How Do We Obey The Gospel? The 68 Latest Answer

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What is gospel obedience?

God gives commandments for our benefit. Obedience to the commandments leads to blessings from God and shows our love for Him. Some people feel that the commandments are burdensome and that they limit freedom and personal growth.

How do you obey in the Bible?

Confessing your sins daily, repenting against yourself and knowing God loves you and has forgiven your sins daily. Read 1 John and Romans. Visiting a Bible believing, a Jesus and Gospel filled church, a truth loving church and person loving is a great way to learn more about God and meet to people to encourage you.

How can we show that we obey God?

By gratefully taking care of the small things God has placed in you life, like making your bed and watering your plants, you are showing him that you are a good shepherd of what he gives you. By obeying in all things, even the mundane, you are showing God that you are willing and able to obey whatever he asks of you.

What is obedience from the Bible?

Obedience Definition in the Bible

The general concept of obedience both in the Old and New Testament relates to hearing or hearkening to a higher authority. One of the Greek terms for obedience in the Bible conveys the idea of positioning oneself under someone by submitting to their authority and command.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible has much to say about obedience. In the story of the Ten Commandments we see the importance of the concept of obedience to God. Deuteronomy 11:26-28 sums it up this way: “Obey and you will be blessed. Disobey, and you will be cursed.” In the New Testament, through the example of Jesus Christ, we learn that believers are called to a life of obedience.

Obedience Definition in the Bible The general concept of obedience in both the Old and New Testaments refers to hearing or listening to a higher authority.

One of the Greek terms for obedience in the Bible conveys the idea of ​​submission to someone by submitting to their authority and command.

Another Greek word for obey in the New Testament means “to trust.”

According to Holman’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary, a concise definition of biblical obedience is “to hear the word of God and act upon it.”

Eerdman’s Bible Dictionary states: “True ‘hearing’ or obedience involves the physical hearing which inspires the hearer, and a belief or trust which in turn motivates the hearer to act in accordance with the speaker’s desires.”

Biblical obedience to God, then, means listening to, trusting, submitting to, and dedicating oneself to God and His Word.

8 reasons why obedience to God is important

1. Jesus calls us to obedience

In Jesus Christ we find the perfect example of obedience. As His disciples, we follow Christ’s example and His commandments. Our motivation for obedience is love:

If you love me, you will keep my commandments. (John 14:15 NIV)

2. Obedience is an act of worship

While the Bible places a strong emphasis on obedience, it is important to remember that believers are not justified (made righteous) by obedience. Salvation is a free gift from God, and there is nothing we can do to earn it. True Christian obedience springs from a heart of gratitude for the grace we have received from the Lord:

And so, dear brothers and sisters, I ask you to surrender your body to God for all He has done for you. Let her be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will find acceptable. That’s really the way to worship him. (Romans 12:1 NLT)

3. God rewards obedience

Again and again we read in the Bible that God blesses and rewards obedience:

“And through your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed – all because you have obeyed me.” (Genesis 22:18, NLT)

Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice.” (Luke 11:28, NLT)

But don’t just listen to God’s Word. You have to do what it says. Otherwise you are just fooling yourself. Because when you listen to the Word and disobey it, it’s like looking at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully at the perfect law that sets you free and do what it says and remember what you heard, God will bless you for it. (James 1:22-25, NLT)

4. Obedience to God demonstrates our love

The books of 1 and 2 John clearly state that obedience to God shows love for God. Loving God means following His commandments:

This is how we know that when we love God and obey His commandments, we love God’s children. Because that is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. (1 John 5:2-3 NIV)

Love is doing what God has commanded us to do, and He has commanded us to love one another just as you have heard from the beginning. (2 John 6, NLT)

5. Obedience to God shows faith

When we obey God, we show our trust and faith in him:

And we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments. If someone claims, “I know God,” but does not obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and not living in the truth. But those who obey God’s Word really show how much they love Him. By this we know that we live in him. Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did. (1 John 2:3-6, NLT)

6. Obedience is better than sacrifice

The phrase “obedience is better than sacrifice” has often confused Christians. It can only be understood from an Old Testament perspective. The law required the people of Israel to offer sacrifices to God, but these sacrifices and offerings were never meant to replace obedience.

But Samuel replied, “Which is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices, or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering ram’s fat. Rebellion is as sinful as sorcery, and obstinacy as bad as idolatry. So because you rejected the command of the LORD, he rejected you as king.” (1 Samuel 15:22-23, NLT)

7. Disobedience leads to sin and death

Adam’s disobedience brought sin and death into the world. This is what the term “original sin” is based on. But the perfect obedience of Christ restores fellowship with God to everyone who believes in him:

For as by the disobedience of the one man [Adam] the many were made sinners, so by the obedience of the one man [Christ] the many are made righteous. (Romans 5:19 NIV)

For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:22 NIV)

8. Through obedience we experience the blessings of the holy life

Only Jesus Christ is perfect, therefore only He could walk in sinless, perfect obedience. But when we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us from within, we grow in holiness. This is the process of sanctification, which can also be called spiritual growth. The more we read God’s Word, spend time with Jesus, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform us from within, the more we grow in obedience and holiness as Christians:

Happy are righteous people who follow the law of the LORD. Happy are those who obey his laws and seek him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil and only walk in its ways. You have commissioned us to carefully keep your bids. Oh that my deeds would consistently reflect Your decrees! Then I will not be ashamed to compare my life to your commands. As I learn your righteous precepts, I will thank you by living as I should! I will obey your decrees. Please don’t give up on me! (Psalm 119:1-8, NLT)

Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us be cleansed of anything that can pollute our body or mind. And let’s work toward perfect holiness because we fear God. (2 Corinthians 7:1 NLT)

The verse above says, “Let us work toward perfect holiness.” We do not learn obedience overnight; It’s a lifelong process that we pursue by making it a daily goal.

Who in the Bible was obedient to God?

Moses obeyed God’s commandments, and I can too! Memorize Exodus 19:5.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

“Moses Obeyed God’s Commandments,” Friend, June 2018

Image Friend Magazine, June 2018/06 Illustration by Dilleen Marsh

Moses was an Israelite (a Hebrew) raised by a princess in Egypt. Growing up, he disliked the way the Egyptians treated the Israelites, their slaves. When he interceded for them, the Egyptians wanted to kill Moses. Moses had to flee. God told Moses to go back and deliver the Israelites. Moses went to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and asked him to deliver his people. The pharaoh said no. God cursed the land with lice, frogs and other plagues. Finally Pharaoh said the Israelites could leave. Then he changed his mind and sent his armies after the Israelites! God commanded Moses to part the Red Sea so they could escape Egypt. Moses received the Ten Commandments from God and taught his people to be obedient.

Read about Moses in Exodus 2–34.

Does obedience bring blessing?

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22).

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

“Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourself” (James 1:22). Surveys of Christians have shown that there is no significant difference between the lifestyles of church-going evangelical Christians and those who totally reject Jesus Christ; their morals, social beliefs and behavior are basically the same! Filling your head with knowledge of God’s Word without obeying God’s Word is self-deception. If we don’t apply God’s Word to the way we live our lives, it thwarts God’s purpose in giving us His Word. Jesus said to professing believers who lived ungodly lifestyles: “I never knew you; Depart from me, you practicing lawlessness!” (Matthew 7:23). People who live greedy and ungodly lifestyles will not enter the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Ephesians 5:3-5, Galatians 5:20-21). “For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall pass away” (Psalm 1:6).

“For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his natural face in a mirror” (James 1:23). The Word of God is like a mirror; it shows mankind how sinful we are (Romans 3:9-20). God’s Word reveals our pride, deceit, lusts, self-centeredness, contempt for other people, lack of compassion, anger, ungodly speech, and our other ungodly qualities. We read, hear, and study God’s Word, but too often we become “forgetful hearers” and our lifestyle is no different from that of unbelievers. James is speaking of professing Christians who do not make God’s Word a priority in their lives – they do not consider God’s Word important. Why? Jesus said that the deception of riches will choke the Word and they will become barren (Matthew 13:22). Power, wealth (greed), worldly pleasures and toys are their passions, and they have no time for an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and His Word, neglecting the priority of eternal life in God’s heaven.

“For he watches himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was” (James 1:24). Christians easily forget the warnings in God’s Word about chasing after the joys and things of this world. Moses said, “See that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery” (Deuteronomy 6:12). “But they did not remember the multitude of the mercies of God, and rebelled at the Red Sea… They quickly forgot the works of God” (Psalm 106:7, 13). David wrote, “Do not forget all your blessings, who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases” (Psalm 103:2-3). God promises loving-kindness to those who remember His commands to do them (Psalm 103:18b). Paul wrote, “Be diligent in presenting yourself approved to God, a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Not knowing and understanding God’s Word is our own fault; It’s a choice we made for ourselves!

“But he who considers the perfect law of liberty and abides in it” (James 1:25a). “Behold” comes from the Greek word parakypto, which means to stoop (to humble oneself), to examine carefully and closely, and to thoroughly understand God’s Word. Jesus Christ lived a perfect life under God’s law and died a perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world (John 1:29), fulfilling God’s law (Matthew 5:17). When we sin, we ask and are forgiven (1 John 1:9). Paul said there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Christians must present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God and allow God’s Word to renew our spirits (Romans 12:1-2). Peter said: “He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, for it is written: ‘Be holy, for I am holy…born again, not of perishable seed, but imperishable through the word of God’” (1 Peter 1:15-16, 23). It is the duty of every Christian to live his life in a way that pleases God!

“And he is not a forgetful hearer, but a worker; he shall be blessed in what he does” (James 1:25b). James emphasizes, don’t be a forgetful hearer of God’s divine truth and live our lives according to God’s Word. Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples” (John 8:31-32); “Stay” means to make the words of Jesus a part of your life! Joshua told the Hebrew people to meditate on God’s Word day and night and to do all that is written in it, and they would prosper and prosper well (Joshua 1:8). God promises that as we read, study and ponder God’s Word and live our lives pleasing to God, we will be like a tree planted by the streams of water, yielding its fruit in its season, its leaves also will not wither; and everything we do will prosper (Psalm 1:3). “Blessed are all who fear the Lord and walk in his ways” (Psalm 128:1).

The Apostle Paul wrote: “All Scripture is inspired by God, and useful for teaching, for correction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be made complete and equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16- 17). The average reader can read the Bible through in about 3200 minutes, or about 54 hours, or about 9 minutes a day. The wisdom in the Bible about how to live our lives while we are on this earth is truly amazing. The Bible tells us how we make money, save and donate, how we treat government, employers and employees, how we treat the poor and rich, and how we treat our wife/husband, children, friends and even ourselves our enemies shall avoid. But the most important thing about the Bible is that it tells people how to have a personal relationship with God. The first verse in the Bible is about God and the last verse in the Bible is about Jesus Christ. Between these two verses is everything we need to know about God and Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Your eternal destiny depends on your decision for Jesus Christ!

How do you show obedience?

Be respectful.

Part of being obedient is showing respect to your parents, honoring their ideas about what’s best for you, and showing that you think they are worth listening to. Make sure that you listen when they talk and respond when they ask you to respond. Don’t ignore them in public.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

If you always do as you are told, you can be called obedient. Authority figures love to have obedient followers. If you realize that the word obedient comes from a Latin word meaning obey, it’s easy to remember what obedient means.

What is an obedient child?

Parents, teachers, and police officers value obedience. If you have a dog, you may have taken it to obedience school. Trainers help teach dogs obedience—to obey commands and show good behavior. … People show obedience by obeying the law, and children show obedience by obeying their parents and teachers.

how to be obedient

Obedience is a touchy subject because it can easily turn into something abusive. However, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with cultivating obedience to your parents, to your authority figures (like teachers or bosses), or even to your faith (if you have one). Remember, obedience is something that should be freely given. If the object of your obedience (like a parent) abuses your obedience, then you have every right to revoke it.

Be obedient to your parents

Be polite. Part of obedience is showing respect to your parents, respecting their ideas of what’s best for you, and showing that you think they’re worth listening to. Make sure you listen when they speak and respond when they ask you for an answer.

Part of obedience is showing respect to your parents, respecting their ideas of what’s best for you, and showing that you think they’re worth listening to. Make sure you listen when they speak and respond when they ask you for an answer. Don’t ignore her in public. If you’re hanging out with your parents, they might feel a bit embarrassed, but pretending you don’t know them or aren’t with them is extremely rude. It also has the potential to hurt your parents. They don’t say you embarrass them, so why think of them that way?

Don’t roll your eyes when they ask you to do something. If you don’t like what they’re asking you, the polite way to respond is to ask them to explain how you feel about why you don’t want to do what they want you to do. Think of all those times when you were a kid and asked your parents to do something for you and they did it without complaining.

Be attentive to your tasks. Parents tend not to ask you to do a lot of chores. In fact, they probably work a lot harder than you do. Obedience means doing what you think needs to be done without your parents asking you to.

Parents tend not to ask you to do a lot of chores. In fact, they probably work a lot harder than you do. Obedience means doing what you think needs to be done without your parents asking you to. Avoid having your parents ask you to do something more than once. Everyone gets distracted from time to time, so you might not always think about completing a chore without being asked. Try to avoid this being a typical thing.

Do what you can to help around the house without being specifically asked to do so. For example: Offer to babysit your younger sister so your parents can have a night off. Or find out when it’s garbage day and take out the garbage before your mom has to.

Consider why your parents say no instead of arguing. Parents can have all sorts of rules about what they think they should or shouldn’t do. You may not always like or agree with these rules, but an obedient child considers their parents’ point of view rather than arguing about it.

Parents can have all sorts of rules about what they think they should or shouldn’t do. You may not always like or agree with these rules, but an obedient child considers their parents’ point of view rather than arguing about it. Don’t give in to the knee-jerk reaction to argue with them or to express your disappointment or displeasure. If you really have to respond with an argument, make it a debate rather than an argument — try writing them a letter, message, or email explaining your point of view rather than shouting and to be ruthless.

If they tell you that you’re hanging out with a friend on a Thursday night, they might be worried that you won’t finish your homework on time or that you’ll be too tired for school the next day.

Express your disagreement in a polite manner. There may be times when your parents ask you to do something inappropriate or impose inappropriate restrictions on you. In many cases, speaking calmly about why you think their demands are unreasonable, or offering alternatives or a compromise, can go a long way toward getting what you want without being disobedient.

There may be times when your parents ask you to do something inappropriate or impose inappropriate restrictions on you. In many cases, speaking calmly about why you think their demands are unreasonable, or offering alternatives or a compromise, can go a long way toward getting what you want without being disobedient. Feel free to explain your point of view. Give facts and don’t just rely on feelings.

Obedience doesn’t mean that you don’t have a mind of your own, and it certainly doesn’t mean that you always have to agree with your parents. But if you disagree and wish to voice your disagreements, you must do so politely but firmly.

Be polite. Being polite to your parents is a sign of respect and obedience. You also want to be polite to others: strangers, family members, friends. This is a way of showing how well your parents raised you.

Being polite to your parents is a sign of respect and obedience. You also want to be polite to others: strangers, family members, friends. This is a way of showing how well your parents raised you. Make sure you ask permission to be excused at the dinner table.

Say “please” and “thank you” even for simple things.

Hold doors open for people, offer to help people with their groceries.

Never rebel against your parents. You can disagree with them, but if they give you a reasonable instruction and you resist them just to annoy or upset them, that is not only immoral but outright sinful. Think about the consequences before you decide to make a decision.

Be obedient to authority figures

Pay attention to what they have to say. If you’re trying to be obedient to an authority figure like your teacher or boss, you need to be careful when they speak. You want to show that you care.

If you’re trying to be obedient to an authority figure like your teacher or boss, you need to be careful when they speak. You want to show that you care. In class, look at the teacher as he speaks. Take notes if they contain important information and look interested.

Make sure you listen to your boss when he gives you directions. Eye contact is also important here.

Discuss concerns or issues privately. If there is a problem with an authority figure, you should never raise it in front of others. Instead, ask if you can talk to them in their office or after class.

If there is a problem with an authority figure, you should never raise it in front of others. Instead, ask if you can talk to them in their office or after class. Know how to obey authority. You should always respect authority, but never worship authority. Respecting authority means that you recognize the manager’s authority and follow his or her reasonable rules. However, people who respect authority rarely sit still and suffer when an authority figure treats them poorly or unfairly. People who worship authority, on the other hand, literally worship the authority figures; They think that just because the boss has authority, everything he or she says must be right. Therefore, respecting authority often means suffering injustices, while respecting authority only gives you a reputation for being respectful, kind, and considerate—something worth fighting for.

You should always respect authority, but never worship authority. Respecting authority means that you recognize the manager’s authority and follow his or her reasonable rules. However, people who respect authority rarely sit still and suffer when an authority figure treats them poorly or unfairly. People who worship authority, on the other hand, literally worship the authority figures; They think that just because the boss has authority, everything he or she says must be right. Therefore, respecting authority often means suffering injustices, while respecting authority only gives you a reputation for being respectful, kind, and considerate—something worth fighting for. For example: If you feel that your teacher gave you the wrong grade on an assignment, you would talk to him about it after class. Present some clear and concise reasons why you think you deserve a different grade (and no, “worked really hard at it” is not a reason).

Understand what is expected of you. It’s hard to be obedient to someone when you’re not really sure what they want from you. Part of paying attention to what your authority figure is saying is because then you’ll know what they need from you. If you disagree with an authority figure, don’t be rude. Just talk about it politely, and you may prevail in the end.

It’s hard to be obedient to someone when you’re not really sure what they want from you. Part of paying attention to what your authority figure is saying is because then you’ll know what they need from you. If you disagree with an authority figure, don’t be rude. Just talk about it politely, and you may prevail in the end. Being obedient to your teacher means keeping track of things like homework, classwork, any important projects, and class attendance requirements.

If you are obedient to a supervisor at work, you need to know what is expected of you in relation to your job. You need to be mindful of long-term projects and make sure you’re not wasting your time at work surfing the web.

Make sure you complete tasks on time. Once you know what is expected of you, it’s time to meet those expectations in a timely manner. If there is a valid reason why a specific task or task is not being completed on time, be sure to let your authority figure know.

Once you know what is expected of you, it’s time to meet those expectations in a timely manner. If there is a valid reason why a specific task or task is not being completed on time, be sure to let your authority figure know. Avoid opposite calls. Arguing or arguing with your boss or teacher is the polar opposite of obedience. Especially in a teaching or work situation, your opinion of the authority figure will not matter as much.

Arguing or arguing with your boss or teacher is the polar opposite of obedience. Especially in a teaching or work situation, your opinion of the authority figure will not matter as much. Backtalk can also be non-verbal, such as B. Eye rolls or grins when someone says something that you disagree with or think is silly.

If they tell you to do something, don’t say something like, “This is totally unnecessary.” If you have questions or want to know why, ask respectfully but firmly.

Act like you respect her. Respect and obedience go hand in hand. To be obedient to someone, you must act as if you respect them as an authority figure. If they tell you to do something, do it as long as it’s reasonable, moral, and harmless.

Respect and obedience go hand in hand. To be obedient to someone, you must act as if you respect them as an authority figure. If they tell you to do something, do it as long as it’s reasonable, moral, and harmless. Be polite and considerate. Say please and thank you”. However, remember never to apologize for anything or take responsibility for it if you haven’t done so.

Never use blind obedience. If your authority figures told you to jump off a cliff, would you still do it obediently? Like everything else, obedience has its limits. Crossing these limits turns you from disciplined to unwise and foolish. Be careful when obeying your authority figures – they may be authoritarian, but few are fully virtuous.


Being obedient in a religion

Cultivate humility. When you obediently follow the commandments of your faith, it means you are humble too. You accept that your God is helping to guide your life and you accept both the good and the bad that is coming.

When you obediently follow the commandments of your faith, it means you are humble too. You accept that your God is helping to guide your life and you accept both the good and the bad that is coming. Try to avoid owning the things that are happening in your life. When something good happens, remember that it was through the grace of your great teacher. When something unfortunate happens, it is also a learning experience brought about by Him or Her.

Commit to your faith. Most faiths and religions have specific rules and regulations that a practitioner must follow. Committing to your faith means giving up control of your life (not in a bad way) and understanding that what is happening is coming from your Holy Teacher.

Most faiths and religions have specific rules and regulations that a practitioner must follow. Committing to your faith means giving up control of your life (not in a bad way) and understanding that what is happening is coming from your Holy Teacher. Make decisions consistent with your beliefs. Again, because of the rules and regulations in different faiths, there will be certain choices that will be difficult because they will make you choose between a life that may be materially easier but spiritually unacceptable. Obedience to your faith means choosing the latter path.

Again, because of the rules and regulations in different faiths, there will be certain choices that will be difficult because they will make you choose between a life that may be materially easier but spiritually unacceptable. Obedience to your faith means choosing the latter path. For example: Such a decision could sacrifice your career path because it doesn’t align with your beliefs.

It could also be something like taking a lot of time for prayer.

Avoid judging other people based on their faith and obedience. Obedience to your faith is a personal matter. It means you are in connection with your God and your faith and that can be wonderful.

Obedience to your faith is a personal matter. It means you are in connection with your God and your faith and that can be wonderful. It doesn’t mean you have carte blanche to criticize other people’s beliefs or hurt their way of life.

Who is an obedient man?

Obedience in human behavior is a form of “social influence in which a person yields to explicit directions or commands from a person in authority”. Obedience is generally distinguished from docility, behavior that is influenced by peers, and conformity, behavior that is meant to conform to that of the majority.

Obedience in human behavior is a form of “social influence in which a person yields to explicit directions or commands from a person in authority”. Obedience is generally distinguished from docility, behavior that is influenced by peers, and conformity, behavior that is meant to conform to that of the majority. Depending on the context, obedience can be viewed as moral, immoral, or amoral.

People have been shown to be obedient in the presence of seemingly legitimate authority figures, as demonstrated by the Milgram Experiment in the 1960s, conducted by Stanley Milgram to find out how the Nazis managed to get ordinary people to attend Mass to move murders of the holocaust. The experiment showed that obedience to authority was the norm, not the exception. Regarding obedience, Milgram said: “Obedience is a basic element in the structure of social life that can be pointed to. Some system of authority is a prerequisite for any community life, and only the man who lives in isolation is not compelled to respond to the commands of others through defiance or submission.” A similar conclusion was drawn in the Stanford prison experiment.

Experimental Studies

Classic methods and results

Although other fields have studied obedience, social psychology has been primarily responsible for the advancement of obedience research. It has been studied experimentally in various ways.

Milgram’s experiment

In a classic study, Stanley Milgram (as part of the Milgram Experiment) produced a highly controversial but often repeated study. As with many other experiments in psychology, Milgram’s design involved deceiving the participants. In the experiment, subjects were told that they would participate in a study on the effects of punishment on learning. In reality, the experiment focuses on people’s willingness to obey malicious authorities. Each subject served as a teacher for associations between any pairs of words. After meeting the “teacher” at the beginning of the experiment, the “learner” (an accomplice of the experimenter) sat in another room and could be heard but not seen. Teachers were told to administer electric shocks of increasing intensity to the “learner” for each incorrect answer. When the subjects questioned the procedure, the “researcher” (again, an accomplice of Milgram’s) encouraged them to continue. Subjects were told to ignore the learner’s agonized cries, his desire to be untied and end the experiment, and his pleas that his life was in danger and that he had a heart condition. According to the “researcher”, the experiment must continue. The dependent variable in this experiment was the amount of tension of the shocks delivered.

Zimbardo’s experiment.

The other classic study of obedience was conducted at Stanford University in the 1970s. Phillip Zimbardo was the main psychologist in charge of the experiment. In the Stanford Prison Experiment, college-age students were placed in a pseudo-prison environment to study the effects of “social forces” on participants’ behavior. In contrast to the Milgram study, where each participant was exposed to the same experimental conditions, half of the participants were randomly assigned to be prison guards and half to be prisoners. The experimental environment was designed to physically resemble a prison while evoking “a psychological state of confinement”.


The Milgram study found that most participants would obey orders even if obedience caused serious harm to others. With encouragement from a perceived authority figure, about two-thirds of the participants were willing to administer the highest level of shock to the learner. This result was surprising to Milgram because he believed that “subjects have been taught from infancy that to hurt another person against their will is a fundamental breach of moral conduct”. Milgram attempted to explain how ordinary people were able to perform potentially deadly acts against other people by suggesting that participants may have entered an agent state, allowing the authority figure to take responsibility for their own actions .

Zimbardo achieved similar results when the guards in the study obeyed orders and became aggressive. Prisoners were also hostile and resentful of their guards. The cruelty of the “guards” and the resulting stress of the “prisoners” forced Zimbardo to end the experiment prematurely after 6 days

Modern methods and results

The previous two studies have greatly influenced how modern psychologists think about obedience. Milgram’s study, in particular, resonated well with the psychology community. In a modern study, Jerry Burger replicated Milgram’s method with some modifications. Burger’s method was identical to Milgram’s, except that when the shocks reached 150 volts, the participants decided whether or not to proceed and then ended the experiment (baseline condition). To ensure participant safety, Burger added a two-step screening process; This should exclude any participants who might react negatively to the experiment. Two confederates were used in the modeled rejection condition, with one confederate acting as the learner and the other as the teacher. The teacher stopped after ramping up to 90 volts and the participant was asked to pick up where the confederate left off. This methodology was considered more ethical because many of the adverse psychological effects seen in participants in previous studies occurred after exceeding 150 volts. Since only males were used in Milgram’s study, Burger also attempted to determine whether there were any gender differences in his study and randomly assigned equal numbers of males and females to the experimental conditions.

Using data from his previous study, Burger examined participants’ thoughts on obedience. Participants’ comments from the previous study were coded for the frequency with which they mentioned “personal responsibility and learner well-being.” The number of jabs that participants used in the first experiment was also measured.

Another study, using a partial replication of Milgram’s work, changed the experimental setting. In a Utrecht University study on obedience, participants were instructed to make a confederate who took an aptitude test feel uncomfortable. Participants were told to make any instructed stressful remarks to the confederate that ultimately caused him to fail in the experimental condition, but were not told to make any stressful remarks in the control condition. The dependent measures were whether or not the participant made all of the stress remarks (measure of absolute obedience) and the number of stress remarks (relative obedience).

After the Utrecht studies, another study used the stress cue method to see how long participants would obey authorities. The dependent measures for this experiment were the number of stress comments made and a separate measure of personality designed to measure individual differences.


Burger’s first study had similar results to Milgram’s previous study. The obedience rates were very similar to those of the Milgram study, showing that the obedience tendencies of the participants did not decrease over time. Additionally, Burger found that both sexes exhibited similar behavior, suggesting that obedience occurs in participants regardless of gender. In Burger’s follow-up study, he found that participants who were concerned about learner well-being were more reluctant to continue the study. He also found that the more the experimenter pushed the participant to continue, the more likely they were to abandon the experiment. The Utrecht University study also replicated Milgram’s findings. They found that although participants reported that they did not enjoy the task, over 90% of them completed the experiment. The Bocchiaro and Zimbardo study showed similar levels of obedience compared to the Milgram and Utrecht studies. They also found that participants would either abandon the experiment at the first sign of the learner’s requests or continue until the end of the experiment (so-called “foot-in-the-door scenario”) in other cultures (including Spain, Australia and Jordan) the participants also found obedient.


One of the main assumptions of obedience research is that the effect is caused only by the experimental conditions, and Thomas Blass’s research disputes this point because, in some cases, participant factors affecting personality could potentially affect the results of obedience, he found that the personality of participants can influence how they respond to authority, as people with high levels of authoritarian submission are more likely to obey. He replicated this finding in his own research, since in one of his experiments he found that when viewing parts of the original Milgram Studies in the film, participants placed less responsibility on those who punished the learner when they scored high on measures of authoritarianism scored.

In addition to personality factors, participants who resist authority displayed high levels of social intelligence.

other research

Obedience can also be studied outside of the Milgram paradigm in areas such as economics or political science. An economic study that compared compliance with a tax authority in the lab versus at home found that participants were much more likely to pay participation taxes when confronted in the lab. This finding implies that even outside of experimental settings, people forego potential financial gains in order to obey authority.

Another political science study examined public opinion before and after a Supreme Court case debating whether or not states could legalize physician-assisted suicide. They found that participants’ tendency to obey authority was not as important to public opinion survey results as religious and moral beliefs. Although previous research has shown that the tendency to obey persists in all settings, this finding suggests that personal factors such as religion and morality can limit how much people obey authorities.

In his 2016 TV film Pushed to the Edge, British mentalist and documentary filmmaker Derren Brown provides a powerful informal endorsement of Milgram’s key findings. The film shows that “our natural instinct, when confronted with authority, is to obey without hesitation – to such an extent that even the most moral of people can be led to commit the most horrific acts simply because they are able to.” will be prompted. ” Similarly, Brown’s film The Heist replicated Milgram’s procedure and obtained almost identical results: 65% of the subjects followed the instructions of an authority figure and administered what they believed to be fatal electric shocks to another person.

other experiments

The Hofling Hospital Experiment

Both the Milgram and Stanford experiments were conducted in research settings. 1966 veröffentlichte der Psychiater Charles K. Hofling die Ergebnisse eines Feldversuchs zum Gehorsam in der Arzt-Krankenschwester-Beziehung in ihrer natürlichen Krankenhausumgebung. Krankenschwestern, die nicht wussten, dass sie an einem Experiment teilnahmen, wurden von unbekannten Ärzten angewiesen, ihren Patienten gefährliche Dosen eines (fiktiven) Medikaments zu verabreichen. Obwohl mehrere Krankenhausvorschriften die Verabreichung des Medikaments unter diesen Umständen untersagten, hätten 21 der 22 Krankenschwestern dem Patienten eine Überdosis verabreicht.

Kulturelle Einstellungen

Dogenpalast in Venedig: Hauptstadt der Tugenden und Laster – Obediencia Dno exireo (Gehorsam gegenüber Gott).

Viele traditionelle Kulturen betrachten Gehorsam als Tugend; Historisch haben Gesellschaften erwartet, dass Kinder ihren Ältesten gehorchen (vergleichen Sie das Patriarchat, Sklaven ihre Besitzer, Leibeigene ihre Herren in der feudalen Gesellschaft, Herren ihren König und jeden Gott. Selbst lange nachdem die Sklaverei in den Vereinigten Staaten beendet war, verlangten die Schwarzen Codes von Schwarzen dies gehorchen und sich den Weißen unterwerfen, bei Androhung des Lynchens Vergleichen Sie das religiöse Ideal der Kapitulation und seine Bedeutung im Islam (das Wort Islam kann wörtlich „Kapitulation“ bedeuten).

Bei einigen christlichen Hochzeiten wurde Gehorsam zusammen mit Ehre und Liebe formell in das Ehegelübde einer konventionellen Braut (aber nicht des Bräutigams) aufgenommen. Dies wurde mit dem Frauenwahlrecht [Zitieren erforderlich] und der feministischen Bewegung angegriffen. Ab 2014 ist die Aufnahme eines Gehorsamsversprechens in Eheversprechen in einigen Konfessionen optional geworden.

Gehorsamstraining von Menschen

Manche Tiere können durch operante Konditionierung leicht zum Gehorsam erzogen werden, zum Beispiel gibt es Gehorsamsschulen, um Hunde darauf zu konditionieren, den Befehlen menschlicher Besitzer zu gehorchen.

Das Erlernen der Befolgung erwachsener Regeln ist ein wichtiger Teil des Sozialisationsprozesses in der Kindheit, und viele Techniken werden von Erwachsenen verwendet, um das Verhalten von Kindern zu ändern. Darüber hinaus wird in Armeen eine umfassende Ausbildung durchgeführt, um Soldaten in die Lage zu versetzen, Befehlen in Situationen zu gehorchen, in denen eine ungeschulte Person nicht bereit wäre, Befehlen Folge zu leisten. Den Soldaten werden zunächst scheinbar triviale Dinge befohlen, z. B. den Hut des Sergeanten vom Boden aufzuheben, in genau der richtigen Position zu marschieren oder in Formation zu marschieren und zu stehen. Die Befehle werden allmählich anspruchsvoller, bis ein Befehl an die Soldaten, sich mitten ins Gewehrfeuer zu stellen, eine instinktiv gehorsame Antwort erhält.

Faktoren, die den Gehorsam beeinflussen

Verkörperung von Prestige oder Macht[

Gehorsam tritt in mehreren Situationen auf; Am häufigsten wird auf den Gehorsam von Soldaten gegenüber einem Vorgesetzten Bezug genommen.

Als die Milgram-Experimentatoren potenzielle Freiwillige befragten, enthüllte der Auswahlprozess der Teilnehmer selbst mehrere Faktoren, die den Gehorsam außerhalb des eigentlichen Experiments beeinflussten.

Die Auswahlgespräche wurden in einem verlassenen Komplex in Bridgeport, Connecticut, durchgeführt. Trotz des baufälligen Zustands des Gebäudes stellten die Forscher fest, dass die Anwesenheit eines Yale-Professors, wie in der Anzeige angegeben, die Anzahl der Personen, die gehorchten, beeinflusste. Dies wurde nicht weiter untersucht, um den Gehorsam ohne einen Yale-Professor zu testen, da Milgram die Interviews nicht absichtlich inszeniert hatte, um Faktoren zu entdecken, die den Gehorsam beeinflussten. Eine ähnliche Schlussfolgerung wurde beim Stanford-Gefängnisexperiment gezogen.

Im eigentlichen Experiment war Prestige oder der Anschein von Macht ein direkter Faktor für den Gehorsam – insbesondere die Anwesenheit von Männern in grauen Laborkitteln, die den Eindruck von Gelehrsamkeit und Leistung erweckten und als Hauptgrund dafür angesehen wurden, dass Menschen der Verwaltung nachkamen was sie für einen schmerzhaften oder gefährlichen Schock hielten. Eine ähnliche Schlussfolgerung wurde beim Stanford-Gefängnisexperiment gezogen.

Raj Persaud kommentiert in einem Artikel im BMJ Milgrams Liebe zum Detail in seinem Experiment:

Die Forschung wurde auch mit erstaunlicher Verve und Subtilität durchgeführt – zum Beispiel sorgte Milgram dafür, dass der „Experimentator“ einen grauen Laborkittel anstelle eines weißen trug, gerade weil er nicht wollte, dass die Probanden dachten, der „Experimentator“ sei ein Arzt und dadurch die Implikationen seiner Erkenntnisse auf die Macht der ärztlichen Autorität beschränken.

Trotz der Tatsache, dass Prestige oft als separater Faktor betrachtet wird, ist es tatsächlich nur eine Teilmenge von Macht als Faktor. Das Prestige, das ein Yale-Professor im Laborkittel vermittelt, ist also nur eine Manifestation der damit verbundenen Erfahrung und des Status und/oder des sozialen Status, den ein solches Image verleiht.

Agentenzustand und andere Faktoren

According to Milgram, “the essence of obedience consists in the fact that a person comes to view himself as the instrument for carrying out another person’s wishes, and he therefore no longer sees himself as responsible for his actions. Once this critical shift of viewpoint has occurred in the person, all of the essential features of obedience follow.” Thus, “the major problem for the subject is to recapture control of his own regnant processes once he has committed them to the purposes of the experimenter.” Besides this hypothetical agentic state, Milgram proposed the existence of other factors accounting for the subject’s obedience: politeness, awkwardness of withdrawal, absorption in the technical aspects of the task, the tendency to attribute impersonal quality to forces that are essentially human, a belief that the experiment served a desirable end, the sequential nature of the action, and anxiety.

Belief perseverance

Another explanation of Milgram’s results invokes belief perseverance as the underlying cause. What “people cannot be counted on is to realize that a seemingly benevolent authority is in fact malevolent, even when they are faced with overwhelming evidence which suggests that this authority is indeed malevolent. Hence, the underlying cause for the subjects’ striking conduct could well be conceptual, and not the alleged ‘capacity of man to abandon his humanity … as he merges his unique personality into larger institutional structures.

What is blind obedience to authority?

“I was only following orders” is referred to as the “Nuremberg Defense”, and it is nothing less than blind obedience to authority. Blind obedience to authority is what you do when you think laws should be obeyed just because the law exists.

Blind obedience is defined as the unquestioning adherence to inherently imprecise rules, even in the face of silly or adverse consequences. More simply, blind obedience is essentially doing something because you are told, you adhere to the rules because they are the rules.

What are the benefits of obeying God?

One of the benefits of obedience is that it causes anything you set your hand to do to succeed and prosper wherever you are. It doesn’t matter where you are around the world, if you will obey God, you will succeed there.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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Whether you are a Christian or not, you need obedience to succeed in life. As a good citizen of your country, it is your responsibility to follow the good laws and policies of your country. As a student, it is your responsibility to obey your teachers and the school board. In your workplace, you must obey your boss to keep working for him. So obedience isn’t just religious stuff, it’s an indispensable virtue that is required of every human being who wants to succeed in life. A minute of disobedience can ruin a man’s entire destiny. No one is exempt from the requirements of obedience, regardless of religion, culture, nationality, or gender. In this post today I am going to share with you some of the benefits of obedience that you need to know in order to enjoy total victory, success, health, prosperity and long life on earth. Read with confidence.

What is obedience?

Obedience means doing what you are asked to do, how you are asked to do it, and when you are asked to do it. Obedience simply means following instructions and acting accordingly. Obedience is an art and can be learned. Even Christ, the Son of God, learned obedience (Hebrews 5:8). Man is by nature disobedient and self-fulfilled. Obedience is an art of the Spirit that you must learn if you are to walk with God and prosper on earth. Now what are the benefits of obedience?

1. Obedience obliges God to put you above all the nations of the earth – Deut 28:1

Your placement in life is not determined by your age, background, culture, nationality, or gender. Your obedience to God and His instructions, which are enshrined in the scriptures, determines your place in life and destiny. In this kingdom, people rise from obscurity to the limelight simply by obeying God. Abraham, David, Moses, Joseph, Peter and all the heroes of the Bible rose to the top through their obedience to God and His instructions.

2. Obedience enables you to enjoy the prosperity of the kingdom on earth—Job 36:11

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One of the benefits of obedience in the kingdom of God is that it enables you to access and enjoy the riches and bounty of God on earth. You agree that silver belongs to God and gold also belongs to God. To whom do you think God will give His silver and gold, those who disobey Him or those who obey Him? Invariably, God does not waste His resources on disobedient children. Obedience to God and His instructions brings about supernatural prosperity.

3. Obedience provokes the sworn blessings of God in a person’s life – Deut 28:2-3

Obedience is the way to God’s blessing. Do you want to see the blessings of God in your life, family, business, career and finances? The key to this is obedience to God. If you are an obedient child of God, you work under the covenant of blessing. Nothing provokes the blessing of God like obedience. And you know what the blessing of God can do for you, it makes rich and adds no sorrow.

4. Obedience provokes generational blessings for your children

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One of the benefits of obedience is that it provokes generational blessings upon your children and grandchildren. One sure way to leave a legacy for your children is to walk in obedience to God every day of your life. A life of obedience to God is a spiritual investment that yields an ROI that money can’t buy. If you, as a parent, want to secure the future of your children, please obey God.

5. Obedience gives you super victory over your enemies – Deut 28:7

Enemies are real. Sometimes there are people you thought were your friends, but they are your real enemies. One of the benefits of obedience to God is that it turns your battles over to God and makes you a spectator. When you obey God, God takes over your struggles. He fights your enemies until they are completely destroyed. Obedience to God will make you stronger than your enemies. A man who walks in obedience to God is a dangerous man. He’s too defended to be defeated.

6. Obedience to God makes the works of your hand prosper wherever you are—Deuteronomy 28:8

Your success in life is determined not by your geographical location but by your covenant practice. Anyone can succeed anywhere if supported by God. One of the benefits of obedience is that whatever you set out to do will prosper everywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, if you obey God you will prosper there.

7. Obedience to God brings divine arrangement – Deut 28:9

In the Kingdom, people will not be established by the strength of their arms, for no one will be victorious by strength. It is in this Kingdom that God establishes His people as they walk in obedience to His instructions. You cannot stumble if you obey God. Government will come and go, but those who obey God will remain forever. Do you want God to establish you, your business, your career, your ministry, your family, or your corporation? The key is obedience!

8. Obedience makes you a terror to your enemies – Deuteronomy 28:10

The lion is not the king of the forest because of its size, size or strength. The lion is the king of the forest because of the terror that his appearance exudes. Every time the lion roars, other animals hide. One of the benefits of obedience to God is that it makes you a terror to your enemies. If they see you coming, they hide. If they mention your name in their secret meetings, they all panic. You don’t have to live your life under the fear of the unknown. Your name can become a terror to your terrors and a problem to your problems. Someone once brought my name to a native doctor’s shrine in the state of Anambra, both the native doctor who bore my name there and the shrine where my name was mentioned have not recovered from the eternal blow that the sky gave them. It pays to obey God. Some of the things you fear now should fear you. Obedience to God is the key.

9. Obedience brings increase and abundance – Deut 28:11

The secret of multiplication is not tricks or pranks, it is obedience to Almighty God. When you make a commitment to obey God, everything in your life and destiny multiplies. If you doubt me, ask Abraham how he became the father of many nations. Obedience can turn your kiosk into a warehouse. Obedience can multiply Your five loaves and two fishes into twelve baskets. The secret of every miracle of abundance and multiplication is due to obedience to divine directions. Obedience is powerful, don’t joke about it. If you want to enjoy a lot in life and destiny, please obey God.

10. Obedience qualifies you to enjoy Open Heaven – Deut 28:12

Heaven has gates and windows. The key that opens heaven is obedience. When you walk in obedience to God and His instructions, heaven will open up over your life, business, career and finances. And when your heavens are open, you have access to deep revelations and strange ideas for success. When your heavens are open, earth becomes your church. You need obedience to secure the open sky. Men don’t suddenly patronize your goods and services, no matter how good they are. It is an open heaven provoked by obedience that encourages divine initiation and publicity.

11. Obedience Enables you to become a lender to nations and not a borrower – Deut 28:12B

There is a higher realm of prosperity where you will not beg or borrow money no matter what the economic recession in your country is. Obedience to God and obedience to covenant obligations are critical keys to accessing this higher level of riches and prosperity in the kingdom of God. One of the benefits of obedience is that it makes you a lender to nations, not a borrower. Check countries like America who use their resources to provide aid and support to humanity, they are responsible for the economy of the world. Review people who practice philanthropy as if their whole lives depended on it, lacking nothing or borrowing nothing. Obedience to God does not make people poor. It doesn’t decrease your height. On the contrary, it increases your greatness and status.

12. God values ​​obedience over sacrifice – 1 Sam 15:22

In God’s scale of preferences, obedience ranks higher than any other type of sacrifice or service you can render to Him. Giving to God without obeying His Word is sacrilege before God. Our prayers become a noise in God’s ears if we don’t walk in obedience. The greatest sacrifice that pleases God is simply to obey God. In all of our walk with God and our work for God, obedience is paramount and everything else is secondary.

13. Through your obedience many people can be made righteous – Rom 5:19, Rom 16:19

By one man’s disobedience, Adam, all mankind became sinners, but by obedience to Christ we were all made righteous in Christ. Obedience is contagious and transferable. Your obedience can make other people change from bad people to good people. Your obedience can be a good example and model for other people to shape their lives. You can influence your family, community, nation, and generation to become obedient to God simply by demonstrating a lifestyle of obedience for all to see.

14. Obedience makes you a servant of righteousness – Rom 6:16

Many people like to be called civil servants because they serve the government. But there is a greater honor. It is the privilege of becoming a servant of righteousness. Obedience makes you a servant of justice. When you are a minister of righteousness, your own feelings, will, and decisions are subject to the will of God. There sonship is attained. That’s one of the benefits of obedience. The more you obey God, the more you become bound by Spirit to align with the higher thoughts and patterns of Heaven, then your human nature becomes a slave to Spirit. At this point, you have no choice, wherever God asks you to go, you go there and whatever He asks you to do, you do with ease. When you are in this realm, its commandments become light and its burdens light. Why ? Because you have become a servant of justice.

15. Obedience enables you to force every evil thought into obedience to Christ—2 Corinthians 10:5

Evil thoughts are like birds that fly in the sky. You can’t stop the birds from flying in the sky, but you can stop them from perching on your head. One of the benefits of obedience is that it equips you to catch any evil thought that tries to get on your head and force it to align with obedience to Christ. Without obedience one will never overcome evil thoughts. But if you are an obedient child of God, every time an evil thought enters your mind, you will be quick to reject it and break it off right where it began. Obedience is the stopper or lock of the gate of your mind. When you lack obedience, your mind is open and prone to any kind of thought.

16. Obedience qualifies you to become God’s lawgiver to punish all disobedience—2 Corinthians 10:6

Obedience to God is a prerequisite for serving on earth as one of God’s lawgivers and judges. You cannot disobey and expect demons to obey you. Your own obedience is your identity card as you act on earth as God’s general and lawgiver. If you obey God, everything will obey you. Even in your family as parents, if you obey God, your children will obey you. Obedience is mutual. Learn to obey God and no power in hell can withstand your authority. Would you like to see sickness, suffering, death, poverty and demons flee at the command of your faith? You must walk in obedience to God and His commandments.

17. Obedience guarantees good success – Joshua 1:8

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Not every success is a good success. There is a path that seems right to a man, but it leads to death and destruction. One of the benefits of obedience is that it brings you good success. The kind that comes with peace of mind. The kind that glorifies God and improves human life. If you follow God’s instructions for success and prosperity, you don’t have to stain your hands with evil to be successful. Obedience to God guarantees good success.

18. Obedience to God guarantees happiness and peace – Psalm 119:165

One of the benefits of obedience to God is happiness and peace of mind. It also guarantees harmony and happiness in your family and business. Some of the problems and crises that many people face in their families are the result of blatant disobedience to divine instructions. As we walk in obedience to God and His direction, our families, communities, cities, and nations will experience peace and happiness. You will not think of harming your neighbor if it is in your heart to obey God. When obeying God becomes a passion in your heart, you will do whatever it takes to ensure that peace and harmony reign wherever you go.

19. Obedience guarantees long life – Ephesians 6:1-3

As children of God, we must obey our Heavenly Father in every situation so that we can enjoy a long life on earth. It is also a spiritual obligation for us to honor and obey our earthly and spiritual parents as this will lengthen our days on earth. Obedience is not being stupid. You are not a fool if you choose to obey God. One of the benefits of obedience is longevity. Now you can decide how long you want to live in this world. You can cheat death a thousand times over simply by entering into the covenant of obedience. I have seen this principle work in my own life. It will work for you too. Just make up your mind to do whatever God asks of you. Be an obedient child of God.

20. Obedience finally guarantees Heaven – Rev 22:12

Life on earth is a preparation for eternity. One of the requirements of spending eternity with God in heaven is a lifestyle of obedience. Heaven is a home for the righteous. No unrighteous or disobedient soul will make it to heaven. Jesus Christ comes to reward his obedient children with the crown of life and righteousness. Child of God, refuse to live in disobedience. Strive to enter the narrow path. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. Are you ready to meet Jesus? are you ready now How committed are you to his word? Time is short, heaven is real, receive the grace to walk consistently in obedience.


Nature abhors vacuum. As long as we live in this realm called earth, we must submit to a higher power. Either you give your body, mind, and soul to obedience to God, or the devil will require them of you. There is no neutral ground in life’s journey. Either you obey God or you obey the devil. Make your choice. After exploring the benefits of obedience to God in this post, you will be happy when you put them into practice. Thanks for reading up to this point. God bless you.

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How can I follow and obey God’s will and live a godly life?

Following God’s Plan for Your Life:
  1. Be in prayer. A way to know that you are following God’s plan for your life is by being in prayer. …
  2. Be actively reading in the Word. …
  3. Follow the commands He puts on your heart. …
  4. Seek a godly community. …
  5. Obey the Truth.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

Wouldn’t it be perfect if God sent us a blueprint for each of our lives? What if, when we were born, we brought a manual that He wrote for us? A manual outlining what we should do to follow His plan for our lives?

Sometimes life can be so confusing and stressful that it can be difficult to understand what God wants for us in the midst of the noise of the world and the sounds of all the obligations that draw upon us. And the truth is, God knows what He wants for us, He’s in control of our plans. He designed the blueprint for our lives. He guides us and plants seeds in our hearts, and like a gardener He waters the seeds He plants in our hearts. God sees you, hears you and answers your prayers.

This life can be tough, but through trials the Lord makes us stronger. In times of trouble our faith can grow and multiply. Romans 5:3-5 shows us that suffering breeds endurance and character, which leads to hope that allows God to flow into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

While there is pressure from society to be successful and meet a certain standard that the world holds us to, we are able to achieve what He has through God and the calling He places in our lives want for our life.

Follow God’s plan for your life:

1. Be in prayer

One way to know that you are following God’s plan for your life is through prayer. Make time each day to dedicate yourself to the Lord and the plans He has for your life. As you surrender every area of ​​your life to God, He will bless it and be able to work on it abundantly.

2. Actively read the Word of God

It’s one thing to go to church on Sunday and hear the pastor preach, and another to make time each day to devote yourself to the Word of God. If you take just a few minutes each day to read the Word of God, you will better understand the calling God has placed in your life and it will enable you to live the life He has wishes for you to live better.

3. Follow the commands He puts on your heart

Allow God to guide your steps and trust the dreams He puts on your heart. Believe that He will qualify you, and when He has put a dream on your heart, know that He will help you achieve it, and that He will be glorified in the process.

4. Find a godly fellowship

It is much easier to follow God’s plans and act in a way that honors Him when you have friends around who will encourage you in your walk with the Lord. Seek out a congregation within the Church that will hold you accountable and be able to give you divine counsel.

5. Follow the truth

Know what is written in the Bible and follow the way it calls you to life. Live the commandments and consciously set an example of what a follower of Christ should be.

Being an adult in today’s modern times brings with it a number of challenges and pressures, but God qualifies us by our shortcomings just as He qualified Moses when he asked him to lead the Israelites and stand against Pharaoh place. If God has placed in your heart a desire to go back to school, He will qualify you for it. He will be there to walk by your side and help you in the areas of your own shortcomings.

At Campbellsville University you can experience an amazing opportunity of faith-based learning in an environment that will help you thrive and thrive with God. They offer flexible online degree options in a variety of fields.

This blog was written by guest author Gabrielle from Inspiring Honey. Gabrielle is a podcast host, blogger, speaker, philanthropist, childhood cancer survivor, student and entrepreneur. Follow her on her blog or on Instagram @inspiringhoney.

How do you apply obedience in your own little way?

Be respectful. Part of being obedient is showing respect to your parents, honoring their ideas about what’s best for you, and showing that you think they are worth listening to. Make sure that you listen when they talk and respond when they ask you to respond. Don’t ignore them in public.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

passive aggressive remarks about you. Acts like he cares, behaves all wrong, says it’s their job to tell you what to do and for the students to obey.”


“I wish you had said how to obey a teacher who you think is unfair but doesn’t listen to you and only responds

What is the full meaning of obey?

Definition of obey

1 : to follow the commands or guidance of He always obeys his parents. 2 : to conform to or comply with obey an order Falling objects obey the laws of physics. intransitive verb. : to behave obediently The dog does not always obey.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

His dog has learned to obey multiple commands. He always obeys his parents. The children have to follow the rules. The children must learn to obey.

Current examples on the web

Take Lilith, who is often thought of as the first wife of Adam to disobey her biblical husband’s wishes. – Elizabeth Djinis, Smithsonian Magazine, May 23, 2022

In an industry driven by the bottom line, this may be the only way to convince them to obey the law. — Maureen Testoni, STAT, June 13, 2022

Like other women at the time, the Queen had sworn to obey her husband, who was in complete control of his wife’s affairs and her household. — Meilan Solly, Smithsonian Magazine, June 9, 2022

However, as a US person, the Company is required to comply with a variety of sanctions regimes imposed on certain countries. — Timur Turlov, Forbes, June 3, 2022

But the new duties that we have been constantly called upon to comply with are proving difficult to pin down. — Justin E.H. Smith, Harper’s Magazine, May 25, 2022

According to police, the suspect, identified as Diego Glay, 23, allegedly refused to obey officers’ orders and ran away before being arrested. — Alexandra Schonfeld,, May 17, 2022

Call it a golden rule, sometimes just as hard to follow as the original one. — Jay Nordlinger, National Review, May 4, 2022

Steve Bannon was charged in November after refusing to comply with a subpoena. — Sarah Fortinsky, Paula Reid, and Zachary Cohen, CNN, February 13, 2022

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What is the importance of obedience?

Obedience demonstrates our faith and trust in God; Obedience is the key to our success; Obedience is the sure and promised way for unlocking blessings for our lives. For us to be able to fully obey, we must read His word every day and ask God to empower us with His holy spirit so that our life is going to honour Him.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)


Guidance: Deuteronomy 28:1-14; John 14:15-24.


The first passage is by Moses and was written in his old age, it is a series of farewell messages to Israel; At that time they were still on the way to the land of Canaan, in the plains of Moab. So that was more or less like a guide as they expected to go to the promised land. We find that obedience is a key message in this book. The second was of Jesus near his betrayal and crucifixion.

Our topic today is the importance of obedience to God

We all know that we must obey God, but somehow we still act in rebellion and often end up in trouble because of our disobedience.

we obey God, but somehow we still act in rebellion and often end up in trouble because of our disobedience. How come we act differently even when we know what God wants of us?

Could it be that we don’t really understand the meaning of obedience, or are we forgetting how important it is? Or we need help obeying

What does OBEDIENCE mean?

Simply put, it means hearing the word of God and acting on it.

It means aligning our will with God’s will; do what God asked of us.

It is when we submit completely to His authority and base our decisions and our actions on His word.

What is the meaning of OBEDIENCE?

Obedience is so important to every Christian that without it we come up short.

It is an act of worship as it demonstrates our love for God and distinguishes us from others.

Obedience is the mark of our salvation.

Although we are saved by grace through the redemptive work of the cross and through the blood of Jesus; It is our obedience that marks us out as authentic children of God.

Obedience is our way of showing that we love God; and through our obedience God recognizes us and enables us to enjoy His love.

Therefore, our primary motive for obedience must be “to show God that we love him.”

This in turn will allow God to reveal himself to us and activate God’s power to work in our lives.

John 14:23-24 Whoever loves me will obey my teaching. My father will love them and we will come to them and make our home with them

Questions: When we call ourselves children of God and claim to love God, are we demonstrating that love by obeying His commandments? Can God really count you as one of his children? Do we align our daily actions with God’s Word as an act of worship?

Can others around you testify that you are indeed a child of God because your actions are consistent with God’s Word?

How do you treat your family members? How do you behave at work? How do you feel about your friends? how do you talk about other people

Remember; Going to church is good, singing in the choir is good, doing all religious things is good. But it is an obedient heart that loves God.

It shows God that we trust him. (It’s a demonstration of our faith)

Obedience can mean; To follow God’s leading even when we are unsure of the outcome.

Obedience can be hard; often it means walking the higher path, even when there is an easy way out as an option.

Obedience can require sacrifice; Discipline and stretching outside of our comfort zone.

Our decision to obey, therefore, shows our trust in God. It shows that we will do it anyway, even though it’s hard, even though it doesn’t make sense.

Hebrews chapter 8 gives an account of God’s Old Testament men who are recognized as heroes of the faith because of their obedience

By faith, warned by God of things yet unseen, Noah in awe built an ark to save his house.

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go to a place that would be his inheritance. And he went out not knowing where he was going.

By faith Abraham, when tested, sacrificed Isaac, and the one who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his only son, of whom it was said, “By Isaac your seed shall be named.”

By faith, Joshua and the children of Israel obeyed and walked around the walls of Jericho before collapsing on the 7th day.

Question: Are there things in your life that God asks of you that are difficult? Or does that not make any sense? Your obedience will show God that you trust him. It is taken as proof of your belief. Obey God to give even when your budget is tight; Obey God and forgive even when it hurts so much; Obey God and work hard even if you pass for a promotion; obey God and love your unlovable spouse unconditionally. There’s a reason God put you in this situation.

reward for obedience

Obedience shows God that we love and trust Him, which in turn activates His power in our lives; but most importantly, there is a reward for obedience.


Everyone wants to be successful in what they do; to prove that some of the best selling books in the modern world are books that talk about success.

Interestingly, in His Word, God gives us a simple secret of success, which is to read and obey His Word

God has a plan for each one of us; Plans to make us prosper and plans to give us a future. (Ref Jeremiah 29:11)

God’s will for our lives is that we must be successful. success not as the world defines it, but as God defines it; that means achieving what we were created to do. God never created us to fail or just be average. God created us to be excellent.

But we must align ourselves with God’s will in order for God’s plan to manifest in our lives.

If you heed and carefully obey the commandments of the Lord your God that I am giving you today, you will always be on top, never below. Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall ponder day and night what you are trying to do, according to all that is written in it. Because then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.


How do you rate your success? In this case, success not as the world defines it, but as God defines it? Is God’s plan being fulfilled in your life? Are you successful as a mother or father? Are you successful as a wife or husband? Are you successful at work? Are you successful as a leader?

Are there areas where you feel you are not doing well? Are there areas in your life where you seem to be struggling or where you are stagnant?

Could it be why you are not reaching your goals because you are not doing the things that God has asked of you? Is God’s Word Your Guide?

For example, are you diligent at work and work as for the Lord; In your finances you give and tithe; In your marriage, are you loving your wives as God wants? wives do you respect your husbands?

Maybe you just need to get back to basics; Read his word and act on it


God has promised to bless us if we obey him perfectly

The challenge with the twisted gospel today is that as long as we believe in God, we are sometimes deceived, that we pray that we will be blessed.

The gospel of prosperity emphasizes rewards without necessarily emphasizing obedience. But the Bible is so clear… We must first obey perfectly

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 outlines the blessings God has promised us if we obey them. Notice that blessings come when we FULLLY obey God.

The rewards for obedience are clear:

You will be blessed wherever you go

Your children will be blessed

God will protect you

He will give you plenty of wealth

Anything you tackle will be successful

The Lord will help you stand out

13. If you heed the commandments of the Lord your God which I am giving you today and obey them carefully, you will always be on top, never below. 14. Do not deviate from any of the commandments that I am giving you today, neither to the right nor to the left, follow other gods and serve them.


In the Bible, Abraham, Isaac, and their children enjoyed God’s blessings because of their obedience

Although David made a mistake, he was blessed and even called a man after God’s won heart because of his obedience

Today some people are so blessed, they have so much wealth, thriving families, successful children because they are obedient


Do you want to live a life full of blessings? Then obey God. It’s a requirement. Not partial obedience, but full obedience.

Our God is a rich God; He is able to bless with success, favor and prosperity; But he commands us to obey him first so he will bless us with all these things.

how to obey

Obedience is not easy; it can be hard. It requires sacrifice

By having a relationship with God: Choose to honor God in our choices and actions by doing what He tells us to do. Our primary motive for obedience must be to please God because we love Him. It’s easy to do something when we’re doing it for love, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Have you noticed how a man behaves when he is in love with a woman? He will do anything to do things that he wouldn’t normally do for other people because he wants to please that woman. He can spend huge sums of money on this woman, he can kill for this woman.

Likewise, we must love God with all our heart, mind and soul, then obedience will be easy because our desire will be to honor God.

By reading the Bible every day as the primary basis for all our decisions and actions.

Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall ponder day and night what you are trying to do, according to all that is written in it. Because then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

through prayer

Even if we know what God expects of us, sometimes it will not be easy to act on it. Obedience often means sacrifice; sometimes obedience can be painful; sometimes it can mean stretching ourselves out of our comfort zone. We may not be able to do this alone. We therefore need God’s help through the Holy Spirit to help us.

In the Garden of Gethsemane: Jesus was tired and stressed. The human side of Him wanted to give up, He even prayed if God could take the cup away from Him, but remembered to say, “Not my will, but Your will.”

This is the same prayer we must pray every day; when obedience becomes difficult, when we are tempted to choose the easy way… we must always say, “Not my will, but Thy will” and act upon it.

‘ and act accordingly. Prayer will also make us sensitive to God’s Word and help us to hear His voice and know exactly what we need to do.

By focusing on the reward

Although our primary goal of obedience should be to show that we love God, we should always remember that there is a reward for obedience, either in this life or in the afterlife.

, we should always remember that there is a reward for obedience, either in this life or in the afterlife. When the devil tempts us to take the easy route and act in rebellion, always remember what you are missing out on.

Be willing to do the difficult things, even when it doesn’t make sense, knowing that blessings will follow, for yourself and for your family.


Obedience is an act of surrender when, as Christians, we say, “Not my will, Lord, but Thy will, and conform our actions to that will.”

Obedience is not easy, often it means walking the higher path and doing things that go against our carnal desires.

Though difficult, obedience sets us apart as true children of God. God will know us by our obedience, even those around us will be inspired by our obedience.

Obedience shows our faith and trust in God; Obedience is the key to our success; Obedience is the sure and promised way to unlock blessings in our lives.

In order for us to obey fully, we must read His Word every day and ask God to empower us with His Holy Spirit so that our lives will honor Him.

What is the importance of obedience?

Obedience demonstrates our faith and trust in God; Obedience is the key to our success; Obedience is the sure and promised way for unlocking blessings for our lives. For us to be able to fully obey, we must read His word every day and ask God to empower us with His holy spirit so that our life is going to honour Him.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)


Guidance: Deuteronomy 28:1-14; John 14:15-24.


The first passage is by Moses and was written in his old age, it is a series of farewell messages to Israel; At that time they were still on the way to the land of Canaan, in the plains of Moab. So that was more or less like a guide as they expected to go to the promised land. We find that obedience is a key message in this book. The second was of Jesus near his betrayal and crucifixion.

Our topic today is the importance of obedience to God

We all know that we must obey God, but somehow we still act in rebellion and often end up in trouble because of our disobedience.

we obey God, but somehow we still act in rebellion and often end up in trouble because of our disobedience. How come we act differently even when we know what God wants of us?

Could it be that we don’t really understand the meaning of obedience, or are we forgetting how important it is? Or we need help obeying

What does OBEDIENCE mean?

Simply put, it means hearing the word of God and acting on it.

It means aligning our will with God’s will; do what God asked of us.

It is when we submit completely to His authority and base our decisions and our actions on His word.

What is the meaning of OBEDIENCE?

Obedience is so important to every Christian that without it we come up short.

It is an act of worship as it demonstrates our love for God and distinguishes us from others.

Obedience is the mark of our salvation.

Although we are saved by grace through the redemptive work of the cross and through the blood of Jesus; It is our obedience that marks us out as authentic children of God.

Obedience is our way of showing that we love God; and through our obedience God recognizes us and enables us to enjoy His love.

Therefore, our primary motive for obedience must be “to show God that we love him.”

This in turn will allow God to reveal himself to us and activate God’s power to work in our lives.

John 14:23-24 Whoever loves me will obey my teaching. My father will love them and we will come to them and make our home with them

Questions: When we call ourselves children of God and claim to love God, are we demonstrating that love by obeying His commandments? Can God really count you as one of his children? Do we align our daily actions with God’s Word as an act of worship?

Can others around you testify that you are indeed a child of God because your actions are consistent with God’s Word?

How do you treat your family members? How do you behave at work? How do you feel about your friends? how do you talk about other people

Remember; Going to church is good, singing in the choir is good, doing all religious things is good. But it is an obedient heart that loves God.

It shows God that we trust him. (It’s a demonstration of our faith)

Obedience can mean; To follow God’s leading even when we are unsure of the outcome.

Obedience can be hard; often it means walking the higher path, even when there is an easy way out as an option.

Obedience can require sacrifice; Discipline and stretching outside of our comfort zone.

Our decision to obey, therefore, shows our trust in God. It shows that we will do it anyway, even though it’s hard, even though it doesn’t make sense.

Hebrews chapter 8 gives an account of God’s Old Testament men who are recognized as heroes of the faith because of their obedience

By faith, warned by God of things yet unseen, Noah in awe built an ark to save his house.

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go to a place that would be his inheritance. And he went out not knowing where he was going.

By faith Abraham, when tested, sacrificed Isaac, and the one who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his only son, of whom it was said, “By Isaac your seed shall be named.”

By faith, Joshua and the children of Israel obeyed and walked around the walls of Jericho before collapsing on the 7th day.

Question: Are there things in your life that God asks of you that are difficult? Or does that not make any sense? Your obedience will show God that you trust him. It is taken as proof of your belief. Obey God to give even when your budget is tight; Obey God and forgive even when it hurts so much; Obey God and work hard even if you pass for a promotion; obey God and love your unlovable spouse unconditionally. There’s a reason God put you in this situation.

reward for obedience

Obedience shows God that we love and trust Him, which in turn activates His power in our lives; but most importantly, there is a reward for obedience.


Everyone wants to be successful in what they do; to prove that some of the best selling books in the modern world are books that talk about success.

Interestingly, in His Word, God gives us a simple secret of success, which is to read and obey His Word

God has a plan for each one of us; Plans to make us prosper and plans to give us a future. (Ref Jeremiah 29:11)

God’s will for our lives is that we must be successful. success not as the world defines it, but as God defines it; that means achieving what we were created to do. God never created us to fail or just be average. God created us to be excellent.

But we must align ourselves with God’s will in order for God’s plan to manifest in our lives.

If you heed and carefully obey the commandments of the Lord your God that I am giving you today, you will always be on top, never below. Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall ponder day and night what you are trying to do, according to all that is written in it. Because then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.


How do you rate your success? In this case, success not as the world defines it, but as God defines it? Is God’s plan being fulfilled in your life? Are you successful as a mother or father? Are you successful as a wife or husband? Are you successful at work? Are you successful as a leader?

Are there areas where you feel you are not doing well? Are there areas in your life where you seem to be struggling or where you are stagnant?

Could it be why you are not reaching your goals because you are not doing the things that God has asked of you? Is God’s Word Your Guide?

For example, are you diligent at work and work as for the Lord; In your finances you give and tithe; In your marriage, are you loving your wives as God wants? wives do you respect your husbands?

Maybe you just need to get back to basics; Read his word and act on it


God has promised to bless us if we obey him perfectly

The challenge with the twisted gospel today is that as long as we believe in God, we are sometimes deceived, that we pray that we will be blessed.

The gospel of prosperity emphasizes rewards without necessarily emphasizing obedience. But the Bible is so clear… We must first obey perfectly

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 outlines the blessings God has promised us if we obey them. Notice that blessings come when we FULLLY obey God.

The rewards for obedience are clear:

You will be blessed wherever you go

Your children will be blessed

God will protect you

He will give you plenty of wealth

Anything you tackle will be successful

The Lord will help you stand out

13. If you heed the commandments of the Lord your God which I am giving you today and obey them carefully, you will always be on top, never below. 14. Do not deviate from any of the commandments that I am giving you today, neither to the right nor to the left, follow other gods and serve them.


In the Bible, Abraham, Isaac, and their children enjoyed God’s blessings because of their obedience

Although David made a mistake, he was blessed and even called a man after God’s won heart because of his obedience

Today some people are so blessed, they have so much wealth, thriving families, successful children because they are obedient


Do you want to live a life full of blessings? Then obey God. It’s a requirement. Not partial obedience, but full obedience.

Our God is a rich God; He is able to bless with success, favor and prosperity; But he commands us to obey him first so he will bless us with all these things.

how to obey

Obedience is not easy; it can be hard. It requires sacrifice

By having a relationship with God: Choose to honor God in our choices and actions by doing what He tells us to do. Our primary motive for obedience must be to please God because we love Him. It’s easy to do something when we’re doing it for love, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Have you noticed how a man behaves when he is in love with a woman? He will do anything to do things that he wouldn’t normally do for other people because he wants to please that woman. He can spend huge sums of money on this woman, he can kill for this woman.

Likewise, we must love God with all our heart, mind and soul, then obedience will be easy because our desire will be to honor God.

By reading the Bible every day as the primary basis for all our decisions and actions.

Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall ponder day and night what you are trying to do, according to all that is written in it. Because then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

through prayer

Even if we know what God expects of us, sometimes it will not be easy to act on it. Obedience often means sacrifice; sometimes obedience can be painful; sometimes it can mean stretching ourselves out of our comfort zone. We may not be able to do this alone. We therefore need God’s help through the Holy Spirit to help us.

In the Garden of Gethsemane: Jesus was tired and stressed. The human side of Him wanted to give up, He even prayed if God could take the cup away from Him, but remembered to say, “Not my will, but Your will.”

This is the same prayer we must pray every day; when obedience becomes difficult, when we are tempted to choose the easy way… we must always say, “Not my will, but Thy will” and act upon it.

‘ and act accordingly. Prayer will also make us sensitive to God’s Word and help us to hear His voice and know exactly what we need to do.

By focusing on the reward

Although our primary goal of obedience should be to show that we love God, we should always remember that there is a reward for obedience, either in this life or in the afterlife.

, we should always remember that there is a reward for obedience, either in this life or in the afterlife. When the devil tempts us to take the easy route and act in rebellion, always remember what you are missing out on.

Be willing to do the difficult things, even when it doesn’t make sense, knowing that blessings will follow, for yourself and for your family.


Obedience is an act of surrender when, as Christians, we say, “Not my will, Lord, but Thy will, and conform our actions to that will.”

Obedience is not easy, often it means walking the higher path and doing things that go against our carnal desires.

Though difficult, obedience sets us apart as true children of God. God will know us by our obedience, even those around us will be inspired by our obedience.

Obedience shows our faith and trust in God; Obedience is the key to our success; Obedience is the sure and promised way to unlock blessings in our lives.

In order for us to obey fully, we must read His Word every day and ask God to empower us with His Holy Spirit so that our lives will honor Him.

How do you show obedience?

Be respectful.

Part of being obedient is showing respect to your parents, honoring their ideas about what’s best for you, and showing that you think they are worth listening to. Make sure that you listen when they talk and respond when they ask you to respond. Don’t ignore them in public.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

If you always do as you are told, you can be called obedient. Authority figures love to have obedient followers. If you realize that the word obedient comes from a Latin word meaning obey, it’s easy to remember what obedient means.

What is an obedient child?

Parents, teachers, and police officers value obedience. If you have a dog, you may have taken it to obedience school. Trainers help teach dogs obedience—to obey commands and show good behavior. … People show obedience by obeying the law, and children show obedience by obeying their parents and teachers.

how to be obedient

Obedience is a touchy subject because it can easily turn into something abusive. However, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with cultivating obedience to your parents, to your authority figures (like teachers or bosses), or even to your faith (if you have one). Remember, obedience is something that should be freely given. If the object of your obedience (like a parent) abuses your obedience, then you have every right to revoke it.

Be obedient to your parents

Be polite. Part of obedience is showing respect to your parents, respecting their ideas of what’s best for you, and showing that you think they’re worth listening to. Make sure you listen when they speak and respond when they ask you for an answer.

Part of obedience is showing respect to your parents, respecting their ideas of what’s best for you, and showing that you think they’re worth listening to. Make sure you listen when they speak and respond when they ask you for an answer. Don’t ignore her in public. If you’re hanging out with your parents, they might feel a bit embarrassed, but pretending you don’t know them or aren’t with them is extremely rude. It also has the potential to hurt your parents. They don’t say you embarrass them, so why think of them that way?

Don’t roll your eyes when they ask you to do something. If you don’t like what they’re asking you, the polite way to respond is to ask them to explain how you feel about why you don’t want to do what they want you to do. Think of all those times when you were a kid and asked your parents to do something for you and they did it without complaining.

Be attentive to your tasks. Parents tend not to ask you to do a lot of chores. In fact, they probably work a lot harder than you do. Obedience means doing what you think needs to be done without your parents asking you to.

Parents tend not to ask you to do a lot of chores. In fact, they probably work a lot harder than you do. Obedience means doing what you think needs to be done without your parents asking you to. Avoid having your parents ask you to do something more than once. Everyone gets distracted from time to time, so you might not always think about completing a chore without being asked. Try to avoid this being a typical thing.

Do what you can to help around the house without being specifically asked to do so. For example: Offer to babysit your younger sister so your parents can have a night off. Or find out when it’s garbage day and take out the garbage before your mom has to.

Consider why your parents say no instead of arguing. Parents can have all sorts of rules about what they think they should or shouldn’t do. You may not always like or agree with these rules, but an obedient child considers their parents’ point of view rather than arguing about it.

Parents can have all sorts of rules about what they think they should or shouldn’t do. You may not always like or agree with these rules, but an obedient child considers their parents’ point of view rather than arguing about it. Don’t give in to the knee-jerk reaction to argue with them or to express your disappointment or displeasure. If you really have to respond with an argument, make it a debate rather than an argument — try writing them a letter, message, or email explaining your point of view rather than shouting and to be ruthless.

If they tell you that you’re hanging out with a friend on a Thursday night, they might be worried that you won’t finish your homework on time or that you’ll be too tired for school the next day.

Express your disagreement in a polite manner. There may be times when your parents ask you to do something inappropriate or impose inappropriate restrictions on you. In many cases, speaking calmly about why you think their demands are unreasonable, or offering alternatives or a compromise, can go a long way toward getting what you want without being disobedient.

There may be times when your parents ask you to do something inappropriate or impose inappropriate restrictions on you. In many cases, speaking calmly about why you think their demands are unreasonable, or offering alternatives or a compromise, can go a long way toward getting what you want without being disobedient. Feel free to explain your point of view. Give facts and don’t just rely on feelings.

Obedience doesn’t mean that you don’t have a mind of your own, and it certainly doesn’t mean that you always have to agree with your parents. But if you disagree and wish to voice your disagreements, you must do so politely but firmly.

Be polite. Being polite to your parents is a sign of respect and obedience. You also want to be polite to others: strangers, family members, friends. This is a way of showing how well your parents raised you.

Being polite to your parents is a sign of respect and obedience. You also want to be polite to others: strangers, family members, friends. This is a way of showing how well your parents raised you. Make sure you ask permission to be excused at the dinner table.

Say “please” and “thank you” even for simple things.

Hold doors open for people, offer to help people with their groceries.

Never rebel against your parents. You can disagree with them, but if they give you a reasonable instruction and you resist them just to annoy or upset them, that is not only immoral but outright sinful. Think about the consequences before you decide to make a decision.

Be obedient to authority figures

Pay attention to what they have to say. If you’re trying to be obedient to an authority figure like your teacher or boss, you need to be careful when they speak. You want to show that you care.

If you’re trying to be obedient to an authority figure like your teacher or boss, you need to be careful when they speak. You want to show that you care. In class, look at the teacher as he speaks. Take notes if they contain important information and look interested.

Make sure you listen to your boss when he gives you directions. Eye contact is also important here.

Discuss concerns or issues privately. If there is a problem with an authority figure, you should never raise it in front of others. Instead, ask if you can talk to them in their office or after class.

If there is a problem with an authority figure, you should never raise it in front of others. Instead, ask if you can talk to them in their office or after class. Know how to obey authority. You should always respect authority, but never worship authority. Respecting authority means that you recognize the manager’s authority and follow his or her reasonable rules. However, people who respect authority rarely sit still and suffer when an authority figure treats them poorly or unfairly. People who worship authority, on the other hand, literally worship the authority figures; They think that just because the boss has authority, everything he or she says must be right. Therefore, respecting authority often means suffering injustices, while respecting authority only gives you a reputation for being respectful, kind, and considerate—something worth fighting for.

You should always respect authority, but never worship authority. Respecting authority means that you recognize the manager’s authority and follow his or her reasonable rules. However, people who respect authority rarely sit still and suffer when an authority figure treats them poorly or unfairly. People who worship authority, on the other hand, literally worship the authority figures; They think that just because the boss has authority, everything he or she says must be right. Therefore, respecting authority often means suffering injustices, while respecting authority only gives you a reputation for being respectful, kind, and considerate—something worth fighting for. For example: If you feel that your teacher gave you the wrong grade on an assignment, you would talk to him about it after class. Present some clear and concise reasons why you think you deserve a different grade (and no, “worked really hard at it” is not a reason).

Understand what is expected of you. It’s hard to be obedient to someone when you’re not really sure what they want from you. Part of paying attention to what your authority figure is saying is because then you’ll know what they need from you. If you disagree with an authority figure, don’t be rude. Just talk about it politely, and you may prevail in the end.

It’s hard to be obedient to someone when you’re not really sure what they want from you. Part of paying attention to what your authority figure is saying is because then you’ll know what they need from you. If you disagree with an authority figure, don’t be rude. Just talk about it politely, and you may prevail in the end. Being obedient to your teacher means keeping track of things like homework, classwork, any important projects, and class attendance requirements.

If you are obedient to a supervisor at work, you need to know what is expected of you in relation to your job. You need to be mindful of long-term projects and make sure you’re not wasting your time at work surfing the web.

Make sure you complete tasks on time. Once you know what is expected of you, it’s time to meet those expectations in a timely manner. If there is a valid reason why a specific task or task is not being completed on time, be sure to let your authority figure know.

Once you know what is expected of you, it’s time to meet those expectations in a timely manner. If there is a valid reason why a specific task or task is not being completed on time, be sure to let your authority figure know. Avoid opposite calls. Arguing or arguing with your boss or teacher is the polar opposite of obedience. Especially in a teaching or work situation, your opinion of the authority figure will not matter as much.

Arguing or arguing with your boss or teacher is the polar opposite of obedience. Especially in a teaching or work situation, your opinion of the authority figure will not matter as much. Backtalk can also be non-verbal, such as B. Eye rolls or grins when someone says something that you disagree with or think is silly.

If they tell you to do something, don’t say something like, “This is totally unnecessary.” If you have questions or want to know why, ask respectfully but firmly.

Act like you respect her. Respect and obedience go hand in hand. To be obedient to someone, you must act as if you respect them as an authority figure. If they tell you to do something, do it as long as it’s reasonable, moral, and harmless.

Respect and obedience go hand in hand. To be obedient to someone, you must act as if you respect them as an authority figure. If they tell you to do something, do it as long as it’s reasonable, moral, and harmless. Be polite and considerate. Say please and thank you”. However, remember never to apologize for anything or take responsibility for it if you haven’t done so.

Never use blind obedience. If your authority figures told you to jump off a cliff, would you still do it obediently? Like everything else, obedience has its limits. Crossing these limits turns you from disciplined to unwise and foolish. Be careful when obeying your authority figures – they may be authoritarian, but few are fully virtuous.


Being obedient in a religion

Cultivate humility. When you obediently follow the commandments of your faith, it means you are humble too. You accept that your God is helping to guide your life and you accept both the good and the bad that is coming.

When you obediently follow the commandments of your faith, it means you are humble too. You accept that your God is helping to guide your life and you accept both the good and the bad that is coming. Try to avoid owning the things that are happening in your life. When something good happens, remember that it was through the grace of your great teacher. When something unfortunate happens, it is also a learning experience brought about by Him or Her.

Commit to your faith. Most faiths and religions have specific rules and regulations that a practitioner must follow. Committing to your faith means giving up control of your life (not in a bad way) and understanding that what is happening is coming from your Holy Teacher.

Most faiths and religions have specific rules and regulations that a practitioner must follow. Committing to your faith means giving up control of your life (not in a bad way) and understanding that what is happening is coming from your Holy Teacher. Make decisions consistent with your beliefs. Again, because of the rules and regulations in different faiths, there will be certain choices that will be difficult because they will make you choose between a life that may be materially easier but spiritually unacceptable. Obedience to your faith means choosing the latter path.

Again, because of the rules and regulations in different faiths, there will be certain choices that will be difficult because they will make you choose between a life that may be materially easier but spiritually unacceptable. Obedience to your faith means choosing the latter path. For example: Such a decision could sacrifice your career path because it doesn’t align with your beliefs.

It could also be something like taking a lot of time for prayer.

Avoid judging other people based on their faith and obedience. Obedience to your faith is a personal matter. It means you are in connection with your God and your faith and that can be wonderful.

Obedience to your faith is a personal matter. It means you are in connection with your God and your faith and that can be wonderful. It doesn’t mean you have carte blanche to criticize other people’s beliefs or hurt their way of life.

Who is an obedient man?

Obedience in human behavior is a form of “social influence in which a person yields to explicit directions or commands from a person in authority”. Obedience is generally distinguished from docility, behavior that is influenced by peers, and conformity, behavior that is meant to conform to that of the majority.

Obedience in human behavior is a form of “social influence in which a person yields to explicit directions or commands from a person in authority”. Obedience is generally distinguished from docility, behavior that is influenced by peers, and conformity, behavior that is meant to conform to that of the majority. Depending on the context, obedience can be viewed as moral, immoral, or amoral.

People have been shown to be obedient in the presence of seemingly legitimate authority figures, as demonstrated by the Milgram Experiment in the 1960s, conducted by Stanley Milgram to find out how the Nazis managed to get ordinary people to attend Mass to move murders of the holocaust. The experiment showed that obedience to authority was the norm, not the exception. Regarding obedience, Milgram said: “Obedience is a basic element in the structure of social life that can be pointed to. Some system of authority is a prerequisite for any community life, and only the man who lives in isolation is not compelled to respond to the commands of others through defiance or submission.” A similar conclusion was drawn in the Stanford prison experiment.

Experimental Studies

Classic methods and results

Although other fields have studied obedience, social psychology has been primarily responsible for the advancement of obedience research. It has been studied experimentally in various ways.

Milgram’s experiment

In a classic study, Stanley Milgram (as part of the Milgram Experiment) produced a highly controversial but often repeated study. As with many other experiments in psychology, Milgram’s design involved deceiving the participants. In the experiment, subjects were told that they would participate in a study on the effects of punishment on learning. In reality, the experiment focuses on people’s willingness to obey malicious authorities. Each subject served as a teacher for associations between any pairs of words. After meeting the “teacher” at the beginning of the experiment, the “learner” (an accomplice of the experimenter) sat in another room and could be heard but not seen. Teachers were told to administer electric shocks of increasing intensity to the “learner” for each incorrect answer. When the subjects questioned the procedure, the “researcher” (again, an accomplice of Milgram’s) encouraged them to continue. Subjects were told to ignore the learner’s agonized cries, his desire to be untied and end the experiment, and his pleas that his life was in danger and that he had a heart condition. According to the “researcher”, the experiment must continue. The dependent variable in this experiment was the amount of tension of the shocks delivered.

Zimbardo’s experiment.

The other classic study of obedience was conducted at Stanford University in the 1970s. Phillip Zimbardo was the main psychologist in charge of the experiment. In the Stanford Prison Experiment, college-age students were placed in a pseudo-prison environment to study the effects of “social forces” on participants’ behavior. In contrast to the Milgram study, where each participant was exposed to the same experimental conditions, half of the participants were randomly assigned to be prison guards and half to be prisoners. The experimental environment was designed to physically resemble a prison while evoking “a psychological state of confinement”.


The Milgram study found that most participants would obey orders even if obedience caused serious harm to others. With encouragement from a perceived authority figure, about two-thirds of the participants were willing to administer the highest level of shock to the learner. This result was surprising to Milgram because he believed that “subjects have been taught from infancy that to hurt another person against their will is a fundamental breach of moral conduct”. Milgram attempted to explain how ordinary people were able to perform potentially deadly acts against other people by suggesting that participants may have entered an agent state, allowing the authority figure to take responsibility for their own actions .

Zimbardo achieved similar results when the guards in the study obeyed orders and became aggressive. Prisoners were also hostile and resentful of their guards. The cruelty of the “guards” and the resulting stress of the “prisoners” forced Zimbardo to end the experiment prematurely after 6 days

Modern methods and results

The previous two studies have greatly influenced how modern psychologists think about obedience. Milgram’s study, in particular, resonated well with the psychology community. In a modern study, Jerry Burger replicated Milgram’s method with some modifications. Burger’s method was identical to Milgram’s, except that when the shocks reached 150 volts, the participants decided whether or not to proceed and then ended the experiment (baseline condition). To ensure participant safety, Burger added a two-step screening process; This should exclude any participants who might react negatively to the experiment. Two confederates were used in the modeled rejection condition, with one confederate acting as the learner and the other as the teacher. The teacher stopped after ramping up to 90 volts and the participant was asked to pick up where the confederate left off. This methodology was considered more ethical because many of the adverse psychological effects seen in participants in previous studies occurred after exceeding 150 volts. Since only males were used in Milgram’s study, Burger also attempted to determine whether there were any gender differences in his study and randomly assigned equal numbers of males and females to the experimental conditions.

Using data from his previous study, Burger examined participants’ thoughts on obedience. Participants’ comments from the previous study were coded for the frequency with which they mentioned “personal responsibility and learner well-being.” The number of jabs that participants used in the first experiment was also measured.

Another study, using a partial replication of Milgram’s work, changed the experimental setting. In a Utrecht University study on obedience, participants were instructed to make a confederate who took an aptitude test feel uncomfortable. Participants were told to make any instructed stressful remarks to the confederate that ultimately caused him to fail in the experimental condition, but were not told to make any stressful remarks in the control condition. The dependent measures were whether or not the participant made all of the stress remarks (measure of absolute obedience) and the number of stress remarks (relative obedience).

After the Utrecht studies, another study used the stress cue method to see how long participants would obey authorities. The dependent measures for this experiment were the number of stress comments made and a separate measure of personality designed to measure individual differences.


Burger’s first study had similar results to Milgram’s previous study. The obedience rates were very similar to those of the Milgram study, showing that the obedience tendencies of the participants did not decrease over time. Additionally, Burger found that both sexes exhibited similar behavior, suggesting that obedience occurs in participants regardless of gender. In Burger’s follow-up study, he found that participants who were concerned about learner well-being were more reluctant to continue the study. He also found that the more the experimenter pushed the participant to continue, the more likely they were to abandon the experiment. The Utrecht University study also replicated Milgram’s findings. They found that although participants reported that they did not enjoy the task, over 90% of them completed the experiment. The Bocchiaro and Zimbardo study showed similar levels of obedience compared to the Milgram and Utrecht studies. They also found that participants would either abandon the experiment at the first sign of the learner’s requests or continue until the end of the experiment (so-called “foot-in-the-door scenario”) in other cultures (including Spain, Australia and Jordan) the participants also found obedient.


One of the main assumptions of obedience research is that the effect is caused only by the experimental conditions, and Thomas Blass’s research disputes this point because, in some cases, participant factors affecting personality could potentially affect the results of obedience, he found that the personality of participants can influence how they respond to authority, as people with high levels of authoritarian submission are more likely to obey. He replicated this finding in his own research, since in one of his experiments he found that when viewing parts of the original Milgram Studies in the film, participants placed less responsibility on those who punished the learner when they scored high on measures of authoritarianism scored.

In addition to personality factors, participants who resist authority displayed high levels of social intelligence.

other research

Obedience can also be studied outside of the Milgram paradigm in areas such as economics or political science. An economic study that compared compliance with a tax authority in the lab versus at home found that participants were much more likely to pay participation taxes when confronted in the lab. This finding implies that even outside of experimental settings, people forego potential financial gains in order to obey authority.

Another political science study examined public opinion before and after a Supreme Court case debating whether or not states could legalize physician-assisted suicide. They found that participants’ tendency to obey authority was not as important to public opinion survey results as religious and moral beliefs. Although previous research has shown that the tendency to obey persists in all settings, this finding suggests that personal factors such as religion and morality can limit how much people obey authorities.

In his 2016 TV film Pushed to the Edge, British mentalist and documentary filmmaker Derren Brown provides a powerful informal endorsement of Milgram’s key findings. The film shows that “our natural instinct, when confronted with authority, is to obey without hesitation – to such an extent that even the most moral of people can be led to commit the most horrific acts simply because they are able to.” will be prompted. ” Similarly, Brown’s film The Heist replicated Milgram’s procedure and obtained almost identical results: 65% of the subjects followed the instructions of an authority figure and administered what they believed to be fatal electric shocks to another person.

other experiments

The Hofling Hospital Experiment

Both the Milgram and Stanford experiments were conducted in research settings. In 1966, psychiatrist Charles K. Hofling published the results of a field experiment on obedience in the doctor-nurse relationship in their natural hospital environment. Nurses, unaware they were taking part in an experiment, were instructed by unknown doctors to administer dangerous doses of a (fictitious) drug to their patients. Although several hospital regulations prohibited the administration of the drug in these circumstances, 21 of the 22 nurses overdosed the patient.

cultural attitudes

Doge’s Palace in Venice: capital of virtues and vices – Obediencia Dno exireo (Obedience to God).

Many traditional cultures consider obedience a virtue; Historically, societies have expected children to obey their elders (compare patriarchy, slaves their owners, serfs their masters in feudal society, masters their king and every god). Even long after slavery ended in the United States, blacks demanded Codes of blacks obeying and submitting to whites under threat of lynching Compare the religious ideal of surrender and its meaning in Islam (the word Islam can literally mean “surrender”).

In some Christian marriages, obedience, along with honor and love, has been formally incorporated into a conventional bride’s (but not groom’s) marriage vows. This was attacked with women’s suffrage [citation needed] and the feminist movement. As of 2014, the inclusion of a pledge of obedience in marriage vows has become optional in some denominations.

human obedience training

Some animals can be easily trained to obey through operant conditioning, for example, obedience schools exist to condition dogs to obey human owners’ commands.

Learning to follow adult rules is an important part of the childhood socialization process, and many techniques are used by adults to change children’s behavior. In addition, extensive training is conducted in armies to enable soldiers to obey orders in situations where an untrained person would be unwilling to obey orders. The soldiers are initially ordered to do seemingly trivial things, e.g. B. picking up the sergeant’s hat off the ground, marching in just the right position, or marching and standing in formation. The orders gradually become more demanding, until an order for the soldiers to stand in the middle of gunfire receives an instinctively obedient response.

Factors affecting obedience

embodiment of prestige or power[

Obedience occurs in several situations; The most common reference is to soldiers’ obedience to a superior.

When the Milgram experimenters interviewed potential volunteers, the selection process of the participants themselves revealed several factors affecting obedience outside of the actual experiment.

The interviews were conducted in an abandoned complex in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Despite the building’s state of disrepair, researchers found that the presence of a Yale professor, as stated in the ad, affected the number of people who obeyed. This was not explored further to test obedience without a Yale professor because Milgram had not intentionally staged the interviews to discover factors affecting obedience. A similar conclusion was drawn in the Stanford prison experiment.

In the actual experiment, prestige, or the appearance of power, was a direct factor in obedience—particularly the presence of men in gray lab coats, who gave the impression of erudition and accomplishment, and were seen as the primary reason people complied with the administration they did painful or dangerous shock. A similar conclusion was drawn in the Stanford prison experiment.

Raj Persaud, in an article in BMJ, comments on Milgram’s attention to detail in his experiment:

The research was also conducted with amazing verve and subtlety – for example, Milgram made sure that the “experimenter” wore a gray lab coat instead of a white one precisely because he didn’t want the subjects to think the “experimenter” was a doctor and thereby limit the implications of his findings to the power of medical authority.

Despite the fact that prestige is often considered a separate factor, it is actually only a subset of power as a factor. Thus, the prestige conveyed by a Yale professor in a lab coat is only a manifestation of the experience involved and the status and/or social status such an image confers.

Agent Health and Other Factors

According to Milgram, “The essence of obedience is that a person comes to see himself as an instrument in carrying out the desires of another person, and therefore no longer sees himself as responsible for his actions, which have occurred in the person, all follow essential characteristics of obedience.” Thus, “the main problem for the subject is to regain control of his own regnant processes, once he has relinquished them to the experimenter’s purposes.” Besides this hypothetical agent state, Milgram proposed the existence of other factors responsible for Responsible for the subject’s obedience: politeness, awkwardness of retreat, immersion in the technical aspects of the task, a tendency to ascribe impersonal qualities to forces that are essentially human, a belief that the experiment served a desirable end, the sequential nature of action and fear.

endurance of faith

Another explanation for Milgram’s findings cites persistence of faith as an underlying cause. What cannot be relied on is recognizing that an apparently benevolent authority is actually malicious, even when faced with overwhelming evidence that suggests that authority is in fact malicious. Therefore, the underlying cause of the subjects’ conspicuous behavior may well be conceptual and not man’s supposed “ability to relinquish his humanity… as he inserts his unique personality into larger institutional structures.

What is blind obedience to authority?

“I was only following orders” is referred to as the “Nuremberg Defense” and is nothing short of blind obedience to authority. Blind obedience to authority is what you do when you believe laws should be obeyed just because the law exists.

Blind obedience is defined as the unquestioning adherence to inherently imprecise rules, even in the face of foolish or adverse consequences. In simpler terms, blind obedience essentially means doing something because you are told to obey the rules because they are the rules.

What are benefits of obedience?

Obedience provokes Generational Blessing on your Children

One of the benefits of obedience is that it provokes Generational Blessings upon your children and your children’s children. One sure way to leave a legacy for your children is to simply Walk in obedience to God all the days of your life.

How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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Whether you are a Christian or not, you need obedience to succeed in life. As a good citizen of your country, it is your responsibility to follow the good laws and policies of your country. As a student, it is your responsibility to obey your teachers and the school board. In your workplace, you must obey your boss to keep working for him. So obedience isn’t just religious stuff, it’s an indispensable virtue that is required of every human being who wants to succeed in life. A minute of disobedience can ruin a man’s entire destiny. No one is exempt from the requirements of obedience, regardless of religion, culture, nationality, or gender. In this post today I am going to share with you some of the benefits of obedience that you need to know in order to enjoy total victory, success, health, prosperity and long life on earth. Read with confidence.

What is obedience?

Obedience means doing what you are asked to do, how you are asked to do it, and when you are asked to do it. Obedience simply means following instructions and acting accordingly. Obedience is an art and can be learned. Even Christ, the Son of God, learned obedience (Hebrews 5:8). Man is by nature disobedient and self-fulfilled. Obedience is an art of the Spirit that you must learn if you are to walk with God and prosper on earth. Now what are the benefits of obedience?

1. Obedience obliges God to put you above all the nations of the earth – Deut 28:1

Your placement in life is not determined by your age, background, culture, nationality, or gender. Your obedience to God and His instructions, which are enshrined in the scriptures, determines your place in life and destiny. In this kingdom, people rise from obscurity to the limelight simply by obeying God. Abraham, David, Moses, Joseph, Peter and all the heroes of the Bible rose to the top through their obedience to God and His instructions.

2. Obedience enables you to enjoy the prosperity of the kingdom on earth—Job 36:11

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One of the benefits of obedience in the kingdom of God is that it enables you to access and enjoy the riches and bounty of God on earth. You agree that silver belongs to God and gold also belongs to God. To whom do you think God will give His silver and gold, those who disobey Him or those who obey Him? Invariably, God does not waste His resources on disobedient children. Obedience to God and His instructions brings about supernatural prosperity.

3. Obedience provokes the sworn blessings of God in a person’s life – Deut 28:2-3

Obedience is the way to God’s blessing. Do you want to see the blessings of God in your life, family, business, career and finances? The key to this is obedience to God. If you are an obedient child of God, you work under the covenant of blessing. Nothing provokes the blessing of God like obedience. And you know what the blessing of God can do for you, it makes rich and adds no sorrow.

4. Obedience provokes generational blessings for your children

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One of the benefits of obedience is that it provokes generational blessings upon your children and grandchildren. One sure way to leave a legacy for your children is to walk in obedience to God every day of your life. A life of obedience to God is a spiritual investment that yields an ROI that money can’t buy. If you, as a parent, want to secure the future of your children, please obey God.

5. Obedience gives you super victory over your enemies – Deut 28:7

Enemies are real. Sometimes there are people you thought were your friends, but they are your real enemies. One of the benefits of obedience to God is that it turns your battles over to God and makes you a spectator. When you obey God, God takes over your struggles. He fights your enemies until they are completely destroyed. Obedience to God will make you stronger than your enemies. A man who walks in obedience to God is a dangerous man. He’s too defended to be defeated.

6. Obedience to God makes the works of your hand prosper wherever you are—Deuteronomy 28:8

Your success in life is determined not by your geographical location but by your covenant practice. Anyone can succeed anywhere if supported by God. One of the benefits of obedience is that whatever you set out to do will prosper everywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, if you obey God you will prosper there.

7. Obedience to God brings divine arrangement – Deut 28:9

In the Kingdom, people will not be established by the strength of their arms, for no one will be victorious by strength. It is in this Kingdom that God establishes His people as they walk in obedience to His instructions. You cannot stumble if you obey God. Government will come and go, but those who obey God will remain forever. Do you want God to establish you, your business, your career, your ministry, your family, or your corporation? The key is obedience!

8. Obedience makes you a terror to your enemies – Deuteronomy 28:10

The lion is not the king of the forest because of its size, size or strength. The lion is the king of the forest because of the terror that his appearance exudes. Every time the lion roars, other animals hide. One of the benefits of obedience to God is that it makes you a terror to your enemies. If they see you coming, they hide. If they mention your name in their secret meetings, they all panic. You don’t have to live your life under the fear of the unknown. Your name can become a terror to your terrors and a problem to your problems. Someone once brought my name to a native doctor’s shrine in the state of Anambra, both the native doctor who bore my name there and the shrine where my name was mentioned have not recovered from the eternal blow that the sky gave them. It pays to obey God. Some of the things you fear now should fear you. Obedience to God is the key.

9. Obedience brings increase and abundance – Deut 28:11

The secret of multiplication is not tricks or pranks, it is obedience to Almighty God. When you make a commitment to obey God, everything in your life and destiny multiplies. If you doubt me, ask Abraham how he became the father of many nations. Obedience can turn your kiosk into a warehouse. Obedience can multiply Your five loaves and two fishes into twelve baskets. The secret of every miracle of abundance and multiplication is due to obedience to divine directions. Obedience is powerful, don’t joke about it. If you want to enjoy a lot in life and destiny, please obey God.

10. Obedience qualifies you to enjoy Open Heaven – Deut 28:12

Heaven has gates and windows. The key that opens heaven is obedience. When you walk in obedience to God and His instructions, heaven will open up over your life, business, career and finances. And when your heavens are open, you have access to deep revelations and strange ideas for success. When your heavens are open, earth becomes your church. You need obedience to secure the open sky. Men don’t suddenly patronize your goods and services, no matter how good they are. It is an open heaven provoked by obedience that encourages divine initiation and publicity.

11. Obedience Enables you to become a lender to nations and not a borrower – Deut 28:12B

There is a higher realm of prosperity where you will not beg or borrow money no matter what the economic recession in your country is. Obedience to God and obedience to covenant obligations are critical keys to accessing this higher level of riches and prosperity in the kingdom of God. One of the benefits of obedience is that it makes you a lender to nations, not a borrower. Check countries like America who use their resources to provide aid and support to humanity, they are responsible for the economy of the world. Review people who practice philanthropy as if their whole lives depended on it, lacking nothing or borrowing nothing. Obedience to God does not make people poor. It doesn’t decrease your height. On the contrary, it increases your greatness and status.

12. God values ​​obedience over sacrifice – 1 Sam 15:22

In God’s scale of preferences, obedience ranks higher than any other type of sacrifice or service you can render to Him. Giving to God without obeying His Word is sacrilege before God. Our prayers become a noise in God’s ears if we don’t walk in obedience. The greatest sacrifice that pleases God is simply to obey God. In all of our walk with God and our work for God, obedience is paramount and everything else is secondary.

13. Through your obedience many people can be made righteous – Rom 5:19, Rom 16:19

By one man’s disobedience, Adam, all mankind became sinners, but by obedience to Christ we were all made righteous in Christ. Obedience is contagious and transferable. Your obedience can make other people change from bad people to good people. Your obedience can be a good example and model for other people to shape their lives. You can influence your family, community, nation, and generation to become obedient to God simply by demonstrating a lifestyle of obedience for all to see.

14. Obedience makes you a servant of righteousness – Rom 6:16

Many people like to be called civil servants because they serve the government. But there is a greater honor. It is the privilege of becoming a servant of righteousness. Obedience makes you a servant of justice. When you are a minister of righteousness, your own feelings, will, and decisions are subject to the will of God. There sonship is attained. That’s one of the benefits of obedience. The more you obey God, the more you become bound by Spirit to align with the higher thoughts and patterns of Heaven, then your human nature becomes a slave to Spirit. At this point, you have no choice, wherever God asks you to go, you go there and whatever He asks you to do, you do with ease. When you are in this realm, its commandments become light and its burdens light. Why ? Because you have become a servant of justice.

15. Obedience enables you to force every evil thought into obedience to Christ—2 Corinthians 10:5

Evil thoughts are like birds that fly in the sky. You can’t stop the birds from flying in the sky, but you can stop them from perching on your head. One of the benefits of obedience is that it equips you to catch any evil thought that tries to get on your head and force it to align with obedience to Christ. Without obedience one will never overcome evil thoughts. But if you are an obedient child of God, every time an evil thought enters your mind, you will be quick to reject it and break it off right where it began. Obedience is the stopper or lock of the gate of your mind. When you lack obedience, your mind is open and prone to any kind of thought.

16. Obedience qualifies you to become God’s lawgiver to punish all disobedience—2 Corinthians 10:6

Obedience to God is a prerequisite for serving on earth as one of God’s lawgivers and judges. You cannot disobey and expect demons to obey you. Your own obedience is your identity card as you act on earth as God’s general and lawgiver. If you obey God, everything will obey you. Even in your family as parents, if you obey God, your children will obey you. Obedience is mutual. Learn to obey God and no power in hell can withstand your authority. Would you like to see sickness, suffering, death, poverty and demons flee at the command of your faith? You must walk in obedience to God and His commandments.

17. Obedience guarantees good success – Joshua 1:8

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Not every success is a good success. There is a path that seems right to a man, but it leads to death and destruction. One of the benefits of obedience is that it brings you good success. The kind that comes with peace of mind. The kind that glorifies God and improves human life. If you follow God’s instructions for success and prosperity, you don’t have to stain your hands with evil to be successful. Obedience to God guarantees good success.

18. Obedience to God guarantees happiness and peace – Psalm 119:165

One of the benefits of obedience to God is happiness and peace of mind. It also guarantees harmony and happiness in your family and business. Some of the problems and crises that many people face in their families are the result of blatant disobedience to divine instructions. As we walk in obedience to God and His direction, our families, communities, cities, and nations will experience peace and happiness. You will not think of harming your neighbor if it is in your heart to obey God. When obeying God becomes a passion in your heart, you will do whatever it takes to ensure that peace and harmony reign wherever you go.

19. Obedience guarantees long life – Ephesians 6:1-3

As children of God, we must obey our Heavenly Father in every situation so that we can enjoy a long life on earth. It is also a spiritual obligation for us to honor and obey our earthly and spiritual parents as this will lengthen our days on earth. Obedience is not being stupid. You are not a fool if you choose to obey God. One of the benefits of obedience is longevity. Now you can decide how long you want to live in this world. You can cheat death a thousand times over simply by entering into the covenant of obedience. I have seen this principle work in my own life. It will work for you too. Just make up your mind to do whatever God asks of you. Be an obedient child of God.

20. Obedience finally guarantees Heaven – Rev 22:12

Life on earth is a preparation for eternity. One of the requirements of spending eternity with God in heaven is a lifestyle of obedience. Heaven is a home for the righteous. No unrighteous or disobedient soul will make it to heaven. Jesus Christ comes to reward his obedient children with the crown of life and righteousness. Child of God, refuse to live in disobedience. Strive to enter the narrow path. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. Are you ready to meet Jesus? are you ready now How committed are you to his word? Time is short, heaven is real, receive the grace to walk consistently in obedience.


Nature abhors vacuum. As long as we live in this realm called earth, we must submit to a higher power. Either you give your body, mind, and soul to obedience to God, or the devil will require them of you. There is no neutral ground in life’s journey. Either you obey God or you obey the devil. Make your choice. After exploring the benefits of obedience to God in this post, you will be happy when you put them into practice. Thanks for reading up to this point. God bless you.

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What Does It Mean to \”Obey\” the Gospel?

What Does It Mean to \”Obey\” the Gospel?
What Does It Mean to \”Obey\” the Gospel?

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“Obey” the Gospel? 2 Thess. 1:8 | Effects of Grace Ministries, Inc.

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Date Published: 6/22/2022

View: 8840

What does obey the gospel mean? – Bible Questions

To obey the gospel means you believe the gospel. Belief is a prerequisite to initial salvation (Mk. 16: 16). Belief of the gospel is inseparably involved in …

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Date Published: 12/24/2021

View: 5982

Obeying the Gospel | Monergism

One the other hand, to obey the gospel is to dedicate yourself to the Lord Christ with your whole heart – to hearing, believing, trusting and …

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Date Published: 6/26/2022

View: 3774

“Obey” the Gospel? 2 Thess. 1:8

Did you know that the “good news” of the kingdom of God must be obeyed? How do you “obey” good news? I was reading this in my quiet time and this sentence struck me as odd. According to Paul’s letter, “disobeying the gospel” is a sign of being an unbeliever (2 Thessalonians 1:8). I had to think about it for a moment and wanted to write my thoughts down.

In the face of most “gospel” presentations, this seems like an odd phrase – “Obey the gospel.” This sentence makes the “good news” sound so weighty and serious. Most people think only of “receiving” the gospel. After all, who doesn’t want to receive good news? It doesn’t cost us anything and we might even feel better!

The immediate context

Note that the author links this statement to the knowledge of God. According to Scripture, when a person knows God, there is awe and reverence for Him (Romans 1:18-21, John 17:3). To illustrate this point as a standalone point, even Cornelius was described as a “godly” man before he knew the gospel (Acts 10:22). But Paul ties these two points together, “knowing God” and “obeying the gospel.” Both are equally important marks of a believer. Why should the “gospel” have the same meaning as actual knowledge of the Almighty Creator?

What do you mean by “gospel”?

First we must understand what the gospel is. You can’t just obey good news, can you? So, to understand what it means to obey the gospel, you have to piggyback on that first statement of knowing God. When you know God, you have reverence and reverence for Him. If it is he who sent the “good news” proclaimed by his angels (Matthew 1:20-23; Luke 2:9-14), then the good news must also be honored with reverence.

The good news or gospel is presented in Scripture as God saving his people from their sins. The person He sent was Jesus, the work He chose to accomplish this task was twofold: to live a life in perfect obedience to God the Father and to die a perfect sacrificial death to be a substitute for those could, which He should save. Jesus is unique. It could not be anyone else who saved people from sin (Acts 4:12). Only Jesus was born perfect, lived perfect, and died perfect. Only Jesus was raised from the dead by God the Father to confirm His life and work (Acts 4:10; 13:30; 17:31; Rom. 4:24).

How Do You Obey the Gospel?

How does one “obey the gospel”? The Greek word for obey in this verse means “the thing that one obeys or that one embraces with full devotion”*, to give oneself fully to the good news that has been sent from God! God’s good news is Jesus! Think about it like this. The One True God promised to send a Messiah, a Redeemer for His people. When He did, it was in a manner that fulfilled His prophetic promises and was foretold by His angels. This message of good news was given a name at birth…Jesus. Demonstrating obedience would mean believing this fulfilled promise of God as God Himself. Jesus is indeed God manifested in human flesh (John 14:9)!

Obeying the gospel means demonstrating through our actions that we believe that Jesus Christ is the plan of salvation of the One True God. God Himself delivered a very important “good news”. This “news” is Jesus Christ as Savior. The people who persecuted the Thessalonian Church did not treat the gospel of Jesus Christ as actually having been handed down from the Almighty Creator Himself (2 Thessalonians 1:4-6). Instead, they persecuted the church as if Jesus were just a general religious idea. Obeying the gospel means living a life centered on the unique, holy glory of Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 1:9-10). Obeying the gospel is a belief in God Himself.


* Arndt, William, Frederick W. Danker, and Walter Bauer. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.




One reason we are here on earth is to show our willingness to obey Heavenly Father’s commandments. God gives commandments for our benefit. Obedience to the commandments brings blessings from God and shows our love for Him.

Some people feel that the commandments are burdensome and that they restrict freedom and personal growth. But the Savior taught that true freedom comes only by following Him: “If ye keep my word, ye are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:31,32). God gives commandments for our benefit. They are loving instructions for our happiness and for our physical and mental well-being.

In the premortal existence, Heavenly Father presided over a great council in heaven. There we learned of His plan for our salvation, which included a time of testing on the earth: “We will make an earth in which these may dwell; and we will try them with this to see if they will do all that the Lord their God commands them” (Abraham 3:24,25). One reason we are here on earth is to show our willingness to obey Heavenly Father’s commandments.

The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that obedience to the commandments leads to blessings from God. He said, “There is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundation of this world, upon which all blessings rest–and when we receive any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it rests” (Doctrine and Covenants 130:20–21). King Benjamin also taught this principle. “I want you to remember the blessed and happy state of those who keep the commandments of God,” he counseled. “For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they endure faithfully to the end, they will be taken up into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken” (Mosiah 2:41).

Our obedience to the commandments is an expression of our love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The Savior said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). He later explained: “If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love; as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love” (John 15:10).

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How to Obey God: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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License: Creative Commons


<\/p><\/div>“} 1 Know that we are sinners. Understand that everyone in this world has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23. No one is righteous before God Romans 3: 10-18 and even our “righteous deeds” are like filthy rags before God Isaiah 64:6. Therefore at this point all hopes of THEM obeying God should now be destroyed.

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License: Creative Commons


<\/p><\/div>“} 2 Know that you are not alone. You are now crushed under God’s law and you see that it is impossible to obey, and therefore it is safe to move on. The question that you will wisely ask is why you can do “No one obeys God fully? The reason is Genesis 3. Read the whole thing. Then read Romans 5:12-21. Basically, our first parents, Adam and Eve, rebelled against God and all creation was cursed as a result, and also as a result we inherited a sinful nature that hates God, hates His commandments, and strangely tries to impress God by doing scantly obey his commandments

{“smallUrl”:”https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/7\/76\/Obey-God-Step-3.jpg\/v4-460px-Obey-God- Step-3.jpg”,”bigUrl”:”\/images\/thumb\/7\/76\/Obey-God-Step-3.jpg\/aid1993857-v4-728px-Obey-God-Step-3 .jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:310,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:490,”licensing”:”

License: Creative Commons


<\/p><\/div>“} 3 Consider temptation your personal enemy. Now that you know why you can’t, the next thing that will help you in this quest is knowing why you can should do it. God goes to punish ALL sinners, which includes you and I. However, the definition of a sinner is someone who does not obey God’s commandments. You know you should do it because God will punish sinners.

{“smallUrl”:”https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/4\/4b\/obey-god-step-4.jpg\/v4-460px-obey-god- Step-4.jpg”,”bigUrl”:”\/images\/thumb\/4\/4b\/Obey-God-Step-4.jpg\/aid1993857-v4-728px-Obey-God-Step-4 .jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:306,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:485,”licensing”:”

License: Creative Commons


<\/p><\/div>“} 4 Have faith and know that He will come. Having established the above, God knows the above, and when our first parents rebelled, He promised there would be a person , to which we may come in the future destroy the serpent (read Genesis 3!) That person is Jesus Christ who is God (Isaiah 9:6-7) He is our Savior He died for all sins, all SINS of everyone 1 John 2:1-2 And he did this voluntarily because God loves us (John 10:17-18 and Romans 5:6-11)

{“smallUrl”:”https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/8\/83\/obey-god-step-5.jpg\/v4-460px-obey-god- Step-5.jpg”,”bigUrl”:”\/images\/thumb\/8\/83\/Obey-God-Step-5.jpg\/aid1993857-v4-728px-Obey-God-Step-5 .jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:306,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:485,”licensing”:”

License: Creative Commons


<\/p><\/div>“} 5 Believe that God loved you, therefore He died for you. You should know that God loves you and is your Redeemer. If you are righteous, every sin must be punished and the penalty will be taken either a sinner or Jesus Christ who willingly chose to atone for ALL sins. Therefore, you receive this gift by believing in Jesus Christ as your Savior and submitting to Him as your Lord. This is a gift from God, and even faith is a gift from God. All who believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins will be saved (John 3:16), but all who do not believe are already damned (John 3:36) .


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