How To Delete Kidslox App? Top 36 Best Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to delete kidslox app“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

How do I remove Kidslox from my device?

Once done, open Kidslox on the desktop device and login into your account, in the list of supervised devices press on the icon of the device you want to remove and use the ‘Trash’ button which appears. Follow the on-screen instructions.

How do I cancel Kidslox?

To stop the subscriptions auto-renew you need to go to our website, click on the Login button, go to Account > Kidslox subscriptions >(scroll down the screen) > Cancel premium subscription. Please note after canceling the subscription you can still use Kidslox until the end of the designated period.

How do I reinstall Kidslox?

You will need to reinstall Kidslox onto your child’s device and click on the name of your child’s device within the app where it will be labeled “This device – Profile deleted”. This will redirect you through Safari to your device’s Settings where you can reinstall the MDM profile as you did before.

What is the app Kidslox?

Kidslox is a parental control app for controlling screen time and blocking inappropriate content. It works with Android, iOS, and a mix of these device types.

Can Kidslox see search history?

Kidslox has a clear role

Reading their messages, checking their browsing history and so on.

How to Delete Parental Control

Two Approaches to Parental Internet Control: Is Zero Tolerance the Only Way?

What is the best approach for parents who want to protect their children from the more dangerous side of the internet? There are a number of different ideas, but broadly they fall into two main categories: Zero Tolerance and Learned Responsibility. Kidslox can be a helpful tool in turning any of these strategies into a household reality, whichever path you choose. Let’s see how this might look in practice.

1. Never use the internet

In her recent BBC interview, cyber psychologist Professor Mary Aiken advised listeners that children should not use the internet. je. Her concerns revolved around the availability of “extreme content” and what she perceived as the ineffectiveness of parental control software, with our tech-savvy kids finding ways to circumvent restrictions.

What was refreshing was that she didn’t feel the urge to berate the parents for our technical inadequacies.

On the contrary, she expressed concern and frustration that parents are expected to take full responsibility for their children’s online safety. As she points out, “We don’t expect parents to man the doors of bars … or man the cigarette counters in newsagents.” So why entrust parents with almost “exclusive responsibility for children in a cyber context”?

Hear hear.

Sure, Professor Aiken’s perspective is informed by her time working with those worst affected by the less palatable end of the internet. But she has a point.

The burden of responsibility that Aiken mentions is something that so many of us feel. This burden combined with our own personal struggles with ineffective parental control solutions are a big part of the inspiration that led us to create Kidslox.

Kidslox Internet Restriction Tool

For those willing to take their advice, Kidslox is a good option to allow children to use a device while leaving Internet browsers completely disabled. Kidslox isn’t easy to override: the restrictions it sets cannot be circumvented by changing a few presets. Only the controlling device (parent’s device or web account) can decide which apps and device features can be used.

2. Use the Internet safely

For many of us, however, Aiken’s blanket ban is too extreme (not to say too late). Our children are growing up with the Internet and our ability to enforce zero tolerance would be unrealistic and understandably unbearable for our children. Contrary to what the interviewer in the clip suggests, there is a lot to be said for healthy use of the Internet, e.g. for researching a school project.

Kidslox and other parental control software offer parents some level of control over their children’s screen time, apps, and internet access. Enabling children to use their own or other household devices can be an effective way to protect them from extreme content and the dangers associated with excessive screen time. Kidslox also works on 3G or 4G, so while there’s still a risk that what they can see on their friends’ phones or in their homes (as Aiken notes) might push parents’ limits as far as humanly — and technically — – be expanded.

We don’t like to believe in those nightmarish sci-fi Brave New World Aiken colors. Where the only way out is to raise technologically illiterate kids. Or live with the parental shame of a corrupted child, traumatized by all the nasty things they’ve faced online.

It’s all a bit melodramatic.

Yes, finding the right balance is a constant challenge, but adopting a healthy approach to internet use is doable.

Kidslox and a healthy relationship with technology

How is this achieved? Well, it takes some good old-fashioned offline groundwork. Also known as Chat. Talk to your children about the risks and dangers of the internet. Tell them about Aiken’s patients if you like, without “unseeing” the content they’ve been exposed to. Point out good search habits to them. Teach them to recognize trusted websites. And if you’re not sure about these things, teach yourself first.

Parental controls can be a big help here: Kidslox can be used to lock down browsers at times when you’re not around to supervise them, or to restrict access to inappropriate apps. Here’s how to keep your kids’ curiosity (or disobedience) from leading them to sources of inappropriate content until you feel they’re mature enough to take on some of that responsibility themselves.

Parental control of technology is not like waving a magic wand. But when used as part of a conscious, holistic strategy that focuses on teaching positive and responsible use of technology, at Kidslox we want to think they offer real hope and help.

After all, that was our goal when developing Kidslox. And it still is.

From spying to total trust: 5 different approaches to parental controls

There are many very different views on how best to deal with the way children and young people use mobile devices, the internet and screens in general. Every family and every child is different and needs a personal approach tailored by the parents involved. Despite these different requirements, some solutions appear to have much broader application than others.

We’ll look at five different approaches to parenting strategies for mobile devices. Each approach falls at a different point on the trust/control scale (see below), as the key difference between them is the balance they find between trusting that your children are doing the right thing and being in control of everything they do they access and what they do with their devices. Obviously, we feel that Kidslox is the approach with the broadest application and the most appropriate balance of trust and control, but as I wrote above, every family is different and must assess their needs individually.

Stealth control and monitoring

This approach to educating children’s devices essentially boils down to spying on them. They see everything they do, post, text to friends, etc. and remotely control their devices for them without their knowledge. To us, this seems like an obvious parental overreach, and we wouldn’t advocate it as an option for any family. However, we have a number of parents requesting similar features for Kidslox, and the fact that there are “stealth” products like XNSPY, MobiStealth, and PhoneSheriff on the market tells us that it’s an option that some parents are keen on are willing to pay.

Secretly spying on your kids is problematic for a number of reasons, 3 of which I have listed below:

You demonstrate your lack of trust in your children

It doesn’t set standards for children to live up to, only allowing for seemingly arbitrary punishment if they go too far

It teaches kids to be paranoid and even better at hiding their activities

Absolute trust

It would be great to think that we could trust our kids to do the right thing in every situation and be responsible enough to limit their own screen time, only use appropriate games and websites, and let you know when they stumble upon something or bumping someone makes them uncomfortable.

This may sound particularly naïve, but fans of this approach would take special care to talk to their children about the dangers of technology and to regularly ask them about the apps they use and the sites they visit. Creating a broader atmosphere of openness and trust to encourage children to take responsibility for their own behavior.

Of course, as children grow into teenagers and teenagers into young adults, we would hope that whatever approach is used will gradually become this one, but I think it’s fair to say that most parents’ experience would lead them to initially and widely recommended as an unrealistic option by expectant parents.

Open control and monitoring

This approach to the problem is much closer to how Kidslox works than the previous two. It also combines elements of both; If you are openly installing parental control software on your child’s device, you also need to talk to your child about why you are doing this and what the limits are.

However, one of the reasons we created Kidslox is that many parental control products that take this approach are still very invasive. With apps like Pumpic encouraging parents to read texts and emails and constantly track their teens’ whereabouts, they’re essentially controlling behavior through fear of being watched or caught.


Starts a conversation about the dangers of technology

Provides a framework for meaningful boundaries


Kids get used to it and it becomes essentially the same as the spyware

Invasive oversurveillance leads to paranoia in parents and secrecy in children

Low Tech Surveillance

I’ve read a number of articles that suggest implementing an “Open Phone Policy” or something similar. Essentially, a verbal agreement between teens and parents that the parent can view their child’s phone and social accounts at any time. It’s actually quite a tricky approach to place him on the scale above because while he shows a high level of confidence in children’s ability to manage their own activities, it also does

While I really like this system as a conversation generator and a vote of confidence in the kids without leaving the issue unaddressed, the risks associated with too much screen time aren’t part of the equation and parents and kids fundamentally disagree on the appropriateness of an app, parents can only rely on the strength of their own authority. It’ll be the right choice for some families, but for most I suspect more direct control over screen time is needed.

The Kidslox approach

Of course, we’re always working to make Kidslox better, but we feel we’ve found the right balance of trust and control. With Kidslox, parents can limit disruptive and potentially dangerous screen time and block apps they deem inappropriate without taking invasive measures against the child’s privacy. Within Kidslox there is room for varying degrees of severity but no temptation to spy on your children.

As with the open-control apps, Kidslox is best used as part of a parenting strategy that includes lots of conversations with the kids about the dangers of technology. Explaining the boundaries you set, the reasons for them, and the times when they are applied will help children accept them and hopefully also start the process of guiding them to even more trust-based approaches.

Don’t miss the topic

In today’s screen-filled world, letting it slide is no problem. Whatever solution you choose best for your family, it’s important to make sure you’ve at least talked about the problem of screen time and the risks associated with internet use, social media, and many other mobile apps.

Whether implemented for disciplinary reasons, to ward off technology dependency and addiction, or simply to protect children from what is inappropriate, Kidslox is a solution we are proud to be associated with, use in our own homes and believe they can offers exactly the kind of balance that many families are looking for. Maybe that’s what you’re looking for?

9 reasons to consider parental control software for your kids

Postmillennials are sometimes referred to as “iGeneration”. It seems an apt term given that so many kids spend much of their free time not playing outdoors with friends, but instead are glued to tablets and smartphones. They play video games, watch YouTube videos, keep up to date on various social media platforms and chat on various messenger programs. This is exactly why parental control software was developed.

Parental Control Software

Parental controls are special tools that help parents take control of how their children use devices. There are different types of parental control apps in the market that come with different features, prices, and platform compatibility. You could consider such tools as your extra pair of eyes to help you keep tabs on your kid’s online activities and keep your kid safe. While most mobile devices have built-in parental controls, their scope is often very limited. Because of this, buying more comprehensive parental control software can be a great investment. Let’s look at the reasons why you might find such apps helpful:

Top 9 Reasons to Use Parental Controls

1. Internet addiction. This can be a real problem for your child unless you help them deal with it. Children can spend hours surfing the Internet without worrying about how much time is passing. They could spend this time more effectively doing their homework, exercising, or just hanging out with friends. Parental controls can help solve this problem. They allow you to set a time limit on device usage or specify exactly when your child can use their screens.

2. You can’t always be there. You can’t always be there to look over your child’s shoulder to see what they’re doing. They can enable or disable apps remotely by choosing suitable ones and setting content filters on the websites they can access.

3. Multi-device challenge. Modern families often have a messy collection of cell phones, iPads, and laptops. This can make it difficult to keep track of what’s happening across all gadgets at once. Parental controls can give you cross-platform control over a large number of devices, allowing you to fine-tune the restrictions on each device to suit your family’s needs.

4. To provide a safe internet experience. Conversations about safe surfing are important, but are they enough? Probably not. 70% of children aged 7 to 18 have accidentally encountered online pornography, often just Googling their homework. Make sure your child doesn’t encounter sexual or violent content by applying a web filter. It offers the ability to block bad websites from appearing accidentally or intentionally, so you don’t have to worry about inappropriate content.

5. Cyber ​​bullying and online grooming. A downside to the fact that mobile devices are such powerful communication tools is that they enable those who want to abuse this ability to communicate. Cyberbullying and online grooming are serious threats to our children’s mental and physical well-being. Parenting tools can be used to block chat sites or social media where bullies or other predators might try to contact our children.

6. Unhealthy gambling. Games are addicting. They are designed that way on purpose and the resulting obsession can have serious consequences. If engaging in the virtual world is getting in the way of other parts of your teenage life, it’s probably time to use parental controls. If you see your kids so inclined, consider using play time limits or scheduled play sessions much sooner.

7. Depressing content. Depression is the scourge of our time and affects not only adults but also young people. In recent years, the number of teenagers who have had at least one episode of major depression has increased by 60%. And between selfie culture’s focus on the image and social media’s carefully curated echo chamber, the internet just turns up the heat. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to this effect as their brains are still developing.

8. Help your kids manage their time. How many times have you had arguments with your child about screen time that ended with the confiscation of the tablet? With the parental control software, you simply set the screen time you want to allow and the app will shut down the device when the time is up. Or if you want to turn off a device now, you can do it instantly from your own phone. Teaching children to manage their time effectively is a valuable life skill.

9. Make time to get the family together. Don’t let cell phone interruptions spoil those precious moments of family time. Whether you want to talk about family matters over dinner or enjoy the weekend getaway with your kids, consider parental controls to limit the time they spend on games and social media.

Manage, not spy

Remember that it pays to build and maintain trusting relationships between you and your child. Parental control software is not a tool to spy on your child, but a management tool to set meaningful boundaries that will help them navigate and use the digital world effectively and safely. This should be accompanied by conversations about screen time and online safety. Children should be aware of the potential dangers and the reasons why parental controls are installed on their device.

Parental controls and their role in creating better family time

If you’re using parental controls to manage your kids’ screen time, you don’t want it to be a big deal. It is there to protect them, to manage or avoid a problem with excessive screen use, or perhaps to teach responsible use of the internet and digital media. Maybe even all three. It’s not there to cause conflict. If anything, you would hope that they reduce potential conflict situations. So how can we ensure our use of parental controls is appropriate, effective, and tear-free?

Different types of parental controls

Parental controls allow you to monitor or manage different types of devices. First of all, we should understand that not all parental control solutions are created equal. Android parental controls are capable of very comprehensive coverage of a variety of features, while iPad and iPhone parental controls developers are much more limited in what they offer. Whatever operating system you use, the third-party systems available to you use a number of different approaches to achieve parental control goals. These approaches essentially consist of a mixture of device monitoring functions and device management functions.

device monitoring

Device monitoring features include geofencing, the ability to view browsing history, call and SMS history, total screen time, and a usage breakdown. Essentially any feature that allows you to better understand how your child uses their device without changing what they can do at a technological level.

These kinds of features bring a debate of their own: whether or not it’s good practice for parents to spy on their kids’ device and internet usage. Both sides have their advocates. Some argue that children have no privacy rights when it comes to parents, they earn privacy as a privilege by showing responsibility. Others would argue that by trusting them to behave well within the boundaries you set, you encourage responsibility in your children. Where you fall on that spectrum can determine what device monitoring features you look for in a parental control solution.

On the other hand, your decision might be less philosophical and more practical. If your main concern is to keep track of your children’s whereabouts, all you need is a good family locator app.

device management

Device management features are the features that give you direct control over how your child uses their device. These include app blocking, internet blocking, screen schedules and restrictions, internet content filtering, camera blocking, in-app purchase restrictions and much more.

Parental Controls iPad, iPhone and AndroidWhere surveillance features are just watching, management features play an active role in setting the boundaries you want your kids to follow. Turn off the phone before bed. Opting out of access to content that is too mature for them. you have the idea Many would suggest that device management is more appropriate for younger children. It can help them develop good habits. Monitoring services, on the other hand, are seen as more suitable for teenagers to check if they are behaving as they should. In real life, however, the situation is usually much more complicated.

First of all, in most cases, parents realize that they only need parental control in response to a problem that has already developed, not as a preventive, habit-forming method. As a result, older kids and teens often need to have devices managed as well.

With a package app

The vast majority of parental control apps available today can be described as “package apps”. Essentially, it just means the kid knows the app is installed on their device (you don’t want to spy on them). If you install software on your child’s device, explain what it is for and why you are putting it there. If possible, you want to explain the boundaries you are setting in a way that your child will be comfortable with. This is how a pact is closed, which the software simply enforces.

It might be tempting to just install some software and let them handle it. But talking like this is important to fostering lasting good habits. Parental control software is a tool that helps you raise tech-smart, socially-responsible kids. However, a computer program alone cannot do this. You need to discuss and model with your children what is appropriate and safe behavior online. A pact app offers a great way to start that conversation.

What is right for my family?

Which parental controls are right for my family? Ultimately, you must decide which approach to take based on your family’s needs. You may not want to restrict content but block device usage at certain times of the day. Maybe you need a way to grant screen time as a reward for good behavior, or an app lock to block access to inappropriate games. Whatever the need, decide on an appropriate response and look for parental controls that cater to that need.

Creating quality family time, both with and without screens, is always a worthy goal. Parental controls are a particularly versatile tool that we need to support.

Best parental control app

Of course, here at Kidslox we like to think that we offer the best child safety devices on the market. It’s not just talk though, we have many reasons for our confidence. One of them is that our system is very easy to use and understand. Nonetheless, it manages to be relevant to a variety of different family situations. All the different scenarios I described in the last paragraph can be solved with Kidslox parental controls! However, it doesn’t end there.

In a few days we will be releasing our long awaited “Daily Limits” feature. You can use it to set a fixed screen time for your child to use throughout the day. This makes it much easier to control Screen Time usage according to official recommendations. This will add to our extensive list of existing features. Whether you need to filter web content, block apps, block the internet, or set usage plans on iOS or Android, Kidslox is the right choice for you.

Parental controls are worth having, even if your kids are tech-savvy

As an employee of a parental control app, the topic of parental control appears more than average in my conversations. If that’s the case, one of the opinions I keep hearing from people is that there’s no point in restricting device usage because today’s kids understand technology better than we do and will quickly find a way around it.

To a certain extent they are right, I have tried not only Kidslox but also many of our competing products and ultimately a curious bright young mind eager to find a way around these systems can probably do it. While we can find ways to close the known loopholes (keep an eye out for our upcoming Android updates), kids may still be able to use a friend’s iPhone or an older sibling’s tablet to try and fully unlock the system evade. Attempts to filter content or block features are viewed by some as a game of cat and mouse doomed to fail. The only effective solution is to talk often and openly about what is and is not an appropriate use of technology, and to model the same.

Despite the apparent validity of this objection, I still firmly believe in parental controls as a concept, and in particular in Kidslox as a solid solution with an approach that balances parental control and children’s privacy. Why is that?

Parental control has a clear role

First of all, I agree with those who say that talking and modeling responsible use of technology is essential for development in our children. Having established some ground rules during the conversation, I think it’s appropriate (especially with younger children) to back up those rules with parental controls.

Parental controls make it easier for children to follow rules or guidelines. When you have a rule that says “no games for an hour before bed” but the device is in their room with no restrictions and they know you probably won’t check them in, the temptation can be overwhelming. If there is a technical limitation, it makes the rule more understandable and real in the child’s life and therefore easier to follow.

Many children (again, especially younger children) accept their device at face value and find no way around restrictions. This might seem naïve to some, but it’s true that while some kids today are extremely tech-savvy and can easily find the weak points in a system, many just haven’t had the same experience with technology or don’t have the same kind of interest in exploring device settings, etc. You know your own kids best, will they take a limited device at face value or look for ways around it?

Mine will definitely try to avoid him

When children are prone to breaking the rules, it is paramount to ensure parental controls are used as part of a broader conversation about the appropriate use of technology. It’s important to agree with your kids on what is an acceptable level of technical use, but if your kids tend to push the limits to the limit, you need to know more than anyone when they’re going too far. Controls like Kidslox give you peace of mind that rules are being followed most of the time, and if the app is removed you’ll get a notification. Wir empfehlen immer, mit Ihrem Kind zu sprechen, bevor Sie eine Kindersicherungssoftware installieren, ihm zu erklären, welche Beschränkungen Sie seinem Gerät auferlegen, warum Sie es dort platzieren, und eine Konsequenz für den Versuch festzulegen, die Kontrollen zu deaktivieren (z. B. Gerätebeschlagnahmung).

Die Kindersicherung gibt Ihnen das Vertrauen, Ihr Kind sein Gerät benutzen zu lassen. Es ist leicht, sich vor den verschiedenen Horrorgeschichten zu fürchten, die online kreisen, von der sofortigen Verfügbarkeit extremer und expliziter Inhalte bis hin zur Gefahr von Mobbing, übermäßigem Teilen und anderen Bedrohungen auf der Grundlage sozialer Medien. Die Kindersicherung kann Ihnen die Gewissheit geben, dass Ihr Kind eine bestimmte App oder Website verwendet, ohne sich Sorgen machen zu müssen, dass es in die Irre geführt wird oder auf etwas Aufregendes stößt. (Wenn Sie Ihrem Kind diesen Grund für die Verwendung der Bedienelemente erklären, kann es ihm helfen, die von Ihnen gesetzten Einschränkungen zu akzeptieren).

Kidslox hat eine klare Rolle

Viele Programme zur Kindersicherung legen den Schwerpunkt auf das „Ausspionieren Ihrer Kinder“. Lesen ihrer Nachrichten, Überprüfen ihres Browserverlaufs und so weiter. Während dieser Ansatz möglicherweise für die Eltern der rebellischsten jungen Teenager geeignet ist, würde ich ihn der großen Mehrheit der Eltern nicht empfehlen oder empfehlen. Durch die Verwendung solcher Programme überlässt ein Elternteil seinem Kind mit einem Zug die Verantwortung für die Bewältigung der Gefahren, die durch die uneingeschränkte Nutzung von Technologie entstehen, und zeigt gleichzeitig sein eigenes Misstrauen, dass das Kind mit dieser Verantwortung umgehen kann.

Der Ansatz von Kidslox bietet klarere Grenzen (Gerätesperrung, unzugängliche Apps und andere blockierte Funktionen und Inhalte), während die digitale Privatsphäre des Kindes gewahrt bleibt. Die Grenzen sind Kindern leicht zu erklären und lassen sich daher leicht in ein breiteres Gespräch über den Einsatz von Technologie integrieren. Dem Kind steht es frei, die erlaubten Inhalte zu nutzen, ohne ausspioniert zu werden.

Am Ende muss jeder Elternteil entscheiden, was für seine Familie am besten ist, basierend auf seinen eigenen Bedürfnissen. Angesichts der ständig wachsenden Rolle, die die Bildschirmzeit im Leben unserer Kinder spielt (ganz zu schweigen von den Risiken, die die Online-Welt für sie darstellt), ist Kidslox die richtige Wahl für eine ständig wachsende Gemeinschaft von Eltern.

Digitale Reha und Kindersicherung


Ist Ihnen das Wort „Nomophobie“ in den Medien begegnet? Es wurde im Jahr 2008 geprägt (obwohl es bereits existiert, aber das ist eine andere Geschichte (sehen Sie sich den Wikipedia-Link oben für mehr an)) und ist gelegentlich wieder in das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit gedrungen.

Es ist die irrationale Angst, Ihr Telefon nicht benutzen zu können (keine Handyphobie), vielleicht wegen fehlender Akkus, Minuten oder Netzabdeckung oder weil Sie es versehentlich irgendwo liegen gelassen oder an einem unwiederbringlichen Ort fallen gelassen haben. Offensichtlich sind diese Vorfälle ziemlich wahrscheinlich, daher ist es nicht irrational anzunehmen, dass sie passieren könnten. Was irrational ist, ist das Maß an Angst und Angst, auf das Nomophobie-Betroffene stoßen, wenn diese Situation eintritt.

Digitale Sucht

Vielleicht sollten Nomophobe genau das Gegenteil befürchten! Es gibt eine wachsende Besorgnis über die Auswirkungen, die zu viel Zeit online / vor Bildschirmen haben können. „Internet-Sucht“ und „Geräte-Sucht“ werden von manchen als keine echte Sucht heruntergeschrien, aber es gibt genügend Menschen, die solche Ideen ernst nehmen, sodass Suchtbehandlungsprogramme und digitale Entgiftungen in wachsender Zahl auftauchen.

Dies zeigt uns, dass unabhängig davon, wie wir es nennen, die übermäßige oder unangemessene Nutzung mobiler Geräte für eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Menschen echte Probleme verursacht. Aufgrund der sozialen Akzeptanz der Nutzung von Geräten in einer großen Mehrheit der Kontexte sowie des leichten Zugangs und des sich noch entwickelnden Verstandes von Kindern sind unsere Kinder besonders gefährdet.

Digitale Reha in der Hosentasche

Bei einer ausgewachsenen Sucht mit den damit verbundenen schwächenden Auswirkungen auf Schule/Arbeit, Beziehungen und andere Lebensbereiche ist professionelle psychiatrische Hilfe auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert! Wenn wir nur über eine schlechte Angewohnheit sprechen, eine Vorliebe dafür, lange aufzubleiben, um YouTube-Videos anzusehen, eine Unwilligkeit, während der Mahlzeiten vom Telefon wegzuschauen, oder ähnlich störende Nörgeleien, können Kindersicherungslösungen ein Weg sein, um neue, gesündere Gewohnheiten zu entwickeln .

Ganz gleich, ob es sich um Spiele, soziale Medien, Online-Videos oder etwas anderes handelt, das Ihre Kinder dazu bringt, ihre Mobilgeräte ständig zu verwenden, Sie können einen Ansatz entwickeln, der ihnen hilft, wieder ein gewisses Gleichgewicht in ihr Leben zu bringen. Das kann bedeuten, dass der Gerätezugriff während der Essenszeiten einfach blockiert wird. Dies kann bedeuten, bestimmte Spiele oder Social-Media-Plattformen zeitlich zu begrenzen. Dies kann bedeuten, dass eine nächtliche Ausgangssperre für die Gerätenutzung verhängt wird. Whatever the mobile device based issue you’re trying to address, parental controls are a vital tool to help you achieve it.

6 Hours Of Screen Time A Day Is Ok. Are Parental Controls Still Relevant?

A recent study published in Psychiatry Quarterly suggests that up to 6 hours of screen time is perfectly reasonable for teenagers and not associated with behavioural problems.

The study was made in Florida and bases its findings on data from more than six thousand teenagers. The teens were asked questions about their screen time, sleep, school grades, family patterns and issues like depression and risky behaviour.

Screen time: is there really a problem?

Is this the good news that we parents have been waiting for? Can we now relax and forget about parental control and screen time issues? Maybe worrying about excessive screen time is just the latest fad parental panic, like rock and roll music or comic books in the 50’s. It’s time to get over it and calm down. Or is it?

It is difficult to overstate the growing role of the computer and internet over the last couple of decades. Today, these incredible inventions have penetrated almost every sphere of human activity. It’s essential for our kids to have a good understanding of how to use them effectively in order to participate in society and take advantage of the opportunities available to them.

That said, concern over how much time your child spends on their computer or smartphone is not the same as panicking. Rather, it shows that you are a responsible parent who is aware of the immediately observable effects that screen time has on your child.

The study mentioned above shows that up to 6 hours of screen time is not connected to a range of serious risky behaviours or to depression in young people. That’s great. But much smaller (probably harder to measure) problem behaviours are immediately observable when we give our kids mobile devices.

Smaller Problems

I don’t want my children to be rude, to ignore the people in the room in favour of people online, to get their sense of self worth from social media likes. I’m concerned by their lack of interest in reading and preference for cartoons. I don’t want them to develop addictions of any sort, whether it’s to video games, to pornography or to checking their Facebook stream. And of course I want to protect them from inappropriate materials and the risks connected with social media use from cyber bullying and identity theft through to oversharing, sexting and predatory behaviour.

Of course simply putting a limit on screen time doesn’t resolve these problems. They’re all variations on classic parenting problems and they need to be resolved through conversation and example as well as well defined boundaries.

Is there hope for parents?

Not only do this study’s findings give us cause to relax a little, there’s more concrete hope too.

First of all, you’re not alone! The problems created by children’s access to smart devices are being encountered by parents everywhere at the moment. If you want to talk with someone about the issue, whether for advice or simply to share your frustration, it’s easy to find other parents who are ready to be part of that conversation.

Second, there are a lot of resources available to help find good quality games and shows and to kick start meaningful conversations with your kids about their technology use.

Third, setting well defined boundaries is currently easier than ever. Whether it’s based only on a spoken agreement or involves the use of technologically enforced boundaries too, there are a some well tried tools that can help you make the rules stick.

Parental control apps like Kidslox can give you the help you need to make your household rules about ipad or smartphone use into a reality. But there’s another option we’ve not discussed too.

Let’s try to provide our kids with top quality down time that doesn’t include screens at all! If it sounds both simple and difficult at the same time, then you’re hearing me right. We can encourage options that our kids choose over and above screens. But it requires creativity, preparation and active modelling of the sort of habits we want them to acquire. Do they really have nothing else they’d rather do for a quarter of their day, every day? Let’s find and nurture those impulses towards non-screen-based pastimes, to bring up a generation who are tech savvy, but able to put their devices down too.

Parent Apps For The Busy, Modern Mum share

It seems like parent apps are being flung at us from all sides these days. On Facebook, in the news and if the internet picks up on the fact that you’re in the market for a parent app, then every page you visit seems to be plastered with adverts for them. How can we tell which parental apps are going to be really useful for us?

Screens make bad babysitters

As parents, we’re busy, a lot. At the same time, our children like screens and want to spend more and more time on them. Perfect right? They can play on their iPads, enjoy the benefits of social media in their social lives, maybe engage with some educational apps for kids and you can get on with everything you need to do. Of course it’s not as simple as that though. We’re all too aware of the many risks and problems associated with both screen time in general and with specific types of screen time too.

Screen time risks

There are immediate dangers to be wary of like cyber bullying and the accessibility of porn and other inappropriate content. Then there are more long term risks like the detrimental effects of passive content consumption and the danger of allowing excessive screen time to lead to reduced time in other more active pursuits. The recent changes to the American academy of paediatrics screen time recommendations are double edged. They make allowance for more extensive screen viewing, especially by older children. At the same time they impress on us the need to regulate exactly what media our kids use and even how they use it.

Parent app challenges

The number one challenge then for any parent apps is that they have to make things easier. There are so many factors, so much to worry about, the tools we use have to make this situation simpler for us. This means that:

Parent apps need to offer some clear benefit. This might seem obvious, but I’m amazed by the number of apps on friends devices that they’ve downloaded because it sounds cool and then never opened again.

This might seem obvious, but I’m amazed by the number of apps on friends devices that they’ve downloaded because it sounds cool and then never opened again. Parent apps should be easy to set up, without complicated configuration. Actually we’re often ready to put in some quality time to configure some more detailed settings if an app if it’s going to become a valuable, long term tool; but I don’t want to be faced with this when I first turn a parental control app on. I want to check that the app does what it says on the tin first, then sort out any setup details.

Actually we’re often ready to put in some quality time to configure some more detailed settings if an app if it’s going to become a valuable, long term tool; but I don’t want to be faced with this when I first turn a parental control app on. I want to check that the app does what it says on the tin first, then sort out any setup details. Parent apps should be easy to operate and understand. One I’ve got it set up, I don’t want to invest a lot of time ‘mastering’ a parent app’s use. It should be intuitive and comfortable to achieve whatever I’ve downloaded it for.

One I’ve got it set up, I don’t want to invest a lot of time ‘mastering’ a parent app’s use. It should be intuitive and comfortable to achieve whatever I’ve downloaded it for. Parent apps should be reliable. If I start to use a tool and it meets all of the criteria above, I might start to rely on it on a daily basis. If it’s performance is unreliable, this then has a knock on effect on my day.

Parent apps from the child’s perspective

The parent’s needs aren’t necessarily the only consideration when looking at parent apps though. The child will likely also be affected by whatever you choose. Especially in the case of parental control apps where the child is going to be faced by a set of restrictions. These restrictions need to place boundaries on device use, but if possible, without interfering with and frustrating their enjoyment of their screen time!

Developing a world class parent app

As we developed Kidslox we had all of these different factors in mind. We wanted to make sure that it would be the best parental control app that it could be.

We knew the app would give clear benefits to other users because we made it to meet a need that we ourselves experienced. On top of that every time we open a newspaper we’re confronted with fresh evidence that screen time is a problem being faced at every level of society.

Easy setting

We’ve tried to make Kidslox as easy as possible to set up. We have to jump through some hoops that Apple puts in place, which makes it a little more awkward than it could be otherwise, but we try very hard not to add any additional hoops ourselves. Once you’ve got everything set up, it should be plain sailing. Some parents don’t even touch their children’s devices after setting up. They’re perfectly able to keep things under control from their own device.

Easy to use

Kidslox’ design is at the core of what makes it so easily accessible and usable. The three way toggle functionality in combination with clear restrictions and schedules is a winning setup. Users who’ve tried other solutions before coming to us are always impressed at how clear our system is.

Keep on improving

Even Kidslox isn’t perfect, that’s why we try to release improved versions every single month. But we always stick with our mantra: make things better. We don’t ever force a parent to understand in any detail the technical issues around each potential restriction. (As time passes, you will grow to get a deeper understanding, but you don’t need it to start with Kidslox).

Discerning a high quality parent app

It’s easy for us to say that our parent app is the best solution available, but how can you know it’s true?

First of all, work out what it is you’re actually trying to achieve!

Kidslox is great for restricting apps, setting screen time schedules, remotely enforcing dinner times, bed times and so on. If that’s not what you’re trying to achieve though, it’s obviously not what you need to be trying.

Checking the market

Once you know roughly what you’re looking for, find out what’s available. This likely means a Google search. You could also ask friends and other parents what they use to solve the same problem.

Your search should provide you with a few different options to look into. Reading their descriptions should help narrow the field to the apps specific to your needs. Really the only way to be sure which one of these parent apps is right for you is to try it out yourself, but to help you decide where to start, see which have the most downloads and read a few reviews for their latest version.

Take advantage of free trials

The large majority of these apps have a free trial or a free version with less features. Certainly Kidslox offers a full feature free trial for fourteen days. That’s because we’re confident that once you try us out you’ll be convinced of the app’s usefulness to you. If you trial an app that doesn’t gel well with your family’s way of doing things, move onto the next one.

The only app you’ll ever need

There’s nothing to stop you moving onto a new app if one fails you or moves in a direction you don’t like. Top quality tools aren’t flashes in the pan though. They’re not like popular game apps which everyone plays this week and forgets the next. Once you’ve found the tool you’re looking for, establish roots there, join community forums and discussions, send product feedback to help make the app even more suited to your needs. We’re committed to keep on developing Kidslox, to keep on releasing new improvements, new features, better optimisations. Stick around and things will get even better!

What can parents see on Kidslox?

Your child may access the websites that are not blocked. Parents cannot track calls, social media activities, chats, and messages. The kidslox parental app only can enable Youtube restricted mod. However, it can’t detect kids’ Youtube content.

How to Delete Parental Control

Managing parental control over children has become more difficult for parents. Whether you’re a working parent or a sit-at-home guardian, you literally can’t keep up with what your kids are up to these days. The internet facilities are used so intensively that the kids get stuck amidst the crazy gaming apps, casino sites, social media sites and other such web content. So, parental control apps like Kidslox are among the futuristic apps designed to solve the crucial problems. Kidslox review is also required for parents to know the pros, cons and other alternatives.

Kidslox Review – Features, Pros and Cons

Kidslox parental controls is one of the latest technology offerings for parents who want to track their kid’s activities. Whether or not a parent is available at the child’s side, it has become necessary to keep track of what your child is doing. With most of today’s generation using internet devices, you cannot risk ruining your child’s childhood. Recently, games like Blue Whales have been wreaking havoc, and Kidslox Parental Control was introduced in response. Kidslox works with a three-way mechanism. For each device, you can set up the app and control the apps you don’t want your child to watch. Here are the features of the Kidslox app: Block Apps – Parents can easily block the apps that are intended to restrict the child’s viewing.

Mode Timer – You can set the screen time for your kids.

Content Blocking – Parents can block certain objectionable website content with Kidslox parental controls

Daily Limits – Parents can set the daily data and screen time limit for the kids. You can block the apps during their study or sleep time.

Cross-Platform – With the Kidslox app for parents, you can manage all the devices your child uses.

Fingerprint ID – Fingerprint ID allows you to set a password for those apps that your child is not allowed to use but that you will need to use at some point. Pros Considering the other apps, Kidslox is one of the cheapest and most user-friendly parental control apps. Parents can easily block access to any web content.

apartment Parents can easily block access to any web content. The app is easy to use and doesn’t require much technological knowledge. The three-way switch is an excellent way to download, register and use the app frequently. Cons The app does not guarantee cyber security for the kids. Although you can restrict other websites, the Kidslox parenting app does not offer a monitoring feature. Your child can access unblocked websites. Parents cannot track calls, social media activity, chats and messages.

. Kidslox parenting app can only enable limited Youtube mod. However, it cannot detect YouTube content for children.

. Kidslox app cannot help parents to remotely detect suspicious content or photos on kid’s phone. Why FamiSafe? – The best alternative to parental control app Kidslox Kidslox is the result of technology that understands the importance of tracking your child’s online activity. However, the application lacks some of the important features that most parents wish for. FamiSafe is one of the best alternative apps to Kidslox because of its exceptional features. The parental control app is designed keeping in mind the problems that other parental control apps bring. FamiSafe is the perfect app that you will love to download on your device and your kid’s device. It’s the perfect solution for tracking your child’s activities and checking their safety when you’re not at home. Here are the key features that Kidslox parenting app lacks: Explicit content detection This feature can remotely detect malicious keywords from text messages, YouTube, email and social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Kik . Busy working parents can remotely receive automatic notifications and create their own notification lists for sensitive words like cyberbullying, social media depression, internet predators, adult content, suicidal thoughts and more. In addition, parents can create their alarm keyword list which is flexible and personalized. Suspicious Photo Detection FamiSafe’s advanced algorithm allows parents to be notified when a suspicious photo like a nude or topless photo is detected, preventing things like sexting or sextortion from getting any worse. Try it for free on Google Play and the App Store! Try Now Buy Now Web Filter & SafeSearch

Screen Time Limit & Schedule

Location tracking and driving report

App blocker and app activity tracker

YouTube history monitor and video blocker

Notifications on social media texts and porn images

*Works on Mac, Windows, Android, iOS, Kindle Fire

Real-time location & geofencing

Real-time location is one of the key features of FamiSafe, which offers you safety tracking for your child that you may not find in any other parenting app. Understanding the need of working parents to pursue child’s safety. With it, you can monitor your kid’s real-time movement on the handheld device. Furthermore

Geofencing is one of the most important features of FamiSafe; Parents can set a safety limit in the app. As soon as the child leaves the restricted area, the panic alarm will ring on the parent’s cell phone.

App Activity Report

App blocking is a feature available in most parental control apps. But what makes FamiSafe different is its vitality. You can not only block the apps on your kid’s device but also track the browsing history on their device. It allows you to monitor every activity on the kid’s device. This way you know what your child is up to even when you are away.

Kidslox parental controls review – a summary

The app mainly fails in terms of monitoring. Since none of the monitoring features are included in the app, parents cannot get any information about the kid’s app activities. Hence, it could be of great concern for the parents to know about the recent phone usage activities of the child.

The app has a very limited set of features aimed only at blocking the web content. It does not detect any suspicious content or photos on kids phones remotely.

This app lacks real-time location tracking. Also, there is no geolocation feature to intimidate parents when the child is in danger. For working parents concerned about their child’s safety, the app might not like much as it doesn’t offer real-time location monitoring.

Email and customer support are not available for this app.

The app is a perfect tool to remotely block the usability of the devices; However, compared to FamiSafe, it certainly lacks some crucial features.

Compared with Kidslox, FamiSafe has more features that parents need. FamiSafe is an excellent parental control device that offers you a 3-day free trial with later subscription fees. The app can be easily downloaded from the Google Play Store and the iTunes Store. Parents app is a great solution to parenting problems because of its important features.

How do I contact Kidslox?

7. How can you contact us if you have any questions? If you have any questions or concerns or complaints about our Privacy Policy or our data collection or processing practices, or if you want to report any security violations to us, please contact us at the following email address: [email protected].

How to Delete Parental Control

Last revised: March 25, 2022

This page (the “Privacy Policy”) sets forth the policies and procedures that Kidslox, Inc (“Kidslox”, “we” or “us”) has put in place to protect the privacy of our users.

1. What information does Kidslox collect and how is it used?

1.1. We collect and store the information you provide to us when you first become a Kidslox user – that is, your name and email address.

The main reason for collecting your email address is to make it easier for you to use Kidslox. We also use this information to be in touch with you, to provide information about Kidslox (including our products and offers that we may make available from time to time) and to collect your feedback. We may use it in the future to provide you with information about prospective partners and the various services they may offer, or to create anonymous and/or anonymized records of your personal information by excluding information (like your name) that makes the personally identifiable information about you.

You can ask us at any time to change or delete the information you have provided to us. You should do this from the email address associated with your account.

If you have also granted Kidslox access to data associated with your Google account, you can revoke this access via the Google security settings page at

1.2. We also automatically collect information about how you used Kidslox: about your schedules, your devices’ operating systems, IP address, etc.

We analyze this information to fix problems users have encountered, to find out how our products are used and how they can be improved.

1.3. If you enable the location tracking feature on a device, we will also collect the location data of that device and any geofence zones that you have set up. Location data is used solely to provide the location tracking feature and is deleted from our systems 7 days after it is collected.

1.4. Some Kidslox features use YouTube API services to help you understand which videos are shown on devices you monitor. By using these features, you also agree to be bound by Google’s privacy policy (which you can find in full here Specifically, Kidslox collects and stores video viewing history for the sole purpose of presenting this information to the user. This data is deleted from our systems 7 days after it was collected.

1.5. Kidslox’s “Telescope” feature takes screenshots of any Android device (Android 11+) monitored by your account, the screenshots (and any data they contain) are collected for the sole purpose of presenting this information to the user . These screenshots are encrypted, only accessible to the account holder and are stored on the Kidslox server for 14 days, after which they are deleted.

2. Do you share information with third parties?

2.1. We only share your personal information with third parties: (1) with your consent; (2) with third party vendors, consultants and other service providers who work for us and who need access to your data to do that work and are contractually obligated to use your personal data only to perform the services we have requested (3 ) to comply with (i) laws comply with or respond to lawful requests and legal process, (ii) to protect the rights and property of Kidslox, our agents, customers, members and others, including enforcing our agreements, policies and terms of use, or (iii) in an emergency to protecting an individual’s personal safety; (4) in connection with or during negotiations of any merger, financing, acquisition or dissolution, transaction or proceeding involving the sale, transfer, divestment or disclosure of all or a portion of our business or assets to another company; or (5) in the event of insolvency, bankruptcy or receivership, your information may also be transferred as a business asset.

2.2. We may also share aggregated or anonymized information.

2.3. We do not share location data with third parties for any reason.

3. What about children’s data?

We do not allow children under the age of 13 to subscribe to Kidslox.

Depending on how you use the Kidslox Services, you may provide us with information that could theoretically identify your children. This would occur if you (i) use an email address from which you can be identified; (ii) use your children’s names to identify the children’s devices controlled by Kidslox; and (iii) the combination of your name and the names of your children is sufficient to identify the children. We do not use this data and the only purposes for which an individual has access to it are those that are a necessary part of maintaining and developing Kidslox’s products.

4. What do you do regarding payment details?

If you make direct purchases from us (i.e. purchases that are not made through an app store), we may store your credit or debit card information (such as card type and expiration date) and other financial information we need to process your payment collected and stored by the payment processors we work with. In addition, payment processors generally provide us with some limited information about you, such as , expiry date and certain digits of your card number.

5. What do you do to protect personal data?

We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use a variety of industry standard security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Although we will make reasonable efforts to protect your personal information, no security measure is completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of your information.

6. What about the GDPR?

We have taken into account the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (or “GDPR”) and believe that we comply with it. To the extent that we use your personal information, we believe that doing so is reasonably necessary to protect and further your and our legitimate interests in providing Kidslox products and services. Specifically (i) we do not collect any information other than what we need to collect to provide products and services; (ii) we use contact information to provide you with information about our products and services; (iii) we also use Contact Data to provide information about offers and additional products and services that are of interest to you and to us; (iv) we take reasonable steps to secure the information we collect; and (v) we do not store data from anyone who is no longer a Kidslox customer.

7. How to contact us if you have any questions?

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about our privacy policy or our data collection or processing practices, or if you wish to report security breaches to us, please contact us at the following email address: [email protected].

8. What happens if this privacy policy changes?

This Privacy Policy will be revised from time to time, and if we make material changes to how we use your personal information, we will notify you by sending you an email to the last email address you gave us have made available and/or by prominently posting the changes on our website. Please note that you are responsible for updating your personal information at all times to provide us with your most recent email address. In the event that the last email address you provided to us is invalid or for any reason is unable to deliver the notification described above to you, our sending of the email with such notification will stop nevertheless constitute effective notification of the changes described in the notice. In any event, changes to this Privacy Policy may affect our use of Personal Information that you have provided to us prior to our notifying you of the changes. If you do not want to allow changes in our use of your personal information, you must notify us before the effective date of the changes. Continued use of our Services after such changes are posted will mean that you acknowledge those changes and agree to be bound by the terms of those changes.

How do I delete the Settings app on my iphone?

The Settings app cannot be removed from the phone. It is a native iOS app that is necessary for the operation of the device and cannot be deleted. You may have moved it into a folder. To check, swipe the screen to the right and type in Settings in the search bar.

How to Delete Parental Control



The Settings app cannot be removed from the phone. It is a native iOS app that is necessary for the operation of the device and cannot be deleted. You may have moved it to a folder. To check this, swipe the screen to the right and type settings in the search bar. From there it should appear, and if it’s a folder, the name of the folder will appear as well.

If it seems like your icons have moved down the screen, it’s reachability. You can just tap the home button again and they should return to their normal position.

Do you have to pay for Kidslox?

The basic version of Kidslox is free or you can pay a monthly fee of $3.99 to access all the great features this app offers.

How to Delete Parental Control

Parental Control App Kidslox

Now that school is out, it’s time to go outside and play. Kidslox is the perfect app to manage your kids’ screen time so they’re not at their devices all day. With parental controls, you can block apps, block internet and web content, and limit the time your kids have access to their device. One account is all you need to manage as many devices as you have. Kidslox has three modes to help you easily manage all your devices – unrestricted “Parent Mode”, customized “Kid Mode” and fully restricted “Lock Mode”.

The basic version of Kidslox is free or you can pay a monthly fee of $3.99 to access all the great features this app offers.

App name: Kidslox

Target audience: adults

Platform: iOS and Android

What the app does and why we recommend it: Easily manage your kids’ device to control screen time and apps.

On which platform did we recommend the app: iOS

App cost (at the time of review): Free for the basic version, $3.99 per month for full access

How do I block my kids from playing games?

Download HT Parental Controls and install it on your child’s computer. Tap Application Blocking. Click the Add button and select the game you want to block from the list which appears, or click Browse to select its executable file installed on the computer. Add all games and apps you want to disable.

How to Delete Parental Control

How to block games on your child’s computer

Parents are looking for ways to block games and free up time for useful activities. The best way is to use software like HT Parental Controls. With it you can block games efficiently and it has many other features.

With a few clicks in HT Parental Control, you can block online games, offline games, browser games and manage how the computer is allowed to be used. The app supports all versions of popular browsers like these: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, IE, Firefox, Opera and Brave.

Read more about HT Parental Controls

How to block browser online games or browser games How to block games your kids play in browser: Download and install HT Parental Controls on your kid’s computer. Click Website Blocking. In the blocked categories, click on the opposite game to change its status to Block and block all games. list. Note! To block a game or rare game, add its URL to the blacklist. Try it for free

How to block online and offline games installed on the computer If a game is installed on the computer, it doesn’t matter if the game needs internet access. How to block such games: Download and install HT Parental Controls on your child’s computer. Tap Application blocking. Click the Add button and select the game you want to block from the list that appears, or click Browse to select the executable file installed on the computer. Add any games and apps you want to disable. Note! If you don’t want to completely block a game, but just want to limit the time your child spends playing it, click on the app in your list and select Limit. Then specify the maximum time allowed and set up a schedule if you like. Download Free Trial Buy software now When your child tries to open a blocked website to play games or start a game installed on the computer, the webpage will be blank and the app will not run. Your child can reinstall the game, change its folder or use a different browser, but it will not help. Even if your child has administrator privileges, this will not stop the program. In addition, HT Parental Controls provides detailed reports on all your child’s computer activities, allowing you to identify and block new threats or time wasters. Note! Most children will try other ways to play their favorite games or find new ones. As a parent, it’s important to check logs and block additional apps, websites, and keywords. Parental control software works best when you give it your attention. Read more about HT Parental Controls

How to Block Games Easier There is an even easier way to block games. HT Parental Controls records logs of all launched applications and visited websites and gives you detailed statistics about each of them. You can check the logs and block games right from them. Under Reports, click Applications or Websites to view any recorded applications launched or websites visited. Find the game in the logs and click on it to select it. Then click the Block App or Block Website button.

Note! If you want to disable a lock temporarily, open HT Parental Controls and click at the top to change the program status to Inactive. The color changes to red. Download Free Trial Buy the software now

HT Parental Control gives you more options

You can customize HT Parental Controls in different ways for different users. It allows you to block or restrict access to other harmful computer activities. The app allows you to control all your child’s computer activities and internet usage. With HT Parental Controls you can:

Block games Block online and offline games, browser games and games installed on the computer. Block or restrict social networks Facebook, Twitter and all other social networks. Limit the time spent on the computer Set up a schedule for when your child can access the computer.

Block inappropriate websites Porn, Gambling, Drugs, Shopping, Chatting, etc. Block all websites except those you allow. Create a whitelist of websites you allow and block all others. Monitor All Computer Activity Track your child’s computer activity and receive emails with logs.

HT Parental Controls is easy to use and highly protected against evasion attempts. All actions can be performed with just a few clicks. The app helps you control access to games and block online games, social media sites and internet content that is not age-appropriate. Trust HT Parental Controls to bring order to your child’s computer.

Get a 14-day free trial – no credit card required.

How do I get my kids to stop playing games on my phone?

Part 2: Top 5 apps that lock your phone for a period of time
  1. FamiSafe. Featuring first on our list, FamiSafe is the most reliable phone lock app to keep a tab on the usage of the smartphone by your kid. …
  2. FamilyTime. …
  3. Mobicip. …
  4. Qustodio. …
  5. Surfie.

How to Delete Parental Control

If you are thinking of installing a phone lock app, you need to know which one is best for you. Here we have 5 best phone lock apps to prevent kids from playing with their phone and reduce your kid’s screen time.

With these apps, parents can remotely manage their kid’s phone, set a daily limit on the time they spend on certain apps, schedule the phone to be out of reach at study, dinner, and bedtime, all with just one fingertip.

With the proliferation of mobile devices and the ability to be connected almost anytime, anywhere, kids and teens are spending more time online on social media and playing games, whether at home or on the go. Children spend more than 7 hours a day on their cell phones, which is well over the recommended healthy amount of 2 hours. Too much screen time has a significant impact on children’s academic performance and natural sleep patterns. Therefore, controlling screen time is important to protect your child’s health and happiness. The phone lock app comes in handy in this situation.

Mobile phones and devices are widely used nowadays and many parents provide their children with a phone for their safety. When it comes to safety, however, there are certain consequences. The kids are always connected to their phones and this is becoming an increasing problem worldwide.

Part 2: Top 5 apps that will lock your phone for a period of time


First on our list, FamiSafe is the most reliable phone lock app to keep track of your kid’s smartphone usage. It offers powerful monitoring tools and parental controls for things like Screen Time, adult content, games, and even your kid’s location. By using this app you can easily set the time for your kids to use a specific app and even the entire phone. Easily and remotely restrict phone usage during study, sleep, school and at the dinner table. In addition, FamiSafe parental control app offers many other amazing features.

Here are the features that FamiSafe offers.

Suspicious Text Alerts – With this app installed on your phone, you can easily detect suspicious content and get automatic alerts about offensive language/words used or received in your kid’s WhatsApp, Messenger or SMS. This helps protect your children from cyberbullying.

App Block – Kids are often addicted to social connecting and gaming apps. This feature on FamiSafe allows parents to block the apps for a period of time. Set a time control for kids to use these apps.

Block Harmful Websites – FamiSafe allows parents to filter the content kids see on their phone through websites. Also, you can use this feature to block inappropriate websites like porn sites.

Activity Monitor – This allows parents to monitor how kids are using their smartphones. Which apps are installed, how much time they spend on an app and how social media apps are used can all be monitored.

family time

It is a powerful screen time limit app that allows parents to lock phones based on daily app usage. This app gives you the tools to set homework, bedtimes or limit the total time your kids spend on their phones. With the FamilyTime app, you can control exactly what content you want your kids to have access to, set time limits, and track location. There’s also support for geofencing and location tracking. Apart from that, other features are mentioned below.

App Blocker – Social and gaming apps keep your kids from studying or sleeping at night. With the app blocker feature, you can block any apps that you don’t want to run on your kid’s devices.

Internet Filtering – This feature allows parents to control exactly what content the child can access. You can turn on SafeSearch for Google, Bing, and YouTube to ensure your child surfs the web safely without seeing inappropriate content.

Limit Screen Time – This unique feature allows you to limit the app usage that kids use the most. Just add the app and define a usage limit. If the limit is exceeded, FamilyTime blocks those apps for the day.

Watchlist Contacts – Found some suspicious contacts saved on your kid’s smartphone? Does your child get silly phone calls at night? Put them on the watch list and stop dangerous people from contacting your child.


With this phone lock app, you can lock your kid’s entire phone or block some apps remotely. You can also limit internet browsing usage while still allowing them text and phone access. This app also has a keyword monitoring feature that sends alerts when phrases like “don’t say,” “home alone,” or “what’s your number” are sent to or received from your child. This helps combat cyberbullying, swearing, and sexting. Mobicip allows you to limit phone usage, has safe browsing mode and many more features which are mentioned below.

Prevent Screen Addiction – Children spend a lot of time playing mobile games while playing outside. This feature allows parents to schedule allowed screen time and manage screen addiction. Also lock devices during study time, family meals, and bedtime.

Safe Browsing – This is an advanced feature that helps parents create a productive learning environment while kids surf the web safely. You can block inappropriate websites and choose safe browsing mode to make sure your kids access internet only through Mobicip browser.

Restrict apps/games – Social media and gaming apps keep kids connected to their phones indefinitely. You can restrict these apps and block inappropriate ones even before they are installed.

Real-time Location – Location tracker allows parents to track the whereabouts of their child. You can check if the kids got to school on time or safely to their friends.


It’s easy to use a reliable solution to stay in control of kids’ mobile device usage. Qustodio comes with powerful monitoring tools and parental controls for things like scheduling, app blocking, and content filtering. It protects your kids from cyber threats and has an SOS button that sends you location-based alerts when your kid is in trouble. The other features offered are as follows.

Balance screen time – This feature makes it easy to set a schedule or limit daily internet usage.

Control games and apps – Kids spend a lot of time playing games and other apps every day. Qustodio helps keep it under control. Set time limits for specific apps or block apps you don’t want your kids to use.

Track Calls & Texts – With this powerful feature, you can see who your child calls and texts most often, read texts, and block unwanted or suspicious contacts on your child’s smartphone to keep them safe and happy.

Block Pornography – Kids surfing the web are prone to inappropriate content, but Qustodio offers security. It has a real-time internet filter that blocks inappropriate content even in private browsing mode.


Last but not least on our list of apps that will lock your phone is Surfie. It’s a great app to lock your kid’s phone when they should be concentrating on other tasks. The best feature of this phone lock app is keyword monitoring that monitors specific phrases. If these phrases are used, the messaging app will shut down immediately and the use of SMS will be blocked. Surfie offers many great features which are mentioned below.

Screen Time Management – This feature helps parents to control and manage their child’s screen time. This will help develop healthy sleep habits and schedule downtime so you can be sure your child has an undisturbed sleep and can focus better on learning.

Track and Block Apps – Surfie allows you to view, track and block apps like games, social media and other inappropriate apps. With this you know which app is downloaded and which apps are used frequently.

Monitor Messages – This feature gives you detailed text logs from your kid’s phone. Get notified when certain phrases like “don’t say,” “send me a picture,” or “home alone” are used. You can even customize the words you don’t want your child to use or send.

Geofencing – This feature gives you real-time updates on where your child is and when your child is leaving or entering an area. This is how you know your child is doing well.

Is Kidslox a good app?

Good app. Overall, I’m finding Kidslox to be a useful, easy way to have limits on my daughter’s screen usage. The weekly reports are informative and give me assurance that she is not abusing her screen time. Controlling it all from my phone is great and so convenient.

How to Delete Parental Control

block apps. Set daily screen time limits. Filter the web. And much more…

Kidslox parental control app is the perfect way to manage your family’s screen time. With our parental controls you can easily block apps, block internet access and filter web content.

Kidslox puts you in control of your family’s device usage. Filter web content, block apps or websites, set weekly schedules with screen time limits, and see what your kids are doing on their devices—all from one place.

Kidslox’s new Screen Time Rewards feature encourages your kids to do their homework and chores!

As the first cross-platform parental controls, Kidslox gives you remote control over iPhones from other devices or vice versa.

One account is all you need to manage your family’s screen time. Add up to 10 iPhones, iPads, iPods and other mobile devices and control your devices with the Kidslox app or any desktop or mobile web browser.

Kidslox location tracker helps you keep your family safe both offline and online.

Prioritize your family time now by taking a moment to limit your child’s screen time daily. Parental control has never been so easy.

Kidslox features:

Screen Time controls

• Set daily screen time limits

• Give away Screen Time rewards for completing tasks

• Use schedules for device-free homework time, dinner time, bedtime, and family time

Family location tracker

• See the location of your kids’ devices on the map

• Receive notifications when your kids enter or leave preset zones

child lock

• See what your child is doing on their device

• Switch between different restriction levels with the push of a button

• Stop your clever kids from changing restrictions with a unique Kidslox PIN

content blocker

• Disable disruptive apps individually

• Filter pornography, gambling, violence and other adult content to provide your child with a safe browsing experience

• Completely block Internet access for extra security

• Block in-app purchases

• Block Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and other social networks

• Block games like Minecraft, Clash of Clans and Pokémon Go

Cross-platform coverage

• Protect your child or teen on any device

• Add up to 10 devices

• Manage all devices from one app or web browser


Recommended by Sue Atkins, parenting expert at ITV This Morning, Sarah Ockwell-Smith, mother of four, parenting expert and bestselling author of six parenting books, and Amber Mac, Canadian TV personality and technology commentator.

To use Kidslox you need to download the app on each device you want to control. You can control up to 10 devices with one paid account.

Kidslox does not contain any advertising.

Kidslox parental control app offers a 3-day free trial of all premium features. After the trial expires, a subscription is required to access the features, with discounts for longer commitments.

Subscription and payment are completed through your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase, and subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Otherwise, account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period. Cancellation of the current subscription is not allowed during the active subscription period. The “Lifetime Subscription” does not renew automatically, but provides ongoing access to premium features for a one-time payment.

Help and support:

Once you’ve downloaded Kidslox, you’ll find all the help and online support you need within the app under our help section.

Copies of our Terms and Conditions can be found at the following link: and Privacy Policy here:

Kidslox requires an internet connection to operate

If a device has already been set up with an educational or business Mobile Device Management (MDM) profile, you won’t be able to add Kidslox unless you remove the original profile.

How can I monitor my childs iPhone text messages?

Monitor text messages through iCloud

If you use iOS 12 or a more recent version, you can use Apple’s cloud message sync feature. By enabling iCloud syncing, you can access all data from your child’s device. Make sure to enable message synching so you can read messages from your child’s phone.

How to Delete Parental Control

In this modern world of digital dangers and threats, keeping children safe online is of paramount importance to every parent. There are inappropriate websites and apps, cyberbullying, sexting, the risk of internet and digital addiction, and worst of all, online predators your child can face.

It is imperative that parents establish clear rules about the use of technology and talk to their children about online safety. Aside from that, it’s also a good idea to regularly monitor and check what they’re doing with their gadgets no matter where they are. Tap or click here to set up parental controls on all your devices.

If you’ve ever wondered if your child might be in danger, there’s no need to wait and bite your fingernails. There are many tools you can use to make sure predators don’t take advantage of your child. Here are our tips on how to monitor your kids’ messages, location, apps, and online activities.

Protect your kids on their iPhones

If you have an Apple account, you have a few different options for making sure Creeps don’t target your kids. They can use iCloud’s messaging features or even forward their text messages to themselves. Here are some step-by-step guides to keep your kids safe.

1. Forward your child’s text messages to themselves

With this trick, you can access every message your kid sends and receives. All you have to do is dig around in your settings to access your kid’s iPhone. Follow these steps:

Go to Settings and tap Messages. Next go to Send & Receive. You will see a page with the phone numbers you have access to. Tap Use your Apple ID for iMessage. A box will appear asking if you want to use your default Apple ID email for iMessage. Select “Use a different Apple ID”. Now sign in with your child’s Apple ID and password. Return to Settings. Then tap Messages. Activate the SMS forwarding function.

After these steps, you can choose the device to forward these messages to. This is where all the text messages from your kid’s iPhone go. You’ll see a verification code, so be sure to enter it to verify your device.

What if you don’t want your kid’s messages to fill up your device? In that case, check out this second option.

2. Monitor text messages via iCloud

If you are using iOS 12 or later version, you can use Apple’s cloud message sync feature. By turning on iCloud syncing, you can access all data from your child’s device.

Make sure you turn on message syncing so you can read messages from your kid’s phone. If they’re communicating with a predator, you’ll know right away. Follow these steps to use iCloud Message Sync.

First go to Settings. Find the device you want to access and tap iCloud. From there, move the slider in Messages. Then wait for the sync to finish.

Here are a few caveats. Of course, you need to know your child’s Apple ID and password first. Keep in mind that if you enter your own ID and password, your messages may also be synced to your child’s device.

How to protect your kids when they are texting on Android phones

No iPhone? No problem. For free text monitoring on Android, try Spy Phone Labs phone tracker app. You can keep track of up to five phones with this free app.

You can track GPS, phone calls, text messages and even internet activity. You just install it on your kids’ phones and set up an account. This app sends cell phone GPS location data to the head office every 30 minutes where you can view data.

You can even download contacts from another phone so you can see who your kids are staying in touch with. If you see a suspicious or unfamiliar name texting your child, you can use the phone lookup tool to see who your kids are talking to. Tap or click here to learn the full story behind this must-have security app.

The best thing is that it is available for Android and Apple. No matter what kind of phone your child is using, they are protected thanks to Phone Tracker. Not bad for a free app!

location tracking

Most major network operators have their own location service for gadgets. But on iPhones running iOS 10 or later, there’s a free way to let your kid’s phone share their location information through iMessage. Here’s how:

On your child’s phone, open the Phone app and go to Contacts. Then select your name. On your own contact page, scroll down and tap Share location. Choose to share for an hour, share until the end of the day, or share indefinitely.

Here’s another great app for Android or Apple phones that you should check out. Life360 is a tool that lets you keep in touch with friends and family through your smartphone. It’s a location-based alert app that lets you know where everyone is in your social circle at all times.

It also offers many safety features, from 24/7 roadside assistance to stolen phone coverage and driver safety alerts – all in one easy-to-use package. Although the free version lets you see where your child is going, you can buy a membership for even more features, like these:

7 to 30 days of location history.

Place notifications to let you know where members of your Circle are.

Crash detection, with emergency dispatch.

Up to $500 stolen phone coverage.

Identity theft protection and recovery, and credit monitoring.

Access to disaster relief, medical assistance, and travel assistance through live agents.

In other words, if your child ever gets into trouble, you can know what’s going on right away. It’s a great way to find peace of mind, especially since we all worry about our family members when we’re apart.


Tech can go a long way in helping us stay connected virtually. Rather than relying on text messaging or signing up for many different apps and services, Life360 combines all the features you need to ensure the precious little ones in your life are safe and healthy. Tap or click here for the full story on why this is the best family safety app out there.

Can you see text messages on Kidslox?

Using this option you can actually read all the text messages of your child as well. The feature is available for Android-based devices only. Also the idea of reading child’s messages may look like ethically questionable to some parents and kids.

How to Delete Parental Control

Screen time addictions and parental control issues are making headlines more and more these days. Experts from different fields offer their perspectives and solutions to the problem. New products are launched every week that purport to solve screen time addictions or monitor kids’ phones and tablets.

They all offer different approaches to internet child protection and digital safety. A fairly well-known solution is Qustodio – a parental control app for monitoring kids online. Here is our Qustodio review.

Key features of Qustodio

Activity Monitoring. You can personalize this feature for each of your child’s devices (for a maximum of 5 devices on the basic plan). Parents can monitor their children’s internet activity and see how much time they spend on a particular activity, including the websites they visit and what time of day. It allows you to track all questionable activities.

The social activity tracking feature can be useful for parents whose children have their own Facebook accounts. With it, you can manage your child’s activities on social networks. This includes viewing the pages visited, contact list and other activities. Obviously, the appropriateness of this feature will depend somewhat on the maturity of each child, but for most teenagers, this type of surveillance seems like an inappropriate invasion of privacy. Theoretically, children under the age of 13 cannot have accounts on most social networks, although some parents allow it.

app blocking. The options for blocking applications are surprisingly limited. You can block or allow only the apps your child has used before and only when they need internet access. It seems that Qustodio doesn’t block apps themselves, instead it blocks each app’s access to the internet.

Call and SMS monitoring. For devices that support calls and SMS, there is a monitoring option for calls and text messages (including fairly detailed contact information). The feature allows not only to track the child’s activities but also to block incoming and outgoing calls and messages. Or you can just block a specific phone number. You can also use this option to read all your child’s text messages.

The feature is only available for Android-based devices. Also, the idea of ​​reading children’s news may seem ethical to some parents and children.

Content Blocking. You can block inappropriate content such as pornography by enabling various website category restrictions or by adding individual web addresses to the block list.

Deadlines and schedule. You can set daily limits for each device under your account or restrict children’s access to the device at certain times of the day. However, the schedule options are limited. The minimum time gap you can work with is one hour, which means you can’t lock the device from 10:45 to 11:15, for example.

Lock/unlock the device. There is a possibility of device lock. Or you can simply block the Internet browsing options on your child’s device. Parents can also disable protection with one click. It is possible to deactivate the restrictions at any time.

With location tracking, parents can see where the kid’s device is on the map. Only available for Android and iOS users.

Panic button (Android users only). You can preset up to 4 trusted contacts who will be notified when the child uses this option in an emergency. It’s a bit unclear how this option affects the functionality of the other device.

Learn more about Qustodio in our video review.

What is missing?

The app gives you basic parental control tools like content filtering, time tracking, and application blocking. However, some features are not supported on all platforms.

Such a key parental control feature as app blocking doesn’t seem all that great for one of the segment’s leaders.

There are some usability issues. For example, you have to use your web browser every time you want to change the settings (at least in the iOS version), which is not very convenient.

Also, there is no easy switch between parent and child mode, which is one of the basic options for kidslox). It seems that every time you want to put the device in “parental mode” you have to delete the profile with all the restrictions, or at least there is no easy way to do it.

It should also be noted that it is more expensive than most of the similar offerings on the market.


Price 5/10

The app is quite expensive. The price of the cheapest plan at $4.58/$54.95 seems a bit high compared to similar products on the market (like kidslox at $3.99/$39.99). The big plan is even more expensive – $11.50/$137.95.

Ease of use 5/10

At first glance, the app seems to be user-friendly. But there are still some inconveniences, such as setting up the profile through the browser or switching to “parental mode”.

Blocking opportunities 5/10

The content filter works pretty well. But it looks like Qustodio only blocks the apps that use access to the internet. So technically, apps aren’t blocked – the kid can still use some of them offline.

Deadlines 8/10

Despite some minor inconveniences, the Qustodio app offers you a good tool to monitor the time the child spends online.

Support 7/10

The support is generally user-friendly. But it sometimes seems that you have to be a fairly advanced user to understand all the instructions.

Overall 6.0

This app is better than many other similar products on the market and seems to be quite a popular solution. However, if you are looking for better application control options and a more flexible screen time scheduling tool at a cheaper price, you can look for other options.

How do I turn off parental controls on a Samsung tablet?

About This Article
  1. Open the Play Store.
  2. Tap the menu.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Tap Parental Controls.
  5. Toggle off the switch.
  6. Enter your PIN.
  7. Tap OK.

How to Delete Parental Control


I don’t know the PIN for parental controls on Family Link and it doesn’t allow me to clear Google Play Store storage and data. I can’t factory reset my phone either. What can I do to remove it?

Arapu Alexandru Community Answer

You can reset your device to factory settings using recovery mode. Depending on the device, the key combination to enter recovery mode may be different. Just search for something like “[insert phone model here] recovery mode” or whatever. Once you figure out the combination, when you turn on the phone, you need to hold down the keys that are presented to you. Now look for “wipe data/factory reset” on the black screen with lots of text. Use the volume buttons on the side of your device to move the highlight (colored area) to this option. Then, as before, use the volume buttons to select Yes. Your device will reset and you can set it up like new.

How to remove kidslox from my phone

How to remove kidslox from my phone
How to remove kidslox from my phone

See some more details on the topic how to delete kidslox app here:

How do I remove Kidslox from my device?

To receive those instructions please log in and follow the uninstall instructions here:

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How do I get Kidslox off my phone? – [Answer] 2022

After that, open Kslox on the desktop computer and log in to your account by pressing the icon of the device you want to delete.

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Go to your Andro phone settings. · Click on ‘Apps’. · Select the Parental Control – Kslox app you want to delete. · Click “Uninstall”.

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Parental Control App Review

What is the Kidslox app?

When children get an internet-connected mobile device, they gain many positive opportunities, but there are some potentially harmful aspects as well.

Children can:

spend too much time on the device at the expense of other interests and activities

Neglect educational activities on the device to play games and videos

Use the device at inappropriate times

be exposed to inappropriate content in apps or on the web

With a parental control app, adults can monitor how kids are using their devices and control that usage. Kidslox is one such app and has tools to help with all of the above.

Additionally, Kidslox can let you know your children’s location over time, giving you peace of mind.

Most parental control apps only work on one family of devices – either iOS or Android. Kidslox doesn’t care what mix of devices a family has as it works on all of them. However, through no fault of the Kidslox service, an identical experience across iOS and Android is impossible. You may have to follow different processes or accept certain limitations and quirks when using Kidslox on one or the other.

Be sure to check the app’s support section on its website to make sure it offers the features you need most on your devices.

This Kidslox app review focuses on overall usability, overall functionality, and how parents and kids might use it.

What we love about Kidslox.

Kidslox is refreshingly device independent. Android families have been well served by parental control apps, at least numerically, iOS families less so. Uniquely, Kidslox works for families using both, which isn’t uncommon. Parents don’t always want to buy the most expensive devices for little kids, so their kids might have lower spec Android phone or tablet despite being iPhone users.

Android/iOS support also gives you flexibility for the future. You and your kids might both have iPhones, but you might decide that an inexpensive, large-screen Android tablet might give them a better experience on some apps. If your parental control software only works on one platform, you’ll either have to leave that new device unprotected or opt for a new parental control service and get used to it.

Kidslox allows the new device (up to 10 in total) to fit in seamlessly. Kidslox also offers software for computers: PC and Mac. Their installation process and capabilities are not as easy as on mobile, so visit Kidslox’s supporting website. You’ll see that the site promises to keep developing these platforms, so make sure you understand the latest features of Kidslox on a computer when purchasing.

What skills does it improve?

Kidslox does not claim to build knowledge or skills, but it can indirectly help. If you can control your kids’ app usage, you can influence how much time they spend on entertainment apps versus productivity and education apps. For example, you could only have educational apps available at certain times of the day and block games until later.

What age is it suitable for?

A parental control app is designed for kids whose parents want them to have a mobile device but are worried about the risks. Of course, they also have the potential to offer additional protection, which Kidslox can also provide.

Kidslox suitability has more to do with children’s responsibilities, their maturity and how they want them to use their devices than age.

Below are the main areas that you can manage and monitor.

screen time

Make sure your kids aren’t using their devices at inappropriate times or for too long each day.

app usage

Prevent children from accessing entire or individual app categories. Restrict access to some apps to specific times.

Restrict children’s access to websites that aren’t on the Google or Bing safe search list, and manually block other individual websites.


Find out where kids are now and learn where they’ve been.

Is Kidslox easy to use?

Parental control apps are often difficult to set up because they require a lot of access to device functions. Kidslox is relatively easy to set up, but not as easy as a typical app. This statement is not a criticism of Kidslox. The complexity comes from how the devices actually work, not from poor design or implementation.

It softens the complexity with animations and text explaining what parents need to do at each step, and it does it well. Linking with kids apps doesn’t require a kid’s account and uses a QR code to make device pairing effortless. It provides further help by emailing a video directly to parents at the appropriate point in the setup process.

Setting it up won’t be too much for typical app users, but it will require more focus than what you’re used to. Once you set up the app on your device and linked it to the apps on your kids’ devices, it’s easy for you and your kids to use. After you’ve done it for one device, subsequent ones will be easy.

How do students benefit?

Children never like direct supervision or any supervision at all. Kidslox offers a middle ground where children have the freedom to use their devices however they want, within the rules set by their parents.

You can negotiate and relax the rules as the kids get older or at different times of the year. It’s easy when you can manage the setting from your device and don’t have to get your child’s off of him.

Kids don’t need to use the Kidslox app much, but they can use it to request bonus time from their parents or to confirm they’ve completed a task that has a Kidslox reward tied to it. Child requests are one of the reasons the app wants parents to receive notifications. When kids make the request, you’ll hear them right away instead of making them wait for you to remember to open the app.

How will parents benefit?

Being a parent means worrying about children’s safety and worrying about how they spend their time. With Kidslox, you will still worry and be annoyed, but you can allay your fears about their devices.

The app’s controls form a useful rewards tool that allows parents to link children’s actions to device usage. You can grant extra time or relax certain restrictions if kids earn it through quests or achievements.

Parents’ customizations are reflected almost instantly on children’s devices, which is great for rewards and control. A quick tap on the lock setting disables many apps and features on a device. Apply this to a kid’s iPad, for example, and all downloaded apps will disappear until the parents unlock them.

You get the added benefit of location monitoring. You can do this with other apps, but you don’t have to set up and pay for an additional app if it’s built into your parental control software.

What can Kidslox improve?

While it’s understandable that the app would want users to turn on notifications to make the app more effective, it should be less nagging about it. Kidslox will ask for permission every time parents open the app if it doesn’t already exist. It would be better to respect the user’s choice by asking a lot less about it.

See the app’s support section and how it presents the differences between features on iOS and Android for other improvements that could be made. The app’s information is open about any limitations on its features imposed by a platform’s rules or quirks, but prospective buyers have to delve deeper into support than they should.

Better and clearer feature signage is needed when there is a significant difference between Android and iOS, either in setup or limitations.

Understanding the app blocking features before purchasing Kidslox illustrates the above point and illustrates another issue: in some places the app support authors could have structured or worded the content more clearly.

Whether users can block individual apps on iOS, for example, is answered ambiguously. The text distinguishes between users who use advanced features and those who don’t. Those who don’t can use web-based app blocking and will be directed to a list of apps they can block.

The confusion comes with the next step, which says “Users who want to lock all apps individually can turn on ‘Advanced Features'”. However, since this is followed by a list of “Currently Blockable Apps”, it is not clear before using the service whether advanced feature users can only block apps on this list.

This explanation needs to be more precise as iOS is a much more restricted platform than Android – the functionality Kidslox can afford parents can reasonably be expected to differ between the two. Blocking apps is probably a key feature for parents, so they need to see what they can and can’t do across their different devices.

For readers of this Kidslox review: iOS users can block a predefined set of apps within the parental control part of the app. This list includes many of the most popular social media games and apps.

If they want to block something outside of this list, they can do so, but only by enabling advanced settings and downloading the computer-based application.

This will be clear once you have the app, but before purchasing it is a difficult concept to understand from the support section explanation.

Although it takes a lot of words to emphasize the above points, you should not take them as serious mistakes. The app’s free trial ensures that you understand how to use the app before spending any money.

How much does Kidslox cost?

Parental control apps are long-term decisions. You don’t want to jump back and forth between them frequently; You and your child need to become familiar with how they work and what they do. If you’ve selected Kidslox as your app of choice, use the free trial for parents to access the full range of functions for three days.

Use this trial during an average week to see how it performs alongside typical family routines. Pay particular attention to the features most important to you and make sure the app’s implementation allows for what you want. At the same time, maintain a sense of realism, as features you want may not be possible, or at all, on the types of devices you own.

What is included in the free version versus the paid version?

If you are satisfied with Kidslox during the trial period, you can transfer it to a paid subscription and continue seamlessly. There are several options: shorter ones that trade commitment duration for value, and longer ones that prove most beneficial over time.

We recommend going for Value as Kidslox serves its purpose very well, and if its features suit your needs, it’s a service that you’ll want for a while.

Is Kidslox safe to use?

Kidslox is a tool that helps keep kids safe, and to do that, it needs access to features of their devices that you normally limit. It’s your choice whether or not to allow them, so it’s always in your control.

If you deny permission, some functions cannot work. Of course, if you don’t let the app access your child’s exact location, it won’t be able to share the information with you. Some permissions, like notifications, are for convenience. If you turn it off, you might miss important messages, but it’s a choice you can make and the app will still work when you open it.

As children get older and more tech savvy, they are more likely to discover that they can remove Kidslox. This action would leave the device out of your control, but this would be visible to you. It’s not that easy to remove the Kidslox app, which would break some of the functionality, but most would remain.

Complete removal requires a process not typically used on a device, so kids need to research it. As the developers acknowledge, there’s no way to stop them if kids find out, but parents can still insist that device ownership is contingent on Kidslox not being disabled.

If you want to know how to remove Kidslox, you can request the details via email from within the app. This advanced process prevents children from easily figuring out how to do it.

Overall rating of the app.

Kidslox uses the slogan “Parental Controls That Just Work”. Is this claim true? In this Kidslox review, you saw that the app offers powerful features that are helpful, well-implemented, and easy for parents to manage. At the same time, children do not have to do anything. It would be a bit harsh to say that the initial setup “just works,” but the difficulties aren’t the app’s fault, and it mitigates them as well as you can expect.

Kidslox works easily compared to many parental control apps, has the features most parents want, and does a great job of managing the complexity of each platform. These combine to give parents the experience and features they want in parental control software.

Visit Kidslox website to fully understand the features on your devices and try the free trial. If this is the first parental control software you try, it might be as far as you need to go and you can relax knowing your kids are using their devices safely and productively.

How do I get Kidslox off my phone?

How 7 ways to fix some settings are managed by your organization error in Windows 10?

How to Delete Parental Control

How to Delete Parental Controls Completely Published by Kidslox, Inc. | Updated: April 19, 2022

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Learn how to delete your parental control Kidslox account and personal data and also delete parental control app if you have it installed on your iPhone, iPad or Android. If you want to end your relationship with Parental Control – Kidslox completely, then follow the guide.

Table of Contents:

1. Delete parental control account via email

There are 2 methods to get your data (and account) erased from parental controls – Kidslox. They are:

According to GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation (for EU residents): This gives you the right to ask an organization that holds data about you to erase that data. This is referred to as the “right to erasure”. You can make your request orally or in writing. We recommend writing via email to serve as evidence. An organization has one calendar month to respond to your request. Under CCPA – California Consumer Privacy Act: This empowers California residents to request that a business delete the data/personal information it holds about you. The Company is required by law to delete the consumer’s personal data from its records and to instruct all service providers to delete the data as well. A company’s failure to comply with the CCPA can result in fines of up to $7,500 per violation.

Now we understand what the laws entail. You can delete your account by contacting Parental Control – Kidslox via email. To process the account data deletion request:

In your email, please state the reasons why you would like your data/account to be deleted. Note that according to GDPR or CCPA, you are not required to provide a reason for your request. Provide all relevant information about your account with parental controls. Mention the law you are making your request under – GDPR or CCPA. Notify Parental Controls of non-compliance penalty – A $7,500 fine under CCPA and 4% of annual revenue under GDPR. Send your email to [email protected] Log in to view the email.

Alternatively, you can request deletion of your parental control account information below.

Send them your request in the format above.

Your name * first name * your e-mail * continue

Already have an account? Sign up here

2. Delete the parental control app from your phone

There are many reasons why you should get rid of Parental Controls – Kidslox on your phone. This could be because you are freeing up storage space or you are tired of the app.

Whatever your reason, here is how to delete Parental Controls – Kidslox from an iPhone or Android device:

a. How to delete parental control app from your iPhone

If you want to delete Parental Control – Kidslox from your iPhone, here’s what you should do:

From your home screen, tap and hold the Parental Controls – Kidslox icon until all the apps start to jiggle. An “X” sign will appear in the top right corner of the app. Click on the “X” sign under Parental Controls – Kidslox. Tap the red delete button and viola!


In your iPhone settings, click on “General”. Now click on “Iphone Storage” and scroll down to see all apps installed on your phone. Click on the Parental Control – Kidslox app that you want to delete. On the next screen, select “Erase Parental Controls – Kidslox” and confirm the deletion.

b. How to delete parental controls from your Android phone

To delete Parental Control – Kidslox from your Android device, you should do the following:

Open Google Play Go to My Apps & Games via the hamburger menu icon. From the list of available apps on your device, click Parental Control – Kidslox. Then tap on “Uninstall”.


From your home screen or app drawer, tap and hold the Parental Controls – Kidslox app that you want to delete. Click on the portion of the screen that says Uninstall.


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