How High Can Possums Jump? Top Answer Update

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how high can possums jump“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

Possums can only jump about 1m high and cannot climb sheer walls, so a 1.5m tall tin fence should keep possums out. Alternatively, modifications can prevent a possum from climbing over an existing fence.Because they live in trees, possums are great climbers. They can even jump up to four metres to reach a neighbouring branch.blessed to have two big toes that act like opposable thumbs. These digits, called halux, help the opossums climb trees with ease. They have this anatomical feature in common with monkeys and other primates.

Here’s how:
  1. Eliminate Food Sources. Possums will be attracted to your yard if they can easily find a source of food in it. …
  2. Strategically Use Scents. …
  3. Get Rid of Shelter. …
  4. Seal Points of Entry. …
  5. Call A Professional.
  1. STEP 1: Remove possum attractants such as food and water and potential homes. …
  2. STEP 2: Secure outside entry points to your home; block access to chimneys, vents, or any other holes or gaps. …
  3. STEP 3: Apply a chemical repellent to your garden. …
  4. STEP 3: Use electronic repellents to scare possums away.

Can a possum jump?

Because they live in trees, possums are great climbers. They can even jump up to four metres to reach a neighbouring branch.

How do you keep possums away?

Here’s how:
  1. Eliminate Food Sources. Possums will be attracted to your yard if they can easily find a source of food in it. …
  2. Strategically Use Scents. …
  3. Get Rid of Shelter. …
  4. Seal Points of Entry. …
  5. Call A Professional.

How does a possum climb?

blessed to have two big toes that act like opposable thumbs. These digits, called halux, help the opossums climb trees with ease. They have this anatomical feature in common with monkeys and other primates.

How do I get rid of possums?

  1. STEP 1: Remove possum attractants such as food and water and potential homes. …
  2. STEP 2: Secure outside entry points to your home; block access to chimneys, vents, or any other holes or gaps. …
  3. STEP 3: Apply a chemical repellent to your garden. …
  4. STEP 3: Use electronic repellents to scare possums away.

Can a possum hurt a dog?

Solution: In general, opossums are docile, non-aggressive animals and will not attack your pets. They prefer to avoid confrontations. If escape is not possible then the threatened opossum may “play ‘possum”, show its teeth, or bite in self-defense, as any animal would.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

(possum problems and solutions)

Problem: There is a possum in my garden. What can I do?

Solution: Nothing. Leave the possum alone and watch wildlife in your own backyard. However, if the possum is injured or orphaned (less than 7 inches from nose to rump), contact the Possum Society of the United States, a local wildlife carer, veterinarian, or your local animal shelter for help. Possums are useful as they eat unwanted pests in your home and garden like snails, slugs, spiders, cockroaches, rats, mice and snakes. Possums are free gardeners!

Problem: You’re making my dog ​​bark!

Solution: A dog barks at everything it sees or hears. The best thing you can do for the possums AND your neighbors is to train the dog or keep the dog indoors at night. This also prevents the dog from injuring or killing a possum.

Problem: Will a possum attack my pets?

Solution: In general, possums are docile, non-aggressive animals and will not attack your pets. They prefer to avoid confrontations. When escape is not possible, the threatened opossum may “play possum,” bare its teeth, or bite in self-defense as any animal would.

Problem: Will a possum bite my children?

Solution: Children should be taught not to attempt to feed or touch a wild animal. Possums are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and come out at night, so there is little chance that a small child will come into contact with a possum. Possums prefer to sleep in dark, secluded places. If your children play in such an area, there is a greater risk of being bitten by a poisonous spider or snake.

Problem: The possums eat the fruit of my trees.

Solution: Opossums prefer to eat the rotting fruit that has fallen to the ground. Keep possums out of trees by cutting branches off the ground, fences, and roofs. Cover the trunk with heavy plastic sheeting, which you can get at hardware stores, and secure with tape. This will prevent the possums from climbing. A cut up plastic trash can will work.

Problem: How can I keep possums out of my house or garage?

Solution: Close all doors, pet doors, and unscreened windows before dark. Put the food away so the possum isn’t tempted to enter. If a possum enters, provide a safe exit and leave the room.

Problem: I want more information about possums.

Can possums hurt you?

Opossums are not vicious and not aggressive to humans, but they are wild animals, and with their 50 teeth, they can provide a nasty bite. Their diseases can be fatal to humans and pets but also do provide some benefits around a property.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

I was walking out of my house the other day and saw a possum sticking its head out of the trash can. I wasn’t sure if these were dangerous or not so I did some research.

Possums are not generally aggressive or vicious, but they have been known to attack humans. Possums will fight back when they need to defend themselves and will attack to protect their young.

I wanted to learn more about how dangerous possums are and if you’re interested in knowing there is some great information below.

The average lifespan of a possum is only 2 to 4 years. Find out why here

Are possums dangerous to humans?

Possums can grow to a medium dog size and have claws that can open the sturdiest hides. They also have about 50 sharp teeth.

Possums will growl, hiss and open their mouths to show their teeth to ward off predators and humans, but very rarely will they attack or bite.

The growls and hisses may appear as if the possum is ready to strike or pounce, but the sounds are nothing more than a bluff. Possums are far more afraid of humans than we are of them.

There are two lines of defense for a possum when confronted with a human. They will rarely attack or play dead to avoid a confrontation.

The possum has an instinct to act dead when faced with humans or other animals. The prone position can last from just a few minutes to an hour. Research has shown that this is a reflex action that originates in the opossum’s brain.

Do you know if possums can swim? Find out here

Another trick the opossum uses as an extra warning while playing dead is that it secretes a green liquid from its anal glands. This repulsive odor repels humans and predators alike and smells like a rotting or dead animal.

Another tactic the possum uses to its advantage is to drool when it’s playing dead. This drool gives the impression that the animal has rabies.

It must be noted that possums can and will bite in self-defense if cornered by an attacker. This only happens when the animal believes it is in an inevitable struggle. However, fighting would be her last resort.

Possums have nails they can scratch with, but they can be easily ripped out, so it’s doubtful they’ll use them, even for self-defense. A possum’s hands are very delicate, so they play dead rather than risk their hands.

Do you know if possums ever wondered why possums play dead? Find out in this article I wrote

Do Possums Carry Deadly Diseases?

Possums are known to transmit Salmonella, and this bacterial disease has been known to lead to hospitalization and death in humans. However, most people are unaware that they have contracted salmonella and recover without hospitalization or treatment.

Toxoplasmosis is a foodborne illness in the United States and one of the leading causes of death. Millions of people in the United States carry the parasite. Yet few have the symptoms due to a good immune system causing it to develop into a disease. This can have very serious consequences for pregnant women or people with a weak immune system.

Do you know how possums survive the winter? Find out here

Possums are wild animals and carry several ectoparasites such as fleas, lice, mites and ticks.

Due to the possum’s low body temperature, they generally do not carry the rabies virus as it requires a much higher body temperature. However, the animal has the potential to carry and transmit the disease. If you are bitten by a possum, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Are Possums Doing Well Around Your Home? The answer might surprise you

Is Possum Feces Dangerous?

As mentioned above, possums can transmit several diseases. Possums are also carriers of a bacterial disease called leptospirosis.

Leptospirosis is transmitted through opossum urine and feces and starts with flu-like symptoms, but can also cause meningitis, liver failure, respiratory complications and kidney damage.

It is advisable to have pets vaccinated against leptospirosis. If possum feces or urine are found, it is best to use bleach to remove them.

Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease found in the intestinal tract of various animals, including possums. Coccidiosis can be spread through a possum’s droppings.

Do you know what possums sound like? Find out here

Are Possums a Pest?

Opossums are often considered pests but do a lot of good for humans. Although they can carry several diseases, having them around can be handy.

Possums eat a variety of foods including snails, larvae, insects and ticks. Ticks can transmit Lyme disease and other diseases harmful to humans, and possums eliminate more ticks than any other animal through their feline grooming.

Possums kill and eat snakes and have a resistance to their venom. Researchers think opossums could help us develop an antidote that could be used to protect humans from snake bites and against scorpion, plant and bacterial toxins. This research emerged in the 1940s but was then left to be rediscovered until the 1990s. The antivenom is effective against the Western Diamondback rattlesnake, among others.

Are possums dangerous animals? Find out the truth here

Do Possums Attack Pets?

If a possum is threatened or cornered by a cat, the possum may attack, but there is a greater chance it will hiss, growl, and bare its teeth. The possum can also play dead and will not want to fight if given the chance.

Possums are scavengers and do not hunt large animals to kill or eat. A cat is much more likely to attack a possum as the smaller ones can be the size of a rat. Possums can grow larger than a cat, and an adult can hold their own better than a child.

If your cat or dog attacks the possum and the possum doesn’t play dead or run away, it may bite back, in which case a possum is dangerous to your dog or cat. If you have pets, it may be worth removing possums from your property.

How do I remove possums?

Opossums can cause problems due to their scavenging nature and pop up in many areas around the home. They have been found in attics, sheds, below decks, as well as in chicken coops.

Other problems possums can cause include stealing pet food, living in walls, spreading fleas on pets, and scattering feces on property. Possums are nocturnal and dislike light, so they become most active around sunset.

A baited trap would need to be set up for a possum in the house. Please check your local wildlife trapping laws and check with the Humane Society for the best method of trapping a possum. Please remember to wear gloves when handling these animals due to the diseases they carry

It’s harder to get rid of possums in your yard. Since the possum is a scavenger, they are not picky about what they eat. Possums will eat out of the bins so make sure they are all secured and locked if possible. Ammonia can also be spread on rags in the garden, as can fox urine. However, this will be a temporary solution; The possum will eventually find out that there is no fox.


Possums are not vicious and not aggressive towards humans, but they are fierce animals and with their 50 teeth they can deliver a nasty bite. Their diseases can be fatal to people and pets, but they also offer some benefits around a property. They are also known to make good pets of their own.

What do possums hate most?

Possums hate the taste of:
  • Molasses.
  • Garlic.
  • Onion.
  • Hot peppers.
  • Hot sauce.
  • Mustard.
  • Quassia chips.
  • Black tea.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

James Percy /

Do you have problems with possums? Steal fruits and eat flowers from your garden? Are you making a mess in your garage or on your roof and scaring your pets to death at night? Or maybe running along the fence just to make fun of your helplessness. If you’ve experienced something like this, you probably really want to remove them from your property. We know a trick or two that can help you get rid of possums naturally by using homemade possum repellent with ingredients you may already have at home.

Natural deterrents for possums

Natural opossum deterrents work their senses differently, and the most effective will repel them based on smell, taste, or both. Sometimes, but less often, they work because of their feelings (texture of food). You can use natural deterrents in the garden to prevent the possums from eating your plants and fruit, or in attic burrows or other enclosed parts in your home where the possums might be hiding.

Warning Possums are a protected species in Australia under the Wildlife Act 1975! It is illegal to harm them or encroach on their natural habitat. This means that the deterrents you use must only be used on your property and never directly on the animals.

Smells that possums hate

Possums cannot stand pungent odors. So the stinkier the better! Smells prove to be a more effective deterrent than something that tastes bad. Why? Because in order to know that it doesn’t like the taste of something, the opossum has to bite it first. A half-eaten plant is better than no plant at all, but we can probably agree that this is not the most desirable outcome.

Here’s what scents you can use against possums:


mothball camphor

camphor garlic

garlic onion

Onion fertilizers of animal origin*

Fertilizers of animal origin* Fishy smell

*For example, you can spray blood and bone meal around flowers.

Tastes that possums hate

Possums are definitely not picky eaters. They would eat anything when hungry. They may not like it, but if they’re hungry, they’ll eat it. Sometimes you can successfully repel a possum with a certain food, only to find out later that it’s no longer effective. Acquired taste, we might say.

Possums hate the taste of:


molasses garlic

garlic onion

Onion Pepperoni

Pepperoni Hot Sauce

Hot sauce mustard

Mustard Quassia Chips

Quassia chips Black tea

Black tea fish oil

No remedies work on possums? Time to call in a professional possum remover. Enter your zip code. Add a valid zip code, e.g. SE1 2nd

Homemade Opossum Repellent Recipes

Now that we’ve learned which smells and tastes possums despise, here’s how to use them to your advantage – make homemade possum repellents. The reason you should try making your own is that even the ones you can find over the counter have yet to be proven effective. Some might even damage your plants by drying them out!

The Council here uses the information provided by the DELWP (Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Australia) in their fact sheet on Possum Repellent.

Garlic Possum Repellent

You will need 2 tablespoons of chopped garlic and 1 liter of hot water. Mix the ingredients in a bowl and leave overnight. Then strain and pour into a spray bottle. We recommend using it in the garden by spraying it on leaves eaten by possums. Apply twice a week or after rain. Of course, you can try using it indoors, but you also risk repelling your family.

Quassia chip repellent

Boil 1 liter of water and let 50 grams of quassia chips (South American tree bark) steep for an hour and then strain. You have the option to add 1-2 teaspoons of potassium-based detergent to make the solution more sticky. Now you have a concentrated repellent. Dilute 1:4 with water before use. Use it to spray around the garden.

Warning In some cases, using detergents on garden flowers or other plants has been shown to improve their development. In other cases, if the detergent contains harmful chemicals, their normal growth may be affected. Here you can learn more about horticultural soap and how to use it.

Molasses repellent

Grab that molasses jar from the pantry, we’ll make the simplest repellent. Mix 1 cup of molasses with 1 liter of water and stir until the molasses is dissolved. Now fill it in a spray bottle and spray it on the leaves. You can add 1-2 teaspoons of potassium-based detergent or natural dishwashing liquid to the mixture, which will make the solution stickier and last longer. But use with caution, some plants may not respond well to it.

Mothballs against possums

If the possum is hiding somewhere on your roof or in your garage, you can place mothballs around the location. Their smell is unbearable for the possums, which makes the place no longer desirable. There is a bonus benefit – no moths either.

But while the process may seem simple, there are a few steps to ensure it’s successful. How to use mothballs against possums:

Find the possum’s hiding place. We have explained how to do this in this post. Wait for the possum to go outside. Since they are nocturnal creatures, that would be at night. Place the mothballs in important places – near entrances, corners, suspected hiding places. It would help if you sealed the entrances while the critters are gone. Double precaution is better. Monitor activity. If you still see damage, you may have a different type of rodent in your home. Call a pest controller to inspect the site,

Tired of this fight with possums? We can take it from here. Hire a professional possum remover to solve your problem. Enter your zip code. SE1 2nd

Other ways to keep possums away

The presence of cats and other animals usually keeps possums at bay. you don’t have a cat No problem, you can try one of these dire cat silhouettes. Place them in the garden – in the bushes, up in the trees or right where they are clearly visible on the lawn. They are usually made of black painted metal with reflective glass eyes. It might not seem like much, but for the nocturnal possum, seeing shiny glass eyes peering out from behind the bushes is probably scary enough not to return.


You can deter possums by using smells and tastes they hate.

You can deter possums by using smells and tastes they hate. Deterrents based on how bad they smell are proving to be more effective.

Deterrents based on how bad they smell are proving to be more effective. One method may work on one possum but not another.

One method may work on one possum but not another. You might also start eating the bad tasting stuff.

You might also start eating the bad tasting stuff. Whichever method you choose, never use deterrents directly on the animal.

Whichever method you choose, never use deterrents directly on the animal. Harming possums is not only inhumane but also illegal.

Harming possums is not only inhumane but also illegal. If the possum keeps coming back, contact a professional possum remover. We also offer gardening services for those most affected.

You don’t want to lose the fight with the possum? Time to call in the pros to make your yard possum-free. Enter your zip code. Add a valid zip code, e.g. SE1 2nd

Last updated: December 8, 2021

Posted in All Articles, Pest Problems

Do possums keep rats away?

They do keep the rats away and keep their population in check. Mice and rats are the major part of the possum’s diet or food. So if you have a large population of possums, that will not be a problem. Even keeping them at home is much safer than rats because rats can cause several diseases such as rabies.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

Possums are creatures that tend to be destructive when settling on your property.

It’s not known how much damage possums will do to your property, but they can damage your lawn by digging to eat their food. You will know what damage they do when you find one in your yard.

If you’re wondering if possums keep rats away, then yes, they do! Not just rats, but many other rodents that can cause you problems. This animal generally eats rats, mice and roof rats, which is why they are considered a livestock species for humans.

Having possums in the garden means having pests for free. But the main question is, are possums the pests we need to control? Is it beneficial to have possums around? Is it true that they can be poisonous? All these things are explained to you here.

Do possums keep rats away?

Here is a frequently asked question. Does it keep them away? So the answer is yes. They keep the rats away and keep their population in check. Mice and rats make up the majority of the opossum’s diet or diet.

So if you have a large population of possums, that’s not a problem. Even keeping them at home is much safer than rats as rats can cause several diseases such as rabies.

Possums eat rats for food, but not regularly. They eat them when they are hungry. It can also happen when rats become aggressive. Rat proof house is the best option to prevent infestation.

So the next time you see possums sneaking out for something, don’t bother them. But one thing to watch out for is to keep your pet food and trash tightly sealed, as a possum can do more damage.

Do rats and possums fight?

Possums are the amazing animals you keep on your property. They eat rodents like rats, mice, and insects that transmit diseases that can harm you. But the most common question on people’s minds is: do rats and possums fight? They don’t fight because possums attack and kill the rats. This leaves them little opportunity to defend themselves. But when given the chance, they escape them to survive.

But possums have enemies and they can be attacked. Their enemies are – hawks, owls, red foxes and even humans who kill possums. The funny thing is that possums pretend to be dead when they know their predators are coming because they know that predators don’t eat animals that are already dead.

It is also said that cats are also the enemies of possums, but you don’t have to worry if you have adult cats in your home. The adult cat and the possum ignore each other. But did you know that raccoons and possums fight like siblings? They generally have no conflicts, but occasionally they will fight over food. They love to eat rats and mice so you need to make sure they are not in your soil.

Are possums resistant to rat poison?

It’s a rare thing that you might only find in some animals. Rat poison is not effective on opossums. Not only the rat poison, but also all other substances, except nerve poisons, are ineffective. The possum has a peptide in its blood that does not cause any problems or toxic effects on the person. So, if we are talking about rats, they do not have neurotoxin in their blood, therefore, it will not harm the opossum.

So the next time someone asks, “Are possums resistant to rat poison?” you know the answer will be yes. If you’re trying to evict a possum from your property, now you know that no poison can harm it. But if you want to get rid of them the human way, you should use ammonia or mothballs because they hate their smell.

Meanwhile, possums have a natural immune system that can easily process food. As a result, they do not get sick even if they are bitten by ticks! Ticks are parasites that can cause disease, and possums can even eat ticks without flinching.

Is it true that possums were once used to control rodent populations?

To check if possums are helping to control the rodent population, several wild possums were released in parks and many other places years ago. It was made in the council city of Brooklyn.

The council hoped that once they controlled or eliminated the rodent in town, they would eventually die of starvation. But they forget they’ve been here since the time of the dinosaurs, and they’ll survive without it.

In fact, opossums were once used to control rodent populations; However, does everyone doubt its effectiveness? After the rodent population decreases, possums become the biggest problem, but they survive by eating other animals like snakes.

What rodents eat possums?

Possums are the marsupials that eat the hamster. These species serve as pest control for rats and many other animals. It eats slugs and snails, snakes and carrion and much more. In addition, opossums can even eat other mammals and birds. They also eat other insects, especially beetles and ticks. These are wild animals and can feed on anything unless they contain neurotoxins.

It eats the animal you might even find in your house. It can eat the snake as part of its natural immune system. The possum is another great option if you are afraid of roaches.

Should you let possums stay in your yard?

The marsupial helps people get rid of many problems, even poisonous snakes. If you are wondering whether you should keep possums in your home, then the answer is no.

Although it is safe to have them, they are afraid of humans, or it can be said that humans are one of their enemies.

Possums can climb trees and the best part is that they have an impressive tail and this allows them to hang onto the tree without even falling.

For this reason, possums can be beneficial in the garden. They can play with other animals and prey on living and non-living things. They also love the fallen fruit and can cause problems if you have a trash can outside. Possums are wild, so it becomes a problem when they become pests for you.

Did you know…

There are several facts about the possum, or even its possum relative, that you may not have any idea of, such as whether possums are known for never sleeping at night, or whether or not possums hunt birds?

Possums have high immunity to toxins and can turn virus into their food by killing an animal. Possums can be considered a free pest as they are wild animals that eat carrion, snails and many other insects that transmit diseases.

How fast can a possum run?

Although they can climb and are good swimmers, opossums prefer to amble about on the ground. With a top speed of about 4 miles per hour, when “running,” opossums appear to be walking quickly, with the tail rotating in circles for balance.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

In urban areas, possums are beneficial as rodent and scavengers. They also clear away leftover food that might otherwise attract mice and rats. However, in rural areas, the impacts of non-native possums preying on native invertebrates, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, ground-nesting birds, nestlings and eggs are of concern to wildlife biologists.

As long as they are kept away from humans and not cornered, and their interaction with pets is limited, possums are not dangerous. If a possum enters your home, remain calm, close the surrounding interior doors, exit the room and let the animal find its own way through the pet door or an open door or window. If necessary, carefully use a broom to coral the possum outside. Don’t corner a possum and force it to defend itself.

Jennifer Rees

A possum’s foraging pursuits may lead it to a vegetable garden, a garbage can, or a chicken coop. His search for a building site may lead him to an attic, chimney, or crawl space. The most effective way to prevent conflict is to modify the habitat around your home in a way that doesn’t attract possums.

Do not feed possums. Feeding possums can create undesirable situations for you, your children, neighbors, pets, and the possums themselves. Possums fed by humans often lose their fear of humans and can become aggressive if not fed as expected. Artificial feeding also tends to concentrate possums in a small area; Overcrowding can spread diseases and parasites. After all, these hungry visitors might appeal to a neighbor who doesn’t share your appreciation for the animals. The neighbor might choose to remove these possums or have them removed.

Do not give possums access to garbage. Hold down the lid of your garbage can by securing it with a rope, chain, bungee cords, or weights. Better yet, buy garbage cans with clamps or other mechanisms that hold lids in place. To prevent tipping, attach the side handles to metal or wooden stakes driven into the ground. Or store your cans in tight-fitting bins, a shed or garage. Have the bins ready for collection in the morning after the possums have returned to their resting areas.

Feed dogs and cats indoors and keep them indoors at night. If you must feed your pets outside, do so in the late morning or midday and pick up food, water bowls, scraps of food and spilled food well before dark each day.

Keep pets indoors at night. When cornered, possums can attack dogs and cats. Possum bite wounds can result in broken bones and disease transmission.

Prevent possums from entering pet doors. Keep indoor pet food and other foods away from a pet door. Lock the pet door at night. If it is necessary to keep it open, attach an electronically activated opener to your pet’s collar. Note: Floodlights or motion sensors placed over the pet door to scare possums are not long-term solutions.

Place food in secure compost bins and clean up BBQ areas. Do not place food of any kind in open compost heaps; Instead, use a securely covered compost structure or a commercially available possum-proof composter to prevent possums from being attracted and exposed to their droppings. Another alternative is a covered worm box. If you bury leftovers, cover them with at least 20cm of soil and don’t leave any above-ground litter in the area – including the smelly shovel. As a further precaution, cover the burial site with heavy wire mesh and a weight. Thoroughly clean the grill grates and grease traps after each use.

Jennifer Rees

Eliminate access to Denning sites. Possums commonly use chimneys, attics, and spaces under houses, porches, and sheds as den sites. Close any potential entrances with ¼-inch mesh hardware cloth, boards, or metal covers. Flush and secure all connections to keep mice, rats and other mammals away. Make sure you don’t trap an animal inside when blocking off a potential entrance (see “Possums in or under buildings” in the Driving Animals Out of Buildings handout for more information).

Install a commercially designed and constructed chimney cap (homemade caps are often unsafe and can pose a fire hazard). You can still have fires in your fireplace; However, the “cap” keeps possums and other wildlife away. (See Raccoons in Dumpsters and Downed Smokestacks in the handout on raccoons for information on removing possums from smokestacks.)

Prevent possums from getting on roofs by cutting branches off buildings and installing metal sheets that go around corners of buildings (Fig. 7). Commercial products that prevent climbing are available online from agricultural supply centers and bird control supply companies (Fig. 8). Remove vegetation from buildings such as B. English ivy, which provides a way for possums to climb structures and hide their access point inside.

catching possums

Capturing and relocating an opossum several kilometers away appears to be an attractive method of conflict resolution as it is perceived as a second chance for the animal in a new home. Unfortunately, moving possums is not only illegal (see “Legal Status”), but it often doesn’t solve the original problem, with other possums replacing them and causing similar conflicts. Therefore, making the site less attractive to possums is more effective than routinely trapping them.

It is legal to capture a possum and then release the animal at the capture site. With this option, the possum is captured and released on site after physical exclusion has prevented its re-entry into a structure. (See “Possums in or under buildings” for exclusion techniques.)

In such a case, the possum will be displaced within its home range and, being familiar with its surroundings, will soon be able to find suitable food and shelter. If pups are present but not noticed prior to capture, let the female back in to attend to her dependent offspring.

A disadvantage of this approach is the possibility that the animal will simply get into someone else’s attic, chimney or similar place. Then, when someone else has to capture the animal, they’ll be dealing with a quick-witted possum, making capture more difficult.

If a possum needs to be caught, use a single or double door live trap that measures 11 x 11 x 36 inches. Bait with cracked boiled eggs, sliced ​​apples, or other fruit or vegetables to avoid attracting cats or small dogs. Place the trap where the animal or evidence of the animal has been seen.

Public health concerns

Although opossums can transmit several diseases of concern to humans, their role in transmitting any of these diseases is uncertain. Anyone handling a dead or live opossum should wear rubber gloves and wash their hands thoroughly afterwards.

There is convincing evidence that the parasite that causes equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM), a disease in horses, is transmitted by opossums. EPM is a central nervous system infection; Some of the neurological signs that are most noticeable in horses include dizziness, weakness and spasticity.

Although there are no guaranteed methods to prevent exposure to this parasitic organism, horse owners can minimize risks by making facilities less attractive to possums. Remove or seal food that possums might find attractive, such as B. discarded cat food, grain standing in buckets, food in uncovered bins, and open-canned litter. If feed has been abandoned, check for feces before offering it to your horses.

Feces don’t have to be fresh to be dangerous; The parasite can live outside of a host and potentially remain infectious for up to a year.

The rabies virus is not found in Washington opossum populations, and for unknown reasons, opossums rarely contract rabies elsewhere.

If a person is bitten or scratched, clean the wound immediately by scrubbing thoroughly with soap and water. Rinse the wound liberally. A doctor should examine any wounds caused by a possum.

legal status

The opossum is unclassified and can be caught or killed year-round. no permit is required. No permit is required for the use of live (cage) traps; However, the use of all traps except live traps requires a special trapping permit (RCW 77.15.192, 77.15.194; WAC 220-417-040).

It is unlawful to release a possum anywhere in the state except on property where it was legally caught without a permit (RCW 77.15.250; WAC 220-450-010). With the exception of bona fide public or private zoological parks, individuals and organizations are prohibited from introducing possums into the state without a permit (WAC 246-100-191).

As legal status, catch limits, and other information about possums change, contact your local Fish and Wildlife office for updates.

Are opossums aggressive?

Opossum are not aggressive: their open-mouth, defensive hissing is merely a bluff to look vicious. And if that doesn’t work they play dead when really scared! If there is an opossum in the backyard, don’t worry. They aren’t a threat, and more than likely they will be moving on in a short while.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

Possums get a bum. Often regarded as a vermin and accused of everything from knocking over garbage cans to killing chickens, these silent marsupials rarely pose a threat and are easily sent on their journey.

Common problems and solutions

Opossums are often blamed but are rarely responsible for getting into garbage cans or gardens. They’re certainly a good game to drop by and clean up the mess left by other wayward creatures! They are often accused of killing chickens, which is very rare. Most people complain that possums are just there, not the problems they cause.


Possums aren’t aggressive: their overt, defensive hiss is just a bluff to look malicious. And when that doesn’t work, they play dead when they’re really scared!

If there is a possum in the garden, do not worry. They are not a threat, and most likely they will move on shortly. The best ways to deter them from visiting is to have tight-fitting lids on garbage cans, don’t leave pet food out overnight, and remember to pick up fruit that has fallen from trees.

But far from being a nuisance, possums can be beneficial to your garden by eating snails, snails, insects and sometimes even small rodents. They even clean up spilled trash and fruit that fell from trees.

Pet-safe trash cans on

How to keep possums away

The best way to deter possums from hiding under a deck or patio is to make sure they can’t get there in the first place by keeping all holes filled.

If you suspect a mother possum has already moved in, wait for her to emerge from her den (two hours after dark is generally a safe time). Then loosely close the opening with netting, straw, or other fibrous material. This ensures that an animal trapped inside can clear the escape route, but an animal outside will not interfere with the blockage to get back inside.

Possum mothers take their children everywhere, so there is little chance of babies being left behind. But always check for youngsters before closing the opening. If the hole has not been disturbed for two or three nights, it is safe to assume that there is no one in it and the hole can be properly filled. For a permanent exclusion, we recommend inserting an “L” footer.

Every once in a while, a possum gets into a house through a pet door. Encourage them to leave by closing the doors to all rooms and opening the doors to the outside. Possums aren’t typically aggressive, so you may be able to help them on their way by gently prodding them with a broom.


People often mistake the open-mouth hissing and drooling of possums for signs of rabies. However, this is just bluffing behavior that possums use as a defense mechanism. In fact, rabies is extremely rare in possums, perhaps because they have a much lower body temperature compared to other warm-blooded animals.

Are possums afraid of dogs?

However, you’ll be glad to know that opossums are generally not confrontational. Are possums afraid of dogs? Yes, when opossums see a dog, they prefer to run away. Their small size and submissive and docile manners mean they are usually of no threat if the dogs leave them alone.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

If you’ve ever seen a possum, you know how intimidating they can be with their sharp, razor sharp teeth and long sharp claws. Some possums can grow as large as a teacup Chihuahua, leaving many dog ​​owners wondering if their canine friends should hang out around these nocturnal marsupials.

Pet owners are also concerned about whether dogs can get diseases like rabies, infections, or worms when they come into contact with possums. So are possums dangerous to dogs? Here’s the quick answer.

Are Possums Dangerous to Dogs? Yes, possums are dangerous to dogs. If your dog comes into close contact with a possum, he risks being scratched or bitten. In rare cases, dogs can even get sick from eating a possum. The good news is that possums are smaller than most dogs and would rather avoid contact or confrontation at all costs.

Are Possums Dangerous to Dogs? How dangerous are they?

Can a possum hurt my dog?

As mentioned above, possums are dangerous to dogs when there is an encounter between the two and they start fighting and attacking each other. However, you will be glad to know that possums are generally non-confrontational.

Are possums afraid of dogs? Yes, when opossums see a dog, they’d rather run away. Their small size and submissive and docile manners mean they don’t typically pose a threat if the dogs leave them alone.

However, if the possums feel the need to defend themselves, they will instinctively bar their teeth to try and scare off any dog ​​that gets a little too close.

This behavior is normal. When a stranger comes to your home, your guard dog may start tucking their tails between their legs, growling, baring their teeth, and barking loudly as well.

So can a possum injure a dog? Usually, canine opossums are not a threat as long as your canine friends aren’t chasing them and making a fuss in their space.

Despite this, there are some instances where possums can be dangerous to dogs. Let’s go through that next.

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Will a possum attack a dog?

My dog ​​was bitten by a possum!

While most possums run away from dogs to avoid encounters and confrontations, there are cases of wild possums attacking dogs. So do possums attack dogs?

Not exactly. In most cases where possums attack the dog, it is usually because they were trying to defend themselves. With no other way out, the possums cannot escape and attack the dog to save themselves.

Another way possums will try to defend themselves when confronted by dogs is by playing dead. The possums at this point may be terrified of this potentially dangerous situation. The result is that the opossum goes into a comatose state from shock and can be outside for at least four hours.

When possums play dead, it’s as if they really are dead. This is because her body actually goes limp and a green mucus is secreted from her anal glands. This slime has such a foul smell and tells the prey to stay away.

A possum doesn’t usually respond in this way. But when they are in such a dangerous situation and stressed, their body will naturally react that way. It’s a way for her to save her life.

However, since a possum is unresponsive in this state for up to 4 hours, it can also mean that it faces death in other ways.

For example, if the possum played dead and went limp and unresponsive in the middle of the road, they could be run over by drivers. Motorists can assume the possum is already dead, so they don’t bother driving around this cute little creature and may actually drive over it.

In other cases, when the possum plays dead and lands in someone’s front yard, the homeowner can assume that this tiny marsupial is already dead, so why not bury it or throw the body in the trash.

Our canine friends are curious about nature and some enjoy making new friends. So you can expect some dogs to come close to the possum. If the possum responds by baring its teeth, your dog may respond by attacking it as well. At this point, the small marsupial can play dead and will be in that state for 4 hours.

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So, my dog ​​attacked a possum, what should I do?

If you know your pooch has encountered and attacked a possum, there are three things you can do (and in this order):

1. Both you and your dog should move away from the possum immediately

First, you want to gain control of your dog. If he wasn’t on a leash and allowed to run free, you should call him and get his attention. Then you should attach your leash to his collar so you can lead him away from the possum.

Leaving the possum alone will give the possum the time it takes to come back to life if it plays dead.

2. Take a closer look and look for possum bite marks on the dog

You should check for possum bites on your dog’s face, behind the ears, body and legs for wounds such as bites or scratches. If you see them, it means your dog has been bitten by a possum and the next thing you should do is contact your veterinarian.

3. Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible

The sooner you get your pooch to the vet, the better. Your vet will immediately clean the scratches or wounds and prescribe any necessary antibiotics.

We strongly recommend that you take a look at your dog’s health and vaccination records before taking your dog to the vet. Make sure your pooch is up to date on his vaccinations and show the records to the vet. This is crucial as it allows the vet to determine if your K9 friends need any further booster shots.

Do dogs drive possums away?

Yes, dogs generally scare off possums. Possums usually prefer places where there is no direct danger to them. They view any animal larger than themselves as a threat, especially animals that move and get close to them.

For this reason, possums avoid homes and backyards where dogs are present. In some cases, when the possum is very hungry and needs food immediately, it will risk its safety for some food even though it knows it may be in danger.

Other times, they don’t know dogs are around. They look for food only to get dogs that will run up and chase them.

Dog owners who grow fruit in their yard can expect possum sightings, as possums enjoy eating fruit and insects—both of which could be found in your yard.

Possums also like to eat grain and leftovers. If you have a compost bin with leftover food or discarded grain in the bin, the possums can get in there too.

Most dogs finish their meal. But if they feel sick or have leftover food, remove or discard them. When leftover dog food is left outside, it’s an invitation for possums to drop by. They will love any food they can get.

My dog ​​bit a possum! Does he get sick?

When a dog bites a possum, it’s pretty rare for dogs to get sick. However, there are instances where a possum carries a number of illnesses or diseases that can be transmitted to your pooch if he bites the possum. The illness or disease transmitted to your furry friend can be potentially fatal.

For this reason, it is important that your four-legged friends are up to date with their vaccinations. In the event that your pooch bites a possum, the vaccination he received will protect him from serious consequences.

What happens when a dog bites a possum?

If a dog bites a possum, there is a chance that the diseases and diseases could be transmitted from the possum to the dog.

Do possums transmit deadly diseases to dogs?

Yes, some of the diseases that possums carry can be fatal to dogs. They include:

Chagas Disease: Chagas disease is caused by a protozoan parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi. They are tiny and naked to the human eye. Opossum can carry this parasite into your backyard or garden and transmit it to your dog.

Chagas disease is caused by a protozoan parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi. They are tiny and naked to the human eye. Opossum can carry this parasite into your backyard or garden and transmit it to your dog. Coccidiosis: Coccidiosis is especially dangerous for young puppies. Coccidiosis in puppies causes serious infections. Normally, these parasites live in the dog’s intestinal wall. Sometimes dog owners are unaware because dogs have no symptoms even though they have coccidiosis.

Coccidiosis is especially dangerous for young puppies. Coccidiosis in puppies causes serious infections. Normally, these parasites live in the dog’s intestinal wall. Sometimes dog owners are unaware because dogs have no symptoms even though they have coccidiosis. Tuberculosis: If your puppies bite into a possum, they too are at risk of contracting tuberculosis, or TB. This is rare, but it can happen. Dogs with tuberculosis suffer from symptoms such as a strong and loud cough, loss of appetite and a high temperature.

If your puppies bite into a possum, they too are at risk of contracting tuberculosis or TB. This is rare, but it can happen. Dogs with tuberculosis suffer from symptoms such as a strong and loud cough, loss of appetite and a high temperature. Trichomoniasis: Since possums are in the wild, they could pick up trichomoniasis and this can be passed on to your pooch. It is usually caused by nematodes, which are a type of worm. Dogs with trichomoniasis have cysts in their muscle tissue.

Since possums are in the wild, they could pick up trichomoniasis and this can be passed on to your pooch. It is usually caused by nematodes, which are a type of worm. Dogs with trichomoniasis have cysts in their muscle tissue. Leptospirosis: Finally, dogs can also get leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease and it is often serious and deadly because it can damage your dog’s organs. Dogs with leptospirosis may experience symptoms such as jaundice, muscle pain, and high temperature.

Since opossums live in the wild, they can also carry fleas. So fleas can also be transmitted to your dog.

Possums tend to eat ticks. In fact, a single possum can eat up to 5,000 ticks in a 3 month period. So ticks are usually something you don’t need to worry about when possums are around.

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If you ever see a possum in your backyard or yard, make sure your dog is fully vaccinated. Your dog can come into contact with the possum both directly and indirectly if there are possums in your yard.

For example, the possum may poop or pee in your yard. If your furry friend comes into close contact with the feces or urine, he or she may be at risk of contracting the disease. By keeping all vet-recommended vaccinations up to date, your pooch will be protected from these harmful infections.

It’s not just your dogs to worry about when there are possums in your yard or backyard. Many of the conditions and diseases listed above can also be transmitted from opossums to humans.

If you have possums in your yard, be sure to contact your pest control company so the possums don’t become a problem for you and your pooch.

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Can a dog get rabies if it bites a possum?

Your dog can get rabies if it bites a possum if the possum is infected with rabies. In most cases, possums are rarely infected with rabies, so there really is only a small chance that your dog will get rabies if it comes into contact with a possum in any way, whether that be biting a possum or attacking it.

Many believe that possums are rarely infected with rabies because their body temperature is usually much lower than what is considered normal for warm-blooded animals.

Sometimes it seems that the possums have rabies because when they try to defend or protect themselves they can hiss and foam at the mouth. This can appear as if they have signs of rabies. But that foaming and hissing is really their defense strategy to startle their prey.

Is possum feces bad for dogs?

If you know that your dog has a habit of eating feces (canine coprophagia), you should try to keep possums out of your yard. Possums hanging around in your yard will likely poop on your grass as well.

Some dogs can develop a gross habit of eating feces and like eating possum feces. It’s gross to us, but some dogs enjoy consuming it!

Can my dog ​​get sick from eating possum feces?

If your K9 friends accidentally consumed possum poop, they should be fine and won’t have as many problems.

However, things get problematic when your precious pooch becomes obsessed with the possum hack and goes looking for it on purpose. If you suspect your pooch is deliberately searching for the possum feces, you should consult your veterinarian.

Your veterinarian may ask you to take your dog for an exam to find out if there are any health issues such as Cushing’s disease, diabetes, or parasites that are causing your dog to eat feces.

If you see possum droppings in your backyard or garden, try to remove it before your furry friends dig their noses in. Try not to disturb the feces too much to prevent the release of bacteria and spores. This will prevent diseases like salmonella or leptospirosis from being transmitted to your pooch.

If you’re cleaning up the possum hack in a tight area like the attic or under the patio, be sure to wear gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, and pants. Your skin should be completely covered. You should also wear a respirator to prevent inhaling bacteria or spores. Safety goggles are also great for preventing eye infections while cleaning.

Collect all possum droppings and discard the droppings in a container or sealed bag.

Can dogs eat possums?

No, dogs should not eat possums. Can Dog Get Sick From Eating Opossum? Yes, there is always a risk when your four-legged friends eat these small marsupials. If the possum is carrying diseases and diseases or has been poisoned before your dog attacks and eats it, you should contact the veterinarian as soon as possible.

If your dog eats a dead possum, he or she is at risk of developing the following symptoms:




Stomach pain.

For this reason, you should first make sure that your furry friend is not near the possums to avoid them attacking and then biting or eating.

So are possums dangerous to dogs?

As we can see, possums can be dangerous to dogs, so it’s always best to keep our furry friends away from them. Luckily, possums are shy little animals who want to avoid confrontation at all costs. In most cases, when they see your dog, they will run away to avoid encountering you.


The information contained on this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other materials, is for informational purposes only. No material on this website is intended to replace professional veterinary advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your veterinarian or other qualified healthcare provider with questions about a medical condition.


I am an animal lover who has years of experience caring for and caring for animals. I thought it would be a great idea to share my experiences with all pet owners so they can keep their furry companions healthy, happy and clean too!

What is a possums favorite food?

They particularly like berries and fruits such as apples and persimmons. Possums will also eat nuts and seeds, although with less frequency than other foods.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

Have you ever seen a creature that lay still and seemingly dead by the side of the road, only to watch it get up and walk away as if nothing happened? The animal you saw was probably a possum. Opossums belong to the order Didelphimorphia and live only in America. There are over 120 different species in total, most of which live in South America. In fact, only one species lives in the United States and Canada. The Virginia possum, or simply “possum,” is the only marsupial north of Mexico. These mostly solitary, nocturnal animals live in a variety of habitats, including near human populations. When startled, they often play dead, hence the expression “playing possum”. Although you may have encountered a possum before, you can answer the question “What do possums eat?”.

We would like to answer this question for you today in our guide to the typical diet of a possum. For the purposes of this article, we will use the term possum to refer specifically to the Virginia possum. A possum’s diet is largely influenced by its habitat, so we’ll limit ourselves to those possums that live in the United States and Canada. We will cover what opossums typically eat and how they hunt and forage. Also, we will discuss what they eat in captivity and what baby opossums eat. So let’s get ready to play possum and find out what possums eat.

What do possums like to eat?

Possums eat insects, dead animals, rodents and fruit.

Opossums are omnivores and will eat just about anything they can catch. Enjoying a wide variety of plant and animal foods, they can hardly be described as picky eaters. Typically, the food a possum eats depends mostly on its environment. Possums also adjust their diet with the seasons as they are less active in winter. However, some foods make up the bulk of a possum diet, while eating others rarely. Additionally, possums enjoy some foods more than others and will choose to eat those foods when they are readily available. To narrow this list down, we’ve identified 10 foods that possums love to eat the most. These foods include:






Small mammals






Unlike some animals, possums eat carrion and are not shy about eating other animals. Additionally, evidence suggests that captive opossums can engage in cannibalism. However, there is little evidence that cannibalism is a common practice in the wild. In the presence of humans, possums often raid compost heaps, garbage cans, and garbage heaps for scrap. They also steal food from dog and pet bowls, bird feeders and gardens. At their core, possums are opportunists and will never go without a light meal if one presents itself.

How do possums hunt and forage for food?

Possums use their opposable thumbs and prehensile tail to help them climb trees.

A possum’s most valuable senses are its keen sense of touch and an exceptional sense of smell. Possums will use their opposable “thumbs” to help them climb trees and branches to loot eggs from bird nests. They also use their strong front paws and long claws to dig in the dirt for insects and bugs. At the same time, their extraordinary olfactory abilities help them locate food from afar. In fact, their noses have about three times as many genes dedicated to sensing smell as humans. Their hearing is fine but not well developed. In addition, their sense of taste is also quite deficient, which could explain why they eat almost anything. After all, her eyesight is pretty bad. However, as nocturnal animals, they rely very little on their eyesight, using their sharp noses to get around and find food.

Possums move constantly at night in search of food. They use their sharp claws to dig up insects, beetles and invertebrates. Their opposing thumbs and grasping marks help them climb trees to attack birds and look for eggs. A possum’s mouth contains about 50 teeth, more than any other mammal in North America. In addition, they possess 10 upper incisors, far more than any other mammal. While their big smiles make it easy for them to eat other animals, they also spend a lot of time foraging for plants, especially fruit. Possums that live near humans often use their noses to sniff out trash and other debris. Trash is high in calories and an easy meal for a possum.

What do possums eat in the wild?

Possums primarily eat insects but will eat almost anything they can find, including garbage. Lisa Hagan/

In the wild, insects make up the majority of a possum’s diet. Common insects that eat the possums are grasshoppers, beetles, crickets and cockroaches. In addition, possums make one of the best natural tick repellents you can find. Possums love to eat ticks and can eat up to 5,000 ticks in a single season. This makes them very effective in reducing tick numbers and the spread of diseases like Lyme disease. They also eat small animals such as rabbits, mice, rats, voles, frogs, snakes, birds, lizards and fish. Possums have a natural resistance to certain snake venoms, making them an ideal enemy of snakes. Possums often eat carrion, which often lures them onto roads or into human areas. This can lead to collisions, which explains why people often associate opossums with roadkill.

In the spring and summer, possums tend to eat more animal material as it is plentiful. However, in the summer, fall, and winter, possums begin to eat more plant matter. They especially like berries and fruits like apples and persimmons. Possums also eat nuts and seeds, although less frequently than other foods. If no other food is available, they will also eat grasses and other plants. Really, the possum is willing to eat almost anything if it is hungry enough.

What do possums eat in captivity?

Possums often sleep in an abandoned burrow or hollow tree during the day. Jay Ondreicka/

In captivity, possums typically live up to 4 years. However, to live that long, a possum needs to eat a balanced diet full of nutritious foods. As omnivores, possums need to eat a wide variety of foods to stay healthy and get all the nutrients they need. Pellet insect food is a popular choice for feeding pet possums because insects make up a large part of their diet. Many people who keep possums in captivity also supplement plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Other foods include eggs and lean meats like chicken or fish. You can also include dietary supplements that contain extra vitamins and minerals, such as calcium. Given their love of food, possums will eat just about anything you put in front of them. However, this can lead to problems like obesity, especially given their naturally slow metabolism.

What Do Baby Possums Eat?

Baby opossums stay with their mother until they are around 4 or 5 months old.

At birth, baby opossums are just a little over half an inch long. After birth, baby possums climb into their mother’s pouch and begin suckling her milk. They stay in the pouch for about 2.5 months and only eat milk during this time. When emerging from the pouch, the babies climb onto their mother’s back. During the time it spends on its mother’s back, a baby opossum will eat the same foods as an adult. Most young possums stay with their mother until they are about 4 or 5 months old. At this point, they are old enough to fend for themselves. Baby opossums kept in captivity are fed powdered milk and finally pureed fruits and vegetables. If you come across a baby possum in the wild, you should not try to pick it up as the mother may be nearby.

Where do possums go during day?

They are generally nocturnal and they spend the day in hollow tree trunks, rock crevices, under brush piles, or in burrows. They are excellent climbers and good swimmers. Opossums also spend a lot of time slowly ambling about on the ground, and as a result they are frequently struck by cars.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginianus) is the only marsupial native to North America; However, they are not native to the western United States. Known simply as “possums,” they originally lived only in the southeastern United States and Central America. Virginia opossums were introduced west in 1890 and currently have established populations along the west coast from British Columbia to San Diego.

Due to a lack of natural predators, hunting, and an abundance of food and shelter, opossums have adapted to life among humans and today occupy most of the human-inhabited habitats of western Washington.

Possums are very primitive mammals that have been around since the time of the dinosaurs and have changed little since then. They react very slowly to headlights, other animals and even humans because their primitive brains process information very slowly. But that doesn’t make them unintelligent. In fact, new studies suggest they are superior to dogs and almost comparable to pigs in terms of intelligence.

Did you know? Possums rarely contract rabies or other wildlife diseases.


Virginia possums are about the size of a small dog, their coat generally appears grayish, but they can be black, cinnamon, and even albino. They have dark-colored feet, a whitish face, bare ears, and a hairless tail. Virginia opossums have 50 teeth, the most of any North American mammal.

Did you know? Possums use their tails to support themselves when climbing trees.



Possums live in forested or bushy habitats, but they have adapted well to living close to humans in cities and suburbs.


Possums will hide almost anywhere that is dry, sheltered, and safe. These include burrows dug by other mammals, crevices in rocks, hollow stumps, piles of wood, and spaces under buildings. They fill their burrows with dried leaves, grass, and other insulating materials. Possums have multiple active burrows that they move between to avoid predators.

development and family structure

Like other marsupials, opossums give birth to near-embryonic young. The newborns crawl into their mother’s pouch, where they remain firmly attached to a nipple until they are around 50 days old. When the pouch becomes too full at 80 to 90 days, the young venture out to ride on their mothers’ backs. At just over three and a half months, the young possums begin to leave their mother and make their way on their own.


Possums are omnivores; They eat almost anything including fruits, nuts, grains, insects, snails, snakes, frogs, birds, eggs, shellfish, mice and carrion.

Did you know? Possums have very little body fat and they don’t store food; Therefore, they have to forage all year round.


Possums are generally solitary and avoid each other except during the late winter breeding season. They are generally nocturnal, spending the day in hollow logs, rock crevices, under bush piles, or in burrows.

They are excellent climbers and good swimmers. Possums also spend a lot of time slowly pacing the ground, and as a result are often hit by cars. They have an excellent memory and a very sensitive nose; This allows them to find and remember where food is located. When in danger, they play “possum” and enter an unconscious state that can last from less than a minute to six hours. The maneuver is designed to make predators lose interest.

Did you know? The act of the possum is an involuntary response to predators.

Living with Virginia Possums

Although possums sometimes knock over garbage, eat fruit or vegetables from the garden, and occasionally get into a chicken coop, they don’t do much harm. They can be easily discouraged by habitat changes.

remove attractants

Leftover food in garbage and compost attracts possums. Dispose of trash in a metal container with a tight-fitting lid. Additionally, secure it with a bungee cord or chain. Do not place food of any kind in open compost heaps; Bury food waste underground or use a lidded worm box.

Possums are also attracted to pet food. It’s best not to feed cats and dogs outside, but if you have no other choice, pick up bowls, leftovers, and spilled food once your pets have finished eating. Do not leave bowls or leftover food outside at night. To prevent possums from entering through pet doors, do not put food near the door and close the hatch at night.

exclusion techniques

Possums seek out suitable den sites, which include piles of rock, wood, and bush, as well as spaces under porches, houses, and sheds. Before sealing any burrows or entrances, make sure there are no possums inside, especially young ones that are mobile but not yet independent. To determine if animals are present, you can cover openings near the ground with loose soil and observe if a possum digs up.

If you suspect adult activity in a crawl space or opening in a wall, begin exclusion by sealing off all but one available entrance. Match the one hole with a one-way door with a hinged flap to allow the possums to escape but not re-enter.

Leave the door in place for several days while continuing to watch for activity. When you’re sure all the possums have gone, close off any openings with boards or metal screens, making sure the barrier reaches 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm) below the ground. Remove other potential covers such as debris piles and low-growing vegetation.

If you keep chickens, the best way to deter possum predators is to enclose the coop at night. Make sure the coop has well-fitting doors and a solid concrete floor. To prevent possums from burrowing in, surround the chicken coop with a fence that goes six to eight inches underground.


Burke Museum. 6 January 2016. Mammals of Washington: Didelphimorphia.

Feldhamer G.A., Thompson B.C. & Chapman J.A. (Ed.). (2003). Wild Mammals of North America, Biology, Management, and Conservation (2nd ed.). Baltimore MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 5 January 2016. Living with wildlife: possums.

Can raccoons jump?

Thanks to their elongated hind legs that allow them to extend their body length and leap forward quite quickly, these animals can jump to far distances. Raccoons can jump up to 5 feet far when jumping from the ground and up to 10 feet when jumping from a height.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

Raccoons are resourceful and persistent animals. They can invade your yard and garden and destroy the crops you have worked hard for. These animals are known to be skilled jumpers, climbers, swimmers, and runners. That’s why it can be a bit difficult for homeowners to catch them.

It’s not uncommon to see a raccoon in your attic, fence, tree, or roof. Although not built to jump, they can reach a height of 4 feet. Well, you might not think that this is a big deal. But considering nothing about their form suggests they can jump at all, that’s pretty remarkable.

Note that raccoons are not built to jump or leap. This is because their bodies are heavy and they don’t have super strong leg muscles. But they can still jump as high as cats. Experts say it’s easy for these animals to jump down from heights and horizontally. However, they can still be scaled to the top of most houses and fences.

How high can raccoons jump vertically?

Well, jumping up is not her thing. So when it comes to vertical jumps, raccoons don’t usually jump that high. Remember that raccoons have small stubble legs and are naturally fat. The combination of these factors does not allow them to jump a very large distance vertically. The highest they can reach is 4 feet.

Raccoons’ bodies are not made for jumping. However, these animals adapt to their environment in order to survive. So if you see one on your roof, it probably didn’t jump straight up. Chances are the animal jumped over something to get to the top. It is generally said that raccoons are better at jumping off things than over them.

Note, however, that while their vertical jump is limited to a height of 4 feet, that doesn’t mean they can’t jump to a height of 40 feet and land safely without injury. This ability is mainly due to the raccoons having blunt limbs. Their shorter front legs and longer back legs give them an arched shape when they run.

Also note that these are lazy animals. Most often, these animals gain weight as summer approaches. As such, it prevents them from jumping high.

Now you might be wondering why squirrels also have shorter limbs but jump higher compared to raccoons. That’s because, of course, raccoons don’t have many enemies. As such, they have no good reason to jump fast or high.

The same goes for hunting prey. These animals rarely run after prey. Rather, they hunt for them while they are in their nest, knowing they cannot leave the nest.

How far can raccoons jump horizontally?

This is where raccoons excel. These animals can leap great distances thanks to their extended hind legs, which allow them to increase their body length and leap forward quite quickly.

Raccoons can jump up to 5 feet when jumping off the ground and up to 10 feet when jumping from a height. Because of this, they can easily move from one tree to another or from one building to the next.

Note, however, that they cannot exceed this distance because of their paws. If they do, they risk getting hurt.

Can a raccoon jump down?

Yes, a raccoon can jump down from a great height. They can even fall down on people or animals and hit or bite them. The impressive thing about their jumps or falls is that they don’t hurt themselves.

That’s because their fur, while not as dense, offers some protection from injury. However, this does not mean that they cannot injure themselves if they jump or fall from a height.

Raccoons can injure themselves if they fall or jump off hard surfaces or make a false attempt. Again, keep in mind that raccoons are generally heavier than cats. They weigh around 13-20 pounds. Heavier animals are more likely to injure themselves when jumping from great heights than lighter animals. Therefore, raccoons can fall badly compared to cats.

However, keep in mind that these animals are very intelligent. They are also good landers. Therefore, if they jump or fall from a great height, they know how to position their feet for a safe landing. Just like cats, when they fall, they stretch out their legs and twist in front of their feet, but stay airborne.

In simpler terms, a raccoon will do a front or backflip to roll onto its front legs so that it lands on its feet. They do this by twisting their front legs first. Then they stretch the front legs to a maximum length and then close to the ground.

When landing, these animals land first on their paws, then on their legs. This reduces the risk of injury and makes the landing safe. Also, they use this trick to prevent them from falling on their backs.

If you think you have signs of raccoons on your property, give us a call for a free phone consultation or appointment.

Westchester Wildlife provides humane and effective raccoon capture and removal services from your home or business in Fairfield County, CT or Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess Counties, NY. We are a trusted wildlife removal company dedicated to helping you with all your wildlife infestation issues, no matter how big or small.

Can you pet a possum?

Question: Can I keep an opossum as a pet? Answer: No. All wild animals belong in the wild. Give the opossum the chance to live the life nature intended…in the wild.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

(possum problems and solutions)

Have questions? Search the following frequently asked questions to see if your question has already been answered. If your question has not been answered or you would like more information, please use our contact form. But please check here first!

Click on the question to get the answer

There’s a possum in my attic or under my house or deck. What can I do?

I’ve been raising a possum since it was a baby. Now it can’t run. What is wrong?

First of all we want to thank you for helping the possum. Second, please read the titled section for information on what to do next. If you need help locating a game warden in your area, please see the next question and answer.

Back to the questions

Question: How do I find a game warden?

Answer: If you live in Orange or Los Angeles counties in California, contact your local animal shelter and ask for a referral to an O.S.U.S. volunteers. Outside of these areas, you can contact your local veterinarian, animal control center, or your state’s wildlife department for a referral to a rehabilitator in your area. Please ask and make sure they don’t euthanize all the possums! We’re happy to help you find a wildlife carer by email if you include your city and a list of cities near you. Please note that we are volunteers and there may be delays in responding to emails. If immediate help is needed, don’t wait for a response from O.S.U.S.


The following information links are not identical. Please look for a small mammal rehabilitator near you.

Two of these websites appear to have been created and published by volunteers and are not regularly updated. Some of the people listed have passed away or are no longer rehabilitating wildlife, their names are horribly misspelled, their email addresses and phone numbers are incorrect. Please be patient with your search and do not give up if the person or organization is not available on one page, the correct information may be on another page.

Humane Society of the United States

Wildlife Rescue Home

Back to the questions

Question: Are possums related to rats?

Answer: No! Despite their rat-like appearance, opossums are not related to rats at all. Possums are marsupials or marsupials. Marsupials carry young in a pouch on the female’s abdomen. Relatives are the koala and the kangaroo. The possum is considered North America’s only marsupial!

Back to the questions

Question: How do I get rid of rats?

Answer: The use of rodenticides is strictly enforced by each State Fish & Wildlife Department. It is regulated statewide by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Rodenticides are ALWAYS ILLEGAL if used in any way or place other than what the label on the product directs.

The following website has great common sense methods to deter rodents without the use of poisons:

Rodenticide: Implications and Alternatives

Basically, if the rodents enter the house through plumbing holes, buy and stuff steel wool into the gaps between the plumbing and the floor or wall. Check all wall and floor connections of washers, dryers, dishwashers, behind toilets and under sinks for small gaps that can be filled with steel wool. Rats will not chew on steel wool to gain access. Steel wool is sold at hardware stores or online and can be purchased in rolls, pieces, or blocks.

Keep garden-grown fruit or vegetables harvested before the overripe fruit/vegetables fall to the ground. Remove any fruit that fell on the ground. Do not leave cat or dog food outside at night. Food left outside attracts mice and rats.

Clear dead and piled up leaves from under and around foliage, on the fence, in the garage, around the house, spa, patio, BBQ and behind or around anything that is stored or not used regularly that is just around the yard lies. Prevent bushes and vines from becoming overgrown. Rats and mice use a pile of rubble as a nest or use the material to build a nest nearby.

You certainly don’t want to scare off the possums as they will eat the rats and mice.

Back to the questions

Question: Can I keep a possum as a pet?

Answer: no. All wild animals belong in the wild. Give the possum a chance to live the life nature intended…in the wild. In most states, it is illegal to own a wild animal without the proper permits. If the possum is orphaned or injured, seek help immediately. Read the “Have you found an orphaned or injured possum?” section. Otherwise release the animal. Also, read the information in the next two sections for more reasons why you shouldn’t try to increase it unless you’re properly trained.

Back to the questions

Question: Can I raise a baby possum myself and release it back into the wild?

Answer: It is not in the animal’s best interest and is illegal in most states. Raising wild animals is not the same as raising a puppy or kitten. If not fed the right diet or if early signs of disease are not recognized, the opossum will suffer and possibly die. Remember, these are wild animals. They will not show you when they are sick like a dog would. That doesn’t mean we don’t want you to raise possums, just that you need to be properly trained first! Contact OSUS or a local wildlife carer for volunteer opportunities.

Back to the questions

Question: I’ve been raising a possum since it was a baby. Now it can’t run. What is wrong?

Answer: This is a common problem that occurs all too often when the well-meaning but uneducated public is attempting to breed wild animals. Most likely, the opossum is suffering from a nutritional disorder. The opossum can suffer from something called Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD), also known as rickets, osteomalacia, and secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism. Possums have specific nutritional needs that must be met or they will develop debilitating and/or life-threatening diseases. MBD is preventable! If the possum is not getting an adequate amount of calcium and the correct calcium to phosphorus ratio, MBD is most likely the culprit. Common signs of MBD include weakness, anorexia, an inability to grasp, unable or unwilling to move, a bow-legged or “frog-like” appearance, brittle and easily fractured bones, bone deformities, swollen joints, and a “rubbery jaw”. In more severe cases, the internal organs are affected and death can occur. Contact a local wildlife carer or veterinarian immediately. The opossum must be properly diagnosed and then given a proper diet in addition to any necessary treatments and supportive care.

Back to the questions

Question: There is a possum in my garden. What can I do?

Answer: nothing. leave it alone If it is injured or orphaned, see the “Did you find an orphaned or injured opossum?” section. Section. Otherwise, have fun observing wildlife in your own backyard! Possums are useful: they eat the harmful, unwanted pests in your home like snails, slugs, spiders, cockroaches, rats, mice, and snakes. Think of the possum as your free gardener. The possum is known as “Nature’s Little Sanitation Engineer” for a reason! Possums are transient, only spending 2-3 days at the same burrow and then moving to their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th burrows. They maintain a consistent foraging route and can be seen at the same time each night, adding to the misconception that they live in your garden. Both males and females will build elaborate nests to hide from predators during their 2-3 day stay. If you can’t bear to be one of their many roosts, just tear the nest apart at dusk and they’ll move on to other sites along their route. Mother possums carry their babies in their pouch, so it won’t be a problem.

Back to the questions

Question: I have a possum living in my house or garage. What can I do?

Answer: If the possum is visible and within range, contact your local animal control office to see if an officer will respond to assist you. Always make sure the possum is not caught and killed!

A possum can be safely caught by leaning an empty, tall, smooth-sided kitchen trash can (24 inches or more, depending on whether the possum is a hatchling or an adult) against something it is pointing at at an angle of about 30-45º the possum can climb, e.g. stacks of books, somewhere in the area the possum has been seen or known (eating food, pooping on the ground). Place cat food or ripe fruit at the bottom of the trash can. The possum can climb up the books and fall into the bin, but when the can sits up in the ground with the possum’s weight, it cannot climb or jump out.

Take the trash can outside immediately. Shake the can gently to disorient the possum if it tries to climb out, or cover it with a large towel. Once outside, tip the can on its side near a fence or other protective barrier and the possum will leave when it feels safe. This is best done at dusk. If it must be done during the day, tilt the opening towards a dense bush where the possum can hide until nightfall.

You can also try leaving a trail of animal food that leads to an open door. Place a single kibble about every 12 inches (you don’t want the possum to get full before you reach the door, so decide to turn around and take a nap). Watch quietly from afar. Once it’s gone, close the door. Don’t try to push the possum with a broom, the frightened animal will freeze and won’t move or scurry back to its hiding spot in your house.

If you have no idea how the possum got into your home, you need to locate the breaches in your home. Walk around your home and look for broken vents and shields at ground level. Look for displaced roof tiles or vents. You should always prevent the cut branches from touching your roof; They provide four-, six-, and eight-legged creatures with access to your home. Do not cut any limbs until you have evacuated the possum from your home, leave its escape route open.

You should purchase materials to fill in any gaps, even if this is temporary, before releasing or leading the possum back outside. You may be surprised that other wildlife have also taken advantage of the gaps.

The possum goes out every night looking for food.

Another method to confirm that the possum has left your home; Sprinkle flour on the outside of the breach and look for footprints leading away from your home for a few hours after dark.

Again, have material ready to block the breach. Once possums have found a gap, they will be very determined to get back in after their nocturnal foraging.

Being transient, they already know several other places to crash during the day as that is their nature. Don’t think you’re displacing them. The only bad thing you could do would be to try to take them to another area where they don’t know the crash pads, food and water sources, or the yard with the dog.

If you don’t want to deal with the possum personally, you can call a local pest control service and pay them to come out to catch and remove the possum for a fee. Please select those that do not euthanize the possum, most of them do not. Some wildlife centers have created a side business of coming out and removing wildlife for a fee. Maybe one near you. Check the following websites:

Refer to:

Humane Wildlife


A nationwide list of humane trappers can be found at Wildlife

Back to the questions

Question: How do I keep possums out of my house and garage?

Answer: Close all doors, pet doors, and unscreened windows from dusk until dawn. Put the food away so the possum isn’t tempted to get inside.

Back to the questions

Question: Is there a possum in my attic or under my house or deck. What can I do?

Answer: First you need to locate the access holes that the possum uses to get under or into your house or under your deck; Check all ventilation grilles. Then purchase the material and have it on hand to replace or repair the screen, stucco, wood, or other material that has fallen into disrepair. There is no need to exclude the possum if you don’t want to correct the attraction. Ball up the newspaper and stuff it lightly into the gap in the hole. Sprinkle a layer of flour around the entrance.

Wait for the possum to leave at night. Possums are nocturnal and will set out shortly after sunset to search for food. Periodically check to see if the newspaper has been pushed out and if there are any tracks in the flour leading away from the hole to make sure the possum has gone.

After exiting, seal the entrance thoroughly if you cannot complete the repair immediately at that moment. If you see tracks returning to the hole, don’t seal it; there is an animal inside. Make sure no young are left before sealing them or the animals will die. It is best if you wait until the non-breeding season (usually October to December) before sealing an area to give the young a chance to move out. Keep in mind if a possum is caught after an area has been sealed there will end up being a horrible smell and extra cost to unseal and then reseal after the body is removed.

If the possum uses a tree to get into the hole, cut the branch away from the house after the possum leaves. Possums can’t jump, so cut back far enough that they can’t reach by stretching. Allowing tree branches to touch your house also gives bugs access to your roof area, which attracts the possum and other animals as a food source.

You must preserve your home in its original pest-proof condition. If you don’t, other animals will take refuge (or may already be provided), including: skunks, raccoons, mice, rats. If your home is so old it was never built to exclude animals, contact your local pest control center so they can come out and “pest proof” your home through exclusion methods. Most pest control companies will also humanely capture and release large mammals from your property. Ask them what they do with the animals before using their services.

See the links at the bottom of the question below for humane trappers and exclusion services.

Back to the questions

Question: How do I catch and relocate a possum?

If you’ve already caught a possum, keep the trap 3/4 covered with a towel or clean cloth until you can release it after dark. Covering most of the cage provides the opossum with a secluded place where it feels hidden, and it won’t run around trying to bite through every bar in the cage. Partially covering the trap keeps the trap ventilated. Whatever your target animal was, you should already have watered the trap before setting it (all states require you to put water in the trap, and most states have additional laws about where you can set a trap and how often you need to check them). .

You should also have practiced triggering the trap before it was occupied.

Find a secluded spot within two miles (or whatever your state requires) of where the possum was trapped and release the possum into heavy, low shrubs after dark. The possum will always want to head towards the darker, more secluded spot. Exposing the cage at this point will make the bush appear more secluded than the cage. Shining a flashlight directly into the back of the trap should help the possum move toward the dark shrub or bush. Another trick is to have an empty shopping bag in your pocket. If the possum doesn’t move, take out the plastic and fold it behind the possum to make it move away from the noise. There must be no activity or noise between the possum and the bush or it will simply freeze. As a last resort, tilt the cage up where the opening is now facing the sky. Possums tend to climb up when trying to escape and it should go up and out. Make sure there is no place where fingers are stuck in the trap, grasp the edges of the trap with your open palms.

Best solution: DO NOT INCREASE! Possums are usually transient animals, staying in an area for only 2-3 days before moving on. Removal is neither necessary nor desirable. If possums were eliminated from an area, the population of roof rats and other vermin would increase. Possums play an important role in controlling the unwanted, harmful pest population in our neighborhoods. So now we should ask you a question. After learning about the benefits that possums offer, why would you want to capture and remove a possum?

Catching and moving doesn’t work. If you are determined to remove a possum, encourage it to do so of its own accord by removing anything that lures it to your area. You must determine what attracts the possum to your area and remove the attractants, or other possums and animals will come and fill the vacant niche. Possums are usually attracted to animal food left outside and dense shrubs to hide under.

· Do not leave pet food outside at night

· Do not leave garage doors, pet doors, or unprotected windows open at night.

· Collect fruits that have fallen from trees.

· Cover garbage cans at night.

· Clear thick bushes, piles of wood, and other hiding spots.

If you want to catch a possum yourself, you need to find out about the laws on capturing an animal in your city. Most cities, counties, and states have specific rules about the circumstances under which you can catch, what traps can be used, how to set them, how often you need to check them, and what your responsibilities are if you catch the animal. Not obeying the law could be construed as animal cruelty, which is now a crime in all 50 states.

Some people have reported success with commercially made coyote urine spray.

The easiest and cheapest way would be to follow our FAQ on removing the food sources that would be a lure for a possum. They’re just looking for a quick bite on the same route they drive every night.

When hiring a professional trapper, make sure they are properly licensed and trained. Ensure the possum is safely caught in a humane trap AND released unharmed. Please do not catch during the baby season from spring to autumn, otherwise the animals may be orphaned and die.

The following recommendations can remove healthy possums from apartments. THEY DO NOT TAKE CARE OF ORPHAN OR INJURED OPOSSUMS.

Refer to:

Humane Wildlife


A nationwide list of humane trappers can be found at Wildlife

Back to the questions

Question: I saw a possum on the road. What should I do?

Answer: If it is safe to do so, stop and move the body to the curb. If you are alive, seek help immediately. If it is a deceased female, check the pouch for live young. If found, wrap it in a soft, lint-free towel and take it to a wildlife handler immediately. Young opossums cannot survive long outside of the pouch environment. See “Found an orphaned or injured possum?” for more information. Section.

Back to the questions

Question: I think there is a dead opossum in my garden. What can I do?

Answer: Give the possum the benefit of the doubt. It must not be dead! Many possums play “possum” when they are extremely frightened. You will appear dead. If found, leave the area, bring dogs inside, and give the possum a chance to recover. It can take a few minutes up to 4 hours. Generally, when the opossum is about to revive, the ears will start to wiggle. Please do not put the possum in a plastic bag or garbage can immediately. If there is no movement or signs of life after 4 hours, contact Animal Control for disposal. For more information or to see an actual photo of a possum ‘possum playing’ see the possum defense mechanisms section.

Back to the questions

Question: How do I prevent a possum from drowning in my pool?

Answer: Many possums fall into a pond when trying to drink water. If they cannot climb out, the possums will drown. There are several things you can do to prevent drowning. If possible, keep swimming pools and hot tubs covered at night. Also, try to keep a bowl of water nearby so the possum doesn’t try to drink from the pool and fall in.

Make “possum pool ladders” by draping 12-inch wide, fine mesh netting, towels, or other easy-to-grab items over the side of the pool. Secure these items to the top of the pool by tying them to a pool ladder, tree, or other permanently anchored item, or by clipping them to the side of the pool. Plumb or a weighted object will help keep the other end of the lightweight mesh submerged. Place several “possum pool ladders” around the pool, at least 1 every 3 feet. You can also place 2 x 4 inch wooden planks in the pool and lean against the side of the pool. Styrofoam footboards or rafts can also be set up in the pool. The possum may be able to climb and levitate on one until found.

You can purchase a Skamper Ramp device on the internet through Amazon, Nextag, etc. Information on the Skamper Ramp can be found at Or visit your local PetCo to purchase a Skamper Ramp.

Back to the questions

Question: Possums make my dog ​​bark!

Answer: A dog barks at everything it sees or hears. The best thing you can do for the possum AND your neighbors is to train the dog or keep the dog indoors at night. This will prevent the dog from injuring or killing the possum. If this is not possible, confine yourself to the garage or a run. Also read the answer below.

Back to the questions

Question: Opossum poops in the garden

Answer: A possum doesn’t poop all over the yard, it poops in a secluded area (they don’t like being outdoors at all) surrounded by at least two shields.

They like to poop in piles of leaves or other rotting foliage, they also tend to poop right after eating or drinking, so if there is a food or water source in your yard all night they would be attracted to it. Keep your garden free of leaves and dirt.

Keep the possum from entering your garden. Keep all trees and shrubs away from the fence. Do not miss any food source or fallen fruit from trees. Make sure your sprinklers turn on just after sunrise (optimal time for plant uptake, anyway) so water doesn’t pool around the sprinkler head for possums to use as a water source.

Some people have suggested putting mothballs around, mothballs are poisonous and if left outside they will leach into the soil and groundwater system and pollute the environment.

I’ve heard of people who have successfully left “predator droppings” along their fence line to keep possums out of their yard. Visit your local zoo or animal exhibit and ask for small quantities of fox, coyote, mountain, bobcat, etc. droppings to strategically place at entry points into your yard.

Back to the questions

Question: My dog ​​kills possums. What can I do?

Answer: Keep the dog indoors at night. This way the dog cannot hurt or kill the possums. Take the dog outside on a leash to do its “business”. If it is not possible to keep the dog indoors, confine the dog to the garage or walk from dusk to dawn. Again, if this is not possible, place some large PVC pipes (8 inch diameter, 5-6 feet long) in the garden. This provides the possum with a place to escape should an attack occur. Remove pet food and other attractants from your yard to encourage possums to move on.

Back to the questions

Answer: Whether it is a possum, a dog or a cat, this is animal cruelty and illegal. Please report the incident to your local animal welfare agency, police department and your state wildlife department. Follow up. Be persistent if you have to. OSUS is happy to help you. However, the initial complaint must be made by you, the witness.

Back to the questions

Question: I see a possum sharing a food bowl with my cat. Is that normal?

Answer: Possums are very opportunistic animals. If food is available, they will eat. We receive numerous images of possums sharing a bowl of cat food with an outdoor cat. Adult cats and possums seem to tolerate each other. Feeding wild animals is not recommended.

Back to the questions

Question: Will a possum attack my pets?

Answer: A dog is more likely to injure or kill a possum. A cat can attack and kill young rat-sized possums. Adult possums and cats seem to respect each other and leave each other alone. In general, possums are docile, non-aggressive animals and will not attack your pets. They prefer to flee and avoid confrontations whenever possible. If not, the threatened possum may “play possum,” bare its teeth, or bite in self-defense like any animal would.

Back to the questions

Question: Will a possum bite my children?

Answer: Children should be taught not to attempt to feed or touch a wild animal. Possums are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and come out at night, so there is little chance that a small child will come into contact with a possum. Possums prefer to sleep in dark, secluded places. If your children play in such an area, there is a greater risk of being bitten by a poisonous spider or snake.

Back to the questions

Question: I’ve heard horses can get EPM from possums. TRUE?

Answer: Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a neurological disease caused by a parasite. The opossum and a parasite called Sarcocystis neurona have been implicated, although current research suggests other hosts and other parasites may be involved in disease transmission. The infectious form of the parasite is excreted in the feces. If a horse eats contaminated feces, it can develop neurological symptoms. It should be noted that the majority of opossums are unlikely to shed the infectious parasite and that very few horses exposed to the parasite will develop EPM.

There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of EPM. It is recommended to keep all animals away from horses. Do not kill or capture possums. This will not work. Wenn Sie nicht entfernen, was Opossums und andere Tiere in Ihren Garten lockt, werden mehr Tiere kommen. Am besten ist es, die Tiere durch das Entfernen der Lockstoffe zum selbstständigen Verlassen des Areals zu animieren. Dies ist normalerweise Essen. Lassen Sie keine Lebensmittel draußen stehen. Hinterlassen Sie nachts kein Futter für die Stallkatzen. Katzen tagsüber füttern. Mülltonnen abdecken. Fallobst aufheben. Decken Sie Futter- und Getreidebehälter für Pferde ab. Lassen Sie das Pferd nicht vom Boden fressen. Futter in Tröge über dem Boden platzieren. Wasser häufig wechseln. Entfernen Sie Tierverstecke wie dichtes Gebüsch und Holzhaufen.

Zurück zu den Fragen

Frage: Opossums fressen die Früchte meiner Bäume. Wie kann ich sie aufhalten?

Antwort: Opossums fressen am liebsten die verfaulten Früchte, die zu Boden gefallen sind. Halten Sie Opossums von Obstbäumen fern, indem Sie Äste von Boden, Zäunen und Dächern abschneiden. Decken Sie den Kofferraum mit dicken Plastikfolien oder dünnen Blechen aus dem Baumarkt ab und befestigen Sie ihn mit Klebeband. Dadurch wird verhindert, dass das Opossum klettert. A cut up plastic trash can will work.

Zurück zu den Fragen

Frage: Ich glaube, Opossums graben Löcher in mein Dach oder meinen Garten.

Antwort: Der Schaden wird wahrscheinlich nicht von Opossums verursacht. Opossums haben weiche, zarte Hände mit Nägeln, die leicht herausgerissen werden können. Sie sind nicht in der Lage, viel zu graben. Es ist wahrscheinlicher, dass andere Tiere den Schaden verursachen. Opossums sind sehr opportunistische Tiere und bewegen sich oft in ein Loch, das von einem anderen Tier geschaffen wurde. Das Opossum ist oft das Tier, das beobachtet und als Ursache der Löcher vermutet wird. Bitte besuchen Sie unsere Opossum Paws-Seite für Bilder und weitere Informationen.

Zurück zu den Fragen

Frage: Wenn Opossums nachtaktiv sind, warum sehe ich dann eines am Tag?

Antwort: Es gibt eine Reihe von Gründen für Opossum-Sichtungen während des Tages. Wenn es Winter in einer extrem kalten Gegend ist, die normalerweise mit Schnee bedeckt ist, kann das Opossum hungrig sein. In extrem kalten, schneereichen Gebieten ist es für Opossums oft schwierig, Nahrung zu finden. Bei Unwetter kann das Opossum einige Tage in einer Höhle bleiben, bis der Hunger es aus dem Versteck treibt. Das Opossum muss möglicherweise tagsüber nach Nahrung suchen, oft wenn es wärmer ist. Während der Frühlings- oder Sommermonate muss ein weibliches Opossum, das mit Jungen beladen ist, mehr Zeit mit der Nahrungssuche verbringen und kann tagsüber gesehen werden. Auch das Tagesversteck eines Opossums kann gestört werden, oft durch die Anwesenheit eines Hundes oder von Kindern, die einen Ball in einen Busch werfen. Das verängstigte Tier läuft hinaus und sucht sich ein neues Versteck. Andere Möglichkeiten sind ein blindes Opossum oder ein krankes oder verletztes Opossum. Wenn Sie vermuten, dass das Opossum nicht gesund ist, wenden Sie sich an einen örtlichen Wildtierpfleger.

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Frage: Welche Geräusche machen Opossums?

Antwort: Opossums machen wenige Geräusche. Möglicherweise hören Sie ein „Chu Choo“ oder ein Niesgeräusch. Dies sind Geräusche, die die Jungen machen, wenn sie von der Mutter getrennt werden. Die Mutter gibt mit ihrer Zunge „Klick“-Geräusche von sich, als Antwort auf die Rufe der Jungen. Außerdem machen männliche Opossums vor allem während der Paarungszeit das gleiche „Klick“-Geräusch. Wenn ein Opossum bedroht wird, kann es außerdem einige leise Knurr- oder Zischgeräusche von sich geben. Manchmal knurrt und faucht man und sieht, wie ein Opossum ein anderes oder ein anderes beißt. Sie kämpfen wahrscheinlich nicht. Sie können sich paaren.

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Frage: Übertragen Opossums Tollwut?

Antwort: Jedes Säugetier kann Tollwut bekommen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Tollwut bei einem Opossum ist jedoch EXTREM SELTEN. Dies kann etwas mit der niedrigen Körpertemperatur des Opossums (94-97º F) zu tun haben, die es dem Virus erschwert, im Körper eines Opossums zu überleben.

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Frage: Kann ich von einem Opossum eine Krankheit bekommen?

Antwort: Eine Zoonose ist eine zwischen Tier und Mensch übertragene Krankheit. Es gibt Krankheiten, die Sie von jedem Tier bekommen können, einschließlich Haustieren. Solange Sie Ihren gesunden Menschenverstand walten lassen, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, von einem Opossum eine Krankheit zu bekommen, gering. Versuchen Sie nicht, das Opossum zu streicheln oder ihm zu nahe zu kommen. Wie in der obigen Frage und Antwort erwähnt, ist Tollwut beim Opossum äußerst selten.

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Frage: Kann ich Murine Typhus von einem Opossum bekommen?

Antwort: Murines Fleckfieber wird vom Katzenfloh (C. Felis) übertragen, der so genannt wird, weil weltweit die Katze der Flohwirt der Wahl ist. Der Floh hat sein Verbreitungsgebiet auf Hunde, Opossums, Ratten, Mäuse und andere Tiere ausgeweitet. Der Katzenfloh tauscht selten den Wirt aus, daher bleibt er bis zum Tod des Wirts am Tier.

Man sollte tote Wildtiere niemals direkt anfassen. Man sollte seine Kleidung großzügig mit Flohschutzmittel besprühen und jedes Tier mit einer Schaufel zu einer Begräbnisstätte heben und transportieren (falls gesetzlich in Ihrer Stadt, Ihrem Landkreis erlaubt), in einer Plastiktüte verstauen und sichern oder die Tierschutzbehörde anrufen, um sie zu entsorgen. Sprühen Sie dann den Bereich, in dem das tote Tier lag, großzügig mit Insektizid ein. Während C. Felis sich nicht wirklich um Menschen als Wirte kümmert, springen hungernde Flöhe vom toten Wirt auf alles, um ihr Blut zu trinken.

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Frage: Ich habe eine E-Mail und einen Anhang gesendet, aber es wurde nicht beantwortet. Why?

Antwort: JEDE E-Mail wird beantwortet! Ihre Kommentare und Fragen sind uns wichtig. Die meisten E-Mails werden innerhalb von 24 Stunden beantwortet. Wenn Sie eine Notsituation in Bezug auf ein verwaistes oder verletztes Opossum haben, warten Sie bitte nicht, bis wir uns bei Ihnen melden. Wenden Sie sich sofort an einen örtlichen Wildtierpfleger. Wenn Sie mehrere Tage ohne Antwort gewartet haben, liegt das Problem möglicherweise an einem Fehler im E-Mail-Netzwerk. Occasionally answered emails are returned to us undeliverable. Please try again and make sure you have no email blocks. We are a volunteer organization so occasionally there may be delays in responses. Your patience is appreciated.

Please understand that we can not accept email attachments due to the risk of a virus. If you would like to send photos or other items please do! Send to:


Postfach Box 850695

Yukon, OK 73085

Back to the Questions

Question: I would like more information about opossums.

Answer: No problem! Join the Opossum Society of the United States (O.S.U.S.) and receive valuable opossum information in addition to a number of volunteer opportunities. Check out other informative pages on our web site.

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Question: How can I become a licensed wildlife rehabilitator?

Answer: If interested in becoming a licensed wildlife rehabilitator then contact your state’s department of wildlife for information about requirements and obtaining permits. Rules and requirements vary by state. Make sure you have the financial means, space, time and dedication before making the commitment to enter the wildlife rehabilitation profession. Gain valuable hands-on experience and knowledge by volunteering with a local wildlife organization or individual wildlife rehabilitator.

Back to the Questions

Question: What if I know of animal cruelty against an opossum?

Answer: Keep in mind every state has laws about hunting and the “taking of opossums” during a hunt. You need to know what manner and what season an opossum can be lawfully taken for food or fur. During this process there may be means of killing the opossum that are inhumane, but legal, during the hunt including firearms, bowhunting, traps, hunting dogs and even drowning. Hunters must also be licensed if not on their own property. There will likely be city, county laws against discharging weapons, even on your own property.

These hunting regulations have nothing to do with an opossum found out and about in urban, suburban or rural areas just being opossums. THEY are protected from cruelty. Unless a person can articulate fear for their life or property from an opossum (really?) they are not allowed to inflict harm on an opossum. Each state, county and city will also have laws governing the placement of traps and poison which also must be licensed and used in a particular manner for specific animals or else it will be unlawful. If you see a cruelty case involving physical abuse or illegal trapping or use of poisons, take as many pictures of the animal, the setting and the poison remnants as you can safely as evidence. Don’t just throw away the opossum, present the carcass and all your pictures and notes as evidence to prosecute the perpetrator. Keep in mind, it will be YOU pressing the issue. There’s no mechanism in the laws for someone to take over the advocacy of a crime you discovered or witnessed.

If your complaint is about animal cruelty posted on Facebook, first copy and capture all pictures and conversation about the incident. Then you can complain to Facebook about the posting by going to the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the post and clicking on it to get the drop-down box. From the drop-down box, click on Find Support or Report Post. Click on this and fill out the appropriate information and send it to Facebook.

Keep in mind there are sick people out there that will find a dead opossum and create a video with it, intimating they caused the opossum’s death and post it on Facebook just to upset people. These sick people revel in upsetting others.

Then there are even sicker people who do find a healthy opossum and film themselves inflicting pain, cruelty, maiming and death, thinking there will be no consequences. These people need to be prosecuted by having an eyewitness to the videos, or to the act itself, come forward with evidence for law enforcement to prosecute.

Find out who is responsible in your area for taking crime reports involving animals. Some cities delegate all animal incidents to their animal control. In some cities, the police take reports, others defer wildlife incidents to the state enforcement agency. In most states there will be a state law mandating an officer to take a crime report from someone with firsthand information. It is their duty to take a report. Demand a report, if they say no, ask to speak to a supervisor, if the supervisor won’t file a report, ask the police to file a report, if a police officer won’t, ask to speak to his/her Sergeant, then the Lieutenant, then the Captain or Commander, if they still won’t, call the Chief of Police during the day and complain to him. Keep going up the Chain of Command. MAKE SURE THEY GIVE YOU A REPORT NUMBER. YOU CAN’T BE ASSURED THEY TOOK A REPORT UNLESS THEY GIVE YOU THE REPORT OR INCIDENT NUMBER. TELL THEM YOU WILL BE COMING IN AFTER THE REPORT HAS BEEN PROCESSED (a week or so) TO GET A COPY OF THE REPORT (you will have to pay a fee). Animal cruelty is now a felony in all 50 states. The FBI is mandating all police agencies to notify them of animal cruelty case. In California, the city of Los Angeles even created an Animal Cruelty Task Force (ACTF)

Sometimes it takes a brave, bold, persistent individual to stand up and educate the law enforcement agencies about the laws governing your area.

Back to the Questions

Are possums marsupials?

Fast facts: Brushtail Possums are marsupials. The mother is pregnant for 17 days before her young is born. The new born possum finds its way to its mother’s pouch and attaches itself to a teat.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

How do you look?

You can identify a bush possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) by its thick, bushy tail, which distinguishes it from the smaller ringtail possum. The largest possums, brushtails, can be recognized by their silvery gray color, a band across their nose, pointed ears and of course their bushy tail.

Brushtail possums vary in size and color – in Queensland they are reddish in hue and fairly small, while in Tasmania they are dark gray and tend to be larger and furrier.

Where can you find them?

Brushtails are found throughout Australia and are frequent backyard visitors. They especially like wooded areas along the east coast.

Brief information:

Brushtail Possums are marsupials. The mother is pregnant for 17 days before her cub is born. The newborn opossum finds its way to its mother’s pouch and attaches itself to a teat. The cub stays in the pouch and with his mother for about 7 months before becoming independent. Bushtail possums are a pest species in New Zealand, where they were introduced in the 19th century, but are protected in Australia.

Brushtail Possum

You can identify a bush possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) by its thick, bushy tail, which distinguishes it from the smaller ringtail possum. The largest possums, brushtails, can be recognized by their silvery gray color, a band across their nose, pointed ears and of course their bushy tail.

Brushtails live in backyards and bush throughout Australia and are frequent backyard visitors. They especially like wooded areas along the east coast. Bushtail possums are a pest species in New Zealand, where they were introduced in the 19th century, but are protected in Australia.

If your resident possum is enjoying your flower beds, plant a good variety of native shrubs for it to feed on instead, and this can prevent it from eating all your rosebuds.

To deter possums from running across your roof at night, trim any overhanging branches that are within 5 feet (1.5 m) of the gutter.

Possums prefer to live in tree cavities, but many animals, birds and insects, both native and non-native, also want to live in them. As more mature trees are cut down in our suburbs, there are fewer and fewer natural homes for possums and other creatures.

This encourages brush-tailed possums to look for alternative nesting sites – for example, on your roof.

You can help them find a new home by building a nest box and encouraging them to retire. Lure the possum to the new tree house by placing some fruit next to it. When you’re sure your roof is free of possums and other creatures, block off the entrance holes. Your buddies should soon find the nest box and settle there.

Their main enemies include dingoes, pythons, foxes and cats. Because pythons are also common on rooftops and backyards, possums can often be their primary food source.

Brushtail Possums love:

Eucalyptus, which they enjoy, as well as a range of other leaves, berries and fruits.

Tree cavities where they can safely nest and roost. But eucalyptus caves take over a hundred years to develop and the competition for them can be fierce.

At night. They particularly enjoy the first half of the night when they go in search of food.

But they don’t like:

change locations. When a possum is taken from its territory it is very stressful for them – most do not survive.

Smelly plants. They don’t like chrysanthemums, mint bushes, geraniums or daisies – hence they are safe from consumption. They also dislike prickly grevilleas, hakeas, woody banksias, and tea trees.

bright lights. They avoid spotlights, porch lights, or party lights.

Try to:

Build or buy a nest box that can provide your opossum buddies with a meeting place for daytime naps or a safe winter roosting spot.

Drive carefully along the tree-lined streets at night.

Keep your cat or dog inside at night as the possums will come out to eat.

Keep a lid on your garbage and compost.


Cut down trees with cavities. These are the best places for native animals to roost and have their young – if there isn’t room in the trees they will start moving into your roof and walls.

feeding possums. Possums are wild animals and should remain self-sufficient.

Touch or handle possums. If you find a possum that you think needs help, contact your local wildlife rescue service or council for advice.

Don’t be surprised if brushtail possums:

Like to keep to yourself. They are generally solitary and like to stay in their home range.

Dance on your roof at night. They’re actually just looking for food, but they can make a bit of noise.

A few more brushtail possum facts

Brushtail Possums are marsupials. The mother is pregnant for 17 days before her cub is born. The newborn opossum finds its way to its mother’s pouch and attaches itself to a teat. The cub stays in the pouch and with his mother for about 7 months before becoming independent.

These possums use scent to mark their territory, covering branches with a scent released from glands on their chests.

M3FC 0013 Possum can’t jump

M3FC 0013 Possum can’t jump
M3FC 0013 Possum can’t jump

See some more details on the topic how high can possums jump here:

How High Can a Possum Jump? – Pest Control Weekly

Possums can jump about 1 meter high, and they use the speed of 3.5 mph while running, jumping, and climbing from one tree to another tree and to …

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How high can a possum jump from the ground? – AnswersToAll

They can climb vertical walls and have been known to jump from a tree to roof up to 4 metres away! Can possums jump up on table? They cannot …

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How High Can A Possum Jump –

People also ask, how high can possums jump? Possums are incredibly agile! They can climb vertical walls and have been known to jump from a tree to roof up …

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Can Opossums Climb And Get In Your Walls? | Blog

Opossums are incredibly agile, they can easily climb a tall vertical wall. They are known to jump from a tree to a roof at a distance of up …

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Living with Brush-tailed Possums

Brush-tailed possums readily climb fences but many can be possum proofed. Possums can only jump about one metre vertically and cannot climb …

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Top 10 Facts About Possums in Australia

Possums are incredibly agile! They can climb vertical walls and have been known to jump from a tree to roof up to 4 metres away! They can pull …

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Opossum Climbing and Jumping? (Your Questions Answered)

An opossum is capable of jumping, just not very high. Most opossums are able to jump a couple of feet in height.

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Possums – SAFE Animal Squad – Together we can make a …

Because they live in trees, possums are great climbers. They can even jump up to four metres to reach a neighbouring branch. Noises. Possums usually make a …

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Can possums jump high? – Dailion

Opossums can’t jump so trim again sufficient simply so that they can’t attain by stretching. Bese above, how do you do away with a possum? 5 Methods to Get …

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Together we can make a difference for all animals

animal profile

life span

Possums can live up to 11 years.


Because they live in trees, possums are great climbers. They can even jump up to four meters to reach a neighboring branch.


Possums usually make a clicking sound to communicate with each other. They can also grunt, screech, growl, and hiss.


Possums are wild animals. They are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night.


A possum’s diet consists primarily of plants, including leaves, flowers, and fruit.

Wildlife Control: How to Keep Opossums Out of Your Yard

Possums are one of the biggest pests you can find in your garden. They won’t usually try to harm you or your family, but they can spread disease or wreak havoc on your home while foraging for food. But how do you keep possums out of the garden? The first step to keeping possums out of your home is to keep them out of your yard. Here’s how:

Eliminate food sources

Possums will be attracted to your yard if they can easily find a food source in it. This source can be pet food stored outside, unsealed trash cans, or even fruit that has fallen from your orchard trees. For easy do-it-yourself wildlife control, store your pet food indoors or in a sturdy, sealed container, store your trash in a trash can with a tight-fitting lid, and pick up fruit off the ground soon after it falls.

Use scents strategically

If you are trying to figure out how to get rid of possums, you should know that while they are attracted to many smells that you find unpleasant, there are some unpleasant smells that even they hate. These include ammonia and mothballs. To safely perform this type of wildlife control, pour some ammonia or put some mothballs in a coffee can and leave them in your yard. If you don’t have pets, this should be a safe solution, but if you do have pets, you may want to try a different wildlife control method.

Get rid of Shelter

A possum will come to your yard when it finds food there, but will only stay there when it is able to find shelter. Possums can find shelter in piles of firewood or brushwood, or even in your porch or storage shed. To fix this wildlife control problem, store your firewood indoors, clear up piles of bush quickly, and seal off all entrances to your storage shed and under your porch.

Seal entry points

Even worse than finding a possum living in your yard is finding one living in your house. If you already have a possum in your home, it’s a wise idea to call a wildlife control expert to remove it rather than trying to do it yourself. However, if you just want to take some preventative measures, you can lock down all entry points with relative ease. Close any gaps with chicken wire or hardware, making sure it’s strong enough to deter the possums.

Call a professional

The easiest and most effective way to keep possums out of your yard is to call McCauley Services like us. We can come to your home and set humane traps for the possums. Once the possums are caught, the professional can relocate them to a new habitat far away from you.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Opossums

Most people can point to a possum in a number of wildlife species. Its white face and pointed rat-like nose and tail are easy to spot. But most people really don’t know all that much about these critters. And if you’ve seen possums on your property, it’s probably a good idea to take some time to get to know them. It might just save you from an unfortunate incident. Here are five things you might not know about possums and a few things you really should know.

Possums are:

no possums. Yes indeed. It’s a common mistake. The possum is actually a tree-climbing marsupial that lives in Australia and a distant cousin of the North American possum.

not a rodent. Like its cousin the possum, the possum is a marsupial, meaning it is an animal that has a pouch. It carries its young around with this pouch. Other marsupials you may be familiar with are koalas and kangaroos.

the only pouched mammal in the United States and Canada.

blessed to have two big toes that act like opposable thumbs. These digits, called halux, help possums climb trees with ease. They share this anatomical feature with apes and other primates.

immune to many things. These critters have such good immune systems that they are rarely found carrying the rabies virus, and they are not considered a reservoir for Lyme disease.

Although these furry creatures can be very interesting, they can also cause a lot of problems when they come to our property. One of the most noticeable problems they cause is lawn damage. Possums love maggots. When they come into a yard, they damage lawns as they dig to get to the larvae beneath the surface. But those maggots would probably have done damage anyway.

When a possum settles under a porch, deck, shed, or outhouse, it can pose a danger to pets and children. Although not an aggressive animal, it will defend itself if cornered or protecting young ones. Most of the time it will open its mouth wide and show its teeth in a threatening pose or just play dead.

The real risk from possums is the introduction of parasites like fleas and lice, especially in domestic cats. Outdoor cats are curious and tend to go to areas where possums have been. If they do, they can pick up these parasites and bring them into the house. However, it is important to note that possums are incredible groomers and this drive for constant grooming perfection makes them a rare tick vector. In fact, they will eat and digest most ticks unfortunate enough to get on them.

DIY Possum Control

There are many suggestions on the internet on how to deal with a possum on your property. We do not suggest that you follow this advice. When dealing with wildlife, it is best to hire a trained professional to do the job. A professional follows strict protocols for the appropriate humane handling of the animal, addresses secondary pest issues, implements strategies to prevent future infestations, and adheres to all government regulations related to the animal.

When homeowners take it upon themselves to remove wild animals, they quickly learn why they are called “wild” animals. No matter how docile a creature is, fear is a powerful motivator to fight back. And while opossums don’t like using them on humans, they do have an impressive set of sharp teeth.

If you are in our New England service area, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions. We don’t just take care of bugs. We have a wildlife department staffed by trained wildlife disposal professionals trained to fully meet a wide range of wildlife control needs led by our wildlife manager, Rich Autieri. Rich is a regional leader in the wildlife industry and often works alongside chief biologists for RI, MA and CT. He and his team are familiar with the laws, regulations and protocols for wildlife removal, monitoring and exclusion. You will be in good hands.

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