How To Hide The Fact You Vape From Dentist? Top 99 Best Answers

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See some more details on the topic how to hide the fact you vape from dentist here:

I am 14 years old and I vape. How can I cover up that I … – Quora

The answer for this question is quite simple. No you cant he from a dentist that you vape or smoke. If your dentist sees any evence of periodontal disease …

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Date Published: 2/16/2021

View: 733

How To Hide That You Vape From Your Dentist

Smelling that fruity smell of vape and find the difference in the tissue as vape also affects … How do you he the fact that you smoke from your dentist?

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Date Published: 8/21/2021

View: 4852

6 Things You Can’t Hide from Your Dentist – Princeview Dental

They just want to have all of the facts, so they can accurately examine your oral health and prove appropriate treatments as needed. Saying …

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Date Published: 3/17/2022

View: 7553

Can Dentists tell if you Vape? 5 Facts to read Instantly

Probably your dentist asked you to quit vaping or smoking but you … I am sharing, 5 important facts on will a dentist tells if you vamp.

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Date Published: 3/3/2022

View: 1286

How To Make Your Dentist Not Know You Vape

First, try to disguise the fact that you’re vaping by hing the device. Second, show the dentist credible evence that shows you’re not smoking.

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Date Published: 10/25/2021

View: 4560

How To Hide Vape Smoke? –

There are several ways to minimize or he the vapor you exhale. … 6 Can a dentist tell you vape? … 23 How do you he the fact you just smoked?

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Date Published: 7/14/2022

View: 7213

Smoking, Vaping and Your Oral Health – Dental Solutions

In 2018, the fact that there are negative effects on your dental hygiene from … both smoking and vaping affect your dental, then, is vital if you want to …

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Date Published: 2/19/2022

View: 822

Does Vaping Affect Your Teeth and Oral Health? – Byte

Ingredients to Avo; Preventing Oral Health Issues; When to See a Dentist; References. The act of vaping is when you inhale vapor through …

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Date Published: 10/15/2022

View: 8543

I am 14 years old and I vape. How can I cover up that I vape when I go to the dentist?

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how to hide that you vape from your dentist

Can my dentist tell if I’m vaping in their office?

6/16/2021 · But a good dentist always does something tricky and acts smarter and probably proves your question as to whether dentists can tell if you’re vaping yes. You can guess. Smell that fruity smell of vape and find the difference in the weave as vape also affects the weave. Identify if you bite too much into your vape as this can lead to keratoses.

Can my parents force me to vape to the dentist?

10/05/2020 The answer is yes. While some people switch from smoking to vaping because they think vaping is a safer alternative to smoking, studies show that it’s just plain bad for your teeth and gums. Vaping has the same adverse effects on your oral health as smoking, and your dentist WILL be able to determine that. Unfortunately, many teenagers also vape and clean…

Is vaping bad for your teeth?

Unless you’re exhaling vapor directly in your dentist’s face, then no. Vaping is not like smoking, which leaves a bad odor and yellows teeth. There is literally no way for him to see that you have been vaping. But don’t vape. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t vape for health reasons, but because it’s expensive. You become addicted to nicotine.

Does vaping stain your gums?

01/25/2021 Answer (1 of 3): If you told the dentist that you vape, I think it would be medical confidentiality if the doctor acknowledged it without you admitting it, it will probably be shared with the parents. But I’m not an expert on this. The thing is …

How can the dentist tell if you vape?

Also, does vaping damage your teeth? A dentist can usually tell what your diet is like by looking inside your mouth. So you can probably tell if you’re vaping. Smoking is known to cause oral health issues, so naturally people have associated this with vaping. July 16, 2021

How do you hide from your dentist that you smoke?

November 24, 2020 by Dr. Many smokers try to disguise their habit by masking the odor with gum, breath mints, or mouthwash. …your dentist in Hagerstown doesn’t have to be a licensed manicurist to know you’re biting your nails.More articles…•24. November 2020

Can Dentists Tell if You Smoke?

So, yes, your dentist will know if you smoke. Telltale signs include yellow teeth, plaque, receding gums and more. Read on to learn how smoking affects your oral ecosystem. June 26, 2020

How do I lie to my dentist?

7 Lies You Need to Stop Telling Your Dentist “I floss regularly.” “I don’t drink alcohol often.” “It doesn’t hurt.” “I don’t smoke.” “I don’t grind my teeth at night .” “I got lost on my way to your office.” “I hardly drink soda.” March 11, 2019

Do e-cigarettes have nicotine?

Although e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco, their oils still contain nicotine, which causes oral problems like smoking. And the other ingredients in vaping oils can also damage your teeth.

Can Nicotine Cause Teeth Grinding?

Because nicotine is a stimulant, it can act as a muscle stimulant that can cause you to grind or clench your teeth, known as bruxism. Bruxism can cause broken and damaged teeth, jaw pain and headaches, and is a risk factor for bone loss around your teeth.

Does propylene glycol help with tooth decay?

Propylene glycol also breaks down into acids that damage tooth enamel, making teeth more susceptible to decay. Not only that, the vegetable glycerin and other flavorings in the oils help bacteria bond already damaged teeth. These flavoring additives have been known to reduce melt hardness by 27%!

Does vaping contain nicotine?

While vaping does not contain tobacco, it does contain nicotine. Since one cartridge of an e-cigarette is equivalent to smoking 2-3 packs of regular cigarettes, it is important to understand the effects of nicotine on the mouth.

Does nicotine cause dry mouth?

This chemical absorbs moisture in your mouth, causing dry tissues and tooth surfaces. Because saliva is your best defense against tooth decay, reduced saliva leads to dry mouth, which can lead to more plaque bacteria and tooth decay, and increase your risk of gum disease.

Can lying at the dentist hurt?

Many patients don’t realize how important proper dental care is to their overall physical health, which is why fibbing, lying to the dentist, or poor oral hygiene can do more harm than good. You might be inclined to impress your dentist by blowing up the truth a bit about how well you actually take care of your teeth, but the fact is, the inside of your mouth always reveals the truth. A good dentist can tell right away if you’re lying, how often you smoke and eat sugary foods, or if you grind your teeth at night.

Is there a dental phobia?

Dental phobia or fear is a very real and often very serious condition affecting approximately 48% to 60% of Canadians. The majority of people who suffer from dental phobia, also known as dental fear, avoid going to the dentist entirely or as often as possible. As you can imagine, this is very detrimental not only to their dental health but also to their overall health.

Is it a dentist’s job to assess your habits?

Again, it is not your dentist’s job to judge your personal habits. But it’s in your best interest to be honest about your drinking habits. Alcohol leaves clear signs of heavy drinking, including a foul smell and an extremely dry mouth due to reduced saliva production. These are things that your dentist can easily spot right away.

What to do if you are afraid of the dentist?

(Trust us, dentists have heard it before.) A dentist may be able to give you nitrous oxygen to reduce your anxiety or take other steps to calm your fears during the visit.

Is it safe to smoke snuff?

Smokeless tobacco, such as snuff and chewing tobacco, is also unsafe: it can cause gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC has a list of smoking cessation resources to help you quit the habit.

Can you lie about how often you floss?

And lying about how often you floss or drink alcohol can lead to problems later. For example, if a patient who says she flosses every day has inflammation under her gums, she could have an undiagnosed health problem, even leukemia, Adibi says.

Does alcohol dry your mouth?

How to tell: Alcohol has a distinct odor, Adibi says, and heavy drinkers also tend to have very dry mouths. “Alcohol disrupts the salivary glands and decreases saliva production,” says Adibi.

Does soda wear down tooth enamel?

Thinkstock. How to tell: The acid in soda can erode the protective layer of enamel that covers the outside of your teeth — and it does so, Adibi says, in a specific pattern. He also notes that soda pop and citrus fruits can do similar harm.

Does dental floss remove plaque from gums?

How to spot it: Brushing your teeth removes plaque above your gum line, but flossing can remove plaque below your gums, Adibi explains. So when your gums are inflamed, a condition known as gingivitis or gum disease, it’s an indication that you’re not flossing regularly or that you’re doing it wrong.

What is a smoking sploof?

Sploof – Many smokers prepare and use a sploof or sploofy. As simple as it is, it seems like a simple exaggeration. It’s a kind of homemade muffler for your smoke. You take a fabric softener sheet and attach it to a toilet paper roll with a rubber band.

Why are bongs and pipes important?

It’s important to keep your pipes and bongs clean for many reasons so they don’t add more contaminants to the smoke.

Do plug-in air fresheners work?

It would be better to wash your hands and face thoroughly. Plug-in air fresheners are convenient, easy to purchase, and inexpensive. They’re unobtrusive, subtle, and work day and night. They may not kill odors directly, but they will reduce the odor over time.

Is perfume bad for you?

Perfumes and colognes are probably bad choices. Applied to skin and clothing, they may fool you into thinking you’ve solved the odor problem in your skin and hair, but they only put others off. It would be better to wash your hands and face thoroughly.

Is incense a good gift for non-smokers?

Frankincense can be a sure sign for non-smokers as it has been used to mask odors for centuries. But it has also long played a role in spiritual rituals that fit many smoking occasions, such as meditation or smoking circles. Perfumes and colognes are probably bad choices.

Can you vape indoors?

There are edibles and oils, of course, but if you switch to vaping, you can reduce or eliminate much of the problem. You can vape indoors or outdoors without any annoying smoke smells. The volume of vaping “smoke” can give you away, but that depends on the e-liquid and vape you are using.

6 Things You Can’t Hide from Your Dentist

6 things you can’t hide from your dentist

Many patients don’t realize how important proper dental care is to their overall physical health, which is why fibbing, lying to the dentist, or poor oral hygiene can do more harm than good. You might be inclined to impress your dentist by blowing up the truth a bit about how well you actually take care of your teeth, but the fact is, the inside of your mouth always reveals the truth. A good dentist can tell right away if you’re lying, how often you smoke and eat sugary foods, or if you grind your teeth at night.

It’s always better to maintain an open and honest communication with your dentist so they can provide you with the appropriate amount of dental care you need to live a healthy life. With that in mind, here are some of the most common white lies, or outright lies, that dentists often hear from their patients.

Saying you don’t smoke when you actually do

Few bad habits are more obvious than smoking. Anyone with a working nose can tell if you are a smoker. Whether you realize it or not, the smell lingers and permeates your clothes, hair, and most importantly, your skin. Also, the toxins found in cigarettes and even chewing tobacco stain your teeth. If your dentist needs more evidence that you smoke — and how often you do it — all they have to do is examine your index and middle fingers for signs of nicotine stains.

Unfortunately, you can’t get past this one. If you smoke, your dentist will be able to spot it right away, so you might as well be honest and tell them how much you smoke. Your dentist is not there to judge or lecture you about how harmful smoking is to your health – you already know that. They just want to know all the facts so they can examine your oral health closely and provide appropriate treatments if needed.

Saying you don’t feel pain when you do it

Another common lie or white lie that patients tell their dentist is the amount of pain, tenderness, or discomfort they experience during an appointment. Whether it’s a routine checkup, cleaning, or other type of treatment, your dentist doesn’t want to hurt you. They just want to treat the problem and make it as painless as possible. And they can tell when you’re in pain because your eyes and face are a dead sign. Most people tend to wrinkle their nose, wince, or squint at the slightest tingling sensation. Dentists notice this, and since they want to make you feel as comfortable as possible, it’s better to just be frank when they ask if you’re in pain. Depending on the procedure, your dentist may administer a local, general, or topical anesthetic to try to reduce your discomfort.

Tell your dentist you floss regularly if you don’t

As an oral health expert, your dentist can definitely tell you whether or not you floss, how often you floss, and how effectively you floss. There are four immediate telltale signs that point to bad flossing habits:


Inflamed gums

bleeding gums


In a perfect world, everyone would floss between meals, but it doesn’t usually work that way. As a trade-off, dentists recommend that their patients floss at least once a day before bed as part of their nightly routine. For the record, there’s a right way and a wrong way to floss. Going too far below the gum line can actually cause gum recession. The correct way to floss is to gently run the string between your teeth and move it up and down to loosen stuck plaque or food debris. But don’t force it. When you’re done, gently rinse your mouth with warm water to remove these bits of food. You can also use a dental floss device to spray water between your teeth.

Tell your dentist not to be afraid if you are

Dental phobia or fear is a very real and often very serious condition affecting approximately 48% to 60% of Canadians. The majority of people who suffer from dental phobia, also known as dental fear, avoid going to the dentist entirely or as often as possible. As you can imagine, this is very detrimental not only to their dental health but also to their overall health.

Your dentist can tell from your body language (fists and jaw clenched, eyes narrowed, lips tightened, etc.) if you’re feeling a little anxious or anxious, and there’s nothing wrong with admitting it or talking about it openly. In fact, it’s better if you’re open about your fear, because your dentist can offer you a few words of encouragement or even administer some nitrous oxide to calm your nerves. You are doing yourself a disservice if you forego your regular check-ups or teeth cleanings at the dentist.

Bending the truth about how much you drink

Again, it is not your dentist’s job to judge your personal habits. But it’s in your best interest to be honest about your drinking habits. Alcohol leaves clear signs of heavy drinking, including a foul smell and an extremely dry mouth due to reduced saliva production. These are things that your dentist can easily spot right away.

Downplay your sugar consumption

Sugar depletes the protective layer of tooth enamel, which can cause tooth sensitivity, expose the yellow layer of dentin, and eventually lead to tooth decay. Through a routine exam, your dentist can determine if you are consuming too much sugar and will likely advise against it to improve your dental health.

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