How To Summon Sonic In Real Life? Top 99 Best Answers

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Does Sonic the Hedgehog exist?

With the final battle in Sonic The Hedgehog now concluded, the sleepy town of Green Hills, Montana now officially knows that Sonic does indeed exist.

Is Sonic .EXE real?

Sonic.exe is part of a genre of online horror stories known as creepypasta. In August 2011, user JC-the-Hyena submitted a story on the Creepypasta Wiki about a strange CD-ROM the narrator received from a friend. The CD had SONIC. EXE written on it (.exe is file extension designating an executable file).

What is the real Sonic’s number?

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How do I become super fast?

General tips
  1. Warm up and cool down. Start each workout with a warmup and finish with a cooldown. …
  2. Eat well. Your diet plays a role in your running performance, especially the foods you eat right before you run. …
  3. Hydrate. …
  4. Maintain a moderate body weight. …
  5. Perfect your technique. …
  6. New kicks. …
  7. Dress the part. …
  8. Strength training.

How to Summon Creepypastas!

Share on Pinterest If you’re a runner, you probably want to improve your performance and get faster. This can be used to improve your race times, burn more calories, or beat your personal best. There are many techniques and exercises you can use to build strength, improve your form, and run faster. Incorporate as many of these approaches into your routine as possible. A varied attack plan prevents boredom, targets your body in different ways and makes way for new challenges.

General Tips 1. Warm up and cool down Begin each workout with a warm up and finish with a cool down. This allows you to gradually relax your body in and out of intense activity. Stretching after a run helps prevent lactic acid build-up, which reduces swelling and muscle soreness. 2. Eat well Your diet plays a role in your running performance, particularly the foods you eat just before you run. Follow a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit, berries, and melons when they are available. Load up on fresh and cooked veggies and carbs like whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and energy bars. Avoid processed or sugary foods. Limit your intake of foods high in fat and fiber. You can also avoid dairy products if they cause stomach upset. 3. Drink plenty of water along with healthy beverages like coconut water, herbal teas, or sports drinks to stay hydrated. Avoid sodas and other drinks that contain alcohol, artificial sweeteners and dairy products. 4. Maintain a moderate weight For many people, running is an effective way to lose weight. A moderate body weight can help you increase the intensity of your exercise and run faster. 5. Perfect Your Technique A 2017 study points to the effectiveness of improving your form and body mechanics to improve performance and reduce injury. Some simple tips to follow include keeping your knee in line with your body, planting your foot under your knee, and lifting off the floor behind you. Keep your hands relaxed, engage your core, and shorten your running stride. 6. New Kicks Invest in a new pair of shoes or replace the soles of your current shoes. According to a small 2019 study, runners wearing Nike Vaporfly 4% shoes showed improvements in running economy, due in part to the shoes’ effect on running mechanics. The shoes had a positive effect on stride length, rate of plantar flexion, and vertical oscillation of the center of mass. While it’s not necessary to buy that particular pair of shoes, you can consider what type of shoes might give you the most benefit. 7. Dress Appropriately Choose clothing that is lightweight, wind-resistant, and form-fitting. Make sure your clothing doesn’t rub or chafe against your skin, especially when you’re running long distances. Dress properly and cover your extremities in cold weather. 8. Strength Training The stronger you are, the easier it will be to use the correct body mechanics to run fast and effortlessly. A small 2016 study of endurance runners indicated the effectiveness of both strength and speed endurance training in improving overall running performance. The runners also reduced their training volume. To build muscle, lift weights, or do bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups. Stay active with sports like swimming, kickboxing or volleyball. 9. Set an Intention Set an intention for your training plan and stick to it instead of running haphazardly. This allows you to give each session a purpose and work towards a specific goal. Vary your plan to include endurance running, high-intensity exercise, and strength training. 10. Run Sprints Get out on the track and run a few sprints, even if you normally run longer distances. A 2018 study found that trained athletes who did just six sessions of sprint interval training improved their running performance. Sprint training has also been shown to improve endurance, strength and power performance in runners while requiring less time and miles than other types of training.

For Beginners 11. Increase your mileage If you’re new to running, work on building up your mileage so your body gets used to running. You will also experience what it feels like to run longer distances. Build up your mileage slowly, gradually increasing the distance every 2 to 4 weeks. 12. A balanced body It is important that your body is balanced and aligned. This contributes to good posture, coordination and balance, all of which help ensure your stride is at its best. Balance your strength-building routine with lots of stretches and long holds to prevent muscle strain and strain. 13. Join a group A group can give you running tips, increase your fitness level, and help you determine when you’re ready to run longer distances. Group members can be a healthy source of motivation, competition, and encouragement. 14. Be active most days Aside from one full day of rest each week, get some physical activity in every day, even if it’s only for a short time. This allows you to build consistency and get your body used to regular exercise.

For Intermediate Runners 15. Hill Training Run hills to build lower body strength, burn fat and increase your speed. Perform sprint runs by running up a steep hill and cooling off as you go back down. Do hill sprints on an indoor treadmill when running outdoors isn’t an option. 16. Core Strength A strong core provides a solid foundation for healthy movement patterns to help you feel more comfortable and relaxed when you run. This helps stabilize your back, build speed and reduce the risk of injury. Exercise options include plank variations, single-leg Romanian deadlifts, and Russian twists. 17. Endurance Runs Endurance runs are longer distances completed at a slower pace. This allows your body to get used to long runs while maintaining a low to moderate intensity. You can continually build up how much time or distance you run each week. 18. Side Exercises Do side exercises to strengthen the muscles on the side of your body and move your body in a different direction. This improves mobility, reduces back pain and stabilizes your hips, thighs and knees. Options include walking lateral lunges, step-ups, and shuffles.

Advanced 19. Next Level Races Boost your motivation by planning to run a race longer than the last one you completed, especially if you’ve run that distance a few times. If you’ve already completed a 5K run, sign up for a 10K run, and so on. Adjust your training plan accordingly. If you want to challenge yourself in other ways, sign up for a triathlon. 20. Tabata Training Tabata training is a type of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that improves aerobic and anaerobic fitness. You do 20 seconds of intense effort followed by 10 seconds of rest. Do this seven to eight times. 21. Tempo Runs Tempo runs increase fitness, improve your technique and push you to your limits. Run at a moderate to fast pace, slightly faster than your average pace, for 5 minutes. Then jog for a few minutes. Gradually increase the time of your pace to 10-30 minutes. 22. Take time to relax Alongside your rest days, take time to focus on relaxation. Do a session of progressive muscle relaxation, yoga nidra, or meditation. This can help increase your performance by increasing speed and endurance while lowering your heart rate, oxygen uptake, and breathing rate.

For sprinters 23. Short strides For maximum efficiency and speed, run on the balls of your feet with short strides. Focus on taking shorter strides at a fast pace while maintaining good form. This allows you to propel your body forward every time your foot hits the ground. 24. Breathe properly Your running pace affects your breathing rhythm, so make sure you’re breathing properly and getting enough oxygen. This may require you to breathe through your mouth. Take deep breaths and coordinate your inhalation and exhalation with your steps. For example, you can inhale two steps and exhale two steps. Or breathe in three steps and breathe out two steps. 25. Sprint Exercises Build in some exercises at the beginning of your workout. Start by jogging 10 meters and then accelerate 50 meters into a sprint. Alternate between these two speeds for a few minutes. Then, do high knees, long strides, and butt kicks for a few minutes each.

Cautions Use proper form and technique to prevent injury and avoid overtraining. Start slow if you’re a beginner and stop if you experience pain, injury, or feel weak. Gradually increase your mileage and pace every few weeks. If you miss days, don’t try to double up on other days or do more than usual.

When to Consult a Coach Consult a running coach or fitness professional when you want to set realistic goals and optimize your training plan. They can help you run faster and push yourself beyond your limits to reach your full potential while minimizing your risk of injury. A professional can help you perfect your form and technique and run more safely and efficiently. They will also help you create a nutrition plan to maximize your performance.

How do you go super fast?

  1. Add tempo runs. Tempo runs are 10 to 45 minute runs at a steady pace, according to Corkum. …
  2. Start weight training. Weight lifting, or strength training, can help you run faster, improve your form, and avoid injuries. …
  3. Introduce interval training. …
  4. Practice fartleks. …
  5. Run hills. …
  6. Don’t forget to take breaks. …
  7. Stay consistent.

How to Summon Creepypastas!

To run faster, incorporate speed training like tempo runs and fartleks.

You can also try weight training and mountain running to improve your speed.

Overall, to become a faster and stronger runner, it is important to stick to your training plan.

This item is medically reviewed by Joey Thurman, CSCS, CPT, FNS, a Chicago-based fitness expert and MYX fitness instructor.

Check out the Insider Health Reference Library for more advice.

Hitting a faster pace can be a thrill for runners, and it’s good for your overall health, too.

“We get stronger, faster, fitter, and leaner when we put new stresses on our bodies like speed workouts,” says Elizabeth Corkum, a Road Runners Club of America-certified running coach.

Whether you’re picking up your pace for race day or just looking for an extra boost to your workout, here are seven tips on how to increase your speed.

1. Add tempo runs

According to Corkum, tempo runs are 10- to 45-minute runs at a steady pace. These workouts can help runners develop discipline by controlling their speed and help their bodies learn to deal with stress.

These should be done at a controlled pace, meaning you should be able to maintain the same pace throughout the run. The first few minutes of the run should feel easy, and you might even feel like you’re holding back.

From the middle to the end of the run, however, you should start to feel uncomfortable. “At the end of your tempo run, it really feels like speed training,” says Corkum.

Tempo runs build strength and speed because they push you to reach your anaerobic threshold. Your anaerobic threshold is the point at which your body produces lactic acid — a byproduct of exercise. When lactic acid builds up in your muscles, your legs feel heavy and walking becomes more difficult.

So the sooner you hit your anaerobic threshold, the more likely you’ll burn out and the harder it will be to finish — let alone run faster. This is where tempo runs come in, as they train you to run longer and faster before you hit that threshold.

“By raising that threshold through intelligent training, you can run faster for longer periods of time before feeling tired or lactic acid takes over,” says Audrey Springer, a Road Runners Club of America-certified running coach. “An athlete could do this as a 15 minute workout and build up to an hour or more depending on the race they’re training for.”

Compared to sprints and hill runs, tempo runs are lower-intensity, longer workouts. The pace for tempo runs is faster than an easy run or jog, but still slower than a sprint like a 5k or 10k pace. One tool Springer uses is Jack Daniels’ VDOT Running Calculator to help their runners set a pace for their runs.

Springer says there are three different types of tempo runs.

Lactate Threshold: Here the athlete runs at a pace that ideally they could sustain for an hour. If the run is 30 minutes, they should feel like they’re pushing hard, but they could keep it up for another 30 minutes if they were racing. Marathon/Half Marathon Pace: This type of tempo run should be run at the pace you plan to achieve on race day. This is slower than the lactate threshold pace. Progressive: This is also often referred to as a negative split run. During this run you will gradually increase the speed so that your last mile is the fastest. These types of runs are great for building a pace, building endurance, and developing mental toughness so you can finish your runs strong.

2. Start strength training

Weight lifting or strength training can help you run faster, improve your form, and prevent injury.

Bodyweight and plyometric movements that are explosive, like squats or lunges, can be great for working on speed and power in sprints. “The explosive nature of these movements teaches the muscles to contract faster and more efficiently,” says Corkum.

Meanwhile, lifting heavy weights with barbells, dumbbells, or kettlebells can help long-distance runners maintain strength, good form, and efficiency during longer runs like a 10k or half marathon. However, if you’re just starting out in strength training, Springer recommends using only bodyweight at first — like resistance bands or push-ups — to perfect form and avoid injury.

Many strength training movements can also build core muscles. “The core keeps your core stable, improves your posture and running form, and allows you to generate more power when you run faster while using less energy,” says Springer.

A 2017 review published in the journal Sports Medicine found that adding strength training to a running routine two to three times a week had a powerful, positive effect on running performance. Strength training improved time trial performance by 3% to 5% in those who ran about one to two miles and by 2% to 4% in those who ran about three to six miles.

Runners should spend equal amounts of time building upper body and lower body strength. “It’s just as important because the upper body counteracts the lower body in the running motion,” says Corkum.

To build speed, Corkum recommends strength training two to three times a week on non-consecutive days. If you’re training after a weight run, she suggests waiting at least four to six hours to avoid sore muscles.

3. Introduce interval training

Interval training is a type of running training in which you alternate between short, intense runs and a short rest. The goal of interval training is to keep the same speed in the first interval as you did in the last interval. A 2016 medical report published in the Journal of Physiology found that running sprint intervals builds both muscle and aerobic endurance.

Another 2018 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research evaluated 16 trail runners who added interval training to their routine. Each runner completed six interval training sessions over the course of two weeks, with two rest days between each session. After the training program, the runners were able to run an average of 3.6 meters more in 30 seconds. The study also found that participants increased their speed by an average of 6% in a 3,000-meter dash.

“Once you start incorporating interval training into your training plan, you’ll find that your longer runs get easier and faster,” says Corkum.

When you start interval training, Springer suggests sticking with once a week. The bursts in interval training can be measured by time or distance. Here are two types of interval training sessions that Corkum recommends for running on a track:

Sprint the 100 meter straights on a course and easily walk or jog the 100 meter corners. Repeat this four times around the track so you end up with eight total sprints.

Run at 85% effort for two minutes, then rest for a minute. Repeat this four times.

4. Practice fartleks

Fartlek is a Swedish word meaning “quick game”. A fartlek run consists of alternating between speed and recovery runs. They can last 20 minutes or longer depending on the runner.

Pairing phases of moderate-to-high intensity and a slower pace will tax both your aerobic and anaerobic thresholds. This will help you build both speed and endurance.

While fartleks are similar to interval training, they’re done with lighter effort and at a slower pace over a longer period of time.

If you are a competitive runner, you can resort to this speed game during a race to help yourself overtake another runner. “Fartleks are about pushing your pace and your effort and finding your limits,” says Corkum.

Fartleks can be structured or unstructured runs. Here is a sample workout for each:

Structured: Alternate between 1 minute of hard exertion and 1 minute of easy jogging for 15 times. Unstructured: Run briskly — say, from one mailbox to the next — for 10 to 60 seconds, then spend as much time as needed lightly jogging or walking between sets to catch your breath.

Unstructured Fartlek runs can be beneficial for runners who are just starting out in speed training because they reduce the pressure to achieve a specific goal. Springer recommends incorporating fartlek runs into your running schedule only once a week to improve speed.

5. Hill Run

Both coaches agree that hill running is a great way to incorporate speed training into your running routine. “It’s a great stepping stone from aerobic running to sprinting reps on a track,” says Corkum.

Uphill training will help you become a faster runner and also increase your VO2max, making you a more efficient runner. VO2max is a measure of how much oxygen a person can use during intense physical activity. “The better your body can use oxygen, the more energy you can release or the faster and longer you can run,” says Springer.

A 2013 study published in the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance found that incorporating different mountain workouts into a running plan improved the overall performance of all 20 participants. Each runner participated in an uphill training program that included two sessions per week for a total of six weeks. Regardless of incline or rest time between sets, all runners improved their 5K running speed by an average of 2% by the end of the 6-week program.

Although mountain running doesn’t typically feel like speed training, it activates and strengthens muscles in the glutes, hamstrings, core, quadriceps, calves, and upper body, which easily translates into running faster on flat roads. “Hill running can be very humbling,” says Corkum, “but you really don’t have to run up the hill very fast to reap the benefits of this type of training.”

Those new to hill running should start with just one a week. If you find that you’re not fully exhausted after a workout, try adding it twice a week on non-consecutive days.

6. Don’t forget to take breaks

Runners often skip recovery days for fear they will lose progress if they don’t run consistently. “What you’re actually doing when you’re skipping rest days is slowly digging your own grave in terms of progress,” says Corkum.

If you exercise moderately each day and find you’re not improving, it’s probably because you’re not resting, says Corkum: “A golden rule of running is to make the tough days hard and the easy days easy.”

The reason why you feel sore the day after your workout is because the workout causes micro-tears in your muscles. When you rest, these muscle fibers rebuild, a little stronger than before. Without recovery days, your body is unable to rebuild itself.

According to Corkum, here are some signs you’re pushing too hard and neglecting recovery:

Your speed does not improve despite consistent training

You are always tired

It feels harder to keep up your aerobic strides

Your muscles will feel weaker instead of stronger

You are often ill

In extreme cases, skipping recovery can lead to injuries that will delay your running schedule more than any recovery. “Running puts shock loads on your body, and resting your body is a key component to avoiding overuse injuries and overtraining,” says Springer.

“If you choose to exercise, it has to be light enough that your body recognizes it as rest and not work,” says Corkum. A few examples might be a really easy run, swim, or yoga.

Overall, Springer suggests that runners take at least one or two rest days each week to build speed.

7. Be consistent

It’s important to have a strong aerobic foundation before you start incorporating speed training into your training routine. Corkum recommends that new runners or runners who have taken a long break spend at least four weeks building up their endurance before starting speed training.

“Those simple runs where you can keep running further and faster are really important to build a strong foundation for running,” says Corkum.

Building this endurance will also help you build a routine to become a more consistent runner, which is important for building speed. “Remember, you’ll get better at what you do often, not occasionally,” Springer says, “while rest days are very important, it’s just as important to establish a routine and stay consistent.”

Here is a sample one month training plan provided by Springer for moderate to strong runners looking to improve their speed.

For the speed training days, make sure you add a 10-minute warm-up run to the beginning of your workout and a 10-minute cool-down run to the end.

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How is Sonic born?

Sonic was created without the ability to swim because of a mistaken assumption by Yuji Naka that all hedgehogs could not do so. A group of fifteen people started working on the first Sonic the Hedgehog game, and renamed themselves Sonic Team.

How to Summon Creepypastas!

video game character

For the protein named after the character, see Sonic Hedgehog

Fictional Character

Sonic the Hedgehog[a] is the protagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series published by Sega and appears in numerous spin-off comic books, animation, and other media. Sonic is an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog who can run at supersonic speeds and curl up into a ball, primarily to attack enemies. In most games, Sonic must race through levels collecting power-up rings and avoiding obstacles and enemies.

Programmer Yuji Naka and artist Naoto Ohshima are generally credited with creating Sonic.[12] Most games are developed by Sonic Team. The original Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) was released to give Sega a mascot to rival Nintendo’s flagship character, Mario. Sonic was redesigned by Yuji Uekawa for Sonic Adventure (1998) with a more mature look intended to appeal to older players.

Sonic is one of the most recognizable video game characters in the world and a gaming icon. By 2011, his series had sold more than 80 million copies.[15]

origins and history

While Sega was looking for a flagship series to compete with Nintendo’s Mario series, several character designs were submitted by its R&D department. Many outcomes emerged from their character design experiments, including an armadillo, a dog, a Theodore Roosevelt look-alike in pajamas (which would later form the basis of Doctor Eggman’s design), and a rabbit (which would use its extendable ears to do so). Collect objects, an aspect that was later integrated into Ristar).[16][17] Naoto Ohshima took some of these internal designs on a trip to New York City and solicited feedback by asking random passers-by in Central Park for their opinions; Of the designs, the spiky teal hedgehog, originally codenamed “Mr. Hedgehog” (Mr. ハリネズミ, Mr. Harinezumi), [18] led this informal poll, followed by Eggman and the dog character. Ohshima felt that people chose it because it “transcends race and gender and things like that.”[19] Upon returning to Japan, Ohshima proposed this to the department, and the hedgehog was eventually chosen as the new mascot.

Sonic’s detailed design was intended to be something that children could easily draw and be familiar with, as well as show a “cool” attitude that was representative of the United States at the time. Sonic’s blue pigmentation was chosen to match Sega’s cobalt blue logo, and his shoes evolved from a design inspired by both Santa Claus[20] and Michael Jackson’s boots, with the addition of the color red, inspired by the Contrast of these colors was inspired on Jackson’s 1987 album Bad; His persona was based on the “get it done” attitude of then-presidential candidate and future President of the United States Bill Clinton during the 1992 presidential campaign. [16] [21] [22] [23] To sell the idea to Sega’s superiors, proposed Ohshima presented the concept framed by a fictional fighter pilot who earned the nickname “Hedgehog” for his spiky hair and decorated his plane with images of Sonic. When this pilot retired, he married a children’s book author who wrote stories about the Sonic character, the first to become the plot of the first Sonic game. Ohshima explained that this influence can be seen in the game’s logo, which features Sonic in a pilot’s wing emblem.

The origins of Sonic can be traced further back to a tech demo by Yuji Naka, who developed an algorithm that allowed a sprite to move smoothly on a curve by using a matrix of dots to determine its position. Naka’s original prototype was a platform game in which a fast-moving character rolled down a long winding tube in a ball, and this concept was subsequently fleshed out with Oshima’s character design and levels conceived by designer Hirokazu Yasuhara.

Sonic was created due to Yuji Naka’s mistaken assumption that all hedgehogs could not, without the ability to swim. A group of fifteen people began work on the first Sonic the Hedgehog game, renaming themselves Sonic Team. The game’s soundtrack was composed by Masato Nakamura of the band Dreams Come True. Sega sponsored the group’s “Wonder 3” tour, painted Sonic on the tour bus, distributed brochures promoting the game, and aired footage of the game above the stage ahead of its release. The original concepts gave Sonic fangs and put him in a band with a human friend named Madonna. However, a team from Sega of America led by Madeline Schroeder, who calls herself “Sonic’s mother”, [16] “toned down” the character for American audiences by removing these elements. This sparked a heated issue with Sonic Team. Naka later admitted it was probably for the best.[16]

Sonic’s appearance varies greatly depending on the medium and style in which he is drawn. In the video games, Sonic’s original Oshima design was short and rounded, with short spines, a rounded body, and no visible iris. Artwork featuring this design and drawn by Akira Watanabe was featured on the packaging design for Sonic the Hedgehog.[27] Sonic’s proportions would change for the release of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Mega Drive; Sonic’s head-to-height ratio has been changed from 1:2 to 1:2.5.[27] For the 1998 release of Sonic Adventure, Sonic was redesigned by Yuji Uekawa as a character with longer legs and a less spherical body, longer and more drooping spikes, and green-colored irises. For the 2006 game, Sonic was redesigned to look more mature and taller to appeal to the next generation of gamers.[28] This also happened because Sonic interacted more often with humans and his design should fit.[29] An alternate “Werehog” form was introduced in Sonic Unleashed that places more emphasis on Sonic’s melee skills than speed. While Tetsu Katano acknowledges the huge negative fan reaction to the werehog, he believes he may return in a future game.[30]

Bob Raffei, CEO of Sonic Boom developer Big Red Button, stated that Sonic Boom is “very different from Sonic…both in tone and in artistic direction”.[31]

voice representation

Roger Craig Smith (pictured July 2021) has been the voice actor for the character in most English-language media since 2010.

Sonic originally had some voice samples in Sonic CD, with designer Masato Nishimura providing the voice. Sonic’s first real voice actor was Takeshi Kusao for the arcade game SegaSonic the Hedgehog, with Junichi Kanemaru continuing to fill the role from the release of Sonic Adventure. Kanemaru also voices Sonic in Sonic X, Sonic Boom, and the Japanese dub of the Wreck-It Ralph films. In Sonic Unleashed, Sonic was voiced by Tomokazu Seki in werehog form. Jaleel White has voiced the character in the DiC animated series Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic SatAM, and Sonic Underground. Sam Vincent provided his singing voice in the latter DiC cartoon.

Beginning with Sonic Adventure, Sonic was voiced in English by Ryan Drummond. Drummond was replaced by Jason Griffith beginning with Sonic X, with Griffith voicing Sonic in games beginning with Shadow The Hedgehog in 2005. Griffith was replaced by Roger Craig Smith starting with Sonic Free Riders and Sonic Colors. Smith announced on his Twitter account on January 29, 2021 that he would no longer voice Sonic, with his departure confirmed by Sega the same day. On May 26, 2021, Smith and Sega confirmed that he was voicing Sonic again. Ben Schwartz voiced Sonic in the 2020 feature film and reprized his role for the 2022 sequel. Canadian actor Deven Mack will voice Sonic in the upcoming animated series Sonic Prime.[10]


video games

Sonic’s first featured appearance in a video game was in the 1991 arcade racing game Rad Mobile as a decorative ornament hanging from a rearview mirror. Sonic’s first playable appearance was in the platform game Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega Mega Drive / Genesis, which also featured his nemesis Dr. Robotnik was introduced. His two-tailed fox friend Tails joined him in the game’s 1992 sequel, Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Released in 1993, the Sonic CD introduced Sonic’s self-proclaimed girlfriend Amy Rose and recurring robot doppelganger Metal Sonic as Sonic traveled through time to ensure a good future for the world. In Sonic 3 and its direct sequel Sonic & Knuckles, both released in 1994, Sonic and Tails once again battled Robotnik, with the added threat of Knuckles being tricked by Robotnik into mistaking Sonic for a threat. Sonic 4 (2010–2012) picks up where the story of Sonic 3 left off, reducing Sonic to the only playable character and releasing in episodic installments. In the second episode, both Tails return as Sonic’s sidekick and Metal Sonic as a recurring enemy.

Other two-dimensional platformers featuring Sonic are Sonic Chaos (1993), Sonic Triple Trouble (1994), Sonic Blast (1996), Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure (1999), Sonic Advance (2001), Sonic Advance 2 (2002), Sonic Advance 3 (2004), Sonic Rush (2005), Sonic Rush Adventure (2007), Sonic Colors (2010), and Sonic Generations (2011), all released for handheld consoles.

Sonic Adventure (1998) was Sonic Team’s return to character for a big game. It showed Sonic returning from vacation to find that the city of Station Square was being invaded by a new enemy called Chaos under the control of Dr. Robotnik (now known as Dr. Eggman) was attacked. It was also the first Sonic game to feature a full voiceover. Sonic Adventure 2 (2001) put Sonic on the run from the military (G.U.N.) after being mistaken for Shadow the Hedgehog. In Sonic Heroes (2003), Sonic teamed up with Tails and Knuckles along with other character teams such as Team Rose and Chaotix against the rebuilt Metal Sonic, who had betrayed his master with intent for world domination. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) features Sonic in the city of water, “Soleanna”, where he meets Princess Elise in front of Dr. Eggman must rescue while trying to avoid a new threat to his own life, Silver the Hedgehog. He is the only playable character in Sonic Unleashed (2008), in which he is involuntarily given a new personality, “Sonic the Werehog”, the result of Sonic’s merging with Dark Gaia’s power. He gains strength and flexibility in exchange for his speed and new friends, including a strange creature named Chip to help him along the way. In Sonic Colors (2010), Eggman attempts to harness the energy of extraterrestrial beings known as “Wisps” for a mind control ray. Sonic Generations (2011) features two playable incarnations of Sonic: the younger “classic” Sonic, whose gameplay is presented in a style reminiscent of the Mega Drive/Genesis games, and today’s “modern” Sonic, which replicates the existing gameplay -Style used in Unleashed and Colors Go through the stages of past games to rescue your friends. Sonic Generations includes a variety of theme tracks, including modern and retro versions, to choose from throughout Sonic’s twenty-year history.[39] In April 2013, Sega announced that Sonic Lost World would be released for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in October 2013.[40]

Sonic and the Secret Rings (2007) features Sonic in the storybook world of One Thousand and One Nights. A sequel, Sonic and the Black Knight (2009), continued the storybook theme, this time in the realm of Arthurian legend.

Sonic has also been featured in other games of many genres other than 2D and 3D platformers. These include Sonic Spinball, Sonic Labyrinth (1995), the racing games Sonic Drift (1994), Sonic Drift 2 (1995), Sonic R (1996), Sonic Riders (2006), Sonic Rivals (2006), Sonic Rivals 2 (2007) . ), Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (2008) and Sonic Free Riders (2010), the fighting games Sonic the Fighters (1996) and Sonic Battle (2003), the mobile game Sonic Jump (2005), and the role-playing video game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008).

Video games like Dr. However, Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine (1993), Knuckles’ Chaotix (1995), Tails’ Skypatrol (1995), Tails Adventure (1995) and Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) all played supporting characters from the Sonic series Sonic himself cameos in most of them.

cameos and crossovers

Sonic makes cameos in various other games, such as the Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg power-up, the main hallway in Phantasy Star Universe, and the 2008 remake of Samba de Amigo. He is also a playable character in Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams. Nintendo, Sega’s former rival, references Sonic in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest by showing Sonic’s shoes next to a trash can that reads “No Hopers” on the Cranky’s Video Game Heroes screen.[41]

Sonic has appeared in several crossover games including playable appearances in Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008), Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U (2014) and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (2018), Lego Dimensions (2015) . ,[42][43] and Cookie Run: Kingdom (2021). He appears in the crossover party game series Mario & Sonic at the Olympics and is also a playable character in all three Sega Superstars games. An official Sonic the Hedgehog skin is available in the platform battle royale game Fall Guys.[47][48] Sonic appears as a playable character in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 via a free update. An official skinned Sonic the Hedgehog world is available with DLC in Minecraft.[49][50]


The first three animated series with Sonic were created by the international company DiC. The first of these series, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, premiered in 1993 and features Sonic and his friend Tails confronting Doctor Ivo Robotnik and his robots on the planet Mobius. Another animated series that premiered the same year, simply titled Sonic the Hedgehog, features Sonic and a group of rebels aiming to defeat Robotnik in a futuristic version of Mobius. The third animated series, Sonic Underground, premiered in 1999 and features Sonic as the protagonist alongside his siblings Sonia and Manic.

In 1996, a two-part OVA, Sonic the Hedgehog, was released in Japan. For the American release, the two episodes were combined and released as Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie by ADV Films. A new series, Sonic X, aired in 2003. The 78-episode anime series details Sonic’s struggle to protect the Chaos Emeralds from Eggman and new villains. With a globe-spanning and interstellar journey, Sonic X featured Sonic and his human friend Chris Thorndyke on a mission to save the world. Sonic: Night of the Werehog is a short film produced by Sega’s VE Animation Studio and released to coincide with the release of Sonic Unleashed. In the film, Sonic and Chip enter a haunted house and must contend with two ghosts trying to scare them in order to win the girl ghost’s heart. Sonic also has several cameo appearances in the Disney films Wreck-It Ralph and its sequel, Ralph Breaks the Internet.

In October 2013, Sega announced a CGI animated series, Sonic Boom.[53] The show ran in 104 11-minute episodes between 2014 and 2017 on Cartoon Network in the US and UK, and Canal J and Gulli in France. Sonic has multiple appearances in the 2014 anime Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girls[54][55][56] and guest stars at OK KO! Let’s Be Heroes episode “Let’s Meet Sonic”.[57]

In February 2021, Sonic Prime was announced by Netflix with a 2022 release window,[58] although the development of the series was initially revealed in a deleted tweet in December 2020.[59] The show is primarily aimed at children aged six to eleven as well as longtime fans of the series.[60]

Live Action Movies

Jim Carrey, the Dr. Robotnik plays for the live-action films poses with a person in a mascot costume that mimics Sonic’s redesigned appearance.

On June 10, 2014, a film based on the Sonic series was announced. Known simply as Sonic the Hedgehog, it was produced by Neal Moritz on his original film banner along with Takeshi Ito and Mie Onishi with Toby Ascher as executive producer. The film was written by Pat Casey and Josh Miller and produced as a joint venture between Paramount Pictures and Marza Animation Planet. The film is a live-action and CGI hybrid.[61] The film was shot in 2018, with a release date originally set for November 8, 2019. However, upon the release of the film’s first trailer in late April 2019, Sonic’s performance was heavily criticized, leading to director Jeff Fowler announcing a reimagining of him pushing the release date to February 14, 2020.[37] The second trailer for the film was released on November 12, 2019 and features the redesign, which has received a far more positive reception from both fans and critics.[62] A sequel, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, was released on April 8, 2022.[63]

The original design of Sonic from the first film’s first trailer appears in Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers, voiced by Tim Robinson. Going by the name of “Ugly Sonic,” he is portrayed as a beat-up actor who is aiming for a comeback after being kicked out of the film.[64]

print media

Sonic’s first comic book appearance was in a promotional comic printed in Disney Adventures magazine (and also given away as a free excerpt with a copy of Mean Machines magazine), which established a backstory for the character that established the origin of his color and abilities and the transformation of friendly scientist Dr. Ovi Kintobor in Evil Dr. Ivo Robotnik. Numerous UK publications including the “Sega handbook” Stay Sonic (1993), four novels published by Virgin Books (1993–1994) and the comic book Sonic the Comic (1993–2001) published by Fleetway Publications/Egmont Publishing, used this premise as a basis.[65]

The American comic books Sonic the Hedgehog (1993-2017), Sonic X (2005-2008) and Sonic Universe (2009-2017) published by Archie Comics are based on the settings of previous animated series, the ABC “SatAM”. Animated film, the anime Sonic X or an extension of the series. The former series is currently the second longest-licensed comic book series in American comics history, behind Marvel’s Conan series (first issue published in 1970). In France, two comics titled “Sonic Adventures” were published by Sirène in 1994. Guinness World Records recognized the Sonic comic as the longest-running comic based on a game. Archie Comics also published a twelve-part crossover with Mega Man starting in 2013. The Archie comics were later followed in 2018 by a new comic series from IDW Verlag, which is currently ongoing.

Sonic has also been featured in two different manga. One series was simply called Sonic the Hedgehog and featured a story about a normal hedgehog boy named Nicky who can transform into Sonic. The other series was a compilation of short stories and was split into two volumes, the first called Dash and Spin and the other called Super Fast Sonic!!.


According to various official Sega materials, Sonic is described as a character who is “like the wind”:[68] a drifter who lives as he pleases,[69] making life a series of events and adventures.[ 70] Sonic hates oppression and is a fierce defender of freedom.[71] Although quick-witted and easy-going most of the time,[69] he has a short temper[69] and is often impatient with slower things.[68] Sonic is a habitual daredevil hedgehog who is honest, loyal to his friends, keeps his promises[70] and hates tears.[72] He took young Tails under his wing like a little brother[73] and is not interested in marriage proposals from Amy Rose.[74] In times of crisis, he focuses intensely on the challenge[68] as if his personality has undergone an amazing change.[70]

Sonic’s greatest strength is his running speed, as he is known in the game’s universe as the world’s fastest hedgehog. Many of his abilities are variations on hedgehogs’ tendency to roll into tight balls for protection, with the added twisting of his body. Since its introduction in 1991’s Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic’s primary offensive maneuver has been the basic “Spin Attack” (or “Sonic Spin Attack”). Later games in the series expanded on this basic attack, and two of these enhancements became its mainstays: the Spin Dash, introduced in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, in which Sonic spins in place before blasting off at full speed,[76] and the Homing Attack, officially introduced in Sonic Adventure, in which Sonic dashes towards a target in midair. Sonic’s only weakness is that he cannot swim and will sink like a stone if submerged in deep water.[72] The only exception is that he can swim in the Sonic the Hedgehog Adventure Gamebooks.[77] When the seven Chaos Emeralds are collected and used, Sonic transforms into “Super Sonic” (スーパーソニック), a faster and invulnerable version of himself that can fly.[78] In Super Sonic form, Sonic’s irises turn red and his body turns golden.

reception and legacy

As the mascot of Sega and one of the main reasons for the company’s success during the 16-bit era of video game consoles, Sonic is one of the most famous video game characters in the world. In 1993, Sonic became the first video game character to have a balloon at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. In 1996, Sonic was also the first video game character to appear in a Rose Parade. Sonic was one of the three game characters included in the first Walk of Game class in 2005, along with former rivals Mario and Link (both from Nintendo). One of a class of genes involved in fruit fly embryonic development, called hedgehog genes, was named “Sonic Hedgehog” after him.[80]

On the other hand, Sonic’s apparent romantic relationship with Princess Elise in the 2006 video game drew widespread criticism. Sonic’s characterization and relationship with Eggman in Sonic Boom garnered a positive response from Patrick Lee of The A.V. Club and Emily Ashby of Common Sense Media.[83]

Sonic has also been used as a symbol for Sega’s various sponsorships. Between 1993 and 1997, Sega sponsored the JEF United Ichihara Chiba football team, during which time Sonic appeared in the team’s uniform. During the 1993 Formula One Championship, Sega sponsored the Williams Grand Prix team, which won the constructors’ championship that year, as well as the team’s lead driver, Alain Prost, who won the drivers’ championship. Sonic was featured in the cars, helmets and their rivals McLaren used to paint a crushed hedgehog after winning races over Williams. The 1993 European Grand Prix featured a Sonic balloon and Sonic billboards. According to Al Nilsen, director of marketing for Sega of America, it was determined in 1992 that Sonic was more recognizable than Mickey Mouse in the six to eleven year old demographic based on the character’s respective Q-Scores, although this claim could not be confirmed by the Q Score – Developer Marketing Evaluations, Inc.[87][88]

Nintendo Power listed Sonic as their sixth favorite hero, stating that although he was originally Mario’s nemesis, he seems right at home on Nintendo platforms. They added that he remains one of gaming’s greatest icons.[89] In 2004, the character won a Golden Joystick Award for The Sun Ultimate Gaming Hero.[90] The character’s popularity waned in the mid-1990s, and Sonic failed to place himself in Electronic Gaming Monthly’s Coolest Mascot of 1996, either in the editorial or reader picks, and was beaten only by competitors Mario and Crash Bandicoot , but beaten by Sega’s own nights. However, in a 2008 poll of 500 people, Sonic was voted the most popular video game character in the UK with 24% of the vote, while his old rival Mario came second with 21% of the vote. Later that year, an MSN ranking ranked Sonic as the most iconic video game character. In 2011, Empire ranked him as the 14th greatest video game character. And he was ranked #10 in the Guinness World Records 2011 Gamers’ Edition of the 50 Greatest Video Game Characters of All Time.[96] Sonic was ranked ninth in GameDaily’s list of Top 10 Smash Bros Characters. GameDaily also listed his “next-gen trip” in their list of worst video game character moments, using his relationship with a human female as one of the worst parts of it.

Ken Balough, Sega’s former associate brand manager, said that Sonic’s appeal endured because the character was “first and foremost a gaming legend” who “rose from a series of games that defined a generation in gaming history , and his iconic personality was the epitome of speed in the early ’90s, pushing the boundaries of what players knew and expected from high-speed action and platforming games.”[99]

A Japanese team developing the Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) instrumentation for the upcoming Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer spacecraft, due to be launched in 2022 by ESA and Airbus, has secured approval from Sega to use Sonic as the mascot for the spacecraft device to use. 100]

An internet meme called “Sanic” was used based on a poorly drawn Sonic; Typically, the meme uses one of Sonic’s catchphrases, but with bad grammar. Sega’s official Sonic Twitter account has made numerous references to it,[101] and it has appeared in official downloadable content for Sonic Forces on in-game shirts.[102] The meme also appears as a drawing in the cinema film.[103]


^ Japanese: ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ, Hepburn: Sonikku za Hejjihoggu

Who is Sonic’s enemy?

Enemies and rivals. Sonic’s eternal enemy is Dr. Eggman, also known as Doctor Robotnik. Eggman is a brilliant scientist who uses his numerous machines to attempt to conquer the world, but Sonic has always intervened.

How to Summon Creepypastas!

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog has been Sega’s mascot for over fifteen years. Game series Sonic the Hedgehog First game Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) Creator Naoto Ōshima

Yuji Naka voice actor (English) Jaleel White (TV) (1993–1999)

Ryan Drummond (1999-2005)

Jason Griffith (2005–present) voice actor (Japanese) Takeshi Kusao (1993)

Junichi Kanemaru (1998-present) In-universe Information Species Hedgehog Age 15 Birthday June 23 Place of Birth Christmas Island

Sonic the Hedgehog (ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ, Sonikku za Hejjihoggu?) is a video game character and the protagonist of a series of video games published by Sega, as well as numerous spin-off comics, cartoons, and books. The first game in the franchise was released in 1991 to provide Sega with a mascot to rival Nintendo’s flagship character, Mario. Since then, Sonic has grown into one of the most recognizable video game characters in the world, and his series has sold over 44 million copies.

Artist Naoto Ōshima, designer Hirokazu Yasuhara, and programmer Yuji Naka are widely credited with creating the character, a blue male anthropomorphic hedgehog whose ability to run faster than the speed of sound is an integral part of the series’ gameplay. He is 15 years old and, as a hedgehog, is significantly smaller and lighter than people his age, about 100 centimeters tall and weighing 35 kilograms.


In April 1990, Sega requested a game that would sell over a million copies and a character to replace Alex Kidd as the company’s mascot. Several character designs were submitted by AM8’s R&D department, including an armadillo (which would later be developed into Mighty the Armadillo), a dog, an oversized Theodore Roosevelt in pajamas (which would later form the basis of Doctor Eggman’s design) . , and a rabbit (which was intended to use its extendable ears to collect items; these aspects were later incorporated into Ristar). Eventually, Naoto Ohshima’s spiny hedgehog, originally codenamed “Mr. Needlemouse” was selected as the new mascot. A group of fifteen began work on Sonic the Hedgehog, renaming themselves the Sonic Team. The game’s soundtrack was composed by Masato Nakamura of the band Dreams Come True. Sega sponsored the group’s Wonder 3 tour, painted Sonic on the tour bus, distributed brochures promoting the game, and had footage of the game broadcast across the stage ahead of its release.

Sonic’s exact age, weight, height, and other physical characteristics vary depending on the continuity in which he appears and the style in which he is drawn. In the video games, Sonic’s original design by Naoto Ohshima was fairly short and childlike, with short spines, a rounded body, and no visible iris. Artwork featuring this design and drawn by Akira Watanabe was featured on the packaging design for Sonic the Hedgehog, and most subsequent Sonic video games have featured similar designs. Beginning with Sonic Adventure in 1998, Sonic was redesigned by Yuji Uekawa as a taller character with longer legs and a less spherical body, longer and more drooping spikes, and green eyes. Other subtle changes to the character’s design were made in subsequent games. Spin-off media such as comics and cartoons have featured variations on all of these video game designs, with limitations set by the standardized model sheets.

Sonic’s cobalt blue pigmentation was chosen because the Sega and Sonic Team logos are cobalt blue, so they decided Sonic was blue too. An origin story was provided in a promotional comic for the original game, featured in Disney Adventures, Garfield Magazine and other children’s magazines, and later fleshed out in Mike Pattenden’s Stay Sonic, a UK published book about the character. This explanation, in which the shockwaves Sonic experienced when he first ran at supersonic speeds turned him blue and tightened his spikes, later became the fundamental origin for many subsequent British publications such as Egmont Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic.



Sonic began his battle against his nemesis Doctor Eggman in the 1991 platform game Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Master System and Game Gear. His sidekick Miles “Tails” Prower joined him in the game’s 1992 sequel, Sonic 2, which also introduced Sonic’s Super Sonic form and signature “spin-dash” move.

Sonic was solo again for Sonic CD (1993), in which he used his unparalleled speed to travel through time to defeat Eggman and ensure a bright future for the world, and which also featured Sonic’s self-proclaimed girlfriend Amy Rose and his robots were presented as doppelgangers Metal Sonic. In Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles (both 1994), Sonic and Tails fought Eggman again, with the added threat of Knuckles the Echidna being tricked into fighting Sonic by Eggman. Other 2D platformers featuring Sonic include Sonic Chaos (1993), Sonic Triple Trouble (1994), Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure (1999), the Sonic Advance series (2001–2004), and Sonic Rush (2005).

The first true 3D Sonic platformer, Sonic Adventure (1998) was original developer Sonic Team’s return to character for a big game. It showed Sonic returning from vacation to find that the town of Station Square was under attack by a new, powerful enemy called Chaos under the control of Doctor Eggman. It introduced Sonic’s homing attack as a default move, included power-ups that gave him additional abilities for the rest of the game, and featured interaction with non-playable characters and objects in 3D adventure sequences where the game world could be freely explored. In addition to Sonic, who received full voiceover for the first time, five other main characters were playable, plus Super Sonic. Sonic Adventure 2 (2001) introduced a new rival, Shadow the Hedgehog, and several other new characters, and involved Sonic on the run from the military after he was framed in a robbery he did not commit. A third 3D action game, Sonic Heroes featured four different teams, each composed of three characters, and marked the return of supporting characters Team Chaotix and Metal Sonic. Two other 3D platform games, Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic and the Secret Rings, are currently in development, although the first game has already been released for the Xbox 360.

Sonic has also been featured in games of many genres other than 2D and 3D platformers. The first of these was a pinball game, Sonic Spinball (1993), which expanded on the pinball sequences in the first two platform games. Sonic has also appeared in “2.5D” isometric platform games (Sonic Labyrinth and Sonic 3D Blast), racing games (Sonic Drift, Sonic R, Sonic Riders, and Sonic Rivals), and fighting games (Sonic the Fighters and Sonic Battle). A sequel to Sonic Riders is currently in development.

Video games like Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, Tails Adventures, Knuckles Chaotix, and Shadow the Hedgehog all played supporting characters in the Sonic series; In some of them, Sonic had a cameo role. The hedgehog has also had cameo appearances in numerous other Sega games such as Daytona USA and Christmas NiGHTS.

TV series

There have been several animated television series starring Sonic. Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was the first and featured Sonic, voiced by Jaleel White, and Robotnik, voiced by Long John Baldry. It had a very comical take on Sonic’s adventures and battles with Robotnik. Sonic the Hedgehog, originally airing Saturdays on ABC, aired concurrently with the syndicated Adventures series in the United States. Sonic was voiced by Jaleel White and Robotnik was voiced by Jim Cummings. Archie Comics continuity was heavily based on this series; It was much darker and more brooding than Adventures, which had a more light-hearted and comical tone.

Sonic Underground, a show in the US, UK and France, ignored the continuity of the previous series and introduced two siblings and Sonic’s mother. White returned to Sonic with Samuel Vincent providing his singing voice while Robotnik was voiced by Gary Chalk.

Additionally, there was a Sonic the Hedgehog Anime OAV in Japan starring Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Eggman, and Metal Sonic. Sonic was voiced by Masami Kikuchi in Japan and Martin Burke in the US, where the OAV was marketed as Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie. The series was a commercial failure in Japan and was canceled after two episodes, so it will be released as a movie rather than episodes of a series in the US.

The latest Sonic animated television series, Sonic X is an anime in which a massive Chaos Control explosion results in Sonic and his friends being transported from his world to the human world (season 3, however, takes place primarily in Sonic’s own world ). Like the other TV series, it has an original storyline that isn’t present in any of the games, although it can be seen as an elaboration of the storylines of the Sonic Adventure games. Music from the games is used during select key moments in the series, and several animation sequences closely resemble cutscenes from the console titles. Additionally, the character designs are based on the character designs of the more recent Sonic games. Sonic is voiced by Jun’ichi Kanemaru in the Japanese version and by Jason Griffith in the English version.

books and comics

Sonic’s first comic book appearance was in a promotional comic printed in Disney Adventures magazine that established an origin for Sonic, who transformed the friendly scientist Dr. Ovi Kintobor in Evil Dr. Ivo Robotnik included. It also shockingly established that Sonic was originally Brown. Numerous British publications, including the “Sega handbook” Stay Sonic (1993), four novels published by Virgin Books (1993-1994) and the comic book Sonic the Comic (1993-2002) used this premise as a basis.

The American comic books Sonic the Hedgehog (1993–) and Sonic X (2005–), published by Archie Comics, are based on the locations of previous animated television series, the ABC animated film “SatAM” and the Sonic X anime, respectively.

Sonic manga were published in Japan.

Cameos / Popularity

Sonic has proven to be an extremely popular character. After only 3 years, it had already surpassed Nintendo’s Mario in popularity according to a Q poll in Gameplayers magazine in June 1993. Because of this popularity, he has been mentioned in different parts of the culture. One of a class of genes involved in fruit fly embryonic development called hedgehog genes was named “Sonic Hedgehog” after the character.

Other references are present in television programs. On the show Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, Ami is captured by Bigfoot in the episode “Camp Capers”. Yumi pretends to be in a video game, and she runs through a 16-bit wooded area, jumping on (and killing) a crab, then driving at a sound-deadening speed and running over a checkered loop, obviously a nod to Sonic Die Green Hill Zone of the Hedgehog. One episode of Megas XLR faked Sonic with a parade balloon named Auggie the Adorable Aardvark (who also fakes Mickey Mouse by wearing the same clothes) that was mutated and could perform Sonic attacks like the Spin Dash. In the series 15/Love, Adena and Tannis have a poster with the cover of the original game Sonic the Hedgehog hanging in their dorm room. Sonic also had a cameo appearance in the episode of The Simpsons entitled “Marge Be Not Proud” voiced by Dan Castellaneta. He appears (along with Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong, and fictional pro golfer Lee Carvallo) trying to convince Bart Simpson to steal a video game. In Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Space Ghost plays Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the guest monitor. Additionally, founder Randy Solem featured a clip from his then-recent short film, Sonic the Hedgehog in Bad Bubbles, in G4’s Attack of the Show video game director’s cut.

Sonic also appeared in films. In the 1996 film Jingle All The Way, in the scene where Jamie arrives at the parade, Sonic is featured as a character marching in the parade. In the movie Hitch, on the side of an ice cream truck is a picture of a Sonic popsicle. Sonic has also appeared in Wayne’s World.

Sonic has also appeared as a character in parades. In 1996, Sonic became the first video game character to appear in a Rose Parade. Sonic also attended the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade; The only other video game character to ever be in the parade was Pikachu.

Sonic has also been a mascot for various sports teams. Between 1993 and 1997, Sega sponsored the JEF United Ichihara Chiba soccer team. During this time, Sonic appeared on the team’s uniform. During the 1993 Formula 1 Championship, Sega sponsored WilliamsF1, which won the season. Sonic was featured in the cars, helmets and rival McLaren used to paint a crushed hedgehog after winning races over Williams. The 1993 European Grand Prix featured a Sonic balloon and Sonic billboards. The trophy was a statue of the hedgehog. He’s also done reasonably well in the annual character battle competitions held on GameFAQs.

voice output

The earliest voice of Sonic was Takeshi Kusao in the game SegaSonic the Hedgehog, a June 1993 arcade release starring Sonic the Hedgehog, Mighty the Armadillo, and Ray the Flying Squirrel.

In September 1993, DiC Entertainment cast Jaleel White, better known as the cast of the character of Steve Urkel, as Sonic in their concurrently released shows Sonic the Hedgehog and Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. White was later cast as Sonic for DiC’s 1999 show Sonic Underground.

When the Sonic the Hedgehog OVA was produced in Japan in 1996, Sonic was voiced by Masami Kikuchi. The 1999 English-language dub featured Martin Burke in Sonic’s role.

Beginning with the 1999 game Sonic Adventure, all Sonic video games feature voice acting. Sonic was played by Junichi Kanemaru, who later played Sonic in the Japanese version of Sonic X. Ryan Drummond played the role of Sonic in Sonic Adventure and reprized the role for several games. However, 4Kids Entertainment chose not to use Drummond’s voice in their US/UK dub of Sonic X, choosing their own Jason Griffith instead. Despite this, Drummond continued to provide the voice of Sonic on the series until 2005, when Sega replaced all of his Sonic voice actors with their 4Kids counterparts to keep his voice consistent across all forms of media. Effectively this meant that starting with Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Rush, Jason Griffith became the official voice actor for Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog (and Jet the Hawk in Sonic Riders). This was a controversial decision among fans of the Sonic Adventure series and the voice cast of Sonic Heroes.

Griffith’s voice was viewed negatively by some fans of the Sonic series’ legacy voice cast, as his voice for Sonic drew criticism from fans for lacking the enthusiasm that Sonic’s final voice actor, Ryan Drummond, put into the role and was unable to , to match Shadow’s personality as well as David Humphrey.

More recently, however, Sega has announced that they may no longer need the 4Kids voice actors going forward, which could result in them being fired and replaced, possibly with the original actors (other than Pollock). Ryan Drummond emailed Sega about the 4kids voices (excluding Mike Pollock) to see if they’re gone for good. If true, the original cast for the Sonic series (Ryan Drummond, David Humphrey, Scott Dreier, etc.) could return. However, Ryan understands that dealing with Sega will not be easy.



Sonic has been described as “like the wind” and is known for being free-spirited and adventurous. He enjoys relaxation but is never one to rest in the face of injustice. Extremely benevolent, he willingly takes risks to help others and will not hesitate to accept any challenge that is presented to him. However, Sonic is not generally modest when it comes to his skills; In fact, he is often portrayed as narcissistic and selfish. Britain’s Sonic the Comic portrayed him as bossy and arrogant, often making cruel jokes about his friend Tails, and characters regularly made reference to his odd sense of humor.

Sonic is an all-around fun-loving hedgehog. His favorite foods are Gumballs and Chili Dogs. He is interested in rock music and was a lead singer in his own band on the animated series Sonic Underground. Some official character pictures and a TV commercial for Sonic Adventure suggest he has a personal hobby as a DJ. Additionally, it is revealed in Sonic Rush for the Nintendo DS that Sonic also enjoys break dancing as it is one of his main ways to fill his Rush meter. His combat moves in Sonic Battle are also breakdance based, as mentioned in the attack descriptions. Finally, he breakdances in Sonic Advance 3 if he completes a level in a short enough time.


In Sonic & Knuckles, a mural deep in Angel Island’s Hidden Palace predicted the battle between Super Sonic and Eggman for the Master Emerald, which would take place in the game’s Doomsday Zone. Knuckles initially misread the mural to mean that Eggman would protect the Master Emerald from a malevolent Sonic, but he eventually realized the truth. There is also speculation that Gerald Robotnik, while studying Echidna culture, had at some point seen the mural and the lasting image played a role in the appearance of Shadow the Hedgehog, as Shadow Super looks very much like Sonic.

In Sonic the Hedgehog, Silver the Hedgehog is led to believe that Sonic is “the Iblis trigger” responsible for setting off a situation that would ruin the world. This turns out to be a half-truth created by Mephiles the Dark. The threat in question, Iblis, was sealed within Princess Elise, who had bonded emotionally with Sonic. Mephiles misinformed Silver in hopes that he would kill Sonic, which in turn would inflict enough trauma on Elise to break the seal on Iblis. The word Iblis refers to the equivalent of the devil or satan in Islamic culture.


The Games: Sonic’s home planet is Earth (although the name has varied slightly depending on minor regional differences). He resides in a location known as South Island during Sonic 1 and was (according to early written material by Sonic Team) originally born on Christmas Island.

Although Sonic always lived on Earth during the 1990s 16-bit era for players living in Japan, players elsewhere believed that Sonic’s homeworld was called “Mobius” due to localized information found in some later American and European manuals have been provided. This name comes from a mistranslation of the word “Mobius” in a 1992 Sega Visions interview with Yuji Naka; He was actually referring to a Mobius strip used in Sonic 2. However, games produced since 1999’s Sonic Adventure have clearly taken place on Earth, and all use the same story and names, regardless of the language they’re played in. Sonic Adventure 2 was the first game in the franchise to consistently use the term “Earth” in-game, a standard that still holds today. It, its remake Sonic Adventure 2: Battle and the subsequent game Shadow the Hedgehog even feature views of Earth from space.

Western Fiction: In all American and European comics, cartoons, books and some manuals published before 1999, Sonic’s home is a planet called Mobius. The long-running US Archie comic expands on the relationship between Mobius and Earth as it is revealed that Mobius was once Earth. After Xorda aliens detonated a gene bomb and nearly wiped out the entire human race, animals mutated and evolved into the various species now called “Mobians,” alongside the little humans that were left. The timeline in the Archie comic series is about 1,400 years in the future (as stated in Sonic the Hedgehog comic issue 150). UK spin-off Sonic the Comic stated that this comic’s version of Mobius is a world entirely separate from Earth and is described as Earth’s sister planet (to the point of actual Earth humans invading it ). No relationship between Earth and Mobius was established in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Underground, two other Sonic animated series.

Sonic OVA: Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie took place on a planet known as “Planet Freedom”. As the film progresses, it is explained that the world is split into two dimensions: The Land of Heaven, which is the home of Sonic and his friends, and the Land of Darkness, where Dr. Eggman resides. It is strongly implied that this planet is in fact a future earth.

Sonic X: Sonic’s Home in the Anime Series Sonic X is an unknown planet in an alternate reality that shares the same space as Earth as revealed in Episode 49. This logically suggests that the planet is in fact an alternate Earth, although this has not been explicitly confirmed. However, this planet only appears briefly in the show, with most of the action taking place first on “our” Earth and later in space.


Sonic is known as “the fastest thing on earth”, with the ability to run at speeds in excess of Mach 1. He can walk backwards as well as forwards. His super speed was not explained in the games, although according to the official American Sega website he was born with this ability. A 1991 promotional comic printed in Disney Adventures magazine and other publications established an origin story (later used in numerous UK publications including Stay Sonic and Sonic the Comic) in which his ability to walk was enhanced by training on a high-tech Treadmill was reached until it surpassed the speed of sound. Stay Sonic also gave his highest recorded speed as 761 mph, while in the Archie Comics a reply to a fan mail stated that the fastest he ever ran was Mach 2 and that in his super form he can travel at the speed of light In both Stay Sonic and the cartoon Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic’s distinctive “Power Sneaker” shoes are used to protect his feet from the heat generated by the friction of running at such speeds. Soap shoes with a similar design and color scheme were featured in Sonic Adventure 2, which introduced Sonic’s ability to grind on rails.

In the original 2D games, once Sonic reached his top speed, he ran with his arms forward. However, in the 3D titles Sonic CD and the Sonic Advance series, his top speed running animation was altered so that his arms would limp behind him and he would lean more forward. This animation is copied by most other super fast characters.

Many of its abilities are variations on hedgehogs’ tendency to roll into tight balls for protection. His primary offensive maneuver is the Spin Jump (or “Sonic Spin Attack”); When Sonic jumps, he curls up and spins around, dealing damage to all enemies that come in contact with him. This ability was enhanced in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 with the introduction of the “Insta-Shield”, which allows Sonic to temporarily surround himself with a spherical force field, giving him split-second protection and slightly increasing his attack range in the process of jumping.

He can also curl up into a ball while running, letting his momentum carry him into an equally dangerous attack. While well protected, he cannot maintain his top speed in this position, and curling limits the control he (and the player) has over his movements. Introduced in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, the “spin-dash” allows Sonic to rapidly accelerate into this role from a stationary position. Introduced in Sonic CD, the “Super Peel-Out” (also known as “Figure Eight” in the comics, so named due to the shape his feet take in the process) accelerates him in a similar manner, but allows him to run in an upright position Position and the camera stays at Sonic at maximum speed.

In the upcoming game Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic can unleash a speed boost where he’s surrounded by flames and invulnerable. His super move in Sonic Rivals has a similar effect, but it may not be the same power.

Another of Sonic’s attacks is the homing attack introduced in Sonic Adventure. Sonic performs the homing attack while mid-air while jumping, dashing towards a target in his ball form to damage or destroy them. Sonic can perform multiple homing attacks in quick succession. If he bounces off one target, he can target and attack another. Alternatively, Sonic can use the homing attack to hit a single target multiple times. Sonic can run or hop across the surface of the water, but he cannot swim. In Sonic the Hedgehog 3, a water shield allows Sonic to breathe underwater, but in the 3D Sonic games, landing in water usually means instant death. In the Fleetway comic book Sonic the Comic, his ability to swim was one of his greatest weaknesses for a long time. Sonic’s fear of water is often alluded to in the Sonic X and Sonic Underground animated series, although Sonic is able to swim in Episode 9 of Sonic X when he saves Amy from drowning. He gained this power because he dedicated himself to helping those in need, especially his friends.

In Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic can use Chaos Control like Shadow the Hedgehog, and is shown with this ability even without an actual Chaos Emerald.

Also, Sonic has shown incredible levels of strength in an episode of Sonic X. This would suggest that Sonic might have super strength, but that doesn’t apply to the actual Sonic storyline.

In Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic gains abilities like the Homing Attack (further range and straight), Bounce Attack, and Spin Dash, and gains new attacks like Slide Attack (Anti-Gravity) and Sliding Kick. Gems grant Sonic various abilities such as: Shrink (Purple Gem), which shrinks Sonic, giving him infinite jumps and camera zoom out, G.U.N. Drive (Sky Blue Gem), which causes him to follow the gem when he throws it even when it’s airborne, Homing Attack Stabilize (White Gem), which causes Sonic to stay airborne when preparing for a homing attack, and Infinite Thunder Shield (Yellow Gem).


Since the 16-bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic has had the ability to transform into an incredibly powerful form called Super Sonic. The transformation is triggered by collecting all seven Chaos Emeralds and at least fifty rings. As Super Sonic, he is even faster than normal, can jump higher, fly, and is invincible against most attacks and obstacles. Sonic’s appearance also changes; His body turns yellowish-gold, his spikes rise into a wilder array, his eyes turn red, and he physically resembles Shadow. A minor continuity error in the Super Sonic levels is that Sonic can breathe in space, obviously not needing oxygen, but can still drown underwater. It is widely speculated that Super Sonic’s visual appearance and the means used to take the form are homages to the Dragon Ball manga/anime series, in which the heroes have “Super Saiyan” forms with spiky , bright yellow hair assume quest for the seven mystical Dragon Balls, comparable to the seven Chaos Emeralds.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles introduced the even more powerful Hyper Sonic. Hyper Sonic glows the colors of the Chaos Emeralds, surrounded by glowing sparks and leaving afterimages in its wake. Unlike Super Sonic, he cannot drown underwater. He also wields the devastating “Lightning” attack, which allows him to “double jump” in any direction; When executed, it destroys all enemies on screen with a bright flash. Hyper Sonic was only available in Sonic 3 and Knuckles, which contained seven Chaos Emeralds and seven Super Emeralds instead of seven Chaos Emeralds.

In the games, Sonic is always in full control in his Super and Hyper Sonic forms. However, in Sonic the Comic, Super Sonic was portrayed as a psychopath bent on causing destruction and attacking friends as readily as enemies. In STC war es dem Igel auch möglich, sich in Super Sonic zu verwandeln, selbst wenn er sich in Zeiten großen Stresses oder Ärgers von den Chaos Emeralds entfernte, ähnlich wie die Marvel-Comic-Figur Hulk. Darüber hinaus wurde in Ausgabe Nr. 66 des Comics Archie Sonic the Hedgehog eine Ultra Sonic-Form eingeführt.

In Episode 67 der Fernsehserie Sonic X war auch Dark Super Sonic zu sehen. Ausgelöst durch seine Wut, Trauer und Angst um Cosmo und Chris, färbt diese Form Sonics Körper schwarz und umgibt ihn mit einem schwarzen Raucheffekt. Diese aufgestiegene Form von Sonic, die durch Trauer und Stress außer Kontrolle geraten war, hatte eine ähnliche Persönlichkeit wie Fleetways Super Sonic. Es erschien jedoch nur für ein paar Minuten, bis Dr. Eggman eintraf und Sonic beruhigte.



Sonics bester Freund ist ein goldroter junger Fuchs namens Miles „Tails“ Prower. Tails vergöttert Sonic und sieht ihn als Mentor, während Sonic Tails als kleinen Bruder betrachtet. Dies ist besonders weit verbreitet in der Fernsehserie Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, in der Sonic Tails aufnimmt, ein Waisenkind, das nicht weiß, wer seine Eltern sind. Diese Schwäche von Tails wird einige Male von Doktor Eggman verwendet, um ihn zu locken und zu fangen, damit er Tails als Köder verwenden kann, um Sonic zu fangen. Sonic und Tails sind selten ohne einander – sie gehen oft auf Smaragdsuche, wie in Sonic Adventure zu sehen, oder verhindern gemeinsam Eggmans Pläne. Wenn die beiden in Sonic Advance 3 als Team ausgewählt werden, werden sie als “Unbreakable Bond” bezeichnet.

In den Videospielen ist Amy Rose ein junges Mädchen, das die Rolle von Sonics Freundin spielt. Obwohl Sonic von ihren ständigen Avancen, ihn zu heiraten, ziemlich abgestoßen ist, sind die beiden seit Sonic CD gute Freunde. Wann immer Amy entführt wird, kommt er zu ihrer Rettung, wie in Sonic CD, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 und Sonic Riders zu sehen ist. Wenn die beiden in Sonic Advance 3 als Team ausgewählt werden, werden sie als “reizendes Paar” beschrieben, aber während Amy die Arme mit Sonic verschränkt, schwitzt Sonic erfreut und sieht aus, als würde er es nicht genießen, mit ihr zusammen zu sein. Trotzdem weiß er all die Male zu schätzen, die Amy für ihn durchgehalten hat, wie zum Beispiel in einer Szene in Sonic the Hedgehog, in der Amy ihn davor beschützt hat, von Silver angegriffen zu werden.

Ein weiterer Freund von Sonic ist Knuckles the Echidna. Sie trafen zum ersten Mal als Feinde in Sonic 3 aufeinander, und obwohl sie jetzt Verbündete sind, kann man sie normalerweise kämpfend finden. Knuckles und Sonic sind beide gute Freunde, aber auch Rivalen und gleichermaßen mächtig (oder besser gesagt, Sonics Geschwindigkeit ist genauso ausgewogen wie die Stärke von Knuckles), was erklärt, warum es in ihren Kämpfen nie ein endgültiges siegreiches Ende gab. Obwohl er auf Sonics abenteuerlichen Lebensstil neidisch ist, mag Knuckles Sonics sorglose Natur immer noch nicht. Auf der anderen Seite sieht Sonic Knuckles viel zu ernst und vielleicht sogar ein bisschen dickköpfig und bezeichnet ihn gelegentlich als “Knucklehead”. Wenn die beiden in Sonic Advance 3 als Team ausgewählt werden, werden sie als “Fighting Buddies” bezeichnet.

Sonic ist auch mit Cream the Rabbit, einem sechsjährigen Mädchen, befreundet. Sonic does not converse with her very much, as they do not seem to share many interests. As is seen in Sonic Advance 2, he is very impressed by her manners. In addition, the two of them seemed to make the biggest connection to Blaze the Cat in Sonic Rush.

Blaze the Cat is a princess brought to Sonic’s world from another dimension. At first, the other characters suggest she should seek Sonic’s help – Blaze denies this and wonders why they are so dependent on him. However, through working with Sonic in order to save the universe from Eggman and Eggman Nega, Blaze learns the value of friendship, and before she goes back to her own dimension, she promises to meet him again. Similar to Sonic’s transformation with the Chaos Emeralds, she has the ability to transform into Burning Blaze using the Sol Emeralds from her world.

Emerl had a sort of father-son relationship with Sonic. The two became close friends, with Sonic helping Emerl “grow up”. At the end of Sonic Battle, when Emerl was near death, Sonic was in obvious emotional turmoil, though he never expressed sadness, rather distress.

The three comical detectives known as Team Chaotix do not seem to know Sonic very well, despite the fact that Vector the Crocodile, the group’s leader, was originally conceived as Sonic’s bandmate in the very first Sonic game. They do however seem to have a friendly relationship and they were able to work together to defeat Metal Sonic without a problem.

Princess Elise is the princess of Soleanna, and vessel of the Flames of Disaster. They first meet in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), when Sonic saves her from getting kidnapped by Dr. Eggman. As they are together, Sonic’s company makes Elise truly happy ever since her father dies. When Sonic dies, she even brings him back to life with a kiss, also turning him into Super Sonic. This is the first time Sonic’s ever been this close to a female character emotionally. Whether or not something may develop between them in the future is still uncertain. Still, it is unlikely for any relationship to continue, as during Sonic the Hedgehog, their memories of each other were erased along with the complete story line.

Enemies and rivals

Sonic’s eternal enemy is Dr. Eggman, also known as Doctor Robotnik. Eggman is a brilliant scientist who uses his numerous machines to attempt to conquer the world, but Sonic has always intervened. Sonic originally fought Dr. Eggman because he was turning his animal friends into robotic slaves, known as Badniks in the West. The oppostion between Sonic and Eggman symbolises the conflict between technology and nature. After that, Eggman tried multiple times to conquer the Earth by using the Chaos Emeralds, Time Stones and Master Emerald. Often, these would be used to power Robotnik’s huge Mech suits, gigantic and incredibly powerful images of himself. However, in the recent games, Dr. Eggman has taken a different approach, using warships and even a nuclear missile in his bid to conquer the world.

Sonic’s first friendly rival was Knuckles, who fought to deter the Hedgehog’s progress in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. It has also taken place in the Archie Comics, Fleetway Comics, Sonic X and in Sonic Underground. This rivalry sparked many battles, both in the video games and the TV Series. In all continuities, this stems from a misunderstanding, usually prompted by Knuckles falling victim to deception from various villains. Virtually every video game in which Knuckles appeared in featured at least one battle between the two, the tradition ending in Sonic Adventure 2. In later games, Sonic and Knuckles’ rivalry becomes more friendly, even developing into a sort of competition, which serves as a side plot for the game Sonic Rivals.

One of Sonic’s major rivals is Shadow the Hedgehog, the “Ultimate Life Form”. They became rivals in Sonic Adventure 2, and they have fought and argued with each other whenever they meet in every game since. They fight for different reasons, yet have similar opinions about each other. Sonic finds Shadow to be violent, humorless, and arrogant, while Shadow finds Sonic to be foolhardy, irritating, and arrogant. However, near the end of Sonic Adventure 2, Shadow willingly fought the Biolizard to allow Sonic to go with Knuckles to stop the Chaos Emeralds. In Sonic Heroes, they joined forces in the battle against Metal Sonic.

Before Shadow’s introduction, Metal Sonic was one of Sonic’s fiercest adversaries. During the older days, Eggman tried to beat Sonic at his own game by creating numerous Sonic robots to destroy his nemesis. Though they all tried and failed, Metal Sonic was by far Eggman’s most successful creation, having the same capabilities as his counterpart. Even with Shadow in the spotlight now, Metal Sonic still remains a serious threat, as the storyline in Sonic Heroes demonstrated. In the game, Metal Sonic became so powerful that only three Super forms could defeat him. Sonic later vows to battle him again in the final cutscene.

Another one of Sonic’s rivals is Jet the Hawk from Sonic Riders. Jet mocks him for being inexperienced with Extreme Gear (an air powered hovercraft that comes in the form of skateboards, motorcycles & rollerblades) and does not respect Sonic’s title of “fastest thing alive”, sparking a rivalry between them. Later, after Sonic beats Jet in a race, they become more friendly, but are still competitive as racing rivals.

Black Doom is also one of Sonic’s enemies, along with the Black Arms aliens who try to invade Earth in search of the Chaos Emeralds. While Black Doom is primarily Shadow the Hedgehog’s main enemy, (or ally, depending on the route the player takes) Black Doom is still considered one of Sonic’s enemies due to his actions against innocent people. (It should be noted that Black Doom sees humanity as being far from innocent; however, this is likely little more than justification for Black Doom’s plan to use humans as a food source for the Black Arms.) Sonic can battle Black Doom along with Shadow in one of the game’s boss battles against him.

In Sonic the Hedgehog for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, a new character with vast psychic abilities by the name Silver the Hedgehog makes his first appearence. Silver comes from the future, where he was misinformated by Mephiles the Dark, who told him Sonic was the Iblis Trigger, and would cause a world wide catastrophe; this was only half-true, as while Princess Elise was the real Iblis Trigger, it was Sonic’s death (achieved by Mephiles) that caused her to cry and release Iblis; this was the reason why Mephiles tricked Silver. Though Sonic does battle Silver when the first meet, Silver soon figures out that Sonic is not the real Iblis Trigger, and the two hedgehogs set aside their differences.

Love life

Sonic X: Sonic’s relationship with Amy Rose is further developed in Sonic X than in the games. In this version the two share a more mutual friendship and work together far more often. Sonic even promises Amy a date at one time (however, this is only in the English dub), and numerous times the two are more intimate.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: The cartoon featured a beautiful, robotic (unbeknownst to Sonic) girlfriend named Breezie Hedgehog. Breezie abused Sonic, asking him for impossible things, exhausting his infatuation with her to capture and trap him by order of Robotnik. Breezie realized she was wrong and set Sonic free, this time being sincere with Sonic. As time passed, she would later end up having a relationship with Robotnik Jr.

SatAM: In the Saturday morning cartoon, Sonic’s love interest is Princess Sally Acorn. The two share a co-leadership role of the Freedom Fighters and parent/sibling/aunt type roles over Tails. Sonic and Sally are the same age and often do missions together against Robotnik. Although the two have obvious crushes for each other, they had opposite personalities that conflict, because of which they had a hard time admitting their affections. Sally finds Sonic to be too carefree and an airhead, while Sonic finds her to be serious and prissy. However, in the final episode, the two kiss.

Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comic: The main American Sonic comic ( Archie Comics) has by far the most complex love triangles of all Sonic related media. Love interests within the series include Sally Acorn, Amy Rose, Mina Mongoose and Fiona Fox. For more details on this topic, see Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie character).

Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic: Early appearances of Amy Rose in the UK comic portray her as being so enamored with Sonic that she openly lies about being his girlfriend, leading to her being captured by Robotnik’s forces for consorting with an outlaw. After being rescued, she joins Sonic’s Freedom Fighters and repeatedly teases and pesters Sonic with her affections. Writer Nigel Kitching intended to create an air of ambiguity as to whether or not she really doted over Sonic, was just winding him up for fun, or both. However, this was played down and finally dropped entirely as time went on – largely as a result of the ” Girl Power” phenomenon sweeping the United Kingdom – and Amy transitioned from being a lovesick hanger-on into a capable, intelligent hero in her own right.

Alternate versions

Archie’s Sonic comic features Sonic with alternate dimensional versions of himself. One such version is known as Evil Sonic who hails from Anti-Mobius in a parallel dimension. He is as brash and arrogant as Sonic, but is self-important, ruthless, and sadistic with a desire for mayhem, truly making him Sonic’s opposite or “Anti-Sonic.” Archie’s Sonic comic recently bore witness to an evolution of Evil Sonic when he tried to siphon off energy from the Master Emerald, evolving into what he now calls himself, Scourge the Hedgehog.

Another version of Sonic that has happened is Sonic’s temporary separation of Super Sonic as his own entity. When Sonic was lost in the vastness of space, he came across a an alien planet that had six red Chaos Emeralds. Unlike the original green Chaos Emeralds on his homeworld, these split him in two with Super Sonic becoming is own entity obsessed with power and destruction, and Sonic himself trying to stop the new menace that he unleashed. But like the original Chaos Emeralds, the effects were only temporary, thus the seperate entity vanished.

In the Archie comics, Sonic’s real name is revealed to be Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog. He tries desperately to protect that information, possibly out of embarrassment. This name is not canon (official) in the game continuity, however, and he is simply known as Sonic the Hedgehog in the games. It is unknown why his name was changed in the comics.

In Sonic the Comic, Sonic encounters an alternate reality where he became evil instead of Kintobor. King Sonic and his Badniks ruled this alternate Mobius until Sonic forced him to turn into Super Sonic, who (in his reality) was a mellow hippie.

Theme Songs

In the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon series, the opening theme, which was mostly about Sonic, was called Fastest Thing Alive, though in the shows he was often accompanied by music similar to the main theme from Back to the Future, ironic since Sonic often left flame trails behind him in the cartoon similar to those of the time machine in the aforementioned film.

Sonic Adventure : “It Doesn’t Matter” – Tony Harnell.

: “It Doesn’t Matter” – Tony Harnell. Sonic Adventure 2 : “It Doesn’t Matter”(remake) – Tony Harnell.

: “It Doesn’t Matter”(remake) – Tony Harnell. Sonic Heroes : “We Can” – Tony Harnell, Ted Poley. This was a team theme shared with Tails and Knuckles.

: “We Can” – Tony Harnell, Ted Poley. This was a team theme shared with Tails and Knuckles. Sonic Riders : “High Flying Groove” – Tomonori Sawada. This was also a team theme shared with Tails and Knuckles.

: “High Flying Groove” – Tomonori Sawada. This was also a team theme shared with Tails and Knuckles. Sonic the Hedgehog: “His World” – Zebrahead

Are knuckles real?

His creator is Takashi Thomas Yuda. He is a red echidna, and while Sonic has quills, Knuckles has red dreadlocks. He is between 16 – 29 years old, 110 cm (3 ft 7 in), and weighs 40 kg (88 lb).
Knuckles the Echidna
Gender Male
Age 16
Place of birth Angel Island Mobius
Fur color Red
13 thg 12, 2021

How to Summon Creepypastas!

From WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia.

Knuckles the Echidna Gender Male Age 16 Birthplace Angel Island Möbius Coat Color Red Eye Color Purple

The 2D model of Knuckles.

The classic design from Knuckles.

Sonic Boom design by Knuckles.

Knuckle’s film design.

Knuckles is a character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series of video games, television shows, and comics. Some of his nicknames include “Knuckie” (Rouge’s pet name for him in the animated series Sonic X), “Rad Red”, “Knux” and “Knucklehead”. Its creator is Takashi Thomas Yuda.

He is a red echidna, and while Sonic has spikes, Knuckles has red dreadlocks. He is between 16 and 29 years old, 110 cm tall and weighs 40 kg.[1] His birthday is probably February 2nd, the date his first game came out.[2] Two of the knuckles on each of his hands are actually sharp spikes. His name also shows his descent from the old Knuckles Warrior clan. He is one of the strongest characters in the series (reportedly as strong as Sonic is fast). He also has the ability to glide by trapping air under his dreadlocks and is highly skilled in a variety of martial arts forms.


Knuckles is honest, independent, headstrong, devoted to his duty and often gullible. He is very serious and usually enjoys being alone, but can be counted on to lend a hand when the planet needs to be saved. In all versions of the Sonic universe, Knuckles has some form of rivalry with Sonic. He seems jealous of his independence and freedom.[3] Easily tricking Knuckles into believing Sonic is the villain has become a recurring theme in the Sonic universe.

Knuckles’ personality varies by universe – the Knuckles of the Sega games are extremely stubborn and true to his duty, though he saves the world with Sonic and company far more often than his counterparts in other continuities. He is easily tricked into walking into traps. Knuckles is said to be shy in his bio in Sonic Jam, which doesn’t align with the new games but may be supported by the way he’s clumsy with girls like Amy, Blaze, and especially Rouge in Sonic Adventure 2, he claims Before the Pumpkin Hill level, he is not afraid of ghosts, but before he fights King Boom Boo, he reveals his true fear.

The Knuckles of the Sonic anime is a devoted treasure hunter (perhaps because the story doesn’t involve Chaos Emeralds), almost carefree and quite goofy at times. He’s supposed to be Sonic’s best friend, but he’s still more serious than Sonic and he knows his priorities.

The Knuckles of Archie Comics is the Master Emerald’s devoted guardian, and while he’s more grumpy, he’s perhaps also more talkative and sarcastic, as he’s not a social loner like his other portrayals.

The Knuckles of Fleetway becomes even more devoted to his duty as a guardian, to the point of obsession. He finds Sonic’s heightened ego somewhat disgusting and is an extreme loner. He’s quicker to anger, slower to trust, and a little less gullible than usual. Not only does he guard the Master Emerald, but also the Chaos Emeralds.

The Knuckles of Sonic X gets angry very easily, but is slightly less stubborn than other incarnations and tends to give in to situations where others ally with him. He’s probably the most gullible version of Knuckles, perhaps because of the comedy factor that’s in Sonic X. Maybe he’s less focused on his duty as a Guardian, but Angel Island wasn’t there to protect him in the show’s first season anyway. Knuckles spent most of season one traveling alone, resulting in a lack of screen time. Although there was at least one episode this season that focused on Knuckles as the main character, in a small side story where he eventually came into possession of a Chaos Emerald (the red one to be precise, a possible pun on Knuckles’ own body color). He also likes cheese and crackers.

The Knuckles of Sonic Underground is quite gullible as seen when Sleet and Dingo lead him to believe that Sonic and his siblings Sonia and Manic have come to steal the Master Emerald. Knuckles explains what happened after Sonic saved his life. Knuckles is then happy and generous to The Hedgehogs.

history of games

Spoiler alert: Plot and/or ending details to follow.

Knuckles lives on Angel Island, which is floating in the sky thanks to the power of the Master Emerald he is assigned to guard. Knuckles is the last surviving member of the Echidna people that once inhabited the island. Due to his rather remote location and the fact that he rarely strays far from his duty, Knuckles is often alone and can therefore be quite antisocial and suspicious, but on the other hand he is often quite gullible. An example of this credulity is the belief he held during Sonic the Hedgehog 3: that Sonic and Tails were trying to steal the Master Emerald, and that the infamous mad scientist Dr. Robotnik tried to protect him.

dr Robotnik, of course, had lied to Knuckles and planned to use the Emerald to power his space station, the Death Egg. In the Hidden Palace Zone (from Sonic & Tails’ perspective), Robotnik’s betrayal was revealed to him very bluntly in the form of electrocution. Knuckles then joined Sonic and Tails to stop the villain.

Knuckles has been a (sometimes reluctant) friend of Sonic and Tails ever since, sharing many of their adventures, being coached by Dr. Robotnik is tricked and attracts the thieving gaze of a certain white bat named Rouge, who is trying to steal the Master Emerald himself (Sonic Adventure 2).

Aside from appearances in the main Sonic series, Knuckles had a prominent role in Knuckles Chaotix, a relatively unknown spin-off title developed for the Sega 32X. The game also introduced Team Chaotix, a group of weird misfits.

In Sonic & Knuckles / Sonic 3 & Knuckles / Knuckles in Sonic 2, Knuckles can use the Chaos Emeralds to become Super and transform into Super Knuckles. In Sonic 3 & Knuckles, he can use the Super Emeralds to transform into Hyper Knuckles.

In Shadow the Hedgehog, he helps out in the Glyphic Canyon, Central City, and Black Comet levels, as well as in the Black Comet Egg Dealer boss fight.

Fleetway History

Knuckles is a character from Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic.

In Sonic the Comic, Knuckles is portrayed (at first) as the last of his kind, bearing the burden of guarding the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds alone. When the Death Egg crashed on the island, Knuckles was briefly tricked by Doctor Robotnik into believing Sonic was a dangerous villain plotting to steal the island’s Chaos Emeralds. The Echidna thus allowed Robotnik to place his Badnik armies on the island and also establish a starting base zone to rebuild his Death Egg and aided him in fighting Sonic and stealing Sonic’s own six Chaos Emeralds to use with Knuckles could be combined into a set of Emeralds (the original state of Chaos Emeralds). However, Knuckles didn’t trust Robotnik enough to tell him that the Master Emerald – who could control the others – was on the island, and when Robotnik attempted to absorb the Emerald’s power within himself, Knuckles used the Master Emerald to injure him defeat.

Knuckles spent the next few months destroying every trace of Robotnik’s hold on the Floating Island, including the entire Carnival Night Zone, assisting Sonic both when his secret base was attacked by a Badnik army and when Robotnik established a base in built in the Ice Cap Zone. Eventually, the two heroes teamed up to destroy the Death Egg before it could launch – which they failed to do, and worse, Knuckles had failed to stop Robotnik’s Metallix from stealing the Master Emerald to launch the Death to power Egg! While Sonic struggled to recover the Emerald, Knuckles used ancient Echidna technology to pilot the floating island and open fire on the Death Egg with Chaos energy beams, eventually bringing down the ship.

With the return of the Master Emerald, Knuckles owed Sonic and agreed to hide the entire Emerald Hill Zone population in the Mushroom Hill Zone, although he preferred privacy to protect them from Robotnik’s wrath. While the arrangement was generally stress-free, when Robotnik was brought down, the villagers were quick to demand to be taken back home.

In the story “The Homecoming,” Knuckles discovered that an elderly white-furred echidna named Dr. Zachary appeared on the floating island. Claiming to be the first of the race to return to Mobius, he was being pursued by a dangerous robot, but it turned out that Zachary was evil and was using the robot (actually an ancient Echidna guardian robot) as his servant. He had the robot destroy the Master Emerald and absorb its power, and caused the island to crash while destroying Mobius, but Knuckles stopped him (using the robot’s head as a brief replacement for Emerald). Zachary apparently perished falling off the island, but later returned with a part-robot body and went to work for Robotnik. It was implied that he knew where the echidnas had gone, but his story was left unfinished by the end of the comic.

Knuckles retrieved a new emerald from the echidna’s sacred emerald mines located in a haunted graveyard. In doing so, he must confront the spirit of the Koyunhi, a race of Styrakosaurus unknowingly being hunted to extinction by the Echidnas, and take responsibility for their deaths. He was then enlisted to help Captain Plunder and his Sky Pirates launch a raid on an alien galleon in exchange for a chest of ancient Echidna documents that could help him with the island’s ancient computer systems. Knuckles wandered Mobius with the chest, fighting the occasional villain along the way before finally returning to the island. When Robotnik was overthrown, Knuckles spent his days with Porker Lewis uncovering the mysteries of his lost people.

Knuckles is also one of the few who knows of Tails’ legendary status in the Nameless Zone, a fact he became aware of while following Tails through a portal, mistakenly believing the young fox was being kidnapped. The residents of the Nameless Zone concluded that Knuckles was actually Sonic, who Tails had claimed was his sidekick. Far from blowing Tails’ cover, Knuckles was delighted to meet people who didn’t worship his rival and played along.

The final STC story revealed that the ancient echidnas were at war with the alien Drakon Empire that invented the Chaos Emeralds; Knuckles was then alive and serving as the leader of the Echidna army. It is suspected by Sonic that Knuckles was put into suspended animation for unknown reasons and lost his memory. Nigel Kitching’s original plan was to reveal that the outcome of the war was that the Dracons were pushed back, but the only surviving echidnas were Drakon slaves scattered across the Empire (and that Zachary was one of those echidnas).

Archie story

In the American comic published by Archie Comics, Knuckles is the sixteenth guardian of the floating island.

Knuckles lived alone at first, his aim in life being to protect it for many years until he learned of its noble heritage and the whereabouts of his people. His place in life was set centuries before he was born as a descendant of Edmund, who would be the first guardian.

Locke, the father of Knuckles, would marry Lara-le of the House of Arian. After a few years of marriage, Knuckles was born. However, without his wife’s knowledge or consent, Locke would expose Knuckle’s egg to large doses of chaos radiation. The intention behind this was to create a Warden that surpassed the skills of his ancestors. Locke also experimented on himself before Knuckles’ birth to achieve this result.

After Knuckles hatched from his egg, it wasn’t long before he displayed an intellect and abilities very unusual for children his age. At the age of three, Locke decided that Knuckles would be trained to be the next Warden. The decision clashed with Lara-le’s idea of ​​raising her son and the argument would end their marriage. However, Locke would win custody of Knuckles and at the age of five, Locke would remove Knuckles and himself from Echidna society and return to the floating island.

Due to an event that happened two centuries earlier, the inhabitants of the floating island, including echidnas, moved to another zone for safety. So when they returned to the island, their first thing would be to get the refugees, including their people, back to the floating island. During this time he prepared Knuckles to live alone as guardian.

Throughout his childhood secret friend was Princess Sally, who accompanied her father to visit and converse with Locke, the current guardian. Like Sally, Knuckles was to a degree reclusive as a child, studying history, math, geography, science, and other subjects a guardian needed to know in order to do his job effectively.

When Knuckles was ten, Locke traveled to the Forbidden Zone, confident that Knuckles might be the next Guardian. Locke would join the Brotherhood in Haven. The Brotherhood involving several of the Sixteen Wardens.

Years would pass, and Knuckles would be the Warden his father hoped for. Princess Sally is now unable to see Knuckles as Robotnik has taken over her father’s town. Knuckles’ only friend who is occasionally approachable at this point would be the cockatoo, Catweazle. He later befriended Vector, Espio, Mighty, and Charmy – soon to be members of the Chaotix.

He would also be cared for by Archimedes, the fire ant. Guardians had previously relied on fire ants for this purpose. Knuckles would not long after meeting his mentor find a confrontation in Enerjak, who would be revealed to be Dimitri. Dimitri is the leader of Knuckles’ longstanding threat to Knuckles and his friends, the Dark Legion.

Since then, Echidnaopolis has been repatriated to the floating island, Knuckles learned of his parentage, has been reunited with his family, and still struggles with his personal life. Knuckles carries the weight of being a living Chaos Emerald while trying to be a normal guy. Attempts shown included his relationship with Julie-su and friends. As for his family, Lara-le has remarried and has one child (Kneecapeon–Mace) and his father is a bachelor.

During what fans commonly refer to as the “Green Knuckles saga,” Knuckles undertook an evolution that altered his pigment and awakened greater powers. However, Knuckles at the end of this arc would die using these powers to fight Mammoth Mogul and protect his former enemy Dimitri. Knuckles returned to life, rejecting the ability to become one with the Chaos Force. The result was that Knuckles lost his powers after thwarting an earthquake on the battlefields with the Xodra.

After this, Knuckles was not allowed to return to Angel Island, but eventually received clearance to pass Sally. That’s when he found out what Robotnik had done to people in his absence. The echidnas had been enslaved, and the dingo population carried out Robotnik’s commands in a manner not dissimilar to Nazi Germany. Knuckles would confront Robotnik about transforming into Super Knuckles and regain his powers, and people would praise him as an avatar. It was this adventure that made Knuckles awake that the rest of the world suffered like his people. The recognition and empathy for this would give him the will to expand his services beyond Angel Island, much to the displeasure of his father, Locke.[4]

love life

With Rouge the Bat

In the video games since Sonic Adventure 2, Knuckles seems to have a slight crush on Rouge the Bat, which he tries not to show, and Rouge is confirmed to have a crush on him. In Sonic Adventure 2, he saved Rouge when she lost her footing and was about to (presumably) fall into lava. While this could be considered normal “hero” behavior and that Knuckles was just trying to salvage the Master Emerald’s pieces, the Master Emerald is a very powerful gem and would have survived a journey through lava. Knuckles later told Rouge, “I’m sorry…if I hurt you…”. For these reasons, and the fact that this is the relationship most alluded to throughout the franchise, Knuckles and Rouge is a very popular pairing in the fandom.

In Sonic X, Knuckles and Rouge’s relationship is more advanced, both having regular encounters and conversations in a romantic direction. Episodes 52 and 73 through 78 drop several hints that they might be taking things further.

In Sonic Generations, their relationship appears to be friendly. It’s possible that during Sonic’s birthday party, they either didn’t want to fight or finally got over their issues and became friends.

With non-game characters

Like Sonic, Knuckles had a history of girlfriend relationships outside of game-related continuities. In the Archie comic, Knuckles fell in love with a female echidna named Julie-Su because they were meant for each other, although he also showed romantic affections for Sally Acorn for a time. In the comic’s M25YL alternate history, Knuckles and Julie Su are together (not married, as both characters do not believe in ceremonies to prove their bond to one another) and have a child, Lara Su (although it is emphasized that this is possible or alternate futures in the comic, see Alternate Selves below).

In the television series Sonic Underground, Knuckles showed interest in Sonic’s sister, Sonia the Hedgehog. Also, in the Sonic anime, Sara is said to have a crush on Knuckles, when he saves her from death she says “Thank you, Mr. Mole!” (a mistake is that Knuckles is called a mole in the movie) and kisses him. Later, Tails asks Knuckles if he will stop a flow of magma from destroying the arctic caps, but Knuckles is reluctant. But Sara then says, “Would you try for me, brave man?” and gives him a kiss. Knuckles blushes and yells “YES, MA’AM!”, then goes off to stop the magma.


The physically strongest character in the series, Knuckles is extremely powerful. His practically monstrous strength allows him to perform amazing feats such as: B. Punching holes right through thick steel, breaking boulders into pieces, and lifting objects many times its own size and weight. His super strength appears to reside in his torso, particularly his arms and hands (or fists). He also possesses near-maximum stamina; able to endure severe punishment. Knuckles’ punches are incredibly powerful and he can attack with Fire Punches as shown in the games Sonic Advance 1, 2 and 3, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes and Sonic Battle (however, in Sonic Adventure 2, Knuckles needs the Hammer Gloves to attack with Fire Blasts).

Knuckles is also very fast on his feet, but still not quite as fast as Sonic or Shadow. Though some fans insist his strength makes up for it.

Knuckles can glide in the air by seemingly trapping the air beneath his dreadlocks, and so far he’s the only one who knows how to access and use the Master Emerald’s powers other than Tikal the Echidna. He can also sense the Chaos Emeralds from afar.

Like Sonic and Shadow, Knuckles can become Super Knuckles with either the Chaos Emeralds or the Master Emerald (although it has never been seen in any of the recent or 3D games). Also in the comics, Knuckles gained the ability to access the Chaos power, allowing him to perform Chaos-based abilities without the use of Emeralds. Unlike Sonic, Knuckles can swim. He can also “glide” on the water surface.

Game-Specific Skills

In Sonic Adventure, Knuckles can use the Maximum Heat Knuckles Attack to perform a punching version of Sonic’s Light Speed ​​Attack.

In Sonic & Knuckles/Sonic 3 & Knuckles/Knuckles in Sonic 2, Knuckles doesn’t have the ability to jump quite as high as Sonic or Tails. This is very evident when successfully using the Level Select code to play as Knuckles in the Sonic & Knuckles version of Death Egg Zone, which is normally only accessible to Sonic and Tails. Knuckles can only clear the level by using the debug code.

In Sonic Heroes, Knuckles can use a move called Fire Dunk, where he uses Sonic and Tails as fireballs to destroy their enemies.

, Knuckles can use a move called Fire Dunk, where he uses Sonic and Tails as fireballs to destroy their enemies. In Sonic Heroes, Knuckles can slam the ground and trigger tremors to attack enemies. The range and power increases as Knuckles collects Energy Cores. At level 3, Knuckles can cause a small volcanic eruption and spit fireballs at all enemies.

, Knuckles can slam the ground and induce tremors to attack enemies. The range and power increases as Knuckles collects Energy Cores. At level 3, Knuckles can cause a small volcanic eruption and spit fireballs at all enemies. Knuckles can use the mystical melody that does something when played in front of a certain type of object.

In the game Sonic Riders, Knuckles is a power character and can smash his way through certain obstacles. If someone gets close to him or he catches up with them, he will smack the opponent and the victim will lose all their rings (and will be slowed).

In Sonic the Fighters, Knuckles can activate the Knuckles special where he spins around the opponent and punches them until they fall.

In Sonic & Knuckles, Knuckles has the ability to glide while his spikes expand and capture the air. This move reappears in Sonic Heroes under the name “Triangle Dive”. Knuckles holds on to Sonic and Tails and glides along with his dreadlocks. With this movement and huge fans, it’s possible to soar to the top instead of floating down.

In Sonic Adventure 2, collecting 20 rings allows him to hit the ground and stun the opponent, collecting 40 rings allows him to perform a move called Thunder Arrow that shocks the opponent and makes him dizzy, collecting 60 Wrestling allows him to perform a move called Red Flash and the opponent cannot move for 30 seconds. (All these moves can only be done in 2-player mode.)


Like Sonic and Shadow, Knuckles has the ability to charge himself with the Chaos Emeralds and become Super Knuckles, he can also use Sonic 3 & Knuckles’ Super Emeralds and become Hyper Knuckles. As both, he is in a pink form, an indication of his increasing power. Like Hyper Sonic, Hyper Knuckles has an afterimage effect. When he moves, 5 split afterimages of him appear.

When in super form, Knuckles becomes invincible and all of his powers and natural abilities are boosted to their full limit. Super Knuckles can run twice as fast, is twice as strong and can climb walls and fly twice as fast. In the final battle of Sonic Heroes, Super Knuckles could also shoot fireballs from his fists. As Hyper Knuckles, he can destroy all enemies on screen by sliding into a wall and shaking the ground. He also had the ability to fly at high speeds without staying airborne long enough to reach speed when normal. Hyper Knuckles also cannot drown.

In the Archie comics, Knuckles can use 7 Chaos Emeralds to transform into Hyper Knuckles and use the Master Emerald to transform into Super Knuckles. (In Sonic the Hedgehog #141, the term “Hyper Knuckles” was dropped in favor of “Super Knuckles” for his first transformation, correlating with the naming convention used by the games.) Appearing in a pink form as both Knuckles, and Super Knuckles has the same powers as in the games. In Archie, Knuckles could also transform into a green-colored Chaos Knuckles. Chaos Knuckles was incredibly powerful, he had all sorts of Chaos powers and he overloaded two Chaos Siphons. His Chaos powers included Chaos Blasts, teleportation, time and space travel, healing abilities, mind control, and a few others. This was Knuckles’ most powerful form, but he lost this power upon coming back from death. Chaos Knuckles was the most powerful Chaos being on Mobius when he appeared.



The references to the family are in the American comic book storyline in the Archie comic and in the animated film Sonic Underground. These are as follows:

alternate self

Like several characters in the Archie Comics continuity, Knuckles has been depicted with multiple counterparts in other realities. These counterparts include Anti-Knuckles, an anti-universe version of Knuckles, the evil version of the main Sonic universe. Anti-Knuckles, like Knuckles, guards the Master Emerald, but in his dimension, he lives on the sunken underwater island. This version of Knuckles has an Irish accent, wears a beret and, unlike his classic counterpart, is pacifist. Only matters of major importance are likely to get him into a fight, but when he does, Anti-Knuckles is no pushover. Anti-Knuckles initially maintained an isolationist position in his world until Evil Sonic tricked him into going into his counterpart’s world. After realizing his mistake, Anti-Knuckles became a fierce opponent of the villain Evil Sonic.

Knuckles also has a counterpart named Tuxedo Knux from a Sailor Moon version of Mobius. This version of Knuckles wears the tuxedo, cape, and mask of the character Tuxedo Mask, and his weapon is also a thrown rose. This version is also Sally Moon’s boyfriend, the Sally Acorn of this dimension.

Two other versions of Knuckles are from Alternate Futures. In the future that Knuckles’ daughter Lara-Su first appeared from, Knuckles went insane after absorbing a massive amount of Chaos energy. Julie-Su lied to her daughter about her father’s fate, saying that he had been killed. In reality, Knuckles had become the leader of the Dark Legion and was leading them in place of Enerjak. Another future version of Knuckles from the story of Mobius: 25 Years Later is also different. This Knuckles is Julie-Su’s husband, but not polite because Knuckles “believes in obligation, not ceremony”. He is also Lara-Su’s father, but one she actually knows. The two fight constantly because Lara wants to be the next Warden, but Knuckles doesn’t want her to do it. This Knuckles also has a cybernetic right eye as Sonic tried to stop him with a device he didn’t know how to work due to Knuckles becoming Chaos Knuckles again. Knuckles also doesn’t get along with Sonic at all, with an unspeakable amount of bad blood between them. Knuckles also serves a more political function as Angel Island’s guardian.

It can be assumed that other versions of Knuckles exist, but they have not been encountered. In fact, of the members of Team Sonic (Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles), Knuckles is the only one who hasn’t joined forces with countless other selves to combat a massive threat. This is probably because the storyline would be cliche since it would be used for the third time.

The fight: Sonic vs. Knuckles

Since the introduction of Knuckles, almost every Sonic continuity has featured him in the most cliched scene in Sonic history: the recurring and unfinished battle between Sonic and Knuckles. Because of their differences, the two get into arguments again and again, which then leads to physical fisticuffs. However, they end the fight in a draw or something serves to pause the fight before it’s over, leaving fans curious to see who is the stronger of the two. Ähnlich wie die Idee, dass sich einer oder mehrere der Charaktere niederlassen und heiraten, ist das Ende des wiederkehrenden Kampfes und der endgültige Sieger eines der Dinge, die wahrscheinlich nie passieren werden.

Der Kampf ist in Spielen, Comics und Fernsehserien aufgetaucht. Bis Sonic Adventure 2 kommt es in praktisch jedem Spiel mit Knuckles vor. Es erschien auch in den Sonic-Comics von Fleetway und Archie, wobei letztere sogar einen Kampf zwischen Sonic und Knuckles’ aufgeladenen Ichs, Super Sonic und “Hyper” Knuckles, enthielten. Es ist auch während Knuckles ‘Einführungsepisode von Sonic Underground und mehrmals während Sonic X aufgetreten.

Trotz der Rivalität von Sonic & Knuckles und der ständigen Scharmützel, in die sie sich verwickeln, schließen sie sich schließlich zusammen. Wenn Sonic & Knuckles Seite an Seite kämpfen, bilden sie eine der imposantesten Kräfte, die man jemals das Pech haben kann, gegen sie anzutreten.

Diese Rivalität zwischen zwei Helden ist auch wie viele andere Rivalitäten in Anime, Manga und Videospielen, zum Beispiel Kai Hiwatari und Tyson Granger von Beyblade und Uzumaki Naruto und Uchiha Sasuke von Naruto.


In Sonic Adventure heißt der Titelsong von Knuckles „Unknown from M.E.“ Es ist eine Mischung aus Rap, Jazz und anderen Musikstilen.

In und Sonic Adventure 2 ist der Titelsong von Knuckles ebenfalls „Unknown from M.E.“, aber er hat eine etwas andere Melodie und einige zusätzliche Texte.

In Sonic Heroes, Knuckles ‘Team, Team Sonic, heißt die Titelmelodie “We Can” und erwähnt ihn aktiv in den Zeilen. “Und Knuckles an unserer Seite macht die Fahrt sicherer.”

In Sonic Riders ist Knuckles ‘Thema, das mit Sonic und Tails geteilt wird, ein Instrumental namens “High Flying Groove”.


In Sonic X und jedem neuen Sonic-Spiel, beginnend mit Shadow the Hedgehog, wird Knuckles von Dan Green geäußert.

In Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Battle und Sonic Advance 3 wird er von Scott Drier geäußert. (Fans wünschen sich, dass er auch zu seiner Rolle zurückkehrt.)

, , , und er wird von Scott Drier geäußert. (Fans wünschen sich, dass er auch zu seiner Rolle zurückkehrt.) In Sonic Shuffle wird er von Ryan Drummond geäußert

, er wird von Ryan Drummond geäußert. In Sonic Adventure , wird er von Michael McGaharn geäußert.

, er wird von Michael McGaharn geäußert. In Sonic Underground wurde er von Ian James Corlett geäußert.

er wurde von Ian James Corlett geäußert. In Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie (Sonic Anime) wird er von Bill Wise für die englische Synchronisation und Yasunori Matsumoto für die japanische Originalversion geäußert.

(Sonic Anime) wird er von Bill Wise für den englischen Dub und Yasunori Matsumoto für die japanische Originalversion geäußert. In Japan (Sonic Adventure und weitere) wird er von Nobutoshi Kanna geäußert.


What is Sonic’s top speed?

Sonic The Hedgehog’s Speed

Despite his small appearance, Sonic the Hedgehog has a max speed of 186,000 miles per second and travels at a speed of 767 miles per hour.

How to Summon Creepypastas!

It’s unusual for hedgehogs to appear in films, especially ones that aim to prove they can be heroes. Sonic The Hedgehog is considered to be the fastest creature in the world and most people are amazed by his incredible speed. But how fast is Sonic The Hedgehog?

We’ve researched and compiled detailed information to find out!

The speed of Sonic The Hedgehog

Despite its small appearance, Sonic the Hedgehog has a top speed of 186,000 miles per second and travels at a speed of 767 miles per hour. His lightspeed shoes allow him to run faster than the speed of light and fight against the evil genius who wants to use him for an experiment.

If you’re wondering, this fastest Green Hill Zone video game character gained his abilities after being subjected to massive amounts of kinetic energy from the Chaos Energy. Read more about the Sonic The Hedgehog series here.

speed indicated

Classic Sonic

Sonic’s manual ball form is 0.666 m in diameter in the classic game. It might not be easy to track his actual speed due to the camera movements, but Sonic’s speed (classic) is 4.88 m/s.

Fast sound

Faster, also known as Super Sonic Hedgehog (both in the movies and in gameplay), is known for running like a sound wave in Earth’s atmosphere at around 1,235 km/h.


Hyper Sonic has incredible power that no one can imagine. The speed of Hyper Sonic is faster compared to the previously mentioned speeds. Believe it or not, it can reach the speed of light, about 671,000,000 miles per hour.

What is Sonic’s top speed?

Sonic’s record top speed is 186,000 miles per second. His video game has been world famous since 1991, and even then he could run around the world in a day.

In addition, Sonic’s video game also involves science, since its speed alone can restore time and space. Sonic’s top speed allows him to be faster than the speed of light and the speed of sound.

How did Sonic get his speed?

Many people wonder how fast Sonic the Hedgehog is, and this can be attributed to Dr. be returned to Kintobor. It features special materials that boost Sonic the Hedgehog’s top speed, helping him reach super speeds of thousands of miles per hour.

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Sonic’s fastest form

No one can deny that Sonic the Hedgehog is the fastest character in all video games and Metal Sonic or Scourge the Hedgehog (from Dr. Eggman’s creation) will be slow compared to him.

You can sometimes watch his rise and fall between each game, but that’s only because he’s not using his full potential at that particular moment. In fact, Sonic’s speed and skills could help him defeat his enemies in less than 30 seconds!

Is Sonic fast without his power shoes?

Yes, Sonic can run fast even without his sneakers. The presence of his shoes doesn’t affect how fast he is, and he can still beat the speed of sound without them. In short, he doesn’t need any technological improvements.

Compared to other characters

Son Goku

Sonic and Goku have their unique abilities. Sonic can use his Lightspeed Dash and deliver a punch that could destroy Goku even if he dodges the attack. Because Sonic unleashes (and can generate) speed faster in this scenario, the chances of him winning against Goku are higher.


It is undeniable that Flash and Sonic have numerous fans worldwide, which often leads to a debate about who is the fastest among them. Sonic is above Mach 15 [1]. On the other hand, Flash is around Mach 3.3.

Although Sonic’s abilities made him impossible to take damage in a game, it’s important to remember that they are both the fastest in their respective universes.


Superman is a famous character both in the game and in the film industry. However, despite his abilities, fans say that Sonic is more powerful than him due to the destructive means of the Chaos Emeralds he holds [2].

Will Sonic die if he moves too fast?

Unfortunately yes, he will. His body could tear apart if he can’t control his speed. It’s a claim backed by science, and his body would tear apart if he didn’t calculate his speed accurately.

How far could he run in a day?

Since his recorded speed is 767 miles per hour, Sonic can cover a distance of more than 25,000 miles in one day (which is roughly the circumference of the Earth’s equator). Sonic is known to run faster than the speed of sound and can even break the sound barrier.

However, this is only possible if he does not take breaks to eat, sleep (or go to the bathroom).

Speed ​​in Comics vs. Games vs. Movies

He has different rates of speed as far as movies, games or comics. In the comics, he can run at up to 15 times the speed of sound. If we talk about the movies, he can go up to 1,145 mph. In games, he can run up to 186,000 miles per second.

frequently asked Questions

Can Sonic the Hedgehog outrun a cheetah?

It depends. If it were in his world, yes, he could. If it were in our universe, no, he can’t. No matter how fast Sonic is (or how fast he’ll get in the future), he’s just a fictional character, and his shoes give him an extra speed to run fast.

Cheetahs are naturally born to be fast compared to other animals in real life. It is also considered to be the fastest creature in the kingdom.

Is Sonic the Hedgehog faster than a bullet?

Yes, Sonic is faster than a bullet. That’s one of the questions waiting for an answer from the fans. Being a small man and accelerating at 64 m per second, he can successfully dodge a bullet.


Among all the famous characters in movies, video games and cartoons, Sonic stands out for his amazing speed, which can exceed the speed of sound. To answer the question “how fast is Sonic the Hedgehog” would depend on whether we’re watching a Sonic game (like Sonic Forces) or the movies.

Although these abilities stem from the pair of shoes that Dr. Kintobor made, he can run fast even without it as it just gives him an extra power rate. One thing is for sure – Sonic is definitely an incredible hedgehog!

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How does Sonic run so fast?

In short, Sonic was already pretty fast (for a hedgehog) when he first encountered Dr Robotnik. Robotnik provided him with “power sneakers” and allowed him to train on his “kinetic gyratoscope”, resulting in Sonic being able to run at super-sonic speed.

How to Summon Creepypastas!

Sonic’s (universal) background can be seen in a special comic book edition titled The Origin of Sonic.

In short, Sonic was already pretty fast (for a hedgehog) when he found Dr. Met Robotnik for the first time.

“The fastest hedgehog in the world”

Robotnik provided him with “power sneakers” and allowed him to train on his “kinetic gyratoscope”, resulting in Sonic being able to run at supersonic speeds.

The comic itself is a retelling of an earlier work; The licensed book Stay Sonic

Partly out of curiosity, partly for Dr. To help K. with his research, Sonic spent several hours a day on a solar-powered treadmill that the Doc built for him. The treadmill, or Kinetic Gyratosphere™ to give it its patented name, was capable of spinning at high speeds. Sonic protested that it made him feel like a gerbil on steroids. However, when Kintobor developed special friction-reducing running shoes for him, his interest grew. The innovative design and classic red styling hid some state-of-the-art additions, including Duratex™ soles with exceptional grip and specially cushioned, odour-free inner materials. Covering that much ground at the speeds he frequently did left a blistering feeling. They were also a necessary safety measure, as Sonic began to build up the kind of static electricity that could ignite the treadmill or send sparks into the lab. Gradually, Sonic increased his speed to 200, 400, then 500 miles per hour. Kintobor accelerated the treadmill every day, pushing it forward in increments of 20 miles per hour. What started as an idle exercise turned into a most phenomenal experiment. Then one day, impossible. Sonic exceeded all known limits of mammalian acceleration and broke the sound barrier. The treadmill had been running for thirty-five minutes and it was little more than a blurry image when suddenly there was a tremendous bang and a violent wind blew all the papers into the air. Alarmed, Kintobor attempted to slow the treadmill – stopping it dead would have had disastrous consequences, likely sending Sonic into orbit via Mobius. Eventually, he managed to gain control of the machine and gradually reduced Sonic’s speed, but it took almost an hour to bring it to a halt. When Sonic finally stepped out of the treadmill, breathless, he wasn’t the same hedgehog that walked on. His physical appearance had changed dramatically. Instead of his unremarkable drab shade, most of Sonic’s body had turned a glossy cobalt blue, a stiff mohawk atop his spikes, my word!’ exclaimed Kintobor, struggling to comprehend what had just happened. I think you turned blue from the shock waves. Not to mention the Cobalt Effect™,” he said. You drove 761 miles per hour! You’ve really earned your name now! Actually, I should call you SuperSonic – what do you think of that?’ yelled Kintobor, dancing around the lab like a mad, uh, scientist. SuperSonic, yes – radically cool.” Sonic grinned, proudly examining his glowing blue body in the mirror, but what about food? All that running has made me hungry!’

And which in turn is a version of an even earlier backstory given for Sonic in the original “SEGA Sonic Bible”.

How fast is Sonic speed?

Supersonic speed is the speed of an object that exceeds the speed of sound (Mach 1). For objects traveling in dry air of a temperature of 20 °C (68 °F) at sea level, this speed is approximately 343.2 m/s (1,126 ft/s; 768 mph; 667.1 kn; 1,236 km/h).

How to Summon Creepypastas!

Velocity exceeding the speed of sound

Supersonic speed is the speed of an object that exceeds the speed of sound (Mach 1). For objects moving in dry air with a temperature of 20 °C (68 °F) at sea level, this speed is approximately 343.2 m/s (1,126 ft/s; 768 mph; 667.1 kn; 1,236 km / H). Velocities greater than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5) are often referred to as hypersonic. Flights in which only part of the air surrounding an object, such as the tips of rotor blades, reach supersonic speeds are called transonic. This typically occurs somewhere between Mach 0.8 and Mach 1.2.

Sound is a traveling vibration in the form of pressure waves in an elastic medium. Objects travel at supersonic speeds when the objects are moving faster than the speed at which sound travels through the medium. In gases, sound propagates longitudinally at different speeds, mainly depending on the molecular mass and temperature of the gas, and pressure has little effect. Because air temperature and composition varies significantly with altitude, the speed of sound and Mach numbers can change for a steadily moving object. In water at room temperature, supersonic speed can be considered any speed in excess of 1,440 m/s (4,724 ft/s). In solids, sound waves can be longitudinally or transversely polarized and have even higher velocities.

Supersonic fracture is crack motion faster than the speed of sound in a brittle material.

Early meaning[ edit ]

In the early 20th century, the term “supersonic” was used as an adjective to describe sound with a frequency above the range of normal human hearing. The modern term for this meaning is “ultrasonic”.

Etymology: The word supersonic comes from two Latin-derived words; 1) super: over and 2) sonus: sound, which together means over sound or faster than sound.

Supersonic objects[ edit ]

The tip of a whip is believed to be the first object to break the sound barrier, resulting in the telltale “crack” (actually a small sonic boom). The wave motion propagating through the whip makes it capable of supersonic speeds.[3][4] However, the first artificial sonic boom was probably caused by a piece of cloth, which spurred the later development of the whip.[5]

Most modern firearm projectiles are supersonic, with rifle projectiles often traveling at velocities approaching Mach 3 and in some cases [6] far exceeding it.

Most spacecraft, particularly the Space Shuttle, are supersonic for at least parts of their re-entry, although the effects on the spacecraft are reduced by low air densities. During ascent, launchers generally avoid supersonic speeds below 30 km (~98,400 ft) to reduce drag.

Note that the speed of sound decreases somewhat with altitude due to lower temperatures (typically up to 25 km). At even higher altitudes, the temperature begins to rise, with a corresponding increase in the speed of sound.[7]

When an inflated balloon bursts, the ruptured pieces of latex contract at supersonic speeds, contributing to the sharp and loud popping sound.

Supersonic land vehicles[ edit ]

To date, only one land vehicle has officially traveled at supersonic speeds, the ThrustSSC. The vehicle, driven by Andy Green, holds the world land speed record after averaging 1,228 km/h (763 mph) traveling in both directions in the Black Rock Desert on October 15, 1997.

The Bloodhound LSR project planned a 2020 record attempt at Hakskeenpan in South Africa using a combination of jet and hybrid rocket propulsion. The aim was to break the existing record and then make further attempts where [the members] of the team hope to reach speeds of up to 1,600 km/h (1,000 mph). The effort was initially led by Richard Noble, leader of the ThrustSSC project. However, after funding issues in 2018, the team was bought by Ian Warhurst and renamed Bloodhound LSR. Later, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the project was delayed indefinitely and the vehicle was put up for sale.

Supersonic flight[ edit ]

Most modern combat aircraft are supersonic, but there have also been supersonic passenger aircraft, namely the Concorde and the Tupolev Tu-144. Both these passenger aircraft and some modern fighter aircraft are also capable of supercruise, a requirement for sustained supersonic flight without the use of an afterburner. Due to its ability to supercruise for several hours and the relatively high frequency of flight over several decades, the Concorde spent more time supersonic flight than all other aircraft combined by a considerable margin. Since the last Concorde farewell flight on November 26, 2003, no supersonic passenger aircraft has been in service. Some large bombers such as Tupolev Tu-160 and Rockwell B-1 Lancer are also supersonic capable.

Supersonic aircraft aerodynamics are simpler than subsonic aerodynamics because the layers of air at different points along the aircraft often cannot affect each other. Supersonic jets and rocket vehicles require many times more thrust to overcome the additional aerodynamic drag that occurs in the transonic range (about Mach 0.85-1.2). At these speeds, aerospace engineers can smoothly channel air around the aircraft’s fuselage without creating new shock waves, but any change in cross-section further down the vehicle creates shock waves along the body. Designers use the supersonic area rule and the Whitcomb area rule to minimize sudden size changes.

The sound source has now broken through the speed of sound limit and is moving at 1.4 times the speed of sound c (Mach 1.4). Because the source is moving faster than the sound waves it creates, it is actually leading the advancing wavefront. The sound source passes through a stationary observer before the observer actually hears the sound it produces.

Conical shock wave with its hyperbolic ground contact zone in yellow

In practical applications, however, a supersonic aircraft must operate stably in both subsonic and supersonic profiles, so the aerodynamic design is more complex.

The master key to low supersonic drag is to shape the entire aircraft properly long and thin and get close to a “perfect” shape, that of the Karman Ogive or the Sears-Haack body. This has resulted in almost every supersonic touring aircraft looking very much like every other, with a very long and slender fuselage and large delta wings, cf. SR-71, Concorde etc. While this shape is not ideal for passenger aircraft, it is for bomber use quite adaptable.

See also[edit]

Summoning Sonic in Real Life. (I didn’t put the doll there.)

Summoning Sonic in Real Life. (I didn’t put the doll there.)
Summoning Sonic in Real Life. (I didn’t put the doll there.)

See some more details on the topic how to summon sonic in real life here:

How to Summon Creepypastas! – Sonic.EXE – Wattpad

First, download the sonic.EXE game from the gamejolt, bring the file to the disk. Using the sharpie, write “SONIC.EXE”. Place the Sonic Plush on your …

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This will launch the phone 4: Press the down arrow again to invoke SONIC. A menu with the phone number and SMS will appear. The text of this …

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how do you summon sonic in real life – Fix that Mac

To summon him you must play the sonic R game, 100% completed, play as the tails doll and play tag mode, while playing tag mode you will see …

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‘Sonic 2’: Who’s That Dark Post-Credits Scene Character?

With the threat dispatched, Sonic summons some divinely delicious chili dogs … work and enlisted Shadow in his quest for world domination.

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Sonic The Hedgehog Movie: The Ending Explained And What …

Robotnik (Jim Carrey) have a fast and furious chase around the world. From San Francisco to China, and eventually back to Green Hills, Montana, …

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Date Published: 11/22/2022

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Sonic The Hedgehog Movie: The Ending Explained And What It Could Mean For A Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Warning: Spoilers for the big Sonic The Hedgehog movie, specifically the end and mid-credits scenes, are in play. If you’re interested in seeing the film unadulterated, you’ll have to hurry; preferably to another point of our Sonic The Hedgehog coverage.

As the first film in a series of epic adaptations of the Sonic The Hedgehog storyline set in Sega’s classic video game, the film’s ending seems to point some big arrows toward what a potential Sonic The Hedgehog is all about Hedgehog 2 could go.

Part of those blinking arrows are the two mid-credits stingers that accompany the actual resolution of the story in Sonic The Hedgehog, and the implications of those two moments send the realm of possibility into an even wider range of action. Not to mention introducing a new character that will have audiences cheering with surprised delight.

There’s a lot to talk about and we’ll get to that shortly. So if you’re looking to avoid spoilers for this exciting Sonic The Hedgehog movie, this is your last chance to go before we take off in a bruise of spoilers.

What happens at the end of Sonic The Hedgehog?

At the end of Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic (Ben Schwartz) and Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) a fast-paced chase around the world. From San Francisco to China and finally back to Green Hills, Montana, the Evil Doctor follows our furry friend through his ringed transport portals in a flying machine powered by a Sonics-electrified spring.

Back in the small town where he secretly lived for about a decade before the events of Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic’s existence is confirmed to the townsfolk; especially the hedgehog theorist “Crazy Carl”. Ready to take down his little nemesis, Dr. Robotnik tells the city to step aside and let things go their way.

But Sonic’s new friend Sheriff Tom Wachowski (James Marsden) stands in the way of the unconscious hedgehog and his would-be assassin. When asked why he would do such a thing, Tom says it’s because he and Sonic are friends. Awakened from his wounded state and charged for a fight, Sonic rises and tosses one of his rings behind Dr. Robotnik’s plane.

In true Sonic The Hedgehog fashion, our hero curls up into his signature spinball formation and collides with Dr. Robotnik’s evil flying machine. The force of Sonic’s impact not only shatters the vehicle, but pushes this evil villain into the dimension Sonic originally intended to flee to: a planet infested with mushrooms, presumably Sonic & Knuckles’ Mushroom Hill Zone.

The existence of Sonic The Hedgehog is an open secret

With the final battle in Sonic The Hedgehog now concluded, the sleepy town of Green Hills, Montana now officially knows that Sonic actually exists. In a potential Sonic The Hedgehog 2, we might see our Sega mascot friend more openly walking the streets of the town he saved.

Of course, this isn’t a totally clean getaway, as we see at the very end of Sonic The Hedgehog that the United States government is still looking for Sonic. Hoping to lure him to a “very casual” brunch get-together, Tom and Maddie (Tika Sumpter) Wachowski is officially bribed with a $50 gift card to The Olive Garden.

We graciously accept this gift card as payment for a job well done, and learn that while the Wachowskis claim they don’t know where Sonic is, he’s actually closer than some would think. Sonic The Hedgehog, who has lived in a replica of his hidden lair since the beginning of the film, is a resident of The Wachowski’s attic, along with some extra touches of home. Sounds like a happy, totally closed ending, right? Well, there are two pretty big reveals in the mid-credits sequences that would say otherwise.

Robotnik is currently in exile on another world

While we dr. After seeing Robotnik sail into another dimension in Sonic The Hedgehog, that’s obviously not the end of his story. It takes more than just a crash landing and a broken ship to stop a 300 IQ genius from getting home, and he’s pretty determined to make it back before Christmas.

As he shaves his head to look more like the traditional Robotnik/Eggman from the Sonic The Hedgehog games, he rescues the only thing he needs from his fallen ship: the charged hedgehog feather he found in Tom Wachowski’s house received. Still turned on, the mad genius talks to himself as he slides down his glasses and lets an over-the-top robot run off as we pan out and return to the credits.

Introducing Miles “Tails” Prower – Sonic’s best friend

An even bigger surprise comes from the second mid-credits sequence for Sonic The Hedgehog when we shift the focus to a random spot in the forest. Probably not too far from Green Hills, Montana, a portal opens and we see a slightly obscured view of a creature with golden fur and some kind of tracker/power meter in its hands.

This creature turns out to be Miles “Tails” Prower, a two-tailed fox who is Sonic The Hedgehog’s best buddy/best friend and accompanies Sonic on his adventures from Sonic The Hedgehog 2 onwards. Leaping off the cliff he’s sitting on and his twin tails whirling like a helicopter’s rotor, Tails flies away, ready to find his friend in our dimension.

What Sonic The Hedgehog 2 could do with these story threads

Should Sonic The Hedgehog 2 get the green light after making its grand debut this weekend, there are plenty of places this potential sequel could go. Starting with Tails and Sonic’s grand reunion, we’ll most likely see a flashback to their time on another world, as well as their continued adventures on planet Earth.

Even more exciting is the fact that Dr. Robotnik will need something pretty powerful to get back to Earth. And knowing the lore of Sonic The Hedgehog, there are seven objects that could very well be used individually or together to zap Robotnik back to Earth: the Chaos Emeralds!

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 could finally introduce these important plot devices to the Sonic franchise as a whole, sparking an adventure across the many worlds Sonic had marked on the map given to him by his former caretaker, Longbeak. Last but not least, the opening recap of Sonic The Hedgehog built a bit of world by introducing but not naming the Echidna tribe that exist in Sonic canon.

While the folks behind the Sonic The Hedgehog movie might wait until Sonic The Hedgehog 3 to dig deeper on this particular front, it’s hard not to argue that one of the masked attackers attempting in the beginning was Baby Sonic and Longbeak attacking was none other than Knuckles, an enemy Sonic would encounter on his third video game outing.

While Sonic The Hedgehog is a low-key street comedy between two buddies, the building blocks for a grand adventure across dimensions lie waiting to be built in the future. This weekend’s performance of Sonic The Hedgehog will be crucial to those plans. So if you absolutely love Tails, Knuckles and Dr. If you want to see Robotnik back on the big screen, be sure to watch the film again (or for the first time) with friends and family as it is in theaters now!

Pop Culture by

know your meme

Sonic.exe is part of a genre of online horror stories known as creepypasta.

In August 2011, Creepypasta Wiki user JC-the-Hyena submitted a story about a strange CD-ROM that the narrator received from a friend. SONIC.EXE was written on the CD (.exe is a file extension denoting an executable file). It revolved around the video game franchise and the character Sonic the Hedgehog. A standout feature of the story was the appearance of his murderous incarnation of Sonic, who had acquired black, bleeding eyeballs with bright red pupils. The creator later explained that the creepypasta was inspired by an edited screencap of the character.

Sonic.exe grew in popularity and a Sonic.exe based game was created by MY5TCrimson in August 2012 along with other tributes and parodies. Both the game and the story garnered tributes and parodies. It’s not clear how much of the creepypasta’s appeal was due to its creepiness, or a wry appreciation of its amateurish writing and cliche style, which later got it removed from the creepypasta wiki. Part of the humor may lie in the juxtaposition of a lighthearted, goofy video game with dark horror tropes.

How to Summon Creepypastas!

Option one: You will need: a blank floppy disk, a marker, a sonic plushie, any version of the game Sonic.EXE by MY5CRIMSON, a blank sheet of paper, a thumbtack, a computer. First download the game sonic.EXE from gamejolt and bring the file with you to your hard drive. Write “SONIC.EXE” with the Sharpie. Place the Sonic Plush on your bed.

Drawing on Paper: Oops! This image does not comply with our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Possibility two:

You will need: night, Sonic Plush (size larger than an iPhone, unused floppy disk, original Sonic the Hedgehog game, markers (black or red), headphones. Place the Sonic Plush behind you (anywhere, directly behind you) and DO NOT look Write “SONIC.EXE” in a black or red marker (all caps) THEN download the original game.

Then play the original game that was downloaded to the disk and turn up the volume with headphones (volume doesn’t matter, but you need to be able to hear really quiet sounds from the game). Keep playing the game until you hear screams coming out of your headphones. (They sound like screams from the original sonic.EXE game. If you’re not sure if you really hear them, keep playing the game. The screams should get louder as you continue playing the game. (By turning up the volume will not achieve this (screams louder, only the game). If you hear the screams, wherever you are in the game, turn off your device and take off your headphones. Wait a few seconds and you should hear the screams .(If you don’t, you’ve done something wrong.)

When you hear the screaming, turn your head to the sonic plush. It should look different (with black eyes and blood coming out of them). – Note that this may be different for everyone. What the plush looks like is just a hallucination. (Based on someone who performed this, everyone saw the plush normally). Of course, it may be different for someone else. Option three: You will need: paper, marker (sharpie), blank floppy disk, sonic plush. Download the Sonic game (by MY5TCRIMSON) to the floppy disk and use the marker to write “SONIC.EXE” on the floppy disk. Place the Sonic plush on your bed (DO NOT move it once you’ve placed it there!). Draw the SEGA symbol on the paper. Place the paper on the wall above the Sonic plush. Put your hand on the icon and download Hill act 1.gym (song from Sonic game. Play it, optional). Sing: “Sonic, Sonic, I summon you, jet black eyes, blue fur. Come out the shadows, EXE, come out and play with me.” You should hear a cocky voice saying, “Hello. Do you want to play with me?” If you look at the stuffed animal, it will be Sonic.EXE.

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