How To Pleasure A Woman On A Motorcycle? All Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to pleasure a woman on a motorcycle“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

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Which bike is best to impress a girl?

Best Bikes For Women
  • Bajaj Avenger Cruise 220. 1,39,002 | Cruisers | 220 cc. …
  • KTM 390 Duke. 2,88,032 | Street | 373.2 cc. …
  • Suzuki Gixxer. 1,30,605 | Street | 155 cc. …
  • TVS Apache RTR 200 4V. 1,28,288 | Street | 197.75 cc. …
  • KTM 125 Duke. …
  • Bajaj Pulsar NS160. …
  • Royal Enfield Himalayan. …
  • KTM 200 Duke.

What do you call a girl that rides on the back of a motorcycle?

6 Answers. Show activity on this post. A passenger in this seat is said to “ride pillion” or may themselves be referred to as a “pillion”. Or you can say ‘pillion rider’ as in these news articles.

Does riding a motorcycle release dopamine?

Brighten your mood

Apparently, scientists discovered that riding a motorcycle releases dopamine and endorphin hormones, which makes us feel happy.

What should you not do while riding a motorcycle?

So obvious or not let’s go over 28 things you should never do on a motorcycle:
  1. Ride with worn out tires. …
  2. Ride without a license or insurance. …
  3. Brake check someone. …
  4. Ride beyond your limits. …
  5. Drink and ride. …
  6. Lend your bike to a buddy. …
  7. Skip pre-ride check. …
  8. Try to show off.

How can I make a girl fall in love with me?

22 Simple Ways to Make a Girl Fall in Love With You
  1. Accept Her As She Is. …
  2. Put Her First. …
  3. Show Appropriate Affection. …
  4. Show You’re Reliable and Dependable. …
  5. Show Your Generous and Caring Side. …
  6. Surprise Her Once in A While. …
  7. Offer Sincere Compliments. …
  8. Dress to Impress.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

If you’re looking for ways to get a girl to fall in love with you, the first step is to make sure she’s interested in you, and then be yourself. Falling in love is a natural process that happens between two compatible people, so there’s no way to force it. However, there are many qualities and behaviors you can show to help her get all the feelings.

Be Open to Emotions In order to truly love you, a woman needs to know who you are at your core. If you want her to fall in love with you, you need to show some vulnerability in private and be open about your feelings. When a woman knows and understands how you feel in different situations, she will feel like she has a connection to your soul.

Put Her First Many women appreciate feeling like the most important person in their life, at least most of the time. Putting them first doesn’t mean disrespecting all friends and family, or even yourself. It means finding moments when you can put their needs, wants, or feelings ahead of your own. This selflessness lets her know that you really care about her and is a sign that you will be a great parent one day if you decide to have children.

Understanding and Honoring the Language of Love Dr. Gary Chapman developed The 5 Love Languages, which show how a person gives and receives love. You can work on making her fall in love with you every day by knowing her love language and “speaking” it. For example, if she prefers to serve, try to cook dinner for her frequently. Taking the time to understand them and address their unique needs shows a genuine interest in making them happy.

Be Confident and Passionate Women don’t want to be in relationships with insecure men who need constant nurturing, so be confident in who you are and what you do. There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, so tread carefully. One way to show confidence is through your passions. Seeing that you have a passion for your life and hobbies shows her that it’s possible that there is passion between the two of you.

Show Appropriate Affection You can show affection in a relationship in many different ways, from hugs to care packages. If you know her well, you can determine what type and level of affection is appropriate to help her feel love for you. If she’s into PDA, hold her hand when you’re out in public. If you know PDA makes her uncomfortable, save yourself the snuggling for your couch.

Lighten Your Burden Modern women carry heavy burdens between working full-time, cooking, and caring for the household and family members. Finding ways to lighten her load on a regular basis without asking or expecting a reward can show her that you want to take care of her too. While women are traditionally the caretakers, they love to be taken care of.

Show that you are reliable and reliable Women forge love relationships in part to have a reliable partner in life who will help them get through difficult times. If she knows you’ll be there to pick her up if she falls or work with her to dig out of a deep hole, she’ll definitely have love for you. Be there with a positive attitude and a willing spirit when she asks for help and follow her to show that you are dependable and dependable. This also creates a feeling of security in the relationship and in life.

Create Intimate Moments Frequently Intimate moments are not synonymous with sexual relationships, but are instances where you really focus on each other in a private way. Studies have shown that staring into each other’s eyes and then answering deeply personal questions can make someone fall in love with you. Find meaningful times to stare into each other’s eyes for a few seconds or minutes to create intimacy. Use intimate conversation starters while you’re having dinner or hanging out on the couch.

Show your generous and caring side Above all, the quality that most turns women on is kindness. Whether you’re being kind to her, her family, strangers, or even animals, find ways to show that you’re naturally considerate. Your daily investment in kindness shows her that life with you will be positive and nurturing.

Be Faithful If you want a woman to fall in love with you, being faithful to her is a must. Have a conversation about the stage your relationship is in and expectations for exclusivity. If she expects you not to flirt or date other women, then don’t. Your ability to stay focused on her despite distractions shows that you are worthy of her love.

Surprise her now and then Adventure and excitement in a relationship are important for women, it keeps the relationship dynamic. If you’re planning memorable dates or bringing her fun surprises, make sure they’re safe surprises that won’t take her too far out of her comfort zone and won’t push you too far out of your comfort zone. Blindfolding her to go on a romantic picnic is an example of a good, simple surprise, while tumbling another woman on her in the bedroom could be an unsafe surprise.

Be a Good Listener Be an active listener. She won’t fall in love with someone who can’t remember what she said. If it helps, write yourself a note after important conversations. This will help you remember what you talked about. Take an interest in the outcome or solution to a problem she is having.

Give sincere compliments Give sincere compliments to the object of your affection to make her feel special. Recognize a new outfit or a flattering new haircut. Compliment her work, her attempts to do something new, and the things you really like about her. Don’t be too dramatic. Keep the compliments short but honest.

Earn and Expect Trust For many women, the most important factor in falling in love is trust. Some women give her trust upfront, but you should still show her that you’re working to earn it. Earning trust is a long process that requires you to be honest, assert yourself, and keep information confidential when asked to do so. If you lie or cheat, you lose your trust and may never get it back. Trust her and expect trust in return.

Dress to Impress Get your wardrobe on “hot” mode. Remember the ZZ Top song, “Every Girl’s Crazy About a Sharp Dressed Man?” Those words apply today. Women want to be seen with a man who takes pride in his looks, so get your men’s wardrobe in order. There is no one style that all women fall in love with, so look for the best version of your style.

Be chivalrous Chivalry is and will never be dead for many women. Open her doors. Offer a hand up or a hand down if necessary. Be polite. Don’t use bad grammar or offensive language in front of her. These simple actions show her that she is special and you want her to be happy and cared for.

Respect Them as Equals In today’s world, men and women are more equal than ever when it comes to responsibilities. No matter who in the relationship makes more money or works longer hours, give her the respect she deserves and she will fall in love with you. You can honor her role in your relationship, her role at work, or anything else she is involved in as a mark of respect by acknowledging her importance.

Send Sweet Correspondence The things you say in person or even via text message can help a girl fall in love with you. Share your thoughts and say cute things to her from time to time to make it feel real and not made up. Anything from funny romantic notes on the kitchen counter to a simple “Thinking of you” text can go a long way.

Give her occasional attentions and gifts. Thoughtful gifts that show you’ve been listening or know who she is can help a girl fall in love with you. Constantly lavish gift-giving isn’t as effective as giving out great gifts on holidays and some other random times of the year. From romantic gift ideas for her to sending flowers, the occasional token of love and gifts are part of the love equation.

Be romantic in the bedroom While it’s not the most important factor, your sex life can affect her love for you. Learn how to have romantic sex and make those moments special. Behaviors in the bedroom that are more focused on her than you are will also make her feel special and caring.

Making Future Plans Women like stability in relationships, so when it’s appropriate, making future plans to fall in love with you can help her. Anything from planning a vacation together for next year to talking about your future goals as individuals can help her feel secure in your relationship.

Why you should date a biker?

10 Reasons You Should Date a Motorcyclist
  • We have a greater sense of adventure. You know the old adage about enjoying long walks on the beach? …
  • We’re not terrified of the world around us. …
  • We’re good at budgeting. …
  • We enjoy the little things. …
  • We’re dedicated. …
  • We’re observant. …
  • We’re adaptable. …
  • We’re not the clingy type.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Ready? Here we go.

1. We have a greater sense of adventure.

You know the old saying about long walks on the beach? We like long drives to the beach, mountains, canyons, desert… there’s always something to enjoy in almost every destination. Give us a good road and a nice destination and we’re ready. Forget expensive plane tickets, hotels and five-star restaurants… we’re just as happy to dine at a good diner after a long day on the bike.

2. We are not afraid of the world around us.

Motorcyclists are constantly reminded of our mortality – “my parent/sibling/boyfriend/friend’s friend died riding a motorcycle” or “those things are dangerous, you know”. yes we know We also know that you can die walking down the street, boarding a plane, or dying from a random disease or virus. Which brings us back to #1 – we want to have a good time and try new things.

3. We are good at budgeting.

Sure, we all have different ways of doing this… but we all know how to budget. This fancy bike upgrade might cost $400, but we’ll give up buying new clothes and going out to dinner for a couple of weeks to afford it. We understand if you don’t want to go out and blow $100 at a Michelin-starred restaurant, and we’ll be thrilled if you’d rather do some BBQ and an oil change in the garage instead.


4. We enjoy the little things.

The sunset behind snow-capped mountain peaks, a small swirl of dust on the distant horizon, a low fog bank creeping over a field – all these are moments that capture our hearts. The transition from a snow-damaged asphalt road to a fresh new surface brings us great joy. Forget constant complaints – we know how to look at the bright side of life.

5. We are committed.

For most, motorcycling is not just a way to work, but a way of life. One that gets better and better the more time you put into it, and not easy in general. It’s not something you can give up easily, and that kind of determination translates well to other areas of life. When push comes to shove, motorcyclists go for it. We’re always willing to help other motorcyclists and generally have a keen sense of the world around us. What the hell does that even mean, you ask? This means that we take care of each other and help each other. Don’t mess with the Motofam.

6. We are attentive.

Our lives depend on us looking around and seeing what we see – so you’ll feel safer around us too. If we ever chauffeur you in a car, rest assured we’ll see this jerk trying to cross into us. We’ll always remember to look both ways, do our pre-flight security checks, and we’ll always remember that random item that needs to be picked up on the way home (we could take the long way though).

7. We are adaptable.

Has something come up? No big deal. Do plans have to be cancelled? That’s cool, we’re going to date our first love – our motorcycle. When you’re used to being on the go, you’ll develop the ability to go with the flow. Flat tires and dead batteries happen, so we know all about setbacks and how to make things work.


8. We’re not the clingy type.

SMS every few hours? Probably not – we’re too busy riding and then working to pay for our next service/road trip/bike upgrade. Being a motorcyclist gives you a level of independence that allows you to live your own life in a relationship.

9. We give better massages.

Most of the time, a motorcyclist’s hands will not be overly delicate, soft and weak. Between long rides where they grab and yank the bars, they have good, strong paws, which means better, longer back rubs. Plus, after hours on the road, we know exactly where that knot in your shoulder is. You are welcome.

10. Our romantic gestures kick ass.

Here you go with some stereotypical examples (fair warning). Yes, a girl who bakes you cookies is horny as fuck. But showing up on her motorbike with those in her backpack makes all the better. And sure, a guy who shows up with roses is gorgeous. But a guy knocking on your front door in his helmet with a rose he’s carried between his teeth for miles to your front door is even cuter. point, sentence, match.

Do you have another reason why you should (or shouldn’t) date a motorcyclist? Leave it in the comments below!

Photos courtesy of The Moto Lady.

What should you not say to a biker?

20 Things to NEVER Say When Dating a Biker
  • Wow, your garage really needed a makeover! …
  • It’s like you have another woman out in the garage. …
  • You’ll never get ME on that death machine! …
  • You know, I think you love that motorcycle more than you love me. …
  • You spent HOW MUCH on new pipes for your motorcycle?

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Biker dating doesn’t exactly come with a rule book.

But here’s one unwritten rule that changes everything.

It really helps when you don’t see the bike as the enemy.

Because that’s the route to more arguments than you ever dreamed you could fit into an average week.

Bikers love their bikes with a wild, burning passion.

That’s the way it is.

The motorcycle is a non-negotiable presence in her life.

don’t believe me

Just try any of these comments and watch the sparks fly.

You might want to pack a bag and book a plane ticket beforehand…

20 things you should NEVER say when dating a biker

Don’t try those hilarious little comments if you want the relationship to last beyond the first 10 minutes…

1. Wow, your garage really needed a makeover!

I put away all those messy tools and motorcycle parts.

I brought some pretty accessories, a floral theme and just a touch of pink.

Don’t you just love it?

(What he thinks: OH HELL NO. What will my buddies say?)

2. It’s like having another woman in the garage.

You spend more time out there with HER than with me!

Motorcycles take up all your time and energy.

You can have a lover too…

(What he’s thinking: Would a mistress nag me less? Might be worth considering…)

3. You’ll never get ME on this death machine!

Motorcycles are so dangerous – I don’t know what you see in them…

How didn’t you kill yourself already?

I wouldn’t get on the back of your bike if you paid me.

What do I do with a biker?

(What he thinks: Hmm. What a great question.)

4. You know I think you love this bike more than me.

I noticed that you have more photos of your bike than mine.

You keep buying him presents.

When was the last time you bought me flowers anyway?

I never thought that dating a biker would mean replacing me with a bike.

(What he’s thinking: How much would a farewell bouquet set me back? Might be worth it…)

5. HOW MUCH did you spend on new pipes for your bike?

Were the old pipes broken – or what?

What a waste of money!

How can you justify that?

(What he thinks: It’s a motorcycle. No justification needed. And who gave you access to my bank statements?)

6. I went through your old motorcycle t-shirts and donated a whole batch to charity.

Some of them actually had holes!

I don’t know why you stuck with her.

Next I’ll work on your jeans collection.

(What he’s thinking: Why haven’t I changed the locks already?)

7. Why might you need another bike?

Nobody needs more than a motorbike, for sure!

What a waste of money!

How many toys do you need?

(What he thinks: It’s not a toy. It’s a work of art. And now I’m going to buy three more.)

8. Do you ever read those bike magazines?

Why don’t we recycle them and clean up some of that mess?

I’m so tired of seeing motorcycle magazines everywhere.

(What he’s thinking: Yes, you’re dating a biker. We love reading about bikes.)

9. Let’s just ditch the bike and buy a car we can BOTH have fun with.

It’s really selfish of you to keep spending money on the bike when we need a new car.

We could sell your bike and put the money in a car.

(What he thinks: About my dead body.)

10. Of course you can’t bring the bike in the house!

It’s dirty.

It stinks.

It’s in the way.

Just leave it in the garage where it belongs.

What’s wrong with you?

(What he’s thinking: Need to get a quote to widen the back door so I can bike into the living room.)

11. If you didn’t waste so much money on your motorbike, we could actually go on vacation.

Why not spend that much money on the bike and start saving for a romantic vacation?

Just the two of us.

No, not on the bike.

(What he’s thinking: Maybe I could take a motorcycle vacation and you could buy a one-way plane ticket to Anywhere Else.)

12. I want to put the car in the garage…

So you have to park the bike in the driveway from now on.

The car is more important than your motorcycle!

(What he’s thinking: What alien species are you?)

13. I can’t believe I even gave you a motorcycle.

i am so good to you

You really don’t deserve me, you know…

(What he’s thinking: That’s right. I really don’t deserve you. I deserve someone who understands me.)

14. I saw a guy almost get killed on a motorcycle today.

I hope you never speed or split traffic.

(This works GREAT as an icebreaker on a first biker date.)

(What he’s thinking: Has it occurred to you that the cars around the bike were probably acting crazy as usual?)

15. Do your friends have to come here by bike?

They are so loud and the neighbors always give me angry looks like it’s my fault.

Don’t you know normal people?

(What he’s thinking: Just you, darling. And not for long…)

16. Don’t you have t-shirts that aren’t related to motorcycles?

Why does everything you own have a bike logo or motorcycle rally graphic?

And why can’t you wear a real shirt when we go out to dinner?

(What he’s thinking: You’re dating a biker. Bikers have motorcycle t-shirts. I’m not complaining about your embarrassing cat t-shirts, but let’s be honest…)

17. Isn’t it about time you outgrew the bikes and just got a car?

You’re not a teenager anymore, you know?

How about acting like an adult?

(What he’s thinking: No problem. This adult is ready to be single again.)

18. Does your motorcycle have to be so loud?

It has to be quieter somehow, right?

What an obvious feature that draws attention.

(What he’s thinking: With the engine running, I can’t hear you speak.)

19. You only want a motorcycle because you’re having a mid-life crisis.

What’s next – a red Porsche?

You’re just ashamed.

(What he thinks: The only crisis here is that it’s time to get a new girlfriend.)

And one of my absolute favorites…

20. Well, if we have kids, you’ll have to sell the bike anyway!

Do we even have a future?

Motorcycles are far too dangerous to keep around children.

What kind of example would you give them?

(What he’s thinking: KIDS?!!! I’m out of here!)

So here are 20 examples of what not to say when dating a biker.

If you’re brave enough to experiment with too many of these little gems, you’ll need to get out of town until the heat wears off.

And when the time comes…

It might help to see the situation with new eyes:

The motorcycle in the garage is actually a good thing.

That’s one of the many perks of dating a biker.

The bike doesn’t have to be an obstacle getting in the way of your relationship.

It may be a way for you to embark on adventures together.

It can be a source of shared joy, not a topic for another argument.

So what will it be?

Biker Dating Disaster? Or biker dating bliss?

It all depends on your attitude!

Do you like this article?

Then you might love this one!

The 10 Worst Ways to Ask Women on Motorbike Rides

Photo credit: creatista @

Why do bikers kiss on the lips?

The Angels differentiated themselves from society by kissing each other on the mouth as a greeting and an opportunity to shock passers-by. The bikers’ kisses became immortalized in Hunter S.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Why do bikers kiss on the lips?

The angels distinguished themselves from society by kissing on the mouth as a greeting and as an opportunity to shock passers-by. The kisses of the bikers were immortalized in Hunter S.

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Is it good to kiss on a first date? Kissing on a first date is a great way to see if you have a romantic side to you. This can be a good sign that you have the same style as the date. Power for the heaters comes from an outside pole that can be rolled up in the window or closed in the door.

What is a biker chick?

The Biker Chicks are a team of female cyclists dedicated to getting more women into road cycling. Rides are open to any woman who wants to join us! We ride as a group and have a lot of fun doing it. What 4 types of cycles are there? 11 different types of bikes explained (with photos) Road bike. mountain bike. touring bike. folding bike. Fixed gear / racing bike. BMX. recumbent. Cruiser.

What is the famous bike?

There are 15 bikes available in India including popular bike models like TVS Jupiter, Royal Enfield Classic 350, TVS Jupiter 125, Yamaha YZF R15 V3, TVS Apache RTR 160. Top 10 Bikes in India. Model Ex-Showroom Price Yamaha YZF R15 V3 Rs. 1.57 – 1.59 lakh* TVS Apache RTR 160 Rs. 1.09 – 1.12 lakh* 8 more rows What do you call a 5 wheel bike? Pentacycle A pentacycle, (“hen and hens”), is a human-powered five-wheeled vehicle.


What does 81 mean to bikers? The Hells Angels nickname is The Red and White because the club colors are red and white. There are patches on jackets and vests. The number 81 is displayed in red and white on many patches. When you date a biker, you know they’re always on top of things because you need to be well trained to ride that long hours. There are 8. They are ambitious. They have goals in mind when they set them, from reaching a specific goal in a matter of hours to getting ahead in life.

What does 86 mean in the biker world?

Supposedly, during Prohibition, when it was a pub and was mugged by the police, the workers sometimes yelled “86!” This means exiting the bar via the 86 Bedford Street entrance. (There are about three entrances to the bar and one hidden exit.)

What does it mean when a biker puts his helmet on the ground?

All bikers know that putting the helmet on the floor is bad luck, what everyone doesn’t know is that; the helmet on the ground is the international rescue signal of the biker code.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Why does “Utah” always mean a larger SLC area? What about southern Utah?

I found some riding groups in SGU. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places. Motorbike owners/riders who want to get off and meet new people will drive 50-200 miles to a restaurant or cafe…

Why is riding a motorcycle so addictive?

Nature isn’t just a vague concept, it’s something we feel and smell and something which causes us both intense pain and intense pleasure. And in a way outsiders will never get to experience. Motorcycles change your perspective on life, they expand your horizons and they alter the way your mind is wired.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Drugs corrupt the body and mind. But people use them for a reason. They get you high, they take your worries away, and they’re addictive. bikes too. If you want to pick up an addiction, it might as well be this one. Here are 8 reasons why motorcycles are the best drug.

Motorcycles are legal

1) Motorcycles are legal

Would you like to get into motorcycling? Just go to the DMV, apply for a study permit and register for a course. A few weeks later, you’ll be licensed and free to enjoy yourself in a legally sanctioned way. All 50 states allow recreational motorcycle use and you can even bring your motorcycle across the border into Canada.

… somehow

Who would you rather do business with, a shady drug dealer in a dark alley or your “friendly” local motorcycle dealer… wait, don’t answer that. See, the deal here is that the cops sometimes leave you alone as long as you don’t bother other people. But motorcycling can affect the way you’re treated in the hospital if you’re injured in one… argh. Our legal system may also discriminate against you for use. OK, let’s just say the counterculture element can be part of the fun.

Motorcycles are safe

2) Motorcycles are safe

The high you get from motorcycles hasn’t been conclusively shown to clog your arteries, impair your brain function, cause your heart to stop, or collapse your septum.

…Once in a while

But it’s one of the most statistically dangerous things a person can do in this modern age. A lifetime of motorcycle abuse has left me with metal body parts, hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills, months of pain, significant scarring and permanent hearing loss. But the feeling you get from overcoming that danger is also part of what makes the ride worthwhile.

Motorcycles make you more attractive to the opposite sex

3) Motorcycles make you more attractive to the opposite sex

leather jacket? Check. Dirty jeans? Check. Confident appearance? Check. Devil may care attitude? Check. There’s a reason bikers are one of the most iconic images of the American man in his prime — women are into us. Are you female? do you ride a bike Can I have your number?

Motorcycles make you self-confident

4) Motorcycles make you self-confident

Somehow, using nothing but your wits to overcome danger has a way of making more mundane problems like a tough job, a crazy boss, or starting up conversations with a pretty girl pale in comparison. What others find creepy, we simply mock.

Continue reading: 8 reasons why motorcycles are the best drug >>

Motorbikes come with friends

Photo by Woody

5) Motorbikes come with friends

Is there any family as close-knit, as instantly welcoming, as endearingly awkward, or as helpful as the biker’s? I know there isn’t one that involves more spoons.

Motorcycles expand your consciousness

Photo by kamikazekyle10

6) Motorcycles expand your consciousness

The sights you see become more intense. Nature is not just a vague concept, it is something we feel and smell, and something that gives us both intense pain and intense pleasure. And in a way that outsiders will never know. Motorcycles change the way you look at life, they broaden your horizons and change the way your mind is wired.

Motorcycles make you forget your problems

7) Motorcycles make you forget your problems

Bad day at the office? girlfriend leaving you? Is there a more life-affirming experience than just hopping on a bike and riding? They keep you focused on nothing but the ride, and when you’re done all those issues just don’t seem so big.

Motorcycles justify their cost

8) Motorcycles justify their cost

READ MORE: 5 Fun Ass Cheap Bikes

drugs? money down the drain. But a motorcycle? It will probably cost you less to buy and own than a boring old car. You save on the purchase price, save on fuel and never get stuck in traffic again and pay no more parking as long as you live. Heck, you could probably sell your car today and use the proceeds to fund a full year of driving, a decision that will actually improve your life.

What would you add to this list?

Are motorcycles good for depression?

New Neurobiological Study Finds Riding a Motorcycle Can Decrease Stress and Improve Mental Focus.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Newswise – MILWAUKEE (March 2, 2021) – The results of a neurobiological study, published today in Brain Research, provide breakthrough scientific evidence demonstrating the potential mental and physical benefits of motorcycling.

The researchers recorded the participants’ brain activity and hormone levels before, during and after riding a motorcycle, driving a car and resting. When riding a motorcycle, participants experienced increased sensory focus and resilience to distraction. Horseback riding also resulted in increases in adrenaline and heart rate, and a decrease in cortisol levels — results often associated with light exercise and stress reduction.

“Stress levels, particularly among young adults, continue to rise and people are looking for ways to improve their mental and physical health. Until recently, there was no technology to rigorously measure the effects of activities like motorcycling on the brain,” said Dr. Don Vaughn, the neuroscientist who led the research team. “The brain is an amazingly complex organ, and it’s fascinating to rigorously study the physical and mental effects that drivers report.”

Result Highlights:

Motorcycling reduced hormonal stress biomarkers by 25%

Sensory focus was improved when riding a motorbike compared to driving a car, an effect also observed in experienced meditators versus non-meditators

Changes in study participants’ brain activity while driving indicated an increase in alertness, similar to that seen when drinking a cup of coffee

“While scientists have long studied the relationship between brain and hormone responses to attention and stress, in real-world conditions like these, this is rarely the case,” explained Professor and lead team member Dr. Mark Cohen. “No laboratory experiment can replicate the feelings a motorcyclist would have on the open road.”

“The differences in participants’ neurological and physiological responses between horseback riding and other measured activities were quite pronounced,” continued Dr. Vaughn gone. “This could be important for alleviating everyday stress.”

Research overview

The research team monitored the participants’ electrical brain activity and heart rate, as well as levels of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. The Harley-Davidson-funded study, entitled “The Mental and Physical Effects of Motorcycling,” measured the biological and physiological responses of more than 50 experienced motorcyclists using mobile EEG technology.

Disclaimer for Studies

Study on healthy, experienced adults who, under normal conditions, travel a specified 22-minute route on their own motorcycle. Provided for informational purposes only. Sponsor does not guarantee that you will achieve similar results; Actual effects will vary based on equipment, riding conditions and rider age/health/experience. See research summary here. The views expressed and conclusions drawn are solely those of the author, Dr. Don Vaughn, in his personal capacity and does not necessarily represent the views of UCLA. Sponsor: Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Copyright 2019, all rights reserved. Please contact the sponsor for permission to use or republish study data.

Is motorcycle good for mental health?

Motorcycle riding is beneficial for physical as well as mental and emotional health. There is an array of benefits and they are not limited to these listed. Riding off-road or on streets is a great way to enjoy physical exercise and clear your head for a while. But the big thing is, it helps your brain.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Written by

Clint Lawrence, Founder of Motorcycle Shippers. Giving riders more freedom to enjoy the bikes they love. [email protected]

You’ve probably heard how dangerous it is to ride a motorcycle. How you only have to risk your life on your bike and have a death wish. Motorcycling is mostly safe. It requires you to be extra alert and aware of your surroundings. You have more to think about, but you can still relax and enjoy the ride.

Whether you’re walking to the grocery store two blocks away or riding through open mountains in the fall, any rider will tell you there’s nothing quite like the rumble of the bike beneath you and the feeling of being “one” or “all” yours Bicycle.

It’s a lifestyle and a passion, and it also has numerous health benefits that you might not have known you could enjoy. You can enjoy these benefits regardless of whether you prefer to drive on-road or off-road. The advantages result from both types of driving.

spiritual outlook

When people think of health, they often see health strictly in terms of the physical body and tend to overlook mental health. Motorcycling is beneficial for physical as well as mental and emotional health. There are a number of benefits not limited to those listed. Off-road or on-road driving is a great way to get some physical exercise and clear your head for a while. But most importantly, it helps your brain.

It improves your mood. Plain and simple. Riding makes you happy and increases endorphins.

Horseback riding increases energy levels and your mental attitude. This works wonders when it comes to increasing your happiness and sanity, which in turn increases your lifespan. Who wouldn’t want to live a little longer to keep driving?

core strength and stability

Just driving and enjoying a scenic view or driving down the street to the grocery store can improve core strength. Think about it. You have to work your core just to keep yourself upright on a bike. Factor in some wind, and you’ll definitely train yourself a lot more.

Maintaining proper posture while riding also helps keep your body in shape and can improve muscle tone since it is a low-impact exercise.

neck strength

Horseback riding can also improve your neck strength. For some, this may not be a big deal, but for others with back problems or neck problems, it’s almost like therapy for your neck and back. Make sure your bike is assembled and adjusted correctly. Cranking or straining your neck does the opposite and you don’t want to harm your body.

Stronger knees and thighs

It can also help strengthen your knees and thighs. Those with knee or thigh problems will find that motorcycling is a form of physical therapy. It requires you to use your knees and thighs, but without putting too much strain on them. Over time, you will build muscle while eliminating all pain.

calorie burn

Have you ever thought that you get your daily workout just from your motorcycle seat? Riding is exhausting, especially compared to driving a car. You burn 50 calories just as a passenger on a motorcycle, but as a passenger in a car?

It also increases your insulin sensitivity. This helps your metabolism, which helps you burn calories and store less fat.

Riding is fun. It’s an experience. You can enjoy these health benefits without even trying. There’s nothing to complain about. Now go out and ride!

Motorcycle shipping services are available to ship your bike to far away events in the US and there are positive health benefits to cycling there.

What is two main things you should never do on a motorcycle?

5 Things NOT to Do on a Motorcycle
  • Never assume drivers have “seen” you or your motorcycle. …
  • Never ride out of your comfort zone. …
  • Never drink or take substances, then drive. …
  • Never wear the wrong gear for the wrong weather. …
  • If you’re in an accident, don’t assume you’re fine or it was your fault.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

With the warming weather, the motorcycle season is upon us. With the season ahead, it’s a good time to remind everyone to practice motorcycle safety on the road. For motorcyclists in particular, after a long Maine winter behind the wheel of a car, it’s important to refocus and reacquaint yourself with the do’s and don’ts of motorcycling. If you’re hitting back roads and back roads this spring and summer, don’t forget these 5 things NOT to do on a motorcycle.

Never assume riders have “seen” you or your motorcycle.

In terms of vulnerability, there is no doubt that motorcyclists are at a higher risk of having an accident than the other vehicles they share the roads with. The number one cause of motorcycle accidents is distracted riders who simply do not see or recognize a motorcycle approaching in traffic. Too often, other drivers can misjudge or misjudge the speed and distance that motorcyclists travel when entering traffic circles. Statistically, most riders don’t see a motorcycle before a collision or until it’s too late to avoid an accident. Therefore, it is vital for motorcyclists to never assume the ‘other man’ is seeing them and to remain vigilant and alert to other motorists at all times in traffic to ensure their safety.

Motorcyclists and all riders can benefit from practicing heightened awareness while riding. This includes knowing road conditions and traffic patterns, assessing risk potential and options, and reacting on the road in a controlled and precise manner. Be sure to use signals and stay in lane when riding the motorcycle. One way to make your motorcycle more visible in traffic is to turn on your headlights during the day.

Never ride outside of your comfort zone.

When hitting the road, it’s important, especially early in the season, to ride at a pace and maintain a speed that you’re comfortable with. Being in a comfort zone means knowing and trusting your abilities. Your bike should suit you. It shouldn’t feel heavy or be more than you can handle. For example, you should be able to easily reach the handlebars and controls. When sitting, your feet should be flat on the floor, not on tiptoe.

Knowing the road you are on also plays a role in establishing a comfort zone. The more familiar you are with it – with its curves and bends, surface features, intersections and the like – the easier it is to focus on safety. Riding in your comfort zone makes for a safer and more enjoyable ride.

Never drink or ingest substances, then drive.

As previously mentioned, vigilance and awareness is key to ensuring safety while riding a motorcycle. It’s always worth noting that driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol (DUI), let alone a motorcycle, is not only dangerous but also foolish. Drivers are considered alcohol impaired with blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) of 0.08 g/dl or higher. Study after study clearly shows that alcohol is the most significant contributor to accident risk for all vehicle types. For motorcyclists, the results are even grimmer. Of all motor vehicle types and classes, motorcycles account for the highest proportion of fatalities with a restricted driver’s license.

Never wear the wrong gear for the wrong weather.

Wearing the right gear is essential for motorcyclists. Each afternoon, bikers can be exposed to a combination of the elements – bright sunshine, wind, rain, hail, even sudden snow or sleet – which can present multiple riding hazards. The right gear then offers the best protection from the elements. But the material is also specifically designed to provide rider safety and comfort. Helmet, eye protection, booties, gloves, long sleeve jacket and long trousers are standard for safety, but offer tighter wind seals at the neck, wrists and ankles designed for a comfortable fit.

If you have an accident, don’t assume you’re okay or that it was your fault.

Although a motorcycle accident often results in serious consequences and injuries, in some cases an accident can be minor. In this case, even if you have a minor accident, you should never assume that you will be fine. In fact, in the event of an accident, you should never refuse or refuse medical treatment at the scene of an accident. In the adrenaline rush after an accident, many injuries only show up hours later. Also, never admit a mistake. Negligence is very often comparative and there can be a lot of negligence. Extenuating circumstances such as a poorly maintained road or multiple drivers driving through an intersection from different directions can cause more than one driver to make a mistake or miscalculate.

Featured Image: Attorney Chris Lewis

Which foot to put down when stopping a motorcycle?

-Which foot to put down when stopping a motorcycle? Put your left foot down. This way your right foot still has control over the rear brake.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Whether it’s riding a touring bike cross-country or riding a motorcycle through traffic on the highway, we’ve all seen motorcyclists enjoying their rides. If it looks like fun to you, you probably will.

“But can I?” The answer is yes!

Is it hard to learn to ride a motorcycle?

Anyone can learn to ride a motorcycle, especially if they start with motorcycle safety training (more on that later). Motorcycles are not difficult to ride, but you should familiarize yourself with the controls and proper riding technique before riding.

How long does it take to learn to ride a motorcycle?

How long it takes to get comfortable varies from person to person, but if you have previous experience on a bike or dirt bike, you’ll likely get up to speed faster. It also varies from bike to bike, but if you start with a small bike, things get easier.

What riding equipment do I need?

You want the best riding gear and that it covers your body from head to toe. Luckily, motorcycle clothing is designed to enhance your riding experience by keeping you comfortable no matter the weather. It also looks cool.

– Get a helmet

A helmet is essential for riders. Ideally, have your helmet fitted by a professional so you have the best fitting helmet. A full face helmet offers the best protection.

– Get a jacket

Your jacket should be made of either leather or abrasion-resistant textile. Motorcycle clothing differs from normal clothing in several ways. Stitching is double or triple stitched to reinforce stitching and increase strength. Motorcycle clothing should fit snugly so it doesn’t flap in the wind. You should try your jacket by sitting in the position you will be sitting in when riding. Make sure you are comfortable and if there is body armor available that it does not dig into your body or move.

-Motorcycle boots and gloves

Your boots should be sturdy, oil resistant, have non-slip soles, provide good ankle support, and cover your ankles. Also look for boots with strong toe boxes.

Gloves are also very important as protecting your hands from the elements is key. There are many options for all riding styles and weather conditions including wind, rain and cold. Look for strong materials and ones that cover your entire hand.

Which motorcycle insurance do I need?

The type of bike insurance you need can vary from state to state. At a minimum, you should want liability insurance covering the property and welfare of another driver. You want comprehensive insurance for yourself to cover damage to your bike.

And if you’re going on a long journey, you might want roadside assistance to get you out of traffic. This can be especially useful if your bike only needs minor repairs so you don’t have to scrap your entire trip.

What are the best entry-level bikes?

The Harley-Davidson Street® 500 is an ideal entry-level motorcycle once you have completed your first motorcycle safety course. You can use it for daily commutes or weekend trips. It’s equipped with an anti-lock option, which is great for beginners who might panic and apply the brakes too hard. Another great choice is the Harley-Davidson® Superlow®, which is ergonomically designed to easily drive hundreds of miles a day without feeling tight. Of course you can also just go shopping with it.

-Engine size less than 600cc

Most beginners start with a bike that has a 600cc engine or smaller. A bike with such a motor may be too small for a taller rider or too big for a shorter rider, so it’s important to choose a bike that fits you. Overall, the 600cc range is a good place for a first-time rider to get a handle on things.

-Anti-lock braking system (ABS)

As a new driver, you risk applying the brakes too hard. This is why an anti-lock braking system is a useful feature, as it prevents your tires and brakes from locking up and slipping if you brake too hard.


A windshield or fairing on the front of your bike can be very useful as you can simply tuck it behind you to protect yourself from the wind and weather. Without a windbreak, you can tire from the exertion required to fight the force of the wind while riding. A windshield can also repel road debris and insects.

-seat height

Proper rider ergonomics is paramount. To be comfortable stopping and standing, you need to find a seat height that more or less matches your inseam. A seat that is too high will cause you to stand on tiptoe, while a seat that is too low will make it too easy to touch the ground. Find your golden mean and you will feel just right.

-Handlebar height

Handlebars set at the wrong height will only add to your ride fatigue and discomfort. Ideally, your elbows should only be slightly bent when you are on the bike to reach the controls. The handlebar height is regulated in many places. Make sure your motorcycle complies with the regulations in force.

How do I assemble a motorcycle?

You’ll manage to get on your bike, although it can be awkward the first few times you do it. Stand on the left side of your bike. Bend your knees slightly and center your weight on your legs. Take the right handle in your right hand and the left handle in your left hand. Shift your weight onto your left leg, then step your right leg up and over the bike. Make sure it’s a high kick so your leg doesn’t get caught on the bike before your leg has finished its journey.

Once you’re on the bike, familiarize yourself with all the controls again. Note the position of the footpegs and where the turn signals, horn and lights are located. Double check that the mirrors are positioned the way you like them.

What should I know about motorcycle controls?

How do you make your bike stop and start, and what do you do in between? The answer to this question can be found in the controller.

-The hyphen

What is written on a bike’s dashboard varies from bike to bike. But what you will always find is a speedometer, which in most countries must be illuminated even in the dark so that you can see your speed at night. Most dashboards also have a tachometer (revolutions per minute). You want to avoid driving in the red zone (it’s bad for your engine).

-The mirror

Mirrors are mandatory on both sides in most countries. They are your friends, so make good use of them.

-The blinkers

Modern motorcycles are required to be equipped with turn signals (motorcycles manufactured before 1973 do not have this requirement). Turn signals let everyone around you know you are turning. The controls are located either on the left handlebar or on most H-D motorcycles there are two controls, one on each handlebar switch pack. They are designed to be activated with the thumb. Most non-H-D bikes don’t cancel the turn signals themselves once the turn is made, so it’s up to you to keep things neat.

-The kill switch

This is an emergency stop switch located on the right handlebar on most modern bicycles. It’s not the only way to turn off your bike, but it can be very useful since you don’t have to look for it to use it. When you use your bike, your off switch is in the run position.

-The starter button

The power button is usually located under the power button. Many launch buttons have circular arrows with a lightning bolt in the center so you can identify them.

What should I know about gas and brakes?

The left side of your bike controls gears, while the right side controls acceleration and braking. It may seem like a little getting used to, but with enough practice, the bike will feel like an extension of yourself, and your graceful movements will result in effortless rides.

-The throttle

The throttle controls the speed of your ride. On the right end of the handlebar you will find the throttle lever. Turning your right wrist toward you increases the amount of throttle you give the engine. If you turn your wrist away from you, the engine gets less gas. You always want to start with your wrist in a flat position. With enough practice, your throttle will allow you to smoothly accelerate and decelerate your ride, as opposed to a jerky ride.

-The front brake lever

The front brake is located on the right side of the handlebar.

-The rear brake lever

The rear brake is located on the right side of your bike near your right foot.

What do I need to know about the clutch?

The clutch is used to change gears. Pulling the clutch disengages the engine from the transmission so you can shift. You’ll also pull the clutch when you stop and slowly release it to start moving again.

-The clutch lever

The hand-clutch lever is usually located on the left handlebar and is used to disconnect power from the rear wheel when you’re shifting.

-The shifter

While pulling the clutch lever, use the shifter to shift up or down a gear. The shifter is most likely next to your left foot.

How do I start my motorcycle?

Now that you know where the clutch and gears are, you can finally start your bike.

Place the key in the motorcycle ignition and pull the choke all the way out unless the motorcycle has been running previously. Turn the ignition key to the “on” position and make sure the kill switch is in the “run” position.

With the motorcycle gear shift lever in the neutral position, use your left hand to fully depress the motorcycle clutch lever to the grip.

Press the start button with your right thumb and allow the engine to crank until the engine fires before releasing the start button. Gradually advance the choke over a period of several minutes while the motorcycle engine warms up.

Should I warm up the engine?

Unlike cars, you actually need to warm up your bike. So allow your bike to warm up for about 45 seconds after starting. Do not rev the engine during this time.

What do I need to know about side stands or center stands?

Today, some bikes are built to turn off automatically when the kickstand is down. If your bike doesn’t do this, manually retract your kickstand with your left foot. Just tilt it up so the kickstand fits almost under the underbody of your bike.

Center stands, on the other hand, need to rock the bike forward. To do this, stand to the left of your bike, place your hand on the left handlebar and straighten the front tire. Use your right foot to check that the main stand is on the ground. Next, gently push the bike forward so the center stand snaps into place and pops out.

Should I take a motorcycle safety course?

Yes. A motorcycle safety or H-D Riding Academy course is the best way to learn directly from experienced instructors. This is not only a course for new riders but also a great refresher course for those returning to the sport. With some insurance companies, taking a safety course can also save you money on your insurance policy.

Additionally, a safety course can provide you with a training bike to learn on, which is useful if you want to learn but don’t already own a bike. Don’t be surprised if there is an instructional part of the course. Many courses even end with you taking an exam to get your motorcycle license or endorsement.

How do I ride and steer my bike?

The engine has warmed up, you have shifted into first gear, you have released the clutch lever and accelerated at the same time. Now you are literally moving.

Accelerate a little and put your feet on the pegs. Keep going while releasing the clutch and accelerating to increase speed. When you want to take a break, pull the clutch lever and slowly apply the front and rear brakes at the same time. Your left foot is used to stabilize the bike when you stop, and once you come to a complete stop you can put your right foot on the ground as well.

Turning is easier to make than to explain, so trust yourself when you’re really driving. The way the steering works is that once you hit 10mph, you lean slightly in the direction you want to turn while pushing the appropriate handle away from you. So if you want to go right, lean right and push the right handle away from you.

How do I shift gears?

To change gears, use your left foot. It takes practice to shift through the gears and especially to find neutral. However, you’ll know you’re idling when the green “N” lights up on your gauge.

Some bikes can be shifted without using the clutch, but it’s a good idea to use the clutch every time you shift. Pull in the clutch lever, shift gears, and then slowly release the clutch lever. That way shifting will be a smooth transition. Do not over-rev in any gear or shift before the engine is over-working.

What are other good driving habits?

The best way to have a fun ride is to have a safe ride. Because safe driving improves the quality of your journey and gives you a better driving experience. Follow these best practices to get the most out of your travels.

– Leave your heels in

If your bike is a sports bike, you will see small metal plates in the shape of diamonds near the footpegs. They’re there for you to push your heels into. This should make you feel more confident and in control. If you really want to test this, ride with your heels on for a week and then ride without your heels on. You will feel like your feet are just hanging.

– Loose at the top, tight at the bottom

When you ride, you want to grip the bike with your thighs and ankles. This will help you stay attached to your bike if you hit a big bump or pothole. Meanwhile, you don’t want to grip the top of your bike so tightly that you can’t control it properly. Instead, be loose enough to wiggle your elbows. Remember, riding a bike should be graceful and effortless.

– Do not brake in a corner / accelerate in a corner

You don’t want to brake while cornering because your bike will straighten up. Instead, start braking before you even get into a turn. When you exit the turn, slowly start accelerating to pick up your speed again.

-Look through curves

When turning, look ahead as far as possible, not just straight ahead. This makes turning less scary and allows you to see what’s ahead and make your turns more efficiently.

-Keep visor closed

It’s worth repeating over and over again: protect your eyes. Harmful UV rays, foreign objects thrown into the face and the interference of sunlight are avoided when you wear a visor. If you really need some ventilation, you can raise it an inch.

– Suppose you are invisible

Motorbikes are difficult for others to interact with, so just assume no one can see you so you ride as safely as possible. Your bike’s speed and maneuverability can get you out of many jams, but you’ll also keep yourself out of jams if you expect them to happen.

Other Frequently Asked Questions:

We’re just scratching the surface of learning to ride a bike. Here are some things you’ll find out if you dig a little deeper.

– Can you skip gears on a motorcycle?

Don’t skip aisles. Plain and simple.

-Are heavy motorcycles difficult to ride?

At high speed, heavy bikes are no different from other types of bikes. However, heavy bikes present a challenge when ridden at slow speeds and in tight spots. But like riding any bike, a heavier bike can be mastered with practice.

-Which foot should I put when stopping a motorcycle?

Put your left foot down. That way, your right foot still has control of the rear brake.

-How do you balance a motorcycle?

You can practice balancing your bike by setting up your bike stand and simply standing on the pegs. If you feel the bike falling in a certain direction, place your foot in the direction the bike is falling to catch it. Repeat this until you have mastered balancing your bike.

-Why is the first gear down on a motorcycle?

First gear is primarily used to get your bike from standstill to starting condition. You don’t normally drive in first gear.

There are reasons manufacturers place neutral between first gear and the other gears. This is especially important when going uphill or downhill. If you’re going down a hill and find your brakes aren’t working, you’ll need to start downshifting so the motor can assist you in decelerating. If the last gear was neutral, you wouldn’t be able to start your engine.

Meanwhile, if you’re going up a hill and want to stop, you need your bike in 1st gear to continue the ride, not neutral or any other gear. So if you have first gear last in both cases, you can quickly turn on your engine and take appropriate action.

-Do you have to be strong to ride a motorcycle?

No, your strength only comes into play if your bike falls over and you need to pick it up.

Conclusion on learning to ride a motorcycle

You can do it.

Motorcycling is so much fun that the effort it takes to learn is a pleasure in itself. Sure, you may worry and struggle, but since the challenge is part of the reward, you’ll be grateful for every step along the path you’ve chosen to pursue your dream.

Related Links:

Originally published on Harley-Davidson Insurance The Open Road Blog on April 3, 2020.

Ready for the next step? Check out the Harley Ride Simulator. Not quite there? Check out this article: Just do it – Overcome your fears.

Is it hard for a woman to ride a motorcycle?

The short answer is that a girl can absolutely ride a motorcycle. It’s important to note that different types of motorcycles may be more comfortable for girls than others, but they can absolutely ride any bike that they choose to. In fact, more women are starting to ride motorcycles than ever before.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

When you start talking about motorcycles you might be wondering about the different aspects of them and how they work. But you might also be wondering about motorcycling for women.

After all, it can be a very different experience for a woman to ride a motorcycle than for a man. That’s why we’re going to talk about what women should know when they decide to go cycling.

Can a girl ride a motorcycle?

The short answer is that a girl absolutely can ride a motorcycle. It is important to note that different types of motorcycles may be more convenient for girls than others, but they can ride absolutely any bike they want. In fact, more women than ever are taking up motorcycling.

Motorbikes come in all sorts of sizes, shapes and styles and this makes it even easier for a girl to find the type of motorbike that she feels most comfortable on. You no longer have to ride a bike that’s way too big or too heavy for you as more and more manufacturers start building bikes for women. They make them easier and more convenient for female drivers.

Can a little girl ride a motorcycle?

A little girl can still ride a motorcycle with ease as long as she chooses a bike that is comfortable for her. Some bikes are quite large and can be difficult or uncomfortable to ride if you’re small, but finding something light to ride will come down to personal preference.

Even if you are little, you can still enjoy motorcycling. Cars are often made for taller people, but that doesn’t mean you can’t drive. The same applies to a motorcycle.

There are many of them that are suitable for smaller riders and will ensure you are comfortable while riding. All you have to do is do a little research to find some of the most comfortable styles and make sure you try them on before you buy.

What percentage of motorcyclists are women?

The proportion of women motorcycling continues to rise, with only 9.6% of motorcyclists in 2003 being women. But in 2018, about 19% of motorcyclists on the road were women, and it’s likely that number will continue to rise.

Over the years, the proportion of female motorcyclists is likely to continue to increase. That’s because more and more women are riding. This is also because younger generations have a higher proportion of female drivers, which is likely to continue to increase over time.

What is a good motorcycle for a woman?

If you are looking for a good motorcycle for a woman, you should mainly look at the characteristics. Almost any motorcycle could be good depending on the woman who will be riding it. Pay attention to factors such as weight, center of gravity, dimensions, power and handling.

Typically, women need a bike that is slightly lighter and smaller than a bike that men ride. That’s because they tend to be smaller and may have trouble maneuvering or handling a larger bike.

It can also be difficult to get a comfortable ride if the bike is too big. A lower center of gravity can also be a good thing, as women tend to be shorter than men on average.

Just because you’re looking for something smaller doesn’t mean you want to sacrifice the features. So choose something that performs well and is easy to use and maintain. You want a quality bike that you enjoy getting out and riding.

What should a girl wear on a motorcycle tour?

You can wear whatever you want on a motorcycle ride, but it will be much more comfortable if you wear clothing that covers well. This includes a full face helmet, long trousers, boots and a long jacket with gloves.

Wearing clothing that covers you well is important on a motorcycle because of the risk of injury. When you fall off a bike, the impact with the ground is extremely hard and can be very damaging, at least to the skin.

Wearing clothing that fully covers all visible skin will help protect you in the event of an accident or fall. Not to mention that it protects you from bugs while driving.

Can you ride a motorcycle in a dress?

Again, the short answer is yes. You can ride in a dress, but you should be very careful with it. Skirts can be a problem either way. Skirts that are too short could affect modesty and skirts that are too long could affect safety.

A short skirt could ride up while riding, which can be uncomfortable and show more than you intend. This is especially true on a motorcycle where the bike pinches on the sides of your skirt. However, if you wear a skirt that is too long, it could catch on the bike’s components. In this case, there is an even greater risk of injury from burns or even from your bike falling in general.

If you’re going to be wearing a dress or skirt, it’s a good idea to opt for a mid-length skirt or one that’s a little more fitted, rather than something that’s too long or too flowy. Just make sure you are comfortable with how high it might climb during your ride.


Girls and women have started to join the cyclist crowd at a much faster rate in recent years. They’re starting to think of motorcycles as a fun hobby that they want to try too, and there’s absolutely a chance they’ll find a great bike as long as they know what they’re looking for.


Which bike is most attractive?

  • KTM RC390.
  • KTM 390 Duke.
  • Royal Enfield Continental GT.
  • Royal Enfield Classic Desert Storm.
  • Bajaj Pulsar RS200.
  • Bajaj Pulsar 200NS.
  • TVS Apache RTR 180.
  • Yamaha FZS FI.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Today, motorcycle brands compete on many levels, including design. Here we have ranked 10 of the most beautiful motorcycles made in India.

Motorcycles have become much more than just a convenience. It’s more than price and specs. In order to generate more sales, motorcycle brands compete on many levels.

Including design.

This is especially true for more expensive bikes.

Bikers have become more discerning and demanding when purchasing their next motorcycle. Aesthetics play an important role today. The reason is that a motorcycle is perceived as a reflection of a person. The motorcycle design reflects the lifestyle of a motorcyclist.

As a result, top brands attract the best designers to design their new bike models and get more sales. Even in economy class, some motorcycles get really exquisite styles.

Another trend is that many top international motorcycle companies are now moving their manufacturing facilities to India.

Historically, there is a huge market in India with diverse demographics. The reason is that motorcycles are much more economical than cars and most families in India prefer bicycles. Therefore, every year in India, motorcycle companies open production facilities, stores and launch new models. And this in turn creates even more competition for motorcycle brands and the need to better satisfy bikers’ aesthetic preferences.

A brand new phenomenon in the history of motorcycles in India.

What’s in it for us?


This brings benefits to both bikers and businesses in India. Businesses get significantly lower labor costs and one of the largest markets in the world. The biker community and enthusiasts, on the other hand, can enjoy some of the best and most beautiful motorcycles at a lower price. All made in India!

Below we present a compilation of the top 10 most beautiful motorcycles made in India. Both from international and Indian motorcycle brands. The good thing is that many of them are not as expensive as they used to be.


Hey! We have created a cool infographic to go with the article! Click the link to check it out. Take me straight to the infographics!.

1. KTM RC390

There wasn’t a single biker in the country who wasn’t thrilled to see the first-ever KTM hit the Indian streets. That’s when the KTM 200 Duke was introduced to us.

Since then, Bajaj Auto Ltd. revolutionized the Indian motorcycle scene with the launch of their KTM range. KTM RC390 is the latest and one of the nicest offerings from their stable, having launched in 2014. There is a sense of urgency in the RC390 that makes it such a special and fun bike.

KTM now makes this beast of a bike at their Pune factory. Two years after its launch in India the bike has seen very few upgrades but no one is complaining as it comes in such a good package. One of the most powerful engines we’ve ever seen in this segment, combined with KTM’s visible racing genes. The new KTM RC390 is certainly one of the most popular motorcycles made in India today.

Main features:

Liquid-cooled single-cylinder four-stroke engine

Displacement of 373.2 cm3

6 speed transmission

Powder-coated steel trellis frame

Dual channel ABS

Price: INR 2.14 lakh (ex showroom)

2. KTM 390 Duke

The second bike on our list is none other than the KTM RC 390’s popular naked sister, the KTM 390 Duke. I remember the first time I took one of these beauties for a quick spin.

It was great!

The rush you feel as you twist the throttle on this beautiful machine is just out of this world. With its impressive power-to-weight ratio of 296 hp per ton, it pulls you like no other motorcycle in this segment. I have to admit that it takes a little getting used to. In fact, in terms of performance, the KTM 390 Duke’s engine behaves as if it had a much larger displacement. As such, it seems like it’s in a class of its own that only the KTM RC 390 can match.

See also: KTM Duke 390 2017 review

The KTM 390 Duke is certainly the “Made in India” motorcycle that raised the expectations of Indian motorcyclists and in many ways has forced other Indian motorcycle manufacturers to seriously reconsider their offerings in the country. The bike, while not the best in comfort, can be a great tourer by adding a gel based seat to replace the stock seat that comes with it.

Main features:

Liquid-cooled single-cylinder four-stroke engine

Displacement of 373.2 cm3

6 speed transmission

Powder-coated steel trellis frame

Dual channel ABS

Price: INR 1.99 lakh (ex showroom)

3. Royal Enfield Continental GT

Most of us know Royal Enfield as a motorcycle brand like no other. They are the makers of the famous Bullet, the only motorcycle with the longest production run in history.

Royal Enfield machines have long retained their old-school look but are still very attractive to their loyal customers. However, in 2014, the company decided to add a new member to its product line – the Continental GT.

This café racer inspired the beauty of a machine. It was an instant hit with the country’s motorcycling community. The list of modern equipment on this mean machine was a big step forward for the company and just made it a very attractive proposition, even for first-time buyers.

The Continental GT is also the fastest of any Royal Enfield motorcycle to date. It is equipped with a 535 cc UCE (Unit Construction Engine) that produces a whopping 29.1 hp of power and 44 Nm of torque. These numbers might not look too impressive, but combined with the bike’s light weight and a far better power-to-weight ratio, they make the Continental GT a super responsive vehicle. The fact that this bike is made in India makes it even better.

Main features:

Air-cooled single-cylinder four-stroke engine

Displacement of 535 cm3

5 speed transmission

Keihin Electronic Fuel Injection

Double down tube frame

Price: INR 1.98 lakh (ex showroom)

4. Classic Royal Enfield Desert Storm

Here’s another Royal Enfield, first introduced in 2012, the Classic Desert Storm.

What a design!

Isn’t this really one of the most beautiful motorcycles made in India?

What gives the Classic Desert Storm an edge over the other bikes is the unique matte khaki paint finish that gives it an amazing look. Royal Enfield has always been confident in dominating the streets with their vintage but beautiful machines. The Classic Desert Storm is definitely an attractive proposition for all RE fans in the country.

With a single-cylinder, four-stroke Twinspark engine, this old-school RE has plenty to offer the die-hard devotee of the brand. The chassis houses a 499cc engine that delivers an impressive power output of 27.58hp and maximum torque of 41.3Nm.

One of Royal Enfield’s greatest achievements was the introduction of this bike with a much higher mileage. The Classic Desert Storm offers almost 30kmpl mileage on city streets that continues to climb on the highway.

Main features:

Single-cylinder four-stroke Twinspark engine

Displacement of 499 cm3

5 speed transmission

Keihin Electronic Fuel Injection

Single down tube, with motor as the loaded element

Price: INR 1.71 lakh (ex showroom)

5. Bajaj Pulsar RS200

Bajaj’s Pulsar line of motorcycles has been a huge hit with Indian bikers since the very first Pulsar hit the market in 2001. Since then, many Pulsar variants have been introduced by the company. The Pulsar RS200 is by far the most advanced and best equipped of any Pulsar to date.

This full-fledged sport bike follows the earlier Pulsar 200NS model, which was also very successful. With attractive features, stunning looks, and the adrenaline rush you get from riding the Pulsar RS200, it has captured the eyes of bike enthusiasts and bike lovers like no other Pulsar has done before. The rush and raw power that the bike exudes, I have to admit, is simply impressive. The motorcycle develops 24.5 hp at 9750 rpm and has a 6-speed gearbox.

Main features:

Liquid-cooled, single-cylinder, four-stroke engine with triple spark

Displacement of 199.5 cm3

6 speed transmission

Fuel injection (FI) system.

perimeter frame

Price: INR 1.26 lakh (ex showroom)

6. Bajaj Pulsar 200NS

Bajaj is an Indian brand and therefore has a good grip on the Indian market in the automotive segment. The company has been there for many years and produces world-class bicycles for the Indian market.

Bajaj Pulsar 200NS is one of the best naked sports bikes in the 200cc segment. Uncompromising in performance, build quality and looks, the bike has everything to attract the country’s young bike enthusiasts.

It is powered by a SOHC triple spark 4-valve engine that produces 23.17 hp at 9500 rpm. It also features alloy wheels, split seats for better comfort, sharp edges, etc. for better performance and looks.

Main features:

Liquid-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder SOHC 4V engine

Displacement of 199.5 cm3

6 speed transmission

Fuel injection (FI) system.

Stamped steel frame

Price: 85,200 INR (ex-showroom)

7. Apache RTR 180 TV

TVS Apache RTR 180 falls into India’s most popular 180cc segment.

TVS has released this ABS equipped model, making it the first bike of its kind to come with the much needed safety feature. This particular model of the RTR has revised headlights with LED. The overall sharp-edged look of the bike makes this machine look mean and sporty in my opinion. It is powered by a 177.4cc, 17.03hp, 4-stroke engine with a 5-speed manual gearbox.

Being an Indian made bike the mileage cannot be undermined and that is exactly what TVS has taken care of as the bike can easily offer 47kmpl mileage on the highway.

The compact yet powerful TVS Apache RTR 180 with its razor sharp looks offers the Indian bikers a perfect mix to fall in love with. This is one of the main reasons why you can still find many Apache RTR 180s on the Indian roads.

Main features:

Single-cylinder, 4-stroke, 2-valve engine

Displacement of 177.4 cm3

6 speed transmission

IDI dual mode digital ignition

SynchroSTIFF double cradle

Price: INR 77,519 (ex showroom)

8. Yamaha FZS FI

The Yamaha FZS FI – a very stylishly designed bike. And… One of the finest motorcycles made in India.

It’s a 149cc bike with a super aggressive look that makes it much sportier than the other bikes of its generation and class. It has a 149cc four-stroke engine with a 5-speed manual gearbox. As a result, the engine of the Yamaha FZS FI delivers a whopping 14 hp at 7500 rpm. In addition to the powerful engine performance, the bike also impresses in terms of handling and cornering behavior compared to many other bikes in this segment.

The Yamaha machine is literally the king of today’s 150cc motorcycle segment in India. It also offers a mileage of 47 kmpl on the highway, making it one of the most economical motorcycles in its category. I know this firsthand, having owned one of these beautiful machines for a long time.

This is the bike that Ramaiah Chiranthana rode on his incredible 2016 Four Corners of India solo ride, covering over 12,000km in 34 days.

Main features:

Single cylinder, air-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC, 2V engine

Displacement of 149 cm3

5 speed transmission

All new Yamaha fuel injection

diamond frame

Price: INR 74,491 (ex showroom)

9. Royal Enfield Classic 500

The RE Classic 500 is another model from the legendary motorcycle manufacturer from India.

This classic looking machine. One of the most popular bikes originating in India. Besides the improved engine and performance, the looks of this beautiful RE is also a great added value to the bike.

At the heart of this beautiful thumper is the latest of the Twinspark RE engines, enabling the Classic 500 to produce a peak power of 27.2 hp. Of all the REs, the Classic 500 is certainly one of the more controllable bikes, giving it much-needed stability when riding at high speeds, around town or on the highway.

Main features:

Single-cylinder four-stroke Twinspark engine

Displacement of 499 cm3

5 speed transmission

Keihin Electronic Fuel Injection

Single down tube, with motor as the loaded element

Price: INR 1.71 lakh (ex showroom)

10. Honda CBR250R

Honda motorcycles have long been synonymous with performance bikes in India. In fact, there is no doubt that Honda motorcycles have always been in great demand because of the reliability they offer buyers.

With its high quality finish, superbly refined engine and modern, sporty looks, the CBR 250R is sure to be the dream bike of many motorcycle enthusiasts across the country today.

The overall weight of the bike is only 167 kg, which is lighter than many other bikes in its category, making it better at high acceleration and higher top speed. It is equipped with a 249.6cc 4-stroke engine that offers 26.15 HP of power at 8500 rpm.

There are rumors that Honda will soon introduce a special edition bike as well. Its name is CBR 250R Repsol. The new bike will offer fans of the brand slightly higher performance. As it also comes with optional ABS, the CBR 250R has a clear advantage over all other bikes in this segment.

Main features:

Liquid-cooled 4-stroke petrol engine

Displacement of 249.6 cm3

6 speed transmission

4 valve, DOHC

Price: INR 1.73 (ex showroom)

Many more beautiful motorcycles will follow

So these are some of the finest Indian made motorcycles that have won over millions of riders in the country today. There are many more emerging motorcycle manufacturers preparing to set up their manufacturing base in India and to promote their offerings to the Indian motorcycle enthusiasts. We will continue to keep an eye on them for you and keep you up to date with all the news. In any case, the world of Indian-made motorcycles is sure to see a revolution in the years to come.

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What do you think is the most beautiful bike made in India?

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Which is the No 1 bike in India?

1. Royal Enfield Meteor 350 | Starting from: ₹ 2,01,600. Available in 3 variants and 7 colour options, Royal enfield Meteor 350 gets its power from a BS6 engine that churns out a maximum power of 20.2 HP at 6,100 rpm and a peak torque of 27 Nm at 4,000 rpm.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Below is the list of the 10 best bikes to buy in India along with ex-showroom prices in Delhi and features.

1. Royal Enfield Meteor 350 | From: ₹2,01,600 (Source: Available in 3 variants and 7 color options, the Royal Enfield Meteor 350 is powered by a BS6 engine that produces a maximum power of 20.2 HP at 6,100 rpm and a peak torque of 27 Nm at 4,000 rpm. In addition, the advanced semi-digital instrument cluster, navigation system and LED DRLs make it a top preference among motorists. Characteristics Engine type: single-cylinder, liquid-cooled

: Single cylinder, liquid-cooled Displacement : 334 cm³

: 334 cc Mileage : 35 kmpl (approx.)

: 35 kmpl (approx.) Fuel capacity : 15 litres

: 15 liters Top speed : 120 km/h (approx.)

: 120 km/h (approx.) Curb weight: 191 kg

2. Yezdi Roadster | From: ₹1.98.100 (Source: Bike enthusiasts looking to invest in a reliable sports bike can consider roadsters from local manufacturer Ideal Jawa Yezdi. It is powered by a Jawa Perak-derived BS6 engine that produces 29.7 hp of maximum power at 7,300 rpm and 29 Nm of maximum torque at 6,500 rpm. Additionally, the feature list includes full LED lighting, a digital instrument cluster and more. Characteristics Engine type: single-cylinder, liquid-cooled

: Single cylinder, liquid-cooled Displacement : 334 cm³

: 334 cc Mileage : 30 kmpl (approx.)

: 30 kmpl (approx.) Fuel capacity : 12.5 litres

: 12.5 liters Top speed : 140 km/h (approx.)

: 140 km/h (approx.) Curb weight: 184 kg

3. Royal Enfield Classic 350 | From: ₹1.87.200 (Source: Available in 5 variants and 12 color options, the Classic 350 is one of the best selling models in India from the Royal Enfield stable. Paired with a 5-speed gearbox, the engine delivers 20.2 hp at 6,100 rpm and 27 Nm of maximum torque at 4,000 rpm. It also has a semi-digital instrument cluster with analogue speedometer, LCD screen, clock, etc. Characteristics Engine type: Single cylinder, air-oil cooled, 4-stroke

: Single-cylinder, air-oil-cooled, 4-stroke Displacement : 349 cc

: 349 cc Mileage : 35 kmpl (approx.)

: 35 kmpl (approx.) Fuel capacity : 12.5 litres

: 12.5 liters Top speed : 120 km/h (approx.)

: 120 km/h (approx.) Curb weight: 195 kg

4. KTM Duke 200 | From: ₹1,85,600 (Source: Duke 200 is one of KTM’s best-selling road bikes. The manufacturer has upgraded the engine to BS6 standards, which produces a power output of 25 hp at 10,000 rpm and a maximum torque of 19.2 Nm at 8,000 rpm. The list of styling features includes an angular LED headlight, a sleek tail section, a split seat and more. Characteristics Engine type: single-cylinder, liquid-cooled

: Single cylinder, liquid-cooled Displacement : 199.5 cm³

: 199.5cc Mileage : 35 kmpl (approx.)

: 35 kmpl (approx.) Fuel capacity : 13.5 litres

: 13.5 liters Top speed : 142 km/h (approx.)

: 142 km/h (approx.) Curb weight: 159 kg

5. Yamaha YZF R15 V4 | From: ₹1.77.800 (Source: The next model in this list is from Yamaha’s R15 series, YZF V4. It has a wide range of functions on its display such as gear indicator, mobile battery status, lap timer, etc. In addition, the engine produces a maximum power of 18.4 hp at 10,000 rpm and 14.2 Nm at 7,500 rpm. features

Engine type: Single cylinder, liquid-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC, 4-valve

: Single cylinder, liquid-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC, 4-valve Displacement : 155 cc

: 155 cc Mileage : 40 kmpl (approx.)

: 40 kmpl (approx.) Fuel capacity : 12.5 litres

: 12.5 liters Top speed : 142 km/h (approx.)

: 142 km/h (approx.) Curb weight: 184 kg

6. Bajaj Pulsar NS200 | From: ₹1.34.100 (Source: The second best selling model in India is the Bajaj Pulsar NS200. Under the skin is a BS6 engine that puts out 24.5hp at 9,750rpm and 18.5Nm of peak torque at 8,000rpm. In addition, some of its additional features are DRLs, AHO, digital speedometer, multi-reflector headlights, split grab bars, and others. Characteristics Engine type: single-cylinder, liquid-cooled

: Single cylinder, liquid-cooled Displacement : 199.5 cm³

: 199.5cc Mileage : 35 kmpl (approx.)

: 35 kmpl (approx.) Fuel capacity : 12 litres

: 12 liters Top speed : 136 km/h (approx.)

: 136 km/h (approx.) Curb weight: 156 kg

7. Apache RTR 160 4V TV | From: ₹ 1.15.200 (Source: Next in the list of the best bikes to buy in India is the TVS Apache RTR 160 4V. The two-wheeler offers this device in 6 variants and 4 color options, coupled with signature refinements, DRL’s TVS SmartXonnect Bluetooth connectivity system, and more. It is powered by a BS6 engine that develops 17.63 hp at 9,250 rpm and 14.73 Nm of maximum torque at 7,250 rpm. Characteristics Engine type: single cylinder, oil-cooled, 4-stroke, SI

: Single cylinder, oil-cooled, 4-stroke, SI Displacement: 159.7 cm³

: 159.7 cc Mileage : 45 kmpl (approx.)

: 45 kmpl (approx.) Fuel capacity : 12 litres

: 12 liters Top speed : 114 km/h (approx.)

: 114 km/h (approx.) Curb weight: 145 kg

8. Honda SP125 | From: ₹ 80,000 (Source: Inspired by CB Shine SP, Honda introduced its first BS6 compliant bike – SP 125. The engine is coupled to a 5-speed manual gearbox that produces 10.72 hp at 7,500 rpm and a maximum torque of 10.9 Nm at 6,000 rpm. In addition, the SP 125 variants feature a digital instrument panel that supports real-time odometer reading, eco display, gear position display and more. Characteristics Engine type: single-cylinder, air-oil-cooled, 3 valves

: Single cylinder, air-oil cooled, 3 valves Displacement : 124 cc

: 124 cc Mileage : 60 kmpl (approx.)

: 60 kmpl (approx.) Fuel capacity : 11 litres

: 11 liters Top speed : 100 km/h (approx.)

: 100 km/h (approx.) Curb weight: 118 kg

9. TVS Raiders 125 | From: 77,500 ₹ (Source: With the Raider 125, the domestic two-wheeler manufacturer TVS offers another top-of-the-range bike model that is ideal for city tours and daily commuting. In conjunction with a 5-speed manual transmission, the engine produces 11.2 hp at 7,500 rpm and 11.2 Nm of maximum torque at 6,000 rpm. Also, this sporty commuter model features styling cues such as LED headlights, body-colored headlight bezel, body-colored front fender, aluminum grab bars, hood, etc. Characteristics Engine type: single-cylinder, air-oil-cooled, 3 valves

: Single cylinder, air-oil cooled, 3 valves Displacement : 124.8 cm³

: 124.8 cc Mileage : 67 kmpl (approx.)

: 67 kmpl (approx.) Fuel capacity : 12 litres

: 12 liters Top speed : 99 km/h (approx.)

: 99 km/h (approx.) Curb weight: 123 kg

What should I talk to a girl to impress her?

Here are 5 things to talk about with the girl you like:
  • Talk About Dating. If it seems like she’s digging your vibe, try asking about relationships and dating without getting too personal. …
  • Talk About Hangout Ideas. …
  • Talk About Personal Passions. …
  • Talk About Your Accomplishments. …
  • Plans For the Future.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

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Knowing how to talk to girls and things to talk about with a girl is a crucial skill guys need to learn, especially if they want to know how to get a girlfriend.

The art of conversation takes practice.

Finding topics of conversation can be difficult, but we’re here to make it easy for you.

Once you know what to talk about with a girl, a little charm and kindness goes a long way in connecting with her on a romantic level.


The 6 best things to talk about with a girl

Whether you’re meeting her for the first time or she’s had a long-time crush, knowing what to say to a girl is key to building a relationship. After all, how are you supposed to get to know each other on a deeper level if you have nothing to say?

While every girl has different tastes of course, these are some of the safest themes that you really can’t go wrong with. Use them to start things off on the right foot, and then you can branch out into new topics from there.

Here are the 6 best things to talk about with a girl:

1. culture

You really can’t go wrong when talking about music, movies, art and books. The conversation will go one of two ways: either she saw/heard/read it, or she didn’t! If so, do you have something in common to talk about. If not, you can introduce her to something new. It’s a win-win situation for both of you.

2. Hobbies

A person’s hobbies are often a big part of who they are as a person. After all, that’s where they spend most of their time. Since hobbies are activities that people do for fun, the conversation will automatically be upbeat and positive. You might even have common hobbies that you can do together, and if not, you can try something new.

3. Your environment

Sometimes you have to improvise. Be inspired by your surroundings. The weather is an obvious theme, but it’s a bit too simplistic (and kind of boring). Make observations and ask her questions – you may find that starting a deeper discussion is easier than you thought.

4. Experiences (your and yours)

Talking about things you’ve done is a great way to get to know her, and it also helps her get to know you. From previous jobs to vacations, talking about interesting things you’ve been up to with your life so far will help you both determine if you’re on the same page. After all, your experiences shape you as a person.

5. Goals and Aspirations

Your dreams are as much a part of you as your experiences. Just because you haven’t done something doesn’t mean you aren’t preoccupied with thinking about the future. Ask her about her future plans, but don’t make it sound like an interview. You’re trying to get to know her as a person, not her qualifications for an open position. Hit the phrase, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” from your vocabulary.

6. family

Want a great topic that can fill almost an entire conversation? There is perhaps no better topic than family. Because just like you both have your own unique passions, you both have unique family histories that not only gives you plenty to talk about, but also helps you learn a lot about who she is.

So take the opportunity and ask her how she gets on with her siblings or her parents or how often she sees her family. And don’t forget to talk about yours too.

4 things to talk about with a girl to keep a conversation going

Knowing how to keep a conversation going with a girl is not an exact science. Most of the time you have to think on your toes and react to what she says. At the same time, it’s always good to keep a few ideas in mind so you have something to say in those awkward silences.

Here are 4 simple things to talk about with a girl to keep the conversation going:

7. Talk about your day

A simple trick to keep the conversation going is to talk about your day. This can mean discussing things that have already happened or your plans for the rest of the day. This technique works great because these issues are already fresh in your mind.

8. Talk about yourself

Another important topic is yourself. Of course, you don’t want to talk about yourself all the time, but when you’re in a bind, just talk about your interests, hobbies, experiences, and everything else. It makes you seem confident and you obviously already know everything about yourself, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find something to talk about. Just know when it’s time to move on so you don’t seem conceited.

9. Talk about them

Finally, encourage them to talk about themselves! If you show interest in her as a person, she will become more and more comfortable opening up to you. You can use what she says to create new questions and answers that keep things moving in an organic way.

10. Ask the right questions

Just as knowing the right topics is important, so is knowing how to ask the right questions.

What are the right questions?

Instead of questions that could potentially lead to one-word answers, the right questions are open-ended and give her an opportunity to “tell a story.”

3 cute things to talk about with a girl

If things are going well and you’re ready to crank up the charm a bit, you might want to come prepared with some cute things to say to a girl. Well, you don’t want to push your luck too far if you don’t already know her well, so keep it smooth, simple, and easy.

Here are 3 very cute things to talk to her about:

11. Compliment her

Try to introduce a friendly compliment into the conversation. A compliment is defined as “a polite expression of praise or admiration”. The keyword here is polite. You can tell her you love her laugh or that she has beautiful eyes, but don’t ask her if she wants fries with that shake. Try to keep the compliment casual and relevant to the topic at hand.

Whatever you like about her, take the chance to tell her.

12. Make loose plans

It might not be the right time to ask her out, but you can certainly hint at hanging out with her in the future. For example, if you are talking about a museum you visited last week, you could mention how much she would like it or that you would like to take her there sometime. You don’t ask her directly, but you indicate that you would like to.

13. Be direct

Don’t be afraid to say something super nice when it fits the context of your location or conversation. If you enjoy being around her, tell her. If you think she’s awesome, tell her, “I think you’re awesome.” It’s a bold move, but it works. Let her know you appreciate her.

5 things to talk about with a girl you like

If you’re looking for things to say to a girl you like, you should start by just saying the things you would say to any girl. Once you have that base in place, you can turn up the heat a bit.

Here are 5 things to talk about with the girl you like:

14. Talk about dating

If she seems like she’s into you, try to ask about relationships and dating without getting too personal. You can try to find out if she’s single and interested without asking directly. For example, you could talk about a nightmarish date you had and see where that takes the conversation.

15. Talk about hangout ideas

Before you ask her directly, talk about local date ideas and see if she expresses interest. If her eyes light up when you mention the Thai restaurant that’s open, you’ve just got the green light to invite her to dinner.

16. Talk about personal passions

Whether it’s a sport you play, your job, or your pets… you probably have a few passions that you can always talk to a girl about. Not only will she enjoy hearing you talk enthusiastically about what’s important to you, but it will also open up the conversation for her to talk about anything that interests her.

Whatever excites you or keeps you busy outside of work, don’t be shy about talking about it.

17. Talk about your accomplishments

Well, that’s a tough one because you don’t want to come across as bragging. If you want to win her over, you also want her to be aware of your accomplishments. Talk about cool things you’ve done without sounding like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. Inject a little boast into the conversation, and then move on. Don’t think about it unless she’s pushing you.

18. Plans for the future

Talking to a girl about future plans is great for two reasons: Not only can it create an excited, fun conversation (like talking about vacations), but you can too

Find out if your plans are on the same path.

For example, she may be very focused on her career and promotion, or she may be planning to move to a new state next year.

The question to ask yourself, do your plans for the future align with what you want in a relationship?

So your language skills have proven themselves and you have landed a date. Keep it up! Now you need things to talk about on the first date. Now you can use some of the themes mentioned before, but make sure it doesn’t sound like you planned the conversations ahead of time. When you’re on a date, you need to be able to talk about what’s happening in real time.

Here are 5 things to talk about on a date:

19. Be aware of your surroundings

Whether you’re talking about your favorite morsels or your favorite song from a band you’re seeing at a concert, a date should have lots of topics around you. Be aware of them and use them to your advantage.

20. Talk about what she’s up to

The purpose of a date is to get to know someone, so help her open up by asking what she’s been up to lately. This will show her that you care about her life and will help you determine if she’s a good match for you.

21. Movies, music or art

If you’re looking for a lighter topic that could very likely get you both to open up, there’s surprisingly nothing better to talk about than art. And that’s not just talking about Picasso.

Other art forms, like movies, books, or fashion, are all great conversation starters.

What exactly makes her so good? Because while talking about your favorite band or TV show can be easy to start with, learning each other’s choices in different art forms can often lead to learning a lot about each other.

22. Past or future vacations

Whether it’s the beach, camping trip, historic city or wild adventure, everyone is looking for a break from everyday life. And future or past vacations provide a great source of talking points:

Not only will you find out if you have any vacation ideas together, but the vacation she is looking for in the future can tell you a lot about her life now.

And who knows? If it sounds like you want to see the same places, you might even be able to plan a future getaway together…

23. Talk about funny things

Dates are inherently awkward, so ease the discomfort by cracking a few jokes. Leave the dirty jokes at home and stick to the family-friendly ones (for now). Don’t be afraid to be a little goofy/cheesy. Girls appreciate a man with a sense of humor, even if he’s a bit silly. Don’t act like a stand-up comedian or anything — just be upbeat and positive and smile a lot.

The 1 thing you should NEVER bring up in conversation with a girl

So, with these great things to talk about with a girl, you should also know that there is one thing that is usually much better left unsaid. Because if there’s anything that can completely derail a smooth conversation, it’s talking about hot topics, especially politics and religion.

Even if you actually agree on the issues, politics and/or religion can turn an otherwise pleasant conversation into a heated argument…

So unless you’ve met at a political or religious event, it’s almost always better to leave these controversial issues for later.

How to choose what to talk about with girls

Here’s how to choose what to talk to girls about:

1. Take it slow

When in doubt, withdraw. While you might want to come out on top if you really like her, it’s a surefire way to scare her away. Keep it cool and nonchalant from the start, and then jump into it when you see that she clearly understands you and is interested in your advances.

2. Recognize the relationship

Did you just meet her or is she an old friend? The status of your relationship will determine what you should talk about. You don’t want to attempt a deep, personal conversation with that Tinder date you just met.

3. Play it by ear

As long as you are respectful and friendly, you should have no problem following their social cues. Don’t be the one who pushes the limits. Pay attention to what she says, and then do your best to keep up. You’ll be surprised how girls can turn up the heat when you put them in the executive chair.

4. Find their conversation guides

Even when you have the best and most interesting topics in mind, you still need to know exactly when to talk about them. But don’t worry, because most women constantly hint at what they want to talk about (or more importantly, don’t).

And here’s why this is so great: Not only does it make you less concerned with finding topics, but because you’re actually talking about what she wants to talk about, she’ll be far more likely to continue the conversation on her own .

More ways on how to talk to girls

Now that you have a solid foundation for talking to girls, you can take your game even further with these helpful guides:


Anything is possible with these things to talk about with a girl. Now that you know how to talk to girls, it’s time to meet some people and practice. Every time you talk to a girl, it gets a little bit easier.

Sure, knowing what to talk about with girls helps when you’re wondering how to get a girlfriend, but that shouldn’t be your primary motivation. When you learn to talk to girls with the goal of simply being a better conversationalist and a more well-rounded person, romance will happen naturally. Don’t force it.

More important than what you say is how you say it. Always be friendly, kind, and respectful. Even if your conversation is boring, your nonverbal cues, mannerisms, and general demeanor can still charm her. Be confident and believe in yourself. Remember: she’s nervous too. Embrace the experience and have fun with it.

How can I impress a girl without talking to her?

How To Attract Women Easily (Without Talking)
  1. Make Adjustments In Public.
  2. Touch Your Lips.
  3. Take Up Space.
  4. Hold Your Ground.
  5. Make Eye Contact.
  6. Strut Your Shoulders.
  7. Dress Sharp.
  8. Show Social Proof.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

The subtle art of attracting women is difficult to master. The sad truth is that far too many men just don’t get it.

When their big break comes, they don’t know what to say and often blow themselves out of the water after uttering just a few words.

The solution? Of course you will learn how to talk to women – but it takes time and practice. So what if you could figure out how to attract women without speaking?

In this article, we’ll show you 10 tricks to do just that.

The tricks you will pick up are:

Trick #1 Make final adjustments in public

you looked at her; she looked at you. She has taken the first step and is coming right up to you – what are you doing?

It’s time to give in to your vanity a little and make some final adjustments to your appearance. That means running your hand through your hair, adjusting your collar or pinning your tie.

A few quick fixes to yourself and your outfit will show her that you’re interested.

Small things show the lady in question that you care about her looks and that you care about doing your best for her.

It’s a strong indicator of mutual attraction and is bound to get the conversation off to a good start.

Just don’t overdo it. If you spend eons checking yourself, she’ll cross another nut off her list.

Trick #2 Lick and touch your lips

When it comes to subtly attracting women, this tip is king.

While you’re talking to her and feeling like you’re swinging well, touch your lips briefly. This action can be a gentle tap or a quick slide of your fingers.

It draws attention to your mouth and—if she’s interested—evokes images of you kissing her, further seducing her.

A restrained gesture toward your lips will make her consider kissing you.

Again, remember to do this sparingly.

Trick #3 Take a seat

What do you see when you think about dominance in the animal kingdom? A lion’s mane, a bear standing on its hind legs, a gorilla panting and beating its chest. What do these all have in common? You create space.

Animals will always try to make themselves appear much more important than average in order to subdue other males and impress partners. This also partly applies to us.

The more space you take up, the more dominant you appear.

What are some ways you can take up space? Spread your legs apart a little. If the seat next to you is empty, wrap your arm around it.

You establish power and status by manipulating your space, gentlemen; remember it.

She will notice you in front of the guy next to you.

Trick #4 Stand your ground

What is the easiest way to attract women without speaking? Dont move.

No, that doesn’t mean freezing, but it does mean not moving away from the woman you’re interested in.

Whether she’s approaching you for the first time or only after a few minutes of talking, it’s important for her to determine how close she wants to get to you.

Click here for some tips on how to look powerful just by standing up straight.

If she tries to get in a bit and you flinch, it will immediately tell her that you are not interested – shy or not.

Trick #5 Make eye contact with her

A person’s eyes are powerful communicators. With a simple look, you can make another feel recognized and validated.

A 2002 MIT study found that we follow our parents’ eyes before anything else, even as infants.

The power of the eyes runs deep. So it’s no wonder that it’s one of your most important tools of seduction.

Maintaining eye contact with her is a great way to show respect and belief.

Maintaining an unwavering gaze shows strength and confidence, but the moment you look the other way, you convey weakness and insecurity.

As with all things, balance is key. Don’t stare at her like the Joker about to commit a crime.

Read our article – 21 Eye Contact Rules.

Trick #6: Brace your shoulders and walk with confidence

A 2007 study by Texas A&M University found that men with shoulder swagger are considered over 50% more attractive.

As you move, make sure to rock our shoulders back and forth. As with previous gestures we have discussed, this correct execution makes a man radiate power through his gait.

An excellent example of this is the entirety of the Show Suits. One of the main characters, Harvey Specter, embodies the clean-cut and powerful male archetype. As he walks in tailored suits, he constantly sways his shoulders – catching everyone’s attention as he passes.

Daniel Craig’s Bond does it well too. The scene in which it is most prominent is Casino Royale, where it emerges from the water on the beach. Even without dressing well, you can see how imposing it makes him look.

Trick #7 Dress up to attract women without talking

Gentlemen, it should come as no surprise to you that women are attracted to well-dressed men. Her image of you is created at first sight, which is of paramount importance in perfecting how to attract women without speaking.

There’s no way to do justice to the subject in a measly section, but remember you can’t go wrong with clean, wrinkle-free clothing that fits well.

Find your style score here and see what you can do to up your style game.

Dressing well is one of the essential strategies for catching a woman’s attention.

For starters, stick with a pair of slim-fitting jeans, a button-down, and some casual shoes — preferably Chelsea or chukka boots.

Trick #8 Show social proof

Surrounding yourself with people who accept you increases your social prestige and therefore your likelihood of attracting a lady without saying a word to her.

Do not believe me? Let us refer to a 2015 study from Whitman College. The survey proved overwhelmingly that peer-reviewed potential partners were heavily favored over those without any reviews, regardless of appearance.

If you show up with friends — especially girlfriends — you’ll pique curiosity among singles nearby.

That means it’s time to take the boys out for a drink. Every friend you have a good time with is another person who doesn’t think you’re a freak, and women can tell.

Trick #9 Wear your signature scent

As you can imagine, your smell plays a crucial role in attracting women without talking to them.

As humans, we rely on smells to make judgments about others. This instinct is especially true for women, who have over 40% more olfactory cells in the brain than we do. Right, gentlemen; they can pick up your scent easily.

Don’t have a signature scent yet? It’s time to find it.

As our natural scent blends with the fragrance to create a unique scent, it’s up to you to choose a cologne that lingers and use it wisely.

But don’t overdo it. Two or three squirts should be more than enough to keep the ladies comfortable.

Trick #10 Use the right gestures to attract women without speaking

My final tip on how to attract women without talking? Make her comfortable with the right gestures.

That’s according to a 2011 study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. In it, the researchers discovered that people tend to adopt one of two social attitudes:

Promotional Focus: The person feels optimistic, hopeful, and open about you.

The person is optimistic, hopeful, and open to you. Prevention Focus: The person is cautious, suspicious, and alert.

Use open body language at the beginning of the conversation.

With you as a stranger, she’ll likely take a prevention focus at first. It’s up to you to get them to the promotion stage.

Do this by using precise and small gestures. Use slower movements and language, and sit back—away from her.

Don’t clench your fists, put your hands in your pockets, or cross your arms. These gestures create a hostile and unfriendly atmosphere. Avoid these and you’ll be on the right track.

You May Know How to Attract Women — But What’s Your Dating Game? Check out my 5 Reasons Men Give Up Dating.

How To Pleasure A Woman With A Motorcycle

How To Pleasure A Woman With A Motorcycle
How To Pleasure A Woman With A Motorcycle

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Best Bikes For Women in India

1 . Bajaj Avenger Cruise 220 Cruiser | 220 CC from 1.39.002 Check on-road price > The Bajaj Avenger Cruise 220 is aimed at drivers looking for long-distance travel. The low seat height, forward footpegs, wider handlebars and comfortable suspension ensure a smooth ride over longer periods of time. The Bajaj Avenger Cruise 220 is powered by an air/oil-cooled 220cc single-cylinder engine with 19 hp and 17.5 Nm of torque. The engine is paired with a five-speed gearbox. The cruiser motorcycle is also equipped with single-channel ABS.

2 . KTM 390 Duke Street | 373.2 cm³ from 2.88.032 check street price > The KTM Duke 390 offers a perfect balance between handling and performance. The fully digital TFT display offers a whole range of functions, including smartphone connectivity. The bike is known for being great around corners and for long distance rides too. The 390 Duke is powered by a liquid-cooled, single-cylinder, 373.2cc engine that produces 42.9 hp and 37 Nm of torque. The engine is mated to a six-speed gearbox with a slip clutch. The bike is equipped with a two-channel ABS for additional safety.

3 . Suzuki-Gixxer-Strasse | 155cc from 1.30.605 Check on-road price > The Suzuki Gixxer FI features simple design and subtle graphics to appeal to a wider audience. The bike is lightweight and easy to navigate in busy city traffic. The Gixxer FI features a fully digital dashboard, LED headlights, LED taillights, split seats and a single-channel ABS for added safety. The Suzuki Gixxer FI is powered by an air-cooled, fuel-injected, single-cylinder 155cc engine that produces 13.9 hp and 14 Nm of torque. The engine is paired with a five-speed gearbox.

4 . TVS Apache RTR 200 4V Road | 197.75cc from 1.28.288 Check on-road price > The TVS Apache RTR 200 4V is another lightweight motorcycle in the segment that comes packed with a variety of features. This includes Bluetooth connectivity with turn-by-turn navigation, call/SMS notifications and more. The ergonomics of the bike will also appeal to most riders. The TVS Apache RTR 200 4V is powered by a 197.75cc, oil/air-cooled, single-cylinder engine that produces 20.2 hp and 18.1 Nm of torque. The engine is mated to a five-speed gearbox with a slip clutch. The bike is equipped with a two-channel ABS for additional safety.

5 . KTM 125 Duke Street | 124.71 CC 1,70,795 and up Check Street Price > The KTM Duke 125 is a good bike for new or first-time riders. The bike is well balanced with upright rider ergonomics that make for a comfortable ride around town. Bike features include USD forks, an all-digital instrument cluster, and single-channel ABS. The 125 Duke is powered by a liquid-cooled, single-cylinder, 124.8cc engine that produces 14.5 hp and 12 Nm of torque. The engine is paired with a six-speed manual gearbox.

6 . Bajaj Pulsar NS160 Road | 160.3 cm³ from 1.23.781 check street price > The Bajaj Pulsar NS 160 is suitable for women who are looking for a high-performance city commuter. The motorcycle features a modern design with attractive graphics that will appeal to the younger crowd. The NS 160 is a light motorcycle and also feels good in the hand. The Pulsar NS 160 is powered by a single-cylinder, air/oil-cooled, fuel-injected 160.3 cc engine that produces 15.2 hp and 14.6 Nm of torque. The engine is paired with a five-speed gearbox. The bike is equipped with single-channel ABS for extra safety.

7 . Royal Enfield Himalayan Street | 411 CC from 2.14.714 Check on-road price > The Royal Enfield Himalayan offers a perfect blend of long-distance and off-road driving. Women looking for such a mix will be pleased with the bike’s comfortable seats, coupled with long-travel suspension and a relaxed, upright riding posture. The Royal Enfield Himalayan is powered by a single-cylinder, air/oil-cooled 411cc engine developing 24.5hp and 32Nm of torque. The engine is paired with a five-speed gearbox. The motorcycle has a two-channel ABS for additional safety.

What do you call the person sitting behind the driver on a bike?

I know a pillion is a seat behind the rider of a horse or motorcycle etc.

I would like to know the word for the person sitting on the pillion.

Five ways that motorcycling is good for your mental health

Mental health awareness is now more than ever at an all-time high. After countless days in lockdown, many of us have been spending our time staring into space, wondering when we’ll be allowed outside with our toys again – or getting far too engrossed in the simulated worlds of the Ride & MotoGP video game series . No judgment here, because that was me.

In a recent small survey of 1000 motorcyclists, Asda Money wanted to explore why people chose to ride. They also spoke to British road racer Leon Haslam about his comment that motorcycling is an escape for (most) people.

The main reasons given for enjoying motorcycling were the feeling of freedom (59%), the thrill of riding a bike (40%) and the ability to travel (34%). But interestingly, some riders here have expressed how two wheels have also helped them with anxiety and/or depression.

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Here are the five ways they found horseback riding improved mental health:

Brighten your mood

Apparently, scientists have discovered that motorcycling releases dopamine and endorphin hormones that make us happy. I don’t know about you, but even when I’m in a bad mood, I can jump on my bike and after a few kilometers everything feels right again.

Is it because you focus on nothing but what’s in front of (and around) you? Maybe. But simply put, riding makes you happy. Happy makes us healthy.

Disconnect from technology

When you drive, you drive. You’re served with that brief disconnect from the online world, and I’ve spoken to countless drivers who see putting the lid on as stepping into their own space.

Now I’ll refrain from commenting “motorcycles have so much technology and connectivity these days”. I will also refrain from the “but you have intercoms and phone lines” comments. You can select “Turn on to turn off” if you like.

Enjoy the fresh air

Open the visor on your lid in the green and sniff a strong whiff of cow poop – or fresh air. Motorcycling is an outdoor hobby, fresh air energizes us and looking at trees is apparently called “tree bathing” and reduces stress. Every day is a learning day!

You can also fold down the visor down. sorry had to.

To meet new people

How many times have you pulled up to a new place and met a biker and immediately had something in common to talk to them about? Exchange ride stories, route histories and bike gossip – motorcycling is a great way to meet new people. When you decide to join your local riding group, you are immediately part of a network of riders. Also, we all nod to each other when we’re out. We’re really glad.

You can also join our community on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – there’s your invitation!

Improve your physical health

There have been many times I’ve come back from a B-Road explosion and was absolutely sweating. Riding it can be very physically demanding, whether you’re towing a behemoth like the R18B through corners or on a lightweight sport bike, you’ll be using your body to propel you forward. And that is exactly what counts as practice. Exercise has proven to be the best way to get your mind in the right place.

Leon Haslam, British motorcycle road racer had this to say:

“It’s great that motorcycling can offer a way out for many people, whether it’s everyday problems, stress or possible psychological problems. The focus required when riding a motorcycle is such that all other issues are forgotten and even if it is for just a short period of time it can be invaluable.

“Of course, racing is the ultimate distraction for me, but getting on a race bike in the pit lane feels the same as jumping on a road bike or my trials bike.”

So, especially this Sunday for your own sanity, get on your bike and tag us in your photos if you feel like it.

Kind to Asda Money for conducting the survey and they had this to say:

“Asda Money offers a price guarantee* and multiple levels of coverage. Compare offers online by visiting the website here.

*This offer beats your cheapest online motorcycle insurance offer and the guarantee applies to the base price of the policy only. As a web provider, this offer excludes telephone offers. This offer is only available to UK permanent residents. Evidence and validation of alternative offers may be required prior to invoking the guarantee.”

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