How To Send Likes On Live Me? 97 Most Correct Answers

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How do you send likes to a live host on Tiktok?

Interact With the Creator

You can send an unlimited number of likes by double-tapping the screen. Creators are ranked weekly by the amount of likes they get on their Lives, so sending likes can really help a creator grow.

How do you get viewers on LiveMe?

The best way to gain viewers in your broadcast is to: Promote your broadcasts by sharing the link on other social networks, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, and invite your friends to watch before you go live.

How do you get money off of LiveMe?

When you receive gifts from your viewers during your stream, like a magic wand or a castle, you’ll earn the same amount of diamonds as the coins spent to purchase the gift. You can either convert diamonds back to coins or cash them out for real money.

How many likes on TikTok do you need to get paid?

To earn money directly from TikTok, users must be 18 years or older, meet a baseline of 10,000 followers, and have accrued at least 100,000 video views in the last 30 days. Once they reach that threshold, they can apply for TikTok’s Creator Fund through the app.

how do you send likes to the host during a live on pc

Influencers get paid in a variety of ways, from sponsorships to advertising revenue.

How much creators earn depends on factors like follower size, engagement, and content category.

We spoke to dozens of influencers who shared how much money they made on social media.

Influencers make money in a variety of ways, from sponsorships to selling merchandise.

How much money different creators make depends on a variety of factors, from the content category to the platform on which the influencer is prominent.

For Jehava Brown, a stay-at-home mom who runs a full-time influencer business, her monthly income comes from working with brands like Walmart, Amazon, and Disney through paid partnerships.

Brown has 196,000 followers on Instagram. She recently told Insiders that she charges an average of $5,000 for a single Instagram post and $3,000 for an Instagram Story.

Insider has spoken to dozens of other influencers on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok about how much each of them makes from videos, sponsorships, and other revenue streams.

Here is a breakdown of our coverage:

Jehovah Brown. Jehovah Brown

How much influencers earn from brand deals

Many influencers rely on sponsored content — from a series of Instagram posts and Stories to a special YouTube video promoting a business — to make money.

Pricing for these types of brand deals varies based on engagement rate, platform, and other factors like usage rights of an influencer.

Here’s a breakdown of our coverage of how much influencers make on brand deals and sponsorships.



tick tock

Some influencers use platforms like and ShopStyle to generate affiliate links or discount codes provided by brands to earn a percentage of sales.

Read more about how much influencers make from affiliates:

How much do influencers make selling direct-to-consumer products and merch?

Social media stars are increasingly using their online presence to create consumer products that they sell directly to their followers.

Influencer-led DTC brands first emerged in earnest in 2012, with companies like fitness program EmFitChallenge; phone case company Wildflower Cases; and the Suja cold-pressed juice line.

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How Much Do Influencers Make From Clothing Resale?

Resale apps like Poshmark, Depop, and Etsy have become lucrative small businesses for many developers, especially on Instagram.

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How many influencers promote songs, especially on TikTok

One of the most popular ways to make money as a TikToker is by promoting songs in videos. Music marketers and record labels regularly pay TikTok users to post on the app to try and make a new track go viral.

Tomi Obebe. Tomi Obebe

How influencers make money directly with Instagram

Get tips about Instagram badges

In 2020, Instagram announced “badges,” which fans can use to tip YouTubers who live stream on the app. Instagram also started paying some creators who use badges with “bonuses” in June.

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Graham Stephen. Graham Stephen

How influencers make money directly from YouTube

Many YouTubers make money from the ads played on their videos and receive a monthly payout.

YouTubers who participate in the Affiliate Program can monetize their videos with ads placed by Google. Creators must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year to apply to the Affiliate Program. Google then pays the creators 55% of the revenue their channels earn from the ads served on them.

Here’s a breakdown of how much money YouTubers make in a month from the affiliate program:

The key metric for monetizing YouTubers is called Revenue Per Mille (RPM). This rate shows how much revenue a creator makes per 1,000 video views (after cutting YouTube by 45%). No creator consistently achieves the same rate, which depends on factors like the viewers and advertisers the video attracts.

Here’s a breakdown of how much money some creators have made for 1,000 views (RPM), for 100,000 views, 1 million views, and most of what they’ve made from a single video:

Symphony Clarke. Symphony Clarke

How influencers make money directly with TikTok

To start making money directly from TikTok, users must be at least 18 years old, have a baseline of 10,000 followers, and have accumulated at least 100,000 video views in the last 30 days. Once they reach that threshold, they can apply for TikTok’s Creator Fund through the app.

Read more about how much TikTok creators make from the Creator Fund:

What does double tapping on a TikTok live do?

Double tap: If you tap a video in your feed twice in a row, a heart will light up and you have liked the video. That’s why TikTokers regularly ask you to double tap on the screen.

how do you send likes to the host during a live on pc

TikTok Guide: In addition to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, another social network has been causing a stir for some time – TikTok has conquered the hearts of influencers and their fans with its funny clips.

Do you also want to get started with TikTok? Then take a few minutes to read our TikTok guide. We’ll show you how to create your profile, get your first fans, and give you some ideas on what clips to create next. Have fun!

Create a TikTok account

1. Create a TikTok account

Go to the App Store/Google Play and download the TikTok app. Once you open it, you can simply log in with your existing Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account, or create a new username and password if you don’t want to link your other accounts to TikTok.

2. Set up your profile

After you have successfully logged into the app, the first thing you see is the video feed. Even if there are many great clips waiting for you here, you should take care of your profile first. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, click the icon that looks like a person.

Look for the “Edit profile” button in your profile overview. Here you can change your profile photo or video, username and TikTok bio. Take your time and remember that other users often decide whether to follow you based on your profile.

TikTok Guide: Find your way

your video feed

Let’s get to the heart of TikTok: your video feed! You can open it by tapping the house icon. Since you’re not following anyone yet, you’ll only see random trending videos here. The longer you use TikTok and the more users you follow, the more accurate the content you see will be. This allows you to indirectly control which videos are shown to you by liking, following and commenting on them.

Understand finger gestures on TikTok:

When you first start using TikTok, the “Controls” can be a bit confusing. Here are some of the most important gestures you should know:

Swipe down/up: This is a way to view the next/previous videos in your feed.

Swipe right: You like a video and you want to know more about the respective TikToker? Then swipe right to go to his profile.

Tap the icons: On the right side of each video you will find 5 icons. The TikToker profile is displayed at the top of the screen. From here you can either click the plus icon to follow him or click the circle to view his profile. Below that, you’ll see a heart for liking, a speech bubble for commenting, an arrow for sharing, and a spinning record to get to the original audio of this TikTok video.

Double Tap: If you tap a video in your feed twice in a row, a heart will light up and you liked the video. That’s why TikTokern regularly asks you to double-tap the screen.

Finger and hold: You can use this gesture to set your favorites, hide future TikToks from a user or with a specific sound, or signal to the app that you don’t like these types of videos.

TikTok Guide: Find Videos or Profiles

The “Discover” button takes you to the TikTok search overview. Here you can search for specific TikTokers or videos. Enter a name or a search term or look at the TikToks displayed for current trending topics.

Use the TikTok code

There is another way to discover new profiles. This is done by scanning the TikTok code of the respective user. Everyone has their own code and can use it to promote their TikTok channel in the real world. You can find your own TikTok code by tapping on the three dots in the top right corner of your profile and then on the four squares icon.

You can also use your TikTok code to scan other users’ codes. Pay attention to codes in your environment!

Edit your profile or settings

Your settings can do a lot more than just show you your TikTok code. Here you can set your privacy, turn your push notifications on and off, and more. Take a look at your settings and find out how to enjoy TikTok even more. For example, we recommend using dark mode on TikTok to protect your eyes.

Create your own TikToks

With the “+” icon you can create videos or upload a video from your gallery. If you want to create a video for the first time, you must first allow the app access to your smartphone camera.

1. Choose a tone

Before you begin, you should choose a sound to move your lips to. Of course, you can use TikTok without sound and create your own sound with a little creativity, but learning the art of lip syncing is a good idea to get started.

2. Set filters, timer, tempo etc.

No, we’re not done yet. First you need to adjust the speed of your video or put a filter over your face. After all, you want to look as beautiful as possible in your TikTok video. When you’re done with that, press the red button in the middle of your screen to start recording.

3. Post-processing

Tap the red check mark in the lower right corner to stop your recording. Now you can choose some cool or funny effects. For example, you can make your eyes appear larger or your mouth smaller. Depending on how seriously you want to take yourself, this is where you can let your creativity run free…

4. Bypass Restrictions

Please note that TikTok only allows you to upload videos that are up to 15 seconds long. If you want to upload longer videos, record them with your regular smartphone camera.

5. Delete TikTok Videos

It can always happen that you accidentally upload unedited videos. In this case, quickly go to your profile and tap on the unwanted TikTok. Then click on the three dots in the top right corner and select “Delete” from the menu.

The best TikTok ideas for beginners

Everyone can move their lips to a popular song! Here are a few tips on how to fill your TikTok with awesome content.

Get inspiration from other TikTokers

If you’re scrolling through your feed and come across a sound you like, don’t hesitate to try it yourself. Just tap on the vinyl record on the bottom right to get this sound and use it to create your own TikTok. The fewer users who have already used the sound, the better. Regularly scroll through the clips of your favorite TikTok stars and copy their style.

Film your pets

What would the internet be without the numerous animal videos? So if your pet does something particularly cute or crazy, have your camera ready. You can also try involving your pet in a challenge. But always make sure that the well-being of your pets comes first. Cruelty to animals not only makes you unpopular, it also makes you a criminal offence.

Participate in duets

Do you particularly like another user’s video? Then take the opportunity to react with your own video and show the TikTokers in a creative way what you can do with their video. This feature splits your screen into two parts. On one side you see the TikToker’s video and on the other side you see your reaction. To start a duet, press the Split button and select Duet.

TikTok Guide: Join a challenge

The longer you use TikTok, the more often you will come across so-called “challenges”. These challenges require you to do something specific that is in some way difficult or unusual. For example, a few years ago, the Ice Bucket Challenge spread across social networks. It urged users to either pour a bucket of ice water over their heads or donate to a foundation for a specific nervous condition where patients suffer from that exact feeling when icy water is poured over their bodies, and are often immobilized.

If you participate in such a challenge, don’t forget to use the respective hashtag so that other users can find your video.

TikTok Guide: Convert TikToks to GIFs

If you particularly like a video, you can also turn it into a GIF and post it on other social networks. A GIF is a special image format in which TikTok repeats itself in an endless loop. Note, however, that GIFs do not allow sound. So if your TikTok isn’t that fun without its sound, a GIF of it won’t do you much good.

To save the TikTok with sound, you need to email it to yourself. To do this, tap on “Share” and then select your email address.

Finally, a few tips to gain fans on TikTok:

Post regularly and experiment. If you only upload a video every few weeks, your chances of getting a lot of followers are very slim. You also have to find out for yourself which format you (and your followers) like best.

Connect with other TikTokers. Do you have a friend who has been using TikTok for longer and has more followers than you? Ask him or her to record a clip with you and link your TikTok account.

Use your other social channels. It’s a big step to share your TikToks on other platforms. But it is also the easiest and fastest way to get more followers. Provided, of course, that you already have a few subscribers on Facebook, Twitter and Co.

Be brave. TikTok videos thrive on exaggeration. The crazier the better. You should learn to take yourself less seriously and be willing to make a fool of yourself.

Did you like our TikTok guide? We would be happy if you follow us on our TikTok account.

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How do I promote my live stream?

Promote your live stream
  1. Create a channel trailer or teaser video and help promote the event.
  2. Share your streaming link at least 48 hours before you go live.
  3. Connect your social media accounts to your channel for easy sharing.

how do you send likes to the host during a live on pc

By promoting an event, you can attract a larger audience. Here are some quick tips to get you started.

Before the event

Create a channel trailer or teaser video and help promote the event.

Share your streaming link at least 48 hours before going live.

Connect your social media accounts to your channel for easy sharing.

Embed the URL on your website and send the links to blogs that may want to show your content.

Create a live section to display upcoming and live events on your channel.

Add an associated website. This site helps us improve the quality of search results and validate your channel as an official representation of your brand on YouTube.

Apply optimization techniques to your channel and videos.

During the event

Create highlight clips of the event while it’s still live.

Note: Subscribers may receive a notification of your public events in their home page feed.

: Subscribers may receive a notification of your public events in their home page feed. Note: Subscribers can find the live stream in the What’s Next section.

: Subscribers can find the live stream in the What to Watch Next section. You can also update your banner image to include the name, date, and time of the event.

After the event

How much are diamonds worth on LiveMe?

If an individual gets 40,000 diamonds or more, they can finally start to cash out $200 to $600 a day. The money will be put in a PayPal account within a few months. People can link their PayPal account to their profile in case their fans decide to sponsor them.

how do you send likes to the host during a live on pc app allows people to communicate with others by broadcasting live stream video. Yhoser Herrera uses the app and found it after stumbled upon it on Facebook eight months ago and downloaded it after watching a live. me commercial. Herrera has since built a solid following of 25,000 subscribers. One of the ways he’s built his brand is by treating his viewers as “family,” creating a personal virtual family with a water and panda emoji that his fan base includes as part of their username.

“Well, when I got into this app, I basically noticed that everyone was in different families, and I thought it was cool, but, you know, I noticed that there are so many different families,” Herrera said.

Individuals use this app to connect with others from all over the world, but it can also be used as a source of income. Virtual gifts can be given to the user “Broadcaster” during the transmission. When a sender receives virtual gifts, they can turn them into diamonds, and diamonds can be turned into real money or turned into virtual coins to give to others without spending money out of pocket. When a person gets 40,000 diamonds or more, they can finally start paying out $200-$600 a day. The money will be transferred to a PayPal account within a few months. People can link their PayPal account to their profile in case their fans decide to sponsor them.

How can I earn fast money?

Other Ways To Make Money Quickly
  1. Become a Ride-Share Driver. Average income of up to $377 per month. …
  2. Make Deliveries for Amazon or Uber Eats. …
  3. Become a Pet Sitter or Dog Walker. …
  4. Get a Babysitting Gig. …
  5. Install Christmas Lights for the Holidays. …
  6. Become a Home Organizer. …
  7. Help With Home Gardening. …
  8. Assist With Deliveries or Moving.

how do you send likes to the host during a live on pc

Muratart /

Whether you need to roll up your expenses or just want to get on with your finances, consider taking on a side job for extra cash flow. You can become a rideshare driver, take online surveys, make deliveries for Amazon, or use your unique skills to earn more.

Get started: Make a debt-free future your reality

More: Budgeting 101: How to Create a Budget You Can Live With

How to make money fast

There are many ways to make money fast, whether you want to make money in just a day, online at home, or on the side. Read on to learn about 19 of the best options available.

How to make money in a day without a job

If you don’t have time to find a job — or you already have a job and need some extra cash on the side — check out how you can make some quick cash on some items in your home.

1. Sell your lightly used items on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace

Do you have used items that you no longer need? If so, there’s probably someone – or people – you’d be happy to pay for it. Take some photos, write a brief description, and post your items for sale on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. You can also make a decent profit by selling high-quality clothing and accessories on platforms such as Poshmark or Tradesy.

2. Exchange old devices and electronics for cash

To make a quick buck with minimal effort, try trading in your old, unneeded electronics for cash. Here are some points to consider:



fitness tracker


game console


Buyback services buy old gadgets and electronics like this online. Electronics buyback services include ItsWorthMore, Decluttr, Gazelle, and Trademore. You can also use eBay and other third party marketplaces to price your items appropriately and sell them independently.

3. Sell unused gift cards

If you have unwanted gift cards gathering dust in a drawer, sell them. Sure, you might not get full face value for the cards, but it’s not like you’re going to take a loss. Remember, you didn’t buy them. So it’s essentially free money in your pocket.

The story goes on

Sell ​​unused gift cards on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or eBay. Or visit sites like CardCash to see how much you can sell your gift card for and complete the sale in just a few clicks. You can also offer gift cards on your social media accounts to see if there are takers.

Read: 35 Useless Expenses You Need to Eliminate from Your Budget Right Now

Find out: 17 biggest budgeting mistakes you’re making

How to make money online at home

If you want to make decent money without the 9-to-5 grind, there are easy ways to make money online. You won’t get rich quick, but you could make as much as you would from a regular job. Here are some ways to make quick money on the internet.

4. Work as a freelancer

$5 or more per project

Fiverr is a great place for first-time freelancers looking to build experience and their portfolio. From logo design and animation to editing and voice work, you’ll find assignments to suit your skillset. Pricing starts at $5 per project.

Once you have feedback, recommendations and experience, you can ask for a lot more. Some people have taken their Fiverr gigs full-time, with jobs costing up to $10,000 per project, according to the company’s website.

5. Be an affiliate marketer

Up to $300 per day or more

Affiliate marketing involves sharing products online and earning a commission by joining one or more affiliate programs such as Amazon Associates, ClickBank, or ShareASale. You earn by promoting and selling these products through your blog or social media channels.

According to Affise, a performance marketing platform for advertisers, low-level affiliates can earn up to $300 per day, while high-level affiliates can earn up to $3,000 per day.

Affiliate marketing can be an entire career — not just a side hustle — based on passive income that’s as close as most people will ever get to free money.

6. Sell digital products

Depends on the pricing of the products and units sold

Digital products can be sold through a number of marketplaces, many of which also handle physical sales: WordPress blogs, eBay, and Etsy are some popular options for selling courses, artwork, prints, and more.

According to Oberlo, there will be an estimated 2.14 billion digital shoppers worldwide by 2021. The more digital products you need to sell, the more passive income you can potentially generate.

7. Become a participant in an online survey

Up to $16 per hour

It’s not the most exciting side hustle, but there is money to be made from completing online surveys. Many sites like Survey Junkie and Swagbucks allow users to earn cash and gift cards.

You can also visit the Columbia Business School Center for Decision Sciences website to sign up for online research studies, which cost about $16 an hour.

8. Become a user tester

$10 per 20 minute task

If you have 20 minutes, you can make quick money at home with UserTesting, which pays out $10 per test. The company pays people to visit websites and apps, complete tasks, and provide opinions on the experiences.

9. Teach students online

Up to $25 per hour before commission

If you have a computer, an internet connection, and expertise in just one subject, you can teach students online. TutorMe hires tutors in 300+ subjects and pays $16 an hour. Preply uses tutors in more than 100 subjects, and tutors set their own rates. English teachers on the site typically charge $15-$25 per hour before Preply’s commission.

10. Work as a virtual assistant

Average earnings of $15.84 per hour

A virtual assistant can work for an individual or a large corporation and perform tasks such as answering customer calls, setting appointments, assisting with travel or event planning, or posting on social media. Because we do these things on a daily basis as part of our personal agenda, many people are well-suited for virtual assistant jobs. Indeed reports that virtual assistants make an average of $15.84 per hour.

Other ways to make money fast

This is how you can make money online fast. But if you’re willing to work outside of your home, there are many more side job opportunities. If you want to avoid getting a traditional job, you might want to take on multiple side jobs to make enough money.

11. Become a rideshare driver

Average income of up to $377 per month

Driving for Uber or Lyft is among the most popular side hustles because of the flexibility this option offers. You can choose your schedule, drive when and where you want, and if needed, rent or lease a car through the ridesharing company.

12. Deliver for Amazon or Uber Eats

Typical earnings of $18-$25 per hour (Amazon Flex)

Uber Eats drivers make an average of $62,339 per year, according to salaries reported on Indeed. Even with such a high average salary, you’re still working on a contract basis. This means you can set your own hours and work as much as you like.

You can also work with your car as a delivery driver for Amazon Flex. According to Amazon, drivers typically make $18 to $25 an hour, depending on factors like your location and how much you make in tips.

Learn more: 30 ways to upgrade your home without breaking the bank

Discover: 16 ways to save money on food

13. Become a pet sitter or dog walker

Average earnings of $12.68 per hour

Sign up to watch pets while their owners are out of town. Pet sitting websites like Rover connect pet owners with sitters for a cut — 15% to 25% — of the sitter’s income paid by customer users. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, pet sitters make an average of $12.68 per hour, or $24,990 per year.

14. Get a babysitter gig

$12.75 per hour and up depending on experience, location and number of children

Babysitters are always in demand. According to ZipRecruiter, the national average is $17 or more. In addition, observing two children can be associated with an increase. According to, add 50 cents to $1 to your hourly rate for each additional child you care for — double that for an infant.

15. Install Christmas lights for the holidays

$1.25 to $3 per linear foot of lights

According to Thumbtack, most installers charge twice as much to install lights on a second floor. And don’t forget the moving expenses. Thumbtack also noted that you can charge about half of what you charged to install it for this. You can also opt to encase outdoor trees in lights, charging anywhere from $60 to $1,200 apiece, depending on tree size.

There are many seasonal jobs that pay fairly well, but you’ll need to rotate them if you want to make an income year-round — or work really hard during that one season.

16. Become a home organizer

Up to $49.89 per hour

A professional home organizer makes up to $49.89 per hour at an average hourly rate of $20.98, according to PayScale. To start organizing professionally, post listings on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace, or connect with your neighbors on NextDoor.

17. Help with home gardening

Average earnings of $14.88 per hour

Do you have a green thumb? Maybe it’s time to become a gardener. The average gardener makes nearly $15 an hour, according to Indeed, so you’d have to work about 20 hours to make $300.

18. Help with deliveries or relocation

Up to $39 per hour

Delivery drivers often need some muscle power to help them load and unload their trucks for deliveries and moves. Sign up with GoShare to become a “Helper” and earn an average of $39 per hour. Or at Dolly, the “hands” are paid $15 an hour plus tips.

19. Start a snow removal service

Up to $75 per hour

Remember going door to door with your snow shovel as a kid and asking the neighbors if they wanted the sidewalk or driveway shoveled for a few bucks? Adults with a good, working snow blower can do the same—or promote their services on social media. According to HomeAdvisor, the common hourly rate is $25 to $75.

How to build sustainable wealth

Once you’ve made some extra money, your focus should be on setting yourself up for long-term financial success. It’s not just about making money fast, it’s also about keeping it.


If you are a beginner when it comes to investing, take the time to set your investment goals. Here’s what to think about:

Consider your investment goals

With these in mind, you can create a solid foundation from which to not only start building your wealth, but to continue nurturing it.


Creating a budget allows you to compare your income to your expenses and set goals for spending and saving. While there are various budgeting techniques, they all revolve around counting your expenses and cutting back on expenses where you can.

save money

No matter how you plan to make money, you need to be able to keep your cash safe and provide easy access to funds when you need them.

Opening a savings account can be your first step towards sustainable wealth accumulation. And if you find that you need more help in reaching your savings goals, you can work with a qualified and reputable financial planner.

More from GOBankingRates

Jami Farkas and Gabrielle Olya contributed coverage for this article.

This article has been updated with additional reports since its original publication.

Dates are correct as of September 30, 2021 and are subject to change.

This article originally appeared on How To Make Money Fast: 19 Proven Ways

Can you make money on pro?

They can make money from ads or subscriptions. But they can also receive gifts from their fans in the form of virtual goods. Broadcasters can then cash in those gifts with

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Were you unable to attend Transform 2022? Check out all Summit sessions in our on-demand library now! Look here.

Cheetah Mobile’s mobile streaming app launched just seven months ago. And the Chinese company announced today that has now processed more than $1 million in virtual gift payments to its broadcasters.

Broadcasters that stream live content can get paid in a number of ways. You can make money from ads or subscriptions. But they can also receive gifts from their fans in the form of virtual goods. Broadcasters can then redeem these gifts at This rapid monetization scheme is one of the reasons utility developer Cheetah Mobile expanded into the fast-growing live streaming space.

And so far it has helped the broadcasters to live from live streaming. is now home to millions of users who collectively create, consume and share more than 100,000 hours of content every day.

The app’s growth is due in large part to the range of interactive features available to fans and broadcasters – including virtual gifts that allow anyone in the community to make real money on the platform.

Event MetaBeat 2022 MetaBeat brings together Metaverse thought leaders to provide guidance on how Metaverse technology will transform the way all industries communicate and do business, October 3-4 in San Francisco, California. Register here has been the number 22 top-selling app in the iOS App Store since mid-October. And the company said that as of Oct. 1, became the top-grossing live streaming app of all time in the US.

In addition, recently announced a new mobile commerce solution – the Store and Shopping Experience – which will be available to select broadcasters and give them the ability to create and sell new merchandise or access existing items to link.

“Our goal with is to provide broadcasters with the tools and resources they need to produce the content their fans enjoy, while enabling them to turn their passion into a profession,” said Khudor Annous, Head of Marketing and Partnerships at , in a statement. plans to introduce several new content initiatives and product features in the coming weeks, all designed to encourage community engagement, making it easier for broadcasters to support their creative endeavors. The app is available for both iOS and Android. competes with Mobcrush and Kamcord.

How can I earn more money?

How to Make Extra Money Online or From Home
  1. Tutor online. …
  2. Become a user experience tester. …
  3. Take surveys. …
  4. Get cash back from apps. …
  5. Teach English. …
  6. Get paid for your creative skills. …
  7. Offer your services as a virtual assistant. …
  8. Become an influencer.

how do you send likes to the host during a live on pc

Knowing you need some extra cash in your pocket is pretty easy. All you have to do is look in your wallet. The not so easy part? Find out how you can earn extra money.

Nowadays it seems like everyone works on the side, renting things out or selling unwanted stuff to make extra money – which is great. But how did they find all these ways to make money? Well, you probably stumbled across this list of 34 ways to make extra money. Or you know, another list somewhere – that’s totally possible too.

Either way, it’s time to put your money goals into action and make some extra money at home, online or on the side. Oh, and let’s be clear that these are all legitimate ways to make money – there’s nothing shady here.

Now let’s get to work!

How to make extra money online or from home

1. Tutor online.

If you thought being a tutor meant you got only A’s in high school and college, think again. It’s all about what you know and how well you know it. Online tutoring companies like, TutorMe, and Studypool hire tutors to share their knowledge with students on a variety of topics.

Need an extra boost to your budget? Find more money every month with our 14-day money finder!

Just make sure you’re careful when figuring out which tutoring gig to take. Some of the users on these on-demand tutoring sites are really just looking for someone to write their essay or do their homework for them. Be smart when looking through the posts.

2. Become a user experience tester.

Every business hopes their website will deliver great information, achieve their goals, and — oh yes — make money. But when something doesn’t work, the company needs to know why, and many of them turn to user experience testers for feedback.

Are you good at knowing if a website is user-friendly just by spending a few minutes scanning the webpage? Companies like UserTesting or TryMyUI will pay you for your feedback. Most of them boast that you get $10 for every 20 minute test you take!1

3. Take surveys.

Check out survey sites like MyPoints or Survey Junkie, where you only get paid to take surveys and give your opinion. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, right? Keep in mind that these sites are looking for really specific things when picking people. So you may not qualify for every survey you come across.

Also, you must complete a certain number of surveys before you can cash out your points. It’s by no means a get-rich-quick scheme, but that extra cash can still add up over time. If you’re the patient and stubborn type, give it a try!

4. Get cashback from apps.

There are many mobile apps that can show you how to make extra money doing simple things. We’re talking really, really simple here — like, e.g. B. Grab your phone and just scan your receipt. Check out mobile apps like Ibotta, Rakuten, Shopkick, Receipt Hog and Dosh to make some extra cash without too much work on your part.

5. Teach English.

It’s a bit like tutoring, except you’re teaching English at a company like VIPKid (a huge fan favorite in our Ramsey Baby Steps Community on Facebook). If the word “teach” makes you a little nervous, don’t worry. They take care of all the lesson plans and grading for you. But you must have a desire to help others learn and be willing to teach an online course. Getting paid while helping others? This is a win-win situation!

6. Get paid for your creative skills.

You have the creative skills but not yet connected to someone who needs your great work. Why not freelance on Fiverr in your free time? The site connects freelancers specializing in writing, editing, graphic design, and voice-over work with clients who need these creative minds in their corner.

You create a profile (almost like a resume) that potential employers can scan to verify your experience, rates, and specialties. Get ready to unleash your creativity!

7. Offer your services as a virtual assistant.

If you’re organized, love a good challenge and want to work from home, this might be the perfect opportunity for you! Besides, who doesn’t love a little variety in their everyday work? Probably most business owners could use your help when trying to find a better work/life balance these days. Check out sites like Upwork and Zirtual for ways to help.

8. Become an influencer.

Get paid to post on social media! Yes – it turns out that social media can actually be useful. If you have a large following on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram or even your blog, you might consider becoming an influencer.

Whether it’s fashion, cookware, or home decor, you can become a go-to place for businesses to gain even more online exposure. Just reach out to brands you love and let them know you’d love to work together! And if you’re open to affiliate marketing and sponsored content, also check out ShareASale and Amazon Associates.

9. Become a social media manager.

Most businesses have a social media presence. Not only is it free marketing, but it’s also a way to stay connected with their customers (or future customers) and build a following. But it can be a tall order for smaller companies that don’t have many team members. This is where you come in. If you have a knack for creativity, connecting with others and are comfortable with different social media channels, this might just be for you!

Opportunities to earn money on the side

10. Get paid for your photos.

are you a photographer Do you have photos of beautiful sunsets and perfectly staged lattes cluttering up your camera roll? You can earn extra money for your photos without having to be a professional photographer. Foap will pay up to $10 for a photo (some can fetch more for special “missions”), but they’ll also take 50% of your sale.2

Remember that there is no guarantee that people will buy your photos. But even if you only sell a few, that’s easy money for something you’ve already done.

11. Drive for Uber or Lyft.

If you’re short on cash but want to work on your own schedule, you might want to consider becoming a driver for Uber or Lyft. You can ride as much (or as little) as you like and set your own schedule. Plus, you get the added bonus of striking up interesting conversations along the way (or at least telling some funny stories about your travels with strangers).

Of course, the amount of money you make depends on your location and how often you cart people around. So, if you have an off Saturday every once in a while, you might want to spend it as a glorified taxi driver exploring your city and getting paid to do it.

12. Become a grocery delivery driver.

Since the old 2020 pandemic, many restaurants have closed their dining rooms or are stuck with limited seating. So what does that mean? More to take away! Become a hero by delivering food to porches in your city. Driving for Uber Eats, Grubhub or Postmates is a great way to earn extra cash in your free time simply by delivering food to hungry customers. Bonus points: your car will smell amazing. We’re kind of jealous.

13. Join a focus group.

If you love sharing your opinion, why not get paid for it? Check if there is a local focus group in your area or online. You could make money just for doing taste tests or trying different products. Just make sure you fit the type of thing they are looking for before you apply.

14. Deliver groceries.

If you love the thrill of shopping but don’t want to spend your own money, this might interest you. With Shipt, you get paid to shop and deliver groceries to customers via an on-demand service. According to the company, its shoppers make up to $22 an hour!3 Getting paid to shop? Sign up with us!

15. Start babysitting.

Teenagers usually have the corner on the babysitting market. But there’s no reason why you can’t access it too. And to be honest, getting a gig might be easier than you think. Most parents will jump at the opportunity to have a date night. But sometimes it can be difficult to find a sitter they trust.

Let people in your circle of friends, at church, and at work know that you’d like to babysit their kids in your free time (they’ll have to pay you, of course). And if you’re a little embarrassed spreading the news through word of mouth, you can always sign up with a service like Sittercity or to help you land some babysitting jobs.

16. Start taking care of animals.

Are you an animal lover at heart? How about earning some extra cash simply by walking a dog or hosting a cat for the weekend? You can promote your own pet sitting business on social media, put up signs in your neighborhood, or use a website like Rover. They allow you to set your schedule and set your own fees for services. If you use Rover, remember that they take a portion of what you earn.4

17. Advertise on your car.

File these under both super weird and the ultimate definition of residual income. The Wrapify app pays you to drive with a business advertisement wrapped around your car. Once the car is wrapped, all you really have to do is drive around town as usual.

It sounds strange, but it’s actually quite rewarding: the more you drive, the more you earn. Wrapify says the average person who wraps their car makes about $264-$452 a month.5 If you’re still paying off your car loan, that’s a car payment!

18. Do chores for people.

If you just want to figure out how to make money on the side with quick repair jobs or errands, TaskRabbit might be your best bet. You can do all kinds of things from gardening to assembling furniture. This is the perfect way to make extra money if you like tinkering – look MacGyver.

19. Deliver for Amazon.

You know who hasn’t slowed down during the pandemic? Amazon driver. There is nothing quite like having a package delivered to your door, especially when it comes from Amazon. Everyone loves getting packages, so why not spend a few nights a week cruising around town making people happy? Sign up to deliver packages with Amazon Flex and set your schedule as much or as little as you want to work.

20. Turn your commute into cash.

Between commuting to work and driving the kids to soccer practice, most of us spend a lot of time in our cars. It’s time to earn extra cash while driving around! With Roadie, you can get paid to drive a package (or even a pet!) along your route from point A to point B.

And look around you for apps that reward you for carpooling around town. Here in Nashville, we have Hytch, which works with a few companies to reward you for carpooling with one or more people. You already drive to work every day, so why not get paid for it too?

21. Become a photographer.

If you’ve got a good camera and a good eye, snapping a few photos might just be the thing to figure out how to make some extra cash. You can do as much with it as you want. Maybe you only shoot family sessions and birthday cakes on the weekends. Or maybe you decide to start a business as a wedding photographer! The choice is really yours.

Check the current prices for sessions in your area and consider setting your prices a little lower to stay in line with your competition. Let’s say you make $75-$100 per session. That can add up quickly!

22. Start car wash/conditioning.

If you’re a big car fanatic, this could be a natural fit for you! And you probably already have the tools you need. It’s amazing how many people pay someone else to do something they don’t want to do. You can even take the business to the street and meet your customers wherever they are!

23. Become a financial coach.

Are you passionate about helping people take control of their money? cool cool We also. You can earn extra money through financial coaching in your spare time – no special skills required. Our Financial Coach Master Training walks you through all the tools you need to give people hope as they figure out this whole money thing.

24. Start a blog.

If you have something to say, chances are people will read it! The great thing about a blog is that you can focus on pretty much any topic you want. If you’re a good cook, start a food blog. Or maybe fashion is your true love. If you are passionate about fitness and nutrition, start a health blog.

Just be prepared for the slow game with this one. You can definitely make good money with a blog. . . but in the end you can’t really do anything. Okay, maybe that’s extreme. But you get the idea. Using things like Google AdSense or affiliate marketing (where you get a cut when someone buys a product you promote) and even connecting with the right people can really impact your readership and the money you make. affect.

25. Start your own (online) business.

If you’re just looking for a quick way to make money for a short time at night or on weekends, then this might not be for you. But if you’re ready to make your dream of starting your own business a reality, there’s never been a better time! Online platforms like Etsy, Amazon FBA, and Big Cartel have made it easier than ever.

How to make extra money by selling or renting

26. Rent your house.

If you have a spare bedroom or can stay with your in-laws or friends for a short time, you might want to consider renting your place out on Airbnb. Let’s say you decide to rent your upstairs guest bedroom and bathroom to two guests. Here in the Nashville area you would have a monthly earning potential of about $1,551.6. Not so shabby!

But what about the risks of opening your home to strangers? Airbnb offers coverage for accidental damage to your home—up to $1 million, to be exact. They also offer insurance to protect hosts in the event a guest is injured while staying on your property. So kick that worry to the curb!

While Airbnb doesn’t review every guest individually, they do let hosts and guests rate each other. This way, you can feel more secure about who you let into your home.

27. Rent out your car.

If you have a vehicle that’s just sitting in your garage for an extended period of time, you might find a rental car service like Turo to be one of the easiest ways to make some extra cash. On average, you could make a whopping $10,516 per year just renting your ride!7

And don’t worry, the company covers your vehicle with $750,000 in liability insurance and offers theft and damage insurance.8 So let your renter hit the open road while you sit back and count the extra money.

28. Sell old phones and electronics.

It seems like new electronic devices are coming out every day. And when you’re ready to upgrade, what do you do with the old stuff you don’t use anymore? Well, you could just shove it into that random junk corner (where everything goes), or you could sell it! Sites like Swappa and Gazelle (no relation to our Gazelle intensity) will take those old phones, gaming systems and laptops off your hands.

29. Get rid of old movies and music.

Unleash your inner minimalist and get rid of all those dusty DVDs or CDs on your entertainment stand or in boxes under your bed. And simplify the whole process with Decluttr. You can scan the barcodes of items you no longer want and see how much money the company will give you. Instead of waiting for a buyer to buy your item, the company itself buys your stuff right away. See you later, Godzilla DVD.

30. Rent out your baby gear.

Do you have baby items that are taking up space in your garage but you don’t want to part with them just yet? After all, you might want another child. . . maybe one day. Instead of selling the high chair or baby jumper, why not rent it? Oh, we mean business. On sites like BabyQuip, their quality vendors make around $600 a month by renting out things like cribs and strollers. Seriously.9

31. Selling unwanted stuff.

Search your hallway closet, attic, and garage for anything you no longer need. What can you live without? Of course, you can always sell items on trusted sites like eBay and Craigslist. But don’t forget apps like OfferUp, VarageSale, Poshmark, thredUP, and Facebook Marketplace, which make it even easier to make extra money selling second-hand stuff.

32. Sell your children’s clothes.

Let’s face it – these little people are outgrowing their clothes faster than you can keep up. When it comes time to ditch the clothes they’ve outgrown, you have a few options: display them at your regular flea market, sell them to a consignment store, or post them on social media. Apps like Kidizen are specifically designed to sell your kids’ gently used threads. And of course, you can also use other websites we talked about like Poshmark, thredUP, Craigslist and eBay to sell kids clothes.

33. Sell those unused gift cards.

Aunt Betsy got you a PacSun gift certificate for Christmas and you’ve never set foot in town. Instead of letting the gift card gather dust, sell it! Sites like Raise allow you to sell your unwanted gift cards and get a little kickback out of them. After all, every gift card deserves a loving home, right?

34. Rent your stuff.

Okay, we’ve already talked about renting out your house, your car, and even your old baby items. What else is there? Ah, just everything else. With the popular rental company Fat Llama (what a name – we know) you can rent out almost all your belongings!

Some of the most sought after items are camera gear, projectors, lighting and audio gear. So if you are a photographer, videographer or just a gadget lover, you can earn a good amount. But remember, you can rent almost anything — even your lawn mower. . . or tractor. . . or scooters. who knew

Don’t forget to earn extra money this way!

Now that you know how to make extra cash, try a few of these (or all 34) and see if you can generate a nice little chunk of change.

And when you start bringing that extra cash home, make sure you make the most of it — through budgeting! Our free budgeting tool EveryDollar will help you with this. You will work hard to earn all that extra money. And budgeting makes sure it works hard for you too.

How many followers do I need to co host on TikTok?

TikTok Live Co-Host Feature

This co-hosting feature is currently open to users with at least 60K followers on the app. Both users need to have the co-hosting feature in order to for them to invite hosts and accept co-hosting invitations.

how do you send likes to the host during a live on pc

TikTok makes sharing creative content both fun and easy, and is evolving to offer users more features that help improve their experience with the app. One of the newest offerings is a live feature that allows creators to stream videos to their followers.

Live streaming allows developers to communicate with fans in real time and create a closer connection by interacting with them. Users can interact with the creators to ask questions or share ideas during the live stream. This can encourage a true virtual connection between creators and followers, which can lead to deeper bonds within the community.

Currently, the live feature is not yet available for all accounts. TikTok creators must have at least 1,000 followers on the app and should be at least 18 years old to live stream. Using TikTok’s LIVE feature is easy through the app’s user-friendly interface. Here’s what you need to do to start streaming.

Open your TikTok app and log into your account.

Tap the plus sign at the bottom center of the screen.

Tap the “Live” button next to the recording option.

Enter the title of your live stream, then tap Go Live to start.

If you don’t see the option to go live on the capture screen in your account, it’s probably because you don’t meet the necessary conditions to access this feature.

TikTok Live Q&A feature

The Q&A feature allows viewers to ask questions during a live stream and moderators have the opportunity to answer them formally. This feature is especially helpful for EduCreators, learning institutions, and subject matter experts on TikTok as it allows for more dynamic discussions, information sharing, and knowledge sharing. It also strengthens the learning experience for viewers. The live Q&A feature can work hand in hand with the short video Q&A feature, one enabling instant interaction and the other providing users with a lasting experience.

Moderators can toggle Q&A on and off at any time during a live stream. Questions can be seen on the live stream screen as they are asked. Tap the Ask a Question button to post a question, view all posted questions including those already answered, and view the question currently being discussed. Your username and picture will appear next to the questions you ask, along with the number of likes the question received. If you’re not live-streaming when the host responds to your question, you’ll receive a notification that your question is currently being answered.

When you tap a question, viewers get a quick preview of the user who posted it. Viewers can also report an inappropriate question by long-pressing it and tapping Report Question. Live stream hosts can also remove or report inappropriate questions, as well as mute or block specific viewer accounts.

TikTok Live co-host feature

TikTok Live’s co-host feature allows a second host to join a live stream via a split screen. Authorized hosts can invite suggested hosts or friends from the invite list who are currently streaming live. If the other party accepts, the split-screen live stream will begin. This co-hosting feature is currently open to users with at least 60,000 followers on the app. Both users must have the co-hosting capability in order to invite hosts and accept co-hosting invitations. A live stream can only be hosted by up to two users at a time, and there is no limit to the number of co-hosts that can be invited at a time. The frame changes each time a host connects or disconnects from the live stream.

To invite a co-host to your live stream, tap the icon at the bottom part of the screen to bring up the interactive connection panel, then tap Host connection to display the invitation list. Send an invite to your favorite co-hosts by tapping the invite button next to their names. Once tapped, the invite button will turn gray and a 10-second countdown will begin. Within this period, your desired co-host can accept or decline your invitation. Once accepted, a connection will be established with the co-host and he or she will appear with you in the live stream via a split screen. To disconnect your co-host from the live stream, tap the same icon you used to connect. A pop-up window will appear asking if you really want to disconnect from the other party. Select Confirm to disconnect.

Sending gifts to streamers on TikTok Live

Users watching a live stream can send virtual gifts to their favorite creators as a token of support and appreciation. Each gift corresponds to a certain number of coins that must be bought with real money.

Creators can receive gifts while their live stream is running, and those gifts will later be converted into “Diamonds”. Diamonds can then be exchanged for cash. The total amount can be withdrawn by TikTok creators via verified payment systems. Note that only users over the age of 18 can buy, send and receive virtual gifts in the app.

Featured TikTok Live Creator – Naruto Uzumaki

Those looking for creators to watch on TikTok LIVE should check out cosplayer Naruto Uzumaki. Known for his finger dances, he is a top creator and earns big every week. He started out as a viewer on the app until he discovered Chinese creator @cindy518c and her finger dance videos. Her content inspired him to create finger dance moves based on the hand signals of his favorite anime character, Naruto. As a fan, he had already memorized all the hand signals in the anime. It wasn’t long before Naruto Uzumaki’s hand dance videos received millions of likes and he also started being featured on the app’s Foryou page. As someone who loves anime and hopes to inspire other Naruto Shippuden fans, it brings him great joy that his masked Naruto is being recognized, although his identity remains anonymous.

According to Naruto Uzumaki, “My intention on TikTok is just to do hand signals and only be appreciated with a talent because I believe talent doesn’t require a face.” He adds, “I feel so blessed because TikTok is helping me to growing as a person, making a lot of friends and helping me to grow my profession because learning is a continuous process in life. The more we explore the more we learn and that’s why I’ve never run out of choreography in finger dance. Dancing with your fingers is more than just dancing with your body. TikTok Philippines made the Pinoy Naruto and I’m proud of it!”

Be sure to check out the latest TikTok live feature and try sending virtual gifts to creators you love on the app. Download TikTok on your iOS and Android devices today to get started.

How many followers do u need on TikTok to get paid?

Can you make money on TikTok? The short answer is: Yes. To make money on TikTok directly you must be 18 years of age or older, have more than 10,000 followers, and have at least 100,000 views over the last 30 days. You can then apply to the TikTok Creator Fund in the app.

how do you send likes to the host during a live on pc

Learning how to make money on TikTok can turn your hobby into a full-time job. Here are the best strategies to make money from the app.

Maybe it’s your entrepreneurial spirit. You may have heard of 21-year-old Addison Rae’s Tesla Model X. Maybe you got that “screen time” notification (the one where your phone passively and aggressively tells you you’re internet addicted) and said, “Hey, maybe well, monetize this.”

However you got here, welcome. How to make money on TikTok.

With over 1 billion active users (as of January 2022), TikTok is the sixth most popular social media platform in the world. It’s a big market.

Many people have already figured out how to make money on TikTok, and some consider it a full-time job. Read on for the best strategies to make money on the app (or watch the video below!)

Bonus: Get a free TikTok growth checklist from famed TikTok creator Tiffy Chen that shows you how to get 1.6 million followers with just 3 studio lights and iMovie.

Can you make money with TikTok?

The short answer is yes.

To start making money directly on TikTok, you must be at least 18 years old, have more than 10,000 followers and have at least 100,000 views in the last 30 days. You can then apply to the TikTok Creator Fund in the app.

But just like painting a picture or determining your ex’s relationship status, making money on TikTok requires a little creativity. While there are official, app-funded ways to make money, there are plenty of other ways you can make money on the platform — even if you don’t have a lot of followers.

Similar to social media creators active on other platforms, many TikTok users have already achieved financial success through the app. And while TikTok may seem like a new frontier, the strategies you can use to make money will probably look familiar (check out our Instagram and Youtube money-making guides).

There are many ways to make money on TikTok (see below), and how you monetize your account will determine your earnings.

4 ways to make money on TikTok

1. Work with a brand you trust

Sponsored content on TikTok is content that gives you something of value. That’s the goal, isn’t it? For example, a brand might pay you to make a TikTok video talking about how great their soy candles smell, or give you a free skydive in exchange for posting about it. (Although we do not recommend accepting free skydiving offers).

And brands are very interested in entering into such paid collaborations. A study on influencer marketing found that as of December 2019, 16% of US marketers were planning to use TikTok for influencer campaigns — but in March 2021, that number rose to 68%. In other words, influencer marketing is exploding on the platform.

Source: eMarketer

According to the same eMarketer study, businesses want to work with people who have a following they know and trust, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing social justice movements.

This brings us to an important point: don’t seek partnerships with companies whose views don’t align with your own. The way you interact with your audience is unique. Your followers might care about your inspirational soup metaphors or how many languages ​​you can speak or manicure, but they also care about your ethics.

Here are some tips for getting started with sponsored content:

Only reach out to brands or organizations you truly love

When TikTok is all about your raw vegan journey and you suddenly start posting about your favorite local burger, your followers will see through you. Not only is this confusing, but it also makes you look like a sellout. So make sure your sponsored content matches your regular content.

@aileenchristineee Boost your OG KD with the new KD Flavor Boosts. Our favorite is jalapeño 🌶, what’s yours? #KDFlavourBoost @kraftdinnerca ♬ Original sound – Aileenchristineee

Create a press kit for your TikTok account

A press kit is like your own movie trailer. It showcases all the great things about you (and gives brands good reasons to work with you) and includes contact information, photos, and notable achievements. Let them see what happens next with a bag of popcorn in hand. Sites like Templatelab offer free press kit templates.

Make some non-sponsored posts

Brands will want to see that you have what it takes to increase their business’ sales. If you create a few (non-sponsored) posts addressing your favorite pair of shoes, that elusive specialty sock brand will be more likely to want to partner with you.

Use the Branded Content toggle

People don’t like being fooled — and it turns out apps don’t like that either. TikTok created the Branded Content switcher to ensure users are transparent. If you’re creating content for sponsorship, click the button (or risk having your video removed).

2. Collaborate with an influencer

Get better at TikTok with Hootsuite. Access exclusive weekly social media bootcamps hosted by TikTok experts once you’ve signed up, with insider tips on how to: Grow your followers

Get more engagement

Go to the For You page

And more!

This is the reverse of the first strategy. If you’re an established business looking to grow your presence (and make money) on TikTok, reach out to an influencer whose content resonates with your brand.

Fashionista Wisdom Kaye recently teamed up with perfume company Maison Margiela in this TikTok, and food blogger Tiffy Chen teamed up with Robin Hood (the flour, not the fox) in this TikTok:

According to this Tomoson study, every dollar spent on influencer marketing brought the company an average of $6.50, with the top 13% of respondents reporting a return of $20. Additionally, half of marketers say the customers acquired through influencer marketing were of higher quality than customers acquired through other channels, such as email marketing or organic search.

Conclusion: Influencers, well, influence. Effectively. (Even micro-influencers!)

If you are in the US, you can use the TikTok Creator Marketplace to find the right influencer for you. The marketplace site connects brands with influencers. Any brand can join, but (for now) only accessible to influencers by invitation.

Outside the US and TikTok-approved marketplace, search for hashtags that relate to you and your business (#dentist, #faintinggoats, #thrifting) and scroll through the content. Or just explore the app yourself, liking the videos you like and ignoring (or clicking “Not Interested”) the videos you don’t like. The app shows you what you want to see. So it’s scary smart.

Take the time to peruse each creator’s page — we’ve all heard the age-old tale of the tearful influencer’s non-racism, non-apology. Stay away from problematic TikTokers. It’s 2022.

3. Use Tiktok to promote your products

If you already have goods established, this is the most obvious way to make money: create TikToks that showcase your products, including all the details that make them unique. Be sure to include a link to your shop in your bio.

Here’s a great example: fashion brand Klassy Network shows how to wear a “brami”.

You can also create your own personalized merchandise like Italian greyhound (and proud gay icon) Tika the Iggy did. The dog’s owner, Thomas Shapiro, sells Tika brand clothing online. Makeup brands like Fenty Beauty and Cocokind are also killing the merchandise game.

4. Receive payouts from TikTok’s Creator Fund

This is the app-sanctioned money-making method we talked about earlier. On July 22, 2020, TikTok announced its new Creator Fund and pledged to donate $200 million to “encourage those who dream to use their voice and creativity to launch inspiring careers.”

The internet — and the world — ate it up, and just a week later they announced the fund would grow to $1 billion by 2023. The app has a few boxes that you need to tick before you can apply:

You must be in the US, UK, France, Germany, Spain, or Italy

Be at least 18 years old

Have at least 10,000 followers

At least 100,000 video views in the last 30 days

Have an account that complies with the TikTok Community Guidelines and Terms of Service

You can claim the Creator Fund through the app — as long as you have TikTok Pro (the best things in life don’t come for free).

5 tips to get paid on TikTok

1. Be authentic

If the great book on social media had a moral, this would be it. And as hard as it is to believe that authenticity matters in our heavily filtered world, internet users crave real content.

In this 2019 study, 90% of 1,590 adults surveyed said authenticity is important online, but 51% said they believe less than half of brands create work that feels authentic.

Whether you’re hopping on a dance trend or showing off your crocheted frogs, stay true to yourself. It’s the surest way to get followers you’ll keep – and hopefully make some real money.

2. Be transparent

This goes hand in hand with authenticity. The rules for posting sponsored content and posting free content are pretty unclear, but it’s always better to be safe.

TikTok’s Branded Content Toggle adds a disclosure for you (#Ad), so make sure to use it when appropriate.

3. Contact your favorite creators for advice

If you’re not sure where to start, start scrolling. Chances are some of your favorite creators are making money on TikTok. Look at what they’re doing — brand stores, T-shirt promotions, spelling their Venmo in alphabet soup — and try to put those same strategies into action.

4. Don’t drop your regular content

If every single one of your TikToks is sponsored content or promoting something, your followers will lose interest. You gotta keep your cool

Makeup artist Bretman Rock posts partnerships with Yves Saint Laurent, but also fun video outtakes, his favorite Filipino dishes, and of course the makeup and fashion content that all his followers have brought him in the first place.

@bretmanrock @YSL Beauty that makes me perfect even though I already am. For the Touche Éclat pen #yslbeautypartner ♬ Original sound – Bretmanrock

Even big brands like Ben & Jerry’s are posting TikToks showcasing their office dogs’ Halloween costumes. It’s not always about the money.

5. Don’t give up

Earning money on this social network is not easy. If it were, we’d all be Addison Rae. (It’s cool to joke about it — she admits how many people think she doesn’t have a real job. And she does it with the confidence of a 21-year-old making $5 million a year.)

If you get shut down by a brand or influencer, keep trying. Hard work pays off – in the truest sense of the word.

How much will TikTokers make in 2022?

As seen above, there are many ways to make money on TikTok and how you choose to monetize your content will determine your earnings.

Brand partnerships on TikTok can bring you up to $80,000. That’s right — if you’re a big enough YouTuber (with a large and engaged audience and a track record on the platform), you can buy an expensive car with your earnings from a video.

With the TikTok Creator Fund, you can earn between 2 and 4 cents per 1,000 views. That means that after hitting a million views, you can expect to pay $20-$40.

Learn more about the TikTok Creator Fund here.

Who makes the most money on TikTok?

Charli D’Amelio: Estimated annual earnings of $17.5 million.

@charlidamelio has built an incredible following (and revenue) with her viral dance clips and licensing deals with brands like Hollister, Procter & Gamble, and even Dunkin Donuts. Addison Rae: $8.5 million estimated annual earnings.

@addisonre is another example of dancing your way up. Her sponsorship deals include Reebok, Daniel Wellington and American Eagle, not to mention her own extensive personal branded merchandise and makeup line. Khabane Lame: Estimated annual income of $5 million.

@khaby.lame became the most followed TikTok account in June 2022. The comedian and life hack specialist has sponsorship deals with Xbox, Hugo Boss, Netflix, Amazon Prime and Juventus F.C.

So, a successful TikTok profile can set you up for life — but even if you don’t have millions of followers and billions of likes, you can still make money from it.

Grow your TikTok presence alongside your other social channels with Hootsuite. From a single dashboard, you can schedule and publish posts for the best times, engage your audience, and measure performance. Try it for free today.

Try it for free!

Live.Me Infinite Likes Glitch

Live.Me Infinite Likes Glitch
Live.Me Infinite Likes Glitch

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How do you send likes on Live me?

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How To Send Likes on TikTok Live

Have you recently started watching TikTok Lives so you are wondering how to send likes on TikTok Live?

First of all, TikTok Likes are free and it doesn’t cost money to send them.

You can use the likes on TikTok to show your appreciation for the host of the video.

This will also help them rank in the live feed. So if you want to help them grow, you can like them indefinitely.

There are other gifts that cost money, and the cheapest gift is the rose, which costs 1 coin.

To send likes live on TikTok, you can just double tap on the live screen you are watching.

Then you will see the first heart that appears.

But you can also send many likes at once.

Today I’m going to teach you how to send likes live on TikTok, one at a time or in bulk

How to Send Likes on TikTok Live

To send TikTok likes you need to double tap on the live screen you are watching.

Then you will see a heart animated icon appear.

Now to send likes you need to continuously tap live screen quickly so many hearts pop up.

Remember that you are the only person who can see how many likes you have sent to the host.

Which is shown below their names in the top left of the screen.

You can also see the hearts on the bottom right.

1.Open the desired TikTok live stream

First, open your TikTok live feed.

To do this, simply tap the “Home” button and then tap the “Live Television” icon in the top left of the screen to navigate to the live feed.

When the live feed page opens, scroll down to find your desired live video.

You can swipe from right to left on the screen.

Then you can find more lives in the new popup.

So when you find your desired likes, you can check them out.

2.Double tap the video to send likes

After finding the video you are looking for, you can start liking it.

To do this, just double tap the live video to send likes live on this TikTok.

After tapping it twice, you will see a heart icon appear on the screen.

Then the heart disappears.

You will also see other people’s hearts in the bottom right of the screen.

But you can’t like the video if you hide chat on TikTok live.

3. Keep tapping to send bulk hearts

Since likes on TikTok are free and you can send as many likes as you want on TikTok Live, you can send them in bulk.

To do this, you can continuously tap quickly on the TikTok live screen.

Then you will see many hearts appearing.

So if you really want to push the host’s account to the top of the live streams page, you can send them a lot of likes.

However, when you start sending this number of likes, you will see a loading animation in the top left of the screen in place of the host’s profile picture.

This animation shows you the number of likes you send.

What does sending likes do on TikTok Live?

Sending likes on TikTok makes the host’s account to be in the top ranking lives, which can be in the weekly leaderboard or the rising stars list.

Sending Live Likes to the host on TikTok shows them how much you appreciate the content they are streaming.

By sending a lot of likes, the TikTok algorithm recognizes that an event is happening in the video.

You have to keep in mind that sending a lot of likes can be overwhelming.

So the algorithm can see this type of action as an automated action or as a spam action.

Which sometimes ends up damaging the hosts’ reputations instead of propelling them to the top.

Can TikTok Live see you?

No, the host cannot see that you are watching their live stream on TikTok.

Although you can see the actual number of views, the host cannot see you when you enter the live stream.

Basically, they can see the traditional stats they’re supposed to see.

These stats are number of likes, total video views, total play time, total likes, and average watch time.

So your preferences and identity on TikTok remain private until you send a gift to the host.

When you send a gift to the host, your account name will appear in the chat area.

Otherwise you always remain anonymous when watching and liking.


Life of TikTok is one of the most engaging content that many users enjoy spending time with.

One of the funnest parts is when two streamers play the battle game against each other.

Then the likes in the live streams become decisive.

So, to send likes live on TikTok, all you have to do is double tap in the middle of the screen.

However, if you hide the chat or comments, you will not be able to send likes until you get the comments section back.

Another thing to mention is that if you continuously type a lot, you will start liking in large amounts and you will see a lot of hearts and these actions remain anonymous.

Today you learned how to send live likes on TikTok.

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For sharing content creation tips, asking other Tiktokers for help, and other content creation related stuff! Not for promoting videos 😉 This is a community run subreddit, we have no official affiliation with TikTok.

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