I Rejected My Ex Girlfriend? 126 Most Correct Answers

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “i rejected my ex girlfriend“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: https://chewathai27.com/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

How do I reject my ex girlfriend?

7 ways to reject someone nicely
  1. Be honest. They don’t say that honesty is the best policy for nothing. …
  2. Prepare yourself. …
  3. Do it face to face. …
  4. Stick with “I” statements. …
  5. Know that what you’re feeling is normal. …
  6. Avoid putting it off. …
  7. Don’t give false hope.

What do you say to reject your ex?

“There’s no need to over-explain, to justify, or defend why you’d not want to see them, it’s really none of their business,” she says. “What you can do is tell them, ‘I appreciate you reaching out to me, I want to let you know I’ve moved on and I wish you all the best.

What to do when you get rejected by your ex?

Here are seven steps that may help you heal from the devastation of being rejected by a partner.
  1. Feel the feelings. …
  2. Understand you will go through the stages of grief. …
  3. Think of your pain like a wave. …
  4. Gather your support system around you. …
  5. Stop the self-blame. …
  6. Practice self-care. …
  7. Find a therapist who can help.

Should I send my ex flowers to get her back?

Definitely send flowers if it has been more than a year. One year is a long time in the dating world. Odds are, you’ve spent lots of time together and have grown close. Flowers, along with a thoughtful card, will remind your ex you still care about her, but that the timing just wasn’t right.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

You recently broke up with your girlfriend and you regret or apologize for the end of things. You might just want to say something like, “I’m sorry, I hope we can still be friends.” Alternatively, you might want to try to win her back. Either way, you’re thinking about sending her a bouquet of flowers and you’re not sure if it’s appropriate or not.

Unfortunately, there is no clear etiquette for giving flowers after a relationship has ended. Men in particular often use flowers to apologize to their significant other after fights or bad days. However, there is a fine line between sending flowers to someone you are in a relationship with (even if the relationship is strained) and sending flowers to someone you recently ended a relationship with. Basically, yes, you can send apology flowers after a breakup. However, it is important to observe a certain etiquette and to take into account the special circumstances of the separation.

Also check out these posts:

When Should I Send Flowers to an Ex Due to Our Breakup?

Find the flowers:

Send flowers or not send flowers? That is the question.

So what should you do? Some people will tell you that sending flowers after a breakup is inappropriate because it makes it harder for both parties to move on. Other people will say that you should fight for what you want. If you think you made a mistake in ending a relationship, then it makes sense to try to fix things.

If you’re dying to try and win them back, our advice is: don’t send the flowers, deliver them yourself. We’ve all seen the movies or TV shows where the male protagonist tries to win back his love interest by sending dozens of roses to her door or place of work. Inevitably, the girl ends up crushing the flowers in the garbage truck or cutting them up with scissors. Ouch!

Sending flowers to her workplace is a particularly bad idea. This type of gesture will only embarrass them and spark conversations with bosses or co-workers about their relationship. Regardless of whether she has told everyone that she is no longer in a relationship, those conversations are bound to be awkward and awkward. This awkwardness will only fuel her anger at you.

Even if you send flowers to her home, where she can receive them privately, they will probably be too few and too late. If you’ve gone so far as to end your relationship, then the problem is probably more serious than a bouquet of a dozen roses can solve. Especially if you’re the type who’s leaned on flowers as apology gifts throughout your relationship, the gesture might ring hollow.

Breakups happen for many different reasons. Here’s our advice on knowing when to send flowers based on the length of your breakup:

Five Dates or Less: If you’ve just started dating, flowers might be too much. Maybe you just didn’t feel it, or maybe she was the one who ended it with you. Anyway, if you feel like sending flowers, there’s no harm — it may make you both feel better. Flowers can represent happy moments and memories even if they were short and sweet.

Under a year: Depending on how serious you are, it would still be nice to receive flowers after a few months of dating.

More than a year: Be sure to send flowers if it has been more than a year. A year is a long time in the dating world. Chances are you’ve spent a lot of time together and become close. Flowers, along with a thoughtful card, will remind your ex that you still care about them, but that the timing just wasn’t right.

You met someone else: If you met someone else, sending flowers to your ex might remind them that they lost you. Then again, she might still appreciate the gesture—that’s your call.

If you’re trying to get your ex back, we recommend this particular protocol:

Plan: Plan what you want to say to her. Have you made a mistake that you think is fixable? Do you have doubts about your own decision to end things? Write down what you want to say. You can either give her a letter or speak your thoughts out loud. Both are equally strong. Think about it: choose your favorite colors. Pick a bouquet that you know she will love. Prepare yourself: Be ready to accept their decision. While winning her love back is a brave act, she may be ready to move on. When you love someone, sometimes the best thing you can do for them is to let go.

We wish you the best of luck in your attempt to get your ex back. It is very brave to fight for love. When things don’t go as you planned, remember that there will always be more fish in the sea. Someone will be lucky enough to have you someday soon. When that day comes, you can buy flowers for her!

Sending the right flowers after a breakup

If you’re looking to send flowers after a breakup, these are some great options:

Emma: These flowers let her know you’re thinking of her. They are pink and cheerful and will hopefully make her smile. Amour: If you’re trying to win your ex back, red roses — complete with voicing your situation — might do the trick. Leonie: Extra points if her name is Leonie. This elegant and peachy bouquet is soft and sweet.

The advantages of a private delivery

A better idea is to show up at her door with flowers in hand and ask her to listen to you. The biggest problem with sending flowers after a breakup is that flowers can’t talk. They can send a simple message, like “I’m sorry” or “I love you,” but they can’t talk about serious relationship issues or make your “please take me back” pitch for you. You have to be there to express your feelings, and flowers are just helpful to show her that you mean her. If it is meant to be, it will happen.

Why does an ex still want to be friends?

1. What does it mean when your ex wants to be friends? It may mean they are not over the relationship yet or regret the decision to break up with you. They may also want to be friends because they want to be on good terms with you post-breakup or may need something from you.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely


Separation is the hardest phase in life, especially when you and your partner have known each other for a long time. However, if your ex wants to be friends after a breakup, you may be at a loss. While this may seem like a tempting proposition, you need to consider several factors before settling on an affirmative answer.

Although you may enjoy exploring friendships, you may be haunted by several questions such as: B. Why do they want to come back into your life after all the unpleasant events? If this relates to you, read on as we give you the answers to these and other questions. Also, learn what to consider and how to respond if your ex intends to be friends with you.

Why your ex might want to be friends with you

There could be reasons ranging from regret to a desire for intimacy. Let’s find out why your ex wants to be your buddy.

1. Regrets the breakup

Your ex regrets breaking up with you. In the heat of the moment, we all say things that we later don’t mean or regret. Your ex thinks it’s a hasty decision and wants to clear things up by making the first move through friendship.

2. You see the benefits

Suddenly it dawned on your ex that he enjoyed various advantages in a relationship with you. It could be something emotional and romantic or it could be something as practical as sharing the cost of fuel or using your club membership card that you had; Either way, your ex is missing out on the perks of being a part of your life.

3. Misses the friendship

If you were good friends before moving things forward, chances are your ex is reaching out because he misses your company. Maybe the relationship didn’t work out, or they didn’t want it to culminate in a marriage without chemistry, but they still crave your friendship.

4. Keep the peace

Your ex isn’t interested in rekindling the relationship, but he doesn’t want to live with a lingering acidity. So they try to sweeten things by saying “at least we can be friends.”

5. Wants you as a makeshift

Maybe they thought they would be dating someone soon after the breakup. However, this did not happen, and now they are stranded. Becoming friends with you can serve as a stopgap or quick fix to assuage their need for attention until they find someone else.

6. Fear of change

It might be difficult to suddenly cut ties with someone who has been an integral part of your daily life. Your ex used to not notice it, but now they seem to see it. It has led to fear of change in all aspects of life – at work, in daily chores, and even in paying the bills. A great way to have you in her life without the romance is through friendship.

7. Wants to be in control

Some people enjoy being the dominant one. They delight in the unfair control they have over people’s lives. Your ex may want to be friends with you just for the thrill of seeing you give in to their pleas for friendship.

8. Share mutual friends

If you both have mutual friends, staying friends can be a worthwhile suggestion for your ex to reduce awkwardness. This reason is most likely if you, your ex, and mutual friends see each other often.

9. Wants to look like the good guy

Maybe your ex was never in love with you. Maybe the relationship was one-sided, an affair or a crush, and they’re done with it now. However, they don’t want to appear like a frivolous flirt and want to improve their image by creating harmony between the two of you with the friendship offer.

10. Wants to be “friends with benefits.”

If nothing else, the reason your ex wants to be friends with you is because they seek sex with no strings attached. A relationship with no commitments and the freedom to look elsewhere is a pleasant prospect; it offers them the best of both worlds.

What to do if your ex wants to be friends

Depending on the reasons for your breakup, you need to analyze the feasibility of friendship with your ex. You can consider the following points and factors before making a choice.

1. Respect yourself

Understand that if you’ve often felt hurt, abused, or disrespected in your relationship, agreeing to remain friends could lead to more of that treatment. Stand up for yourself instead of falling back into such a demeaning relationship. Even if they urge you to remain friends, remember that past behavior predicts future behavior and consider ending all relationships with them, aside from warm greetings in public.

2. Analyze your feelings

Take time to process your feelings after the breakup. If you’re shattered by the shock of the breakup, there’s no point in trying to befriend the person who caused those feelings. So think about how you would feel if you were friends with your ex and if you find it uncomfortable, don’t make friends.

3. Do you agree to be included in the friend zone?

Remember, when you step back into your ex’s life, you will do so as friends. It means you have to endure the sight of seeing her romance with someone else. Who knows, you might even be one of the special friends on their wedding guest list. If you can take it all and don’t mind getting into the friend zone, then all is well. However, if it hurts you a lot, walk away and focus on your own social life.

4. You have grown as people

If you have always been friends and have only been lovers for a short time, you may consider being friends with your ex. In such cases, you’ve probably grown in each other’s company and experienced many ups and downs together. At some point along the journey, they fell in love but moved away for work or education, resulting in a breakup. Being friends again can help you get back to the old relationship and can even lay the groundwork for a better and stronger relationship.

5. Don’t entertain their selfish interests

If you feel like your ex just wants to be friends to enjoy some perks of being in your life, then show them the door. You are no longer required to share things you own or share bills with them. Making up with your selfish ex will only add undue strain to your life.

6. If you have the same circle of friends

If you have several mutual friends and the two of you inevitably run into each other, consider discussing remaining friends and letting your circle know. This could help you avoid awkward silences when you’re in a group of friends with your ex, and could even reduce awkwardness for your friends. Additionally, your friends don’t have to choose sides, avoiding a rift between your friends.

Frequently Asked Questions 1. What does it mean when your ex wants to be friends? It can mean they haven’t ended the relationship yet or they regret the decision to break up with you. Maybe they also want to be friends because they want to get along with you after the breakup or maybe they need something from you. 2. Is it normal to be friends with your ex? It depends on the relationship you share. For example, if you were badly hurt in the relationship and no longer want to interact with them, you can resist being friends with them. On the other hand, not every breakup has to be very contentious, and two people can always remain good friends. 3. How to let go of an ex who wants to be friends? You can avoid them or tell them directly that you don’t want to be friends with them, believing that the friendship will lead you to the same toxicity pattern. Instead, you can focus on yourself, engage in activities that you enjoy, and work to heal the wounds of the past.

Separation is not easy for most people. However, if you break up amicably, it’s possible that your ex might want to be friends with you. It should be a well-considered decision whether or not to keep in touch. While kindness can bring you some kind of closure, for some people it can hurt their healed wounds. Set boundaries if you’re considering being friends with them so it doesn’t interfere with your current or future relationships.

Important Notes There is nothing wrong with being friends with your ex, but it is important to know his goal behind rekindling the friendship.

Missing their company or realizing their mistakes could be some reasons why they want to come back.

Think about your feelings and don’t put their selfish interests ahead of yours.

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How do I tell my ex I don’t want her back?

Respectfully tell them that you are focused on living in the present and that you do not believe that reverting back to the past will be of any benefit to your life going forward,” Trina Leckie, breakup coach and host of the breakup BOOST podcast, tells Elite Daily.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

After a breakup, there might have been a time when you just wanted one more chance at your relationship. But as you began to recover from the heartbreak and move on with your life, that longing for another chance began to fade. Eventually you got over your ex and started looking forward to the next chapter in your life. Call out your ex’s infamous “I miss you” and “Let’s try again” lyrics. Like clockwork. When an ex wants to get back together but you don’t, it can be difficult to figure out how to just let them down — especially if you ended your relationship amicably.

If you’ve both had a really great relationship, the idea of ​​possibly rekindling it might be tempting for a second. But it’s important to remember that “the same reasons you decided to end the relationship are most likely still at play in the relationship,” says Dr. Benjamin Ritter, founder of Live for Yourself Consulting and The Breakup Supplement, told Elite Daily. He says, “If you can’t imagine reliving that relationship, then stop thinking about it.”

Once the slight temptation wears off, the next step is to politely tell your ex that you’re not interested in getting back together. “Respectfully tell them that your focus is on living in the present and that you don’t think going back to the past will benefit your future life,” Trina Leckie, breakup coach and breakup facilitator BOOST Podcasts. tells Elite Daily. “There’s no other way to deal with this than to be honest and direct. You have to do what is right for you and stay true to yourself.”

As Leckie says, be honest; it might be better than beating around the bush to spare her feelings. In the long run, they’ll probably appreciate your openness because you didn’t talk them into it. “You don’t want to give them false hope or think things might change,” dating coach and relationship expert James Preece told Elite Daily. “Be sensitive to their feelings and listen to what they have to say. Suggest being friends if possible and see how that works out.

Even a slow disappointment could give your ex the wrong impression that the two of you could become something again in the future. We all know what it’s like to be obsessed with someone you like when they look at your Insta stories or like all your photos. If you keep communicating with an ex virtually, he might get the impression that you’re interested, even if it’s just a harmless like.

“Unfortunately, when someone is really into you, especially an ex, a chance means literally any communication or commitment,” says Dr. Knight. “That said, every decision to meet, reply, ‘like’ on social media, etc. gives your ex the idea that there might still be a chance.” When that happens, Ritter suggests giving up completely to withdraw. It may seem abrupt, but on the whole, you’re doing yourself and your ex a favor. That way, they can’t doubt that you actually have no interest in continuing with them at all. Period.

Why Ignoring your ex is powerful?

Ignoring your ex after your breakup with a no contact rule is the best thing you could do and here’s a quick rundown of why it works so well: It allows you more time to focus on yourself and lead an improved life. It showcases a stable and secure side of you.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

I’m sure you’ve heard about ignoring your ex or how absence makes your heart beat, but how exactly does it work?

Today I’m going to walk you through the psychology of why ignoring your ex is the perfect foundation for getting them back or getting over them.

I will also uncover the biggest misconception people have when it comes to ignoring their ex.

What are your chances of getting your ex boyfriend back? take the quiz

Why Is Ignoring Your Ex So Powerful?

If you’re trying to get your ex back or getting over your breakup, you’ve probably stumbled across some version of the no contact rule.

It’s the most recommended technique after a breakup.

What exactly is a no contact rule?

The no contact rule is basically that period (usually 21-45 days) of ignoring your ex to make him miss you while you work on hitting the reset button for yourself by you improve your life.

Of course, a total no-contact policy is limited in situations where you work with your ex, have a child with them, still live with them, etc.

In these particular circumstances, I recommend a limited no-contact rule, but today’s issue isn’t what kind of no-contact rule you need, it’s about understanding what makes the no-contact rule so successful.

The Psychology Behind the No Contact Rule – The Theory of Reactance

The theory of reactance is a psychological concept that dictates how people behave when their freedoms of behavior are taken away from them.

Generally, if you take away certain freedoms of conduct from someone, they will do whatever it takes to get them back.

For our purposes, lockdown basically deprives your ex of the behavioral freedom to talk to you, and their response would be to try to reclaim that freedom.

That sounds perfect… in theory.

But it doesn’t quite work that way in real life.

So you decide to ignore your ex, which would obviously deprive him of the freedom to have a conversation with you.

In theory, their response would be to try to regain that freedom of conduct. But when we actually looked at how often ex-boyfriends would reach out to you during a no-contact rule, we saw some alarming trends…

I’d like to preface these insights by saying that I’m a big advocate of trends as opposed to one-off strategies or examples. I believe in finding tangible patterns in this process that work in predictable ways for multiple people so I can help others use this information.

The best way to define or find patterns is to survey an audience full of people trying the same things.

Fortunately, we have a dedicated private Facebook support group for anyone who purchases our flagship ex-boyfriend recovery program.

Everyone in this group is either going through a breakup and wants to get their ex back (or get over them), or they’ve already gone through the process.

This means we have a community of around 4500 people sharing their experiences and receiving additional guidance via Facebook Live sessions from me and other trainers.

One day I had the idea to poll this audience of people who have applied the no contact rule and to ask them a single question:

What are your chances of getting your ex boyfriend back? take the quiz

For those of you who use the no contact rule, how many times has your ex actually reached out to you during the no contact rule? Shockingly, about 63 percent of those surveyed said their ex had not contacted them during lockdown.

So what is there?

Does that mean ignoring your ex with the no contact rule isn’t an effective strategy?

Not exactly.

It means you’re focusing on the wrong thing…

The biggest misconception people have when it comes to ignoring their ex

When people first come to my office, they expect instant gratification and think that the no contact rule is all about ignoring their ex because it will make their ex miss them.

We found the opposite.

What counts more than anything when it comes to ignoring your ex is what you do with that time.

I started noticing this pattern in almost all success stories – the people who actually went through our program and got their ex back.

The biggest thread running through all the success stories was how they used their time during lockdown.

They didn’t sit around feeling sorry for themselves, not that there was anything wrong with that.

They actually picked themselves up, dusted themselves off from the negativity and depression of their breakup, and took matters into their own hands by improving their lives in all sorts of ways.

Now I know what you’re thinking…duh, ignoring your ex and working on yourself is the most cliched response ever.

Well, it’s a cliché because it works.

When you improve and show your ex a new side of you, they are intrigued.

As long as you focus on yourself and not your ex, you are moving towards the right mindset to become an “invincible girl.” So yes, working on yourself IS a big reason why ignoring your ex is so powerful, but it’s not the only reason.

Another reason why ignoring your ex is so powerful is the stable nature it presents towards them.

You see, a breakup is a very unstable and emotionally charged environment.

Many things are said in the heat of the moment and it’s just one big mess. And what do people do when they see a situation full of chaos?

They run.

Nobody wants to deal with all the drama of a breakup, so your ex will likely walk away. Well, if your ex ran away after breaking up with you, your solution was probably to overreact and compensate by begging for him to come back.

They will do anything from blow up your phone and social media to maybe even show up at your house to bring you back. All of those insecurities only exaggerate the chaos and push your ex even further away.

What are your chances of getting your ex boyfriend back? take the quiz

Your ex wants nothing to do with you because it seems like you are extremely insecure. But then you implement a no-contact rule and start ignoring it. This huge difference will surprise your ex and make him wonder what happened.

They will ask questions like: what’s going on? How are you suddenly so sure and stable? are you over her

This will drive them nuts, especially if they’ve been contemplating having a welfare friend with them or keeping you as a backup because they never expected you to just completely ignore them.

Having that element of intrigue and shock is a really underutilized aspect.

Whether we realize it or not, the more stable we are, the more we start to attract our ex back. But that’s not the only thing that happens while acting stable and safe by ignoring your ex.

They also use their Grass Is Greener Syndrome

Like it or not, the truth is that when your ex breaks up with you, it’s an admission that they think they can do better than you.

Sometimes they can and sometimes they can’t.

But here’s the thing – they have to try and meet new people to realize how good they were on you.

Well, that doesn’t happen immediately. A lot of people think that grass is greener syndrome is that instant thing that instantly makes their ex want to come back to them, but that’s not how grass is greener syndrome works.

This is what real grass-is-greener syndrome looks like.

Your ex breaks up with you and they lie about why they did it when all they really want to do is explore their options. So they go on dates and find someone who they think is better than you.

They get into this new love affair – he kisses the new girl, deletes your pics from his social media, and posts pictures with her. All of this can be really depressing and overwhelming for you.

However, they must remember that this is only their honeymoon time. This over-the-top honeymoon phase will eventually flatten out and when both of them get back to how they really are in relationships, that’s when the comparisons begin.

Your ex will start comparing his everyday life to his new girlfriend and to you as opposed to the highlights he had with her during the honeymoon period. Ideally, he thinks to himself, “I got on really well with her” when he looks back on your relationship.

Then he starts romanticizing your relationship and you start seeing ex-boyfriends reaching out to you all the time. He’ll probably try to just be a friend, but he’ll actually start looking to you for the kind of emotional support he should be looking for in his partner.

So sometimes ignoring your ex and just letting them do things themselves is enough to take advantage of the grass-is-greener syndrome, where regret comes into play.


Ignoring your ex after your breakup with a no contact rule is the best thing you can do, and here’s a quick rundown of why it works so well:

How do I show my ex I don’t care anymore?

Don’t show any signs you care.
  1. Go to their parties or special events. …
  2. Pay them compliments.
  3. Call your ex “just to talk.” If you need to talk, have something specific in mind you want to talk about. …
  4. Late night talks. …
  5. Get caught staring or looking too long at your ex.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely


If you’re constantly talking to your ex about past memories or saying that every special occasion is bittersweet now that you’re no longer an object, they’ll likely never stop blaming you for leaving them, and they might bringing you both more pain than you experienced when you first made the decision to move on. If you can show them that their words of pleading and guilt no longer affect you (even if they do, don’t tell your ex), then and only then will they know you’ve moved on. If a person still has hope and is entertained by their ex’s attention to their feelings, they will never let go. You will never feel peace. You will never feel peace. You will never have enough peace within you to love again. You are doing your ex a disservice by not allowing him to move on and see life without you by protecting him from pain. They need closure. And the only way to find closure is to feel the final pain that there is no hope of a rekindling in the relationship. You can’t protect your ex and expect to move on and protect your next love. You can very well miss the love of your life if you are too busy protecting your ex. Allow yourself and your ex to move on and start over. Don’t lead people with the idea that you’ll ease their pain. They only add to the pain and hurt for them, themselves, and others involved. Be free. let her be free

Is it weak to text your ex?

It could make you feel worse. Breakups can make you feel rejected, but your ex can’t fix that. If you want closure, you’re likely feeling insecure and rejected because of how the relationship ended—but texting your girlfriend could result in even more insecurities.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

After texting your ex, you start stressing about it. What if she doesn’t text you back? What do you say when she does? You can take control of your life if you put down your phone and choose not to text. Maybe eventually she’ll text you and you can talk again — or maybe she won’t and you’ll have a clean, peaceful breakup. Either way, you’ve done what’s healthiest for yourself!

What rejection does to a woman?

“Rejection results in hurt feelings and sadness and can heighten anxiety and depressive symptoms,” Jaclyn Lopez Witmer, a licensed clinical psychologist, tells Bustle. It can also impact self-esteem, and lead you to look for reasons why you were rejected.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

Perhaps unsurprisingly, rejection affects the body quite a bit, causing everything from physical aches and pains to hormonal changes to withdrawal-like symptoms. These can arise after a tough breakup, the loss of a job, or the end of a friendship. And while these situations don’t always have side effects, don’t be alarmed if you find them particularly difficult.

“Your brain processes rejection or emotional pain the same way it processes physical pain,” says Dr. Catherine Jackson, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Board Certified Neurotherapist, to Bustle. And in many ways, that’s thanks to evolution, as humans have had an easier time surviving in social groups than alone, Vivian F. Zhang, MSW, RSW, a clinical therapist, tells Bustle.

We’re wired to want acceptance, which is why rejection can hurt. This is also why it can be so difficult to get past it. However, there are things you can do to speed up the process and see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. As Jackson says, reframing the situation so it has less of an impact on your overall well-being can help.

Therapy can also be beneficial as it can help you cope with these feelings while also teaching you how to manage them and move forward. With that in mind, here are some changes that experts say can occur in the body when you experience rejection, and what you can do about it.

1 Your Hormones Can Change Ashley Batz/Bustle Romantic rejection can be one of the more painful experiences, and that’s because “our brain loves being in love,” says Elisa Robyn, PhD, a counselor who focuses on heartbreak , opposite Bustle. “When we’re in love, our bodies release phenethylamine, dopamine, cortisol, and oxytocin.” And it’s those chemicals that make us happy and focused on the person we love. “The food tastes better, the day looks brighter, and we feel stronger,” says Robyn. A breakup means those love hormones are no longer the primary chemicals in your brain — and that can be very uncomfortable, both physically and emotionally. “Rather than being bathed in loving feel-good hormones, our brains are now picking up on cortisol and epinephrine,” says Robyn, which are heart-pounding “fight-or-flight” chemicals caused by stress. And that can be a difficult transition.

2 Your body will hurt Cortisol is also released into the body along with adrenaline after rejection. And, as Robyn says, “too much cortisol swells our muscles preparing for ‘fight.'” Again, this is due to the fight-or-flight response, meaning your body is reacting to a stressful change and it’s trying to figure out what to do. Muscle swelling can cause physical pain — like aches and soreness — after a breakup, which is why Robyn says running, walking, or exercising can help you feel better.

3 Digestion Can Be Impaired AstroStar/Shutterstock “While blood is coursing to our muscles to prepare for ‘fight,’ blood isn’t coursing to our digestive system,” says Robyn. “This can lead to the classic symptoms of nausea and inability,” both of which can occur after a major rejection — like a breakup. Exercise and exercise can help with digestive issues, says Robyn. So even if you don’t feel like going for a walk or going to the gym on your way home from work, it can really help you feel better.

4 Your Heart Can Actually Hurt Again, that “heartache” feeling is a very real side effect of rejection. “Rejection can feel physically painful because it follows similar neural pathways in the brain as when we are physically injured and in pain,” says Zhang. Of course, grief can come at the end of a romantic relationship, but also when you are rejected by friends or family. “In terms of social rejection,” says Zhang, “the difference might be that these painful memories are more easily captured in our amygdala and hippocampus, which are our memory centers in the brain that evoke pain memories and amplify the pain response.”

5 The brain can ruminate WAYHOME studio/Shutterstock The brain can do itself a disservice by ruminating on the emotional pain you’re experiencing, just as it fixates on physical pain like a stubbed toe or a broken arm—if any Things happen, it can be difficult to think about anything else. “Rejection is hard on both the brain and the body,” says Jackson. “As with physical pain, the brain prioritizes the pain of rejection, which is why your mind thinks about it. And the same brain regions that are activated when you are rejected are activated when the body is in physical pain. So your brain is literally in pain.”

6 You Can Lose Your “Mental Map” Rejection can be emotionally difficult because it forces you to consider options that you may not have wanted or were not interested in. And often this works to amplify your negative feelings. “The ideas and thoughts we come up with about relationships are quite interesting because in relationships we create mental maps that help us set expectations and plan things,” says Zhang. “What usually happens with rejection and ghosting is that the image of that person is destroyed and the mental maps that we have created are shattered. It’s a challenge for individuals to balance reality with their ideals.” However, it can be made easier by talking to friends or even going to therapy. This process allows you to focus on creating new plans while also dealing with rejection more easily.

7 You Can Go to Rehab Ashley Batz/Bustle According to Robyn, loving relationships can be addictive because they saturate your brain with feel-good hormones and make you happy. So it makes sense that after a rejection you might go into some form of rehab. “We also lose the physical closeness that we have in relationships, as well as the camaraderie,” she says. “Our brains are confused and lonely. We may be forgetful and unable to concentrate. Part of that is because we’re trying to restore the feelings and create the hormones that we’ve lost.” Again, this is like an addiction. “In fact, the thought of our ex can give us a little dopamine rush,” says Robyn, “which makes us think about our past.”

8 It Can Cause Brain Fog It’s not uncommon to go through a phase after a rejection where you just aren’t yourself. And that can manifest in the form of brain fog, as well as other symptoms like irritability, headaches, and even phantom limb pain, says Dr. Cali Estes, a mental health expert and life coach, told Bustle. It might sound too good to be true when you’re in the middle of the action, but being purposeful to go out and have fun can be a big help. “Ways to overcome this are exercise […] and getting out in the sun and having a good time,” says Estes. “The idea is to improve your mood so you’re not sad or missing out on something [which] can lead to anxiety and frustration.”

Is rejection worse than break up?

While that’s totally normal and valid, science says there could be a very specific reason behind why we feel worse after some breakups than others. According to a new study from Cornell University, being rejected by someone who chooses someone else over you hurts worse than someone who just flat out rejects you.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

If you’ve dated and broken up with more than one person, you probably know that some breakups hurt more than others. While you may move on quickly and happily from one, you may linger longingly on another. While that’s perfectly normal and valid, science says there might be a very specific reason why we feel worse after some breakups than others.

According to a new study from Cornell University, being rejected by someone who prefers someone else to you hurts worse than someone who simply rejects you. In other words, if your last partner broke up with you to date someone else, you may feel more hurt than if they broke up with you to take some time for themselves.

To determine which type of rejection hurts more, the researchers conducted four experiments involving about 600 people. According to Time, in some experiments, two women (who were secretly working with the researchers) were placed in a room with a man, and one of the women was told she could choose a partner to solve a puzzle. In some cases the woman chose the other woman in the room as her partner, while in other cases she worked alone. In another experiment, large groups of subjects were asked to imagine specific times when they had been rejected. In each experiment, participants reported feeling hurt after being rejected in favor of someone else.

“This may be because such rejections lead to increased feelings of exclusion and decreased belonging,” the study authors wrote, according to Time.

Maybe now you’re thinking back to a time when you were rejected and felt really bad, but you weren’t aware if someone else was in the picture. Researchers found that this can be just as bad as knowing someone else was chosen over you. According to the study, not knowing why you were rejected can evoke the same feelings as knowing you were rejected for someone else, which can then prompt you to search for reasons why you were rejected.

The bottom line is that rejection sucks, no matter how it happens. But it’s important to remember that regardless of the reason for your rejection, you’re still valuable and it shouldn’t backfire on your self-worth.

Also Read: 5 Totally Normal Emotions Everyone Goes Through When Trying to Survive a Breakup

How do you act when a guy rejects you?

11 Things To Do When He Rejects You
  1. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. …
  2. Accept his decisions. …
  3. Be proud of your courage. …
  4. It’s not you. …
  5. Don’t be hard on yourself. …
  6. Quit acting like a victim. …
  7. Embrace your individuality. …
  8. Let them go.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

Regardless of who rejects you, how or why you were rejected, it is a painful experience. It’s a form of avoidance that knows no bounds and will always hurt, no matter how well prepared we are. In fact, research shows that people who anticipate rejection tend to be more sensitive to it.

So it almost feels like there’s no winning when it comes to rejection – it’s going to hurt whether you expect it or not. Therefore, instead of feeling anxious all the time, it would be wise to focus on knowing how to respond to rejection from a man.

When a man rejects you, there’s always a tendency to try to hold you tighter by begging him to change his mind or push him away completely. While both of these impulses are perfectly reasonable as they come from fear, you would allow your emotions to control you.

However, if you want to look your best as a stylish lady, you need to let go of your initial instincts and embrace the reactions that follow.

11 things to do when he rejects you

1. Allow yourself to be vulnerable

There’s no use trying to protect yourself from feelings of hurt or disappointment, and what’s worse is trying to hide it from him. Be honest about how his rejection makes you feel and let him see your vulnerability, even if it makes you cry.

Showing him your vulnerability here doesn’t mean begging him to be with you or making ultimatums; it just means being real with your emotions. This could include taking a deep breath and letting that person know you’re disappointed in their rejection because you were hoping for a better response.

2. Accept his decisions

The last thing you want to do when a man rejects you is try to challenge his decision in the moment. This will only push the person further away and make you seem less valuable in their eyes.

Try to see things from his perspective and accept his decision for what it is.

Let him know that while you would have appreciated a positive response to your advances, you won’t be the girl to pursue him. The fantastic thing about refusing to fight your decision is that it makes you reconsider if you really made the best decision, and there’s a show of self-respect.

3. Be proud of your courage

It takes a lot of courage to approach a man and express your feelings. A lot of girls wouldn’t do this out of fear, so give yourself a pat on the back for such a bold move. How did you feel after he said no or turned down your advances? Ashamed? down?

Well, don’t let these feelings get the best of you, in life you win or lose, but the biggest losers are those who don’t try at all. Treat yourself to something good to overcome your fear and take matters into your own hands.

Also, remember that nothing good comes easy, so appreciate the fact that your brave act now saves you from doubt and is wasting your energy on someone who doesn’t share the same emotional feelings as you.

4. It’s not you

Just because someone rejected you doesn’t mean you have a problem. People have different tastes and are likely going through a phase in their lives; Therefore, there is no need to take a rejection too personally. Do you accept every guy that comes your way?

No right?

Sometimes it’s not about their looks or personality, it’s just because there’s no connection. While they verbally say no, you should understand that they are not saying no to you as an individual, they are saying no to a relationship with you.

5. Don’t be hard on yourself

So you expressed your feelings to a friend whose mood you may have misinterpreted. Now is not the time to beat yourself up. Don’t make statements or decisions like, “I got rejected by a friend, I don’t think I’ll ever tell anyone I like them again.”

Such comments will only cause you to put up walls and prevent you from having an amazing friendship with someone else.

6. Stop acting like a victim

The mere fact that you were brave enough to ask a man out should motivate you to always take matters into your own hands. There’s no need to sit around and whine for too long. Resist the temptation to sit on your couch for days watching Netflix and victimizing yourself.

His rejection is not the end of the world; Therefore, you must ensure that you continue to take risks and take chances in life.

7. Embrace your individuality

So this person rejected you and you feel like you can’t live with the pain? If so, you might even start hating your looks. Never think of changing your appearance to please someone else. These are things that make you unique as an individual.

Accept your mistakes and know that one day you will meet someone who appreciates them all and doesn’t want you to change anything.

8. Let her go

A wise man once said if you love something you should let it go because if it’s really yours it will come back to you. He was right. Letting go is not an easy task and I understand if you feel like proving your worth to the person who rejected you because you think it will make them change their mind.

However, you should wish him well and let him go. Most men will keep coming back when they see that you know your worth and don’t chase after them.

9. Let him know where your relationship stands

Let’s say you just asked your best friend or co-worker out and they turned you down, it’s only normal for things to feel awkward for a while. He may also be embarrassed and afraid to communicate with you in the same way as before.

Frustrated that he’s not paying you as much attention as he used to?

This is one of the most common problems faced by our female readers.

The #1 factor that makes men behave this way is actually relatively easy to change with a few subtle things you can tell him today. Check out this free video (click the link to watch) my friend recorded that explains how you can become his priority!

So it’s up to you to let him know that even though he rejected you, it’s nothing personal and you can still be warm friends. However, if you still feel hurt, you can ask him for some space to calm your feelings.

10. Rethink your life

Believe it or not, a rejection could serve as a tool for self-improvement. It’s not the time to curl up in a hole and wish the world would go away because you’re ashamed. Instead, see it as a wake-up call.

If someone has told you that the reason for rejection has something to do with a character flaw, now is the time to look inward and reconsider yourself. Maybe there is some truth in what they said and if so, find ways to become a better person.

11. Rely on your support system

Nothing beats a good support system when you’re feeling down. They will always keep you in check and calm you down in your feelings. They are people who love us and don’t want us to make stupid decisions. A solid support system is especially valuable if you are someone who is sensitive and tends to overreact when rejected.

frequently asked Questions

What to do if a man rejects you When a man rejects you, the most important thing is to acknowledge and accept his decision. If you beg him to stay, he might change his mind, but those feelings won’t be genuine — sure, he only accepted to make you happy, and trust me, you don’t want to be in a sorry relationship. What does it mean when a guy rejects you? When a guy rejects you, it can mean several things. First, you might not be his “type,” and that’s okay. Just because you’re not what he’s looking for doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. We all have preferences and he has the right to act on his. Another reason could be that he isn’t ready to commit yet or is going through a phase where he wants to be alone. How do guys feel after rejecting a girl? No one likes to deliver bad news unless the person is a sadist. I’ve asked this question on social media and many men claim to always feel sad after a rejection, but that doesn’t mean they regret their actions. This should be seen as bravery because it would be cowardly to say yes to you when you really don’t mean it. Can a guy change his mind after rejecting you? Absolutely. A guy can change his mind after rejecting you, and that’s why it’s important to know how to act around a guy who rejected you. If you honor his choices and let go, it might make him change his mind when he sees that you respect yourself too much to beg for affection. Also, circumstances might have changed, which could make him want you back. How do you know if a guy is rejecting you? The first telltale sign a guy is rejecting you is that he will tell you. Don’t make the mistake of thinking he’s joking or coming over. Take his words for what they mean and move on. Other signs he’s rejecting you include making excuses for dates, not calling you, and openly flirting with others.


Rejection is an experience that almost everyone has and will experience, but no one ever gets used to it. It is therefore important that you arm yourself with the right methods to deal with it. I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Also be a good friend and share this article with your friends.

How do I let my ex down easy?

How to let someone down easy:
  1. Start by owning your truth. …
  2. Share your truth with the other person. …
  3. Be straightforward from the beginning. …
  4. Always start positive. …
  5. Remember that tone is everything. …
  6. Do not identify with their feelings. …
  7. Let go of the outcome. …
  8. Don’t say you’re sorry.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

As much as we all wish we never had to let anyone down, at some point in your life it is inevitable. But that doesn’t mean you have to be hard on it. Even when someone has wronged you, hurt your feelings, or broken your heart, there are kind, compassionate ways to get out of a situation. Not sure what they are? Discover 10 thoughtful and simple steps ahead of time with expert help to let someone down or painlessly reject them.

Here’s an easy way to let someone down:

1. Start owning your truth.

The best way to let someone down is to fully understand why you feel compelled to do so. “Understand what your motivation for this conversation is and deal with whatever it is,” life coach Rachel Kove, the founder and co-CEO of Transformational Solutions, tells HelloGiggles. When you understand the why, you can really understand why you are taking this step in the first place.

2. Share your truth with the other person.

If you don’t want to do something — whether it’s in a relationship or friendship, going on a family trip, or completing a work project — don’t lie about why you don’t want to show up. Whether it’s a one-time decision or something with a long-term impact, being honest about why you don’t want to participate is critical to how you choose to end things.

3. Be straightforward from the start.

So often – in both work and personal situations – people ask for time to think about X, Y and Z. While some scenarios do require additional thinking, it often seems like procrastinating on the conversation or event is just a means of avoiding it. “Letting someone down can be stressful and difficult, but the last thing you want is to be ambiguous,” explains licensed marriage and family therapist Dr. Carolina Pataky of the Love Discovery Institute. “Sometimes we try to let someone down by saying, ‘I’m really done this week, but I’ll let you know when my schedule gets a little freer.’ You are giving this person false hope that you are interested. Don’t let anyone wonder what your intentions or desires are. It will only create stress for them and for you.”

4. Always start positively.

Even when you know you’re going to let someone down — and especially when — staying positive helps soften the blow. “Always begin your decline with a [statement expressing gratitude],” suggests Dr. Pataky before. “You don’t want to be rude or disrespectful and these statements can help soften the blow. It shows that you still value the person while being authentic about your feelings.”

how to just let someone down Credit: Getty Images

5. Remember that sound is everything.

We can’t stress this enough: it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it — and yes, that goes for texting too. So no matter what you say or write, make sure your tone is compassionate if you really want to make the process easier for the other person. “Be authentic with yourself and what you want,” says Dr. Pataky. “You don’t want to confuse them or eventually ‘ghost’ them. You want to be polite but very clear.”

6. Don’t identify with her feelings.

Just letting someone down doesn’t mean you have to make it worse for yourself. You can be compassionate and empathetic while naming your limitations without having to take their disappointing feelings about your needs to heart. “Don’t make yourself ‘bad’ [just to placate them],” says Kove. Sometimes people get hurt when they express a want or need, and while it can make you feel uncomfortable, that doesn’t mean you should ignore your feelings.

7. Release the result.

When people get disappointed, their opinion of you can change. This is another thing to keep in mind but not consume. “Don’t get attached to what that person thinks of you,” says Kove. “When you’re done with the conversation, acknowledge the challenge and be proud of yourself.” Remember, setting boundaries and letting someone down isn’t easy, but it’s important to understand that their disappointment isn’t suggesting that you are wrong.

8. Don’t say you’re sorry.

How do you tell an ex you don’t want to talk?

“I think it’s best if we take some space these next few months, so please don’t text or call me for a while.” 2. “Speaking to you regularly is making it harder for me to move on, which is why I need to go no-contact for a while. I’ll reach out again when I’m ready to talk.”

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

There was a time when getting a text from your ex was the best feeling, but after a breakup, all that contact can feel like salt in your broken heart. Not to mention the fact that it can add to your confusion at an already troubling time. This is why some experts say that one of the best ways to clear your head and move on after a relationship ends is to stay contactless by texting your ex that you don’t want to talk, at least for a while.

But what does non-contact mean? It’s a total disruption in communication between you and them, as Trina Leckie, breakup coach and host of the breakup BOOST podcast, previously told Elite Daily. “No calls, texts, emails, or checking her social media,” she says, because by keeping them both out of sight and mind you give yourself the space to heal. “If you keep in touch or always check on them, they will always be in the foreground. You need a reasonable amount of time to get your feelings back under control and to gain some clarity as to why the breakup had to happen.” That way you can really move on forever.

If you’re not sure how to tell your ex that you need a total break from communicating with them for a while, here’s some inspiration for what to say over text.

Alihan Usullu/E+/Getty Images

1. “I think it’s best if we take our time over the next few months, so please don’t text or call me for a while.”

2. “Talking to you regularly makes it harder for me to keep going, which is why I have to be non-contact for a while. I’ll get back to you when I’m ready to speak.”

3. “This breakup was really painful for me and I need some time to heal. Let’s take a break from communication for at least a few months.”

4. “It’s hard for me to say, but I can’t talk to you for a while. We both need some time to heal, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t contact me for at least a few months.”

5. “I’ve realized that the only way we can move on is to take a non-contact break. So that’s the last text I’ll be sending, at least for the next few months.”

6. “Although not speaking to you will be difficult, I think the best thing for us to do is just remain contactless for a while.”

7. “I wish you all the best and hope we can be friends in the future, but right now it’s just too painful and confusing to connect with you in this way.”

Vladimir Vladimirov/E+/Getty Images

8. “There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just be honest. I need a break to talk to you because it makes it very difficult to continue. So please don’t text me for at least a few months and I’ll do the same.”

9. “I think it’s about time we try to go non-contact for a while. It won’t be easy, but I think it’s the healthiest thing for both of us.”

10. “We can’t keep talking like this if we’re ever going to heal properly and move on. So please stop texting me now.”

11. “I’m sorry, but I can’t anymore. For the sake of you and me, it’s time we took a break and kept contactless for a while.”

12. “We’ve been in each other’s lives for [length of relationship] so we’ve gotten into the habit of talking, but I don’t think it makes it any easier to heal and move on.” It’s time to break this habit and make room for it. So I will stop texting you now and you must do the same for me.”

13. “Hey, this will be the last text I send you for at least a few months. I just want what’s best for you and I hope that one day we can be cool again. But right now I think we should stop talking completely.”

14. “Talking to you like that makes my heart ache. I need a break. Please don’t text me for at least a few months.”

15. “Texting like that sends mixed signals, so I think it’s best for both of us to break the habit and not be in touch for a while.”

Cutting off communication after a breakup can be really hard because it can feel final and feels like letting go. At the same time, it can help you get through that pain faster and get to the other side as it gives you space to heal. When you’re ready to take that step, consider peeling off the band-aid and letting your ex know you won’t be speaking to them at all, at least until you’ve had some time to gain the distance and perspective both need.

Cited Expert:

Trina Leckie, breakup coach and host of the Breakup BOOST podcast

How do you tell ex you can’t be friends?

Simply say, “I’m sorry, but I don’t actually want to be friends with you,” or, “No. Being friends isn’t going to work for me.” Don’t make promises or offers for the future. Sure, you might end up being friends again at some point, but there’s no reason to promise that now.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS. Trudi Griffin is a licensed professional counselor in Wisconsin specializing in addiction and mental health. She provides therapies for people struggling with addiction, mental health and trauma in community health facilities and in private practices. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011. This article has been viewed 155,347 times.

Article overview


Telling your ex that you don’t want to be friends can be difficult, but if you think it will help you get over your breakup, it’s a perfectly normal and healthy path that many people take. It’s best to be short and clear when telling your ex that you don’t want to be friends, so you don’t confuse him or give him false hope. For example, say something like, “I’m sorry, but being friends isn’t going to work for me. It would be too painful.” Once you’ve made your intentions clear, avoid contacting your ex so you can begin the healing process. You probably want to unfollow them on social media so you don’t get reminded of them unexpectedly. For more tips from our co-author, including how to find yourself again after a breakup, read on.

How do I not care about my ex?

But, here are the most important things I’ve learned along the way:
  1. #1 Quit stalking him. …
  2. #2 Give yourself enough time to grieve. …
  3. #3 Keep yourself busy. …
  4. #4 Look at the experience as a gift. …
  5. #5 Don’t allow your ex to string you along. …
  6. #6 Stop “being friends” or sleeping with your ex.

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

9 ways to get over your ex

Thank you for reading this post! If you are brand new here, please note that overcoming heartbreak is no longer the central theme of my work. More recently I write books (here and here), host a podcast, and you can browse the website to see the retreats I organize for women, as well as the private work and group classes I run.


The first time I got dumped was when I was 14. It was my first boyfriend and after about 6 months of relationship he took me to class, gave me a note and that was it. Tears rolled down my face in math class when I read, “I feel like we’re just friends holding hands.” In other words, Mr First Boyfriend left me because I didn’t want to go to second base with him.

The second time was my closest friend. I was 16 and we were together for a year. He left me to “spend more time with his friends,” which I found out the next day really meant that he wanted to date a cute newbie who had been flirting with him.

Then, when I was 30, my husband left me. So it can be said that I have gained some experience in this department.

(By the way, that sounds like I’m a total hot mess, right?)

However, this post is not about me and all the guys who broke my heart. Over the last few years I’ve received many emails from women from all over the world pouring out their hearts about a guy who dumped them. They tell me everything they did for this guy that makes his heart break so much and they end the email with “Please help me what should I do?”.

While every situation is unique, I’ve compiled a list of things I’ve learned with hindsight. I have made some mistakes on my healing journey that have protracted the process. But here are the key things I’ve learned along the way:

#1 Stop chasing him.

Don’t just unfriend him on Facebook, block him. Don’t Google him, don’t drive by his house, don’t text him innocent “hello” texts, don’t tell your boyfriend to tell him you were thinking of him, nothing. Yes, it will be so difficult. And you might slip, just try harder next time. Think about it: Do any of these behaviors make you feel GOOD? Do you think any of this helps you heal or helps him want to be with you or does anything help? Truth: The only thing you get out of it is to feel worse about yourself and your situation. Is it that what you want? Your decision. No stalking, no following, no “checking in”.

#2 Give yourself enough time to grieve.

When my ex-husband dumped me and the fog cleared, I got up and looked for the fast track to healing. I went to therapy, read self-help books, joined support groups, all the things I was supposed to do during a divorce. When people said, “The only thing that will heal you is time,” I all wanted to throw Chuck Norris at them and smack them in the face. I couldn’t control time so I wanted this theory to die. I rushed through the healing process like a banshee and celebrated every month that passed because it meant to me that I was doing so much better. Then one night I had a dream about him that we were still married and actually happy. Talk about a tailspin. I was ANGRY that I had been thrown back, I couldn’t stop thinking about him, I was crying and desperately called my therapist. “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?” I asked her. And she said to me so calmly, ‘Remember when I told you that the grieving process is a process? They go over it over and over again, possibly for years to come.” Well that was NOT what I wanted to hear. Anyway… I listened and let myself feel. Not immediately, but over time. The reality was that I had lost a large part of my life. It was the death of a marriage. I’m not superhuman, I can’t control my sadness. Once I let that go, it got easier.

#3 Keep yourself busy.

This might sound a bit cliche, but it’s helpful. Left alone with nothing but boredom and time, the mind can wander, we can start feeling victimized and depressed, start forging ways to get him back, start plotting revenge or other unhealthy schenannigans. The best thing to do is get your calendar out of here and start filling it up. Call all the people you wanted to call, start that new sport you wanted to do, cook meals you’ve never cooked before, volunteer where your heart tells you, anything. A complement to this is to make plans for your future. Set goals, break them down, plan them. Plan strategies and list your “Hell Yess”. What do you want to do that you couldn’t do when you were connected? This is your opportunity to do what YOU want.

#4 Treat the experience as a gift.

This might sound like the silliest thing you’ve ever heard, especially when you’re in the middle of your breakup, but listen to me. A change of perspective can move mountains. What if you could just reflect on what you learned from that experience? You may be thinking, “Well, I’ve learned that he’s a big asshole,” and that’s okay, but I want you to focus on YOU. What did you learn about yourself? What have you learned about relationships? About what you tolerate and what not? What do you have to own? If all you can think of are not-so-nice things about yourself, follow each of these “learnings” with, “Is that really true?” For example, if you think you’re just bad at relationships, challenge that with yourself : “Am I 100% sure that’s true?” My point is to think critically about the experience and draw from it what you can do to become a better you.

#5 Don’t allow your ex to take you for a ride.

I’ve been to both ends of it. The Stringer and the Stringee. Your ex may be giving you mixed signals or may be indecisive about what they want. And you and your heart get thrown around like a ping pong ball. Truth: Your ex might be very confused, but he’s also getting his ego boosted because you’re hanging around and pining for him while he’s figuring out whether or not he wants to be with you. If the person hooking you up isn’t at least 99.9% sure they want to be with you, cut their ass. He may be a master at giving you a glimmer of hope that sooner or later he wants to be with you, but in the meantime your heart is being abused, neglected and disrespected. Total deal breaker.

#6 Stop “being friends” or sleeping with your ex.

It still baffles me to no end when a woman is still sleeping with her ex and feels like this is the answer to getting him back. Truth: He sleeps with you because you want him to, not because he’s thinking of getting back together. I don’t care what new tricks you do in Boudiour, he’s only in for the S-e-x. What you get is confusion, false hope, emotional chaos, and maybe an STD because he’s probably dating other women. And the friend thing…what do we usually do with our friends? Confide, talk about who we’re dating now…do you really want to do this with your ex? Want to know which girls on match.com he thinks are hot? If you can honestly say that you have absolutely no emotional connection to him and it doesn’t hurt one bit, then beat yourself up. But in the beginning, if you’re still hurt and grieving, cut your ties completely. You need the space.

#7 Make peace with the fact that you may never be 100% over it.

I’ve written before about being totally and completely “over it,” and I often don’t think people get to a point where they’re 100% not feeling about their past relationships. Maybe it’s like scar tissue on their hearts… there’s a lot of healing, but there’s still a residual stitch involved. But it doesn’t have to mean anything. It doesn’t have to mean that you still want to be with your ex or that you still have feelings for that person. It just means you’re human, you had an emotional, probably intimate connection with that person, and that’s okay. What you do with those thoughts is what matters. If thoughts of your ex cause you to turn to sadness or hate yourself for what you did in the relationship or because he broke up with you, that’s where things can get dangerous (see #9). But if you’re still thinking about that person and have a few minor hurt feelings, I think that’s normal.

#8 Allow yourself to be alone (are you ready…).

(Is Kim Kardashian reading this?) Okay — if you’re someone who jumps from one relationship to the next, listen up. Dig deep and be honest with yourself about why you always seem to be in a relationship. For me, my “aha” moment was admitting that I was a love addict (yes, it’s a real addiction, not just a Robert Palmer song). They might not be, but it’s worth checking out. Individual autonomy is essential to a healthy relationship. If yours keeps failing you, maybe it’s time to spend some alone time. To experience the loneliness, to find out what you really want in relationships, your life, your future. Are you in relationships to be in one? Because it’s harder to be alone? Guuuurl, I was there. Truth: You will spend a lifetime searching for “the one,” trying to make the relationship work, and tearing your hair out wondering what the heck is wrong with you or him. If the answer is, there is nothing wrong with anyone except that you don’t know yourself yet. Which brings me to my favorite….

#9 Take stock of how you are feeling.

The grand finale and what I think is THE most important thing about getting over your ex. I’ve written about this several times and even started a self-love revolution with my BFF.

The thing is, during a breakup, we become so preoccupied with the other person and the relationship itself that we tend to forget ourselves. It may seem easier to try to control the other person and think, “If only we didn’t break up – THEN I would be happy.” But ask yourself, are you happy with yourself? Are you proud of who you are? Are you embracing just who you are, all of you – the good and the not so good?

How you see yourself, how you think about yourself and the conversation you have in your head about yourself is a million times more important than any external relationship. I don’t care who this guy is or how much you love him. YOUR love for yourself trumps him. Always.

Do you want to get over him? Start with you. Wherever you are is fine. Perfect even.

Ex-Girlfriend Dumped Me. I Showed Her My Business Card And Now She Likes Me! (Comic Dub | Manga)

Ex-Girlfriend Dumped Me. I Showed Her My Business Card And Now She Likes Me! (Comic Dub | Manga)
Ex-Girlfriend Dumped Me. I Showed Her My Business Card And Now She Likes Me! (Comic Dub | Manga)

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How to get my ex-girlfriend back after I rejected her idea of being a friend

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My Ex Girlfriend Keeps Rejecting My Attempts to Get Her Back

My ex girlfriend rejects my attempts to get her back

Here are 5 possible reasons why your ex girlfriend keeps rejecting your attempts to get her back:

1. You ask for a relationship before you put it back on

Sometimes a woman is open to getting back with her ex, but then changes her mind because he’s trying to get her to commit to a relationship before attracting her again.

In other words, he’s attracted to her and wants her back, but she just doesn’t feel that way, so she doesn’t want to commit to a relationship.

For example: Before putting them back on, a man might:

Promise her that if she gives him another chance, he will do everything to make her happy.

Ben and ask her to reconsider her decision.

Send her long love letters, emails, or texts telling her how much he still loves her and that he can’t live without her.

Buy her flowers and gifts to express his love for her in hopes that she will realize how stupid she would be to let him go.

Ask your friends and family to put in a good word for him and convince them to give him another chance.

Keep trying to discuss the relationship and where it went wrong to show her how serious he is about getting her back.

Tell her he’s willing to wait for her no matter how long it takes.

But more often than not, instead of thinking, “That’s so cute. My ex is trying really hard to fix things between us,” she consistently dismisses his attempts to get her back.



A relationship is the final step in the ex-back process, not the first.

So, if a man doesn’t start the ex-back process by rekindling his ex’s feelings of respect, attraction, and love for him and instead just focus on getting her back in a relationship with him, she will usually just keep rejecting him.

She might say things like, “Forget it. I know you mean well, but I don’t want to be in a relationship with you anymore. What’s done is done and it’s time we accept that we’re not meant to be together and move on. We had our chance but it didn’t work out. Please just accept that and stop bothering me all the time. It’s over between us, okay?”

So if you want your ex girlfriend to stop rejecting your attempts to get her back, you need to focus on her developing sexual and romantic feelings for you first.

Instead of always using every interaction with her to hopefully convince her to give you another chance, just focus on making her feel good about talking to you again.

For example:

Use humor to break down their walls and get them smiling and laughing again.

Maintain your confidence in her no matter what she says or does to put you off (e.g. she’s stone and dismissive of you and says she never wants to get back together).

Be assertive (in a loving way) and show her that you are the more dominant in the relationship and don’t let her recent rejections of you intimidate you.

Flirt with her to create sexual tension between you and her.

When you take the pressure off your ex girlfriend to give the relationship another chance and instead use interactions to attract her back, what you wanted her to do all along actually starts to happen.

She stops putting up walls every time you interact with her and starts wondering what it would be like to be in a relationship with you again.

Another possible reason why your ex girlfriend keeps rejecting your attempts to get her back is…

2. She can see that you don’t understand what secretly turned her off about you

You may know some of the reasons why she lost her feelings for you, but are you aware of all of them?

In almost all cases, a man will not know all of his ex-wife’s reasons for not falling in love with and being attracted to him anymore.

This is because most women don’t explain all of their subtle reasons in detail.

They don’t want to have to take on the role of teaching their man how to be attractive.

Either he gets it or he doesn’t.

When he doesn’t, she responds by feeling repelled, losing interest, and falling out of love.

Meanwhile, a man thinks, “What’s going to happen to my relationship? She used to love me so much and now she’s distant and cold?”

Before he knows it, she breaks up with him and he then wonders what the hell happened.

So, if you want your ex girlfriend to stop rejecting your attempts to get her back, you need to understand her true, secret reasons for breaking up with you.

Then, the next time you interact with her (e.g. on a phone call or in person), she will be able to tell (from the way you speak and interact with her) that you really understand what led to this that she felt repelled aren’t the same guy she broke up with.

When she sees that not only have you figured out her real, secret reasons for breaking up with you, but that you’ve already taken steps to improve yourself, she’ll instinctively start respecting you again.

When she can respect you again, she will feel sexually attracted too, and when she feels both of those things, the idea of ​​giving you another chance will make sense to her again.

However, if you try to get her back by offering her the wrong things (like spending more time with her when she’s already feeling suffocated by you, or doing whatever she wants you to do when she really needs you to be more masculine and take the lead in the relationship) you will most likely get rejected over and over again.

Another possible reason why your ex girlfriend keeps rejecting your attempts to get her back is…

3. She is put off by your desperation for her

After a breakup, a guy might make the mistake of being extra nice to his ex and bending over backwards to please her in hopes that she’ll change her mind and give him another chance.

However, in most cases the opposite happens.


A woman wants to be with a man she can look up to and respect, not a guy she can push around and control.

So if you have been chasing after your ex and allowing her to walk all over you and control you with her moods, there is a high possibility that your approach has given her a false sense of power and superiority over you.

In other words, she feels like she’s better than you when she’s not.

Unfortunately, feeling like that for you only destroys the rest of her respect for you, so of course she keeps rejecting you.

Do not worry.

You can start to reverse that and make her want you back by triggering her feelings and building on them without even asking for another chance.

How can you do that?

You need to start asserting yourself with her and showing her (in a dominant but loving way) that while you want her back, you no longer depend on her to make you feel good enough as a man.

You know you’re good enough whether she says so or not.

You feel good, confident, happy and moving forward in life with or without them.

Yes, it would be nice if you and her got back together, but if that doesn’t happen, know for sure that you will have a happy and fulfilling life without her.

I know, I know.

That’s not what you want, but if you want to put them back on, you need to be able to think about the situation that way.

When you feel this way, you can think, speak, behave, and act in a way that shows her that you are no longer emotionally dependent on her, which is attractive.

When she can see for herself that you are no longer desperate to get her back and that you are confident and happy and getting on with your life without her, she will automatically see you in a new light.

They appear more attractive, appealing and likeable.

As a result, she will be attracted to you in a way she hasn’t been in a long time.

Here’s the thing…

Whether a woman is meeting a man for the first time, is in a relationship, or considering giving him another chance, she will always be instinctively attracted to his emotional strengths (eg, drive and determination) and repelled by his emotional weaknesses ( e.g., despair, insecurity, self-doubt, neediness, inability to deal with what life throws at them).

So when your ex realizes that you don’t want to get her back anymore, she will automatically perceive you as emotionally stronger and more manly.

As a result, she won’t be able to stop herself from feeling some respect and attraction for you again.

Your guard will come down and she will think of you and look at you from a new, more positive perspective because you are now acting like the kind of man she can actually look up to and respect.

Another possible reason why your ex girlfriend keeps rejecting your attempts to get her back is…

4. You try to get her back via text message

If, after your breakup, your girlfriend had said something like, “It’s over between us and I don’t want to see you or talk to you again,” it probably would have hurt you and hurt your confidence.

You may now feel a little unwelcome to call or meet with her in person.

As a result, you may have resorted to only interacting with her through text messages.

If that applies to you and your situation, then listen…

Using only text as the main method to get them back just won’t work.


If your ex doesn’t want to be in the same room with you right now or take your calls, what makes you think if you ask her via text message she’ll be willing to get back together?

It’s highly unlikely that she’s thinking, “That’s so cute. Even though I was such a slut to him and refused to talk to him on the phone or see him in person, he didn’t give up trying to get me back via text. He still perseveres and perseveres no matter how difficult I am with him. I can’t keep rejecting him based on that, can I? I have to give him another chance because he deserves not to give up. If a guy keeps texting, he’s worth keeping!”

Instead, she might be thinking something like, “I can’t believe he’s already trying to get me back, even though I still haven’t forgiven him for what happened between us. Not only that, he’s trying to convince me via text message. He’s just hiding behind messages hoping that I’ll suddenly change my mind and want him back in my life. Well, he still has plans! It’s over and he can text me until his fingers turn blue, but I’m done with him for now. It will take a lot more than a few text messages to rekindle my feelings for him. But he doesn’t get that. Well, he will if I start moving on.”

Remember: There’s no way a text message on a small screen could have the same impact as words spoken over the phone or in person, where a woman can see your body language and assess your state of mind.

Messages can help, as I explain in the video below, but you shouldn’t use messages as the main way to get them back…

So if you want your ex girlfriend to stop rejecting your attempts to get her back, make sure you aren’t trying to text them over to convince her to give you another chance.

Instead, call or meet in person right away.

If she can observe your assertive body language and hear the confidence in your voice, she won’t be able to stop herself from feeling respect and attraction for you again.

When that happens, you don’t have to ask her to get back together because it will also be something she wants.

Another possible reason why your ex girlfriend keeps rejecting your attempts to get her back is…

5. You still haven’t given her enough of a spark of sexual and romantic attraction for you

It’s likely that you’ve tried many ways to convince your ex to get back with you, so you’ve probably gotten her to feel something for you again.

However, if she still rejects you, it means your attempts have failed and whatever you’re doing isn’t enough to make her feel like giving you another chance would be a good idea.

To reverse all of that and get her to be your girl again, you need to focus on making her feel sexual and romantic attraction when you interact with her.

How can you do that?

By showing some of the traits and personality traits that women are instinctively attracted to.

For example:

Being confident and relaxed around her, regardless of what she says or does to make you feel insecure.

Use humor to ease the tension between you and her and make her lose her guard a bit.

Flirt with her to create a sexual vibe between you.

Responding differently than she expects you to (e.g. when she rejects you, instead of upsetting you, you laugh and joke about her being a drama queen).

Once you start making her feel attracted to you the way she’s always wanted you to be, she won’t be able to stop herself from feeling attracted to you again, even if it’s just a little bit.

When that happens, their walls come down and getting them back becomes much easier.

3 ways a man can go wrong when an ex-girlfriend keeps rejecting his attempts to get her back

Learn other men’s mistakes to ensure you get your ex wife back faster and easier.

This is where other people make a mistake in a situation like yours…

1. Apply the same approach to her and expect a different reaction

If you continue to use the same approaches you have used with your ex-girlfriend (e.g., being insecure, giving her too much power over you, trying to convince her that you want a relationship before you attracted her again sexually and romantically at all), she will most likely continue to reject you.

So you need to start creating feelings of sexual and romantic attraction in her (e.g. by maintaining your trust in her presence no matter how cold she is towards you, by using humor to break her defenses and giving her a relaxed Feeling close to you by flirting to create sexual tension).

If you do, her feelings of respect and attraction to you will naturally resurface whether she wants it or not.

You can then build on those feelings and get her back without her even realizing that she’s falling in love with you again.

Another mistake to avoid is…

2. Deciding that if nothing works, you need to cut contact and hope she comes back on her own

Ignoring an ex-wife for 30 or 60 days usually only works if she’s still in love with her ex and secretly hoping they get back together.

However, if a woman rejects her ex’s attempts to get her back, then chances are she’s not in love with him anymore at the moment.

As a result, if he cuts contact, it actually works in her favor.

Instead of running back to him, she uses the time to move on and find another man.

Here’s the thing…

If you want your ex back, you need to stay in their life (not in a needy, annoying way. In a confident, attractive way) and use every interaction you have with them (e.g. via texting, social media, on the phone and in person) to reawaken their feelings of respect and sexual attraction to you.

That’s what works for women.

However, it is not the same for men.

Women are more likely to cut ties after a guy leaves them, and if he can’t get laid or move on, he’ll usually come back to her.

However, when a woman breaks up with a man she is no longer attracted to or in love with, she will rarely run back to him unless he gets in touch with her.

What works for women is re-attraction.

You need to dress her again, sexually seduce her, and get her back on your terms instead of letting her hopefully run back to you even though she doesn’t love you or don’t want you.

Another mistake to avoid is…

3. Not using new attraction techniques to create new, more interesting feelings in her

Since a guy doesn’t know what else to do to get his ex back, sometimes he decides to just hang out with her and act like a nice, sweet, neutral friend, hoping that eventually she’ll develop feelings for him and give him another chance.

This can work if the guy is good at flirting and sexually seducing a woman, but if he’s just being nice and friendly, it’s unlikely to work.

The guy will just end up in the friend zone and she will move on with new guys and leave him lost and heartbroken.

Here’s the thing…

If you don’t actively rekindle your ex-girlfriend’s sexual and romantic attraction by behaving towards her in new and interesting ways, she will only have friendly or neutral feelings for you.

So, don’t just sit around and be a nice, non-sexual friend.

Shake things up by showing her you’re a new guy.

Make them laugh and smile.

Confront her in a dominant but loving way.

Flirt with her and make her feel like a real woman around you (i.e. make her feel girly and feminine compared to your masculine charisma and approach to conversations and interactions).

The more you do this, the less she will push you away because she is naturally attracted to you and wants more from you.

Do you want her back FAST? Watch a secret video of Dan Bacon revealing the quickest way to get your ex back. It is only available here. Enter your email below to watch the video for FREE now. Yes, I would like free tips from Dan Bacon via email. I can unsubscribe at any time with one click. Privacy Policy

If Your Ex Wants To See You Years After Your Breakup, Here’s How To Turn Them Down Nicely

While being nice is appropriate in some scenarios, there may be instances when, to be honest, all you need to do is be honest. “If your ex doesn’t deserve your kindness (i.e. he’s been abusive, etc.) then don’t worry about being nice and just tell him you haven’t forgiven him and so you don’t want to see him.” ‘ says Gordon.

You can also get off the diplomatic route if your ex doesn’t accept and answer no, Dorell says. “If you say ‘no’ a few times and in different ways and they’re still pushing back, it shows you that they don’t respect your boundaries — or you,” she explains. “It’s all about their agenda and getting something they want. If you’ve been very clear that you don’t want to get back together or entertain that, it’s perfectly fine to block them. So block them on your phone, just turn it off. Block their email just so the message is clear you will not tolerate a border violation.”

Most importantly, you need to prioritize your security rather than being nice. Period. “If you ever feel unsafe, it’s absolutely appropriate to contact the authorities,” says Dorell. “If you can, get a restraining order. Hopefully it never comes to that, but you have to take care of yourself.”

Ultimately, the decision rests solely on self-care. What is the best response to your ex that will most protect your emotional and physical well-being? In most cases, being firm but cordial is okay, but only if you respect that tone. If not, try to remind yourself that you don’t owe them anything, including kindness. You’re an ex for a reason. So take care of yourself and continue living your best life after the breakup.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, call 911 or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1 (800) 799-SAFE (7233) or visit thehotline.org.

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