How To Scale A Landscaping Business? Best 51 Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “how to scale a landscaping business“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.

What are the most profitable landscaping services?

“The general rule of thumb with this strategy is to strive to break even on maintenance and then make the most profit from enhancements, irrigation, and lawn care. Traditionally, mowing and mulching are the two least profitable landscaping services—and at the bottom line may actually be unprofitable.”

How much do landscape owners make in Florida?

What Is the Average Landscape Owner Salary by State
State Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Alabama $56,600 $4,717
Florida $55,102 $4,592
North Carolina $54,919 $4,577
Georgia $51,255 $4,271

What is the average profit margin for a landscaping business?

According to Lawn Care Millionaire, the typical net profit margin range varies from 5% to 20% in the lawn care and landscape industry.

Use Analytics to Scale Up Your Landscape Business

Is your landscaping work actually profitable?

According to Lawn Care Millionaire, the typical net profit margin in the lawn care and landscaping industry varies between 5% and 20%. While some services generate more profit than others, the real reason for this variation is simple: people just don’t calculate their landscaping net margin the same way.

In fact, many contractors omit critical cost factors from their net profit calculations — which means they don’t calculate their net profits accurately. This causes them to overestimate their profits while covering their costs when they should be charging more money to cover their costs. This is extremely important as it can mean the difference between a 5% or 20% net margin. Are you curious to know if you’re doing things right when it comes to crunching the numbers of the business you’ve worked so hard to build?

We’ll show you how to calculate the real net income for a single job so you never have to worry about the profitability of the job ever again. Also, calculating net profits correctly is the first step in learning how to increase your landscape profits.

Here’s how most landscapers, like John, calculate profit:

Total Job Revenue

– Material costs

– execution work

= net profit

If we add some real numbers, John’s equation would look something like this:


– $4,000

– $4,000

= $2,000

For this particular job, John appears to be making a net profit of 20% – which puts him at the high end of the industry norm. Little does John realize, however, that there are more components involved in calculating net income than just the cost of materials and labor.

Here is how John should calculate the net profit:

Total Job Revenue

– Material costs

– execution work

– overhead

– Errors/inefficiencies/unforeseen delays

= net profit

To show you exactly why the latter equation is so important, we’ll break it down and explain it component by component.

Total Job Revenue

Simply put, this is the amount that will be charged to the client to get the job done. In the case of our landscaper friend, John, he charged his client $10,000 for a complete backyard makeover.


– Material costs

– execution work

– overhead

– Errors/inefficiencies/unforeseen delays

= net profit

Pro Tip: It goes without saying that ideally the total job turnover should be high enough to absorb all of the above costs and still leave a fair profit in the end. If your net profit is lower than you would like – or if it’s negative – then you may need to reconsider the amount you charge the customer.

material costs

This includes the cost of all materials needed to get the job done, including all raw materials, tools, and equipment rentals. When we speak of all materials, we mean each and every item used to complete the job. This also includes materials that are taken from a general collective order for the order, such as B. glue, nails, geotextiles, etc.

How to calculate: Add up the bills of all the materials that were delivered or brought to the site. If you only use a percentage of the materials from a bulk order, add a percentage of that bulk order to your calculation as well.

In John’s case, the cost of all his landscaping materials was $4,000.


– $4,000

– execution work

– overhead

– Errors/inefficiencies/unforeseen delays

= net profit

execution work

The execution work includes all costs of the personnel on site. This includes the hours they work, of course, but also billable hours known as wasted work. Wasted work is when you have to pay your employees for things that don’t directly count towards completing the work or that could have been avoided. This can be hour-long car journeys to work, coffee breaks, etc.

How to calculate: Multiply the hourly rate of your on-site employees by the number of hours worked. Don’t forget to include the wasted man hours. You should also add any state tax or union dues to this calculation.

John has 4 employees who are paid $25 an hour working at his backyard job. Since it took them 40 hours to do the job, he paid $4,000 in execution labor. But John didn’t account for wasted labor, adding another $750 to his labor cost for the execution.


– $4,000

– $4,750

– overhead

– Errors/inefficiencies/unforeseen delays

= net profit


Overhead accounts for all business expenses not directly related to the gardening work or service. This includes administration costs, office rent, utilities, insurance fees, etc. It also takes into account the salaries of all office workers, like your sales reps. However, any commission paid outside of their annual salary is not considered overhead and should always be attributed to a job. You may not include overhead in each job’s net income because you don’t think it’s related. But the contractor’s profit and the overhead actually go hand in hand. Your overhead costs keep the core areas of your business running. If you don’t factor them into your job calculations, you’ll end up paying for them at the end of the day – which means less net profit for you at the end of the year.

How Calculated: There are many different ways to calculate overhead, but our method is one of the simplest. If John’s total annual overhead budget is $100,000, he needs to break that number down by number of days worked in the year. Living in a warmer climate where his crews can work five days a week, all 52 weeks of the year, John can estimate 260 working days. If he divides his budget by the number of days he works, his daily overhead is $385. Since John has 3 crews, he can split that number evenly between them to get an overhead per team per day of around $128.

Since it took John’s team 5 days to complete the project, his overhead for this particular job is $640.


– $4,000

– $4,750

– $640

– Errors/inefficiencies/unforeseen delays

= net profit

Errors, inefficiencies and unforeseen delays

As much as we would like every job to go exactly as planned, sometimes you have to deal with unforeseen problems. If there are delays in an order due to unfavorable weather, overhead costs are also incurred on non-sales days. If it starts to rain heavily in the afternoon and your team has to pack up after only half a day, you’re still paying the same wasted labor costs for commuting without getting the project as far along as expected. Not having enough supplies on hand may mean having to send a staff member to stock up when they are due to work on site. When a customer changes their mind mid-job, your employee calls in sick, or equipment breaks, you end up paying for it.

How to Calculate: Add up all bills for materials, overhead, and wages paid due to problems that arose during the job that were not foreseen.

Bonus tip: After you’ve practiced calculating that particular component for enough jobs, you can create a default estimate per job for all future offers.

Extra Bonus Tip: Always have extra supplies on hand to avoid having to send a staff member to buy more.

John’s team installed a broken water fountain while gardening. The client didn’t notice until a week later – after John had already done the net profit calculation of the job. In all, he had to pay another $800 in materials, overhead, and labor to fix the problem.


– $4,000

– $4,750

– $640

– $800

= net profit

net profit

After correctly recalculating his net profit, it turns out that John did not achieve the 20% net profit that he expected. He actually didn’t make any profit at all and on this particular job has a loss of $190 – or -1.9%.


– $4,000

– $4,750

– $640

– $800

= ($190)

We hope this has been helpful to you and that you can apply everything you’ve learned to your next landscaping job. Correct calculation of net income is an essential part of any business. Simply following our equation will help keep your business running smoothly when it comes to accurately pricing your jobs.

Read Part 2 of the series as we show you how John doubled his profitability!

How do I succeed in landscaping business?

How to achieve success after starting a landscaping business
  1. Calculate your costs.
  2. Learn to minimize downtime.
  3. Find and retain good employees.
  4. Use quality equipment.
  5. Exceed client expectations.
  6. Use technology as your business grows.
  7. Setting up your landscaping business for long-term success.

Use Analytics to Scale Up Your Landscape Business

Even if you know the landscaping industry like the back of your hand, that is no guarantee that your landscaping business will be successful.

As many new business owners quickly discover, a profitable business cannot be fueled by passion alone. If you’re thinking about starting your own landscaping business, there are many pitfalls that you can easily avoid by doing some research beforehand.

From estimating costs and tracking expenses to ensuring your employees are happy and safe at work, here’s what you need to know to make your landscaping business a thriving success:

Calculate your costs

When you’re starting out, it’s tempting to undercut your competition by offering low prices. While it may seem like a strategic plan, the reality is that it’s just a grand race to the bottom.

In order to make a profit, you need to calculate all of your costs. Be sure to include labor, fuel, equipment, maintenance for equipment, materials, and the time you spend driving to work sites. Once you calculate the cost, decide what profit you want to make.

Remember that in order to attract the right customers, you need to offer premium prices that reflect your quality of work. Many customers shy away from low prices because they fear the job will be poorly executed. By setting the right prices, you can attract the right customers and make a profit in the process.

Learn to minimize downtime

You’ve heard it often: time is money. One of the more sneaky costs that can add up for landscapers is time spent doing nothing. Whether it’s an equipment failure or a sudden change in the weather, the last thing you want is for you or your employees to be idle.

While there’s not much you can do about the weather, you can make equipment failures less damaging to your bottom line by creating a parts management plan. A parts management plan helps landscapers minimize their downtime by ensuring equipment parts are available for quick repairs. Not only does it help you stock the parts you need, but it also helps you manage parts inventory to avoid missing equipment.

Find and keep good employees

Your people are the backbone of your landscaping business. Unfortunately, good employees are hard to come by in landscaping and even harder to keep. To help you find and retain the best employees, here are a few quick tips:

Recruit all year round. Start an employment program before you need it and be prepared to recruit year-round. Put up flyers, hand out business cards, and post Help Wanted signs in your lawn. You can also try online job boards like ZipRecruiter and Glassdoor.

Start an employment program before you need it and be prepared to recruit year-round. Put up flyers, hand out business cards, and post Help Wanted signs in your lawn. You can also try online job boards like ZipRecruiter and Glassdoor. Create incentives for your employees. Give your employees a reason to stay longer than a few months. Whether it’s through annual bonuses, profit sharing, or just to show your team you care, a small incentive will go a long way in keeping your employees.

Give your employees a reason to stay longer than a few months. Whether it’s through annual bonuses, profit sharing, or just to show your team you care, a small incentive will go a long way in keeping your employees. Make them feel comfortable at work. Comfortable and happy employees are productive employees. If you work in cold conditions, give them the right cold-weather gear they need to stay safe and comfortable. If it’s humid and hot, give them frequent breaks to avoid heat sickness.

Comfortable and happy employees are productive employees. If you work in cold conditions, give them the right cold-weather gear they need to stay safe and comfortable. If it’s humid and hot, give them frequent breaks to avoid heat sickness. Don’t call her after work. Even though you signed up for a 90-hour week, your new employee hasn’t. Avoid contacting her after hours or putting too much work on her; otherwise they are practically guaranteed to burn out.

Use quality equipment

You don’t need to invest in high quality equipment right away. In fact, many landscapers originally started out with a simple lawnmower to get the job done.

Finally, you must consider investing in quality equipment, especially if your business is no longer a sole proprietorship. When you have employees, you need quality equipment that won’t break down and potentially injure them on the job, resulting in compensation costs and lost production.

When investing in lawn care and landscaping equipment, remember to think long-term. You can always consider a small business loan to cover the cost of tools large and small.

Exceed customer expectations

In the early days of your landscaping business, you probably have more time than money. Use this to your advantage by doing everything you can for your early customers. This is crucial to boosting your reputation and finding new customers.

If you do an exceptional job for clients, they will be more likely to spread the word and give you a rave recommendation. Word of mouth will be your number one marketing tactic as a landscaper, so make sure you give your clients a reason to recommend you.

However, you should also be careful not to take up too much time that will affect your winnings. Learning how to say no to clients early on is something many landscapers struggle with. Don’t let customers intimidate you into a price that won’t move the needle for your business.

Embrace technology as your business grows

The early stages of your landscaping business involves a lot of grunt work, but it’s not incredibly complicated just yet. As your business begins to expand, you will encounter problems such as: B. Coordinating projects, making sure you don’t miss deadlines, complex expenses, etc.

To stay on track without losing customers, it’s important to think ahead about the technology you’ll need. Whether it’s billing and invoicing, device tracking, or job scheduling, such software programs can help you save customers and stay profitable.

Align your landscaping business for long-term success

With these tips, you can avoid the biggest pitfalls of running a landscaping business that have dashed countless entrepreneurial dreams. Even if you follow this advice, the first few years will be the hardest.

In the first year you will work 90-hour weeks, possibly in extreme cold or heat. You also likely pay your employees more than you pay yourself, and regularly wonder why you got started in the first place. Just keep at it and crunch your numbers to stay on track. With any luck, you’ll have a thriving business in a few years.

EDITORS’ NOTE: This article was written by Natalie Bucsko. Bucsko acts as marketing communications specialist for RefrigiWear. From the headquarters in Dahlonega, Georgia, Bucsko oversees all content including website, knowledge center, blog, catalog, email and social media.

Can you get rich from landscaping?

Wealth from landscaping is a choice. And YES… it’s 100% possible to become very wealthy from the income you create while providing lawn & landscaping services. However, it’s also possible your company could crash and burn during the next economic meltdown.

Use Analytics to Scale Up Your Landscape Business

5 ways landscape entrepreneurs are building a 7-digit future

Are YOU getting rich from landscaping? It depends on you. But being BUSY doesn’t necessarily create wealth. It is important that you understand the prosperity formula.

You see…wealth from landscaping is a choice. And YES… it is 100% possible to become very wealthy with the income you generate while providing lawn and landscaping services.

However, it’s also possible that the next economic meltdown could see your business collapse and burn.

For this reason, we encourage you to create multiple streams of income within your wealth creation plans.

I’ve included a summary of the wealthy landscaper’s checklist below.

Checklist for wealthy landscapers

Your business MUST generate profits that are 3x to 5x the profits of the average landscape company. The data is very clear. Most landscape companies operate on painfully low profit margins. If you get rich with landscape design, then this must be corrected immediately. There are 3 ways to increase profits quickly: increase prices, decrease costs and increase productivity.

Your ability to generate wealth from landscape design begins with a core competency. It means “price is right”. If you set the right price, your work will generate profits for you and your business. If the price is right, your client or prospect will hire YOU because the project fits their budget. Wealth comes when you win profitable jobs. Wealth is destroyed when you win unprofitable jobs. Wealthy landscapers have become experts at getting the pricing right. That will NEVER change!

2. Wealthy landscapers NEVER SAY, “My accountant handles my taxes.” Wealthy landscapers take an active role in learning about tax-cutting strategies. Since 25 cents to 45 cents of EVERY DOLLAR YOU EARN goes towards some form of tax payment, if you learn AND employ advanced tax-cutting strategies, you’ll grow your wealth quickly.

Wealth is often derailed by excessive taxes. Today I want to introduce you to the top experts on tax cuts in the US. We recently recorded a webinar training program with this Tax Attorney & CPA. You can listen to our conversation and see how you can cut your taxes while running your lawn business. Please understand that a tax break gives you an instant return of 25% to 45% on your investment, so this is a crucial part of wealth creation. The recording can be found at:

3. Wealthy landscapers use a portion of profits from lawn and landscaping income to buy cash-flow positive properties. Real estate investments are a “tax-advantaged” investment. Many of the skills you develop as a lawn and landscaping business owner could make you an effective real estate investor.

A portfolio of just ten single-family homes could easily generate a six-figure annual income without a single employee. The ten house retirement plan is NEVER offered to you by your Wall Street investment advisor. During this recently aired webinar broadcast, we explain the retirement plan to 10 households. Listen here: This record could inspire you to build this alternative retirement plan and accelerate your wealth accumulation.

4. Most lawn and landscaping business owners could quickly increase their profits by offering a handful of specialized services to existing customers. Specialized services can help you rise in the market and create very profitable lines of service. For example, if you add holiday decorating, pressure washing, trash removal, or gutter cleaning, you can increase hourly rates without the hassle of “bidding.” Adding revenue from existing customers is almost always more profitable than adding revenue from new customers

Additionally, the affluent landscaper is looking for off-season income streams that maximize the return on investment. Avoid adding new services in the spring that cause a heavier workload. You’re already busy-busy in the spring. Even small increases in revenue from highly profitable services during the slow months can dramatically increase profits.

5. Every lawn and landscape gardener will one day leave their business. Some create a 7-digit payday upon exit. Others choose to stay busy-busy-busy and never learn the proven business model that maximizes exit options and exit price.

Wealthy landscapers build a power team of experts to help them plan their exit YEARS before exiting their business. Start with a professional company valuation. Then let us advise you on how you can increase the value of your company. Be sure to make the adjustments. Then keep growing. The sooner you prepare to exit, the more likely you are to create a 7-figure payday for you and your family.

The only sustainable competitive advantage

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, founded the first company to reach a market capitalization of $1 trillion. It happened 7 years after his death. Steve knew well in advance that he was going to die. The last product initiative of his career was not an I-Pod, I-Pad or I-Phone…

His last attempt was to found Apple University. It’s the internal training system for the team at Apple. The only sustainable competitive advantage is to keep learning every year… and never allow yourself to be outdated, sophisticated or overwhelmed.

Education is YOUR choice. But we know that it is not always easy to know where to do landscape management training. That’s why we’re hosting the Growth Summit for Lawn & Landscape Business Owners. We want to help YOU stay ahead of the competition. Our 5th Annual Educational Event is just a few weeks away.

This year’s event theme and educational program is titled The Wealthy Landscaper.

I would like to invite you to watch the short video that explains the details and how you can join my team and I at this educational event in October. You will quickly learn how others build exceptional wealth through owning and operating a landscape business.

Our faculty of experts will dive deep into the 5 ways to build your 7-digit future so you can become the wealthy landscaper in your city. I recorded interviews with each of our speakers.

I also recorded a short video explaining all the details. You can find it here:

I hope you will watch the video(s) and join me on October 17, 2018 at 7:30 am in Louisville, KY.

to your wealth,

Tony Bass, Founder – The Wealthy Landscaper

PS – If you have any other questions just give me a call at 478-822-9706. We’d love to see you in Louisville!

Do landscapers need a license in Florida?

In Florida, however, lawn care operators fall under the landscape design umbrella. Floridian landscape design companies can mow, trim, plant and maintain lawns without using pesticides. But you need to get a business license from the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations before you work on anyone’s yard.

Use Analytics to Scale Up Your Landscape Business

Starting a business, especially a lawn care business, is not easy. You must understand your city, state and federal business license laws and certification or licensing in order to apply herbicides and pesticides to customers’ lawns.

Wondering what licenses are required to start a lawn care business? You are in the right place – This blog details five common certifications and licenses you need to run your business in the green industry. However, you still need to do your homework regarding your local, state, and federal requirements.

5 Certifications and Licenses Required to Start a Lawn Care Business

Each state in the US has different requirements for business registration, tax handling, and licensing for pesticide users. Some states even require you to have fertilizer applicator certification.

Here are five certifications and licenses you need to successfully run your lawn care business in your home state:

The Environmental Protection Agency sets federal standards for herbicide and pesticide applicators. Each state then decides how to regulate the applicators. Some states require one or more of these options to issue certifications to lawn care practitioners:

Passing a written exam

Passing a performance-based exam

Using another EPA-approved system.

As a lawn care operator, you need to know what your state requires of you in order to become certified as a pesticide applicator. You also need to know if your employees need licenses or certifications to use herbicides and pesticides.

These guidelines can be obtained from your country’s Department of Agriculture or your country’s Environmental Protection Agency.

Fertilizer Application Certification: Some states and counties require a fertilizer applicator certification. For example, in Maryland, lawn care workers must have fertilizer applicator certification before using fertilizer on anyone’s lawn.

However, if you’re a Texas-based lawn care business, you don’t need a license or certification to apply fertilizer to home lawns.

You also need to know if your state, city, or county requires you to obtain a permit or business license to operate in their community. For example, in Connecticut, you need a local permit to work as a lawn man.

In Florida, however, lawn care professionals fall under the umbrella of landscape design. Florida landscaping companies can mow, trim, plant, and maintain lawns without using pesticides. But you must obtain a business license from the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations before working on anyone’s farm.

Your Employer Identification Number (EIN): If you plan to hire employees to help you with your lawn care business, you will need an EIN. An EIN identifies you as an employer or business owner with an LLC or other corporate designation.

You must complete an application with the IRS to obtain an EIN number. And you must register for an EIN if you become an LLC or other legal entity.

Add credibility to your lawn care business with certifications and memberships: If you want to increase the trust factor even further, you need to earn some certifications.

These certifications allow you to specialize in an area of ​​lawn care or add another revenue stream to your current business. For example, the National Association for Landscape Professionals (NALP) offers these five certifications:

Managing Director

Field Engineer

horticultural technician

Lawn Care Technician

Head of Lawn Care.

The Irrigation Association offers these six certifications:

Certified Irrigation Technician

Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor

Certified Gulf Irrigation Auditor

Certified Irrigation Contractor

Certified Irrigation Designer

Certified landscape water manager.

If you’re keeping up with trends, then you’ll want to read this blog post, Top 5 Lawn Care and Landscaping Trends for 2019.

Don’t be afraid to hire the professionals

You know the value you bring to your lawn care customers, whether it’s residential, commercial or estate. So a business professional will sift through city, state, and federal licensing and tax regulations to give you peace of mind.

For example, hire an accountant to help you with your taxes, EIN, and starting your business. Hire an attorney to ensure you comply with local, state, and federal laws.

Just make sure you hire the right professional to walk by your side. For example, your CPA should have experience working with small or medium-sized businesses. You also want your attorney to be familiar with commercial law in your state.

Thinking of starting a lawn care business? Then you need to read 8 Things You Should Know When Starting a Lawn Care Business.

How Spyker helps you succeed as a lawn man

Starting a lawn care business requires multiple licenses, but you also need quality equipment! At Spyker, we specialize in lawn spreaders to help you apply granular fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides. We have the following Ergo-Pro spreaders for you to choose from

Four broadcast spreaders to suit your needs

Our Ergo-Pro™ Ice-Winter Spreader helps you apply ice melt to driveways, sidewalks, storefronts and crosswalks.

If you prefer our Pro-Series™, we offer you the following six transmitters:

Lightweight broadcast spreader

Commercial broadcast spreader

Commercial drip distributor

Commercial tow spreader

Electric spreader

ride-on spreader

To find your nearest Spyker spreader, visit your local dealer or find us online. In the unlikely event that you need a part, visit our website to find replacement parts and accessories.

Need customer support? Call us toll-free at (877) 728-8224, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. You can also fill out our contact form to have one of our representatives contact you.

Is the most common kind of service that landscapers offer?

As well as this, landscape services may offer regular outdoor cleaning alongside their mowing and weeding duties.
  • Lawn Mowing & Trimming.
  • Tree & Shrub Planting.
  • Gardening & Weed Control.
  • Mulching.
  • Outdoor Pest Control.
  • Pesticide Application.
  • Yard Cleaning & Waste Disposal.
  • Car Washing.

Use Analytics to Scale Up Your Landscape Business

We have used many different landscaping companies in our garden over the years (some better than others). Their services ranged from lawn care and tree care to mowing and gardening (and much more in between). So what are the main types of services provided by landscapers?

Contractors offering landscaping services can assist with both landscape installation and landscape maintenance tasks. These include landscaping, hardscape installation, mowing and gardening, as well as irrigation installation, pest control, car washing and snow removal – just to name a few.

Let’s take an in-depth look at the types of services offered under the umbrella of landscaping so you can make an informed decision about what you need when hiring your next contractor…

What is included in the home landscaping services?

Sometimes even dedicated gardeners need help tending to their garden, and professional landscapers offer plenty of help.

Different companies offer slightly different services, and some have specific specialties such as irrigation; in general, however, these are the services offered…

Lawn care includes mowing, edging, protecting (e.g. against maggots) and feeding. You may also be able to find a lawn renovation expert if your lawn needs extra care. Not having to worry about a mower or managing all the clippings is a real bonus.

Bed maintenance includes weeding, tidying up, removing dead plants, and removing dead plants. A great way to ensure your belongings always look tidy.

Pruning is another great way to keep your garden looking manicured. This can include plants, trees and hedges.

Seasonal chores can be spring and fall tidying up, winterizing your garden, or even helping with the decorating. If you live in a colder zone, your gardening team should also help with snow removal.

Irrigation services can range from planning and installing a system to maintenance and inspection. This can also include rainwater harvesting.

Landscaping can be anything from choosing the right plants for your garden to planning a major hardscaping project. Specialty garden designers can solve problems like drainage or even help design outdoor structures like pergolas. They should know your local climate like the back of their hand and be able to come up with the perfect planting scheme.

Let’s take a closer look at private garden services…

Landscape installation

Some people simply need a team of experts to help them take care of their garden, while others are looking for someone to help create that garden with them. Landscape installation services are the yard equivalent of architects, engineers and builders.

This team plans and builds your garden. Here’s what a landscape installation service can offer.

landscape design

This could be setting up a new flower bed and choosing the right plants for your hardiness zone. Or maybe you need something more structural like a new path or patio. Professional landscapers can help you get the garden you’ve been dreaming of and should be able to help with all the formalities.

Everything can be done remotely these days, and chances are your designer is using a CAD package anyway. You can also use a garden design pack yourself if you are sure you have both the technical and gardening skills and then share your design with the landscapers. Top tip: Your kids could probably design one in Minecraft, but it’s probably not the safest way…

There is much more to your garden than lawns and beds, and hardscape installation is about paths, patios, driveways, steps, etc. that add both practical function and aesthetic variation to your garden. From the front steps to a private basketball court (large yards only), there’s a huge range of hardscaping options.

Setting up a complete irrigation system for your garden or greenhouse is not easy and it is good to seek professional help. Landscapers can design, source, install, commission and maintain your new system and even design a rainwater harvesting system for a greener approach to irrigation.

Let’s face it: setting up a shed is always harder than it looks. Your landscape team will arrive like something out of Witness, set up your shed or outhouse, then leave, job done. Depending on their skills, landscaping teams can also be involved in larger gardening projects.


Once your garden is designed and laid out, it needs maintenance. Even those of us who love spending time working in our yards need a little assistance with some jobs.

It could be that you love tending to vegetables but don’t have much time for regular chores like mowing. Or maybe you keep your garden well in order, but need help with twice-yearly cleaning. Here are some ways a landscape maintenance service can help you.

Lawn Mowing & Trimming

Regular mowing keeps your lawn looking good. A landscaper will do a wonderful job of trimming those edges and awkward corners and tidying them up after work.

If you’re on a regular contract, you might not even need to own a lawn mower! Your maintenance team may even offer a lawn care service that includes feeding or sanitation.

Professional-level lawn mowing is not a quick job. Here’s a look at what it means to maintain your lawn to the highest standard.

tree and shrub planting

Planting larger items like trees and shrubs can be daunting, but a professional arborist can help you choose the right size plants for your property and give them the best start in life. The landscapers can also keep trees and shrubs clean (not always an easy task without professional pruners and ladders).

Gardening & Weed Control

This is another regular task that can be delegated well. General gardening chores may include weeding, raking, hoeing, dead head work, uprooting dead plants, watering, feeding, composting, keeping the paving stones weed free, etc.

Having a landscaper do this for you frees up time for other gardening tasks like plants (and grilling…).


This usually happens twice a year. If you have a large yard, mulching all of the beds, trees, and shrubs can be a pretty big project. Your landscaping contract may actually include a twice-yearly mulch as part of general maintenance.

Outdoor pest control

This is a job you definitely want to leave to the experts! It’s not just because it’s uncomfortable, but because the pros have the right gear for the job. You know the safest methods to rid your garden of all kinds of pests. Your contract may include “pest prevention,” which includes controlling things like aphids.

Application of pesticides

From aphids to lawn shrimp, professional gardeners know the safest and most effective way to apply pesticides. There are two approaches: prevention and cure. You need to talk to your chosen contractor about how they can curb pest infestations and help if your garden suddenly becomes infested.

Yard cleaning & waste disposal

Most of us typically have two major annual garden cleans: when we winterize our gardens, followed by spring cleaning a few months later. In addition, landscape maintenance services can also offer regular outdoor cleaning alongside their mowing and weeding work.

When it comes to disposal, a major benefit of professional gardening services is being able to get rid of garden waste for you.

Some do, some don’t. It’s a bit far from caring for plants, but it can fall under “general outdoor cleaning.” If you’re willing to pay for additional services, it might be worth asking. If you have a more general “handyman” service to tidy up your garden, this could very well be a service they offer.

snow and ice clearing

If you have a regular yard handler, their winter job is clearing driveways and paths of snow and making sure everyone is safely out of the yard. They could also help you stay on top of the snow to prevent weighing down gutters, garden buildings, trees, etc.

There could also be a real benefit in bringing in a team to help winterize the garden: you can relax knowing the plants are safe over the winter and that nothing is likely to be blown away…

Holiday Yard Decoration

Yes, some companies are happy to help you with your Christmas decorations. Landscapers who specialize in lighting may even be able to put up something truly unique for your garden. At least you can make the most of an extra pair of hands and a ladder in your yard.

holiday watering

Do landscapers water the garden? You can do it when you’re on vacation, but otherwise, unless they’re there every day, there’s no point in getting them to water your plants. However, if plants need to be fed weekly, this could be part of a regular gardening contract.

If you travel, you can ask them to visit more regularly to keep track of the watering. You can also get advice on irrigation systems, and some landscapers specialize in this service.


I hope this article gives you a good overview of the types of services available under the umbrella of landscaping. It certainly helps to know what each contractor can do and what the job entails.

As mentioned, we’ve worked with a few construction contractors over the years – and most have done a great job – but it’s definitely worth knowing about their job before you take it on, because then you’re asking the right questions Questions to ensure they are providing a high quality of service. 🙂

What are good landscaping names?

Landscaping business names to start from
Ace Landscapers Inc. Graham Garden Design
Top Garden Team All Seasons Gardening Services
Build it Green Landscape & Lawn Maintenance Inc. Anderson Landscaping
Landscape Designs Inc. Artisan Lawn Care
Magnolia Tree Planting and Landscaping Services Barbara Landscape
9 thg 12, 2021

Use Analytics to Scale Up Your Landscape Business

You’re here because you’d like to see some landscaping company names to choose from for your future business, right?

I feel you. And there are quite a few of them in this article.

A memorable brand name for your landscaping business offers numerous practical benefits. Some of these are greater industry awareness, more referrals, and higher customer recall. Landscapers are responsible for making a piece of land appear attractive and presentable. This company has expanded into almost every industry where there is a need to keep the country looking good and healthy.

In order for it to work optimally, you have to focus on smaller and smaller details. One of those little touches is naming your landscaping business properly. If we look at successful companies, we will see that they have spent hundreds of dollars promoting their brand names.

The name ideas you choose for your landscaping business are the most important marketing decision you will ever make.

Determine what values ​​your target audience values ​​most when choosing landscaping contractors, and build your branding around them. Addressing your target audience directly will make your landscaping name stand out from the crowd. To stand out from the crowd and grab the attention of customers, your new business name needs to be original and straightforward. If the name is memorable and can reflect your brand, it will get your new business off to a good start.

Table of Contents

Tips for naming your landscaping business

Make a list of name ideas

Your first step is to start with some name ideas. Take out a piece of paper and jot down all the names of landscaping contractors that come to mind. Before you start writing your name ideas, consider the following:

What type of landscaping business am I planning to start?

Who will my customers be?

Why should individuals choose my business over others?

What makes our company unique?

Asking yourself these questions will make it easier for you to start writing your name. If you are starting a specialty business for a small community, your landscaping business names should be accurate. When you start a big business, it should be general and comprehensive.

Put the niche in the name

Today’s landscaping industry is all about specialized services. Since virtually all industries need to maintain an enviable appearance of the surrounding lands, they look for companies with experience in this landscaping area.

So make sure that when people hear or see your landscaping business name, they understand what your landscaping expertise is. For example, do you do the scenery for children or do you work with water parks or medical institutions? Alternatively, it is possible that your company aims to target project developers etc.

When niches are included in the names of landscaping companies, you no longer have to do marketing to educate people about what you do. With a name like this, your landscape logo design will promote your business.

Avoid combining words just to create a unique name

Another common mistake business owners make when designing business names is inventing bad word combinations when they realize their business name concept is already taken.

You can see how backward certain concepts are because they aren’t catchy, easy to pronounce, or easy to remember. In these cases, start from scratch and experiment with the recommendations.

Concentrate on naming, not describing

Most companies make the mistake of expressing their business name ideas too literally, using overused landscape words like green, eco, or garden.

A more successful business name idea should convey the ideals of your business and your product to customers on a deeper level. Try naming your business in a way that tells a story.

Stand out from competitors

A successful company goes to great lengths to distinguish itself in its target market. The names of the world famous are unique, which is one of the reasons for their phenomenal success. So before you come up with a unique name for your niche market, compile a list of your direct competitors.

Then take a close look at their company names. Choose a company name that doesn’t sound similar or contain the same terms. When you come up with a company name, make sure it has nothing to do with your competitors’ company names.

However, you need to research these names and determine what makes them attractive. Remember that in order to build a brand identity for your business, you need to differentiate yourself in a variety of ways, including your company’s distinctive corporate name.

Use words that look and sound good

The name of your landscaping company should be as appealing to the eyes as it is to the ears. If your company name sounds good, the likelihood that others will share it increases.

Avoid generic words

Choosing generic terms in your landscape business name doesn’t differentiate you from your competitors and doesn’t help you create an identity in the minds of your potential customers.

The names Integrity Landscaping, Quality Irrigation, Custom Concrete, and Precision Landscaping are all terrible. These general terms and conditions have no relevance for customers. What exactly does “precision landscaping” mean? There is nothing.

The name was to last for decades

An aspiring entrepreneur strives to be successful. A well-run business develops plans to expand into new areas. Landscaping companies develop new equipment and services over time to serve a wider range of customers. That means your company name should be relevant for decades to come as your business expands into new markets.

For example, if your business name includes the name of your city, change it after you start landscaping elsewhere. Not only that, but if your lawn care logo has a name that limits your business, you’re going to redesign it.

Try out fun landscape names

People work really hard today. Especially people who do not move their lawn themselves have a lot to do. People have such a hectic schedule that they have little time to hire a company to start mowing the grass.

If you can make such disgruntled people happy, they will be more apt to hire you. But how do you go about it? So you have to come up with amusing company names that will make people grin and hire you. To make your business name fun in landscape format, use the terms game and puns.

It should carry your brand well

Landscaping companies are brands. A brand is the consumer’s opinion of a company’s products or services. Your new company should strive to create a good perception of the services it offers. The perception could relate to the quality of services, equipment, professional customer service, etc.

Also check the availability of the domain

Before you start looking for graphic design ideas for your beautiful landscape design business website, make sure that the company name is accessible as your domain address. This is also your website’s URL when you go online. If the exact store name isn’t available in landscape mode, check if it’s available in its variations.

Additionally, if the most desired .com domain is not available, consider other domain extensions such as .net or .biz. These addresses are also suitable for your online landscaping business.

Here are the cheapest registrar options where you can buy a domain:

Landscaping business names you can start with

Ace Landscapers Inc. Graham Garden Design Garden of Eden Landscape Services Creative Landscaping Woody`s Landscapes Alpine Gardens Inc Awesome Landscaping Co Sunny Sides Up Lawns Inc Autumn Breezes Landscape Wonderful Landscaping Four Seasons Landscaping Backyard Reflections Inc. Property Gardening Service Westcoast Lawns & Landscaping Balmy Gardens Outstanding Landscapers North of Beautiful Landscaping Company Beautiful Blooms and Berries Landscapes Landscaping Solutions Inc. Chateau Garden Design Bluestone Lane Landscaping Landscape Tours 1 Friendly Lawn Service Bunny Hop Landscaping Urban Lawns A+ Lawn and Landscape Cascade of Color Landscape Design Landscaping Ltd AAA Quality Clean Cut At Your Service Landscaping Green Scapes All American Turf Beauty Serenity Landscaping Services Eco Gardening Services All Pro Lawn Care Signature Landscaping Solutions Top Garden Team All Seasons Gardening Services Fl ower Power Landscaping Service Build it Green Landscape & Lawn Maintenance Inc. An derson Landscaping Always Green Lawn Care Company Landscape Designs Inc. Artisan Lawn Care American Grass Innovations Magnolia Tree Planting and Landscaping Services Barbara Landscape Awesome Fertilizer & Landscaping Inc. Awaken Green Landscapes Big Rock Landscaping Awesome Lawns Inc. Estate Appeal Ltd. Boulder Designs Awesomely Green Garden Services Inc. Landscape Gems LLC Brothers Lawn Care Beautiful Gardens Garden Design Eco-Friendly Landscaping and Lawn Care Budget Lawn Care A Section About Green Designs Inc. Central Land Care About Everything Lawn Care Landscaping Names CityScapes Lawn Mowing Precise Lawn Leveling Planting Ideas Clean Lawn Services All in the lawn landscaping family today Coyote Landscape Aspen Creek Landscaping Landscaping Incorporated Distinctive Landscaping Best Buds Southern Lawns & Gardens Earth Design Blades of Grass Lawn Care Gardeners, Inc Eveready Lawn Service Blooms Landcare Landscape Professionals Finley’s Tree and Landcare Bright View Landscape Beautification and Construction Inc. Flores Landscaping Classic Gardens and Lawns Green Thumb Landscapes, LLC Fresh Cut Lawn Service Common Grounds You’ve Got Greens Landscaping Services, Inc Gary’s Greenery Curb Masters Fresh Cut Landscaping Co Gothic G rounds Management Custer’s Lawn Care Affordable Landscapers and Garden Designers Grass Master Lawn Care Cut Right Lawns Landscape Designers and Caregivers Green Earth Landscapes Dirtworks Aquatic Plus Inc. Green Legacy Landscape Easy Lawn Going Green Lawn and Landscaping Inc Greenleaf Landscaping Edge Landscapes Go Green Lawn and Landscaping Inc Groundworks Landscape Elite Lawn Care Green Thumb Landscaping Inc Handy Randy Lawn Care Epic Landscape Flowering Gardeners Hazeltine Nurseries First Cut Lawn Services Great Landscaping King’s Gardening Services GoGreen Lawns Landscapers with Personality Landscapes USA Grassroots Lawn Care Extremely Professional Gardeners Lawn Patrol Service Great Lawns The Lawrence Landscaping Green Authority Action Lawn Service Master Mowers Inc. Mariposa Landscapes Greenskeeper Landscape Nature’s Designs Massey Services Gro Masters Green Landscaping New Leaf Landscape Growing Concern Stoney Creek Landscaping O ngrow Lawn Care Homestead Landscaping County Stone Landscaping Pac Green Landscape In Harmony Sustainable Landscapes Winding Creek Landscaping Pacific Sunscapes Innovative Tree Care A to Z Lawn Care Perez Landscaping Landscape Express Aquarius Landscaping Preferred Landscape Services Lawn & Order Adirondack Landscape Precision Lawn Care Lawn Care Solutions Blue Sky Lawns Pro Lawn Care Service Lawn Mowing Willow Trees & Ivy Gardens Inc. Realty Landscaping Corp. Lawn Universe Bison Rooki Landscaping and Construction Services Robinson Environmental Design Lawns Unlimited Cutting Edge Landscapers LLC Safari Landscapes Lucky Lawn Service Flexible Tree Service Scapegoat Landscaping Majestic Lawn Care Urban Jungle Landscaping and Maintenance Shade Today Landscaping and Nursery Moral s Landscaping Design Firm Landscape Smart Lawn Artificial Turf Natural Lawn & Garden The Foliage Group Southern Style Lawns Nature by Design Plant Matter, LLC Star Landscape Design New Eco Landscapes Easy Eden Designs Straight Line Lawn Care Off Shoots Garden Renaissance Gardeners Incorporated Sun City Lawn Care Plant Life Designs Aesthetic Landscaping Timber Ridge Landscaping Price Landscaping Bedrock Designs TNT Landscaping Priority Lawn Services Boulder Rock Landscaping Treeline Design Group Red Dirt Landscaping Desert Blooms Landscaping and Design I nc. True North Outdoor Sandpiper Gardens Abundant Lawns Ultimate Lawn Care Crisp Lawn Eco-Green Features Victory Lawn Care Service Signature Landscapes Easy Yards Water Wise Grass Summit Lawn Care Friendly Gardening Water Saver Lawn Sundial Gardening Modern Landscaping Wood’s Lawn Care The Garden Kingdom Outstanding Gardens Long-Sleeve Landscape Services The Grounds Guys Passionate Paths Clearwater Landscapers The Lawn Rangers Planting Pr ofits Green Lily Garden The Yard Post Positive Plantings Commercial Landscaping Turf Pro Solutions Efficient Lawn Care Company Lawn Care Pace Turf Specialties Lawn Care Lawn Care People Creative Floral Landscape Turf Terminators Bloom Landscaping Services Environmental Landscaping Company Turfmasters Lawncare Home Gardens and Landscapes Artificial Turf Turner’s Landscaping Gardeners Inc. Nursery and Landscaping Veteran Lawn Care A Fresh Start Landscaping Classic her Grove Service Westside Landscaping Pro-Green Garden Maintenance Company Seasonal Impact Yard House The Dirt on Landscaping and Design Inc Super Soil Landscape Center Yellow Jacket Landscaping Yard Works Inc Rock Solid Landscape LandArt Design Services Garden Design Specialists Emerald Green Landscaping Solutions Landscaper Excelsior Gardens Lawn Turf Company Eco-Friendly Landscapers Shrub Solutions Artificial Grass Companies Smart Soil Solutions Green Palms Perfect Landscaping Garden Gate Home and Garden Maintenance nance Incorporated Yardman Cuttings The Garden Builders Park and Lawn Professional Services Incorporated Tropical View Care Landscaping Team Green Guys Landscaping Landscaping Green Care At Home Green Earthy Gardening & Landscape Design A Private Escape Landscaping Green Thumb Landscaping Modern Landscapes Garden Transformations Homegrown Landscapes Tips by Sandra Groundtea m Lawn Rescue Seasonal Vision Landscaping & Fencing Landscape Artist Love Jones Landscaping High Life Landscapes Landscapers Planted Performance Gothic Landscape Landscaping 4 Seasons Painting & Landscaping Yard Scapes Gardening Work A-1 Landscaping The Urban Patio Urban Gardens Adams Landscaping Scapes Center Gardeners & Landscapers Advanced Lawn & Landscape Backyard Landscaping Natural Elements Landscaping Advanced Lawn Care Palmer’s Lawn Care Acres & Gardens Advantage Lawn and Landscaping Fast Grass Home & Garden Services All Care Lawn Services Precise Plants GCS Lawn Care Service Champion Lawn Care Get Growing Gardening Company Coastal Landscaping and Garden Centers Rich Resources Classic Lawns Complete Landscaping Systems Denton Lawn Care Pro Landscaping Inc. Countryside Industries Lawn Impact Landscape Designers Inc. Custom Edging Lawn Care & d Landscape Designs Tuff Bosses Yard Master Custom Walls and Landscaping Solano’s Tree Service Lawn Doctor Desert Classic Landscaping Kate Tips Real Earth Landscaping Dora Landscaping Company Landscape Artist Mother Earth Landscaping Duke City Lawn Care Expertise Scape Rock Solid Landscaping Inc East Millcreek Lawn Care Succulent Soil Landscaping Empire Yard Maintenance Green Prospects Plant Nanny Fine Lines Landscaping The Gardeners J and J Lawn Forest Green Lawn and Landscaping Avalon Lawnmowers Garden Solutions Four Seasons Lawn Care New Views Landscaping Pea Gardener Green Grove Landscaping Tips from Marcus Master Gardener Green Harvest Lawn Care Peach Tree Home Grown Greens Greengate Turf Management Allsc Monkey Grass is Greener Northwest Landscaping Greenview Landscaping Smooth Gardens From Roots to Branches Landscape Design and Construction Warden Lawnp Maintain Pebble Pushers Take care of Tree Service and Design Hawkeye Landscaping Young Landscaping Neighborhood Nursery High Voltage Farmers Flowering Fields Beach Cover Landscaping Hill Country Landscaping Super Green Landscape Flowers by Jil Impressions Landscape and Pools Plant Perfect Mow and Grow Johnson Lawn and Landscape Garden Expert Lawn flowers Incorporated Lakewood Landscaping Grass Master Green Lawns Landscape Associates Going Green Grass Cutting Grass Planet Lawn Care and Irrigation Systems Bump ‘N Grind Grass Cutting Service Mow My Yard Legendary Landscapes Weeding Landscapes Galore from Lovelace Lawn Care The Affordable Lawns Inc Green Lights Masterson’s Lawn Care The Grass Inspector Leafy Landscaping Co. Monarch Landscaping & Construction Gardeners Delight The Real Lawns Inc Outside Limited Selection Of Grass Cutting Elite Gardeners Inc. Paragon Landscaping Lawn King Give Me Greenco Inc. Patrick’s Landscaping La Landscaping Beast Natural Choices Inc. Perfect T Landscaping Mow My Lawn! (Mower Repair) Backyard Pride Inc Pioneer Seasonal Services Lawn Warden (Grass Cutting Service) Hike on Greens & Gardens Pratts Landscaping Lawn Rangers Inc. Garden Designers Buy Green Artificial Grass Lawn Love Take Root Lawn and Garden Ramsey Unlimited 5 Star Lawn Cuts Extreme Sales Landscaping Ratliff Lawn Care Spot on Grass Cutting Services Green Vision Landscape Services RC Artificial Turf A+ Grassy Meadow Thistle Lawn Mowing Services Rye Beach Landscaping Perfectly Trimmed Lawns Green Country Decking and Landscaping Solutions Site One Landscape Services Grass Cutting Team Rays Lawn and Landscaping. Firm Ground Landscaping Uni-Mow Lawn Care Ace Parks Southern Green Lawns The Cut Above Carl’s Garden Maintenance Southern Shore Lawn Tidy Lawn Titan Exotic Landscaping Spring Lawn Company Globe Trotters Gardeners Hardscaping Services Stout Design Build Jungle Lawns Landscaping Vancouver Sunshine Lawn Care Cut Cut Planta Landscaping Supreme Green Lawn & Landscape Deluxe Grass Care Agency Aesthetic Landscape Specialists6. Tree of Life Top Quality Turf Lawn Genie Lakeside Gardens and Lawns Ultra Green Lawn Service King of the Lawn Landscaping by Design Unlimited Lawn Care 2 Brothers Landscaping Coniferous Planting Ltd Wardrip Landscaping A&R Landscaping Amongst the Pines Landscaping Inc Waterwise Landscape and Turf Accent Landscapes Garden Design Magic Weeds Garden & Interior Design Advantage Lawn Care Rock Solid Landscapes Inc. Wright Outdoor Solutions All American Landscape Marshalls Landscaping Doctor’s Tree Service & Landscaping All American Yards Flower Mound Landscape Greenstar Landscaping All Season’s Lawn & Landscaping Mountain Laurel Designs Landscape Campus Allstates Landscaping Teal Enterprises, Inc Royalty Lawn Care Service Archer Lawn Care Ponytail Planted LLC Fresh Landscaping Company Blade Runners Aardvark Landscaping ArtisTree Landscapers Blue Sky Landscape All American Lawn Care Landscaping Brook Landscape Baker Landscaping Green Life Group B budget Lawn & Maintenance Big Apple Yar ds Just Green Place Budget Mowing Brownstone Garden Services Liquid Landscapes Chambers Lawn Service City Gardens Incorporated Green Garden Solutions Clean Air Lawn Care DC Bright Green Waterwise Landscape Systems Clear Creek Landscapes Earthly Tracts Ltd Project Landscape Cottonwood Landscapes Fescue & Ferns Ltd Horizon Greenery Contractors Createscape Landscaping Services Green Thumb Lawn Mowing Service Inc GroundsKeeping Company Discount Landscape Greenhouse Builders Ltd Land Canvas Dixie Landscaper Sod Appeal Eco-Friendly Lawn Care All-4-U Lawn and Landscape Sacred Garden Elkhorn Lawn Care Beautiful Gardens Dexterity Landscape First Rate Lawn Services Black Tie Gardening Sod & Soil Franks Landscape Flowers of Beauty Scale Light Go Green Gardeners Lawn Rangers Undiscovered Grass Works Lawn Care Landscaping Land’s End Archer Grass Control Green Acres Lawn Care Aces Landscaping Forever Fields Green Image Services E Amazing Landscaping Cut Masters Green Thumb Law n Care Choice Gardening Services Gardens of Babylon Greenlife Gardens A&M Lawn Care Viewpoints Landscapes Ground Force Landscapes Agnes’ Green Grass Dream Yards Hard Rock Landscaping All Green Grounds Maintenance Home Rangers Landscaping Unlimited All Seasons Gardening Endless Vistas Hunts Landscaping Amazing Yards and Gardens Terra Works Landscape Landscape Solutions Every Season Yard Services Opulence Landscaping Landscapes Unlimited Artistic Landscaping Co 2 Crazy Gardeners Lawn Ranger Company Batting Cleanup Lawns And Gardens Bulldawgs Total Lawn Care Legacy Landscapes Beautiful Botanicals Cutting Edge Services Lund Landscaping Beautiful Gardeners Diamond T Landscape Modern Urban Design Landscaping Best in Show Lawns And Gardens Environscaping Olympic Landscape Best In Show Lawn Care and Landscaping Inc. Genus Landscape One Source Landscape Masters Inc. Grasseaters One Two Tree Landscape Gr oup Green Op Parsons Rocks Patio Paradise Grizzly Turf Perennial Gardens Greener Landscape and Garden Hybrid Lawns Perfect World Landscapes Greener Urban Landscapes Lawn Love Lawn Care Picture Perfect Lawn Care The Trees Forever Inc. Lawn Starter Lawn Premium Landscape Services Island Palms and Shrubs Lawn Landscapes Real Solutions Landscaping Green Leaves Garden Services LLC Local Edge Lawn Care Riveras Lawn Mower Shop Flowering Gardens and Yards Inc. Low Cut Lawn Care Roots Landscaping Aroma Landscaping Masterscapes Safari Lawn Care Beauty Landscapes One Putt Greens and Lawns Scott’s Lawn Service Absolutely Green Plant Landscape Shorelines Landscaping Natural Beauty Princely Lawn Care Southern Spray Bluestone Groundworks Proscaping of Houston Spring Falls Landscaping Earth’s Edge Landscapes Queen Bee Lawn Sterling Landscaping Eco-Earth Landscaping and Gardening Services Rainy Day Irrigation & Landscaping Summer Landscaping Green Space Landscaping Ltd den & Landscape Designers Ltd. Royal Landscaping Service Top Choice Lawn Care Green Garden Designs Ltd Topiary Gardeners Southern Scapes Nursery Wolverine Rocks and Rubber Gardening Services Stoneworks Landscaping Young Guns Lawn Care Service Grass Mowing & Care Summit Landscaping & Garden Center Your Lawn My Lawn Ace Lawns Sunny Day Landscaping & Lawn Care Evergreen Landscape Services Algae Lawn Premium Lawn & Landscape Tropical Plants Provider AllGreen Landscaping The Other Side Lawn Care & Landscape Green Fingers Landscaping Bastion Property Maintenance Premium Landscaping Greenserve Solutions Beauti-Lawn Total Lawn Care Solutions Landscape Design Planner Blossom Lawn Care Universal Lawn Care Floral Nursery Bri dal Paths Landscaping Valley Crest Landscaping Company Landscaping Institute Common Ground Landscaping Wayne’s Lawn Service Landscape Utility Bellhops & Bunnies Lawn Care Service Wells Hollow L Landscaping High Maintenance Company Spuds N’ Roses Landscaping Wellspring Landscape Services Green Forest Landscape The Lamplighters Landscaping Service Yankee Hill Landscaping Goodview Gardening Laceys Green Thumb Young’s Landscape Management Eastec Maintenance Lopez Landscaping Universal Landscape Floraland Landscape The Millers Edge Green Thumb Inc. Promised Landscaping Service Pretty Landscapers Abracadabra Landscaping Inc. The Friendly Plant Lucky Grassland Landscape Solutions Inc. Break Edge Landscaping Landscape Decor Expert Landscaping LLC Paradise Lawn Care Greenery Horticulture Homegrown Landscape Design Team, Inc. EarthLinks Landscaping Company Earthscape Concepts Landscape Solutions, Inc. Pool Garden Services Blooms Inc. National Landscaping Company Wonderland Landscapers Green Design All Star Landscapers Ltd. Deep Roots Products Service Highway Light Oceanfront Property Solutions Inc. Municipal Maintenance Company Budget Landscaping Something Natural Company, Inc. Natural Landscaping Sharp Edges Your Organic Gardeners, Inc. Universal Builder’s Supplies Richer Lands Abundant Gardeners Long-rooted Landscaping Precision Home Country Club Landscape Corp. Urban Green Building Acres Group Easy Greenery Greensleeve Maintenance Garner Growth Heavenly Gardens Landscape Explore Yard Solutions Garden Masters House with a View EcoGrass Die Landschaftsprofis Perfect Scape Early Risers Landscaping Group, Corp., LLC, Inc. Liberty Landscaping Planted Precision Naturescaping Inc. Outback landscaped gardens sprinkled with sunshine design and build magnificent scenic yards to live by Outdoor Designers Inc. Calling All Landscapers To Renew Landscape Vintage Landscaping Group, Corp., LLC, Inc. Plant The Seeds Scenic Views Landscapes Better Living Landscaping Mother Nature Beautiful Landscapes R oyalty in the Garden Blades of Glory Landscape Revivers Up scapes Luxury Landscaping Well Planted Courtyards and Patios Expert Landscape Effects Landing Scapes Green Hand Team Precision Landscaping Alamo Lawn North Shore landscaping and lawn care. Fresh Landscape Big Touch Good Earth Gardening Landscaping Done Right The Seeds Tree of Life Garden Design. The Palms Local Loves Landscaping Absolute Landscape Solutions Healthy Roots Greenland Landscaping Green Forest Services Backyard Parks A Little Bit of Heaven West Side Farm Works Nature’s Palette Opaque Landscape Field of Dreams Master Maintain Power Plants Blooming Gardens A New Skyline Berkeley Tools & Equipment Co Flower Child Landscaping Vibrant Landscapes Big John’s Landscaping Service Ltd Home Front Property Maintenance Services Advanced Cuts Brown Lawns Landscape Affordable Yard Maintenance Service Integra Lawns Lawn Master Inc Landscape Solvers The Urban Landscapes Just Green Inc Above & Beyond Viva Scape A Green Thumb Landscaping Ace Lawn Care Green Thumbs Lush Landscaping All natural landscape landscapes Genius Smart Green Lawns Best Turf Living Green Landscapes Refreshing Garden Solutions Blue Irrigation Blooms Nursery Green Space Designs Cedar Lawn Care Explosive Gardening Vered ment Gardens Clean Cut Lawns Secret Garden Company Flora Firma Planners Cutting Edge Landsc ape Cleanseeds Rural Garden Oasis Decorators Dirty Girl Landscape Garden Fairy Garden Designers Inc Ecoscape Solutions Group Easycare Landscapes Green Power Landscapes Elegant Lawn Services Woodbridge Gardening Planting Services Exterior Spaces Absolute Tree & Garden Services Lawn Care Services Gnome Landscapes Peaceful Landscapes Landscaping and Gardening Services Grass King Platinum Gardening Professional Landscapers Green Grass Professionals The Balcony Garden Landscaping Ideas Greenways Green At Home Flooring and Painting Business Ideas Ground Control Blossom Gardening Lawns, Trees, Plants and Fountains Door to Door Services Grateful Growers Nurseries and Landscaper Company Names Huntergreen Careful Cutters Vegetable Gardeners and Greenhouses Just Right Lawnmower Masters The Green Gardener Landforms Superb Edges Grass Roots com Pany Landworks Studio Outer Courts Good Grasses, LLC Lawn Care Edging Mother Earth Blooms N’ Tree, LLC Lawn Connections Garden Greatness Good Deal Landscaping (GDL) Law n World A Blue Horizon Greenly Made Landscape Co. Lawnstarter Fun Add Landscapes Green Thumbs Landscape and Design, Inc. Mainscape Outdoor Spaces Grass Roots Lawn Care and Mowing LLC Morning Dew Outdoor Homes Garden Company Natural Lawn of America Nature Scapes Rock Garden & Cactus Naturescape Garden Of Dreams Tropical Landscaping New Horizon Landscaping Landscaping and Decking Local Companies Lawn Care Landscaping Earthworks Landscaping Pretty Good Gardens Landscape Lords Meadow Gardeners Prime Cuts Fairy Tale Landscapes .Outdoor Wonders Landscaping & Design Pure Solutions Country Climates Landscaping & Design Inc. Restoring Roots Yard Designs Incredible Edible Landscaping Company Seasons West Low Maintenance Yard Care Landscaping Masters Superior Ras enpflege Individuelle Landschaften Astro-Landschaftsbau Der Stadtrasen Outdoor-Kontexte Romantische Gärten Die Schneide, wo die Sonne scheint Grünes Gras Landschaftsdienste The Yard Butler Shades and Shelters Green Planet Lands caping Turf Masters Backyard Inspiration Beach Ocean Garden Design Turf Program Guardian Pest Control Desert Landscape Builders Inc. Wiles Outdoors Land Scape Creative Central Coast Wilderness Gardens Yard Smart Greener Gardens Central Coast Landschaftsbau Yardman Lawn Care Gracious Garden Coastal Greening Specialists Inc. Royal Gardens A Slice of Grass City Ferns Landschaftsbau Co. Ltd. The Gardener Landscape Dreams California Aquatic Designs Inc. Green-Scene Entspannung Landschaftsbau Kleines Grundstück Landschaftsgärtner Garten Smart Garden Blossom Schneide Landschaftsbau Flower Power Morning Glory Field of Green Landschaftsbau Grüner Wald Rasenpflege Früchte und Blätter Landschaftsarchitekten Garten Beratung, LLC. Malerische Landschaften Bäume und Sträucher Spezialisten Natürliche Note Landschaftsgestaltung und Baumschule Natürliche Terrains Landschaftsgartendesigns Blühende Gärten Landschaftsgestaltungsservice Hinterhofträume Southside-Landschaftsdesigner Curbside Appeal-Landschaftsdesigner Verbesserte Landschaftsgestaltung The Passionate Gardener’s Company Blüten- und Blatt-Landschaftsgestaltung Extravaganz Landschaftsgestaltung Stadtkultivatoren der Landschaftsgestaltung Blühende Töpfe Landschaftsgestaltung Luscious Landschaften Acorn Landscaping Inc. Wachstum Baumschule & Landschaftsbau The Green Market Breathe Deep Landscaping LLC Blooming Meadows Baumschule & Landschaftsbau Pleasure Trove Landscaping Echoing Falls Landscaping Bloom Landschaft und Baumschule Wintergärten Fairview Landscape Services Blühender Garten- und Rasenservice Hohe Hecken Landschaftsbau Forest Whispers Grow Green – Gardening Dienstleistungen Beleuchtete Landschaft American Beauty Landschaftsgestaltung Gardenia’s Great Gardening The Edge Landschaftsgestaltung Künstlerische Gärten Green Leaves Landscape, Inc. Grass Bandits A Way with Wood (Rasenmähservice). ce) Alpha-Landschaftsbau Greenworx Banyanbaum-Landschaftsbau Costa-Landschaftsbau Green Machines Beachside Gardens Rasen und Ordnung Make Magic Landscaping Berry Good Landschaftsbau Rasen und Ordnung Rasenpflege Gepflanzte Profis Bespoke Gardening Group Lawn Kings Landscape Plus Bloom and Grow Rasenpflegeservice (Rasenmähservice) Blühende Rasenflächen Backyard Services Blooming Design Gardeners Green acres landschaftsgestaltung Summerspring Lanark Green Landschaftsgestaltung Delightful Landschaftsgestaltung Strauch Besonderheiten Lauridsen’s Landschaftsdienst Magnolia Landschaftsgestaltung Scents Of Summer Landschaftsgestalter Flower Company True Green Landschaftsgestaltung Dora Landschaftsgestaltung Lorbeerrasen und -gärten Abenteuer Landschaftsgestaltung Ultimative Landschaften Erster Eindruck Landschaftsgestaltung All Seasons Landschaftsgestaltung Mähmeisterung Natur- Look Grass & Landscaping Co Courtyard Living Heroes Rasen Hinterhof Küche Smooth Landscapes Inc Vorstadt Yard Yard P lay

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Es gibt viele Hosting-Optionen. Einige sind billiger und einige sind Premium. Und einige dazwischen.

Wenn Sie eine kleine Website möchten, auf der Sie eine Handvoll Besucher haben, sollten Sie sich eine günstigere Option besorgen. Wenn Sie jedoch eine stark frequentierte Website anstreben, entscheiden Sie sich für eine Premium-Option.

I’m using a premium option from Cloudways for my sites and I have zero problems with my hosting provider. Unlike when I had an account with Godaddy and I was constantly on chat with the support team.

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Now that you have a domain name and hosting, it’s time to move on to the next step of the process: you need a website builder to create your website.

However, unless you want to let a few thousand dollars out of your account for a website design created by a web designer, you can do it yourself with a website builder.

Picking a website builder to use for your website

OK. We got to this point.

Website builders are not all the same. There are actually quite a few differences between them. While I like to create websites on WordPress with themes from Themeforest and maybe with Slider Revolution, my father-in-law, for example, doesn’t know any code.

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And in case you want to build an online shop, here are the best in the game:


You now have a website that you can promote to get more clients.

Ending thoughts on these landscaping business names

A strong brand business name is essential to the achievement and long-term growth of any design business, product, or service. If done correctly, you will have a clear, engaging, and consistent brand that is relevant, ageless, and scalable.

Selecting a design company business name is a process that takes time and careful consideration. While deciding on a design business name is essential, don’t spend too much time on it. If you can get it right the first time, you will save a lot of time and money when rebranding a firm.

A smart brand business name not only attracts attention but also communicates your core message and creates genuine equity in your design company for years to come. We hope this article will be useful for all of you stepping into the design business and help you find a perfect creative design business name for your design company.

If you liked this article about consulting business names, you should check out the following ones about awesome consulting business names.

And that is not all. We also created these with trucking company names, pizza restaurant names, design studio names, and vet clinic names.

What is interior landscaping?

Interior landscaping is the practice of designing, installing, and maintaining greenery and biophilic elements inside buildings. Professionals in the trade commonly refer to this service as interior plantscaping or interiorscaping.

Use Analytics to Scale Up Your Landscape Business

Indoor greening is the practice of designing, installing, and maintaining greenery and biophilic elements in buildings. Professionals in the industry commonly refer to this service as indoor greening or interior design.

Some publications use the term “indoor landscape” as a phrase to describe any element installed in an indoor space, such as a B. furniture and art. In this context, they don’t use the term as a technical category, but as a convenient combination of words to go with a headline. In the design community, interior design refers specifically to plants, living or artificial.

The book Interior Landscape Design by Nelson Hammer, ASLA, published in 1991, remains an authoritative reference on the subject, particularly in relation to the basics of designing plants indoors.

Planterra is one of the first companies in North America to specialize in indoor landscaping. Our first major commission was the installation of the flying ficus trees at the Renaissance Center in Detroit in 1977. At the time, this installation was the largest interior design project in the United States. The design, which required hundreds of large Ficus trees, involved such a large order that suppliers built shade houses in Florida to acclimatize the trees specifically for indoor use.

Today, indoor landscaping remains a small and specialized area within the horticultural industry. In recent years, North American horticultural associations have viewed the niche as too small to manage as a category. As such, at the time of publication, there is no professional association that interior designers could call home. Also, there is no universally recognized certification program to provide education and standards for the interior design profession. As a result, selecting a qualified indoor landscaping designer or contractor can be difficult and confusing.

As a mature niche industry, indoor greening has proven to be resilient and an essential service for interior design. Many companies that specialize solely in the craft of indoor landscaping have been in business for more than two decades. We have been at Planterra for almost 50 years!

The profession, which resulted from a shift in architectural materials from ornamental masonry to floor-to-ceiling glass curtain walls, continues to be propelled by architectural design. In the mid-20th century, boxy glass buildings called for plants to soften their harsh lines. The abundance of natural light helped solidify commercial buildings as unofficial dwellings for the obsequious office Ficus. Today, improved window glazing and artificial lighting are helping to provide human residents with a better quality of light that plants also enjoy. As a result, interior design is still relevant and an important element in architecture and interior design.

Now nearly 50 years after starting an indoor landscaping business, Planterra has expanded its capabilities to offer specialized design-build installations across the US and indoor landscaping national account management.


12 Exact Steps To Scale Your Landscaping Business | Interview with \”Home Service CFO\” Dan Platta

12 Exact Steps To Scale Your Landscaping Business | Interview with \”Home Service CFO\” Dan Platta
12 Exact Steps To Scale Your Landscaping Business | Interview with \”Home Service CFO\” Dan Platta

See some more details on the topic how to scale a landscaping business here:

How to scale your landscaping business the right way

Thankfully, you don’t need a business degree to come up with a plan that allows you to scale your landscaping company effectively.

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How to Build A Million-Dollar Landscaping Business

Understand Scaling vs. Growing. Understand what you want to do with your business. 2. Identify Your Audience. Imagine your eal client.

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to scale your landscape company – LMN

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10 financial mistakes when scaling your landscaping business

Mistake 1. Using annual sales goals. In order to scale and manage your sales force effectively, you must look at budgets versus actual on a …

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Use Analytics to Scale Up Your Landscape Business

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How to Grow and Scale Your Landscaping Business

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4 Tips to Upscale your Lawn & Landscaping Service – ReachOut

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How do you scale a lawn/landscaping business?

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Do You Know How to Identify Your Most Profitable Landscape Services?

This is a guest post from our friend Lindsey Getz, who is a regular contributor to many of the lawn and landscape industry publications you may be familiar with.

Is Your Landscaping Business As Profitable As It Could Be? Even if you’re seeing revenue growth, you could be missing out on some key improvements needed to drive improved profitability (i.e., your bottom line).

That’s because it’s not uncommon for landscapers to look at total sales as the primary measure of success.

But the truth is, your business as a whole could be profitable while still being dragged down by certain underperforming services. Poor profitability is a problem for the majority of businesses in the lawn and landscape industry – and it can keep you from becoming great. While much hat is hung on reaching certain sales levels, the truth is that some small businesses that better understand their most profitable landscape services could take home more profits.

Shouldn’t our goal be to walk away with more money in our (and our employees’) pockets at the end of the day?

When “Full Service” loses focus

One of the reasons companies may be reluctant to narrow their focus to analyzing their individual services may be the pressure to be “everything for everyone”. More than ever, there seems to be a strong trend towards “full service” landscape companies. In a rush to be accommodating, many landscape contractors have added or retained services without even knowing which are profitable and which aren’t.

But you don’t want to be lugging around a dead weight.

Unfortunately, Greg Herring, founder and CEO of The Herring Group, sees many companies struggling with weak profitability. Much of that is because “their profitability numbers haven’t been broken down.”

“In other words, when business owners look at their QuickBooks income statement, they have a set of numbers — and it’s all aggregated,” explains Herring. “But to really know what’s going on in your business, you have to completely separate all those numbers. This is called portfolio analysis, and it’s one of the best things you can do for your business—but most people don’t.”

However, Herring says that failing to delve deep into the profitability of your services can stall growth. There will always be some areas that aren’t going well and will either need to be re-evaluated or dropped. Without an accurate assessment, you have no way of knowing your most profitable landscape services.

“The problem with looking at all your numbers in one pot is that nothing is actionable,” Herring continues. “What you need to do is create columns for all your services so you can find your gross and net profit by department.”

Of course, Herring recognizes that the mindset behind a full-service model may be that certain services are necessary to keep customers happy.

“There’s a strategy that you bring out certain services, like landscaping — but then you make improvements,” says Herring. “The general rule of thumb with this strategy is to break even on maintenance and then get the maximum return on extensions, irrigation and lawn care. Traditionally, mowing and mulching are the two least profitable landscaping jobs – and the bottom line is that they can actually be unprofitable.”

Even if that’s your strategy, Herring says you still need to break down profitability. If “full service” to upsell is your approach to business, Herring advises looking at profit by customer instead of looking at profit by line of business.

“If you’re a business that does mowing and mulching to keep your customers happy and to secure more improvement and lawn care work, you need to make sure you’re successful at upselling those services,” he says. “You could well have some maintenance customers who don’t sign up for expansion work – and you’re actually losing money. This is a customer that you need to get rid of because it no longer has any strategic value.”

(Read this article on the six legitimate reasons to fire a current client.)

How identifying your most profitable landscape services can guide decisions

When you truly understand your most profitable landscaping services, you can become even more successful. Trey Ball, CFO of Michael Hatcher & Associates, Inc., headquartered in Olive Branch, MS, says that knowing which lines of service are most profitable allows a company to put plans into action to grow those lines even further.

Ball says a service profitability assessment will also enable you to better understand your local market. Knowing your top-performing landscape services, as well as the underperforming services, can help you determine if your company’s pricing is inconsistent with the rest of the market.

“It also reflects how efficient the operation is when meeting industry benchmarks,” Ball continues. “Each service line will have different margins and profits. But it’s more important to maximize the efficiency of each service line to ensure each is exclusively profitable.”

For Michael Hatcher & Associates, Inc., the company has determined that the lawn spray division has the best gross profit margins. Ultimately, it was decided that these services were best provided by a separate company, leading Michael Hatcher to acquire Master Lawn, a leading lawn spray company in the area.

(Full disclosure: Michael Hatcher & Associates and Master Lawn are both clients of Landscape Leadership.)

“Lawn spray works as a standalone entity because many customers just want that service alone,” says Ball. “The homeowner tends the rest of the yard because he or she either likes it or can do it. We then market other services to them in hopes of giving them more growth opportunities.”

Ball acknowledges that this important business acquisition decision could not have been made with such confidence without truly knowing the profitability behind its individual lines.

How profitable are landscaping companies?

When it comes to profitability, you may be wondering where you stand. Herring says his organization produces a benchmark report each year to provide landscape business owners with these metrics.

The average profitability of a landscaping company is 5 percent net.

But Herring says he believes a well-run landscaping business should be between 10 and 12 percent. This means that even those companies that consider themselves profitable and successful are falling short of their potential. Much of this stems from a lack of profitability and a misunderstanding of the company’s most profitable landscape services — and what to do with them.

“Most of the time, it’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter,” says Herring. “Most landscaping business owners don’t take the time to do a portfolio analysis and determine their most profitable landscaping services or customers. Let’s face it, most people didn’t get into this industry because they want to spend their time calculating this data. But it has to be done.”

According to Herring, enterprise software in general can support the process by allowing business owners to run their metrics through a system and streamline some of that data generation process. But he warns that it’s not a silver bullet.

“You still have to take the time to familiarize yourself with the software and enter the right data into the system,” says Herring. “The dirty secret of the landscape industry is that there is a lot of math involved and there is no getting around it. Software doesn’t eliminate the math, it just allows you to better manage it.”

Making the tough decisions

At the end of the day, Herring says that understanding your least profitable landscaping services is just as important as knowing your most profitable landscaping services because you may have to make some tough decisions.

Some of the toughest profitability decisions landscape contractors have to make come down to losing customers, ending services, or raising prices. The latter is often just as difficult for owners as the former solutions. But Herring says it’s important to change your mindset and take pride in solid prices for solid work.

“I think to some extent there are owners who feel guilty about the profit,” says Herring. “You don’t see that often in other industries, but you see it here in the green industry and, to be honest, that’s a shame.”

For this reason, Herring wants to turn the traditional way of thinking on its head.

“We prefer to think of profit as a measure of customer satisfaction, staff efficiency and management effectiveness,” he says. “If you do these things well, you shouldn’t feel guilty about raising your prices so you can increase your profits. Ultimately, we create added value for our customers and we can be proud of that.”

A big part of becoming a more profitable landscaping business is being able to attract your ideal client. At Landscape Leadership, we can help you do just that. If you would like to learn how our marketing programs can increase your company’s sales and bottom line, make an appointment with us.

If you would like more insight into the lawn and landscape industry, subscribe to our blog. Simply paste your email address in the form below.

10 financial mistakes when scaling your landscaping business – Landscape Management

As an entrepreneur, you work harder than anyone I know. I admire the work ethic, the community spirit and the blood, sweat and tears that owners put into their businesses.

It saddens me that so many owners will not see the financial fruits of all that hard work because of the financial mistakes they are making.

Before accepting a new coaching client or peer group member, I review their management practices.

A first question I ask relates to the level of your financial management: “Are you evaluating yourself and finding your level?”

Stage 5. Review financial reports monthly and operational reports weekly and other operational figures daily, making important decisions along the way.

Stage 4. Review financial reports monthly and make many decisions monthly.

Stage 3. Take a quick look at the reports monthly (or every two months) and make few decisions.

Stage 2. Look at the reports quarterly at best.

Stage 1. Wait until the end of the year to see how I did.

I then interview them about 37 specific financial habits and systems to identify their approach and unique opportunities for financial improvement. The results become a roadmap to financial success.

Here are 10 of the most common financial mistakes I see. Which should become your priority?

Mistake 1. Use annual sales targets. To effectively scale and manage your sales force, you need to compare budgets to actual data on a monthly basis, by sales force, and by product/service type. Without this, you cannot be an effective sales manager.

Mistake 2. Using cash-based budgeting. This may be a lot easier than accrual-based budgeting, but accruals tell you how well your business is performing in any given month. Accrual helps you spot problems as they arise and helps you navigate your business with confidence. The key is to manage your numbers monthly using a “real” accrued budget to maximize your annual profit results.

Mistake 3. Taking your owner’s income from profits and perks. If you had to replace yourself, what would it cost on the open market? That’s the number to include in your overhead budget. Profit is for return on investment, not for salary. Also, it’s okay to claim additional owner perks, but don’t let it weigh on company budgets. Give your team clean numbers to watch.

Mistake 4. Track your cash like you keep track of your household account. Your goal as an investor in your own business is to create a business that makes money every week, ideally in every department. To know if this is the case, you need to track the incremental cash generated each week and month and aim for positive cash generation. If you track it consistently and by department, you may find that some departments are upside down (cash negative) and remain so for many months of the year. It’s shocking to look at.

Mistake 5. Budgeting for 5 or 10 percent profit while dreaming of 20 percent net profit. The industry average is 5 percent; The average of my peer group clients is almost twice that, and my top performers are net earning 20 percent and up. As? By setting a budget for it and not relying on a “wing and a prayer” to get them there. Prayer helps but needs to be backed up by a real marketing, sales and production strategy. The key is to compete with the best in your class, not the average; and never (never!) settle for industry averages.

Mistake 6. Holding department heads accountable without proper financial metrics. You cannot expect high or consistent company profits unless each profit center or division manager is responsible for their own monthly budget. Period. When I first take on a new client, this is the first place I look because there are so many low hanging financial fruits that will improve your bottom line.

Mistake 7. Leaving crews in the dark about their financial performance. Treat them as smart, competitive people and they will behave as such. This can be kept simple, e.g. B. Did you complete all of your tasks within the given daily time frame? Or use real numbers if that’s how you manage them. Weekly you can create a forced ranking of which crews have performed best. Keep it simple and motivating. Money is made in the field, so include your field in the pursuit of your success. (Incentives can play a big part in this. You can’t reward what you can’t measure.)

Mistake 8. Budgeting for unrealistic billable hourly goals. Hope is not a strategy. It’s best to go back a few years, by month and by crew type, to see what’s realistic. How many billable and non-billable hours have you used each month over the past few years? It’s okay to strive for improvement, but it’s best to budget for reality to ensure a profitable year. otherwise the year will start in a hole!

Mistake 9. Not consistently discussing numbers with your executive team because they’re too busy. Or worse, you just leave them in the dark. The most important action you can take with your team is to develop a dashboard that you can review with them week by week and review your actual P/L and balance sheet monthly. This improves their financial literacy and accountability within your organization. Take the time to embrace it, even if you’re not as confident a leader as you’d like to be. Confidence and learning come from doing.

Mistake 10. Your job costs are reviewed sporadically or monthly. If you are in the estimating and installation industry, the only way to know how well you are doing is to review the results and make changes to your estimating or installation practices as soon as possible. A weekly rhythm is a good start. There are many good systems you can set up these days to get those numbers in time. Don’t let the thrill of the game distract you from measuring your performance after each game.

In summary, this year more than ever you need to be at your game’s peak. This also includes financially. If you want to build a scalable and valuable business, you need to get your finances in order. Use this checklist as a starting point. And contact me if you have any questions.

To learn more, follow my new podcast (found on iTunes), The Ultimate Landscape CEO.

Use Analytics to Scale Up Your Landscape Business

With a resurgence in home improvement spending, landscaping services have increased as more homeowners take on lawn and garden projects. Annual sales have grown to $93 billion, the industry employs over a million people and represents over 513,000 companies, according to IBIS World’s 2018 Landscaping Service Industry Report.

Confidence in the industry continues to grow as more companies enter the landscaping business. According to Lawn and Landscape Magazine’s 2018 State of the Industry report, the average revenue for a landscaping contractor in 2017 was $287,000, while the average landscaping contractor had $1.1 million in revenue for the same year.

So the question for growing landscaping companies is: how do you scale your landscaping business? Growth is achieved in many ways, but often landscape companies struggle to move above that next ceiling due to many different factors, including:

Lack of budgeting

A weak sales funnel

Outdated data

Bad time management

In this article, we examine each of these landscape industry challenges and discuss ways in which they can be overcome with landscape design business management software and landscape design software. With new, automated tools, faster design techniques, and greater insight into your landscaping business, you’ll be able to break through that ceiling, win more bids, and take on more clients and projects.

Know your expenses, costs and overheads

Every business has some form of overhead associated with it. Whether it’s rent, salaries, office expenses, utilities, insurance, or supplies, you need to keep these costs in mind when preparing quotes and estimates because you’ll need to recoup that money somewhere. There are many people in landscaping who are not part of the actual construction of a project, but are nonetheless vital to the success of the business. Think of your salespeople, your estimators, your designers, and the office workers who take the phone calls and create invoices. Very few companies think about the overhead, and this oversight can drastically affect your business.

In order to expand your landscaping services, you need to think about these costs. Nearly 20% of landscaping revenue is eaten up by overheads. Smaller businesses with one crew and few workers, which may include the owner working in the field, may not think about overhead. But when you start adding more crews and an office and retire from the field, you have to ask yourself how will your salary be paid? Knowing your fixed and variable overhead costs can have a massive impact on a business. Is it more expensive to drive to the landfill for each project or just have a dumpster on site? Lease a new construction truck or buy a used one? You need to understand all of these costs and how much they add up each day, week, month, and year.

Then you can calculate that expense and add it to each project you complete each year as part of your estimate. Your hourly rate includes not only the hours worked, but also the overhead that you must amortize to ensure you run a successful business. By completing a budget, you can stop bleeding out money you may not even know you are losing. And you can ensure that each of your projects takes care of the percentage of overhead required to run your business.

How DynaScape helps

Knowing where your overhead is coming from is critical to any future success. Managing that overhead and reinvesting the cost of it back into the projects and maintenance you perform is something successful landscapers do to ensure they don’t fall short on every job.

With DynaScape’s landscape business management software, you can integrate budgeting into every job, have it autocomplete and apply it to every estimate. Use whatever overhead recovery model works for your business and find out where your break-even point really is on each project. It’s not just the materials and labor hours, it’s a percentage of the overhead that your business has to pay.

By knowing the break even and net profit for each order, you can start negotiating lower rates for orders if needed, but still remain in a positive position to generate revenue.

Use your sales opportunities

To take your landscape gardening to the next level, you need to put in more work. That’s a pretty obvious statement, as sales can only go up if you take on more projects, win more deals, and keep more customers happy. But to do that, you need a better sales funnel that gives you better insight into your sales potential. As more customers come in and more bids and estimates are made, you need to manage each one at every stage of the sales cycle. Some of the challenges landscape companies face are clinching sales when they’re stagnant when they’re short on other opportunities, or spending more time on an offer that’s a failure when another one is in the bank and ready is to move forward.

The growth in landscaping requires more sales opportunities and there is some gain and some loss in selling. The key is to learn why you lost and at what stage in the process to track your results. Your customers don’t like your designs? Were your estimates too high? Didn’t react quickly enough? There are many different reasons at different stages when a sale can go wrong. Also, combined with your overhead, you need to estimate how many opportunities you need to be successful. How many construction projects do you need to tackle in a year to take your business to the next level? And how many potential sales calls do you need to make or how many designs do you need to create to reach that number of people. Essentially, it’s about budgeting your earnings and tracking how you get to the revenue line you’ve set.

Where DynaScape helps

Managing a sales pipeline at a growing company can be challenging, but it’s important to be able to identify your best opportunities and track their progress at each stage of the cycle. With DynaScape’s Manage360 business software, you have a firm grip on your sales opportunities and convert them into winning offers. Set start and due dates for each stage and identify potentially stagnant leads that you need to reach out to again.

Accompany your customers from start to finish, from the first contact to the final billing. Start tracking your wins and losses to find out where customers are dropping out, but also where you’re having the most success. Increase your sales opportunities with Manage360 and never lose sight of where you stand with potential customers.

Want to find out how DynaScape can help you grow your landscaping business?

Go with data, not gut instinct

Landscaping decisions should be based on real facts and figures; they shouldn’t come from a gut feeling. The most successful landscapers turn to data analysis to make decisions about their business. You may have years of experience in this field and have an idea of ​​how things are going, but without the supporting data you’re still grasping at straws.

You need to be able to know the dates for every crew, every member of that crew, every truck you have on the road and every job they do; You also need to know it for each year, month, week, and day. All decisions, big or small, should come from data analysis as these are the real events of your business.

Analytics will be able to see which jobs are the most profitable and which crew brings in the most revenue. You can track the earnings you earn each day and how much earnings you will earn in the future. If you’re looking to exceed your company’s new ceiling, knowing the revenue you made last year or how much you made from the work you did today isn’t enough to continue your growth. You need to be clear about where your earnings are coming from tomorrow and beyond so you can continue to make decisions that drive profits toward that cap. It also depends on the type of materials you have, whether to rent or buy equipment to reduce overhead and decide which team to use for which job based on past performance. Without these types of analysis, you are blindly moving by intuition rather than facts and figures.

Where DynaScape helps

Landscapers who use data say they will never go back to gut instincts. It’s hard to argue with hard facts, especially when it comes to business decisions like overhead, labor costs, and material prices. Back up your intuition with real, real-world analytics with landscape business management software. Know the exact cost to your business and use the actual cost analysis to make decisions about buying used or new and renting vs owning. Dive into your crews’ performance and see which crew is your top earner, down to the last crew member. Winning more jobs and commissions can depend on the type of employees you have. Customize your teams based on performance analytics you get from DynaScape’s landscape software and know how you’re performing every day, week, month, and year over year from your organization to project.

Better time management

Many business owners believe that to grow your business you need an influx of new business and you need to work harder and longer. Part of that is true, as you need new customers to continue growth. However, working longer hours is not the answer to breaking through the ceiling your business is currently at. Better time management practices and efficiency will get you where you want to be much faster. When you think about your budget and overhead, some of the most inefficient practices are costing your business a small fortune.

Landscaping is a major undertaking that provides your clients with drawings of their proposed landscape with a full cost estimate for the number of hours it will take to complete, as well as the cost of materials. Unfortunately, manual design practices are slow and very labor intensive. Drawing by hand takes time. Coloring and shading take more time. And all those hours of your designer are overheads that you later have to recover from the project’s revenue. It’s a necessary part of any landscape project, but the complexity of the job may add additional variable costs to your plan that you didn’t anticipate.

Also, converting this design into an actual offer to the customer can be time consuming. Every plant, flower, strip of sod, and piece of furniture must be costed from your cost book. Many landscapers still use spreadsheets for their cost accounting and create a new spreadsheet for each new quote. And then they add each item manually to calculate the cost. You might have some genius Excel skills to speed up production, but time is still spent estimating from a design that could be better invested elsewhere. Many business owners need to create estimates after working in the field all day. But with better time management practices, it’s a part of the business where you can see a reduction in the number of hours spent on completion while increasing the growth of your business.

Where DynaScape helps

With landscape design software, some of your most important tasks can be completed in a fraction of the time. The key to DynaScape’s software is that both the design and management of jobs can be completed in one system. And by doing this in one system, you save a lot of time, which in turn saves money. Designers can use our landscape design software Design to quickly draw high-quality presentations of landscape projects, accurately measured using scanned surveyed plans as a starting point. From there, add pre-drawn figures and plants from the library to get an accurate representation of how the space will look. Export your design to DS|Color and add colour, texture and shadows in a fraction of the time it takes with colored pencils. Finally, finish it off with Sketch3D to complete a 3D rendering of the design to wow your potential customers since more deals are made with 3D renderings than 2D drawings. When it comes to taking that design and making an estimate, every aspect of the design needs to be considered. Instead of spending hours calculating every plant and flower from your Excel cost book, import the design into Manage360 and let the cost book you’ve already set up generate an accurate estimate for you to present. If you’re looking for a way to save on overhead, using landscape design software to generate estimates in minutes is a great place to start. Quickly create stunning presentation packages while spending less overhead on designers and calculators.

Break through the ceiling with DynaScape software

In order to reach that next landscape ceiling, you need to change your company’s practices and processes to better align them with being such a successful company. Manual work that can be solved by automation saves money. Working longer hours does not always mean additional sales. To compete in the growing and competitive landscape design field, you must build your business on a foundation of efficiency and information. This can be achieved through the use of DynaScape landscape design and business management software, which can help you not only meet this ceiling, but break it.

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