Gua Sha Massage Near Me? All Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “gua sha massage near me“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

How much should a gua sha cost?

Look for a Gua Sha stone in the $25-$55 dollar range and make sure it made of pure stone.

Is gua sha massage effective?

It’s been reported that gua sha can help relieve several health conditions. Sobo says that gua sha is good for musculoskeletal problems, especially major ones like tightness in the shoulders, legs and back. It can also help alleviate tension headaches, migraines, neck pain or swelling in your body.

Where can I massage gua sha?

How To Use A Gua Sha
  • Hold your gua sha with the curved side to your face. …
  • Next move onto your jawline, chin and around the mouth, stroking the skin between three and five times per area. …
  • Pressing the tool flat to the skin, next delicately stroke under the eyes or over any redness, to soothe and de-puff.

What does gua sha massage do?

In gua sha, a technician scrapes your skin with short or long strokes to stimulate microcirculation of the soft tissue, which increases blood flow. They make these strokes with a smooth-edged instrument known as a gua massage tool.

Is jade or rose quartz gua sha better?

Rose quartz is slightly harder than jade and harder to carve as it is more likely to shatter. This extra difficulty in carving is the main reason genuine rose quartz Gua Sha are usually a little more expensive than Jade Gua Sha.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

Below we explain step by step the differences between the rose quartz gua sha and the jade gua sha.

For those of you who are genuinely interested in finding the right crystal for your skin, please try our unique Create Your Own Crystal Facial tool, which allows you to create your crystal facial based on skin type, acupuncture meridian or chakra .

Jade Crystal versus Rose Quartz Crystal

Both the Jade Gua Sha and the Rose Quartz Gua Sha are directly hand carved from non-porous crystal. This means they will not absorb any creams or oils they are used with and should therefore remain very hygienic with proper care.

Rose quartz is slightly harder than jade and more difficult to carve as it is more likely to break. This added difficulty in carving is the main reason why real rose quartz gua sha is usually slightly more expensive than jade gua sha.

Due to its slightly different crystal structure, rose quartz gua sha may appear smoother than some jade gua sha. They can produce an almost mirror-like finish when carved well.

Note that many jade and rose quartz makers chemically treat their crystals before carving to make them softer and easier to carve. This makes them easier to manufacture and therefore cheaper. This process is definitely not recommended for a tool that will come in contact with your skin and can alter the chemical structure of the crystal.

Also look out for jade, which appears to have a more matte finish and is less shiny. There is an increased likelihood that it is in fact ‘fake jade’, a more serpentine shaped stone typically imported from the Afghan region often via India. The problem with fake jade is that not only is it sold as jade, but the color leaches out of it over time.

Traditional beliefs about jade and spiritual properties of rose quartz

There is some evidence that scraping therapies like the Gua Sha existed in other traditional cultures such as Egypt and Greece, but it was in China that the knowledge and use of Gua Sha really peaked.

Rose quartz was not used to make gua sha in China because it was not widely available. Gua sha was made from a variety of items such as bone and horn to treat the body and jade gua sha was reserved for only the truly wealthy and powerful.

Jade was expensive in ancient China (often more valuable than gold), but it also became a symbol of wealth and position beyond its purely physical worth. Brooches denoting position were often made from it, and possession of luxurious items such as the jade gua sha symbolized success.

Jade was also believed to have the ability to improve the flow of qi or energy in the treated areas. Wrinkles and blemishes have often been seen as blocking this natural flow of energy. By restoring the natural flow of energy to the face or other skin, you would not only reduce wrinkles and increase skin glow, but also improve body health by ensuring a harmonious flow of energy.

This belief in jade crystal’s ability to increase qi flow is the main reason jade gua sha were stored in silk lined boxes as it was believed that storing them in silk would enhance this qi flow.

Rose quartz crystal is traditionally associated with love. Many modern spiritual practitioners believe that contact with rose quartz crystals opens the heart and increases love in relationships.

This belief goes back to ancient legends. Several ancient Greek stories tell of rose quartz’s association with love. One tells us that rose quartz was given to the people of Eros and Cupid to inspire love among us. Another, the white quartz, was actually stained pink by the blood of Aphrodite, who pricked herself on a thorn bush while rushing to the aid of her lover Adonis.

How to use the Jade Gua Sha versus the Rose Quartz Gua Sha

As mentioned earlier, there is a long and honorable history of using Gua Sha for cosmetic purposes in China. In this story, detailed treatment procedures have been developed to work with the energy flow in the face to improve appearance and enhance a natural glow. These techniques can be explored in detail in the White Lotus Videos available with the Crystal Roller Face Packs.

These ancient traditions do not exist as rose quartz gua sha is a fairly modern adaptation. Fortunately, the Jade Gua Sha treatment procedures can be easily applied to the Rose Quartz Gua Sha, creating a ready-made treatment protocol.

Conclusion – What works better?

There is no clear winner between the two products. Both visibly improve the complexion, reduce swelling and wrinkles and effectively smooth fine lines.

The jade gua sha is the more traditional form of gua sha with a venerable history, while the rose quartz gua sha will appeal more to those interested in the crystal’s reported spiritual properties (or those who simply prefer pink).

Ultimately it comes down to personal preference. The important thing is that you buy the product you prefer and then use it regularly. This way you will see the results that have made this unusual beauty tool such a long-lasting addition to so many exotic beauty routines.

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Create your own unique crystal facial

How can you tell real gua sha?

Here’s the trick: Hold your Gua Sha tool in your hand, see how it reflects light, and then run your fingers over the tool. Authentic Green Jade is not shiny, not entirely smooth, and feels a little grainy, like soapstone. If the tool in your hand is super shiny and very smooth – it’s not authentic green jade.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

A stone commonly sold as green jade is actually aventurine. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with aventurine – but it’s definitely not green jade. Aventurine is light to dark green, extremely smooth and lustrous, and thanks to its high fuchsite content, has small gold flecks that are visible in direct sunlight.

So, to get the Gua Sha tool you actually paid for, you should thoroughly inspect your tool before you buy it. If you are not sure, do not buy it. If the dealer doesn’t know the difference between jade and aventurine, walk away.

In my online shop I carry authentic green feng jade gua sha tools and scrolls and aventurine gua sha tools and scrolls. I hope this post has been helpful in guiding you in buying the best Gua Sha gemstone for you!


How long till you see gua sha results?

Over the course of about 2 months, we slowly but surely saw some really great results. Puffiness in his face went down, helping his nose appear smaller. His skin overall also looked smoother and felt firmer. For the past 15 months, I’ve been incorporating gua sha into my skincare routine about once a week.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

Scrub Me Secret: In April and May 2020 I took an in-depth online facial Gua Sha course. My husband was fortunate to be my test model for all of my gua sha work. Over the course of about 2 months we were slowly but surely seeing some really great results. The swelling on his face went down, making his nose appear smaller. His skin also looked smoother overall and felt tighter.

I’ve incorporated Gua Sha into my skincare routine about once a week for the past 15 months. I wanted to put my gua sha work to the test and see what an improvement in my routine would do for my skin. My goals were a tighter appearance in the cheek and eye area as well as balancing small redness in my complexion. I incorporated a 5-20 minute gua sha massage into my skincare rituals for 25 days. I’ll talk about how I’ve incorporated this into my daily routine, the benefits of consistent facial massage, and finally my results from my 25 days of Gua Sha!

Scrub Me Secret: Find great beginner gua sha stones on Amazon or grab my favorite from Wildling Beauty.

Why Consistent Gua Sha Treatments Work:

Facial massage, specifically Gua Sha, is a treatment that will bring you the results you desire over time. While we may see some results of puffiness, lifting, and glowing skin after a facial massage, your real results come from an accumulation of Gua Sha work. If your face and neck are treated daily with lymphatic drainage, collagen/elastin stimulation and fascia lifting, your results will continue to build. The more gua sha you do, the more remarkable your results will be.

Here are some results you can expect from consistent facial gua sha massage:

Can gua sha cause wrinkles?

The takeaway. Don’t be afraid: Your gua sha stone isn’t giving you wrinkles, if you’re doing it right, that is. Just be mindful not to apply too much pressure, use oil, and always move upward. Glowing skin awaits.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

But every now and then I get this question: Can’t pulling and tugging on the skin cause wrinkles? The answer to that is a resounding yes (this is why derms tell you to be so careful around the eyes when applying makeup or washing your face). So isn’t it obvious that Gua Sha can do that too? Uh, gulp.

Let’s dispel this rumor: Can gua sha cause wrinkles? Not if you do it right.

“Some people get nervous about using a gua sha tool as it appears as if it is tugging and tugging at your face, which is known to promote fine lines and wrinkles. However, if you use the tool carefully and correctly, it won’t cause wrinkles,” assures board-certified dermatologist and founder of Skinfluence Marina Peredo, M.D.

So there you have it: as long as you’re not overly aggressive with your moves, you’re safe for fine lines. One way to ensure you don’t accidentally over-drag is to use an oil that’s silky enough underneath. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to facial massages is not using oils with their tools — the oil helps the stone slide over the skin, not pull it.

Peredo goes on to say that you “should make sure you’re not pulling the skin down; always make an upward movement and don’t apply too much pressure”.

And rest assured: the science is on our side. For example, one study showed that face rolling — which confers an effect similar to gua sha — for just five minutes a day improves blood flow to the face, leading to better skin quality and smoother skin over time. In another, patients reported feeling firmer and more supple after regular massages.

How often should you gua sha?

While once a week is recommended for gua sha, the frequency of use will depend on your skin type and your skin’s tolerance for the method. “As you start to familiarize yourself with it and get more comfortable with your techniques, you should aim to use gua sha at least two to three times per week,” recommends Tobia.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

No, I’ll probably never give up my beloved jade roller, but there’s another skincare tool I can’t stop loving: the jade scraper. Also known as a gua sha tool, this small flat jade pebble is praised far and wide for its ability to chisel out cheekbones you didn’t even know existed, remove bags from hangovers and brighten skin’s brightness.

But what exactly is Gua Sha and how can one small stone offer so many beauty benefits? We turned to three skincare experts: board-certified dermatologist Dr. Rachel Nazarian, Chinese medicine practitioner David Peters and licensed esthetician Ali Tobia for answers. In advance, find her masterful advice and everything you need to know about this skincare treasure.

What is Gua Sha?

While the terms “jade cockroach” or “gua sha” may be new to your ears, the facial technique actually dates back to centuries ago. “The [face scratching] technique is based on an ancient healing technique called gua sha, which was first referred to in a text of classical Chinese medicine called Shan Han Lun, dating back to 220 AD,” says Peters. “Originally, the practitioners wanted to receive ‘sha’ – a redness that stimulates the skin to heal itself,” he explains. “Having studied both Japanese and Chinese traditions, I have adapted this early technique to my facial treatments. Obviously I don’t use them that vigorously – I’ve seen them done in China with a coin.”

Shannon Peter

“Originally a body treatment, [Gua Sha] has since been adapted for use[d] in facial therapies, with the scraping motion evolving into a gentler gliding technique,” ​​adds Ali Tobia. As Tobia explains, Gua Sha is a method that promotes lymphatic drainage that helps eliminate bloating caused by interstitial fluid (fluid trapped under your skin that needs to be released to your lymphatic system).

The benefits of Gua Sha

While modern jade scraping is less invasive, it can still produce some pretty impressive results, including:

Stimulates blood circulation

Helps in the production of collagen

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

Reduces swelling

Reduces inflammation

Reduces dark circles

Temporarily tightens the skin

Brightens the complexion

Models facial muscles

Relieves tension

How to use a Gua Sha

So how can you reap the benefits of Gua Sha at home? “There are so many types and forms of gua sha tools that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to using gua sha,” explains Tobia. However, for all methods, there are some basics to the facial gua sha process. according to dr Nazarian is the best method to apply gentle pressure and “make smooth movements against the skin, preferably in the direction of lymphatic flow.”

“These benefits are often evident after the very first Gua Sha treatment,” says Tobia.

“I like to use a combination of short and long strokes in areas where it’s needed,” adds Peters. Lymph nodes are located under the skin’s surface. “A light, feather-light swipe of a gentle facial gua sha technique is all it takes to flush the lymph into your body’s drainage system,” says Tobia. The process stimulates lymph flow and drainage, releasing excess fluids that can make the complexion look a little, well, puffy.

Confused? Tobia describes the process of lymphatic drainage for us: “It’s like a garbage disposal. The interstitial fluids that build up under the skin need to be flushed into the body’s natural detoxification system to be cleaned and mixed back into your bloodstream.”

“Unlike the circulatory system,” she continues, “the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump… By using gua sha techniques, you give your lymphatic system the boost it needs to rid itself of the fluids that are under the surface tightens your skin and puffs up your face.”

At home, I apply a 50p (or about that size for our American readers) puddle of face oil and then use the tool all over my face, neck and décolleté. I’ve found it brilliant for those days when I really want to jazz up the facial massage or need to iron out a swollen jawline caused by cheese board. It’s not difficult to use at all. On our search for gua sha inspiration, I stumbled upon the queen of holistic skincare, Britta Beauty, on Instagram. Not only are your gua sha videos great if you are unsure how to use a gua sha tool, but they are really fascinating.

How Often Should You Take Gua Sha?

While once a week is recommended for gua sha, the frequency of use will depend on your skin type and how well your skin tolerates the method. “As you begin to get comfortable with it and get comfortable with your techniques, aim to use gua sha at least 2-3 times a week,” recommends Tobias. “Once you get into the routine of doing gua sha on yourself, you will get the best results if you do it daily.”

At home vs. in the office Gua Sha

Unlike, say, microneedling or microdermabrasion, which can be very difficult to achieve results at home that compare to the office version, the experts we spoke to consistently praise DIY gua sha -Facials sung. However, if you are a gua sha newbie, it’s a good idea to see a pro first. In addition to the experience of professional treatment, your esthetician can also help show you the right technique to get maximum results, says Haifa. Choose a good Gua Sha tool and use it for five minutes every morning. First apply a facial oil or serum, then gently sweep the stone up the neck and work your way towards the hairline, focusing on the cheekbones and jawline. This helps drain fluid downward and promotes blood flow, Haifa explains. The keyword is gentle – you don’t need to apply much pressure at all to reap the benefits.

Ultimately, professionals are better versed when it comes to the specific and nuanced gua sha techniques that can be used on specific areas of the face, says Wasfie; Therefore, an in-office gua sha facial will produce more dramatic results. But daily DIY between appointments is a great way to increase and maintain those results.

Safety considerations and possible side effects

Gua sha is not recommended for people with rashes, sunburn or blood clotting problems, Hamdan warns. She also points out that your skin may appear a little pink or red for a few moments after a treatment (or bruise depending on the pressure and your susceptibility to bruising – but remember, gentle pressure is recommended). But other than that, when done properly, gua sha is a pretty safe bet for all skin types. As always, if you have specific concerns, speak to your doctor.

How to choose your Gua Sha tool


While the type of stone used for Gua Sha is not important, the shape certainly is. dr Nazarian recommends finding one that is smooth, rounded, and conforms to the curvature of the area being treated. “It should be comfortable to grip,” she continues, “so you can apply strokes evenly to your skin.”

Tobia recommends gua sha tools with different contours on each edge “so you can find the right curve for the angles of your face,” she explains. If this sounds daunting, consider Tobias’ wise words: “When a tool has a few different angles and curves along its edges, it gives you more options, especially when you learn what works for you.” The variety of contours makes it possible Also, you can use your tool on different parts of your face, including your jawline and cheekbones, Tobia says.

You should also pay attention to the material of the stone. “Some stones have antimicrobial properties that make them particularly good for facials,” Tobia explains. “Some, like those made of nephrite jade and amethyst,” she continues, “are naturally cooling, which helps counteract the warming effect of the technique (even with a gentle gliding motion, there is some natural friction that stimulates blood flow and warmth).” Finally, Tobia recommends rose quartz for anyone with reactive skin because of its natural calming effect.

Unsure if a gua sha tool is well made? “A high-quality tool made from real crystal or another natural material is often slightly heavier than a fake or man-made synthetic tool,” Tobia explains. “And while the weight of your stone is ultimately a matter of personal preference, a heavier tool can help you get better results simply by feeling more firmly in your hand as you perform your techniques, allowing for deeper penetration (which leads to leads to more stress). /strain relief).”

Do you follow mysticism or do you have transcendent views of the power of crystals? If so, “many of the materials commonly used in quality gua sha tools have properties that help clear your chakras and unleash your qi,” explains Tobia.

Shop our favorite Gua Sha tools

Before purchasing any Gua Sha tool, it is important to consider its quality and material. “You shouldn’t make any concessions here,” Tobia reminds us. “You’re better off buying a quality tool or two than buying [several] cheaper tools… Not only do the higher quality stones last longer, but they offer a much more therapeutic effect,” she concludes.

“Some people believe the stones have different energetic properties, but I prefer to focus on the physical effects,” adds Peters. “I use surgical grade stainless steel so it can be sterilized properly, but whether your tool is made of jade or rose quartz, the most important thing is movement. You could even start with a rice spoon if you like.”

Tobia has her own list of recommendations for Gua Sha beginners. “I typically advise my clients to start with tools that offer a variety of different contours and bevels on the edges.” Tobia also points out the importance of finding a gua sha tool that has both smooth bevels and smooth edges has at least one carved tooth edge to “help gently lift the skin as you slide your tool”.

Keep scrolling for our experts’ top gua sha picks.

Jovivi Natural Rose Quartz Stone Gua Sha $15.00 Store

In general, gua sha scrapers are becoming more readily available. I was skeptical at first, but Peters thinks it’s okay to even buy one off Amazon when you’re just starting out. Jovivi’s wing-shaped gua sha tool is handcrafted from rose quartz crystal, a stone that represents the powerful forces of love.

White Lotus Jade Gua Sha $34.00 Store

White Lotus makes a great jade version.

Elequra Rose Quartz Carving Tool $53.00 Shop

Skincare brand Elequra’s gua sha tool is bone-shaped and made of rose quartz. Founder Nausheen Qureshi tells us that it “has a packed crystal structure, which means it’s better at retaining heat and cold, which in turn aids in the absorption of active ingredients into the skin.”

Elizabeth Trattner Genuine Jade Gua Sha $28.00 Shop

dr Nazarrain is also a big fan of jade gua sha tools and recommends Elizabeth Trattner’s Genuine Jade Gua Sha. “The shape allows for use around the eyes and hairline,” she says.

[Ed. Note: This item is unfortunately sold out. We recommend trying Elizabeth Trattner’s Little Wing Rose Quartz Gua Sha ($36) instead].

Mount Lai The Amethyst Gua Sha Facial Lifting Tool $34.00 Shop

dr Nazarian recommends Mount Lai’s Amethyst Facial Lifting Tool. Amethyst — a stone known for its ability to relieve stress — promotes relaxation when applied to the skin. “I love the Mount Lai Amethyst Facial Lifting Tool. The shape is great for contouring the face,” she enthuses.

CJB Pro Nephrite $140.00 Store

“The CJB Pro Nephrite is a fantastic, versatile tool that can be used in a variety of ways due to its different shapes and contours on each edge. If you’re starting with just one tool, this is it,” says Tobi.

Wilding Empress Stone $65.00 Store

“Another very versatile option is the Wildling Empress Pro. This tool is made from a unique Chinese material called bian, which offers slightly more power than jade and has significant healing properties,” says Tobia.

CJB Rose Quartz Shaped Spoon $29.00 Shop

Next, Tobia recommends CJB’s Rose Quartz Sculpting Spoon. “[It’s] a great addition as it provides a smooth surface to promote lymphatic drainage and to plump up your facial contours to combat the appearance of sagging skin. The Rose Quartz Spoon can be used either warmed or cold for different effects,” explains you.

CJB Nefeli White Jade Stone $260.00 Shop

“If you have room in your budget for another one, I recommend the Nefeli White Jade Stone,” adds Tobia. “Similar to the CJB Pro, the Nefeli is a very versatile tool that offers additional edge shaping and beveling to expand the methods you can use. The Nefeli is a bit more expensive… but it’s a really great tool to have in your kit.”

There are also countless different skin care serums or facial oils that are perfect to use with your Gua Sha. As a rule of thumb, you want something with enough slippage that you can really work the product into your skin without over-pulling or tugging. But if you’re not sure what’s right for you, we can help.

Product selection Nuxe



take that away

We’ve got nothing but time to show ourselves that this age-old approach is a skincare secret we should all be privy to. It is important to add that while Gua Sha is a great non-invasive technique, it cannot always be combined with other procedures. For example: “If you have received facial botox or injections in the past three to four weeks, you must wait at least four weeks after your last injection before beginning a gua sha routine and should never have gua sha in.” the four weeks after each facial injection,” explains Tobia. Last but not least, while Gua Sha can offer rewarding results, Dr. Nazarian reminds us that most of the visible benefits are temporary, so it’s important to incorporate it into your weekly routine to integrate if you want to keep the benefits.

Does gua sha make your skin sag?

Massaging the face, both up and down, causes skin to be pulled or tugged at. After a certain point, skin’s ability to produce collagen and remain elastic decreases. So, the parts which are pulled don’t bounce back, and start sagging. Massaging exacerbates that.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

If you’ve ever seen one of those beauty videos where influencers or celebrities walk you through their skincare routine, you know what a jade roller is. You will also have heard of the Gua Sha.

In a beauty market that thrives on the next big thing, whether in terms of trends or new launches, things like this keep popping up and gaining popularity. However, not every new technology is progress. Some, like the jade rollers and gua shas we’re going to talk about today, aren’t doing your skin any good. We explain why.

You’ll hear a lot of people talking about the benefits of massaging the face and “getting your blood pumping,” and the thing is, your blood circulates just fine without your help. It’s an involuntary function.

The other reason massages are touted as great is that some believe that massaging your face upwards has an anti-gravity effect and helps tighten sagging skin. In addition. We only say: you WANT.

Massaging the face, both up and down, causes the skin to be pulled or pulled. At a certain point, the skin’s ability to produce collagen and remain elastic decreases. So the pulled parts don’t bounce back and start sagging. Massaging makes it worse.

Don’t certain massage techniques improve the lymphatic drainage?

Using a jade roller from the nose to the ears or from the neck to the chin is said by some to aid in lymphatic drainage and rid the face of toxins. There are special facial treatments that are aimed exclusively at improving lymphatic drainage. However, the lymph nodes don’t work like toilet pipes and don’t drain because you’re pushing or pulling fluids through pressure.

Wait, don’t jade rollers sculpt the face?

Unfortunately, smashing your face with a shiny rock isn’t going to give you Kim Kardashian’s bone structure, because that’s just not how the human face works. Your face is made up of muscle, fat, and bone, all arranged in a specific way. The idea that pressing a gua sha or jade roller into the hollows of your cheeks will change their shape is a huge myth.

As if all the other unproven theories about the “magical” skin benefits of jade rollers and gua sha tools weren’t bad enough, there are also some who believe that the crystals that make these up have healing and cooling properties.

First of all, jade rollers are not made of jade, so the idea that your skin will change because you rub jade on it is a lie. Second, when you use a rose quartz gua sha on your skin, nothing happens. There is no scientific evidence that it improves or detoxifies the skin in any way. Any mumbo-jumbo about “cleansing your chakras” is pure bullshit.

Sure, but cool jade roller and gua sha massages deflate the skin, right? TO THE RIGHT?

You will see many celebrities talking about waking up and massaging their face with a jade roller chilled overnight and how it deflates their face. Guess what? This is just as easy to do with a cold metal spoon without having to spend on an expensive jade roller.

But doesn’t using a jade roller after applying products help push them into the skin and absorb them better?

Paula Begoun, the chemist behind skincare brand Paula’s Choice, has criticized the idea that massaging your lotions and creams with a jade roller will help absorption. She said, “A product’s molecular size determines how it penetrates the skin’s layers,” dismissing the belief that physically pushing the product into the skin helps in any way.

Does gua sha make face slimmer?

Gua sha facial massage can sculpt your face, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines, drain and detoxify, brighten, and reduce bags around your eyes.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

If you want to use gua sha for face slimming, read on because we have great tips!

Let’s talk about gua sha for face slimming and how to use gua sha for your skin and face massage.

What is Gua Sha? How does it work?

Gua Sha is a care accessory made from natural stone, rose quartz or jade, for example.

It is polished to a smooth surface and then shaped with curves and openings.

Thus, the tool can be attached to some parts of a person’s face.

Learn more: What is Gua Sha for Face and Body Massage?

Does Gua Sha work?

Just like in the “gym,” you use dumbbells or bands to get in the mood; It’s time to add beauty tools like gua sha to your skincare routine.

Gua Sha facial massage can shape your face, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines, drain and detoxify, brighten and reduce bags around your eyes.

Benefits of Gua Sha facial massage

gua sha facial massage tightens the facial muscles

smoothes the skin and fine lines

Reduces breakouts

Gua Sha Scrape increases blood flow/blood flow/lymphatic flow

Reduced swelling relaxes the muscle

Gua Sha Scrape helps break down fascia — a tissue that holds muscles together but sometimes interferes with blood circulation

it is able to relieve headaches and jaw pain.

Rejuvenates the skin

Gua Sha Scrape helps smooth the appearance of fatigue

Gua Sha Facial Massage Relieves stress

Eliminates eye puffiness / drains excess fluid

Let the skin more beautiful and healthy;

Lymphatic Drainage: The Gua Sha facial massage fights puffiness, especially around the eyes where extra fluid causes swelling.

Relieve facial stress: Scraping promotes muscle relaxation, especially in the jaw area.

Gua Sha facial massage Reduces swelling and relaxes the muscle: In the body, the Gua Sha stone tool has a muscle pain-relieving effect.

Circulation / Circulation: This ancient Chinese technique indirectly improves the supply of oxygen to skin tissues.

Even professionals can use acupuncture points in gua sha facial massage, which benefits the body.

Does Gua Sha for Face Slimming Work?

The dermatologist points out that “despite all of these benefits, there is no proof or scientific proof of an improvement in wrinkles, expression lines, blemishes or acne.

The aesthetic benefits lie in preventing and promoting well-being rather than creating a slimmer face.

At the same time, many people who regularly use the Gua Sha tool confirm that this is a very effective ancient Chinese tool for the skin.

When you stop to think, a facial massage is a great way to relieve tension and give you an almost instantly renewed look.

So, with that in mind, we should assume that it can have some benefits in the long run.

Note, however, that Gua Sha facial massage does not dramatically change the shape of your face.

As your face slims by using the Gua Sha tool, it moves fluid build-up and drains excess fluid.

If you do it constantly, you may be able to see slight improvements in the contouring of your face as a result of regular massage.

Keep in mind that if you stop, your face may swell again.

Another important thing to keep in mind is never to apply too much pressure as it can cause irritation and other problems.

How to use Gua Sha for face slimming?

There isn’t just one way to use Gua Sha. On the face, however, the easiest method is to move upwards from the center of the face (towards the forehead and ears).

As for timing, it’s important to know your skin and not overdo it to sensitize it.

Gua Sha strokes

Circular motion skin care routine

Next, find an easy way for beginners to use the Gua Sha tool.

Just remember to scrape the tool in a circular motion and be extremely gentle.

For example, you can perform circular movements that activate the muscle points and thus relax the skin.

This old Chinese cockroach is used specifically to relax the facial muscles.

Thus, the practice rejuvenates the skin and even eliminates pain such as headaches.

Skin care with facial massage

An interesting tip is that you put some moisturizing oil on your face and neck to make the stone slide more easily.

In the first movement, use the pointed part of the stone (at a 45 degree angle to the skin).

Start scratching near the chin and follow the line of the chin towards the ears.

Repeat the movement with the longest part of the stone, placing it on the cheek and scratching until it reaches the side of the head.

Repeat the massage near the temples at the end of the path.

eye area

Place the rounded part at a 45-degree angle under the eyes and sweep down to the temples in slow motion.

Massage again, starting at the hairline, moving the skin. At this point, the pressure should be extremely light.

With the stone now horizontal, follow the design of the eyebrows.

forehead zone

Place the stone with the larger side over the eyebrow and slide it up until you reach the root of the hair and massage again.

Use the inclined stone to perform this move.

Repeat all movements (at least five times) on both sides of the face.

The experts recommend practicing the method once a day, which is enough to notice the benefits in the short term.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it more often, okay?

Oh, and before I forget, you can also use a jade roller to apply the Gua Sha massage, always using the larger roller for the face and the smaller one for the eye area.

neck area

Place the stone with the rounded side at a 45 degree angle – at this point use the SIDE part – over the sternum (bone in the front part of the chest) and slowly move until you reach the jaw .

What do you need for a facial Gua Sha?

You will need the gua sha stone and a good quality facial oil that will allow the stone to glide on your face.

Finally, remember to wash your face and apply a serum or related moisturizer.

Types of Gua Sha tool for face

Rosenice Gua Sha Tool: Works great on the chin, bridge of the nose, fingers, forehead, cheek, eye and body acupuncture point. Andoer Placa de Gua Sha Tool: For the best result, you can hold it at a 15 degree angle by moving it from the center of your face towards your hairline and then down your neck towards your collarbone. SIZHINAI Gua Sha Tool: It can be used to massage different parts of the body, shoulder, face, back, waist, legs, feet and tight muscles to relieve stress.

I like to use the jade gua sha tool, but you can use another of your choice.

facial oils

It is important to find suitable oils; they should not be too light and not too thick, this makes the scraping movements easier.

Be sure to purchase oils that contain nutrients that will both relax and nourish your skin.

Mistakes to avoid with Gua Sha facial massager

There are a few things to keep in mind when using gua sha for face slimming.

The first thing to keep in mind is that you should always pay attention to the pressure when scraping.

Do not stroke your face too hard and pay attention to the angle of the stone.

Normally you can use it when scraping from 15 to 45 degrees.

Also, use oils instead of creams as this will make the stone easier to slide on your face.

Finally, do not use it too much, as anything in excess is not beneficial.

Try to do this once or twice a week. If you want to do it more often, test it out slowly and if you feel your face isn’t responding well, you can stop it.

Also Read: Roller vs. Gua Sha: What’s the Difference? What is the best?

Contraindications for scraping Gua Sha

Be careful! Although very good for health, gua sha scraping is not suitable for people suffering from chronic skin diseases.

In this case, people with atopic dermatitis, eczema in general, psoriasis or even skin cancer should not use the technique, since scratching movements can provoke an aggravation.

In addition, the treatment is also contraindicated for people taking anticoagulant drugs, people with skin infections (suppurative ulcers, abscesses, herpes, etc.), pregnant women and people undergoing cancer or chemotherapy treatment.

When in doubt, always consult a professional in the field.

Associated with Gua Sha for facial slimming

Does gua sha reduce face fat?

Instead, gua sha works by engaging tissue to eliminate fluid build-up in the lymph nodes (which can give the illusion of a more contoured face) — it can’t actually remove fat from certain areas.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

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If you’ve been on TikTok for the past month, you might have come across gua sha tutorials — or videos of users applying a smooth, angled stone to their face. Gua sha has grown in popularity lately — so much so that at the time of publication, the hashtag #guasha has amassed more than 432 million views on TikTok, with users claiming the device has cleansed their skin, reduced wrinkles and provided a more sculpted appearance . Although the facial tool has been gaining popularity on social media platforms lately, the practice is nothing new. It actually predates modern medicine, originating in China where the stones were once used to treat various ailments.

But what exactly is a Gua Sha and how can one stone offer so many beauty benefits? To answer these questions, we consulted with two traditional Chinese medicine practitioners: board-certified acupuncturists and traditional Chinese medicine experts Shaobai Wang, MD, and Sonia Lee, DACM, LAc. They shared the cultural significance of gua sha, the best gua sha techniques, and some products to consider if you want to try this centuries-old practice.

SKIP Best Gua Sha Tools

What is a Gua Sha?

Gua sha, or 刮痧, directly means “scratch” and “sand” (here sand refers to the raised redness on the skin, not real sand). “‘Sha’ is caused by bacteria or viral toxins, which rupture the capillaries and form areas of hyperemia or spots in the skin or mucus, forming sand-like scattered or condensed areas,” Wang said. The sand analogy comes from performing Gua Sha, where technicians gently scrape the skin and see tiny dots emerging from under the skin; These small granules resemble pieces of sand, which gave them their name, Wang explained. It’s common for users to experience redness or tenderness (a sign of blood renewal) after using gua sha, but these effects wear off within a few days.

And like many words in the Chinese language, the characters that make up “gua sha” provide insight into the practice, Lee said. “The Chinese character for ‘Gua’ (刮) is made up of the character for ‘tongue’ on the left and ‘knife’ on the right. The Chinese character for ‘sha’ (痧) consists of ‘disease’ or ‘disease’ at the top and ‘sand’ at the bottom,” she explained.

A treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Gua Sha uses a solution (facial oil, petroleum jelly, or water) and a smooth material (jade plates, metal plates, and even spoons) to stimulate a specific area of ​​the body. Contrary to what’s becoming popular on TikTok, gua sha isn’t just limited to the face, but can also be used on the back and shoulders, experts tell us.

What are the benefits of Gua Sha?

While records of the use of Gua Sha began to appear in the Ming Dynasty, it remains a commonly used TCM technique today. Practitioners have found it helpful in relieving pain as well as increasing circulation and energy flow. And while there are many Chinese studies on the effectiveness of gua sha, American researchers have only recently started publishing their own findings. Among those listed above, Gua Sha also helps:

Promotion of blood circulation. “From a Chinese medicine perspective, the Tai Yin meridians (consisting of the lungs and spleen) and the Yang Ming meridians (consisting of the large intestine and stomach) are responsible for the overall health of your skin,” Lee said. “As you gently scrape the skin of your face with your gua sha tool, you are stimulating your yang-ming meridians. They also send a signal to your body that that area needs more blood flow.”

“From a Chinese medicine perspective, the Tai Yin meridians (consisting of the lungs and spleen) and the Yang Ming meridians (consisting of the large intestine and stomach) are responsible for the overall health of your skin,” Lee said. “As you gently scrape the skin of your face with your gua sha tool, you are stimulating your yang-ming meridians. They also send a signal to your body that that area needs more blood flow.” Improve fine lines and wrinkles. Gua sha “can temporarily improve appearance for the new and very gentle,” Wang said. However, she noted that “Gua Sha should not be the first choice for long-lasting wrinkles.”

Gua sha “can temporarily improve appearance for the new and very gentle,” Wang said. However, she noted that “Gua Sha should not be the first choice for long-lasting wrinkles.” Promotes lymph drainage. Gua sha can eliminate fluid build-up, which in turn can reduce swelling, experts said.

Gua sha can eliminate fluid build-up, which in turn can reduce swelling, experts said. Relieves muscle tension. Experts found that regular squeezing with a gua sha tool allows users to untangle knotted areas and release built-up muscle tension.

Although some TikTokers have claimed that they have used gua sha to sculpt their faces, Wang noted that the gua sha cannot enhance a user’s jawline. Instead, gua sha works by targeting tissues to eliminate fluid buildup in the lymph nodes (which can create the illusion of a more contoured face) — it can’t actually remove fat from specific areas.

Lee also recommended that people with weakened immune systems (those who struggle with seasonal allergies or catch a cold easily) should try gua sha. As Wang explained, this is particularly useful for these people because by repeatedly stimulating specific areas, gua sha helps remove non-circulating blood and toxins from the body. Visual signs of this cleansing can be anything from redness to easy bruising.

When considering a gua sha tool, experts recommend looking for something that feels comfortable in your hand—something that’s comfortable and not too overwhelming. As for the material the tool is made of, experts say it’s entirely up to you. In TCM, specific stones are associated with specific goals. For example, Lee shared that quartz benefits the immune system while strengthening the cardiovascular system. On the other hand, she shared that jade, which has a long history in Chinese culture, is used to cool the body and rid it of toxins.

Mount Lais Gua Sha is one of Lee’s favorites because it’s a nice size and feels good in her hand. “They also have different edges for scraping larger and smaller areas,” she explained. “Mount Lai also has gua sha tools that look like a spoon, and you can use this like ancient people used to do long ago.” This crystal amethyst version relieves stress, cleanses negative energies, and promotes, according to the brand relaxation. The brand also offers a jade and rose quartz version for pre-order.

Wang prefers Gua Sha tools made from buffalo horn, an animal product widely used in TCM. Known for dissipating heat and cooling blood, this SUPVOX product has received an average rating of 4.4 stars from 10 Amazon buyers. Buffalo Horn “Hardness is right where it needs to be,” he said. “It is also a TCM herb with the function of clearing and detoxifying Heat.”

If you’re just getting into gua sha, consider this set from Pink Moon. Not only does the kit include a gua sha tool and facial oil, but for an additional $20 you can attend a gua sha workshop led by a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. Made from sunflower and moringa oil, the non-comedogenic oil works to moisturize and protect skin from environmental stressors, according to the brand. Founder Lin Chen brought Gua Sha to her AAPI-owned beauty and wellness brand as she was originally interested in celebrating traditional Chinese medicine and its heritage. “I want to contribute to the diverse voices in this industry and advocate for more inclusion and positive change,” she told us.

Sacheu Beauty is another brand owned by AAPI that carries Gua Sha tools. Unlike the Pink Moon version, however, this one is made of stainless steel. Sacheu says the tool has “self-cooling” capabilities, meaning it’s inherently cold to the touch and users don’t need to pop it in the fridge before each use. The tool has received a 4.9-star rating from over 350 Sacheu Beauty shoppers.

For those looking for a Gua Sha that works on both the face and body, consider this one from YINA, which has a larger surface area. The Gua Sha by Dr. Ervina Wu is made of Bian stone, which the brand says can purify the user’s aura and balance body energy. Additionally, it features four different edges – Notch, Point, Ripple, and Curve – to locate a variety of printing options.

Designed by acupuncturist Sandra Lanshin Chiu, this gua sha tool has a unique shape – with a heart-shaped and pointed end. The different shapes made from nephrite jade allow users to target different parts of their face. In China, nephrite jade is known as “He Tian” jade and is said to have several healing properties, according to the brand.

How to use a Gua Sha?

If you want to use Gua Sha on your face, experts recommend cleansing as the first step. By starting with a clean face, you can ensure your face is free of impurities that scraping can get into your skin. From there, lather up facial oil to protect your top layer of skin from abrasion.

“From a Chinese medicine perspective, you should follow the meridians when performing gua sha,” Lee said. For Gua Sha on the face, the meridian to follow is the Stomach meridian. Once you have found your body’s Stomach meridian, you can use this to determine where the Gua Sha should be on your face by drawing an imaginary line. Then, “work upwards and outwards, which means moving from the yin side to the yang side,” Lee advised.

Once you have found your meridian, hold the device flat against your face. Sweep the gua sha off your forehead and move it upwards, applying gentle pressure as you go. Then, move the device toward your cheeks and sweep the device outward from nose to ear in a “swing” motion. Finally, turn the gua sha over to the two curved sections. Starting at the chin, move along your jawline until you reach your ear. For best results, experts recommend performing these movements for about 10 minutes. Another important thing to remember is to scrape in one direction: by channeling movement in one direction, you’re drawing more blood and stimulation to a specific area.

If you’re looking to improve blood flow to your back or shoulders, Lee recommends the following:

Back: When you focus on your back, you should follow the Bladder meridian, which is located near your spine. Follow this meridian, starting at the top of your spine and moving down. Focus on one side of the spine first, and then you can move on to the other side.

: When you focus on your back, you should follow the Bladder meridian, which is located near your spine. Follow this meridian, starting at the top of your spine and moving down. Focus on one side of the spine first, and then you can move on to the other side. Shoulders: Focusing on your shoulders, you should follow the Small Intestine meridian by moving your Gua Sha tool from the middle of your upper back, where you find your spine, outward to the end of the shoulder.

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Can gua sha change your face shape?

Celebrity dermatologist Dr Rashmi Shettyra explains everything about Gua Sha in a video shared on her Instagram story. No Gua Sha or face roller can give you a sharper jawline or slim your face, she says.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

Gua Sha Can’t Give You a Sharper Jaw Line: Common Misconceptions Debunked

Gua Sha can support lymphatic drainage and improve blood circulation in the face.

The prominent dermatologist Dr. Rashmi Shettyra explains all about Gua Sha in a video shared on her Instagram story. No gua sha or face roller can give you a sharper jaw line or slim your face, she says.

Everyone is crazy about gua sha, which has become the newest must-have on the beauty shelf for many of us. But there are many misconceptions, many misconceptions about the benefits and uses of this ancient Chinese beauty ingredient. For example, some people think that using Gua Sha can help get a perfect jawline and slim the face. The prominent dermatologist Dr. Rashmi Shettyra says none of this can happen and asks people not to fall for such rumours. What exactly is Gua Sha? What can I do? What can’t it do? Can you use Gua Sha every day? What are the benefits of using Gua Sha? The dermatologist explains all about this facial tool in a video she shares on her Instagram story.

“Gua Sha is a type of handheld device that can easily drain the excess fluid from your face like other tools like face rollers can. Excessive swelling and fluid retention can also occur because lymph is not draining properly from your face. Facial tools like gua sha and rollers can also help with lymphatic drainage. In addition, these tools can help improve blood circulation in the face. As a result, your skin may appear pink and red temporarily,” says Dr. Rashmi.

Don’t make these mistakes when using Gua Sha

Speaking about what can go wrong with Gua Sha, Dr. Rashmi for seeing patients get bruises on their faces from taking Gau Sha in a harsh way. “Don’t apply too much pressure when using a gau sha, be firm and gentle,” she advises.

Dispelling some of the common misconceptions surrounding gau sha, the expert says, “It can’t slim your face. Absolutely no chance. Don’t buy if someone says so. The only way you can slim your face is through cardio, proper diet and, to a small extent, can be highly focused ultrasound and procedures such as fat-dissolving injections.

“So if you’re using a tool, be aware of what it can and can’t do, and use it for what it can,” she adds.

Watch the video to discover the benefits of using Gua Sha by Dr. to learn about Rashmi:

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rashmi Shetty (@drrashmishettyra)

Gua Sha: Ancient Chinese healing technique

Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese tool and healing technique. In Chinese, gua means “to scratch” and sha means “petechiae” (tiny, flat red purple spots). Scraping your skin with this massager is believed to improve blood circulation, release heat toxins, stimulate lymphatic drainage, and activate various points on the body.

Gua Sha practitioners believe that stagnant energy, called chi, in the body may be responsible for inflammation, which is the underlying cause of several chronic pain-related conditions. Gua sha, or rubbing the skin’s surface with a smooth-edged massage tool, is said to help break up this energy, reducing inflammation and promoting healing. This natural alternative therapy is widely used for various acute and chronic diseases such as heat stroke, dizziness, GI and abdominal problems, nausea, vomiting, fever and pain and soft tissue injuries, arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle strain, technical neck, etc.

Generally, it is performed on a person’s back, buttocks, neck, arms, and legs. However, a gentle version of this is used on the face as a facial technique that is very popular these days.

Which is better gua sha or jade roller?

We recommend using the gua sha if you want a more personalized experience and don’t mind taking the time to learn how to use the stone. If you’re looking for something that will produce similar results and doesn’t have as much of a learning curve, perhaps the jade roller is more suitable for you.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

Many of us have seen the Facebook ads, TikToks, and influencers preaching the wonders of Gua Sha and Jade Rolling, but while the art of using facial care tools has garnered significant attention in recent months, it still remains a new one concept many. Some of these social mentions offer just a glimpse into the rich world of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Of course, we’re curious people who want to understand the ins and outs of these products popping up in mainstream culture. Is it worth the hype? Let’s find out together.

Aren’t Gua Sha and Jade Rollers basically the same thing?

One of the most asked questions we get (and Google gets) is what’s the difference between gua sha and jade rollers – a valid question since they’re products you use on your face and seem to get similar results.

We’ll break down the key differences between these two products and the slightly different ways you can benefit from each.

Do Jade Rollers and Gua Sha get the same results?

Yes and no. Both tools offer lymphatic drainage, but gua sha is intended more as a deep facial massage, allowing you to take your time and carefully examine every part of your face and neck. You can still turn it into a self-care activity with jade rollers, but think of gua sha more as a yoga practice for your face, while jade rollers are more of a quick skincare pick-me-up you can use anytime.

What are the benefits of Gua Sha?

There are many benefits of Gua Sha that will affect both your body and mind, leaving you feeling refreshed both physically and mentally.

stress relief

One of the greatest benefits that come with using Gua Sha is relieving tension in the neck and face when done properly. It can help relieve stress and tight, overworked muscles (which you didn’t even know you were using!). The effect of deep pressure on areas such as the forehead, jaw, neck and shoulders will help you relax and feel at peace. It’s the perfect way to end a stressful day and get ready for bed, or start your day relaxed and anxiety-free.

lymphatic drainage

You will also find that Gua Sha activates your lymphatic system, causing the lymphatic fluid that flows throughout your body to rush out of your face and neck. The lymph fluid consists of salts, proteins and other substances that are transported throughout the body. We tend to hold a lot of this fluid in our face and neck, and when we stimulate the lymphatic system, the fluid exits the face and neck, leaving a less puffy face.

Better complexion

Yes it’s right. You will probably find that you look a little more radiant after the gua sha. As you remove the toxins from your skin, issues like blackheads and breakouts are attacked and eradicated. Additionally, your blood flow and oxygen will be stimulated, meaning you may be able to reduce the appearance of fine lines, reduce hyperpigmentation, and improve your skin’s elasticity.

Reduced stress and anxiety

If the strong physical benefits aren’t enough to sell you, maybe the mental ones will. Acting as a “mind detox,” gua sha practitioners often feel more focused, energized, and revitalized after using gua sha or a gua sha facial. It makes sense – don’t you feel like a new person after a massage? The good news is that you can always do this yourself.

Want to learn more about using Gua Sha? Check out our easy steps at the bottom of this post or read our Gua Sha Scraper article to learn more.

What does a jade roller do?

Similar to the gua sha stone, a jade roller is a facial massager. The benefits of using a jade roller include increasing blood flow, flushing out toxins, toning facial muscles, lymphatic drainage, as well as better serum absorption. The benefits are similar to the Gua Sha, but some may find the Jade Roller a bit more accessible since there isn’t as much of a technique learned. Jade rollers are also known for being cooler to the touch.

To use a jade roller, start in the center of your face and roll outwards. Apply gentle pressure as you unroll, feeling for points of tension on your face. Roll up and down along your forehead and jawline. Apply very light pressure as you roll the area around your eyes. Use the smaller end of the roller for hard-to-reach areas of the face.

Should You Use Gua Sha or Jade Roller First?

This all depends on your situation. We recommend using the Gua Sha if you want a more personalized experience and want to take the time to learn how to use the stone. If you’re looking for something that gives similar results and doesn’t have as much of a learning curve, the jade roller might be a better fit for you. However, you can’t go wrong with either purchase and if you’re like me and want options, get both!

Gua Sha and Jade Roller: You can’t go wrong

As previously mentioned, you really can’t go wrong with the Gua Sha or Jade Roller. Their uses and benefits are similar enough that whichever you choose, you’ll look and feel different after using either tool. Remember to be consistent to get the best results. You’ll be glowing a little brighter in no time and getting compliments all year long.

5 simple steps on how to use Gua Sha correctly

To get the most out of your Gua Sha scraper, you should know how to use it properly. Follow our step-by-step guide for a satisfying face, neck and shoulder massage.

Step 1:

apply oil.

Apply an oil to the areas where you want to use your gua sha (head, neck, shoulders, etc.). Oils high in antioxidants such as


and rosehip oil, leaves skin feeling soft and helps get rid of blackheads and blemishes. Avoid using the Gua Sha on your bare skin as this will cause unnecessary stretching and pulling. If you apply oil as the final step in your skincare routine, Gua Sha will help seal in previously applied products.

Step 2:

Begin using the Gua Sha on your neck and shoulders. Placement of the scraper is crucial: make sure to hold the gua sha tool flat against your neck and work in downward motions. This promotes lymphatic drainage and at the same time acts as a tension-relieving massage.

Step 3:

Move to your jawline and cheeks. Apply light pressure and sweep upwards, starting with your jawline and moving on to your cheekbones and inner cheeks for best results. If you’re someone who struggles with TMJs or chronic jaw tension, you’ll feel a powerful relief that you can’t replicate with a hand massage.

Step 4:

Press the tool flat against your eye area. This will help drain fluids in your eye bags and give you a less puffy appearance. Since the skin in this area is sensitive to any tugging, use caution when stroking the stone under your eyes.

Step 5:

Finally, focus on your forehead. Make horizontal strokes, starting in the middle of your forehead and working your way down each side in turn. Bring it into your brow bone and pull down for an intense facial massage. You will likely be uncontrollably “ooh-ing” and “ah-ing” at this point, as the feeling is enough for everyone to reach a state of complete calm. In addition, this can be a great relief for people suffering from chronic migraines and headaches.

Author: Evan Neuhoff

Does gua sha reduce double chin?

In short, yes. Gua sha can be effective in removing your double chin (via Inspire Uplift). Just make sure that you’re practicing it on a regular basis for a number of weeks; it’s not something that you can do just once for instant magical results. All you need is a gua sha tool.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

Does Gua Sha Really Work to Minimize a Double Chin?

Truth be told, a double chin — also known as submental fat — occurs when another layer of fat forms under the chin (via Healthline). It’s often something we’d rather get rid of, and there are many ways to do it, from liposuction to skin care products (via Women’s Health).

However, some are more successful than others – it can be difficult to know who to trust. You might have friends who swear by certain exercises or a nifty makeup hack, but what if you want to try something different?

This brings us to Gua Sha, a traditional practice that has its origins in ancient China. It’s something Chinese women have been practicing for years and you may have heard it’s good for getting rid of a double chin. However, is it true? Here’s everything you need to know about whether gua sha really works to minimize a double chin.

Which brand gua sha Stone is best?

The best gua sha tools, chosen by our beauty team
  1. Skin Gym Rose Quartz Crystal Gua Sha Sculpty Facial Tool. …
  2. By Beauty Bay The Jade Gua Sha. …
  3. FACEGYM Multi-Sculpt High-Performance Gua Sha. …
  4. Herbivore Botanicals Rose Quartz Gua Sha. …
  5. KORA Organics Rose Quartz Heart Facial Gua Sha. …
  6. Sephora Collection Gua Sha Facial Roller.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

Facial massages have become increasingly popular lately and the best gua sha tools are now at the top of many skincare wish lists. The small handheld devices are used for massaging, decongesting and promoting the skin’s natural healing processes.

If you haven’t discovered the wonders of Gua Sha yet, now is the perfect time. Although it’s a relatively new trend in skincare routines, its use dates back thousands of years. “Gua Sha is an ancient practice for energy flow and blood circulation; ‘Gua’ means scratch and ‘sha’ means sand,” explains Francesca Canzano-Franklin, Chinese medicine practitioner and founder of Philosophia Botanica. “The term means scraping the skin to remove an energy blockage with a bian, jade, or rose quartz stone.”

Gua sha tools were once used to relieve pain, but today, like the best face rollers, they are used to stimulate facial tissues for multiple benefits. “It increases blood flow — studies show by up to 400% — and creates micro-trauma, strengthens collagen, and stimulates the lymphatic and immune systems,” says acupuncturist and TCM five-element practitioner Charlotte Conwy. If you’re looking to supplement your skincare ingredients with a device, investing in one of the best gua sha tools could be a smart move – here’s everything you need to know.

Material: Gua Sha tools come in a variety of materials, with benefits that depend on which one you choose. Jade gua sha tools stay cool longer so may be most useful for relieving puffy eyes, while rose quartz has soothing properties for sensitive skin. Black obsidian is considered one of the most sustainable crystals, making it suitable for anyone looking for an eco-friendly beauty routine.

: Gua Sha tools come in a variety of materials, with benefits that depend on which one you choose. Jade gua sha tools stay cool longer so may be most useful for relieving puffy eyes, while rose quartz has soothing properties for sensitive skin. Black obsidian is considered one of the most sustainable crystals, making it suitable for anyone looking for an eco-friendly beauty routine. Shape: While most Gua Sha tools are fairly similar in construction, there are small variations in shape and size. Those looking to target and define specific angles of their face should look for gua sha tools with a more defined “leg” or concave edge to really penetrate the skin and follow the contours. Those who just want to massage their entire face and neck can be less precise with the shape.

(Image credit: Skin Gym)

(opens in new tab)

1. Skin Gym Rose Quartz Crystal Gua Sha Sculpty Facial Tool Best Rose Quartz Gua Sha Specifications RRP: $32 / £38.50 Material: Rose Quartz Reasons to Buy + Rose Quartz has healing properties + Feels sturdy + Beautiful and giftable Reasons to Avoid – Slightly more expensive Than Some Today’s Best Deals Check out John Lewis (opens in a new tab) Check Amazon (opens in a new tab)

Gua sha isn’t just about skincare results, this gua sha tool promises to heal your skin as it helps relieve anxiety symptoms and relax your facial muscles. This gua sha is made from rose quartz, a stone widely regarded as a heart chakra aid, as well as a material known to contain healing properties that relieve the tension and stress many of us carry in our facial muscles.

We found it particularly healing and relieving for jaw tension and a necessary daily reminder to loosen those muscles while giving them some nurturing. This Gua Sha tool is proof that the benefits of this practice can be both physical and mental. Our facial muscles felt and looked better after just a week of nightly use, and we experienced a noticeable glow. Plus, we can’t help but admire how pretty this one looked on our bedside tables.

(Image credit: Beauty Bay)

2. By Beauty Bay The Jade Gua Sha Best Jade Gua Sha Specs RRP: $12 / £10 Material: Jade Reasons to Buy + Excellent Value for Money + Ultra-cooling Jade Material + 100% Natural Sources Reasons to Avoid – Something slimmer than others. See Today’s Best Deals at Beauty Bay (opens in new tab) Check Amazon (opens in new tab)

This nifty jade tool from Beauty Bay proves that you don’t have to spend a lot to enjoy one of the best gua sha tools. It costs little more than a couple of morning lattes, but brings a lot of joy into your life. An extremely popular material in gua sha, jade is known for its cooling properties, making it an excellent choice for those primarily looking to soothe or soothe rosacea-prone skin.

This gua sha has a simple shape that is easy to use. Use the long edge to massage and work into larger areas of skin, while the inverted “lip” is great for working into the contours of the face. Given that Beauty Bay’s offering is in some ways the cheapest tool on our list, it’s not surprising that it’s a bit slimmer than some others and lacks additional extras like a storage pouch. But as a quality tool for those who want to try gua sha without breaking the bank, you really can’t go wrong with this.

(Image credit: FaceGym)

3. FACEGYM Multi-Sculpt High Performance Gua Sha Best Metal Gua Sha Specifications RRP: $60/£45 Material: Hypoallergenic Stainless Steel Reasons to Buy + Ultra-cooling Feel + Hygienic Material + Six Sides for Versatile Treatments Reasons to Avoid – No Crystal The best Today’s Deals Check out NET-A-PORTER (opens in a new tab) Check Amazon (opens in a new tab)

This unusual metal gua sha tool could be a good choice for those who are already familiar with gua sha practice and want to improve their routine. Why? First, it’s extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of ways. It has not one, but six differently shaped edges, including typical long and curved sides for lymphatic drainage, as well as less common shorter eye area curves and collagen-boosting “teeth” (less scary than they sound).

While non-traditional, the stainless steel material makes for an ultra-cooling massager, especially if you keep it in the fridge (or even better, one of the best skincare fridges). It’s also super easy to keep it squeaky clean. We found this to be one of the best gua sha tools on our list as it was easy to grab and stayed resolute in our hands even when used with slippery facial oils and serums. It seems to conform to every contour, flowing gently along the jaw line, under the cheekbones and right into the eye area. It might not be the prettiest crystal option, but if you’re looking for a no-nonsense, effective, and quality tool, this deserves a spot on your vanity.

(Image credit: Herbivore Botanicals)

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4. Herbivore Botanicals Rose Quartz Gua Sha Best Budget Gua Sha Tool Specifications RRP: $18/£16 Material: Rose Quartz Reasons to Buy + Unique ‘wing’ shape + Affordable + Looks beautiful Reasons to avoid – Can chip easily Best deals from today Watch Rotate (opens in new tab)

What sets this Gua Sha tool apart from the rest is its unique shape, which allows you to target specific areas, use different techniques, and achieve different results with the same tool. Following the herbivore’s instructions, we used the longest edge to shape our jawline and cheekbones, the medium-length edge to promote lymphatic drainage, and the narrowest edge for general pressure and massage.

While the slight difference in the edges may seem gimmicky at first glance, we were pleasantly surprised to see how easy this tool made our Gua Sha practice. We were also able to get into the under eye area and perform a gentle massage that helped relieve puffiness under the eyes. By alternating the way we use this tool throughout our nightly skincare routine, we were able to reap all the benefits of gua sha without too much of a learning curve.

(Image credit: Kora Organics)

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5. KORA Organics Rose Quartz Heart Face Gua Sha Best Gift Gua Sha Tool Specifications RRP: $58/£52 Material: Rose Quartz Reasons to Buy + Great for cooling and calming puffiness + Looks appealing on your vanity + Great for gifts Reasons to avoid – Seems a little fragile Today’s best deals Check out LOOKFANTASTIC UK (opens in a new tab) Check Amazon (opens in a new tab)

Another Rose Quartz Gua Sha, another symbol of universal love. Too cute to pass up, this heart-shaped tool is just as effective as its standard-shaped counterparts. The unique heart-shaped stone not only makes it one of the cutest beauty gift ideas we’ve seen, but also allows you to use the tool’s angles to gently dig into problem areas and define the edges of your face.

We found that we had an additional cooling effect by placing the stone in the freezer for five to ten minutes before use. The heart shape helped cover wider areas on our cheeks, but we found it a bit awkward on the smaller areas of the face and on our forehead that need a bit of curvature. It’s still a cute alternative and a lovely gift for anyone in your life who is looking for the best skincare gadgets.

(Image credit: Sephora)

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6. Sephora Collection Gua Sha Face Roller Best Multipurpose Gua Sha Tool Specifications MSRP: $28 (US only) Features: Rose quartz tool; Face Roller Reasons to Buy + Unique design like no other tool + Clever and handy for on the go + 2-in-1 shape consolidates your facial tools Reasons to avoid – heavier Today’s Best Deals Check out Sephora (opens in new tab )

This two-in-one Gua Sha is definitely the most unique tool on our list. Our editors love this option for the two different face sculpting routines it offers: the rose quartz roller head can be used to target smaller areas on the face, while the larger stainless steel portion can be applied flat against the jawline in an uplifting motion.

If you’re just learning how to use a face roller, this is a savvy entry point as it offers an additional gua sha scraper on the handle. We appreciate this clever approach to consolidation, and while usage was slightly different due to the stainless steel feel (fingerprints too, sigh), we give it points for originality and appreciate the dual-tool appeal on small counter. Like many of the best gua sha products, this one benefits from refrigeration for a longer lasting cooling effect and can be used as part of an evening routine massage or morning decongestant.

(Image credit: ESPA gua sha)

7. ESPA Rose Quartz Gua Sha Tool Best Luxury Gua Sha Specifications RRP: $52/£40 Material: Rose Quartz Reasons to Buy + Ideal heart shape for massages + Works perfectly with ESPA skincare + Comes with handy storage pouch Reasons to avoid – Premium price point Today’s Best Deals View on UK (opens in a new tab) View on LOOKFANTASTIC UK (opens in a new tab) View on Beauty Expert UK (opens in a new tab)

There is a strong case for investing in this ESPA tool, one of the best gua sha tools we have come across. First of all, due to being made from ultra-durable Crystal Rose Quartz, this really is a skincare tool for life. Take good care of it and you’ll never have to buy one again.

Evidently a lot of thought went into the development of this particular Gua Sha as the elongated heart shape adapts perfectly to the contours of the face, sliding down the cheekbones and really reaching the jawline for an effective lymphatic massage. It works beautifully with some of ESPA’s best skincare products, which for the uninitiated are delightfully sensory serums and face oils. We found this gua sha to feel extra sturdy in the hand too, and loved the added touch of tossing it in a cute cotton wash bag to store the tool when you’re not using it.

(Image credit: Odacite)

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8. Odacité Crystal Contour Gua Sha Best Blue Sodalite Gua Sha Specs RRP: $45/£40 Material: Blue Sodalite Reasons to Buy + Unique Blue Sodalite Material + Pride Cruelty Free/PETA Certified Reasons to Avoid – Expensive Today’s Best Deals See Join Feelunique UK (opens in new tab) Watch at Feelunique UK (opens in new tab)

Blue sodalite is known to contain healing properties that induce emotional balance and a distinct calming feeling when used, promoting peace and inner calm every time. Odacité Crystal Blue Sodalite Gua Sha helped add an extra boost of calm and luxury to an otherwise normal Gua Sha routine, and what sets it apart from its counterparts is the tool’s heavier weight.

We found our gua sha experience more grounding and luxurious practicing with this weighty tool, and it had the added comfort factor of endorsing a PETA-certified, women-owned brand. Gorgeous for gifting, we appreciate the vanity flex we get from this unique stone, rather than the usual rose quartz and jade.

How to practice Gua Sha

Learning how to make gua sha is pretty easy. This facial massage technique is rooted in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here’s a brief introduction to get you started:

Prep Skin: It is important to properly prep your skin with a light facial oil before beginning to ensure you are not creating friction between your gua sha tool and your skin. By prepping the skin with facial oil, you ensure your gua sha moves in a smooth gliding motion. That way you won’t cause any unnecessary tugging or pulling. Move Slowly: Gua sha tools are a relatively democratized form of facial massage, but it’s important to move slowly and with caution. Slow, gentle upward movements are ideal and are best paired with moderate pressure. Move the tool up under the cheekbones, along the jaw line and gently under the eye area from the inner to outer corner. You want to apply enough pressure to feel the effects of the gua sha without hurting your skin or causing redness. Practice creates masters. Don’t get discouraged if you have trouble at first. Watch a few tutorials to get hands-on. You’ll find your feet at a Gua Sha in no time and will soon have your own personalized 10-minute routine.

woman&home would like to thank Francesca Canzano-Franklin (opens in new tab) from Philosophia Botanica (opens in new tab) and Charlotte Conwy (opens in new tab) from acu:east (opens in new tab) for their time and expertise.

What type of gua sha is best?

Best Overall: Lanshin Pro Gua Sha tool
  • Designed by an acupuncturist.
  • Works for all areas of the face.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

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At this point, you’ve probably heard of jade rollers, but remember our words – gua sha tools are the next eastern medicine skincare tool you need to try ASAP. “Gua Sha is a modality of traditional Chinese medicine that uses a tool like a stone that runs over the skin to relieve tension due to stagnation caused by water retention, muscle tension, or other congestion,” explains Giselle Wasfie, D.A.C.M. and Founder of Remix Acupuncture + Integrative Health in Chicago.

Byrdie Researched & Approved With multiple sides, Lanshin’s versatile Pro Gua Sha Tool is designed for use on all areas of the face and on different pressure points, making it our top choice. A budget-friendly option, Daily Concepts Gua Sha Facial Jade Tool offers all the benefits of jade at an affordable price.

While Gua Sha tools can be used all over the body, they are particularly beneficial for the face. They feel cooling and soothing — plus they can help promote lymphatic drainage to reduce swelling and inflammation, Wasfie says. While these are fairly immediate benefits, there’s a long-term game too: gua sha can help stimulate collagen production to plump up fine lines and boost skin elasticity. It’s also just a darn nice moment of self-care, says Wasfie. (And we agree.)

Ready for gua sha ing? Check out our list of the best gua sha tools below.

How long does gua sha last?

It’s important to keep the stone flat against your skin rather than using the pointed edges. A full gua sha routine begins with the neck, then moves on to the jaw, the under-eye area, the brow bone and ending with the forehead. Both Chiu and Plug recommend performing gua sha three times a week for around 15 minutes.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

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From eye-catching serums to break-fighting masks, we’ve seen many skincare products and techniques go viral on social media. However, one of the latest trends to adopt is not a “trend” at all. It is a skin care technique that has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine.

If you’ve seen videos of people gently and methodically massaging their face with flat pieces of jade and rose quartz, you’ve witnessed what is known as facial gua sha.

To find out why the tech is taking over social media, we asked the experts for everything you need to know about the ancient practice.

What is Guasha?

According to Sandra Lanshin Chiu, licensed acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist and founder of Lanshin, gua sha has been an important technique in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years — although it originally began as a way to relieve body pain. Traditional body Gua Sha uses a flat tool (usually made of stone) to treat pain and certain ailments with a quick and slightly aggressive scraping motion that often leaves red marks on the skin.

However, the facial gua sha we see today is a modified version that uses much gentler, more relaxing movements that are better suited to the delicate skin on the face. A full Gua Sha routine typically takes 15 minutes, starting at the neck and ending at the forehead.

What are the benefits of Gua Sha?

The upward and outward movements of the facial gua sha are said to increase circulation while lifting and tightening the skin, potentially resulting in a smoother complexion and more sculpted facial features. People have seen both physical and mental benefits from practicing Gua Sha, although licensed esthetician Britta Plug told us some results are more immediate than others.

“Blow-off is very quick because we’re working with the lymphatic system to remove stagnant lymph from the tissues,” Plug said. “The lifting, toning and firming is pretty immediate too.”

So while you can see a fairly quick improvement in areas like the cheekbones and under-eye areas, it will take a little longer before you notice a drastic difference in fine lines and wrinkles.

“With repetition over time, we can see a really big reduction in these chronic facial expressions,” Plug told us.

Chiu also noted that the massage technique can help reduce tension and knots in the face, neck, and shoulders, making it a great option for anyone dealing with headaches, sinus congestion, allergies, or jaw issues.

Aside from the physical benefits, it has also become known for its meditative properties.

“It’s a deeply relaxing self-care ritual that calms the nervous system,” Chiu said. “Now more than ever, it’s important to anchor yourself in practices that support health and emotional well-being.”

What do you need for Gua Sha?

First off, you’ll need a gua sha stone to practice the technique at home, and your favorite facial mist and oil to apply beforehand to give the stone some lubricity.

When you’re ready to dive headfirst into the world of gua sha, Chiu recommends her professional-grade tool made from high-quality nephrite jade, known for its healing properties.

If you’re looking for a more affordable way to try the trend, the Chiu brand also makes an introduction tool with a slightly slimmer design.

Plug also has its own Gua Sha line, offering a more traditionally shaped tool with a unique combed edge to liven up the flat surfaces of the face. It’s also available in a three-piece set that includes a facial oil and tonic specifically formulated for Gua Sha.

How to perform Gua Sha?

To put it incredibly simply, you begin by applying a facial mist and/or oil, then move the stone in outward, upward motions while applying light to medium pressure. It’s important to keep the stone flat against the skin rather than using the pointed edges.

A complete Gua Sha routine starts with the neck, then moves on to the jawline, under-eye area, brow bone, and ends with the forehead. Both Chiu and Plug recommend doing gua sha three times a week for about 15 minutes.

Chiu has created a helpful step-by-step guide to walk you through the entire process.

Sacheu Beauty founder Sarah Cheung also created a helpful tutorial using her stainless steel tool.

While both experts agreed that gua sha is safe for more skin types, those with inflamed skin due to rosacea or acne should either bypass those areas or wait for the inflammation to subside. New York dermatologist Joshua Zeichner noted that it shouldn’t be done on sunburned skin, and extra caution should be used by those who use retinol or frequent chemical peels.

If you want to use the trend for a test spin, there are several options to suit all budgets.

Sacheu Beauty specializes in serums and face products, and their stainless steel gua sha tool is a popular choice — it has a near-perfect 4.9-star rating. Unlike most gua sha tools, which are made from jade or quartz, this tool is made from stainless steel, which the brand says gives it antibacterial properties. It also makes it durable and self-cooling.

Rated 4.8 stars, this tool is made from beautiful rose quartz and comes in an equally pretty holder, according to reviewers.

“This stone is so smooth and easy to hold and use,” wrote a verified reviewer. “I was surprised at how good the quality is at such a low price!”

This gua sha and jade roller set is the best selling eye treatment roller on Amazon and has garnered over 10,000 verified five star reviews from buyers who can’t stop raving about how much of a “game changer” it is. It is available in three different colors: white, green and pink. Want to give your skin an extra boost? Put the tools in the fridge before using them.

Gua Sha by Mount Lai has over 48,000 “likes” on Sephora and will be available at Verishop soon. The popular tool sells out in both rose quartz and amethyst variations, but the jade tool brings the same anti-aging and firming benefits. More than 80 percent of reviewers said they would recommend the affordable tool to other buyers.

Fourth Ray’s Gua Sha tool is similar in design to most Gua Sha tools, but is crafted from an attractive opalite glass. Although buyers are still discovering the unique tool, it has received a full five-star rating from all of its reviewers.

This delicate butterfly shaped gua sha is made of rose quartz crystal. No matter how you use it, you’ll get an effective skincare technique because each side of the tool is designed to deliver results. It’s not just good for your skin – a portion of sales of Jenny Patinkin Gua Sha Tools goes to the AAPI Women Lead Organization.

This Gua Sha tool is made of natural jade. You can use the long sides to trace along your cheeks, forehead, chin and nose, and opt to use the serrated end on areas like your jawline. Reviewers have challenged it for its decongestant abilities.

Why is Gua Sha so popular now?

While gua sha isn’t new, the technique seems to have gained interest recently thanks to widespread tutorials on social media. Lizzo has also gone viral after posting about the practice on TikTok. Plug believes part of its appeal is that it offers an almost visual form of ASMR, as many people have told her that the videos have a relaxing quality to them.

People may also have more time than ever to devote to their skincare routine, so incorporating a more involved technique like gua sha might seem more manageable. While most of us typically try to save time with our skincare routines, Plug says many people find the ritual worth the extra 15 minutes.

“The feedback I get so often from people is like, ‘Thank you for sharing this practice. It gives me the excuse to take this time just for myself, and I feel so much better when I fill my own cup,'” Stecker said. “So not only are you investing time in something that promotes the vitality and appearance of your skin, but it also feels really, really good.

This feeling — which Plug says is sometimes affectionately called “Gua Sha-stoned” — is why the ritual can remain part of people’s routine once their daily lives return to a sense of normalcy.

“With facial gua sha, I think it’s really the feeling that keeps people coming back,” Plug said. “You kind of get addicted for the visual benefits, but taking care of your skin can promote relaxation and higher body, which is so important right now.”

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Which shape gua sha is best?

While a big gua sha can be used for the face and body, says Hsu, ‘pencil size is ideal for pressure points and the heart shape is good for targeting around the eyes, mouths, and face too’.

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

Acclaimed esthetician Su-Man Hsu shares everything you need to know about using a Gua Sha

How to use a Gua Sha and find the stone that works best for you

LED face masks and electronic skin massagers have their benefits, but sometimes the best skincare results come from the deceptively simple tools. A case in point is the Gua Sha, an architectural stone used in traditional Chinese medicine to transform the appearance of the skin through gentle massage.

Facial therapist Su-Man Hsu has been using the Gua Sha for years to achieve her famous “one hour face lift.” Hsu grew up in rural Taiwan, where she began experimenting with natural skincare formulations and non-invasive techniques. She’s since channeled these methods into practices in London and Paris, where she’s amassed a legion of devoted clients (including the seemingly ageless actress Juliette Binoche).

Below, Hsu answers frequently asked questions about the Gua Sha and the basics of its use.

Renowned beautician Su-Man Hsu will give you her Gua Sha facials

Gua Sha: the basics

Wallpaper*: What are the benefits of Gua Sha?

Su-Man Hsu: “Gua” means scraping and “sha” means bruises or petechiae. It literally means “scratch away the pain” – medicinally it can be used to relieve muscle pain, for example. Within a facial treatment, a slightly different application, Gua Sha can be used to increase circulation and dredge the meridian channel (natural energy) and in general the technique used is much gentler than medicinal applications.

A Gua Sha facial stimulates vital energy points on the face to release toxins while reducing sagging skin or discoloration. It also eliminates any chi stagnation, tightens facial muscles and minimizes the appearance of pores and fine lines. In general, it gives a lighter, healthier looking complexion.

W*: What are the different types of Gua Sha tools?

SMH: There are many different forms of gua sha tools and they all aim to do the same thing. In general, smaller shapes are for smaller areas, for example around the eyes and mouth. Larger shapes are for larger areas such as cheeks, forehead and other parts of the body. Small pointed round shapes are great for pressure points. However, you can be creative with the tool and it also depends on your own preferences.

W*: Are there different benefits for each type of stone (jade, rose quartz, nephrite, etc.)?

SMH: I know they’re all made to sound amazing for marketing reasons, but I’m sorry to say there aren’t any additional benefits to using a diamond studded tool! It’s really about knowing how to use it properly.

W*: Should a Gua Sha be used every day? And do you recommend morning or evening use?

SMH: Yes, you can integrate your Gua Sha into your everyday life. Either morning or evening works well as long as you give yourself the appropriate time. I always do my facial Gua Sha in the morning as it is a fantastic way to reduce puffiness and wake up your facial muscles early in the day.

However, to avoid damage to your skin, you should only scratch each area 5-10 times – definitely do not scratch the skin more than 15 times if you do this every day as this can over-irritate the skin and cause inflammation. For example, the skin around the eye is very thin, so I would only scratch it every three days.

W*: Any other tips to get the best results?

SMH: It’s important that the pressure is firm enough while being gentle. It is about quality treatment, not focused on quantity.

W*: Is there anything about using a Gua Sha that people often don’t know but should?

SMH: If you have sensitive skin or if you have rosacea, don’t do it too often as it can cause redness if used improperly.

W*: Should a Gua Sha be used with every product?

SMH: Yes, you need extra hydration to perform long, short, squeezing, or circular movements. No matter what strokes you use, you need to make sure your skin has enough oil or cream in it for you to perform the technique. I recommend my Cleansing Gel/Oil cleanser for this, as it glides on the skin so as not to over-irritate the tissue with strokes.

How to use a Gua Sha?

First, apply a moisturizer or oil to the skin.

Forehead: Place your supporting hand on one side of your forehead and hold it. With the other hand, take the flat side of the Gua Sha and run it along the forehead to the hairline. Give the Gua Sha a little wiggle to encourage lymphatic drainage. Repeat on the opposite side.

Take your supporting hand to one side of your forehead and hold it in place. With the other hand, take the flat side of the Gua Sha and run it along the forehead to the hairline. Give the Gua Sha a little wiggle to encourage lymphatic drainage. Repeat on the opposite side. Eyebrows: If using a Gua Sha with a heart-shaped rim, bring that side to the tip of your nose and rub along the eyebrow line to the temple. Give a little wiggle and repeat on the opposite side.

If using a gua sha with a heart-shaped rim, take that side to the bridge of your nose and rub along the eyebrow line to the temple. Give a little wiggle and repeat on the opposite side. Under the eyes: Hold the nose with your supporting hand and rub one of the curved edges under the eye line to the temple. Wiggle the gua sha as before, then repeat on the opposite side.

Hold the nose with your supporting hand and rub one of the curved edges below the eye line to the temple. Wiggle the gua sha as before, then repeat on the opposite side. The Cheekbone: Place your supporting hand over your mouth. Take the flat side of the gua sha so that it covers the length of the cheek and rub it up towards the ear. Then gently wiggle back and forth before repeating on the other side.

place your supporting hand over your mouth. Take the flat side of the gua sha so that it covers the length of the cheek and rub it up towards the ear. Then gently wiggle back and forth before repeating on the other side. The Jawline: Place your supporting hand in the center of your cheek. Take the two-pronged side of the gua sha and angle the center of your chin into the curve of the gua sha so that there is a prong on either side of the jaw. Rub along the jawline to the end of the ear. Give the gua sha a little wiggle and repeat on the other side.

Place your supporting hand on the center of your cheek. Take the two-pronged side of the gua sha and angle the center of your chin into the curve of the gua sha so that there is a prong on either side of the jaw. Rub along the jawline to the end of the ear. Give the gua sha a little wiggle and repeat on the other side. The Neck: Place your supporting hand on the collarbone. Take the long curved side of the gua sha and rub it up towards the chin. Wiggle slightly and repeat along the rest of the neck.

You can see a video of this process on Hsu’s Instagram, @sumanskincare.

Find the best Gua Sha for you

pencil good sha

While a large gua sha can be used on the face and body, says Hsu, “the pen size is ideal for pressure points, and the heart shape is also good for targeting around the eyes, mouth, and face.”

Your own pencil is a pointed tool that can be pressed against pressure points — temples, corners of eyes, lip ends, for example — to “stimulate vital energy points along the face” and release toxins.

Body comb Gua Sha

This jade body comb from Hayo’u is a gua sha designed for head-to-toe use. The comb can be swept over the scalp for a soothing scalp massage, or rubbed over the arms, torso and legs to soothe sore muscles, combat cellulite, combat water retention and tighten sagging skin.

This Gua Sha is especially good for those who suffer from computer-related neck and shoulder tension. Gently rub the body comb across the neck, shoulders and upper back for instant relief without leaving your desk.

The investment gua sha

Brooklyn-based Lanshin is New York’s hub for all things gua sha. The spa and shop offers the best gua sha facials in town and sells its own patented gua sha tools that you can use to recreate the practice at home.

We recommend the brand’s Pro Gua Sha tool, developed by its founder, Sandra Lanshin Chiu (acupuncturist, herbalist, and Chinese medicine-based facial gua sha and skincare expert). Crafted from precious black nephrite jade, this is a professional tool well worth the investment.

Multipurpose Gua Sha

The Fasha tool from Dubai-based brand Shiffa is a white crystal Gua Sha-like instrument. It has different pages for a variety of uses. The comb side can be used on the body or face for intense massage, the pointed side can be used on pressure points, the curved side can be used along the jawline and neck, while the circular side can be used under the eyes, along the cheekbones or others broader areas of the face.

The de-ordering Gua Sha

The Gua Sha from the natural deodorant brand Akt is not for your face, but for your armpits, neck and chest. Apply some of Akt’s perfumed deodorant balm to the top of the applicator and massage into skin for improved circulation and long-lasting freshness.

High Intensity Gua Sha

If a facial is tantamount to a yoga routine for your face—relaxing and restorative—then Face Gym is tantamount to a high-impact cardio workout. The brand’s facial massage technique and instruments are designed to exercise facial muscles and tone a transformative look.

Face Gym’s Cryo Stainless Steel Gua Sha is our favorite of the brand’s tools as it can be placed in the fridge for an extra boost of faster firming benefits.


Facial Gua Sha and Acupressure Massage | Gothamista

Facial Gua Sha and Acupressure Massage | Gothamista
Facial Gua Sha and Acupressure Massage | Gothamista

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5 things you need to know before buying a Gua Sha tool — Health Resonates

Gua Sha has been a big topic for home care lately, and with good reason! Regular Gua Sha massage can help give you vibrant, healthy skin while treating puffiness, age spots, and lines. If you’ve been thinking of coming to Gua Sha, there’s no better time than now! But first, here are a few things you might want to know.

1. Not every stone is the same.

Much like buying clean beauty products, you want to make sure you are buying a quality stone. A poor quality stone can allow toxins and dyes into your skin and is more likely to break if it’s not good enough. Look for a gua sha stone in the $25 to $55 range and make sure it is pure stone.

2. The type of stone is important.

Like picking a crystal, when picking a Gua Sha stone, you should think about your goals. We recommend using our Citrine Gua Sha stones as not all stones are created equal – so choose a great one. I recommend looking for a gua sha stone in the $35-$75 range and making sure it is pure stone. Otherwise, dyes or toxins can leak out and push them deep into your skin. I highly recommend these stones as they are authentic crystals carefully selected for their healing properties for the skin, body and soul.

3. You will need oil with this stone!

In order for Gua Sha to work properly, the tool must slide across your skin. This is a technique that involves your lymph to filter out the stagnant fluid. If the tool is gripped too hard, the work will be too intense to activate your lymphatic system. One of our favorite oils is Savor Beauty’s Pumpkin Seed Serum. This serum is enriched with Rosehip Oil and Pumpkin Seed Oil to brighten and nourish your skin. Over time you will see dark spots dissolve and give you a radiant complexion.

4. What to expect if you have acne.

You may have heard that gua sha and acne are a no-go. That’s not always true. There are certain Gua Sha techniques that place a heavy focus on your neck to stimulate lymphatic drainage, which can benefit breakout clearing. However, when you suffer from acne, you often experience a detox before your skin improves. Before starting gua sha, we recommend speaking to your skincare specialist and doing additional research on gua sha for acne.

5th release changes the Gua Sha game.

If you are looking for deep tension release, we recommend trying a Gua Sha wand. These are wonderful for getting into areas of the neck, scalp and face and can also be used all over the body. Your self-massage skills will benefit from trying this tool!

Check out my Gua Sha tutorial here!

Why Gua Sha Is Good For You

You can find a lot of wonderful things on social media—and a lot of questionable things too. Gua sha is not one of those questionable things. While it may seem like something you’d see on a late-night commercial, this time-honoured muscle-scratching technique has many benefits. Licensed Acupuncturist Tim Sobo, LAc, explains what gua sha is and offers some helpful tips to ensure your experience is satisfying, not scary.

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What is Guasha?

Gua Sha has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According to TCM principles, your qi (pronounced “chi”), or energy, needs to be flowing through your body in order for you to feel good. When qi stagnates in certain areas, it is believed that health problems can arise. In gua sha, a practitioner (in many cases an acupuncturist) will use a smooth-edged tool to gently scrape areas of your body where there is inflammation or stagnant qi to improve circulation and promote healing.

“Gua Sha is a very standard treatment that most acupuncturists will use. Its meaning, loosely translated, means “scratch, rub or press”. Essentially, gua sha is just a tool-assisted type of massage,” explains Sobo.

The difference between Gua Sha and the Graston technique

Physical therapists sometimes incorporate muscle scraping to stretch and relax muscles or scar tissue. While this is pretty much Gua Sha, it is known in the industry as the Graston Technique®. In 1990, David Graston, an amateur athlete, introduced his version of Gua Sha to the United States. Sobo says that while qi is more associated with gua sha, both muscle scratching methods are about the same.

“The Graston technique is just a proprietary version of the Gua Sha massage technique. The difference is that you receive Graston from a physical therapist. You will discuss the technique entirely in anatomical or physiological terminology. If you go to a very strict acupuncturist, you are likely to hear more about promoting qi and blood circulation and helping to break up energy stagnation in your body. But at the end of the day, both therapies have the same goal.”

Is Gua Sha routinely offered during acupuncture sessions?

Sobo adds that while acupuncturists are trained in gua sha, it’s not always offered during acupuncture sessions. This could result in it not making sense for the areas of the body being treated, or an acupuncturist simply choosing not to. But if you are interested in experiencing Gua Sha, you can always request it when making an appointment.

Does Gua Sha hurt?

When you read that gua sha involves “scratching,” you might cringe. However, a practitioner will not scrape your body like a car windshield in the middle of winter. Gua Sha is gentle overall and may increase in intensity depending on the type of knots your acupuncturist encounters.

Sobo gives us a better idea of ​​how it works.

“Gua sha tools have smooth, rounded edges. They will not cut, prick, or pinch you. Before your acupuncturist begins, they will first massage the treatment area with cream or lotion and then adjust things to your comfort level. An acupuncturist will not simply go as hard as possible on a point. You’ll find the tight tissue, work it gently, and gradually build the intensity to encourage circulation and help break up the twisted areas.”

The benefits of Gua Sha

It has been reported that Gua Sha can help alleviate various health problems. Sobo says gua sha is good for musculoskeletal issues, especially severe ones like tension in the shoulders, legs, and back. It can also help relieve tension headaches, migraines, neck pain, or swelling in your body. Sobo adds that gua sha can even help with anxiety, fatigue, insomnia and menopausal symptoms when used alongside acupuncture.

“We only encourage this Qi flow through the body. We help ensure better blood supply and proper nerve conduction to keep everything moving through your body as it should. When you do gua sha, you hope that any symptoms you are experiencing will subside. That is the overarching goal.”

He adds: “With Gua Sha, acupuncture and TCM, we look at a variety of diseases. When you don’t have this smooth flow of blood and energy throughout your body, it can manifest itself as muscle knots, soreness, weakness, or pain. Acupuncture along with Gua Sha will only help to promote the blood supply and the conduction of everything through the tissues in a healthy way so that we can make your body as homeostatic as possible.

Gua Sha for the body

Sobo says gua sha is tissue dependent for the body, meaning you want to work in a way that supports treatment goals.

“When you have a muscle knot, you want to start traversing it with your gua sha tool. You should work perpendicular to the muscle fibers so you can break any adhesions. Then you want to go towards the muscle fibers to lengthen them and get them back in the right direction. With those painful knots in your upper shoulders, you want to go back and forth over them with your tool to break the knots. Once things loosen up, start moving your gua sha tool towards the muscle fibers, which is usually inside out. However, you shouldn’t start gua sha in that direction, as you’ll only make the tissue tighter.”

Gua Sha for the face

You’ve probably seen people rubbing gua sha stones on their faces on social media and wondered what’s going on. Gua sha has been shown to help relieve facial tension, reduce swelling and inflammation, and may even help reduce sinus pressure. However, because the facial muscles are much thinner, you should avoid applying too much pressure when working on this area.

“In general, facial muscles are very thin and don’t bulge like other muscles. With gua sha on your face, you don’t want to pull your tool off the outside edges of your face. Instead, split your face in half and use your nose as the focal point. When working under your eyes, start at your nose and work your gua sha tool outward. Keep your tool in a smooth, straight line. Do not vigorously rub your gua sha tool back and forth, up and down and at all different angles as this will only stretch and aggravate the skin. Keep things in a smooth direction and do it enough to get a little redness but not so much that it hurts.”

To kick things off, you can even apply a lotion or serum before using gua sha on your face. This way your tool will glide over the skin much more easily. Sobo suggests avoiding overly swollen areas. You shouldn’t push in too hard because you can rupture capillary beds and bruise your face.

What Kind of Gua Sha Tool Do You Need?

According to Sobo, you can simply use a small wooden spoon or get yourself a gemstone gua sha tool. Whatever you choose, keep it clean and in good condition.

“There is no clinical difference between one and the other. You just want to get a tool that you can easily clean and maintain. And if it chips or breaks, which it shouldn’t do but it can, stop using it. If you get a small cut in a jade gua sha facial tool, you don’t want to rub that all over your face.

Sobo says you always want to work with a clean tool. He adds that some tools can be cleaned in boiling water or with a diluted bleach solution.

Who Should Avoid Gua Sha?

Most people should tolerate gua sha well, but if you have problems with your circulation or diabetes, let your doctor know before starting the session. That way, they know how to adjust the pressure to prevent potential problems.

While you might think gua sha would be too much for someone with peripheral neuropathy, Sobo says that’s not the case. He adds that when used in conjunction with acupuncture, gua sha can help increase blood flow for people with peripheral neuropathy. But if you’re taking blood thinners, your doctor should either avoid gua sha or do it very gently so they don’t rupture too many blood vessels.

And as with most things, if you’re uncomfortable, speak up

If you are new to acupuncture and gua sha, you may not know what to expect from the intensity of these services. Know right away that these services shouldn’t hurt or leave you with bruises. If you find yourself digging your nails into the table or tensing severely at any point during your session, you must inform the practitioner immediately so that they can adjust accordingly.

“You have to be comfortable saying, ‘Ouch, that hurts,’ because the acupuncturist won’t know unless you tell them. At the same time, the acupuncturist must explain to you that you will not receive any beneficial treatment if you are in pain. They try to loosen things up. If it hurts too much, you will only tense up more and the acupuncturist will just walk around in circles trying to make you feel better. So for you to get relief, everyone has to be on the same page.”

How To Use A Gua Sha: Facial Massage Techniques

However, if you’re an existing subscriber and have spotted your very own Gua Sha in your February box but aren’t sure how to use it, we’re here to help. We’ve figured out everything you need to know, from what it is to how to best use it…

What is a Gua Sha?

Although a gua sha is a trendy facial massager today, it actually has a lot of history. Originally an ancient Chinese healing technique, Gua Sha is a natural, alternative therapy that involves scraping the skin with a small tool.

What are the benefits of using a Gua Sha?

This unique approach to better health comes with many benefits. These include:

Improved blood flow

Reduced inflammation and lymphatic drainage

Relieve tension in face and neck

Improved appearance of fine lines and dark circles

How to use a Gua Sha

While they might look like a scary or confusing skin care tool, a gua sha is actually pretty easy to use. And besides the face, it can also be used on the body and scalp, but make sure you don’t use it on bare skin. It is best to use it with water or an oil to ensure your skin is protected!

Once you’ve moistened your skin, simply follow the steps below:

Hold your gua sha against your face with the curved side. Gently glide up and out, starting at the neck. Make sure you stroke down the throat, never up, to drain fluid. Next, go to your jawline, chin, and around your mouth, stroking the skin between three and five times per area. Make short strokes in one direction at a time, not back and forth. If you want to reduce swelling, work lightly and then harder to relax muscles. Press the tool flat against the skin and next, gently stroke under the eyes or over redness to soothe and eliminate puffiness. Finish by sweeping the tool across the brow bone in small horizontal strokes to lift, or hold between the brows and push up to release tension.

How a Gua Sha helps different areas of your face

Neck – Gentle downward movements increase blood flow, tighten and tighten the skin.

Jaws, cheeks and chin – Strokes from the inside of your face outwards will tone your complexion and tighten your skin.

Nose – Gentle short strokes reduce swelling.

Eyes – Strokes under the eyes reduce lines and dark circles while soothing, decongesting and reducing redness.

Forehead – Horizontal strokes across the brow bone to smooth wrinkles, tighten skin and release tension.

When should I use a Gua Sha?

To see real results, we recommend using your Gua Sha about 2 to 3 times a week. But the time of day really depends on the type of results you’re looking for. In the morning, a Gua Sha treats swelling and energizes the skin. While at night you’re more likely to work to relax facial muscles and loosen tight connective tissue on your face.

What is the difference between a Gua Sha and a Jade Roller?

While both a gua sha and roller aid in lymphatic drainage, a gua sha targets the fibrous tissues on the face to relieve tension as well as tone and tighten the skin. The shape of the Gua Sha is perfectly designed to “shape” the facial muscles by simultaneously applying pressure and stretching the muscles.

How fast will I see results with a Gua Sha?

In terms of swelling and tension relief, you will see results almost immediately. However, we recommend using your Gua Sha a few times a week to see the other benefits this tool can bring. After a few weeks of regular use, a tighter and more toned complexion will appear!

Buy your Gua Sha and reap the benefits!

Cooling and soothing on the skin, the ESPA Rose Quartz Gua Sha Tool is specially designed to conform to the contours of your face.

Perfect for a daily act of devotion, this heart-shaped crystal – which also promotes unconditional love and peace – glides effortlessly across all corners of your face. It promotes natural beauty and inner peace and is the ideal companion for a mindful skin care ritual.

Your tools are also safely stored and protected from damage in a cotton bag with a drawstring!

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