How To Build Your Spirit Man? The 98 Correct Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to build your spirit man“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

These things are: 1) You need to give yourself to a life of reading the bible diligently and regularly. 2) Praying regularly, these include praying in the spirit —speaking in tongues and in understanding3) Worshipping the Lord everyday, 4) Fellowshipping with other Christians. 5) Living a fasting life etc .Praise and Worship the Lord Without Music

Praising Him leads us to worship Him, that is, to adore and venerate Him for who He is and what He has done. You can do that with your own words in prayer, expressing wonder and gratitude to God in your own way. That is one of the best ways to know God and get closer to Him.

21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life
  1. Be a river, not a swamp. …
  2. Identify blessings. …
  3. Be like Moses-speak words of blessing. …
  4. Nurture a shared prayer life. …
  5. Take a step of faith. …
  6. Restore someone’s faith. …
  7. Be a grateful person. …
  8. Share the journey.
This energy fulfills us on a multi-dimensional level that includes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Here are 5 ways to feed your spirit:
  1. Do what you love. …
  2. Surround yourself with supportive people. …
  3. Listen to your body. …
  4. Connect with something bigger than yourself. …
  5. Learn and grow.

How do you grow strong in the spirit?

21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life
  1. Be a river, not a swamp. …
  2. Identify blessings. …
  3. Be like Moses-speak words of blessing. …
  4. Nurture a shared prayer life. …
  5. Take a step of faith. …
  6. Restore someone’s faith. …
  7. Be a grateful person. …
  8. Share the journey.

How do I feed my spirits?

This energy fulfills us on a multi-dimensional level that includes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Here are 5 ways to feed your spirit:
  1. Do what you love. …
  2. Surround yourself with supportive people. …
  3. Listen to your body. …
  4. Connect with something bigger than yourself. …
  5. Learn and grow.

How can a man get closer to God?

Praise and Worship the Lord Without Music

Praising Him leads us to worship Him, that is, to adore and venerate Him for who He is and what He has done. You can do that with your own words in prayer, expressing wonder and gratitude to God in your own way. That is one of the best ways to know God and get closer to Him.

How do you build your soul?

Here are my top 10 favorite ways to nourish your soul:
  1. Do a Healthy Purge. …
  2. Just Breathe. …
  3. Spend Time in Nature. …
  4. Eat Real Food. …
  5. Exercise Regularly. …
  6. Spend Time with People who Make you Happy and Support you. …
  7. Meditate. …
  8. Read Inspirational Books, Watch a Happy or Inspirational Movie.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

There are times when we all feel a little lost and wonder where we took a wrong turn.

Times when it seems like nothing good will ever come our way again or the bad things just won’t stop showing up.

When things are feeling overwhelming, it can seem like you have nothing under control. A feeling of powerlessness can take over and take hold if you’re not careful.

Instead of waiting until you get to the point where you feel stuck, it’s important to start healthy habits NOW to nourish your soul, mind and body.

Not only can it help you out of difficult situations, nourishing your soul daily will help you make each day a little bit easier for yourself.

Here are my top 10 favorite ways to nourish your soul:

1. Do a healthy cleanse

Taking some time to emotionally, spiritually, and physically let go of anything that no longer holds any value to you is a great way to nourish your soul. What you are left with are the people and things that make you feel happiest, loved, and supported.

First, here are a few areas where it might help to clear up some clutter:

Clothing that doesn’t fit or that you haven’t worn in over a year

Acquaintances or friends who are not supportive, kind, or loving towards you

Food, drugs, or alcohol getting in the way of your happy, healthy life

Papers and information that you don’t need and that just gather dust

2. Just breathe

This is an action that we do whether we think about it or not. But in this situation I am referring to conscious breathing as a way to reap a bounty of physical and emotional benefits.

Breathing releases toxins, builds muscle and strengthens your immune system. Conscious breathing also helps you focus, feel less stressed, and relax your muscles. However, there is an art form to breathing properly so you get the maximum benefit:

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth

Allow your stomach to expand

Hold your breath for at least three seconds before exhaling

Repeat as many times as necessary

The more you consciously breathe deeply, the better you will feel.

3. Spend time in nature

Trees, flowers, grass, wildlife and sunshine automatically help you to relax, de-stress and feel nourished to the soul. Nature also tends to look and smell amazing. The great thing is that you can find a form of nature anywhere (even having a plant in your house will help!).

Also, there is a way for everyone to benefit from it regardless of their situation:

Sunbathing: Whether you’re soaking up the sun in your backyard, through your bedroom window, or on the beach, sunbathing can help you relax and let your worries melt away. Just 5-20 minutes of sunlight a day can help you feel better. It also increases your vitamin levels.

Whether you’re soaking up the sun in your backyard, through your bedroom window, or on the beach, sunbathing can help you relax and let your worries melt away. Just 5-20 minutes of sunlight a day can help you feel better. It also increases your vitamin levels. Gardening: Some people love the feeling of digging in the dirt and being one with nature. Start a garden or start keeping a plant for your home. You will instantly feel less stressed just by looking at it.

Some people love the feeling of digging in the dirt and being one with nature. Start a garden or start keeping a plant for your home. You will instantly feel less stressed just by looking at it. Outdoor Sports: Go hiking, swimming, skiing, canoeing, horseback riding, play soccer, do tai chi, or go for a walk. Whatever you do, do it outdoors and reap the benefits of nature.

Go hiking, swimming, skiing, canoeing, horseback riding, play soccer, do tai chi, or go for a walk. Whatever you do, do it outdoors and reap the benefits of nature. Wildlife Viewing: Whether it’s birds, deer or butterflies, observing nature in action is a really great way to unwind and relax.

4. Eat real food

Do you know what’s actually in processed foods? can you pronounce half REAL food gives you energy AND helps you stay healthy.

If you eat more fruits and vegetables in your life, you will never feel worse – but if you continue to eat processed foods, you will. It will also likely make it harder for you to lose weight and can end up costing you A LOT more in medical bills.

If you really want to feed your soul, you must also feed your body with real food:

Eat fruits and vegetables

Avoid sugar (other than the sugar found in fruit)

Drink more water – it flushes out toxins, keeps you hydrated and helps you feel fuller for longer

5. Exercise regularly

Feeding your soul is about including activities that involve mind AND body. Exercise is a great way to enjoy all of this at the same time. The great thing about working out is that there is an activity for someone of literally every fitness and ability level.

For those who are low on energy or have difficulty with certain movements, exercises like stretching, tai chi, or chair aerobics can be very helpful. Meanwhile, those with plenty of energy to burn might find running or basketball more suitable.

The fact remains: the more often and more regularly you move your body, the better your mind and soul feel. Keep in mind:

Don’t overdo it: start slow and work your way up

A little goes a long way – you don’t have to put in an hour every day – even 15 minutes of daily exercise will boost your energy and happiness levels

Find something you really enjoy doing and it will help you achieve your goals

Find a friend or hire a coach if you need extra support

6. Spend time with people who make you happy and support you

Friends and family are great, as are meetings and support groups. Ask someone you enjoy being with to watch a fun movie, go for a walk, or just talk on the phone. These simple steps can go a long way in making you feel happier.

Often we just want to feel heard and loved no matter what. So hold on to the people in your life who can do this for you. They are golden and will always help remind you why you are such an amazing person. If that doesn’t feed your soul, I don’t know what will.

Stay away from people who don’t support you

Make sure you are around people who make you feel safe instead of being judged

Try a support group if you don’t feel like you have people you can rely on

Adopt a pet. While humans can have flaws, a pet will never judge you and can be a great source of fun, love, and companionship

7. Meditate

Being in the moment is a key theme that resonates throughout this article. Because the present is really all we have. It helps if we take a moment to just be still, listen to our own thoughts, or just get as thoughtless as possible.

There is a stillness that comes over your body, mind and spirit that allows you to just let everything go. Even a moment of meditation can have tremendous benefits. The longer you meditate and the more often you do it, the better, more relaxed and more present you will feel.

Focus on your breath, not your thoughts

Allow your thoughts to come and then just as easily leave them and focus on the breath again

Find a comfortable position. When you sit, make sure your back is straight

Find a safe, quiet place to meditate to ensure you can focus and relax. It can be anywhere, even outside.

8. Read inspirational books, watch a happy or inspirational movie

Think back to when you were a kid going to bed at night. You were tucked in and read a night story before falling sound asleep. The reason you probably fell asleep so quickly is because you felt safe and relaxed. That can still happen.

Watching movies or reading books will serve to get you out of your own head and into a great adventure or inspirational story with someone else. Reading or watching someone else go through trials and tribulations—even if they’re fictional—can help motivate anyone who’s feeling stuck or down on their luck.

Choose something with a positive message to keep yourself positive

Don’t push yourself to finish a book or movie you don’t like. Instead, find another book or movie that might appeal to you more

Laughter is a great way to relieve stress and feel happier, so try some comedy

Avoid movies with a lot of violence. Your brain thinks it’s really watching, and you’ll find yourself feeling even more stressed.

9. Write down your thoughts, concerns, and prayers

Writing down your feelings is a great way to feed your soul! It’s like free therapy and can last as long as you can write. Putting your feelings, desires, hopes, and dreams on paper can make them seem more real.

It can also help you plan how to reach them. In the meantime, putting your feelings on paper can help you let go or clarify an uncomfortable, frustrating situation.

Keep a journal near where you most want to write so it’s nearby when you’re feeling inspired

Write every single day or as often as possible

Write for a specific time, e.g. B. 10 minutes just for creative purposes and see what comes out

Keep a journal by your bed and write down your dreams as soon as you wake up in the morning as they are often very revealing about problems you are working on

10. Volunteer

Giving back to others is a great way to feed your soul. What’s also great is that there are so many ways to give back, whether it’s with your time, energy or money.

There are also thousands of charities to choose from. If you don’t like any of them, you can always start your own.

Find a charity that is well organized

Find one that fits your schedule – don’t overdo it and then don’t show up

Choose a charity that puts your skills to best use

Pick one that focuses on issues that matter to you

To be happy and healthy, never forget to nourish your soul. It may sound pretty simple, but staying balanced in life is an essential task. You can try the above suggestions OR make up your own ways.

What are the keys to spiritual growth?

Discover practical and refreshing ways to grow using the 10 keys:
  • Key 1: Focus on Your Relationship to God.
  • Key 2: Pray for Growth.
  • Key 3: Memorize and Meditate on God’s Word.
  • Key 4: Seek Wisdom.
  • Key 5: Obey God’s Word.
  • Key 6: Commit to Community, Especially Your Local Church.
  • Key 7: Serve Others.
  • Key 8: Give Generously.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

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How do I know I am growing spiritually?

8 signs you’re growing spiritually
  • A growing ability to discern your soul and spirit’s voice.
  • Quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to get angry or react.
  • Ability to translate your knowledge into practice.
  • Increased understanding and enlightenment of scriptures.
  • Ability to wait on God.
  • An insatiable appetite for God.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

As you align yourself with God’s will, there are signs to watch for to ensure you are growing spiritually.

In order for us to come into the destiny and destiny that God has in store for us, spiritual growth is necessary. But how do we know if we are growing spiritually? How can we be sure that we are becoming like Christ?

Although the Bible does not have a checklist for us to monitor the signs of spiritual growth and even others, the Holy Spirit helps us connect the Scriptures.

Using the life of Jesus as a guide, here are eight signs to look for to gauge your spiritual growth

A growing ability to recognize the voice of your soul and spirit

For the Word of God is living and mighty and sharper than any two-edged sword, it even pierces the DIVISION of SOUL and SPIRIT, of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the HEART. Hebrews 4:12

As we grow spiritually, God’s voice becomes clearer over time. We begin to understand our identity as a tripartite being—a spirit, soul, and body meant for God’s glory. The Holy Ghost will also teach you to recognize and hear God’s voice.

Jesus was able to discern His will and His Father’s will – Luke 22:42

We must understand this truth or we will be wrong. Spiritual growth helps us to properly separate between our soul and our spirit.

If we are unable to do this, Satan will continue to use us, and we will continue to err when we read the scriptures.

Listens quickly, speaks slowly, gets angry slowly, or reacts slowly

Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? there is more hope in a fool than in him. Proverbs 29:20

Being able to control your tongue is one of the signs of spiritual growth.

When news of the woman taken in adultery was brought to Jesus, he was in no hurry to judge or respond.

When Satan tempted him, Jesus not only quoted scriptures, he embodied them. This enabled him to refute Satan’s tactics.

Jesus had taken his time to grow until he turned 30 before entering the ministry.

And the CHILD grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. Luke 2:40 And Jesus INCREASED in WISDOM and in stature and in favor with God and men. Luke 2:52

If Jesus has grown, WE MUST grow. He also went through a process. Even as the first born son.

As we spend time building our souls with God’s words and having fellowship with God, He will empower us with the ability and strength to withstand temptation.

He will also cure us of the tendency to be easily provoked.

I’m still a beginner in this skill, but I know I’m better than I was three years ago.

It used to be easy for me to get upset about certain things or to react immediately. But we have to be willing to excuse people.

Just like Jesus.

When things happen around us or someone offends us, God needs to empower us with wisdom and understanding to process such news with maturity rather than reacting immediately.

We must also be careful with our words, for once they are spilled they cannot be taken back.

Ability to put your knowledge into practice

Anyone can quote from Scripture and boast of their knowledge, but few are willing to pay the price for obedience to Jesus.

I remember stepping out of a beautiful prayer session with God after spending a good time in God’s presence.

Moments later, my mother asked me to do something about my (introverted) nature. Within seconds I was tempted to get upset and resist.

The moment my heart was troubled, the Holy Spirit whispered to me:

“This is your true spirituality. Not in your ability to receive rhema, but in how you can live it out.”

He immediately admonished me, I repented, corrected my heart and did the work happily.

If true spirituality required that I be treated less than expected without complaining, then I would like to be spiritual.

Not easy, but worth it.

Knowledge is in vain and useless unless it converts us into Christ. -1 Corinthians 13:2

Improved understanding and enlightenment of the scriptures

Spiritual growth illuminates the Word of God and brings it to life. I can personally testify to this because I have seen the word take on a different meaning as I walk with God.

As if by magic, the Holy Spirit connected the parts of the Old Testament to the New Testament.

I was beginning to see God’s purpose scattered everywhere! The Bible felt like a map on which I could follow God’s will and persevere until I came to Christ and eventually to my humanity.

God began to open the eyes of my understanding.

God’s ways are no longer to be found, so He MUST reveal Himself to us through the help of the Holy Spirit for our souls.

And that comes when we obey him.

ability to wait on God

Our ability to wait for God’s Word and His guidance is one of the signs of spiritual growth.

Jesus waited for his father, just like Paul and the other apostles, Abraham, David and other patriarchs in the Bible.

The more I grow, the easier it becomes to wait on God.

God began to let out my fear of waiting for Him. The fear of letting go, of missing out and the fear of being forgotten.

If you see someone in a hurry, rest assured that such a person is not ready to grow (Isaiah 28:6).

An insatiable appetite for God

When you long for God, you become insatiable. You cannot say that you have arrived in God. Apostle Paul was so insatiable as he went deeper. Despite the fulness of his revelations, he still urged more of God.

He knew his purpose in Christ had yet to be fulfilled. So he did not boast of past obedience, accomplishments, miracles, signs and wonders.

no He got hungrier. He kept pushing. This is proof of growth.

Not that I have achieved all of this or that I have already reached my GOAL, but I am urging to grasp what Christ Jesus has grasped me to do. Philippians 3:12

God looks bigger and you look smaller and insignificant

Humility is one of the main signs of spiritual growth. How do you approach God and His Word? How do you approach others? how gentle is your heart Is it real or just a facade?

Take up my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your soul. Matthew 11:29 “For I am the least of the apostles who cannot be called an apostle, because I have persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace that was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I labored richer than all of them: yet not I, but the grace of God that was upon me.”—1 Corinthians 15:9-11

Growing spiritually is not attractive to the world because you are crucifying your flesh and its boasting. If you see someone bragging to God about their accomplishments, feeling like they know everything while trying to put others down, or trying to prove something to people, you can be assured that such a guy will not grow.

Spiritual growth makes us transparent enough to talk about our weaknesses.

Christianity isn’t about showing off, it’s about remembering where we come from and how much mercy has been shown to us.

Jesus was high, but he made himself answer the questions of the Pharisees even though he knew their hearts.

“Why do you call me good?” Jesus replied, “There is no good save God alone.” Mark 10:18

I observed this pattern within myself as I approached God. How can God love a mortal like me?

What is my obedience in places where Jesus is involved?

God is so pure and beautiful. The deeper you go, he reveals more of himself to you.

You tremble at his word and fear him—Psalm 51:17, Isaiah 61:2

I now know why the prophet Isaiah cursed himself when he saw God’s train filling the temple. -Isaiah 6:1

Same with Paul. Paul called himself the least of the apostles and the greatest of all sinners. Can you imagine that? – 1 Corinthians 15:9

You can’t catch a glimpse of God and think you’ve arrived.

You forgive and let go easily

This is one of the signs that you are growing spiritually. We are able to express the love of Christ and forgive those who have hurt us.

How can we become like Christ if we cannot even forgive those around us? Jesus forgave the men who nailed him to the cross.

He even died for her.

So if you’re having a hard time forgiving or letting go of things, ask God to help you grow. I know this isn’t easy, but redemption is at stake.

There are so many ways to measure spiritual growth, but I hope these will suffice for now.

God wants his children to grow. Just as we value physical growth, so does God value spiritual growth.

If you’re stuck, maybe you’re asking God for help. Because he is always ready to see you blossom so that you can bring him fruit.

bloom with love xx!

P.S. Do you want to grow spiritually? Here is a free spiritual growth guide to help you on your walk with God.

Click here to download

You can also subscribe to my newsletter to keep up to date with the blog.

How do you know if you have a strong spirit?

Here are 31 clear signs that you’ve got a strong spirit.
  1. 1) You’re true to yourself. …
  2. 2) You’re willing to change. …
  3. 3) You balance self-acceptance with self-improvement. …
  4. 4) You’re happy for others. …
  5. 5) You bounce back from failure. …
  6. 6) You’re grateful for what you have. …
  7. 7) You focus on what you can control.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

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Strong minds have many great things to offer. You cope with the ups and downs of life much more easily. They also approach life with passion and an inner fire and live a very vibrant life.

Of course we all want to be mentally strong. But how do you know if you have a strong mind?

Strong spirits manifest both mentally and emotionally. Here are 31 clear signs you have a strong mind.

1) You are true to yourself

When you have a strong spirit, you live a life aligned with your values.

You do this by first taking the time to find out what is really important to you. You consider what you stand for and what you are willing to protect and fight for at all costs. You will keep these values ​​in mind in all decisions and make decisions that align with your values.

In this way you will lead a life of peace and harmony.

2) You are ready to change

A clear sign of a strong spirit is to always be open to change.

You know that you are not perfect and that no human being is a finished product. We have the capacity for great change, and indeed life will offer us many opportunities to do so.

If we want to make the most of our lives, we need to take advantage of as many of these opportunities as possible. This is the only way we can grow as human beings and become the best version of ourselves.

3) You balance self-acceptance with self-improvement

Strong spirits practice both self-acceptance and self-improvement.

On the one hand, self-acceptance is necessary for our peace and happiness. Everyone makes mistakes and we have to allow ourselves to make them too.

On the other hand, we cannot accept everything we do wrong without trying to do something to improve it. Otherwise we would allow ourselves to continue hurting everyone around us.

Strong spirits know that self-acceptance and self-improvement must go hand in hand. Together, these two things will give us peace and yet make us move toward something better.

4) You are happy for others

A good sign of a strong spirit is genuine joy in other people’s achievements.

The fact that someone else accomplished a goal doesn’t mean you’re any less able or less successful. On the contrary, someone else’s win can inspire you or even help you achieve your own goals!

As a strong spirit you will see that. You will see everyone’s achievements as something to celebrate, not fear. You show your support for these people to spread joy and positivity in your community.

5) You are recovering from failure

If you have a strong spirit, you will be able to bounce back from failure.

You will not let obstacles stop you from pursuing your dreams and you will never give up. Nor will you let failure affect your self-esteem or try to hide it from other people.

You will be able to see failure as an opportunity for growth and learning. It gives you more experience and prepares you for the next step in your journey.

6) You are thankful for what you have

A sure sign of a strong mind is the practice of gratitude.

Instead of whining and complaining about what you don’t have, focus on abundance. You will find that nothing lasts forever. You will take the time to appreciate moments while they last and you will know that in some ways you are much luckier than others.

7) You focus on what you can control

You know you have a strong mind when you focus on what you can control.

There are many things that you will not agree with or will not be satisfied with. Most of these will be completely out of your control. What’s the point of wasting energy on them if your efforts don’t bring results?

Fortunately, there are also many things that you can control. Strong minds will always seek and prioritize these things. In essence, this means that you always start with yourself and how you can get better.

8) You balance emotions with logic

Another sign of a strong mind is the ability to balance emotion with logic.

Emotions are an important part of our being. They are there to be felt and they can teach us many valuable things. However, it is dangerous to be drawn into them without checking where they are coming from.

Some emotions may be good and give us the best direction. Other emotions can stem from negative experiences or trauma. These are counterproductive to the goals we want to achieve.

Strong minds recognize this difference. They examine where their emotions come from. That way, they can decide if it makes sense to follow their emotions or if it’s time to use logic instead.

9) They question the status quo

If you have a strong spirit, you won’t be afraid to challenge the status quo.

A strong mind gives you the power to question everything. You won’t just take things at face value or conform to a norm that doesn’t suit you. You will actually consider whether the way things are being done now makes sense or if there is room for improvement.

So you can think outside the box and come up with new ideas. Your attitude promotes progress for society as a whole and puts you at the forefront of positive change.

10) You are decisive

A good way to know if you have a strong spirit is if you are determined.

You are not wishy-washy or agonizing over your decisions. You take the time to think about what is important in that moment. You will weigh all factors and also listen to your heart and emotions.

When you make the decision, do it with confidence. You stick with it and see it through. And if you realize you’ve made a mistake, don’t act on it. Just take it into account next time.

11) You recognize your mistakes

Another great sign that you have a strong mind is recognizing your flaws.

This means that you are willing to admit your mistakes and not try to hide them or blame others. They will know that mistakes don’t define you or make you less valuable.

A strong mind gives you the ability to recognize your flaws without questioning your whole self-worth. This allows you to work on yourself and makes you much easier for others to deal with.

12) They have a growth mentality

You’ve probably heard of the growth mentality – did you know that it’s also a sign that you have a strong mind?

People with a growth mentality believe that everyone has the ability to grow in whatever they want. Our current skills, values, or even personality traits are not fixed. We can always take action to make it the way we want it.

If you have a strong spirit, fully embrace this attitude.

13) You are reliable

Reliability is another sign that you have a strong spirit.

That means people can count on you to deliver on your promises. You know what you can and can’t deliver and you say it loud and clear. You don’t make promises you can’t keep.

If you ever fail to keep your word, you have a valid reason. You inform the people involved immediately. This good communication can help you avoid big problems.

14) You question everything

A strong mind gives you the ability to question everything, even yourself.

You don’t just take people’s word and believe everything you come across. You are not afraid to use your own reason to examine the facts and form your own opinion.

This is even true for yourself. Just because you believed in something yesterday doesn’t mean it’s still true or helpful today. Things may change, your opinions may change, and you may find new beliefs that serve you better as you grow.

15) You are passionate and enthusiastic about life

A strong mind makes you absolutely passionate and enthusiastic about life.

You will want to put 100% into everything you do. You find many things to be happy about and feel joy in its fullest capacity.

This is a great sign that you have a strong spirit as you will not let fear hold you back from living life to the fullest.

⌄ Scroll down to continue reading the article ⌄ Struggling to get back to life? Learn the weird new way to take control of your life without visualization, meditation, or other self-help techniques. Watch the free video now ⌄ Scroll down to continue reading the article ⌄

16) You are confident

Confidence is a good way to identify strong spirits.

You know your worth and look forward to sharing it with everyone around you. You don’t let others get you down and take negativity with a grain of salt.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you think you’re perfect. On the contrary, you know both your good qualities and your shortcomings. But you don’t let your weaknesses suppress your strengths.

17) You are generous

Generosity is a good sign that you have a strong spirit.

Mental strength gives you a mindset of abundance. You believe in lifting others up and that there is enough in the world to make everyone happy. You will not feel betrayed or exhausted by giving of yourself to others.

Nor do they do so by expecting anything in return. You give from the heart and bring positivity to the community that surrounds you.

18) You are an open-minded listener

A strong mind means you can listen to others with an open mind.

You have opinions you stand by and you have reasons to believe what you believe. But you realize that you’re not always right. No one has a monopoly on the truth, and we are all constantly growing and evolving.

You are confident enough in your beliefs to listen to people who disagree with you. You don’t feel the need to get defensive or get upset. You listen with an open mind, knowing that what you hear might even give you valuable insights.

19) You are proactive

A good sign that you have a strong mind is that you are proactive.

They don’t wait around and expect problems to solve themselves. They also don’t leave changes to others alone. They take life by the horns and actively seek solutions themselves.

That way, you’ll be at the forefront of creating positive change. They don’t settle for less than the best.

20) They face problems

A strong mind helps you face problems.

Of course, problems never feel comfortable. But the fact that they’re uncomfortable doesn’t mean that running from them helps us at all. If you have a strong spirit, you know it and have the inner strength to acknowledge problems. This will help you face them head on and ultimately do something about them.

21) You are always eager to learn

As a strong spirit, you are always striving to learn more and grow as a person.

You don’t think you’re superior to anyone. Nor do you think you already know everything there is to know. Rather, you are open to any opportunity to learn something. This can even happen in surprising places.

This type of strong-mind thinking lets you make the most of life.

22) You balance optimism with realism

One of the most important signs that you have a strong mind is when you balance optimism with realism.

In other words, you focus on the positive, but you don’t let it blind you. You realize you have to see things for what they are, and sometimes they aren’t very pretty. There is no point in sugarcoating them or making them something they are not.

On the other hand, you can find something good even in bad situations. If you look for it, you can get the most happiness out of life. You will be able to make the best of any situation.

23) You are hardworking

Being diligent is a good way to know you have a strong spirit.

You always work hard for what you want to achieve. You dream big, but you don’t forget that dreams are just the seed. They don’t come true on their own, you have to do them.

Your dreams lead to concrete efforts and actions. You are not afraid of it, even if it might be uncomfortable.

24) You don’t compare yourself to others

A good way to know if you have a strong mind is not to compare yourself to others.

Instead, you will compare your present self to your past. You look at the progress you’ve made on your personal journey. After all, everyone is different. You can’t compare your start to someone else’s finish line.

It also means that you don’t try to make yourself feel better by looking for ways to be superior to others.

25) You have high emotional awareness

If you want to know if you have a strong mind, look at your emotional awareness.

Strong spirits take the time to examine feelings and where they come from. We realize that feelings are there to help us navigate our way through life and communicate important things to us.

Feelings can let us know that something needs to change. They could tell us that something hurts us. Or we discover our friends and partners thanks to feelings.

A strong mind takes the time to examine feelings and uncover what they are telling us.

26) You give and receive support

A strong mind will seek support from both directions.

It is necessary to receive support to get through life’s tough moments. But getting support is just as important. If you only take and never give, you will exhaust those around you. You would also take the opportunity for a greater sense of accomplishment.

27) You have a sense of humor

A good sense of humor is a good sign that you have a strong mind.

Life is full of ups and downs, but a strong spirit always lets you see the bright side of things. You can laugh at yourself and realize that life is not perfect. Life is much more pleasant when it is not always serious.

28) You focus on the essentials

A strong mind is characterized by your ability to focus on what matters most.

There are many things you could do with your life. But your energy and time are not endless. If you have a strong mind, take some time to reflect on what is really important to you. You will then focus on putting time and energy into those things as your first priority.

This allows you to focus your life on things that reflect your deepest desires and values.

29) You face your fears

If you have a strong spirit, one of the signs is that you face your fears.

That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s comfortable for you. Anxiety is never comfortable, and no one likes to feel anxious. But a strong mind lets fear push you toward what you really want on the other side. You will have the strength to endure this journey and know that it is worth it.

30) They seek feedback and constructive criticism

A sure sign of a strong spirit is seeking feedback and constructive criticism.

Feedback is all around us, but if you have a strong spirit, welcome it with open arms. You are not afraid of it just in case it is negative or brings your shortcomings to light.

Rather, you would like to hear if your intention matches the perception others have of you. You want to hear both the positive and the negative so you can continue to grow and improve.

31) You set healthy boundaries for people

One of the best signs of a strong mind is that you set healthy boundaries with other people.

You have a clear idea of ​​what you expect from other people. You will also know what you are willing to tolerate from everyone. You will set your boundaries clearly and firmly, but communicate them with kindness.

You will have reasons for your limitations that align with your values. Ultimately, these boundaries are not a barrier to your relationships. They’re a way to keep them healthy for everyone involved.

Final Thoughts

These 31 signs will give you a pretty good idea if you have a strong mind. You may recognize yourself in some of them, most of them, or even very few of them. Whatever the case, the good news is that inner strength can always be improved!

Look at the signs of strong spirits that you don’t identify with right now and work on them.

You will be able to build your strength over time.

What makes the soul happy?

Doing exercise or yoga techniques, enjoy music, watch movies, talking with your special friends & family, Connect with GOD through prayer makes your soul relax & happy.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

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Once in a lifetime you feel like stress or tension is freaking you out and you’ve lost all the happiness of your life and your soul too. Have you ever noticed why it’s happening to you? No, then start focusing on my words, it will help you to be happy again, to be as happy as you were.

First of all, what is happiness?

Happiness is contentment, contentment is achievement and achievement is our goal in life; So if you achieve your life goal, it will fulfill your satisfaction and that satisfaction will give you all the happiness of your life.

We usually assume that happiness is when we get the best grades in our class or when we get a job everyone has dreamed of, but that’s not really happiness, it gives you temporary happiness. So do what makes your soul happy, whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes your soul happy, because soul smiles through the lips of a happy face.

Are you wondering what makes your soul happy? Get top grades in your class? I’ll help you find what makes your soul happy. Here are 6 steps:


So they had had a very hectic day; you don’t have time for yourself wait wait wait why? It’s alarming, don’t you love you? It’s okay to take a little time out of your busy life to just focus on “THE”. Spending more time doing things that inspire you makes you happy, whether it’s baking, dancing, walking, singing, etc.


Doing exercises or yoga techniques, enjoying music, watching movies, talking to your special friends and family, connecting with GOD through prayer makes your soul relaxed and happy.


Do something you are afraid of. trust me it makes you happy. People who take risks tend to be happier and more successful than those who don’t.


Be positive and think positive. Those who don’t have a positive attitude always whine like a child and are also a very annoying and miserable personality. A positive attitude leads to success and happiness.

5. Treat yourself:

Be a facilitator of yourself. Face the reality of life and make it easier on yourself by motivating yourself. When you’re faced with a bad situation and you’re stuck in it, all you can do is motivate yourself by saying these lines: “You can do it” and “The bad times make a good time better”.


The ego can destroy your calm. Once a man asked a scholar, “I want happiness,” he replied; First remove ‘I’, which is EGO, as ‘desires’, which is ‘craving’. See, now all you have left is “luck”.

A happy soul can never be selfish. Be a happy soul and fix your life. You must understand that life is what you create or discover that it is not child’s play. You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

What activities feed your soul?

10 Simple Ways to Nourish Your Mind, Body & Soul
  • Exercise. …
  • Get Plenty of Sleep. …
  • Meditate. …
  • Get Fresh Air. …
  • Be Grateful. …
  • Taking some time to let go emotionally, spiritually, and physically to anything that no longer holds value to you is a great way to nourish your soul. …
  • Practice Yoga.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

10 simple ways to nourish your body, mind and soul

Our mind, body and soul are all connected. If any of these factors are out of whack, our whole body will feel it at some level. In order to nurture all three of these areas, we must find ways to re-center and restore ourselves. Slowly start incorporating some of these simple ways to nourish your mind, body and spirit into your daily routine and see how they positively impact your overall health.

1st exercise

The great thing about working out is that there is an activity for someone of literally every fitness and ability level. Find an exercise you enjoy and start doing it regularly. Research shows that exercise improves your mood by pumping oxygen to the brain and releasing feel-good endorphins.

2. Get plenty of sleep

Sleep is one of the biggest factors affecting our energy levels throughout the day. I’ve been lenient with my bedtime lately, but I always want to make sure I’m getting a solid eight hours of sleep. A good night’s sleep will put you in a better mood, reduce stress, and boost your immune system — among many other health benefits.

3. Meditate

Take some time each day to rest. Even a moment of meditation can have tremendous benefits. Meditation improves memory, alertness, mood, immune system function, sleep, and creativity. It only takes a few minutes a day to reap the benefits. Find a comfortable position in a quiet place. Focus on your breath, not your thoughts. Allow your thoughts to come and then just as easily leave them and focus on the breath again. The longer you meditate and the more often you do it, the better, more relaxed and more present you will feel.

4. Get some fresh air

Trees, flowers, grass, wildlife and sunshine automatically help you to relax, de-stress and feel nourished to the soul. Whether it’s during the day or at the weekend, fresh air and vitamin D are a great way to feel refreshed. I like to go for a walk in the middle of the day to get off my to-do list and go back to work with a clear head.

5. Eat more plant-based foods

Eating right is the best way to ensure your body has enough energy to keep you going. Eating more plant-based foods improves the health of your gut, allowing you to better absorb the nutrients from food that support your immune system and reduce inflammation. Try to find ways to incorporate more vegetables and fruits into your meals without making a fuss about it. Add spinach to your fruit smoothies, snack on carrots and hummus, swap pasta for zoodles.

6. Take a deep breath

This is an action that we do whether we think about it or not. But in this situation I am referring to conscious breathing as a way to reap a bounty of physical and emotional benefits. Breathing releases toxins, improves digestion and strengthens your immune system. Conscious breathing also helps you focus, feel less stressed, and relax your muscles. For maximum results, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth – allow your abdomen to expand – hold your breath for at least 3 seconds before exhaling – repeat as needed.

7. Be thankful

Stop thinking about the things that are good for you and appreciate them. You can make a mental list of things you’re grateful for in the morning or right before bed, or write them down in a gratitude journal. The health benefits of gratitude are extensive. The simple act can help reduce stress, strengthen social relationships, improve self-esteem, and more.

8. Declutter

Taking some time to emotionally, spiritually, and physically let go of anything that no longer holds any value to you is a great way to nourish your soul. What you are left with are the people and things that make you feel happiest, most loved, and supported. Here are some great areas where getting rid of clutter might help: clothes that don’t fit anymore or that you haven’t worn in over a year, papers that are dusty, friends or acquaintances who are no longer loving, kind, or supportive .

9. Fuel your passions

Take some time each day to do what makes your soul happy. Sometimes you can get so caught up in everyday life that you actually put what you enjoy on hold. Life is about balance. Many of us work so much that we forget how great it feels to paint, dance, make music, write or garden. Always make time in your life for things that make you happy. All work and no play can put you at increased risk of stress and health. Find time for some fun and play in your life and do more of what you love!

10. Practice yoga

Yoga is amazing for your overall health. It helps you build muscle strength, coordination, and flexibility while calming your mind. It also encompasses the mind-body-spirit connection. Wherever you are and whatever you do, it’s easy to squeeze into just 15 minutes of yoga practice a day.

Article by Megan Reid, Digital Community Manager.

What are the food for the spirit?

Food for the Spirit (1971) is a performance art piece and self-portrait series by American conceptual artist Adrian Piper, which was conducted, performed and documented in the summer of 1971 in her New York loft as she isolated herself and entered a dissociative phase influenced by her constant reading of Immanuel Kant …

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

1971 performance artwork by Adrian Piper

Food for the Spirit One of fourteen photographs Artist Adrian Piper Year 1971 Art Performance art, Self-portrait Medium Gelatin silver print

Food for the Spirit (1971) is a performance art work and self-portrait series by American conceptual artist Adrian Piper, directed, performed and documented in her New York loft in the summer of 1971, when she was in isolation[1] and entering a dissociative phase that shaped by her constant reading of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.[1]

Outline [ edit ]

Piper had started Food for the Spirit out of a temporarily isolated lifestyle she had adopted in her New York loft, which included yoga, reading, writing and fasting. Most important to the play, however, was Immanuel Kant’s metaphysical work, the Critique of Pure Reason, which she studied so intensely that she intended to distance and question its material existence. Towards the end of this period, during which she began to lose all sense of being, intentionally severely influenced by Kant’s perspective on being and obsessed with Kantian thoughts,[2] she ended the play ritually photographing herself naked in the mirror in various ways as she read key sentences sang from Kant’s text, which they questioned existentially.[1] Food for the Spirit is an essential work of art in contributing to the development of conceptual art. [3]

“I set up a camera and tape recorder next to [a] mirror so that whenever the fear of losing myself overcame me and propelled me to the mirror’s ‘reality check’, I could objectively record my physical appearance and record myself also on tape, repeating the passage in Critique that just propelled me to self-transcendence.”[2]

How can I hear God’s voice?

How to practice listening prayer
  1. Come to God with your request for guidance. …
  2. Wait in silence for God to speak for 10-12 minutes. …
  3. Jot down any Scripture, songs, impressions, or pictures God gives you. …
  4. Share how God spoke to you with your prayer partners and follow God’s will.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

God’s sheep recognize God’s voice

According to Jesus, we are his sheep, the flock of his pasture. John 10 expands on this wonderful theme. As Jesus’ sheep, we should be able to hear and follow his voice because we clearly recognize his voice. Jesus can lead us precisely because we hear his voice and follow him. “The gatekeeper opens [Jesus] the gate, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and his sheep follow him, because they know his voice” (John 10:3-4, emphasis mine).

In the next verse, Jesus points out that we should not follow any other voice. “But they will never follow a stranger; Rather, they will flee from him, not recognizing the voice of a stranger” (John 10:5). Later, Jesus alludes to the Gentiles, who will also hear his voice and follow him. “I have other sheep that are not from this sheepfold. I have to bring her too. They also will hear my voice, and there will be a flock and a shepherd” (John 10:16, emphasis mine).

Our Lord Jesus takes great delight in leading us as His disciples and those who follow Him should be able to hear His voice and receive the guidance we need. It is part of our birthright when we are born again of the Holy Spirit and become followers of Jesus. But what about those other voices? How can we be sure that we only hear from our Lord?

How do you know your blessing is coming?

Signs Your Blessing Is Coming
  1. Your prayers are answered. …
  2. You and your loved ones are healthy. …
  3. You have a grateful heart. …
  4. Your needs are well provided. …
  5. You receive overflowing resources. …
  6. You have the heart and means to give to the needy. …
  7. You are successful in everything you do. …
  8. You experience favor wherever you go.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

How great it is to know that you have God’s favor in your life. When you experience His bounty of blessings, you cannot afford to be ungrateful.

So how will you know if God is truly blessing you? How can you judge his loyalty over the years?

Signs that your blessings are coming

You can check out the following signs of God’s goodness and beautiful blessings in your life.

1. Your prayers will be answered.

Do you pray every day? If so, how often do you get dizzy when you realize your prayers have been answered? Answered prayers are certainly a sign that one is blessed. God listens to the prayers of his beloved children. But of course these prayers should be according to his will.

Praying according to God’s will means that you must ask for those who are not against His Word. Also, your motives must be pure and God-glorifying. I doubt God will hear your prayer to harm the people you have offended. But on the other hand, He will be pleased if you pray for those who persecute you instead.

2. You and your loved ones are healthy.

If you and everyone in your family are currently enjoying wellness, you are undoubtedly blessed. But unfortunately, the ongoing global health crisis has affected many people and many have lost loved ones as a result. That is why you should be so thankful to the Lord if you are all in good health today. It is one of the greatest blessings one could ever earnestly pray for.

3. You have a grateful heart.

Is it your habit to thank others for small things? Do you remember to thank God regularly for your life and daily blessings? Being a grateful person reflects a blessed life. It shows that you have so much to be grateful for every day – and you are aware of this favor. Therefore, a grateful heart is a sign that one is continually blessed.

But only as a reminder. You don’t have to be rich or famous or get anything you want to be thankful to the Lord. What makes a person grateful is a feeling of contentment.

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4. Your needs are well taken care of.

If you and your family are allowed to eat at least three times a day, every day, you are blessed. Do you also have a house in which you feel safe, secure and comfortable? If so, then you are truly blessed. Even if you don’t have a large fortune but your needs are always met, it means that God does indeed care about you.

5. You get overflowing resources.

How much more when you are continually receiving more blessings than you need? Having resources in excess of your needs is a sign of blessing. Examples of overflowing blessings include being able to snack between meals and having extra money over and above your regular expenses.

6. You have the heart and the means to give to those in need.

In connection with number 5, you would know that you are blessed if you want to help others. If you can give to the poor without hesitation, it means you understand that your provision is from the Lord, so you don’t have to worry that you are lacking. You know you will lack for nothing because you have faith that God always provides for you. Also, giving becomes one of your ways to thank God for His goodness.

7. You are successful in everything you do.

If everything you do seems to be getting excellent, it means that God is blessing the works of your hands. Whether it’s at school, work, home, or in the community, others can see that everything you do is successful. If this is you, then you are truly blessed!

8. You receive favor wherever you go.

Being favored is another sign of being blessed of God. The first and foremost favor you have received from Him is the gift of eternal life through faith in Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9 says: “For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

Another example of being favored is when others support your plans or needs. For example, if you had to go home in freezing weather, you would get a free ride. Or you could have received a scholarship to college or been nominated for a professional promotion.

9. You are surrounded by people who guide you.

You are certainly blessed when God has surrounded you with loved ones to care for and guide you. They are your human guardian angels sent by the Lord to help you whenever you need it. God also uses them to correct you when you’ve made a mistake or to give you wise counsel whenever you have to make difficult decisions.

10. You have peace of mind.

One of the best blessings you can receive from God is peace of mind. Many people may have lots of money and other material things, but conflict, guilt, and frustration can also bombard them. Most of these people become so exhausted thinking about their life problems that they can hardly sleep.

So thank God if you can still sleep soundly at night and wake up refreshed and optimistic in the morning. Having a clear conscience and being at peace with those around you is a special blessing for which you should thank God.

11. Your life testimony encourages others.

God’s grace is one of the finest blessings that you must handle with the utmost care. His grace is why you can receive His mercy, forgiveness, and second chances. You may have screwed up a lot, but when you give your life to Christ, you will be covered by God’s grace.

One of the manifestations of grace in your life is your transformed life. For example, if you used to live a broken life, but are now healed and whole because of God’s love, your life glorifies Him. Or, if people used to know you as a troublemaker but now find you changed, your testimony will also bring glory to God.

12. You will witness his miracles.

Have you ever witnessed God’s miracles? Is it the sudden healing of a chronic illness? Or did someone just knock on your door to bring food when your family had nothing to eat? If you are a first-hand witness that God is a miracle worker, then you are truly blessed. He loves you so much that He even makes room for you when there seems to be no way.

Your life itself is a blessing

If you make a habit of counting all the good things you have in life, there is no way you can miss the truth that you are blessed. Just think of the air you breathe, the clean water you drink or the clothes that cover your body. These are small but precious blessings to be grateful for.

Also, the fact that you are alive today is proof that God is blessing you. He still has a purpose and a plan for your life. Most importantly, he loves you as his child. Therefore, do not waste your life. Instead, learn to appreciate it and live in a way that celebrates God’s goodness.

Recommended online courses for you:

Prophetic School and Hearing the Voice of God

This course is for any believer who is hungry for God’s power to flow through them, blessing and ministering to people.

This course is for any believer who is hungry for God’s power to flow through them, blessing and ministering to people. 15 essential biblical texts

15 Essential Biblical Texts You Can Use to Find Deeper Purpose in Your Life for anyone interested in creating a more meaningful life through biblical wisdom.

15 Essential Biblical Texts You Can Use to Find Deeper Purpose in Your Life for anyone interested in creating a more meaningful life through biblical wisdom. The Resurrection of the Son of God

Studying the afterlife and the idea of ​​resurrection.

Recommended books for you:

Chinese translation: 12个奇妙的迹象表明上帝在保佑你


What does it mean to train your spirit?

Spiritual training develops the health and strength of the soul, increasing its ability to delay gratification and deny lower impulses in favor of higher ones, conquer weaknesses and temptations, act as an autonomous moral agent, make weighty decisions with dexterous wisdom, and, willingly serve other people.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

“It is circumstances (difficulties) that show what men are. Therefore, when trouble comes your way, remember that God, like a wrestler’s trainer, set you up with a rough young man. For which purpose? you could say. Why you can become an Olympic champion; but it doesn’t work without sweat. In my opinion, no one has had a more profitable difficulty than you if you decide to use it like an athlete with a young antagonist would. – Epictetus “Don’t you know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run to get the prize. Everyone who takes part in the games goes into rigorous training. They do it to get a crown that won’t last, but we do it to get a crown that lasts forever. That’s why I don’t run like someone who runs aimlessly; I fight not like a boxer who punches the air.” – Corinthians 9:24-26

The ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus and the apostle Paul – although their worldviews differed – both used the metaphor of athletic competitions to explain how a man should fight against weakness, false beliefs and all base impulses in order to win the prize of higher virtue .

They weren’t the only ones using this analogy. Many early sages and saints likened man’s attempt to conquer himself to exercise and the games of the athletic arena. They called their readers to become stoic athletes, Christian athletes – spiritual athletes.

These philosophers and prophets understood that it was important to train not only the body but also the soul.

The Greek word for training used by both Epictetus and Paul – áskēsis – was originally associated with the physical training of athletes and soldiers, but was later used to describe any rigorous, disciplined training program, including the spiritual struggle for virtue.

This paradigm where the practice of virtue is practice; The confrontation with personal weakness is struggle, has not entirely disappeared from modern culture, but has become weaker and somewhat lost for us. Partly for this reason, virtue and the spiritual life are seen as “soft” and effeminate pursuits, even though the Latin word from which virtue is derived – vir – actually means “masculinity.”

Today we appeal to both the Christian and Stoic traditions (although adherence to either is not required to be of use in the underlying principles), and wholeheartedly call for the revival of the soul training idea and it for the very significant, very “muscle” competition it is.

As training the soul is like training the body

“May the man who is wealthy in the worldly sense make in his own case the same considerations that apply to athletes. For the athlete who has given up hope of winning and receiving the garlands does not even give up his name for the fight; while the one who has conceived this hope in his mind, but does not submit to the proper exertion, diet, and exercise, goes on uncrowned and does not attain what he hoped for. Likewise, a man clothed in this earthly veil should not withdraw his name entirely from the struggles of the Saviour, if he is at least faithful and appreciating the greatness of God’s kindness to men; and again, if he refuses practice and combat, let him not hope to partake of the garlands of immortality without the dust and sweat of the arena; but submit immediately to the Word as coach and Christ as judge of contests; let his meat and drink be the new covenant of the Lord, his exercises be commandments, his grace and ornament be good intentions, love, faith, hope, knowledge of truth, gentleness, goodness of heart, dignity; so that when the last trumpet sounds for the run and departure from there, he may emerge from this life as if from a racetrack, standing with a clear conscience before the President recognized as worthy of the heavenly homeland, which he passes over with garlands and proclamations of angelic heralds .” – Clement of Alexandria

Philosophers and theologians have debated and explained the nature of the soul for thousands of years, and we cannot hope to provide a definitive definition of it here. But for the purposes of this article we shall call the soul that part of a man’s structure which seeks higher-order goals over lower-order impulses. It’s the thing that seeks what gives life instead of killing life. It is your moral compass, your attraction to perform noble deeds and to choose the right. It is the ability to go beyond self to serve others.

Your soul is your spiritual center and traditionally your eternal essence. However, belief in the immortality of the soul is not necessary to belief in the possibility of actively training it; even considering it simply as that part of the psyche that is more human and advanced and less primitive and reptilian, the protocols for its practice still apply very much.

No matter how closely you see the soul, it lends itself to be seen as having a spiritual “physique” that is as real and easily malleable as your tangible one. The mind, like the body, has muscles that need regular exercise to remain healthy, perform optimally in everyday tasks, and emerge victorious in the occasional high-stakes competition. Either way, you get those bodies in a raw, impressionable form; You can either have them shaped by external forces or intentionally mold them into the shape you want.

Let’s delve deeper into the parallels that exist between training the body and training the mind:

Atrophy of physical and mental strength without benefit

All matter – physical and spiritual – tends to follow the path of least resistance. Without intentional effort to move and exercise our fleshy bodies, we become enveloped in layers of fat, become winded from light activity, and cannot lift heavy objects. muscles become tense; joints creaking. Should an emergency strike us, we are unable to flee or fight the danger. If we were forced to enter a race or a game, we would face embarrassing failure.

In the same way, ignoring one’s soul leads to the accumulation of spiritual love handles. Our moral muscles atrophy and we give in to sin and weakness more easily. We cannot put off temporary pleasures in order to achieve lasting goals. When wrestling with temptation or a serious moral problem, we tire easily and make a choice out of convenience rather than principle. Or we may choose not to engage in wrestling at all, by defaulting in the direction our fluctuating feelings are taking us or by relying on some routine rule or bureaucratic expediency that may not be the best solution to the problem at hand represents. We lose our moral agility – our ability to exercise practical wisdom and do the right thing at the right time for the right reason.

Of course, the converse of the above applies to both our physical and spiritual physiques. Muscles that need getting used to get stronger. Become more agile. And allow you to do more and be more. . .

Physical and mental strength expands your freedom and your range of action

A flabby, stunted physique dictates your choices. This is very practical: you can’t play with your kids because you’re too tired; you cannot climb a mountain with your friends because you are too weak; You can’t lift a certain weight even if you wanted to.

A limp, atrophied mental body limits your ability to make any autonomous decisions at all. If you want to be faithful to your girlfriend but want to date an old flame, your lust is in control, not you. If you want to lose weight but can’t stop overeating, you’re more likely to take your marching orders from your gut than from your higher goals. When you want to be loving to your children but keep losing your temper, your anger is calling the shots, not your soul. If your moods and reactions are determined by external events, then you will be acted upon instead of acted upon. You are not a free moral agent.

By training the soul, you strengthen your self-control: you gain the ability to direct your energies towards consciously chosen goals, to prioritize long-term ideals over short-term impulses, to decide how you act, regardless of the circumstances. You become master instead of slave. As a result, your options increase; Your potential field of action expands.

Or as former Navy SEAL Jocko Willink put it: “Discipline equals freedom.”

Physical and spiritual strength require weight and resistance to grow

“Souls are like athletes who need their worthy adversaries if they are to be tested and enlarged and urged to the full use of their powers.” —Thomas Merton “Happiness comes to common men and even to those of little ability; but only a great man is able to triumph over the calamities and horrors that beset mortal life. It is true that to always be happy and go through life without heartache is a lack of knowledge of one half of human nature. You are a great man: but on what do I base it if Fortune denies you an opportunity to prove your worth? You entered the lists at the Olympic Games, but you are the only competitor: you win the crown, but the victory is not yours; I congratulate you, not as a brave man, but as one who has attained the office of consul or praetor: your personal standing has increased. I can say the same thing to a good man when no more difficult circumstance has given him an opportunity to show his spiritual strength: “You are unhappy in my judgment, for you have never been unhappy. You went through life without opponents; no one will know what you are capable of, not even yourself.” For a man must be tested if he is to attain self-knowledge; only by trying does he learn what his abilities are.” —Seneca

Physical training is essentially the act of intentionally breaking down the body through stress so that it can be rebuilt stronger and better than before. Without this stress, no improvement can take place.

In weightlifting, the stressor is the weight being lifted. A lifter is essentially defying gravity when trying to lift a barbell off the floor, or straightening up when it’s on their shoulders. Gravity is the adversary to overcome; The trainee must fight to withstand their strength – hence the name “resistance training”.

Just as the body must face an opposing force in order to grow, so must the soul. In this case, the antagonists are internal: our sins and weaknesses. It’s soul vs. lust. Soul vs. Egoism. Soul vs. Self Pity. soul against envy. It’s a competition between the best parts of us and the worst.

Our souls also contend with external combatants in the form of events and circumstances beyond our control – hardships and difficulties that we must face. However, the mere existence of these obstacles does not necessarily strengthen the soul or automatically bring benefits. Rather, the attitude we adopt towards hardship matters and determines its impact.

In his Discourses, Epictetus answers a hypothetical student who wants to know if he is making progress in following the Stoic path. The philosopher says that if he spoke to an athlete who had the same question, he would ask the athlete to show him their shoulders. If the athlete instead showed the weights he lifted, Epictetus would reply that he did not ask to see the athlete’s weights, but his shoulders. What matters is not that a man has access to gym equipment, but that he uses it properly, and the proof of that is the pudding embodied – in the size and strength of his muscles.

In the same way, if you want to know if the soul is improving, you can look not at the mere presence of difficulties in your life, but at how you face them and take advantage of them. You can tell if you are making progress by flexing your spiritual muscles, “as you practice seeking and avoiding, craving and aversion, designing, aiming, and preparing yourself, whether in tune with nature or not.”

What comes from battling inner and outer demons, from the stress of fighting our flaws and weaknesses, is character development. The more we resist the gravity of our appetite, the stronger and more iron-fisted our character becomes.

Physical and mental strength require effort and pain

“Where’s the progress? If any of you, withdrawing from the outside, turns to your own will, to exercise it and improve it by work, to make it natural, exalted, free, unrestrained, unrestrained, faithful, humble; and when he has learned that he who desires or shuns the things which are not in his power can neither be faithful nor free, but must necessarily change with them, and be tossed about with them like a storm, and necessarily himself submitting to others who have the power to procure or prevent what he desires or would avoid; finally, when he gets up in the morning, if he observes and keeps these rules, bathes like a man of loyalty, eats like a man of humility; similarly when he works out his main principles in every thing that comes up, as the runner does in relation to running. . . that is the man who is really making progress.” – Epictetus

Fitness is a comprehensive lifestyle choice. It takes time. It takes effort. It takes dedication. You need to structure your schedule and cut out other activities to prioritize your workout. You have to follow specific rules about what you eat and sometimes how and when you eat. You need to be very conscious of the choices you make regarding your diet and exercise.

Of course, the actual training sessions also require effort. And pain. The stress that makes your muscles grow is not a pleasant thing. Sometimes training is fun in the middle, and sometimes in the afterglow. But even if it doesn’t hurt a little, sometimes a lot – if your legs don’t burn at the end of a squat, if your lungs don’t hurt at the end of a sprint – you don’t feel any better. You won’t get faster or stronger. The stress of exercising actually creates tiny tears in your muscles. As these tears heal, the muscle is built back stronger than it was before.

Soul training requires the same kind of total commitment and submission to ripping and repairing your spiritual muscles.

Stepping off the path of least resistance takes a lot of effort. It requires a greater awareness of your principles and your choices. You must follow certain rules, some of which may seem arbitrary to outsiders, and sometimes even to yourself. They must consciously prioritize the practice of spiritual disciplines and seek opportunities of service that the untrained and unprepared soul would miss or spurn.

And you have to accept a certain amount of pain.

Denying a lesser appetite in order to achieve a nobler goal is painful. Rearranging your priorities to do more for others and less for yourself hurts. You must kill your innate laziness. You must rein in your pride and learn to be humble. In order for virtue to live, you must die to self. The process of striving for ideals, failing and rising again – always trying to be a better person – creates endless tears in the fabric of the ego.

Just as the body cries out for pie when it’s forced to subsist on broccoli, the meat cries out for indulgence when it’s forced to take a harder route.

Just as the body at the apex of a difficult lift cries out to be released, the flesh pleads, contradicts and manipulates to be released from the restraints of discipline. “Only this one time doesn’t matter”, “You deserve it”, “That’s not really wrong given the circumstances.”

No matter what lies you tell yourself in the heat of crisis, at the height of temptation, the truth is that nothing can be formed without pressure, nothing can be changed and rebuilt without effort and pain. Progress – whether physical or mental – can only be found on the other side of a five-second grind.

Physical and mental strength require persistence and habitual practice

Training is not a one-time thing. You can’t exercise for a few days, or a few weeks, or even a few years, and then stop going to the gym and expect to maintain your fitness. It’s not like putting money into a bank account where if you don’t touch it your investment stays the same and even accrues interest. Fitness is more like shaving or flossing or brushing or other regular maintenance tasks that we have to do over and over and over again and we will never be free from that. If you don’t use it, you lose it.

Soul training must also be practiced regularly. You can never rest on your laurels, on past spiritual experiences or on past good deeds. Every day we must choose and re-choose to seriously engage in spiritual disciplines and practices – despite changing circumstances, fluctuating feelings, and overlapping setbacks.

Aristotle said virtue is a habit like any other, and just as we get better at playing the piano by playing the piano, we gain virtue by doing virtuous things. Every time we try to deny a lower impulse in order to grasp a higher one, we train the soul. Every decision we make is a moral contest; Even small decisions are important, not only to maintain daily sanity, but also in preparation for a more strenuous exam. Each time we practice the habit of virtue, we direct our soul in a nobler direction.

In The Road to Character, David Brooks describes this arduous but vital transformation process:

“Character develops in the course of your inner struggle. Character is a set of tendencies, desires, and habits that slowly become ingrained in the struggle against one’s weaknesses. You become more disciplined, considerate, and loving through a thousand small acts of self-restraint, sharing, service, friendship, and refined indulgence. As you make disciplined, caring decisions, you will slowly memorize certain tendencies. They make you more likely to desire the right things and take the right actions. When you make selfish, cruel, or disorganized decisions, you slowly transform that core of yourself into something that is degraded, impermanent, or fragmented. You cannot harm this core issue with anything other than unworthy thoughts, even if you are not harming anyone else. You can elevate this core issue with an act of restraint that no one sees. If you don’t develop a coherent character in this way, life will fall apart sooner or later. You become a slave to your passions. But if you behave with habitual self-discipline, you become consistent and dependable.”

In the struggle for virtue there is no standstill; if you don’t strive forward, you degrade backward.

Physical and mental strength require endurance

“Who is the invincible? It is he whom none of the non-volitional things disturbs. Then I examine one circumstance after another and observe, as in the case of an athlete; he came off victorious in the first fight: well, as for the second? and what if there should be a great heat? and what if it should be at the Olympics? And I say the same thing in this case: if you should throw money at him, he will despise it. Suppose you put a young girl in his way, what then? and what if it’s in the dark? What if it should be a little reputation or abuse? and what if it is to be praise; and if it should be death? He is able to overcome anything. Then what if it’s in the heat, and what if it’s raining, and what if he’s in a melancholic (crazy) mood, and what if he’s asleep? He will still win. This is my invincible athlete.” – Epictetus “Therefore, being surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every burden and sin that so easily ensnares us, and let us face the race before us with perseverance run.”—Hebrews 12:1

Endurance sports require endurance – the dedication to running or cycling a long, long distance. You can’t just sprint the first few miles of a marathon, run out of gas, and run 20 more to the finish. Well you can, but you definitely won’t end up getting a prize. To perform well, you have to fight the fatigue and drive all the way through.

The pursuit of virtue is also an endurance sport.

When spiritual dryness sets in, when setbacks occur, when temptation becomes acute, you can choose to throw in the towel, or you can hold on to your principles and keep pushing toward the distant finish line. When the excitement and stimulating feelings that explode at the start of the race subside, you can quit or switch to the more enduring fuel of duty and discipline and keep going.

It is not an easy fight, but if the spiritual athlete endures, he can say with the apostle Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

Why train the soul?

“Fighting with difficulties and overcoming them is the highest human happiness. Next is to strive and deserve to conquer; but he whose life has passed without struggle, and who can boast neither of success nor merit, can only regard himself as a useless filler of existence.”—Samuel Johnson

By showing the many parallels between training the body and training the mind, we have also implicitly laid out the benefits of both types of exercise.

Physical training develops physical health and strength, giving a man hardness and toughness of the body, greater mobility and agility, broader range of activities, ability to perform everyday tasks, and the ability to survive and thrive in a crisis. Verily, every man should be physically strong.

Spiritual training develops the soul’s health and strength, increases its ability to delay gratification and to deny lower impulses in favor of higher ones, to overcome weaknesses and temptations, to act as an autonomous moral agent, to make important decisions with skillful wisdom, and to willingly serve other people . Because ideally, training the body and soul leads to a greater desire and ability to help others along the way, so we can say, along with 19th-century body cultist Georges Hebert, that we have become strong to to be useful.

The ultimate effects of both types of training can be summed up in one word: power. The man with a well-trained body and mind has the power to do more and be more. The power to keep your balance despite the ups and downs of life. The power to transcend the petty status grabs and superficial conversations of modern culture. The power to avoid the snares of lust, greed and pride. The power to attain a virtuous, prosperous, happy life in this world and, if so believed, an eternal life in the world to come.

But these are not the only reasons to dedicate yourself to the training of the soul.

In fact, the most compelling reason of all might be this: In the modern world, self-conquest is man’s last and best struggle.

In an age of luxury and convenience, when most men have no external hardships to contend with—not plowing the earth, or hunting game, or often even having to get up from their chair to earn a living; not having to deal with the forces of nature; and need not go to war – there is little else to resist. There are few other opponents a man can fight valiantly to, as Seneca puts it, “learn what his skill is.”

As we embrace the battle between our best and worst selves, as we chase the whiff of moral heroism, there is energy and meaning that can only be found in confrontation with a worthy antagonist. As the British writer Henry Fairlie put it: “If we recognize that our propensity to sin is part of our nature and that we will never eradicate it completely, there is at least something for us to do in our lives that will not be done in the future.” Fall will end just seem pointless and absurd.” He puts it this way: “At least when we realize that we are sinning, knowing that we are individually at war, we can go to war like warriors, with some bravery and vigor and even happiness.”

David Brooks perhaps best captures the appeal of self-conquest when he describes it as a chance to see one’s life as “a moral adventure story.”

There are twists and turns along the way; Slaying dragons, discovering new paths, and countless failures and chances at redemption. And as long as your body breathes, this hero’s journey never ends. As Epictetus explains, unlike athletic athletes, for whom the opportunity to compete for a prize arises only in the occasional race and game, the struggle for virtue and the chance of victory begins each day anew:

“Think about what you initially proposed to have achieved and what not, and how it brings you joy to remember some of it and pain to remember others, and if possible to regain the things that have escaped from your grasp. Because those who face this greatest fight must not shrink back, but must be prepared to endure the blows. For the fight before us is not a wrestling match or pankration, in which a man, whether he succeeds or fails, may be a man of great or little worth. . . No, it’s a contest for luck and happiness. Then what follows? Even if we vacillate on that for a while, no one stops us from re-competing, and we don’t have to wait another four years for the next Olympics, but as soon as a man gets his grip and recovers, and if he shows the same zeal as before he may join the fight, and if you stumble again you may start again, and once you are victorious you are as one who has never faltered.”

“The purpose of fighting sin and weakness,” Brooks observes, “is not to ‘win’ because that is not possible; it’s about getting better at dealing with it.”

How exactly do you do that? Physical training refines the body through exercises such as running and wrestling with physical weights. What, then, are the exercises and weights – the spiritual disciplines – that can be used to train the soul?

We’ll turn around next time.

How you can be led by the Holy spirit by Kenneth Hagin?

How You Can Be Led by The Spirit Of God by Kenneth E. Hagin is a Step by step guidance through the Scriptures to steer Christians away from spiritual pitfalls and help them to follow the Spirit of God in every area of life. The conscience, the inward witness, prophecy, visions, and training the human spirit.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

How You Can Be Led by the Spirit of God by Kenneth E. Hagin is a step-by-step guide through Scripture to keep Christians away from spiritual snares and to help them follow the Spirit of God in every area of ​​life. Conscience, inner testimony, prophecy, vision, and the training of the human spirit.



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Spirit-Man | How to Train the Human Spirit – Grace City Church

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21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life – Vibrant Life

As we live in a culture increasingly inclined towards commerce, materialism and secularism, feeding the soul is not always easy.

The challenge of these days, when times are not propitious for spiritual growth, is to nurture, nourish, heal, restore and renew the soul. Here are 21 practical suggestions for building a stronger spiritual life.

1. Be a river, not a swamp.

The Bible says: “Out of the hearts of those who believe in me rivers of living water shall flow” (John 7:38, margin).* Remember that it is the mountain stream that carries fresh, life-giving water because it flows out . However, the swamp is stagnant and life-consuming. A swamp collects and retains water that finds its way. Don’t be the type of person who tries to accumulate a lot before letting a little flow through.

As Christians, we are to let blessings flow through us and to others. When we hoard and contain the blessings in our lives, we run the risk of becoming spiritually stagnant, emotionally distant, and intellectually cynical. Decide to break the dam and let blessings flow like a river. The freshness is in the flow.

2. Identify blessings.

Too often we go through life without noticing the good that is pouring into our lives. Try this spiritual practice for a week: At the end of the first day, identify a blessing you received from a family member. At the end of the second day, a blessing from a neighbor. Third day, from a friend. Fourth day, from a work colleague. Fifth day, by a stranger. Sixth day, from a child. On the seventh day, a blessing that came from an “enemy.”

3. Be like Moses – speak blessings.

One of the most beautiful and compassionate passages in the Bible contains these words of blessing spoken by Moses:

May the Lord bless and protect you.

May the Lord smile on you and have mercy on you.

May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace

(Numbers 6:24-26).

Get creative with language and speak words that uplift, encourage, encourage and bless other people. As you build them up, your own spirit will become stronger.

4. Cultivate a prayer life together.

Extend the time you spend in prayer by praying with others. Some ways to do this include:

Let friends know you are always available for prayer.

Participate in regular prayer groups.

Participation in a prayer chain.

5. Take a step of faith.

Spiritual growth means taking a leap of faith from time to time. Instead of trying to put everything in order before you start something important, why not follow God’s leading and allow the plan to unfold? This means taking a step of faith and trusting that God will provide what is required for success.

6. Restore someone’s faith.

Take the time today to heal a wounded heart, be kind to someone who really needs a friend, or help collect pieces of a broken dream. Do everything you can today to radiate God’s unconditional love.

7. Be a grateful person.

Begin each day with a morning prayer of gratitude to God for the gift of a new day. Do this even if the coming day seems ominous. End each day with an evening prayer of thanksgiving to God for the gift of the previous hours. Do this even if you’ve had a very rough day.

8. Share the journey.

Meet another person who is striving to grow spiritually. Arrange to meet once a week for a set time to study and reflect on spiritual matters. A friend of mine who is a busy executive in Toronto, Ontario met another man for six months to study the Bible. “No matter how hectic our schedules were, we always met each week during our lunch break at a downtown church, who kindly provided a space for our meeting. Those were good months with a lot of spiritual growth happening,” he says.

9. Serving.

Look for ways to serve the community, especially chores that don’t promise a reward, like picking up trash on the streets. Read and reflect on Jesus’ actions in John 13:1-5.

10. Cultivate a little solitude.

“Loneliness makes us harder on ourselves and tenderer on others; in both respects it improves our character,” remarked the philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Spend some time away from the crowd and noise of life. Take a few minutes to be alone—just you and God. In stillness we turn our minds away from life’s problems and fix our thoughts on the Spirit of God.

11. Fasting and prayer.

The prayer associated with fasting was often performed by people in the Bible. Ezra 8:23 reports, “So we fasted and prayed earnestly that our God would provide for us, and he answered our prayer.” The next time you are asked to pray urgently for someone in trouble, you should join in your prayer combine some fasting.

12. Surrender your worries to God.

This is a clear teaching of Scripture: “Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you” (Psalm 55:22). Do this every time a concern arises.

13. Spread love wherever you go.

This is the advice of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who advised: “Spread love wherever you go: first of all in your own home. . . . Never let anyone come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s goodness; Kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.”

14. Keep track of your priorities.

Knowing what ultimately matters and what doesn’t. Remember the words of former President George Bush: “I have been blessed with a close and wonderful family, and I want to spend the rest of my life letting them know how much I love and appreciate them,” he said. “One of my main achievements that I’m still working on is being a big hit in the grandfather business. I want to be remembered for integrity, service and family.”

15. Strive for excellence.

The Bible tells us, “Whatever you do, do well” (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Be the best you can be no matter where in life God has placed you.

16. Use it or lose it.

God has generously endowed each of us with unique gifts and talents. Use them or you risk losing them. “Use your gifts faithfully, and they will increase; Practice what you know and you will advance to higher knowledge,” remarked the 19th-century poet Sir Edwin Arnold.

17. Meditate on Scripture.

The Bible is filled with verses of comfort, encouragement, and wisdom. Make a habit of reading and studying your Bible regularly and with discipline. Highlight verses that speak to you. Meditate on these words. Memorize a few passages so that you can recall them at a later time.

18. Be reliable.

Do what you say – whether it’s convenient or not. Fulfill all your commitments, big or small. Through your actions, show others that you are a person who can be trusted and relied on.

19. Ask God to bless you today.

A great way to grow in wonder and wonder is to ask God to turn your life into a blessing. Do this every morning before resuming your daily activities. Say a short, simple prayer like this: “Dear God, make my life this day a blessing to someone, somewhere.” Then pay close attention to each person you meet during the day, for God will honor your prayer, sometimes a surprising one Way.

20. Spend time in nature.

This was done by the psalmists, and they gathered spiritual lessons from their time in nature. “The heavens tell of the glory of God. Heaven shows its marvelous craftsmanship” (Psalm 19:1). “When I look up at the night sky and see the work of your fingers – the moon and stars you have set in place – what are mortals that you should think of us, mere men that you should care for us? ‘ (Psalm 8:3-4). “Mountains rose and valleys fell to the height you set. Then you have set a firm limit to the seas, so that they will never cover the earth again” (Psalm 104:8, 9).

21. Exercise your agency.

No matter what happens to you, you always have the freedom to choose. You can choose joy over despair. You can choose love over hate. You can choose forgiveness over revenge. You can choose growth over stagnation. Remember that a crisis can bring out the best in us or the worst in us. The choice is ours!

* Scripture quotes are from The Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright ©1996. Used with permission from Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

5 Awesome Ways to Nourish Your Spirit

When most people think of diet, it’s usually about a healthy diet — lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein ​​and water. But while healthy food is certainly essential for physical growth, is it enough to satisfy your hunger for life?

As a holistic health coach, one of the most insightful things I’ve learned in my training is the concept of primary nutrition. It states that true health is about more than just the physical condition of the body, and the food we eat is often secondary to the experiences and excitements of our lives. This energy fills us on a multidimensional level that includes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. If any of these areas are out of balance, it could affect your ability to create an overall vibrant state of health and happiness.

Evaluating your relationships, physical activity, career, and spirituality can help identify where you’re feeling unhappy and why. More importantly, figuring out what you need to do to regain balance can give you the motivation you need to make changes. Not only will this nourish the parts of you that may be starving for attention, but it will also foster the personal environment necessary to thrive in all aspects of life. Here are 5 ways to nourish your spirit:

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