How Long Can Mystery Snails Go Without Food? Top 50 Best Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how long can mystery snails go without food“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

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How long can a snail stay without food?

Most snails will survive a few weeks without food. The longest time a snail was observed surviving without eating was 8 months. However, this is very exceptional. In most cases, snails will eat until they are full every day.

Do mystery snails need food?

Mystery snails are extremely active eaters, which makes them so excellent at ridding aquariums of waste. They are completely safe to keep with live plants as long as enough food is available for them; however, they have been known to munch on plants if they get hungry enough.

How do I know if my snail is getting enough food?

If your snail doesn’t have enough food it will go hungry, but with too much food the water quality will quickly deteriorate. Most snails enjoy having plants in the tank to graze on. They also eat algae, whether it is found naturally on the tank’s walls or provided in the form of store-bought algae wafers.

How much food do mystery snails need?

Feeding Amount

Give your mystery snail one or two tablespoons of fish food, for example, and see how much is gone after a day or so. You’ll soon figure out how much your snail requires per day. You may notice, however, that gold mystery snails require a little less sustenance during the fall and winter months.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

It’s important to make sure your golden mystery snail is getting some of its own food as well, and not just what it can scour out of the tank. A few suitable food items for golden puzzle snails are tropical tablets, shrimp pellets and seaweed waffles. Cut each waffle into small and manageable pieces and spread them out as evenly as possible in the tank. In this way, it will be very easy for your golden puzzle snail to get to its food.

How often do mystery snails need air?

No, mystery snails do not need to breathe air. They are able to absorb oxygen through their skin and through the water in which they live. Mystery snails are a type of snail that does not seem to require air in order to live. In fact, they can be found living in water bodies that have little or no oxygen present.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

Mysterious snails are a species of freshwater snail native to Southeast Asia. They are popular aquarium snails because of their attractive appearance and interesting behavior. Mysterious snails are scavengers that feed on detritus and organic matter in the water. They are also known for their ability to clean tanks and filters.

There are many different types of freshwater snails, and each may require a different level of filtration. Some snails, like those that live in rivers and streams, may not need a filter at all, while others, like those that live in ponds and lakes, may need a more sophisticated filtration system.

When it comes to aquariums, there are a lot of things to consider when it comes to the health of your fish, plants, and snails. One of the most important is the quality of the water.

Many people don’t think about it, but the water quality in your aquarium is also important. In this article, we address the question of whether freshwater snails need an air pump and a filter in the aquarium.

Do mysterious snails need a heater?

No, Mysterious Slugs don’t need heating. In fact, if you give them the right conditions, they will thrive without one. Snails are hardy creatures and can tolerate a range of temperatures.

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They will do best if you keep their environment between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, but they can survive in temperatures as low as 50 degrees and as high as 85 degrees. If your home is cooler than 60 degrees, you should consider using a heater to keep your snails comfortable, but it’s not essential.

Do mysterious snails need an air pump?

The short answer is no, mystery slugs don’t need an air pump. While it’s true that many aquatic creatures need a steady flow of oxygen-rich water to thrive, snails can breathe well in still water.

In fact, they can even survive out of water for short periods of time. This is because they extract oxygen from the surrounding air or water. So if you’re wondering whether or not to buy an air pump for your new snail tank, don’t worry – your snails will do just fine without one.

Do snails need oxygen-rich water?

Some species of freshwater snails do not require oxygenated water, while others do. For example, the common pond snail does not need oxygen-rich water, but the apple snail does.

One reason some freshwater snails don’t need oxygenated water is because they breathe through their skin. If the water is well oxygenated, these snails can get all the oxygen they need from the water. However, other freshwater snails use gills to breathe, and these gills need a good supply of oxygen to function properly.

If you want to keep a freshwater snail in your aquarium or pond, it is important that the water is well oxygenated. One way to do this is to install an air pump.

Do mysterious snails need to breathe air?

No, mysterious snails don’t need to breathe air. They can absorb oxygen through their skin and the water they live in.

Mysterious snails are a type of snail that doesn’t seem to need air to live. In fact, they live in waters where there is little or no oxygen. That’s not to say that mysterious snails don’t need oxygen at all – they get most of their oxygen from the water itself.

While mysterious snails can survive in low-oxygen environments, it’s still important that they have access to some level of oxygen. Because even a low oxygen content can cause problems for the snails and make them more susceptible to diseases, for example.

Do mysterious snails need light?

Yes, mysterious snails and most other freshwater snails need some light in the aquarium. This is especially true if you keep them in a tank with live plants. Snails need light to move and find food.

If your tank is heavily planted, you can provide some light with a low-wattage bulb. However, unless your aquarium is heavily planted, you will need to provide the snails with a more direct light source. You can do this by using a clamp lamp or by placing the tank near a window.

What do mysterious snails eat?

Mysterious snails are omnivores and will eat a variety of things. They eat both animal and plant matter. Some of the things they can eat are seaweed, dead plants or animals, live plants, fruits and vegetables.

Do other snails like pointed snails need a filter or bubbler?

Generally, if your aquarium is less than 10 gallons, you will need to use a filter or bubbler with your snails. If your tank is larger than 10 gallons you might be able to get away without one, but it’s still recommended. This is because smaller tanks can be more difficult to clean and more prone to algae growth.

Can I put mystery snails in cold water?

Many people enjoy keeping freshwater snails as pets in their ponds or home aquariums.

The answer to this question is yes, you can put your snails in cold water, but you should only do this if the temperature of the water does not drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature of the water drops below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, your snails probably won’t survive.


How long do mystery snails live?

A Mystery Snail lifespan is about one year. Lifespan may be longer if water conditions are good and the snail is fortunate.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

A mystery snail is a freshwater aquarium snail that is often available at pet stores. A Mysterious Snail Shell is generally brown in color, although other Mysterious Snail Shells can be creamy white. Mysterious snail shells can be monochromatic, have a gradient, or have accents of light brown, dark brown, black stripes, and other markings. The color variations and patterns of Mystery Snail Shell are practically unlimited. A mystery snail’s head and body are generally dark gray or black, with its foot a lighter gray. Mystery Snail’s body colors can also range from yellow, gold, blue, green, brown, and purple.

A mysterious snail’s body is speckled with orange dots all over its head and body, providing an intriguing accent color. Accents of orange also appear on the upper part of its mouth, as well as on its tentacles and siphon. On the tentacles and siphon, the orange accents appear more like lateral dashes than rounded spots. Black lines also appear on its siphon. A Mysterious Snail has orange rings that appear around their eyes where their eyes rest on the top of their eyestalks. A mysterious snail also has a lid that acts as a “trap door” that seals itself inside its shell.

Most questions about Mystery Snails come from the following areas:

What to look out for when buying Mystery Snails

Where can I see pictures of mysterious snails?

What are common behaviors of Mystery Snails?

What are common care issues for mystery snails?

Diet, feeding and habitat for mysterious snails

Lifespan for mysterious slugs and dead slugs

What are some good tankmates for Mystery Snails?

Mysterious snails in a 30-second video

Mysterious pictures of snails in freshwater tanks

When buying a mysterious snail

As with any aquarium purchase, avoid buying Mystery Snails from aquariums with dead or dying snails, fish, or other aquarium mates. Tanks with dead or dying residents can indicate ailing conditions, poor water quality, or contagious diseases. It is better to avoid these problems than to face them.

When purchasing Mystery Snails, look for snails with thick, unpitted, and uncracked shells. Thin, excessively pitted, or cracked shells can be an indication that the snail is unhealthy. It can also mean that the snail has been in acidic water long enough to dissolve the shell and weaken it. And make sure there are no holes in the Mystery Snail case.

Look for mysterious snails that stick to the aquarium glass or move across hard surfaces. If Mysterious Snails are lying still on the bottom of the tank, upside down, or floating on the surface of the water, it may indicate that the Mysterious Snails are dead or dying. Finally, remember that Mystery Snails can be stored in stores with tankmates who can bite off their tentacles, eyestalks, and siphon. So make sure the snail looks healthy, complete and intact before you select it.

Mystery Snail Shell Size: In the show tank, a Mystery Snail Shell can be about two inches in diameter. Some snails may be smaller, others slightly larger, but a two-inch diameter is probably the most common. Bigger clams are not necessarily healthier snails.

Mystery Snail Behavior and Temperament

Non-aggressive and docile by nature, a mysterious snail likes a calm aquatic environment and peaceful tankmates. Mystery Snails have no way of attacking other tank dwellers and only have their lid and shell to protect them from attackers. A mysterious snail can be very active during times when the aquarium lights are on, constantly traveling around the aquarium in search of food, interesting places to explore, or a quiet place to take a break. A Mystery Snail can also be very active when the tank lights are off and feed in total darkness at night. Sometimes, just after the tank lights go out, a mysterious snail will extend its siphon and move to the surface for some air. And as active as a Mysterious Snail can be, it’s not uncommon for it to remain silent and appear inactive for long periods of time.

Mystery Snails are often thought to be slow-moving creatures. For the most part this is true. But there are times when Mystery Snails move very quickly across aquarium panes. Mysterious snails are also known to climb to the top of tanks near the water’s surface and then suddenly let go of the surface and quickly fall freely to the bottom of the tank. On a few occasions when this free fall occurs, they simultaneously release a few large air bubbles from under their shells on the way down. On other occasions, they don’t fully detach their foot from the glass. Instead, it just loosens its foot a bit and quickly slides down the glass while maintaining a bit of control on the way down.

Mystery Snail Care Issues

Mystery Snail care is fairly easy and straightforward, making this species a good choice for beginners. However, there are a few maintenance aspects to consider:

Mystery Snails Can Escape: Mystery Snails are skilled escape artists. They are very good at finding ways out of the tank. It is important for hobbyists to count snails regularly to ensure all snails are accounted for. Escaped Mystery Snails can die of dehydration or be injured if they fall out of the tank. Therefore, it is very important to cover a tank as much as possible. If there’s even the slightest gap in coverage, chances are a Mystery Snail will find it.

Tank Size: Another Mystery Snail maintenance issue concerns tank limitations. The boundaries of a tank are primarily determined by aquarium dimensions, water volume and surface area. It’s common for a new hobbyist to add a few mysterious snails to an aquarium as the “aquarium cleaning team.” While Mystery Snails can do a good job of keeping the aquarium clean, like other living organisms they also contribute to the aquarium bioburden. In this way, a Mystery Snail is just like any other tank dweller. They feed on the tank and produce waste in it.

A Mysterious Snail must be in an established aquarium of sufficient size and water volume to support its needs. So avoid overstocking and observe the general rules of fish counting. Like most other snails, a mystery snail can thrive in a small established tank such as a 5 or 10 gallon aquarium. They can also do well in larger established aquariums.

Water parameters and tank conditions

Water Conditions: Mystery Snails can thrive in a variety of aquarium water conditions. Avoid sudden changes in temperature and water parameters as instability can be stressful for snails. The aquarium should be stable, passable and set up before adding snails. The tropical community aquarium range is a safe bet. Mysterious snails also seem to like moderately agitated, clear, oxygen-rich water. A mysterious snail also seems to adapt to environments with slower-flowing, murky water. But for aesthetic reasons, many hobbyists like to keep Mystery Snails in aquariums with clear water.

Aquarium pH: 7.0 – 7.5

Water Temperature: 68 – 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hardness & Minerals: On the hard side.

Lighting: Normal pool lighting.

Ammonia and nitrite levels should be 0 ppm. Regular partial water changes must be used to prevent the nitrate level from building up. Plant fertilizers, tank medications and treatments can be problematic as Mystery Snails can be sensitive to their ingredients. This applies in particular to additives containing copper. Copper can be deadly.

A Mysterious Snail prefers to be kept in hard-side aquarium water, with sufficient calcium levels to maintain healthy shells and proper growth. Cracked, thin, or excessively pitted skins can be signs of calcium deficiency. When keeping Mystery Snails it may be a good idea to purchase a calcium test kit as well as a kH test kit. Depending on the results of these tests, regular calcium supplements may be needed. But be careful with pH shifts.

Avoid danger

Place Mystery Snails Right Side Up: An often overlooked maintenance issue with Mystery Snails involves adding a snail to a tank. It’s best to lay the slug right side up on the bottom of the tank rather than just drop it in and let it land as it lands. Completely upside down wonder snails often have trouble righting themselves when they come out of their house. A Mysterious Snail opens its lid and tries to stretch out its foot to reach hard surfaces like gravel or substrate. If the Mysterious Slug’s foot cannot reach a hard surface, the slug may not be able to turn right side up. If too much time passes, the Mystery Snail may die. Mystery Snails that are partially on their side seem to work better, but it’s best to make sure the snail is upright when placed in the bottom of the tank.

Filter Intakes: A major Mystery Snail care issue involves the filter intakes. A mysterious snail may be attracted to a strong filter intake looking for something to eat. The danger is that the Mystery Snail will get stuck with its head in the slots. The mysterious snail can cause stress, and her trapped head and body can further complicate matters. Between swelling and drawing water, the snail may not be able to remove itself and may die.

Attempting to rescue Mystery Snails trapped in a filter inlet may further injure or kill the snail. In this situation, it’s best to turn the filter off for a while to see if the slug can wriggle out of trouble. However, the better choice is to avoid the problem in the first place by placing sponge pre-filters over heavy filter inlets before the snails go in.

snail reactions

Sensitivity: Mysterious snails are sensitive to touch and sudden changes in light. Regarding touch, Mystery Snails appear to be able to distinguish between safe touches and unwanted touches. If a snail is eating openly and is touched by an attacker, the snail can react very quickly by folding its body back into its shell, protecting its eyes, and closing its operculum. At the same time, the same snail can be open and hit by another snail and appear unaffected at all.

Another defense reaction is the recognition of danger. The snail will simply let go of whatever it is on and drop to the bottom of the tank, closing its lid on the way down. What makes this behavior in free fall more interesting is how the snail sometimes reacts to sudden bright light. The snail will often detach its foot from the hard surface and fall freely, but not rebound inside its shell and closed lid. Instead, the slug just lands on the tank bottom and resumes its work as if nothing happened. It’s as if the snail can tell the difference between imminent danger from an attacker and just being startled by a sudden bright flash of light.

Mystery Snail Diet, Feeding and Habitat

A mysterious snail seems content to live in a planted aquarium. A mysterious snail is a scavenger, and live plants never allow an aquarium to remain “too clean”. Thanks to the vegetation, there is almost always plenty of food. Shed plant parts accumulate on the bottom of the tank for slugs to eat. The Mystery Snail diet can be based on detritus and debris from this source.

Mystery Snail Diet: A mystery snail diet also includes a wide range of other naturally occurring foods in one tank. Preferred natural food sources can be forms of soft filmy algae that accumulate on slow-growing plant leaves, aquarium glass, and other hard surfaces. They often find sources of algae growing on aquarium panes just below the gravel surface. They will sometimes dig a bit to get to the algae.

Nutritional Supplements and Blanched Vegetables: While naturally occurring food sources are preset, a Mystery Snail diet should also include combinations of groundbait tablets, pellets, fish flakes, and seaweed waffles to ensure a balanced diet. In addition to store-bought foods, a Mystery Snail diet can include washed, softened, blanched vegetables such as green zucchini squash, leaf lettuce, and iceberg lettuce. Every snail is different, so test different veggies to see what works. Generally, if a slug shows no interest in vegetables or supplements after a day or two, remove them from the tank. Leaving uneaten food in the tank can cause water quality problems fairly quickly.

Hardy plants work well

A note on mystery snails and live plants: Some hobbyists say that mystery snails devour live aquarium plants. Because the term “mysterious snail” is sometimes used loosely in pet stores, it’s difficult to know if a particular snail eats live plants. Other factors have to do with the type of plants in the tank and how well the snail is fed. Well-fed Mystery Snails that eat a balanced diet may eat less plants until they are ruined. If a Mysterious Slug is interested in eating plants, this should be less of a problem with hardy, long-lived, hardleaf plants like Anubias Barteri.

On the other hand, soft, tender plants like floating salvinia may be more suitable for consumption. Perhaps it’s the plant that a slug prefers to keep a supply of floating Salvinia in the tank and leave the other plants alone. Different hobbyists have different experiences with Mystery Snails and Plants, so it’s good to ask the seller before buying.

Mystery Snail lifespan & dead snails

The lifespan of a Mystery Snail is about one year. The lifespan can be longer when the water conditions are good and the snail is lucky. One Mystery Snail lifespan issue should be noted: It’s not uncommon for a Mystery Snail to die shortly after being added to a tank. This sudden death can be caused by differences in water parameters or by the stress of being transported from the store.

Dead Mystery Snail: As with other freshwater snails, identifying a dead Mystery Snail is not difficult. The behavior of the snail is a good indicator. If the Mysterious Snail swims in the water longer than usual, lies motionless on the bottom of the pool, is upside down, or is swollen from its shell, carefully remove the snail with a fishing net. Dead snails give off a very strong, repulsive command. If that strong rot smell is present, the snail is dead and should be kept out of the tank. If the smell is not present, place the snail back in the tank, right side up. Should the snail remain in this position longer than usual, check the strong smell again as the snail may die. A dead mystery snail should be removed from a tank as soon as possible to avoid water quality issues such as ammonia spikes.

Mystery Snail Tank Mates: Peaceful

Mystery Snail tankmates are shy, peaceful, non-aggressive freshwater aquarium fish. Tankmates can include freshwater shrimp such as bamboo shrimp, vampire shrimp, amano shrimp, ghost shrimp, and red cherry shrimp. Other aquarium mates can include other freshwater snails such as nerite snails, ramshorn snails, ivory snails, trumpet snails and golden Inca snails. As for the fish, regular, calm aquarium fish can be good choices, as well as bottom feeders and algae eaters like armored catfish and otocinclus catfish.

Goldfish and hard roughs such as Aquarium Crabs, Striped Convicts, Jack Dempsey, Oscars and other cichlids should be avoided. They can attack a Mystery Snail. Stubborn customers can pick at the snail and rip off its eyes, tentacles, or both. Or worse, they can eat the Mystery Snail directly.

As always, if you have any questions about tankmates and compatibility, check with the in-store salesperson to see if any type is good tankmates for a Mystery Snail.

A resource with more information on aquarium snails.

Is my mystery snail dying?

The body will have a pungent, rotting odor if the snail is dead. They are normally odorless, although poor water quality could lead to a bad smell. Pull the foot back gently. The snail is still alive if it retracts its foot back into its shell.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

Warnings Check the snail immediately if you suspect it may be dead. A dead snail floating around in your tank will cause an ammonia spike that could harm the other inhabitants of the tank.

Tips Pack the snail in a plastic bag with water from its aquarium and take it to your local pet store if you are unsure of its status. A member of staff should have no problem determining whether or not the snail is still alive.

More commonly known as apple snails, mystery snails are aquatic pets found in freshwater aquariums. They are generally hardy snails that can often survive in poor quality environments, but like any other pet are susceptible to sudden death from disease or old age. Identifying a dead mystery snail can be difficult as the animals sometimes swim to the surface or are inactive for days. You’ll need a little patience and a keen sense of smell to tell if your snail is dead after about a week of inactivity.

Remove the snail and smell the foot. The foot is the small, flat part just below the body of the snail that serves as the “door” to the shell. The body has a pungent, putrid odor when the snail is dead. They are usually odorless, although poor water quality can result in a bad smell.

Gently pull your foot back. The snail is still alive when it withdraws its foot back into its shell.

Place the snail on a sheet of plastic outside the tank and keep an eye on it. If alive, it will open its shell and after a few minutes start moving in search of water. They have lungs that allow them to breathe out of the water so the snail doesn’t get hurt.

Can you overfeed mystery snails?

You will also put more food in a new tank compared with a tank with algae, plants, and biofilm. You can also tell that your mystery snails are overeating by observing their size. Usually, snails that overeat tends to get fat faster and even becomes difficult to fit in their shell.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

I recently noticed that my mystery snails used up all the veggies a few hours after they put them in the tank. At first I thought he was feeding her less and kept increasing the portion. However, I later found that they were getting really fat and taking longer to get out of their shells. This got me wondering, can mystery snails overeat?

Mysterious snails have a very keen sense of smell and will pounce on food as soon as it is placed in the tank. The mysterious snails’ scavenging trait can cause them to overeat and become oversized. When plenty of food is available, especially calcium-rich foods, they tend to overeat.

Too much feeding causes the mysterious snail to get very fat too quickly to fit in its shell. It will be a while before the mysterious snail has enough shells to fit properly. They also release a lot of bioload and you have to clean the tank more often.

What do mysterious snails eat?

Before you take the big step of getting a new pet, you need to research the type of food the pet eats. Likewise, before adding mystery snails to your aquarium, you should know what to feed them. Mysterious snails are omnivores in nature (they can feed on both plants and meat) and use the radula (tongue-like organ) to eat.

The radula has a thousand microscopic teeth for scraping up plant matter. Mysterious snails naturally love to feed on algae, dead plants and biofilm. They also feed on vegetables such as zucchini, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers and spinach. In addition, they also feed on algae waffles, fish flakes and pellets. Mysterious snails need calcium to keep their shells strong.

Point to note

Although mysterious snails are scavengers, feeding them any type of food can harm them. For example, plants in the onion family like garlic, onions, shallots, leeks, and chives can kill mysterious snails.

You should also avoid feeding your mystery snails processed foods like pasta, rice, bread, and millet. Salt and sugar products should also be avoided. Finally, avoid foods and medicines that contain copper, as copper is toxic to invertebrates. Always check the ingredients before buying.

How do you know the mysterious snail is eating too much?

Just like a baby, you need to watch your mysterious snail’s eating habits. Different mystery snails have different feeding habits and the amount they ingest also varies. For a mysterious snail, you can drop a lettuce leaf or a tablespoon of fish food and see how much is used up after a day. If it’s ready earlier, you can add a portion.

Larger mystery snails eat more than small ones. So you should be careful not to undercut them. They will also put more food in a new tank than in a tank with algae, plants and biofilm.

You can also tell if your mystery snails are overeating by observing their size. Normally, snails that overeat tend to get fat faster and even become difficult to fit into their shell. You should worry if your mysterious snail doesn’t move fully.

How often should Mysterious Snails be fed?

Mysterious snails eat a variety of foods, including algae and dead plants. How often mystery snails need to be fed is determined by the following factors.

The size of the puzzle snail: A larger puzzle snail will obviously eat more than the small ones. The number of mysterious snails in the aquarium: the higher the number of mysterious snails in the aquarium, the more food is laid. The Tank: As mentioned, if your tank has algae, plants, and biofilm, you will put less food in it as the mysterious snails will feed on that too.

It is advisable to feed your mystery snails daily and not feed them all at once; add them after they’re done instead. This way you can monitor their eating habits and prevent them from overeating.

How long can Mystery Snails go without food?

It is known that some species of snails can survive for a long time without food. Take the examples of the giant African land snail and a milk snail. The African land snail can survive without food for more than five months. The milk snail can also survive up to two weeks without food. It is also known that snails go without food during hibernation.

The mysterious species of snail can also go without food for some time. In an uncomfortable environment, the mysterious snail stays in its shell for two to three days without moving or eating. A typical mysterious snail also sleeps for thirteen hours and then begins to move and eat for the next thirty hours.

Basically, a mysterious snail can go a week without food. If your aquarium has fish and plants, it will feed on algae, dead fish, and dead plants. In the absence of the above, it eats live plants. However, if your tank has nothing to feed on; it will starve to death in about two weeks.

Although mystery snails can go a week or two without food, that doesn’t mean they aren’t hungry, and you shouldn’t wait a week or a few days before feeding them. A mysterious snail is like any other pet and should be cared for and fed regularly.


Pets are like babies, and sometimes we need to be careful about how much and what we feed them. When too much food is available, they overeat, develop bloated stomachs, and gain unnecessary weight. Underfeeding, on the other hand, also causes them to grow slowly due to insufficient nutrients.

Mysterious snails are no different, and they can overeat, too. A snail should eat about ten percent of its weight. It would help if you also feed your wonder snail foods that are high in calcium so that they can grow their shell.

Can snails starve to death?

Starvation is really the most common cause of snail death in a peaceful reef. Hermits will also kill them for shells if there isn’t enough extras provided.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

I have a few months old tank (9) with quite a large number of snails, crabs and algae eating fish (2 tangs, 2 blennies and an angelfish).

In the last few months my tank has become increasingly sterile (NO3=0.00-0.50) and saw practically nothing growing on rocks, sand or glass. I put out seaweed sheets for fish to eat twice/week, but for a few weeks I’ve also been seeing snails eating off the bell (if they come on time).

Also, as I know from the past, most snails are nocturnal, but recently mine are active all day/night.

Last week I saw a dead snail on sand. I found another one yesterday. I haven’t lost a snail in the last 9 months but have now lost 2 in less than 2 weeks.

There is a possibility that they will starve???

Do snails have to be starved to eat them?

Snails that are at least a week from the water are usually safe, but otherwise, you’ll effectively have to starve them for as long as seven to 10 days.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

From French snail recipes to Greek favorites like bourbouristi (deep-fried snails to pop), all fresh snail recipes require that the main ingredient be cleaned and prepared for cooking. Luckily, cleaning fresh snails for cooking is a relatively easy process.

Although snails are typically associated with France, Greece has around 700 different species of snails across the country that love to eat! In fact, the town of Vlaheronitisa on the Greek island of Crete hosts a snail festival every first Saturday in August, during which residents and visitors alike can eat as many of the local garden snails as they like.

No matter what type of snail you eat, there’s a lot to like about them — they’re healthy, nutritious and delicious, low in carbs and fat, and even considered by some to be an aphrodisiac and antidepressant.

A word on fresh fresh snails

Depending on where you bought the snails, they may have been bred for sale or fed a special diet of vine leaves, which is good since their preferred diet in nature doesn’t always match the human digestive system. If you bought a fresh catch rather than a batch from a fish market, ask the vendor when it was harvested so you have an idea of ​​when the snails last fed.

Snails that are at least a week away from the water are usually safe, but otherwise you’ll have to starve them out for seven to 10 days.

Alternatively, you can feed them something human-compatible to remove the toxic old food from their system, like bits of lettuce, apples, flour, bran, or grape leaves – your goal is to remove all traces of their natural diet from them before They cook and eat them.

After enough time has passed, place the snails in a pot of cold water with a little salt and a touch of vinegar where their droppings will leave them, and you can then proceed with the following cleaning steps.

Granted, this isn’t a task for someone with a sensitive stomach or a fondness for all animals, whether they’re in shell or fur, but you can skip this prep step unless you harvested your own snails or straight from the boat Bought .

The Spruce Eats / Chelsea Damraksa

How to properly prepare fresh snails

It takes you about 30 minutes to clean and prepare 50 snails for cooking, which should be enough to serve eight to 12 people, depending on the snail recipe you’re making. However, all you need to get started is a large pot or pan, a sharp knife and 50 snails. Then follow these simple steps:

Use a sharp knife to remove the membrane covering the opening in the shell. Place the snails in a large pot or pan and fill with plenty of fresh water. Throw away any snails swimming at the top. Pick up two to three snails at a time and rub them with your fingers. Set them aside and continue with two or three more, working your way through the entire batch. Discard the water after the snails have been cleaned in this way once. Fill the pot with fresh, clean water and repeat the process. Rinse snails well. Enjoy them in your favorite recipe!

What do I do with dead mystery snails?

What to do with a Dead Snail. The first thing to do when you notice a dead snail is to remove it from the tank and replace the water immediately. The guts of the snail will decompose rapidly a few hours after death, but the shell will not decompose until it is crushed.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

Have you ever raised a snail and then been unsure how to tell if it’s alive or dead? This article tells you how to tell the difference and what you should do if you find out the snail is dead.

How do you know if a snail is dead? You can tell if a snail is dead by tapping it multiple times. If it doesn’t respond, it’s probably dead. Likewise, a dead snail smells pretty bad, even if it’s only been dead for a few minutes. When a slug stinks, you know it’s dead.

Land snails usually leave a trail of slime when gliding. They feed primarily on green leaves, including spinach and lettuce.

You can also check out this snail combo on Amazon.

Is my snail dead or just sleeping?

Are you ever confused and wondering if your snail is sleeping or dead? Snails hibernate for several days at a time. You can sit in the same spot and stop sucking on the walls of the tank.

If your snail hasn’t moved after 2 days, consider the smell test. If the snail doesn’t stink, it’s probably alive. You might want to nudge it a few times to see if it moves.

If your snail’s foot is attached to the filter or some other component in the tank, it’s alive. If your snail is curled up in its shell and stuck to something in the tank (and not just stuck somewhere), then it’s alive. But if the body floats freely out of the shell, the snail is dead.

Perhaps the only way to be really sure if your snail is alive or dead is to physically examine it. Gently pull it up, and if the body slowly withdraws into the shell, then it’s alive. However, do not remove the snail from the tank for too long because if it dries out too much, it will die.

Occasionally, freshwater snails in an aquarium will look dead and remain dormant for several days. Sometimes the snail can even swim to the top of the tank – this is due to excess air in its lungs. A gentle nudge should bring the snail back to an active state.

You can also tell if a snail is still alive by looking at its trapdoor. This remains closed as long as the snail lives. But if its trapdoor is open, it will be dead.

What happens when a snail dies?

If the snail’s body is no longer in its shell or if the body hangs out of the shell and does not move, then the snail has died. Make sure you remove a dead snail from the aquarium as soon as possible to prevent the spread of disease.

Contrary to popular belief, snails are integral to their shells and will not crawl out of their shells when they die – although their bodies may fall out.

The first noticeable sign that your snail has died is the smell. The smell gets stronger in the first 24 hours after death. The snail will also fall to one side.

What to do with a dead snail

The first thing to do when you notice a dead snail is to remove it from the tank and replace the water immediately. The snail’s intestines will quickly decompose a few hours after death, but the shell will not decompose until crushed.

Removing a dead snail from the tank must be done very carefully, especially when there are other snails in the tank. Before removing the dead snail, it is important to first transfer any remaining live snails to a separate basin of clean water.

Then remove the dead snail and completely change the water in the tank. This will help reduce the risk of any disease spreading to the live snails.

Mysterious snail suddenly dies

Sometimes a mysterious slug will retreat into its shell for a few days. This is normal – it will do this to escape everyday challenges. But when a Mysterious Snail is out of its shell and completely inactive, the snail is definitely dead.

A Mystery Snail decomposes very quickly. This can pollute the water and harm the health of other aquatic animals and plants.

Other ways to tell if a snail is dead

Sometimes a snail can be dormant and withdraw into its shell unless conditions are very favorable. In most cases, the warmer the water, the more active the snail becomes. As the water temperature cools, the snail slows down.

For this reason, simply poking the snail shell cannot definitively confirm whether it is alive or not. You just have to keep smelling it. If a snail is dead, it also falls out of its shell after a slight shaking.

Holding the snail against a lightbulb is another way to tell if it’s dead or alive. You can actually see through the shell if you hold it up to a lightbulb. If the inside of the snail has shrunk inside the shell, then it’s dead.

If a snail doesn’t respond to your touch, you may want to place it in a small, clean container of fresh water. If the snail is not active even after changing the environment, it is probably dead.

What else you should know about Mystery Snails

Mysterious snails are freshwater snails and are found in many parts of the world. They prefer damp, wet, shady forests and groves. With proper care, captive snails can live up to 3 years and reach their full adult size.

Snails prefer to live in water temperatures between 25°C and 30°C. The rate at which the snails grow slows down when they are 8 months old. In the first 8 months, a snail can grow between 0.21 mm and 0.25 mm per day. Thereafter, their growth rate slows to 0.11 mm to 0.13 mm per day.

Snails are herbivores by nature and will consume all types of edible vegetables.

Important tips and ideas for protecting your snail in the tank

Avoid fish! As a beginner, try not to raise snails in the same tank as fish. A variety of fish species are known to eat smaller snails.

Make sure you are raising snails of the same type and species. Don’t overcrowd the tank with too many snails, as this can quickly spread disease.

When choosing a tank for raising snails, you need to consider the maximum number of snails you will be raising. If you are raising 1 or 2 snails, consider a tank that holds at least 1.8 gallons.

If you are raising 6-9 snails, your tank should be at least 4.4 gallons. A 22 gallon tank is needed for 20 to 50 snails. If you want to breed snails, consider a minimum tank size of 40 gallons.

Be sure to dechlorinate your clean freshwater by letting it sit for about 24 hours. Do not use additives in the water, instead use recommended organic starters, beneficial bacteria and heavy metal removers.

Make sure the pH is between 7 and 7.5. Make sure you test the pH of the aquarium water every day to maintain proper ammonia and nitrate levels.

Get this aquarium water test kit, it’s really helpful!

Snails prefer a substrate of gravel and gravel rather than sand – but make sure the gravel and gravel are smooth with no sharp edges.

Avoid using natural red and orange rocks in the aquarium as they contain higher levels of copper which can be highly toxic to snails.

Make sure the pebbles and gravel are rinsed thoroughly before adding them to the tank.

Don’t feed your snails right away – leave them in their new environment for up to 8 hours before feeding them. Slugs can be fed cooked vegetables such as blanched carrots, cabbage, cucumber, broccoli, zucchini, spinach, and cauliflower.

Snails are slow eaters so it’s really important not to overfeed them. Snails should be fed no more than once or twice a day, and anything not eaten from the previous meal must be removed from the water early the next morning.

Snail feces can raise the pH of the water significantly, which can trigger serious diseases that can quickly kill an entire population of snails.

What is a mystery snails favorite food?

Please take a look at them and their benefits to mystery snails. Algae is the favorite food of these humble snails. Remember, they can get them both in water and on land. It gives their body more minerals and vitamins.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

Have you ever thought of having mysterious snails in your home? But what are you going to feed these snails to keep them growing and safe?

Well, here we will look at what mysterious snails eat. So you don’t have to worry as much about what and when to feed them in your home.

But we’ll also focus on what these tiny animals eat in the wild. It will guide you to know the things you like.

There is a wide variety of foods that we have put together to help you feed them. But before we get into the foods, let’s start with the habits and biology of the mysterious snails.

Habits and biology of mysterious snails

Before you think about bringing these snails into your home, you should know how they live and behave. It doesn’t matter where they are; The behavior and body of the mysterious snails remain the same. So read on to see the habits of mysterious snails.


These snails are not very different from typical snails. But some things are unique to mystery snails. Below are the behaviors of these snails.

In the wild, Mysterious Snails like to be in places with more fresh water with dead matter and algae. These places can be ponds, fast-flowing rivers, and even swamps.

In addition, these little animals are very social. It doesn’t matter where you get them.

They are friendlier to the snails of their own kind. In addition, these animals will become good friends with you if you continue to take good care of them.

Mysterious snails are never aggressive. You will always be friendly. Even if a fish attacks them, these snails can only defend themselves by hiding in their shells.

Also, don’t expect them to fight if you keep them together in an aquarium. These animals have no social levels in their groups. It shows how much they love peace.

Sometimes they do more things than eat and sleep. Keep in mind that if you keep them in an aquarium, they have fun sleeping positions.

Don’t be alarmed if you see the following in a single line. This habit shows that mysterious snails like to be social with each other.

The snails tend to move on a water surface during dark hours. Well, it’s supposed to allow them to suck in some air to breathe.


After looking at how they behave in an aquarium and in the wild, let’s look at how these animals live. So read to learn more about their biology.

Mysterious snails are the less harmful members of the snail family. So expect them to be lovely pets. But don’t confuse them with the larger and much more destructive ones called the channeled apple snail.

Mysterious snails have beautiful bodies. So you have many styles and colors. These colors include yellow, white, black, and brown.

Some are also solid color. Others have patches as colors. Remember that these colors are at their best when they are healthy and on an excellent diet.

The body size of the mysterious snails is small. Expect a mature one to be around 2 inches in length.

If you look at them in an aquarium, they have a shell diameter of about 2 inches. Remember, just because a mysterious snail has a large shell doesn’t mean it’s always healthy. Under normal and benign conditions, expect these snails to live about two to three years.

These tiny snails like to stay deep in the water. But the females come to the surface to lay eggs at the waterline.

They breathe through gills and lungs. Expect their gills to be fine even if the water speed is fast. They also have an excellent sense of smell.

Here are some fun facts about these tiny snails. In the wild, some fish can eat the eyestalks of these snails. But you can let them grow after a few weeks.

Another fun fact is that these snails cannot stick to one sex. This means they can change their gender over time. This allows them to adapt to different conditions that tend not to suit their gender.

What do mysterious snails eat in the wild?

In the wild, nature tends to feed these snails. They don’t have weird dietary habits and foods. Let’s dig deeper into their eating habits.

eating habits

Puzzle snails are never complicated. Below are some of the behaviors these snails exhibit while eating.

These snails are not picky when it comes to food choices. So they eat everything that gets in their way.

Being more aquatic, they mainly hang out on aquatic vegetation. These are things like algae.

Sometimes mysterious snails can leave the water and search the land for food. Nevertheless, they prefer vegetation.

In addition, these animals can attack each other in difficult times. The females can eat their eggs. On the other hand, the males can eat each other.

The snails have an organ that looks like a tongue. It’s the radula. They use it to pick up plant matter.

Food eaten by mysterious snails

These snails are open to anything. But what are the foods they eat most of the time in their lives? Please take a look at them and their benefits for mystery snails.

Algae are the favorite food of these humble snails. Remember that you can get them both in water and on land. It gives your body more minerals and vitamins.

These minerals are calcium and iron. The two nutrients help them to have a firm and hard body shell.

Mysterious snails can also eat dead plant matter in the swamps and rivers. These foods give the snails a lot of nutrients and minerals. They can get proteins that help them grow quickly.

They also get minerals from dead plant matter. Minerals lend themselves to the coverings and fluids in the body.

Expect them to eat biofilm in the water as well. It helps them get more energy and protein for growth in their body.

. It helps them get more energy and protein for growth in their body. They can also eat the remains of fish and other invertebrates. The foods contain vitamins, proteins and minerals. These nutrients give them more energy and help them have a strong body.

What do mysterious snails eat as pets?

If you take these animals into captivity, you should give them what they get in the wild. So, here are the foods mysterious snails eat as pets.

You can take dietary supplements. This includes things like flakes. Well, these foods have a lot of minerals like calcium.

Remember in your aquarium; mysterious snails must keep their shells strong. Calcium supplements like Cuttlebone in their water and food will help them.

These snails can eat many calcium-rich vegetables. These include spinach, kale, lettuce, collards, mustard, and beets. With these plants they grow fast and with beautiful colors.

Some of these snails can eat blanched vegetables. These include foods like iceberg lettuce and zucchini squash.

In your tank, these snails can also eat sinking and floating algal wafers. If you eat these foods, your body will have more vitamins and minerals. These are the things that allow them to grow with lots of beautiful colors.

. If you eat these foods, your body will have more vitamins and minerals. These are the things that allow them to grow with lots of beautiful colors. Mysterious snails can also feed on pellets intended for fish. It gives them more energy and lots of other nutrients to help them grow quickly.

. It gives them more energy and lots of other nutrients to help them grow quickly. Waffles and pellets also contribute to a balanced diet. Remember with this type of diet; These snails will live a healthy life. They are also easy to eat because they shred quickly.

You can also give them bloodworms. These foods are more important to mysterious baby snails. It gives them more protein so they can grow fast.

Tips on feeding mysterious snails

After learning what foods to feed these snails, it’s also good to know how to feed them. If you carelessly provide them with food, then you have to reckon with poor health. Read on to see the feeding tips to use.

Sometimes you can give the vegetables to your mysterious snails and they won’t eat everything even after hours. Do not leave these remains in the aquarium. It will reduce the water quality and thus affect the health of these snails. Wash the vegetables well before serving. Make sure you cut them into small pieces. You will have an easy time eating. Make sure you don’t use salt in your snails’ food. It’s something that will cut the snails. Even if the pH of the water in the tank is not appropriate, do not add salt. Remember that the pH of the water in the tank should be around 7. As much as these snails can eat anything, don’t feed them anything with sugar or more acid. It’s a move that can kill your beautiful snails. You can feed them five to six times a week and fast for a day. This law reduces all cases of obesity. So in the end they will be healthy.


If you want to keep these small and humble snails as pets, you should know how they live and what they eat. Otherwise, it will bring you casualties and they will die.

If you choose to keep them, your aquarium will look more beautiful. Well, it’s because of a lot of shell colors.

In the wild, these tiny snails will happily eat any type of algae. At home, give them foods with more calcium to build their shells.

Have you considered having these snails in your aquarium? What do you feed them when you already have them? Don’t hesitate to share your experience with us.

Do mystery snails sleep?

Do Snails Sleep At Night? A snail’s sleep cycle isn’t diurnal – this means that they don’t just sleep at nighttime. Instead, they sleep over a 13 hour period in seven bouts, which can span day and night.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

Famed for their slowness, you might not believe that snails are a particularly interesting group of animals. We’ll try to challenge that view by looking at one of their most unique behaviors: sleep.

We don’t tend to think about other sleeping animals. Many sleep at the same time as humans so you can’t see it, but snails have a more complex process.

They are becoming increasingly popular for home aquariums. Not only do they give fish a different look, but snails are also one of the best algae eaters out there. As more people get snails, more and more people are wondering why they spend so much time sitting still.

We’ll explain how, why and when snails sleep, even covering their hibernation habits. Some of the answers will surprise you!

Overview of snail sleep

Sleep is a big part of our life. It can vary dramatically from animal to animal, and snails in particular have a unique system. They are famous for being one of the slowest creatures in the animal kingdom, even when active they sit still most of the time.

If you keep freshwater snails at home, you may have noticed prolonged periods of inactivity. Some people assume the worst and think their pets are dead, but they’re probably just sleeping.

The way they sleep isn’t as simple as sleeping at night and being active during the day (which most of us do). It’s also different from how fish sleep – most fish are diurnal, like humans.

Sleeping comes with great risk because while we are unconscious we are completely vulnerable. This is more of a problem for wild animals who have to deal with nearby enemies.

Fish can regulate their sleep and remain alert, allowing them to react quickly when a predator is nearby. This is not an option for snails because they move so slowly. Instead, they have a shell that provides some sort of protection until they wake up.

As less complex organisms than us, snails are less dependent on sleep. This means that their patterns and habits are very different.

How do snails sleep?

You can sleep practically anywhere. A sticky slime allows them to climb over any surface in the tank. This slime serves to keep them in place while they sleep. This allows snails to sleep in any position – sideways or even upside down.

They carry their homes on their backs for protection, so they can sleep where they happen to be (decor, tank walls, leaves, or the ground). Your bed is where you want it.

In a well-established tank, some individuals will begin to show a personality by choosing a favorite spot to roost and returning regularly. Once settled, they relax their foot and tentacles, which retract slightly. The shell hangs away from the body.

Much of their sleep occurs during the day. They are more active at night to avoid the intensity of sunlight.

A sleeping snail can often look like a dead snail, so don’t be too quick to grieve.

One of the main concerns for owners is seeing their snails swimming on the surface of the water. Sometimes air can enter the shell of a live snail; This makes it buoyant and rises through the water. Some marine species intentionally use bubbles to hover and wait for prey.

To check if a snail is alive, carefully remove it from the water. Signs of death include an empty shell, a foul odor, lack of response to touch, and an open trapdoor on the snail’s body.

How long do snails sleep?

Snails sleep very differently from other aquatic creatures. Most fish are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and sleep at night, but snails have no daily routine.

Instead of a 24-hour sleep cycle, a snail’s sleep cycle lasts 2-3 days.

Research has shown that snails sleep in seven small bouts for over 13 hours. After that, there is a 30-hour period in which they are active.

If a snail loses sleep for one reason or another, it appears to be able to carry on as normal until its next set of seven fits.

Because of hibernation, snails can sleep for a very long time. It is reported that this can take up to 3 years! Few species actually hibernate that long and are very unlikely to be seen at home.

Do snails hibernate?

Hibernation is common in mammals, especially rodents. It’s a process typically used to get through the winter when temperatures are low and food is scarce.

It works by reducing metabolic activity to conserve energy when food is scarce. Body temperature is lowered, breathing slows, and heart rate decreases. In the wild, freshwater snails overwinter in this way, falling into a deep dormancy during the winter until water temperatures rise again in spring.

Snails are less likely to overwinter in your aquarium as temperatures generally remain constant. You can trigger their natural hibernation behavior by lowering the temperature of your tank during the winter, but it’s not necessary.

If you think they are hibernating, put less food in the aquarium as they require less energy. Monitor the food. If it disappears quickly add more, if it ends up sitting on the bottom of the aquarium add less.

Some animals enter a state called “aestheticization.” This is practically the same as hibernation, but during the summertime. The metabolic rate is lowered to allow the animal to hide from the dangers of high temperatures that could dehydrate a snail.

Aestheticization is common in terrestrial snails, but not in aquatic snails (since water can help cushion high summer temperatures).

Other fun facts about freshwater snails

Not only do snails sleep differently, they also mate differently with fish. Most snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. However, they still need to mate to mate so their eggs can be fertilized. To move, snails use a “foot”. This is a muscular organ that is constantly expanding and contracting. The foot has a special gland that secretes mucus. The slime acts as a lubricant and glue, allowing the snail to move across a surface while also adhering to the surface. The way snails breathe can vary from species to species. Some, such as gang snails, use gills to extract oxygen from the water. Snails have thousands of teeth for eating, which together form the radula. A single radula might have 120 rows of 100 teeth each. This is an effective cutting/scraping tool when feeding. The southeastern United States is home to the most species, but they can be found all over the world. Another hotspot is Lake Tanganyika in Africa. They don’t have ears, but they have good eyesight to compensate for their lack of hearing. The largest freshwater species is the apple snail (Pomacea maculata), which reaches 6 inches. That’s nothing compared to the African giant land snail (Achatina achatina), which measures a whopping 15.5 inches when fully extended. There are approximately 5,000 species of freshwater snails that live in lakes, ponds, and rivers around the world. All of these are gastropod molluscs and most fall into the subclass Pulmonata.

Frequently asked questions about snail sleep

Do snails sleep at night?

A snail’s sleep cycle isn’t daily—that means they don’t just sleep at night. Instead, they sleep in seven bouts, which can span day and night, over a 13-hour period.

Can snails sleep upside down?

Yes. Snails can sleep sideways or upside down, pretty much anywhere they can find a firm footing. However, they can become detached if disturbed.

How long do snails sleep?

Normally, sleep is short (seven separate sleep periods within 13 hours), but can be much longer during hibernation. To protect itself from the cold and save energy, a snail can hibernate for up to 3 years.

However, this duration is species-dependent, common aquarium species do not hibernate for nearly as long.


Humans don’t tend to think about the complexity of animals. When we observe them, we take simple things like their sleep for granted. When we stop to think and ask questions (how do fish drown?), the answers are both interesting and surprising.

Now that snails are a common sight in home aquariums, more and more people are realizing how interesting they are. The way they sleep is different from both the fish you keep them with and us humans.

Your sleep cycle is particularly strange. This cycle is fully ramped up in winter when hibernation is needed to escape low temperatures and lack of food.

If you keep snails at home, chances are you’ve seen these strange sleeping habits.

Now that you know how snails sleep, there’s still a lot more to learn about these unique creatures.

Do your snails have interesting sleeping habits? Let us know what you saw in the comments below…

Why is my mystery snail floating?

Mystery snails can float at the surface of the fish tank if they are not comfortable with the water parameters. The floating is an escape mechanism they’d use in the wild to get away from pollution. If that is the case, you will see them continuously trying to either escape the aquarium or to hang out of their shell.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

Writing is hard work: if you order through links on my site, I may or may not earn a small commission.

If you own a spike-tipped apple slug, you know they can act mysteriously.

You will eventually witness a mystery snail hovering around for hours or days, sometimes even hanging out of its shell. This can happen either at the top of the aquarium or in the middle of the water column. But is it dead? Or is that another weird character trait?

It’s important to know what to do if you notice your aquarium snail swimming lifelessly back and forth, as this may indicate problems with the water in the tank.

Why is my aquarium snail swimming?

Mysterious snails are known for their unusual behavior, especially when it comes to escaping the aquarium without a trace or their acrobatic tricks, such as jumping off the tank walls.

However, most aquatic snails can occasionally stay afloat.

Confirmed reports that I am aware of include not only apple snails, but also ramshorn and bladder snails.

That being said, here are the most common reasons your aquarium snail might be swimming:

An aquarium snail can swim to the top of the aquarium due to a sudden change in water parameters. The snail intentionally traps air in its shell and levitates away to change location. Another reason for drifting can be the search for food on the water surface. In some cases, if the hovering lasts longer than a few days, it can be an indication that the snail is sick or even dead.

1. It is stressed by a change in water parameters.

By Danielramirezzzz

Mysterious snails can swim on the surface of the aquarium if they are not happy with the water parameters.

Swimming is an escape mechanism they would use in the wild to escape pollution.

If that’s the case, you’ll see them constantly trying to either escape from the aquarium or to hang themselves out of their shell.

Both reflect their survival instincts and, unable to do anything about the water quality, try to drift away with the current.

Usually, a snail will swim right after a large water change or when it has just been introduced into the aquarium.

This happens because the snail is somewhat stressed by the sudden change in water parameters.

Most often, the parameter causing the stress is either the temperature or the pH of the water.

2. It was poisoned by copper from a fertilizer.

Some aquarium plant fertilizers may contain copper.

Small amounts of copper are beneficial for plant growth in the aquarium, but in higher doses it is deadly to invertebrates such as snails or shrimp.

If you accidentally put an aquarium fertilizer with copper in the aquarium, your snail was probably poisoned.

Snails can swim when they are sick or dying. A good indication that an aquarium snail might be ill is if the creature hangs out of its shell without trying to hold on to anything.

In this case, you should immediately move him to a pool with crystal clear water.

Another sign that the snail is being poisoned by something is prolonged hovering for days or even weeks.

Note that some aquarium plant fertilizers contain copper in an invertebrate safe range. Learn more.

3. It wants to change location.

From Zytria

Aquarium snails are generally known to be slow species, but sometimes they use a little trick to move faster from one place to another.

Some snails, like the mystery snail, which is a type of apple snail, can hold air in their lungs and this is just natural behavior for them.

When its shell closes sharply, a small amount of air gets caught in the form of a bubble.

You use it to levitate to another location.

As soon as they open their shell and the air escapes, they sink.

Sometimes they close their shells due to aggressive tankmates or a heavy filtration system.

This type of behavior is normal for them and is the most common reason you see them floating around the aquarium while they are alive and well.

You can do it fairly regularly.

Such behavior can also be observed in smaller species of aquatic snails such as bladder snails and sometimes ramshorn snails.

Keeping air in their shell is a conscious choice snails make when they want to hover.

4. It looks for food on the water surface.

When your small-shelled friends are hungry for a film of protein, they can embark on a swimming quest for food.

They will intentionally swim to the top of the aquarium and stick to the water surface upside down.

If the aquarium is well set up with some fish and some live plants or algae, snails will have enough food sources.

However, if you have a new aquarium or your existing one is populated mostly with snails, you will often see them swimming on the water surface eating a thin surface film.

The film itself is made up of food debris and proteins derived from living plants.

This film is harmless to aquatic snails and other aquarium inhabitants and is also a wonder snail’s favorite snack.

5. It died of old age.

By Katea0608

Aquarium snails swim when they die of old age.

If you haven’t taken care of yours since it was a baby, the fish store may have sold you an older snail.

Mysterious snails, for example, live for about a year under normal aquarium conditions. Immaculate water quality can extend their lifespan, but that rarely happens.

A snail will often start swimming just a few hours after being placed in a new aquarium.

Wait a bit and rule out the possible shock from the change in water parameters before concluding that the snail is dead.

What to do to get your aquarium snail back to normal?

First of all, you need to be sure you know what is causing the levitation.

Check the water parameters and aquarium conditions.

Test the levels of ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. I prefer using a liquid test kit as it is more accurate than the strips in my experience. Nitrite and ammonia levels should both be 0. Author’s Note: Here is a step-by-step process to follow if you are looking to lower high levels of ammonia in your aquarium, if this is the case. Anyway, to properly assess your aquarium’s water parameters, use something like API’s Liquid Master Test Kit. Keep nitrate levels low by regularly changing between 15 and 25% of the aquarium water. The ideal aquarium pH for most aquatic snails is between 7.0 and 7.5. Water temperature is best appreciated when it is in the 75 to 85 degree Fahrenheit (23.8 to 29.4 C) range. Snails can also be very sensitive to medication in the aquarium. If you have a sick fish in the aquarium, isolate it in a separate hospital tank and treat it there. Aquarium snails are fairly peaceful species, so look for tankmates with a similar temperament. Aggressive roommates can stress snails and cause them to flee the tank. Avoid freshwater fish or creatures known to consume snails to reduce snail stress. Check your snail’s diet and food.

If your snail spends a lot of time swimming upside down at the surface of the aquarium or eating the surface film, it may need more food. I’ve heard people claim that aquarium snails eat the waste produced by the other inhabitants of the aquarium. However, that is not true. Most aquatic snails primarily eat algae, living plant matter, and leftover fish food. Having snails in the aquarium doesn’t mean you’re relieved of the cleaning job. Relying solely on freshwater snails to clean up fish waste is dangerous for any aquarium animals you have as ammonia levels can rise very quickly. If you don’t have any plants or algae in the tank, you can feed your snails small pieces of simple algae wafers like these. Feeding snails once a day is enough. For better nutrition, you can also feed them blanched vegetables like iceberg lettuce and green zucchini squash. Help him manually. If you’ve already checked the above but your little friends are still floating, consider helping them manually. Handle them carefully and place them in a place where they can attach their muscular foot, such as the tank’s wall glass. However, you don’t need to rescue your snails every time they get air into their shells, as it is not dangerous to them. I know some snail owners who even say they are confident that their pet snails swim just for fun.

How do I know if my snail is dead?

The surest way to tell if a snail is swimming because it has died is to examine it closely and smell it.

The biggest sign that a snail is dead is a bad odor emanating from its shell.

You can also gently touch his muscular foot a few times.

If you see the body closing in the shell, the snail is alive and well.

If the body isn’t moving or is hanging out of the shell, the snail is likely dead.

If you are sure that your snail is dead, you must remove it from the aquarium as soon as possible.

A partial water change is probably necessary, otherwise you endanger the health of the other water dwellers.

It might not be as bad as it seems

Watching an aquarium snail swimming here and there in the aquarium is entertaining.

However, if this happens frequently, then you need to check if there is a problem in the aquarium.

Check the water parameters, temperature, food availability and tank friends.

If everything seems fine, then accept that your mystery friend could have some fun as part of his whimsical nature.

Sharing is caring!

How often does a snail eat?

A good starting place is to feed aquatic snails as much food as they can consume in about 3 minutes, twice daily. Some snail species may need additional food sources, such as fish food or bottom feeder tablets.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

They didn’t eat the food I gave them. I fed them grass that I thought they were eating. I stressed My snails would starve. I read this article and it helped me. I’ve only had my snails for 2 hours! I already love wikiHow. Now I have healthy little snails!”


“When I got my garden snails, I had no idea how to feed them. I practiced feeding wild snails for about ten minutes.

What happens when a snail dies?

When a snail has passed, the aquarium snail’s body will shrink, making the shell look dull. Also, the snail will no longer hold on to its shell, which means that the snail could fall out of it. All these signs are indicators the water snail sadly has passed away. Carefully pull on the trapdoor of a snail.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

I love keeping snails in my aquarium and remember the first time one of them didn’t move for a long time. I was inexperienced and wondered if the snail was dead or just sleeping. After some research, I found out that you can easily tell if a water snail is still alive.

Sniff the snail’s shell Check for obvious causes of death Pull gently on the snail’s trapdoor Move the snail to a new environment Check to see if the snail retreats

Take the aquarium snail out of the aquarium and smell the shell. Dead snails quickly begin to decompose, producing ammonia, which has a pungent and intense odor. When the snail is alive, it smells of nothing in particular. Other signs are broken or empty shells.

In theory, it’s that simple! Dead snails smell strong, so make sure you know how to handle them. It’s important that you learn some of the basics about aquarium aquatic snails as it can really put your mind at ease. I’m going to briefly cover everything you need to know to take the best care of your pets!

The 5 ways to tell if an aquarium snail is dead

It’s important not to be too hasty in judging snails. Many snails can sleep late, so it’s easy to get confused.

These 5 methods will help you tell if an aquarium snail is dead. I also recorded a Youtube video where I cover the essentials. I’ll embed it here!

Smell the shell of the snail. The smell test is definitely the first test to try if you suspect your snail may have died. I just told you that snails produce a ton of ammonia when they die because they decompose quickly. Just like many other dead things, they start to smell really bad.

Tip: Measure the ammonia concentration in your aquarium with a liquid-based test kit. So you can see immediately if your other fish are in danger! Test kits are not expensive, check out this ammonia test kit on Amazon.

Be careful when handling a dead snail because (disgusting as it is) parts of a diseased snail can detach from the snail. You don’t want anything on your hands because the unpleasant smell is hard to get rid of.

If the snail doesn’t smell bad and dead, feel free to put it back in the aquarium because it’s not dead. Search for obvious causes of death. Although this method is straightforward, you need to make sure you’ve checked for any obvious causes of death or signs of death. If the snail’s shell is empty, or if the snail falls out and doesn’t respond to you picking up the shell, it’s dead. This also applies to crushed shells.

When a snail has passed by, the aquarium snail’s body shrinks, making the shell look dull. Also, the snail no longer holds on to its shell, which means the snail could fall out. All of these signs are signs that the aquatic snail has sadly passed away. Gently pull on a snail’s trapdoor. There is another way if we are talking about some larger species of snails like mystery or apple snails. You can carefully pull the snail’s trapdoor. If you feel resistance, your snail is still alive.

If the trapdoor opens, your snail has died. Take the snail to a new environment. An effective way to get a slug to show itself is to introduce it to a new environment. Options are another (smaller) aquarium or a plastic container filled with aquarium water. The different water values ​​could make the snail curious and want to explore.

The smell test will do the job in this case too. Check if the auger retracts. If a snail is crawling around, it’s obviously not dead. However, if the snail has left its shell but isn’t moving, it could be dead. Gently tapping on the casing could make it retract, and you can also try to pick up the slug. Very brave snails could stay outside the snail, in which case you can touch its belly, which should trigger a reflex.

When the snail is dead, the snail’s body does not retract and it may even fall out of the shell.

Just like with aquaristics, it is important to closely monitor the behavior of our snails. If you’re unaware of some basic snail patterns, it’s easy to worry. Don’t worry, I’ll update you quickly. The first tip that only takes one sentence: If a water snail is stuck to the glass, an ornament or something else, it’s still alive. Dead snails cannot stick to objects.

If an aquatic snail sticks to glass, an ornament, or something else, it’s still alive

Do aquarium snails swim when they’re dead?

If you’ve kept snails for a while, you know that sometimes they can swim. I’ve also wondered if this is a sign that they’re dead or sick, but most of the time it’s neither.

Floating slugs are not dead. Floating slugs use a technique they often use in the wild to efficiently move to new areas. Snails swim in rivers and streams to take advantage of the water currents. Floating allows them to travel quickly and effortlessly to a new environment.

If your snails swim more often than usual, it could mean they want to be carried by the current to a new environment. Of course, that won’t happen, but it could mean they’re looking for better water conditions or more food. Check their water, do water changes, and find out if they have enough access to food.

The interesting sleeping behavior of aquarium snails

Snails tend to sleep for many hours. Some snails can rest for several days. Most of the time, snails rest after eating and remain inactive until they are hungry again.

There is research that has shown that aquatic snails sleep in 7 bouts over a 13 hour period. After that, they are active again for about 37 hours of activity.

We humans, like many fish in our aquarium hobby, are diurnal. That means they sleep at night and are active during the day. This is not the case with aquarium snails. The best examples are assassin snails (Helena). These snails remain dormant for several days after eating their prey. When hungry again, they become active and search for more food.

Now that you know that, you don’t need to wonder if one of your snails died. Most likely it’s just sleeping.

The lifespan of popular aquarium snails

If you find snails dying, it could just be their natural deaths. If you took good care of her, it’s not your fault. I have compiled a list of the lifespans of the most popular freshwater aquarium snails.

Snail Lifespan in years (approximately) Ramshorn snails 1 year Assassin snails (Helena) 2 years Apple snails 1 to 3 years Mystery snails 1 year Rabbit/elephant snails 1 to 3 years Malaysian trumpet snail 1 year Nerite snails 1 year Pond snails 1 year

What happens when a water snail dies?

When an aquarium snail dies, its body shrinks and the decomposition process begins. A dead snail produces a lot of ammonia in a short time. This could cause a domino effect in an aquarium. The death of one snail could result in the death of another as ammonia is highly toxic to aquatic animals.

I have since explained that a snail that has died decomposes quickly and produces a lot of ammonia. You probably also know that ammonia is toxic to fish and snails in low concentrations, which is why we have a filter that breaks it down.

When your aquarium cannot handle the amount of ammonia, we often speak of an “ammonia spike”.

If a snail suddenly produces a lot of ammonia and causes a spike, your other snails are at risk. It’s important to remove dead snails quickly, because you can imagine what happens when the death of one snail causes the death of another. It will have a domino effect.

Ammonia levels will rise, kill a snail, cause ammonia levels to rise, and so on.

What to do with a dead snail and how to dispose of it

It is important not to get dead snail parts on your hands or anywhere else. A dead snail SMELLS horribly, and the stench is difficult to wash off. Once you’ve removed it from your tank, it’s recommended not to throw the dead snail in the trash because of the stench.

Instead, get a ziplock bag and place the snail in it. Freeze the bagged snail so it doesn’t smell so bad. Once you throw out the trash, take the snail out of the freezer and throw it away.

Check the aquarium after finding a dead snail. Quickly test your water parameters to determine if ammonia is dissolved. If this is the case, do a large water change (40-50%) to help your tank fight the spike.

How to improve the health of your aquarium snails

Many people who enjoy keeping snails tend to keep more than one. If you’re like me, you keep a lot in an aquarium. Unlike fish, many snails consume quite a bit of dissolved calcium to build up their shells.

To supplement calcium, try cuttlebone, available at most pet stores. If you add it right away it will float like a piece of styrofoam which is not our goal. Briefly cook the cuttlefish in boiling water so that it sinks. You will see the effect, it will sink with ease.

Be sure to let the piece of sepia cool after cooking.

Another great way to supplement calcium is by adding goldfish holiday food blocks. These blocks are designed to provide nourishment over a longer period of time. This effect is achieved by containing foods in calcium. The calcium slowly dissolves, exposing the food.

In addition to calcium supplements, your snails need clean water, good filtration, and access to food. But I suppose that’s something you’ve already figured out.

How often should you feed a slug?

Spritz your slug’s habitat with water 2 times a day to provide moisture. Feed your slug fresh fruit or vegetables once a day.

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

set up a little home for him, thanks for the advice in the article!”


“I found a tiny snail on a walk. I think it’s a baby because it’s very small (3/4 inch long). I will do it

What do Mystery Snails Eat – What to Feed Mystery Snails – Mystery Snails Diet

What do Mystery Snails Eat – What to Feed Mystery Snails – Mystery Snails Diet
What do Mystery Snails Eat – What to Feed Mystery Snails – Mystery Snails Diet

See some more details on the topic how long can mystery snails go without food here:

How Long Can Mystery Snails Go Without Food? –

Food is usually enough to last most snails for a few weeks. It was observed that snails could survive without eating for 8 months or more. This …

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Date Published: 11/19/2022

View: 2040

How Long Can Snails Go Without Food – Fun In The Yard

Some species of snails can go an astounding 8 months without food. The Giant African Land Snail can survive up …

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Date Published: 2/3/2021

View: 6825

How Long Can a Snail Go Without Eating? – Animals HQ

Most snails can survive for weeks and up to a couple of months without eating. Scientific studies on snails have shown that specific species can live up to …

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Date Published: 4/21/2021

View: 8143

How Long Can Snails Go Without Food? Up To A Year!

The duration a snail can go without eating varies from species to species. However, on average, most snails can live without food for about a …

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Date Published: 9/29/2021

View: 1667

How long can mystery snails go without food?

Mystery snails can go without food for up to eight days because they can sustain themselves on the algae, vegetation, and biofilm available in the tank. However …

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Date Published: 3/25/2022

View: 6835

How Long Do Mystery Snails Live?(In Captivity & In the Wild)

The snail’s activity and the temperature of the tank plays a major part in decing how long it can …

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Date Published: 1/21/2022

View: 5977

How long can a snail go without eating?

But as to your querry, Snails can survive for up to a week without food. And no, they do not only eat algae. I guess if you starvethem by not …

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Date Published: 2/1/2021

View: 1870

Mystery Snail Not Eating, Why & What To Do About It

How Long Can Mystery Snails Go Without Eating? … Snails are amazingly robust creatures that are capable of overwintering and living for several …

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Date Published: 8/24/2021

View: 7478

How long can snails go without eating? –

Most snails will survive a few weeks without food. The longest time a snail was observed surviving without eating was 8 months. However, this is …

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Date Published: 9/21/2022

View: 4336

How long can a snail go without food? | PetSnails Forum

With the correct long lasting foods and setups mine are happy to be left for up to two weeks, they could probably do longer but i am not happy …

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Date Published: 10/18/2021

View: 822

How Long Can Mystery Snails Go Without Food? –

It is possible for snails to go weeks or even months without food. According to scientific studies, several species of snails can survive up to eight months without food.

Do mysterious snails die easily? A snail can live longer if it is well hydrated and has a good chance of survival. Mystery Snails die shortly after being added to tanks, so it’s important to keep that in mind.

How long can mysterious snails go without water? The body of aquarium snails dries out over time, so they cannot survive long out of water. On land, aquatic snails can only survive for a few hours once released there. Some snails leave the water to feed or lay eggs, but return after a few hours. A snail’s life depends on how wet it is.

Do you have to feed mysterious snails? The species of snail you keep is easy to keep as it requires little maintenance and does not need to be fed separately. It has few unique needs and requires no special care. Their best feature is that they will assist you in cleaning the tank of plant particles and algae.

How long can snails not eat? It is possible for snails to go without food for long periods, maybe even months. It shouldn’t be a problem until your snail has been eating for a few days that you start to worry. It is possible that your snail will eat when you are not around.

How long can mysterious snails rest? Hibernation is a way for snails to sleep late. According to reports, this could take up to three years.

Can snails survive without food? You should eat a good meal and leave her alone for two weeks without worrying about her. These are the most common snails. You can take vegetables out of the fridge, wash them and add them to the salad.

Why are my mysterious snails suddenly dying? The snails in your aquarium are sensitive to high concentrations of toxins in the water. So if you don’t keep up with the changes in the water, your snails and some of your fish could die. In order for snails to survive, they need more than just algae and detritus.

Why are my snails dying? Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are all highly toxic to snails, so they can die if significantly altered. In addition to hard water, they need calcium to survive. Hard water contains calcium, which is needed to keep their shells strong and strong. The snails’ shells turn white and begin to die if they don’t have it.

What do you do when your mysterious snail dies? tips. Dead snails should be removed from the water and discarded immediately.

How long can mysterious snails be out of the water? Whether the snail survives 5 days without water depends on the size and age of the snail. It seems that snails with large heads last longer. In order for them to survive, they must be able to seal themselves, breathe air, and slow their metabolism from hibernation.

Do mysterious snails have to be under water? Mysterious snails don’t breed underwater, so why are they mystery snails because they don’t breed underwater! Basically, you only need to keep your water level about 1.5 inches from the top of your tank. Mysterious snails aren’t asexual either. A Boy Snail and a Girl Snail are used to create Baby Snails.

How often should I feed my mysterious snail? What’s the best time to catch my mystery snail? A registered user. Love the veggies, the veggie and seaweed waffles served with collard greens, broccoli, carrots, romaine lettuce and corydora shrimp pellets. The last few days are usually the only days I feed him.

Do you have to feed snails? Food is one of the most important things your snail needs. Your snail will starve if it doesn’t have enough food, but if it has too much food, its water quality will quickly deteriorate. Plants are often eaten by snails in aquariums.

How do I know if my mysterious snail is getting enough to eat? If your mussel is on one side of the tank for a second and then on the other side a minute later, it may be having trouble finding food, and if it’s wandering around cleaning the tank at night, watch it.

How often should you feed snails? Giving aquatic snails as much food as they can eat in about 3 minutes twice a day is a good start. Fish food or bottom food pellets can be a good food source for some snail species.

What can a snail not eat? It’s not a good idea to feed your land slugs onions, salty foods, citrus fruits or onions – these foods will repel the slug and cause it to lose its food. Fruits such as apples, apricots, grapes, kiwis, mangoes, melons, nectarines, raspberries, and strawberries are safe for snails.

What happens if your snail doesn’t eat? dormant, as in hibernation, if they have been without food for some time, and then they may (but not always) survive for many months, even years, if they have been without food for some time, and then they may (but not always) last for many months , even In one museum there was even a box with a small snail glued to the display (the case was thought to be empty).

How long can snails go without drinking? A pulmonary land snail usually drowns within 24 hours, while an operculate land snail survives much longer in the water if the lid is properly closed. Some operculate land snails, such as Geomelania (Truncatellidae), do not drown but remain submerged indefinitely, for example.

What Do Snails Eat? 11 Amazing Things You Didn’t Know About Snails Food

What a snail eats depends mostly on the species of snail and its habitat. There are thousands of different snail species in the world. In general, the different types of snails can be divided into three categories:

Land Snails – Also called land snails

freshwater snails

Saltwater Snails – Also called sea snails

Most snails, whether terrestrial or otherwise, are herbivores. This means that they only eat plants, vegetables, fruits, etc. Most people know this because they see snails in their garden feeding on leaves and plants. These snails are usually referred to as garden snails.

Other species of snails can be omnivores, meaning they eat plant-based foods but also animal foods. There are also carnivorous snails, meaning they only eat meat.

What do snails eat in the wild?

Different species of snails have different eating habits. A study has shown that not only do they eat a variety of foods, some of the snail species are actually picky about what they eat. Some species will “work” harder to find food they like, and others will be more “lazy” and just eat whatever is around them.

Most snails like to eat different types of green leaves, dead or living plants, fruits and vegetables. Mushrooms, tree bark, and stalks are other types of food they can eat.

Slugs eat eggshells as part of their diet due to the high calcium content in eggshells. They will also eat their own baby eggs in an act of cannibalism.

What can you feed a pet snail?

If you have a pet snail and are wondering what to feed it, the best thing to do is toss different pieces of food into the terrarium and see what it likes. Start with some cucumbers, apples, lettuce, cabbage,

You can choose a mix of fruits, vegetables, and others from the recommendations below. Just make sure you stay away from the foods that they can’t eat and that are dangerous to them.

Being picky about what you eat isn’t the only “human trait” snails can have. Studies show that snails can even get bored of food if they are given the same food over and over again. In addition, other research has shown that snails prefer company when feeding. This research testifies that snails reach for the same pieces of food even though other pieces were available.

The importance of calcium for snails

One of the most important “food ingredients” for snails is calcium. Regardless of whether they consume plants around them or you offer them food, it should contain calcium. If you feed your pet snail and the food does not contain calcium, you can add powdered calcium to the soil.

Calcium helps the snail shells grow and prevents their shells from cracking. A lack of calcium can lead to the development of a thin shell. You can also provide calcium in a feeding trough or bowl.

Snails can get calcium from:

calcium powder

Natural chalk

Ground eggshells

Shells of dead snails


What vegetables do snails eat?

There are many types of vegetables that snails can and will eat. Whether in nature or in the terrarium, the vegetables from the list below can be suitable for most species of snails. The best choices for vegetables are:








What fruits do snails eat?

Similar to vegetables, snails like to eat fruit. This can be a positive thing when trying to feed your pet snail, but it’s also one of the reasons snails are considered pests.

Fruits that slugs eat include:




ripe pears




Solid foods that snails can eat

In addition to fruits and vegetables, most snails also eat other types of food such as:


sunflower seeds

pumpkin seed




What is a snail’s favorite food?

As mentioned earlier, there are many types of snails, which means they can have different types of favorite foods. In general, many snail species prefer cucumbers, apples, lettuce and cabbage.

How long can snails survive without food?

How long a snail can survive without food depends on the species and specific factors of that snail. Most snails survive a few weeks without food. The longest observed time a snail survived without food was 8 months. However, this is very unusual. In most cases, slugs will eat until they are full every day.

How do snails eat?

Snails have a mouth that, due to their unique anatomy, is constructed differently than the mouth of a human or any other animal. Our mouth has two rows of teeth, one on top of the other. Before the food enters our throat, these two teeth grind the food.

Snails’ mouths are called radula and have thousands of very small teeth. They don’t use their teeth to chew. Instead, they scrap the food, turning it into small bits of food that they can swallow.

In addition, snails also have jaws that are used primarily to cut large pieces of food into smaller pieces that can be scraped off by the radula.

How much do snails eat?

Snails eat until they are full. With that in mind, if you keep a pet snail, you don’t have to worry about overfeeding them. You can offer them some food options in their container. Just make sure you replace it before it goes bad.

Most snails eat about 10% of their weight in food in one day. This amount may be increased depending on the condition and as hibernation (winter) season approaches.

What food can slugs not eat?

Snails can be picky eaters, but there are a lot of things they can eat. There are even things they shouldn’t eat but like eating cartons. You should also avoid eating processed foods like pasta, rice, bread, etc. They should also avoid eating foods that contain sugar.

However, there are some things that they must not eat as they can harm them. First on the list is salt. Salt can seriously harm snails. It destroys their body moisture and makes them die quickly.

You should also not eat or try to eat onions and citrus fruits.

Do snails drink water?

Water is essential for every living organism. It keeps you hydrated to get stronger and retain energy. They don’t give snails water to drink. They can get enough water from the food they eat. But more importantly, they get it from their environment. Therefore, the habitat of the snail should be as humid as possible. The snail breeder needs to keep their snail in a very humid environment with 75% – 95% humidity.

If you decide to give your pet snail water, consider offering clean drinking water in a shallow container to limit the risk of drowning. If you are on a good budget, you can install an irrigation system where you kept your snails. These systems have different functions such as spraying water to keep humidity at a suitable level.

What to feed in a snail farm?

Feeding snails at a snail farm differs in many ways from feeding a pet snail or watching what a snail eats in the wild. The main purpose of a snail farm is to get the snails to grow as fast as possible. To do this, you need to provide them with as many of their favorite foods as possible. In addition, you must provide them with the best possible growth environment. Read more about this in the snail farming guide.

When do snails grow and eat?

The feeding time of the snails falls between April and October, this is the time of their growth. Also, their diet is highly dependent on the weather. This is why snails eat a lot on some days and nothing on other days. However, if you want to improve their diet, try moistening the soil to make it easier for the snails to move around.

Although snails love to eat, they become inactive when the atmosphere is extremely hot and dry. Because of this, they are dormant until the weather turns damp and cool. When the time comes, they become active and move along walls, posts or tree trunks.

Snails hibernate in winter. This is the main reason why they overconsume other months of the year. They need to build up a fat reserve that can help them survive hibernation.

In addition, snails stop eating completely during the mating season, usually in mid-June. But that’s no cause for concern. When they lay eggs, they start eating again.

Related article: How do snails reproduce?

When are the snails most active?

You may not have seen extremely active snails during the day. This is because these creatures love dark and humid places. Also, they are most active after the few hours of sunset when the temperature is low and dew is appearing. However, snails seek shelter under plants during the day.

You also need to understand that not every snail has the same pace. Some grow faster while others age. Even if you kept all snails in the same environment and conditions, you would find that some would take twice as long to mature.

Factors to consider for the growth of the snail

Several factors determine the growth of the snails. You need to keep the following things in mind if you want to make your snail healthy and mature.

quality of the food




population density

Also, you must always keep them away from too much touching, noise, vibrating light, unsanitary conditions and irregular feeding.

What do snails eat?

The feeding behavior of snails is very similar to that of snails. Like snails, the diet of snails depended on their species. There are herbivores that eat only plant food. The carnivores who eat meat. The omnivore that can survive by eating both plant and animal foods. There is also the detritivorous type. These can feed on decomposing plants and leaves, dead and rotting animal parts, and feces (ugh). Although they are somewhat gross, they play a huge role in the world’s ecosystem.

Read other interesting articles:

Mystery Snail – Care Guide

Mystery Snails are one of, if not THE, most popular freshwater snails in the aquarium hobby, and with good reason! With their large and colorful carapaces, iridescently marked bodies, and swaying tentacles, they are unique in appearance. Available in a range of colours, these snails make a particularly good decoration for any aquarium, but they are also extremely useful by vigorously removing waste and excess food!


Mysterious Snails are extremely popular for both their stunning colors and practical benefits. They work hard to remove algae from glass, plants and decorations, they eat hair algae and they keep your substrate clean and the right color. Mysterious Snails are completely peaceful, so they are safe to keep with fish, shrimp, or plants. What sets these snails apart from other snail species is their unique breathing and breeding techniques. They can breathe both through their gills and through a tube extending out the front of their body. They extend this tube above the waterline and then move back and forth to suck in the air.

If you search the internet for mystery snails, many results will indicate that they are the same species as apple snails. Our mystery snails are NOT apple snails, although they do resemble them in shape and general appearance. Apple snails are considered an invasive species and owning them is illegal in the United States. Our mystery snails don’t get as big as apple snails (often as big as an apple!).

These are freshwater snails and their adaptable nature makes them suitable for almost any freshwater aquarium. They are very popular for planted and community tanks, and many people use them in large tanks for waste management and algae control.

We sell Mystery Snails in 5 different colors: Golden, Blue, Black, Purple, Ivory White and Albino (with a white body and a striped brown shell).


Pomacea bridgesii


Mysterious snails are among the largest freshwater snails in the hobby, reaching a maximum diameter of 2 inches or more. Some specimens can be about 1 to 1¼ inches in diameter. Most of the mystery snails we ship are very young, ranging from ½ to 1 inch in diameter.

Recommended tank parameters

pH range: 7.6 to 8.4

Temperature range: 68° to 84° F

Water type: kH 12-18; gH 8-18 (mysterious snails work best in hard water)

Owner’s Notes: Snails are very sensitive to copper, so watch out for copper when using tap water in your aquarium. They also need a decent amount of calcium in their water to maintain their shell health, which can be helped by feeding the snails calcium-rich foods (like kale, spinach, and other vegetables), floating a squid bone in the water, or supplements .


Mysterious snails are extremely active feeders, which makes them excellent at clearing aquariums of debris. They are perfectly safe to keep with live plants as long as there is enough food available for them. However, they have been known to eat plants when they get hungry enough. If you give them fish food, you can stop them from eating your live plants. In addition to algae and biofilm, they also eat fish/invertebrate pellets, algae waffles and blanched vegetables such as zucchini, kale, spinach or cucumber. Mysterious snails have a very keen sense of smell and rush to eat as soon as it falls into the water.

Warning! Avoid foods, medicines, or plant fertilizers that contain copper in any form. Copper is toxic to invertebrates. Many commercial fish foods, medicines, and plant fertilizers contain copper, or more commonly, copper sulfate. Always look at the ingredients list for any products entering the aquarium to ensure they are copper free.


Mysterious snails breed using the traditional male and female pairing, and they’re quite adept at figuring out how to reproduce themselves. If you want to encourage your mystery snails to breed, we recommend lowering the water level in your tank 3 or 4 inches, as the female will crawl out of the water to lay her eggs about an inch above the waterline. The eggs are light pink in color and are laid in a sort of cocoon that looks like a large, frothy lump. This cocoon sticks to the side of the aquarium and consists of about 100 eggs on average. If there is enough moisture where the eggs are located, they should hatch in 2 to 4 weeks, after which the baby snails will fall into the water and begin the journey of life.

If you do NOT want your mystery snails to reproduce, or are concerned about them overpopulating your aquarium, you can simply remove their eggs before they hatch. As mentioned above, Mystery Snail Eggs take 2 to 4 weeks to hatch after they are laid, giving you plenty of time to spot the egg pile and remove it from your tank.

What you can expect from us

As mentioned above, we generally ship very young mystery snails that are not fully grown, although the size of the snails received may vary from snail to snail.

All Aquatic Arts brand plants and animals come with a 100% live arrival guarantee plus free email support direct from the owners! All we ask is that you send us a clear, digital picture of the unopened DOAs bag and we will replace it free of charge.

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