How To Manifest Winning A Contest? The 7 Latest Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to manifest winning a contest“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

How can I improve my chances of winning a giveaway?

20 Expert Sweepstakes Tips to Help You Win More Prizes
  1. Have a Realistic Idea of How Long It Takes Prizes to Arrive. …
  2. Use a Dedicated Email Address to Enter Sweepstakes. …
  3. Set Aside Time to Enter Daily. …
  4. Focus Your Time. …
  5. Prioritize the Giveaways You Enter. …
  6. Be Strategic With Your Sweepstakes Entries.

How do you manifest winning a game?

Manifesting a World Cup Win
  1. Forget about the odds (unless the odds are in your favor). Odds are for muggles. …
  2. Dwell on reasons to believe. Make your desired outcome easy to believe in by reminding yourself why it could happen. …
  3. See it happen (before it does). …
  4. Decide to feel good no matter what. …
  5. Let it go.

How do you instantly manifest something?

“The easiest way to manifest anything is to be clear about what you want. Don’t give the universe mixed signals…and take action. Working toward your goals is imperative.” You should also remain receptive.

How do you win a contest?

How to start winning
  1. Enter every day. Lots of comps (particularly text comps and instant wins) allow you one entry per day. …
  2. Set reminders. …
  3. Search for local low-entry competitions. …
  4. Find comping friends. …
  5. Join an online comping forum or Facebook group. …
  6. Search social media. …
  7. Enter radio comps. …
  8. Read the rules.

Manifesting a World Cup Win

“I’ve entered thousands of competitions and won nothing!”

“Everyone wins but me!”

Sound familiar?

When you read interviews with competitors in the newspapers, it might seem like winning awards is easy. But the truth is, it’s not easy – successful comping takes perseverance, patience, and positive thinking. People are rarely good at it right off the bat – if you’re wondering why I’m successful, it’s because I have 24 years of experience and know the tricks of the trade (and that’s why I’ve already published and am writing a book of comping tips just a new one!).

If you are new to the hobby it will take a while to get going. Most new entrants will enjoy the competition for a few weeks, and then if they don’t win, they give up. It’s the ones that keep going that will eventually succeed – and remember some promoters take months to notify their winners, so be patient!

Most competitors assume that only 1 in 1000 of their contest entries is a winner. I don’t keep track of the exact number of contests I enter, but my own wins to entries ratio is around 1 to 70. So why the difference?

The majority of competitors focus on the amount of contests entered, find contests through listing sites like Loquax, PrizeFinder, and MSE, and then use autofill and keyboard shortcuts to quickly fill out web entry forms. Some contestants enter 200 or more comps a day, insisting it’s a numbers game.

For me, it’s all about the quality of the entered contests – I enter fewer contests but spend more time finding them. Most days I spend an hour or two finding and typing in about 40-50 comps, a mix of Creative, Purchase Required, Twitter (replies rather than RTs), Facebook (comments rather than shares), Instagram, Gleam, Rafflecopter, Postal, local and radio comps.

I only use contest listing websites to search for effort/creative contests or to search for prizes from my wishlist. I just don’t want to search the MoneySavingExpert forum or The PrizeFinder on a daily basis. I find it boring, and I also know that the odds of winning are slim because thousands of other people are participating in the same simple prize draws.

Instead, I focus on the prizes I want to win by checking for my wishlist prizes and new creative, buying, or radio contests at least once a week, using bookmarked Google searches and saved Twitter searches to do this to do quickly.

If you are struggling to win something, here are some suggestions:

How do I start winning

Enter every day

Many comps (especially text comps and instant wins) allow you to enter per day. With the second participation in a competition, you have already doubled your chances of winning – so if you can participate every day for the duration of a campaign, your chances of winning increase significantly.

A recent example is the Flipz Sweepstakes, which ends on December 31, 2021.

set reminders

Habits matter – get into a regular comping routine. Use Google calendar notifications, phone alerts, or even sticky notes to remind yourself to watch out for radio contests, earn daily instant wins, do weekly Google searches, or check your favorite websites monthly. I use the free Asana app to set recurring tasks.

Look for local low-entry competitions

Look for local business pages (restaurants, venues, shops, salons, etc.) on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – many of them have contests.

See blog post: How to Find Local Contests and Giveaways

Find matching friends

You’ll find plenty of competitions if you follow what your friends are up to on your Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook feeds — especially if they’re kind enough to tag you in competitions. Local friends are most helpful as they tag you in low entry competitions – find them in local Facebook competition groups or join a local competition club.

Join an online comping forum or Facebook group

Check out the motivating winners’ posts to see where and how people are winning prizes. If you’re in the Lucky Learners group, check back daily as me and my members here share comps with low entries or lots of prizes (be sure to check out the Pick of the Comps announcement post for our recommended comps and see (follow what people also post on the weekly winners post!)

Browse social media

Search Google, Instagram or Twitter for the prizes you want and the type of contests you like the most (photo, video, Instagram, recipe, etc.). Do you have a smartphone? Use it for Twitter searches when you have a free moment (in a queue, on the bus, waiting at the school gates) – enter immediately or flag the tweets to watch later. Build Twitter lists to focus on your favorite accounts. You can find some great low entry facebook and instagram comps via twitter search!

Enter funk compositions

Listen to as many stations as you can (especially local stations) – On-air radio contests provide instant gratification when you realize right away you’ve won, so it’s a great motivator. Check out my tips on how to win radio contests.

read the rules

Make sure you’re entering correctly – read the rules and check the registration deadline, and make sure your Twitter and Instagram accounts aren’t private. Check out my blog post Top 10 Mistakes Competitors Make

Out and about

Stop shopping online and head to your local high street and supermarkets where you can easily spot promotions on the shelves. Keep an eye out for signup forms, posters, and magazines — if you’re discreet, you can snap photos of email comps in magazines and newspapers without having to buy them!

Try out a few effort compositions

Most competitors avoid any kind of sluggish competition, which means participation numbers are low. Many tiebreaker, photo or video contests will have the winner selected at random, so your photo or comment doesn’t have to be the best! If you are creating something special for a specific contest, take several different photos so you can use them for other contests. Prepare for events like Halloween, Pancake Day, and Mother’s Day by organizing relevant photos into albums on your phone, ready to be posted.

Participate in comps with lots of prizes

On-pack promotions with thousands of smaller prizes are great for keeping your spirits up, especially ones where prizes are awarded through win moments.

Check out the latest easy-to-win comps and see my tips for winning comps required to buy

Enter to win books

Books are one of the easiest prizes to win, especially children’s books at Check my blog post contests for bookworms and follow my Twitter lists for books and children’s books.

Reduce sharing

Most new competitors I see have a Facebook profile full of Like & Share contests and a Twitter profile full of RT contests – these are exceptionally difficult to win as the shares go viral and are seen by thousands of potential entrants ! If you really want to win a prize, don’t post the contest on Facebook, Twitter and forums for everyone else to participate. Of course, it’s nice to share, but it greatly reduces your chance of winning. You’ll have more success with Facebook like/comment compensations or Twitter “reply with…” compensations that you don’t need to share.

Look for profits regularly

Sometimes new competitors miss the news of a win because they don’t know where to look! Search your email inbox and junk folder for “congratulations” or “winner” and when entering Facebook contests, look for your name in the “Contest Winners” group. Check your notifications and inbox daily on Twitter and Instagram – and watch out for hidden message requests! Read my post How do I know if I’ve won a competition? for more tips on finding your winnings.

Stuck in a dry spell?

It’s not just new competitors that are fighting. If you’ve been playing sports for years and haven’t had any luck for a while, that’s a “dry spell.” It’s not uncommon to lose your comping mojo, and it happens to most longtime compers at least a few times. Add a new hobby or life-changing event like a wedding or a baby and suddenly you don’t have time to devote to your comps.

Here are a few ways you can stay wowed:

You will win again, it’s only a matter of time!

Are you a new competitor struggling for victory or stuck in a losing streak? Or maybe you have a few tips for newcomers? Leave a comment and let’s come up with some ideas to keep you winning!

Is there a secret to winning sweepstakes?

1. Patience. The first of the Three Ps is patience, a trait that is absolutely critical if you want to win. Entering sweepstakes is frustrating if you’re impatient — finding out that you’ve won a prize takes time.

Manifesting a World Cup Win

Do you wonder how some people consistently win sweepstakes while you never seem to win at all? If you attribute it to someone else who is just luckier, you are making a mistake. The real secret to being a winner is a philosophy that sweepstakes fans call “The Three Ps.”

There is nothing magical about the three Ps and anyone can use them. They simply stand for:

Patience Perseverance A positive attitude

Here’s a look at how the three Ps relate to sweepstakes and how you can use them to help you win more prizes.

1. Patience

The first of the three Ps is patience, a trait that is absolutely crucial if you want to win. Entering sweepstakes is frustrating when you’re impatient – finding out you’ve won a prize takes time.

Think of it this way: even if you’re lucky enough to win a sweepstakes prize on day one of your participation, the following things need to happen before you know you’ve won:

The participation period for the sweepstakes must come to an end.

The entries must be checked.

Your name must be drawn as the winner.

Sponsor must contact you to notify you that you have won.

Each of these steps can take a while – like weeks or even months

Most people have to wait at least three months before they know they’ve won an award.

But patience isn’t just important for your first win. Even the luckiest sweepers go through dry spells where they enter tons of sweepstakes, follow all the recommended winning tips, and still don’t get a win notification for quite a while.

That’s why patience is an important part of winning sweepstakes. If you don’t have the patience to wait for prizes, entering the sweepstakes won’t be fun and you won’t stay long enough to win the prizes.

Here are some tips that may help:

2. Endurance

The second of the three Ps is endurance. You must enter sweepstakes regularly, whether the prizes are rolling in or not. If you give up, you’ll never win.

That doesn’t mean that you should spend every waking moment of the day entering freebies — but you should plan an achievable amount of time to muster each day. If you are a busy person like most of us, it could mean half an hour or even 15 minutes. Whatever time you can spare, commit to it.

More important than the time you put in is that you invest that time every day whether you’re lucky or not.

Here are some tips that will help you persevere and get a good number of daily entries, no matter the time you have:

3. Positive attitude

The third of the three Ps is having a positive attitude towards your gambling hobby which makes it so much easier to be patient and get through tough times.

It is important to remember that entering sweepstakes is not a job or a way to make money that you can rely on. If you’re doing it out of desperation, you’re probably better off passing the time in a side job that provides regular income.

Remember that winning isn’t just about winning prizes, it’s also about making friends, dreaming of where your prizes could take you, learning about interesting products, and sharing the joy of your winnings with others.

How you do that? Try having a little fun with sweepstakes by decorating your sweep area with lucky charms, creating a scrapbook of the prizes you’ve won so far, or coming up with a winning mantra.

Here are some helpful tips:

Even if you’re not lucky, with a little time and dedication you can win great prizes – and you can have a lot of fun doing it! These links will help you take the next step and win fantastic prizes.

Where to find sweepstakes

Now that you have the key to winning sweepstakes in your hands, it’s time to get started. Here are some great places to look out for trustworthy sweepstakes with great prizes up for grabs.

How do you win an online contest?

How to Win Online Sweepstakes and Contests
  1. Get a Form Filling Program. Getting a form filler is probably the single best thing you can do to start with. …
  2. Enter the Daily Entry Sweepstakes Daily. …
  3. Get Organized. …
  4. Sign Up For the Contestgirl Newsletter. …
  5. Essay and Photo Contests. …
  6. Find Local Giveaways. …
  7. Email. …
  8. Always Read the Rules.

Manifesting a World Cup Win

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How to Win Online Sweepstakes and Contests I want to share some things I’ve learned about entering online sweepstakes. Here are a few tips:

Get a form filling program

Getting a form filler is probably the best thing you can do to start with. It makes the difference between being able to enter 20 sweepstakes per hour and being able to enter 120 sweepstakes per hour. I’m not exaggerating. Each time you enter a Contest, you will be required to enter your name, address, phone number and other information about yourself. With a form filler program, you simply click a button on your web browser’s toolbar and the forms will be automatically filled out for you. Google is including this feature in its free toolbar, which you can download here. I use the Roboform program which you can get here. Both programs add a toolbar to your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla or whatever). If you haven’t already done so, do it now!

Enter the daily sweepstakes every day

This is really the only legal way to get an edge over others in the sweepstakes that award their prize through a random drawing. Think about it for a second. If you and I both enter a prize draw that allows only one entry per person, we both have an equal chance of winning. But if you enter a sweepstakes that allows daily entry and only enter once while I enter every day for a month, I win 30 times as many times as you do. Here’s another way to look at it – 10 people enter a daily entry contest, 8 of them enter once and 2 of them enter every day for a month. When it’s time for the draw, 60 of the 68 entries will belong to the 2 users who subscribed daily. Who do you think will win? The numbers I used for this example aren’t realistic, but you can change the numbers and the math stays the same. All reputable sweepers understand this – and if you really want to win something, it’s better to spend your time regularly entering a small number of sweeps with daily entries than entering a large number of sweepstakes with just one entry. If you’re an occasional sweeper and only enter draws once in a while, stick with single entries – that way you’ll have the same odds of winning as me and my die-hard friends.

Get organized

If you follow my advice above and want to enter daily sweepstakes, you need to get organized. This is where the Contestgirl website can really help. While I hope this site will be useful to all users, I have developed some features specifically aimed at serious sweepers – I call them MyContests. The MyContests feature is detailed here, but in short, it allows you to create a list of the daily contests that you want to enter regularly and tracks when you last entered each one to ensure that Don’t participate too often and risk being disqualified. The MyContests feature has what is known as a Presto button, a button at the top of the page that when pressed opens 10 contest forms at once, each in its own window or tab. The Presto button is a huge time saver when going through your daily list as you spend more time typing sweeps and less time waiting for webpages to download. There’s more to MyContests – like allowing you to add private notes to the contests lists and allowing you to create a private list of contests that may not be listed on the Contestgirl website – you’ll see what I mean, if you try. You must log in to the website with a username and password in order to use MyContests. I know a lot of people don’t like having to sign up for things, but it’s the only way to make it work because every list is personalized and the site needs to know who you are in order to serve you the right list. Any information you provide when creating a username and password is kept confidential and you will not be included on mailing lists for subscribing. Whether you use MyContests or not, my main point here is that if you’re serious about entering online contests, you need to find a way to organize yourself.

Sign up for the Contestgirl newsletter

I’m not trying to turn this tips page into a selling point for the Contestgirl website, but the whole purpose of this website is to help you win online contests and the newsletter is a big part of that.

The newsletter is an email that I send out once a week in which I highlight all the competitions that I particularly like. I spend many hours every day looking for the best sweeps online and I see hundreds of them. In the newsletter, I point out those that I think are the best. Also in the newsletter I give you a list of the most popular and least popular sweeps of the last week. I track how many people click on each of the contests I list so I know which ones people like the most and I know the ones they like the least. Most people don’t have time to look through all the articles I bring up each day, so the list of the most popular is a good summary of the big ones not to miss. Even more interesting is the list of least popular sweeps. There are usually some really nice ones that don’t generate that much interest for some reason. You should enter these as they may be low entry draws which means good odds of winning.

Here you can register for the newsletter. I think you will find it useful and have a lot of fun, but if you ever get tired of it, you can unsubscribe with a single click.

Essay and photo competitions

Any giveaway where you take a picture, write an essay, or something similar will get very few entries, and anyone who enters has a great chance of winning. There was a competition from a Ford dealership where the prize was a new car, but you had to upload a video explaining why you should win. They received a total of 13 entries. In this competition, the winner was determined by public voting, so I’m not surprised that only people who had some talent for video production decided to enter. However, there are some contests that require you to upload a photo or essay, but the winner will be determined by a random drawing – meaning your photo or essay will not be judged or judged. These are the ones you should jump on when you find them. Most people will find that they need to do some work to enter, so they will skip it and move on to the easy entry sweeps. I’ve competed in a few of these in the past and won a nice one a few years ago.

Find local freebies

Don’t limit yourself to the contests that you can find on the Contestgirl website. I want to keep this site interesting for a wide audience and therefore I only list sweepstakes restricted to a single city if it is an exceptionally good prize. However, local competitions are great and usually have a good chance of winning – I often enter local giveaways and have won quite a few times. To find local contests, search Google or Bing for a list of newspaper and radio station websites in your city. You’ll find that these sites often have a page listing their current sweeps.


You’ll find that you’ll get quite a few more emails once you start entering sweepstakes on a regular basis. It’s not as bad as it used to be because there are now stricter laws that require companies to provide an unsubscribe link in their mailings and notify you before they can add your email address to their lists, but you will still find that it can build up over time.

Most people who enter many sweepstakes have an email address that they only use for sweepstakes. I encourage you to do this – don’t use your everyday email address. You can easily create an email address for yourself using free services like Hotmail or Gmail and you should enter this in the signup forms.

Always read the rules

It is very important that you understand the rules before entering any online competition. Some sweeps are regional and only allow entry from certain cities or states, some require you to be of a certain age, some only allow one-time entry while others allow you to enter multiple times, some allow you, yourself, your husband and Entering their children while others only allow one entry per household and so on. I try to point out many of these things when I write a listing, but I make mistakes. You should really read the Rules before entering any Sweepstakes to ensure you understand the restrictions and for a description of what you are registering for.

Thanks to the sponsors

That brings me to the appreciation for the sponsors of all these great sweepstakes. If you win a Contest, you should make your best efforts to thank the sponsor verbally or in a letter, if appropriate. I think it’s wonderful that all these companies are willing to give away all these great prizes and think we should encourage them to keep going by making sure they know how much it is appreciated.

Have fun

You will win if you keep trying. I don’t have the time to enter sweepstakes like I used to, but back then I spent about an hour every day. I won multiple times every month. Things were a little slow at times, but then I got an email saying I’d won a camera, an Xbox, or a trip, and it feels really good. Keep trying and have fun – I’m telling you, you will win.

How do you manifest something?

The 6 Steps for Manifesting Something By Writing It Down
  1. Choose your journal. You are going to be using this journal daily, so make sure it’s a journal you enjoy writing in. …
  2. Say it in a sentence. …
  3. Expand your thoughts. …
  4. Create mantras and affirmations. …
  5. Daily repetition. …
  6. Regular reviews.

Manifesting a World Cup Win

What is manifestation?

Have you ever wanted something so bad but it never comes true? Then maybe it’s time to manifest it in your life. We receive the energy that we send out into the world. So if you really want something, it’s time to align yourself with your goals. Have you ever asked yourself: ‘How can I manifest something on paper?’. Well, using the power of the written word, we’re going to explore how you can write down the things in your life that you want to manifest. So, open your mind, grab a pen and let’s manifest!

Manifestation is an interesting aspect of the Law of Attraction. Basically, when you want to attract something into your life—like money, relationships, or a new job—imagine that you already have that thing so that your energy aligns with a state of being that is open to what you do want.

The philosophy is that when we are in a mindset of lack – in which case what we want is missing – our energy is not equal to the energy we would have if we reached it, and therefore the Universe does not give it to us bring white .

It’s like having two magnets. In your current state, you reject what you want. But when you change your mentality to align with a state of being where you have what you want, your inner magnet flips and attracts exactly that.

So how can writing help you manifest what you desire in your life?

The 6 steps to manifesting something by writing it down

1. Choose your diary

2. Say it in one sentence

3. Expand your thoughts

You’ll be using this journal on a daily basis, so make sure it’s a journal you enjoy writing in. Also, choose a notebook with high-quality paper that offers a comfortable writing experience. You should also consider whether you prefer lined, dotted, or plain paper. And make sure you also have a pen that you enjoy using! As with a news article headline, start by summarizing in one sentence, what you want. This gives you a foundation on which to develop. Don’t worry about spelling it or wording it correctly; Just write something down. It can feel overwhelming to write down your inner desires, so starting with one sentence will help.

The key to manifesting what you want is specificity. You need to know exactly what you want and why you want it. Otherwise, you may end up manifesting something you didn’t expect.

Start with your what. What exactly do you want? For example, if you want money, how much do you want? If you are looking for a new job, what profession or position are you looking for? Be as specific as possible about what you want.

Next, write down your why. Why do you want to manifest this? What will it add to your life? Continuing with the examples above, if you want money, what do you want to spend it on? If you are looking for a new job, why do you want this particular job? What qualities attract you?

Your answers should be specific enough that you can get a clear picture of what you want in your head.

4. Create mantras and affirmations

Now that you have the details in place, it’s time to start the manifestation process. Experienced manifesters will know that affirmations and mantras are integral parts of the process.

That’s because those words and phrases remind you of your ultimate goal.

You can search for affirmations and mantras to use online, but for the best success, try to create your own that are relevant to what you are trying to manifest. A good number of affirmations is three to five.

Let’s take an example. Suppose you want to meet someone and start a romantic relationship because you are lonely and ready for love. Five affirmations you could use are:

– I’m adorable

– I am a good person

– I am open to receiving love

– I allow the universe to help me find love

– I am love and light

You can even randomly select an affirmation using an affirmation card deck. Remember that affirmations and mantras are about the person you want to be, even if you don’t believe it about yourself at the moment.

5. Daily repetition

6. Periodic Reviews

Bonus Tip: Don’t be married to earnings

Every morning, open your manifestation journal and rewrite your affirmations. In this way, you are reminding not only yourself but the entire universe of your intentions for your life. It sets intention for your day and serves as a reminder to live your day the way you want to. It will also help you align your actions to align with your manifestation goals and make you more likely to attract what you want. Manifestation takes work. Every day you must repeat your mantras and act in accordance with your “new life”. Usually the things you want will manifest gradually and not in the blink of an eye. As such, it can be difficult to track your progress. So check in at least once a week to see if you’re making progress toward your manifestation goals. And if you’re not, how can you optimize your actions so your energy is better focused on them?

When you do your affirmations, have a clear idea of ​​why you want it. Therefore, you may find that the universe has other ways of giving it to you that you didn’t expect.

Let’s say you want £10,000 to buy a car so you can drive to work. Maybe you win a car in a competition instead of receiving the money, or your boss may give you a company car.

However your desires manifest, accept them with open arms.

And remember, manifestation is a journey, not a child’s play, so be prepared to play the long game and don’t give up hope. If you align yourself with what you want, it will come.

What is the 555 rule?

The 5/5/5 Rule explains what it is right in the name: when creating slides for your presentation, use at most: 5 words on a single line. 5 lines of text on a single slide. 5 slides that apply the first two rules in a row.

Manifesting a World Cup Win

When it comes to presentations, we believe content should drive design. That means the way you structure and organize your presentation should follow the needs of the content and not a rigid structure.

But that’s a lot of work and not always easy, especially when you’re still learning about presentation design and storytelling. This is where rules come into play. If you’re having trouble getting started or are unsure of the best way to structure a PowerPoint presentation, rules can provide a simple step-in guide to get you started. And the 5/5/5 rule is both one of the simplest and one of the most effective.

What is the 5/5/5 rule

The 5/5/5 rule explains what’s right in the name: When creating slides for your presentation, use at most:

5 words in one line

5 lines of text on a single slide

5 slides that apply the first two rules in sequence

Now let’s take a closer look at each part of the rule and how it helps create a better presentation.

5 words in one line

Presentations are multidimensional. They rely on a combination of written words, spoken language, and visual storytelling to communicate information effectively. So if you write long, complete sentences to make sure “all the information is there,” you’re missing the point (and value) of PowerPoint.

By applying the “5 words per line” rule, you ensure that your writing stays sharp and clear and that the audience is more focused on you than the screen. As we discovered in our blog 3 Ways to Improve Your PowerPoint Game, too much content can actually lead to less information retention, which is very counterproductive.

5 lines of text on a single slide

When designing PowerPoints for clients, we have our own general rule that we try to follow: one idea per slide.

That’s because people tend to think of a slide as a single unit of content. This tells the brain to hold those ideas together, create associations between information, and help us cement them in our heads. And if a groundbreaking piece of neuroscience is true, we can store “seven plus or minus two” short-term information in our brains.

By limiting yourself to 5 lines of text, you not only help make your presentation more effective, but also help your audience internalize more of the information you’re trying to share.

(No more than) 5 slides applying the first two rules in sequence

If you’ve followed the first two rules to the letter on every slide in your PowerPoint, you could still have way too much content for an effective presentation. So if you find yourself relying too much on the first two 5’s, you should step back and look for ways to vary your content.

This can mean trimming certain slides to reduce the amount of content, adding more images/infographics, or simply removing some slides altogether.

When to use the 5/5/5 rule

The purpose of this rule is not to blindly apply it to every PowerPoint you create. Rather, it’s designed to force you to step back and carefully examine each slide you create for its content and keep the audience’s considerations front and center.

It’s also a great way to outline your content. If you ever feel stuck on how to start a great presentation, creating content according to the 5/5/5 rule can help you structure your presentation just enough to ignore the rule.

How do you manifest in 17 seconds?

How To Manifest In 17 Seconds By Abraham Hicks
  1. Step 1: Pick One Thing To Manifest. The first step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to pick one thing to manifest. …
  2. Step 2: Visualize Your Desire. …
  3. Step 3: Focus On The Thought For 17 Seconds. …
  4. Step 4: Focus On The Thought For 68 Seconds. …
  5. Step 5: Let Go and Allow.

Manifesting a World Cup Win

It only takes 17 seconds to start a manifestation. Read this blog post to learn how to manifest in 5 steps with the 17 Second Manifestation Method.

What is the 17 second rule?

The 17 second rule states that when you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of thought. And if you focus on one thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes strong enough to manifest in real life.

This method is great for new manifesters because it gives you a specific time to aim for when manifesting.

Follow these 5 steps below to learn how to manifest in 17 seconds.

Who invented the 17 second rule?

The 17 Second Rule was developed by Abraham-Hicks, a group of non-physical entities channeled through Esther Hicks.

Esther Hicks is a Law of Attraction teacher and author of the bestselling book Ask and It Is Given.

Step 1: Choose one thing to manifest

The first step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to choose one thing to manifest.

You may have a million things you want to wear right now.

But as I teach in my manifestation course, the best way to manifest is to focus on one thing at a time.

Being crystal clear about a specific desire helps you cultivate the feeling of that experience and draw it into your reality.

Step 2: Visualize your desire

The second step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to visualize how good it feels to experience your desire.

As I discuss in my manifestation book, Feeling Good, your energy creates your reality.

Therefore, it is important to remember that when it comes to manifestation, it is the emotion that attracts.

Of the 22 manifestation techniques available, the best way to get into the feel of what you wish to experience is through visualization.

Close your eyes and imagine how good it feels to experience your desire. Allow your mind to create visions of what you wish to manifest. Surrender to the creative power of your imagination.

You know your visualization is working when it feels good.

Allow this positive vibration to flow through your body, mind and spirit.

Allow your emotion to scale the Emotional Guidance Scale and vibrate with feelings of joy, love, and appreciation.

Step 3: Focus on the thought for 17 seconds

The third step in using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to focus on that good feeling thought for 17 seconds.

Once you are in your comfort zone, start a timer on your phone for 17 seconds.

Close your eyes again and focus on all the positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts that come to mind.

You will find that it becomes easier and easier to reach for better feeling thoughts.

The law of attraction works here. When you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of the thought. This means that the vibration of the thought is strong enough to attract similar thoughts.

But your work is not done here! Abraham-Hicks says it takes 68 seconds for the vibration of thought to become strong enough to manifest into physical reality.

Step 4: Focus on the thought for 68 seconds

The fourth step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to focus on the positive thought for 68 seconds, which means 3 more cycles of 17 seconds.

Set a timer for 51 seconds and bring your attention back to your desire.

Close your eyes and surrender to any positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts that come up.

Every 17 seconds you spend focusing on a thought amplifies its vibration even more.

By focusing on thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes strong enough to manifest on the physical plane.

Step 5: Let go and allow

The fifth step to manifesting in 17 seconds is to let go and allow the universe to do its thing.

After spending 68 seconds with the positive vibration of your desire, you are now in vibrational alignment with what you want.

This means that the Universe is conspiring to provide you with people, objects and situations that are vibrationally compatible with you.

Your only job is to be patient and receive what the universe has in store for you.

Be open and receptive to new opportunities that come your way.

Trust that your energy will do for you what you cannot do yourself.

Keep taking action while maintaining positive and high vibrational energy.

As you await your manifestation, keep your vibration high by using these I AM affirmations, prayers to the universe, or affirmation cards to detach from the outcome and keep your vibrational alignment with what you want.

Does Abraham-Hicks’ 17-second rule work?

Yes. Abraham-Hicks’ 17-second method works for manifesting.

It only takes 17 seconds of concentration to align with a thought, and it only takes 68 seconds of concentration on that thought to begin drawing its essence into your reality.

However, remember that this rule also applies to negative thoughts.

It only takes 17 seconds of doubt to align with and 68 seconds to attract the absence of your desire.

All in all, what you focus on continuously, you will attract. No exceptions.

Can you really manifest in 17 seconds?

Yes. Your manifestation can begin in 17 seconds. The key word here is begin.

All manifestation first began with a thought. That thought attracts similar thoughts, and those thoughts attract other thoughts.

As those thoughts become more and more powerful, they turn into a belief, and that is where you will begin to attract experiences that match your beliefs.

But remember, this rule also works in the opposite direction. It only takes 17 seconds of doubt to stop your manifestation.

How long does it take for the 17 second rule to manifest?

It takes exactly 17 seconds for the 17 second rule to take effect.

When you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of the thought.

And if you focus on one thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes strong enough to manifest in real life.

How do you do a 3 6 9 manifestation?

What is the 369 manifestation method? The method itself couldn’t be simpler. You write down the object or feeling you want in your life (for example: “I am wealthy,” or “I have a loving partner”) three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night. It’s that easy!

Manifesting a World Cup Win

As a wise woman (Ariana Grande) once said (sang like an angel), “Manifest it, I refined it.” Take my pen and write some love letters to heaven.”

Well, there is something to this technique, and according to manifestation and spirituality experts, you don’t have to be rich and famous at the Ari level to get massive results.

The 369 Manifestation Method has taken TikTok by storm as people manifest their way to more money, better relationships, and even pregnancy. The idea of ​​manifesting, or the theory that if you believe and embody the feeling that you have something you want, you can draw it into your life, isn’t new, says Inbaal Honigman, a psychic who has used the method for several years used for more than 20 years.

“What we call manifestation today, 10 years ago we called the law of attraction,” says Honigman. “Twenty years ago we called it witchcraft and people were uncomfortable with it. And 30 years ago we called it prayer.”

Like many things that have stood the test of time, this shit works, says Honigman, “I can honestly say there’s no magic stronger than affirmations and manifestations.”

Though its roots are in the spiritual realm, the manifestation is anything but supernatural. It’s been scientifically proven that repeating affirmations or positive mantras reduces stress, increases quality of life, improves school and work performance, and makes people more open to behavior change overall, according to neuroscientific studies.

You have probably already seen manifestations at work in your own life, either for the better or for the worse. Who among us hasn’t widened our eyes, sighed and thought, “This is going to be the worst day ever?” only to literally have a day worse than your wildest dreams. You step onto freshly poured concrete in new shoes, spill your coffee on your white shirt and get into a massive fight with your partner before noon. This is a classic example of how your thoughts create your reality!

So how do you think your way to living your dreams? I’ll break it down for you.

What is the 369 manifestation method?

The method itself couldn’t be simpler. You write down the object or feeling you want in your life (for example, “I am rich” or “I have a loving partner”) three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening. As simple as that!

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But the key to achieving your dreams? Repeat, repeat, repeat. Continue to practice the Method of 369 Manifestations every day, says Honigman. If nothing seems to happen after a week, a month, or more, encourage patience.

And while you may not feel like you’re making any progress, take a moment to reflect on all the small steps you’ve taken in the right direction. For example, if you’re trying to manifest a loving relationship, you might think that multiple “meh” dates are a sign of failure when it’s absolutely not.

You may have started to become more outspoken after beginning the 369 Manifestation Method. With that one small action, you’ve changed your entire mindset, opening yourself up to love and learning more about yourself and what you want (or, um, don’t want) in a partner. After all, even suffering through the worst date ever creates a lot more self-growth than sitting at home.

What do I need for this?

To use the 369 technique, make sure you have a journal or piece of paper and a pen or pencil. If you feel like it, as I often am, you can use a marker or gel pen and maybe buy a new paper journal dedicated to your manifestations. Whatever makes you feel good!

On the metaphysical side, keep an open mind and relax your nervous system. Manifesting can also be a great addition to your existing meditation or breathwork practices, says Adora Winquist, who has spent over twenty years helping others find physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing.

She also suggests using manifesting as a way to recalibrate the energy you are putting out into the universe. “To be open to what you’re asking for, you have to be a vibrational match,” says Winquist. You want a partner who is active, friendly and emotionally developed? Well, first start showing yourself that way. Make sure you’re in your wandering game, introduce yourself to people and do the self-growth work.

If you’re hoping for more money, look for new work or partnership opportunities. Start investing, work with a financial advisor, or even buy lottery tickets (in a responsible amount, of course). Let your intuition guide you as you prepare your life for all the good energy you summon!

Do you have money on your mind? Here are a few tips to help you save on high-ticket items:

Why 3, 6 and 9?

If you are unfamiliar with numerology, the belief that certain numbers carry their own vibration and have their own personality, these numbers could appear randomly. But they have been associated with luck and a connection to the universe for years.

Three is a number related to manifestations and the divine, says Winquist, referencing its importance in numerology. Many believers in this spiritual modality attribute their incarnation to the Greek philosopher Pythagoras (you may have struggled with his theorem in high school, as I did). In addition to the famous Pythagorean theorem, his other merit was the supposedly mystical powers contained in numbers.

The number three, according to this theory (which is a lot more fun than the triangle nonsense he proposed), is the “noblest of all digits.” Today, Winquist simply refers to three as “magical.”

As for the other two numbers, 6 refers to harmony, a key element in manifestation, and 9 represents the completion of a cycle, Winquist explains.

So what do I write down?

It’s really up to you, but Honigman and Winquist have some tips for beginners. Based on her own experience with the manifestation of money, Honigman recommends being as specific as possible—especially if you’re on a deadline.

When she was in her twenties, she spent a summer manifesting £800 to fund an August trip to Greece. She wrote and read her manifestation to herself as the method dictates, saying to herself every day, “I’ve saved £800 if I want to fly to Greece.” She topped up her cash and worked hard to make the dream a reality, only to find herself £100 short before departure. She was content with her manifestation success, even if the universe didn’t provide the exact cash value.

A day later, an opportunity presented itself. A friend who worked in a west London pub asked Honigman to give readings to guests at a carnival. At first she hesitated. While Honigman is now a full-time tarot reader, at the time she was only practicing on herself and close friends and family. Then something clicked: This was the chance for her to manifest! Honeyman worked at the carnival at the weekend, earned exactly £100 and spent two blissfully partying weeks in Greece.

Winquist emphasizes the importance of keeping an open mind and genuinely believing in your manifestations as you write them down. “When we are present and grounded in the power of the moment, we open up to higher realms,” she says.

Not sure where to start? Be inspired by these phrases:

I have a loving partner who accepts all parts of me and is emotionally available.

I am a thriving member of my vibrant community of friends.

In my workplace I feel respected and admired.

I travel the world freely without worrying about money.

Grab your best notebooks and pens and let’s have some magical moments!

Jacqueline Tempera Jacqueline Tempera is an award-winning author and reporter who lives in New Jersey with her many pets.

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How can I increase my chances of winning an Instagram giveaway?

Tips for winning giveaways on Instagram
  1. Select the best giveaways. This tip is basic and we even talked a little about it above, but it must be added that it is important to filter the draws and choose the best ones. …
  2. Follow the rules to win giveaways on Instagram. …
  3. Be careful when tagging friends. …
  4. Make the right comments.

Manifesting a World Cup Win

Sou formed in Letras português e Inglês. Atualmente trabalho como redator em Alguns sites e, eventualmente, dou aulas de português para strangers. Já ministrei aulas de Inglês para os cursos de extended da Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais e já atuei em escolas como estagiário e servente escolar. A educação e a escrita são minhas grandes paixões.

What is the probability of winning big ticket?

If the six numbers on a ticket match the numbers drawn by the lottery, the ticket holder is a jackpot winner—regardless of the order of the numbers. The probability of this happening is 1 in 13,983,816.

Manifesting a World Cup Win

Lottery mathematics is used to calculate probabilities of winning or losing a lottery game. It is primarily based on combinatorics, in particular the twelve-fold path and combinations without substitutes.

Probabilities of winning or losing a lottery game

Choice of 6 out of 49 [ edit ]

In a typical 6/49 game, each player chooses six different numbers from a range of 1-49. If the six numbers on a ticket match the lottery numbers drawn, the ticket holder is a jackpot winner, regardless of the order of the numbers. The probability of this happening is 1 in 13,983,816.

The chance of winning can be demonstrated as follows: The first number drawn has a 1 in 49 chance. When the second number is drawn, there are now only 48 balls in the bag because the balls are drawn without being replaced. So there is now a 1 in 48 chance of predicting that number.

Thus, for each of the 49 ways to choose the first number, there are 48 different ways to choose the second. This means that the probability of correctly predicting 2 numbers drawn out of 49 in the right order is 1 in 49 × 48. When drawing the third number, there are only 47 ways to choose the number; but of course we could have reached this point in 49 × 48 ways as well, so the probability of correctly predicting 3 numbers drawn out of 49, again in the correct order, is 1 in 49 × 48 × 47. This lasts until the 6th number has been found is drawn, giving the final calculation, 49 × 48 × 47 × 46 × 45 × 44, which can also be written as 49! ( 49 − 6 ) ! {\displaystyle {49! \over (49-6)!}} or 49 factorial divided by 43 factorial. This gives 10,068,347,520, which is much larger than the ~14 million given above.

However; the order of the 6 numbers is not significant. This means that if a ticket has the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, it wins as long as all numbers 1 to 6 are drawn, no matter what order they come out in. Accordingly, given any set of 6 numbers, there are 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 6! or 720 orders in which they could be drawn. Dividing 10,068,347,520 by 720 gives 13,983,816, also written as 49! 6 ! ∗ ( 49 − 6 ) ! {\displaystyle {49! \over 6!*(49-6)!}} , or more generally than

( n k ) = n ! k! ( n − k ) ! {\displaystyle {n \choose k}={n! \over k!(n-k)!}} binomial coefficient and multinomial coefficient.

This function is called the combination function. For the rest of this article we will use the notation ( n k ) {\displaystyle {n \choose k}} . “Combination” means the group of numbers selected, regardless of the order in which they were drawn.

An alternative method of calculating the odds is to note that the probability that the first ball will match any of the six balls chosen is 6/49; the probability that the second ball corresponds to one of the remaining five chosen is 5/48; etc. This gives a final formula of

( n k ) = ( 49 6 ) = 49 6 ∗ 48 5 ∗ 47 4 ∗ 46 3 ∗ 45 2 ∗ 44 1 {\displaystyle {n \choose k}={49 \choose 6}={49 \over 6}* {48 \over 5}*{47 \over 4}*{46 \over 3}*{45 \over 2}*{44 \over 1}}

The range of possible combinations for a particular lottery can be referred to as a “number space”. “Coverage” is the percentage of a lottery’s number space that is in play for a particular draw.

Chances of other choices when picking 6 out of 49[edit]

One must divide the number of combinations that produce the given result by the total number of possible combinations (e.g. ( 49 6 ) = 13 , 983 , 816 {\displaystyle {49 \choose 6}=13,983,816} ). The numerator equals the number of ways to pick the winning numbers multiplied by the number of ways to pick the losing numbers.

For a score of n (for example, if 3 choices match 3 of the 6 balls drawn, then n = 3), ( 6 n ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose n}} describes the probability of choosing n winning numbers from the 6 winning numbers. This means that there are 6 – n loser numbers, which are chosen from the 43 loser numbers in ( 43 6 − n ) {\displaystyle {43 \choose 6-n}} ways. The total number of combinations giving this result is, as stated above, the first number multiplied by the second. The expression is therefore ( 6 n ) ( 43 6 − n ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose n}{43 \choose 6-n} \over {49 \choose 6}} .

This can be written in general terms for all lotteries as:

( K B ) ( N − K K − B ) ( N K ) {\displaystyle {K\choose B}{N-K\choose K-B} \over {N\choose K))

where N {\displaystyle N} is the number of balls in the lottery, K {\displaystyle K} is the number of balls in a single ticket, and B {\displaystyle B} is the number of matched balls for a winning ticket.

The generalization of this formula is called the hypergeometric distribution.

This gives the following results:

Scoring Exact probability Approximate decimal probability Approximate 1/probability 0 ( 6 0 ) ( 43 6 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 0}{43 \choose 6} \over {49 \choose 6}} 435,461/ 998,844 0.436 2.2938 1 ( 6 1 ) ( 43 5 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 1}{43 \choose 5} \over {49 \choose 6}} 68.757/166.474 0.413 2.4212 2 ( 6 2 ) ( 43 4 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 2}{43 \choose 4} \over {49 \choose 6}} 44.075/332.948 0.132 7.5541 3 ( 6 3 ) ( 43 3 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 3}{43 \choose 3} \over {49 \choose 6}} 8.815/499.422 0.0177 56.66 4 ( 6 4 ) ( 43 2 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 4 {43 \choose 2} \over {49 \choose 6}} 645/665,896 0.000969 1,032.4 5 ( 6 5 ) ( 43 1 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 5}{43 \choose 1} \ over {49 \choose 6}} 43/2,330,636 0.0000184 54,200.8 6 ( 6 6 ) ( 43 0 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 6}{43 \choose 0} \over {49 \choose 6}} 1/13,983,816 0.0000000715 13,983,816

If a bonus number is included, the adjusted odds are:[1]

Point calculation Exact probability Approximate decimal probability Approximately 1/probability 5, bonus not won ( 6 5 ) ( ( 43 − 1 ) 1 ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 5}{(43-1) \choose 1 } \ over {49 \choose 6}} 0.0000180208 55,491.33 5, bonus won ( 6 5 ) ( ( 43 − 1 ) ( 1 − 1 ) ) ( 49 6 ) {\displaystyle {6 \choose 5}{(43 -1 ) \choose (1-1)} \over {49 \choose 6}} 0.0000004291 2,330,636

Win the jackpot[edit]

There is only one known way to ensure winning the jackpot. This means buying at least one lottery ticket for every possible combination of numbers. For example, you have to buy 13,983,816 different tickets to win the jackpot in a 6/49 game.

Lottery organizations have laws, rules and safeguards in place to prevent players from conducting such an operation. Furthermore, simply winning the jackpot by buying all possible combinations does not guarantee a break even or a win.

If p {\displaystyle p} is the probability of winning; c t {\displaystyle c_{t}} the cost of a ticket; c l {\displaystyle c_{l}} the cost of purchasing a ticket (e.g. including logistics); c f {\displaystyle c_{f}} One-time costs for the operation (such as setting up and running the operation); then the jackpot should contain at least m j {\displaystyle m_{j}}

m j ≥ c f + c t + c l p {\displaystyle m_{j}\geq c_{f}+{\frac {c_{t}+c_{l}}{p}}}

to at least break even.

The theoretical “chance to break even” point above is easily offset by the sum of the small wins that are also included in all lottery tickets:

m j ≥ c f + c t + c l p − ∑ i m i {\displaystyle m_{j}\geq c_{f}+{\frac {c_{t}+c_{l}}{p}}-\sum _{i }{ }m_{i}}

However, even if the above relationship is satisfied, it does not guarantee a breakeven point. The payout depends on the number of winning tickets for all prizes n x {\displaystyle n_{x}}, which results in the relation

m j n j ≥ c f + c t + c l p − ∑ i m i n i {\displaystyle {\frac {m_{j}}{n_{j}}}\geq c_{f}+{\frac {c_{t}+c_ {l}} {p}}-\sum _{i}{}{\frac {m_{i}}{n_{i}}}}

In what are probably the only known successful operations[2], for reasons unknown, the threshold to perform an operation has been set at three times the ticket cost alone

m j ≥ 3 × c t p {\displaystyle m_{j}\geq 3\times {\frac {c_{t}}{p}}}


n j p c t ( c f + c t + c l p – – ∑ i m i n i ) ≪ 3 {\displaystyle {\frac {n_{j}p}{c_{t}}}\left(c_{f}+{\frac { c_{t}+ c_{l}}{p}}-\sum _{i}{}{\frac {m_{i}}{n_{i}}}\right)\ll 3}

However, this does not eliminate all risks of not making a profit. The success of the operations still depended on a bit of luck. In addition, the logistics failed in one process and not all combinations could be procured. This increased the risk of not even winning the jackpot.

Powerballs and bonus balls[ edit ]

Many lotteries have a power ball (or “bonus ball”). If the Powerball is drawn from a number pool other than the main lottery, the odds are multiplied by the number of Powerballs. For example, in the 6 out of 49 lottery, if there were 10 Powerball numbers, the odds of getting a score of 3 and getting the Powerball would be 1 in 56.66 × 10, or 566.6 (probability would be divided by 10 to get an exact number receive). value of 8815 4994220 {\textstyle {\frac {8815}{4994220}}} ). Another example of such a game is Mega Millions, albeit with different jackpot odds.

If more than 1 Powerball is drawn into the main lottery from a separate ball pool (e.g. in the EuroMillions game), the odds of the various possible Powerball matching outcomes are calculated using the method described in the Other Outcomes section above (with in other words, the Powerballs are like their own mini lottery) and then multiplied by the odds to reach the required main lottery score.

If the Powerball is drawn from the same number pool as the main lottery, then the number of winning combinations for a given target score will include the Powerball. In games based on the Canadian Lottery (e.g. the UK Lottery), after the 6 main balls have been drawn, an additional ball is drawn from the same ball pool, which becomes the Powerball (or “Bonus Ball”). . An additional prize is awarded for 5 matching balls and the bonus ball. As described above in the Other Scores section, the number of ways a single ticket can get a score of 5 is ( 6 5 ) ( 43 1 ) = 258 {\textstyle {6 \choose 5}{43 \choose 1}=258} . Since the number of balls remaining is 43 and the ticket has 1 unmatched number remaining, 1/43 of those 258 combinations will match the next ball drawn (the Powerball), leaving 258/43 = 6 ways to match this. Therefore, the odds of a score of 5 and the Powerball are 6 ( 49 6 ) = 1 2 , 330 , 636 {\textstyle {6 \over {49 \choose 6}}={1 \over 2,330,636}} .

Of the 258 combinations that match 5 of the 6 main balls, in 42/43 of them the remaining number does not match the Powerball, which is odds of 258 × 42 43 ( 49 6 ) = 3 166 .474 ≈ 1.802 × 10 − 5 gives {\textstyle {{258\cdot {\frac {42}{43}}} \over {49 \choose 6}}={\frac {3}{166.474}}\approx 1.802\times 10^{ -5} } for getting a score of 5 without hitting the Powerball.

Using the same principle, the odds of a score of 2 and the Powerball are ( 6 2 ) ( 43 4 ) = 1 , 851 , 150 {\textstyle {6 \choose 2}{43 \choose 4}=1,\ ! 851,\!150} for the score 2 multiplied by the probability that one of the remaining four numbers matches the bonus ball, i.e. 4/43. Since 1 .851 .150 ⋅ 4 43 = 172 .200 {\textstyle 1.851.150\cdot {\frac {4}{43}}=172.\!200} , the probability of getting the score 2 and the bonus ball is 172 , 200 ( 49 6 ) = 1025 83237 = 1.231 % {\textstyle {\frac {172.200}{49 \choose 6}}={\frac {1025}{83237}}=1.231\%} , approximate decimal odds of 1 in 81.2.

The general formula for B {\displaystyle B} matching balls in a N {\displaystyle N} choose K {\displaystyle K} lottery with a bonus ball from the N {\displaystyle N} pool of balls is:

K – B N – K ( K B ) ( N – K K – – B ) ( N K ) {\displaystyle {\frac {{\frac {K-B}{N-K}}{K \choose B}{N-K \choose K-B}}{N \choose K}}}

The general formula for B {\displaystyle B} matching balls in a N {\displaystyle N} choose K {\displaystyle K} lottery with zero bonus ball from the N {\displaystyle N} pool of balls is:

N − K − K + B N − K ( K B ) ( N − K K − B ) ( N K ) {\displaystyle {N-K-K+B \over N-K}{K\select B}{N-K \select K-B}\ over { N \choose K}}

The general formula for matching B {\displaystyle B} balls in a N {\displaystyle N} choose K {\displaystyle K} lottery with a bonus ball from a separate pool of P {\displaystyle P} balls is:

1 P ( K B ) ( N − K K − B ) ( N K ) {\displaystyle {1 \over P}{K\choose B}{N-K \choose K-B} \over {N\choose K))

The general formula for matching B {\displaystyle B} balls in a N {\displaystyle N} choose K {\displaystyle K} lottery without a bonus ball from a separate pool of P {\displaystyle P} balls is:

P − 1 P ( K B ) ( N − K K − B ) ( N K ) {\displaystyle {P-1 \over P}{K\select B}{N-K \select K-B} \over {N \select K }}

Minimum number of tickets for a game [ edit ]

It is a difficult (and often open) problem to calculate the minimum number of tickets one must purchase to guarantee that at least one of those tickets will match at least 2 numbers. In the 5 out of 90 Lotto, the minimum number of tickets that can guarantee a ticket with at least 2 games is 100.[3]

Results of information theory[edit]

As a discrete probability space, the probability of a given lottery outcome is atomic, meaning it is greater than zero. Therefore, the probability of an event is the sum of the probabilities of the event’s outcomes. This makes it easy to calculate quantities of interest from information theory. For example, the information content of any event can be easily calculated using the formula

i ⁡ ( E ) := − log ⁡ [ Pr ( E ) ]] = − log ⁡ ( P ) . {\displaystyle \operatorname {I} (E):=-\log {\left[\Pr {\left(E\right)}\right]}=-\log {\left(P\right)}.}

In particular, the information content of the result x {\displaystyle x} is a discrete random variable X {\displaystyle X}

I X ⁡ ( x ) := − log ⁡ [ p X ( x ) ]] = log ⁡ ( 1 p X ( x ) ) . {\displaystyle \operatorname {I} _{X}(x):=-\log {\left[p_{X}{\left(x\right)}\right]}=\log {\left({\ frac {1}{p_{X}{\left(x\right)}}}\right)}.}

For example, winning in the example § Choosing 6 out of 49 above is a Bernoulli distributed random variable X {\displaystyle X} with a chance of winning 1/13,983,816 (“success”). We write X ∼ B e r n o u l l i ( p ) = B ( 1 , p ) {\textstyle X\sim \mathrm {Bernoulli} \!\left(p\right)=\mathrm {B} \!\left(1,p \right)} with p = 1 13 , 983 , 816 {\textstyle p={\tfrac {1}{13,983,816}}} and q = 13 , 983 , 815 13 , 983 , 816 {\textstyle q={\tfrac {13,983,815}{13,983,816}}} . The information content of winning is

I X ⁡ ( win ) = − log 2 ⁡ p X ( win ) = − log 2 1 1 13 , 983 , 816 ≈ 23.73725 {\displaystyle \operatorname {I} _{X}({\text{win} })=- \log _{2}{p_{X}{({\text{win}})}}=-\log _{2}\!{\tfrac {1}{13,983,816}}\approx 23 .73725}

I X ⁡ ( lose ) = − log 2 ⁡ p X ( lose ) = − log 2 13 , 983 , 815 13 , 983 , 816 ≈ 1.0317 × 10 − 7 Shannons . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\operatorname {I} _{X}({\text{lose}})&=-\log _{2}{p_{X}{({\text{lose}} ) )}}=-\log _{2}\!{\tfrac {13,983,815}{13,983,816}}\\&\approx 1.0317\times 10^{-7}{\text{ shannons}}. \end{aligned} }}

The information entropy of a lottery probability distribution can also be easily calculated as the expected value of the information content.

H ( X ) = ∑ x − p X ( x ) log ⁡ p X ( x ) = ∑ x p X ( x ) i X ⁡ ( x ) = d e f E [ i X ⁡ ( x ) ] {\displaystyle {\ begin {alignedat }{2}\mathrm{H}(X)&=\sum _{x}{-p_{X}{\left(x\right)}\log {p_{X}{\left(x \right) }}}\ &=\sum _{x}{p_{X}{\left(x\right)}\operatorname {I} _{X}(x)}\\&{\overset {\ underset {\ mathrm {def} }{}}{=}}\ \mathbb {E} {\left[\operatorname {I} _{X}(x)\right]}\end{alignedat}}}

Often the random variable of interest in the lottery is a Bernoulli trial. In this case the Bernoulli entropy function can be used. Using X {\displaystyle X} representing winning the 6-of-49 lottery, the Shannon entropy of 6-of-49 is above

H ( X ) = − p log ⁡ ( p ) − q log ⁡ ( q ) = − 1 13 , 983 , 816 log 1 13 , 983 , 816 − 13 , 983 , 815 13 , 983 , 816 log 13 , 983 , 815 13 , 983 , 816 ≈ 1.80065 × 10 − 6 Shannons. {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathrm{H} (X)&=-p\log(p)-q\log(q)=-{\tfrac {1}{13,983,816}}\log \!{ \tfrac {1}{13,983,816}}-{\tfrac {13,983,815}{13,983,816}}\log \!{\tfrac {13,983,815}{13,983,816}}\\&\about 1 .80065\times 10^{-6}{\text{ Shannons.}}\end{aligned}}}

Great Manifesting Technique To Win Stuff + BONUS Footage Of What I Won Using It!! ✨🎟✨

Great Manifesting Technique To Win Stuff + BONUS Footage Of What I Won Using It!! ✨🎟✨
Great Manifesting Technique To Win Stuff + BONUS Footage Of What I Won Using It!! ✨🎟✨

See some more details on the topic how to manifest winning a contest here:

How to Win Contests with the Law of Attraction

Learn how to win contests with the secret Law of Attraction. Be a winner in contests online, at your favorite store and in life.

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Date Published: 8/9/2022

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How To Manifest Winning A Giveaway

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3 Things I Did To Manifest Winning A Giveaway

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How To Win A Competition Using The Law Of Attraction

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How to Win Contests with the Law of Attraction

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you choose to make a purchase through my links at no cost to you. Please read my disclosure for more information.

Imagine opening your mailbox one day and seeing a check for $1,000,000? Are you hoping for a call saying you’ve won a new car? Want to know why everyone else is winning but you aren’t? The secret is in the law of attraction… and now you too can know how to win online and offline competitions.

Winning big in sweepstakes, contests and lotteries is not a fantasy. You can make your dream come true if your desire is strong enough.

If you’re like most people, you’re already enjoying the thrill of taking a chance, filling out the entry, buying a ticket so you can get your name out there as a winner. It’s fun and exciting to win.

But not everyone wins. Few people do that and it’s usually the same people who keep winning. How do they win competitions all the time?

It comes down to three simple things:

They know exactly what they want. You imagine having it. They believe it’s theirs.

Basically, they have a winning attitude.

They don’t feel guilty because they won.

They don’t question whether they deserve to win.

They don’t doubt that they will win.

Remember, the Law of Attraction states that your thoughts create. So if you want to win contests, sweepstakes, or the lottery, the law of attraction requires you to think like a winner.

A winner rejoices in victory.

A winner believes they deserve to win.

A winner knows that winning is her destiny.

You have the power to be a winner. You can win any contest, sweepstakes or lottery you enter.

what do you want to win

Do you want to win money, a car, a trip, a camera?

Why do you want this? Will it improve your life, make your family happy, make your neighbors jealous? Will it save you time or money? Will it fulfill a lifelong dream?

Have fun with it. There is no set time to reach your goals.

Visualize your goals every day.

Imagine what it would be like to shoot with a new camera.

Hear your closest friends congratulate you on winning a new car.

Imagine waking up in the hotel room every morning while you are on your dream vacation.

Visualize it every day as if you already have it.

Believe you won the competition.

Rest in peace of mind that you are the winner.

Prepare to receive your prizes. Make room for your new TV. Clear a space to set up your new computer. Decide what you are going to spend all your money on.

That’s all there is to it.

Remember, you always win something. You will only experience a delay in results. Keep asking, visualizing and believing.

Winning is your destiny.

Now that you know how to win contests using the law of attraction, it’s time to get out there and start winning!

If you want more information on how to win contests, you might also like:

20 Expert Sweepstakes Tips to Help You Win More Prizes

Do you enter sweepstakes without much success? Would you like to see vans driving by your house weekly or even more often to deliver the prizes? These sweepstakes secrets can help you take your hobby to the next level and improve your chances of being a regular winner.

1. Have a realistic idea of ​​how long it will take for prizes to arrive

It would be nice if prizes started as soon as you submitted your first entry form. But if you don’t enter instant win sweepstakes, it may take a while before you find out you’re a winner. Remember that the giveaway must end, entries must be reviewed, and names must be drawn before first prize notifications are sent out.

Even after another winner has been drawn, you may still have an opportunity if a prize is declined and Sponsor is required to draw another potential winner. But it takes even longer for the winner to start the prize selection process all over again.

2. Use a dedicated email address to enter sweepstakes

Setting up a dedicated email address, which is only used when you enter sweepstakes, will help you identify legitimate winning notifications, avoid spam emails, and detect scams. Set up a free email account and check it at least once a day.

3. Download Roboform

Many dedicated sweepers use Roboform to enter sweepstakes faster. Try the free version to see if you like it. If you’re not a fan, there are other form-filling programs instead.

Keep in mind that some sweepstakes disqualify entrants who use form filling software. Therefore, please review the rules before using Roboform or any similar program to participate.

4. Make time for daily input

Perseverance is the key to winning sweepstakes. Set a specific time to enter sweepstakes every day. It doesn’t have to take long, half an hour of multitasking while watching TV in the evening is enough.

If you’re short on time, just enter a few of the ones you’d most like to win, but try not to go a day without entries.

5. Maximize the sweepstakes you enter

The less time it takes you to submit your entry forms, the greater your chances of becoming a winner.

That doesn’t mean you should enter haphazardly. If this is your first time entering a sweepstakes, you should read the rules and it’s always a good idea to check sponsors’ websites if they have interesting products.

However, the tighter you make your sign-up routine, the better your chances of winning.

6. Focus your time

Some sweepstakes only allow you to enter once during their entire entry period, while others allow you to return daily for additional entries. What type do you need to enter?

Ideally the answer would be “both”, but the correct answer really depends on you. If you’re short on time, focus on entering sweepstakes that allow only one entry per person. No one has a better chance than you and you can enter a number of these competitions for a limited time.

If you have more time, enter daily sweepstakes. Most people don’t enter every day; If you are able to do this, your odds will be higher than most of your competitors.

7. Prioritize the freebies you enter

The simple fact is that there are too many contests to enter them all. So how do you choose and which ones make your must-enter list?

Of course, you should really want to win the prize on offer, but beyond that, you should know how to choose the best sweepstakes to enter: the ones with improved odds.

8. Be strategic with your sweepstakes entries

If you want to enter as many sweepstakes as possible, you need to maximize your entry time, but you also need to find new giveaways to enter.

A sweepstakes strategy allows you to add new sweepstakes to your entry list and avoid missing big winning opportunities.

9. Always read the sweepstakes rules

Before entering a sweepstakes for the first time, be sure to read the sweepstakes rules first. The only thing worse than wasting time entering a sweepstakes you can’t win because you’re not eligible is losing a prize because you didn’t follow the rules properly.

Reading the rules will also help you avoid unwanted email, reveal additional profit opportunities, and help you avoid pitfalls. Even if you’re trying to enter sweepstakes as soon as possible, going through the rules pays off in the long run.

10. Don’t cheat. Even accidentally

Taking shortcuts to get more prizes might seem like a smart move, but sweepstakes sponsors know how to weed out entries made in bad faith. Fraud has negative consequences such as For example, losing your chance to win, being blacklisted by major sweepstakes agencies, discouraging sponsors from offering freebies, and even being arrested for fraud.

It’s also possible to “cheat” unintentionally if you don’t know or understand the rules. Find out the reasons for sweepstakes disqualifications so you can avoid them. Learn what sweepstakes entry restrictions mean and skip giveaways you can’t win. Your time is better spent entering sweepstakes where you have a solid chance of winning.

11. Benefit from bonus entries for sweepstakes recommendations

Many sweepstakes give you extra chances of winning if you tell your friends about the sweepstakes either by sharing their email or by sharing a unique link on social media. These bonus entries can give you an edge over your competition, so take advantage of them when you can.

It’s helpful if you find friends who enjoy entering sweepstakes so you can help each other with referrals. On social media, you can ask your friends if they are interested in participating to win and create a list of people to invite to participate. If you don’t have real friends who want to enter sweepstakes, you can visit forums on sweepstakes sites to find people who want to exchange recommendations.

12. Type it in and forget it

It’s fun to dream about winning sweepstakes, but it’s important not to set your heart on winning a particular giveaway. This is a path to disappointment and discouragement. Instead, go straight to the next freebie and let the win come as a nice surprise when it happens.

13. Fight against sweepstakes burnout

When you enter and don’t win, it’s easy to feel demotivated, and that demotivation can result in you entering fewer freebies and winning less often, a wicked Catch-22. If you want to win, you need to protect yourself from sweepstakes burnout: negative feelings that take the fun out of entering.

If you’re feeling down, read some inspirational contest quotes, get cheered on by fun songs about happiness, or shake up your routine. When your luck turns and first prizes come in, you’ll remember what makes this hobby so fun again.

14. Bring more happiness into your life

Happiness is a great benefit for sweepers because it fights burnout and makes entering more fun.

If you’ve never felt particularly happy, there are things you can do to change that. Here are eight popular ways to get lucky. You can also make changes in your life that will help you have a positive attitude.

15. Make it easy for sponsors to contact you when you win

If the sponsors are unable to contact you to let you know you’ve won, all your hard work entering the Sweepstakes will be for naught. Make sure you use a phone number that you can easily reach and answer even if you don’t recognize the caller – it could be an order processing agency.

Check your sweepstakes email every day and go through your mail carefully as well. Be strategic about the contact information you use so you can protect your privacy and still be reachable.

16. Learn what cheating looks like

If your hopes of winning are high because you enter many sweepstakes and are waiting for the winner’s call, letter, or email, you might be prone to falling for a scam.

Familiarize yourself with the warning signs of sweepstakes fraud so you can protect yourself. If a win notification comes through, research it before responding to make sure it’s legitimate.

17. Respond quickly to legitimate winning notifications

Once you receive your first winning notification, act quickly and return it to the sponsor in time for processing. If you need to send an affidavit, it’s a good idea to request a return receipt as proof that you sent it on time.

If you have missed a deadline to respond to a prize notification, please contact the sponsor anyway. Sometimes they can make an exception and let you return your documents late.

18. Keep track of the prizes you win

Tracking the prizes you’ve won helps you stay motivated through dry spells, makes filing your sweepstakes taxes easier, and helps you spot patterns that make you win more consistently.

Win more daily sweepstakes or sweepstakes with one entry? Are instant wins happier for you than regular sweepstakes? Do you have a happy time of the day? Tracking your winnings can help you figure this out.

19. Be a considerate sweeper

Companies run sweepstakes because spending marketing budget on prizes is a fun and effective way for them to raise awareness (and make more money) about their products. However, when raffle promotions falter, companies start to spend their money elsewhere. You can always buy more TV, radio, newspaper and internet ads instead of giving away more chances to win.

You are under no obligation to purchase anything or do business with any company in order to enter a Sweepstakes. However, if you take the time to review a company’s offerings, be polite to them, and express your appreciation, more freebies will be encouraged.

Make sure you know what not to do if you win in sweepstakes.

20. Have fun entering sweepstakes

The best and most important tip is also the simplest: enjoy yourself. Entering sweepstakes is a hobby, not a job, and you should treat it as such.

Have fun playing instant win games, learning new products, meeting amazing people and dreaming of future wins.

Also, enjoy the prizes you can win in the future, not just the prizes you’ve won, so you have a lot more fun – making it easier to keep participating and winning.

Manifesting a World Cup Win

Manifest a World Championship victory

Quick post for those getting in the mood for the World Cup (although these tips can be applied to anything you create)…

I’m not necessarily a sports fan, but I’m a fan of using conscious creation to manifest what we want.

For those wondering how to help their team bring home a World Cup win, here are my favorite Law of Attraction tips (inspired by my conversation with Zestology’s Tony Wrighton):

1. Forget the odds (unless the odds are in your favour).

Odds are for muggles. (Unless it supports our desired outcome, in which case we use it! Because we are so flexible. We are conscious creators who know how to tune in to thought success!)

Whatever you do, stop thinking about how unlikely or difficult or challenging it is for your guys to win. Give up the story of how hard it is to pull it off. This focus is not for the desired manifestation. Instead of this …

2. Dwell on reasons to believe.

Make it easy to believe in your desired outcome by reminding yourself why it might happen. What are the reasons to believe in victory? It doesn’t have to be a long list—even just a few reasons will draw your attention in ways that reinforce belief.

(And belief along with desire are the two keys to successful manifestation!)

When I can’t think of any reasons to believe in what I want, one of my favorite responses is, “Strange things have happened.” I believe in strange things, and this might be one of them.

But you’ll likely have a nice assortment of reasons to believe in, including a capable manager with a proven track record of success (he got us this far, didn’t he?!), strong players who have the whole country to themselves , or even that we’re simply due for a win!

You know what’s still on my list? (And yes, I’m writing this list on paper.) I know how the system works and I’m working on it right now. By focusing on reasons to believe, I amplify the power of that outcome. (That’s one of my reasons for believing: I’m using my manifesting superpowers!)

Another reason to believe if your list feels light: It’s already happened, in one version of reality. They don’t even create something that doesn’t exist – this release is already underway. It’s already a done deal (on some level, in a parallel universe). All you have to do is become that version’s frequency to experience it.

Bottom Line: Present your team as capable, not compromised. When the odds are in your favor, remember why your team is being favored. You mentally exploit any advantages you can conjure up to increase your belief in victory.

3. See it happen (before it happens).

Play out this win in your mind’s eye. Imagine things coming together. The fans are incredibly excited. The team is gelled, the players are in flow, they are on fire! It happens – you can see it, right? You have to be able to see it. And feel it… feel the triumph of the player. Feel the fans explode with joy. Feel the excitement of the announcers. Feel the pride and camaraderie with everyone else celebrating this victory.

If you feel now the way you would feel then, you’re hooked. Ponder it for 30-60 seconds. Repeat as inspired or know that just one activation is enough. For added effect, you can even celebrate victory in advance, as if that victory is already certain.

4. Make a decision to feel good no matter what.

With this tip I ask you to activate appreciation. If you are in appreciation mode, you are not connected. And attachment can create a mood in a hurry.

So decide that you will enjoy it either way. Don’t base your well-being or happiness on game results. I mean wasn’t it fun coming here? Isn’t it a joy to feel the excitement of a whole country? Don’t you love seeing all these fans get together for this cause? It’s been a good time. Whatever the outcome, that’s still true.

5. Let it go.

This can be a tricky question for some, but it really adds extra magic once you get the hang of it. I’m talking about doing your focus work and then letting it go.

Hand it over. Let the powerful play with it next. Your part is done.

Flipping that obsessively in your head can sometimes be a sign of perverted vibes. Someone enjoying themselves wouldn’t constantly get angry or worry about what might happen. They do their part and then let it go.

(That’s why so many of our easiest to manifest successes are the ones we didn’t care all that much about – just a little easy thought, we forget and then phew! – It happens before we know it! It’s because we don’t have done. not hold on.)

Thoughts that might help you implement this tip are to remember that it’s just a game and life is meant to be fun. Not important. Not seriously. Everything goes much easier when we keep our desires light and joyful. Making a big deal out of that win is actually not conducive to success.

Extra tip for athletes competing on the field: Play like you’re a winner. Not like you’re trying to win, or hoping, or even wanting to win. And certainly not in the way you need it. Play like the winner. It’s a different vibration – can you feel it?

Don’t wait for a score or trophy to feel it. You run this party. Feel it first, now, everywhere. Good vibes there.

(It’s also why so many winners keep winning. You know the mood! That’s why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The mood we have dictates the following. So get in the winning mood and move on! )

As I mentioned before, these tips are not only good for bringing home the World Cup, but for anything else you want to manifest.

And for anyone wondering, “What happens when everyone is doing this and we’re pushing for opposite outcomes?” the answer is threefold:

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