How Long Does A Trampoline Last? The 68 Latest Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how long does a trampoline last“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 867 tips update new. You will find the answer right below.

If you are looking for a ballpark figure, a regular trampoline could last anywhere between three to eight years. However, some models and brands can extend beyond this number.The frame pad is often the first thing to start breaking down, many of them lasting only one season in the sun. Most budget trampolines have frame pads that will last from 6-months to a couple of years at most. The life expectancy of our USA-made frame pads is 10-15 years with proper maintenance.The most common reason you will need to replace the springs on the trampoline is because they have stretched out. When they get stretched, they lose their strength and that means you just won’t rebound as high as you’re accustomed to. Overstretching of the strings is a newer issue with mass produced trampolines.

Table of Contents

How often should you replace a trampoline?

The frame pad is often the first thing to start breaking down, many of them lasting only one season in the sun. Most budget trampolines have frame pads that will last from 6-months to a couple of years at most. The life expectancy of our USA-made frame pads is 10-15 years with proper maintenance.

How do you know when a trampoline needs to be replaced?

The most common reason you will need to replace the springs on the trampoline is because they have stretched out. When they get stretched, they lose their strength and that means you just won’t rebound as high as you’re accustomed to. Overstretching of the strings is a newer issue with mass produced trampolines.

Do trampolines wear out?

Trampolines are used by kids to play and have some fun. After it has been in use for a long period, trampolines start to wear off. Some areas on the trampoline start to show evidence of being torn, and some stitches on the Matt will start coming off.

Is it OK to leave a trampoline out in winter?

A weather cover can protect the jump pad, as well as the frame pads if you opt to leave them on as well. However, be careful if you choose to cover your trampoline. A cover can trap moisture on the surface of the trampoline, which can allow mildew to grow.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

Can you use a trampoline in winter?

Can you jump on your trampoline in winter?

Trampoline winter care

1. Remove the frame pads and store them inside when not in use

2. Remove the snow from the jumping mat as soon as it is safe to do so

3. Consider using a weather cover when your trampoline is not in use

4. Use trampoline anchors to keep it securely in place

5. Periodically inspect the frame, springs and safety cushion

Benefits of using your trampoline in winter

1. Scene change

2. Good source of exercise

3. A new perspective

Safety tips for trampoline jumping in winter

1. Check the thermometer

2. Check the weather

3. Remove any snow or moisture from the surface of the trampoline

4. Avoid wearing loose clothing

5. Provide adequate supervision

6. Knowing when to stop

7. Follow standard trampoline rules

Get out and have fun!

During the winter, it can be tempting to give up the idea of ​​playing outdoors and settle in comfortably indoors with movies, video games, and other sedentary activities. And while we always love a good excuse to watch movies, the truth is that moderate outdoor activity, even when it’s cold, can have many benefits for kids and adults alike. Playing outside gets your family outside and away from the viruses and bacteria that accumulate inside during the winter. That means less exposure to those nasty germs that are so prevalent when it’s cold. It also increases exposure to valuable nutrients like vitamin D that come from sun exposure. The short- and long-term health benefits of vitamin D are tremendous, but spending time outdoors can also help your family stay healthier than just curling up indoors. The trick to playing outside in winter is dressing appropriately, knowing your limits, and finding safe activities for your kids to participate in. This is where your garden trampoline can come in handy. If you choose to keep it outside during the winter, your trampoline can be a great tool to encourage your family to get outside and enjoy some of that cool, fresh air. Using trampolines in winter is a great source of exercise and fun, but any use of a trampoline in cold weather must be done safely. If you live in a place that gets a lot of snow or high winds during the winter months, leaving your trampoline outside may not be a good idea. The weight of snow can ruin a trampoline, and high winds can blow it through your yard. If you live in an area that’s prone to inclement weather, it’s probably a good idea to disassemble your trampoline and store it indoors during the winter. However, if you live in a more temperate winter climate, it may not be necessary to store your trampoline when the mercury on the thermometer is pointing south. The cold alone usually does not harm a trampoline. The biggest challenges are humidity – including rain and snow – and high winds that can blow it around. If you’re willing to spend a little time preparing your trampoline from the snow and wind, you’ll be able to keep it in place and use it on those days when inclement weather doesn’t keep you indoors holds. If you live in a more temperate to mild winter climate, there are just a few steps you should take to protect it from every possible wintry weather: Removing the frame pads prevents them from being damaged by moisture or snow. These can be easily folded and stored inside without taking up much space. If you choose not to remove the frame pads, make sure they are covered with a weather cover to prevent them from coming into contact with moisture. If you allow snow to accumulate on the pad, its weight can damage your trampoline. A broom should be enough to remove all of the snow. Avoid using a shovel or snow blower. A shovel can scratch or tear the surface of the pad, and a snow blower can damage it if your blower puts out heat. Weather protection can protect the jump pad as well as the frame pads if you choose to leave them on as well. However, be careful if you choose to cover your trampoline. A cover can trap moisture on the surface of the trampoline, which can cause mold to form. If you choose a cover, be sure to remove it regularly to allow your trampoline to dry. If snow accumulates on the cover, use a broom to remove it from the cover, just as you would if the jumping mat itself were exposed. As the name suggests, trampoline anchors anchor the trampoline to the ground so it doesn’t blow away around your yard when the wind picks up. Anchors are a particularly good idea if you live in an area that is exposed to high winds. It’s worth noting that trampoline anchors are a good investment any time of the year if you live in an area where high winds are common. Since the anchors go into the ground, you should do this before the cold weather hits so the ground is soft enough to embed the anchors in the ground. Inspecting your trampoline is important to make sure the winter weather doesn’t do it any unexpected damage. If the damage is detected early, it is easier to fix or prevent further, irreparable damage. Before your family starts playing, take a few minutes to walk around the trampoline and note any areas that appear to have been worn since the trampoline was last used. Address any safety concerns before allowing your family to start jumping. It might seem easier to stay indoors when temperatures drop, but exercising outdoors in moderation has a number of benefits for children and adults alike. So before you put your trampoline away for the season, consider the benefits of leaving it in place: Staying indoors all winter can make you feel bad. Getting outside for a few minutes each day can improve your mood and help make winter a little more bearable. Not only does fresh air help you feel better, but more sun exposure and the vitamin D it provides are important for your mood and overall well-being, especially in winter. This applies to both children and adults. Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need to move. Regardless of the temperature, children still need a chance to run, jump and move after a day at their desks at school. If they’re dressed appropriately and you limit the time they spend outdoors, there’s no reason they can’t play outside in the winter. For kids, a change of scenery and some fresh air can also improve their behavior and help them release pent-up energy that might otherwise cause them to jump on your sofa cushions or kick soccer balls down your hallway. This equates to physical benefits for kids and—our favorite—psychological benefits for parents! Things look and feel different in winter. When your child steps outside, their imagination will be challenged with new ideas and games. They will see the world with new eyes and find new things to spend their time with. This is a benefit that comes with any outdoor game, but there’s nothing quite like the view that results from the air when you’re jumping on a trampoline. In addition, we are all for everything that helps against boredom! Nothing wrong with winter fun. The health benefits of spending time outside on the trampoline are many. But as with any outdoor activity, it’s important to follow the rules when it comes to playing safely and smartly: while it’s perfectly safe to play outside in cooler temperatures, children aren’t as good at regulating their body temperature as adults . In other words, they don’t always know when they’ve had enough. Younger children cannot stay warm as long as older children. And children, regardless of age, should wear appropriate clothing to protect them from the lower temperatures. So make sure you know how cold it is outside. A good rule of thumb is to know what the wind chill is in your area that day – remember that the wind chill can make it feel significantly colder than it is. You’re probably wondering, “How cold is too cold?” Unfortunately, it can be difficult to put a numerical limit on how cold is “too cold.” For children in California, for example, 50 degrees might be too cool because they don’t have the right clothes. For Michigan kids, wind chills in their 30s might be tolerable in small amounts because they have thicker clothing to protect them. All we can say is use your best judgment and trust your parenting instincts. Besides the outside temperature, make sure it is not raining or snowing while your kids are on the trampoline. Moisture can quickly turn the trampoline from fun to dangerous. There is nothing worse than slipping on snow or ice and injuring yourself. In addition to checking current conditions, you should also inspect the surface of the trampoline to make sure there is no snow or ice left over from a previous storm. Ice in particular can be difficult to see as it can mix with the surface of the jumping mat. Before letting children play on the trampoline, examine it closely for any snow, ice, or water that may have accumulated on the surface since a recent storm. Remove any suspected moisture to avoid slipping or falling. While you’re at it, check the frame, pads and, if your trampoline has springs, check them for any damage that may have occurred since last use. And, as mentioned, if it’s still raining or snowing, stay away from the trampoline. When it’s chilly outside it can be tempting to wrap your child in a scarf or hooded sweatshirt, but these items can pose a safety hazard when jumping on a trampoline. Opt for tight-fitting clothing, like a turtleneck to keep your neck warm, or a hat that isn’t attached to clothing. Also, never jump in boots – the rough soles can damage the jumping surface. There’s no quicker way to ruin the fun on the trampoline than destroying the trampoline’s jumping surface. Yes, we know it can be difficult to stand outside and watch your children play when it’s cold, but wintertime is not a time to slack off when it comes to ensuring proper adult supervision . If you get cold watching your kids jump on the trampoline, join in or throw some toe warmers in your boots. However, never leave children unattended while a trampoline is in use. Outdoor play is a good thing in the winter months, but should be more strictly limited than in warmer temperatures. Watch your children closely for signs that they are getting cold. Make sure you limit playtime to a safe period, then quickly lead the kids inside. Just a few minutes of outdoor play a day can be enough to beat the winter blues. No matter what time of year you are jumping, always make sure to follow standard trampoline safety. Only allow one person to bounce at a time, always have an adult nearby, and never jump on a broken or damaged trampoline in any way. Also, avoid somersaults and other “tricks” that could cause serious injury. All parents are looking for ways to keep their children happy and active during the cold winter months. A garden trampoline can be a great way to do this. It gets kids outside, exercising and having fun – a triple win for parents everywhere. Yes, it takes a little work to maintain a trampoline in the cold, but we think having happier, healthier kids at home is worth the extra effort. Still not convinced the investment is worth it? Let Superior Play convince you. In line with our Try Before You Buy philosophy, our showrooms are designed for kids and the kids at heart to try out our different trampolines and find the one they love before taking it home. Our showrooms are full of playgrounds and trampolines – all like the ones we sell. We encourage families to come in and spend time trying out our different models to see what they like best. With locations in North Carolina, New Jersey, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, we pride ourselves on being experts at the game. Known for our quality products, including playsets and trampolines, we aim to provide your family with years of safe, creative outdoor play at a reasonable price. To locate our showrooms or for more information, contact us today

Are old trampolines safe?

Generally as a rule of thumb, the older your trampoline, the more likely that you need to replace it (or give it a safety facelift). Kidsafe ‘Trampoline Safety Guidelines’ (June 2015) recommend that older trampolines be upgraded so that they conform to the latest voluntary Australian Standards.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

When it comes to “safe trampoline play” for our children, there are never too many questions to ask. But one question is on everyone’s lips: is my trampoline safe?

There are a variety of factors that all contribute to the safety of a trampoline. Although Springfree is the safest trampoline in the world, safety remains our number one concern.

How do you know if your trampoline is safe? Is it time to say goodbye to your trampoline in favor of a safer option?

How old is your trampoline?

As a general rule of thumb, the older your trampoline is, the more likely it is that you will need to replace it (or give it a safety facelift).

Kidsafe’s ‘Trampoline Safety Guidelines’ (June 2015) recommend upgrading older trampolines to meet the latest voluntary Australian standards.

Is your trampoline a quality model?

Another important rule of thumb is the quality of the trampoline. Cheap, inferior trampolines generally never last nearly as long as a high-quality product. The age old adage “you get what you pay for” really comes into play with trampolines.

Higher quality trampolines are more durable and last longer (therefore they have a much longer warranty than the traditional trampoline).

The warranty period is an important indicator of the longevity of the product. The long Springfree trampoline guarantee speaks for itself and the high quality of the product.

The care and maintenance

And of course, if you take care of your trampoline, making sure it bounces individually and performing regular maintenance and health checks, it will stand the test of time much longer.

It is also important to follow the safe use guidelines provided with the trampoline to ensure a long service life.

The 5-step health check

So does your trampoline need an upgrade?

You can check the overall condition of your trampoline with a simple 5-step health check.

Remember, always remember how environmental factors such as sun, sea air, wind and rain can affect overall health. As with any outdoor purchase, regular maintenance, cleaning and replacing parts where necessary means it ages better and lasts longer.

Health check in 5 steps:

1. Check the trampoline mat and net for holes or tears.

2. Make sure the springs (or the tie bars on your Springfree trampoline) are intact, attached and secure.

3. Make sure the frame is not bent and the legs are properly attached and resting firmly on a level floor.

4. Check that the upholstery is in place and free of holes or tears.

5. Inspect the frame and springs for rust, corrosion, or wear.

If you find that any of these five steps are not working, you must consider the possibility of either swapping out parts or, if in doubt, replacing the trampoline with a new one.

How long do mini trampolines last?

Averagely, small trampolines last between 6 months to 2 years. Once you come across large tears and rip on the trampoline mat or overstretched and broken trampoline springs, then it is wise to replace the mini-trampolines with a new one.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

Trampolines are more than just garden accessories; They are also an investment that you need to take good care of. Over time, trampolines can lose their flexibility and sturdiness. To get the best out of them, it is important to ensure their longevity through proper maintenance.

It all starts with the question, “How long do trampolines last?” In this guide we will look at the lifespan of an average trampoline and the steps needed to keep them in top shape.

The average lifespan of a trampoline

Photo by Adi Perets on

There is no definite answer as to how long trampolines will last as it depends on the quality and design of a trampoline. If you’re looking for a baseball figure, a standard trampoline could last anywhere from three to eight years.

However, some models and brands may go beyond this number. However, the actual lifespan of a trampoline largely depends on the durability of the materials it is made of and the care you take in maintaining it.

Trampolines cost hundreds of dollars depending on size, height, and construction. If you are planning to buy a trampoline that fits your budget, consider these tips:

1. Find a sturdy jumping mat

No other part of a trampoline is subject to as much stress as the jumping mat. Normally made of polypropylene fibers, the jumping mat may lose its ability to support the downward force and may tear as a result of prolonged use.

Cheaper jumping mats can last two years, while high-quality trampolines can last up to five years or more. To ensure a longer service life regardless of the quality of the jumping mat, you can ask the user to take off their shoes. You must also protect the mat from moisture by covering or storing it when it rains or snows.

2. Check the springs

The springs attach the jumping mat to the frame. When you jump onto the mat, the springs expand and compress to their original position. Although made of quality steel, the springs can lose their elasticity.

To prolong its usefulness, consider storing your trampoline during the cold months. Consider covering the springs with vinyl-coated PVC padding. Also, consider lubricating the springs by coating them with WD-40 to prevent rusting. In the event of damage, replacing the springs is quite easy as these parts are readily available.

3. Look for a rigid frame

If you’re looking for a trampoline that can withstand heavy loads, you need one that offers a solid base. Most trampoline frames are made of galvanized steel, which can support different weights. However, heat and moisture can cause rusting which can lead to serious damage.

To be on the safe side, consider wrapping the frame in weatherproof padding. You also need to check if the bolts and screws are loose. Tighten them before using the trampoline to keep them from falling apart.

Frequently asked questions about the lifespan of a trampoline

How long does a trampoline net last? How long a trampoline net lasts depends on the quality of the material used and the weather, but most trampoline nets last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. How long do mini trampolines last? How long mini trampolines last depends on the brand quality of that trampoline. On average, mini trampolines last from 1 month to 2 years or even longer. How long do outdoor trampolines last? Outdoor trampolines last between 3 and 8 years. Although there is no exact life expectancy as different trampoline brands make products with different qualities. The number of years an outdoor trampoline should last depends not only on the quality of the brand, but more importantly on the care and maintenance of the trampoline. How long do Skywalker trampolines last? Depending on care and maintenance, Skywalker trampolines last between 3 and 6 years and even longer. How long do Springfree trampolines last? Springfree Trampoline claims that their trampolines can last 6 to 8 years and more. How long do trampoline mats last? Proper use and maintenance of your trampoline mat can extend the life of the trampoline mat from 3 to 8 years or even more. How long do trampolines last? In general, trampolines are good for 3 to 8 years and may need to be replaced later. When do you think about throwing away a small trampoline? On average, small trampolines last between 6 months and 2 years. As soon as you encounter large cracks and tears on the trampoline mat or overstretched and broken trampoline springs, it is advisable to replace the mini trampoline with a new one. See also The ultimate guide to measuring a trampoline and its accessories. What kind of springs hold in mini trampolines? Galvanized stainless steel from thick materials. Galvanized stainless steel used in mini trampolines consists of zinc dipped stainless steel. How long do trampoline springs last? The number of years your trampoline springs should last depends on the quality of the materials used in making the spring, how you use the trampoline spring, and your culture of care. A good trampoline spring is expected to last 3 to 8 years.

in summary,

Photo by Ann H on

Trampolines are a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time. But how long do trampolines last?

There are many factors that affect the life expectancy of a trampoline. The main factor is the quality of the trampoline itself. A good quality trampoline will last longer than an inferior one. It also depends on how often it is used and where it is stored when not in use.

Trampolines can last for years with the right care.

Buying a trampoline is not an easy task as there are many factors to consider. The most important thing is to know the answer to the question “How long does the trampoline last?”.

The answer to this question is that it depends on how often you use it and how well you take care of it. A good trampoline should last at least 3-8 years with proper use and care.

Like many things, without proper care, trampolines can lose their shine and usefulness over time. With regular maintenance, you could even pass it on to the next generation.

What can you do with an old trampoline mat?

Upcycle it into an oversized hammock. Turn your old trampoline mat into a hammock! If you’re kids are anything like ours, you go through one of these about every 2 years. Upcycle it into an oversized hammock.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

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Do trampoline springs rust?

Trampolines that are kept outdoors are especially prone to developing rust from dew and rainfall. Remove rust from your trampoline springs with an easy remedy found right in your own kitchen. Carefully inspect all of the springs on your trampoline.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

A trampoline is an excellent piece of fitness equipment that can add hours of fun and heart-pounding exercise to your life. Trampolines tend to be expensive and require special care. To keep your trampoline in top shape and get the best bounce, keep an eye on the springs. Outdoor trampolines are particularly susceptible to rusting from dew and rain. Remove rust from your trampoline springs with a simple remedy you can find right in your own kitchen.

Carefully inspect all springs on your trampoline. If you notice even the slightest bit of rust, mark the spring with a piece of red electrical tape.

In a small bowl, mix ½ cup salt with the juice of 2 limes. Mix until a paste forms.

Apply the paste directly to the rust spots with a small wooden tongue depressor.

Leave the mixture on the rust spots for two to three hours.

Use an old toothbrush to scrub away the mixture and rust.

Flush the feathers with a garden hose fitted with a sprayer.

Dry the feathers with a cotton towel.

Apply petroleum jelly to the springs to keep them lubricated, which will prevent rust from forming again.

Tips If you don’t have limes, substitute lemons for them.

How do you maintain a trampoline?

Check your trampoline once every season
  1. Wipe the frame tubes, safety padding and enclosure pole sleeves with mild detergent.
  2. Clean the detergent residue from those parts.
  3. Remove the debris with a broom from the mat.
  4. Use garden hose and cold water to wash the mat.
  5. Let the trampoline mat dry before jumping.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

All ACON products are designed to stand the test of time. We offer our customers premium quality products and are committed to sustainable product development.

Although our products are built to last, taking care of your ACON trampoline is an essential part of ensuring you can keep bouncing to new heights safely. Updating the trampoline with new parts is not only a sustainable, but also a cost-effective way to upgrade the parts that have seen their best days. Read more about trampoline costs in our blog post.

We hope you give your ACON as much love as we do. Therefore, this guide has been written to help you properly care for your trampoline so that it will serve you well for many years to come.

Read through or jump straight to the part that interests you the most:

And while you’re at it, you can take a look at the trampoline spare parts available in our online store.

Care instructions for ACON trampoline parts

To give your Acon the best possible care, it’s good to learn more about the parts of the trampoline and what are the signs of when it’s time to take care of your Acon.

trampoline springs

The Synergy Design complements the springs and is at the core of what gives ACON the best bounce in the industry. Synergy Design+ relies on locating the structure’s critical fulcrum points and using them to amplify the bounce created by the trampoline’s actual springs.

Made from galvanized spring steel, the springs are built to last. And as with everything, the quality and performance of trampoline springs has evolved over the years. There are currently three types of ACON trampoline springs available:

Air Springs: Used in old round and 16 sport trampoline models

used in old round and 16 sport trampoline models HD Premium springs: updated springs for 16 HD sport trampoline

Updated springs for 16 HD sport trampolines X-Springs: used in all new trampolines

While they are all of the highest quality and made from zinc plated spring steel, the X-Springs released in 2021 are at the top of their game with better performance and better corrosion resistance. However, Acon’s spring development is far from over. Follow our story to stay in the game!

What slowly wears out the springs is the weight stretching them. Therefore, the weight of the jumpers and the frequency of the trampoline used affect the springs. Leaving behind heavy objects or possible snow loads can also lead to stretching. You can extend the life of the feathers by regularly changing their placement.

There is no precise time when you should consider buying replacement springs. The first signs that a replacement is needed are when you (or your kids) realize that “something is wrong” or that “the bounce seems a little different than last year.”

When inspecting trampoline springs, pay special attention to the coils. A stretched spring can be recognized by its appearance or by touching and bending it. If the spring feels loose and bends easily, it should be replaced. Signs of rust also indicate that it is time to order new trampoline springs to replace the rusted ones.

Note that we guarantee the springs for 5 years unless they are misplaced (e.g. crossed). Cross-placing the springs stretches the trampoline springs faster, accelerating damage and rusting as the zinc plating is removed from the springs.

trampoline mat

The first signs of wear usually appear on the mat. No wonder – the more fun you have jumping, the more wear and tear the mat will show over the years.

We have put extra time and effort to produce high quality trampoline mats. Manufactured from polypropylene, our mats are always cross-stitched and UV treated, making the mat less prone to snags and tears.

But things happen to even the best of us and sometimes you need to give the trampoline mat a little love. If you find problems with the mat, you have two options: repair or replace the old mat.

We strive for sustainability in everything we produce. Choose the mat attachment method based on the severity of the damage.

Consider the trampoline mat repair kit if:

The hole or tear in the mat is no longer than 2 inches

Otherwise the mat is in good condition

Consider ordering a new mat if:

There are several tears or snags on the mat

The mat is badly damaged

Replacing the mat when needed is a hassle-free and inexpensive way to upgrade your Acon and keep it looking like new.

trampoline frame

The frame is the most durable part of the trampoline. Manufactured from galvanized steel, the frame will likely show no signs of rust or other damage for several years after you have purchased the trampoline from us. Protect the frame by placing it on a flat surface such as grass or sand. Avoid installing the trampoline on hard surfaces such as concrete or asphalt.

When looking for signs of damage to the frame:

Take a general look at the frame

Check the welds in detail

Pay special attention to the fastenings of the housing rods

If you notice any problems with the frame, don’t hesitate to contact customer service with any questions or inquiries. We offer a solid 10-year guarantee on our trampoline frames.

Trampoline Protection Net

The safety net is typically the first safety-related accessory families look for when considering buying a family trampoline. In fact, the enclosure and its net are there for added safety, so even the biggest jumps don’t end up where they shouldn’t. ACON strongly recommends the use of a fencing net for all trampoline activities.

In addition to the UV treated fencing net, the fencing package includes galvanized steel poles, safety pads and pole brackets. The appearance of the enclosure and the number of poles will vary depending on the size and shape of the trampoline. As an added safety feature, the No Finger Access design ensures little fingers cannot get caught in the web. The housing package for round and rectangular trampolines can be found behind the links.

Always check for possible tears, holes or snags in the mesh during the quarterly inspection of your ACON. Minor ones don’t cause safety concerns, but if there are multiple or severe tears, you should consider having it replaced. Due to the UV treated surface, there should be no problems with the UV rays wearing down the enclosure netting. While giving the net the proper care, also check the poles, pads and brackets for damage.

Note that for safety reasons, the mesh should be replaced every 3 years. If you notice any problems with the case beforehand, please contact customer service as we offer 1 year warranty on our cases.

Trampoline Safety Pad

The thick and easy to assemble safety pad is a necessary accessory that protects feet or other body parts hitting the trampoline springs in case the landing doesn’t hit the right spot.

The safety pad consists of two parts:

Foam surrounded by UV treated waterproof PVC making it extremely durable for year round use.

When checking the safety pad for wear, check the bungee cords that are manufactured to securely hold the safety pad in place, as these tend to wear the most. If you notice significant wear and tear on them, it is strongly recommended that you replace them with new ones so as not to compromise on safety.

Trampoline Weather Cover

The ACON Weather Cover is a simple, effective, and time-saving way to upgrade your trampoline maintenance routine. The cover protects the trampoline mat from UV rays, keeping the mat pristine for years. Plus, the cover keeps the mat clean of twigs, leaves and bird droppings – just disassemble the cover in just 1 minute and jump away. As the cover is made from UV treated and durable materials it is unlikely that it will need to be replaced unless it is mishandled.

Other trampoline accessories

Is your ACON trampoline the jewel in the garden? Then you might already have some of our cool or necessary accessories like the trampoline tent, trampoline scooter, basketball hoop or ladders. Although these are used less frequently, it is good practice to include them in trampoline maintenance. If you need additional guidance on caring for your ACON accessory, send us a message.

Check your trampoline once a season

The most efficient way to perform maintenance is to inspect them once a season, with spring and winter maintenance being the most important. If the trampoline is dirty, it should be cleaned as follows:

Wipe down the frame tubes, safety padding and housing rod sleeves with a mild detergent. Clean these parts from cleaning agent residues. Use a broom to remove the residue from the mat. Use a garden hose and cold water to wash the mat. Allow the trampoline mat to dry before jumping

Make sure your ACON is like new year after year and season after season.

NOTE: Always clean the mat with a brush – snow shovels and other sharp tools can damage the surface.

Trampoline care in winter

You have three options for winter maintenance:

1. Complete disassembly

ACON trampolines are designed for year-round use. However, if you want to extend the life cycle of your ACON as much as possible, a complete disassembly is the best choice. While it’s by no means mandatory, you can do it to avoid hassle and minimize the risk of having to order trampoline replacement parts years later. Please refer to the assembly instructions and start backwards when disassembling.

2. Partial disassembly

If you’re prone to heavy rains or snow flurries in winter (or the weather seems a little too cold for your liking when it comes to jumping), consider a partial disassembly. If you want to protect the trampoline from damage, dismantle the following parts and store them for the winter:

The safety pad

The trampoline mat

The trampoline springs

The enclosure net

The poles that support the net

Whether you decide to do a partial or complete disassembly, store the parts in a dry place where they won’t get lost. All soft parts such as the safety pad should be stored at room temperature to avoid moisture.

Because you will be in close contact with the parts of the trampoline during disassembly, look carefully at the parts and make note of the parts that need attention or replacement. Be one step ahead of the rest and order all the ACON trampoline spares you need before spring arrives so you are ready for the next season.

3. Leave it as it is

Since ACON can be used 365 days a year, you can choose to just leave the trampoline in your garden as it is, or perhaps buy the ACON weather cover for it. This option is particularly useful for customers living in warmer climates.

Customers who live in snowy areas can also leave the trampoline pack outside. In this case, it is important to remember to clear the mat and enclosure of snow regularly and immediately after the snow has settled on the mat. Three or more inches of snow is said to stretch the springs and mat, loosening the coils and negatively affecting bounce.

Trampoline care in spring

Spring is the time to get out the trampoline and get back to jumping. While it really is an exciting moment to hop on an ACON after a long winter, try to contain your excitement at what it takes to thoroughly check out the trampoline.

Spring care can vary depending on how you left the trampoline over the winter. Nevertheless, all parts should be checked. Here is the checklist for the Spring Trampoline Check:

Always start with the frame. Need to move the trampoline to a better spot in your backyard? It’s always easier to move the frame than the whole trampoline, housing and other accessories, although it’s certainly possible. Note that moving the frame (or the entire trampoline) requires two people. Check the connections and bolts for tightness. Are there any signs of rust or wear on the welds? Although unlikely, contact ACON Customer Service if the trampoline frame has noticeable problems, such as: B. bent, broken or missing parts for further advice.

Continue attaching the springs between the frame and mat. Use the spring pull tool to make assembly quick and easy. Look for missing parts and replace damaged, loose, or rusted springs with new ones. This step is extremely important in case you forgot to check all the springs when disassembling the trampoline or left the trampoline as is over the winter.

Assess the condition of the trampoline mat. After assembly, it is easier to assess the condition of the mat. Does it have holes, holes, rips, tears or loose stitching? Can the repair kit fix this or is a new mat a better option? Check the mat for sagging, which can occur if heavy objects or snow are placed on it in winter.

Check the condition of the safety pad. When assembling, first place the pad over the springs and frame. The condition of the pad is easy to assess as it would show holes or tears, but pay particular attention to the bungee cords used to attach the safety pad as these will wear over time.

Look for tears and holes in the fencing mesh. Also, pay particular attention to the secure and correct attachment of the enclosure net and poles.

Check the condition of any trampoline accessories. These include ladders, aprons, tents, scooters, among others. And when you’re done, it’s time to enjoy the jump and seek new adventures with your ACON.

Trampoline care in summer

Summer is the season of vacations, trampoline tricks and cookouts. Most use usually occurs in the summer, so a general check here and there is recommended depending on how well the spring check was done.

Depending on your location and trampoline placement, consider the following:

Clean the trampoline of all objects that do not belong to it. Debris, branches or other sharp objects can cause safety hazards and tears or holes in the mat.

Heat control by changing the placement of the trampoline in the garden. Our trampolines might stand up to the heat, but the little adventure seekers might not.

Severe windy weather conditions. In strong winds, all trampolines can be blown away. The trampoline should be installed with the ACON anchor set. However, if you live in an area prone to strong winds or hurricanes, either dismantle the trampoline or secure it to the ground with ropes and stakes as firmly and securely as possible.

The placement of the safety pad. Occasionally check that the safety pad is securely and properly attached to the frame.

If you notice something is wrong, you should stop using the trampoline once the problem has been corrected.

Trampoline care in autumn

The amount of trampoline maintenance depends on the climate you live in. You may want to consider the ACON weather cover for extra maintenance as it keeps the trampoline mat free of debris.

Note that a wet trampoline mat is extremely slippery and should be dried before jumping. If you have trampoline accessories like the trampoline tent that many love to set up for fall nights, you can take a closer look before setting it up. Otherwise you are good to go!

Teach your kids about trampoline care

We hope ACON brings joy to everyone in the family. When you get your new ACON trampoline delivered to your home, it will be in brand new, perfect condition. Although our trampolines are sturdy, some trampoline parts can become damaged later, especially if the little ones have placed items on them that should not be part of trampoline activities. Educating your kids about safety is at the core of trampoline care.

However, the responsibility for the care and maintenance of the trampoline always rests with the adult. Assembly and disassembly should be performed by at least two people, one of whom should be an adult. Take seriously any concerns your little ones might spot, and educate any adventurous members of your family to look for any problems that might arise and address them immediately. Thorough and regular maintenance is the best way to ensure safety and fun for decades to come.

Sustainability at the heart of trampoline maintenance

Every ACON trampoline is an investment in family fun and a healthier tomorrow. We’re always striving to improve the longevity of our products through constant research and development of trampoline parts, so you can spend less time on trampoline care and maintenance and more time enjoying the best jumps. After all, it only makes sense to take care of the investment made. Our goal is to extend the joy for years and even decades. And when it’s time to part with your trusty ACON trampoline, know that 99.5% of trampoline materials can be recycled.

Contact the customer support

This in-depth guide is designed to help you navigate trampoline care, but if we’ve missed something or you have a question, please contact customer care at [email protected]. Note that our spare parts catalog goes beyond what we offer online. To help us a little, tell us your model, date of purchase and the part or parts you are looking for.

Order spare parts

How often do you need to replace trampoline springs?

The second question we receive is, “How many springs should be in need of replacing before I change them out?” The answer to this question is, one! Yes, even if just one spring is stretched, broken or rusting, we recommend replacing it immediately.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

It’s almost spring… and pun intended, it’s that time of year when people start checking their trampoline springs. The first question we get about springs is “when should I replace a spring?”

The answer is when you see:

It will be stretched and will not return to its spool position.

If it’s broken or sheared off (obviously).

Signs of heavy rust.

The second question we get is “How many springs do I need to replace before I change them?” The answer to this question is: One! Yes, even if just one spring is stretched, broken or rusted, we recommend replacing it immediately. This is for safety reasons (uneven bouncing) and also because a non-working spring will put extra stress on its peers or the mat itself and possibly tear it. So if you have even one bad spring, it’s worth taking the time to replace it.

Best selling trampolines

The last question we are often asked on this subject is: what should you look for when buying replacement trampoline springs? Or if I want to buy a trampoline, what should I look for in the springs?

Let it be known, feathers matter! They are the crucial part that helps create the bounce that trampolines have. Think of them as the “motor” of your trampoline.

So here are a few additional tips…

metal or elastic. First, make sure your trampoline has metal springs. Yes, there are some garden trampolines that now use rubber bands to provide a spring-free experience. Have you ever experienced a rubber band retaining its tension factor over a long period of time? No, neither have we. In our opinion, steel lasts longer and ensures more consistency in the bounce. Our recommendation for garden trampolines is to avoid the springless types. However, there is one exception. We’ve seen a number of springless exercise trampolines that are well made and have a good, consistent bounce. Keep in mind, however, that these are intended for indoor exercise to cushion the user – not full jumping.

electroplating. Second, make sure the springs are galvanized. What is electroplating? It is a process in which a steel object is covered or coated with a protective layer of zinc. The idea is that zinc is much more resistant to corrosion than ordinary steel. Depending on the circumstances, environment, and ventilation, a zinc coating can help preserve steel for decades by preventing any rusting. If your springs don’t specifically say they’re galvanized, they probably aren’t and you should avoid buying them.

Size and number of feathers. The size of the feathers matters and makes a big difference. As a general rule, the more springs and the longer the spring, the more bounce the jumper will generate. Why? It depends on the physics. It is a combination of Hooke’s and Newton’s physical laws. Hooke’s Law states that the force or energy expended in stretching a spring is proportional to the length of its extension. So the heavier the weight bouncing on the trampoline, the longer the extension. Newton’s third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When these springs are stretched, they eventually snap back, causing the sweater to bounce back into the air. More springs allow for better bounce and the length allows for snapback. Shorter springs create a rougher and more choppy bounce, while longer springs provide a smoother bounce, which is preferred by most jumpers.

Shape. We recommend double conical springs. While these are slightly more expensive than non-tapered ones, they perform better. Conical compression springs offer more lateral stability and are even stronger than straight springs due to their shape.

So in summary, here are a few tips on trampoline springs…

Don’t wait – if you see a “bad” spring, replace it. Trampolines with metal springs are best. The longer the spring and the more there are, the better the bounce. Galvanized lasts longer. Tapered springs are preferred over regular shaped ones.

Have fun jumping!

How can you tell if a trampoline is safe?

Regularly Check the Trampoline’s Surface

Before jumping, check for danger spots, including looseness, fraying, holes, or wear, to prevent injuries when jumping. Because slippery surfaces are dangerous for bouncing, you should also always make sure your trampoline is dry and clear of snow or rain.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

Nothing is as important to your children’s health, happiness and growth as participating in an active lifestyle. Movement stimulates their imagination, releases their energy and promotes crucial physical and mental development.

Every growing child needs at least an hour of exercise every day, but up to 75 percent aren’t getting the level of activity they need. And they move even less as they get older. Did you know that 90 percent of high school kids don’t get enough exercise to meet health requirements? As an adult, you also need to keep moving—about 30 minutes a day—although it can be difficult to fit that time in when juggling the hectic demands of a household, family, and work life.

In a world where we are increasingly distracted by technology and glued to our sofas and our screens, we must remember to encourage physical activity. Owning a trampoline is an easy way to make fun and accessible exercise for the whole family! If you are considering buying a bouncy addition for your yard, you may be concerned about how to keep your kids safe on the trampoline.

Safety instructions for the trampoline

As you embark on the journey to better health together, it’s important to bounce in the best conditions to ensure trampoline safety – so everyone can enjoy safe, physical fun that stimulates your children’s interest in exercise. If you’re wondering how to reduce trampoline injuries and keep your kids safe, SkyBound USA is here to help. Read on for our top trampoline safety tips:

1. Check the surface of the trampoline regularly

To ensure your jumping surface is ready for a lot of springy feet, you should inspect it regularly and make sure everything is in order. Your shock-absorbing jumping surface should be well attached and taut, but not attached too tightly. The repetitive bouncing action requires a somewhat forgiving surface to allow for suppleness and power absorption.

Before jumping, check for danger spots, including looseness, fraying, punctures, or wear, to avoid injury while jumping. Also, since slippery surfaces are dangerous for jumping, always make sure your trampoline is dry and free from snow or rain. If you find damage, don’t try to fix it yourself with household solutions like duct tape. Foreign objects can affect the spring and the bounce quality. Instead, replace the surface with another jumping mat of the same size and high quality.

2. Maintain the safety net

Another way to avoid injury and to keep your children safe on a trampoline is to install or maintain a strong safety net that protects both the bouncer and the trampoline’s springs. Many trampoline models come with built-in safety nets, and if not, you can purchase a safety net as an additional accessory and install it according to the size of your trampoline.

Make sure the net you choose is compatible with your trampoline and is properly attached to the springs and frame. Don’t use reconditioned nets from your friends’ trampolines or buy from unaffiliated sites to save money. To keep your trampoline as safe and strong as possible, choose a net from the same manufacturer as your trampoline model. Follow the safety manual instructions for installation. Once you’ve set up your safety net, make sure it doesn’t protrude over the edge and under the jumping mat; Obstructing visibility under the mat can create dangerous conditions by leaving toys or debris under the trampoline.

3. Pad the required areas and lower the surface of the trampoline

To optimize the safety net and the surface of your trampoline for safe jumping, set up the trampoline with safety accessories and position it optimally. Covering frames, poles, edges, springs, hooks, safety net poles, etc. with shock-absorbing protective pads will help prevent cuts and bumps and minimize the risk of falls.

As you regularly check the condition of the mat, also keep an eye on your pads to make sure they are properly attached and in good condition. If you don’t want to add padding under and around the trampoline, consider using soft materials such as wood chips or sand to make the support surface softer and safer.

Also, to reduce trampoline injuries from falls, lower the trampoline surface when installing it. Keeping your jumping mat closer to the ground will ensure falls come from a shorter distance and therefore cause less damage. It also gives the trampoline itself a better balance.

4. Check the springs and screws

Springs, bolts and the trampoline mat work together to absorb force, create a stable surface and manage tension for the ultimate lively bouncing experience, but you must ensure they remain in the correct condition for safety and fun!

Exposed or damaged springs can pose a fall and foot hazard. Keep up to date on the condition of your springs to increase trampoline safety for everyone. Your springs should be strong, intact, taut, properly pinned, and securely fastened at both ends. Springs can sometimes stretch and over time corrode or rust, in which case you will need to replace them. Loose springs can affect the trampoline’s dynamics and cause jumpers to fall off if they become loose, while missing springs can cause cracks in the jumping mat. Also watch out for hanging springs under your protective padding, which risk snagging clothing or skin if left unattended.

To ensure your trampoline is strong, safe and takes bounce well without sacrificing stability, the bolts on your trampoline frame should also be kept tight at all times.

5. Install your trampoline in a safe environment

Where you set up your trampoline has a lot to do with how safe you make your jumping experience. Avoid hills, slopes or bumpy spots. Instead, install your trampoline on a flat surface of firm ground, preferably covered with a soft covering such as sand, springy turf, fresh grass, or wood shavings. You can also lay out ground safety pads. A level surface and soft materials reduce the likelihood of your children falling and reduce the risk of injury if they do fall.

Set up your trampoline in an area surrounded by plenty of open space. There should be at least a 9 foot safety zone around the trampoline. Keep it away from house walls, walls, fences, posts, poles, trees, or any other object that might impede jumping or be dangerous in the event of a fall.

Before you or the children get on the trampoline to jump, always make sure that nothing is under the mat. Little ones may see the lower area as a place to play and store toys, but objects under the trampoline can pose a serious risk if your children land on them while jumping through the mat. Make sure no ladders, tools, toys or chairs are resting under the mat – and also make sure no one is playing there! Keep other family members and pets away from around the trampoline when someone is bouncing. The surface of your trampoline itself should be completely clear of toys, pets, and other objects before jumping.

6. Refer to the trampoline safety guide

It is important that you consult your manual and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when assembling your trampoline and before using it. Refer to specific installation instructions and follow all specifications for required equipment, supplements, restrictions, and weight limitations.

7. Create rules and monitor usage

Monitoring children’s jumping habits and establishing rules for trampoline use are just as important as maintaining the trampoline itself well. When everyone who’s bouncing knows the best ways to stay safe, you minimize the risk of injury all the time .

Note the weight requirements and make sure the trampoline is age appropriate. For example, children between the ages of 3 and 6 might do best on a mini trampoline. They can work on developing their jumping skills before progressing to larger size.

For example, children between the ages of 3 and 6 might do best on a mini trampoline. They can work on developing their jumping skills before progressing to larger size. Teach your kids the correct behavior and methods of jumping. We know that bouncing is insanely fun, but sometimes this causes overexcited children to jump too high and too hard, increasing the chances of landing wrong, losing balance or losing control – which in turn can lead to falls, collisions and leads to injuries. To avoid damage, teach them to keep jumps low when they are beginners and to be in control of jumping at all times. If they feel they cannot control which direction they are jumping, or if they feel they are flying too high or too fast, they must stop jumping.

Land in the middle of the trampoline. Another way to prevent falls or uncontrollable jumping is to teach children how to land correctly. They should try to balance and keep their weight centered, which makes them much less likely to jump off edges, get their feet caught on or between springs, hit frames, or fall.

Another way to prevent falls or uncontrollable jumping is to teach children how to land correctly. They should try to balance and keep their weight centered, which makes them much less likely to jump off edges, get their feet caught on or between springs, hit frames, or fall. Establish a set of ground rules for what they can do on the trampoline. For example, make sure there are no toys on the trampoline when jumping and limit the number of people who can be on it at one time. This helps ensure the weight limit is not exceeded and reduces the likelihood of collisions when jumping. You can involve the children in this step by asking them to help you create the list of rules. Have the kids help you make a big sign – poster, wood, whatever you can use – and hang it near the trampoline or near their other outdoor toys. Encourage all children playing on the trampoline to be ‘enforcers’ – it could help ensure everyone is on their best behavior and encourage them to report unsafe play immediately.

Never let your children jump unattended. A parent or sibling who is old enough should be nearby for safety at all times.

8. Check your wardrobe

Just like training, jumping requires the right attire. Some outfits can be uncomfortable or dangerous on the trampoline, snagging on nets, poles and springs, or causing an awkward landing that can result in injury. To minimize these risks and ensure your children have safe fun, avoid clothing with drawstrings and pants or dresses that are too baggy or long, which could cause them to trip.

Avoid bringing accessories and other objects onto the jumping surface. This means removing all jewelry, including necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings – especially sharp-edged accessories. Check your kids’ pockets for jagged, pointy, or bulky forgotten items before they jump, and take off their hats or hair clips, too. Never wear shoes as they can damage the jumping mat. Trampoline socks can be used to increase traction on your children’s feet and reduce the likelihood of falls.

9. Use the ladder

Children may find jumping on and off trampolines fun, but hard falls can result in injuries such as bruises, broken bones and even worse neck or head injuries. Instead, install the trampoline ladder provided by the manufacturer and always use it to get on and off the trampoline.

10. Make sure your trampoline has been tested

The best trampolines come with performance and safety tests and guarantees. Before you buy, make sure your trampoline has been tested and learn about its additional features. Is it UV resistant and strong enough to withstand the elements? Along with all of our other trampoline safety tips, investing in the highest quality trampoline is the best way to start your bouncing experience safely.

Stay safe with SkyBound USA

If you are looking for the highest quality and safest trampolines, SkyBound USA is here to promise you the best bouncing experience possible. What makes all our trampolines so great? Here are some of the many benefits of choosing us:

Fast assembly: All parts of our trampolines are easy and efficient to assemble. With our push-pin-bolt technology, you can expect an average of two hours or less to set up, which is half the time of a standard trampoline installation.

All parts of our trampolines are easy and efficient to install. With our push-pin-bolt technology, you can expect an average of two hours or less to set up, which is half the time of a standard trampoline installation. PATENTED SAFETY NET Don’t worry about finding the right net for your trampoline – we’ll provide it with your purchase. Patented, easy to install and safe, our safety enclosures are specifically designed to prevent jumpers from touching the frame or ground.

Don’t worry about finding the right net for your trampoline – we’ll provide it with your purchase. Patented, easy to install and safe, our safety enclosures are specifically designed to prevent jumpers from touching the frame or ground. Brilliant Bounce: Our performance and quality materials make for the world’s most responsive and durable trampolines.

Our performance and quality materials make for the world’s most responsive and durable trampolines. All Weather Resistance: Our enclosures, materials and technology are designed to keep your trampoline in good condition in wind, rain, snow and UV rays.

Our canopies, materials and technology are designed to keep your trampoline in good condition in wind, rain, snow and UV rays. Superior Safety: Our advanced safety mat perimeter provides full coverage for the skin, frame and coils, acting as an extra barrier and extra support to make the jumping experience incredibly smooth and safe.

Here at SkyBound USA we strive for safety, excellence and enough fun to nurture the inner child in everyone. Introduce one of our trampolines or swing nets into your life today to enjoy with the whole family!

Does a trampoline raise homeowners insurance?

The statistics show that having a trampoline increases the likelihood that someone will be injured on your property. Therefore, it increases your chances of having a liability or medical payments claim by your homeowners insurance company.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

Does a trampoline affect your home insurance?

Does my home insurance increase if I have a trampoline?

Are you thinking of buying a trampoline for your garden?

Before you buy this trampoline, there are a few things you should do and think about how it will affect your home insurance.

Statistics show that having a trampoline increases the chances of someone getting injured on your property. Therefore, it increases your chances of getting a liability or health insurance claim through your homeowners insurance company.

But because you have a trampoline, does that mean your home insurance costs more? It depends on. Different insurance companies look at trampolines differently. Before you buy a trampoline, talk to your insurance expert to determine how your insurance company will respond to this increase in risk.

Each insurance company may consider trampolines differently, for example:

No Restrictions: An insurance company may not care, and there may be no restrictions or cost differences as to whether or not you have a trampoline.

An insurance company may not care, and there may not be any restrictions or cost differences as to whether or not you have a trampoline. Offsetting: An insurance company may require it to be offset in order to be eligible for coverage.

An insurance company may require it to be offset in order to be eligible for coverage. Surcharge: A business may surcharge the policy for owning a trampoline – a fee of $25 to $50 per year depending on the insurance company.

A business can add a premium to the policy for owning a trampoline — a fee of $25 to $50 per year, depending on the insurance company. Not eligible for coverage: A company may not allow you to own a trampoline, whether or not it is netted. They will usually cancel or not renew home insurance once they know the trampoline is on the property.

A company may not allow you to own a trampoline, whether or not it is netted. They will usually cancel or not renew home insurance once they know the trampoline is on the property. Exclusion: A company can have a trampoline liability waiver in the policy. This means that there is no liability protection in the event of trampoline damage.

These are good reasons why it’s important to read your home insurance policy carefully and not assume that all policies are the same.

A trampoline is considered an attractive nuisance by insurance companies, much like a pool or playground. These types of items are very attractive for children in the neighborhood to want to visit your home. The more children or people on your property, the greater the likelihood that someone on the property could be injured. This increase in risk could lead to higher home insurance premiums.

Broken bones are the most common injuries on trampolines. But head injuries and concussions are not uncommon. Generally, trampolines are used by children, so if they have a life-changing injury, the longer the insurance company will have to provide benefits.

If you have a trampoline it is important that you discuss safety with your family when using it. The following safety precautions will help reduce the chance of someone getting injured on your trampoline

A net on the trampoline reduces the risk of someone being thrown to the ground.

Limiting the number of people on the trampoline at the same time. In general, the most serious injuries occur when multiple people are on the equipment and one falls on top of the other or hits their heads while jumping up and down.

Adult supervision when using the trampoline.

If you have a fence around your yard with a lockable gate, you can prevent the neighborhood kids from using the trampoline when you are not at home.

If you are considering a trampoline, you will need to check your homeowners insurance policy with your insurance agent. This is to ensure that you do not have an exclusion and that the insurance company will continue to provide coverage and that there will be no premium increase.

You will also want to review the current limitation of liability. You should speak to your agent about adding personal umbrella insurance. This is to increase your liability insurance coverage in the event of damage to your property.

Using a trampoline is fun and great exercise. However, you must understand that this increases your risk of a liability claim. So you need to be sure that you have the appropriate insurance coverage. Call us at 410-647-1111 to make sure you have the right coverage.

Nancy Nicklow is the owner and President of Huff Insurance, a full-service independent insurance agent. We’ve been dedicated to Protecting Lifestyles™ since 1960. We offer a full range of personal insurance, commercial insurance and life insurance products. Call us at 410-647-1111

Why are trampolines black?

Black residue is a common aspect of an older, well-used polypropylene mesh trampoline mat, since carbon is used in the manufacturing process. As the mat wears over time, the carbon eventually wears through as well.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

Credit: Andrei310/iStock/GettyImages See more photos

Trampolines are a great source of fun and exercise with many health benefits for the whole family. It’s also easy to incorporate a trampoline into your yard’s landscaping for a practical and aesthetically pleasing design. Like any outdoor equipment, trampolines can get dirty over time with frequent use. Fortunately, a trampoline is easy to clean, and regular cleaning can help improve your trampoline’s appearance and prolong its life. If you’ve had your trampoline for a few years and notice black residue on the mat, a simple cleaning probably won’t fix it and can be a sign that the mat is actually wearing out.


video of the day

Check for black residue

Some dirt and grime is a normal and expected part of an outdoor trampoline. However, if your trampoline is 4 to 8 years old and you notice black residue peeling from the mat on your hands, feet and even your clothes, this could be an indication that the mat is deteriorating and will need to be replaced soon.


Black residue is a common aspect of an older, commonly used polypropylene mesh trampoline mat due to the use of carbon in the manufacturing process. Eventually, as the mat wears down over time, the carbon will wear out too. Other types of dirt and debris can be removed with a few simple tools and supplies.


clear away debris

If your trampoline has a net, remove it before cleaning. Use a soft broom, dust pan or hand brush to sweep leaves, twigs, acorns and other loose debris off the trampoline mat and safety padding. Be sure to check under the upholstery where dirt can get stuck. Next, use a hose or bucket of clean water to rinse off the mat.


The water should loosen dust, dirt, and pollen that are difficult to remove with a broom. A hose works best, as light water pressure can help remove small debris. Do not use high pressure spray as this can weaken and damage the fabric of the mat over time.


Add cleaning solution

You can use household dish soap to clean the trampoline. Do not use harsh chemicals on the trampoline mat or frame as this could damage the device. Mix 2 tablespoons of mild dish soap in a bucket of warm water. Stir to mix thoroughly. Pour the solution onto the trampoline mat to loosen stains and stuck dirt.


Stay away from harsh chemical cleaners as these are unnecessary and can damage the trampoline mat. Use a soft cleaning cloth or sponge to remove stubborn stains like dried bird droppings. Avoid using a stiff bristled brush or scrubbing too hard as this can damage the trampoline.


Rinse and dry

Once you’ve removed the stubborn stains, rinse off the soapy water with clean water. Be sure to remove all soap and residue. The soap is gone when no more bubbles appear on the trampoline.


If soap is left on the trampoline, it can become stiff or even stain. It can also leave the mat slicker than usual and cause people to slip and injure themselves. A hose works best for a thorough flush; However, you can also use buckets of water to get the job done.

Dry the trampoline with soft bath towels or beach towels. Then let it air dry in the sun. Make sure the trampoline is completely dry before using it. A wet trampoline is slippery and very dangerous.

Maintenance for your trampoline

Cleaning your trampoline more often will prevent stains from sticking and make them easier to remove. As with any room in your home, your trampoline will become easier to clean and look better if you tidy it up from time to time. Another preventative solution is to invest in a trampoline cover.

A trampoline cover can be particularly helpful during times of the year when you are not using the trampoline, such as during the summer months. B. in late autumn and winter. It can also help in spring, summer and fall when pollen, leaves, twigs and bird droppings inevitably end up on the trampoline. You can either leave the cover on the trampoline for a while when you are not using it or put it on every day after use. This can minimize stains and therefore cleaning time, and it can also help protect your trampoline from the elements and keep it looking new and clean for longer.

What do you do in a trampoline during a storm?

A Trampoline Tie-Down Kit is used to help prevent your trampoline from blowing over in high winds. it basically ‘straps’ your trampoline to the ground using straps and large metal ‘corkscrew’ stakes. You don’t need to keep it there all the time, but we strongly recommend using one when the winds pick up.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

Capital Play was asked by Radio 2 as the UK’s leading trampoline expert for advice on how best to secure and tie down trampolines in this windy weather, so we sent Sonia Lowde to the rescue to share all her advice on the matter.

Trampolines have a large surface area and “can” move in strong winds or worse, blowing into trees, neighboring yards, or ending up with your trampoline on a train track. Fortunately, that doesn’t happen very often. This is usually a problem in extreme conditions when the area is very exposed, but it can also happen if you have a lighter, less expensive trampoline.

Our only advice really in the event of a storm or high wind is to secure your trampoline to the ground, it’s that simple. The easiest way is with a specially designed anchor down kit which we sell for £26.99.

A trampoline fixing kit is used to prevent your trampoline from being blown over in strong winds. It basically “straps” your trampoline to the ground with straps and large “corkscrew” metal rods. You don’t have to leave it there all the time, but we highly recommend using one when the wind picks up.

Once installed, you hardly notice the anchor down kit and it’s a great peace of mind to stay in all year round.


Sometimes you might be surprised and need a solution quickly. Sandbags help make lighter trampolines heavier and can prevent your trampoline from moving in strong winds. They’re also a good solution if your trampoline is set up on a deck or patio where you can’t use an anchoring kit.

Listen to the Radio 2 interview here >

How often do you need to replace trampoline springs?

The second question we receive is, “How many springs should be in need of replacing before I change them out?” The answer to this question is, one! Yes, even if just one spring is stretched, broken or rusting, we recommend replacing it immediately.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

It’s almost spring… and pun intended, it’s that time of year when people start checking their trampoline springs. The first question we get about springs is “when should I replace a spring?”

The answer is when you see:

It will be stretched and will not return to its spool position.

If it’s broken or sheared off (obviously).

Signs of heavy rust.

The second question we get is “How many springs do I need to replace before I change them?” The answer to this question is: One! Yes, even if just one spring is stretched, broken or rusted, we recommend replacing it immediately. This is for safety reasons (uneven bouncing) and also because a non-working spring will put extra stress on its peers or the mat itself and possibly tear it. So if you have even one bad spring, it’s worth taking the time to replace it.

Best selling trampolines

The last question we are often asked on this subject is: what should you look for when buying replacement trampoline springs? Or if I want to buy a trampoline, what should I look for in the springs?

Let it be known, feathers matter! They are the crucial part that helps create the bounce that trampolines have. Think of them as the “motor” of your trampoline.

So here are a few additional tips…

metal or elastic. First, make sure your trampoline has metal springs. Yes, there are some garden trampolines that now use rubber bands to provide a spring-free experience. Have you ever experienced a rubber band retaining its tension factor over a long period of time? No, neither have we. In our opinion, steel lasts longer and ensures more consistency in the bounce. Our recommendation for garden trampolines is to avoid the springless types. However, there is one exception. We’ve seen a number of springless exercise trampolines that are well made and have a good, consistent bounce. Keep in mind, however, that these are intended for indoor exercise to cushion the user – not full jumping.

electroplating. Second, make sure the springs are galvanized. What is electroplating? It is a process in which a steel object is covered or coated with a protective layer of zinc. The idea is that zinc is much more resistant to corrosion than ordinary steel. Depending on the circumstances, environment, and ventilation, a zinc coating can help preserve steel for decades by preventing any rusting. If your springs don’t specifically say they’re galvanized, they probably aren’t and you should avoid buying them.

Size and number of feathers. The size of the feathers matters and makes a big difference. As a general rule, the more springs and the longer the spring, the more bounce the jumper will generate. Why? It depends on the physics. It is a combination of Hooke’s and Newton’s physical laws. Hooke’s Law states that the force or energy expended in stretching a spring is proportional to the length of its extension. So the heavier the weight bouncing on the trampoline, the longer the extension. Newton’s third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When these springs are stretched, they eventually snap back, causing the sweater to bounce back into the air. More springs allow for better bounce and the length allows for snapback. Shorter springs create a rougher and more choppy bounce, while longer springs provide a smoother bounce, which is preferred by most jumpers.

Shape. We recommend double conical springs. While these are slightly more expensive than non-tapered ones, they perform better. Conical compression springs offer more lateral stability and are even stronger than straight springs due to their shape.

So in summary, here are a few tips on trampoline springs…

Don’t wait – if you see a “bad” spring, replace it. Trampolines with metal springs are best. The longer the spring and the more there are, the better the bounce. Galvanized lasts longer. Tapered springs are preferred over regular shaped ones.

Have fun jumping!

How do I get the black stuff off my trampoline?

Mix 2 tablespoons of mild dish soap into a bucket of warm water. Stir to mix thoroughly. Pour the solution on the trampoline mat to help loosen stains and stuck-on grime. Stay away from harsh chemical cleaners since they are not necessary and may harm the trampoline mat.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

Credit: Andrei310/iStock/GettyImages See more photos

Trampolines are a great source of fun and exercise with many health benefits for the whole family. It’s also easy to incorporate a trampoline into your yard’s landscaping for a practical and aesthetically pleasing design. Like any outdoor equipment, trampolines can get dirty over time with frequent use. Fortunately, a trampoline is easy to clean, and regular cleaning can help improve your trampoline’s appearance and prolong its life. If you’ve had your trampoline for a few years and notice black residue on the mat, a simple cleaning probably won’t fix it and can be a sign that the mat is actually wearing out.


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Check for black residue

Some dirt and grime is a normal and expected part of an outdoor trampoline. However, if your trampoline is 4 to 8 years old and you notice black residue peeling from the mat on your hands, feet and even your clothes, this could be an indication that the mat is deteriorating and will need to be replaced soon.


Black residue is a common aspect of an older, commonly used polypropylene mesh trampoline mat due to the use of carbon in the manufacturing process. Eventually, as the mat wears down over time, the carbon will wear out too. Other types of dirt and debris can be removed with a few simple tools and supplies.


clear away debris

If your trampoline has a net, remove it before cleaning. Use a soft broom, dust pan or hand brush to sweep leaves, twigs, acorns and other loose debris off the trampoline mat and safety padding. Be sure to check under the upholstery where dirt can get stuck. Next, use a hose or bucket of clean water to rinse off the mat.


The water should loosen dust, dirt, and pollen that are difficult to remove with a broom. A hose works best, as light water pressure can help remove small debris. Do not use high pressure spray as this can weaken and damage the fabric of the mat over time.


Add cleaning solution

You can use household dish soap to clean the trampoline. Do not use harsh chemicals on the trampoline mat or frame as this could damage the device. Mix 2 tablespoons of mild dish soap in a bucket of warm water. Stir to mix thoroughly. Pour the solution onto the trampoline mat to loosen stains and stuck dirt.


Stay away from harsh chemical cleaners as these are unnecessary and can damage the trampoline mat. Use a soft cleaning cloth or sponge to remove stubborn stains like dried bird droppings. Avoid using a stiff bristled brush or scrubbing too hard as this can damage the trampoline.


Rinse and dry

Once you’ve removed the stubborn stains, rinse off the soapy water with clean water. Be sure to remove all soap and residue. The soap is gone when no more bubbles appear on the trampoline.


If soap is left on the trampoline, it can become stiff or even stain. It can also leave the mat slicker than usual and cause people to slip and injure themselves. A hose works best for a thorough flush; However, you can also use buckets of water to get the job done.

Dry the trampoline with soft bath towels or beach towels. Then let it air dry in the sun. Make sure the trampoline is completely dry before using it. A wet trampoline is slippery and very dangerous.

Maintenance for your trampoline

Cleaning your trampoline more often will prevent stains from sticking and make them easier to remove. As with any room in your home, your trampoline will become easier to clean and look better if you tidy it up from time to time. Another preventative solution is to invest in a trampoline cover.

A trampoline cover can be particularly helpful during times of the year when you are not using the trampoline, such as during the summer months. B. in late autumn and winter. It can also help in spring, summer and fall when pollen, leaves, twigs and bird droppings inevitably end up on the trampoline. You can either leave the cover on the trampoline for a while when you are not using it or put it on every day after use. This can minimize stains and therefore cleaning time, and it can also help protect your trampoline from the elements and keep it looking new and clean for longer.

How long does a rebounder last?

Do Rebounders Wear Out? You can expect a rebounder to last an average of 3 – 8 years, depending on use and care. All parts of the rebounder, from the frame, mat, and springs or bungees, will wear with use. Proper care will slow the process, but it is expected that parts will need to be replaced after time.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

How long do rebounder trampolines last?

Why do trampoline springs break?

The closer you are to the edge of the trampoline, however, the more stress you may cause to those springs. Even though it is unlikely that normal trampoline use will overload the springs, there is always a chance that one could malfunction and lead to injury or harm.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

If you’re using a store-bought trampoline, you may be wondering why your trampoline springs keep breaking. There are many critical parts to a trampoline, and the most common part is also one of the most important: the trampoline spring. The number of springs used is also not arbitrary, but each spring is there not only to ensure the best bounce, but also to improve safety levels.

A MaxAir trampoline can be used both for leisure and for training, but in either case the springs play the same important role. The goal is to start in the middle of the trampoline and land in the same place. Safety is a big reason, of course, but also because you want each of those springs to activate evenly. Most cheap trampolines don’t take this rigorous use into account.

Even with the most powerful tramp, it’s difficult to take off and land in the middle every time. No matter how hard you aim for that sweet spot, it’s not uncommon for you to land off center. However, the closer you are to the edge of the trampoline, the more stress you can put on these springs. While it is unlikely that the springs will become overloaded during normal trampoline use, there is always a chance that a malfunction will occur and result in injury or damage.

You may think that a missing spring will have little effect on your trampoline’s performance, but it will. A missing, broken, or over-sprung spring will completely alter the integrity of the entire trampoline and a trampoline with a missing spring should never be jumped on. Each of the other springs must take on the load of the missing spring and this could result in more springs being lost or increasing the risk of the mat tearing.

Fortunately, MaxAir Trampolines makes it easy to find replacement springs or other replacement parts for your trampoline. MaxAir Trampolines prides itself on the care and attention we put into our products and we strive to ensure the best performance and safety.

Our mission is to empower those who are committed to training to learn safely and achieve their maximum performance. MaxAir offers you best-in-class performance, quality, service and safety, tailored for you and your athlete. Call us today at 616-929-0882 for more information on why MaxAir trampolines are used. A MaxAir trampoline is like nothing else.

Can Loan Last 24 HOURS on Trampoline Challenge!?

Can Loan Last 24 HOURS on Trampoline Challenge!?
Can Loan Last 24 HOURS on Trampoline Challenge!?

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How Long Do Trampolines Last? A Quick Guide

Trampolines are more than just garden accessories; They are also an investment that you need to take good care of. Over time, trampolines can lose their flexibility and sturdiness. To get the best out of them, it is important to ensure their longevity through proper maintenance.

It all starts with the question, “How long do trampolines last?” In this guide we will look at the lifespan of an average trampoline and the steps needed to keep them in top shape.

The average lifespan of a trampoline

Photo by Adi Perets on

There is no definite answer as to how long trampolines will last as it depends on the quality and design of a trampoline. If you’re looking for a baseball figure, a standard trampoline could last anywhere from three to eight years.

However, some models and brands may go beyond this number. However, the actual lifespan of a trampoline largely depends on the durability of the materials it is made of and the care you take in maintaining it.

Trampolines cost hundreds of dollars depending on size, height, and construction. If you are planning to buy a trampoline that fits your budget, consider these tips:

1. Find a sturdy jumping mat

No other part of a trampoline is subject to as much stress as the jumping mat. Normally made of polypropylene fibers, the jumping mat may lose its ability to support the downward force and may tear as a result of prolonged use.

Cheaper jumping mats can last two years, while high-quality trampolines can last up to five years or more. To ensure a longer service life regardless of the quality of the jumping mat, you can ask the user to take off their shoes. You must also protect the mat from moisture by covering or storing it when it rains or snows.

2. Check the springs

The springs attach the jumping mat to the frame. When you jump onto the mat, the springs expand and compress to their original position. Although made of quality steel, the springs can lose their elasticity.

To prolong its usefulness, consider storing your trampoline during the cold months. Consider covering the springs with vinyl-coated PVC padding. Also, consider lubricating the springs by coating them with WD-40 to prevent rusting. In the event of damage, replacing the springs is quite easy as these parts are readily available.

3. Look for a rigid frame

If you’re looking for a trampoline that can withstand heavy loads, you need one that offers a solid base. Most trampoline frames are made of galvanized steel, which can support different weights. However, heat and moisture can cause rusting which can lead to serious damage.

To be on the safe side, consider wrapping the frame in weatherproof padding. You also need to check if the bolts and screws are loose. Tighten them before using the trampoline to keep them from falling apart.

Frequently asked questions about the lifespan of a trampoline

How long does a trampoline net last? How long a trampoline net lasts depends on the quality of the material used and the weather, but most trampoline nets last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. How long do mini trampolines last? How long mini trampolines last depends on the brand quality of that trampoline. On average, mini trampolines last from 1 month to 2 years or even longer. How long do outdoor trampolines last? Outdoor trampolines last between 3 and 8 years. Although there is no exact life expectancy as different trampoline brands make products with different qualities. The number of years an outdoor trampoline should last depends not only on the quality of the brand, but more importantly on the care and maintenance of the trampoline. How long do Skywalker trampolines last? Depending on care and maintenance, Skywalker trampolines last between 3 and 6 years and even longer. How long do Springfree trampolines last? Springfree Trampoline claims that their trampolines can last 6 to 8 years and more. How long do trampoline mats last? Proper use and maintenance of your trampoline mat can extend the life of the trampoline mat from 3 to 8 years or even more. How long do trampolines last? In general, trampolines are good for 3 to 8 years and may need to be replaced later. When do you think about throwing away a small trampoline? On average, small trampolines last between 6 months and 2 years. As soon as you encounter large cracks and tears on the trampoline mat or overstretched and broken trampoline springs, it is advisable to replace the mini trampoline with a new one. See also The ultimate guide to measuring a trampoline and its accessories. What kind of springs hold in mini trampolines? Galvanized stainless steel from thick materials. Galvanized stainless steel used in mini trampolines consists of zinc dipped stainless steel. How long do trampoline springs last? The number of years your trampoline springs should last depends on the quality of the materials used in making the spring, how you use the trampoline spring, and your culture of care. A good trampoline spring is expected to last 3 to 8 years.

in summary,

Photo by Ann H on

Trampolines are a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time. But how long do trampolines last?

There are many factors that affect the life expectancy of a trampoline. The main factor is the quality of the trampoline itself. A good quality trampoline will last longer than an inferior one. It also depends on how often it is used and where it is stored when not in use.

Trampolines can last for years with the right care.

Buying a trampoline is not an easy task as there are many factors to consider. The most important thing is to know the answer to the question “How long does the trampoline last?”.

The answer to this question is that it depends on how often you use it and how well you take care of it. A good trampoline should last at least 3-8 years with proper use and care.

Like many things, without proper care, trampolines can lose their shine and usefulness over time. With regular maintenance, you could even pass it on to the next generation.

Upgrading, Repairing, & Replacing Your Trampoline

Upgrade, repair and replace your trampoline

Already own a trampoline?

Is the frame pad faded, cracked or torn?

Has the jumping mat torn or are the seams beginning to unravel?

Do the springs lose their bounce or do they rust?

Does the frame show signs of instability or rust?

It doesn’t take long for inferior and cheaper trampolines to break down. After all, they’re exposed to whatever Mother Nature can throw at them and, unfortunately, often aren’t built to last. That’s why at we offer a full line of USA made, high quality replacement parts backed by a 5 year warranty.

frame pad

The frame pad is often the first thing to start cracking, many of them only last one season in the sun. Most budget trampolines have frame pads that last anywhere from 6 months to a couple of years at most. The life expectancy of our USA made frame pads is 10-15 years with proper maintenance. Shop our replacement frame pads.

bounce beds

Can you believe that many companies sell trampolines that only have a 60 day warranty on the mat surface? 60 days?!?! Our Medalist trampoline jumping mats are made in the USA and carry a full five year warranty and a life expectancy of 12-20 years with proper maintenance, sometimes just needing re-sewn in 8-15 years. Shop our replacement bouncers.


If you have an older trampoline you may see rust on your springs which may not have been electroplated. Or they may simply be worn out and overstretched due to the way they were made. Our replacement springs are coiled with conical, tapered ends, giving the springs much better bounce and longer life. They are also fully galvanized for excellent rust protection and are sold in convenient replacement packs. Shop our replacement trampoline springs.


After years of bouncing on an imported trampoline, you may also find that the frame seems more wobbly, less stable and begins to rust. Many manufacturers use thinner steel and only galvanize the outside of the frame. On the other hand, the garden trampolines we sell are galvanized inside and out and most are made from heavier gauge 13 gauge steel. Our trampoline frames are also made up of only 8 sections, giving them superior stability over budget store trampolines, which can have up to 25 sections! Contact us if you need a replacement frame.

So if you’re looking to upgrade or repair your trampoline, you’ve come to the right place. And if you find that your entire trampoline just needs to be thrown into the recycling heap, you can buy one of our brand new, USA-made trampolines and be assured that you won’t have to contact us for at least 10 years for replacement parts.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

Is your trampoline just not as bouncy as it used to be? If you’ve noticed that you and your trampoline have lost bounce, you may be wondering, “Is it time to replace your trampoline springs?” The answer could be “yes.”

In addition to replacing the trampoline springs, you should also check the trampoline mat to make sure it’s still secure and still has some bounce! When looking for replacement springs, look for the highest quality possible and also get materials that will withstand the weather – stainless steel or galvanized steel are best.

The most common reason you need to replace trampoline springs is because they have stretched. When they get stretched, they lose their power and that means you just don’t bounce as high as you’re used to.

String overstretching is a recent problem in mass-produced trampolines. When buying a trampoline, look for one with quality springs. Tighter spring placement and a higher number of springs versus fewer also increases bounce and reduces the frequency with which you need to replace them.

Is it time to replace the trampoline springs?

When buying trampoline springs, it’s best to buy enough to replace them all, rather than swapping out random springs around the trampoline. If you swap out springs here and there, you run the risk of not replacing all that require it. Another problem with replacing just individual springs is that your trampoline will have an uneven bounce capacity.

Ask us which trampoline springs best suit the type, size and style of your trampoline. Buy springs to match your unique above-ground or in-ground trampoline for the best bouncing experience.

It’s best to substitute feathers of the same length, but you can’t add more than an inch of length and still jump safely. Remember that the longer the spring, the more likely you are to hit the ground, as the height of the trampoline was designed with the original length of the springs in mind.

How can you tell if the springs need to be replaced?

Remove the springs from the above-ground or in-ground trampoline and:

Clench the quill in your fist and grab one end. Shake the spring and see how tight it is. Once you’ve removed the spring, if they don’t spring back firmly to their natural relaxed state, they’re overstretched.

To get a good test batch, test at least a dozen of the feathers to see if they are safe. If you’ve never done this before, you probably won’t find it easy to determine if a spring is under tension or overextended. We recommend asking a trampoline professional and/or replacing the springs regularly.

Give us a call and we can answer any other questions you have about buying a trampoline – in-ground or above-ground.

If you’re thinking about buying an above-ground or in-ground trampoline this year, give us a call. Let’s talk about the best trampoline for you, your family and your budget.

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