Hair Removal Moon Calendar? Best 173 Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “hair removal moon calendar“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

When should I cut my hair moon?

First Quarter (Waxing Moon)

If you’re looking to have your hair grow faster, it has been said this is the ideal time to get a trim. Ridding yourself of dead, split ends has been proven to help hair grow at a quicker rate, just like ridding plants of dead branches and twigs improves the rate at which they grow.

What dates are waxing moon?

Moon Phases Calendar
  • Friday, July 1st, 2022. Waxing Crescent.
  • Saturday, July 2nd, 2022. Waxing Crescent.
  • Sunday, July 3rd, 2022. Waxing Crescent.
  • Monday, July 4th, 2022. Waxing Crescent.
  • Tuesday, July 5th, 2022. Waxing Crescent.
  • Wednesday, July 6th, 2022. First Quarter.
  • Thursday, July 7th, 2022. Waxing Gibbous.
  • Friday, July 8th, 2022.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

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Do you cut your hair on a new moon or full moon?

Lauren explains that when the moon is waxing or becoming full, it’s “considered astrologically ‘wise’ to cut hair, as the energy is building toward bounty and lusciousness.” But when it’s waning (the period in between the full moon and new moon), it’s not the best idea to get a cut.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

You are completely addicted to your daily horoscope app. You blame retrograde Mercury when your phone dies or your car breaks down. But are you already consulting the moon about your haircuts?

Sure, this question sounds a little ridiculous, but there’s nothing more ridiculous than reconsidering that Tinder date after finding out you’re a Scorpio (no offense Scorps). Plus, it’s logical to schedule your salon appointment around the phases of the moon: Biodynamic farming science tells us that the waxing and waning of the moon affects plant growth. And as the internet tells us, people are basically just plants with more complicated emotions. Ergo, the moon influences hair growth…right?! Maybe we should just let a real astrologer explain it.

(Image Source: Unsplash / Ganapathy Kumar)

“The traditional ideology around hair care and the moon is mostly related to the phases of the moon,” Lauren Tisza, an astrologer and psychospiritual mentor, told Mane Addicts. “The moon goes through many degrees of illumination during its 28-day cycle. Depending on whether the moon is waxing or waning (becomes more or less bright), your hair growth is said to be impaired.”

Lauren explains that on the waxing or full moon, “it is considered astrologically ‘wise’ to cut hair as the energy builds toward fullness and lushness.” But when it’s waning (the time between full moon and new moon), it is not the best idea to make a cut. If you want your hair to grow back at a normal rate, that is. It is written in the stars that with the disappearance of the moon, every semblance of growth also disappears.

That’s not the only reason not to align a big swipe with the full moon. “The full moon and the days before it tends to be a very emotional time, so you tend to act on impulse,” Alice Bell, the astrologer behind British Vogue’s weekly horoscopes, tells Mane Addicts. “You should think rather than act immediately because your emotions are kind of in flux.” In other words, you probably don’t make the most sensible decisions on a full moon, and your strands could pay the price. Instead, the stargazer suggests a snip-snip around the new moon. “New moons are for new beginnings. If you want to do a drastic haircut, that would be a better option,” she says. “Or do it on the waxing moon, in the days after the new moon.”

(Image Source: Unsplash / Dylan Sauerwein)

If you want to get really specific, Lauren says, you can look at the “elemental dominance of the sign the Moon is in on the day you decide to cut your hair.” Basically, the moon moves through a new astrological house (or sign) every few days, and each house has its own unique characteristics. “Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio) are generally considered the most fertile for growth,” she explains. So if you’re planning a little grooming cut while you let your hair grow out, make an appointment while the moon is visiting a water sign.

“When the Moon is in a stable earth sign like Virgo or Capricorn, it’s better to cut because no details are missed,” Alice adds. “If it’s a rebellious air sign like Aquarius, your hair might be all over the place, so it’s better not to do anything drastic.” And when the Moon moves through a fire sign like Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius? Maybe cancel the salon session just to be on the safe side.

Of course, the cosmos is infinite and the moon isn’t the only celestial being that can disrupt your hair care routine. “Venus is the planet associated with beauty. So when Venus goes retrograde, which happens about every year and a half, you should definitely try to avoid major beauty changes,” advises Bell. “It’s more likely that something will go wrong and it won’t turn out the way you expected.”

After those calculations, you have, uh, three full days a month to plan an astrologically sound haircut. But before you maniacally rearrange your iCal, should you know that Lauren doesn’t really believe in the whole moon-hair connection thing? Rather, she believes that each individual is in control of their own destiny in each moment, no matter what the moon may say.

“Astrology is wonderfully flexible when used well, allowing everyone room for their own unique experiences when it comes to the reality we participate in,” explains the astrologer. “If you enjoy astrology, I would urge you to use it as a ‘guiding star’ in your life. But always know that, fundamentally, you are the one who determines your reality.” And the reality of your hair.

If you’re trying to grow your hair, you might want to kick alcohol, too. THIS is what drinking does to your hair!

What moon phase is best for cleaning?

Waning Moon Energy—When it is waning (shrinking), it is the ideal time of the month for letting go and cleansing. Full Moon Energy—Cosmically speaking, the full Moon is the time of the month where energy peaks and then releases, like a “cosmic sigh.”

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

There is undeniably a natural rhythm in the universe, be it the seasons or something more cosmic like the phases of the moon.

We know that the moon’s gravitational pull causes a predictable rise and fall in sea levels. And since our bodies are mostly made up of water, it makes sense that we could also benefit from the phases of the moon on a much smaller scale. People often find that they feel more inspired and productive when they align their energies with the specific energies of the moon. Attunement to nature and the environment around us has been shown to help us understand ourselves on a deeper level. For this reason, many people participate in monthly “full moon rituals” to align with nature’s cycles to gain perspective and reconnect with themselves.

How lunar rituals can help us heal

More and more people are discovering that harnessing the magic of the moon is a great time to enhance their spiritual practices. Using the phases of the moon to implement lunar rituals into your self-care routine has been claimed to help deal with emotions and intuition. Repeated and predictable acts or “rituals” of self-love can have healing effects on our mind and body. Prescribing a monthly lunar ritual can help you detach from the hustle and bustle of life, reconnect with nature, and live life with more purpose.

Attunement to nature and the environment around us has been shown to help us understand ourselves on a deeper level.

Harnessing the cyclical energy of the moon

Establishing rituals around the energy of the moon is not a new idea. Harnessing the power of the moon has been an ancient tradition in all cultures for thousands of years, originating in places like Egypt and Babylonia. In fact, our own Best Days and Moon Gardening formulas rely heavily on the phases of the moon.

The power of synchronizing our inner rhythm with the rhythm of nature can be refreshing and energizing. The full cycle of the moon takes about 29+ days, going from a new moon to a full moon and back again. These phase changes indicate a change in energy.

Waxing Moon Energy – When the moon is waxing (growing), it is said to be an ideal time to manifest what you want.

Waning Moon Energy – As it wanes (shrinks), this is the ideal time of the month to let go and cleanse.

Full Moon Energy – Cosmically, the full moon is the time of the month when energy peaks and then is released, like a “cosmic sigh.”

Since the full moon is considered the “energetic peak” of the month, it’s the perfect time to harness your power and practice a little self-care. Whether it’s physical cleansing (Marie Kondo-style decluttering and decluttering) or emotional cleansing (letting go of negative thoughts, patterns, behaviors, and even relationships), “manifesting with the moon,” as it’s called, wins as a promotional tool in popularity Take care of yourself and better manage your daily stressors. You will also often see rituals associated with nourishment, intuition, and tapping into creativity.

Think of each full moon as a new chapter, a chance to start over, much like the moon itself does in its cycle.

16 self-care full moon rituals to try

Try these simple full moon rituals to harness the powerful energy of the full moon. Pick a few—or all—of these rituals to perform each month in the 48-hour window surrounding a full moon.

1. Ground yourself

The time before the full moon can often make people moody, sensitive and tired. It’s helpful to use this time to stop and ask yourself how you’re doing physically and emotionally? How are your relationships and career? Being in tune with your feelings will help you stay grounded and make positive changes efficiently. The full moon is the perfect time to look inward and recalibrate.

2. Tune in to nature

Surrounding yourself with nature is calming and grounding. Reinforcing your call to nature around the full moon can help calm troubling feelings or clear up unanswered questions. Spending time in nature has healing properties and can help your body better adjust to its natural rhythms. Find a place to sit quietly and enjoy its splendor, or take a walk or hike in the forest.

3. Try meditating

Meditation offers the perfect opportunity to sit down with your thoughts and reflect. Harness the energy of the full moon, when emotions often surface, for a meditative introspection. It only takes five minutes. Not good at meditating? There are many guided meditations online that you can tune into for guidance.

4. Explore deep breathing

The pull of the full moon can often trigger strong emotions and uncomfortable sensations. Deep breathing allows you to unleash these emotions. Turn off your phone and find a quiet place to sit and listen to the rise and fall of your abdomen as you inhale and exhale. Sometimes it helps to put your hand on your heart and stomach and take a few deep breaths. Repeat as many times as you like to relax and ground your body.

5. Keep a journal

Around the full moon is the perfect time to dust off that old journal. It can be helpful to write down how you are feeling or to write answers to questions you have asked yourself. This is also a good time to write down things you would like to manifest in your life or goals you may have. This time of month can leave some people feeling insecure or unfocused, so brainstorming or journaling can help you focus on what you want and what you want to let go of. Writing can help you identify what’s bothering you (a habit, a situation, a person, etc.) and give you more clarity than just thinking about it.

6. Clean your physical space

Clearing your physical space helps clear negative energy and makes room for what you are asking to come in. Clear your home of clutter and things that no longer bring you joy. Open the windows to let in fresh air, lay down clean sheets, wipe down surfaces or water your air-purifying plants. Some people also perform an incense ceremony to purify the negative energy in the air.

7. Say thank you

Recognizing what we currently have has a tremendous impact on our self-care. Celebration and thanksgiving are amplified during the full moon and can have positive effects on your body and even help you manifest your future wants and desires.

8. Eat a healthy, natural meal

Just as it is important to cleanse your physical and mental space, eating a healthy meal during the full moon will help cleanse your body. Choose fresh, unprocessed ingredients with lots of vegetables and grains. In summer, fresh, raw, locally grown fruits and vegetables can have a cleansing effect. In winter, soups, stews or curries can be nourishing and deeply calming.

9. Tie up loose ends

Think of the full moon as the completion phase in its cycle. This is a great time for you to wrap things up too. Do the odd jobs that have been put off and tick off any tedious things still lurking on your to-do list to make room for new projects as you grow. It’s also helpful to look back at what you’ve already checked off. Pat yourself on the back, be proud of what you’ve accomplished!

10. Dance it out

A full moon is about letting things go, this includes some of that energy. Go ahead and dance it out! Dress up or dance right in your pajamas. Get that body moving and release some stored energy. The tradition of dancing the full moon actually dates back to ancient times, and many cultures around the world are known for gathering in circles and dancing under the full moon.

11. Take a moonlight walk

Walking under the full moon can be magical. Its soft glow can have a calming effect, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed. Stand outside in the light of the full moon and bathe in its power. Imagine what the trees and sky look like in the moonlight. Pay special attention to the sounds and smells of the night air.

12. Take a bath (or a shower)

Taking a cleansing bath as part of your full moon ritual has many benefits. Use this time to relax, meditate, and center yourself by focusing on your breath. As you drain the tub, imagine you’re dumping whatever is no longer useful to you – straight down the drain. If you’re not a bath person, take a shower. Focus on washing away the dirt, negative energy, and things you’ve accumulated throughout the day (or month) and imagine the water healing you as it drains from your body.

13. Write a letter and burn it

Because the Full Moon is all about completion—cleansing, letting go, and removing what no longer works for you—this is the best time to write down your deepest inner thoughts and then release all that wasted energy by watching as she burns (sure, of course).

14. Write down your intentions

Writing down your intentions will help you manifest them in your actual life. Are you reaching your goals? If not, ask yourself why and start developing a plan to be proactive. Reconsider your goals. Do they still speak to you? If not, change your plan and adapt it to your new vision.

15. Make moon water

Some people “brew” a batch of moonwater as part of their full moon ritual, claiming it is a powerful body and home cleansing tool. To make moon water, simply place a glass of water outside under the direct light of the full moon to allow it to soak up its power. You can drink it daily and remember your intentions. You can also use it to water your plants, clean your home, or add it to a spray bottle with a few drops of essential oil to make a facial toner.

16. Relax

Sometimes the best way to celebrate this moon phase is to relax. Cleanse your space, mind and body, then sit back and relax. Often it is only in silence that we can fully see what is happening inside and around us.

Be sure to check out our moon phase calendar so you always know what phase the moon is in!

When should I cut my hair for 2022?

The entire month of April is the best time of the year to get your hair cut in 2022!

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

It’s Aries, Mercury is Direct and Venus is Exalted! Whether you are new to astrology or have been following it for a while. That is why April 2022 is the best time to get your hair cut. Or if you want to color and add highlights to your hair. Or any fresh new look, length or hairstyle. The stars, planets and energies are all aligned this April. So what are you waiting for?!

Why April 2022 is the best time to get your hair cut

For some of us, especially if you have wavy, curly, or curly hair. Going to the hairdresser can be a dreaded or even traumatic process. And so for many it is something we avoid and put off for as long as possible. For many reasons, such as unkind comments about our hair texture. How much hair we have, how difficult it is to brush, manage, etc. So if you’ve ever needed the alignment of the stars and planets. Or you are waiting for the energies to be in your favor and the universe to be behind you, now is the time! And that’s why April 2022 is the best time to get your hair cut. Let me explain why.

2022 is a Venus year

Let’s start with the year, it’s 2022 which is a 6 year year in numerology. (You add up all the numbers of the year, which gives you 6.) And the number 6 is ruled by Venus. Venus is the Roman goddess of love and planet of love and money. And all love should start with self-love, right? In astrology, planets closest to Earth have the greatest impact on our lives. We can feel their energies most strongly, and Venus is one of those planets. In this way we feel their energies more strongly in our lives. If you’re skeptical, just visit any beach along the coast during the four days after the full moon. The tide is always so much higher and further up the beach as the lunar cycles and gravity affect the tides and large bodies of water. WE are also a great body of water…

Venus is no longer retrograde

Venus rules love and romance, grace and harmony, pleasure and charm, beauty and the beautification process. As well as personal taste, aesthetics and attractiveness. In case you haven’t seen my Instagram post, Venus has been retrograde recently. That is, the planet appears to be moving backwards. When this happens, it’s not a good time to get a haircut, color, or make any drastic changes to your hair! Venus retrograde vibes can make us want to make dramatic changes and bold decisions with our hair, which is usually not the best idea and we will most likely regret. You know, like bangs, the big chop, blonde, balayage… stuff like that.

Trims and root touch-ups are fine, but you’re better off and your future self will thank you if you wait until Venus is out of retrograde to make any drastic changes. Past their shadow phase, meaning the planet is no longer in reverse motion. And has completed retracing her steps, “directly stationed” which is the point the planet was at before it began (to appear) to go backwards/retrograde. And now it’s moving forward again. When Venus is in retrograde, it’s especially important to avoid bold color choices that could damage your hair! Olaplex can only do so much. Definitely check out this post if you want healthy curls and color!

Venus is exhaulted into Pisces

In your natal chart, Venus determines how you love (yourself and others) and want to be loved. As well as how you spend your money, the types of gifts we buy, and how we like to treat ourselves and others. Venus, planet of love and money, rules over Taurus. A decadent and sensual earth sign whose focus is on material things and sensual experiences. It also rules Libra, an air sign for balance, harmony, and relationships.

But Venus is exhausted in Pisces. This means that all vibrations and energies of Venus are amplified, stronger and at their highest expression and potential when in Pisces. Venus has recently stationed direct on January 29th of this year and will enter Pisces on April 5th. This is another reason why April 2022 is the best time to get your hair cut.

It’s Aries season!

As an Aries, this time of year makes me feel clearer, more centered, and more determined about what I want. As soon as Aries season begins, I book an appointment with the hairdresser right away – or treat myself to a DIY cut! I don’t know if it’s because of my birthday season and I want a new shape or a new cut. Or if it has more to do with the fact that Aries is all about the self and rules the head, including our hair. But every time I talk about it on social media. So many of you say you do the same. Let me know in the comments. Are you doing this specifically in Aries season (March 20-April 20)? Or in your own birthday month or zodiac season? I’m so curious to know if it’s an Aries thing or a birthday month thing…or maybe it’s a spring thing?

The vernal equinox on March 20th or 21st (depending on where you are in the world) marks the start of Aries season! It’s the first sign of the zodiac and the best time for new beginnings. You will be much better off, have a better mindset and will see better results if you set intentions and goals for the year ahead on the Aries new moon. Then on January 1st you are in the middle of winter, a slow, cold, dark sleep time!

Ruled by Mars, Aries season is great for new beginnings and action. New beginnings, clean slates, Aries energy empowers us to make bold, new, and confident decisions. The Sun, which governs our confidence and self-esteem, is exalted in Aries. Provides the perfect opportunity to be your bold, confident, uncompromising self and style. And because Aries rules the self, and more specifically the head (and hair). That’s just one more reason why April 2022 is the best time to get your hair cut.

New Moon in Aries

The new moon in Aries on April 1st. This is the perfect time to set your intentions, get style inspiration and make that appointment for a new haircut and/or color. This is a positive and optimistic moon that boosts our confidence. The energies of a new moon linger about four days after the new moon. The New Moon is all about setting intentions, so don’t worry if you don’t get an appointment that exact day. Because Aries are very goal oriented and focused. It is literally the perfect, most divine timing to do anything you want, especially anything self related. The entire month of April is the best time of year to get a haircut in 2022!

Mercury is in Aries

If you don’t already know, when Mercury is retrograde, it’s never a good time to go to a new barber, hair salon, or get a new haircut or color. Because it dominates communication, ideas, inspiration and what we want can literally get lost in translation. Mercury retrograde = miscommunication. And that’s the last thing you want when you visit the hair salon! And is mostly the cause of bad experiences and results when sitting in the chair.

Mercury, the planet of communication, aligns with Jupiter, the planet of happiness, fortune and abundance, bringing us positivity and happiness. However, Mercury just passed into Aries at the end of March to mid-April. Communication of meaning is clear, direct and to the point. This is exactly the type of communication you need when discussing a new haircut, color, cut and shape with your hairstylist. Read this post for more tips on the best haircut for wavy and curly hair and how to tell your barber what you want.

Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces

But the absolutely perfect date to make your dream haircut, shape or color a reality. Or what you may never have dared to do is April 12th. This is the date of a one-time conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Which hasn’t happened since 1856 and won’t happen in our lifetime. So am I saying that on April 12th you could get the haircut and color of your life? Well, I’m not NOT saying that…

Astrologer Narayana Montúfar says, “This is an opportunity to use the unapologetic and courageous fire of Aries to plant the seed of a great dream that we want to manifest.” Another astrologer, Lisa Stardust, agrees that this one day will be magical. He added: “This is the most amazing time for manifestation. So make sure you set your intentions and are clear about what you want to add to your life.” On April 28, Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces. This is another great day as you receive all the positive energies and benefits of these planets coming together.

Not just April 2022…

There are so many reasons why April 2022 is the best time to get your hair cut. But it’s not just this April! April or more specifically Aries season or anytime after the new moon in Aries is always the best time of year to get your hair cut, dyed or given a new look, colour, length or style. But it just so happens that there are many other planets, alignments and conjunctions in the sky in 2022 that make this year particularly auspicious.

Some advice before booking your hair appointment… the cut

Now that you know all the reasons why April is the best time of year to get your hair cut in 2022. Before you book your hairdressing appointment, let me give you some tips and advice. I’ve written about this a few times on the blog. But be sure to check out the best haircut for curly hair and the related YouTube video. Show exactly how you communicate and show your barber the exact shape and length you want on your hair. So there is no confusion, miscommunication or misunderstanding.

Because more often than not, the inspo pics you show your hairstylist will have a completely different curl pattern and density than your hair. This means that expectations are unrealistic and therefore unattainable right from the start. Which leads to an inevitable disappointment. This is why the blog post and video I created is so important for clear communication as you use your OWN hair to show the length and shape you want. OR… most of the images used in this post are from The Waterfall Wolf Cut that I created! I will feature it in my next blog post and a full YouTube video tutorial. So be sure to stay tuned, subscribe and get notified!

The color…

If you are thinking of getting color, highlights or balayage, PLEASE read this post on How To Maintain Healthy Hair With Coloring! I’m talking about the treatments to ask about during your salon color appointment. What you need to do to prepare the hair and have it in the best condition before your appointment. The products you must use at home to maintain healthy hair after the coloring process. And my top tips for harm reduction. So you don’t have to choose between color and curls. Based on the advice I share in this post, I was able to bleach and highlight my hair two days in a row in 2020 and have maintained healthy hair and curl definition ever since!

I really hope you found this post helpful and interesting. On Instagram I talk a lot about astrology, lunar cycles and zodiac signs. But on the blog it’s a little different for me. Let me know if you enjoyed this post and would like more posts of this nature in the future.

Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss a post or announcement. You can follow me on Instagram @curlmaven for more bite-sized content, tips and advice in my stories, highlights, reels and videos. Or visit my YouTube channel for more laundry days and tutorials. Follow me on Pinterest or visit my Facebook page.

feeling overwhelmed?

If you feel overwhelmed by all the tips, advice and product recommendations. Click here for more information about my Curl Clinics®. A completely bespoke curl consultation service tailored to you and your hair. Designed to get your waves and curls back and achieve your healthy hair goals. Or book here!

gratitude & support

If you found this post or any of my content helpful and want to show your gratitude and support, you. can click here to donate. I am so incredibly grateful and appreciative of everyone who supports me, my content and my platform. Your support allows me to keep providing FREE organic content and keep my blog FREE from Google Ads. And building Curl Maven as a brand and everything that I have planned. Thank you very much! Gabriella x

Which days we should not cut hair?

Tuesday– Cutting hair and nails on Tuesday is considered inauspicious. It is believed that the person’s age is reduced by haircut this day. Wednesdays – The hair and nails cut into the house.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

In the Sanatan Dharma, many types of beliefs and traditions are followed in daily life. There are some beliefs about cutting hair, nails and beard. In Hinduism, haircuts are considered auspicious on some days of the week and unfavorable on some days. Let us know what the rules are seven days a week.

Relevant Monday Monday is considered the moon. Hairdressing on Monday brings down stress and health. On Monday, the hair and beard cut child was found at risk.

Tuesday – Cutting hair and nails on Tuesday is considered unfavorable. It is believed that a haircut will reduce the person’s age on this day.

Wednesdays – Cut the hair and nails into the house. Wednesday is considered favorable for this.

Thursday – Thursday is considered the day of Lord Vishnu and Mata Lakshmi. On this day, Laxmiji can be the victim of a haircut and there is also a loss of honor.

Friday-Friday is considered physical comfort day. It is favorable to cut hair and nails on this day.

Saturday – Haircut should be avoided on Saturday. This day is considered the cause of death.

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Also read Today is Apsara Ekadashi; Do you know fasting and its importance?

How can you tell if a moon is waxing or waning?

One quick way to tell if a moon is in a waxing or waning phase is which side of the moon is the shadow on. If the shadow is on the right, like it is today, we are in a waning phase. If the shadow is on the left, then we are waxing and heading towards a full moon. An easy way to remember is to rhyme bright and right.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

After waking up to a beautiful sunrise, I looked west and saw a beautiful waning moon. What is the difference between waxing and losing weight? What is the difference between Crescent and Gibbous?

what you need to know

The lunar cycle has four phases: new moon, first quarter, third quarter and full moon

A lunar cycle lasts 29.5 days

It takes about 27.3 days for the moon to orbit the earth

First, there are four phases in Earth’s lunar cycle. They are new moon, first quarter, third quarter and full moon.

A lunar cycle lasts 29.5 days. It takes about 27.3 days for the moon to orbit the earth. The difference of 2.2 days is essentially because the moon is “catching up” with the earth, since the earth has traveled about 45 million miles in the time it takes the moon to complete one orbit around the earth.

A waxing moon is a moon that receives more sunlight over the course of the day. It is after we experience a new moon to a full moon. A waning moon is after the full moon and will remain waning until we experience a new moon again. A quick way to tell if a moon is in a waxing or waning phase is to see which side of the moon the shadow is on. If the shadow is on the right, like it is today, we are in a cooldown. If the shadow is to the left then we are growing and heading towards a full moon. An easy way to remember this is to rhyme brightly and correctly. When the moon is bright on the right, it is waxing.

A crescent moon is when less than half of the moon is illuminated by the sun. A crescent moon goes from the third to the first quarter. A crescent moon is when more than half of the moon is illuminated by the sun. From the first to the third quarter we are in a crescent moon.

So now, on a clear night, if someone says, “Wow, look at the moon,” you can tell them what phase it’s in.

Is the moon currently waxing or waning?

The current moon phase for today is the Waning Crescent phase.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

Today’s moon phase is a waxing crescent phase. This is the phase when the moon became visible again after the new moon.

During this part of the lunar cycle, the moon moves away from the sun and becomes more and more illuminated by sunlight. In this phase, the moon will be illuminated from 0.1% to 49.9% before reaching the first quarter phase.

In the waxing crescent phase, the moon rises in the east before noon, crosses the meridian before sunset, before setting in the west before midnight.

Like all phases of the moon, the phase of the waxing crescent lasts just over 7 days. Actual length will vary due to the moon’s elliptical orbit. The moon is near the sun in the sky and the right edge gets brighter as it approaches 50% illumination and the first quarter phase

Fun fact: Although only a small portion of the moon is illuminated in the waxing crescent phase, you can sometimes still see the rest of the moon as faintly visible. This is known as “Earthshine” or Da Vinci Glow and is the result of the reflection of sunlight off the earth and back to the moon.

When should I cut my hair astrology?

The most auspicious of all is considered to be Wednesday and Friday. According to astrology, getting hair or nails cut on Wednesday is considered very auspicious. According to astrology, hair, beard and nails should not be cut on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the week, this dominates the negativity.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

According to astrology, each planetary constellation has an effect on human beings and these effects are both good and bad. So, if you are also facing lack of money, you can overcome the problem by making some changes in your actions. For example, everyone gets their hair cut, whether male or female. But knowingly or unknowingly, we get a haircut on the wrong day, which negatively affects our lives.

In our religious scriptures there are mentioned some remedies by the use of which we can get rid of the problems in our life. Unknowingly we make some mistakes that cause Goddess Lakshmi to become angry, which has negative effects on us and problems arise due to the negativity from all sides. The cheapest of all are considered to be Wednesday and Friday. According to astrology, it is considered very auspicious to have your hair or nails cut on Wednesday. According to astrology, hair, beard and nails should not be cut on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the week, here negativity dominates.

A haircut on this day never causes a lack of money in the house, and happiness always remains prosperous. That’s why you should go to the hairdresser on Wednesday and Friday. On the other hand, the day of Venus is considered good for cutting nails. It was clearly stated in the scriptures that Friday is the best day for cutting nails or hair. This also gives you a lot of progress and good luck.

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Is it OK to cut hair on full moon?

Trim during a full moon.

This moon phase is a great time for thickening and strengthening,” Padilla also says—so even if you’re not yet due for a trim, consider using this time for a strengthening or hydrating treatment.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

Lunar hair care is one way astrology fans have incorporated the power of the stars into their recent self-care practices. It involves synchronizing haircuts with the lunar cycles and letting cosmic timing set the pace of an otherwise mundane task. The idea is that trimming hair in time for certain lunar cycles can produce longer, stronger, and more luscious strands.

There is a precedent for this belief as well. Farmers have relied on the phases of the moon to determine when to plant crops for optimal growth dating back as far as the 19th century. (See Farmer’s Almanac.) Lunar Hair Care simply applies the same planetary principles to us—especially to our hair.

“The gravitational pull of the full moon and new moon creates a healthier, more productive garden. It’s the same approach we take to lunar hair care,” says Stefani Padilla, hairstylist and shaman. “Just as the moon pulls the tides in the ocean, it pulls all bodies of water: this causes moisture to rise on earth, which promotes growth.”

It is this upward movement of water, directed by the moon, that is at the root of lunar hair care. After all, humans are mostly made up of water – and it makes up around 10 to 13% of our hair.

What moon phase makes your hair grow?

During this waxing lunar phase, a hair cut will encourage growth right up until the full moon. Think of it as the “Werewolf effect”: the full moon makes hair grow fast, thick, long and luscious. When you cut your hair, you remove the dead ends, which keeps your hair healthy.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

It is well known that the moon affects not only your body and mood, but also your hair growth, but how does it work?

Although not fully understood by science, it is believed that the moon is a growth regulator (i.e. has a direct attraction to living beings) and that certain activities can be performed in accordance with the monthly cycle.

The theory holds that the expansive forces are strongest when the moon is getting larger (waxing), nicely full and bright in the sky, on its way to the full moon. During this waxing phase of the moon, a haircut will encourage growth until the full moon.

Think of it as the “werewolf effect”: the full moon makes hair grow fast, thick, long and luscious.

When you cut your hair, you remove the dead ends, which keeps your hair healthy. Just like a plant, any dead parts of your hair deprive the healthy parts of nutrients, making it harder to grow. So if you cut your hair when the moon is at its strongest, you stand a better chance of incorporating natural elements and promoting root strength and growth.

It is believed that the body (and hair) absorbs what is given to it easily at this stage, so this is also the best time to use masks and conditioners as they are likely to penetrate even deeper and are likely to be more effective .

The sun weaves its way through the signs of the zodiac and takes a year to complete its orbit and this is how we find birth signs. born Nov? Probably a scorpion. April baby? A ram and so on.

As the fastest astral body, the moon is much faster, taking about a month to cycle through the signs in the sky, spending a day and a half to two days at each time. As the moon travels through the zodiac, it completes the monthly lunar cycle, changing from new moon to full moon, then to a full circle.

When the moon transits the watery signs of the zodiac (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), its thought energies are more fertile. Taurus, Libra and Capricorn also fall into this category, although not as much as the three water signs. The fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are the driest and driest, followed by Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius.

When the moon is in a fertile sign, repair, recovery and growth are encouraged. The dry marks are best suited to permanent removals such as waxing or lasering (leaving little fertile energy to support regrowth).

So the best time to remove unwanted hair is before the new moon when it passes through Aries. The best time for a haircut if you want beautiful, long locks is the full moon in a water sign.

Are you looking forward to your next haircut? Book your appointment with us!

Telephone number: 954.456.6945

Article by: Kimberly Peta Dewhirst


What should I do during a full moon?

1. Cleanse your mental and physical space. The full moon tends to mark a big build-up of energy—both light and dark. This makes it the perfect time to cleanse your space, body and mind; remove or let go of any of that built-up energy you no longer feel like harnessing, capturing or otherwise holding onto.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

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Every 28 to 30 days the universe invites us to stop and ask ourselves what we are manifesting in our lives. And this is due to the arrival of the monthly full moon. From an astrological perspective, the phases of the moon begin with the new moon and end with the full moon – meaning that the end of the lunar cycle is a time when the seeds of intent you (unconsciously or unconsciously) have sown begin to bloom. It’s almost as if the universe is telling us to stop for a few days, or at least slow down, to learn more about the path we’re on and correct course if necessary.

Since full moons are about endings, your full moon rituals – how you spend that full moon – should feel a little coherent, a little thoughtful. Instead of jumping into the next new thing, focus on what you’ve been doing, where you’ve been, how you’ve spent the last lunar cycle. What seed did you sow? What benefits have you reaped? What is worth letting go of and what is worth holding on to? Full moon rituals are best when they involve evaluation, evaluation, purification and recharging. Take it easy for a brief moment and save your energy for the next new moon – it’ll be here before you know it.

7 things to try on a full moon:

1. Clear your mental and physical space

The full moon tends to mark a major energy build-up – both light and dark. This makes it the perfect time to cleanse your space, body and mind. remove or release any pent-up energy that you no longer wish to use, capture, or otherwise hold. Consider smearing your home, taking a luxurious bath to unwind, or rewatching Marie Kondo’s Netflix show. Live by the mantra “Let go of everything that isn’t mine” – even if it’s just for tonight.

2. Charge your crystals

Many believe that the full moon’s light is absolutely perfect for charging and clearing your crystals. That makes sense – the Full Moon is about bringing our intentions and emotions to the forefront so we can process them, heal what we need, and ultimately let go.

3. Learn to meditate

Full moons are about endings, not beginnings, so I tend to discourage people from starting anything new during this phase of the moon. However, because full moons are about the end, they mark the perfect time to do a bit of thinking – and meditation is a great way to do that. Sit with your thoughts for as long as you feel like it, and remember to bring some of this reflective energy to other days as well, regardless of the lunar cycle.

Those of you who already have a regular meditation practice may find that your meditations feel deeper and more fulfilling during this full moon. And of course that’s wonderful too.

4. Dance to release energy

You know that energy buildup I mentioned earlier? why not dance Dress up or slouch in your pajamas. The point is to get into your body a little bit and release some of that energy.

5. Let go of emotional baggage

As you engage in self-reflection, you may notice patterns, behaviors, or relationships that are not getting you closer to your desired life. They might even distract you from it. Use this full moon as a reminder to let them go — or at least as an opportunity to reflect on why they’re still around.

6. Review your to-do list

Did you make a to-do list during the last new moon? Or just recently? Now is the perfect moment to revisit and check your progress. Are you closer to your goals than you were a few weeks ago? If so, take additional steps to fuel your progress. If not, ask yourself why. Be proactive and develop a plan to get there.

You may also find that some of these goals no longer resonate with you. That’s okay — that’s actually a big part of what full moons are about. Let them go or change things up as you see fit. Don’t hold on to who you were when you first wrote this list—accept yourself for who you are now.

7. Relax a little

There is an abundance of energy on every full moon. A wonderful way to celebrate this phase of the moon is to simply sit down. Relax. Cleanse your space, body and mind and sit back. Sometimes we need stillness to pay close attention to what is happening around us, to notice how we are feeling, to discover the possibilities that are lurking right under our noses. Remember, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be – so enjoy it for a moment.

3 things to avoid on a full moon:

1. Don’t rush to start something new

It is likely that you will feel incredibly energized on this Full Moon – and that you will be tempted to start something new. Resist the urge to jump into new projects, try new things, make big decisions. Instead, focus on reveling in the seeds you’ve sown so far. And give those ideas floating around in your head some time to soak away. There’s no harm in waiting another two weeks for the next new moon – on the contrary, it will probably help you to take your next steps more clearly and efficiently.

2. Don’t overreact to the little things

You can notice your emotions at their absolute peak on this full moon. The good news is that you are not alone in this. The bad news is, you’re not alone in this. Your emotions are at their most intense, and so is everyone else — disproportionate flare-ups are on the menu. Resist the urge to snap, spank, or otherwise hit. Breathe instead. Keep calm and take your time to think everything through. Peace is the theme of this full moon – chase it.

3. Don’t make hasty decisions

As you’ve probably gathered by now, full moons are energetic, emotional, and spontaneous times. But that decision you’re tempted to make right now might not look as good in two weeks, so slow down. Give yourself time to fully process something before committing to it. Be patient. You’ll thank yourself later.

Originally published on

What is Moon Water Good For?

Rituals for harnessing the moon’s energy have existed for centuries. One of these is collecting moon water. Some believe this water is charged with lunar energy, which can then be used to cleanse negative emotions or aid in spiritual transformation.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

Share on Pinterest Some people don’t pay much attention to the moon. Others live their lives according to its phases. Many spiritual traditions throughout history have placed special importance on the moon, believing that its various cycles affect our moods and physical well-being. Rituals for harnessing lunar energy have been around for centuries. One of them is collecting moon water. Some believe this water is charged with lunar energy, which can then be used to cleanse negative emotions or aid in spiritual transformation. Can moon water really improve your life? Read on to find out the details.

What is moon water? You won’t find it in the supermarket. Moon water is made at home during a chosen phase of the moon. It is usually collected during the full moon, when the moon’s energy is said to be at its fullest. Then it is drunk, applied topically, or sprayed at home. “Typically people charge their water at the full moon or new moon or some other significant lunar event, but you can make moonwater any time of the month,” explains crystal therapist and spiritual wellness coach Emma Halley. Halley believes that water can store energy, although there is no scientific evidence to support this. “Water is a highly programmable substance, which means it very easily takes on the energetic properties of things around it,” she says. “Because we’re 60 percent water, [moonwater] can help us integrate, connect with, and manifest our intentions about water.” While the science is lacking, there’s no harm in trying moonwater.

The Science of the Moon While research on the benefits of moon water is lacking, there are many studies on how the moon affects our physical and emotional well-being. A 2014 study concluded that the full moon was associated with lower sleep efficiency, or percentage of sleep time in bed. A small 2012 study of men found that the moon’s gravitational pull can affect the human body’s cardiovascular functions, making people more physically fit during the full and new moon. A small 2017 study found that moon patterns affected people with bipolar disorder, and a larger 2017 study found that 81 percent of mental health professionals provided anecdotal evidence linking the full moon to human illness. While the scientific evidence is patchy and inconclusive, the moon still figures prominently in many traditions and spiritual practices.

What is moon water used for? Some believe that you can use the moon’s power to promote purification, renewal and intention setting. “Moonwater is generally used to charge intentions,” explains Halley. “For example, the new moon is a time to manifest and claim opportunity and ambition… You can then use this water in a variety of ways to enhance your manifestations.” Moon water can be used in: Spiritual rituals

healing rituals


Your Beauty Routine Spirituality Lunar symbolism is present in almost every religious tradition around the world and is particularly prominent in astrology. “Spiritually, the moon is a tremendously influential entity that guides us energetically,” says Halley. “Moonwater is a way to really bring that energy into us and carry it with us.” Halley says a moonwater ritual can help you feel “in flow” with the universe. “It benefits spiritual practice in many ways, allowing us to energize our life source, the water, with an energy source, the moon, so powerful it’s pushing and pulling the oceans,” she says. Healing Moon water has grown in popularity as a wellness elixir in recent years, thanks in part to Victoria Beckham, who shared it on her Instagram account in 2019. Before that, the energy of the moon was considered particularly beneficial for mental and emotional healing. In many traditions, the moon is believed to possess feminine or yin energy that enhances qualities such as acceptance, devotion, and equanimity. Still, there is no scientific evidence that the moon has healing powers. Manifestation advocates also claim that moon water can support the manifestation process and help you make your desires a reality. Some believe the Moon amplifies the power of your intentions, allowing your desires to manifest with greater ease. Halley says moonwater is typically charged with both the energy of the moon and an intention, such as, “I let go of whatever no longer serves me.”

“This water purifies everything it touches.”

“May I be healed by the power of the moon.” Others claim that it can enhance visualization practices, remove negative energy, and increase positivity, although the evidence is anecdotal. Beauty Some, including Halley, believe that moonwater can add an extra glow to the skin, eliminate blemishes and improve youthfulness. “Moonwater can be used in a variety of ways as part of your beauty routine,” says Halley. DIY Moon Water Toner Ingredients Glass Spray Bottle

10 drops of lavender essential oil

1 tablespoon carrier oil of your choice Fill the glass bottle with moon water, leaving 1/2 inch at the top. Mix carrier oil and lavender in a bowl. Pour into the spray bottle. Shake and spray onto clean, dry skin. You can also add the carrier oil and lavender essential oil blend to your bath. Halley believes that the effects of the essential oils used are enhanced by the moon. Despite moonwater’s historical and spiritual uses, there is no science to support it for beauty or healing. Still, there’s no harm in trying.

How to Collect Moonwater Collecting moonwater is a fairly simple process. First find a glass bottle or jar. Fill it with water, preferably spring or distilled water. Set your intentions. Set the bottle up overnight during your chosen phase of the moon. Cap the bottle and drink, squirt or use in a ritual. “Set your intentions for the water, either by writing them down and placing them under the glass or by whispering them to the water,” says Halley. When you choose to collect moonwater will depend on the intentions you set. Each phase is believed to have subtle energetic differences.

Best Times to Collect Moonwater Practitioners believe that different times of the lunar cycle can produce different energetic effects. Full Moon Best Suited For: Releasing things that no longer serve you and removing negative energy “The full moon is considered the strongest because the moon is the fullest and strongest,” says Halley. It’s time: to reap rewards

offer gratitude

harvest intentions

release old baggage

clear energy new moon Best Suited For: Intention setting, reflection and personal growth “The new moon is the dark moon. It invites us to go within and set our intentions, start new chapters and release cycles,” says Halley. It’s time: to focus on intention and manifestation

support inner work and shadow work

promote personal growth and development

Start new ventures, relationships or projects. Other Moon Phases Waxing Moon: Best for creative work, inspiration and setting intentions

best for creative work, inspiration and setting intentions Waning Moon: best for forgiveness, letting go, giving thanks, letting go and grounding

best for forgiveness, letting go, giving thanks, letting go and grounding Blue Moon: best for goals, ambitions, aspirations and celebration

Moonwater Ritual There are many ways to use moonwater. One way is to create a moonwater ritual. Halley shares an option below. Delivers glass or bottle

Crystals and other sacred objects

pen and paper

Incense sticks or incense sticks

Singing Bowl or Bell (optional) Steps Gather utensils such as pitcher, crystals, sacred objects, and pen and paper. Purify the room with incense, sage, singing bowls, or a bell. Fill your glass with water, preferably distilled or spring water. Put your jar in a safe place where it gets direct moonlight. Arrange crystals and sacred objects around your jar. Say your intention for your water out loud. Write down your intention for your water and place it under the glass. Cover the jar and leave overnight. Purifying the space before you begin removes unwanted energies from your surroundings and prevents your water from absorbing them, says Halley. Placing crystals and sacred objects can help you attune to spiritual energies. “If you don’t want to drink the water, you can put the crystals in the pitcher,” says Halley. Some crystals are highly toxic when immersed in water. Never drink crystal-infused water without first doing your research to ensure the crystals you are using are safe to drink. Then set your intention. “It can be as simple as ‘This water purifies and purifies everything it touches’ or it can be as complicated as you wish, but it’s important to set an intention here for the water you are making,” explains Halley. After voicing and writing your intention, place the paper under the glass. Cover it with a cloth and leave it overnight. In the morning your moon water is ready to use. Halley suggests using it straight from the jar or bottling it into smaller bottles for later use. You can use spray bottles, roller bottles, or small jars.

Remember to always be safe when making moon water. Make sure your glasses are clean and you use potable water if you intend to drink it. “Label and date your bottles and store them in the fridge,” says Halley, “use them within a month. Water can allow bacteria to grow and become stagnant, and you don’t want that.” And if you add crystals to your water, make sure they’re safe to ingest.

Is it OK to cut hair on full moon?

Trim during a full moon.

This moon phase is a great time for thickening and strengthening,” Padilla also says—so even if you’re not yet due for a trim, consider using this time for a strengthening or hydrating treatment.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

Lunar hair care is one way astrology fans have incorporated the power of the stars into their recent self-care practices. It involves synchronizing haircuts with the lunar cycles and letting cosmic timing set the pace of an otherwise mundane task. The idea is that trimming hair in time for certain lunar cycles can produce longer, stronger, and more luscious strands.

There is a precedent for this belief as well. Farmers have relied on the phases of the moon to determine when to plant crops for optimal growth dating back as far as the 19th century. (See Farmer’s Almanac.) Lunar Hair Care simply applies the same planetary principles to us—especially to our hair.

“The gravitational pull of the full moon and new moon creates a healthier, more productive garden. It’s the same approach we take to lunar hair care,” says Stefani Padilla, hairstylist and shaman. “Just as the moon pulls the tides in the ocean, it pulls all bodies of water: this causes moisture to rise on earth, which promotes growth.”

It is this upward movement of water, directed by the moon, that is at the root of lunar hair care. After all, humans are mostly made up of water – and it makes up around 10 to 13% of our hair.

Can we cut hair on no moon day?

One such thing is, we request them, not to cut nails (particularly toes) during new moon (or Amavasya) in tandem, we advise parents not to cut hair on a full Moon day (or Purnima).

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

Moon has significant influence on us. If you’re wondering how these bodies in space might affect us, ask a person on the beach on a full moon day. These rising tides are due to the effects of the full moon. If the moon can affect an ocean, would you think of a human body as common sense? Our bodies are made up of more than 50-70% water, and this figure is even higher in infants. Our brain is made up of more than 75% water. So it should be clear that the moon affects our brain, which translates into thoughts and reactions. Therefore, the word “crazy” derives from the word “luna” meaning moon.

Almost all traditions and religious rituals attach great importance to the relative position of the moon to us on earth. From a humanities point of view, this makes a lot of sense. In our holistic childcare group, we often remind parents (or even urge them in our Whatsapp group) to follow certain tips. One such thing is, we ask them not to cut nails (especially toes) during new moon (or amavasya), at the same time we advise parents not to cut hair on a full moon day (or purnima).

Without going into detail about various religious rituals associated with the moon, we will analyze them from a spiritual point of view. The life force in our body is constantly vibrating, this is relative to different chakras, nadis, the environment etc. On a full moon day our life force is at the head level.

Now further investigation of the connection between the effects of hair and health becomes clear. Hair is the extension of our nadi. There are about 72,000 nadis in our body. Ida, pingala and sushumna were some important nadis that you must know. Through this tip of the hair we perceive subtle sensations. If you have visited some ancient South Indian temples, male devotees are asked to remove their covers when entering the main shrine. Because the spiritual energy is perceived through hairs in their chests.

On a full moon day, the life force is high and near the top of the body, the head, so cutting the hair affects the nadi and this affects a body’s life and health in the longer term. In the same lines, on a new moon day, when you don’t see the moon at all, so less effect on us. So the life force is at foot level. Nails are also an extension of Nadi and through it we also feel subtle energy. Now you know the reason, we see that all ancient spiritual scientists (or in other words, rishis, yogis or siddha, prophets, healers, etc.) grow a lot of hair and don’t cut nails.

As the life force is drawn either up to the head on a full moon day or to the foot level on a new moon day, this leads to digestive problems. This is one of the reasons why people fast on this day. This (biweekly fasting) is good for healthy living.

If you are a regular yoga person or a meditator or a person who can feel the inner sensations of your body, you would surely feel the pulse in a certain part of your body, especially on full moon or new moon days.

We are by-products of our ancestors’ karma. These souls who died on the new moon day settle on the ground and it is at this time when you show your gratitude that they can bless your family. This is one of twelve essential blessings for our growth mentioned in ancient texts.

From Wikipedia.

Even today, traditional workers such as bricklayers do not work on Amavasya in India. However, you will work on Saturdays and Sundays. Even the Supreme Court judges of 18th century India used to observe Amavasya as a day off. It was British rule that brought the Sunday principle to Indian industry.

There are many situations in which we can use the moon to our advantage by knowing its position. We will explore this in detail in the coming future. Ask questions or share this with others.


What happens if I cut my hair on a full moon?

According to certain beliefs, the full moon is the best time to cut your hair. It is believed that the positive effects of the lunar rays stimulate its growth, making it even more beautiful and strong.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

According to certain beliefs, the full moon is the best time to cut your hair. It is believed that the positive effects of the moon’s rays stimulate its growth, making it even more beautiful and vigorous. So is it a myth or reality? We tell you everything about the topic!

What are the beliefs?

There are several legends about the full moon, particularly the strengthening effects it has on your hair. It is therefore considered beneficial to go for a “moon cut”. This consists of sacrificing a few inches of your hair during the full moon. The promises are tempting: your hair will grow faster, stronger and thicker. In addition, there are a handful of convinced hairdressers worldwide. They even offer night cuts during these times of the year, which are always outside.

Is it scientifically proven?

Although this theory is still very attractive, it has never been scientifically proven. In fact, the positive influence of the moon on your hair remains an unconfirmed belief to this day. For most hairdressers, there is no ideal period. It is only recommended to trim your hair a few inches about every 3 months to avoid split ends and give your hair a boost.

It is also advisable to cut it just before the summer vacation. Why? If your ends are already damaged, they will come into even more contact with the sea, the sand and the sun. But this advice is still aesthetic… In general, healthy human hair grows 0.5 to 2 cm per month and no phenomenon can change that!

What moon makes your hair grow faster?

During this waxing lunar phase, a hair cut will encourage growth right up until the full moon. Think of it as the “Werewolf effect”: the full moon makes hair grow fast, thick, long and luscious. When you cut your hair, you remove the dead ends, which keeps your hair healthy.

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

It is well known that the moon affects not only your body and mood, but also your hair growth, but how does it work?

Although not fully understood by science, it is believed that the moon is a growth regulator (i.e. has a direct attraction to living beings) and that certain activities can be performed in accordance with the monthly cycle.

The theory holds that the expansive forces are strongest when the moon is getting larger (waxing), nicely full and bright in the sky, on its way to the full moon. During this waxing phase of the moon, a haircut will encourage growth until the full moon.

Think of it as the “werewolf effect”: the full moon makes hair grow fast, thick, long and luscious.

When you cut your hair, you remove the dead ends, which keeps your hair healthy. Just like a plant, any dead parts of your hair deprive the healthy parts of nutrients, making it harder to grow. So if you cut your hair when the moon is at its strongest, you stand a better chance of incorporating natural elements and promoting root strength and growth.

It is believed that the body (and hair) absorbs what is given to it easily at this stage, so this is also the best time to use masks and conditioners as they are likely to penetrate even deeper and are likely to be more effective .

The sun weaves its way through the signs of the zodiac and takes a year to complete its orbit and this is how we find birth signs. born Nov? Probably a scorpion. April baby? A ram and so on.

As the fastest astral body, the moon is much faster, taking about a month to cycle through the signs in the sky, spending a day and a half to two days at each time. As the moon travels through the zodiac, it completes the monthly lunar cycle, changing from new moon to full moon, then to a full circle.

When the moon transits the watery signs of the zodiac (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), its thought energies are more fertile. Taurus, Libra and Capricorn also fall into this category, although not as much as the three water signs. The fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are the driest and driest, followed by Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius.

When the moon is in a fertile sign, repair, recovery and growth are encouraged. The dry marks are best suited to permanent removals such as waxing or lasering (leaving little fertile energy to support regrowth).

So the best time to remove unwanted hair is before the new moon when it passes through Aries. The best time for a haircut if you want beautiful, long locks is the full moon in a water sign.

Are you looking forward to your next haircut? Book your appointment with us!

Telephone number: 954.456.6945

Article by: Kimberly Peta Dewhirst


I Grow my Hair FAST! I Only trim it when the Moon is Growing?!?! WHAT?! Daphne Space Youtube

I Grow my Hair FAST! I Only trim it when the Moon is Growing?!?! WHAT?! Daphne Space Youtube
I Grow my Hair FAST! I Only trim it when the Moon is Growing?!?! WHAT?! Daphne Space Youtube

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When Should I Wax Or Shave According To The Moon?

When should I wax according to the phases of the moon?

The ideal time for hair removal is during the waning phase of the moon. The waning or waxing phase is the waning period that we experience immediately after a full moon. It is a proven fact that hair regrowth is slower during this phase, which means the desired results last longer.

The icing on the cake is that hair will grow back thinner if removed at this stage!

The lunar cycles have a direct impact on many things such as our sleep patterns, our sexuality, weight loss and even hair growth. For softer and smoother skin, it is important to schedule hair removal during the best moon phase possible.

-🌙 Follow our lunar calendar for more insights into the phases. 🌙 –

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Hair removal calendar 2022 by moon phases

Based on the waxing and waning moon, we’ve taken the best times of the year for waxing and hair removal. If you want to wax at the most effective times, choose one of the dates below…


Ideal period for growing in 2022


January 1st – 13th and 31st


1 – 11


March 1st – 13th and 31st


1 – 11


1 – 11 and 29 – 31


1 – 9 and 27 – 30


1 – 9 and 27 – 31


1 – 7 and 25 – 31


1 – 6 and 24 – 30


1 – 5 and 23 – 31


1 – 4 and 22 – 30


1 – 3 and 21 – 31

🌑 Now you know when to wax to limit hair growth and get more insights into the moon including; 🌑

Hair removal by moon phases: This is how it works!

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Do you believe in the influence of the moon on our lives? Find out which phase of the moon and which zodiac sign according to the lunar calendar are best for hair removal and get rid of unwanted body hair. It will also grow slower!

The influence of the moon

Some people plan their tasks and activities according to the moon. Because for certain actions in life there are suitable moon phases that should bring a better result. This is as true for simple things like a haircut as it is for more complex things like surgery.

The lunar calendar has a strong influence on our skin and hair. For this reason, there are many people who only go to the hairdresser in certain phases of the moon. But what about lunar hair removal?

Hair removal according to the lunar calendar

If you choose the right phase of the moon when epilating, the unwanted body hair will not grow back as quickly. The best moon phase for hair removal is therefore the waning moon. A perfect time for epilation according to the lunar calendar is when the moon is also in Aries or Taurus. The positive effect is particularly evident in hair growth: during the waning moon, hair all over the body can grow slower and much thinner than at any other time of the month.

Incidentally, when it comes to body hair according to the lunar calendar, it doesn’t matter which depilation technique you choose. You can shave it, treat it with warm or cold wax, use sugaring or an epilator – the main thing is that the phase of the moon is correct.

The different phases of the moon

Waning Moon (waning) – best moon phase for hair removal

Various lunar calendars have been established over the years. While many aspects overlap, there are also some contradictions. It is a fact that almost all calendars assume that the waning moon is where things work well where something is taken away. This includes, for example, cleaning up the apartment.

Waxing moon (waxing)

The waxing phase of the moon is perfect for making things grow and gathering strength. The best example of this is probably the sowing of seeds or young plants. But this time is also good for the body. Strengthening rituals are particularly successful during this time. Since the body is in a receptive state, you can also put a few pounds on your hips more quickly during this time.

new moon

The new moon, on the other hand, stands for a new beginning. Whether you’re planning small or big things, shaking off problems or reinventing yourself… the new moon is the right time to start. It is also the best time for regeneration and detoxification. So if you want to start a new diet from scratch, wait for the new moon in the sky.

full moon

When the moon is full, many people are particularly sensitive. Some even report visions and premonitions reaching them. While the moon is gorgeous in the sky, some people also sleep very poorly. This time is often referred to as the saturation phase. Power can now be collected, but caution is advised: According to some lunar calendars, wounds heal much more difficultly during a full moon. Therefore, operations during this phase of the moon are not recommended.

Influence of the signs of the zodiac

On the waning moon in the signs of Aries or Taurus

– Hair removal/waxing/shaving is most effective

– Hair grows slowly and becomes thinner.

new moon

– Hair removal/waxing/shaving is fine

On the waning moon in the signs Cancer, Virgo, Leo

– Hair removal/waxing/shaving is not recommended

Epilation is not recommended when the moon is waxing:

– The hair grows back faster and thicker

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