How To Reverse Water Meter Reading? All Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to reverse water meter reading“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

Can you reverse a water meter?

Yes, they do, the meters can run in reverse,” Ralulimi said. The implication of the meters´ running in reverse is that the meter will register less water and the resident will pay less.

Does a magnet stop a water meter?

The interference process is fully reversible-–the magnet does not damage the water meter.

What is reverse flow on a water meter?

It happens at night, when the demand is low, and it also happens in many older cities that have massive but partially outdated piping systems. Both of these scenarios can cause the water to flow backwards simply because there isn’t enough pressure to actually push it in the right direction.

Is it cheaper to be on a water meter?

“Water bills are based on the value of your house, the rateable value. “So the bigger it is, the more you pay, whereas meters, depend on how much you use. “The less people, the less you use.” If you think you could save money, Martin recommended using the free calculator on the Consumer Council for Water website.

Why does my water meter spin backward?

Martin Lewis explains how you can save money on your water bills

Martin Lewis explains how you can save money on your water bills

Martin Lewis explained that if you have more or as many bedrooms in your house as people, it’s worth seeing if a water meter can save you some cash

Martin Lewis explains if it’s cheaper to get a water meter and who can save £100

Martin Lewis explained how to find out if you would likely save money by having a water meter installed.

A water meter is a device that records water usage in your home.

This is then used by your supplier to calculate how much you should be charged, rather than charging your household a fixed price.

During his live ITV show tonight, Martin explained how you can quickly check if you would benefit from a water meter.

If you have more or the same number of bedrooms in your home as people, then it’s worth checking to see if you can save some cash.

Image: ITV) ITV)

“So three bedrooms, two people, you would say yes,” Martin said on an environmental edition of his Martin Lewis Money Show Live.

“Water bills are based on the value of your home, taxable value.

“The bigger it is, the more you pay, while meters depend on how much you use.

“The fewer people, the less you consume.”

If you think you could save money, Martin recommends using the free calculator on the Water Consumer Council’s website.

You’ll be asked questions about your water use, including how many times a week you shower, use your dishwasher, and what you’re currently paying for.

The calculator will then give you the estimated cost you would pay for a water meter.

Have you saved money from a water meter? Let us know: [email protected]

How do I get a water meter?

Water meters are free in England and Wales. You will need to speak to your water utility and ask if they can install one for you.

If a water utility can’t install one — for example, if you share pipes with a neighbor — you still have options.

Martin said: “If they say you can’t get a meter put in, you can ask for an estimated fee, which is about what you would pay for a water meter.

“If that’s cheaper than the water tariff, then it’s a clear winner there.”

Image: ITV) ITV)

You can also contact the water regulator Ofwat if a company says no water meter will fit.

“And by the way, you have about a year to change your mind if you get one,” Martin said.

A reader known only as Debbie tweeted Martin to explain how much she’d saved by installing a water meter.

She said: “I saved £402 a year by getting a water meter… thanks Martin.”

Other ways to save money on your water bill

On his show tonight, Martin described water bills as a “forgotten utility” as many households assume they can’t save money because they can’t switch providers.

But one way to lower your water bill is to minimize your use with water-saving devices.

Households across much of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland can purchase a range of free insulation and equipment through Save Water Save Money.

There are 600,000 freebies in total, but what’s available to you depends on where you live and your water utility, so it can be a bit of a zip code lottery.

Enter your zip code on the Save Water Save Money website to see what’s available near you.

Gadgets include shower heads to help regulate water usage, faucet inserts to regulate water flow and cistern pockets so that less water is used with each flush.

The shower heads would normally cost you £20, while the faucet inserts would cost £5 and the cistern bags £2, but you can get them for free from Save Water Save Money.

What is meter tampering?

Meter tampering means doing any act which causes the meter to run slower or not at all and is basically theft of electricity from the company that supplies power.

Why does my water meter spin backward?

Electricity theft, or tampering with electricity meters, has been around since Thomas Edison opened the world’s first electric power station in London in 1882. Meter tampering means any action that causes the meter to run slower or not at all and is basically electricity theft the company that supplies electricity.[i] There are several ways to tamper with an electricity meter and some of these include flipping it of the watt-hour meter (before digitization, the meter would spin backwards), replacing the meter with objects such as copper wires or knives, or drilling a hole in the meter and inserting something to stop the disc at night and removing the object in the morning with it no one would suspect electricity theft. Extreme measures of electricity theft include breaking the meter itself or replacing your meter with someone else’s. Fortunately, the Electricity Act was enacted in 2003 to curb rampant electricity theft.

Manipulation of electricity meters by consumers

As mentioned above, consumers have the resources and knowledge to successfully tamper with an electricity meter, and in a country like India that lacks street cameras and has a large population, it’s easy to get away with the act. In order to keep electricity theft under control, the Electricity Act was enacted in 2003.

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) has a provision to punish theft under Sections 378 and 379, but in the case of Syed Yaqoob Syed Masood v. State of Maharashtra and Anr[ii] the Supreme Court ruled that the IPC dealt with theft of movable property deals with property and as electricity is energy and not property the right to sue under the Act is the Electricity Act 2003.

Under Section 135 of the Electricity Act, any person who dishonestly taps into a meter, tampers with the meter, damages or destroys the meter, uses electricity through a tampered meter, or uses electricity for unauthorized purposes shall be liable to a sentence of up to 3 years in prison or with a fine or both.[iii] The law also mentions the amount of the fine depending on the seriousness of the offense and empowers any officer of the licensed provider, if there is suspicion of electricity theft, to inspect and search premises and equipment found for theft/ tampering, seize and examine documents relevant to the initiation of proceedings against the perpetrator.[iv]

In Suresh Ganpati Halvankar v. The State of Maharashtra and ors[v] the Supreme Court ruled that stealing electricity is a compound offense under the Electricity Act 2003. The Supreme Court ruled in MP Electricity Board v. Harsh Wood Products[vi] that if a consumer is found guilty of stealing electricity, the suppliers need not issue a notice before disconnecting the power supply and the supply need only be restored after the consumer pays a fine and compensates the supplier .

Manipulation of electricity meters by suppliers

You might think only consumers are trying to steal electricity and manipulate meters, but that’s not true. Oftentimes, electric utilities tamper with the meter themselves, blaming the consumer to make some extra money. In such cases, the consumer has the right to appeal to a consumer arbitration board under the Consumer Protection Act 1986, as the provision of electricity is a service, so anyone using that service is a consumer and can lodge a complaint. The consumer can lodge a complaint with either the District Consumer Forum (cases up to 20 lakhs), the State Consumer Redressal Commission (cases from 20 lakhs to 1 crore) or the National Consumer Redressal Commission (cases over 1 crore). In the case of Maharashtra State Electricity Board v. Vichand Tolaram Bhojwani[vii], the Gujarat Consumer Redressal Commission found that the electricity suppliers had tampered with the electricity meter and held the consumer responsible, so the judges ordered the suppliers to restore power and give the complainant a to pay compensation.

Under the Electricity Act 2003, any electricity consumer who has a complaint can seek redress with an authority known as the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is appointed by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission and a complaint may be made to him by the consumer or by anyone on behalf of the consumer.[viii]

Suggestions to prevent electricity theft

With increasing digitization and technological advances, a foolproof way to prevent electricity theft is to install electronic “smart meters” or “e-meters” that record electricity usage and send the reports to the suppliers, who can then track consumption closely. [ix] A “smart meter” differs from traditional electrotechnical meters in that it has systems for metering consumption, a clock for stamping time information, communication systems, and error reporting and diagnostic functions. All of these features make it easier for suppliers to track consumption, identify anomalies and keep records as evidence if proceedings are brought against them.


Electricity theft or electricity meter manipulation are serious criminal offenses and not only affect consumers and suppliers, but also innocent third parties when meters are exchanged. Therefore, strict enforcement of the law is required to combat the rise in electricity theft, and measures such as installing e-meters can be used as an effective deterrent.

Edited by Pragash Boopal

Approved and Released – Sakshi Raje


[i] Learn Metering, Meter Tampering, Parabola & WordPress, (3 Aug 2019, 6:54 p.m.),

[ii] Syed Yaqoob Syed Masood v. State of Maharashtra and Anr, Complaint No. 4415 of 2017, decided 8 February 2018.

[iii] Electricity Act, 2003, no. 36, Acts of Parliament, 2003 (India).

[iv] The Electricity Act, 2003, no. 36, Acts of Parliament, 2003 (India).

[v] Suresh Ganpati Halvankar v. The State of Maharashtra and ors, Criminal Appeal No. 156 of 2018, decided on January 22, 2018.

[vi] MP Electricity Board v. Harsh Wood Products, (1996) SCC (4) 522.

[vii] Maharashtra State Electricity Board v Vichand Tolaram Bhojwani, Gujarat State Consumer Redressal Commission, 2013.

[viii] Press Information Bureau, Ombudsman under Electricity Act, Ministry of Power, Government of India (4 August 2019 at 8:30 p.m.)

[ix] Paul Pickering, E-Meters Offer Multiple Opportunities to Combat Electricity Theft and Tampering, Electronic Design, (3 Aug 2019 7:01 p.m.), offer-several-opportunities-to-fight-electricity-theft-and-tampering

How can I make my electric meter run slower?

The best way to slow down the meter is to use less electricity. There are checks and balances and once you are caught ( not if but when ) it is going to cost you plenty.

Why does my water meter spin backward?

How to slow down an electronic meter?

Does a magnet slow down gas meter?

Not quite. PGW spokesman Barry O’Sullivan said a magnet would interfere with the amount of energy use recorded on the electronic wireless transmitter on top of each meter, which sends data to the billing system. But the gas meter itself still would accurately record consumption.

Why does my water meter spin backward?

The Philadelphia Gas Works suspended Ruth Mathieu-Alce’s service 14 months ago after PGW workers discovered a suspicious device on the gas meter at their Lawncrest home.

PGW said the power converter tampered with the meter by emitting a magnetic force that caused the fuel economy to go under dramatically.

Mathieu-Alce pleaded innocent and filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.

On Thursday, the PUC upheld an administrative judge’s finding that PGW could not prove that the power supply caused their meter to run slowly. It ordered the utility company to restore their service.

“There is insufficient evidence in the file that she tampered with her meter,” Administrative Judge Christopher P. Pell said in his decision, which was upheld.

Mathieu-Alce, who emigrated from Haiti more than three decades ago, said in an interview her family never intended to steal utilities. “We are Christians,” she said. “We wouldn’t cheat or lie, things like that.”

Utilities are constantly struggling with customers tampering with their meters, an illegal practice energy companies warn about and which sometimes results in fires, explosions and electrocution.

The use of a magnet to delay the relentless march of a meter has been documented in internet videos. Manipulators say strategically placed magnets can slow the spinning metal wheel that measures consumption in old-style analog meters. New digital smart meters will not be affected by magnets, experts say.

Utility companies don’t take magnets lightly, Texas plumber James Hutcheson learned in 2014.

Hutcheson, who lives in suburban Dallas, posted a YouTube diatribe after his utility company Oncor fined him $340 for attaching an O-shaped magnet to his digital meter.

“Let me tell you,” he says in the YouTube rant, which went viral ( “If this somewhere on the meter changes your electric bill, I’ll sell one of these to everyone on my block!”

Hutcheson, reached this week, said he paid the fine to have his service restored but claimed he used the magnet to sort scrap iron, not steal electricity. His YouTube video has been viewed 2.5 million times, earning him much more than the cost of the fine.

Mathieu-Alce, who lives in the 5100 block of Mebus Street, fought PGW in court, not online. She pleaded her case before the PUC last year without a lawyer.

Her husband, Jean Daniel Alce, testified that he placed the Precision Regulated DC Power Supply box on top of the gas meter to boost his TV signal. He denied that the device contained a magnet and also denied that it had any effect on gas meter readings.

PGW seized the power supply but did not present it at the hearing. His witnesses said they didn’t test it for magnetism.

Case closed.

Not quite.

PGW spokesman Barry O’Sullivan said a magnet would disrupt energy usage, which is recorded on the electronic wireless transmitter on top of each meter that sends data to the billing system. But the gas meter itself would still accurately record consumption.

According to meter data, the Mathieu-Alce household used almost 5,000 cubic feet more than it was billed for. Some winter bills were near zero, PGW said.

The PUC’s decision states that PGW must restore service to Mathieu-Alce and cannot charge her a restoration fee, but said nothing about the backlog.

PGW says it still owes $6,928.81 for unbilled gas.

“We will send her what we call a makeup bill and will work with her as much as we can to get the arrears paid while she continues to enjoy the benefits of natural gas on the property,” O’Sullivan said Friday.

[email protected]



How strong are neodymium magnets?

How Strong Are Neodymium Magnets? Very strong. They will amaze you! A 2-gram (0.07 ounce) neodymium magnet that measures 8 millimeters (0.315 inches) in diameter and 5 millimeters (0.197 inches) long generates a force of over 1700 grams (3.75 pounds).

Why does my water meter spin backward?

About neodymium magnets and their applications

Neodymium-what?! If you browse our website, you are no doubt interested in magnets, but you may have never heard of neodymium rare earth magnets. A neodymium magnet is the strongest type of permanent magnet known and we supply them here at Adams Magnetic Products for a variety of industrial and commercial applications. Let’s dig a little deeper and learn more about these super powerful magnets and how to use them.

What are Neodymium Rare Earth Magnets?

These are no ordinary fridge magnets! Neodymium magnets are the strongest permanent magnets available, and even if you’ve never heard of them, you probably use them every day. They are sometimes called NdFeB or Neo magnets and while they are so strong they are also light which is why they are popular for a variety of applications. It’s hard to believe, but without these types of rare earth magnets, many of the technological advances of the last few decades would not have been possible!

How strong are neodymium magnets?

Very strong. They will amaze you! A 2 gram (0.07 ounce) neodymium magnet with a diameter of 8 millimeters (0.315 inches) and a length of 5 millimeters (0.197 inches) generates over 1700 grams (3.75 pounds) of force. They are so strong that they have replaced other types of magnets in many applications. For example, they are over 10 times stronger than ceramic magnets, so you could potentially replace a ceramic magnet with a much smaller neodymium magnet and produce the same (or more!) holding power. Be careful – they are also so strong that even small neodymium magnets can cause bodily harm. We’ve even heard of larger Neos breaking bones. Handle with care! For more details on the strength in gauss or pounds of holding force of specific magnets, visit our magnet calculator tools.

What are neodymium magnets made of?

Neodymium magnets are primarily made from an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron. The exact composition can vary depending on the strength required and the intended use of the magnet. There are two main ways of manufacturing neodymium magnets: sintered and bonded.

Sintered neodymium magnets are made by heating the alloy components in a furnace, then this mixture is poured into molds and cooled to form ingots, which are ground into a fine powder and pressed into molds. The powder forms are sintered into dense blocks. (Sintering is the process of compacting and shaping a solid mass of material by heat or pressure without melting it to the liquefaction point.) The material is cut into its final shape, coated or plated, and then magnetized.

Bonded neodymium magnets combine neodymium alloy powder with a polymer binder. The components are pressed or extruded to produce more complex shapes and magnetizing powders than are typically available in sintered magnets.

What are neodymium magnets used for?

Since their invention in the early 1980’s, a variety of industries have found uses for these super-strong magnets. If you’re reading this on your computer, you’re using a neodymium magnet right now! Some applications include:

Hard Drives – A hard drive has tracks and sectors that contain magnetic cells; These cells become magnetized when data is written to the drive.

Microphones, headphones, and speakers – Current-carrying coils are used with permanent magnets to convert electricity into mechanical energy that changes the pressure of the surrounding air to create sound.

Dentures – Tiny neodymium magnets are used to hold dentures securely in place.

Door Catches – Commercial and residential buildings often use doors with neodymium magnetic catches.

Magnetic Jewelry – Magnetic therapy jewelry is often made with neodymium magnets; These magnets are also used in bracelets and necklace clasps.

Anti-lock Brake Sensors – If you have anti-lock brakes in your car, they use neodymium magnets wrapped in copper coils in their sensors.

Where to buy neodymium magnets

Do you need neodymium magnets for your business? Our industrial strength magnets are used in a variety of industries. Read more about neodymium magnets here or contact us and we will be in touch – we look forward to working with you.



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What about the times the meters run in reverse?

Mr. Thivho Ralulimi (right), Director of Technical Services of Makhado Municipality, discussed the issue of water meters registering the air at a meeting between the Makhado Municipality Administration and the Soutpansberg Ratepayers Association. To his left is Herr Hitler Maluleke, CFO of the municipality.

“What about the times when the water meters go backwards?” This counter-question was asked by the community of Makhado when taxpayers again raised the question of Louis Trichardt paying for air instead of water.

Many households, especially in the area east of the N1, have had their water supply switched on and off twice a day for years. When the water is reconnected, the water meters run like lightning and register the air as water to be paid for.

“They will speak when the water is restored and air is pushed into the pipes, but they will not speak when the water is shut off. Because when the water is turned off, the counter turns over … We are only talking about the 50 times when air comes out of the pipe, but we are not talking about the 50 times when air is sucked into the pipe,” says the director of Technical Services Mr Thivho Ralulimi said on June 1 at a meeting between the municipal manager, council directors and the Soutpansberg Ratepayers Association (SRPA).

“Yes they do, the counters can run backwards,” said Ralulimi. The consequence of the counters running backwards is that the meter registers less water and the resident pays less.

Regarding the cost of air, Ralulimi said that unfortunately the municipality has no way of separating water and air.

“The other unfortunate part of this is that at the moment we are facing the challenge of not being able to deliver water 24 hours a day,” Ralulimi said.

As a solution, he offered to replace all water meters with prepaid water meters.

“We were made to understand by the manufacturer of the prepaid meters that there is no way to read air. With the convertible meter it will, but with the prepaid meter it will not,” said Ralulimi. The prepaid meters are at the expense of the resident.

Meanwhile, a qualified plumber with more than 20 years of experience has observed the effects of the air being sucked out of the pipes when the water is drawn off and the air being pushed into the pipes when the water is connected.

“When air is sucked out, the air in the geyser of the house is also sucked out and the element of the geyser burns out. I’ve had cases where I installed a new element in a geyser and within a week the element exploded because the air was being sucked out. The next week I had to install a new element again,” said Mr. Johan van Dyk on June 3rd.

Van Dyk said that the water meter of some types of meters can run backwards, but that the reverse run and the forward run do not cancel each other out. In one particular case, the meter ran both ways in a high-rise house. After he installed counter and reverse flow devices, the water account dropped significantly, showing that the counters do not run forwards and backwards equally. The flow of the meter far outweighed the return, so residents pay a lot for air in the lines.

“The newest water meters on the market have a non-return valve and never run backwards,” said Van Dyk.

Not only is there a risk of the water heater burning out if air is sucked out of the pipes, but there is also a risk of damaging valves in the system if air is forced into the pipes when the water is reconnected. “This can happen when the pipes shake violently and the water comes out of the tap with great force,” says Van Dyk. This is a regular experience of residents whose water is shut off.

No wonder the completion of the second reservoir at Mowcop is worrying local residents. The contractor was fired for failing to meet the correct specifications of a reservoir and brought a court case against the Vhembe District Municipality (VDM).

Ralulimi reported at the June 1st meeting that VDM “will be campaigning again to find a new contractor to complete the reservoir…just keep your fingers crossed…maybe we don’t see a court ban to stop the county government from finding a new one hire contractors. ‘ said Ralulimi.

AMI & Negative Meter Readings Reveal Backflow & Water Quality Issues

The new technology for water districts

How do we know when reflux is occurring? When a community has hundreds of thousands of water customers—residential, industrial, and commercial—it’s difficult to keep up with all the information from meters and valves. Automatic meter reading is a relatively new technology to streamline this process and prevent backflow. A water district that has such a system can monitor and analyze meters in real time. There are even more advanced “smart grid” systems, called Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), that enable two-way communication between the customer and the water utility. It can even be used to remotely disconnect water supplies, which is particularly useful for stopping or containing contamination. WaterWorld Magazine wrote an article about AMI discussing the benefits here. Using these new technologies, water utilities have found something unexpected. A surprising number of meters run backwards.

That means reflux

The simplest explanation for reflux is the flow of water in an undesirable direction. Essentially, it is water that is being returned to the supply. This is dangerous because customers can use this water in a variety of ways. There are so many ways water can become contaminated, from lawn fertilizers to chemicals found in industrial plants to medical materials. Backflow prevention is the responsibility of the water utility. Now, advanced measurement infrastructure can help make this crucial task a little easier. Analyzing the data from these systems provides information about the state of the public water system. Reflux occurs for a variety of reasons.

Municipalities across the country are changing their approach. Read the latest trends here.

Find and fix

One cause is low pressure. Low pressure in the public water system is much more common than expected. It happens at night when demand is low, and it also happens in many older cities that have massive but partially outdated plumbing systems. Both scenarios can cause the water to flow backwards simply because there isn’t enough pressure to actually push it in the right direction. Analysis of the data collected by an AMI system can alert suppliers to problem areas that are chronically under-pressurized. Data can be collected fairly often, even hourly, so it can later be analyzed to find leaks, backflow and other problems. This data can show that water meters are often running in the wrong direction, and they can take action to correct the problem. The other common cause of reflux is a reverse pressure situation. This has a variety of causes, and a simple one is overheating. In particularly warm weather, back pressure is definitely an issue. Again, analyzing data is key to sorting out problem areas in the vast piping systems.

New technology, new obstacles

However, the new availability of data does not solve everything. First, water company personnel must analyze the data to pinpoint problems and then create plans to fix them. You must actively look for problems. AMI does not have systems in place to automatically identify problems and then notify staff. Sure, problems could be pinpointed in real-time if noticed in real-time. Typically, it’s just a matter of spotting trends after the fact. However, once found, two-way communication with the meter makes it easy to automatically shut off the water so the problem does not persist while staff are on the road to fix it. Basically, that means the technology just isn’t perfect yet. The biggest hurdle with AMI is that this technology can be prohibitively expensive. Very few districts have had the means to rearm. Price tag aside, installing an AMI system is relatively easy. Once installed, it can actually reduce the cost and burden on the water district. A common problem for water utilities are leaks, which are difficult to locate even manually. With AMI, they can be found faster, which alone saves the districts a lot of money. AMI systems are worth it because the meter reading becomes automatic, it’s easier to find leaks and other problems, and the system allows two-way communication with the meter.

Never give up

Using advanced metering infrastructure can be of tremendous help in locating and eliminating backflows caused by a variety of factors. If the water company sees counters running backwards, they can do something about it. Surprisingly, negative meter readings are not usually a selling point for AMI manufacturers. The problem is that water companies don’t like to talk publicly about this problem and its prevalence. After speaking to Cross Connection Control Managers who have installed these systems and seeing how many feet are running backwards, I’ve learned that they are concerned about creating a panic. It’s not something people want to talk about. Because of this, it is more difficult to convince customers that AMI will benefit them through increased water supply protection. Water utilities need to be able to fund improvements to the water supply. It is the responsibility of the waterworks industry to speak up about these things and make a difference. Do not turn away from the protection of the water supply.

Why does my water meter spin backward?

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