How To Remove Red Dye From Diesel Using Cat Litter? The 80 Top Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to remove red dye from diesel using cat litter“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Does cat litter remove red diesel dye?

Marius Legavicius used cat litter to remove the red dye from the diesel fuel which carries a significantly lower level of excise duty. Legavicius was then able to sell on the fuel as ordinary diesel fuel.

How do you get red dye out of diesel?

One of the most common is to remove the red coloration from the diesel. In the UK, a diazo dye — Solvent Red 19, 24 or 26 — is used to colour the diesel. Fraudsters can remove the colour using an acid or alkali which renders the dye colourless, or by stripping the dye from the diesel using activated carbon.

Can you change red diesel to white?

Registered fuel suppliers that switch a fuel tank from red to white diesel will need to flush out the tank and supply lines until no trace of marked rebated fuel remains.

How do you get dye off-road diesel?

The easiest way to get rid of the red dye is to drive until the tank is really low. Then add a few gallons of or regular diesel and run that out. Do this several times. You can also have your mechanic flush the fuel system to make sure it’s gone.

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

At Ricochet Fuel we get dozens of questions about colored diesel and we’ve written several posts about this off-road fuel. We thought it would be helpful to answer some of the recent questions.

1. Is colored diesel bad for your truck?

No, this diesel is good for your truck. The main difference is not in the ingredients; it is in color. The red dye indicates that it is only suitable for off-road use. It’s colored red so government officials can tell if you’re using it illegally. Be aware if you are caught driving on US highways you could face a subpoena and an expensive fine.

2. Is red diesel ruining your car?

If your car uses diesel, it will run on off-road diesel. But as mentioned above, if you use it illegally and get caught, you will be fined by both state and federal governments. During natural disasters, this is sometimes the only fuel available, so you probably won’t get a fine.

3. Can you mix red diesel and regular diesel?

Yes, technically you can, as the main difference is the dye. We’ve heard of cases where someone bought a truck with off-road diesel and the new owner used standard diesel. In this case the new owner has just started using regular diesel and his vehicle has been running fine.

4. What is the difference between colored diesel and clear diesel?

The main differences are the identifying red dye, and there may also be a difference in sulfur content. And since this agricultural fuel is designed for heavy equipment, it heats up quickly.

5. How to get the dye from red diesel?

The easiest way to get rid of the red dye is to drive until the tank is really empty. Then add a few gallons or regular diesel and skip that. Do this several times. You can also have your mechanic flush the fuel system to make sure it’s gone.

6. Can red diesel damage your engine?

No it can’t. It’s the same as road diesel except for the dye. If you have a diesel engine, it can run on agricultural fuel. Just make sure you’re using it legitimately.

7. Is colored diesel taxable?

Some people think it’s “tax-free,” but there may still be taxes depending on the state. Here is a list of states and their fuel tax exemption information. If you are licensed to use this type of fuel off-road, you will either be charged fewer fees when you purchase it or receive a fuel tax reduction.

8. What if I get caught with Red Diesel?

If caught and prosecuted, you could be charged with “Motor Fuel Tax Evasion.” It’s really not worth saving on gas, is it? Here’s what the IRS says:

“What are the penalties? In general, no colored fuel may be used in road vehicles. For each violation, the Internal Revenue Code sets a penalty of $1,000 or $10 per gallon, whichever is greater, plus payment of the tax. States may impose additional fines.”

“Publication 4941.” IRS.Gov, February 2012,

9. What happens when you mix red and green diesel?

There are no problems mixing the two types of diesel fuel, although red usually has a higher sulfur content than green. Also, it is called green fuel because it is environmentally friendly. It is actually either light green or clear in color.

10. How long does red diesel stay in your tank?

That can vary. If you’re wondering, sometimes the quickest way to check is to dip a tube into your tank and pull out a sample and see what color it is; There are also manual dipstick kits and black lights. But gasoline doesn’t just stay in your tank—it flows through your fuel system. So if you’re concerned, take it to your mechanic so they can flush the system.

Contact the fuel experts at Ricochet Fuel Distributors, Inc. if you have additional questions about colored diesel or would like a no-obligation quote for colored diesel delivery, an on-site tank, or colored diesel fuel cards at the pump.

How can you tell if someone is using red diesel?

HMRC and the police check for illegal red diesel use by carrying out random spot checks using a dipstick test. The chemical dye added to the fuel is designed to linger in a tank and is almost impossible to remove, so if you’ve used red diesel in the past, you could be caught years down the line.

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

Red Diesel FAQ: 51 frequently asked questions answered

Red diesel is a fuel used to generate electricity in off-road vehicles, machinery, and commercial boilers. It is cheaper than regular diesel due to a lower tax rate; However, it is important not to use it in road vehicles as it is against the law.

In the UK, red diesel is widely used in rail transport, horticulture and agriculture, and for domestic heating. It is practically the same as mineral diesel, only a red dye is added to it so that it can be identified for illegal use. You must ensure that you only use this product in applications permitted under UK law. To provide some insight into usage and to ensure you’re on the right side of the law, we’ve put together an FAQ that answers these and other frequently asked questions below:

Frequently asked questions about Red Diesel

Red Diesel Laws, Rules and Taxes:

Red diesel consumption:

Buy red diesel:

Frequently asked questions about Red Diesel

What is red diesel?

Red diesel is a lower tax fuel than regular diesel that is widely available throughout the UK. It has the same physical properties as regular diesel (except for its color, of course). Some key industries using red diesel are agriculture, home heating and rail transport.

What is the tax on red diesel?

VAT on red diesel is 5% up to 2,300 liters. From 2,300 liters, this increases to the standard rate of 20% VAT; However, you may be able to reclaim 15% if you qualify for fuel tax relief. An example of this would be if you use the fuel for horticultural products e.g. B. to help grow fruit where you may be entitled to a refund.

For more details on fuel tax relief we recommend you contact Beesley Fuels or alternatively visit the government website.

Why is a red dye added to fuel?

In the UK, red diesel has a lower tax rate than regular diesel. In order to detect illegal use in road vehicles, a red dye is added to allow government agencies such as HMRC and the police to immediately identify abusive use during spot checks where the vehicle is detained.

Can I use red diesel in my car, van, truck or other motor vehicle?

The use of red diesel in a vehicle on public roads is illegal in almost all cases. However, there are some exceptions to this law. Tractors are permitted to use gas oil to grit the roads in inclement weather and can travel up to 1 mile (1.5 km) on public roads to travel between locations that may be separated by public highways.

We encourage you to check the government website for details for your own use case to ensure you are working within the confines of the law.

Why is it illegal to use red diesel in my motor vehicle?

Red diesel is cheaper than regular diesel due to a lower fuel tax. The fuel is intended for commercial use, for example in agriculture, rail transport and shipping. In order for them to make a profit, it is important that they can claim certain levies, including gas oil. If you use red diesel incorrectly, you will pay the wrong tax and break the law.

We advise people to be absolutely sure they are eligible to use red diesel and to ensure they fill out the correct paperwork.

What is red diesel commonly used for?

Red diesel is the same fuel as regular diesel, so any vehicle, equipment or machine that can run on DERV can also run on red diesel as long as it is within the law.

Some common uses include powering generators, machinery, commercial boats, off-highway vehicles, and commercial heating applications. We have a wide range of customers across the UK who buy red diesel including milk bottling plants, dairy farms, schools, hospitals and rail transport to name a few.

Can red diesel be used as heating oil?

Yes, many people use red diesel as heating oil, but industrial heating oil (IHO) is a cost-effective drop-in alternative with a number of added values.

IHO’s physical properties are exactly the same as gas oil and it is widely used in commercial boilers, dryers and heaters as it preserves performance and performance.

How much red diesel does the UK use?

In 2017 it was reported that 15% of all diesel consumption in the UK was red diesel. This accounts for around £2.4bn in tax rebates annually if diesel were charged at the main rate.

What alternatives are there to red diesel?

Industrial heating oil (IHO) was specially developed for commercial heating applications. IHO bears no VAT and can be used as a direct replacement for red diesel, which can save your business money.

Carbon Offset Red Diesel has a slightly higher price and the benefit of reducing your carbon footprint and investing in green initiatives around the world.

HVO fuel is a clean burning alternative that can be used as a direct replacement for red diesel and regular diesel. HVO fuel can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% and has a shelf life of up to 10 years.

Why is red diesel cheaper than white diesel?

Fuel can be a significant expense for many industries such as agriculture, fishing vessels and rail transport. The government lowered tariffs on red diesel to support some of these industries as they can reclaim it.

What color is red diesel?

As the name suggests, red diesel is red due to a dye added to detect illegal use. Normal diesel has a yellowish clear color (hence white diesel).

Does red diesel have other names?

Red diesel is also known as discount fuel, 35 second oil, medium diesel, tractor diesel, marine diesel, generator diesel, gas oil, BS 2869 or cherry red.

What happens if I accidentally put red diesel in my car?

Gas oil is not intended for use on public roads, so putting it in your car is against the law. To avoid prosecution and a hefty fine, you must contact HMRC immediately. The red dye is designed in such a way that it is almost impossible to remove all traces from a fuel tank. So when tested, it will immediately show that you have used red diesel

If you accidentally put red diesel in your car, you may be able to pay the levy you would have had to pay for regular diesel, where you can get a receipt so you can prove you’re within the law.

It is best not to fill your road vehicle with red diesel in the first place if you can avoid it!

I have surplus red diesel – what can I do with it?

If you have more than 2,000 liters of gas oil, you can take advantage of our fuel uplift service. If the fuel is in good condition we may even be able to pay you for it. If the quality is compromised, we can take it away and dispose of it safely instead.

If you have smaller amounts to dispose of, we recommend you contact a recycling company such as Slickr Recycling.

How do I safely dispose of red diesel?

Our fuel uplift service is a safe and environmentally friendly process. Our engineers will come to your site and lift and dispose of your red diesel for you, saving you the hassle of having excess fuel on site.

If you need to dispose of a small amount of unusable red diesel, your local recycling center can advise.

How is red diesel made?

Diesel is made through a refining process that involves pumping crude oil out of the ground to create a thick, black liquid. Distillation turns crude oil into a variety of fuels, including diesel.

To make red diesel, we simply add a red dye to the diesel.

What does the red dye do with an engine?

Red diesel is just as safe to use in engines as regular diesel, however it is important to ensure you invest in regular tank inspections as both white and red diesel are at risk of contamination over time.

Red Diesel Laws, Rules and Taxes:

Do I need a license to buy red diesel fuel?

You do not need a license to buy red diesel fuel, but you must fill out an RDCO form and certify to the company you are buying it from that you intend to use it lawfully. You have the right to pass any information about your purchase of red diesel to HMRC if they suspect illegal use.

Keep in mind that following the April 2022 eligibility update, only a handful of industry sectors in the UK are legally permitted to use red diesel. These are:

rail transport

Community amateur sports clubs and golf courses

Sailing, boating and sea transport (excluding private pleasure craft in Northern Ireland)

traveling fairs and circuses

Fuel for non-commercial purposes – power generation and heating

Agriculture, horticulture, fish farming and forestry

More information on RDCO forms can be found on the governments website here.

Is red diesel tax free?

Red diesel has a lower tax than regular diesel, but is still a heavily discounted fuel, meaning the tax levied is much lower than other off-road fuels. In most cases a tax rate of 5% is charged. Please visit the government website for more information or contact us directly if you have a question.

Is Red Diesel Use Illegal?

The use of gasoil in road vehicles is illegal and considered tax evasion. Red diesel is approved for use in off-road vehicles, machinery and commercial boilers.

Can I remove the red dye from red diesel?

Removing the colorant from red diesel is illegal. It is incredibly difficult to remove and any attempt to do so is known as fuel washing.

How do you get the tax back from the red diesel?

When buying red diesel, the rate you pay can depend on what you use it for and in what quantities. To apply for a tax refund for purchased fuel, you can fill out the HO27 form.

What is the penalty for using red diesel illegally?

There is no fixed fine or penalty for using red diesel illegally. However, if you are caught, HMRC may charge you for:

Fuel tax not paid

Restore your vehicle’s system

Cleaning your tank and filters

A fee for removing the red diesel

The difference between red and white diesel for the length of time you used red diesel illegally.

Needless to say, using red diesel illegally can be a very costly mistake.

How do I report red diesel abuse?

If you suspect someone is using red diesel illegally, you can report them to the HMRC fraud hotline.

Who checks for red correct diesel consumption?

HMRC and Police investigate illegal use of red diesel by conducting spot checks using a dipstick test. The chemical dye added to the fuel is designed to stay in the tank and is almost impossible to remove. So if you’ve used red diesel in the past, you could get caught years later.

Red diesel consumption:

Which vehicles can use red diesel?

All diesel engines can run on red diesel; However, it should only be used for commercial applications such as generators, boilers and tractors. For example, using gas oil in a vehicle on public roads is illegal.

The government website lists “exempt vehicles” that can run on red diesel, including:

Unauthorized vehicles not used on public roads


Light agricultural vehicles

agricultural machinery

Agricultural Engines

Agricultural processing vehicles


snow removal vehicles


mobile cranes

Mobile pump vehicles

digging machines

road rollers

tar sprayer

Please note that even if your vehicle is listed above, you still need to ensure that its use is within the law. For example, if you use red diesel in a tractor, you are welcome to do so for agricultural purposes, including driving to and from different work sites, as long as they are within 1.5 km of each other. Any further removal and you are breaking the law.

Who Uses Red Diesel?

Red diesel is used across the UK in a limited number of sectors and applications:

rail transport

Community amateur sports clubs and golf courses

Sailing, boating and sea transport (excluding private pleasure craft in Northern Ireland)

traveling fairs and circuses

Fuel for non-commercial purposes – power generation and heating

Agriculture, horticulture, fish farming and forestry

An example is farmers who have a small farm and use agricultural vehicles like a quad bike. If you only use a very small amount, a 205 liter drum of red diesel is the perfect solution as you can save money over buying regular diesel and you only need to order a small amount.

Another example is a larger farm with grain dryers, milk bottling plants, and large tractors, all using red diesel. In this case you would have a large tank in the yard and take up to 36,000 liters on a regular basis.

Can you use red diesel for gritting roads?

Until now, only specially built spreaders were allowed to be operated with red diesel when spreading on public roads. However, the motorway maintenance departments usually have to concentrate on priority routes and sometimes cannot reach country roads. As a result, farmers had to refill their tractors with white diesel, which was inconvenient when they needed to respond quickly to local spreading needs.

Tractors are the perfect solution for accessing remote and hard-to-reach areas to keep communities safe.

Today there are 3 categories of agricultural vehicles that are allowed to use red diesel for gritting roads:


Light agricultural vehicles

agricultural machinery

How do you store red diesel?

There are many ways to store red diesel depending on how much you use. For small red diesel consumers, our 205 liter drums with overflow kit and drip pan can be a simple and economical solution with the added benefit of flexibility.

For bulk consumers of red diesel, the most cost-effective solution is to install a fixed oil tank on site, giving you the benefits of buying in bulk. All our fuel tanks comply with the OFTEC standard and have capacities ranging from 500 liters to 120,000 liters.

If you are storing oil on site, you must ensure that you comply with oil storage regulations.

How to safely store red diesel on a farm?

A wall tank is the most common solution and is required by law if you store more than 200 liters of red diesel. Once installed, Beesley Fuels will ensure your fuel storage is safe and in compliance with all oil storage regulations.

Can I use red diesel for my backup generator?

Yes, gas oil is commonly used in backup generators as it is an efficient and inexpensive fuel.

If you rely on red diesel as a backup emergency fuel, it’s important to invest in regular fuel testing and tank inspections to check for signs of contamination. Red diesel degrades over time, which can eventually lead to a backup generator failing to start.

An increasingly popular alternative to red diesel for backup generators is HVO fuel due to its greatly extended shelf life (up to 10 years). HVO is a synthetic diesel with no FAME and sulfur content, which means less risk of contamination. Please note that it is still important to invest in regular fuel testing and tank inspections to ensure the safety of your backup system.

Can I use red diesel in a boat?

Yes, but this is an increasingly complex question and depends on whether you are using it for recreational purposes or for a commercial application like fishing.

Red diesel may be used for heating or power generation, but not for propulsion in a non-commercial vehicle. Boat owners can specify what percentage of the fuel they purchase should be used for heat and power generation to ensure the owner pays the correct tax levy on their fuel.

We recommend you check the government website for more information on using red diesel in your boat. You can also find more information on the Royal Yachting Association website.

Can I use red diesel in a pleasure boat?

You can use red diesel for heating and power generation on a pleasure craft, but you are not allowed to use red diesel for propulsion under applicable law.

Can I use red diesel in my car if I only drive it in my yard?

Yes, but only if you use it for off-road farming related activities. You may not use red diesel in a car driving on public roads.

Are red diesel and heating oil the same?

They’re both distilled from crude oil, but they’re not the same fuel.

Fuel oil is also known as 28 second oil in reference to how long it takes for the fuel to flow through a specific measured hole.

Red diesel is also known as 35 second fuel for the same reason. So you already know from those names that the viscosity of red diesel is thicker than heating oil.

Can red diesel be used instead of fuel oil? 12345

This depends on what you are using it for. You can if it’s for heating or running commercial machinery, but you should check with the manufacturer of your equipment to make sure it won’t cause damage.

However, industrial heating oil (IHO) is a cheaper alternative.

At Beesley Fuels we produce our own high quality IHO to ensure we deliver a quality product.

Can red diesel be used instead of heating oil?

As these are 35 and 28 second oils respectively, the burners might need to be adjusted as they burn at a slightly different rate.

However, when used specifically for heating a home, household heating oil is probably the best option, or IHO when used for commercial heating.

Is red diesel bad for my car?

Red diesel will not harm your car as it is the same fuel as white diesel only with a red dye added. However, there are very few circumstances where you can put red diesel in a car, e.g. if you ever want to remove the SORN from the car, you would run into problems getting it back on the road legally.

Does red diesel produce more smoke than regular diesel?

Assuming your red diesel is of the same quality as white diesel, it shouldn’t produce any additional smoke than regular diesel.

Is red diesel flammable?

Red diesel is non-flammable, but it is flammable. flammable. Flammable fuels are classified as liquids with a flash point less than 38°C/100°F, while flammable liquids have a flash point greater than 38°C/100°F. This is the temperature at which the liquid will vaporize enough to ignite.

Because red diesel has a minimum flash point of 125°F/52°C, it is classified as flammable.

Can red diesel go off?

Red diesel stays in good condition in a tank for up to a year. If you have any doubts about the quality of your fuel, you should contact a trusted fuel expert like Beesley Fuels to check it for you.

Red diesel has a shelf life of up to 1 year and offers good storage and maintenance. It’s important to check your fuel regularly and invest in professional fuel testing and tank cleaning to avoid the costly consequences of contamination and tank corrosion.

At Beesley Fuels we offer the total package: we come to you, test your red diesel, polish it and clean your tank – or alternatively, if it’s too dirty we pick it up and deliver fresh red diesel.

If you need a more reliable and environmentally friendly fuel, consider HVO fuel, which has a much longer shelf life of up to 10 years.

How long does red diesel last?

Red diesel will last up to a year in a well maintained storage tank.

Will red diesel fail my MOT?

If you’ve bought a car that you suspect has previously used red diesel, or if you’ve ever accidentally used it, this could be a legitimate concern.

Garages won’t look specifically for red diesel, but it’s a bit hard not to notice. A reputable garage will be very familiar with the color of regular diesel and if they see that you have used red diesel they would be very likely to report you to HMRC.

If you are in doubt as to whether your car has any red diesel residue left over from anything, contact your local repair shop for your fuel tank or car replacement!

Buy red diesel:

Where can I buy red diesel?

You can buy red diesel from Beesley Fuels in quantities from 205 liter drums up to 36,000 liters in a large articulated tanker.

We can simply send more tankers if you need a larger delivery! We deliver red diesel to companies across the UK or alternatively if you are in the area you can personally collect red diesel from our main oil depot in Oldbury, Birmingham. Simply call %tel% to place an order for red diesel today.

Where can I buy red diesel barrels?

Beesley Fuels can deliver 205 liter drums of red diesel to any location in the UK. Simply contact us at %tel% or fill out our form for more information.

Where can I get red diesel at the pump?

The withdrawal of red diesel from a pump is also referred to as “wet depot”.

Your local service station is unlikely to supply red diesel, but some service stations offer this service in rural areas.

Beesley Fuels has a depot in Oldbury, Birmingham where you can pick up red diesel:

1 machine line



West Midlands

B69 4NL

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Can you buy red diesel in smaller containers?

You can purchase 205 liter drums from Beesley Fuels, if you would like a smaller quantity you should bring your own container to our farm in Oldbury, Birmingham.

How much does red diesel cost?

The cost of red diesel varies depending on a variety of factors such as:

Your location

VAT rates/fuel tax

Seasonality/The Weather

The amount you buy

The price of crude oil

Instability in oil producing countries

The price of red diesel fluctuates daily but Beesley Fuels will always try to give you the best possible price. It is best to call us directly at %tel%.

How much does red diesel cost per liter?

When you order from us, our highest prices per liter are our barrel prices. When ordering a 205 liter drum you usually pay more than if we deliver by tanker and drop off fuel at your fuel depot. If you can order more than 2,000 liters, the price goes down again.

How Much Red Diesel Can I Buy?

We can supply you with at least 205 liters in a red diesel barrel. The maximum we can deliver in one load is 36,000 liters in one of our larger tankers. If you need more, we simply send more tankers.

Do garages sell red diesel?

A garage or gas station forecourt that sells red diesel is called a “wet depot” and there aren’t that many available. However, you can find one at our Birmingham depot at our address given.

If you have any further questions about red diesel or would like to inquire about our red diesel delivery service. Call our red diesel experts today on 0330 123 1144 to find out more.

Will any car run on red diesel?

Which vehicles can use red diesel? Any vehicle, machine or generator that operates on regular diesel will be able to physically use red diesel as a fuel. That’s because red diesel and white/road diesel are essentially the same fuels, except for the addition of red dye and chemical markers in red diesel.

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

Red Diesel questions and answers

What is red diesel?

Red diesel is standard mineral diesel that has been blended with a red dye to denote its lower duty rate. The dye and chemical markers included do not alter the usability or function of the fuel.

Because red diesel is a discounted fuel, it is taxed at a lower rate than the standard white diesel available at service stations across the country.

It is illegal to use red diesel in vehicles on public roads (although there are some exceptions, e.g. when gritting roads). Gas oil is legal in most SUVs, machinery, and commercial heating systems.

Who can use red diesel?

The main users of red diesel are industries such as agriculture, construction, mining and manufacturing. Data centers and hospitals also rely on red diesel for their backup generators.

Red diesel is mainly used to move off-road machinery such as tractors, cranes, forklifts and others; as heating oil in commercial and industrial buildings; and as power generation in backup generators for data centers and hospitals – locations where continuous and reliable power supply is essential.

Is red diesel really red?

Yes – red diesel is actually red.

This is because a red dye and several chemical markers are added to the fuel before it is sold, giving it a deep red color that distinguishes it from white or street diesel.

The dye in red diesel serves as a marker for HMRC inspectors, helping them identify where the discounted fuel has been used. The dye stains the inside of the tank, the fuel lines and even the engine; The dye is harmless and will not adversely affect generators or engines. It is simply there to help HMRC enforce the law and prosecute fuel fraud where red diesel has been used illegally.

Where can I buy red diesel?

Red diesel is in most cases not intended for general sale or use on public roads. You must go to a specialist fuel supplier to legally buy red diesel.

Nationwide Fuels is a reliable fuel supplier delivering red diesel and other liquid fuels and oils across the UK. We even operate an emergency fuel delivery service, ensuring that should you ever run out, your delivery is always just hours away.

We can supply red diesel in any quantity from 500 liters up to 36,000 liters or more if you need it! If you do not have a suitable fuel store for your red diesel delivery, we can also supply you with red diesel in 205 liter drums or even provide you with a new fuel tank.

If you would like to discuss your own needs and requirements with our Red Diesel experts, call us today on 0330 678 0880.

What is the latest price for red diesel?

The price of red diesel changes regularly due to external factors beyond your (or our) control.

However, because we buy our stock at wholesale prices, we are able to pass savings on to our customers, no matter how much fuel you need.

We always give you our best price, so call our red diesel experts today on 0330 678 0880 for your bespoke quote.

Is Red Diesel Use Illegal?

Red diesel is not an illegal product – if it were, we wouldn’t supply it.

However, red diesel is only limited to off-road use and then only under certain conditions. While there are certain rare exceptions that apply to the use of red diesel on public roads, these do not apply to 99% of use cases.

Use in off-road vehicles and machinery is legal provided your industry has red diesel approval. It is important to note that the list of approved sectors will change from April 2022, so you should check if you can continue to use red diesel after that. More information about the changes for 2022 can be found here.

Who can use red diesel after April 2022?

In the 2020 budget, the British government announced that it would change the red diesel law from April 2022.

Driven by the goal of reducing the UK’s harmful greenhouse gas emissions, many sectors and industries will lose their red diesel authorization and be left with few options:

Switch to white diesel

Switch to a renewable diesel alternative like HVO

Electrify and decarbonize your operations

We explain these changes in more detail in a recent article on red diesel approval from 2022.

Is red diesel known by alternative names?

Depending on who you talk to about red diesel, you’ll hear a lot of different names. Technically, red diesel is an alternative name for the fuel’s original name – gas oil.

The name red diesel became common after 1961 when it became necessary to add the red dye and chemical markers to the lower taxed gas oil. Other names for red diesel include tractor diesel, 35 second oil, farm diesel, cherry red, and generator diesel to name a few.

Why is red diesel cheaper than white road diesel?

In short, red diesel is cheaper than road diesel because it has a lower fuel tax rate.

Using red diesel on public roads is illegal and can result in a fine, prosecution and a criminal record.

Do you need a license to buy red diesel?

Although its use is restricted, you don’t need a special license to buy red diesel. However, you must sign an RDCO form, which can be found here.

Companies supplying red diesel and any other controlled oil must be registered with HMRC. This category includes red diesel and other combustible heating oils such as kerosene, discounted bio-blends and jet fuel.

As a fuel supplier, we also have a responsibility to ensure that red diesel and all other controlled oils we sell are used for legitimate purposes. For this reason we require all customers to provide information which we then pass on to HMRC and subsequently to the Road Fuel Testing Units (RFTU).

Visit the HMRC website for more information.

What is red diesel used for?

Red diesel is used in a range of industries and sectors for fueling off-road vehicles, prime movers and even in heating applications.

Red diesel is just like regular diesel but with a red dye and chemical markings to help HMRC and authorities detect illegal use in road-bound and exempt machines.

Red diesel users using the discounted fuel for heating should be aware that red diesel is not always the cheapest or most efficient option. Industrial heating oil and home heating oil are inexpensive alternatives that offer the same heating performance but are specifically designed for heating applications.

If you plan to use red diesel, you should be aware that there are restrictions on its use. You must ensure that you are authorized to use the red diesel to avoid potential fines and prosecution.

Can red diesel be used for heating?

Although many companies use red diesel in their heating systems, we would always recommend our customers to switch to industrial heating oil (IHO), a VAT-free fuel for heating purposes.

It is important to note that IHO may only be used for heating purposes and is strictly prohibited for all other purposes.

Which vehicles can use red diesel?

Any vehicle, machine or generator that runs on regular diesel can use red diesel as a fuel. That’s because red diesel and white diesel/road diesel are essentially the same fuel, with the exception of the addition of red dye and chemical markers in red diesel.

However, there are restrictions on who can use the fuel; Any vehicle using public roads cannot use the discounted fuel, with some rare exceptions.

Is red diesel banned on public roads?

For most use cases, fueling a vehicle with red diesel with the intention of driving on public roads is illegal. This is considered tax evasion and penalties and fines will be imposed if caught.

You can find out about the offenses and penalties imposed by HMRC for using red diesel at

At the time of writing, farmers can use red diesel to travel between different properties up to a maximum distance of 1.5 km, as long as they are both owned by the same person/company. There are also some exceptions for vehicles using red diesel for gardening or forestry.

Can red diesel be used to grit public roads?

Yes, but only in vehicles that have been built or temporarily converted exclusively for spreading public roads in frost, ice or snow. Then there is no limitation in its use as long as the vehicle is used only for that.

There are also exceptions for farmers who use red diesel in tractors or other agricultural vehicles when gritting roads.

Visit the website here for more information.

Can tractors gritting on public roads use red diesel?

Since November 1, 2013, farmers with agricultural vehicles have been allowed to grit the roads to clear them of frost, ice and snow. The rules were changed as it was considered problematic for farmers to switch between red diesel and white diesel when gritting public roads.

The problem for many rural roads and villages is that they have not been priority scattering areas for many municipal scattering agencies. This left many rural areas cut off from the ice and snow on the roads until farmers could get their tractors out onto the roads.

For more information visit the (1) website and (2) website here.

Will using red diesel damage my car?

If your car was made to use regular street diesel, red diesel would not damage your car.

However, using red diesel on public roads is illegal and could result in you being prosecuted by HMRC.

Visit the website here for more information.

Can the red dye be removed from red diesel?

Yes, it is possible to remove the dye from red diesel. This process is called fuel washing and is illegal.

Request a quote for red diesel

If you would like to find out more or discuss your own red diesel requirements, you can do so today by calling our red diesel fuel experts on 0330 678 0880.

What is the history of the red diesel?

1921 – By 1921, imports of motor gasoline were subject to duty. On January 1st, 1921, this was abolished and replaced by consumption tax and vehicle registration documents.

Exceptions were local authority fire engines, ambulances and road rollers. The rates applicable to different vehicles appear to have been assessed on the basis of likely damage to roads.

Diesel fuel was cheap because it wasn’t considered road fuel – cars and other road vehicles typically ran on gasoline. As a result, the use of diesel in trucks, buses and other road vehicles increased.

1934-1934 Municipal road and sewer cleaning vehicles were exempted from excise duty on licenses. Off-road vehicle prices have been reduced.

1935 – Due to the increasing number of diesel powered road vehicles, it was realized that a separate tariff was needed for “off-highway” vehicles. From 1935 road vehicles were banned from using discounted fuels – and penalties for abuse were introduced to ensure that petrol and diesel road vehicles were treated equally.

Off-road vehicles, including railroads, benefited from the lower rate, promoting rail transport over road transport. Presumably this is where today’s discounts for discounted fuel have their origin.

The categories and uses of vehicles authorized to use discounted fuel have been added incrementally over the years to reflect changes in machinery used and the extent of road use.

1947 – Mobile cranes used only as road cranes receive the excise tax reduction.

1949 – Tractors and agricultural machinery, trenchers on public roads that do not carry a load are given special tariffs.

1950 – The concession was extended to vehicles operating in forests and vehicles operating within 15 miles of farms or forests and transported between farms and/or estates.

1952 – Legislation specifically states that no road vehicles, other road rollers, and other specifically exempt vehicles are authorized to use discounted heavy fuel oils.

The list of exempt vehicles included plow engines, tractors, agricultural engines, mechanical excavators, trenchers, mobile cranes, and mowers.

1959 – The list of exempt vehicles was expanded to include vehicles used solely to transport road construction equipment and those used to move from one property to another by road.

Auxiliary engines on vehicles were also allowed to use discounted oil (due to lobbying by concrete truck operators in particular). It was stressed that vehicles registered as lorries are not exempt.

Marking was introduced around this time to allow oil for these off-road and exempt vehicles to be shipped at a discounted rate, rather than requiring users to reclaim the duty paid.

With the number of vehicles registered increasing and the gap between road fuel and concession fuel prices growing, the introduction of labeling enabled HMRC to identify concession fuel and verify its use in road vehicles, and ensured that administrative burdens were kept to a minimum, by allowing users to buy at the lower price.

1961 – The use of red dye and chemical markers in all diesel fuels sold as red diesel became a requirement to help authorities distinguish the low-stress fuel in vehicles used on public roads.

1960s – The list of exempt vehicles continued to grow and refine, adding snowplows and defining construction vehicles such as “work trucks” and “dump trucks.”

Schedule 1 to the Hydrocarbon Oils Duty Act 1979 (HODA) contains the current list of “exempt vehicles” (vehicles permitted under certain circumstances to use discounted fuel when driving on public roads).

The marking requirements are set out in Regulation 18 of the Hydrocarbon Oil Regulations 1973 (currently updated to include the new ‘Euromarker’ which will be introduced on 1 August 2002).

Does EU law treat red diesel differently?

Directive 92/81/EEC defines a number of areas where Member States can apply reduced rates of excise duty:

Article 8(1) obliges Member States to exempt certain uses of oils from the harmonized excise duty. These are: fuels not used as engine or heating fuels, aviation fuels, fuels used in ships in Community waters other than private pleasure craft and blast furnace fuels.

Article 8(2) allows Member States to apply reduced tax rates or tax exemptions for electricity generation, inland waterway transport, passenger transport and freight transport, for pilot projects for the development of environmentally friendly fuels, for the development of aircraft and ships, for use in agriculture, in horticulture and in fisheries and; for digging.

Article 8(3) allows Member States to apply excise duty reductions on gas oil for vehicles intended for off-road use and construction and construction vehicles.

Oils for such uses must either be released at the full duty rate and the difference reclaimed from the end user OR must be labeled prior to release at the reduced rate. The introduction of the Euromarker means that all oils used in off-road and exempt vehicles must be labeled with Solvent Yellow 124.

What happens if I put dyed diesel in my truck?

It’s a small percentage to avoid a hefty fine that often exceeds $1,000 per violation. It can also land you in jail. Red diesel has its name because it’s dyed red. This allows law enforcement officers to dip into the tank to see if red dye comes out.

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

If you’ve never owned a diesel truck and are trying to figure out the differences between off-road diesel and regular passenger car diesel, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you accidentally filled your tank with the wrong kind or are just curious, you might start to worry about the longevity of your truck.

So, will off-road diesel hurt your truck? No, off-road diesel will not harm your truck. That being said, it’s illegal to use as it’s not intended to be sold for road vehicles. You’ll face a hefty fine if authorities find out you’ve used it.

In this article you will also learn the following information:

The differences between conventional diesel and off-road diesel

Whether you are allowed to use them or not

The consequences of mixing

What is the difference between regular diesel and off-road diesel?

The differences between the two types of fuel can help you decide which one to use. Unless you work for the government or have a permit, it is safe to say that you will have no choice in the matter. Only normal diesel will help!

However, if you’re still curious about the various differences, you’re in luck. Here are the five differences between red (off-road) and green (regular) diesel fuel:

Red diesel has a higher sulfur content than green diesel. It is about three to four times richer in sulfur, which plays a significant role in polluting our environment. In addition to harming local habitats, excess sulfur is a major problem for people with respiratory problems. Red diesel is mostly illegal. You can only use red diesel if you have a permit, while green diesel is accessible to everyone. You will most likely use green diesel for your truck, which definitely won’t cause any problems. However, red diesel will not harm your truck. Perhaps the most significant difference is that red diesel is tax-free. Criminals often try to get their hands on red diesel because they don’t want to spend their city’s tax rate. It’s a small percentage to avoid a hefty fine, often exceeding $1,000 per violation. It can also land you in jail. Red diesel gets its name because it is colored red. This allows law enforcement officers to dip into the tank to see if red dye comes out. If this is the case, you could get into serious trouble. There are many truck stops looking for red, so it’s best to avoid it altogether. Green diesel is much more readily available. Almost all petrol stations have green diesel available for trucks and other vehicles that require diesel. However, red diesel is not as common in areas where there are no commercial vehicles used for it. There are also places that also sell it online through deliveries such as: B. the Kendrick Oil Company.

As you can see there are all sorts of differences between red and green diesel. Airlines and other services also dye their diesel multiple colors like purple or blue.

You should never use diesel that does not come from a green gas pump handle. See the next section for more information on the legalities of diesel fuel.

Is it legal to use red diesel in my truck?

Red diesel is really just diesel that comes with the dye Solvent Red 26 or 164 to represent the high sulfur content. However, you should take the red coloration as a warning sign to refrain from it. Even if you don’t worry about the dangers it poses to the environment, your checkbook will thank you if you don’t use it.

Using red diesel can result in a $1,000 fine in many states. Some places, such as B. California charge $10 per gallon found in your truck. However, the basic penalty is $1,000, which means you will be charged a fee that is a higher amount of money.

For example, if you have 30 gallons of red diesel in your truck, you will be fined $1,000, as that is still higher than the $300 that would otherwise be charged. However, if you stored 150 gallons of red diesel, you would be charged 150 x 10 = $1,500 for the felony.

You should always keep your hands off red diesel, even if the tax cut seems tempting. The average tax in most cities is between 7% and 9%, which would result in a $100 ride costing only $107 to $109. If you were caught for the crime you would be paying $100 plus a $1,000 fine. Regardless of your point of view, $109 is way better than $1,100!

If you want to get a permit to use red diesel fuel, you need a good reason to do it. Agriculture, construction and off-road business relationships are the best reasons to get a permit. However, they do not guarantee your access. Always follow the necessary legal procedures before using it.

As a precautionary measure, be aware of the fuel source with any diesel purchase. Some pumps use red paint and have a green handle. Although the handle is meant to match, mistakes are made and the correct color mixed up. If you fill up in a new place, check the labels to protect yourself from a fine.

Can you mix diesel and regular diesel?

Diesel and regular diesel are both popular fuel options, but they are very different. Everyone knows that mixing diesel with gasoline can have serious and often dangerous side effects, but it’s not the same with diesel and regular diesel.

As previously mentioned, these two types of diesel fuel are actually referred to as green diesel and red diesel. Mixing the two simply creates an imbalance in the sulfur content, which doesn’t necessarily lead to harmful problems.

Actually, the main concern with mixing the two types of fuel is that it is often against the law. If you’ve used red diesel, chances are you’ve landed in serious legal trouble. Avoid using it unless you have permission to do so.

If you happen to have a permit to use red diesel and are using it in your 4×4, you can do so with confidence. It may be used in vehicles or equipment used for agricultural purposes or for construction purposes. Mixing the two only burns the fuel a little faster than if you used red alone.

Some people prefer to burn through one type of fuel before adding another. For example, if you put premium gasoline in your car, it’s a good idea to burn off as much of the inferior gasoline as possible beforehand. This is not the case with colored diesel fuel.


Red diesel will not harm your truck. It’s just made with a slightly higher concentration of sulfur with artificial red dye inside. However, they will be charged with a felony and fined over $1,000 in most places. In short, your truck won’t get damaged, but your bank account will.

Here is a summary of the post:

What happens if you get caught with red diesel?

If you’re caught using red fuel illegally, your vehicle could be seized by the authorities and you’ll have to pay a fee for the vehicle’s release, along with the amount to cover the duty owed. Serious offences could result in an unlimited fine to the operator and a prison sentence of up to two years.

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

How much do you know about the penalties for using red diesel?

October 11, 2017

Some vehicles and machines that are allowed to use discounted fuel are:

– Agricultural tractors, attachments and machines

– Mobile cranes

– digging machines

– snow plows

– greaves

– Road rollers and surface vehicles

If you are caught using red fuel illegally, your vehicle may be impounded by the authorities and you will be required to pay a vehicle release fee as well as the amount to cover the levy owed.

In the event of serious violations, the operator faces an unlimited fine and imprisonment for up to two years.

Click here to read more about this Commercial Motor story.

Why is red diesel illegal?

Why is red diesel illegal? Red diesel is illegal for on-road vehicles because it’s not taxed. Federal and state governments have strict standards in place about its use in on-road engines. Distributors and fuel retailers cannot knowingly supply on-road vehicles with this type of fuel.

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

Here are the top red colored diesel questions and answers you need to know. Find out what it is, who can use it, why it’s red and more.

10 useful FAQs about Red Diesel

What is red diesel?

Red diesel is a fuel for heavy machinery and off-road vehicles. This fuel is like regular diesel but colored red for identification.

What is red diesel used for?

Red diesel fuel for machinery and off-road vehicles in the construction and agricultural industries. It is illegal to use this fuel in road vehicles such as consumer cars.

Why is red diesel dyed red?

Red diesel is colored because it’s tax-exempt so off-road gear can work cheaply. Fuels are colored for identification purposes as some have lower taxes than others. Congress and other federal agencies need to collect the right taxes while making sure that green options are used correctly.

Which vehicles can use red diesel?

From bulldozers to harvesters, there is a wide variety of vehicles and machinery that enjoy the low cost of red diesel fuel. Farmers use this diesel in harvesters, tractors and other heavy equipment. Similarly, construction companies use red diesel in their engines for cranes, bobcats, bulldozers, excavators and generators. Other industries using red diesel include aviation, mining, traveling road shows, carnivals and even county fairs. These engines can use red diesel as long as they don’t haul anything on public roads.

What is the difference between off-road diesel and on-road diesel?

On-road diesel refers to everyday vehicles that drive on the road. Any vehicle that is road legal by the US must use street diesel, which is available at gas stations.

Off-road diesel refers to equipment or vehicles that do not travel on roads, such as tractors, bulldozers, and generators. You cannot put this type of diesel in road vehicles as it is illegal.

What is the difference between clear and colored diesel?

Clear on-road diesel fuel and you can find it at gas stations across the United States. This diesel is for everyday vehicles such as cars, SUVs, trucks and watercraft. It has a low sulfur content and is taxable.

Colored diesel is fuel that is colored with a chemical additive for identification. Red is the most common colored diesel fueling off-road vehicles and equipment. This type of fuel is not taxed and has a higher sulfur content. Blue-colored diesel is like red-colored diesel, although it is for US government vehicles only.

What is the difference between green and red colored diesel?

While green diesel is not really green, it is more environmentally friendly than red diesel. It uses a petroleum refining process that makes it similar to chemically refined oils, but with less fossil fuel consumption and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Waste fat, lipid-rich feedstock and microalgae are found in green diesel.

Red diesel is actually colored red, showing that the fuel must be suitable for off-road vehicles and equipment because of its higher sulfur content. Red colored diesel fuel is not taxed compared to consumer fuel or road diesel.

Can red diesel damage your engine?

No, red diesel will not damage your engine or any other part of the car. Red diesel is the same as regular diesel but with a red dye. Off-road equipment and vehicles have the same diesel engine as regular vehicles.

Why is red diesel illegal?

Red diesel is illegal for road vehicles as it is not taxed. Federal and state governments have established strict standards for use in road engines. Dealers and fuel retailers cannot knowingly supply road vehicles with this type of fuel. Likewise, road drivers cannot knowingly use dyed diesel in their vehicles. While it’s nice not to pay fuel taxes, if you’re caught using red diesel, you could face costly fines or even jail time.

Police officers can take samples from any petrol tank they suspect is illegally using red-dyed diesel. Even completely removing the dye from the fuel is impossible and found through laboratory testing. Penalties for attempting to remove red dye are a criminal offense and the penalties are quite severe.

Is heating oil the same as red diesel?

No, heating oil is not the same as red diesel (off-road fuel). While both are tax-exempt and colored red, they each have different sulfur levels. Heating oil has 500 ppm sulfur, red diesel has less than 15 ppm. Note that red diesel can replace fuel oil, but fuel oil cannot replace red diesel due to its high sulfur content, which is harmful to the environment.

Call us at 1-844-339-8740 for more information on red colored diesel or fuel delivery services.

How do you get diesel out of fabric?

You can get diesel out of clothes and shoes using natural deodorizers like baking soda, vinegar, and eucalyptus oil, or commercial cleaning products like Pine-Sol. You can even apply hand cleaners meant to combat grease to remove both the smell and the stains left by diesel fuel!

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

Whether you’ve been to a monster truck rally or spent the weekend in your RV, you can come home to find that your clothes stink of diesel exhaust. The smell probably didn’t bother you that much while you were having fun outside, but that gas smell can drive you crazy in your home. Unfortunately, just throwing your clothes in the wash isn’t enough, so you need to know expert methods to get the diesel smell out of clothes!

The easiest way to get the smell of diesel out of your clothes is to use a natural deodorant like baking soda or eucalyptus oil. Cleaning products like Fast Orange, Ammonia, and Pine-Sol can also remove stubborn odors. Pretreating the clothing by soaking it in dish soap or strong laundry soap makes these methods more effective.

In this article you will learn why diesel odors are so difficult to eliminate. You will discover the top seven ways to get rid of that annoying gas smell. Finally, get tips on how to remove diesel smell from shoes and upholstery!

Why can’t the washing machine get rid of the smell of diesel?

Simply tossing your diesel-stained clothes in the washing machine rarely works, as many commercial detergents cannot break down oil-based stains to completely remove the grease and odor. Instead, you’ll need a commercial degreaser, solvent-based stain remover, or natural deodorant.

So why does diesel have such a strong, lingering smell? Mainly because it contains a fairly high percentage of sulfur and nitrogen. If you’ve ever visited a hot spring or cracked a rotten egg, you know exactly what sulfur smells like!

Ordinary gasoline evaporates quickly, so it doesn’t leave such a lingering odor. It’s also more refined than diesel and doesn’t have quite as strong an odor.

To get rid of that diesel smell, you need to find a way to get rid of the sulfur and nitrogen particles that are stuck to your clothes or shoes.

The smell of diesel alone can linger in your car or your clothes for six to eight weeks! Since you don’t want to deal with such tedious inconveniences, you can easily learn how to remove diesel smell from clothes by reading on!

How to get the diesel smell out of clothes: 8 methods

You can remove the smell of diesel from your clothes using any of the eight methods detailed here. Some of them offer helpful tips on using common household products you likely have in your pantry. Others require commercial cleaners or degreasers that work even on large diesel stains on your clothing.

These methods work best if you also use the “before and after” steps recommended here!

Before and after

If you take a few extra precautions before and after each of the eight treatments, you’ll achieve even better results!

Just in case you are tempted to try multiple methods on a smelly garment, please note that it is generally unsafe to mix cleaning products together. If you try one method and it fails, you can certainly try another – just make sure you rinse the garment thoroughly before trying the second method.

before you start

Blot up the spilled liquid if necessary. If you’re dealing with a diesel spill or a wet diesel stain on your clothing, use a paper towel to gently blot up as much moisture as possible. So you have to wash less of your clothes later.

If your clothing stinks or if you can see a diesel stain that has dried into the fabric, hand wash the clothing in a solution of water and dish soap. Simply add a tablespoon of dish soap to a bucket of warm water and dunk the clothes directly.

Alternatively, you can soak your clothes overnight in warm water with a spoonful of strong anti-grease detergent.

As a precaution, do not attempt to use chlorine bleach! This can react with the diesel residues in the fabric and lead to discolouration. As you already know, regular detergent is not enough to remove fuel odors or stains. You’re going to need something stronger!

After treatment

You must continue each of these treatments with a regular wash in your washing machine. Make sure you use a good cleaning product during this process.

If possible, after washing your clothes, air dry them in a nice, sunny spot.

As a precaution, do not put diesel soiled clothing in the dryer as there is a small possibility that the remaining diesel particles will ignite from the heat!

If you’re camping and the diesel accident happened while refueling your RV, make sure you don’t wear those stained clothes near a campfire or grill either!

1. Baking soda and vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar both have natural deodorizing and stain-removing properties, which can be a cheap, convenient way to remove the diesel smell from your clothes.

While it’s nice to use natural methods that don’t depend on strong chemicals, keep in mind that this works best for weak odors. For clothing that still smells strongly of diesel or diesel fuel stains, you will likely need to resort to a commercial heavy-duty cleaning product or solvent-based stain remover.

First, put your smelly clothes in the wash alone. You don’t want to transfer the contagious smell to other clothes! Measure in your regular laundry detergent. Sprinkle about half a 14-ounce box of baking soda and half a cup of vinegar on clothing. You should not pour this into a dispenser area of ​​your machine as it could cause a clog. Run the full wash cycle. If possible, take damp clothing outside to dry. After drying, check them or the remaining smell and repeat the process if necessary.

These natural products will not damage your machine or mess up your clothes. Vinegar provides a great natural cleaning for your machine and also works as a brightener for light-colored clothing.

2. Coke and baking soda

Coca-Cola and baking soda offer another (almost) natural way to get rid of diesel smell from clothes!

Believe it or not, cola has some pretty amazing cleaning properties. It contains citric acid which can break down and remove rust. It’s a natural degreaser, which means you can use it to remove oil stains from clothes or even your driveway, and it’ll even remove blood stains from clothes or carpets!

Adding baking soda causes a reaction that helps remove stubborn grease stains.

Fill a soak cycle in your washing machine and let your clothes sit for a few hours. Drain the water and begin another soak. While the washer is filling, add a 2-liter bottle of Coke and a 14-ounce box of baking soda. Soak the garments in this solution overnight or up to 24 hours. Finally, wash as usual and then check for any remaining diesel smell.

Throwing a 2 liter bottle of coke and soda down the washing machine isn’t the most cost effective treatment! That means you might convert to the coke cleaning method since it works.

3. Rubbing alcohol and baking soda

If you see an obvious diesel stain, sprinkle baking soda over the stained area. Pour rubbing alcohol over the stained area until it is soaked. Leave this on for an hour and then wash as usual. If you don’t see a stain and just want to remove the smell, prepare a bath with a tub of warm water, a cup of rubbing alcohol, and about half a 14-ounce box of baking soda. Soak clothing in this solution for one to two hours before washing as usual.

4. Ammonia

Put the clothes that smell of diesel in the wash. Measure out the detergent as usual. As the washer fills up, pour 1/2 cup of ammonia into the water. Wait for the wash cycle to finish. Air dry clothes instead of putting them in the dryer.

Rubbing alcohol and baking soda together also work well as a natural stain remover and deodorizer. Rubbing alcohol is a great degreaser that also works well to remove small grease stains from many types of clothing. It might seem counterproductive to use something strong smelling to get rid of another strong odor, but ammonia does a fantastic job of removing musty, oily or just plain gross stains and odors from clothes!

Depending on how sensitive you are to odors, you may need to wash your clothes a second time to ensure they only smell like fresh detergent after this treatment.

5. Eucalyptus Oil

Put the smelly clothes in the washing machine alone.

Start a normal wash cycle with warm water.

When the washing machine is full, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the water.

Allow the cycle to proceed as usual.

Eucalyptus oil also contains natural degreasing agents. If you are purchasing essential oils that have been either cold pressed or distilled to keep the oils pure, you can easily use this pleasantly scented oil to get rid of the lingering diesel fuel smell.

This method is cheap and effective, but works best on clothing made from natural fibers like cotton. It may not work on synthetic polyester or viscose garments.

6. Listerine

Start your washing machine cycle as usual and add detergent.

Measure a cup of Listerine either through the bleach compartment or directly into the water.

Wait for the wash cycle to finish. Before you dry your clothes, do a sniff test and see if the smell of diesel is still there. If you didn’t get the smell of diesel all the way through this first round, try doing the same process again, but also add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the wash.

Listerine does a lot more than give you minty fresh breath! Listerine contains ethanol and several essential oils, including eucalyptus oil. As a product designed to eliminate bad odors in your mouth, it shouldn’t be too surprising that it can do the same for your clothes!

As a fun fact, you can also use Listerine to remove the smoke smell from your clothes after a campfire or BBQ session!

7. Pinesol

Start your washing process as usual and add a good quality detergent.

Measure in 1/2 cup Pine-Sol.

Finish the wash cycle.

Check your clothes to see if they smell too much like a commercial detergent and wash them again with detergent if necessary.

You might think of Pine-Sol as a toilet bowl or bathroom floor cleaner, but it has a multitude of uses around the home! In addition to removing oil-based stains and odors from your clothes, it can also remove the grease that has built up in your washing machine.

You can also substitute several other commercial cleaning products like Mr. Clean in this process, but make sure you read the label to ensure the product doesn’t contain chemicals that will harm your clothes before you begin.

8. Fast Orange

Fast Orange is a lotion-style hand cleanser designed to remove oil and dirt from the skin. Mechanics, builders and other people who work with their hands have great respect for this powerful cleaner!

Surprisingly, it works well on fabric too!

Locate any obvious diesel stains on the garment and rub just a dab of Fast Orange directly onto the stain.

If you don’t see any stains and just need to combat the smell of diesel, skip step one and add about a tablespoon of Fast Orange to the water in your washing machine instead.

Run through your normal wash cycle.

Check the clothing for any remaining odors.

Repeat this process as needed, but also add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the wash the second time.

You can also try using a similar commercial cleaning product such as Simple Green. Just test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​your clothing first to make sure it doesn’t damage the material.

How to remove diesel smell from clothes after washing

You can usually get rid of the diesel smell in your clothes after washing them, too, by soaking them with vinegar using any of the eight methods detailed in this article.

The best way to get the diesel smell out of your clothes is to treat them right away, but if you’ve already thrown the clothes in the washing machine, don’t despair!

First, choose one of the eight methods detailed in this article to try, such as: B. the method with cola and baking soda. Get all your supplies ready.

Next, set up a pre-soak. Fill a bucket, basin, or tub filled with equal parts hot water and vinegar.

Let your clothes soak for half an hour.

Then continue with one of the eight methods described previously!

In all honesty, you may have to repeat the treatment process a few times. It’s harder to remove an odor after you’ve already washed and dried your clothes. Just do the sniff test after each completed wash cycle to find out if the process worked!

How to remove diesel fuel stains from clothes

All eight methods previously outlined will do a good job of removing diesel stains from clothing and removing the smell.

Here are some tips that can help you with stain removal:

Always blot a wet stain to remove as much moisture as possible before beginning.

You should pre-treat stains with a solvent-based stain remover before you begin. Spray N’ Wash or a similar product should work!

Alternatively, you can rub a little baking soda into a fresh stain and leave it on for 24 hours before using any of the methods in this article.

Or, as a last option, pre-treat by rubbing dish soap directly onto the stain, either with your fingers or a soft brush. Leave this on for several hours before proceeding with any of the eight methods.

Generally, all-natural product treatments work, but may require multiple applications.

Powerful commercial cleaners like Fast Orange will do the job quickly, but you run the risk of damaging delicate fabrics.

Finally, as you might expect, removing fresh stains from your clothes is a lot easier! Try to apply a pre-treatment as soon as possible.

How do you get diesel smell out of shoes?

The best way to get the diesel smell out of your shoes is to wash them, treat them with baking soda and vinegar, or deodorize them with a peeled potato.

Washing machine

If your shoes are washable, you can put them in a zip-lock laundry bag to prevent the laces from getting tangled and throw them in a regular wash cycle. You should either use a strong detergent or measure out a capful of one of the previously mentioned commercial detergents like Fast Orange.

Although you can theoretically put sneakers in the dryer, it’s probably better to let your shoes air dry in a nice sunny spot.

If you spilled gas on your shoes while refueling a boat or your RV, you may need to take some extra measures, such as: B. Soak the shoes in a tub of water and dish soap overnight before washing them.

baking soda and vinegar

Just like with your clothes, you can use the natural deodorizing properties of baking soda and vinegar to remove diesel smells from your shoes. You may need to repeat the process if necessary to completely remove an odor using these household products.

Follow the steps outlined in the baking soda method earlier in this article.

However, the great advantage of this method is that you can apply it to many elegant shoes and even leather shoes without damaging them. If you have non-washable shoes, you can try this method!

potato in a bag

This may sound like an exaggeration to you, but a great way to neutralize shoe odor is to put a potato in a Ziploc bag with your shoes! This method works very well on leather shoes, but not so well on cloth shoes.

First, peel two potatoes that fit in your shoes. Second, slide the potatoes into the toe box of the shoes. Finally, seal the shoes tightly in a Ziploc bag.

Let them sit overnight. By morning the smell should be gone!


You can remove diesel from clothing and shoes by using natural deodorants like baking soda, vinegar, and eucalyptus oil, or commercial cleaning products like Pine-Sol. You can even use grease fighting hand cleaners to remove both the smell and the stains left by diesel fuel!

The best thing to do is try to get the smell of diesel out of your clothes as quickly as possible using one of the eight methods described here. If you’ve already washed and dried your clothes but the diesel smell lingers, you may need to use more than one treatment to get rid of the smell for good.

Have you ever managed to get rid of the annoying smell of diesel from your clothes? Which method did you use? Leave a comment below to let us know!

How do you get green dye out of diesel?

Green diesel is the Republic of Ireland equivalent of the UK’s red diesel. Q And how exactly is it done? A The dye is relatively easy to remove using a bleaching agent – the most recent method of removing the dye is to use silicon dioxide, which can render the fuel colourless in two hours.

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

To many people, trading in washed fuel may seem like a victimless crime. However, as reports in this newspaper show, that is far from the case

A former IRA man-turned-smuggling boss hired three scientists in a desperate attempt to crack a new diesel marker being launched on both sides of the Irish border.

However, South Armagh smugglers have still not been able to remove the mark and according to Garda and Customs sources, the diesel washing and smuggling – which has turned many former terrorists into multi-millionaires – is now coming to an end.

The gas smugglers already had a scientist in the field of gas washing and were able to overcome all previous attempts to stop the washing and smuggling of “green” and “red” diesel.

They hired two more scientists this year, but they haven’t been able to crack the new colorless marker, which is said to contain a harmless radioactive element.

The smugglers previously used their in-house chemist to help them reduce sulfur levels in the “washed” diesel – which damaged car engines and discouraged many people from buying the cheaper fuel at outlets controlled by the smugglers.

The new marker is manufactured by the multinational Dow Chemical Company and has been in use for years in South America, where fuel laundering and smuggling was rife.

It was launched simultaneously in the Republic and Northern Ireland in February.

Sources say the smugglers appeared to have inside information that the new marker was on the way and had spent the past few months building up stocks of green diesel. But these are now probably running out.

Major players are increasingly turning to tobacco smuggling and South Armagh is recognized as one of the centers of the illicit tobacco trade in the western world, supplying both the Irish and UK markets.

The fuel smugglers have also been looking for other sources of income and have been implicated in the smuggling of over-quota milk over the past year.

They are expected to venture back into this racket over the summer as dairy farmers meet and meet their quotas. However, the EU quotas end next March 31st, so this one will also come to an end.

Since the new colorless marker was introduced, customs officials have monitored the movement of diesel to “pop-up” fuel stations – many of which are expected to be searched in the coming months. However, according to Garda sources, the smugglers are aware.

After decades of fuel smuggling, the big millionaires involved are said to be salting their money in real estate, especially in hotels and pubs, and in offshore investments.

Gardai is aware of a number of significant real estate investments made by the former IRA men over the last two years.

Garda sources say they believe the smugglers were allowed to stay in their rackets as part of a secret deal to prevent them from returning to terrorism after the IRA ceasefire in 1997.

The main smugglers operate in the open and although hundreds of raids on ‘washing facilities’ have taken place in the southern Armagh area, none of the main players have been captured.

Diesel washing caused a massive environmental problem in the border area by dumping the carcinogenic by-product sewage sludge. Disposing of the hazardous sludge has cost border counties such as Louth and Monaghan tens of millions of euros.

The new marker was officially rolled out in February after years of both Customs agencies looking for ways to take down the Republic smugglers.

“Rigorous” tests have been conducted and it has been found that the marker is very resistant to known washing techniques. It was implemented after consultation with the oil industry and other sectors concerned and will be used alongside the current marker mix.

Introducing the new marker, Josephine Feehily, Chair of the Republic Treasury, said: “Fuel washing has many adverse consequences, not the least of which is its significant impact on the Treasury.

“While we have taken many initiatives to address this issue in recent years, including tighter supply chain controls as well as robust enforcement measures, the launch of the new fuel marker is an important element of our strategy to combat this crime.”

Since last year, the Irish Revenue Commissioners have mandated that all licensed fuel dealers are required to file electronic returns on their monthly fuel transactions. These “supply chain” control measures have also made it much harder for smugglers to source marked fuel, and sources say they are now finding it virtually impossible to source green diesel.

fact file

Types of fuel fraud include:

Washing – Removal of dyes and markings to make it difficult to identify a non-road fuel.

Blending – Combining oils to produce an illegal street fuel, e.g. B. kerosene or bound oils with lubricating or other oils.

Misuse – illegal use of red diesel in on-road vehicles when intended for off-road use.

Contraband – failure to declare or misdescribe oil shipments sent inside and outside the EU.

Tank fraud – questions and answers

Q What exactly is fuel washing?

A For economic reasons, farmers and some industries can buy diesel much cheaper than other road users. Washed fuel is red or green diesel that has been filtered through chemicals or acids to remove government markings. Green diesel is the Republic of Ireland’s equivalent of the UK’s red diesel.

Q And how exactly is it done?

A The dye is relatively easy to remove with bleach – the latest method of removing the dye is to use silicon dioxide, which can render fuel colorless in two hours. The silicon dioxide is filled into a tank with green diesel and the air is pumped through with a compressor. Charcoal and even kitty litter used to be used to filter out the dye.

Q Who is involved in fuel washing?

A dissident Republican paramilitary is heavily involved. PSNI Chief Constable Matt Baggott said counterterrorism efforts were intertwined with investigations into organized crime. UUP MLA Danny Kennedy, representing parts of South Armagh, said: “They (Republican criminals) dump the diesel where they once dumped the bodies.”

Q What are the costs for the public purse?

A In Northern Ireland, HMRC estimates that the UK government lost around £70m in revenue in 2012.

Q What are the implications for drivers?

A The fuel can be bought for around £1.11 per litre, much cheaper than regular fuel. But it can ruin the engines of cars.

Q What is the environmental impact?

A Almost half a million pounds was spent in just one year cleaning up fuel washing waste in Northern Ireland. The washing process creates a toxic sludge that makes it difficult to find unduty-duty fuel. Shortly before his departure, then-Environment Secretary Alex Attwood said the agency had been ineffective.

Why is diesel dyed red?

Red diesel is actually dyed red, and shows that the fuel must be for off-road vehicles and equipment because of its higher sulfur content. Red dyed diesel fuel is not taxed compared to consumer motor fuel, or on-road diesel.

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

Here are the top red colored diesel questions and answers you need to know. Find out what it is, who can use it, why it’s red and more.

10 useful FAQs about Red Diesel

What is red diesel?

Red diesel is a fuel for heavy machinery and off-road vehicles. This fuel is like regular diesel but colored red for identification.

What is red diesel used for?

Red diesel fuel for machinery and off-road vehicles in the construction and agricultural industries. It is illegal to use this fuel in road vehicles such as consumer cars.

Why is red diesel dyed red?

Red diesel is colored because it’s tax-exempt so off-road gear can work cheaply. Fuels are colored for identification purposes as some have lower taxes than others. Congress and other federal agencies need to collect the right taxes while making sure that green options are used correctly.

Which vehicles can use red diesel?

From bulldozers to harvesters, there is a wide variety of vehicles and machinery that enjoy the low cost of red diesel fuel. Farmers use this diesel in harvesters, tractors and other heavy equipment. Similarly, construction companies use red diesel in their engines for cranes, bobcats, bulldozers, excavators and generators. Other industries using red diesel include aviation, mining, traveling road shows, carnivals and even county fairs. These engines can use red diesel as long as they don’t haul anything on public roads.

What is the difference between off-road diesel and on-road diesel?

On-road diesel refers to everyday vehicles that drive on the road. Any vehicle that is road legal by the US must use street diesel, which is available at gas stations.

Off-road diesel refers to equipment or vehicles that do not travel on roads, such as tractors, bulldozers, and generators. You cannot put this type of diesel in road vehicles as it is illegal.

What is the difference between clear and colored diesel?

Clear on-road diesel fuel and you can find it at gas stations across the United States. This diesel is for everyday vehicles such as cars, SUVs, trucks and watercraft. It has a low sulfur content and is taxable.

Colored diesel is fuel that is colored with a chemical additive for identification. Red is the most common colored diesel fueling off-road vehicles and equipment. This type of fuel is not taxed and has a higher sulfur content. Blue-colored diesel is like red-colored diesel, although it is for US government vehicles only.

What is the difference between green and red colored diesel?

While green diesel is not really green, it is more environmentally friendly than red diesel. It uses a petroleum refining process that makes it similar to chemically refined oils, but with less fossil fuel consumption and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Waste fat, lipid-rich feedstock and microalgae are found in green diesel.

Red diesel is actually colored red, showing that the fuel must be suitable for off-road vehicles and equipment because of its higher sulfur content. Red colored diesel fuel is not taxed compared to consumer fuel or road diesel.

Can red diesel damage your engine?

No, red diesel will not damage your engine or any other part of the car. Red diesel is the same as regular diesel but with a red dye. Off-road equipment and vehicles have the same diesel engine as regular vehicles.

Why is red diesel illegal?

Red diesel is illegal for road vehicles as it is not taxed. Federal and state governments have established strict standards for use in road engines. Dealers and fuel retailers cannot knowingly supply road vehicles with this type of fuel. Likewise, road drivers cannot knowingly use dyed diesel in their vehicles. While it’s nice not to pay fuel taxes, if you’re caught using red diesel, you could face costly fines or even jail time.

Police officers can take samples from any petrol tank they suspect is illegally using red-dyed diesel. Even completely removing the dye from the fuel is impossible and found through laboratory testing. Penalties for attempting to remove red dye are a criminal offense and the penalties are quite severe.

Is heating oil the same as red diesel?

No, heating oil is not the same as red diesel (off-road fuel). While both are tax-exempt and colored red, they each have different sulfur levels. Heating oil has 500 ppm sulfur, red diesel has less than 15 ppm. Note that red diesel can replace fuel oil, but fuel oil cannot replace red diesel due to its high sulfur content, which is harmful to the environment.

Call us at 1-844-339-8740 for more information on red colored diesel or fuel delivery services.

What is red diesel?

What is red diesel? “Red diesel” is the term used for gas oil that is intended for use other than as fuel in road vehicles. Gas oil intended for use in diesel engine road vehicles ( DERV ) has a duty rate of 57.95 pence per litre ( ppl ).

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

1 Introduction

In the spring 2017 budget, the government announced a call for evidence on the use of discounted gasoil (often referred to as red diesel) to improve its understanding of how red diesel is used.

Red diesel consumption accounts for over 15% of total diesel consumption. The supply chain linking end users to the original refinery is regulated, so the government has an understanding of red diesel suppliers and traders. However, the government has less information about end users and the geographic distribution of red diesel use. This information is relevant because of the impact of diesel consumption on air quality, particularly in urban areas where multiple use of red diesel can be concentrated in single locations.

The government wants to understand how the use of red diesel has changed and how it might change in the future. A significant proportion of red diesel continues to be used in urban areas, and the government believes that red diesel use in agriculture has declined. Despite this, the government recognizes the continuing importance of red diesel for the agricultural sector. In the case of machines, the government wants to understand how changes in technology and design have affected the use of red diesel. Alternative fuels are replacing diesel in some on-road vehicles, so a better understanding of how this could become a realistic option for off-road mobile machinery would be beneficial.

The government is asking for evidence on red diesel to examine the volumes used in different sectors and the value of the rebate to the industries benefiting.

This Call for Evidence aims to improve the government’s data sources on red diesel use and contribute to a better evidence base for future policies. This does not imply a change in the government’s view of the red diesel eligibility criteria.

Anyone interested in red diesel is encouraged to share their opinion. This includes red diesel providers, as well as industries and households that benefit from the use of red diesel. The government also invites environmental groups and advocacy groups to present their views.

Chapter 2 explains the history and technical nature of red diesel. Chapter 3 poses questions to the respondents. See Chapter 4 for information on how to submit your responses. If respondents think there are issues not covered by the questions asked but that are relevant to the government’s evidence gathering, they are welcome to do so additional evidence submit their answer.

2. What is red diesel?

“Red diesel” is the designation for gas oil that is not intended to be used as a fuel for road vehicles. Gasoil for use in diesel engine road vehicles (DERV) has a duty rate of 57.95 pence per liter (ppl). Gasoil destined for other uses is eligible for a 46.81 ppl rebate, giving an effective rate of 11.14 ppl.

Red diesel is so called because since 1961 it has been required to be marked with both a red dye and chemical markers (except in cases where a technical marking waiver is issued). This is intended to prevent misuse in road vehicles.

Red diesel consumption accounts for 15% of all diesel in the UK. The reduced rate costs around £2.4bn in revenue per year compared to a main rate duty.

2.1 History

The gas oil tax credit has existed in one form or another since the oil tax was introduced in 1928. This was because the oil tax was intended to be a tax on motor vehicles and gas oil was primarily used for heating.

In 1935, as a result of the development of diesel engine road vehicles, the government removed the rebate for use in road vehicles. However, the rebate remained for all other uses, including those vehicles that were already paying a lower rate of vehicle excise duty (VED) because their road use was occasional. Tractors and other farm machinery became “exempt vehicles” that could occasionally use the road but were not classified as “road vehicles”. This avoided additional costs for agriculture. However, political justification (that road use was secondary) has allowed the definition of exempt vehicles to be gradually broadened over time.

In 1959, the entitlement to use discounted gas oil was extended to all off-road vehicles of any type, as well as to auxiliary engines on road vehicles, provided they were supplied from a separate fuel tank. In 1961, labeling of discounted gasoil was introduced and a positive rate was reintroduced (a full discount was introduced in 1947 due to post-war fuel shortages). Since then the red diesel tariff has continued to increase, usually but not always by the same percentage as the main tariff. The red diesel rate has remained constant since 2011 as a result of the 7-year freeze on the main tax rates on mineral oils.

2.2 Uses of Red Diesel

The UK standard for red diesel used as a heating fuel is BS 2869 Class D, which has a maximum allowable sulfur content of 1,000 parts per million (ppm). The UK standard for red diesel used in non-road mobile machinery is BS 2869 Class B2 with a maximum allowable sulfur content of 10ppm. Some manufacturers recommend using fuel that meets the EN 590 road standard.

Red diesel is versatile. The box below shows examples of the use of red diesel outside of motor vehicles.

2.3 Uses of red diesel outside motor vehicles

Heating – Red diesel used for heating is known as “35 second oil”. The use of red diesel for heating has declined with the availability of natural gas, but it is still used “off-grid” to heat commercial and public buildings, and in agriculture to heat animal housing and processes such as drying grain, just like a household heater. The use of red diesel for industrial heat in kilns and blast furnaces has also declined

stationary engines – this includes stationary generators, for example emergency generators in power plants and emergency generators in places like hospitals

Mobile machinery – red diesel can be used to power machinery mounted on road vehicles provided the machinery is powered from a separate tank, e.g. B. Transport refrigeration units. It is also used in mobile power generators

Ships – including inland waterways. Private pleasure boats can use red diesel, but suppliers must keep and pay back to HMRC the portion of the rebate relating to motive power rather than domestic use

Rail – this usage has decreased with electrification, but not all passenger lines have been electrified. Freight trains usually run on red diesel

Red diesel cannot be used to power road vehicles, but can be used in “exempt vehicles”. This includes unauthorized vehicles used solely on private property such as B. some construction and airport vehicles. It also includes other categories of vehicles that can be used on public roads if certain design and/or use criteria are met. This concession reduces the compliance burden for companies that operate off-road equipment that is not intended for on-road use but inevitably uses the road network occasionally. Examples are an agricultural tractor or a work truck such as a forklift, which under certain circumstances can travel short distances on the road. A full list of exempt vehicles is included in Appendix A.

2.4 Facilitations

Relief is granted on red diesel under certain circumstances, for example:

Greenhouses growing eligible produce are entitled to a full repayment rebate under the Horticultural Producers Scheme. This tax relief allows the grower to reclaim any levies paid on heavy oil used to heat the building or structure used to grow horticultural produce

A tax relief for red diesel fuel used at sea except in private pleasure craft can be reclaimed under ship supplies or sea voyages

If red diesel is used to generate electricity for delivery by a licensed supplier, the tax can be reclaimed minus the minimum CO2 payment due

2.5 Red Diesel Licenses

In addition, HMRC also exceptionally issues licenses to allow the use of red diesel and kerosene as a fuel to power vehicles, including road vehicles.

Such licenses are for vehicles that are not exempt vehicles but do not normally drive on public roads at all. Authorization is only granted when a vehicle uses public roads in exceptional circumstances when it is unnecessarily onerous to oblige the user not to use red diesel on public roads.

License holders must pay the tax difference between red diesel and the main rate before using the fuel. This means license holders must estimate fuel consumption and submit a declaration with payment of the additional levy. If the consumption estimate proves to be insufficient, further payments will be required.

2.6 The Supply Chain

Red diesel is delivered to consumers through a controlled supply chain where both wholesale and retail suppliers are overseen. HMRC approves suppliers under the Registered Dealers in Controlled Oil (RDCO) scheme before they can supply red diesel. Certain suppliers who only supply fuel in small pre-packaged containers of 20 liters or less do not need to be approved. HMRC will only issue a permit if the applicant is judged fit and proper to supply controlled oil. Approved suppliers must take reasonable steps to ensure their customers are eligible to receive the oil supplied. As part of the RDCO program, suppliers are required to regularly return the controlled oils they supply.

The government is broadly aware of which industries are supplied with red diesel, but does not collect information from the users themselves. For example, if red diesel is supplied to a construction site that is not connected to the electricity grid, there is no information on the proportion used in construction site vehicles such as excavators and mobile cranes compared to that used in generator sets to heat the portable buildings for site personnel.

2.7 International Comparisons

The UK is not the only country offering discounted fuel for off-road use. Examples of other countries that allow the use of such fuel and the circumstances in which it may be used are: Republic of Ireland – there is a red diesel equivalent known as green diesel because of the dye used to identify it used is green. It can be used for non-road mobile machinery

Canada – there is “colored fuel”; diesel mixed with a specific colorant, which is taxed at a lower fuel tax rate. This can be used in ships and boats, locomotives, tractors and non-licensed motor vehicles. Off-road industrial machines are also eligible for funding. Colored fuel can also be used to power an engine that is separate from the engine used to power an automobile

United States – “Colored Gas” is available for use on off-road vehicles such as farm tractors, heavy construction equipment, and generators. This fuel is not taxed

3. Questions

3.1 Red Diesel Users

The government is interested in gathering more information on the end use of red diesel. The government welcomes opinions from individuals and companies on how they use the fuel. Please provide relevant evidence on the use of red diesel for your sector, in particular in relation to: the purpose and type of use, e.g. B. business, in the public sector or in the household. If red diesel is used as an engine fuel, it would be helpful to know what types of machinery, including exempt vehicles, it powers and what it is used for

where diesel is used in the country. Please provide details of the locations where you use red diesel and, if used as motor fuel, the number of all machines, including exempt vehicles, operated at those locations

whether you believe there are any viable alternative fuels available to power such machinery or equipment. If you know your Standard Industrial Classification Code, please include that as well. You will be asked to provide any evidence you deem relevant to this call for evidence, not limited to the information requested.

3.2 Red Diesel Suppliers

The government closely monitors the red diesel supply chain to ensure successful regulation of suppliers and dealers. The government would be interested in opinions on the operation of this supply chain. Both RDCOs and exempt suppliers welcome evidence of: The amounts of red diesel you provide

where in the country you distribute red diesel, particularly details on the split between urban and rural areas

3.3 General Information

The government is asking all interested groups for further opinions. Please submit any evidence that you consider valuable. The Government is interested in hearing your views on: the current list of ‘exempt vehicles’ included in Schedule A and whether the definitions are clear enough

Have your say on the Red Diesel Licensing Program

Your opinion on the other uses for which red diesel is permitted as indicated in Chapter 2, Box 2.A

Your opinion on the environmental impact of using red diesel, especially in urban areas where use is more concentrated

4. Next steps

4.1 Submitting Your Responses

Responses are requested by June 30, 2017. The government cannot guarantee that responses received after this date will be considered.

The Government invites feedback on the annexes to this document, in addition to the specific issues raised in the consultation document.

Answers can be emailed to [email protected].

Alternatively, they can be sent to the following address:

Red diesel

Energy and Traffic Control Team

Corporate and International Tax Group

HM Treasury

1 Horse Guards Road



In your response, please indicate whether you are doing so as an individual or represent the views of an organization. If you are responding on behalf of an organization, please make it clear who the organization represents and, if so, how the views of members were collected. In the case of representative bodies, please provide information on the number and type of persons or organizations that the body represents.

4.2 Confidentiality

The Government will provide a list of the organizations responding to this request for evidence and a summary of the responses received. Names of persons or personal data will not be published.

Information provided in response to this gathering of evidence, including personal data, may be subject to access to information regulations (primarily the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ( FOIA ), the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004) published or disclosed).

If you would like the information you provide to be kept confidential, please state this clearly in your reply. However, please note that under the FOIA there is a statutory code of conduct that authorities must comply with and which deals with confidentiality obligations, among other things. With that in mind, it would be helpful if you could explain why you consider the information you have provided to be confidential. If we receive a request for disclosure of the information, we will take full account of your explanation, but we cannot guarantee that confidentiality can be maintained in all circumstances.

Electronic replies disregard general confidentiality disclaimers that often appear at the bottom of emails, unless confidentiality is specifically requested in the text of the reply.

5. Schedule A: Exempted Vehicles

anything to keep the show going

anything to keep the show going
anything to keep the show going

See some more details on the topic how to remove red dye from diesel using cat litter here:

How To Turn Red Diesel Into White With Cat Litter?

“You can use a litter box to remove the red dye from your fuel diesel. This process will prove you with clean, normal diesel in as quick as …

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Date Published: 7/17/2021

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Spalding fraudster avoids jail after using cat litter to remove …

Marius Legavicius used cat litter to remove the red dye from the diesel fuel which carries a significantly lower level of excise duty.

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Home – Blog – Does cat litter clean red diesel?

One of the most common is to remove the red coloration from the diesel. In the UK, a diazo dye — Solvent Red 19, 24 or 26 — is used to …

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‘Red’ Diesel Temptation ? | MIG Welding Forum

i remember watching something on the telly and a lad in london found a way to filter out the red dye using cat litter.

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How To Get The Dye Out Of Red Diesel? – UtilitySmarts

A The dye is relatively easy to remove using a bleaching agent – the most recent method of removing the dye is to use silicon dioxe, which can render the fuel …

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Can you take the dye out of red diesel? – Interview Area

Fraudsters can remove the colour using an ac or alkali which renders the … Marius Legavicius used cat litter to remove the red dye from the diesel fuel …

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Add blue dye to make it purple and just say your car runs on Ribena. … avos-jail-after-using-cat-litter-to-remove-red-dye-from-diesel/.

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Red Diesel/Washing/fuel-fruad

Red diesel is white diesel with a dye in it, the dye goes in at the … than a ton of ammonium nitrate) using cat litter as filter is another common trick, …

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Cat litter and kitchen towels are placed inse wavin pipes at different intervals and the green diesel is poured into the pipe.

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Date Published: 12/2/2022

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How to Turn Red Diesel Into White With Cat Litter?

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There is no easy way to turn red diesel into white diesel. One way to do this is to use a catalyst like kitty litter, but this is not a foolproof method. Another option is to use a bleach, but this can be expensive and may not be fully effective.

But how does red diesel with cat litter become whiter?

“You can use a litter box to remove the red dye from your diesel fuel. This process gives you clean, regular diesel in just a few minutes.”

Does cat litter decolorize red diesel?

The scammer escaped jail time for using cat litter to remove red dye from diesel. Officers then called the police when they discovered the “scrubbing” equipment, which allowed them to use it to filter out and then remove the red dye from diesel.

The proven way to remove red coloring from diesel

By dipping a pillar

One method said to efficiently extract red dye from a diesel solution is to immerse a column in the liquid. This process consists of removing most of the colorant from a diesel solution, followed by two stages of purification. This can be used by taxpayers to get rid of the need for collective deductions.

Blue and green addition (resulting mix will be white)

According to science, when you mix the blue and green dye with red dye, the resulting mixture is white. Using the same dye as in our example – adding it to a jar containing a solution of the red dye diesel – we observe a complex mixture. Hence we can deduce that our red dye has dissolved to give an otherwise colorless product.

Tartrazine (solutions to decolorize the red dye)

Tartrazine is manufactured by Morgan Chemical Company and is a material used in chemical technology to purify synthetic wastewater solutions. Its safety measures are that it must be kept in a sealed bottle and protected from exposure. Other chemicals that can be added are phosphoric acid (H3PO 4) and dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Hence, this would cause the discoloration of the red dye from the diesel.

Red diesel becomes whiter with cat litter

To rid fuel of red dye, people typically use pet litter to filter out the damaged samples. The washer they developed allowed the fuel to be sifted through a granular form of cat litter, which was ground into a powder.

Cat litter is used to remove red dye from diesel resulting in a very low excise duty. The type of filtration system that grinds down the granules into kitty litter certainly made this detox easier.

The combustion process began by burning the diesel to remove its red pigment. The filtering process required the use of powdered cat litter to remove the dye.

Stabilization of biodiesel

Biodiesel stabilizing substances are substances that regulate the stability of the degradation contained in the fuel. As the fuel oxidizes, mined resources are retained and suspended, making them almost imperceptible to the naked eye.

What is the original color of the diesel?

You will be surprised that the color of the diesel depends on the country you are in. As in the United States, the color of the diesel is yellow (taxed) and red (not taxed). There is no actual color for diesel.

Is Red Diesel Use Illegal?

Red diesel is not illegal to use, but it is illegal to produce or sell. The main difference between red and regular diesel is that red diesel is colored in a way that makes it easy to identify. Because red diesel is intended for use in agricultural and construction machinery, which is typically not taxed like passenger cars. But yes, using it in vehicles on public roads is illegal.

Can red diesel damage injectors?

Vehicle maintenance can be affected due to the lubricity of off-road diesel fuel: now that the fuel doesn’t need as much lubricity as it used to, its acidic nature has also increased. This will likely result in damage to the vehicle’s fuel pump, injectors, or engine.

Does off-road diesel smoke more?

No, it no longer has diesel exhaust. There is a fine that varies from state to state and can get a little expensive if you get stopped.

How can you tell if someone is using red diesel?

In order for HMRC to verify that gas oil is petrol, they generally need to locate a label dye in the tank or fuel that uses dip testing. A red dye is also added to the asphalt to distinguish it from petrol.

Wrap up

In this guide we have answered whether it is possible to turn red diesel into white with cat litter. Did you find it beneficial? Yes, super technology removing red dye is very costly. Be careful when removing the red dye from diesel as in some cases it is illegal if you don’t want to pay extra tax.

Spalding fraudster avoids jail after using cat litter to remove red dye from diesel

This story is over 62 months old

This story is over 62 months old

A man who carried out a red diesel scam has been given a suspended sentence at Lincoln Crown Court. Marius Legavicius used cat litter to remove the red dye from the significantly lower excise duty diesel fuel. Legavicius was then able to resell the fuel as…

A man who carried out a red diesel scam has been given a suspended sentence at Lincoln Crown Court.

Marius Legavicius used cat litter to remove the red dye from the significantly lower excise duty diesel fuel.

Legavicius could then resell the fuel as ordinary diesel fuel.

Andrew Scott, prosecutor, said Legavicius was arrested after customs officers raided his Moulton premises in September 2016.

Officers then called the police when they discovered the “washing” equipment used to remove the red dye by filtering it through crushed cat litter granules.

Mr Scott said Legavicius used the diesel for his own vehicles.

The prosecutor added: “He also admitted to selling quantities at 90p a liter to acquaintances.

“He said he sold around 200 liters. He said he didn’t know it was illegal to wash red diesel.

“Here we have someone who bought the diesel, bought the equipment and set it up to wash the diesel.

“He has evaded a compulsory obligation totaling £3,229.”

Red fuel is sold at a lower duty rate only for agricultural and construction vehicles.

Legavicius, 34, from Hallgate, Moulton, admitted a charge of fraud. He was sentenced to six months in prison with 120 hours of unpaid work, suspended for a year.

Edna Leonard pleaded mitigating that her client should not be immediately sentenced to prison.

She said he works more than 60 hours a week at a car wash and is able to do an unpaid work assignment.

How is Fuel Fraud Detected?

Significantly cheaper than conventional diesel – red diesel has been used illegally as a fuel source for cars and lorries on UK roads for years. But a new development in Northern Ireland is being announced by the UK government in the fight against fuel fraud – and chromatography is taking the lead in the fight.

Red diesel

Red diesel is the designation for the colored diesel that can be used in approved agricultural vehicles and construction vehicles off-road. The fuel is taxed at a significantly reduced rate compared to standard diesel available at the station – if you pay 102p/litre for diesel, there’s red diesel at 38p/litre.

Red, but not red

To differentiate between the two fuels, a dye is added to red diesel, which turns the fuel red. This allows authorities – in the UK it is Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Agency (HMRC) – to determine if the fuel is being used illegally in vehicles on the road. With such a significant saving from using red diesel – the risk of being caught hasn’t stopped many users from breaking the law – the UK Government estimates the cost to the taxpayer is over £80million a year lost tax revenue.

With such a lucrative trade, many different methods have been devised to avoid detection. One of the most common is removing the red color from the diesel. In the UK, a diazo dye – Solvent Red 19, 24 or 26 – is used to color the diesel. Scammers can remove the color with an acid or base that renders the dye colorless, or by using activated carbon to remove the dye from the diesel.

Roadside GC-MS to the rescue

But the UK government is fighting back and recently approved a new roadside test aimed at tackling fuel fraud – and chromatography is key.

A chemical developed by chemical company Dow – ((3-(sec-butyl)-4-(decyloxy)phenyl)methantriyl)tribenzene – is added to diesel as a marker. Once it’s added to fuel, it’s difficult to remove – giving HMRC a better chance of detecting fraud. The marker is easily detected using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, but laboratory testing means delays in the fight against fraud.

But in Northern Ireland, the government has fitted 49 vehicles with hand-held fuel fraud detection GC-MS devices which can be used by HMRC law enforcement officers to quickly and easily spot illegal fuel at the roadside. In a press release, a minister stated:

“The new marking and testing equipment is part of the significant investment we have made at HMRC to fight avoidance, evasion and fraud and ensure all businesses and individuals contribute to the tax revenues used to fund vital public services. ”

The use of gas chromatography in the fuel sector is discussed in the article Determination of Biomarkers in Petroleum by Multidimensional Gas Chromatography: Fundamentals, Applications, and Future Perspective on Chromatography Today.

Image by HM Revenue & Customs

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