Head Neck Shoulder Massage Near Me? Top Answer Update

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “head neck shoulder massage near me“? We answer all your questions at the website Chewathai27.com/ppa in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

What is a head neck and shoulder massage?

This massage is designed to concentrate on tension built up in the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders, so the benefits can be achieved in a shorter period of time. Using pressure points and stretches to target the source of the pain you will notice the difference from the first treatment.

What is the best massage for neck and shoulder pain?

There are many types of this therapy to choose from, but the most common that help resolve a stiff neck are Swedish and deep tissue massage. The various techniques are typically applied to the neck as well as the shoulders and back.

How much is a neck and shoulder massage?

Chair massage — service just for the neck, shoulders and head — is offered at airports and shopping malls. Fees range from $30-$40 for 30 minutes or around $1 per minute for shorter sessions.

Is a neck and shoulder massage good for you?

Benefits of Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage can include:

Relief from pain, eg headaches and back pain and from stress and tension. The release of endorphins, the body’s feel good hormones. Improved blood and lymph circulation. Increased energy levels and feels of vitality.

What do you wear for a neck and shoulder massage?

Upper Back, Neck, Shoulder for women: You will usually be asked to remove all top half clothing (except underwear) and lie face down on the couch (initially), your therapist will then leave the room to allow you to undress in private, and a large towel will be provided so you can cover yourself.

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Massages – Frequently Asked Questions

Here at the Salisbury Therapy Center we understand that coming to us for a massage can seem daunting.

You can always learn more about our practitioners by visiting our team meeting pages.

We have also prepared some frequently asked questions about our massages for you:

Q: What should I wear and how much clothing do I have to take off?

A: At our Salisbury center and for Sports Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Swedish Massage and Bellabaci Massage, we only uncover the areas that we need to work on and leave the rest covered with a towel at all times. However, for your convenience, you may be required to undress before beginning the massage. For more information see below:

Upper back, neck, shoulder for women: You will usually be asked to remove the entire top half of your clothing (except underwear) and lie face down on the couch (initially). Your therapist will then leave the room for you to undress on your own. and a large towel is provided for you to cover yourself with. The therapist may have to unhook your bra while you lie on the couch, but will always ask your permission beforehand. A sports bra without a back fastener must be removed beforehand for an effective massage.

Upper back, neck, shoulder for men: you will usually be asked to remove your shirt/t-shirt.

Lower back and/or leg massages for men and women: If you have booked a sports/deep tissue lower limb massage, please bring loose fitting shorts to wear. For other massages, you will be asked to remove pants and skirts, but no underwear. Your therapist leaves the room while you change, you are given a large towel to cover yourself with, and asked to lie down on the couch (before the therapist re-enters the room).

Full body massages for men and women: you will be asked to remove your clothes but no underwear, your therapist will leave the room while you undress. You will be given a large towel to cover yourself with and asked to lie down on the couch (before the therapist re-enters the room).

*Please note that even if you have booked an upper body massage, it may be necessary to work on your legs and buttocks to relieve tension in your (lower) back and vice versa.

More massages at our Salisbury Center:

Shiatsu is performed fully clothed, so we recommend casual/comfortable clothing.

During an Indian head massage, you will be asked to remove your top, but a towel will be provided. Care is taken to ensure that massage oils do not come into contact with clothing, but traces of oil remain on the skin after a massage.

Q: Will the therapist leave the room if I undress?

A: Yes. After an initial consultation, the therapist explains the treatment, asks you to undress, and asks you to lie down on the couch with a towel on your body. The therapist will always leave the room and knock on the door before re-entering.

Q: Can I request a male/female therapist?

A: Absolutely. Please make this request when booking an appointment, if we can accommodate it we will.

Q: If I want a deep tissue massage, should I see a male therapist?

On a. It is a misconception that men massage more than women. The effectiveness of a massage depends entirely on the training. A massage doesn’t have to be painful to be effective and if more/less pressure is required, just ask.

Q: Should I have a conversation?

A: If you prefer to relax in peace and quiet at our Salisbury Centre, our therapists will understand. In most cases, our clients feel more comfortable talking until their mind drifts into a calm state of relaxation. There are times, particularly during sports/deep tissue massage, when communication is key to an effective treatment and you may also be asked to lie on your side, face up, etc. You should always feel comfortable enough to advise whether the room is too hot or too cold, whether the pressure is too much or too little, and a stretch is too painful, etc.

Q: Are there any circumstances that mean I shouldn’t have a massage?

A: There are several conditions where a massage may not be appropriate. However, our experienced team is more than happy to discuss your concerns when making an appointment. If you’ve spoken to us, we’re not sure if we might ask you to ask your GP for advice before coming to an appointment. Call us on Salisbury (01722) 340361

Q: Will sports massage or deep tissue massage hurt?

A: Here at our Salisbury center we believe it is important to distinguish between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ pain. Sometimes you may experience some discomfort, especially in areas with adhesions/scar tissue, but it shouldn’t be overly painful. The mantra of “no pain, no gain” does not apply and a well trained therapist will always be able to work within the limits expressed by a client.

Q: How often should I book a massage and will I be forced to rebook?

A: Here at our Salisbury Center you will never be required to change your booking, we simply give our professional opinion as to whether we think this is appropriate and how quickly this should be done.

You always have the option to contact us (in your own time) to decide if you would like to come back.

Q: How long will it be before you feel an improvement?

A: At your consultation / 1st appointment at our Salisbury Center your therapist should be able to give you an idea of ​​how long it will take for you to feel better. Everyone is different and results may vary based on age, health, weight and general well-being.

Q: What do I do if I’m insecure about my body and uncomfortable undressing?

A: Insecurities about our bodies. We all have them, please remember you are not alone and all of these problems have happened before. Our practitioners are sensitive to all dispositions of our customers, so try not to worry. Only part of your body that is exposed is the area that the therapist is working on at this time. When asked to move face up/on your back, the therapist averts his/her eyes and a towel is placed over the entire body. Whatever your condition, chances are we’ve seen it all before. If it helps, you can remain covered for the first few sessions or until you feel comfortable with your therapist. Improved body image is a surprisingly underappreciated benefit of massage. Ladies, no need to apologize for not shaving your legs! It is very doubtful that we would even notice it.

Q: What if I have other “embarrassing” body issues?

A: There are many problems that can occur during massage. If you need to use the bathroom during a massage, just excuse yourself and leave! It’s much better to miss a few minutes of massage to feel comfortable. Other “embarrassing” issues include bloating and loud stomach noises, both of which are perfectly natural and normal. It won’t be the first time your therapist has experienced this.

Why does a neck massage feel so good?

The therapist’s touch causes an immediate reaction in your brain. As soon as your skin’s nerve cells feel pressure, they signal the brain to release feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which boost your mood and give you a natural high.

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Getting a massage feels amazing. In fact, you’ll be feeling better before the therapist enters the room.

You are in a dark, quiet room surrounded by soothing music and soothing scents. The cool sheets feel smooth against your bare skin. And once your massage begins, all the tension and stress begins to release through the power of touch. why does it feel so good Find out what’s going on in your body and brain that makes this touch therapy so satisfying.

Your shifts in consciousness

Settling on the massage table and remaining calm allows you to focus on the rhythm of your own breathing, quieting your mind and letting your thoughts drift by. You are truly engaged in the moment – aka mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of consciousness that brings your attention to the present situation, helping to regulate emotions and increase body awareness. As you practice mindfulness, the areas of your brain associated with emotions — particularly the insula and prefrontal cortex — become less active, causing you to become less reactive. You are able to detach your feelings and simply observe your thought process while engaging with the current experience.

Your brain releases feel-good chemicals and pain subsides

The therapist’s touch triggers an immediate response in your brain. When your skin’s nerve cells feel pressure, they signal the brain to release feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which improve your mood and give you a natural high. As a result, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline begin to decline and the overall effect is euphoria and bliss.

When you’re in real pain, the morphine-like effects of endorphins help reduce it by blocking pain signals from the brain. And if your muscles hurt after a hard workout, a good massage will actually help them heal faster. Researchers found that massage reduced exercise-induced inflammation and increased the occurrence of cell repair.

Your brain reacts to smells and aromas

Many massage professionals use aromatherapy during their treatments by applying scented essential oils to your bare skin. These oils complement the therapist’s soothing touch and smell nice, but they also stimulate certain brain activities. Grapefruit oil can stimulate the production of enkephalins, neurotransmitters that act as natural pain relievers, while marjoram oil can increase your serotonin levels and help you feel calm. One of the most well-known oils, lavender is known to promote relaxation and sleepiness. And oil, extracted from the tropical plant ylang-ylang, triggers the release of those feel-good endorphins mentioned earlier.

Try using essential oils at home by infusing your favorite oil into a bath or adding it to your unscented body lotion. As the oil combines with the hot water or the warmth of your skin, its fragrance intensifies.

Your body and mind can function better

We often think we can feel the tension being literally worked out of our muscles, and that’s pretty close to what happens when we get a massage. The pressure from the therapist’s hand movements comes back into play, improving your circulation by moving blood more efficiently and releasing cellular waste — like worn-out proteins — faster than your body naturally does.

And your mind will be swept clean a bit too. Researchers have found that just a 15-minute rubdown can help you think more clearly and improve your alertness.

Can a neck massage cause damage?

Risks of Massage Therapy

In rare cases when a massage is applied too hard or if a preexisting injury exists in the neck, massage can lead to serious complications, such as vertebral artery damage and stroke. To experience the soothing effects of a neck massage, most people do not need the massage to be vigorous.

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Massage therapy generally involves the use of the hands to manipulate soft tissues such as muscles and tendons to increase blood flow, reduce muscle tension and promote a sense of enhanced well-being. It is common for people with chronic neck pain and stiffness to seek massage therapy from a massage therapist, physical therapist, or other qualified health professional.

See causes, symptoms, and treatment for stiff neck

How massage therapy is used for chronic neck pain

There are numerous types of massage with variations in techniques, strokes and pressure applied by hands and other methods. Even in cases where only the neck is symptomatic, massage is typically applied to the neck, shoulders and back as these regions are all interconnected.

Two of the most common types of massage used to treat neck pain are:

Swedish massage is the most common type in western culture. It focuses primarily on long, steady beats, typically delivered in the direction of blood flow to the heart. Kneading and rubbing movements may also be included. One of the main goals of Swedish massage is to promote relaxation throughout the body.

Deep tissue massage typically uses deeper movements and friction to work deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. Also known as connective tissue massage, there are a variety of definitions for deep tissue massage, depending on the therapist’s techniques and philosophies. Compared to Swedish massage, a deep tissue massage typically focuses more on an area of ​​chronic pain.

There are also numerous other types of massage and variations. For example, some massage therapists use special oils or other scents for aromatherapy, which in some cases can increase relaxation or pleasure.

See Neuromuscular Massage Therapy


effectiveness of massage therapy

Some studies have found that neck massage can provide some relief from neck pain and increased range of motion, especially when performed by a trained professional a few times a week for several weeks. These results are usually temporary.,

While some studies have found benefits for treating neck pain and stiffness with massage, other studies have not. To make matters worse, there is a wide variety of massage therapy types and challenges in measuring massage therapy application, which can make treatment difficult to study. Some research has shown that applying a moderate massage is more beneficial than a light touch massage.

More research is needed to determine if neck massage is beneficial for reducing chronic neck pain and stiffness, and if the results can be sustained. While the benefits of massage may only be temporary, they can still play a role in managing painful flare-ups and improving quality of life.

In this article: How to treat a chronically stiff neck

Self-care for a chronically stiff neck

Lifestyle changes to treat chronic stiff neck

Manual manipulation and mobilization in chronically stiff neck

Massage therapy for chronically stiff necks

Acupuncture for chronically stiff neck

Risks of massage therapy

Massage therapy for the neck is a relatively safe treatment. Some people may experience increased neck pain and/or swelling soon after a massage, but these side effects usually don’t last long. In rare cases, when a massage is applied too vigorously or when there is a pre-existing injury in the neck, the massage can lead to serious complications such as: B. damage to vertebral arteries and strokes.


Most people don’t need a vigorous massage to experience the beneficial effects of a neck massage. If a massage feels uncomfortable or too rough, it is advisable to inform the doctor immediately so that the intensity can be reduced.

Can neck massage cause a stroke?

Neck massage should not be performed by patients. Neck massage/manipulation continues to be a cause of stroke to consider. Ischemic stroke after CS and carotid body manipulation is due to thromboembolism by rupture of a plaque or by hypoperfusion due to repetitive hypotension.

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We present the case of a patient admitted to our clinic due to left brainstem and cerebellar infarction of atherosclerotic origin. During his stay in our stroke unit, he performed a self-massage on the right side of the neck, which stimulated the CS and resulted in a 4-second asystole, resulting in cerebral hypoperfusion. We documented a watershed stroke in the MRI after the massage. As part of the diagnostics, an ultrasound showed a 40% stenosis of the right internal carotid artery and a CT angiogram showed a slight right ICA stenosis and a carotid mesh. Due to the prothrombotic risk of the carotid mesh, the patient underwent carotid artery stenting and was discharged after a few days. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documented case of self-massage by a patient with a carotid mesh and mild stenosis resulting in stroke from the watershed.

The CS and the carotid body are two specialized organs in the wall of the carotid bifurcation; the CS acts as a baroreceptor and the carotid body as a chemoreceptor, relaying information about the chemical composition of arterial blood [2]. They are innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve and the vagus nerve [3]. The function of the CS is the regulation of blood pressure. Hypertension stimulates efferent impulses to the vasomotor center in the medulla, inhibits sympathetic tone and increases vagal tone [2, 4]. The carotid body acts as a baroreceptor that monitors changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide levels [4]. It also induces bradycardia when manipulated (e.g. during carotid massage) [3].

There are some well-documented cases of secondary ischemic stroke after neck manipulation or massage and arterial dissection (mainly involving the vertebral artery followed by the carotid artery) [5,6,7,8,9]. The postulated mechanism of massage-associated complications is traumatic rupture of atherosclerotic plaques in the endothelium of the carotid artery [10]. Another mechanism of neurological deterioration after CS massage is dilatation of the muscle vascular bed, leading to hypotonia.

Tan et al. published a case where a male patient developed an embolic stroke after self-massage, but the etiology of this stroke was a free-floating thrombus found on the internal carotid artery [1].

Our patient stated that he had pain on the right side of his neck, which he was able to treat successfully with a neck massage. When admitted to our Stroke Unit, the patient had the same neck pain again and massaged his neck to relieve it. The monitor alarm showed bradycardia (30 beats per minute) and 4 seconds of asystole (Fig. 3). Subsequently, the patient developed dizziness and vegetative symptoms consistent with presyncope. The patient was immediately advised to stop the massage, and after a few seconds the heart rate returned to normal. Clinical examination of the neck by palpation revealed some bilateral lymph nodes, which were confirmed on the CT scan. An ear, nose and throat (ENT) consultation was performed and revealed no pathologic lymph nodes, possibly due to a past infectious process. Conservative management was recommended without further intervention.

Fig. 3 Electrocardiogram with asystole during neck massage. Courtesy of Prof. Haensch, Department of Neurology, Kliniken Maria Hilf Full-size image

We postulate that the repeated impairment of cardiac output resulting from the massage resulted in the hemodynamic stroke (watershed stroke) compatible with the infarct pattern we saw on subsequent MRI scans.

Takeaway Lessons:

Can a massage make neck pain worse?

In the same way that your body gets used to working out, your muscles need time to get used to being manipulated in certain ways. You may experience inflammation and soreness in areas that need healing. If you have neck pain after a massage, for example, it can be a sign that you carry a lot of tension in that area.

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Share on Pinterest You’re most likely planning a massage to float into a euphoric state of relaxation and get some relief from a tight muscle, pain, or injury. However, as part of the healing process, you may experience some level of muscle soreness or tightness afterwards. Just as you may feel sore after a workout, a massage can stimulate areas of your body that you haven’t addressed recently. When you feel pain in a certain part of your body, you may be subconsciously ignoring that spot, which can lead to tension. A massage can highlight areas of your body where you are holding onto tension. Certain types of massages, such as B. Deep tissue, are more likely to cause post-massage pain. If you are very sensitive, have a lot of pain or tension, or just want to avoid feeling sore afterwards, opt for a massage that uses light, gentle pressure. Read on to learn more about why you might feel sore after a massage, how to minimize discomfort, and the different types of massage available.

Why is this happening? It’s normal to feel sore after a massage. Delayed muscle soreness may occur after stimulating muscles that you do not normally use. This is a physical response to inflammation while your body heals. This can happen if your muscles are not used to massage. Just as your body adjusts to exercise, your muscles need time to adjust to being manipulated in certain ways. There may be inflammation and pain in areas that need healing. For example, if you have neck pain after a massage, it can be a sign that you are carrying a lot of tension in that area. You may have limited flexibility and mobility in your neck from working at a desk or bending forward repeatedly. If you haven’t had a massage recently, or if it’s your first, you’re more likely to feel sore afterwards. Your body will build muscle memory if you get a frequent massage, so try to be regular with your sessions if possible.

9 Ways to Relieve Soreness Usually, any soreness will subside within a day or so after the massage. In the meantime, there are several ways to relieve pain. 1. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before and after the massage. Avoid alcoholic, sugary, and caffeinated beverages. In addition to water, opt for healthy options like coconut water, fresh fruit or vegetable juices, or herbal teas. 2. Stretch it out. After the massage, perform a few gentle stretches yourself. This helps relieve muscle tension, improve flexibility, and improve circulation. It’s also a great way to tune into your body, relieve stress, and calm your mind. 3. Heat Therapy Warm up your body to promote relaxation. Take a hot shower or go to the sauna. Add baking soda or Epsom salts to a bath and let soak for up to 30 minutes. You can also use a heating pad or hot rice bag on painful areas for up to 15 minutes. 4. Essential Oils You can also use essential oils for pain relief. Add a few drops to your bath or shower, or use a diffuser. Or you can combine essential oils with a carrier oil for topical application or to use in a compress. 5. Topical Treatment Applying a muscle massage or CBD lotion is also a great way to self-massage several times a day. You can spend a few minutes applying the ointment while giving yourself a mini massage. 6. Herbal Relief There are several herbs that can stimulate muscle relaxation and reduce inflammation. You can take them as a capsule, tincture, or tea. Some herbal options are: Turmeric


black pepper




cayenne 7. Rest Take time to rest and recharge your batteries. Plan rest periods after the massage if possible. Put your feet and legs up with pillows and take some time to listen to your favorite music, read a book or sleep. 8. Guided Meditation Lie on a padded mat or bed and listen to a mindfulness recording. This can take the form of a guided meditation, body scan, or yoga nidra. Observe your body and see where you can release tension. 9. Cold therapy Use an ice pack on painful areas for 15 minutes a couple of times a day. Or take an ice bath to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and boost circulation. To target a small area of ​​the body, you can use a small container of ice.

Types of massage There are several types of massage to choose from, all of which differ in terms of pressure and intensity. This makes it easy to find at least one type that you like and that will work best for your goals and needs. The Swedish massage is one of the most common types in the western world. Often referred to as a classic massage, this gentle technique focuses on releasing muscle tension and promoting relaxation. Other options include aromatherapy, shiatsu, and hot stone. Deep tissue massage uses more pressure and can cause more pain. It is often used in people with injuries or chronic pain. Trigger point, tuina, and sports massage are also options that use heavier pressure.

When to Speak It is important to establish open communication with your therapist. Before your appointment, talk to them about any concerns you have about your body and discuss the pressure you prefer. Your therapist will reach out during the massage, but if you’re uncomfortable or would like them to try a different pressure, speak up. The massage should not be painful at any time. Let your therapist know if there are any places to apply a different type of pressure or to avoid it altogether. State your intentions for the massage. A massage to relieve deep muscle knots is very different than a massage to stimulate relaxation, so keep that in mind. It’s also important to let your therapist know if you have any medical concerns or injuries.

When to See a Doctor See your doctor if you experience neck or back pain after a massage or if you have persistent pain, especially if you are unsure of the cause. If you experience severe or persistent pain, it could be due to an underlying medical condition or an untreated injury. In any case, it is important that you seek advice to decide on the best treatment plan. Talk to your doctor about massage options if you: Have cancer

are pregnant

have burns or wounds

have a fracture

have a bleeding disorder

take blood thinning medication

have severe osteoporosis

have severe thrombocytopenia

have deep vein thrombosis

Are neck massagers worth it?

The bottom line

Self-massage may have benefits for pain reduction and stress relief. Many types of neck massagers can be used to alleviate back, shoulder, and neck pain at home. Neck massagers can provide relief from neck pain caused by strains, sprains, and conditions such as osteoarthritis.

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We include products that we believe will be useful to our readers. If you make a purchase through links on this site, we may receive a small commission. Here is our process.

At-home neck massagers can be a useful tool for relieving neck and shoulder pain. In this round-up, we’ve included several types of short-term pain relief and relaxation.

Research from 2017 shows that massage, including self-massage, can provide short-term pain relief and benefits such as stress reduction. In addition, there is evidence that the relaxation produced by massage therapy can help reduce pain.

Of course, chronic pain or sudden pain that occurs without warning should always be evaluated by a doctor.

As we have decided

The neck massagers on this list come from trusted, transparent manufacturers. We analyzed customer reviews and feedback on each product and manufacturer across multiple sales sites and sites like the Better Business Bureau.

We included products that received significantly more positive than negative feedback. With budget in mind, we have included products in different price ranges.

How often should you get a massage?

A general recommendation is every 1-3 weeks, especially “if they have specific strain or tension or any area,” says Amey.

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How often should you get a massage? It depends, according to Amey, LMT, and Brogan, LMT at PRESS Williamsburg.

While some experts half-jokingly suggest “every day” (wouldn’t that be a treat!?), there are many factors to consider. For example, consider your purpose for the massage. If you’re working on a specific pain issue or injury, weekly massages can be a good place to start if it’s within your budget.

For a more general tuning or to relieve stress, every 4-6 weeks is the average time frame. Although Brogan ultimately says “It depends on your needs, and that might even be once or twice a year.”

Another factor to consider is how often you use your body. Very active people and athletes may need more frequent visits. A general recommendation is every 1-3 weeks, especially “if they have a specific stress or tension or area,” Amey says.

Pregnant women can also benefit from regular massages, especially towards the end of pregnancy. At this time, it is not uncommon for mothers to be massaged every 1-2 weeks to relieve anxiety, muscle and joint pain and improve childbirth outcomes.

In addition to the frequency of the massage, the techniques and the recovery phase also play a role. For example, a professional athlete who receives bi-weekly sports massage may require 24 to 48 hours of muscle recovery due to the deeper work between sessions. Always check in with yourself after a massage, or even keep a self-care diary to assess how you feel after each session.

Every body is unique and requires different needs. Try to schedule your massage right before you think you need it, not after! If you are still unsure, just ask your masseur.

Getting regular massages? Save more with a discounted package.

What happens in a back neck and shoulder massage?

Concentrated on the back, neck and shoulder area, specific oils are used to release tension and help soothe tight, sore muscles, which result from wear and tear or incorrect posture. This massage applies pressure to muscles, in order to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from stressed areas.

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Relieves tension

Focusing on the back, neck and shoulder area

Focused on the back, neck and shoulder areas, special oils are used to release tension and soothe tight, aching muscles that result from wear and tear or incorrect posture. This massage applies pressure to the muscles to increase the flow of oxygen in the blood and release toxins from stressed areas.

We do not recommend this treatment if any of the following apply:

How often should I get a massage for neck pain?

Massage is a way to relieve neck pain in the short term, and getting frequent massages may be most beneficial. One study found that getting a 60-minute massage two or three times a week showed more benefit for those with neck pain than getting a 60-minute massage once a week or a few 30-minute massages weekly.

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A massage can be a way to treat yourself, reduce stress, or address a medical issue. You can see a massage therapist for a variety of different massages. You can also massage yourself or ask someone to perform massage techniques at home. There are no standard guidelines for the number of massages you can receive, but a massage therapist or doctor may be able to recommend a frequency and duration that best suits your needs. Massages for injuries tend to be more common, while massages for pampering or relaxation can be less common.

What is ideal? The frequency and duration of the massage depends on the type of massage you want and the area you want to target. Many research studies recommend a specific massage frequency and duration to address underlying health issues, such as pain or injury. Talk to a massage therapist to find out how often you should visit to cater to your needs. If regular massages aren’t in your budget, consider increasing the time between sessions. You may also be able to learn massage techniques that you can practice more regularly at home from a doctor, massage therapist, or other healthcare professional.

Types of Massage Lymphatic Drainage Massage This type of massage is useful for draining lymph nodes that have recently been affected by surgery or a medical condition. It will stimulate fluid flow in your lymph nodes and release fluid buildup. You may need this massage daily in the beginning, but over time you can try two or three times a week. Lymphatic drainage should always be performed by a professional. They can also teach you to perform certain massage techniques yourself. Deep Tissue Massage A deep tissue massage uses slow, vigorous movements to reach deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. This type of massage targets muscle damage from injury. You can have a deep tissue massage for pain daily, a few times a week, or a few times a month. Your massage therapist can recommend a frequency and duration to address the underlying health condition that prompts this type of massage. Scalp Massage A scalp massage can be very relaxing and can even lower your blood pressure and heart rate. A study in Korea showed that women who work in an office experienced these health benefits from 15- to 25-minute scalp massages twice a week for 10 weeks. You may find that regular scalp massage helps you calm down and improve your overall attitude. Full body massage A full body massage is often referred to as a Swedish massage. This type of massage promotes relaxation. You can have this type of massage on an occasional basis, every few weeks, or monthly to help you feel more centered and less stressed. Massage chair You may be able to find a massage chair that will relieve sore muscles or help you relax. A pilot study found that healthy adults had positive effects from sitting in a massage chair for 20 minutes at a time. You may be able to experience this type of massage at home by purchasing a massage chair, or you may find a place outside of your home where you can use one occasionally or regularly.

For medical conditions, massage can help relieve certain painful symptoms or reduce stress and anxiety. It can also be helpful during pregnancy. You may need more frequent massages for pain relief, or you may find that less frequent but regularly scheduled massages are beneficial for your emotional well-being. Back pain A regular massage can relieve your back pain. One study showed that deep tissue massage performed for 30 minutes daily for 10 days reduced pain in patients. The American College of Physicians now lists massage as a treatment for back pain lasting up to 12 weeks. Neck pain massage is one way to relieve neck pain in the short term, and frequent massages may be most beneficial. One study found that a 60-minute massage two or three times a week was more beneficial for people with neck pain than a 60-minute massage once a week or a few 30-minute massages a week. Anxiety and Stress You’ll find that a massage once or twice a month helps relieve anxiety and stress. According to the American Massage Therapy Association, 66 percent of those who sought massage in 2018 did so to relax and reduce stress. Consider a 60-minute massage tailored for relaxation. According to the Mayo Clinic, this could lower your cortisol levels by 30 percent and increase your serotonin levels by 28 percent. This will relax you and improve your mental well-being. Pregnancy A 2010 study found that regular, light massage performed by someone at home or by a massage therapist can help promote a healthy state of mind and reduce leg and back pain. A weekly 20-minute massage from a professional, or two 20-minute massages from someone at home, can be enough to reduce anxiety and stress, as well as physical symptoms of pregnancy. The study also found that 15-minute massages during each hour of labor can also shorten the overall time of labor and reduce the amount of medication needed.

Benefits Massage can result in many benefits including: Stress relief

pain reduction

low blood pressure

release of muscle tension

Precautions Massage may not always be the safest activity if you have certain health conditions. You should be careful if you have: broken or fractured bones

a blood clotting disorder

open wounds or burns



other serious medical conditions If you are pregnant, your doctor or massage therapist may advise against getting a massage during your first trimester, or if you have high blood pressure, a high-risk pregnancy, or recent surgery. Find someone who specializes in prenatal massage to ensure you receive a healthy and safe pregnancy massage. There are a few risks that can arise when getting a massage. If you have a blood clot or have a history of blood clots, you should consult your doctor before having a massage. During a session, blood clots can break off and travel through your blood vessels to your heart or lungs. This could lead to a heart attack or a blocked artery. You should not continue a massage or seek additional massages if you are in pain.

When to See a Doctor Most massage treatments are considered safe. Talk to your doctor before getting one if you have a serious medical condition. You may want to ask your doctor for massage therapist recommendations so you can find someone who will meet your needs. Massage should not replace other medical procedures needed to treat an underlying health condition. Do not ignore pain, developing symptoms, or severe symptoms such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, or loss of consciousness.

What does a neck massage do?

A neck massage is focused on the muscles around the neck and shoulder area. Some muscles worked on during a neck massage include the sternocleidomastoid, scalenes and upper trapezius. A neck massage aims to relieve tension, reduce headaches and increase relaxation.

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A neck massage focuses on the muscles in the neck and shoulder area. Some muscles that are worked during a neck massage are the sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, and upper trapezius. A neck massage is said to relieve tension, relieve headaches and increase relaxation. Many techniques are used to achieve a range of benefits by increasing muscle temperature to improve tissue elasticity and reduce joint stiffness. Our massage therapists at Physio.co.uk use neck massage to relieve pain, increase range of motion and reduce muscle tension.

What techniques are used in a neck massage?

A wide variety of techniques can be used for a neck massage. The most commonly used techniques include:

Above: Deep tissue massage of the neck with a focus on the trapezius muscle. Above: Deep tissue massage of the neck with a focus on the trapezius muscle

Some of the most common techniques used during a neck massage include acupressure, mobilizations, and skin rolling.

Acupressure is often used during a neck massage. Acupressure uses fingers and thumbs to apply pressure to specific areas of the neck. Acupressure is commonly used to loosen muscle knots and increase blood flow. An ischemic reaction occurs when acupressure is performed because blood flow is restricted when pressure is applied. The pressure applied encourages muscle fibers to relax, causing muscle knots to soften and break up. Softening and breaking up muscle knots helps reduce pain in the neck area. When the pressure is released, blood flow to the area increases, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, allowing for faster healing.

Mobilizations are an effective technique used during a neck massage. During mobilization, pressure is applied to the spinous and transverse processes located on the vertebrae of the cervical spine. As pressure is slowly added and simultaneously released to the processes, each joint between the vertebrae becomes looser and more “lubricated”, allowing for an increase in movement. Mobilizations are useful to reduce joint stiffness. Reducing joint stiffness also helps relieve tension that has built up in the muscles around the spine due to a lack of movement. Reducing joint stiffness and muscle tension helps increase flexibility and reduce pain.

Skin rollers are used regularly during a neck massage. Skin rolling is where fingers and thumbs are used to pick up and roll the skin. Skin rolling is used effectively to reduce the restrictions caused by fascia, a tough connective tissue layer beneath the skin’s surface, and to increase circulation. Often restricted by muscle strain, injury, surgery, or pain, fascia can further limit movement and flexibility. An increase in blood flow caused by skin rolling is used to increase the temperature of the fascia, allowing it to loosen and stretch. Therefore, loosened fascia as a result of skin rolling allows for an increase in movement due to a decrease in restriction.

When can a neck massage help?

There are several situations in which a neck massage can help. The situations most often helped by a neck massage include:

Above: Soft tissue massage of the neck with semispinalis capitis and trapezius muscles Above: Soft tissue massage of the neck with semispinalis capitis and trapezius muscles

How does a neck massage help with acute pain?

Acute pain can be relieved with a neck massage. Acute pain can be a result of injury, surgery, muscle strain, or muscle overuse. When an area of ​​the body is damaged, pain receptors in the skin send a signal to the brain, where the message is then relayed to the nerves to create a feeling of pain.

A neck massage focuses on relieving pain by releasing tension and disrupting the signal being sent to the brain.

Muscle tension can increase acute pain. Tension can be caused by muscle overuse, injury, or poor posture. A build-up of tension can lead to an increase in muscle knots or trigger points. Trigger points cause an increase in pain in a specific area unless they are compressing a nerve. When a trigger point compresses a nerve, referred pain can occur, causing an increase in stabbing pain along the nerve pathway. Tensions are relieved by increasing muscle temperature. An increase in muscle temperature improves tissue elasticity. An increase in tissue elasticity allows muscles to relax and relieve tension. Reducing tension prevents trigger point formation and relieves acute pain.

A neck massage can often disrupt the signal sent by the skin’s receptors to the brain that the body has been damaged. During a neck massage, friction occurs between the skin and fingers, which creates a new feeling for the skin’s receptors. When a new sensation is recognized, a new signal is sent to the brain, disrupting the old damage message. A new signal sent to the brain means the nerves don’t get the message to create feelings of pain and instead create feelings of relaxation. Increasing feelings of relaxation therefore reduce acute pain.

Above: Active stretching of the trapezius muscle Above: Active stretching of the trapezius muscle

How does a neck massage help you relax?

A neck massage is often used to increase relaxation. Relaxation can occur both physically and mentally in a person. Physical relaxation is linked to the musculoskeletal system, while mental relaxation is linked to both negative and positive hormone levels.

A neck massage can increase relaxation by relieving pain and increasing positive hormones.

Pain can be caused by injury, muscle fatigue, and muscle overuse. A neck massage relieves pain by increasing blood flow. Circulation is increased by friction between the skin and fingers. Blood flow is used to both increase muscle temperature and provide the muscles with an increase in oxygen and nutrients. An increase in muscle temperature allows muscle fibers to relax and loosen up, releasing muscle tension and tension. Increasing delivery of oxygen and nutrients allows for increased healing and helps maintain muscle health and strength. Easing tension and tension, as well as promoting healing, help reduce pain and increase physical relaxation.

A neck massage promotes the release of positive hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. Positive hormones are responsible for giving people a sense of well-being, reducing stress and increasing relaxation. A lack of positive hormones means that stress and anxiety can often increase, resulting in poor mental relaxation. Promoting a surge in positive hormones reduces or prevents increases in stress and anxiety, thus increasing mental relaxation.

How does a neck massage help with tense muscles?

A neck massage is an effective treatment for relieving muscle tension. Muscle strains are common to many people and are most commonly caused by poor posture, injury, or muscle overuse.

A neck massage aims to reduce muscle tension by reducing tissue inelasticity.

A neck massage promotes blood circulation by creating friction. As blood flow increases, muscle temperature increases. An increase in muscle temperature loosens muscle fibers and allows them to relax. Relaxed muscle fibers improve tissue elasticity, allowing a muscle to stretch to its full length. When the muscles are able to stretch to their full length without restriction or pain, muscle tension has been reduced.

What are the benefits of a neck massage?

A variety of benefits can often be obtained from a neck massage. The most common benefits achieved include:

Above: Deep tissue massage of the trapezius muscle Above: Deep tissue massage of the trapezius muscle

Above: Deep tissue massage of the trapezius muscle. Above: Deep tissue massage of the trapezius muscle

How does a neck massage relieve tension?

Reduced tension is a benefit often achieved with neck massage. Tension is caused by muscle fibers that remain in a state of contraction and are unable to relax, leading to an increase in muscle fatigue and pain.

A neck massage aims to relieve tension by promoting an increase in muscle relaxation.

During a neck massage, friction increases muscle temperature. An increase in temperature improves the elasticity of muscle tissue. When tissue elasticity is low, movement is restricted and tension increases. Improving tissue elasticity allows muscle fibers to relax and increase movement. As the muscle fibers relax and loosen up, firmer massage strokes can be used to penetrate deeper into the muscle fibers and increase relaxation of the deeper layers of tissue. The deepening of muscle tissue further increases tissue elasticity and relieves tension. Releasing tension increases range of motion and relieves pain.

How does a neck massage relieve stress?

A neck massage is often used to relieve stress. A person can experience both physical and psychological stress.

Neck massage helps reduce stress by promoting muscle relaxation and lowering cortisol levels.

When the muscles are overused, it can cause a lot of stress in the muscles, causing the muscles to become fatigued and weak. Fatigue and weak muscles increase the likelihood of injury and can increase pain. A neck massage reduces stress in the muscles by increasing blood flow. An increase in blood flow occurs due to dilation of blood vessels or vasodilation. When vasodilation occurs, more blood can flow through the vessels, increasing the availability of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. Oxygen and nutrients are essential for repairing damaged muscles and maintaining healthy muscles. Increasing oxygen and nutrient availability improves healing and reduces muscle fatigue and weakness. Reducing fatigue and weakness in muscles reduces physical stress.

Cortisol is a negative hormone that is released in response to factors such as pain. Cortisol is a negative hormone known to increase symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. When pain occurs, cortisol is released, further increasing the pain. As pain increases, cortisol levels also increase, further increasing stress levels. A neck massage promotes the release of positive hormones that circulate in the body and cortisol is reduced. When more positive hormones are released, feelings of relaxation increase while symptoms of stress are reduced. Reducing cortisol helps reduce mental stress.

How does a neck massage improve the feeling?

A neck massage can help improve the feeling. Bad sensations can include numbness, tingling, tingling, or pain. Bad sensations can be a result of injury or nerve compression.

A neck massage can improve the sensation by relieving nerve compression.

Nerves give us all our feelings. Nerves can produce both positive feelings, such as relaxation, and negative feelings, such as pain. When nerves are compressed, it causes irritation. In response to the compression, the nerve endings create negative sensations to make the body aware that something is wrong. Nerves may produce numbness, shooting pains, tingling, or tingling as this response. A neck massage relieves nerve compression by reducing joint stiffness and relieving tension. During a neck massage, the blood circulation improves and the temperature rises. As the temperature rises, joint stiffness decreases and muscle tension is reduced. A reduction in joint stiffness and muscle tension promotes relaxation of compressed nerves, thereby improving sensitivity.


A neck massage focuses on the sternocleidomastoid, scalene, and upper trapezius muscles that make up the neck and shoulder area. A range of techniques including acupressure, mobilizations and skin rolling are used to relieve acute pain, promote relaxation and release tight muscles. A number of benefits can be achieved during a neck massage, including reduced tension, reduced stress, and improved sensations. Our massage therapists at Physio.co.uk use neck massage to increase flexibility, maintain healthy muscles and improve circulation.

How can I arrange a neck massage?

The easiest way to arrange a neck massage with Physio.co.uk is to email us at [email protected] or call us on 0330 088 7800.

Alternatively, you are welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

We offer a 7-day service and offer home and clinic appointments.

What are benefits of head massage?

A head massage may help relieve stress and reduce tension. It may also ease migraine or headache pain, lower blood pressure, improve circulation to your head and neck, and promote hair growth. Before using essential oils, make sure they’re diluted, and do a patch test before using on a large area of skin.

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Share on Pinterest A scalp massage feels fabulous. In addition to the sensory pleasure it provides, a scalp massage can relieve symptoms of headaches, reduce stress, and potentially promote hair growth as well. And the best? You can learn how to make one at home. Or you can visit a massage therapist if you want a professional scalp massage. Read on to learn more about the benefits of a scalp massage, how to do one yourself, and what to expect from a professional scalp massage.

Benefits of a Head Massage Sarah Monreal, licensed massage therapist and owner of Wayfare Wellness, says the benefits depend on the type of head massage you receive. For example, she offers craniosacral massage therapy. This is a gentle massage technique that focuses on the central nervous system of the head, spine and sacrum. This type of head massage is often used to: Relieve tension

Relief from migraines and headaches

reduce stress

Encouraging Relaxation That said, Monreal points out that even less specialized massages, like the kind you do at home, can help relieve stress and tension, nourish the scalp, and improve circulation in your head and neck areas. Here are some other benefits of a scalp massage. Promotes Hair Growth If your hair is thinning or not as thick as it used to be, consider a scalp massage. In a small 2016 study, participants experienced an increase in hair thickness after 24 weeks of daily scalp massage. Lowers Blood Pressure It’s no secret that a scalp massage can help relieve the stress of the day and promote feelings of relaxation. A 2016 study also found that both 15- and 25-minute scalp massages can lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in female participants. The study authors believe this could be because a head massage can help increase blood flow, which is beneficial for relaxing blood vessels and neck muscles. Reduces Tension Headache Symptoms A tension headache commonly causes pain in the head and neck and behind the eyes. Muscle contractions often trigger this type of headache. The American Massage Therapy Association reports that scalp massage can help reduce the intensity, duration, and frequency of tension-type headaches. This may be due to the relaxing effect a head massage has on the neck muscles.

How to do a head massage The beauty of a head massage is that you can do it yourself. All you need is your fingertips. Massage oil is optional. If you prefer, you can use a scalp massager instead of your fingertips. These tools come in the form of brushes or rubber handheld massagers. You can work the massage tool all over the scalp in the same way you would with your fingertips. Follow these steps to give yourself a scalp massage: Sit in a comfortable chair. If you use oil, make sure you put a towel around your neck and on the chair to catch any drips. Begin by applying light to medium pressure to your head with your fingertips or the massager. If using oils, dip your fingertips into the oil and then continue massaging. Move around your scalp in small circular motions. Massage in for at least 5 minutes, making sure to cover the entire head. You can wash out the oil with shampoo. Scalp massages are also a great way to connect with your partner. Try giving each other a scalp massage at home with these tips from Monreal: Have your partner lie down or sit in a comfortable chair. When using essential oils, start with a small amount. Dip your fingertips in the oil. Focus on making slow, gentle strokes on your partner’s head, working your way up to light circular motions going over their head. Use your thumbs to gently massage her neck as well.

Which oils are best for a head massage? Although you can perform a scalp massage without oil, you may like the aroma and added benefits of using essential oils. While you can use any oil of your choice, some essential oils seem to work better with this relaxing massage. “We love to use essential oils whenever possible,” says Monreal. “Two of our favorite essential oils for a scalp massage are lavender oil and peppermint oil, but you can also opt for coconut oil if you prefer.” Kathy Sadowski, MS in aromatherapy and a registered aromatherapist, says if you want to use oil for a scalp massage, Jojoba or sweet almond oil are both good choices as they won’t clog your pores. A word of caution with essential oils is that you dilute the oil before using it on your skin. To avoid irritation, mix a few drops of the essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil before using it on your head. Before using essential oils on a large area of ​​skin, it’s also important to do a patch test to see how your skin reacts. Here’s how: Wash your forearm with mild, unscented soap, then pat dry. Apply a few drops of diluted essential oil to a small patch of skin on your forearm. Cover the area with a bandage and keep it dry for 24 hours. If you have signs of an allergic reaction, such as a rash, irritation, or discomfort, remove the bandage immediately and wash the area with soap and water. Discontinue use of the essential oil. If you don’t experience any irritation within 24 hours, the essential oil is probably safe to use. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, be sure to read the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) pregnancy guidelines to avoid oils that could cause problems.

What to Expect from a Professional Scalp Massage Treating yourself to a scalp massage is both easy and very affordable. But sometimes you might want to hire a professional to do the work. If you are interested in a professional scalp massage, there are a few things you should know before booking an appointment. “If you choose to have a professional craniosacral massage, you can expect a very soothing and relaxing massage,” says Monreal. During your session, the masseur will focus on treating your entire skull and neck with light caresses. Monreal says they may also be working on gently manipulating the bones of your skull and spine to normalize the flow of your cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system. “With a more normal flow, this fluid will help enhance your body’s natural ability to heal itself,” she explains. According to Monreal, you can expect a professional massage session to last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. “Throughout the session, you’ll be communicating with your massage therapist to ensure your needs are being addressed appropriately and effectively,” she says. At the Monreal clinic, a 45-minute cranio-sacral massage would likely cost around $60. Exact costs may vary depending on where you live. Check prices with the massage therapist before making an appointment.

Is a neck massage good for you?

Massage is one of the most effective and safest ways of loosening stiff neck and shoulders. Studies show that consistent neck massage improves condition and for some forgo treatments.

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The feeling of persistent neck pain and stiff shoulders is common. It’s often the result of a number of causes, from simple habits like poor sitting posture, sleeping positions, to car accidents and even infections. Home remedies and over-the-counter medications can relieve mild to moderate neck pain. However, we cannot always rely on taking these drugs. The best solution to preventing chronic neck pain is to develop habits, and knowing that a good workout, stretching, and neck massage will have benefits goes a long way.

Does massage help with neck pain?

Massage is one of the most effective and safest ways to relieve stiff neck and shoulder areas. Studies show that a consistent neck massage improves condition and some people forego treatments. But booking massage therapy and finding the best time to do it can be quite a challenge for many. A regular massage can also come with a high price tag and be difficult to track.

If you’re having a hard time booking a massage or finding the most convenient time in your busy schedule, your best bet is to get a massager. This is where the uCozy 3D pillow massager comes in.

uCozy 3D Pillow Massager is a great and safe alternative to expensive massage bookings or conflicting appointments with your massage therapist. This portable, comfortable, yet powerful massager offers all the benefits of neck massage but with greater convenience and affordability.

Why does the uCozy 3D Pillow Massager offer numerous neck massage benefits?

For one, it’s comfortable and fits snugly between the neck and shoulders. Unlike other bulky pillows, uCozy 3D has been improved and redesigned to provide optimal comfort while bringing out the best in massage and relaxation.

It features intense bi-directional rollers that also produce heat therapy that combines effectively with the soothing deep-tissue roller massage. Once you rest your neck on this incredible pillow massager, you can enjoy a great relaxation and satisfying massage practically anywhere.

Is a massage good for neck pain?

The neck is one of the most exposed parts of our body and the most prone to injury and other physical pain. You may have heard that a massage has long-term benefits for your body – both internally and externally. In fact, deep tissue massage is one of the most effective alternatives when compared to acupuncture, physical therapy, relaxation therapy, and exercise.

The feeling of discomfort and pain in the neck can be followed by pain and discomfort in other areas of the body. For example, poor sitting posture or sitting at a desk for a long time triggers the discomfort that is followed by shoulder and back pain.

A deep tissue massage for your neck is just one of the benefits. It also needs to be integrated with other healthy activities and habits like working out at the gym, proper posture, and a healthy diet.

Is it bad to massage the neck?

A neck massage relieves pain and discomfort. However, it also comes with risks if done by someone with no experience or with the wrong tools. The neck is a very vulnerable area and is connected to the spinal cord, making it all the more dangerous. The massage itself is harmless, but applying too much pressure can result in pain and discomfort after the session. Incorrect pressure on an injured part can make it worse.

The carotid arteries in the neck are large blood vessels that are responsible for carrying blood and oxygen to the brain, neck and face. Putting too much pressure on these arteries can cause nerve damage or blockages that lead to a mini-stroke. There are careful techniques for massaging the head without touching the neck.

Massagers like uCozy 3D are designed and constructed to apply just enough pressure to the area that needs to be massaged. It has enough warmth and pressure and fits perfectly between the neck and shoulder pressure points without touching the delicate arteries while giving you a safe deep tissue massage.

Benefits of Neck Massage

What does a shoulder massage do?

A shoulder massage focuses on the muscles located around the shoulder region. There are many different techniques commonly used during a shoulder massage including acupressure, kneading, effleurage and skin rolling. A shoulder massage effectively reduces pain, stress, tension and tightness in the shoulder muscles.

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A shoulder massage focuses on the muscles surrounding the shoulder region. The musculature of the shoulder region consists of the upper trapezius, rhomboids and rotator cuff muscles. A shoulder massage involves many different techniques that help relieve tension and pain. A shoulder massage helps increase muscle temperature by increasing blood flow. Increased temperature in the muscles leads to relaxation and reduced pain. Our highly qualified massage therapists at Physio.co.uk use shoulder massage to relieve stress, tension and pain.

What techniques are used in a shoulder massage?

There are a variety of different techniques used in a shoulder massage. Some of the most common techniques used during a shoulder massage include:

Above: Soft tissue massage on the shoulders Above: Soft tissue massage on the shoulders

Acupressure is commonly used during a shoulder massage. Acupressure is a technique performed on trigger points and muscle knots with the thumb or fingertips. Acupressure helps increase blood flow to the shoulder muscles. Pressure on the muscle knots stops blood flow to that area. The pressure loosens and softens the muscle knot. When the pressure is released, the body’s natural healing process is activated as it thinks an area of ​​the body has been damaged. The body’s natural healing process encourages more blood flow to the shoulders to provide the muscles with more oxygen and nutrients needed to heal. Acupressure helps with pain relief and relaxes the muscles in the shoulder region.

Kneading is applied to the muscles during a shoulder massage. Kneading can be done with flat hands or fists. Blood and lymph flow is improved by slowly squeezing and pulling the soft tissues. Friction created by pulling and squeezing soft tissues increases muscle temperature and improves elasticity. Increasing the elasticity of the muscles leads to an improvement in flexibility. An improvement in elasticity and flexibility therefore leads to a decrease in muscle pain, tightness and tension.

Effleurage is used during a shoulder massage. Effleurage is a technique that can be performed with the hands and fingers flattened. The pressure when applying Effleurage can vary based on personal preference. Effleurage can be a relaxing experience and help relieve stress, pain and tension in the shoulders. Effleurage helps increase muscle temperature and improves blood flow throughout the body. The temperature is increased by the friction created by rubbing the skin. Raising the temperature and improving blood circulation help increase muscle elasticity. Increasing the elasticity of the muscle helps reduce muscle strain and tension. Effleurage also helps increase the removal of waste products and toxins by improving lymphatic circulation.

An effective technique that is often used during a shoulder massage is skin rolling. Skin rolling involves picking up the skin and rolling it between your fingers and thumb. Skin rolling helps relieve stress and tension in the muscles. Skin rolling helps improve blood circulation and lymph flow. An improvement in lymph flow helps in the removal of waste products and toxins in the muscles and tissues.

Trigger pointing is used effectively during a shoulder massage. A trigger point is located in the middle of a muscle fiber. A trigger point can cause pain in the body if left untreated. Trigger pointing during a shoulder massage applies pressure to the trigger points to loosen knots that could be causing upper back pain. Softened nodes are a result of pressure being applied to the trigger points and blood flow is restricted to that area. When blood flow is restricted, it is called an ischemic reaction. When the pressure is released, the body’s natural healing process immediately sends blood to the area. Blood flow is increased to repair damage the body thinks has occurred. An increase in blood flow supplies the muscle with healthy nutrients and oxygen, which helps maintain strong and healthy muscles.

When can a shoulder massage help?

A shoulder massage can help in many ways. Several ways a shoulder massage can help include:

Above: Trapezius and anterior deltoid soft tissue massage. Above: Trapezius and anterior deltoid soft tissue massage

A shoulder massage can promote relaxation. A shoulder massage can relax the body physically and mentally. Muscles in the shoulder can become tight and painful, resulting in the body not relaxing. A shoulder massage creates friction and increases the temperature of the muscles. An increase in temperature helps improve muscle elasticity, resulting in less muscle strain and strain. Reduced muscle tension and strain helps the body relax as pain is relieved. A shoulder massage also helps the body relax mentally. A shoulder massage increases the relaxation hormones serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin and dopamine help the body to be calm and relaxed. There is also a decrease in the hormone cortisol. Cortisol increases stress in the body. Rising levels of serotonin and dopamine and falling levels of cortisol help the body relax mentally.

Stress can be treated with a shoulder massage. Stress can affect the body both mentally and physically. Muscle tension is one of the most common signs of stress. The shoulder massage helps to lower the level of the stress hormone cortisol. A surge in the hormones serotonin and dopamine also occurs to help the body become calm and stress-free. A decrease in cortisol and an increase in serotonin and dopamine help the body mentally relieve stress. A decrease in muscle tone and tension also occurs. A shoulder massage increases muscle temperature, releases tension, relieves tension and relieves stress physically.

A shoulder massage can help reduce muscle tension that causes pain and discomfort. The most common causes of tight muscles are poor posture and injuries. Tension in the shoulder muscles can lead to severe pain and discomfort that can negatively affect everyday life. A shoulder massage increases the temperature of the muscles, which leads to an improvement in tissue elasticity and flexibility. The improvement in tissue elasticity within the muscles leads to reduced muscle tension.

Injuries can have many negative effects on the body. Negative consequences of an injury can be eliminated with a shoulder massage. After an injury, muscles can become tight and restrictive, leading to an increase in pain. A shoulder massage helps with tension, stress and pain. A shoulder massage helps break down and reduce scar tissue that has formed around an injury site. The breakdown of scar tissue leads to improved muscle function. Tissue elasticity is increased, improving flexibility and range of motion around a joint.

What are the benefits of a shoulder massage?

There are a variety of different benefits that can be achieved with a shoulder massage. The benefits of a shoulder massage are:

Above: Soft tissue massage of the M. trapezius and M. erector spinae. Above: soft tissue massage of the Mm. trapezius and erector spinae

The benefits of a shoulder massage include reduced pain, improved circulation, injury prevention, and improved posture.

Less pain is one of the most common benefits of a shoulder massage. Muscles in the shoulders can become sore and painful for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons are poor posture, injuries and overuse. Muscles become tense and contract, leading to an increase in muscle soreness. Muscle soreness occurs because receptors in the body sense when something is wrong. Once detected, a signal is sent to the brain. This signal tells the brain that there is pain. When this message is received, we begin to feel an increase in pain. A shoulder massage aims to relieve pain by stopping or disrupting the signals being sent to the brain. Stopping the signals means the body can no longer perceive the pain, so the pain is reduced. A shoulder massage not only stops signals to the brain, but also helps to loosen muscles and release tension. The massage increases the temperature of the muscle, which leads to an increase in capillarization during vasodilation. An increase in capillarization increases the amount of oxygen that can be used by the body. An increase in vasodilation increases the size of blood vessels, so blood flow increases. An increase in the temperature in the muscles leads to an improvement in muscle elasticity. Improving muscle elasticity reduces tightness and tension, thus relieving pain.

A shoulder massage can help improve circulation. Improving blood flow promotes the delivery of more nutrients and oxygen to the muscles. An increase in nutrients and oxygen keeps muscles healthy and can prevent injuries. There is also an increase in cell exchange. During cell exchange, waste products and toxins are removed while healthy nutrients and oxygen are supplied. More efficient removal of waste products and toxins helps keep muscles healthy and blood flow is less likely to be reduced.

Avoiding injury is another common benefit of a shoulder massage. By improving blood and lymph circulation, there are fewer harmful products and toxins in the muscles that can damage muscles. In addition, more oxygen and nutrients are circulated around the muscles. An increase in oxygen and nutrients contributes to stronger and healthier muscles. An increase in muscle temperature improves the elasticity and flexibility of the tissues around the joints. Increasing range of motion means muscles are less restricted in their movement during strenuous activity, helping to prevent injury.

Posture can be improved after a shoulder massage. When muscles become strained or cramped, they cause pain and discomfort in the body. When muscles hurt, they limit range of motion. Restricting freedom of movement can lead to poor posture. A shoulder massage helps loosen tight muscles by increasing temperature and improving muscle elasticity and flexibility. Improving elasticity and flexibility increases range of motion and reduces pain. An increase in range of motion and a reduction in pain allow the posture to correct itself without causing pain or discomfort.

Above: Soft tissue massage of the temporomandibular joint Above: Soft tissue massage of the temporomandibular joint


A shoulder massage focuses on the muscles surrounding the shoulder region. There are many different techniques commonly used during a shoulder massage, including acupressure, kneading, effleurage, and skin rolling. A shoulder massage effectively reduces pain, stress, strain and tension in the shoulder muscles. A shoulder massage raises the temperature of the muscles to improve blood and lymph flow. Our highly qualified massage therapists at physio.co.uk use shoulder massage to treat stress and muscle tension to relieve pain.

How can I arrange a shoulder massage?

The easiest way to arrange a shoulder massage with Physio.co.uk is to email us at [email protected] or call us on 0800 033 7800.

Alternatively, you are welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

We offer a 7-day service and offer home and clinic appointments.

How to Massage the Neck

How to Massage the Neck
How to Massage the Neck

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Head, Neck and Shoulder Massage

Head, neck and shoulder massage

60 minutes 90 minutes

£65 n/a

Most people experience neck and shoulder tension at some point in their lives, which is hardly surprising given what the neck has to do. Poor posture, poor work positions, and carrying heavy bags aggravate the problem. However, you can ease the pain with a remedy that is literally available to us!

With firm pressure, soothing strokes and stretches in the back, neck and shoulder areas, a massage can help to relieve tension and relieve you of minor pain. This massage focuses on tension in the back, neck and shoulder muscles, allowing the benefits to be achieved in less time. With pressure points and stretches targeting the source of the pain, you’ll notice the difference from the first treatment.

It’s amazing how much lighter you feel after this massage, especially if you suffer from frequent neck pain. A head, neck and shoulder massage from us increases range of motion and can help increase the flow of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers

We perform this treatment as usual on a massage table, which we find more effective than using a massage chair.

If you are short on time, this may be the ideal treatment for you.

Deep Tissue Massage For Neck Stiffness And Pain

Massage therapy is known to help with all types of back pain and stiffness. It can also help resolve these symptoms in the neck. There are many types of this therapy to choose from, but the most common ones that help relieve a stiff neck are Swedish and deep tissue massage. The various techniques are typically used on the neck, shoulders and back.

How the Swedish massage helps with neck pain

This therapy is the most common type of massage in the United States. The main techniques include kneading, as well as long, smooth movements that go along the direction of blood flow to the heart. The main goal of this type of massage (besides pain relief) is to eliminate tension throughout the body.

How deep tissue massage works to relieve neck pain

A deep tissue massage is not something you would think of when it comes to stopping neck pain. But it is actually successful in relieving tension and chronic pain. This method uses deeper pressure to reach all layers of the muscles and connective tissue. The neck is a sensitive area. Choosing the right therapist is important to avoid additional pain that can result from improperly applied techniques.

How effective is massage therapy for neck pain?

Massage therapy has been shown to help with neck pain and stiffness, but the results are usually temporary. This therapy is most effective when administered by a professional at least a few times a week. However, some studies have shown that no matter how many times you get a massage, it doesn’t get rid of your stiff neck.

The truth is, it’s difficult to give a solid answer as to whether or not massage works. There are many different types of this therapy using even more different techniques. To complicate things further, each person receiving this therapy is unique and may not respond to therapy the same way. More research is needed, but if you have neck pain, talk to your doctor about this therapy. Just because a person does not receive benefits does not mean that this is a typical outcome.

Safe massage therapy for neck pain

Getting this therapy for neck stiffness and pain is generally very safe. Some feel pain or swelling after the neck massage, but this usually passes quickly. Serious side effects are rare, but can occur if someone has previously had an injury or condition in the area.

Other ways to stop neck pain and stiffness

Massage therapy can help relieve pain and stiffness, but other things can also help. Lifestyle changes like reducing stress and changing posture are two of the best steps you can take to prevent aches and pains and muscle strains. Be sure to stretch regularly and sit with your head in a neutral position. Exercise, good sleep, and a healthy diet can also help keep your muscles healthy.

Massage therapy in Amarillo, Texas

If you’re looking for a relaxing way to release tension and pain, massage therapy could be for you. Back to Basics Massage Studio offers a variety of services including Swedish, deep tissue, and sports massages. You can reach us at (806) 322-3706 or email us for more information.

2022 Healthcare Costs

Gyms: $30-50 for 30-45 minutes; $50-90 for 45-60 minutes Private Therapists: $60-120 for 45-60 minutes

Massage fees are based on the length of the appointments, which are typically 30, 45, 60, or 90 minutes. Prices for the many different types of massage[1] are similar, but adding hot stones, aromatherapy, or other services adds 10-20 percent. Fees are lower in the Midwest and highest in coastal regions and urban centers. While there’s usually little difference in fees between spas, gyms, or specialty clinics, hotel and resort spa prices are typically 30 to 50 percent higher. Typical costs:

Fees at clinics, gyms, and spas range from $30-$50 for 30-45 minutes to $50-$90 for 45-60 minutes. Hotel or resort fees are $50-70 for 30-45 minutes and $85-125 for 45-60 minutes.

for 30-45 minutes, up for 45-60 minutes. Hotel or resort fees apply for 30-45 minutes and for 45-60 minutes. Couples packages (friends are usually allowed) massages range from $120 to $220 for 60 minutes. Service is usually performed side by side.

for 60 minutes. Service is usually performed side by side. Prenatal massages are often limited to one-hour sessions so as not to overtax the mother’s muscles and circulatory system. Fees range from $80 to $150 for 45 to 60 minutes.

for 45-60 minutes. Aromatherapy massage — the addition of fragrant oils like lavender and jasmine to enhance relaxation — is often 10-20 percent higher than a regular massage.

Fees for the hot stone massage — which infuses muscles with deep heat by soaking flat, smooth stones in 135-degree water — range from $85 to $100 for 45 to 60 minutes.

for 45-60 minutes. Chair massages – for the neck, shoulders and head only – are offered at airports and in shopping malls. Fees range from $30-$40 for 30 minutes, or around $1 per minute for shorter sessions. Related Articles: Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Manicure and Pedicure

What should be included:

A therapist should be certified by an accredited teaching program or have training in chiropractic. MassageTherapy.com offers a directory of 48,000 licensed massage therapists.

Therapists should begin each appointment by asking if there are any painful areas on your body that they should avoid, what body area to work on, and how much pressure you prefer.

Therapists often use oil to help move their hands over the skin. Some also end up using lotion to moisturize the skin. Soothing background music is often played to promote relaxation.

MassageTherapy.com provides information on what to expect during an appointment[2] . SpaFinder.com offers tips on general spa etiquette[3] , including booking procedures and dress code.


Massage schools occasionally offer discounts on massages performed by student therapists. Hourly rates are typically $30-$40. NaturalHealers.com provides a nationwide directory of schools[4] . Additional costs:

Tipping: Many therapists expect a 15 to 20 percent tip, but not all spas, clinics, or private practitioners accept tips. Shopping for massages:

MassageTherapy.com lists massage therapists nationwide who are registered with ABMP.

Spa Finder Magazine provides a nationwide directory of spas[5] . Search for massage providers once you enter your location.

HealthClubDirectory.com offers a database of more than 8,000 fitness centers across the country[6] . Search for massage providers once you enter your location.

The material on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always ask your doctor or pharmacist about any medications or medical procedures.

What People Pay – Latest Comments

Correction Amount: $0.00 Posted by: Tiffany Harper in Arlington, TX. Posted: Feb 24, 2021 11:02 AM Hot stones are not heated in 135 degree water, that’s actually way too hot to keep safe and way too hot to put on a client. We actually ideally keep the temperature between 120 and 125. Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Concierge Level – In Home Massage Amount: $150.00 Posted By: Love A Great Massage in Buckhead, GA. Posted: Mar 6, 2019 9:03 am Type: Deep Tissue Massage Spa or Shop :: In my house/high rise I was referred to this therapist by a neighbor in my building. They’ve been getting massages from her for years and she comes home. This was one of the best massages I’ve ever had. I tried them because battling traffic immediately stressed me out after a massage! Great job Danie at Avalon Wellness Was this review helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Therapeutic Massage Amount: $165.00 Posted by: Wayne A Durance in Los Angeles, CA. Posted: Jan 21, 2019 8:01 am Type: Any Massage Spa or Business :: At client’s home Medical Massage $165 for 60 minute session

$210 for 90 minute session

No $40 commute fee within 10 miles of downtown Los Angeles. Was this review helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Private Massage Agency Amount: $65.00 Posted by: Stephanie82 in Stone Mountain, GA. Posted: Aug 28 2018 10:08 am Type: DeepTissue Spa or Shop :: Private Office I received a deep tissue treatment at a private office from an amazing male therapist. I asked why his rates were cheaper, he told me he had no overhead at his location and usually got a tip. I tipped him big because he deserved it. I have never experienced his style of massage but it was the best and it works. Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Home Massage Amount: $150.00 Posted by: Sandy McCulloch in Auburn, CA. Posted: Oct 16, 2016 3:10 PM Type: Deep Tissue Spa or Shop :: At Home I get a weekly massage at home from an experienced massage therapist and it’s worth not having to drive afterwards. He is an experienced and professional masseur. It took me a while to find the right person but I’m so happy to have such great service. It’s fabulous every week. I have no hesitation in recommending this therapist. Ask if you want my therapist’s number. Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

60 minutes Amount: $150.00 Posted by: Miki in Watauga, TX. Posted: Aug 11, 2016 2:08 am Type: Medical Massage Spa or Business :: Spa I was in great pain and had my massage without charging the fee. The store was not in a hotel, just a spa in a mall. My husband found the place on the internet. One of the reviews said it was reasonable. My mistake was not asking before service. I will say that the deep muscle massage helped and they got me the same day. But $150 plus tip when signing the bill. I gave 20 more. $170! Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Massage at Chiropractic Office Amount: $50.00 Posted by: Bonnie Lorenz in Ansonia, CT. Posted: Jun 10, 2016 11:06 AM Type: Deep Tissue, My Fascia Release Spa or Shop :: I highly recommend combining massage with chiropractic or a gym. It feels like the muscles I’m using get better so much faster. I’m happy when the insurance reimburses the doctor. I also tipped 20% and am grateful that I feel so much better. Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Private Home Visits in a Tourism Driven Economy Amount: $150.00 Posted By: April Heath LMT in Hollywood, FL. Posted: Feb 26 2016 4:02 PM Type: 90 Minute Massage Spa or Shop :: April Heath LMT pricing does not give consumers an idea of ​​quality as the price of each spa is the same whether or not the therapist is theirs Graduated or has 10 years of experience.

I work 3 days a week in a luxury hotel spa and 3 days a week in a private practice. This year I introduced seasonal prices.

I am celebrating 7 years in the practice and give my work 5 star sensibility. $100 an hour for the convenience of a home visit is reasonable while the Snowbirds are in town. Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Seattle Marty C Amount: $340.00 Posted by: Cami in Seattle, WA. Posted: Apr 17, 2015 7:04pm Marty I am an 11 year old LMP in the Seattle area. It’s common for chiropractors to charge insurance 140-160 per massage. The insurance company pays a percentage, so it depends on which company you are with. Most offices don’t actually get as much as they charge unless it’s auto insurance or LNI. The LMP is usually an employee so they are usually paid a fixed price per client which ranges from 20 to 40 per hour and the average wage is around 25. So it is unfortunate and sad that you have had this experience. Not all imps or companies charge the customer that much, it’s ridiculous. Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Chiropractor Office Amount: $0.00 Posted by: Tarnji Navie in Bundaberg, Other. Posted: Apr 13, 2015 8:04 AM Type: Trigger Point Therapy Spa or Shop :: Chiropractor My god I wouldn’t think this is normal, I would feel really hurt! Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Massage Specialist in Chiropractor’s Office Amount: $340.00 Posted by: Marty C in Seattle, WA. Posted: Dec 30, 2014 9:12 PM Type: Back Massage Spa or Shop:: Chiropractor Thought a $30.00 co-pay was all I had to pay. My UHC insurance says 17 insured per year. They only covered 2. BUT $340.00?????? Way too expensive. Doesn’t that sound like a rip off? Not if or what I owe now. Won’t go there again. Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Massage and Client Pricing Amount: $50.00 Posted by: mochamassage in Tuscola, IL. Posted: Mar 23, 2013 11:03 am Type: Swedish or Deep Tissue Spa or Business:: Private Therapist/ Chiro I am a massage therapist. When I replied to the Cats Meows post, I didn’t realize you could have a WOMEN ONLY business. is this legal I would say about 50% of my clients are men who come from the women who make their husbands work on sore spots or tight backs/necks etc. But she misses a lot of customers! I live in the Midwest, $50 is the average price here. Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Massage Amount: $60.00 Posted by: Cats Meow in Pawtucket, RI. Posted: Feb 16, 2013 1:02 PM Type: Deep Tissue Spa or Shop:: Private Therapist Dr. By ~ View Of Healthy Body Renewal offers different types of massages in a truly relaxing environment. I went for a regular massage for $60 (for 1 hour) but I received a deep tissue massage which is usually $20 more. However, after getting out of the gym, she proposed the deep tissue (no charge). I still gave her the extra $20 (as a tip). With 25 years of experience, I trusted their judgment. Came back a few weeks later for a steam facial. $30. Seemed a little expensive but allowed me to take a nice long shower after my massage. Then massage in a light lotion. I was there for a total of 2 hours. Good business ! Not sure if this is allowed? Her website is http://healthybodyrenewal.com WOMEN ONLY Was this article helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

My Massage Experience Amount: $60.00 Posted by: Judy B. in Honeoye Falls, NY. Posted: Mar 31, 2011 1:03 am Type: Swedish & Deep Tissue Spa or Shop :: Office & Yoga Studio 75 minutes for $60. Outrageous! I had a great experience and the hip joint pain is gone! Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

Chiropractor Office Amount: $45.00 Posted by: a user in Cranberry TWP, PA. Posted: Aug 26, 2010 12:08 PM Type: Trigger Point Therapy Spa or Shop :: Chiropractor I went to a chiropractor just for trigger point therapy both sides is this normal? I have myofascial pain syndrome/overlapping symptoms of fibromyalgia. Please reply, Thanks. Was this post helpful to you? yes no Report forbidden or spam

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