ ওয়াটএর মেলএন ) n [ watermelon is a vine­-like flowering plant is thought to have originated in southern Africa, where it is found growing wild. It is a large, sprawling annual plant with a smooth , hard rind, usually green with dark green stripe s , spots and a red juicy , sweet interior flesh and many black seeds ] ( তরমুজ ) : Watermelon rinds are also edible, but most people avoid eating them due to their unappealing flavor.

Ø Sprawl / sprɔːl / ( স্প্রোল্‌ ) v [to spread in an untidy way; to cover a large area] ( এলোমেলো ও অসমভাবে বেড়ে ওঠা বা ছড়িয়ে পড়া ): The town sprawled along the side of the lake. / ([to spread in an untidy way; to cover a large area] (): The town sprawled along the side of the lake.

Sprawling / ˈsprɔːlɪŋ / ( ˈ স্প্রোলিং ) adj [spreading in an untidy way] ( অপরিকল্পিত বা এলোমেলো ভাবে বেড়ে ওঠা ): a modern sprawling town / (adj[spreading in an untidy way] (): a modern sprawling town

Ø Stripe / straɪp / ( স্টাইপ্‌ ) n [a long narrow line of color that is a different color from the surrounding areas] ( ডোরা বা ডোরাকাটা দাগ ): The Zebra is a wild African horse with black and white stripes. / ([a long narrow line of color that is a different color from the surrounding areas] (): The Zebra is a wild African horse with black and white stripes.

Ø Interior / ɪnˈtɪriər / ( ই ন ˈ টিরিএর ) n [the inside part of Sth] ( ভেতরকার; অভ্যন্তরীণ ): The car’s interior is very impressive – wonderful leather seats and a wooden dashboard. / ([the inside part of Sth] (): The car’s interior is very impressive – wonderful leather seats and a wooden dashboard.


Ø Unappealing / ˌʌnəpiːlɪŋ / ( ˌ আনএপীলিং ) adj [not attractive or interesting] ( বিষাদ বা আকর্ষণহীন ): / (adj[not attractive or interesting]):

Cantaloupe Fruit Cantaloupe / ˈkæntəluːp / ( ˈ ক্যান্‌টএলূপ্‌ ) n [ a type of melon (= large fruit with a thick skin) that is round and has yellow or green skin with sweet orange flesh ] ( ফুটি বা খরমুজ ) :

honeydew melon

Honeydew melon / ˌhʌniduː ˈmelən /( ˌ হানিডূ ˈ মেলএন ) n [ honeydew a type of melon is large, round to slightly oval shape, that has white, green or yellow skin, like most fruit, honeydew has seeds, its thick, juicy, sweet flesh is often eaten for dessert. ] ( বাঙ্‌গি; বাঙ্গী ) : Honeydew melon has to fully ripen before they are picked, do not plan on picking any early.

Yellow melon

Melon Melon / ˈmelən / ( ˈ মেলএন্‌ ) n [ a large round fruit with hard green, orange or yellow skin, sweet juicy flesh and a lot of seeds ] ( মেলন ফল; মুজ ফল ) : a slice of melon

Burmese Grape

Burmese grape / bɜːrˈmiːz greɪp / ( বা্‌রমী জ্‌ গ্রেইপ্‌ ) n [ Burmese grape tree is a slow-growing evergreen tree with oval, colored yellowish, pinkish to bright red or purple fruits, with 2.5- 3.5 cm in diameter with 2-4 large purple-red seed, with white aril, eaten raw, stewed or made into wine ] ( লটক ন ) :


Cherry / ˈtʃeri / ( ˈ চেরি ) n [ a small soft round fruit with shiny red or black skin with a single large hard seed in the middle ] ( চেরি ফল ) : a cherry tree will take three to four years to produce its first crop of fruit and seven years to attain full maturity, because of the cold-weather requirement, none of the prune s family can grow in tropical climates.


Prune / pruːn / ( প্রূন ) n [ a dried plum that is often eaten cooked ] ( আলুবোখারা ) :


Pomegranate / ˈpɑːmɪgrænɪt / ( ˈ পাঃ মিগ্র্যানিট ) n [the pomegranate is considered to have originated in the region of Iran and has been cultivated since ancient times. It is around fruit with thick , smooth skin and red flesh, full of large seeds and a lot of juice] ( ডালিম ) : The rind of the fruit and bark of the pomegranate tree is used as a traditional remedy against diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal parasite s.

Ø Remedy / ˈremədi / ( ˈ রেমএডি ) n [a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce the pain that is not very serious] ( প্রতিকার; প্রতিষেধক ): An excellent home remedy for headaches. / ([a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce the pain that is not very serious] (): An excellent home remedy for headaches.

Ø Intestine / ɪnˈtestɪn / ( ই ন ˈ টেছটিন ) n [a long tube in the animal body between the stomach and the anus, food passes from the stomach to the small intestine and from there to the large intestine] ( পাকস্থলী থেকে মলদ্বার পর্যন্ত খাদ্যনালীর নিম্নাংশ; অন্ত্র ): Small intestine; Large intestine.

ɪnˈtestɪnl / ( ই ন ˈ টেছটিনল্‌ ) adj ( আন্ত্রিক ): Int estinal disord ers(= আন্ত্রিক গোলমাল ) intestinal // (adj): Inters(=

Ø Parasite / ˈpærəsaɪt / ( ˈ প্যারএছাইট ) n [a small creature that lives on or inside another পরজীবী; পরভুকপ্রাণী বা জীবাণু; পরগাছা ): flea( মক্ষিকা ), louse; and other parasites. / ([a small creature that lives on or inside another animal or plant and gets its food from it] (): flea(), louse; and other parasites.


Pineapple / ˈpaɪnæpl / ( ˈ পাইনঅ্যাপল ) n [ a large tropical fruit with rough, orange or brown skin, sweet yellow flesh with a lot of juice and stiff leaves on top ] ( আনারস ) : Pineapples can be consumed fresh, cooked, juiced, and preserved and are found in a wide array of cuisines.

Ø Stiff / stɪf / ( স্টিফ্‌ ) adj [firm and difficult to bend or move] ( অনমনীয়; সহজে বাকানো যায়না এমন ): This hairspray has made my hair stiff. / (adj[firm and difficult to bend or move] (): This hairspray has made my hair stiff.

Ø Array / əˈreɪ / ( এ ˈ রেই ) n [a group or collection of things or people, often one that is large or impressive] ( প্রদর্শনী ): a dazzling array of talent (=প্রতিভাবানদের চোখ ধাঁধানো মিলনমেলা) / ([a group or collection of things or people, often one that is large or impressive] (): a dazzling array of talent


Grape / greɪp / ( গ্রেইপ ) n [ a small round green or purple fruit that grows in bunch es on a climbing plant, it can be eaten raw or they can be used for making wine, jam, juice, jelly, grape seed extract , r aisin s( কিচমিচ ), vinegar and grape seed oil ] ( আঙ্গুর ) : Wine grapes are smaller, usually seeded and have relatively thick skins.

Ø Bunch / bʌntʃ / ( বানচ ) n [a number of things of the same type which are growing or fastened together] ( গুচ্ছ; কাঁদি; তোড়া; থোকা ): a bunch of grapes/Lychee. He picked me a bunch of roses. / ([a number of things of the same type which are growing or fastened together] (): a bunch of grapes/Lychee. He picked me a bunch of roses.

Ø Extract / ˈekstrækt / ( ˈ এ কছ্‌ট্র্যাক্ট ) v [to remove or obtain a substance from Sth, for example by using an industrial or a chemical process] ( <নির্যাসাদি> বের করা ): The oil which is extracted from the palms is used for cooking.

Extract [a substance taken from a plant, flower, fruit, etc. and used especially in food or medicine] ( নির্যাস ): The cream contained extracts from several plants.

Wax Jambu

Wax jambu / wæks-dʒæmbʊ / ( ওঅ্যাক্ ‌ ছ্ ‌ – জ ্যামবু ) n [ it looks like a pear-shaped fruit with waxy, thin pink skin and crispy white flesh, which is regularly juicy, with a faintly sweet taste ] ( জামরুল ) : Wax Jambu uses to add taste to salads.

Ø Pink / pɪŋk / পিঙ্ক ) adj [pale red in color] ( গোলাপি বা ম্লান লাল রং ): Have you been in the sun? Your cheek is a bit pink. adj[pale red in color] (): Have you been in the sun? Your cheek is a bit pink.

Ø Regularly / ˈregjələrli / ( ˈ রেগ্যিউলএরলি ) adv [often] ( প্রায় ): I go there quite regularly. / (adv[often] (): I go there quite regularly.

Ø Faint / feɪnt / ( ফেইনট ) adj [that cannot be seen, heard or smelt] ( অস্পষ্ট; ক্ষীণ ): a faint smell of perfume. / (adj[that cannot be seen, heard or smelt] (): a faint smell of perfume.


Hog Plum

Hog plum / hɑːgplʌm / ( হাঃ গপ্লাম ) n [] ( আমড়া ; বিলাতী আমড়া ) :

Palmyra Palm

Palmyra palm / ˈpɑːlmɪrʌ pɑːm / ( ˈ পাঃ লমিরা পাঃম ) n [ Palmyra is a fruit that grows on palmyra palm. The fruits are round with a black husk and are borne in clusters. When the fruits are cut off to reveal the three sweet jelly seed socket s, translucent pale-white, similar to that of the Lychee but with a milder flavor and no pit . The jelly part of the fruit is covered with a thin, yellowish-brown skin with watery fluid inside the fleshy white body ] ( তাল ) : The ripened fibrous outer layer of the palm fruits can also be eaten raw, boiled or roasted. Bengali people have perfect ed the art of making various sweet dishes with the yellowish viscous fluid substance obtained from ripe palm fruit.

Ø Husk / hʌsk / ( হাছ্‌ক্‌ ) n [the dry outer covering of nuts, fruits, and some seeds] ( তুষ; খোসা ): Brown rice has not had the husks removed. / ([the dry outer covering of nuts, fruits, and some seeds] (): Brown rice has not had the husks removed.

Ø Socket / ˈsɑːkɪt / ( ˈ ছাঃকিট ) n [a curved hollow space in the surface of Sth that another part fits into or moves around in] ( যে স্বাভাবিক বা কৃত্রিম গর্তের মধ্যে কোনোকিছু বসে বা গোরে; কোটর ): His eyes bulged in their sockets.

Ø Translucent / trænsˈluːsnt / ( ট্র্যানছ্‌ ˈ লূছন্ট ) adj [allowing light to pass through, but not transparent] ( আলোকপ্রবাহী কিন্তু অস্বচ্ছ; আংশিকস্বচ্ছ ): The sky is a pale translucent blue. / (adj[allowing light to pass through, but not transparent] (): The sky is a pale translucent blue.

Ø Pit / pɪt / ( পিট ) n [a hard shell containing the nut or seed in the middle of some types of fruit] ( <কিছুকিছু ফলের> শক্ত বীচি ): Cheery/Peach pit / ([a hard shell containing the nut or seed in the middle of some types of fruit] (): Cheery/Peach pit


Ø Perfect / ˈpɜːrfkɪt / ( ˈ পা্‌র্ফিক্‌ট্‌ ) v [to make something free from faults or as good as you can] ( নিখুঁত বা উৎকৃষ্ট করে তোলা ): They have perfected the art of Palmyra palm juice making. / ([to make something free from faults or as good as you can] (): They have perfected the art of Palmyra palm juice making.

Ø Viscous / ˈvɪskəs / ( ˈ ভিছকএছ্‌ ) adj [ thick and sticky; not flowing easily] ( আঠালো, চটচটে গাড়ো রস ): / (adj[ thick and sticky; not flowing easily]):


Coconut / ˈkoʊkənʌt / ( ˈ কৌকএনাট ) n [ the large nut of a tropical tree called a coconut palm. It grows inside a hard shell containing hard white flesh that can be eaten and juice that can be drunk ] ( নারকেল ) : He broke open the coconut and drank its sweet milk.

How to open a green coconut

Green Coconut / griːn ˈkoʊkənʌt / ( গ্রীন ˈ কৌকএনাট ) n [] ( ডাব ) :


Guava / ˈgwɑːvə / ( ˈ গোআঃ ভএ ) n [ a round or oval tropical fruit with a pronounced and typical fragrance, similar to lemon rind; but less sharp, the outer skin may be rough, often with a bitter taste, or soft and sweet, the skin can be any thickness is usually green before maturity, but becomes yellow or green when ripe. The pulp inside may be sweet or sour and off-white to deep pink. The seeds in the central pulp vary in number and hardness, depending on species ] ( পেয়ারা ) :

Ø Pronounced / prəˈnaʊnst / ( প্রএ ˈ নৌনছ্‌ট্‌ ) adj [very noticeable, obvious or strongly expressed] ( বিশেষ ধরণের; ব্যতিক্রমধর্মী ): I am told I have a very pronounced English accent when I speak Italian / (adj[very noticeable, obvious or strongly expressed] (): I am told I have a very pronounced English accent when I speak Italian


Banana / bəˈnænə / ( বএ ˈ ন্যানএ ) n [ a long curved fruit with a thick or yellow skin and soft sweet white flesh inside, the fruits grow in clusters hanging from the top of the plant ] ( কলা ) : Bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B 6 and contain moderate amounts of vitamin C, exceptional potassium , and dietary fiber.


Peach / piːtʃ / ( পীচ্‌ ) n [ a round fruit with sweet yellow flesh that has a lot of juice, a slightly furry red and yellow skin and large rough seed inside ] ( পীচ ফল ) :

Apricot Apricot / ˈæprɪkɑːt / ( ˈ এ্যাপ্‌রিকাঃট্‌ ) n 1. [ a small, round and soft fruit with yellow or orange furry skin and a large seed inside ] ( খুবানি <ফল> ) : dried apricot

2. Apricot / ˈæprɪkɑːt / ( ˈ এ্যাপ্‌রিকাঃট্‌ ) n [a yellowish-orange color] ( হরিদ্রাভ-কমলা রং ): The bedroom was painted apricot and white.


Kiwifruit / ˈkiːwi-fruːt / ( ˈ কীউঈ-ফ্রূট্‌ ) n {Al. Chinese gooseberry} [ a small oval fruit with thin brown skin covered with small hairs, soft green flesh, and black seeds ] ( কীউঈ-ফল ) :

Sapodilla Sapodilla / ˌsæpəˈdɪlə / ( ˌ ছ্যাপএ ˈ ডিলএ ) n [ manilkara zapota, commonly known as the sapodilla is a long-lived , evergreen , tropical American tree, it is also grown in large quantities in Pakistan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Mexico. That produces a fruit, that can be eaten and chicle (= a substance used in chewing gum) ] ( সফেদা ) :

Ø Long-lived / lɔːŋ-ˈlɪvd / ( লোঙ- ˈ লিভড্‌ ) n [having a long life; lasting for a long time] ( দীর্ঘজীবী ): This type of tree can be exceptionally long-lived. / () n [having a long life; lasting for a long time] (): This type of tree can be exceptionally long-lived.

Ø Evergreen / ˈevərgriːn / ( ˈ এভএর্‌গ্রীন্‌ ) n [describes a plant, bush, or tree which has green leaves all through the year] ( চির সবুজ <বৃক্ষ> ): Few trees grow under the dense shade cast by the evergreens. / () n [describes a plant, bush, or tree which has green leaves all through the year] (): Few trees grow under the dense shade cast by the evergreens.

Ø Chicle / ˈtʃɪkl / ( ˈ চিক্‌ল্‌ ) n [a substance produced by the sapodilla tree and used to make chewing gum] ( লজেন চুষ তৈরির মূল উপাদান ):


Avocado / ˌævəˈkɑːdoʊ / ( ˌ এ্যাভএ ˈ কাঃডৌ ) n [ a tropical fruit with hard, thick, dark green or purple skin and oily, soft light green flesh and a large seed inside. They are not sweet and are sometimes eaten at the beginning of a meal ] ( নাশকাদো ) :


Jackfruit / ˈdʒækfruːt / ( ˈ জ্যাকফ্রুট ) n [ the jackfruits also known as jack tree, jackfruit, or sometimes simply jack. The flesh of the jackfruits is starchy and fibrous and is a source of dietary fiber. The flavor is comparable to a combination of apple, pineapple, mango, and banana ] ( কাঁঠাল ) : Ripe jackfruit is naturally sweet with subtle flavoring. Jackfruit seeds are rich in protein.

Ø Starchy / ˈstɑːrtʃi / ( ˈ স্টাঃর্চি ) adj [ containing a lot of starch] ( শ্বেতসারযুক্ত; <ভাতের> মাড়ের মত ): Starchy foods like rice and bread. / (adj[ containing a lot of starch] (): Starchy foods like rice and bread.

Ø Dietary / ˈdaɪətəri / ( ˈ ডাইএটএরি ) adj [relating to diet] ( পথ্যবিধি সংক্রান্ত ): A patient must follow dietary rules/advice prescribed for him. / (adj[relating to diet] (): A patient must follow dietary rules/advice prescribed for him.

Ø Subtle / ˈsʌtl / ( ˈ ছাটল ) adj [not very noticeable or small but important] ( সূক্ষ্ম; নিগুঢ়; অতিসূক্ষ্ম ): subtle colors/flavors, etc. There are subtle differences between the two versions. / (adj[not very noticeable or small but important] (): subtle colors/flavors, etc. There are subtle differences between the two versions.

Durian Durian / ˈd ʊ riən / ( ˈ ডুরিএন্‌ ) n [ a large tropical fruit with a strong unpleasant smell but a sweet flavor ] ( দুরিয়ান ফল ) :

Ø Unpleasant / ʌnˈpleznt / ( আন্‌ ˈ প্লেজ্‌ন্ট্‌ ) adj [not enjoyable or pleasant] ( অরুচিকর; অপ্রীতিকর ): His clothes smelled most unpleasant.

Breadfruit Breadfruit / ˈbredfruːt / ( ˈ ব্রেড্‌ফ্রূট্‌ ) n [ a large tropical fruit with a thick skin, that tastes and feels like bread when it is cooked, it grows on a tree which is called a breadfruit tree ] ( <এক প্রকার পলিনেশীয় বৃক্ষের ফল যা উত্তপ্ত করলে রুটির মতো স্বাদ ও গন্ধ হয়>রুটি ফল ) :

Ø Bread / bred / ( ব্রেড্‌ ) n [a food made from flour, water, and usually yeast, mixed together and baked] ( রুটি; পাউরুটি ): a loaf of bread

Medlar Medlar / ˈmedlər / ( মেড্‌লএর্‌ ) n [ a brownish fruit which is eaten when it has started to decay and become soft ] ( খোবানি ফল ) :

Rhubarb Rhubarb / ˈruːbɑːrb / ( ˈ রূবাঃর্ব্‌ ) n [ a garden plant which has thick, long sour-tasting red and green stem s, that are cooked and eaten as a fruit ] ( <পুরু রসালো লতা বিশেষ, যা সিদ্ধ করে ফলের মতো খাওয়া যায়>রেউচিনি; পীতমূলী ) : Have you ever eaten rhubarb crumble?

Ø Stem / stem / ( স্টেম্‌ ) n [the main long thin part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow] ( <বৃক্ষের>ডাটা ): a tall plant with branchy stem


Orchard / ˈɔːrtʃərd / ( ˈ ওর্চএর্ড ) n [ a piece of land, normally separated from the surrounding area, in which fruit trees are grown ] ( ফলের বাগান ) : apple orchard


Garden / ˈgɑːrdn / ( ˈ গাঃর্ড্‌ন্‌ ) n [ a piece of land next to or around to a house, where flower, fruit, and vegetable plants are grown, and often containing an area of grass ] ( বাসা সংলগ্ন বাগান ) : The house has a large back garden and a small front garden. A vegetable garden


Grove / groʊv / ( গ্রৌভ ) n [ a small area of land with fruit trees planted close together of particular types on it ] ( উপবন; তরুবীথি; কুঞ্জবন ) : Apple groves grow around the village

Learn English vocabulary about Fruit with Pictures

Noted From Wikipedia, Google Image, Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary

Which is the saddest fruit?

Explanation: Blueberries are the saddest fruits. In English some colors are associated with feelings. Blue is associated with sadness.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

Answer: C) Blueberries


Blueberries are the saddest fruits.

Reason ::

In English, some colors are associated with feelings. Blue is associated with sadness. If you’re feeling “blue,” it means you’re feeling sad.

Since blueberries have blue in their name, it means that this is the saddest fruit of logic.

What fruit is of great use in history?

Explanation: The date is the name of a Fruit. A date has also an important role to play in History. So, the answer to this riddle is a Date.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

Why should you play this interesting “What fruit is of great use in the story?” puzzle

Before we look at how puzzles and riddles help us grow as individuals, we need to understand how puzzles and riddles work. Riddles are a type of brain teasers that are usually short and consist of a few words. But in order to arrive at the right answer to the riddle, you have to think very carefully. Solving puzzles requires a completely different approach to the problem. In order to solve puzzles, we need to see the puzzle in a completely different way. It helps us find creative and unique solutions to the questions in ways we’ve never thought of before. Take a look and read the answer along with the explanation of this catchy riddle.

What is amazing, what fruit is of great use in history? puzzle

That amazingly tricky question, “What fruit is of great use in the story?” Riddle is as follows:

What fruit is of great benefit in the story?

The answer to this question: What fruit is of great benefit in the story? puzzle

The answer to this interesting question: what fruit is of great benefit in the story? Riddle is a date.

i will let you know why


The date is the name of a fruit. A date also plays an important role in history. So the answer to this riddle is a date.

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What does na mean in medical terms?

Reviewed on 3/29/2021. Na (sodium): Na is the chemical symbol for sodium. From natrium, a synonym for sodium. Sodium is the major positive ion (cation) in fluid outside of cells. The chemical notation for sodium is Na+.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

Na (Sodium): Na is the chemical symbol for sodium. From sodium, a synonym for sodium.

Sodium is the main positive ion (cation) in fluids outside cells. The chemical name for sodium is Na+. When combined with chloride (Cl), table salt (NaCl) is formed.

Excess sodium (e.g. from fast food hamburgers and fries) is excreted in the urine. High-sodium diets are believed to lead to high blood pressure. Too much or too little sodium can cause cells to malfunction, and extremes can be deadly.

Normal blood sodium levels are 135-145 milliequivalents/liter (mEq/L) or in International Units 135-145 millimoles/liter (mmol/L).



See answer

What is PA medical term?

A health professional who is licensed to do certain medical procedures under the guidance of a doctor. A PA may take medical histories, do physical exams, take blood and urine samples, care for wounds, and give injections and immunizations. Also called physician assistant.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

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Do fathers prefer sons or daughters?

About 40 percent of parents, across the decades, have told researchers that if they could only have one child they would want a boy, while a consistent 20-30 percent has chosen a girl, or no preference. At least when it comes to what we think we want, the data is clear. America wants sons.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

Sons and daughters each have their charms and challenges, but which gender do parents actually prefer? This question is harder to answer than you might think. On the one hand, historical polling data suggests that America’s preference for boys over girls has remained relatively constant for nearly a century, with males showing a slightly stronger preference than females. Fertility numbers, on the other hand, tell a different story — parents, regardless of their stated preferences, stop trying to conceive after having a daughter, implying they are content.

So what do American parents actually want, sons or daughters? It’s clear that different people don’t want different things – but also that there are some more general trends. Here is the data behind those conclusions.

Americans Think They Prefer Boys…

Gallup has been polling Americans about their gender preferences since 1941, and the results are consistent — there’s always a slight preference for sons over daughters. About 40 percent of parents over the decades have told researchers that if they could only have one child, they would want a boy, while 20 to 30 percent have chosen a girl or whatever. At least when it comes to what we think we want, the data is clear. America wants sons.

…But Americans don’t pretend to favor boys

And yet American parents rarely put their money where their mouths are. A strong preference for male children would mean that if a daughter is born first, we would see a spike in fertility rates – families keep trying until they have a son. But a recent study of both native-born and immigrant families found that having a firstborn daughter predicted a sharp decline in fertility, and that this decline only increased after more female children were born. America may favor sons on paper, but parents seem perfectly content with daughters.

The real difference is probably a matter of gender bias

How do we reconcile these two data points? One approach illustrated in a recent study in Scientific Reports is that men prefer sons and women prefer daughters, but both feel more protective of girls than boys. Researchers found that while both men and women say they would prefer adopting girls or donating to charities, men continue to show an implicit bias towards boys and report preferring a male-dominated gender balance in their own families would. Women, on the other hand, show an implicit preference for girls and prefer a female-dominated gender ratio. Put more simply, men tend to want sons and women tend to want daughters – but once a child is born both are content and, if anything, they are more inclined to be protective of their girls.

Do mothers love their sons more than daughters?

Mothers are more critical of their daughters than their sons, and admit to having a having stronger bond with their little boys, according to research.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

Mothers are more critical of their daughters than their sons and admit to having stronger bonds with their young boys, according to research.

While praising certain traits in their sons — seeing them as “funny,” “sassy,” and “playful” — mothers admit they’re likely to disparage their daughters for similar traits, calling them “squashy” instead of “argumentative.”

The 2,500-strong poll by parenting website Netmums found that while nearly half of mothers say they know it’s wrong to treat boys and girls differently, nearly 90% admit they do just that. The research shows that mothers are twice as likely to be more critical of their daughters than their sons, while more than half admitted they feel more connected to their son than their daughter. Research shows that mothers “type” their children by gender, with boys being assigned far more positive traits than their sisters. More than one in five mothers surveyed admitted to ignoring boys’ behavior for which they would blame their girls.

Crissy Duff, a mental health counselor, said this combination of a more critical upbringing and ascribed negative personality types can have a long-lasting and severe effect on daughters.

“Women in particular seem to carry feelings of parental disapproval and negative typing into adulthood,” Duff said. “The experience of receiving more negative validation for snapping than their male counterparts can lead women to see themselves as more in need of censorship. This could be why women are far more self-critical than men, who have a more light-hearted gait – happy attitude when it comes to making mistakes and getting past them,” she added. Nearly half of the mothers surveyed also admitted that their sons are mom’s sons More than one in four admitted that they love their boys differently than their girls.

Siobhan Freegard, co-founder of Netmums, said: “As a mother of two boys and one girl, I know firsthand that treating all your children equally can be very difficult – a great wake-up call for mothers to break those gender cycles and the Reconciling gender differences in behavior and thinking about themselves. It’s a powerful call to change the current gender dynamic, which is a big but achievable demand.”

Why are daughters more attached to fathers?

According to the views above, fathers are more playful to kids which attracts girls to be more attached to their fathers. Parents shouldn’t worry about this, all they have to do is to balance all children equally to avoid jealous among children.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

Before we can understand why such attachment occurs, we need to understand how the child develops his/her personality in his/her early years. After certain experiences, the child develops certain unconscious goals that shape its later lifestyle.

Sigmund Freud, a general psychologist, commonly held that a young infant’s primary attachment object early in life would be his mother because the mother satisfies the infant’s oral desires through food intake. However, he believed that the father begins to play an important role in development when the child enters the phallic developmental phase, which generally occurs around the age of three. According to Sigmund Freud, during the phallic phase, children begin to develop incestuous desire for their opposite-sex parent and antagonistic rivalry with their same-sex parent. The resolution of this developmental stage occurs when the child, usually by age six, gives up his desire for his opposite-sex parent and begins to identify with his same-sex parent.

In many families you will find daughters messing around with their fathers, sharing secrets and so on more than their mothers and vice versa to boys. Parents who spoke to IGIHE emphasized the attachments in such words, Muhoza, a mother of two daughters, said it makes me so depressed when people tell me that my daughter will soon want nothing to do with me and that everyone Girls are daddy’s girls. However, she goes on to say that all parents have something to do with a child’s life.”

Kagoyire, mother of three daughters and two boys, said: “My daughters love their father so much, they have a special bond but so do we. They have the things they love to do and we have ours. I think little girls melt a father’s heart and they tend to give in to certain things. I have 2 sisters, we were all daddy’s girls, he couldn’t do anything wrong, still can’t! But I also have a very close relationship with my mother. I love seeing my daughter’s relationship with her father.

IGIHE consulted a psychologist in CHUK, Alex Rutagarama, and explained more about why such attachments occur, he said it depends on the stage of the child, such attachments cannot fail, but it is not easy to see why it happens. Men are more playful towards children than mothers, which is why most girls are attached to their fathers. According to this, boys learn that mother forgives them more (than father who disciplines them), and girls learn that they can get away with more than dad (than mother who will discipline them). When he was asked if it cannot harm the child’s growth or negatively affect the parents’ side, he said it is a normal theory in psychology that the more the child grows, the more he gives a corresponding value to his parents, but there are cases in where love goes beyond measure and develops a sexual attraction that leads to jealousy, where a daughter can marry her father and a son can kill his father to marry her mother.

The different bonds cannot be avoided and love between parents and children is always needed, but parents should limit their love and affection towards children to avoid such cases, he added.

According to the above views, fathers are more playful towards children, which attracts girls to be more attached to their fathers. Parents shouldn’t worry about this, all they have to do is balance all children equally to avoid jealousy among children.

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What is a name fruit?

Shaped like a long sweet potato, the flesh of Name is creamy or yellow in color while its skin can be light brown, dark brown, or tan. Its flavor is somewhat nutty with a slightly chewy texture similar to a potato. Extremely versatile, Name can be baked, boiled, steamed, scalloped, fried or creamed.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

Name Root $17.79

Quantity/Pack: 5 pounds

Seasonality: all year round

Origin: Costa Rica

Name, has slowly become one of the most important food crops in the world!

Cultivated in the tropics, West Africa, China, Korea, the South Pacific, India and the Caribbean, the name is often saved for special occasions and is considered a feast in Cuba.

Name’s flesh is shaped like a long sweet potato and is creamy or yellow in color, while its skin can be light brown, dark brown, or brown. Its taste is slightly nutty with a slightly chewy texture similar to a potato. Extremely versatile, Name can be baked, boiled, steamed, scalloped, fried or creamed.

When choosing Melissa’s name, look for well-formed, similarly shaped tubers. The name should be firm and free from cracks or soft spots. The flesh should be juicy and not dry. Store whole in a cool, dark, dry place for up to a week.

The skin of the name should be rubbed with a brush under running water before use. Cut into cubes for easy peeling. Use a knife to cut out the flesh and remove all skin. Pour into a bowl with water and lemon juice until ready to use.

This item is perishable and must be shipped at least the 2nd day.

Any orders that do not have the appropriate shipping method selected will not be shipped. For assistance please call us at 800-588-0151.

What are the 4 types of fruits?

Fruits are classified according to the arrangement from which they derive. There are four types—simple, aggregate, multiple, and accessory fruits.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

Fruits are classified according to the arrangement from which they come. There are four types – simple, aggregate, multiple and accessory fruits. Simple fruits develop from a single ovary of a single flower and can be fleshy or dry. Principal fleshy fruit types are the berry, in which the entire pericarp is soft and fleshy (e.g., the grape, tomato, banana, pepo, hesperidium, and blueberry), and the drupe, in which the outer layers can be fleshy, fibrous, or fleshy leathery and the endocarp hardens into a pit or stone that encloses one or more seeds (eg, peach, cherry, olive, coconut, and walnut). The name fruit is often loosely applied to all edible plant products and in particular to the fleshy fruits, some of which (e.g. eggplant, tomato and squash) are commonly referred to as vegetables. Dried fruits are divided into those whose hard or papery skins rupture to reveal the ripe seed (suspended fruits) and those that do not split open (top fruits). The popping fruits include the legume (e.g., the pod of the pea and bean), which splits on both edges, and the follicle, which splits on only one side (e.g., spurge and delphinium); others are the dried fruits of poppy, snapdragon, lily and mustard. Hanging fruits include the solitary achene of the buttercup and the daisy family; the caryopsis (grain); the nut (e.g. acorn and hazelnut); and the fruits of the carrot and parsnip (not to be confused with their edible fleshy roots).

An aggregate fruit (e.g. blackberry and raspberry) consists of a mass of small drupes (drupes), each of which has developed from a separate ovary of a single flower. A multiple fruit (e.g. pineapple and mulberry) develops from the ovaries of many flowers growing in a cluster. Sub-fruits contain tissue derived from parts of the plant other than the ovary; The strawberry is actually a series of tiny achenes (incorrectly called seeds) outside a central, fleshy pith that is the enlarged receptacle or base of the flower. The core of the pineapple is also vascular (stem) tissue. The most well-known secondary fruit is pome fruit (e.g. apple and pear), in which the fleshy edible part is swollen stem tissue and the actual fruit is the central core. The skin of the banana is stem tissue, as is the skin of the pepo (berry-like fruit) of pumpkin, cucumber and melon.

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The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.

For more encyclopedia articles, see: Botany: General

What is setur fruit called in English?

Carambola, also known as star fruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to tropical Southeast Asia.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer


This article is about the fruit. For the sport of cue, see Carom billiards

“Starfruit” redirects here. For the swamp plant, see Damasonium

Unripe carambola on the tree

Carambola before cutting

Carambola after the cut

Carambola, also known as star fruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to tropical Southeast Asia.[1][2][3] Commonly consumed in parts of Brazil, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the South Pacific, Micronesia, parts of East Asia, the United States and the Caribbean, the mildly toxic fruit contains the neurotoxin caramboxin. The tree is grown in all tropical areas of the world.[2]

The fruit has prominent ridges running down the sides (usually 5–6).[1] When cut in cross section, it resembles a star, giving it the name star fruit.[1][2] The entire fruit is edible, usually raw, and can be cooked or made into relishes, preserves, side dishes, and juices.[1]

Origin and distribution[edit]

Sliced ​​carambola with 7, 6 and the usual 5 points

The center of diversity and the original range of Averrhoa carambola is tropical Southeast Asia, where it has been cultivated for centuries.[1][3][4][5] It was introduced by Austronesian traders to the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka, along with ancient Austronesian cults such as coconut, langsat, noni, and santol.[6] They remain common in these areas and in East Asia, as well as throughout Oceania and the Pacific Islands.[1][2] They are grown commercially in India, Southeast Asia, southern China, Taiwan, and the southern United States. They are also grown in Central America, South America and the US state of Hawaii, the Caribbean and parts of Africa.[1][2] They are grown as ornamentals.[1] Carambola is considered endangered to become an invasive species in many regions of the world.[2]


The carambola tree has a short trunk with many branches and can reach a height of up to 9 m (30 ft).[1] Its true leaves are 15–25 cm long with 5 to 11 ovate leaflets of medium green color. The flowers are purple in color with violet stripes and are about 5mm across.

The showy fruits have a thin, waxy pericarp, orange-yellow skin, and crisp yellow flesh with juice when ripe.[1] The fruit is about 5 to 15 cm long and oval in shape. It usually has five or six prominent longitudinal ribs. In cross-section it resembles a star.[1][2] The pulp is translucent and light yellow to yellow in color. Each fruit may have 10 to 12 flat tan seeds about 5–15 mm (1⁄4–1⁄2 in) wide and encased in a gelatinous aril. Once removed from the fruit, they lose viability within a few days.[7][8][9]

As with the closely related bilimbi, there are two main types of carambola: the small sour (or tart) type and the larger sweet type. The sour varieties have higher levels of oxalic acid than the sweet variety. A number of varieties have been developed in recent years. The most commonly commercially grown varieties include the sweet Arkin (Florida), Yang Tao (Taiwan), Ma fueng (Thailand), Maha (Malaysia), and Demak (Indonesia) varieties, as well as the sour ones Types “Golden Star”, “Newcomb”, “Star King” and “Thayer” (all from Florida). Some of the sour varieties like “Golden Star” can become sweet if left to age.[1][7][8]

Common names[edit]

Carambola is known by many names in its growing regions, including khế in Vietnam, balimbing in the Philippines, “belimbing” in Indonesia and Malaysia, ma fen in China, kamaranga in India, Omuzabibu in Uganda, and carambolo or “carambola” in Spanish-speaking countries, as examples.[1][2]

Culinary [ edit ]

Vertical, end view and cross section of ripe carambola

The entire fruit is edible, including the slightly waxy rind. The flesh is crisp, firm and extremely juicy.[2] It contains no fibers and has a consistency similar to grapes. Carambola are best consumed just after they are ripe, when they are yellow with a slight green tinge, or just after all traces of green have disappeared. They also have brown grooves around the edges and are firm to the touch. Fruits that are picked while they are still slightly green turn yellow when stored at room temperature, but do not increase the sugar content. Overripe carambola are yellow with brown spots and can develop a milder flavor and mushy texture.[8][10]

Ripe sweet carambola are sweet without being overwhelming as they rarely have more than 4% sugar content. They have a tart, sour undertone and an oxalic acid odor. The flavor is hard to beat, but it has been compared to a mix of apple, pear, grape and citrus. Unripe starfruit are firmer and more tart, and taste like green apples.[7][11]

Ripe carambola can also be used for cooking. In Southeast Asia, they are usually stewed in cloves and sugar, sometimes with apples. In China they are cooked with fish. In Australia, they can be cooked as a vegetable, pickled or made into jam. In Jamaica they are sometimes dried.[1]

Unripe and sour carambola can be mixed with other chopped spices to make relishes in Australia.[1] In the Philippines, unripe carambola is eaten dipped in rock salt.[12] In Thailand they are cooked together with shrimp.[1]

The juice from carambola is also used in iced drinks, especially the juices of the sour varieties. In the Philippines, they can be used as a spice. In India, the juice is bottled for drinking.[1]

diet [edit]

Raw carambola is 91% water, 7% carbohydrates, 1% protein, and has very little fat (table). A 100-gram reference intake of raw fruit provides 128 kilojoules (31 kilocalories) of dietary energy and high levels of vitamin C (41% of the daily requirement) with no significant levels of other micronutrients (Table).[13]

Health risks[edit]

Carambola contains caramboxine[14] and oxalic acid.[1][15] Both substances are harmful to people suffering from kidney failure, kidney stones or kidney dialysis.[15] Consumption by those with kidney failure can cause hiccups, vomiting, nausea, mental confusion and sometimes death.[16][17][18] Caramboxin is a neurotoxin structurally similar to phenylalanine and is a glutamatergic agonist.[14]

Drug interactions [ edit ]

Like grapefruit, carambola is considered a potent inhibitor of seven cytochrome P450 isoforms.[19][20] These enzymes are important in the first-pass elimination of many drugs, and thus consuming carambola or its juice in combination with certain prescription drugs can significantly increase its effective dose in the body.

Cultivation [ edit ]

Unripe Indian carambola

Ripe carambola fruit with Indian spices

The star fruit is a tropical and subtropical fruit that can be grown at altitudes up to 1,200 meters (4,000 feet). It prefers full sun exposure but requires sufficient moisture and a minimum of 1,800 mm (70 in) of annual rainfall. It has no preferred soil type, but thrives in loam and requires good drainage.[1] Moderate watering supports its growth during the dry season.[1] Heavy rainfall can affect fruit production.[1]

Carambola trees are planted at least 6 m (20 ft) apart and are usually fertilized three times a year. The tree grows quickly and typically bears fruit at four or five years of age. The large amount of spring rain does reduce the amount of fruit, but under ideal conditions carambola can produce 90 to 180 kilograms (200 to 400 pounds) of fruit per year. The carambola tree flowers year-round, with peak fruiting periods from April to June and October to December in Malaysia, for example,[21] but fruiting occurs at other times in some other locations, such as South Florida.[1][1] [1] 8th]

Growth and leaf responses of container-grown ‘Arkin’ carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.) trees to long-term sun exposure of 25%, 50%, or 100% showed that shading increased spindle length and leaf area, decreased leaf thickness, and produced a more horizontal orientation of the branches.[22]

The main pests are carambola fruit flies, fruit moths, ants and birds.[1][7][21] Plants are also susceptible to frost.[7]

The top producers of carambola in the world market include Australia, Guyana, India, Israel, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and the United States.[8] Malaysia is the world leader in the production of starfruit by volume, shipping the product well into Asia and Europe.[21] However, due to concerns about pests and pathogens, under current US Department of Agriculture regulations, whole starfruit cannot yet be imported into the US from Malaysia. In the United States, carambola is grown in tropical and subtropical areas, including parts of Florida and Hawaii.[1][23]

In the United States, commercial cultivation and widespread consumer acceptance of the fruit dates back to the 1970s, credited to Morris Arkin, a backyard gardener in Coral Gables, Florida. The cultivar ‘Arkin’ represented 98% of the acreage in South Florida in the early 21st century.[24]

In popular culture[edit]

The trees are also grown as ornamentals for their profuse, colorful and unusually shaped fruit, as well as their attractive dark green leaves and lavender to pink flowers.[8]

Like the bilimbi, the sap of the more acidic acidic species can be used to clean rusty or tarnished metal (especially brass) and to bleach rust stains from fabric. They can also be used as mordants in dyeing.[1]

The farming video game Stardew Valley allows the player to cultivate and grow carambola[25] in this environment known as “star fruit”. They are the most valuable crop in the game. The in-game symbol incorrectly depicts the fruit as resembling its real cross-section, and the plant itself as a single crop instead of a tree.


What fruit is never found singly Escape Room

What fruit is never found singly Escape Room
What fruit is never found singly Escape Room

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Think of a fruit whose name also means two – Escape Room

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Think of a fruit whose name also means two

Escape Room: Mystery Words is an amazingly fun word game. You have some questions in some levels. We share these questions with answers for those who need help to get to the next level. Enjoy!

Think of a fruit whose name also means two


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FAQ: Think Of A Fruit Whose Name Also Means Two? – Svasth Life – A2 Cow Milk in Bangalore

Pear is a fruit also pronounced as “pair”, meaning two.

“Blackberry” is a fruit whose name also means two. It means that the word “black berry” has two meanings. Black Berry is a name for a fruit and it is also a mobile brand. Black berry is the word that is an edible fruit and it is also the name of the company of smartphones and tablets.

Which fruit is never single?

“Pear” is a fruit that has never been found singly because the word “A Pear” is pronounced as the word “Pair”. So it is the word of the fruit that is never found alone.

Puzzle Which fruit may not be seen or bought?

For those of you who guessed it right – yes, the answer is “frut”.

Which is the saddest fruit?

The answer to What is the saddest fruit riddle is blueberries. Some colors are associated with feelings, and the color blue is associated with sadness. When someone “feels blue,” it means they’re sad. Because blueberries have blue in their name, they are called the saddest fruits.

What fruit is a tree on a fruit?

After all, oranges and apples grow on trees. Lots of other fruits like apricots, cherries, lemons, limes, coconuts, grapefruits, mangoes, nectarines, peaches, pears, persimmons, plums and pomegranates to name a few!

Is coconut a fruit?

Botanically, a coconut is a fibrous single-seeded drupe, also known as a dry drupe. However, using loose definitions, the coconut can be all three: a fruit, a nut, and a seed. Coconuts are classified as a single-seeded fibrous drupe.

Is a carrot a fruit?

Thus, according to both definitions, the carrot is considered a vegetable. So the answer to the above question is that carrots are a vegetable as they are not sweet nor do they contain seeds. From this we can conclude that carrot is a vegetable. Note: There are many vegetables that are mistaken for fruits.

Which fruit is the best for you?

20 healthy fruits that are super nutritious

apples. Apples are one of the most popular fruits and are packed with nutrients. blueberries. Blueberries are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. bananas. oranges. Pitaya. Mango. Avocado. lychee

What is the fruit of hard work?

The fruits of hard labor are sweeter than the sweetest nectar. The only way to blot out your sins is to have an honest day’s work for the rest of your life. Let hard work and focus keep you going; Let laziness and lethargy be your enemies. Hard work is a hedge against bad luck and ill fortune.

What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

Here’s the riddle: what two things can you never eat for breakfast? The answer to this question is lunch and dinner because if we eat breakfast we cannot eat the other two. Lunch is taken in the afternoon and dinner in the evening.

What can be opened but not closed?

An egg. I’ve been here for millions of years, but I’m no more than a month old.

What’s white when it’s dirty?

The answer to this interesting question: what becomes white when it’s dirty? Puzzle is blackboard.

What’s the saddest food?

The 5 saddest foods there are

The bologna sandwich. Ramen Noodles. chicken noodle soup. Hamburger helper. Totino’s frozen pizza. Frozen pizzas are a sad food to begin with, but I think Totino’s pizzas took it to another level of sadness.

What has a ring but no finger?

Many users have wondered why the solution to the riddle is the phone. Considering the first line, “ring” here describes the sound a phone makes when a call comes through.

What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle: Here Is The Logical Explanation For What Fruit Is Never Found Singly Riddle Answer

Why should you solve puzzles?

In this pandemic situation, due to Covid-19, most of them are spending their time on mobile phones and laptops, playing games, reading, cooking and texting their loved ones via social media like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Texting the updates about Covid-19 share, most of them challenge their friends and family to solve these types of puzzles and riddles. Here is the riddle you need to solve: “Which fruits are never found individually?” riddle. Share and challenge your friends and family. Have a look!

Here is the I am your morning routine riddle for you!

Read the riddle which fruit is never found individually given below and solve the riddle. It’s really fun!

“Which fruit is never found individually?”

Can you guess the riddle?

What is the answer to the riddle which fruit is never found singly?

Check if the answer you guessed is the one given below:

The answer to the riddle “Which fruits can never be found individually” is “ONE PEAR”.


In this puzzle, the one trying to solve it has to read between the lines carefully. It is only given in simple words and can easily find the answer for this riddle. It’s an interesting question that we need to think logically. Pear is one of the best fruits that is tasty and healthy. “Pear” is a fruit that has never been found singly because the word “A Pear” is pronounced as the word “Pair”. So it is the word of the fruit that is never found alone.

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