I Thank God For My Daughter Quotes? The 127 Detailed Answer

Are you looking for an answer to the topic “i thank god for my daughter quotes“? We answer all your questions at the website https://chewathai27.com/ppa in category: https://chewathai27.com/ppa/blog. You will find the answer right below.

How do I thank God for my daughter?

Thank you, God, for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter. She is the light of my life! I am so glad I got the chance to meet her, and I hope to watch her grow bigger, stronger, wiser, and more beautiful each day. You are such a wonderful person.

How do I thank God for giving me a child?

O Lord our God, creator of heaven and earth, and our creator: we give you thanks and praise for the gift of this child . We thank you for creating him/her in your image, and breathing into him/her the breath of life.

How do you thank God in words?

“Thank you to all for your prayers and good wishes. It gave me the strength to persevere and warmed my heart.” “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” “Thank you, dear God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough.

How do you thank God for the gift of life?

You have helped me through so many ups and downs, and I am so grateful to have you in my life for blessing me with the gift of life. I will not take it for granted. Dear God, thank you for all the blessings you have given me throughout my life. I am truly grateful to have you as my guide in life.

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

When it comes to writing a thank you message to God for the gift of life, you might be wondering where to start, right? Well, thanks to some nifty writers that the team has here at Bestlovetextmessages, it’s really easy and convenient to thank God through a message on social media, email or just an ordinary card.

Everyone has different reasons to be grateful. Some people are grateful for friends and family, others for their health or cherished possessions like the family dog. Celebrate Thanksgiving by thinking about all the things you’re most grateful for, whether it’s a small cause or a big one.

The old adage goes, “Count your blessings.” A more modern approach is to write down what you’re grateful for. Either way, gratitude is a great way to lift your spirits and help you feel more positive.

Gratitude is one of the greatest virtues. It is a positive human emotion associated with better well-being, greater success in relationships, and overall life satisfaction. The best part is you can train yourself to be more grateful for everything you have. In this post, we have collected the most powerful and uplifting thank you quotes.

Thank you to God for the gift of life

“Thank you Lord for blessing me with this day in my life. It’s not always easy, and I know there are many problems, but everything you do has a reason. Let me find the best in it so that I can live up to your expectations. Thank you for everything in my life.”

Thank you Lord for all you have given me. Please guide my thoughts and words today so I never forget to say the things that matter most to me. Please make it a habit for me to thank everyone who is in my life today because I really appreciate their presence. Thank you for being there for me, guiding me and helping me. I want to thank you for loving me when I knew nothing about love and thank you for teaching me how to love. Thank you for life, I could never thank you because it is a gift from you. You gave me life and you will kill me so I can be with you in heaven. But until then, I want to say, “Thank you for all the pain you’re causing me, but still smiling.” Thank you God. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express how grateful I am for you. My life is so much more than I could ever ask for. You have always been so kind to me and thank you for guiding me on this path, even though it may not seem how I want it to be right now. Thank you for giving me the people in my life who love and appreciate me. Thank you for making me alive. I know some people have hard lives. I’m sorry if I didn’t get your blessings to live with comfort, but I still have to thank you because I’m still alive and it’s an unexpected blessing for me. I know you will help me through my difficult time and trust you that one day this life will be better. Thank you for the gift of life, thank you for my family, my friends and everything I have. Very thankful for all the blessings and thankful for my gift of life! I thank God endlessly for everything in my life, especially my gift of language. I could never put my gratitude into words, but here it goes…. Thank you for all the good and bad experiences I’ve had in my life. I am grateful that you give me the opportunity to learn from these experiences and from the people I meet. Thank you for everything! Thank you for blessing me with a baby. Life has been good to me and William. I still can’t believe I’m expecting our first child, Diana. I can’t wait to meet her and kiss her and hug her in my arms. But until then, this reminder of our own journey into parenthood is something I know will be the journey of our lives. Thank you God. Thank you for the gift of life. I am so thankful that you gave me another day. I’m so happy to be here and have another chance in life. I will work hard today and make you proud. Please protect me and help me to be responsible with my decisions. Thank you for this blessing.” Thank you for everything. I live an enchanting life. Thank you for this wonderful day. I’m very lucky to have the ability to enjoy it. Thank you for my family, friends and everything else in my life. you are really amazing I am grateful for your blessings. Thank you for making me a woman full of love and life, thank you for loving me unconditionally even when I was filled with hate, thank you for always being there to listen to my problems no matter how trivial they may seem . Thank you for stealing my heart and owning it. Your face is the first thing I see every morning and the last thing on my mind before I surrender. Thank you for all the questions, they have helped us continue to learn about the past and understand how to act in the present. Thank you for your kindness and thank God that you are so awesome! Thank you for all the positive energy you gave me this year. Thank you for the gift of life and protection of my family, my friends and myself. I would be nowhere without you. I’m very humbled for everything you’ve done. You gave me the opportunity to do great things and that’s why I will never stop getting better than I already am. Thank you for supporting me in everything I do. Thank God for life, you are almighty. Thank you for your endless blessings. You gave me a happy life and I am really grateful for that. Thank you for my life and the gift of love and friendship. I am so thankful for all the people in my life, old and new. You allow me to have a social life that is fun and fulfilling, for which I owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you very much! For being there for me all these years. You have helped me through so many ups and downs and I am so thankful to have you in my life for blessing me with the gift of life. I won’t take it for granted. Dear God, thank you for all the blessings you have given me throughout my life. I am truly grateful to have you as my guide in life. I will always be grateful to my family and friends. Thank you for protecting me from all the harm in this world. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for helping me get to this point in my life, for never giving up on me and for probably having a significant role in even the smallest things that always change for the better in my life. I am forever grateful to you. You gave me life and I want to thank you for it. I am so grateful that you created me and gave me the time here on earth. I know you must be very busy with all the work you have to do, so many things to create. Thank you for all the good things in my life. Take care of me while I take your place. All I can say is thank you. Thank you for being there when I’ve been feeling lonely. Thank you for being there when I’ve felt fear and confusion. I am not perfect. I wish it was the same for all of us, but it isn’t. You thank me for my imperfections and still love me like I’m perfectly whole. thank you for my life You deserve every bit of praise I can give you. Thank you for helping me through all the hard times and showing me that with time everything is easier to handle. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for affirming the idea of ​​unconditional love whenever I doubt it. Thank you for making me feel important. Thank you for giving me a life worth living without asking anything in return except my gratitude. Thank you for giving me this life. I know there is so much more to come. Thank you for my family, friends and acquaintances. I am thankful that we have each other in our lives because I see with my own eyes the love you have for each of us. I hope that I can give you back the same amount of love and devotion that you gave me. Thank you, thank you God for filling my life with beautiful moments. I couldn’t have asked for a better family and the fact that you love me more than anyone else (and more than anything!) is the best thing ever! Thank you for always being there for me when I need you the most. My life is never boring and I am so thankful to be part of this world you have created. Thank you for being my best friend and giving me the unconditional love I’ve always needed. I treasure the time we spent together and can’t wait to spend many more years with you. Thank you for all the wonderful memories we have at Thank you for keeping me healthy and helping me through my illnesses. Thank you for the many blessings you have given me. Thank you for sending me my husband and children. i love you god Thank you for not taking me when I was a crazy, vulnerable, desperate, carefree 20 year old. Thank you for keeping this gift you gave me safe all these years. You are an amazing god. Thank you for protecting me today and helping me get home safely. I am thankful for my life. Thank you for this day. Thank you for helping me through all the hard times and for being by my side through them all. For everything you gave me and everything you will give me in the future. I’m so lucky to be alive. Tomorrow is another day and I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you will do with it. Thank you for creating the world, guiding it through difficult times, and keeping us from harm. You were always there for me and I will never thank you for being with me the moment I took my first breath. Thank you for giving me two loving parents who nurtured me as a child and thank you for blessing me with a wonderful family. I love you not only because you are my god, but because you give me everything I need to live my dreams. Thanks! I just want to thank God for everything. You have done so much for me and blessed me with a wonderful husband, a beautiful home, a great job and my health. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Thank you for making my life wonderful and full of love. For the life I’m grateful for because it’s better than anything else. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. You are the reason I can succeed and be happy. Thank you for allowing me to be alive so I can enjoy my family, friends and personal life. Thank you for saving me when I was on the verge of suicide. I am very grateful for your great gifts of life and freedom. I am forever grateful that you never left me. Thank you for making the world so beautiful. I’m always in awe of the beauty around me, from the flowers to the birds to the people that surround me. It’s really a blessing to have all of these things around me and I’m so lucky to be able to enjoy them. Thank you for everything you do for us and most importantly for loving us despite our flaws. I want to start by thanking you for all the blessings and joys in my life. Thank you for the day I was born and for my family, friends, happiness and health. I know that many people don’t get a chance to grow old. Please give me the honor of growing old peacefully and healthy so I can be with my loved ones. My life has been full and blessed even though I have encountered difficulties and problems. They took care of me and gave me strength to overcome challenges. I pray that you will continue to bless me with patience, courage, wisdom and happiness in my daily life. Your work is so amazing and it’s hard to understand the miracles you are creating. Thank you for inspiring us all. Thank You God is the Creator of life and expressing gratitude to Him can be done in many ways. The best way to show gratitude for one’s amazing gifts is to say thank you. This blog post contains countless thank you messages to God to show how thankful we are for His gifts. We will all find a gratitude message to use one or more times in our lives depending on what words express our gratitude to them. I love you very much and I appreciate everything you have done for me! Thank you God for all the blessings you have given me. I pray that your love and protection will always be upon me. Thank you for giving me this life that I have. A life that requires a lot of gratitude. It has been a challenge and I know it will be even more in the future, but I have you to guide me on the right path. Thank you for keeping me safe and letting people into my life who can help me. I couldn’t do it without you The challenges are there. Thank you God for giving me a life. I know I’m very clumsy and I make a lot of mistakes, but you always correct me on the right path. Thank you God for making me so beautiful not only in people’s eyes but also in my heart for so many nice friends to like me. Thank you God for making my mom so loving and caring. I really miss her when I’m gone. Thank you for the gift of life. It is an amazing feeling to breathe and to exist. I am so thankful to know who I am and always will be. Thank you for all of my memories, thoughts and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. I believe that every day that goes by is another that could change me for better or worse. But I also think that thank you for this wonderful life. I know you’ve heard it a million times, but thank you so much for every single blessing and opportunity that is given to me. It is such a great blessing to have health, money, friends and family. I hope that I will always be grateful for the blessings you give me. Almighty God, thank you for the gift of life. I know I have been tested in many ways and I am grateful for the experiences you have given me. Thank you for giving me the chance to change something in this life. I want to use my time on earth wisely by helping others. Thank you for keeping my family safe and happy. Thank you for all your blessings. Thank you for coming into my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. It feels like we’re connected. Thank you for all the kindness and warmth you show me every day. You teach me so many things and I feel like I can always trust you. Thank you for helping me through this terrible time of loss in my life. I’m so lucky to have an angel. Thank you for always being good to me. Thank you for giving me the gift of life. Thank you for giving me a beautiful mother and father who love me. Thank you for giving me a roof over my head. I am very grateful to you. I’ll always love you. Hello God, thank you for all the things I have. Thank you for blessing me with a good family and loving parents. I don’t know what I would do without her. Thank you for blessing me with such an amazing and beautiful home. Thank you for bringing people into my life who are kind and have helped me become who I am today. Thank you (for the miracle of life), for the gift of sight, for the miracle of hearing, for the laughter in my soul, for bringing color to my world. Thank you (for the miracle of life) for hugging me when I cry, whether in sadness or joy or sorrow. Thank you (for the miracle of life) for loving and forgiving me. I am grateful to you I feel lucky to be alive when there are many suffering today. I pray that you will continue to give me the courage, strength, relief and guidance I need as I journey through life. Thank you for my family, friends and all their members for good health and the opportunity to find happiness on this journey. Almighty God, thank you for everything I have now. Thank you for your direction in my life. Thank you for always being there, listening and helping me. Thank you for showing me the way to achieve my dreams and goals in life. It’s all because of you! Thank you for all the wonderful blessings, my friends, my family, this world and everything in it. I’m very grateful. You have helped me through so many difficult times and I hope that one day I will be able to repay you. God bless us all.’ Thank you for all the things you do for me. You give me so much and I don’t always know what to do with it. Whenever I have problems, no matter how big or small, I always have hope and joy in my life. Thank you for teaching me and helping me. You helped me through difficult times and were always there for me when I needed it. Every night I pray that I can go to sleep so I can wake up the next day because you have given me more days than I deserve. Thank you for my parents. I know they drive me crazy sometimes but as for your little girl right now and I am grateful for their love, support and everything else they do for me. I am also thankful for my family and friends – who are always there to pick me up when I need them most. Thank you for blessing me with amazing parents who are the best in the world. Please help me find a partner who will be as grateful for my love as I am for theirs and who will hopefully appreciate our relationship as my parents loved theirs. I want to be a mother half as good as my mother one day. And I definitely want to be a wife who can show her spouse. When I was a little girl I promised that when I grew up I would find God. I think about my promise every day when the morning sun comes up. And although the sun has left the sky for many months, God’s light still shines within me. Whenever I need strength, help or encouragement, I know that God is always there. His light will always guide Dear God, I can never thank you enough for everything you have given me. So many people have been hurt in the past few days and I know it’s because they forgot to thank you. Thank you for everything you gave me. I am so thankful for this life we ​​live and the things we get to experience. I don’t expect anything from you, but I just appreciate what you have provided to us. Thank you for loving us, no matter how much we screw up or let you down. And thank you for giving us guidance in our lives and a chance to repent. Thank you for everything. I am thankful for all the blessings I have received this year. I am thankful for my family, friends and new businesses. Thank you for bringing people into my life that I love very much. You are the sunshine of all my days and the laughter of all my sorrows. Thanks for letting me be here. I know I’m not the easiest person to deal with. Dear God, I want to thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for my wonderful family and friends, the food I eat, the health of my body and our home with all its beautiful things. It is convenient to show gratitude, words or a personal smile. However, many personalities find it difficult to express themselves through gratitude, even when they are feeling the most grateful. The difficulty in showing and expressing gratitude is not as common as the difficulty in finding things to be thankful for. Gratitude for each other’s existence and the ability to help one another is what makes human life so precious. Thank you for giving me the gift of life and allowing me to live another day. I could not be here today without your courage and strength. I feel so blessed to be alive, happy and healthy. I appreciate everything you give me in my life. Thank you for my family, friends, home, clothes, computers and everything else in between. I love you very much. Thank you for everything you gave me. Thank you for everything. I want to thank God for everything he has done in my life. His mercy and love reach me every moment of the day. I want to thank God for all the wonderful things He has given me, my family, my friends and all the opportunities I have had to learn and grow along the way. Thank you God for the gift of life. Thank you for helping me through life. I know things are difficult right now with this job thing, but I hope and pray things will work out soon. Thank you for your help and your patience. Thank you for being there when I need you. Thank you God for giving me this life. I’m so grateful to be alive even though there’s a reason I shouldn’t have been born. But you gave me the strength to go on and be strong. Thank you for blessing me with my friends and family, wealth, health and talents. Thank you for taking care of me all this time and protecting me when I thank God that you are the greatest. I know you have blessed me in many ways and I just want to thank you for making me who I am. You always give me strength when I’m down, patience when I need it most, and a warm spirit in my heart. Thank you for everything you do and have done and keep doing for me. Thank you for the gift of life. I don’t know where I would be without you. Thank you for everything. I know I don’t deserve all the things you gave me. Thank you for your love, for your constant support. Thank you for being the best friend, the laugh I need, a shoulder to cry on and a real gem in my life. Thank you God for being so good to me. Thank you God for being my savior. I know I don’t pray often enough. But I want to thank you for all the blessings and gifts you have given me. I know that you always take care of me and I feel really safe and protected. I love all your gifts including my mother who helps me a lot. I couldn’t live without you Thank you for everything. Thank you for everything. You have given me much pleasure. You were always there for me. Thanks for the writing talent. I’m really glad I chose writing as my hobby. Thank you for my loving parents, grandparents and siblings who have always supported me unconditionally. Thanks for the grocery store that made delicious lunches when I was little and always looked after me. Thank you for my life, for all my success, for letting me be myself and keeping my mind, body and soul together. For my friends and family. Thank you for being my direction. Thank you for helping me find what I love to do in life. Thank you for being there for me and helping me get this far, and thank you for all the wonderful blessings you have bestowed on me. I’m so thankful to have life, family and friends, even the crazy ones. Thank you for my gift of life. I know I’m grateful every day, but today I wanted to say a special thank you. Thank you for making me a wonderful person and for making my parents my protectors. Thanks for helping me find the right people to marry. I hope that I can be as good a person as everyone around me; You are some of the people who got me through this difficult time. Thank you for the gift of life and health and the chance to share that with everyone else.” Thank you for everything. I know I can count on you in good times and in bad. You are a wonderful guide who will always lead me on the right path. Thank you for all the support and encouragement.” Thank you for the gift of life! I don’t really know where I would be without him. I hope I can dream of you every night like I did today. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for giving me a home, parents, a family and most of all for letting me grow into the person I am today; I love you. I am truly grateful to you for this incredible gift of life. This is not a matter of course for me, but something I am constantly aware of. Becoming a mother has made my appreciation for this great gift even clearer and stronger, and I feel more committed to using every moment of life to benefit my daughter and those around me. Thank you for making my life wonderful. I just want to thank you for all the blessings and good things I have in my life. It wouldn’t be possible without you. Many Thanks. Thank you for the blessing of life. I know I wasn’t the best person. I made a lot of mistakes and made bad decisions. But for some reason you forgave me everything. Thank you for letting me be alive again. Thank you for giving me a second chance. You are really incredible! Thank you for keeping me alive and kicking me. I haven’t made the best decisions lately, but thank you for still taking care of me. Thank you for always being there for me and guiding me, even though I may not realize it. Thank you for giving me my son, I love my family. I am thankful for my brother who is always there to play soccer or billiards with me. I love my sister who I can turn to for good advice and a great party whenever I need one. Thank you mom and dad for always supporting me and teaching me the difference between right and wrong. Thank you all. Thank you for giving me a long, healthy life. I never thought that I would become a student and then a teacher at my school. Thanks for the many boat trips with my father, brother and friends. Thank you for being there whenever my needs are great and when I feel like I’m getting stuck. A big thank you for the fact that you created this magnificent universe, for creating us and for giving us opportunities to live meaningful lives. There are many people out there who don’t know how lucky they are to be on this other planet so far away from it all, so I will thank you for every moment of my life. Thank you for the gift of life. I know that’s something people don’t always think about, but it’s so true. You gave me a family, a well-paying job, good health and this apartment. Without these things I would be a completely different person. Thanks to you I can live in the present and look forward to what the future will bring. Thank you God for everything! Thank you for loving me when I didn’t love myself Thank you for giving me friends and family who love me Thank you for sending people into my life who help me to be a better person others Thank you, that you gave me opportunities Thank you God for giving me the motivation to change my life and make better life choices. I want to thank everyone who grew up with me and for everything you’ve done to make me the person I am today. I want to thank my parents for always being there for me no matter how crazy I thought I could be. Thank you for teaching me so many valuable things over the years. Dear God, I know you’re amazing, but sometimes I want to tell you what a special person you are. You have done so much for me! When I see the sunrise in the morning, I want to thank you. I hope you will continue to guide me to do my best. Thanks for the fish we had for dinner last night and thanks for the lovely

How do I write a blessing for my child?

(Child’s name), may you know the joy that comes from caring for others. May your heart be open to the needs of the people around you. May you give of yourself, help those who need it, and carry the burdens of your neighbors. (Child’s name), always remember that by helping someone else, you are truly serving Jesus.

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

Negative voices bombard us daily, and it’s hard not to take in some of these messages. Blessing children can change everything.

Even as an adult, it’s difficult to sort through negative comments, experiences, and our own thought patterns and remember the truth.

In this battle for our children’s identities, we can give them the foundation of truth they need to fight the flaming arrows that fall upon them every day!

Think of the children in your ministry. Children are natural learners, open and eager to receive the messages they hear – to discover who they are and what life is about.

We know from personal experience that they receive many messages meant to hurt, to make them feel less than enough and unlovable.

But in this battle for our children’s identities, we can give them the foundation of truth they need to fight the flaming arrows that fall upon them every day! And we can do this by telling them God’s truth.

Credit: d3sign/Moment/Getty Images

The Power of Words

Harvard Business School recently examined the relationship between team performance and the frequency of praise and criticism of team members.

1 The top-performing teams received almost six positive comments for every negative one. The medium-performing teams received almost twice as many positive comments as negative ones. But the underperforming teams received almost three negative comments for every positive one.

The results of this study clearly confirm that we all need to hear more positive comments. And a blessing goes even further than a positive comment.

Saying a blessing is an opportunity to open our spiritual eyes and share the truth about someone—God’s truth!

As adults, we find it easier to recognize these truths and to understand the importance of imparting these blessings to the children God has placed in our lives.

A blessing can be a commissioned prayer, a scripture, or words of encouragement. Blessings can also be spoken over a child to proclaim God’s protection, joy, and wisdom over them.

In a blessing, the recipient is encouraged, and God is exalted and glorified.

Blessing children can consist of a commissioned prayer, a scripture, or words of encouragement.

A blessing is different from a prayer: when we pray, we address our words to God; but in a blessing we address our words to one person.

Scripture blessings

God’s Word is full of examples of blessings.

Credit: Hero Images/Getty Images

In the Old Testament, God himself told Moses how to bless the Israelites:

The Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘You shall bless the Israelites. Say to them: “The Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face to you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:22-26

In the New Testament, Paul gave us a beautiful example when addressing the church in Ephesus:

I pray that out of his glorious riches he will strengthen you with power by his Spirit within you, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. And I pray that as you are rooted and grounded in love, you, along with all the holy people of the Lord, will have the strength to comprehend how vast and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know that love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. To him then who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work in us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus from generation to generation forever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:16-21

When we look to Jesus, how does he speak about us? Jesus tells us we are:

loved (John 3:16)

forgiven (1 John 1:9)

His work (Ephesians 2:10)

never alone (Matthew 28:20b)

chosen (1 Peter 1:9)

protected from evil (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

An attitude to receive

When giving a blessing to your own child or to an individual child you know well, place your hand on their shoulder and encourage them to look into your eyes.

Credit: Maskot/Getty Images

When giving a blessing to a group, encourage them to make eye contact with you while stretching out their arms with open hands as if they are receiving a gift.

give blessings to children

Blessings are most effective when given regularly – we don’t have to wait for lofty spiritual moments.

They can become part of our morning routine when we send our kids out the door or when we tuck them into bed each night.

In my own home, I have the privilege of blessing my grandchildren. I see them light up as I speak words about their identity in Christ over them and remind them of the incredible way God loves them.

These blessings are also the last words they hear as they fall asleep at night—words that I hope will offset the negative influences that fill their day.

Blessings for children are most effective when given regularly – we don’t have to wait for lofty spiritual moments.

The blessing can be given at the end of a service as part of the dismissal or at the beginning of the time together to set the mood for the time together.

Recently I was a counselor in a small church plant. The volunteers and children in this ministry had never been exposed to the practice of blessing.

At the end of each large group time, I would go in front of the group and accuse them with scriptural words that repeated that morning’s lesson.

Within a few weeks they all began placing their hands in front of them, palms up in a posture to receive as I approached them. As I spoke each sentence, they repeated each line word for word after me.

It was absolutely beautiful to see these children feel comfortable and rejoicing in receiving the words of truth spoken about them each week.

Blessing Children with the Scriptures

If you don’t know where to start, use Scripture—we can trust those words because we know they’re the truth.

Find verses that convey the message and encouragement you want to convey, and then put the child’s name in the scripture reference.

Grayson, shine your light before others to see your good works and give glory to your Heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:16)

Ruby, do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but humbly consider others as more important than yourself. Look out not only for your own interests, but for the interests of others as well. (Philippians 2:3-4)

James, be kind and compassionate to others. Forgive others as God forgave you in Christ. (Ephesians 4:32)

Credit: Hannes Eichinger/EyeEm/Getty Images

10 special blessings for children

The following blessing examples are from Tru Curriculum and HomeFront Magazine:

God entrusted me with the things and people he created.

(Child’s name), may you know the joy that comes from caring for others. May your heart be open to the needs of those around you.

May you give of yourself, help those in need, and bear your neighbors’ burdens. (Child’s name), always remember that by helping someone else you are truly serving Jesus.

May your life be filled with the blessings that come from serving the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of others.

God transforms me when I step out in faith.

(Name of child), may you have the courage to take steps outside of your comfort zone and trust that God is with you wherever you go.

May you experience God’s presence, faithfulness and deep love for you as you learn to live as a person of faith.

Cultivate a heart of sensitivity to the needs of others.

(Child’s name) You may know that even Jesus, though fully God, lived a life of service.

May you become like him, have eyes to see the needs around you, a compassionate heart ready to respond, and the humility to serve in secret and unspectacular ways.

God fills me with His love so I can pass it on.

(Child’s name), may you understand the deep love that God has for you. May you always remember that he sent his only son that you may live.

May this example of love set the standard for how you love others throughout your life. Never forget that God fills you with His love so that you can in turn pass that love on to others.

God has a great story and I’m a part of it.

(Child’s name), may you try to get to know your creator and the author of your story well.

May your story, set before even a day came, glorify God as you share it with others. Always remember that you are part of the greatest story ever told!

God knows me and I can know him.

(Child’s name) may you KNOW that God is here – He sees you. May you feel His presence, hear His voice, and experience His love.

KNOW that God is powerful to save and therefore you need never fear.

May you have eyes to see God at work all around you and may you know and never forget that God is with you and wants you to know Him.

I belong to God and he loves me.

(Child’s name), may you know and understand that the mighty and mighty God, who created the heavens and the earth, loves you, chose you and adopted you into his family.

When things get difficult, may knowing that you belong with him strengthen you.

(Child’s name), walk out today confident in the fact that you are a child of God and that He created you in His beautiful image.

When I stray, God offers me a way of healing.

(Child’s name), God has marked a path for you to follow. He has a plan and a goal for your life. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.

Things in this world will try to throw you off course, but keep your eyes on the ultimate goal. Life can contain dangers and problems, but stay the course.

May you find joy in the comfort that comes after the discomfort of correction and feel the thrill of a life lived according to the course charted for you.

God’s family cares for one another and worships God together.

(Child’s name), God loves you beyond measure. He didn’t design you to go through life alone – He wants you to travel in community.

May you always remember that your faith community can pray for you and help lighten the burden of life’s difficult times.

Be on the lookout for ways you can also serve others in your community. As you do this, you will share the love that God has freely given you.

I see Christ in others and they can see him in me.

(Child’s name), may you know that God loves you so much. His love for you is so deep that he has entrusted you to be his role model in this world.

May you feel the weight of this responsibility, and may it also bring you great joy. Reflect God through your words, actions, and attitudes to everyone you meet.

By observing your life and example, may many people come to know, love, and serve God.

If children are being blessed, tell them they have an opportunity to bless others. Encourage them to freely share the joy and love they have received from God by sharing His powerful, life-changing words with others.

If you enjoyed this article, here are some others that might interest you!

Why a child is a gift from God?

God created the family, and children are a gift from Him. In fact, the Bible says that offspring are a reward from Him! Because of this, God cares about how children are raised and nurtured. Children are a gift from God.

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

Scriptures to protect children

God’s Word also contains several scriptures about the importance of protecting children. Jesus calls us to take care of children and not to dismiss them as insignificant. Children are precious to him! In many cultures around the world, children are often abused, neglected and singled out. They can be sold into the sex industry for profit or sold as slaves to work in appalling conditions.

Jesus gave children into our protective arms.

Be careful not to despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. – Matthew 18:10

A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is reserved for the righteous. – Proverbs 13:22

The religion that God our Father recognizes as pure and blameless is this: to care for orphans and widows in need and to keep themselves from being polluted by the world. — James 1:27

James describes “true religion” very differently than many people in our culture. He explains it as the act of “caring for orphans and widows.” God takes special care of the most vulnerable, those who are marginalized and often exploited. God claims to be their protector, and James instructs us to follow his example.

Deuteronomy 10:18 says that God “does justice for the orphan and the widow, and loves the stranger and gives him food and clothing.” James reiterates this truth in the verse above, sharing that the responsibility to care for widows and orphans is ours too.

It is a tremendous blessing to love, serve and protect the most vulnerable in this world and to share God’s love with them. He is the greatest protector of all.

How do you pray with a thankful heart?

Lord, teach me to offer you a heart of thanksgiving and praise in all my daily experiences of life. I long to bring pleasure to Your heart daily. Break the power of the enemy in my life. Defeat him through my sacrifice of praise.

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

A prayer for a grateful heart

By Debbie Przybylski

My cup overflows with your blessings – Psalm 23:5

It is not easy to give thanks in all situations. But when we choose to give thanks to God in the midst of difficulties, it conquers the forces of darkness in the spiritual realm. When we thank God for every gift He has given us, even when things are difficult, the enemy loses the battle against us. It will be stopped when we come to God with grateful hearts.

Learn to be thankful for every blessing of God in your life. It is of great importance to Him if we can be thankful in the midst of great trials. There is a way of looking at life from the point of view of eternity. The reality of eternal life and eternal glory, far surpassing this life, is a priceless treasure. Our afflictions work for us a far more overwhelming and everlasting weight of glory.

A prayer for a grateful heart

Lord, teach me to offer you a heart of thanksgiving and praise in all my daily life experiences. I long to bring joy to Your heart daily. Break the power of the enemy in my life. Defeat him through my sacrifice of praise. Change my perspective and attitude to one of joyful contentment with my present circumstances. Thank you for… [Name a difficult circumstance in your current life and thank God for it.]

Jesus, I want to be like You who obeyed the Father without complaint. You have embraced the chains of humanity as you have walked this earth. Convince me when I complain or compare myself to others. I know your truth resides in a grateful heart.

“I give thanks to the Lord for his righteousness, and sing praises to the name of the Lord Most High. Lord, our Lord, how glorious is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory over the heavens” (Psalm 7:17-18:1). In the name of Jesus, amen.”

Editor’s Note: The following article is an abridged version of A Prayer for Thankful Heart by Debbie Przybylski. To read the full article follow this link.

Would you like more of your daily prayer? We also have a podcast! This podcast is different from the written devotional you just read, but includes the same commitment to take a closer look at the Scriptures each day. You can learn more by clicking the link below!

Now that you’ve prayed, do you need someone to pray for YOU? Click the button below!

Visit iBelieve.com for more inspirational prayer content.

What is the best prayer to God?

Loving God, I pray that you will comfort me in my suffering, lend skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when I am afraid, I may put my whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

In times of emotional, mental, or physical distress, it’s easy to feel hopeless and believe that things will never get better. At times, breaking free from these spiraling thoughts can be a confusing and difficult process. But it is important to remember that you are not alone and that there are steps you can take to heal and find peace and strength again. One way to approach this process is to read or speak aloud a healing prayer. Whether the obstacle you face involves your health, work, family, relationship, or something else, prayer can bring comfort during the healing process.

Reading or reciting these prayers for yourself or a loved one will not be the solution to the problem you are currently facing. You may need to take other routes, e.g. B. Talk to a professional to solve the underlying problem. Recovery looks different for everyone, but healing prayers can bring comfort at a time when you need it most. The Covid-19 pandemic is an ongoing emergency that has impacted the mental and emotional well-being of most people, particularly when it comes to grief, loss and pain. Turning to these healing words can be empowering and help alleviate some of the loneliness and isolation that many have felt (and continue to feel) during the pandemic.

If you have a friend or family member going through an emergency, you can share these healing prayers with them as well. Keeping them in your thoughts and prayers can bring them peace, just as reading healing prayers can give you strength.

Find more strength, peace, and hope every day with WD’s Everyday Inspiration Bible Verse Cards—a portable box of inspiration that keeps the encouragement you need close at hand.

How do you say thank you spiritually?

Christian ‘Thank You’ Messages
  1. “I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” — …
  2. “I always thank God for you because of His grace given you in Christ Jesus.” — …
  3. “There is no fear in love: Perfect love casts out fear.” — …
  4. “But thanks to God who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” —

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

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Gratitude is the common thread between all religions and beliefs. It connects people with the past and at the same time paves the way for the future.

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Below is a selection of religious quotes, proverbs, philosophies, and tribal sayings to serve as a guide to giving thanks. While some religions rely on historical data or conversation, other and more indigenous groups such as the Maoris, Hawaiians or Native Americans rely on the wisdom and philosophy of nature.

But no matter where the appreciation comes from, everyone contributes to the fabric of life here on earth.

Buddhist thanksgiving messages

In Buddhism, gratitude is often an inner manifestation before it is an outer one. The following phrases from the Buddha express this feeling, even though they don’t specifically say the words “thank you.”

“Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the only guarantee of peace.”

“We are formed by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never disappears.”

“With our thoughts we make the world.”

“Be where you are or you will miss your life.”

“Let’s stand up and be thankful, for if we haven’t learned a lot, we’ve learned a little, and if we haven’t learned a little, at least we haven’t gotten sick, and if we got sick, at least we haven’t died; so let’s all be thankful.”

“Every morning we are reborn. What we do today is the most important thing.”

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”

“If you light a lamp for someone, it will also light your way.”

“When you realize how perfect everything is, you’ll throw your head back and laugh at the sky.”

“If we don’t take care of others when they need help, who will take care of us?”

“Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.”

“Peace comes from within. Don’t look for it outside.”

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Christian thanksgiving

The Christian sacred text consists of the New and Old Testaments in the Bible. In it 66 books describe the life before and during the time of Jesus – God’s son.

“I have not stopped giving thanks for you and remembering you in my prayers.” — Ephesians 1:16

“I always thank God for you because of his grace that was given you in Christ Jesus.”—Corinthians 1:4

“There is no fear in love: perfect love casts out fear.” – 1 John 4:18

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” — 1 Corinthians 15:57

“Rejoice always, pray constantly, and give thanks under all circumstances.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“I never stop thanking you and remembering you in my prayers.” — Ephesians 1:16

“I thank my God in all my memories of you.” — Philippians 1:3

“We give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ whenever we pray for you.” — Colossians 1:3

Hindu messages of thanks

There are four sacred texts called Vedas in Hinduism. They are Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva.

Within them they are divided into Samhita, Brahmana, Aranyaka and the Upanishads. When someone says thank you with a Hindu prayer, they also come from a place of generosity.

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of all virtues, but the mother of all others.”

“Life, death and rebirth are inevitable.”

“Where there is joy, there is creation. Where there is no joy, there is no creation: know the nature of joy.”

“Veda means knowledge and the Vedas are truly an ocean of knowledge.”

“Whoever sees all beings in himself and his self in all beings never suffers; for when he sees all creatures in his true self, jealousy, sadness and hatred disappear.”

“There is enough in the world for everyone’s needs; there is not enough for everyone’s greed.”

“May God protect us, grant us the fruit of wisdom; may we gain energy to discern the truth; may our intellects become clear and bright; may we harbor no evil feelings toward anyone. Om, peace, peace, peace be upon all .”

“As is your will, so is your thinking; as is your thought, so is your deed; as is your deed, so is your life.

“A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and place, and when we expect nothing in return.”

» MORE: Honor a loved one with an online memorial. Create one with Cake for free. Honor a loved one with an online memorial.

Jewish thanksgiving

Although the Talmud is not a sacred text, it is the gathering of rabbis who discuss the meaning of the Torah that can make it truly worthwhile. Some of the quotes are directly attributed to specific rabbis.

“The highest form of wisdom is kindness.”

“Every blade of grass has its angel bending over it and whispering, ‘Growth.

“A dream that is not interpreted is like a letter that is not read.”

“Ingratitude to man is ingratitude to God.” — Rabbi Shmuel Hanagid

“It is gratitude that makes the soul great.” — Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

“When you teach your son, you teach your son’s son.”

“If you cannot be thankful for what you have received, be thankful for what you have been spared.” — Yiddish proverb

“You can’t put thanks in your pocket.”

“What have you done for me lately is the question of the ungrateful.” — Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

“If you have done your neighbor a great favor, consider it a small thing. If your friend has done you a small favor, let it be a great favor in your eyes.” — Avot d’Rabbi Nathan 41:11

“A man must be grateful to a place where he has benefited.” — B’reishit Rabbah 79:6

“Loving kindness is greater than laws; the charity of life is greater than all ceremonies.”

Muslim thank you messages

The Koran is the holy book of Islam. According to Muslims, the angel Gabriel revealed the word of (God) Allah to their Prophet Muhammad. The following quotes are from this text.

“If you say thank you, I’ll give you more.”

“Verily Allah is generous to the people, but most of them do not give thanks.”

“And few of My servants are grateful.”

“Call me, I will answer you”

“No one but Allah can save a soul in distress.”

“All praise and thanks are due to Allah who has guided us to this, and we could never have found guidance if Allah had not guided us.”

“And he gave you everything you asked for and if you could the blessings of Allah you will never be able to count them.”

“My success can only come from Allah. In Him I trust and in Him I look.”

“All praise is due to Allah, by whose honor and majesty virtuous deeds are done.”

“So remember me, I will remember you and be grateful to me and don’t be ungrateful to me.”

“And if you counted the blessings of Allah, you could never count them.”

“My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your favors bestowed on me and my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds as please Thee, and make my descendants good .”

Taoist messages of thanks

Laozi, or Lao Tzu, was the master and founder/philosopher of Taoism. It is based on the natural order of things rather than the conventions of society. The following quotes are from him.

“When you realize that you lack nothing, the whole world is yours.”

“If you’re content with just being yourself and not comparing or competing, everyone will respect you.”

“Reveal simplicity, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires.”

“Nature is in no hurry, but everything is finished.”

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

“Kindness in words creates trust. Kindness in thought creates depth. Kindness in giving creates love.”

“True words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not true. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words are not good.”

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

“One is courageous because of a great love.”

“Caring breeds courage.”

“If you want to take, you have to give first. That’s the beginning of intelligence.”

“The power of intuitive understanding will keep you from harm until the end of your days.”

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Messages of thanks from other religions

Many religions are so embedded in culture that they are inseparable – and when they have no text, the line between culture and religion becomes indistinguishable.

“Abundance can be attained simply by consciously receiving what has already been given.” — Sufism

“Listen to the wind, it speaks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows.” – Native American

“Let’s get our minds together and see what kind of lives we can create for our children.” — Chief Sitting Bull

“The earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall see the results of that love.” — Chief Sitting Bull

“Every seed is awakened and all animal life.” — Chief Sitting Bull

“Sharing and giving are the ways of God.” – Sauk of Native Americans

“Aloha Aku no, Aloha Mai no.” – Hawaiian

“A heart as big as a house.” – Hawaiian

“No good deed has ever lacked reward.” – Hawaiian

“When you get up in the morning, thank you for the morning light, for your life and your strength. Thank you for your food and your zest for life. If you don’t see a reason to thank, it’s your own fault.” — Tecumseh tribe

“Love received calls for love returned.” — Maori

show gratitude

Gratitude is universal among all religions and beliefs. By sharing it with others, the legacy of those who came before us continues.

Post-planning tip: If you’re the executor of a deceased loved one, it’s not just about thanking those who helped you. It’s difficult to manage both the emotional and technical aspects of your unfinished business without a way to organize your process. We have a post-loss checklist that will help you make sure your loved one’s family, estate, and other matters are in order.


How do you show your gratitude to God for the gift of love life and family?

Showing Gratitude through Action. Live according to God’s will to honor Him with your life. The ultimate way to show gratitude to God is to devote your life to Him. That can be hard sometimes, because it means turning away from sinful behavior and your own vision for what you want your life to look like.

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

This article was co-authored by wikiHow contributor Amy Bobinger. Amy Bobinger has been a writer and editor at wikiHow since 2017. She particularly enjoys writing articles that help people overcome interpersonal hurdles, but often covers a variety of topics including health and wellness, spirituality, gardening and more. Amy graduated with a B.A. in English Lit from Mississippi College in 2011 and now lives in her hometown with her husband and two young sons. This article has been viewed 656,841 times.

Article overview


If you want to thank God for every blessing He has given you, try to keep an open line of communication with Him at all times and thank Him continuously throughout the day. For example, you can say a quick prayer after small blessings, say a special prayer after big blessings, and even thank God when you’re having a rough day. Aside from prayer, you can show your gratitude by serving others and helping others in need. You can also tell other people about God and talk to Him about your blessings whenever it seems appropriate. After all, you live according to God’s will to honor Him with your life. Pray and read the Bible every day, turning from your sins and listening to His guidance in every decision you make. To learn more about serving others, read on!

How do you say thank you to my daughter?

How to Thank Your Daughter for Just Being Her
  1. “Thank you for being such a patient and empathetic person. You inspire me every day to grow and be better.” …
  2. “Ever since you were a child, you’ve been so kind to people who needed it. …
  3. “I know it’s been very difficult for you to have a brother with health problems.

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

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When our children grow up, we teach them to write a thank you note when people come to their aid. But gratitude goes both ways. Chances are, you’ll say thank you to your daughter when she does you a favor or gives you a gift.

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But when was the last time you thanked her for being herself? Here we examine what you can say or do to thank your daughter on different occasions — or even for no particular reason.

How to thank your daughter for all her help or support

As parents, we guide and teach our children. We do our best to protect them and help them when we need it. But our children can be a support system for us as well. If your daughter has been a great help to you, here are some ways to show her gratitude for her support.

1. “Thank you for taking care of me during my illness. You brought me to your house and drove me to treatments. You went upstairs to help me feel safe and cared for. I know this has been really difficult for you and I appreciate your care and compassion.”

When we become parents, we are ready to take care of sick children. But sometimes when we are sick or injured, our children take care of us.

This type of role reversal can be challenging for both parties. Be sure to thank your daughter for standing up in times of need.

2. “I know your childhood wasn’t always easy. After your mother left, you ended up taking more than your fair share. You gave your brother and sister a lot of stability but missed that yourself. I’m sorry I fell short. I just want you to know that I am so grateful to you.”

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we are not the parents our children deserve. If your daughter’s childhood was far from perfect, it’s never too late to apologize and thank her for her help and understanding.

3. “Thank you for always being willing to talk to me about serious matters. I know we don’t always agree, but I always value your perspective. As parents, we should teach our children. But I learned just as much from you. Thank you for being willing to help me grow.”

Parents often think they know best because they’ve been on the planet longer than their kids. But teenagers and young adults can be incredibly wise.

Take the time to listen to your children and thank them for their perspective. They can help you get out of a rut you didn’t even know you were in.

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How to thank your daughter for just being her

Our children can help us in so many ways. You can help us around the house. You can keep us informed of current events. They can simply offer a listening ear and a new perspective in challenging times. Here are some ways you can simply say thank you for being there.

4. “Thank you for being such a patient and empathetic person. You inspire me every day to grow and get better.”

If your daughter has qualities that you admire, be sure to let her know what they are. Highlighting these positive qualities and thanking her for them will help her know how appreciated she is.

5. “Even as a child you were so kind to people who needed it. When other kids were teased, you stood up for them. I see you standing in solidarity with the people even now. Thank you for being such a good person.”

Our goal as parents should be to raise people to care about other people. If your child is always thinking about other people, be sure to let them know how much you appreciate them.

6. “I know it was very difficult for you to have a brother with health problems. They often don’t get the attention they should. But you never seem to hold grudges. I want to thank you for being so understanding to all of us. I also promise that we will find a better balance in the future.”

It’s always nice to thank your kids for being patient and understanding during challenging times. But assure them they won’t have to wait forever. Sometimes gratitude only goes so far.

» MORE: Honor a loved one with an online memorial. Create one with Cake for free. Honor a loved one with an online memorial.

How to thank your daughter for a gift or a nice note

We often spend a lot of time and money choosing gifts for our children to make them happy or to make their lives easier. However, many children do not necessarily think about returning the favor to their parents. It’s easy to take gifts from your parents for granted when you’ve had them for as long as you can remember.

But sometimes our children can really surprise us with a thoughtful gift or gesture. Here are some ways you can thank your daughter for a gift, note, or other kind act.

7. “Thank you for the lovely gift you gave me on Mother’s Day. I will always cherish it.”

When our children are small, they often make gifts for special occasions at school. This is how our educators teach children to express their appreciation for other people. Make sure you continue to show gratitude by thanking them sincerely and profusely.

8. “I really appreciate the apology letter you wrote me. I know you had a bad day. I forgive you.”

Sometimes parents and children don’t get along. It’s how you deal with this conflict that really defines your relationship. If your daughter apologizes for a fight, let her know how grateful you are for the gesture.

9. “Thank you for taking the time to create a family tree. It means so much to all of us.”

If your daughter goes above and beyond to create something special for the family, you should definitely thank her. Encourage all other family members to show their appreciation as well.

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How to thank your daughter for everything at the end of her life

In an ideal world, no parent would ever have to bury their child. But the sad truth is that every year over 100,000 parents say goodbye to a child prematurely. When your daughter is dying, saying goodbye is one of the most painful things you have to go through.

Here are some ways you can thank your daughter for all the joy she has brought into your life.

10. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

It can be difficult to articulate yourself when confronted with the loss of your child. Sometimes we need to turn to the words of writers and other great thinkers. This quote comes from A.A. Milne who is best known for writing the popular Winnie the Pooh series. If you enjoy reading these books to your daughter now—or if they were loved when she was young—that’s a sweet feeling to share.

If you spend a lot of time at your daughter’s bedside, you don’t have to stick to just one quote. You could also read to her. Even someone who is unconscious or in a coma can benefit from this type of engagement. You can read something recent or revisit old childhood favorites. It’s a beautiful way to connect and say goodbye. It also helps you show your gratitude for the stories you’ve shared.

11. Create a playlist

You can’t talk to your daughter endlessly at the end of her life. You need to rest your voice, and you need to give your mind and emotions a break too. Playing soft music can be calming for both of you.

You can create a playlist with special songs. If there were songs you sang to your daughter when she was a baby, you can add them. If you used to go to concerts together, choose songs from your favorite artists. If your daughter is well enough, you can remember these songs together and thank her for the memories.

12. Read a gratitude journal out loud

Many people keep gratitude journals to document the things they are thankful for on a daily basis. If you are a journal keeper, you can share your thoughts and memories with your daughter.

As you go through your journals over the years, you will find a multitude of reasons why you were grateful for your daughter. Sharing these with her shows that you have always loved and cherished her.

Post-planning tip: If you’re the executor after your daughter’s death, it’s difficult to manage both the emotional and technical aspects of her backlog without organizing your process. We have a post-loss checklist that will help you ensure your daughter’s affairs are in order.

The importance of showing gratitude to your children

Our whole life changes when we have children. We do so much to try to enrich their lives and lead them to success. After all, sometimes the best gestures are the simplest. Don’t forget to sincerely thank your children when they help you.

You can even just show them gratitude for being a part of your life. Sometimes “thank you” really is the best way to say “I love you”.

How do I pray for my adult daughter?

I praise You because my child is fearfully and wonderfully made. You have blessed me with a daughter who continually strives to do well for me and for her own family. Help her to stand firm in the faith all the days of her life, unwavering in her devotion to biblical truth.

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

There are many reasons you might want to pray for your grown children, and these powerful prayers for grown children are great examples to give you the words to say to our Heavenly Father.

Sufficiency of God’s prayer of grace

Awesome God, I pray that You will have Your divine way in my child’s life. As an adult, there are struggles and difficulties that she faces and will face throughout her life. I pray that your grace is sufficient for them in their trials, for your power is made perfect in their weakness. I praise you all the more for her weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest on her. Work in her, Father Almighty, so that she may live as a citizen of the kingdom to which she belongs, governed by Your life and Your love. I know that you hear the cries of your people and that you will do good in your own way and in your own time. Amen.

All-Things-Possible Prayer

Almighty Father, thank you for what you are. Thank you for being with my child from the beginning, from puberty to adulthood. I pray that you continue to be the force in my child’s life. Your word declares that with you nothing will be impossible and I pray that my son never lives without you by his side. I declare that your light will continue to shine on him for the rest of his days. Amen.

Mother’s prayer of joy

Precious Jesus, my Saviour, Your word declares that when a woman gives birth she is grieved because her hour has come, but when she has given birth her baby she does not remember her agony. Thank you, for giving me a child so many years ago. Aside from my love for you, being a mother is the greatest joy I have ever known. Now that my child is ready to have children of his own, please bless his family with happiness, health and prosperity. Show her how to teach her kids to love you and hold on to you. Amen.

Prayer for future spouses

Father of compassion and mercy, I pray for my child and my child’s future spouse. Your Word says that a man will leave his father and mother and will be joined to his wife and they will become one flesh. I pray that as my son chooses his mate, you will guide him to a godly, loving, and patient wife. Please bless my child’s future marriage and help him keep the vows of holy matrimony with you at the center of his marriage. Amen.

Walk with the Christ prayer

God, Exalted One, thank you for my child beginning his journey into adulthood. Thank you for guiding me through her youth as I tried my best to teach her how to walk with you and love you. I pray that she continues to live life in Your image, guided by the morals I taught her and striving to draw ever closer to You. Please keep your hand on her. Help her to put on the full armor of God so that she can withstand the plans of the devil and be girded with Your girdle of truth. Even though I cannot physically be with my child at all times, I pray that you will continue to be with her and hold her with you in everything she does. Amen.

gratitude prayer

O Lord mighty in power, I thank you for the gift of my child. He made me so proud and surpassed any expectations I ever had for parenthood. Thank you for blessing me with a child who honored and obeyed me. My life has been so full because I have you, my Lord Jesus, and I have my beautiful child. Now that he’s grown up, please help him stay on the path I taught him, keep him close to you and protect him all the days of his life. Amen.

Mother’s fruit of the prayer of the body

Righteous God, thank you for blessing me with a child. I cherish it as a gift from You. I pray that, as You have blessed me with the fruit of the womb, You will bless my child and grant her Your divine protection as she navigates this great world. Guide her to be a minister of righteousness with conduct worthy of the gospel of Christ. Please bless my child with a rich inheritance of children and make him rich in Your love for all the days of his life. Amen.

Prayer on the divine path

Heavenly Father, I pray for the life of my adult child. I know that he has experienced many things in life and learned to deal with them on his own. I pray that you will continue to be the compass in my child’s life. I pray that he will continue to trust in you with all his heart and not rely on his own understanding. I pray that you will be recognized in all of his ways. Please continue to guide my child’s path and keep him close to you. Amen.

Mother’s gratitude for the Master Plan prayer

Father, great creator, you formed the inside of my child. You knit them together in my belly. I praise you because my child is terribly and wonderfully made. You have blessed me with a daughter who continually strives to do good things for me and her own family. Help her to stand firm in her faith all the days of her life, unshakable in her devotion to Bible truth. Thank you for the master plan you had for my child as she is a light shining in the darkness of this world. Amen.

Temple of the Holy Spirit Prayer

God of power please have your divine way in life of my adult child. Society has fed my child many lies about how we should live and what is acceptable. I know the only vote that matters is yours. I pray that Your word will continue to resonate loudly in my child’s heart, drowning out the noise of this corrupt and perverted generation. I pray that my child will live according to the principle that his body is a temple of Your Holy Spirit within him. My child is not my own, my child is not his own, but it was bought with a price. So I declare that he will glorify you with his body and everything he is. Amen.

prayer of protection

Jesus, King of kings, you are the shepherd of my child. I am happy to know that my child will not lack for anything in adulthood. Leave them in green pastures. Lead them to still waters. If she gets lost, take her to safety with you. Jesus, I know that she will face struggles and challenges in her adult life, but I know that even in the valley of the shadow of death, she will fear no evil because you are with her. Embrace and protect my child, my precious Savior, all the days of her life. Amen.

prayer for peace

Jesus, my Prince of Peace, thank you for answering the prayers that were said about my child before he reached adulthood. I prayed that my child would learn to love you and live by your word so that it would have peace within you. I can now see that the peace you promised my child is evident in his life. Continue to bless him with your perfect peace and keep his thoughts on you, trusting in yourself at all times and on all occasions. Thank you for being the peace in my adult child’s life. Amen.

Prosperity Prayer

Sovereign Lord Jesus, please help my child to prosper and their children’s children to prosper. Please help her in her career to do well and get promoted. Please help my grandchildren in school so that they have many friends and get good grades. Please bring joy into their household and save them from tragedy. Thank you Holy Lord Jesus in advance for the miraculous uplift in my family’s life. I pray in the great name of Jesus. Amen.

How do I thank God for my daughters birthday?

Gracious Lord, thank you for the opportunity to celebrate this day. Thank you for another birthday in the life of my lovely daughter. Lord, Jesus, thank you for welcoming me, my family, and my daughter into your marvelous light. Lord, as she starts this day with so much joy and happiness, nothing will make her unhappy.

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child





Today is a special day for your family. Your beautiful daughter is celebrating another year of God’s blessings.

Her birthday is another opportunity to pray for her life.

This birthday would bring goodness to your and her life.

She would continue to grow from strength to strength.

God will continue to protect you and every member of your family.

I have compiled this powerful prayer for your daughter’s birthday as you celebrate.

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Short prayer for my daughter’s birthday

Lord, thank you for my child’s life. Thank you for blessing me with a beautiful daughter.

Lord, I pray for my misdeeds. Forgive me and cleanse me with your blood.

Lord, I ask forgiveness for my daughter’s sins. Wash her clean and pull her closer to you.

Lord, thank you for protecting my daughter all these years. I can’t thank you enough.

Lord, I praise you for the care and protection of my daughter. Today is another day of testimony.

Lord I pray for wisdom for my baby. I ask that this new year bring her happiness and peace.

Lord I pray that You will bless my daughter with all her heart’s desires. Let her thrive in everything she does.

Lord, I reject every enemy plan against my daughter. They would fail before they even started.

Lord, I seek continued protection for my family. Let your grace continue to shine in our lives.

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Prayer for daughter’s birthday

With long life I will satisfy you.

As Christians, we understand the importance of faith.

We know that God would give them to us for anything we ask.

We know that without faith it is difficult to serve God and believe in His promise.

For this reason we ask that you believe that your daughter’s birthday is a sign of more good things to come.

God destined us for happiness and long life.

We would now speak faith for long life for your daughter.

Not only a long life filled with pain and fear, but we pray that their lives will be exceedingly happy, fruitful and prosperous.

We ask for a disease-free life without worries and pain.

The scriptures say, “With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

In other words, as we pray for long life for your daughter, we ask God to provide and meet all of her needs.

Your days on earth would testify to God’s perfect love for us.

Let’s pray for your daughter’s birthday

Father, thank you for my daughter.

Thank you for bringing her into this world.

Thank you for sending such a precious being into my family.

Lord Jesus, my daughter, lives today only because of your mercy.

Thank you for saving my baby’s life.

It really was you and nobody else.

Your faithfulness is everlasting and satisfying to the righteous.

Lord, thank you for adding another year to her life.

I ask that you continue to keep them under your shield.

Protect my baby and send your angel to guide her every step.

Lord, you said in your Word: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain; if the Lord does not keep the city, the watchman watches in vain.”

Eternal God, I know that you are our Savior and our strength.

I know that you are our protector and shield.

That is why I have placed my daughter and my family in your care.

I ask for many years of fertility ahead.

Don’t let this year be her last.

Thank you Lord for answering prayers. Amen.

He will give His angel custody of your daughter

What hope do we have for ourselves?

What can we do without the help of Christ?

Of course, we need God to protect us in every area of ​​our lives.

We need God’s care, provision and protection.

The Scriptures say, “For he will command his angels to guard you in all your ways. They will carry you on their hands so that you do not stub your foot on a stone.

So today we want to ask God to send his angels to protect your daughter.

We ask him to continue protecting you and your family in spite of all the evil plans of the devil and your enemies.

Let’s pray for your daughter.

Almighty God in Heaven,

You are the creator of heaven and earth.

There is nothing too powerful for you to do.

I can’t thank you enough for protecting my daughter over the years.

You single-handedly watched over her and protected her from the devil’s evil arms.

Even in her deepest moment, you comforted her.

Eternal God, you have proven time and time again that you are faithful.

Because of your love for her, you did not allow my daughter to be harmed.

Thank you for the grace you have shown my daughter so far.

Thank you for sending your angels to protect my daughter day and night.

May your name be glorified forever. Amen.

You shall want for nothing.

Today is your daughter’s birthday and I know that you have some financial wishes for her.

You want your daughter to grow up to be a faithful wife who understands and obeys God’s laws.

You also want the best for your daughter in her chosen career.

Therefore we must ask God for material blessings.

Your daughter’s birthday is another opportunity to pray and ask for financial freedom and growth.

Remember that God has promised to bless all those who choose to serve him.

The scriptures say: “And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless your bread and your water; and I will remove sickness from your midst. “Exodus 23:25-29.

In other words, if she is serving and dependent on God, your daughter would win.

So we pray for promotion, wisdom, financial independence and for all their dreams to come true.

Let’s pray for your daughter’s birthday.

Loving father, your outstretched hand has kept my daughter until this important milestone in her life.

Your mercy triumphed over her life.

You did not allow illness, depression, poverty or misfortune to engulf my daughter.

That’s why I know that you will give her everything she needs to be happy.

Please help her by your grace to never stop relying on you.

Lord, you know every other heart’s desire.

You know the source of her happiness and everything she prays for in life.

Lord, you know everything because you created each of us.

Lord, I ask you to fulfill all my daughter’s dreams and desires.

Let them thrive amidst their enemies.

Bless her with money so she can fend for herself.

Help her succeed in whatever she puts her hands on.

Let this birthday be a path to greater success and prosperity.

Lord, I pray that she will renew her spirit and put her on your path to glory.

I pray against bad or nasty friends who might want to distract you.

Thank you father for hearing my prayer. Amen.

A heart to praise

Nothing can be more wonderful than relying on God in every moment.

We shouldn’t only pray when we need something.

But at times like these, when your daughter is celebrating her birthday, we can ask God to take control.

This is also an important moment to ask about and move forward with your plans for your daughter and family.

Of course, God already knows your plans for the family.

But we must keep praying and praising his name.

When praise goes up, miracles come down.

Scripture says, “Everything that breathes praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”

let’s pray

Lord, I thank you because your mercy endures forever.

Thank you for my daughter’s life.

Lord, thank you for all you have done for her up to this point.

Lord, I am grateful that You always provided her with an escape route during hard times.

Dear Sir, thank you for the opportunity to celebrate this day.

Thank you for another birthday in the life of my dear daughter.

Lord Jesus, thank you for welcoming me, my family and my daughter into your beautiful light.

Lord, since she begins this day with so much joy and happiness, nothing will make her unhappy.

Your angels will protect her and bring her home safely if she goes out today.

As she celebrates with friends, everything will go in her favor.

Lord, make my daughter’s birthday a memorable day in her life.

Thank you father for hearing my prayers. Amen.

When the enemy comes, God will fight for them.

Look carefully at this scripture: “If you listen carefully to what he says and do everything I say, I will be an enemy of your enemies and oppose those who oppose you.”

In other words, just serving God brings many visible and invisible benefits, including protection from those who are jealous of your daughter.

So we must pray and ask God to protect our daughters no matter the situation.

Let us pray for protection on your daughter’s birthday

Lord, I entrust my daughter to your capable hands.

She will not be a victim of her enemy’s schemes.

She would not become a victim of mysterious acts and attacks.

I meet every evil arrow of disease, bad luck, misfortune, failure, disappointment and satanic attack.

My daughter would be delivered from the devil’s schemes by your precious grace.

Let your grace on her life break down stagnation, limitations, barriers and every struggle she faces.

Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayers. Amen.

How do I pray for my teenage daughter?

Humility Prayer

Father God, I pray for my daughter to know your grace and love. May she remain humble through the pressures of life. Help her to remember that you are her deliverer and strong tower in those tough times. Holy Spirit, show her what it means to be humble so that she may treat others better.

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

There are many influences on our daughters in today’s world. These uplifting prayers for your teenage daughter provide the protection and spiritual armor you need to function in today’s society.

Excellency prayer

Father God, thank you for giving birth to an amazing daughter. She is truly a gift from above. Lord, I place all their plans in your hands. Give my daughter wisdom to make the right decisions in her studies and life. Help her start and end each day with you. Remind her that you are responsible for her life. May she do everything with excellence for the glory of your holy name. May she always be above and not below, only above and not below. It’s in Jesus name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Cover them with your love prayer

Dear God, today I bring my daughter before your throne of grace. Cover her with your wings of love at this stage of her life. Lord, there are so many things she may find confusing, so many questions she has because of the experiences she is going through. Chase away all confusion with your love and let your perfect love bring safety to her heart. May she stay grounded in your word and continue to see beautiful things in you. In the name of Jesus I believe and pray, Amen.

friendship prayer

Heavenly Father, your word says bad company spoils good character. Lord, I am praying for my teenage daughter. Help her make the right friends at school, at church, and in our community. Connect her with good friends who will help her be the person you created her to be. Help her build lasting friendships that have everlasting values. May she be a source of blessing to her friends and a light to those who don’t know you. Give her the gift of discernment so she can tell good friends from bad friends. It’s in Jesus name, I believe and pray, Amen.

prayer of protection

Lord Jesus, I’ve been worrying about my daughter lately. She goes through many changes. I’m feeling lost right now because I don’t know what to do. Lord, I can’t be with her all the time, so I don’t know what she does when she’s not with me. Protect her from all evil and help her to walk according to your word. Clear every obstacle the enemy throws in her way and protect her from the temptations teenagers face. In the name of Jesus I believe and pray, Amen

Purity Prayer

Lord, may my daughter be set apart for you. She cannot remain pure by her power. Holy Spirit, take control of their lives and teach them all about purity and life. May she walk in spirit and truth through her teenage and adult years. Lord, when others give her ungodly counsel, remind them of your word and encourage them to walk by it. Give her inner strength so that she does not give in when her colleagues pressure her to engage in sexual immorality and other things that do not bring fame to your name. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

value in you prayer

Father, many teenagers try to find their worth in drugs, sex, and people who idolize them. The pressure causes most of them to lose track of who they are. As a result, many end up depressed, and some commit suicide. Dear God, may my daughter know that her worth comes from Jesus alone. Holy Spirit, remind her that she is the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. Help her always remember that she is the beloved daughter of God and no one can ever change that. When in doubt, help her know that you love her so much. In the name of Jesus I believe and pray, Amen.

prayer of success

Heavenly Father, children are a gift from you. Lord, thank you for giving me a beautiful daughter. She’s everything I’ve prayed for and more. Father, I present them to you today. I know she can’t do anything without you. Grant her success in all her endeavors. Hold my child in Your righteous right hand and grant her favor with her teachers and friends. May she put everything she does in your hands so that you can make it successful. In the name of Jesus I believe and pray, Amen.

endure prayer of suffering

Lord Jesus, you had to endure a lot while you were here on earth. Even though you went through temptations and rejections, you stayed faithful to the end. I ask you to help my daughter endure suffering as a Christian teenager and remain true to her calling. Help her remain firm in her faith so she will not give in to the enemy’s lies. May she always remember her purpose and who she serves. Fill her with divine power so that she can persevere and remain faithful in everything. It’s in Jesus name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Do great things for you prayer

Dear God, my wish is for my daughter to do great deeds for the kingdom. Father, grant me my heart’s desire. May she find pleasure in the things that bring glory to your name, and may the pleasant things of this world be like dirty rags before her eyes. Lord, I know that teenagers go through so many things that can cause them to depart from the Christian faith. But with you by my daughter’s side, she will be able to fight the good fight of faith and serve you every day of her life. I pray this faith in the name of your son Jesus, amen.

help prayer

Father God, help my daughter return to her first love and that is Your Son, Jesus Christ. The joys of this world have blinded them and turned them away from their faith. Lord, remove false friends from her life who give her ungodly advice. Forgive her for giving up her faith and let her experience your love deeply so she can repent of all her sins and come back to you. Grant me patience and teach me how to deal with her in these challenging times. In the name of Jesus I believe and pray, Amen

prayer of satisfaction

Lord the Enemy lures young people, especially teenagers, into his kingdom by using things pleasing to the human eye. You have entrusted me with this beautiful daughter and I want to thank you, Lord. I use the authority you have given me as a parent to declare and decree that my child will not be lured into the kingdom of darkness. She will serve you for the rest of her life, my father and king. Father, thank you for setting a standard for their lives, and even if their enemies come like a tide, they will not defeat them. In the name of Jesus I believe and pray, Amen

Your prayer for the future

Lord, thank you for my daughter. She blesses me in ways I could never have imagined. Jesus, help her to make choices that will positively affect her life in the future. Bring the right people into her life to help her make the right decisions about her education, relationships, and career. May she discover the unique gifts and talents you gave her and use them for you and not for a human being. Grant us strength and grace to take good care of them and guide them on the right path, in Jesus name, amen.

discernment prayer

Father God, I praise Your holy name today. You are dressed with majesty. You are from eternity to eternity and no one can take your place. Help my daughter to be a better judge in all situations. Show her how to solve teenagers’ problems. Holy Spirit, fill her with the peace that surpasses all understanding when something comes from the throne of God, and help her to know when something is not of God. May she obey you even if it makes no sense. In the name of Jesus I believe and pray, Amen.

humility prayer

Father God, I pray that my daughter will experience Your mercy and love. May she remain humble despite life’s pressures. Help her to remember that you are her savior and strong tower in these difficult times. Holy Spirit, show her what it means to be humble so she can treat others better. By Jesus name I believe and pray, Amen.

health prayer

Dear God, may my daughter be as prosperous as her soul. If she has been hurt and wounded in her soul, heal and bandage her wounds. Grant her good health so that she can diligently serve you and draw people to your kingdom. Remove the fear from her heart and help her stay emotionally and mentally stable so she can stay true to her purpose. Remove the pain from her heart and give her the peace that surpasses all understanding. In the name of Jesus I believe and pray, Amen.

Here is a great video by Pastor Rick Warren speaking about bringing out the best in your children and others.

A Special Message To My Daughter 👨‍👩‍👧 Whatsapp Status Video 💕

A Special Message To My Daughter 👨‍👩‍👧 Whatsapp Status Video 💕
A Special Message To My Daughter 👨‍👩‍👧 Whatsapp Status Video 💕

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Thank You God for Giving Me a Daughter Quotes

47. Dear Lord, I thank you for blessing me with a daughter. You know how much I love my little girl and care for her all the time.

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Thank You God for Giving Me a Daughter Quotes

How are you today?

Can we smile together

Thank You God For Blessing Me with Such a Wonderful Daughter

Thank you God for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter

Here are some messages and quotes about God thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter made especially for you.

Thank you God for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter. Thank you for all the time we spent together, from football games, concerts and museums to ice cream and chocolate pudding. You mean everything to me and I am so happy that you are part of my life. I am so proud of the beautiful person you have become and so blessed to be your mother! I want to thank you God for blessing me with such an amazing daughter. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. You make me smile everyday and brighten my world like no other. I guess I should start by saying how lucky I am to call you my daughter. You are the most amazing, talented and beautiful person I know. Watching you grow into your own person makes me so proud. I love you and I’m so thankful to be a part of your life. Your smile brightens my life, it brings me incomparable joy. I’m proud of everything you achieve every day. You are my little sunshine who warms my heart at every opportunity. You are destined for great things and I will do everything to help make it happen. It seems like only yesterday when I first held you in the hospital. Now I’m watching you get ready to go to college. You’re so beautiful I can’t believe you’re mine. When I look at your perfect face I just think about how lucky I am to be your mother. We may have had our days of tears and disagreements, but in my heart you will always be my little girl. No matter how old you get, I will always believe that you are my baby. I remember the day I found out about you. You were conceived when I was a freshman in college. It was a different time, with different morals and beliefs, but your father and I are committed to providing you with a better life than we could ever offer. Neither of us had the necessary things to muster. Your words humbled me when you said, “Daddy, thank you for loving me. I feel bad because sometimes I forget to say thank you.” After hearing your sweet voice say those words, my heart melted like butter. Although it has been many years since Mom passed, the pain of your loss still lingers on my mind. But when I see you smile, my fear dissolves. You really are my zest for life. You deserve the best and I will do anything to make you feel better. I love you more than in the depth of 1000 oceans in 1000 loves I have for you; You are my princess, my shining star in the dark sky in 1000 darkness. I will carry you through the hard days and days of joy. I will hold your hand and let you feel my love. You light up my life and light up the whole dark night I’m so glad God answered my prayers and sent me such an amazing daughter. I will never give you a reason to make me regret your birth. You are an angel and I hope you can fly as high as you want. I can’t tell you how much you mean to me. you are my pride You are just the best thing that has ever happened to me. Without you in my life I would be incomplete. You are a blessing to me, a gift from God. You are a gift from heaven, a blessing from the Lord Himself. You make my life complete. I think of the day you were born. I was filled with pride and felt incredibly blessed to have been trusted with such a beautiful little girl. You’ve made quite an entry into this world, but from the moment I saw you, I knew a great adventure was just beginning. Every time someone tells me they love my daughter, I look at them like they’re crazy, but I know they love her because I love them. It’s amazing how you can see someone every day and still feel like you’ve never met them. She is fun to play with, she is very funny and very sensitive. she cries easily, can be mean sometimes but still she is the cutest girl you could ever meet. She always comes around when she’s upset and always knows how to apologize. I have blessed her since the day she was born on November 26, 2000. I still think about the day she was born on many occasions. After she was born, I kissed her forehead and said, “I love you, my baby doll.” She was born with a large shock of light hair, which is very different from her curly locks now! She has always had my heart since that first day, although it seems like I am one of many people who love her. From the first day I held her I was in love with you because as soon as you arrived we were already attached by that invisible thread. Many years ago our paths crossed for the first time. I didn’t even think about it. I gave you my heart without a second thought. My life would never be the same again. Thank you God for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter. She is the light of my life! I’m so glad I had the opportunity to meet her and I hope to see her grow bigger, stronger, wiser and more beautiful every day. You are such a wonderful person. I’m not sure why God blessed me with a girl as beautiful and smart as you but I will be forever grateful to him. The day I met you in front of your house to photograph you in the autumn leaves was the happiest day of my life. You’ve brought so much happiness into my life I don’t think you realize it. You are a gift to mankind, a beautiful girl who brings glory to the world. Thank you for being you, I love you so much! I am so blessed to have a wonderful woman in my life. I worry about you, but I know that you are strong-willed and will do everything in your power to come back to me. I love you so much my beautiful daughter, never forget that! I love you more than words can express, more than any poem, song or any other way I could express the extent of my love for you. I can’t imagine what life would be like without you. I love you more than you will ever know. I’m so proud to see you grow up to be such a responsible and caring woman. You are such an inspiration that no matter what happens in my life, I get up every morning knowing that things will get better because you are there. We’ve been spending a lot of time together lately and I just want you to know that the time we spent was wonderful. I am proud of what we have achieved and together we will achieve much more. You’ve grown up so much, but you always make me proud. I will never forget the day you were born. You were so small and helpless and you had so many cables and monitors on you. But when I finally saw your tiny face, I fell in love with you instantly. You are 3 years old today. It’s hard to believe, simply because you’re so old in so many ways. You are smart, funny, kind, caring, beautiful inside and out. Every time I think of all the things that make you who you are, I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter. Life is full of many beautiful moments when we encounter the miracle of our daughter it makes me thank God for the gift of growing old with you. You have been my companion, confidant and advisor since the day you were born. Now you are a mature sweet and naughty young lady about to graduate from high school, a beautiful young woman ready to embark on a great adventure in life. A child is a blessing and you are one of my greatest ever. You mean so much mom and I feel so blessed to be your dad. I can’t believe she’s fourteen already. As I hold her in my arms, all I can say is that you’re growing up too fast. I remember when you were born and how small you fit in the palm of my hand. You changed my life in more ways than anyone can ever imagine. You pushed me to be a better person and inspired me to follow my dreams. You give me purpose and encouragement to keep going. I am so thankful for my little angel. I look at her and I can’t stop smiling. She is so precious, so sweet and hugs me just like her father! I hope you both love each other as much as your mom and dad do. After losing you in that horrific accident, I was told I would never be the same again. I found it so hard to accept that my life would be without you by my side. It wasn’t until soon after that that I realized that not only would I find the strength to keep going, but I would also be happy without you. I’m here because of you Because of you I am me and because of you I’m happy and so alive. Thank you for all the love and care. Thank you God for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter. I thank her every day for her. she is the joy of my life. Every day she fills my heart with love. Her smile brightens my day and I cherish every moment I share with her (and not just because she brings me coffee!). She makes me laugh. Her eyes shine like bright lights in the dark. she is beautiful inside and out. Thank you God for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter. we will always remember this day. not because we got engaged, but because we experienced a rarity, a tornado, that brought us here, to you, to this moment and right now, and it made us look out at the world and out to you thank god for blessing me with something so wonderful daughter. Every day with you is a new day. Every time you smile it changes my day, every time we laugh together your spirit lights up my world and I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter! i love you so much sweetie I just wanted to say that I love you very much and you made my life worth living. You are the best daughter in the world with the biggest heart. I know there is a lot of hate in this world right now. But there is also a lot of love. And you don’t hear nearly that much about it, but it’s true. And I just want you to know that from the bottom of my heart you have been the greatest blessing of my life. i love you so much honey You are my Everything. My life is so much better because you are in it. I love you with all my heart and soul and I will always be there to protect and care for you even when we are old and gray.

See also: Grateful for everyone in my life Quotes and Messages

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

Thanksgiving for a child’s gift

Source: The Congregational Commission on Liturgy of the Union Church in Australia, Uniting in Worship. Leaders Book (Melbourne: The Joint Board of Christian Education, 1988), 411-415.


A song of praise or thanksgiving may be sung


The elder in charge of family care brings the parents, child, and siblings forward and introduces them to the congregation.

Friends, I introduce you to N and N who came to give thanks for their child N. (I also introduce N and N who are so happy to welcome a new brother/sister to their family.) With them we give our thanks be to God.


The minister says:

All life is from God and children are a gift from the Lord. Within a family, the birth/adoption of a child is a joyful and solemn occasion. In this event we see the wonder of God’s loving creativity among us.

We are now to share the joy of this family whose life has been enriched by the gift of a son/daughter.

4 Psalms

The pastor, elder, or parent can lead the meeting in the following interactive reading:

Bless the Lord, my soul, and all that is in me, bless his holy name.

Praise the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all His blessings.

He satiates you with good things, and your youth is renewed like that of an eagle.

As a father cares for his children, so the Lord cares for those who fear him.

The merciful goodness of the Lord endures forever on those who fear him, and his righteousness on children’s children.

To those who keep his covenant and remember and do his commandments.

Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion; Praise the Lord, my soul.


The pastor or elder offers one of the following prayers and/or a free prayer:

Let us pray: O God, like a mother comforting her children, you sustain, nourish and strengthen us; Like a father caring for his children, you look upon us with compassion and kindness. We thank you for the birth (adoption) of N and for the joy that has befallen this family. Affirm their joy with a vivid sense of your presence with them, and give them calm strength and patient wisdom as they seek to make this child love all that is true and noble, just and pure, lovable and gracious, excellent and admirable is the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


O Lord our God, Creator of heaven and earth, and our Maker: We give thanks and praise to you for the gift of this child. Thank you for creating him/her in your image and breathing life into him/her. We thank you for the love these parents have for one another and for the reception they n . Fill their homes with love, trust and understanding through the power of the Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


One or both parents may say:

We receive N gratefully as a gift from God. In humility and hope we promise to love and care for him/her.


We receive N gratefully as a gift from God. In humility and hope we promise to love and care for him/her and to show him/her the Christian faith by teaching and example. We ask for the power of the Holy Spirit and the prayer of the Church.


The following prayer and/or free prayer is offered:

Gracious God, after whom every family in heaven and earth is named: Strengthen us by the Holy Ghost so that we may bear faithful witness in our homes and in our daily lives. May the love of Christ be made clear to N and may he/she be led by grace to the sacrament of baptism. May he/she come with all your people to the fullness of your kingdom of love and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


The minister says:

The lord bless you and take care of you; may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen


If no song of praise or thanksgiving was sung at the beginning of this order, one may be sung here.

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