How To Talk Dirty To Your Girlfriend Quotes? Top Answer Update

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What do you say to talk dirty in bed?

Here are some ideas of what you can say during sex:
  • “You are hotter than ever.” …
  • “I like kissing every part of you.” …
  • “You have such a smokin’ hot (mention your partner’s favourite body part).” …
  • “I will kiss you where you want me to.” …
  • “This has been on my mind all day.” …
  • Take it easy at first. …
  • Breathe deeply.

35 Dirty Things to Say to a Girl to Leave Her Wet with Desire

A simple technique to create a sexual connection is to say things that will make your lover feel good and perform better in bed. Talk about anything about how your day was, any random event that happened at work, or your plans for the future. Or you can flirt with each other and complement each other. These are all the little things you can do to make your partner feel loved and desired.

Talking during sex, also known as “dirty” or “sexy” talk, can be very stimulating when done right. Also, many people relish the opportunity to engage in dirty talk. 91% of respondents to this survey said they had fantasies about a partner talking dirty to them.

The benefits of dirty talk

It’s a brain stimulant. Your brain is responsible for excitement and satisfaction, and this is where you begin to develop your wildest fantasies.

It increases the overall arousal of you and your partner. There’s no better way to prepare for a night of fun than by engaging in dirty talk first as part of your roleplay. As your sexual arousal increases, keep talking dirty and your likelihood of having an orgasmic experience will increase.

There’s no better way to prepare for a night of fun than by engaging in dirty talk first as part of your roleplay. As your sexual arousal increases, keep talking dirty and your likelihood of having an orgasmic experience will increase. It helps you create a more intimate connection with your partner. Dirty talk is very personal and private and leads to a deeper relationship with your partner. You may even have that initial rush of euphoria when you first meet your partner.

What to say during sex

Most people find it difficult to talk during sex. The art of sexual speaking, like any other skill in the bedroom, takes practice and you may experience some awkward moments until you figure out what to say when you’re sleeping with your partner.

Here are some ideas of what to say during sex:

“You’re hotter than ever.”

You can never go wrong with praising your partner’s looks or sex appeal – they will benefit. Being labeled hot, sexy as hell, or vivacious will boost their self-esteem. Instead of criticizing your partner for the last time you had sex, compliment them on how wonderful they are every time you have sex.

“I like to kiss every part of you.”

It may be too easy, but it always works! Let your partner know how much you love every inch of her with a kissing gesture.

“You’re so damn hot (mention your partner’s favorite body part).”

Praising your partner during sex will get them even more aroused. You can also mention to your partner how much you enjoy a certain area of ​​their body when making love. That’s what makes it so hot: saying that as you feel and hug your favorite part of your partner’s body.

“I’ll kiss you where you want it.”

Show your partner that you care deeply about his pleasure and will do anything to please him. Kiss them wherever they want and they will really appreciate this form of affection. In addition, this can also give your partner the impression of being in control.

“That’s been on my mind all day.”

Let your partner know that you’ve been thinking about them all day and, more specifically, that you’ve been longingly waiting for an intimate encounter by saying this simple phrase. Whisper this in your partner’s ears and be true to your words.

Rules for speaking during sex

Take it easy for now.

Don’t jump straight into dirty talk; take your time. Instead of jumping right in, start talking about your feelings and get used to the topic. Then you and your partner can decide together what feels right.

Take a deep breath. Arousal can be increased by deep inhaling and deep exhaling in rhythm with your partner.

Describe what you do.

If it’s your first time, it’s best to start with something simple and as is. You can start by telling them what you want to do and see their reactions. Get straight to the point and try not to ramble on if possible. Keep things short and sweet.

Be yourself and don’t pretend to be someone else.

Do what you say with sincerity, not just politeness. And you shouldn’t mean what you say just because it’s the right thing to do. Your partner will call you out if your body language contradicts what you’re saying. Being descriptive and specific about your partner will make your words sound more accurate and make you seem more considerate.

be loud

Even if you think you’re a quiet person in bed, you’re missing an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your partner by remaining silent during sex. Tell your partner how you’re feeling, what feels good, and what doesn’t feel good. You want to convey to one another that you are in the present moment, if only through groans and moans.

Improve your sex life with Sexy Talk

Healthy sexual communication will help you and your partners feel more connected and comfortable when it comes to pleasing one another. The deeper the connection, the better your relationship rhythm – either in bed or in the relationship as a whole. In addition, you will gain a deeper knowledge of each other’s desires. They learn from and with each other to identify the best.

It’s important to keep in mind that sexual communication is something that takes practice and feedback. Also, you may initially think that your way of communicating is unnatural and awkward. So remember to ask questions, ask for feedback, and discover each other’s experiences and desires. In addition to improving your communication, figuring out what to say and do during sex will contribute to better sexual connection, happiness, and health.

How do you spice up dirty talk?

If you’re not sure how to bring it up, simply ask them what they want to hear from you in bed. This could be during some pillow talk, before you have sex (perhaps as a little foreplay!), or when you’re just laying on the couch watching TV (which might lead to sex, who’s to say).

35 Dirty Things to Say to a Girl to Leave Her Wet with Desire

“Dirty talk” sometimes gets a bad rap. In movies and TV shows, it seems weird that people talk to each other like that in bed. But just like most things sexual, it always sounds weird until you try. Then it’s damn great.

Everyone thinks they sound weird or awkward; they fear they are not saying enough or that they are taking it too far. In reality, anyone is capable of talking dirty in a way that turns their partner on, as long as they are willing to try and make changes if necessary.

If you’re ready to up your dirty talk game or you’re having lots and lots of phone sex thanks to social distancing, here are a few ways to get you started.

1. Watching (or listening to) porn.

Ah, I know I recommend this tip in pretty much every sex article on The Everygirl, but I do it for good reason. Watching – or rather listening to – porn is the easiest way to understand what other people are saying when they are having sex. One of the hardest parts of talking dirty can be having no idea what you’re going to say other than the usual “oohs” and “yeahs.” You don’t have to scream at the top of your lungs, but getting inspired and getting more into the mindset of talking during sex is a great way to use porn to improve your own sex life.

Remember to make sure the porn you watch is ethical: Dipsea is a good app for female erotic audios, XConfessions is a site for erotic stories and confessions from real women, and if you’re into more typical porn – Experience, JoyBear is beautiful and also British AKA wonderful.

2. Talk to your partner about it

You’re often afraid of dirty talk because you don’t want to say anything that would put your partner off. So the best way to find out is to just talk to them about what they want to hear. Do they want to know what you enjoy? Do you want roleplay? Do they like certain names or phrases? Talking about it is not strange; In fact, what makes talking about it beforehand so great is when you actually do it. If you’re not sure how to bring it up, just ask them what they want to hear from you in bed. This could be during pillow talk before having sex (maybe as a little foreplay!) or when you’re just lying on the couch watching TV (which can lead to sex, who’s to say). They’ll likely appreciate the initiative, and in return will ask you what you’d like to hear from them (ca-ching).

3. Practice

OK, I know this sounds a little weird, but if you practice your tone of voice and what you’re saying with yourself, it’ll be a lot easier to actually say it in the moment. Best time to practice? when you masturbate Two for one, y’all.

4. Say what you want and what you like

If you’re completely new to dirty talk, the best way to do it is to tell you what you want them to do to you before sex, and then tell what you like about what they do during sex. That’s pretty much the basics of dirty talk, and once you’ve got that down you can move on to saying loads of other things (unless you’re super comfortable to begin with, then keep talking, sis).

During sex, you can also tell them what to do next: where to touch you, what positions you want to try, etc. Also, don’t underestimate how nice it is before sex for your partner to hear loud and clear, how badly you want him.

5. Keep it personal

Tell your partner what you love about them or how you feel. Talking about your partner and all the things they do to you is pretty easy because you’re only talking about what you’re feeling! Tell your partner how hot he looks or how aroused he makes you. You can talk about how good this position feels or why you love it when they touch you here or there.

6. Provide all the details

When you tell your partner how much you love the position you’re in, don’t be afraid to share the details. You love it because it allows them to go deeper or because it brings you closer. Your partner looks so hot because he’s sweaty or wearing that perfume or cologne you like. Telling them exactly why you’re comfortable with them and not being afraid to be descriptive will take your dirty talk from a C-average to a solid A+.

7. Start with a text

This is good for both beginners and experienced dirty talkers. Sexting is a wonderful tool to up the ante of your sex life. If you’re nervous about starting dirty talk during sex, start with a little sexting first. Tell your partner that you’re looking forward to having sex later (with a little more courtesy) or that he looked really hot before he went to work this morning. This is also a great way to start talking dirty before you’re even in the bedroom. You can start by telling your partner what you want them to do with you, or what you want them to do, and bring that into the bedroom later.

How do I tell my boyfriend to talk dirty?

“Talk with your partner about what turns you on and what doesn’t.

How To Tell Your Partner You Want Dirty Talk
  1. Gently Hint Your Way There First. …
  2. If That Doesn’t Work, Talk About It. …
  3. Know What You Want. …
  4. Explain Why You Enjoy It. …
  5. Accept That It Might Not Be For Them.

35 Dirty Things to Say to a Girl to Leave Her Wet with Desire

If you want to try dirty talk in bed, it can be awkward to bring it up with your partner. Dirty talk can be great, but bad dirty talk is really, really bad, so there’s a good chance you’ve had an experience where things went wrong and things were just…awkward. But don’t let that stop you. Because when done right, taking dirty can be really fun, and there’s absolutely no shame in knowing what you want and wanting to try it with a partner.

Knowing what works for you is really sexy — and it can make sex that much better — so there’s no need to be ashamed of it. “Knowing what you want and being able to express it will set things on fire in the bedroom,” Sarah Watson, a sex therapist and counselor, told Bustle. “Talk to your partner about what turns you on and what doesn’t. Decide how to explore desires and longings together. The more intimacy in the relationship generally leads to a healthy sexual relationship.” When it comes to talking dirty, it’s a little easier because sometimes your partner just follows your lead. But if not, don’t feel weird about bringing it up.

Here’s how to tell your partner you want to talk dirty:

1. First, gently show your way there

Don’t suddenly jump into elaborate, explicit dirty talk in the middle of sex — especially if you’ve never done it before. But you might find a few well-placed “Oh, that feels good.” or “I love it when you…” phrases get your partner to do the same. They may just be waiting for you to take the lead.

2. If that doesn’t work, talk about it

If they don’t seem to be taking the bait — or if they actively dislike it — bring it to them. I would recommend not doing this right after sex as it could make them feel like the sex you just had was insufficient. Instead, in neutral time, suggest that you want to try.

3. Know what you want

When you talk about it, you have to be clear about what you want. Because dirty talk can mean many different things, from very innocent to very innocent. “Find what works for you and stick with it, with slight variations depending on your mood,” sex expert Vomdra Brown tells Bustle. If you bring it up, your partner will likely ask you what you mean, so having some ideas in your head will really help.

“Practice saying sexy things when you’re alone,” Amy Levine, sex coach and founder of Ignite Your Pleasure, tells Bustle. “It will be more natural if you actually do it…Moaning (genuine, not fake) and whispering in a sexy tone is also very erotic.”

4. Explain why you enjoy it

Explaining why you like it can also make it more attractive to her. Whether it’s about the power play or just some other form of stimulation, talking about why it turns you on can turn it on for her, too.

5. Accept that it might not be for them

In my opinion you should try everything once and your partner should be open to trying something you say you enjoy. That being said, if they don’t like it, then they don’t like it, and that’s okay too. You should definitely try and experiment with new things, but you have to accept that you should only do things that you’re both comfortable with.

The truth is, if they’re not into it, they may just want it on the vanilla end. And that’s perfectly fine. The great thing about dirty talk is that there are so many options, so I’m sure you and your partner will find a place to meet in the middle.

Images: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle; Giphy (5)

What are dirty words?

Definition of dirty word

: a word, expression, or idea that is disagreeable or unpopular in a particular frame of reference.

35 Dirty Things to Say to a Girl to Leave Her Wet with Desire

The movie is just a lot of sex, violence and dirty words. They consider “taxes” to be a dirty word. From the way he’s acting, you’d think compassion was a dirty word.

Current examples on the web

While the Romans loved their baths, bathing became a dirty word for centuries to come. — Harry Ducks, CNN, May 14, 2022

Globalization may be a dirty word these days, but supplier diversity is an economic strength. – The Editor, WSJ, May 13, 2022

Herd immunity without a vaccine soon became a dirty word. — David Robertson, STAT, March 30, 2022

But over the past year, SPAC has become a dirty word — or acronym — on Wall Street. — Paul R La Monica, CNN, March 29, 2022

Adaptation used to be a dirty word among environmentalists, who saw the term as defeatist — an admission of failure to cut emissions, or a plea not to try. — New York Times, Oct. 31, 2021

Stagflation is the swear word that describes the coincidence of stubborn inflation, high unemployment and stagnant demand. — Greg Petro, Forbes, Oct. 22, 2021

Although tax credits are a dirty word in policymaking — a sign of triplicate filing and unnecessarily complicated filing — these programs have been simplified by lawmakers to give cash directly to consumers and businesses. – Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic, Oct. 29, 2021

For this, the new plan had to be a compromise that was neither a dirty word nor a sign of failure, especially in politics. – Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times, Oct. 29, 2021

See more

10 Naughty Phrases that Drive Women Wild – The Science of Dirty Talk

10 Naughty Phrases that Drive Women Wild – The Science of Dirty Talk
10 Naughty Phrases that Drive Women Wild – The Science of Dirty Talk

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Hot and Sexy Dirty Talk That Will Spice Up Your Love Life

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35 Dirty Things to Say to a Girl to Leave Her Wet with Desire

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Hot and Sexy Dirty Talk That Will Spice Up Your Love Life

Sexual passion is something that happens not only between bodies but also between minds. Even when two bodies come together, their minds come together too – and words are the vehicle that conveys this mental connection. A well-chosen dirty talk with your girlfriend will show her how much you desire her, find her sexy and drive her insane. Dirty talk can build their anticipation before the act or take them to new heights of ecstasy in the middle of it. Either way, she won’t be able to get enough of you!

Dirty talk quotes to drive her crazy about you

For all of these reasons, you should have plenty of hot, sexy lines that are loaded and ready to fire whenever you want to heat things up. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of crazy things to say to your girlfriend that we think she’ll love.

1. Flirty Dirty Talk

Talking dirty isn’t just something to do when you’ve got your clothes off—it can build excitement and anticipation long before you even get into the bedroom. Use these flirty lines over text or during a date to get her thinking and looking forward to things you have in mind later.

“Just the thought of you naked drives me crazy.”

“I want to explore every inch of your body with my mouth.”

“When I see you I will strip you naked and do unspeakable things to you.”

“Can you come over? I have a big problem that I need help with.”

“If you’re not waiting for me naked in bed, you’re in the wrong place.”

“You would look even better on my bed.”

“I’ll get my way with you and I won’t stop until you tremble.”

“I want your ass in my bed.”

“I’ll tease you until you beg.”

“Your clothes look good on you, but they would make an even better decoration for my bedroom floor.”

“As soon as we get home, I’ll do unspeakable things to you.”

“We should have a lot of sex.”

“I just can’t help myself when I think about making love to you.”

“I want you to feel more joy than anything you’ve ever had before.”

“I want to use my tongue to make you moan for hours.”

“I want to make you scream with pleasure tonight.”

“I’m stressed out by work. Send me a sexy picture, I need a little pick-me-up.”

“I’ll give you a full body massage and save the best spots for last.”

“I’m not always horny…except when I’m around you!”

“I’m not going to overeat…I’ll have to leave some room as I have you for dessert.”

2. Passionate conversation

In the middle of the act Dirty Talk tells your girlfriend your lust and passion. Use these lines to make your girlfriend feel amazing and encourage her to go even wilder for you!

“I want you to ride me now.”

“I want to bury my face between your legs.”

“You taste so good.”

“We should make love. Like right here, now. Hard, fast. I will lay you down, kiss you hard, look into your eyes and love you like you have never been loved before.”

“I love the way you moan when we make love.”

“You’re sexy, but you have to work for it.”

“The noises you make when we’re in bed make me so weak.”

“I just can’t help myself when I think about making love to you.”

“You taste so good.”

“You can touch it. I won’t tell.”

“You’re so hot I just can’t think straight when you’re around.”

“I’ve never been so aroused.”

“I want to go down on you for hours and only come up for breath when you tell me to.”

“I love it when you take control.”

“I want you to know that my room is a strict pants-free zone, so ditch it!”

“This is the trouser police. You have to face a zipper check immediately.”

“Tell me what you want me to do to you and I will do it.”

“I love to see how you move when you’re on top of me.”

“If you scratch my back with your nails when I’m on you, I want to explode.”

“I woke up and thought about you and it got me so incredibly aroused that I was a little late for work.”

3. Kinky Dirty Talk

You and your girlfriend may be crazier than most, in which case regular dirty talk isn’t enough. The raunchy, extremely descriptive language might not be for everyone, but if you’re more adventurous, these quotes about talking dirty to your girlfriend might be for you!

“I want to be inside of you.”

“I’ll beat you up. You’re such a naughty girl, that’s the only way you’ll learn.”

“I want to push you against the wall and do dirty things to you.”

“I’ll roll you over and give it to you good.”

“I wish I could kidnap you, tie you up, and leave you moaning in bliss for hours.”

“I can’t stop thinking about picking up your skirt and leaning over the kitchen table”

“I hope you think of me as you touch.”

“We can take it slow and romantic or hard and kinky – whatever you like.”

“Do you think anyone around you knows what a naughty girl you are? Let’s make sure they never find out.”

“You’re so wet…I just want to dip into you.”

“I love it when you make noise in bed. The louder the better, I don’t care if we wake the neighbors.”

4. Romantic dirty talk

Dirty talk can also be tender. If you and your partner are going for the long haul, you can use these romantic dirty talk quotes for your girlfriend to let her know how precious she is to you and how much you can’t do without her.

Dirty Talking To Your Girlfriend Quotes For Dirty Mind

Dirty Talking To Your Girlfriend Quotes – You can do that dirty thing in bed. If you want to talk dirty to your girlfriend, then you’ve come to the right place. You can do these dirty things with your girlfriend on facebook, whatsapp or on the phone. You do these things when you want to love your girlfriend or have sex with her.

If you want intense sex, you can try to talk by looking at the pictures in this post (Dirty Talking To Your Girlfriend Quotes). We uploaded Dirty Talking To Your Girlfriend Quotes because of you.

If you manage to do dirty things, your sex life will be much better. The images we found in this post are very special and these filthy things come automatically to everyone’s tongue, so you don’t have to feel guilty about sending those filthy words to your girlfriend and having fun.

Don’t feel dirty because of dirty talk. Being more sensitive and sexy is also a sign of a better life. In fact, those dirty thoughts about sex are the right way to have sex.

These things are also a form of entertainment, so don’t think too much and have fun. Check out the images below in this post and use them in your sex life.

You can’t have sex when you’re out, but this is a good time to talk dirty to your girlfriend. You may need to create those dirty thoughts in your girlfriend’s mind. You can also send by typing your phone.

Talking Dirty to Your Girlfriend Quotes and Pictures Collection

Dirty Talking to Your Girlfriend Quotes & Pictures Collation

35 Dirty Things to Say to a Girl to Leave Her Wet with Desire

Words are a powerful tool you can use to turn her on and make her want you. These dirty things to say to a girl will make her dripping wet for you.

It’s no secret that dirty talk is a really sexy thing. There is porn dedicated specifically to people who talk dirty to their partner, and with good reason. It is hot. It’s erotic. But that doesn’t mean you can just say anything that comes to your mind. You have to know the dirty things to say to a girl that will actually turn her on.

Because just telling her you have a boner isn’t going to get it. They need things that are more compelling and speak to them on a deeper level. Women are different from men in this sense. You have to get her to imagine something, that’s more than just saying you’re horny or that she’s turning you on. You have to make her feel it, and that’s exactly what we’ve got for you!

[ Read : 20+ Beginner Dirty Talk Examples to Say the Right Things and Turn On a Girl ]

Why is dirty talk so effective?

We all know how great dirty talk is for turning people on. Saying just the right things can get someone out of the mood and dripping wet. But you need to know what dirty things to say to a girl actually work.

They must be descriptive. The reason dirty talk is so sexy is because it takes people to a very specific place in their heads. You’re imagining the things you’re talking about, and the memories of how those things feel are what gets your body excited and ready to go. [Read: How To Talk Dirty And Turn On Your Lover Like No One Else Can]

What is dirty talk about?

Talking dirty is about using the right words to arouse someone and get them to imagine the thought in their head. it can be incredibly powerful as long as you say the right things in the right way. You can text a girl, you say it while sitting next to her or even in bed when you are having sex with her.

All women are different, and while there are some universal dirty things that arouse all women, you can always use specific fantasies, scenarios, or words to arouse the girl you’re talking to with just a few words. [Read: 25 Dirty Questions To Ask A Girl And Get Her Talking]

How to initiate dirty talk with a girl

You can’t just say something dirty and expect the girl to get turned on right away, especially if she’s not in the mood yet. Read this article on how to talk dirty to a girl without turning her off to make sure you’re doing it right and timing it right to initiate it for the first time.

Once you’ve got the whole dirty talking thing going and you’ve both been physically intimate, well, the world is your oyster! Just go ahead and use these dirty things to say to a girl and watch her go from blank stare to wet underwear in no time.

All the dirty things you have to say to a girl to make her want you badly

If you’re looking for a way to make your wife horny as hell, we’ve got what you need. These are all the dirty things to say to a girl that will get her wet and beg you to please her. [ Read: 23 Sexy Tips For Talking Dirty And The Hottest Words To Say ]

1. “I want you to ride me now.”

2. “I want my face between your legs.”

3. “I can’t stop thinking about how good you feel.”

4. “I wish my hands would comb through your hair, tug at it and make you moan with pleasure.”

5. “The noises you made the last time we were in bed made me so weak.”

6. “Just the thought of you naked drives me crazy.”

[ Read: 20 Sexy Text Messages To Start A Naughty Conversation ]

7. “I just can’t handle the thought of taking you down.”

8. “Can’t you tell me how horny you make me just because you’re you?”

9. “I’ve been thinking about being inside you all day.”

10. “I love your taste.”

11. “My hands running down your body. I need it.”

12. “Tonight I want you to be in charge.”

[Read: 12 Tips To Transform You From A Nice Guy To A Real Man]

13. “Whatever you want me to do for you, I’ll do it.”

14. “I can’t get the thought of me bending you over the counter out of my head.”

15. “I want to undress you and feel your body from top to bottom.”

16. “Let me make you feel better than ever.”

17. “I want my tongue on your clit that will make you moan for hours.”

18. “Tonight I’m yours. Tell me what you want.”

19. “The way you feel beneath me is addictive. I just can not get enough.”

[ Read: 12 Fun And Sexy Ways To Please A Woman In Bed Every Time ]

20. “I have to be careful around you. I just can’t think straight.”

21. “I’ll turn you over and you’ll take it.”

22. “I want you to take charge now.”

23. “I can’t help but moan when I’m in your mouth.”

24. “I want to make you scream with pleasure tonight.”

25. “I want to be so deep inside you.”

[ Read: 24 Questions To Ask A Girl And Make Her Horny ]

26. “I’ve never been this tough.”

27. “You’re so tight, I can’t take it.”

28. “Mmm, I could do this all night.”

29. “Your body on mine is what I crave.”

30. “I want to jump on you for hours.”

Tips to make your dirty talk even more powerful

These phrases might all seem very useful when you think of dirty things to say to a girl, but only if you know how and when to use them. Here are some tips on how to make the most of talking dirty with your girl. [Read: How To Talk Dirty In The Bedroom]

1. Say something really naughty in public

Nothing sexier than a man getting really intimate and naughty in a public setting. Of course you want to be quiet about it and make sure no one can hear you. But if you do it right, it will be a big turn on for her. Just whisper what you want to say very softly in her ear and watch her squirm.

2. Text it to her

When you’re not together, take the opportunity to text her something very dirty. Not only will you make her horny when she’s not with you, it will also increase the anticipation of a great time later.

This can also give you a glimpse of great sexting. There’s not much better than getting really aroused with a good, dirty texting conversation. [ Read: 14 Naughty Sexts To Effortlessly Like A True Pro ]

3. Give her a slow, romantic kiss and end it by whispering in her ear

This is extremely effective precisely because of the parallels. A really deep, romantic kiss will turn her on and then you say something very dirty when she’s expecting something sweet.

The surprise and your words will make her wet for you. After that, you can take things straight to the bedroom! [Read: How to have sexy conversations with your lover and make him melt with horniness]

4. Know what she likes

If you know what your girl likes, you can better tailor what you’re saying. The dirty things to say to a girl who works the best are always the things that will spark the most interest for her.

If you know your girl loves it when you go down on her, then focus on that. Talk about how much you love it and how much you wish you could get down on her right there. She’ll start imagining it and will be horny in no time. [Read: Your Guide to Making Dirty Talk Sound That Sexy]

5. Only say what feels natural

Don’t try to say a lot of these things if they sound strange and awkward coming out of your mouth. This will basically just ruin the moment.

If you are new to this, start slowly. Start with sentences that are simple and meaningful. “I want you so bad” is a perfect start. You can also see how much your partner responds and take a path that she responds well to.

[Read: The Secret Art Of Getting Any Girl Wet Just By Sitting Next To Her]

Knowing what dirty things to say to a girl to turn her on will come in handy for so many reasons. Next time you want to make them your own in the bedroom, try a few of these.

Looking for more items to make a girl horny? Try these out and let your magic work!

20 dirty step by step questions to text a girl and see her get wet in 15 minutes!

How to make a girl want you and think about you sexually even if you’re just a friend

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