How To Make A Trophy Out Of Toilet Paper Rolls? The 13 New Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to make a trophy out of toilet paper rolls“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

What can you make out of toilet paper rolls?

20 things to do with … toilet paper rolls
  • DIY gift boxes. …
  • Wall art. …
  • Crafty flowers. …
  • Bird feeder. …
  • Hanging heart decorations. …
  • Seedling containers. …
  • Party crowns. …
  • Cable storage.

How do you make homemade trophies?

How to Make Homemade Trophies
  1. Things You Will Need. Use inexpensive plastic plates, bowls and cups. …
  2. Create Pedestals for the Trophies. …
  3. Glue Objects to the Pedestals. …
  4. Spray Paint the Trophies. …
  5. Download Trophy Ribbons. …
  6. Add Ribbons to the Trophies. …
  7. Celebrate With Custom Trophies. …
  8. Hand Out and Enjoy.

What is the toilet paper game?

November 22, 2018. What it is: A get-to-know-you game, a game to get people to share facts about themselves. Best for: A shower or a class or other group get-together where players are meeting each other for the first time. What you need: A roll of toilet paper.

Can you use toilet rolls for crafts?

Toilet paper rolls are safe for making crafts. The risk of getting or spreading diseases is minimal. A few precautions like flushing the toilet with the lid closed, washing your hands before and after crafting, and not touching your face when working with the tubes are enough.

The toilet paper game

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4 ways to make toilet paper rolls safe for crafts

Many schools, kindergartens and kindergartens have “banned” toilet paper rolls for safety reasons. They also do not accept egg cartons for crafting for fear of spreading disease. Experts say the risk of contamination is minimal. Some even declared it an urban myth.

The risk of getting illness or infection from bacteria and germs on toilet paper rolls is minimal and negligible. Using toilet paper cores for crafting poses no health hazard if you follow simple, everyday hygiene practices.

For example, wash your hands before and after crafting and don’t touch your face (eyes, nose, mouth) during the activity (you shouldn’t do that anyway).

However, if you’re still scared because you want to tinker with your kids (a toddler can put anything in their mouth in nanoseconds) or you have a disability (you have a chronic or an autoimmune disease) that makes you more susceptible to infections, I have covered you.

Read on and I’ll show you four easy tricks to make toilet paper rolls safe to craft.


Do toilet paper rolls have germs?

People started getting worried after hearing/reading about a study that looked at germs and bacteria in toilets. The study states, “If a toilet flush occurs without the lid closed, aerosol production can lead to surface contamination in the toilet environment.” (source)

Toilet paper rolls and anything in the bathroom can have germs on its surface. Especially if you flush the toilet without the lid closed.

But everything else does!

I bet your phone has more germs than a toilet paper roll. Also a remote control, keys, money, ATM are much dirtier than you think.

Now let’s be honest.

Do you wash your hands after touching your keys or money?

I think I know the answer. Then you spread all those irritating germs to your phone, face, hair, food and everything you touch.

I wouldn’t worry too much about the toilet paper rolls.

Can you use toilet paper rolls for handicrafts?

Yes, you can use them for crafting. They will not put you on your deathbed or make you sick.

I haven’t seen or heard of anyone getting tired of tinkering with toilet paper tubes. As I mentioned before, wash your hands and don’t touch your face. As simple as that!

I love using them! They are versatile, easy to use and practically free.

I have posted two cardboard tube crafts on this blog. They are super easy and cheap to make. All you need is some paper tubes and a hot glue gun.

Check out my popular mandala wall art and these beautiful snowflake ornaments made from toilet paper cores.

How to clean toilet paper rolls

The most common bacteria found in stool are E. coli and Salmonella.

Learn about the other “bad guys” in the stool.

You can easily kill them with a few simple hacks and make your toilet paper rolls safe for crafting.

How to disinfect with the sun

Several studies examined the effects of sunlight on bacteria.

They showed that UV radiation can kill bacteria (see study).

This paper also shows that UV radiation killed most E. coli in 15 minutes.

So if you live in a very sunny part of the world or find this article in the summer, you can use sunlight to disinfect toilet paper rolls. For best results, leave them in the sunlight for at least 15 minutes.

How to sterilize with a disinfectant

chemicals? OR natural?

You can choose two types of disinfectant to disinfect the cardboard tubes. You can either purchase or make your own natural germicidal liquid.

For example, Lysol or other products that contain bleach are the most commonly used disinfectants. The only problem: they are chemicals. It can also be dangerous for children to put the rolls in their mouths.

Vinegar alone isn’t a good disinfectant, but it does kill certain germs and bacteria, like E. coli and salmonella.

You can make an effective blend by mixing water, vinegar, and essential oils (best for killing bacteria and viruses are tea tree, lavender, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lemon).

The process is pretty simple, spray the toilet paper rolls with the disinfectant.

The only concern most people have with this method is that it only kills the bacteria that are on the surface.

ATTENTION! Never mix vinegar and bleach (hoping to make your mix more effective) as it will release toxic fumes.

How to disinfect with heat

You can use two methods of heat sterilizing: in a microwave oven or in a regular oven. Both generate heat that kills germs and bacteria.

Let’s take a closer look at how to do it and the potential downsides.

How to sterilize in a microwave

“Microwave ovens produce high-frequency waves that cause the water molecules in an object to vibrate. This vibration causes friction, which can heat the object to a temperature that can kill germs.” (Source Insider)

According to this 2006 study, microwaves can kill bacteria. They showed that 30 seconds of microwave radiation killed almost all E. coli bacteria.

So the microwave toilet paper rolls are a legitimate way to sanitize them for the craft.

The only concern? – the effectiveness of microwaves. In many cases they are not fully heated by an object.

I’m sure almost everyone has experienced food that is hot on the outside and cold in the middle after being microwaved.

How to disinfect with an oven

This is my favorite (and most trusted) way to sanitize toilet paper cores.

Bacteria thrive in temperatures of 40-140 degrees (Fahrenheit). Between 140 and 160 degrees they stop multiplying and die.

To make sure all the bad guys are gone, you need 212 degrees.

So, preheat your oven (on a low heat), place the toilet paper rolls on a baking sheet and set them in for a few minutes.

ATTENTION! Never leave paper rolls unattended in the microwave or oven. There is a small risk of paper catching fire, but it can happen. So grab a cup of coffee or tea and watch the bacteria go away.

are you a maximalist Use several of these methods to make them super safe. For example, put them in the oven first. After cooling, spray them with a disinfectant and finally let them dry in the sun. Triple hit!

Replacement for toilet paper rolls

Not a fan of the DIY disinfection methods?

I totally get it! How on earth can you tell if what you did was effective or not?

So if you’re still worried about the germs and infections you can get from toilet paper rolls, just replace them with other things.

Here are a few suggestions.

1. Wrapping paper rolls and kitchen towel rolls work great as replacements. They are like toilet paper rolls in a longer format.

They are also cleaner and safer for children and people at higher risk of infection, such as the elderly or those with chronic illnesses.

In my experience they are usually better quality. They are not as thin as toilet paper cores.

Also, they have similar diameters, so you can get the same size with one cut.

I prefer to use paper tubes from kitchen towels. I found a brand that I really like. It’s white on the inside and fairly sturdy, but also easy to cut.

Don’t use kitchen towels? Maybe because you don’t like them, or you’re using the fabric version and embracing a zero-waste lifestyle? Cool!

2. You can buy paper rolls online. I found a pretty good deal on Amazon, 30 rolls for less than $20, check them out here. They look like toilet paper rolls. They are clean, smooth and sturdy!

Perfect for quality crafts and DIY projects!

Conclusion on using toilet paper rolls for crafting

Toilet paper rolls are safe for crafting. The risk of catching or spreading disease is minimal. A few precautions like flushing the toilet with the lid closed, washing your hands before and after crafting, and not touching your face while working with the tubes will do the trick.

However, there are four easy ways to sanitize toilet paper rolls to make crafting safer.

These are the following:

Leave them in the sun (UV rays kill bacteria), spray the tubes with disinfectant, microwave the toilet paper cores, bake the cardboard tubes in the oven for a few minutes.

I hope this article has helped you, or at least calmed your anxiety! Happy crafting!

You can join my community for great crafting ideas and related crafting information posts by signing up for my newsletter.

Related articles with toilet paper rolls:


How long will my toilet paper last?

Toilet paper can last for years or even decades if it’s stored properly. Toilet paper will last the longest when it’s stored somewhere that is cool and dry, or if it’s sealed in a watertight container. However, toilet paper can rot and grow moldy when it’s exposed to the elements.

The toilet paper game

Whether you’re preparing for the apocalypse or just want to know if buying that bulk pack of toilet paper is worth it, you’re here because you asked the question, does toilet paper expire?

Toilet paper can last for years or even decades if stored properly. Toilet paper will last the longest when stored in a cool and dry place or sealed in a watertight container. However, toilet paper can rot and mold when exposed to the elements.

That’s our quick summary, but there’s a lot more detail below, including a deeper explanation of the toilet paper process and a few tips on storing toilet paper properly. Let’s dive in!

Does toilet paper expire?

While toilet paper doesn’t actually degrade in the same way as some foods, it can still “spoil” under the right conditions.

Toilet paper is just that, super thin paper. And like any paper, it doesn’t mix well with water. When your toilet paper gets damp or wet, it can start to get moldy.

Since toilet paper is designed to dissolve in water, if it gets too wet before you can use it, it could disintegrate. This could also be a problem with similar paper products like toilet seat covers or paper towels.

If you live in a climate where it’s very humid and warm most of the time, you might want to consider storing your toilet paper to prevent it from going moldy quickly.

Toilet paper can also be affected by heat. Exposure to the sun and dry heat can cause it to dry out and decay. Basically, your toilet paper turns to dust.

Now, while this might make it seem like toilet paper is quite fragile, you don’t need to worry too much. The two things I mentioned earlier usually only happen over a period of time and under the right conditions.

If, like most people, you store your toilet paper in a bathroom cabinet, your toilet paper should last long enough for you to use, even if you decide to buy the bulk pack.

If you’re concerned about storing it for a long time, we have some tips for storing your toilet paper to make it last in the next section.

3 tips for storing your toilet paper

1. Keep it up and dry

If you’re like most people, you probably keep your toilet paper under your sink or near your toilet. That’s all well and good until your sink leaks or you spill water on your perfectly unused paper.

To prevent this, try storing your toilet paper somewhere higher in your bathroom or not in your bathroom at all. If you have a linen or towel closet near your bathroom, you can store it there.

Not only does this keep your toilet paper out of the reach of leaky faucets, but it also helps free up extra space under your sink for other more waterproof items.

But you might still want to keep a roll or two under your sink for easy access in an emergency.

2. Use waterproof containers

If storing your toilet paper elsewhere isn’t an option and you’re concerned about exposure to water, try a waterproof container.

These things are not too expensive and they come in all shapes and sizes.

If you want the container to fit under your sink, be sure to measure before purchasing. This saves you the hassle of going back to the store and trying again.

Waterproof containers can also be used if you want to store some toilet paper for longer term use. It’s a good idea to have some paper for an emergency such as bad storms/weather.

If you put toilet paper in one of these containers and store it, it could easily take years or possibly even decades, depending on the quality of your container.

Predicting decades is a hypothesis as you can imagine not many people have studied the life cycle of toilet paper.

3. Original factory packaging

When you buy a bulk pack of toilet paper, the rolls are often sealed in smaller packs of 4, 6, or 9 rolls that are sealed inside the larger pack.

These smaller packs are a great way to keep your toilet paper “fresh” for what better word.

You only have to open one of the smaller packs if you run out of your previous rolls. This keeps the rolls you’re not using sealed in plastic, keeping them nice and dry.

So if you’re concerned about buying a bulk pack of toilet paper, just look for one that has smaller bundles of plastic within the larger one, and your toilet paper should last long enough for you to fully use it.

If you’re buying toilet paper from stores, however, that’s a different story.

Buying toilet paper from stores usually results in the toilet paper rolls being individually wrapped in paper. This poses the same problem as toilet paper itself, as the paper it is wrapped in could also become moldy if exposed to water or excessive humidity.

If you’re buying toilet paper from stores and concerned about exposing it to the elements, follow one of our other tips to find out what works for you.

related questions

Does toilet paper dissolve?

Toilet paper is designed to dissolve in water so it won’t clog your plumbing or sewage system. Toilet paper should dissipate in about 20 minutes to avoid clogging your pipes.

How do you store toilet paper?

Toilet paper is best stored in a cool, dry place. Under a bathroom cabinet it usually works fine unless you have a leaky sink. If you have a large batch and are trying to preserve it, you can place it in a waterproof container or higher on a shelf to ensure it stays dry.

Do lightbulbs expire?

In general, light bulbs do not expire and can have an exceptionally long shelf life. To preserve unused lightbulbs, store them properly so they don’t break. Store the bulbs in their original packaging in a safe place.

How do you make a trophy bottle?

Once you’ve gathered the supplies, here are the steps to follow to create your trophy.
  1. Use scissors to remove the bottom of your plastic bottle.
  2. Punch two holes in each side of the plastic bottle (we used a nail), which will be used to connect the trophy’s handles.
  3. Twist two pipe cleaners together.

The toilet paper game

We love projects that encourage upcycling, especially when the inspiration comes from the recycling bin! An empty plastic bottle is the base for this fun craft. And the result? A sparkling trophy to use as a special incentive in your classroom. Your students will love the chance to win this!


plastic bottle


pipe cleaners

Low temperature glue gun

spray paint


glitter (if you dare)

Once you’ve collected the supplies, follow the steps to create your trophy.

Step 1

Use scissors to remove the bottom of your plastic bottle.

step 2

Punch two holes in each side of the plastic bottle (we used a nail) that will be used to connect the trophy’s handles.

step 3

Twist two pipe cleaners together.

step 4

Insert pipe cleaners into the holes on each side of the bottle and secure by twisting the ends. Shape the handles as you see fit.

step 5

Place the plastic bottle’s mouth on the bottom of the bottle to create a trophy base. Secure with low temperature glue gun. (You want to use a low temperature so you don’t melt the bottle.)

step 6

If desired, paint the bottle with spray paint.

step 7

Once the paint has dried, apply a thin layer of spray adhesive. Immediately sprinkle the bottle with some glitter.

Watch our how-to video to see the magic come together on this trophy project made from recycled bottles:

Learn more about how your school can participate in the Recycle Rally and win big prizes just for recycling. Join now!

How do you make a Father’s Day Trophy card?

How to Make the Father’s Day Trophy Card:
  1. Take one sheet of card stock and fold it in half vertically. …
  2. On the side of the crease, draw a trophy, so that one side of the trophy rests on the crease of the fold.
  3. Cut out the trophy so you get a trophy shaped card. …
  4. Stick the strips on the top and bottom of the trophy.

The toilet paper game

Sharing is caring!

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Dads deserve an award for everything they do, which is why we have a DIY Father’s Day Trophy Card that you can craft and gift to your superhero!

The work of fathers often goes unnoticed and is sometimes a little underestimated. Maybe that’s the great thing about our superhero dads – they work quietly and seeing their families happy is their true reward!

If you think back to your childhood, you will remember many small but impactful things your dad did for you that even mom probably doesn’t know about! Fathers are evolving and today’s fathers are more hands-on parents. Don’t you think it’s time we showed some appreciation for our superheroes?

So while you prepare your Mother’s Day cards for Mom, let’s take some time to design our Father’s Day cards as well. And if you’re looking for ideas, today we have an easy one for you – a Father’s Day trophy card!

DIY Father’s Day Trophy Card

Required accessories:

Craft paper or cardboard in many colors


glue stick



How to make the Father’s Day Trophy Card:

1. Take a sheet of cardboard and fold it in half vertically.

2. Draw a trophy on the side of the crease so that one side of the trophy rests on the crease of the crease.

3. Cut out the trophy so you have a trophy shaped card. Cut out two thin strips and the handles of the trophy from construction paper.

4. Glue the strips to the top and bottom of the trophy.

5. Attach the handles to both sides of the trophy. Cut out a rectangle and a star from contrast colored construction paper.

6. Stick the star and rectangle label on the card and we’re almost done! For the finishing touch, write a message for dad on the label and your card is ready!

Don’t tell me you don’t have time to make a Father’s Day card – this one won’t take more than 10 minutes of your time! Have the older siblings cut out the pieces and the younger ones to assemble. If you want to try something more personal, create a Father’s Day scrapbook layout with some cute photos. And don’t forget to combine it with a cute little handmade gift!

How do you make a origami paper star?

  1. Start Folding the Strip of Paper. Start with your strip of paper color side up if you’re using colored paper or origami paper. …
  2. Make the Knot of the Star. Keep wiggling and pulling the knot tighter, flattening it at the same time. …
  3. Keep Wrapping the Pentagon. …
  4. Finish Tucks and Inflate the Star.

The toilet paper game

Learn how to make beautiful little origami lucky stars, sometimes called wishing stars. Use them as party decorations, add color to a room, add them to gift wrapping, or use them to add a little happiness to your life. Make one or dozens of cute little stars with this step-by-step guide.

These origami lucky stars are made from strips of paper cut about 10″ to 11″ long. Each strip can be up to 1/4 inch, 1/2 inch, or 3/4 inch wide. Thinner streaks make smaller stars, while thicker streaks make larger stars.

Spend as much time as necessary tying the knot and wrapping your star’s pentagon as neatly and tightly as possible. Doing it neatly will ensure your little origami lucky stars become swollen but sturdy, even if you want to hold them while making a wish.

DIY World Cup Trophy from recycled toilet paper roll, unbelievable! | #drhacks

DIY World Cup Trophy from recycled toilet paper roll, unbelievable! | #drhacks
DIY World Cup Trophy from recycled toilet paper roll, unbelievable! | #drhacks

See some more details on the topic how to make a trophy out of toilet paper rolls here:

Toilet Paper Trophy – Etsy

Check out our toilet paper trophy selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from … Toilet Paper Roll Kawaii Charm Tissue Keychain.

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Paper Trophy Craft – Perfect for Father’s Day!

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trophy father’s day card – Amy’s Free Ideas

1.Flatten a toilet paper tube. 2.Cut out one se to make a trophy shape (see …

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Homemade Trophy – Busy Bee Kids Crafts

Trophy Handles Template* • Paper cup • Toilet paper roll (or paper towel roll cut to fit) • Small piece of cardboard (cereal boxes work well)

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Toilet Paper Roll Perpetual Trophy – Horse’s Rear

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Make a Trophy – Kipkis

To make a paper cup trophy, you’ll need paper, … You’ll want to paint the outse of the toilet paper roll, …

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View: 3172

20 things to do with … toilet paper rolls

If there’s one craft item that every household has in abundance, it’s toilet paper rolls. And the bigger your family, the more stock you’re likely to produce! So what to do with them?

Here are 20 fun ideas to try, from kids’ crafts to handy ways to recycle.

1. DIY gift boxes

So gifts and toilet paper aren’t usually two things that go together, but with a few folds and some decoration, you can turn toilet paper rolls into pillow boxes that are perfect for party favors or small treats. See how it’s done at Skip to My Lou.

2. Wall Art

Beautiful, graphic and architectural, you can create almost any pattern you like with this technique. The cut rolls are glued together and then fixed with clothespins until dry. Experience it first hand at Myrtle & Eunice.

3. Clever Flowers

A rainy day craft with a big win – bright beautiful flowers! Get the tutorial from Better Homes & Gardens and see the finished product at Saltwater-Kids.

4. Bird feeder

Toilet paper rolls + peanut butter + bird seed + twine = a recycled bird feeder the kids can help with. Get the tutorial at TP Craft.

5. Hanging heart decorations

Save this idea for next Valentine’s Day or surprise your loved one today! See how it was implemented on DRI (Spanish language website).

6. Seedling container

Grow seedlings in toilet paper rolls and when they’re ready to plant, simply stick in the ground (the rolls will decompose). Source: via

7. Party Crowns

Tiny little crowns for tiny little princesses – how beautiful! Cut, decorate and attach some elastic. Check out the steps at Creative Jewish Mom.

8. Cable Storage

Let’s pretend we’ve all thought of that. Because…why didn’t we?! A super simple cable fixation (nice paper cover optional). Cables can then be stored vertically in boxes to save space. Apartment Therapy has a tutorial on how to create this covered version.

9. Race track

Fancy fancy toy, eat your heart out. Create cool racetracks and marble runs with this idea from What do you do all day?

10. Costume Wig

This idea really made us chuckle. Get the tutorial over at Handmade Spark and save it for your next costume party. Via

11. Owl Dolls

Scream if you’re cute! These cute winking owls on Decoldias are very charming, and there are many other animals you could make using this technique.

12. Craft Caddy

Get a step-by-step guide to building this mega craft caddy over at Instructables.

13. Paper cutting art

These creations may be a little better than the average hobbyist, but they’re still beautiful to look at. Artist Anastassia Elias mounts miniature paper cut scenes in toilet paper rolls, creating a tiny, multi-layered world in a very unlikely object.

14. Heart Stamp

Super sweet! Let your child create stunning works of art with this easy DIY stamp from Rust & Sunshine.

15. Play binoculars

Your next jungle party needs these! Get the instructions at World of Mex.

16. Cardboard castle

Knights and princesses alike will be enthralled with this DIY castle. We love the little trees – such a simple idea. Read the step-by-step guide at bloesem kids.

17. Doll chairs

Glenyce from Mid-Craft Crisis made these nifty little chairs for her daughter’s Barbie out of recycled shipping tubes, but you can easily make a version out of toilet paper rolls too.

18. Animal Puppets

Leaf prints and toilet paper rolls combine to create autumnal puppet birds. See how they’ve been remodeled at Red Ted Art.

19. Racing Car

A simple idea, but a classic. Toilet paper rolls as well as juice caps and detergent caps. And they’re gone! Created by Rubbish Craft for toddlers.

20. Music Maker

Kate from Mini Eco makes very beautiful things out of paper, cardboard and ordinary objects. This simple instrument is made by poking holes in a cardboard tube and attaching bells with a needle and thread. A touch of colored paper in this interior is fun!


• 20 ways to recycle Christmas packaging

• 14 cool things to make from recycled milk cartons

• Plate it up: 15 paper plate craft projects

How to Make Homemade Trophies

Simple handcrafted trophies are festive for any occasion. Photo credit: Kelly Smith

Trophies can be a show-off element for any birthday party, community picnic, talent show, or children’s game night, but that doesn’t mean they have to be expensive or cheesy. Half a dozen trophies took less than an hour to make and cost no more than $20. Guests will be impressed and excited to display these simple, clever and modern trophies.


video of the day

things you need

Use inexpensive plastic plates, bowls and cups. Photo credit: Kelly Smith

Plastic plates, bowls and mugs

Animals, figures or other small objects (to decorate)

Hot glue gun and glue sticks

spray paint

tarpaulin or old cardboard

white cardboard

Tape (optional)


Local Tips: Visit the Dollar Store for a variety of affordable mugs and plates, as well as small toys, animals, figurines, etc. Use gold spray paint for a classic look, or a fun color or two for a more modern look.

Create pedestals for the trophies

Create pedestals by gluing cups, bowls and plates together. Photo credit: Kelly Smith

Stack and glue together plastic bowls, plates and mugs to create pedestals for the trophies of different heights and sizes. Apply hot glue to the rim of a bowl, plate, or mug and place a second piece on top to create a base for an animal or object. Repeat this process to create as many trophy pedestals as you like.


Glue objects to the bases

Stack and glue objects on the bases. Photo credit: Kelly Smith

Next, stack and glue toys, animals, objects, or figures onto the bases to craft a variety of interesting and unique trophies. Get creative by using unexpected pieces. Be sure to work quickly with the hot glue.


Spray the trophies

Spray trophies with unexpected colors in a matte finish. Photo credit: Kelly Smith

Spray paint the pedestal trophies a solid color like gold or a colorful matte finish. You can also spray-paint single-footed cups for easier trophies like the ones pictured. Be sure to spray the paint either outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Place the trophy in an old cardboard box or on a tarp, hold the paint can about 30cm away and move in smooth motions while spraying for an even finish. Wait at least 20 minutes between coats to avoid paint drips.


Download trophy ribbons

Download free trophy ribbons. Photo credit: Kelly Smith

Download these free tapes and print them out on card stock. Cut them out and gently bend them around a finger or pencil to create a small curve.


Add ribbons to trophies

Attach a ribbon to each trophy. Photo credit: Kelly Smith

Attach ribbons to the trophies with either a piece of rolled tape or a dab of hot glue in the center to complete the look.


Celebrate with custom trophies

Modern colorful trophies. Photo credit: Kelly Smith

You can customize the color, size and shape of each trophy so you can personalize it for any type of event and for all types of winners and champions.


Give away and enjoy

Gold Ice Cream Trophy. Photo credit: Kelly Smith

Hand out each trophy and practice acceptance speeches because everyone wins with these individual awards!

The toilet paper game

What it is: A game to get to know each other, a game to get people to share facts about themselves

Best Suited For: A shower or class or other group gathering where players are meeting for the first time

What you need:

A roll of toilet paper

Gameplay: At the beginning everyone sits in a circle. Give the toilet paper roll to a player and tell them to take as much as they think they will need and keep it. When they ask, “What is it for?” Just say, “Take as much as you think you’ll need.” Don’t give instructions on how much toilet paper to unroll.

After the first player unrolls their toilet paper, tell them to pass the toilet paper roll to the next person and relay the message to take some toilet paper, again with no guidance on how much toilet paper to take, simply “Take as much as you think you’ll need it.” Don’t tell the players what it’s for. If they ask, say a game and nothing more.

Once all your players have a wad of toilet paper, announce how the game works: each person must go around the room sharing facts about themselves, one fact for each square of toilet paper they unrolled. Some players may have taken large bundles, while others may only have taken a few squares. In any case, every square of toilet paper corresponds to a fact.

You might have some questions ready to ask in case people run out of ideas. Check out the word generator or the post with getting to know questions for some ideas!

It’s just a simple activity to get people to share lots of facts about themselves.

Variations: Instead of toilet paper, you could use a jar with small items like coins, M&Ms, or paperclips. Still, tell the players to take as many as they think they will need. However, the toilet paper throws in a humor factor.

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