How To Ask A Guy For His Instagram? The 128 Correct Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to ask a guy for his instagram“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

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How do you ask for someone on Instagram?

Don’t be afraid to ask! If you want, then there is no harm in asking someone if they would like to follow you on Instagram. If that person appears to be interested and seems like a real person then goes ahead and direct message them and ask them if they would like to follow your page.

What should I ask a guy on Instagram?

Questions to Ask a Guy
  • What’s your all-time favorite movie that you’ve seen a million times?
  • What did you want your job to be when you were a kid?
  • If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world and money wasn’t an issue, where would you go?
  • What would you do if you won the lottery?

How do you ask a guy out on Instagram?

What’s a casual way to ask someone out on Instagram? Ask for their number to take things slow. You don’t have to dive into asking them out right away. If you want to see where this is going, try asking for their digits so you two can text.

How do you get a guy interested in you on Instagram?

How to Get a Guy to Notice You on Instagram
  1. 1 Update your profile, especially your profile pic.
  2. 2 Check out his profile to learn more about him.
  3. 3 Like most (but not all) of his new photos.
  4. 4 Consider liking his older photos to be more obvious.
  5. 5 Leave friendly, engaging comments on his posts.

Are you in Instagram or on Instagram?

Are you on Instagram”, is correct, because your account, and not you lives inside that little universe of Instagram.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

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How do you text a guy first on Instagram?

Snap a quick selfie or picture of whatever you’re doing and drop it in his DMs. Send a quick message or question with your picture so he has something more to respond to. Just avoid sending any nude or sexual pictures out of the blue since they could make him uncomfortable or they could get shared around.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

If you have a crush on a guy on Instagram, slipping into his DMs is a great way to start your conversation and get to know him even better.[1] We know there’s a lot you could say to him in your first message, but some messages will make him open up more than others. We’ve got tons of helpful tips on what to say and sample messages to try, whether you’re looking to keep it casual or start a serious relationship!

This article is based on an interview with our professional dating coach, John Keegan, founder of The Awakened Lifestyle. Watch the full interview here.

What should I ask a guy over text?

LIST OF Questions to ask a guy or girl over text
  • What’s your “go to” video or gif for a laugh? …
  • Where’s your favorite place to get take away or delivery from? …
  • What song do you play most often? …
  • What’s your favorite quote from a movie? …
  • What’s your “go to” joke? …
  • What song has the best intro?

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

These questions to ask a guy or a girl via text message are great because chatting with someone via text message is a lot different than talking face to face. So many conversational questions just don’t work in a medium that calls for short answers. No long detailed stories. Nothing too deep or heavy. And forget about anything too emotive unless you’re an emoji master.

So I’ve put together this list of questions that work much better with a phone in hand and access to the internet. Lots of short back and forth answers that are pretty easy. Plus questions that focus the conversation on something that’s easy to share when texting, like photos, videos, websites, etc.

LIST OF QUESTIONS to ask a boy or girl via SMS

If you’re tired of asking questions to text a man or woman, or just need some ideas to build on, you’ve come to the right place. Watch and enjoy! I’m sure you will find some of these really useful!

1. What is your favorite laughing video or GIF?

A great way to have a good laugh and chat about something common, now and in the future. Also, you can see how much their sense of humor matches yours. And if you have hidden some great funny videos, you can share some of them.

2. Where is your favorite place for takeout or delivery?

If you know and like the place you can talk about how good it is. If you don’t know, give it a try and you’ll have something to talk about next time you text them!

3. What song do you play the most?

Great for learning about their music tastes and how well they match your own. Also, everyone has a passion for the music they love, and chances are they’re more than happy to talk a lot about it.

4. What is your favorite quote from a movie?

A question that screams for movie quotes from her and your favorite movies. Plus, it’s really easy to branch off and talk about what movies they like.

5. What is your favorite joke?

Everyone likes to laugh and everyone knows at least one joke by heart. And you can tell them a few jokes too. If you’re like me and can’t remember many jokes, try the jokes subreddit. Easily sort by top/month or week.

6. Which song has the best intro?

Another question that works well on a phone because after they inform you, you can look them up and listen on your phone. Then come back and tell them what you think about it.

7. What is the scariest non-banned item you could take on a plane?

It’s more of a creative thing. But great for some backs and fourths as you both have scary non-banned items on your mind. (e.g. parachute, voodoo doll in pilot’s uniform, full clown outfit, etc.)

8. What is the (funniest / most disappointing / strangest / etc.) text you got?

This one probably isn’t a good one to start with, but it’s great after you’ve been writing for a while and need something else to talk about.

9. What’s your favorite meme?

Everyone has at least one meme they really like. You can find out theirs, who knows, maybe it’s the same as yours! Also a great way to start a conversation just about memes, which is always fun.

10. How many questions can you answer with just pictures?

This one is really more of a game. They ask general, generic questions and try to answer them with just pictures. Quite fun when they’re ready for it. It’s like a treasure hunt. But I probably wouldn’t run with this one, good for later and when they’re in a gaming mood.

11. What is the most interesting thing you have on you or near you right now? send me a picture of it

A unique way to find a new topic of conversation. And you also get an idea of ​​what things they find interesting.

12. Which app on your phone do you think I should get?

This depends on how in apps they are. But everyone has two or three apps they can’t live without. If you have what they propose, you can talk about what you think about it. If you don’t, you now have a new app to try.

13. What is the best photo you have taken?

Time to give them a chance to show themselves. We all have pictures that we have taken that we really like. Now you can compliment them to their pride and joy. Definitely a good question to ask a girl or boy via text message.

14. What was the worst text message you accidentally sent?

Embarrassment is a powerful feeling, and if they have a story they’re willing to share, it will bring you both a little closer. It’s great to empathize with her, and when it’s not too bad you can make good-natured teasing.

15. What would you really like to buy now?

Great because they can send you a link to the product you want and you can try it. Now you have something to talk about that you’re really into.

16. What’s the funniest thing someone could spend/buy money on on the internet?

Similar to the question above because they can send you the link, but this question requires a little more creativity. Often this leads to a hilarious stream of fun products and services.

17. What’s the funniest picture you have on your phone?

Similar to previous video questions and great for the same reason. It gives you something the two of you can talk about. You could also narrow it down and say the funniest picture of you on your phone.

18. What stupid pick-up lines do you know?

Everyone knows some silly/funny pick-up lines. And this question is a great way to start a good back-and-forth of funny pick-up lines.

19. What are some unwritten rules?

This one is a bit different than the others. You could take it in a few directions, like unwritten rules between friends, or you could go with society in general.

But like many other questions to ask a boy or girl via text message, it’s great because it’s perfect for texting back and forth while you both ponder new rules.

20. What happens in real life but is rarely portrayed in movies?

Here’s another one that might take a little creativity. You can also just flip it and ask what happens in movies all the time but rarely in real life.

21. What isn’t real but you wish so badly it was?

It’s just fun to answer this question. Everyone loves to fantasize about the amazing things they would like to have.

22. What’s the best “hidden gem” you’ve found?

Who doesn’t love to share cool stuff they’ve found? It can be a band, a website, something they bought, really anything. You can let them know that it doesn’t really have to be unknown. It may just be something they stumbled upon.

23. What’s the silliest thing you’re passionate about?

We all have our passions that are far from productive, they keep us sane. And that’s a great way to see what they’re really into. Something they might not let everyone know about.

24. What do you hate/love most about your phone?

I’m sure you have a love-hate relationship with your phone, and probably she does too. It can be a general thing like taking too much time or a specific feature like the fingerprint scanner.

25. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve seen online lately?

This is another one that will give you both something in common to talk about. And it’s easy for them to send you a link to the ridiculous thing for you to check out.

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed this list of questions to ask a guy or girl via text message. Hopefully you’ve found at least a few questions that work for you.

If you have more questions, we’ve got more than a few to offer. Here are just a few others for you to check out!


How do you start a conversation with an unknown guy on Instagram?

How to Talk to Strangers on Instagram
  1. Follow them before you send a message.
  2. Like and comment on a few pictures to get their attention.
  3. Send a DM saying how you found their profile.
  4. Mention what you like about them.
  5. Reply to their story for a natural way to spark up a chat.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

Instagram is a great place to meet people, but how do you start a conversation with someone you don’t know? Whether you’re trying to meet a cutie, make a new friend, or find new clients, the approach is pretty much the same – take some time to get to know her and keep it casual! Our guide will help you slip into someone’s DMs, from asking what’s your first text to keeping the conversation going!

This article is based on an interview with our professional dating coach, John Keegan, founder of The Awakened Lifestyle. Watch the full interview here.

How do I ask my crush for social media?

9 Non-Creepy Ways To Ask Your Crush Out On Social Media
  1. #1 Dedicate a song. Credit: Giphy. …
  2. #2 Keep it real. Credit: Bustle. …
  3. #3 Be the online confidante. …
  4. #4 Tell it like you see it. …
  5. #6 Subtweet/Subgramming. …
  6. #7 Create a #hashtag story. …
  7. #8 The ‘push’ …
  8. #9 From public to private.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

Do you have a crush at school but too shy to ask it out in person? Stumbled upon someone’s Instagram account but don’t know how to invite them on a date without sounding like another web maniac? Let’s be your wingman. Here’s a compilation of 9 totally uncreepy ways to engage your crush on social media.

#1 Dedicate a song

Photo credit: Giphy

Who doesn’t love to be serenaded by someone through a song? It’s a classic. But of course we’re not talking about that boombox that sits outside your crush’s bedroom like the 1989 classic, Say Anything – you can always upload a video of yourself doing a cover of your crush’s favorite song or a song with the right ones sing lyrics on Instagram or Facebook dedicated to him/her. At the end of the video, remember to ask the question with a charming smile!

#2 Keep it real

Credit: Hustle

There are no cheesy tricks or difficult pick-up lines here. Treat your crush like a normal person and have a normal conversation! Tell her you love her funny tweets or tell him he’s really cool (one of his interests, based on his Instagram) and would love to have a coffee sometime! It’s that simple. Be honest and sincere – and if it doesn’t work out, you might end up making a new friend!

#3 Be the online confidant

Take care of your crush in subtle ways by giving them soothing replies to their troubled Instagram captions (if any), wish them luck on a big presentation they tweeted about, or just wish them a nice day. Before sliding into their PM, make sure you make a deep, good impression and suggest continuing the conversation in person. Take it easy and make sure they reply to your tweets/comments before sending them direct messages. Of course, don’t start commenting on every single post they make — keep your replies sporadic, nonchalant, and totally cool.

#4 Say it as you see it

Photo credit: Giphy

If your crush is someone you’re already friends with, then it’s more about being genuine than creative. Post a picture of your crush on Instagram and in the caption write 10, 20, even 30 things you like about him/her and then 10 reasons why he/she should date you. Tag them! No one can resist saying “aww” at the same time.

#5 Insta-worthy Feed Credit: IGNANT

Composing a full photo by uploading parts of it individually to build up a 3×3 grid is kind of a thing now. Yes, that is exactly what we propose. Segment a photo of you holding a card with a message for your crush into nine parts and upload them accordingly. You could either tag your crush in the caption or text him/her asking him/her to check it out. That being said, this is one of the bolder moves on this list, and we advise you only do it if you’re good friends (or at least talk on some level) with your crush.

#6 Subtweet/Subgramme

Photo Credit: Meme Generator

Subtweeting does not always have to have negative connotations. Sometimes your crush will tweet or upload an Instagram photo that can be replied to. For Twitter, you can post a funny subtweet that’s subtle but relevant enough for him to know it’s for him. For example:

He: So bored if only I had company for coffee.

(After a few seconds) You: Could really use a caffeine hit right now.

And if your crush has a knack for such cues, you get that coffee date!

#7 Create a #hashtag story

Sounds cheesy, but it will always be cute. Come up with a cute and fun personalized hashtag that’s specifically relevant to your crush. After that, post a thread of Instagram posts with each photo telling from the first time he/she caught your attention to hoping for a date with you. Put the icing on the cake by tagging each post with your unique hashtag! But be careful with the captions, it only takes a few overly passionate words to escalate from an innocent crush like you have a creepy obsession…

#8 The Push

Taking the first step to have a conversation and taking the first step to asking someone out is very different. Sometimes the latter has a higher probability of success if you don’t do the former – removing the element of “creep”. However, your crush often needs a little nudge. You can browse their various social media accounts to find out what they are passionate about or what they feel strong about. By vehemently voicing your opinions on the same topics online, they may feel compelled to talk to you about them when they come across it. From there, your chances of meeting up look pretty good.

#9 From public to private

Photo credit: Giphy

Private messaging is never the wise first step. Start by sending a friend/follow request and see if he/she reciprocates. After the first barrier has been overcome, you can like or comment on your photos. Give a good first impression of just being a friendly online follower. After several replies have been exchanged and the friendliness is still mutual, you’re ready for the PM to pop in the question. Remember, don’t skip the gun by being overly eager and chasing your crush away!

Do whatever you want with this list, but remember to respect your crush and their privacy, too. Sweeping your crush off your feet on social media might seem great in theory, but everyone’s reaction is different — just like asking someone out in real life, you have every right to say no. And if you do, don’t constantly address the topic online. Just brush off and move on with dignity and grace.

Do you have any suggestions of your own that you would like to add to our list? Comment below and share your tips!

What is a cute way to ask a guy out?

Here are a few ways that make it easy for you.
  1. Text innocent messages. Asking in person can be scary for some, so why not ask him over a sweet text. …
  2. Send cute notes. …
  3. Write a sweet poem. …
  4. Seek his help. …
  5. Tell him you are hungry. …
  6. Ask for a gift. …
  7. Offer him an ‘extra ticket’ …
  8. Hang out casually.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered


You love the way he talks and smiles. His looks, his running style and his attitude work like magic on you. And now you just want to spend time with him but don’t know how to ask a guy out. Sounds sad right? No, it’s not if we’ve got you covered.

Here we bring you a list of unique and interesting ways to ask a man out. Following these tips and tricks may feel difficult at first, but they are simple and effective. So get over the fear of being rejected or losing a friend you’ve started to develop feelings for. Just wear your confidence to take your secret or not-so-secret admiration to the next level.

21 ways to ask a guy out

It might seem difficult at first, but asking a guy out is easy. Here are a few ways to make it easy for you.

1. Text innocent messages

Asking in person can be scary for some, so why not ask him for a sweet text? You can send him cryptic or incomplete messages, such as:

I think I’m in love and you know this person very well.

I think we were a couple the last time we were born because we’re too compatible.

Let’s go out… oops, never mind.

You know I like yo……yogurt?

2. Send sweet notes

You can try something sweet like B. secretly sticking sticky notes on his desk or somewhere only he can see. You can write “I like you”, “Looks good handsome” or anything you want to say to him. Then text him that you left him something to read. He might feel excited and impressed by your sweet attempt.

3. Write a sweet poem

If you have strong feelings for this guy, express them in the form of poetry. It doesn’t have to be the best poem. Even a silly verse expressing your feelings for him will do. Complete it by asking him to reply via email or meeting you at a specific place at a specific time.

4. Seek His help

An easy way to ask him out is to ask him for help with something you think he would do well. When you’re done, offer him a treat at a coffee house or lunch at your favorite restaurant. Make sure you’re not desperate for a date.

5. Tell him you are hungry

If you share good companionship with him, approach him and express your hunger. Tell him you hate eating alone or you want to try the new restaurant. If he joins you, you have your date. Talk to him and get to know him better before you show him how you feel.

6. Ask for a gift

If he wishes you something on a holiday or birthday, ask him nicely for a gift. He may be nervous at first, but if he asks you what you want, tell him you want to date him as his girlfriend.

7. Offer him an “additional ticket”.

Find out about a game or event that interests him and let him know you have an extra ticket for it. If he goes with you, you have your date.

8. Casually hanging out

If you think the guy likes you, ask him to hang out with you. You can call him to a diner or a coffee shop for a chat. When you feel the time is right, tell him how you feel about him.

9. Try a pickup line

Not all women use pick-up lines, so using one on him may come as a surprise. It’s okay if the line is silly. Your goal should be to make him smile and ask him to go out with you.

10. Find common interests

The guy you like might be into guitars or into books. If you both have common interests, it can be a good conversation. You will also have his undivided attention and he will warm to you before you share your interest in him.

11. Be funny

You may be good friends with him and often hang out together. Try to tell him how you feel in a light and fun way. If he takes you seriously, this is your chance to grab it. If not, let it be a joke to avoid embarrassment between you.

12. Flirt with him

You can flirt with him by asking questions like “Do you have a girlfriend” or “Would you like to have a girlfriend?” Try to assess the situation based on his response. If you get a positive response, tell him you like him.

13. Ask a friend to introduce you

If the guy is not directly approachable, try to find mutual friends. Ask her to mediate and introduce you to him. Before you meet him, prepare yourself by asking him about his interests, likes, and dislikes.

14. Play a fun game

Find out how he feels about you by asking him a series of questions as part of a game. Start by asking casual questions and then ask about the kind of girls he likes. If you feel like he gives positive answers, ask him out.

15. Ask a friend to be your “wing lady.”

If you can’t speak to him directly, ask your friend to do it for you. Your best friend may not feel nervous when approaching a boy and playing cupid. She can tell him that it would be great if you both talked and knew each other.

16. Put a note in his book or CD

Borrow a book or CD from him and put a note in it when you return it. Write down your feelings for him and mention that it’s okay if he doesn’t have the same feelings you have for him.

17. Research about his passion

Find out what interests him the most and use it as an excuse to talk to him. For example, if he likes guitars, you can approach him for guitar lessons. If he offers to teach you, you’ll have a chance to spend more time with him before you confess your feelings to him.

18. Ask for a group date

If asking him out alone seems uncomfortable, try planning a group date. You can even get invited to a group outing that he would be attending. When you’re together, strike up a conversation and try not to leave his side. You can easily talk to him in the company of your friends, and if he shows no interest, you can confidently talk to other friends.

19. Get him to ask you out

Guys like to save the day for someone. So if you tell him you wanted to visit the new bowling alley or restaurant but couldn’t find anyone to go with, he might offer to give you a ride.

20. Offer him an escape

Say you’re in a group and you find him bored or disinterested, offer to take him to a better party or place that you know he might enjoy. Once outside, take him to a nice, quiet spot and tell him you want to spend alone time with him.

21. Be open

Sometimes being open works. If you’ve been dating this guy for a while and think he likes you too but is too shy to ask you out, be confident and ask him out directly. He might be pleasantly surprised by your gesture and more than happy to obey you.

Frequently Asked Questions 1. When not to ask a man out? You shouldn’t ask a man out if: He just got out of a serious relationship

He already has someone he likes

He is in a committed relationship

He is not sincere with his actions and words and only flirts with you to boost his ego. 2. Do guys want girls to ask them out? While some men disagree with the idea of ​​girls making the first move, it’s believed that most men find it attractive and hot when girls are confident enough to ask them out.

Asking a guy out on a date can be difficult, but keep your cool. You may wait for his response or sweat before approaching him, but your attitude and behavior should not reflect that. All of the above advice on how to ask a man out can help you with that. Approach him confidently, tell him you’re hungry and hang out casually, or you can ask a friend to play “cupid” for you. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t go as planned. Shake it off and keep looking for the right one.

Important Notes At first, the thought of asking a man out can be nerve-wracking. Nonetheless, there are certain delightful ways to make this task easy and engaging.

Make sure you know his interests and choose the right time and place to try out some fun ways to ask him out.

You can try introducing yourself through a mutual friend or even expressing your feelings directly.

Was this information helpful?

How do you invite a guy without sounding desperate?

Steps to asking a guy out without sounding desperate
  1. Step 1: Keep it casual. Avoid using all your flirting techniques in the beginning. …
  2. Step 2: make it about you. Remember the trick is not to come across too strong and risk scaring him off. …
  3. Step 3: Involve your friends. …
  4. Step 4: flirt your way up. …
  5. Step 5: Ask him.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

Step 1: Keep it casual

Avoid using all your flirting techniques in the beginning. You want to catch him when he least expects it. As opposed to a dinner where you both need to dress smartly and look a bit formal, take him out to a local bar for an after-work drink. The atmosphere and scene there should be relaxed so the conversation can flow without pressure.

Step 2: Make it about you

Remember that the trick is not to seem too strong and risk scaring him off. If you speak to him every day, you might casually mention that it’s been a while since you’ve been to the movies. Like the lady you are, you will ask him to come with you if he wants. That way, you end up having an unofficial date without even realizing it.

Step 3: Get your friends involved

If you’ve tried it on your own and haven’t succeeded, get your friends involved. It’s always easier to give a guy some attention when you’re in a group because you don’t have to be with them all the time. Once you figure out where his mindset lies, suggest that next time you go out it’s just the two of you and give him time to think about it. Seeing you having fun with others will surely make him curious about what it would be like if it were just the two of you.

Step 4: Flirt upstairs

By now you should know what he likes and not use it to your advantage. If he doesn’t have a shy personality, try looking him in the eye and see if he does the same. Or if he’s the punchy type, play with your hair or subtly touch his shoulder when he laughs. It should definitely ignite.

Step 5: Ask Him

You might be successful if you’re just hinting, but the best way to do that is to tell him how you’re feeling. Your gut will never lie to you, so listen when it tells you the guy feels the same way about you.

How do I get him to notice me on social media?

How to Get a Guy to Notice You on Social Media
  1. Be yourself online to stand out.
  2. Set up an interesting profile.
  3. Share photos of yourself doing fun things.
  4. Vary your posts to keep things interesting.
  5. Post solo shots.
  6. Be playful with your style.
  7. Emphasize the positive.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

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Also, try to only follow content that might interest you. Don’t pretend you love a certain band or football player if you don’t really care about that type of music or that sport.

Check who they’re following to see if they’re interested in specific sports, celebrities, or topics. Follow these people or topics and turn on notifications so you know when these bands/celebrities/teams post something new. Then quickly like or comment on those posts (ideally before your crush sees the post themselves). That way, when he’s scrolling through his feed on a social media platform like Instagram, he can see that you liked the post and maybe think, “Wow, I didn’t know you liked that too!”

How do I approach a guy on social media?

7 Ways to Get Someone’s Attention With Social Media
  1. Make sure it makes sense. I get requests from people every day that I just can’t make heads or tails of. …
  2. Make it personal. …
  3. Make sure there’s a WIIFM. …
  4. Be brief. …
  5. Don’t be generic. …
  6. Ask for help. …
  7. Don’t ignore the obvious.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

Before social media, if you wanted to reach someone for any reason, there were only three options: in person, by phone, or by email. And that meant you had to find her, her phone number, or her email address.

Now you can tweet, link, like, post or message your way into pretty much anyone’s life. Anyone can do it. And therein lies the catch. Everyone does. And the competition for people’s limited time and attention is intense.

So you have to stand out from the crowd. Stand out. Get noticed. That’s the only way you’ll ever get an answer. Sure it’s hard to do. Difficult, but not impossible – if you follow these seven rules:

Make sure it makes sense. I get requests every day from people I just can’t get along with. I don’t know what they want or why they think they can get it from me. They either don’t make sense or they’re not appropriate, at least not to me. It’s a showstopper.

make it personal People react to everything that interests them. And most people are interested in themselves. Because of this, a long introduction about you is unlikely to catch their attention. Hopefully there is a good reason you are reaching out to this person. Any connection you have to their background or to something they wrote. Use it. Just make sure it’s appropriate. Use a little common sense.

Make sure a WIIFM is present. I get a lot of requests from people. They spend paragraphs telling me what’s in it for them. I know what’s in it for her. I want to know what’s in it for me. Everyone does. If you can’t, then don’t worry. You may get a polite reply, but that’s all you’ll get.

keep it short Everyone is pressed for time these days. Time is their most valuable asset. keep it short And whatever you do, don’t waste a few sentences telling them you know how valuable their time is. They already know that. Respect them by getting straight to the point—after making that all-important connection.

Don’t be generic. When it starts with “We’re looking for help from people like you,” you can all but forget an answer. If you think a general request on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook will get you someone’s attention or help, you’ve definitely been out in the sun too long.

Ask for help. Don’t ask me why, but people are generally suckers for someone who needs help. However, it helps to ask for help in a way that relates to them in some way. How this is done is individual. Get to know them and try to find out.

Is he trying to get my attention on Instagram?

Sign #2: They Start Flaunting Their Dating Life Or Try To Make You Jealous. Sign #3: They Make Their Instagram Captions Cryptically About You. Sign #4: They’re Blowing You Up With Likes On Your Old Posts. Sign #5: They’re Trying To Have A Conversation “Casually” Through Social Media.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

Now that we know the telltale signs your ex is trying to get your attention on social media, you might be wondering what the heck to do about it!

The first rule of thumb is to answer two important questions.

Question one: why are they doing this? Be honest with yourself here!

While your ex’s social media behavior can definitely mean he wants you back, there could be a few other reasons he’s trying to get your attention, namely:

They are angry about the breakup and are trying to hurt you.

(In that case, having them on your friends list or social media feed is a bad idea).

If their behavior on social media comes off as malicious and angry, they’re probably trying:

Hurt you like they do, right?

, or you want sympathy and support.

They want to be friends.

They don’t want you to move on.

None of these reasons are in your best interest. They are for your ex and his or her selfish purposes.

In other words, they have to do what they have to do. But does what they do really do you any good?

Question Two: Is Your Ex A Toxic Person?

Take a step back and think about the quality and type of relationship you had with your ex, where their actions might have come from, and how it makes you feel.

Maybe you were also hoping to get back together, or maybe the social media orbit is too much and you want to move on.

If you have hope that she isn’t just a toxic person and you want your ex back, then communicating openly and honestly with your ex is important.

Once they’ve exhibited the above behaviors, try asking them how they’re doing, if they’re okay, or if you’re really willing, you could ask them where they’re from.

However, if you are trying to move on, blocking your ex on all social platforms might be the best way.

You must do what is best for you. You may feel guilty or your ex may be bitter about being blocked, but when it comes to toxic people, the distance helps you heal and move on.

How do I ask a girl for an Instagram ID?

20 Ways to Ask a Girl for Her Instagram
  1. Make her an offer she cannot refuse. This is the most straightforward way to get a girl’s Instagram. …
  2. Ask her friends. …
  3. Get creative with emojis. …
  4. Ask her teacher. …
  5. Know the lingo(s) …
  6. Show that you’re tech-savvy. …
  7. Solve her problems. …
  8. Have a slow and relaxed conversation about it.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

There are times when you want to ask the girl you like about her Instagram but can’t find an effective way to do it. She may not feel comfortable sharing her account and might even block you. Here we list 20 ways you can easily ask a girl about her Instagram:

1. Make her an offer she can’t refuse

This is the easiest way to get a girl’s Instagram. Ask her about it directly. You might plan on following her anyway, so why not ask about it. This has no long-term effects and you can easily ask for someone’s Instagram. Be careful with this trick. Women are very smart and can sense when someone is using them on their Instagram account. It’s better to use the other 19 ways unless you’re really confident it will work.

2. Ask her friends

Ask one of her friends if she has an Instagram account and if so, ask her to give you the username. If her friends don’t know, you can also ask her to speak to the girl for you. You will most likely agree. This method is pretty easy and doesn’t involve many risks, unless of course she has an account on a private network and her boyfriend might get in trouble if he tells you about it.

3. Get creative with emojis

Use the specific girl icon along with a camera, filter, or Instagram icon to ask her if she has an account. This trick is quite effective and not many people are aware of it. There were times when girls asked for my Instagram just because I used the emoji trick on them! So it’s definitely worth a try.

4. Ask her teacher

If you are in the same class, just ask your teacher for her Instagram account. You can even do this by finding an excuse why you need to know about it. The only problem with this is that she might get annoyed if other people use this trick on her too and end up finding out that you asked for her Instagram.

5. Know the jargon(s)

People usually have an Instagram account because it’s cool or popular at the moment. Using this knowledge, you can find out the girl’s username. Try to leave a comment about how pretty their pictures are and how much you enjoy looking at them. Most people don’t expect this and may find it flattering, so they will most likely tell you about their account.

6. Show that you are tech-savvy

You can ask her if she has an Instagram account using a series of emojis along with the camera icon to communicate this message. This is more effective if you are familiar with emojis. Otherwise, try this method to find out if she has an account and proceed with one of the other methods listed here.

7. Solve their problems

If you want to make a good impression on a girl, it’s a good way to solve her problems. You can let her know that you can help her get more followers on Instagram. You can even ask for her username and then provide some excellent tips to help her gain more followers herself.

8. Have a slow, relaxed conversation about it

As you talk to the girl, slowly bring up the topic of Instagram and how you like following people there. Ask her for her personal account and she might give you the username right away! This trick works really well when you’re feeling confident or know each other fairly well.

9. Make a deal with her

You can make a deal with the girl that if she follows you on Instagram you will do the same for her. She’s more inclined to give you her username if she knows she can be tracked by you too. This is a pretty elegant way to achieve your goal, as long as the girl is okay with it.

10. Ask for her number and then her Instagram

If you really want this girl’s Instagram account, this might be the way to go. If you’re confident and flirt with her a bit, she might actually give you her number and then ask for yours. That way, she can decide whether or not she wants to follow you.

11. Send her a funny picture on Instagram that has nothing to do with the girl

You can bypass the Instagram issue by sending the girl a funny picture and then asking her if she has an account. You can even like some of their pics first to help the conversation flow.

12. Say you have the same interests as her

If you’re playing with that fact, you can also ask if she has an Instagram account by telling her that you like following people on Instagram too. This works especially well if you have something in common with the girl, so she might just agree with that.

13. Say you want to follow her because she’s cool

Girls love being told they’re cool, so it works really well for them. Follow the above steps and ask her if she has an Instagram account. You can even say you want to follow her because she seems like a cool person and she might be flattered to give you her username!

14. Ask for her username as a token of your appreciation

If you’re trying to get a girl’s Instagram but think it won’t work well, you can always ask her for her username as a token of your appreciation. She might think you’re just being nice and tell you her username, so give it a try!

15. Pretend you want another Instagram account

When she asks if you have an Instagram account, instead of telling the truth, pretend you want another account but don’t know which username to choose. Say that and she might offer you her own Instagram username!

16. Ask for their email address instead of username

If you’re shy, this is a great way to ask about her Instagram account. Instead of asking for their username, just ask for their email address instead. You can change your mind later and ask for their username even if you already have their email address.

17. Look for posts related to them

If she posts photos related to something related to your life or hobbies, then she might be the perfect person to follow on Instagram! You can say that the girl looks cool and you wanted to follow her, so ask for Instagram account.

18. Do something that will make her notice

If you want to ask a girl’s Instagram username but are just too shy, try this trick instead. Do something she’ll notice — like give her a rose — and then take out your phone. She may ask for your Instagram account when she notices you have a smartphone, so give her the number!

19. Pretend you don’t know what Instagram is or how it works

Girls love guys who are innocent enough not to understand simple things, which means this trick will work just fine. Ask her if she has an Instagram account — or better yet, say you don’t know what Instagram is. Girls will love this and it might actually work!

20. Asking about hers after you’ve told her yours

After telling the girl your own username, ask for hers as well. She’ll think it’s only fair that you ask too, so she’ll happily give you her username in return. If you’re asking for the username, try one of the lines above.

If none of these tricks work, you can always ask for their Instagram account directly — although it’s a bit of a hassle. When all else fails, use your charm and wit to try and get her Instagram account without directly asking for it.

And you? What do you think of these ways to ask a girl for her Instagram username? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

How do you ask a girl to follow you on Instagram?

Easiest Ways How To Get A Hot Girl To Follow You On Instagram
  1. 1 1. Follow Her First.
  2. 2 2. Find Out Her Friends Through Instagram.
  3. 3 3. Get Close To Her Friends.
  4. 4 4. Dig More About Her.
  5. 5 5. Make Her Friends Post Something About You.
  6. 6 6. Look Good And Cool While You’re At It.
  7. 7 7. Find A Connection To Her.
  8. 8 8.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

Thank goodness social media has made things so much easier. Even you can use it to get the attention of the girl you like. One of the most used social media these days is Instagram. You can promote yourself in any way you like, create your own image and even become famous through Instagram.

You can also use Instagram to get the attention of the girl you like. In case this hot girl. But how do you get a hot girl to follow you on Instagram?

As we know, a hot girl will have many, many guys following her, but she won’t give them all back. Not if you’re just one of “those guys”. You have to be outstanding enough for her to want to follow you, and let me tell you how.

1. Follow her first

Of course you have to do this. How can you expect her to follow you if you don’t even follow her account? However, this is no guarantee that she will follow you back any time soon. To her, you’re just one of those fans who admire her. Don’t worry, you’re just getting started anyway.

2. Find out their friends via Instagram

Once you become one of their followers, you will have unlimited access to their social life. Soon you will know her inner circle. This is the next step for you. Find out who their best friends are and connect with them. It will be of great benefit to you if it turns out that she has some male friends.

Also read: How to get your crush’s attention on social media

3. Get close to her friends

While approaching her may seem like too much, you can start with her best friends first. Join their circle by befriending one of them. It will be a lot less stressful, but it’s also a significant step. You always benefit from being close to your best friends.

4. Dig up more about them

Once you’ve befriended one of her most girlfriends, her name pops up every now and then. Soon it will become a regular topic in your conversation. It’s a good way to get to know them better by gathering information from the most reliable source possible. But don’t make it too obvious that she’s your main target. You can appear before their eyes as a very, very bad person.

Also Read: How to Get Your Crush’s Attention on Instagram and Other Social Media

5. Get your friends to post about you

Today is a day when everyone posts their daily activities on Instagram story. It’s hard for young people not to post in a day and it’s good for you. If you are with their friends, make sure they post your picture or something related to you in their story. She might not pay attention to her at first, but the more they post about you, the more chance she has of noticing you.

6. Look good and cool while you’re at it

Make yourself as cool and as good as possible when you appear in the story of one of her friends. If you’re in the same basketball club with them, ask them to post when you show off your dribbling skills. When they come to your match, do a cool piece so they include you in their story. It works wonders than you can ever imagine.

Also Read: Ways to Get Your Crush to Follow You on Instagram

7. Find a connection with her

Being friends with her friends is the key to getting a hot girl to follow you on Instagram. Make the best out of it. Now that you are close to her friends, you must have known her favorite movies or activities. Connect with her through her friends. Tell her she’s a big fan of Coldplay music, let her friends know you like Coldplay too (even if you’re not). Who knows that one day you may go to her concert together?

8. Make a good impression

When you meet her, she must have known quite a bit about you. Now it’s time for you to show who you really are. Make sure you unleash all your charm and do your best to make her laugh. But remember not to overdo it and make it unnatural. Just be yourself and gather all the trust in the world.

9. Meet them in person

Honestly, if you’re already friends with her social circle, it’s about time you meet her. When the day comes, you need to look your best, look your best, and do your best to charm her. It won’t be easy, but her friends will help you as long as you’re really good. Don’t be nervous, take a deep breath and be yourself.

Also Read: Signs a Girl Likes You on Social Media

10. Post her picture in your story

Of course, you will not upload your standalone image and make it your story. Do it in the most natural way. If you just met her, ask to take a picture together and post it as if it’s just another moment in your daily life.

Also read: Reasons why you should quit social media

And here’s the most important thing: tag your account. That way, she will really notice your Instagram account. And if that’s enough to get them to click the “follow back” button, congratulations!

See, it’s not hard to get a hot girl to follow you on Instagram. All you have to do is know the right direction.

How do you ask for follow back?

  1. 1.Engage with them.
  2. The reason they aren’t following you might be because they simply don’t know of you. …
  3. Start following them.
  4. Sometimes, all it takes is to start following them in order to get a follow back.
  5. Message them.
  6. Send a Direct Message asking them to follow you. …
  7. Ask them to follow you in the comments.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.

Try again

How do you ask someone to share your post?

How to ask someone to share something (without being annoying)
  1. Make sure that you consider the relationship that the sharer has built up with their audience.
  2. Make your request personal.
  3. Make it easy for them to share on social media (and make it clear how).
  4. Be respectful always.
  5. Give before you ask.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

Got something cool you’d like to share with the world and want to help promote it? How to ask someone to share something (without being annoying).

Maybe you have an exciting event, promotion, blog post, or just a new product. You know social media is the best way to get your word out, but how do you ask someone to promote your stuff and share your content without being pushy?

Asking people for help can be difficult and uncomfortable. It doesn’t have to be!

This article discusses different ways you can get people to share your content, blog post, business article, website or latest online creation.

So how do you ask someone to share something?

Have you ever received a request from someone connected to you to help promote their cause, book, product, blog post, social media posts or latest project, but it felt everything gross and strange?

Have you ever been the one who asked for support from people to share YOUR project and wondered why they didn’t take the chance?

If you were in either situation, a crucial ingredient was missing, causing the experience to be odd…

Over the past few years, several people have privately messaged me on Facebook and Linkedin asking me to post their stuff, but they all came off as just ruthless self-promotion.

Don’t be that person!


So where did they go wrong?

Well, there are effective ways to get people to share your content, and there are terrible ways to do it. Let’s take a look at some digital marketing and content promotion strategies that work, right?

Read on to learn all about how people share content and which approaches most often generate positive reactions.

How do you ask someone to share your project with their audience?

What you have to do is ask them if they are interested in reviewing your project.

People share news and ideas that are relevant, promote their brand and make it look good online.

So you need to position your project as the best ever for YOUR image/mission/message that they want to share and promote with their audience.

That way, they’re more likely to share, not just because you asked, but because YOU think it’s awesome!

Great pitches immediately show their value

Do you remember the people who messaged me to promote their stuff? None of them mentioned how valuable it would be to my community or me if I pocketed their stuff.

People generally protect their friends, family, customers and the community. As well as their social media feeds and email lists.

So if you are asking someone to do you a favor and promote your stuff on their network, you might want to think about how you are actually benefiting HIM and their network from your request.

Always lead with value for YOU and your audience


Because let’s face it, they’re too busy worrying about what’s going on in their own world.

So if your pitch is unconvincing and appeals to their desires and motivations and takes into account that they are busy figuring out how to improve their own stuff, then you probably won’t win their favor.

You will annoy them.

So before you pitch your new thing to anyone else, ask yourself one crucial question in hopes they’ll spread the word for you.

What do they (WIIFT) and their community members get out of this?

Answer them this question: how do they actually benefit from sharing what you have to share?

Make it easier for them to care (and share)

I learned this lesson once in a sales training course I attended – “make it easier for them to shop”.

If you’re getting someone to promote your stuff, make it easier for them:

Understand what’s in it for them i.e. H. do they get a free copy of your book, an early preview of your course or program, etc.? Understand how relevant it is to their community or audience. Can you show that you did your homework and found that there is a match between your target audience and theirs (or part of them)? Actually promote it. Have you created a complete promotional toolkit of images, email and social media copy, and other materials that they can use quickly and easily to get the message across?

Please don’t make the rookie mistake of directing them to your project website (e.g. opt-in page or sales page) for more information.

Give them their benefits up front when you send your first message.

Once you can answer the WIIFT question appropriately and have done your prep work ahead of time to make it easier for them to spread the word, it’s time to go pitching.


How do you politely ask someone to share something you’ve created?

If you’ve put a lot of work into something and want to share it with your network, but are concerned that a request will come across as annoying or spam, it’s important to do so in an appropriate manner.

You can’t just send out a mass email without carefully considering how well the people on your list know each other and what their relationships might be like. It’s also important to make sure they really enjoy reading the content you’re sharing before forwarding anything.

To make this process easier for everyone involved, here are some ways that will not only help get people excited about things—no matter what side of the coin they are on—but also ensure that no one feels offended:

Make sure you consider the relationship the sharer has built with their audience.

Please do your research to understand who their target audience is and what has worked well for them in the past in terms of promotions, messaging and content.

Armed with this detail, you can create content that is relevant to your existing audience and interests.

Personalize your request

Send them a personal email or video asking them to share (make sure you give a good reason why they should do this).

If you send a personal message and it’s obvious you’ve gone the extra mile, you may only get positive feedback, like I did.

Make it easy for them to share content on social media (and make it clear how).

Linking back will probably be appreciated by everyone involved! And don’t forget to engage in conversations – including comments and replies – when they do.

Keep posts short but informative: That way, those messages always contain something of value, rather than just an email link that opens someone else’s website or blog post that might just be skimmed over.

Always be respectful

The key here is to “do to others as you would like them to do to you”.

Sending a polite, friendly message is the best way to avoid coming across as too demanding.

Give before you ask

You may know the saying, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

If you don’t follow them on social media and ask them to share something from you, follow their profile first. Also participate in the comments.

You could even subscribe to their mailing list months before making a request to get a feel for what they’re about and reply to their emails to let them know you found their content useful.

In the world of BNI networking, there is a concept called “Giver’s Gain”.

Basically, Givers Gain means that your generosity is rewarded when you give something of yourself. Givers Gain is one of the main reasons people in this organization are committed to helping each other thrive and making their communities better places.

The idea behind the concept is not complex – positivity breeds more positivity just as negativity breeds more negativity – but it is powerful when applied.

Related Topics: Should I join a BNI group?

How do you ask someone to share your business?

Let’s say you’re about to start a new business, or your company is about to launch a cool product. If you want to spread the word, it’s important to ask people who have an audience interested in what you do.

You may be wondering, “How do I ask someone to share my business?”

There are several ways to encourage people to share:

Offer them free stuff or something small like a coupon code for their followers if they post about your product. This will energize the influencer and their followers and they will be more likely to share. Win!

Send an email politely asking for help and explaining why this is so exciting/interesting.

Share interesting content from others related to your brand on social media channels and comment “Please RT” – but make sure it’s relevant first.

People are more likely to share content that resonates. So show that you already have traction and engagement with social share screenshots, social proof images or some reports.

If you want to get people to share your content, you need to figure out what would motivate them to share and give them a strong call to action.

How to SHOOT YOUR SHOT🏀💍| DMs, tricks, tips, pickup lines📲

How to SHOOT YOUR SHOT🏀💍| DMs, tricks, tips, pickup lines📲
How to SHOOT YOUR SHOT🏀💍| DMs, tricks, tips, pickup lines📲

See some more details on the topic how to ask a guy for his instagram here:

How to Ask a Guy for His Instagram (3 Scenarios + Tips)

If you’re friends with a guy, the best way to ask for his Instagram is to use social media. Post a picture of you and him on your Instagram and send him your …

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How to Ask a Guy for His Instagram? – How To’s Guru

You can ask a guy out on Instagram by sending them a private message. You could also use the “Send Message” button in their profile to send them a message. How …

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How to Ask a Guy For His Instagram? – Droidrant

The best way to attract a guy on Instagram is to ask him questions. It shows him that you are interested in him and want to learn more about him …

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how to ask a guy for his instagram? – [Answer] 2022

First, be respectful and try to be engaging. Second, use hashtags to help entify the topic of the conversation. Third, make sure to follow the person back so …

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Just ask “Do you have insta?”. You wouldn’t know until u try. Asking a guy’s number is kinda more obvious that you want to get to know him more to.

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How to Ask a Guy for His Instagram (3 Scenarios + Tips)

How to Ask a Guy About His Instagram (3 Scenarios + Tips)

Want to know how to ask a guy about his Instagram handle?

Instagram is the social media platform most 18-30 year olds use these days, and Instagram DMs are where all the action happens.

Also, you can see a guy’s pics and follow him once you know his Instagram, which is cool.

Here are the top ways to ask a guy about his Instagram:

If you’re dating a guy and want to get his Instagram, the easiest way is to ask him directly.

Chances are he’s already thinking about getting your Instagram too, so it’s not going to be weird or anything.

Just say something like, “Hey, I’d really like to follow you on Instagram. May I ask your name?”

Most guys will be flattered that you asked and will give you their name right away.

If he says “no,” he’s either hiding something and has something on his account that he doesn’t want you to see, or he’s not that interested in you.

Related – Why some men hide their relationship status on Facebook.

How to ask a man about his Instagram if you are friends

If you’re friends with a guy, the best way to ask about his Instagram is to use social media.

Post a picture of you and him on your Instagram and send him your name so he can follow you.

Write something like “Hey, can I get your Instagram name too?” I would like to follow you there.”

Since he’ll be following you on Instagram, he’ll be more likely to give you his name than if you ask him directly.

To be honest, if you’re friends with someone, there really shouldn’t be any problems asking for or getting someone’s Instagram.

How to ask a guy about his Instagram when you just met

If you just met a guy and want his Instagram, the best way to do that is by texting when you can get his number first.

Text him something like “Hey! I was very happy to meet you tonight. May I have your Instagram name?”

If you are friends with a guy but don’t have his phone number yet, don’t despair, you still have some options.

If you have mutual friends, you can ask them if they know his name on Instagram.

You could also work with the information you have on the guy and try to find his Instagram account.

Don’t worry it’s not a stalker, it’s actually quite normal and most guys will think it’s cute that you bothered to find them.

Remember that at the end of the day most guys want more followers – it boosts their profile and ego.

Is it weird to ask a guy about his Instagram?

No, it’s not weird to ask a guy about his Instagram.

In fact, most guys will be flattered that you asked and will give you their name right away.

If he says “no,” he’s probably hiding something you don’t want you to see on his account, or he doesn’t want to get to know you better.

If you think about it, just ask him to share his social media account. If he doesn’t want it to be social then why does he have an account?

Should you DM a guy on Instagram?

If you like a guy and want to contact him, you should DM him on Instagram.

Most guys check their DMs often, so it’s the perfect way to get in touch with him.

Plus, he can easily text you back without you having to reveal your number.

A few tips when slipping into a man’s DMs are:

Make sure your profile is public so they can see your pics and bio

Keep your messages short and sweet

Start the conversation by asking a question or commenting on one of his pictures

Make sure he knows who you are

If you can keep these things in mind, you won’t have a problem DMing a guy and letting him reply.

What does “slide into DMs” mean on Instagram?

Just to clear up some slang that some of you reading this might not understand 100% clearly:

“Slide Into DMs” is a term used when someone sends a message to another person on Instagram.

This is because DM means Direct Message. This is Instagram’s messaging feature that allows people to talk directly to each other.

Pushing yourself into someone’s DMs is usually a good way to start a conversation with someone who uses Instagram frequently when you don’t have their phone number.

How to ask a guy out on Instagram

If you have decided to ask a guy out on Instagram, remember that there is no right or wrong way to do it.

Just like asking a guy out on a date via text message, in person, or over the phone, there are endless ways to ask—and every man will respond differently.

Start by saying “Hey, how are you?” or “Hi, can I ask you something?”.

When they respond, start with your favorite lines for asking a guy out. I’m not going to list things you can say to ask a guy out, that’s a topic for another post.

Just go with what you think best suits the guy you’re messaging with.

Best advice is to make it personal to him, using pre-made chat up lines is a bit cheesy these days.

Whatever you say, as long as it’s clear you want to hook up with him, he’ll respond by agreeing to date you once he can respond if he likes you!

Photo Credit – Photo by Plann on Unsplash

How to Ask Someone to Follow You On Instagram: 3 Easy Ways

Want to grow your Instagram account but have trouble asking someone to follow you? Here are some ways you can get more followers on Instagram.

This is a blog post about how to ask someone to follow you on Instagram.

3 ways to ask someone to follow you on Instagram

Asking someone out in an open and friendly way helps to make a good impression. To make sure you’re received as well as possible, here are some tips on asking someone to follow your account.

1. Integrate the idea into an existing conversation

If you want to know if someone is following you or not, why not just ask them? One way to try this is to bring up the idea of ​​an Instagram account in conversation. If they seem interested then let them know you have one.

In Instagram, how to ask someone to follow you is still a discussion question in the minds of new users. Ask them if they would be interested in following your page so they can keep up to date with your posts.

This is a great way to ask someone to follow you on Instagram without having the conversation directly about Instagram, but talking about something else and then asking them.

If they seem interested, this could be a good way to get them to follow you.

2. Have a plan and create a content calendar full of great ideas

What is a content calendar full of great ideas?

It’s a list of Instagram posts that you want to share with your Instagram audience and the date and time they are posted. This will be your roadmap so you can grow your Instagram community and increase engagement.

If you want to grow your followers on Instagram, you need to be consistent with the post you share each week. Since your audience wants content that’s relevant and fresh, make sure you keep your content calendar full of great ideas!

It’s important to have a plan and create a content calendar full of great ideas because Instagram has more than 300 million active users every month and that number keeps growing. So if you want to grow your Instagram account, you need to make sure you have a plan and create a content calendar full of great ideas.

You need to have a plan and create a content calendar full of great ideas because if you want to stand out from so many users on Instagram you need to have a plan and create a content calendar full of great ideas.

3. Build the basics

To ensure you keep growing your followers, you need to build the foundations. This mainly includes following people who have a similar interest, liking and commenting on their posts, and then sending them a direct message if they don’t immediately follow you back.

How to ask people to follow you on Instagram? Don’t be afraid to ask! If you like, then there’s no harm in asking someone to follow you on Instagram.

If that person seems interested and like a real person, send them a direct message and ask them to follow your Page.

What is an Instagram profile picture?

This is an image or video that appears at the top of your profile page and serves as an introduction for those visiting for the first time.

The best way to create a great-looking profile picture is to take vertical shots with good lighting, either directly above or below you. Instagram users often use filters to enhance their photos and make them more eye-catching.

What are Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories are three photos or videos that you post to your Instagram account on the same day.

These posts will disappear after 24 hours and cannot be saved, unlike a normal Instagram photo posted on Instagram timeline as long as it remains popular with followers.

Instagram Stories are unique because they consist of three different types of media: photos, videos, or live footage. You can even mix and match these formats for your stories!

Instagram Stories are popular because they allow you to share what you’re up to with your followers in real-time, which is an engaging way to communicate with them.

Various ideas for Instagram stories

There are many different types of Instagram stories you can post, each with a specific purpose:

Recipe Story: Share pictures of the finished dish with captions about how it’s made or what ingredients were used specifically for that recipe (e.g., “This is one of my favorite vegetarian recipes!”).

Location Story: Share where you are, e.g. B. In your hometown (“I’m home! Wow.”)

Quote Story: Post a quote from a famous person on Instagram and why they inspire us (e.g. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt).

Instagram Story Tip: You should make sure to add some visual elements to each story. This way, your followers can get a better idea of ​​what you’re talking about and remember it more easily. Here are some images that might be worth adding for this post: “A good Instagram profile is all about presentation.” – @huffpost; “Keep it simple and easy to read”,

What is Instagram Live?

Another format that Instagram Stories offers is “Live”. This feature lets you stream real-time video for up to an hour, and the footage only expires when you stop streaming.

If not, your video will stay online permanently until you delete it. Ask someone to follow you on Instagram as you go live.

It’s important to know that Instagram Live videos are designed to be shared within Stories. So what people see when they click on the live video depends on which circles that person falls into (e.g. friends or followers).

How often should I post on Instagram?

Instagram says you should post at least three times a day, but that’s not the only metric to consider when managing your social media presence.

How do you ask someone to follow you on Instagram when you don’t even post regularly? Some people recommend posting more than three times a day or even just once a day, while others say it’s best to take the weekends off and not post regularly on Mondays.

There are many different opinions on how often you should post on Instagram, but rest assured that there is no perfect answer.

What works for you is what matters most! (Note: If you want tips on how often other influencers are currently sharing content on their Instagram account, try an app like Social Pods that allows users to search by username.)

What is a hash tag?

It’s simply a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#). An example would be #blogpost, which we already used in our Instagram bio (see step 6), but any hashtag will work as long as people searching on Instagram know what they are looking for.

A hashtag can be used on Instagram to categorize the content. When an Instagram user searches for a specific hashtag, they can see all posts tagged with it at any given time. For example, if you search for #jewelry on Instagram today, you will get over 50 million results!

A good hashtag is unique and easy to remember. It should also be relevant to your blog post and used by others in the same community (e.g. #blogger). It can be used while asking someone to follow you on Instagram.

What is the hashtag for my blog post?

The hashtag for this blog post is #blogpost. You can add hashtags to any caption by manually typing them before adding an emoji (e.g. “#weekend #outfits”).

Note: Avoid including multiple hashtags per caption as not all users have time to scroll through their feed and look at each individual comment, so they may miss yours if there are too many tags included).

You should also include hashtags in Instagram Stories (although Instagram is working on a way to reduce the number of tags included).

How do I tag people in Instagram posts?

When posting your caption, you can tag people by typing their Instagram username in the comments section.

For example: “In this post, we tagged @exampleusername.” Note: You can’t tag someone who already follows you, because that person will see this notification when they log in to Instagram.

Tag people in your photos who interact with your brand

You may have seen Instagram accounts that are only tagged and unfollowed by other Instagram users. The reason is that they use Instagram to get discovered.

These accounts post photos of themselves or their products, but the best part about them is that someone who tags these images on Instagram can find your account even if you don’t follow them!

This allows you to interact with potential customers who would otherwise never see your posts.

So what does tagging involve?

All you need is a hashtag (#) symbol before any relevant name or company title—as long as there’s no text after the # sign. It looks like this: #TagPeopleInYourPhotosWhoInteractWithYourBrand and Instagram will put them in your tagged feed!

For example, user @couponworld posts photos of his business to Instagram by tagging them with #CouponWorld so anyone searching for that hashtag can find them. They also tag users in their photos to spread their brand and increase awareness. To your potential customers, they look like an active account with regular posts.

When you first post a photo on Instagram, it will be saved to your profile photo, but only for 24 hours from the original time it was posted.

After that, the post will disappear from your main feed and remain accessible via comments or hashtags until it expires. The expiration date is determined by when each image was last tagged with a hashtag or comment.

Cross-post your Instagram content to Facebook and Twitter

Every Instagram post should also be posted on Facebook and Twitter. This is a way for users who didn’t know you were on Instagram to know that you are on Instagram.

If the user has Instagram open in a separate tab or window when they see your Instagram shared post, their interaction with the content will prompt them to follow you as well.

And if you don’t have the Instagram browser extension installed, typing an @ before a username in a Direct Message always creates an alert for people who follow that account, so they can check what was said without manually navigating back through their timeline or search to need for certain posts.

The right way to ask someone to follow you on Instagram

1. Who do you want to follow on Instagram?

If you have a specific person or company in mind, you need to carefully ask someone. You can send them a direct message or mention them in one of your posts in hopes that they will take notice and follow you.

When you ask someone to follow you on Instagram, you need to think about the best way to ask them, as they may decline your request if your message seems insincere or intrusive. Come up with a plan to ask someone their Instagram name.

When asking someone to follow you on Instagram, keep the following in mind:

Be specific about who you want to follow. If you ask someone a vague question, they might not answer at all because it’s hard to know if they’re the right person for you!

Personalized messages appear more genuine and less intrusive than generic messages. Make sure your request is personal and includes something you like about them or their company.

Be patient! Sometimes it takes a few days for your query to be answered, especially if the person is not someone who uses Instagram all the time.

Ask yourself: Is this person actively using Instagram? If they aren’t active on Instagram, it might not be worth asking them as they probably won’t see your request.

Be careful when asking someone who is a competitor of yours; There is a chance that they will decline your request and report your profile instead.

Remember, if the person you want to follow on Instagram isn’t interested in following you, no harm has been done. There are plenty of other people online who will be more than happy to follow your account!

2. Look at what your competitors are doing

Look at what your competitors are doing and learn from it. You can find out what hashtags they use or other strategies to try on Instagram.

Also note which of their posts perform best. There might also be something to take away from your account. You can learn from them how to ask someone for an Instagram username. You don’t have to copy them, but they give you an idea of ​​what works.

When you’re seen as a leader in your market, people will start looking for you on Instagram!

For example, it’s very common for business pages to share their website or use the @instagram handle when asking for Instagram to follow back.

It can be a little difficult to get others to follow your page if people don’t know who you are and what your account is about. But there’s also a chance they will be

3. Interact via Instagram

A majority of Instagram users interact with other Instagrammers on a daily basis. They like, follow, and comment on their posts to build a relationship.

This is because Instagramming has become an art form that requires time, creativity, and thoughtfulness to produce quality content for the Instagram community.

It also allows business owners or bloggers to promote their products across the board, bringing them into conversations with potential customers or brand allies while building trust through engagement.

How do you ask someone to follow you on Instagram? It’s a good idea to follow the people who follow you so they feel valued and respected.

You can build an audience on Instagram when the people who have followed you engage with your profile.

Here are some ways you can build relationships on Instagram:

Follow new accounts every day.

Like someone else’s post and leave a thoughtful comment to let the account owner know you’re interested in their work.

Go to hashtag sites and find accounts whose content interests you so you can follow them.

Join Instagram groups with like-minded people where you can engage with each other.

Get involved in trending topics on Instagram by following hashtags or even start your own hashtag to get people to notice your account.

Comment on industry-related posts instead of just commenting on random posts. People will notice if, for example, you just comment to get more followers.

Additionally, Instagram can be used as a social listening tool as its powerful analytics allow you to monitor your follower growth over time and understand what types of images resonate best with your audience based on likes, comments, and shares.

This information can be used to plan Instagram content that resonates with your audience and is more likely to be shared or liked.

engagement follow

If you want people to notice your Instagram profile, following them is not enough. You must interact with other accounts if you want them counted as activity on your page.

Posting pictures and videos is great, but it doesn’t help build a relationship or get noticed online. You must know how to ask someone on Instagram.

You can interact with the other profiles by liking their posts and leaving comments. This can make other people aware of you and may also like your content.

4. Repost when tagged to showcase positive reviews

Many Instagrammers use tagging to show their love for your product, company, or brand, and you should too.

When someone tags a post of yours, Instagram automatically displays it on that person’s profile page and notifies the user who tagged it.

Reposting allows you to get more value out of every mention by giving people another chance to see what they’ve flagged in one place.

The best way to repost is within Instagram as this will keep any hashtags originally used with the photo (more visibility).

If you have an Instagram helper app like Hootsuite or Buffer, these platforms allow you to quickly schedule posts in advance so all your photos can be shared across different social media channels at the same time (#multitasking).

5. Instagram ads can put you right in front of your audience

Instagram is a powerful social media marketing platform. You can put Instagram ads in front of your audience. Instagram is a photo and video sharing social network that allows users to take photos or videos, apply filters and share them on Instagram’s online platform.

Instagram doesn’t allow linking from other websites, so when choosing Instagram as an advertising channel, it’s important that content appears visually appealing and has high engagement.

You can create effective carousel ads through Facebook’s Power Editor and promote your content like contests or marketing campaigns to get the content in front of more audiences inside Instagram than outside Instagram if needed.

With visual storytelling being one of the most powerful forms of persuasion today, Instagram ads are becoming increasingly popular for businesses looking for ways to reach their desired audience. Instagram ads are also a great way to gain Instagram followers and make your posts more visible.

Can you buy Instagram followers?

Yes, you can buy Instagram followers for just $0.01 each. However, this is not a recommended method to increase Instagram followers count as you will only get either fake or irrelevant accounts that are not engaged with your posts.

Additionally, many of these sites use bots to generate followers rather than organic methods which can result in your account being banned for violating Instagram’s terms of service.

There are many legitimate ways that will allow you to grow your follower base without breaking the bank or getting you banned immediately.

Remember that quality is always better than quantity, so choose a strategy that makes your site worth pursuing.

If the goal of increasing Instagram followers was to increase potential customers’ interest in your company’s products and services, you should invest time in creating quality content on Instagram instead, especially since buying Instagram comes with few tangible benefits brings likes or Instagram views anyway.


I hope this article helped you get more followers on Instagram. I’ve found the biggest help is to engage with other Instagram accounts and post regularly.

It also helps to have an attractive profile photo that shows your personality; Make it specific what kind of person wants to follow you on Instagram when browsing through profiles!

You can find a lot of Instagram tips on their website, so take a look at some of them to keep growing your Instagram followers.

How to Ask Your Crush Out on Instagram: Your Most Important Questions Answered

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