How To Get Rid Of Ants In A Restaurant? The 80 Top Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to get rid of ants in a restaurant“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

How do I get rid of ants in my business?

Ants In Your Home Or Business: What Can Be Done?
  1. Hire Professionals. The best method of controlling ants is to hire pest control professionals. …
  2. Trying to Do It Yourself. You can take minor steps to control ants. …
  3. Remove the Food Source. …
  4. Minimize Moisture. …
  5. Seal All Entry Points. …
  6. Take Away Shelter. …
  7. Use Insecticide.

What is the fastest way to get rid of ants in the kitchen?

White vinegar, available at all grocery stores, is a cheap and effective way to kill and repel ants. It is also a natural cleaning agent. Try using a 1-to-1 vinegar/water mixture to clean hard surfaces, including floors and countertops, wherever ants are likely to travel.

How do you get rid of ants in a dining room table?

Pour equal parts water and white vinegar into a spray bottle. Then spray it on anthills and around areas where you see the insects. Ants hate the smell of vinegar. It won’t take long for them to move on to better-smelling quarters.

What is the best ant killer?

Terro’s T300 Liquid Ant Baits are easily the best we’ve used. For the active ingredient, Terro uses borax, which has proven successful against ants and is not as harmful to people and pets as some of the other pesticides out there.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

We also don’t want ants in our homes. But if you try to kill house ants the wrong way, you can actually divide the colony — and make the problem worse. With Terro T300 Liquid Ant Baits, a favorite among homeowners, that won’t happen because they’re easy to use, widely available, and packed with an effective, slow-acting poison that targets and eliminates the entire colony.

With the right traps, ants will pick up the poison and carry it back to the nest, where they will do the work for you.

The active ingredient in Terro T300 Liquid Ant Baits is borax, a relatively safe compound that can even be used as a detergent. Borax has a long history of success against carpenter ants, and when mixed with a sweet, syrupy liquid, makes an attractive meal for an ant. Unlike many competitors, Terro uses a clear bait station that is easy to monitor. Terro has a great reputation, with tons of positive reviews and excellent feedback on a variety of retail sites. In our own small tests, Terro was hands down the most effective ant bait we’ve tried.


If the Terro T300 baits are not available, or if you are looking for a more aesthetically pleasing ant kill station, we recommend Terro T334 Multi-Surface Liquid Ant Baits. The size and shape of a perfect jumping stone, these small cartridges are designed to blend in with their surroundings, with one side white and the other brown. They come with small adhesive strips to attach them to a vertical surface or even under a wall cabinet. This feature offers more placement options and can help keep the bait station away from little prying hands or paws. The T334 baits contain the same sweet syrup as our main selection, so their overall action should be identical. The Cons: The opaque bait station is almost impossible to monitor, and the T334 baits typically cost more than double the T300 baits per unit. These baits are easy to use and we appreciate how they fit in, but in most cases we prefer to get as many bait stations as possible at the lowest cost, which makes it easier to stockpile baits so you can use them have them when you need them.

If you have fire ants (we are so sorry), we recommend Syngenta’s Advion Fire Ant Bait. This granular bait contains Indoxacarb, which several experts have told us is the fastest acting and most effective ingredient for fire ant control. You can treat individual mounds with just a few tablespoons of Advion, or spread it all over your garden – there’s enough for an acre in the container.

What scents deter ants?

Sprinkle cinnamon, mint, chili pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves, or garlic in the area where you’ve seen the ants. Then, treat your home’s foundation in the same manner. Placing bay leaves in cabinets, drawers, and containers can also help to deter ants.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals


The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija

Wipe down your countertops, cabinets, and any other spot you’ve spotted ants with a 50/50 white vinegar/water mixture. Repeat throughout the day to maintain effectiveness. Aside from repelling ants, vinegar has many surprising uses, including as an all-purpose cleaner.

Why this works: Ants hate the smell of vinegar, and vinegar can remove the scent trails they use to move. Watch the ants for a while and you will see that they all go in and out of your house the same way. Eliminating the scent trails of the ants will give you a serious advantage in battle.

Does vinegar get rid of ants?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. Vinegar does not kill ants in the traditional sense: you spray it, and the ant dies. The only way this remedy is effective is if the ant drowns in vinegar (though water accomplishes the same thing).

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

When the ants march into your house one by one, you want them to march right back out. This could lead you to try any number of ant “home remedies” you’ve heard about from friends or from online articles. But do any of them work?

Don’t waste your time with pointless home remedies. Today we will talk about which means really get rid of ants, and which are completely ineffective (even dangerous). Read on to find out!

Home remedies for ants

#1 Using Household Chemicals to Kill Ants

Many homeowners have googled “which household cleaners kill ants?” in an attempt to find budget-friendly pest control.

This home remedy is pretty effective: Take a spray bottle of Lysol and douse some ants to kill them. Still, using household cleaners to control ants is not an effective long-term solution. That’s because ants live in colonies: where there is one ant, there are hundreds or even thousands of others. Once an ant has entered your home in search of food, other ants will use their scent trails (invisible pheromones left behind) to follow.

A good, long-term ant control solution doesn’t just kill the ants you see; It will also locate and destroy the ants’ nest. So make sure you don’t get caught up in an endless battle against thousands of ants!

#2 Get rid of ants with borax

We’ve talked about borax in previous blog posts: it’s been touted online as a solution not just for ants, but for cockroaches and other pests as well.

Like household cleaners, borax is a “cure” that comes with a few problems.

First, borax is difficult to use properly. Ants don’t just walk over a pile of borax; They’ll bypass it when they see it. This means you need to apply the borax in a very fine mist. (To get around this hurdle, many online articles advise you to mix the borax with sugar to attract the ants. Don’t do that! You’ll end up attracting even more ants, along with all the insects that ants might eat , like cockroaches.)

Second – and most importantly – using borax can be dangerous. Borax fans will point out that it is a naturally occurring mineral, but natural doesn’t always mean safe. Borax can be toxic to humans and animals in high doses and cause skin and eye irritation in low doses. Although borax poisoning is rare, it’s important to be aware of the danger — especially if you have children or pets. Of course, adults know not to eat borax; Children and pets, on the other hand, have a knack for finding and picking up things they shouldn’t.

#3 Use coffee grounds to get rid of ants

The use of coffee grounds as an ant repellent has some anecdotal support from casual homeowners, but the majority believe this home remedy is a myth.

Ants are not so repelled by coffee grounds that they avoid or leave your home altogether. Instead, they are more likely to ignore, walk around, or even move the lots scattered around your home. (That’s right – they can pick up and move the coffee grounds!)

Worst of all, this remedy could end up doing more harm than good. We do not recommend scattering food, crumbs or anything edible around your home as this may attract cockroaches (which will eat anything) or other pests.

#4 Kill ants with vinegar

Vinegar — whether white vinegar or apple cider vinegar — is a common ingredient in many kitchens. That’s probably why many homeowners hope that vinegar, or a mixture of apple cider vinegar and dish soap, will kill ants.

Unfortunately it does not work. Vinegar doesn’t kill ants in the traditional sense: you spray it and the ant dies. This remedy is only effective if the ant is drowning in vinegar (although water will do the same).

If vinegar doesn’t kill ants, does it at least drive them away? Some online articles recommend using vinegar as a repellent, but again, it’s not really effective. Ants can simply walk around the smelly areas or find another entrance into your home. With such limited effectiveness, it’s not worth making your house smell like an Easter egg.

How to get rid of ants effectively

Getting rid of ants quickly and permanently requires a multi-pronged approach that includes both killing the ants you see and destroying the nest you don’t see. Keeping your kitchen free of ants is a process that often requires the knowledge and equipment of an exterminator.

If your home is plagued by more than a few ants, Scherzinger’s pest control professionals will be happy to help.

Turn to Scherzinger Pest Control, a trusted pest control company in the greater Cincinnati area and northern Kentucky, including Dayton, OH and now Columbus, OH. We were pioneers and have developed new standards to eliminate and control insects and pests. Contact us by phone at 1-877-748-9888 or through our website, Facebook or Twitter.

Why do ants suddenly appear?

Whenever there’s a sudden ant infestation, the most likely cause of it is that there’s food somewhere in your house for them. Most ants are opportunistic feeders; they’ll eat just about anything. But they usually prefer sweets.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

Why do I suddenly have ants in my house?

It’s always a shocking situation when you wake up in the morning and find that your kitchen or your whole house is overrun with ants. Especially if you’ve lived in the same house for decades and have never had a problem in the past. Ants are a very annoying nuisance in Australia. Just a handful can be enough to completely infest your kitchen, and getting rid of them is no easy task. But why is this happening at all? Below we look at some common reasons why this might happen.

food source

Ants primarily explore to find food sources. Whenever there is a sudden ant infestation, the most likely cause is that there is food for them somewhere in your home. Most ants feed opportunistically; You’ll eat pretty much anything. But they usually prefer sweets. Ants are attracted to a variety of food sources you may have, including:




fruit juice




Any waste, container or packaging that has come into contact with these items

Once they figure out where these food sources are, colonies can form long trails of thousands of ants to connect the colony to these food sources. They create a chemical trail with their pheromones to leave an olfactory signature for other ants. Until that trail is broken, they will keep coming.

water source

Access to water is a crucial part of any colony’s survival. Even a small pool of water can quench an ant’s thirst for a long time. The more reliable the water source, the closer the colony will want to stay to your kitchen.

Make sure you clean up any water splashes quickly and completely. You should also regularly check high-humidity areas like under sinks, refrigerators, windows, and doors to make sure you’re not creating an oasis waiting for those pesky intruders.


Several studies suggest that there is a link between ant infestations and the weather. Infestation appears to be more likely during periods of heavy rain or dry, hot, drought-like conditions. Why this is so is not well understood. The most likely explanation is that they either avoid cold, wet conditions or have found a source of water in your home during drier, hotter times.

Ants are generally relatively dormant in winter and colder conditions, while becoming more active during the warmer months of October through March. In cooler parts of Australia, such as B. Victoria, ant infestations are more common in the colder months as ants choose to concentrate their nests indoors.

Pest Control Services in Queensland

If you have an ant infestation or other pest problem on your property in Brisbane, Redland Bay, Ipswich or Logan, give the Critters Pest Management team a call. We use the latest tools and treatments to quickly remove ants and other pests from your home or business. Our range of pest control services includes ant removal as well as termite inspections, termite treatments and termite barriers.

Call our friendly professionals today on 1300 186 255 to make a booking or contact us online.

How does baking soda get rid of ants?

How to Kill Ants With Baking Soda
  1. Mix equal parts baking soda and confectioner’s sugar.
  2. Put the mixture in a shallow container or sprinkle it directly onto your counter, floor or windowsill.
  3. The ants will be attracted to the sugar and will carry it back to their nest, killing the ants that eat it.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

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In nature, ants can be very fascinating to watch. After all, a small ant can carry up to 50 times its body weight! But when they’re in your kitchen, they’re nothing but a nuisance.

Whether you have an immaculate home or tend to be a bit messy, it’s easy for ants to find their way around the house. But getting rid of them is just as easy—and you don’t even have to use harsh chemicals or pesticides to do it.

You can get rid of your ant problem once and for all with one simple household ingredient you probably already have in your pantry: baking soda.

Ready to learn how? Here’s how to use baking soda to kill ants.

Does Baking Soda Kill Ants?

While baking soda alone can kill ants, you have to mix it with powdered sugar for it to work.

Why? Because the whole concept of killing them with baking soda relies on the ants being attracted to it. Baking soda alone will not attract them. But if you mix it with some sugar, you have a surefire way to lure those ants to exactly where you want them.

The science behind killing ants with baking soda

Not convinced that something as simple as baking soda can cure your ant problem? There is some scientific evidence to support this theory.

Baking soda changes the pH balance of the body. While it’s fine for humans, it’s deadly for ants.

This is how it works:

When the ants eat the baking soda, it reacts with the ant’s digestive chemicals and produces carbon dioxide. Some internet theories state that baking soda makes ants explode. While we don’t know for sure, we do know that it dehydrates their bodies in order to kill them.

To understand how the baking soda method can be effective, just think about how ants live and behave. Ants live in colonies and different ants have different roles to play. Some ants tend to the eggs after the queen ant lays them, while others are tasked with going out and gathering food.

The worker ants that go out to find food bring that food back to the colony to feed the other ants. So when they pick up your baking soda mix and bring it back to their nest, they are actually helping kill all of the other ants in their colony.

If you’re lucky, they kill the queen. Once the queen ant is dead, you won’t have to deal with another infestation (at least not from that colony).

‍You may also be interested in: Dealing with a mouse infestation

How to use baking soda to kill ants

Are you ready to put an end to those pesky little ants once and for all? To mix the baking powder preparation:

Take equal parts baking soda and powdered sugar.

Mix it up.

Pour into a shallow container (like the lid of a jar).

Place this container near where you see (or have seen) those pesky little ants.

If you don’t have a shallow container, you can sprinkle the mixture directly onto the floor, counter, or window sill. It’s safe to place it where you saw those unwanted intruders.

You can also add some water to make it into a paste. If you know the ants are coming through a specific crack in the wall, add the paste at the base of that crack to keep more ants from entering.

Benefits of using baking soda to kill ants

So what makes baking soda a better alternative to pesticides and insect repellents? For one, it’s non-toxic.

Baking soda is natural and completely safe for human use and consumption. It is a common ingredient in baking recipes and is also used in toothpaste. It is safe for humans to touch and ingest.

Do you have babies or small children at home? They will not take any damage if they touch Baking Soda. Pesticides and toxic bug sprays, on the other hand, can be extremely harmful to little ones.

Another reason we love this method is that it’s super easy to make. Chances are you already have the ingredients you need right in your kitchen pantry. If you don’t, you can buy a small box of baking soda at any grocery store for as little as $1.

When it comes to sugar, be sure to use powdered sugar (powdered sugar). Don’t swap that out for granulated sugar.

Why? Because powdered sugar and baking soda have the same look and texture. The ants won’t be able to tell the difference between the two, so they’re probably getting a little sugar and a little baking soda with each bite.

The ants are gone… now what?

Once you’ve gotten rid of your ants, try to determine where they got in. If you can spot a crack in the wall or a hole in a window, seal it up so they can’t come back!

Ants can get into any home, but the cleaner you are, the less likely they are to want to invade your space. Keep your kitchen counters, windows and floors free of food and crumbs. The fewer food sources you provide, the less desirable your home will become for future ants!

If you have a constant ant problem outside, there is one more thing you can do to keep this infestation at bay. Pour some of your baking soda and sugar mixture into an empty soda can and set it outside. The ants crawl into the can to reach it and immediately crawl out again to carry it to their nest.

The can method is a way to protect small pets or other animals outdoors. The small opening in the can makes it impossible for animals to reach or be harmed by your poisonous ant killer.

How to kill ants with baking soda

For a Safe, Non-Toxic Way to Kill Ants:

Mix equal parts baking powder and powdered sugar.

Pour the mixture into a shallow container or sprinkle directly onto your counter, floor or windowsill.

The ants are attracted to the sugar and carry it back to their nest, killing the ants that eat it.

Next time you see ants in your home, resist the urge to use those smelly chemicals and spray cans full of pesticides. Instead, head to your pantry, quickly mix up a mixture of baking soda and powdered sugar, and let nature take its course!

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Does salt keep ants away?

Ants are attracted to the salt in their environment when it comes to food, but if there’s too much salt and they will be repelled by it. This means that if you put salt outside the entrance of your house, they will be less likely to come inside.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

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Salt doesn’t kill ants, but it does help repel them and keep them out of your home.

Ants are attracted to the salt in their environment when it comes to food, but are repelled when there is too much salt. This means if you sprinkle salt in front of your home’s entrance, they will be less likely to get inside.

In this article, we’ll go into detail on how salt affects ants and how you can use it to keep the little bugs out of your home.

How Salt Affects Ants

Salt does not kill ants, but it does affect them [1].

Salt is a type of alkaline poison that affects the exoskeleton of certain insect pests. Ants have an exoskeleton, so they are very susceptible to this type of poisoning, and salt can be used as a treatment to repel these types of insects.

Does salt kill ants? (Epsom & table salt)

Unfortunately, it takes a lot of it to actually kill an ant. So much that it’s not worth the effort. However, a high concentration of salt causes water loss in the ant’s body, which eventually kills it through dehydration.

The best way to use salt is to create a barrier around your home. Ants will avoid exceeding this due to its potency.

You should normally reapply after rains when there has been moisture to keep the treatment from washing away.

Does Salt Spray Kill Ants?

Using a salt spray can be a more effective way to get rid of ants. While using salt doesn’t always kill most species of ants, it usually deters them and gives you some relief from their presence in your home or garden.

Although this varies from species to species, many ant species avoid crossing areas that have been treated with a high concentration of salt (about 50%); They usually try to circumnavigate these zones instead.

If no other route is available, the ant colony may abandon all plans to invade that part of your property.

This method works especially well if you can apply large amounts—about two inches deep—but even small amounts can help repel the bugs.

How long does it take to kill ants with salt?

The type of salt plays a role in how quickly the ants die. Some salts contain chemicals that can damage an ant’s exoskeleton. This means it will dry out the ants and it may not be very long before the ant dies in the first place.

Other types of salt don’t have the same properties, so they don’t work as well on insects. The more salt you use, combined with its ability to damage the outer shells, means your chances greatly increase if you use large amounts.

However, it can still be up to several days before death occurs due to dehydration. And it can’t even kill the ants.

How does salt kill ants?

To understand how salt kills ants, it’s important to know a little about ant biology.

Ants are not like humans in that they have no lungs and cannot breathe air directly from the atmosphere. Instead, they breathe in oxygen through holes in their body called spiracles.

Salt does its damage by attacking these holes and causing them to close up, preventing the ant from breathing properly (this will kill an ant). The salt also causes some degree of dehydration, which can eventually lead to serious damage.

Drives away salt ants (drive them away)

Using salt to kill ants doesn’t always work. Salt’s primary role is to repel them, but there are certain types of ants that it can kill if large amounts are used.

To keep an ant away from your home, you should build a barrier around the entry points of your home. This deters various species of ants from getting onto your property as they don’t like walking or nesting on salty surfaces.

You can also use salt in smaller amounts around your home if needed. Remember to clean it up afterwards, especially if you have pets or small children.

Also read: How to get rid of ants in the house and garden

How does salt repel ants?

Salt does not kill ants. Salt will repel them, but that means they’ll only go away for a short time.

It’s important to use large amounts of salt when trying to get rid of an ant infestation, and even then it’s slow to work. You can also make your own salt protectant by mixing boiling water with table or rock salt.

Salt treatment for ants

There are several ways to carry out a salt treatment against ants. Depending on your problem, you may want to use different ones.

If you want to prevent ants from entering your home, the first thing you should do is place salt as a barrier at the entrances to your home (or anywhere the ants enter – check for cracks or holes). This method requires a lot of salt, enough to make the barrier 1 to 2 inches high.

Second, if you want to kill ants with salt, you’ll need even more. This method works best if you pour it directly into the ant nest. Just killing any foraging/spying ants will get you stuck on the overall problem. Depending on the size of the ant colony, you need different amounts of salt.

Third, if you are dealing with a current ant infestation, using salt will only make a mess of your home. Because of this, we recommend checking out some other ways on how to get rid of ants.


No! Salt doesn’t usually work to kill the ant. However, it appears to be able to repel them and prevent more from entering your home.

This is due to their small size and sensitivity to water loss, as well as a few other factors.

But how long does that take? It depends on how much time you invest in creating a treatment and how much salt you use.

It’s important to remember that if you drive ants away, there’s a chance they’ll come back after a while. If you want to get rid of ants permanently, you have to use other methods.

How do you find an ants nest?

How to Find an Ant Nest Indoors
  1. Look for Wood Shavings – This could be a sign of carpenter ants. …
  2. Look for Swarmers – First, determine if the “ants” are really ants and not termites. …
  3. Look for Dead Ants – Piles of dead ants, particularly around a window, is another sign of an interior infestation nearby.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

If you are under siege by ants, you may know that the best way to deal with them is to track the entire colony. It’s a great strategy, but finding the colony can be a lot harder than you’d expect. Finally, ants can disappear into places where they can’t be followed – be it behind a baseboard or deep in the ground.

Regardless, knowing where an ant colony is hiding is helpful when you start eradicating it.

Can you follow ants back to their nest?

It is possible to drag ants back to their nest, but it can be very difficult. Ants are often difficult to track down due to their size and ability to sneak into spaces that humans can’t get into. However, if you have patience and determination, you can try to follow the ants that you see. With any luck they will bring you back to their nesting site.

However, you should be aware that ants rarely walk in a straight line from a food source to their colony. Instead, many ants run in a zigzag pattern – the result of previous ant researchers looking for something to feed the colony. These scouts laid down a pheromone trail for other ants to follow. Because these paths often meander, it can take an ant a long time to traverse even a short distance.

Of course, pheromone traces “level out” over time. As a particular route becomes more common, shortcuts emerge and the pheromone path becomes more refined. If you’re lucky, follow the ants along this path!

Short tip: Don’t follow one ant, watch several ants! Following a single ant back to its nest can be tedious. Try observing a larger area to see if you can spot multiple ants making their way back to the nest.

How to find an ant nest in the house

It is very important to track ants to a nest in your home. You should address these house ants as soon as possible to eliminate the colony that could be damaging your structure and contaminating your food and water.

Look for wood shavings – This could be a sign of carpenter ants. These chips often appear under joists in your basement or attic.

– This could be a sign of carpenter ants. These chips often appear under joists in your basement or attic. Look for Swarmers – First, determine if the “ants” are really ants and not termites. Assuming they are ants, be aware that they nest outside and can enter through a crack beyond your foundation. Carpenter ants can be a sign of pharaoh ants or carpenter ants.

First, determine if the “ants” are really ants and not termites. Assuming they are ants, be aware that they nest outside and can enter through a crack beyond your foundation. Carpenter ants can be a sign of pharaoh ants or carpenter ants. Look for dead ants – Clusters of dead ants, especially around a window, are another sign of a nearby infestation. Double check to see if these bugs are ants or termites, and then take the appropriate steps to further locate the nest site.

Piles of dead ants, especially around a window, are another sign of a nearby infestation. Double check to see if these bugs are ants or termites, and then take the appropriate steps to further locate the nest site. Look for Moisture – Aside from food, ants need moisture. In your home, wet wood can lead to an ant invasion, so check these areas for signs of these insects. Leaking pipes or pipes covered in condensation can also be a lure for a variety of ant species, including smelly house ants. Since a path to the water should be well established, it should be easy to follow these ants back to their nest site.

Three great ways to fight ants in the house

If you have ants in your home, TERRO® has several great options for controlling these bugs.

Method 1 – Bait – TERRO ® Liquid Ant Baits contain a sugary borax mixture that is mixed to kill an entire ant colony.

TERRO Liquid Ant Baits contain a sugary borax mixture blended to kill an entire ant colony. Method 2 – Dust – Sprinkle TERRO ® Ant Dust in cracks and crevices where ants crawl and hide. Our ant dust keeps killing for up to 8 months.

Spread TERRO Ant Dust in cracks and crevices where ants crawl and hide. Our ant dust keeps killing for up to 8 months. Method 3 – Aerosol – blasting ants and other insects with TERRO® Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer which provides a contact lethal solution that remains active for up to 4 months. It is a helpful treatment to control insects that infest the wood in your home.

How to find an ant nest outdoors

Finding ant nests outside is not difficult. They are practically everywhere! Finding the specific nest that is the base of operations for the ants invading your home is difficult. However, if you work hard to eliminate all ant nests in your garden, you should eventually meet your invaders.

Look for Mounds of Dirt – Many ants, including street ants, will dig dirt out of their nests, leaving highly visible mounds of fine soil.

Many ants, including street ants, dig dirt out of their nests, leaving highly visible mounds of fine soil. Keep an eye out for aphids — Some ants, including carpenter ants, have learned that aphids excrete a sweet, nectar-like substance called honeydew, which they harvest when the aphid feeds on a plant. If you have a plant that is suffering from an aphid infestation, then there is likely a colony of ants taking advantage of the aphids. It’s best to treat the ants before the aphids, as removing the aphids first may result in the ants starting to invade your home!

Some ants, including carpenter ants, have learned that aphids secrete a sweet, nectar-like substance called honeydew, which they harvest when the aphid feeds on a plant. If you have a plant that is suffering from an aphid infestation, then there is likely a colony of ants taking advantage of the aphids. It’s best to treat the ants before the aphids, as removing the aphids first may result in the ants starting to invade your home! Look for Rotten Wood – For fire ants and carpenter ants, nothing feels more comfortable than a rotten stump in which to establish their colony. If you have untreated wood that has been left undisturbed for a long time, then there’s a good chance it’s the home base for your local carpenter ant community, and mad ants particularly prefer this spot for their nests. Similarly, fire ants can have hollowed-out spaces beneath your foundation or other cast cement features, including sidewalks, driveways, and porches.

Three great ways to fight ants in the garden

It is always preferable to address your ant colony problem before it enters your home. TERRO® has numerous outdoor pest control products including:

Method 1 – Granules – Shake TERRO ® Perimeter Ant Bait Plus granules around the foundation of your home to entice feeding ants to carry these slow-killing particles back into their nest.

– Shake TERRO Perimeter Ant Bait Plus granules around the foundation of your home to entice feeding ants to carry these slow-killing particles back into their nest. Method 2 – Spray – Keep unwanted intruders out of your home by spraying them directly with TERRO ® Outdoor Ant Killer Spray, which can hit targets up to 15 feet away and continues to kill as it dries.

– Keep unwanted intruders out of your home by spraying them directly with TERRO Outdoor Ant Killer Spray, which can hit targets up to 15ft away and continue killing as it dries. Method 3 – Outdoor Baits – TERRO® Outdoor Liquid Ant Baits offer the same ant-killing power as our indoor baits while remaining weatherproof. Place these baits on your deck or around your home where ant activity is observed.

your solutions

Where did you find the ant nest for the ants invading your house? We’d love to see your description below in the comments. You are also welcome to send us pictures on your next visit to TERRO® on Facebook. For more ant control ideas in your home and garden, subscribe to the TERRO® eNewsletter for great deals on TERRO® products and informative articles to help tackle your household pest problems.

Why do the ants keep coming back?

Excessive moisture is another reason why ants return to the same home again and again. All bugs, including ants, are drawn to moist areas of a home. Ants require a water source to survive and can even store water for later within their colonies. Address any leaks within the home as part of your ant control process.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

Why do ants keep coming back?

You have done everything. You’ve tried almost every type of ant repellent on the market, but somehow these tiny pests always find their way back into your home. When it comes to those unwanted guests, nothing is less appetizing than watching a colony of army ants marching across your kitchen floor, and no one wants to fall asleep while carpenter ants are nesting nearby in your home. Whatever the situation, Carolina Pest Management is here to help you rid your home of ants for good.

types of ants

One of the first steps in eliminating recurring ant invasions is to identify the species of ants that keep returning to your home. While you can use some general pest control tricks to keep your home ant-free, certain types of ants may require specialized pest control techniques. Although there are thousands of species of ants, here are some of the most common species found in homes:

Carpenter Ants: Carpenter ants are attracted to wood – not as a source of food, but to dig up to build nests. Carpenter ants prefer moist areas near the woodwork of a home. Carpenter ants vary in size and color but are usually larger than most other ant species and are dark in coloration.

Carpenter ants are attracted to wood – not as a food source, but to dig up to build nests. Carpenter ants prefer moist areas near the woodwork of a home. Carpenter ants vary in size and color but are usually larger than most other ant species and are dark in coloration. Dark Army Ants: Dark army ants have very large colonies and can build nests in kitchens and bathrooms. They are particularly attracted to sweet liquids. To identify a dark brown army ant, look for a knot and a dark brown body color.

Dark army ants have very large colonies and can build nests in kitchens and bathrooms. They are particularly attracted to sweet liquids. To identify a dark brown army ant, look for a knot and a dark brown body color. European Fire Ant: These ant species prefer warm areas with lots of moisture and tend to build indoor nests around tubs and water heaters. Fire ants are reddish in color and have two nodes.

These ant species prefer warm areas with lots of moisture and tend to build nests indoors around tubs and water heaters. Fire ants are reddish in color and have two nodes. Crazy Ants: These ants prefer neither wet nor dry nesting conditions. When they go indoors, they go under carpets, in houseplants, and between walls. Crazy ants are very dark in color with very long legs.

Common things that attract ants

Any of the above ants can invade your property, and an important part of ant control is being aware of what keeps ants coming back to your home. Even if you get rid of ants through pest control methods, you still need to take precautions to keep them from returning to your home. Food is one of the biggest elements that attracts ants, but there are other things they might bring into your home as well. Here are some of the main things that ants can attract:

food sources

A common misconception is that ants are only attracted to food that is left outdoors – i.e. crumbs on your kitchen countertops. However, any type of food in opened packages can attract ants into a home. Items such as flour, sugar, chips and cookies should only be stored in tightly sealable containers. Sometimes dry good canisters can still attract ants into the house. A bay leaf added to these containers can repel ants as it gives off a pungent odor. Overripe fruit left on counters can also attract ants and other insects.

Thoroughly clean all areas of the home where food is consumed. Pull out appliances like refrigerators and stoves to remove food debris that has built up underneath. Empty kitchen cabinets to clean even the deepest niches. Scrub the baseboards and keep all floors clean.

Remember to keep track of all cleaning chores to prevent ants from returning to your home. Clean up spilled grease and beverages immediately. Empty beverage cans or glass bottles completely before sending them for recycling. Never leave uneaten pet food in bowls and wash bowls regularly. Cleaning with vinegar is also helpful as it may remove odor trails left by previous ants.

See Related: Are Pests Invading Your Charlotte Home’s Pantry?


Excessive humidity is another reason why ants keep coming back to the same home. All bugs, including ants, are attracted to damp areas of a home. Ants need a water source to survive and can even store water in their colonies for later use.

Fix any leaks in the house as part of your ant control process. In addition to the kitchen, ants like to find their way into the bathroom. Check toilets, sinks, showers and bathtubs for leaks. You should also check your laundry room or kitchen sink for leaks that may be around the faucet. Waterproof your basement if you tend to get a lot of moisture or standing water.

indoor plants

Although you like the idea of ​​fresh plants in your home, ants like them too. Ants seek out the fresh and moist soil you have provided them by keeping plants in it. If you have an ant problem, switch to artificial plants to prevent reinfestation.

holes and starting points

Ants prefer dark and damp areas to be in a house. Nests are not always outdoors and underground. Ant nests can also be found behind your baseboard or in your walls. Make any necessary home repairs to prevent ants from getting in. This may include patching holes in the wall or sealing windows and doors.

Perform some general chores to keep ants out of your home. Seal any cracks or openings around doors and windows. Look around based on problem areas. Torn or damaged fly screens on windows or doors could also offer ants a way inside. Also think about your landscaping. If trees and shrubs are in contact with your house, the ants can easily get on the house from the branches.

What to do if you find ants in your house

While it’s annoying to have ants in your home, they don’t usually pose a serious health risk. A stray ant or two on your patio doors is nothing to worry about, but you should get rid of them immediately if you see multiple ants invading your kitchen mugged. Before doing anything, remove all potential sources of food and water from the area. This includes leftover food from meals or leftover food in your pet bowls.

You should also thoroughly clean and disinfect the area the ants have traveled over. The reason you see so many ants at once is because ants leave a scent trail. Vinegar mixed with water works as a good cleaner and erases the ant’s scent trail.

You should also note any characteristics of the ants seen in the house. This helps pest controllers with identification. Also, note where the ants are coming from to help ant control technicians locate nests.

Ants in the house can be difficult to get rid of without outside help. Once ants have found a viable source of food or water, they may not want to leave the site anytime soon. Contact Carolina Pest Management for help with any type of ant problem. Our ant control methods are environmentally friendly and do not use harsh chemicals. We provide resources to help you get rid of ants and get rid of them for good.

Things to avoid when dealing with ants

Here are common pitfalls to avoid when trying to stop ants from coming back:

Don’t crush any ants you encounter. Although your first instinct is to stomp on the tiny invaders, avoid the urge. The scent trail left by crushing ants might lure more into the house.

Although your first instinct is to stomp on the tiny invaders, avoid the urge. The scent trail left by crushing ants might lure more into the house. Don’t ignore ants and hope the problem goes away. Once the queens begin to reproduce, the ant populations expand by the thousands.

Once the queens begin to reproduce, the ant populations expand by the thousands. Don’t spray the entire house with ant repellent to get rid of the bugs forever. You may be contaminating the home with harsh chemicals, and many sprays are just short-acting solutions.

You may be contaminating the home with harsh chemicals, and many sprays are just short-acting solutions. Don’t think that ants are just a springtime problem. Ants are more active during the warmer months, but some species tend to head indoors once the weather turns colder.

Ants are more active during the warmer months, but some species tend to head indoors once the weather turns colder. Don’t go it alone. Ants are not always easy to get rid of. Despite all your best intentions, they can always come back. Pest control experts can not only help remove current ant invaders, but also take preventive measures to keep them out of your home forever.

Carolina Pest Management has decades of experience providing exceptional pest control services throughout the Carolinas. Contact us today to see how we can help you solve any pest problem, including ant control.

Why do I have ants in my office?

It’s possible that ants are attracted to your office because of the food contained within. Many offices have kitchens or at least a place where coffee and other beverages are made. Also, employees bring in food and snacks that attract pests. Kitchens and messy desks are prime locations for pests, especially ants.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

It doesn’t take much. A piece of cake that fell unnoticed. An open lemonade left on someone’s desk. It’s easy to get an ant infestation. Especially in a place where people gather, eat, and produce garbage, ants sure aren’t far behind. So how do you get rid of the little pests? In this situation, the old adage applies: prevention is a pound of cure.

Eliminate exterior cracks

The key to keeping pests like ants out of your space is to eliminate the way they get in. You should inspect and repair your property frequently.

Ants are tiny, so they can get into buildings like your office through the tiniest cracks. So the first step is to figure out how to get in. Explore the perimeter of your office building. If you see cracks, be sure to seal them with caulk. Check screens on windows and doors as you look. Replace them immediately if you see any holes or cracks in the screen. You may also want to invest in weather protection.

clean the kitchen

It’s possible that ants are attracted to your office because of the food it contains. Many offices have kitchens or at least a place to prepare coffee and other beverages. Also, employees bring food and snacks that attract pests. Kitchens and cluttered desks are the best places for pests, especially ants. Even if your employees diligently clean up after themselves, mistakes happen. Pieces of food fall to the floor and are forgotten, and most foods are not stored in airtight containers. If this sounds like your office, it’s time to take action. Even if it means hiring someone to come in and clean daily, this preventive measure will go a long way toward avoiding an ant infestation. If you happen to have ants, make sure you place traps where they have been seen, make sure the office is swept, mopped and vacuumed regularly and make sure all trash is placed in tight bins and removed from the office every night indoors.

Employ a monthly pest control service

You and your employees deserve to work in a pest-free environment. The best way to ensure this is with a monthly pest control service. There are many reasons why this is a good idea, e.g. B. Ensuring a pest-free environment, upholding your good name (no one can run an office full of ants and be considered a good employer), and protecting your office from harm.

When it comes to ants, it’s far too easy to have a recurring problem on your hands. The way to avoid this and costly repairs is to prevent it with regular pest control.

How do I get rid of sugar ants in my office?

Use a vinegar solution to remove the sugar ant trail—Mix one part vinegar and one part water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which removes the scent of an ant trail and acts as a deterrent against these pests.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

In the spring, sugar ants begin to enter homes in search of food and water. Although these ants are not dangerous to humans, they are quite a nuisance pest that can be difficult to control. Here’s everything you need to know to get rid of sugar ants, from the natural remedies and chemical solutions to prevention methods that will keep those ants from coming back.

What are sugar ants?

Sugar ants, or banded sugar ants, are small black ants native to Australia and found only in that part of the world. When we think of the term sugar ant, we probably think of street ants or pharaoh ants—both common house ants. Paver ants are black or reddish brown with pale legs, while pharaoh ants are yellow or tan.

These ants are attracted to candy and all kinds of sugary foods and leftovers. They also eat fats, proteins (from eating other insects), and plant pollen. Once they find a food source, they haul food back to their nest for the rest of the colony.

Types of Sugar Ants

There are different types of sugar ants, including those that live outdoors and come indoors to feed, as well as others that prefer to live and feed inside your home. Outdoor sugar ants include acrobat ants, false honey ants, or army ants. Some common carpenter ants are carpenter ants, pavement ants, and pharaoh ants.

Does dried mint deter ants?

Are there plants that can repel ants? Some herbs that will keep ants away are catnip, pennyroyal, peppermint, sage, and spearmint. Scattering the leaves of these plants in areas of your house where you’ve seen ants may keep them away. Tansy will work on sugar ants — the ones you see in your kitchen.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals


Some herbs that keep ants away are catnip, pennyroyal, peppermint, sage, and spearmint. Scattering the leaves of these plants in areas of your home where you have seen ants can keep them away. Tansy acts on sugar ants – the ones you see in your kitchen.

Are ants attracted to computers?

Ants tend to set up homes in warm, compact spaces, which is why they love laptop and desktop computers so much.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

The problem of ants and electronics has been around for a long time. Ants tend to settle in warm, compact spaces, which is why they love laptops and desktop computers so much.

With an estimated 10 billion ants on the planet, the problem is a lot more common than you might think.

Prevention is the best strategy

Ants will scout your home in search of two things: food and water. Since your computer is hopefully not a source of moisture, food is likely the main cause of an ant problem.

Crumbs can get caught between the keys, especially on laptops and keyboards. Spilling a sugary or alcoholic drink near or on a keyboard can also be a problem, as you’re unlikely to clean up all of the liquid without a complete disassembly (you could also try putting the keyboard in a dishwasher).

One simple step you can take is to avoid eating food over or near your laptop or keyboard. For peace of mind, don’t even keep groceries in the same room as your computer hardware. Ants looking for food or water don’t stay long in an environment that doesn’t interest them.

Deal with infestations indoors first

If you’ve noticed ants hanging around your laptop ports, computer tower, or gaming console, it may indicate a much bigger problem. Dealing with any pre-existing ant problems in your home or apartment is an important first step.

You can buy ant repellents and other small attack products, but be aware that you may need to call in professionals for well-established colonies.

Ants leave scent trails that other ants can follow, a phenomenon you can observe by watching them move across a surface like a wall or desk. Using a 1:3 mixture of white vinegar and water (or a cleaning spray) to remove these scent trails can make it harder for them to find their way back to your desk or computer.

If you fail to address the main source of ants in your area, you are setting yourself up for failure. Any effort you put into fixing problems with your electronics is probably in vain as the ants will keep coming back.

Get ants out of your laptop

If your ant problem is relatively small, there are a few things you can try to help advance it before things get out of control. This is worth trying if you’ve noticed a few ants in and out of ports or hanging around your laptop.

You can try picking up your laptop and giving it a good shake from all angles, which should disturb any ants inside. The idea here is that the ants want to get out of the environment as quickly as possible and can find their way out based on the scent trails they left when they arrived. You may want to try this a few times and observe the results.

Another good option is to use the heat in your laptop to make the ants uncomfortable enough to want to leave. This means you are putting a lot of stress on your computer to generate heat.

On a Windows laptop, you can start a game and increase the graphics settings, download Blender and try rendering some demo files, or use a PowerShell script to consume 100% available CPU.

On Mac and Linux, this can be done with the UNIX yes command. Just launch a terminal window, run yes and wait. You can launch a few instances to really warm things up, which should get the fans spinning, assuming your MacBook has fans (newer MacBook Airs don’t). Exit the terminal window to complete the process.

Some users recommend going even further and blocking vents and ports on well-ventilated laptops. We urge you to think twice before intentionally overheating your machine in this way. It could void your warranty and damage the internal hardware.

While it’s true that ants like warm spaces, they can’t regulate their internal body heat, which means they don’t thrive in very hot conditions. This should help convince them that a hot laptop isn’t a good place to set up at home.

Dealing with larger infestations

If you have a much larger infestation, you will likely notice many more ants coming and going through vents and openings. The ants that come and go are usually scouts looking for food and water to bring back to the colony. If you see ants carrying things into your laptop, there might be a queen or eggs inside.

At this stage, you need to manually remove the infestation from your laptop. The longer you leave it, the worse it gets. The only way is to open your computer and see the damage for yourself. You should use guides like the ones on iFixit if you have a laptop and take precautions like: B. Using an anti-static wrist strap during cleaning.

It’s probably best to do this outside on a nice dry day so any fleeing ants stay outside and not in your house. Some guides recommend vacuuming the computer to get rid of ants, but we caution against this, as dust particles that get into the vacuum can cause a build-up (and discharge) of static electricity.

Instead, carefully disconnect or remove the battery (or unplug the cord to your power adapter on a desk) and use a soft plastic tool to remove any eggs you find. The ants should start fleeing as soon as you open the case, but you can also use a few squirts of computer duster (from a safe distance) to help them out.

Compressed air can be dangerous when used near sensitive objects (like fan blades and blowers), so use caution. Once you disturb the colony, the ants may decide to leave anyway. If they’re protecting a queen, they might need a little more convincing.

Keep your computer error-free

A moth is widely credited with helping coin the term “computer bug” after being discovered in a computer at Harvard University in 1947. Because modern computers are much smaller, ants pose a greater risk to your hardware around the home and office.

But ants aren’t the only reason you might want to open up your computer for a clean. Removing dust in a laptop and cleaning your rough keyboard can even help you squeeze more life out of your hardware.

How to get rid of ants in your home 🐜🚫LINK IN DESCRIPTION

How to get rid of ants in your home 🐜🚫LINK IN DESCRIPTION
How to get rid of ants in your home 🐜🚫LINK IN DESCRIPTION

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Ants in Your Restaurant? Here’s What to Do Next

Ants can be found anywhere there is a constant source of food and water. Unfortunately, this includes your restaurant, and nothing spoils a diner’s experience and your reputation quite like ants scurrying across the floor or into your guest’s food. There are several reasons why you might have an ant infestation and there are several options to help you get rid of the ants and prevent the ants from returning.

Here are a few ways any restaurant owner can keep their kitchen and dining room ant-free.

Determine where ants enter your kitchen

Ants will squeeze into almost every hole, crack or other damage in your kitchen. These include cracks in the foundation, damage to the weatherstripping around windows and doors, or damage from holes in the floor. Ants build nests in the walls or in the back corner of your storage room, meaning the source of the infestation could be in the restaurant.

Locate damage to walls, foundations, floors, doors and windows and make necessary repairs. For example, seal cracks in the foundation, replace damaged or worn weatherstrips, or repair gaps or damage around vents. If you’re still finding ants in your kitchen or dining area after all these steps, you’ve probably missed an entry point.

Create a simple ant trap to not only eliminate ants, but also to determine where they are entering. For example, fill a couple of shallow bowls with a small amount of sugar water. Place dishes throughout the kitchen, including in front of doors, windows, on counters, and on the floor just before closing for the night.

First thing in the morning, check the dishes and for ant tracks near the dishes. Follow the ant trails to where the ants enter your restaurant and make any necessary repairs.

Create a new cleaning protocol

Clean your restaurant even more thoroughly to prevent ants from finding an easy food source. For example, encourage all restaurant employees to clean up spills or messes as soon as they occur. Create a daily and weekly cleaning log to ensure your restaurant and kitchen are as clean as possible.

Post this daily cleaning list and instruct workers to check off each task after it’s done:

Clean fryers, grease traps, extractor hoods and filters in the dishwasher.

Wipe down the outside of the stove, dishwasher, walls of food prep stations, and walls around fryers, ranges, and food prep stations.

Clean and disinfect all cutting boards, sinks, meat slicers, faucets, and food prep areas.

Wipe down menus, condiment dispensers, tables and chairs throughout the day.

Sweep and mop the floors in the kitchen and dining area frequently.

Clean all floor mats in the kitchen and dining area.

Have staff wash walls and clean stoves at least once a week. Also, clean the trash cans in the kitchen and throughout the dining area at least once a week.

Store food properly

Proper food storage not only protects your dry goods, condiments, and other items outside of the fridge and freezer from being consumed by ants, but also attracts ants. Here are a few tips to help you keep your food and food storage clean and ant-free:

Store food in tight-fitting lids. Choose food-grade containers, such as B. containers made of polycarbonate or polypropylene. Each container should have a tight-fitting lid. Encourage employees to always close the lid after each use.

Do not store food on the floor. Purchase shelving units to keep food containers off the floor. This makes the containers easier to access and protects them from insect infestation.

Replace damaged food containers immediately. Dispose of damaged containers immediately, including containers with broken or damaged seals.

Wipe down the shelving units and the floor under the shelves at least once a day. Teach your employees how to properly handle the food containers and encourage them to keep the storage area clean. Monitor the contents of the bins and if you notice an infestation, discard the food immediately and wash out the bins.

Contact a professional for help

Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, your restaurant can still suffer from an ant infestation. Contact a professional exterminator if you cannot deal with the infestation on your own or if it recurs. Your pest control tool will help you determine all of the routes ants use to get into your restaurant and use the right tools and equipment to eliminate the infestation.

For example, the pest control agent could use restaurant-safe bait stations to attract and eliminate the ants. Do not use any pesticides or commercial products in your kitchen before consulting a professional to determine if the product is safe for use around food.

Don’t let ants ruin your restaurant’s reputation and diners’ experience. Contact the experts at Paffy’s Pest Control with all your questions about ants, earwigs and other common pests.

Ants In Your Home Or Business: What Can Be Done?

Ants in a home or business can be a disaster. In a store, they can close your building or make your customers leave. In both types of properties, they lead to cleanliness problems. There are steps to prevent ants, but if you’re seriously concerned, work with an expert to get rid of the ants completely.

Hire professionals

The best way to control ants is to hire pest control experts. You determine the type of ants on your property and find their entry points. With this information, they can suggest the best method of ant control. It is important that you follow any advice they leave you and let them follow up after a few days to check the progress of the prevention methods.

Try to do it yourself

You can take small steps to control ants. This includes removing food sources and killing ants when you see them. However, these methods are ineffective against an infestation because they only target the ants you see. Because there are many species of ants, individual infestations require specialized treatments that may not be available with DIY methods.

Remove the food source

Remove potential food sources that attract the ants. In apartments, pay special attention to the kitchen. Businesses should focus on the break room or other areas of meal prep. Don’t forget to inspect any areas where people eat, such as B. the living room. Seal up any leftovers and put them away. Place leftover food in a closed trash can, and empty and clean the trash can often. Dishes should not remain in the sink for a long time.

minimize moisture

Ants need moisture and look for it. Fix water leaks throughout the building. Avoid decorative water features like fountains or bird baths if ants are a problem. Check the property for drainage problems. Make sure downspouts and gutters are pointing away from the building.

Seal all entry points

Ants can enter tiny gaps, cracks, and holes in your building. Make sure areas where pipes or cables enter the building are well sealed. Cut back branches that pose a risk of structural damage. Clean the exterior frequently to remove ants’ scent trails (they use these to guide their colony to a new location). Pest control professionals can easily identify and cordon off these entry points.

Takeaway shelter

Ants can make homes in rock piles, piles of wood, mulch, tree stumps, discarded cardboard boxes, and other debris. Move potential shelters at least a few feet away from the home or business.

Use insecticides

The best way to solve an ant problem is with an insecticide. Always use an insecticide that targets the specific ant infesting your home or business. That’s why you need to work with professionals. You will be able to identify the ant and determine the best places to apply insecticide. Bait stations are ideal, as the feeder ant will bring some of it with them for their colony to eat. This takes care of the entire colony and not just the ants you see.

Are you worried about ants in your home or workplace? Contact JP Pest Services today to request a free residential estimate or a free commercial consultation! Our service professionals understand the specific needs of keeping New England homes and businesses free from unwanted pests and are dedicated to solving your pest problems.

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

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Where one ant is seen, there are likely thousands more nearby. This knowledge might not bother you so much on a picnic in the great outdoors, but when you have an ant infestation in your home, you want to fix the problem quickly.

But ants can carry bacteria, making them potential carriers of disease or infection. For example, a 2019 small animal study showed that Monomorium ants can transmit pathogenic bacteria that can be dangerous to humans. An older study from 2005 shared that the pharaoh ant, a species of Monomorium ant, could be a cause of bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies.

According to the National Wildlife Federation, there are more than 12,000 species of ants worldwide. The vast majority of these ants are harmless to humans.

There are many ways to get rid of ants and their colonies in the home. While professional exterminators may be required in some cases, some natural solutions can eliminate the problem without adding chemicals or toxins to your environment.

Here are some of the best ways to kill and repel ants naturally using ingredients you can find at home or at a local store.

1. Diatomaceous Earth (Silicon Dioxide)

Diatomaceous earth is a silica made from the fossilized remains of aquatic organisms called diatoms (a species of plankton).

Diatomaceous earth is not poison. It kills ants and other insects by absorbing the oils in their skeletons, which dehydrate them. However, since it is an irritant, avoid inhaling diatomaceous earth or getting it on your skin.

You can buy food grade diatomaceous earth online. To use it to kill ants, follow package directions or sprinkle the powder anywhere you see ants.

2. Glass cleaner and liquid detergent

Ants leave a scented pheromone trail as they walk, which serves as a map. This method can remove the smell and keep the ants from entering your home again.

That’s how it’s done:

Mix glass cleaning spray with liquid detergent (dish soap) in a clean spray bottle. Spray the mixture on areas where ants are coming in or congregating. After spraying, wipe the area leaving a light residue. Repeat the above steps as many times as needed.

Note: If you don’t have available glass cleaner, using soapy water of any kind (e.g. hand soap, dish soap) will likely remove the ant pheromones smell.

3. Ground black or red pepper

Black or red (cayenne) pepper is a natural deterrent to ants, as the insects seem to find the smell bothersome.

To use this method, sprinkle pepper around baseboards and behind appliances. Anecdotal evidence suggests this is a surefire way to keep ants at bay.

4. Peppermint

Peppermint is a natural insect repellent that can effectively deter ants and other insects like mosquitoes.

To use peppermint essential oil as an ant repellent, follow these steps:

Mix 10 to 20 drops of peppermint essential oil with 2 cups of water in a clean plastic spray bottle. Spray the mixture around the baseboards and windows of your home. Allow the mixture to dry and repeat the process as needed.

As with most essential oils, keep peppermint oil out of the reach of pets, especially cats, which can become very ill on contact.

You may be able to find peppermint essential oil at your local grocery chain or health food store.

5. Tea Tree Oil

Like peppermint oil, tea tree oil can be an effective means of deterring ants. Follow the steps below to use this method:

Mix 5 to 10 drops of tea tree essential oil with 2 cups of water in a clean plastic spray bottle.

Spray the mixture around the house where you usually see ants. Alternatively, you can soak cotton balls in the mixture and spread it around your home.

Note: If the scent is too strong, try a mixture of tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and water.

Like most essential oils, keep tea tree oil out of the reach of pets.

You can buy tea tree oil at your local grocery store, health food store, or online.

6. Lemon Eucalyptus Oil

Oil from the lemon eucalyptus tree is another natural insect repellent. It contains citronella, which is used in candles to repel mosquitoes and other flying insects. Anecdotal evidence suggests it may also be effective in repelling ants.

To use it, follow the steps below:

Saturate cotton balls with the undiluted Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil. Place the cotton balls in areas where you usually see ants in the house. Replace the cotton balls weekly with freshly soaked cotton balls.

Note: Do not ingest lemon eucalyptus oil. Keep it out of the reach of children and pets.

You can likely find lemon eucalyptus oil at your local health food store. It is also available online.

7. Lemon Eucalyptus Oil (OLE)

Despite their similar names, Lemon Eucalyptus Oil (OLE) differs from Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil. OLE comes from the gum eucalyptus tree, native to Australia. It contains a chemical called p-menthane-3,8-diol (PMD), which is an effective insect repellent.

PMD is classified as a biopesticide by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is considered safe to use.

You can find OLE at your local hardware or garden store, or online.

8. White Vinegar

White vinegar, available at all grocery stores, is a cheap and effective way to kill and repel ants. It is also a natural cleanser.

Try using a 1 to 1 vinegar/water mixture to clean hard surfaces, including floors and countertops, anywhere ants are likely to travel. If you see ants, spray the mixture on them or wipe them off with a paper towel.

Ants can smell the vinegar after it dries, but the scent doesn’t linger on most people for long.

9. Boiling water

If you notice ant holes near your house, pour boiling water into them. This method will kill many of the ants inside effectively and instantly. Anthills may appear small, but the ant colonies underneath are huge.

The boiling water will not be enough to kill the entire colony. So be sure to treat every ant hole you see around your home.

10. Cornstarch

Cornstarch, available at grocery stores, can be an effective way to smother many ants at once.

There are two different ways to use cornstarch to kill ants:

The first method is to generously pour cornstarch over the entire group of ants and pour water over them. The result is lots of dead ants coated in cornstarch that you can then clean up. The second method is to cover the ants in cornstarch and then vacuum them up, making sure to immediately discard the sealed vacuum bag outdoors.

11. Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil

A 2005 study found that compounds in cinnamon leaf essential oil, including trans-cinnamaldehyde, may be effective in killing and repelling ants, including biting red ants.

Soak cotton balls in the undiluted cinnamon leaf essential oil. Place the cotton balls in places where you usually see ants in the house. Replace the cotton balls weekly with freshly soaked cotton balls.

Health food stores often carry cinnamon leaf essential oil. You can also find it online.

12. Neem Oil

Neem oil is a naturally occurring insecticide extracted from the neem tree native to India.

Gardeners recommend using neem oil around plants, especially where you see aphids or ants. Ants breed aphids (small sap-sucking insects), so poisoning the aphids with neem oil can control both types of pests.

Diluted neem and products containing neem extract have been reported to not work nearly as well as whole neem oil.

You can find neem oil at many health food stores or online.

13. Coffee grounds

Brewed coffee grounds have been found to distract ants. Try sprinkling the freshly brewed coffee grounds on disposable surfaces (e.g. index cards) and leaving them in areas where ants congregate, e.g. B. in feeding bowls.

You can also put the floor on windowsills. Soil can lose its effectiveness when it’s dry, so make sure you change it often.

14. Boric acid

Boric acid is a type of toxin that can kill certain species of worker ants and their queen within 3 weeks of exposure, according to an older 2003 animal study. It does this by eroding the ant’s outer coverings and stomachs.

It is important to keep boric acid away from pets and children as it can be dangerous.

To use boric acid, do the following:

put on protective gloves. Make a solution of 1/2 teaspoon boric acid, 8 teaspoons sugar, and 1 cup warm water. Stir until the sugar and boric acid have dissolved. Soak cotton balls and place them around your home in places where you usually see ants. Wash or discard container thoroughly after use.

Note: You can also use boric acid as an ingredient in DIY ant traps. Mix the powder with something sweet that attracts ants, like maple syrup or corn syrup. Spread out on a flat, disposable surface like cardboard and place in spots where you see ants.

You can find boric acid at your local hardware or garden store, or online.

15. Borax (Sodium Tetraborate)

Despite their similar-sounding names, borax and boric acid are not the same chemical compound. Both can be equally effective in killing ants in the home.

It is imperative to keep borax away from pets and children as it can be harmful.

To use borax, follow these steps:

put on protective gloves. Make a solution of 1/2 teaspoon borax, 8 teaspoons sugar, and 1 cup warm water. Stir until sugar and borax are dissolved. Soak cotton balls and place them around your home in places where you often see ants. Wash or discard container thoroughly after use.

You can find borax at your local home improvement or gardening store, or online.

16. Lemons

You can spray or wipe lemon juice to distract ants by removing pheromone traces and masking the smell of food.

Additionally, keeping lemon peels in your cupboard can deter ants from settling in your kitchen.

17. Check your houseplants

Check your houseplants for swarms of ants, which could indicate nests underground. Discard any plants that appear to be infected.

To deter ants from settling in your plants, surround the soil with citrus peels from lemons or oranges.

18. Keep nature outside

Keep your garden free of dirt. Cut off any vines or plants that are touching or leaning against your home’s exterior walls and windows, which may make it easier for ants to enter your home.

19. Cut off food sources

Ants are attracted to sweet and starchy foods like sugar, honey, and cornmeal. Therefore, one of the best ways to deter ants is to ensure that no food sources are readily available to them.

Store food in containers or plastic bags, tightly closed. Wash all plates and cooking utensils immediately after eating.

Every day, remove crumbs from your house with a broom or vacuum. Places where crumbs can accumulate include:

under and around appliances in your kitchen

in couch cushions

in garbage cans

Areas of the home where your family eats or prepares food

Pet food can also attract ants. Remove the food bowls as soon as your pet has finished eating. Clean the bowls immediately to eliminate the smell of the food.

20. Eliminate ant entrances

By figuring out how ants get into your home, you can eliminate one ant infestation and prevent another one.

Check your house for cracks in the walls and holes near floorboards and radiators. You can seal cracks or treat with ant repellent. Also look for cracks in window screens that need repairing.

How to stop kitchen ants

The kitchen, which offers proximity to a plentiful supply of food, is often the place most likely to attract ants and other pests. To keep ants from staying in the kitchen:

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