Intuition Line In Palmistry? The 48 Correct Answer

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What is intuition line?

The line of Intuition is more often found in the philosophic, the conic and the Psychic hands than in any other of the seven types. of the line’s effectiveness. In judging the effectiveness of the line, consideration should be given to the character of the hand in which it is present. Spiritualist Mediums.

Which is the lucky line in hand?

The money line, also called the fate line, is the line that stretches from the wrist to the middle finger. It reflects one’s fortune and career.

Which line on palm indicates success?

02/6The money line in our palm

Under the fingers, on our palm, lies a deep, straight vertical line that indicates the presence of money, success and wealth in their life.

What does M line mean on palm?

What does an “M” on your palm mean? “When the head line, heart line, life line, and fate line connect, it can create the look of an “M” and means you are blessed with good fortune,” White says. “It’s also a sign of strong intuition and creativity, as well as determination and career growth.”

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

m line, palmistry

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A scroll through Instagram and TikTok will quickly show you how popular spiritual practices and pursuits have become. From astrology, crystal healing and tarot to Reiki and palmistry, society is proving to be obsessed with these old-school spiritual techniques.

As fascinated as we are by all these transcendental practices, our focus here is on palmistry. After all, how cool is it that the natural line formation on your hands might actually have an underlying meaning? Better yet, could the lines actually help you understand your past and inform your future?

“Palm reading is a great way to find out more about yourself and your future,” says Eva White, a 4th generation psychic, spiritualist and healer of Psychics1on1, a digital platform connecting people with New Age healers around the world connects, opposite HelloGiggles . “When the dominant palm is read, the major lines can tell you your strengths and weaknesses.” What if the lines form an M? Well, that’s a whole different story.

Fascinated? Read on to find out what the lines on your hand mean and if you have an “M” line on your palm.

Palm reading instructions:

According to White, there’s the headline, the love line, and the life line. While the heading represents your mental traits and personality, White shows that the love line shows your emotional traits and the expectations of your relationships, and the life line shows what to expect in terms of health and longevity.

In terms of placement, the lifeline is the long, curved line that extends from above your thumb to below it, effectively separating it. The head line is the straight diagonal line just above the life line, extending down to the outside of your hand. The love line (or heart line) is the curved line just above, extending from below your index finger to below your pinky.

Then there is the Line of Destiny, which stretches across the center of your palm and represents intuition and, according to White, shows that you are an old soul. “But not everyone has one,” she shares. It is the line of destiny that connects this line of head, love and life to create the letter M in the palm of your hand, leading to…

The story goes on

m line, palmistry

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What does an “M” on your palm mean?

“When the Head Line, Heart Line, Life Line, and Destiny Line connect, it can create the look of an ‘M’ and means you are blessed with good luck,” says White. “It is also a sign of strong intuition and creativity, as well as determination and career growth.”

While these are all good things, White says people with M palms face their struggles, too. “The M can also mean that you tend to overthink or multitask throughout your life, and that can be exhausting,” she says. “But if you have both palms marked with an M, it will indicate great results in your efforts.”

What if there is no “M” line?

Even if you’re feeling intuitive and creative, you might not have an M on the palm of your hand. “Having the letter M formation on the palm is a bit unusual,” says White, noting that it’s a rare symbol. “If you don’t have an M shape on your palm, no hard feelings… you can still have great traits in your personality, as well as your own brand of ‘good luck’ based on the length and depth of your lines.”

The best way to determine your destiny (relative to your palm) is to see a professional palm reader to dissect the main lines of your palm. That said, if you’re more of a self-taught person, there are plenty of lessons on Instagram and endless palm reading tutorials on YouTube, so there you have it.

What does a broken fate line mean?

A break on the fate line from the middle of the palm indicates setbacks in career and property loss after the prime of life. ● If your fate line has a break and resumes its course parallel to the break, it means you change your job and start a new career. ●

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

As we look at our palm, we wonder what each line really means. We know that each of us has different lines on our hands and each one has a meaning. Well, it’s time we figured out what the real meaning of each line is.

● If there is a break in your destiny line from the head line to the heart line, it means your career luck is usually not good after 40 years. After 55, luck gets better. A woman with such a line is usually a terrible housekeeper and easily robbed of money.

● A fracture from the base of the palm indicates a rough childhood and a school break at a young age.

● A break on the line of destiny from the center of the palm indicates setbacks in career and loss of wealth after the prime of life.

● If your destiny line has a break and resumes its course parallel to the break, it means that you are changing your job and starting a new career.

● Intermittent: An intermittent line of fate indicates twists and turns in career. You are always half-assed at work. This makes it easy for you to change jobs over the course of your life. The gap usually indicates the job change.

What is a mystic cross?

: a mark resembling a cross that is sometimes found on the center of the palm between the line of Heart and the line of Head and under the Mount of Saturn and that is usually held by palmists to indicate a great interest in mysticism and occult subjects.

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

: a cross-like sign sometimes found in the center of the palm between the line of heart and line of head and below Mount Saturn, usually held by palmists to indicate a keen interest in mysticism and occult subjects

: a cross-like sign sometimes found in the center of the palm between the line of heart and line of head and below Mount Saturn, usually held by palmists to indicate a keen interest in mysticism and occult subjects

: a cross-like sign sometimes found in the center of the palm between the line of heart and line of head and below Mount Saturn, usually held by palmists to indicate a keen interest in mysticism and occult subjects

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Which palm is read for female?

For a female over 30 years, the left palm is used for the primary reading.

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

Palmistry, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, originated in ancient Asia but has become popular around the world. The aim is to evaluate a person’s character or future by studying the palm of their hand. It is believed that a person’s character, attributes, health, wealth, wisdom and many more aspects can be predicted by reading the palm lines. Interestingly, palmistry is different for women and men and there are different schools of thought about it.

According to Chinese tradition, primary palmistry for a woman under the age of 30 is performed with the right palm, and the left is used for supplementary analysis.

For a woman over 30 years old, the left palm is used for the primary reading.

Palmistry: How It Predicts Your Life and Parenting Style

Palmistry for women

There is a common belief in palmistry that the right hand is the dominant hand (photo courtesy of Scoopify)

There is a common belief in palmistry that the right hand—the dominant hand for most people—represents the now and the future. While the left hand represents the past and the traits the person was born with.

Therefore, it makes more sense to use the right hand as a priority when palmistry. In fact, both hands play a major role in palmistry. Now that we know which hand to read, next is the way to read these lines.

How do you read palm lines?

Palmistry for women

Love Line, Destiny Line, Life Line, Wisdom Line, and Marriage Line are some of the main lines in the palm of your hand (photo courtesy of Pixy)

There are five main lines on the palm of the hand in Chinese palmistry love line, destiny line, life line, wisdom line and marriage line.

love line

The love line is the line that extends across the hand just below the fingers.

If your love line is short and straight, you may have little interest in expressing love or romance

If the line has a big rise and fall, you are likely to fall in love with multiple people

If the love line is divided into several sections, your love story is unlikely to be so happy

And if there are more than six flat lines and none of them stand out, this portends complicated and messy marital situations

The story goes on

career line

The career line is the line that extends from the wrist to the middle finger. This line reflects a person’s fortune and career.

If the career line looks clear and straight, it means your life is stable

If there are two career lines, it means you can have two jobs together

If the line ends when it reaches the wisdom line, it indicates that you would choose to stop working

If the line ends when it reaches the love line, it indicates that a relationship caused the end of your career


The lifeline is the line that extends around the thumb and is usually arcuate in shape. Remember that the length of the lifeline has no relation to how long one could live.

The line of life reflects your health and physical vitality

If the line of life has a large radius and looks clear, it means that you are full of energy

And if the end of the life line looks frayed, you should pay more attention to health problems in old age

marriage line

The marriage line is a short line above the love line, starting just below the pinky. It reflects your romantic relationships and marriage.

If there are two equally clear marriage lines, you need to beware of a love triangle

If the line curves up, it predicts that you have little interest in marriage

If the line under the little finger divides into two parts, then you should pay attention to your relationship

wisdom line

The line of wisdom usually begins between the index finger and thumb (below the line of love) and then extends to the other side of the palm.

The clarity, thinness, and length of the wisdom line reflects mental focus and wisdom

If there is a circle on the wisdom line, you have a comparatively poor memory

If the line is swaying, it means you are having trouble concentrating on something for a long time

sun line

The presence of the Sun line gives a boost to the existing destiny line. A strong Sun Line will always compensate for a weak or non-existent Destiny Line.

A line of the sun from the wrist to the line of the head indicates good luck and fame at a very young age

When this line is missing, it shows that you have all sorts of excellent qualities, but your life is being lived unrecognized

kids line

The Child Lines are the upright lines below the base of the little finger and above the Marriage Line. These lines indicate the number of children you have and the children’s life status.

If the children’s line is forked at the end, this is an indication of twins. The probability that you will become pregnant is high.

The narrow and flat children’s lines are signs that girls are having babies.

The deep and wide children’s lines indicate boys.

health line

In Chinese palmistry, the health line is also referred to as the unhealthy line.

If you notice that the line of health in your hand is missing, that’s a good sign

A wavy line warns you of possible health problems in the digestive system and declining liver or gallbladder function.

If your health line is crossed by a few short lines, it indicates poor health.

Palmistry for Parents: A fun way to use this

As parents, we often use our fingers to show our children different things throughout the day. But do we know what each finger stands for? Let’s find out (just for fun).

The thumb represents approval (duh!).

The index finger that most parents use as a sign of authority is actually a finger that represents “teaching and warning.”

Now the middle finger stands for “protective anger”. The ring finger stands for “memory loss”, no wonder people are made to wear their wedding ring on this finger!

Wondering the role of the pinky and nimble little finger? It represents your child’s nose picking. Ewwww! But that’s how it works for most parents, right?

Palmistry for women

Palm Lines Change (Photo Courtesy: Pixabay)

Whether you study palmistry and/or believe in female or male hand reading, know that palm lines are not usually fixed, they change with age. These lines cannot represent whether you will have a happy marriage, good health, or a bright future.

It depends on your hard work, dedication and wisdom.


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You are considered truly lucky if you have moles on these 8 body parts

The post You’re Considered a Happy Parent When You Have These Lines on Your Palm first appeared on theAsianparent – Your Guide to Pregnancy, Baby & Raising Kids.

What are the lucky signs on palm?

According to palmistry studies, there are five vital signs that are lucky for people. Having any of these five signs reveal a lot about the individual and their personality. Fish, Flag, Swastika, Lotus and Temple signs on the palm are considered to be lucky symbols.

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

5 Lucky Signs in Your Palm Revealing Life Secrets Life oi-Syeda Farah Noor

If you are interested in palmistry it becomes important to understand each line and its meaning and you would realize that each line or the sign or symbol you would see has its own purpose.

There are various signs that can bring luck to a person if found on a person’s palm.

According to palmist studies, there are five vital signs that bring good luck to people. Having one of these five signs reveals a lot about the individual and their personality.

Fish, flag, swastika, lotus and temple signs on the palm are considered lucky symbols.

For more information on the five lucky signs on the palm, click here.

A Fish Symbol A “fish line” is also called a lucky line. It is a very rare line of palm trees. If a person has this line then it indicates that the chances of success or good luck are just around the corner. The fish symbol also indicates foreign travel, status and tremendous wealth. The person is also believed to be noble minded and also generous in charity. A Flag Sign Having a flag sign on Mount Saturn is considered a stroke of luck. When a person has this flag symbol on their palm, it is believed that the person will become very famous. Fame can come to them in any form of art or they can become famous on an international level. These individuals will continue to be successful in later stages of their lives. ” /> Palmistry ” /> Do you have the letter “H” on your palm? What It Can Tell About Your Personality A Swastik Sign People who have a swastik sign on their palm are considered extremely lucky. Their hard work and dedication will place them in the highest position for success. On the other hand, if a person has the swastik symbol on their destiny line, then the person is said to be extremely talented. A Lotus Sign The lotus sign is associated with the goddess Laxmi, believed to be the giver of wealth and fortune. Individuals of this sign are considered pure and generally blessed with a life of luxury. These people are also scholars and even spiritual gurus. ” /> pulse ” /> What does the letter “V” on your heart line reveal a temple mark A temple mark is commonly found on the palms of saints, gurus, great reformers and intellectual individuals. This sign is most often seen on Mount Jupiter and is considered a rare sign. People with this sign are said to have a very high position in society.

Do palm lines change with age?

The lines deepen and change somewhat during one’s lifetime; new lines appear as well, but the basic lines mentioned above are quite easily read at no matter what age.

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

(The name above is the author’s real name and the story is true. In doing so, CRIMSON is continuing its 60-year tradition of printing articles by little-known but unique members of the Harvard community. — Editor’s note)

Call me Manus. It’s easier that way. And allow me to introduce myself further: I am a palmist, a fortune teller, a trained, well-travelled reader of the past, present and future. I’m also studying at Harvard but that’s just a side hustle as my real interest in life is meeting people in restaurants, cafes and other places in Cambridge to share with them a bit of what I’ve learned as a fortune teller .

Let me explain further, because the profession I hold, although the second oldest profession known to mankind, is not one that the average person is familiar with. Palmistry is one of several so-called psychic sciences that deal with people, their personality and their future. Astrology, for example, is an ancient and widely recognized “science” that uses stars and different seasons to predict what lies ahead for individuals. Another common form of divination is cards, either the usual variety or tarot cards, which originated in Israel. Tea leaves are widely read and with some success I am told. There are several tea picking houses in Boston that are thriving. There are handwriting analysts; There are those who can tell the future by facial features (physiognomy), bumps on the head (phrenology) and even by birthmarks! Yes, unbelievable as it may seem, there are some authorities who find meaning in the location of birthmarks on the human body and they call their knowledge “Moleosophy”.

As for me, however, I prefer palmistry as it is a completely unique system. About three billion people live in the world today, which means that there are about six billion palm trees. There is no single pair of these palm trees that are identical, meaning that each palm tree is unique. If the reader looks at his two palms, for example, he will no doubt notice at least some differences in the conformation of the lines. From these lines I can say a lot about a person….

The beginning

How did my interest in fortune telling come about? I am often asked this question; I find it difficult to answer, but I remember reading a book a few years ago about Jeane Dixon, the Washington, D.C. seer who predicted President Kennedy’s assassination and tried to prevent it. Apparently, when Mrs. Dixon was very young, she was taken to see a Gypsy fortune-teller, who was amazed at the young girl’s palm, for it revealed all that she would become a great fortune-teller. Mrs. Dixon has and still uses a crystal ball that was given to her by the gypsy.

Anyway, I was fascinated by the story and started reading books on palmistry and looking at people’s palms. At first I said little and only referred to the different lines by name. However, I began to notice a definite relationship between the lines and what I knew or could find out about the individuals I was studying. It was also around this time that I began to travel extensively along the East Coast and was fortunate enough to meet several gypsies in Washington, D.C. and to meet Baltimore. They read my hand and showed me, among other things, that I was gifted in fortune telling and should learn and practice it.

By that time I was reading my hands to some extent, and I was reading the fates of two gypsies. In both cases, none of the girls (they were 18 and 20 respectively) had ever read their own hands and they were impressed by the skill and accuracy I possessed at this early stage. They have been extremely helpful in expanding my knowledge and revealing some of the secrets of the craft to me.

I’m not ready, of course, to share everything I’ve learned from the Gypsies and my other sources, but there’s more about the nature of palmistry that may prove interesting. The lines in the palm, specifically the four major lines (Life, Destiny, Head, and Heart), are actually formed before birth. The fetus awaits birth with its hands closed, and the act of making a fist creates creases or lines in the hand. I’ve looked at Motive at six weeks of age and found that their fates are fairly easy to read, although some squinting is required. The lines deepen and change somewhat throughout life; new lines also appear, but the baselines mentioned above are fairly easy to read at any age.

And what do the lines mean? What is the relationship between the palm tree and the future? Many people think palmistry is a matter of predestination: that the palm of the hand indicates exactly what is about to happen in a lifetime. However, I feel that the palm of the hand, if read closely, gives a very clear indication of what is likely to happen over the course of a given lifetime. There’s an old saying about being forewarned and prepared, and it’s very true when it comes to palmistry. Assuming I am correct in saying that the palm of the hand indicates what is likely to happen, one can make concessions: if he knows, for example, that he will probably have poor health in his mid-twenties, he can follow my advice and take better care of his health, especially as he approaches that age. Also, a short lifeline doesn’t necessarily mean a short life: it means that a short life is likely unless you become more careful about your health.


The experiences encountered in practicing palmistry are varied and the rewards are considerable. For example, one summer I was traveling a lot (reading 3000 Palm Trees in nine different states) and one afternoon I found myself on the Staten Island Ferry. A strikingly beautiful model was photographed at the stern of the boat in a peck & peck outfit for an August issue of Vogue. She found out about my abilities and before long I had both hands in mine while her hair blew in my face and how else, if I may ask, would I have met her at all if I hadn’t been a palmist?

Another experience in West Virginia was of a different nature. At a resort, a young girl named Donna asked me to read her future. Her face didn’t betray her despair, but from the palm of her hand and from talking to her I learned that by the age of 15 she had already attempted five suicide attempts and was desperate for help and advice. We talked for over four hours and I now seriously doubt there will ever be a sixth attempt. In any case, she decided to seek psychiatric help. I’m not trying to credit myself with a miraculous healing – far from it. I can only say that I am infinitely grateful to be able to help her.

A third encounter may serve to answer the question of whether I really believe in the art of palmistry. Last July in Hyannis, I met a waitress named Janice, 47 years old, who was particularly keen to have her palm read. I soon found out why: the right and left life line ended abruptly at the age of 50. I was amazed because this happens in about one in a thousand cases. I asked her how her health was and she replied, “It’s fine.” Not satisfied, I continued, “Do you have any health problems?” She said, “Well, I have extremely high blood pressure.” “Are you drinking?” I asked. “Man, I drink like a fish,” was her reply. It turned out that she was testing me: she had been with five gypsies before she met me. Two of them superstitiously refused to read the life line because it was marked with a clear scar. The other three told her that she would not survive 50. It seems like she was recently widowed, had nothing to live for, drank herself to death and didn’t care. I told her that, with the palm of her hand, I also doubted that she would live past 50 unless she took better care of herself, and she said that’s exactly what her doctors told her. Her fortune confirmed my belief in the extreme accuracy of palmistry: I assure you that it is most unusual for the line of life to end in this way on both hands, and in this case, as in many others, I found the lines to correspond exactly the facts.

I doubt that most of my readers truly believe in palmistry, but for those who make or are interested in my predictions for entertainment purposes only, I can generally be found in Harvard Square. I mostly read the right hand. The left hand is traditionally the birth fortune, the inherited fortune, while the right hand indicates what one makes of his fortune. It is therefore more up-to-date, more accurate for the present. I generally look at the lifeline first (the curved one closest to the base of the thumb) and make a prediction of lifespan and health along the way. Sometimes hard to find, the line of fortune runs lengthwise down the center of the palm, revealing the sitter’s luck and money. Then there are the love and head lines, parallel to each other crossing the palm from left to right. The headline reveals to me the quality of mind, emotional attitude, and often I even estimate IQ, generally with pretty good accuracy.

The love line is my specialty, however, and my batting average for accuracy would serve me well in any league. I can’t tell you anything for sure about marriage, but I can almost always predict at what age or ages love will occur at its deepest. I also make a prediction about the number of children one will have and I look at other lines that are of interest but of less importance. I get paid anywhere from 25c to $2.00 for my services depending on how much the person wants to know, but money is not the object. I’m happy to pass on my knowledge about the future, whether it’s about money or not, because I feel obliged to make my knowledge available to other people and I like doing that.

In short, palmistry is not a science in the usual sense, or a foolproof way of life, but it is a fascinating form of knowledge that more and more people are becoming interested in. It gives them food for thought and a pretty clear picture of what the future holds. It’s not always easy to find me, but if you ask for Manus and can find me, I’ll be happy to tell you more about it

Which palm line means child?

Lines in the palm that indicate the children in your life are any vertical lines underneath the pinky finger or between both pinky and ring finger. Children lines can be isolated or rooting upwards (or downwards) from a love line.

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

Don’t worry if you’re having trouble finding your destiny line or other important lines. For palmists, missing or fragmented lines simply offer more insight. First, explore the main lines and some of the more well-known subsidiary lines by comparing your own palm to the images provided.

When analyzing your hands, a handheld reader looks for three basic areas: lines, supports, and shapes. Of the four main lines, the first three (heart, head, and life) should be relatively easy for you to find on your hands. The fourth major palm line is the line of destiny, which is sometimes broken, faded, or even absent altogether.

01 of 12 Heart Line Placement: Top heart line of palm. The heart line runs horizontally across the top of your palm. Basic meanings of the heart line Long line: idealistic, dependent on the partner

Idealistic, dependent on partner Short Line: Self-centered

Egocentric Deep Line: Stressful

Stressful Weak Line: Sensitive nature, weak heart

Sensitive nature, weak heart Straight line: Intense feelings

Intense Emotions Curved Line: Intellectual Bending

Intellectual Bent Broken Line: Troubled Relationships

​Disrupted Relationships Chained Line: Intertwined relationships, karmic relationships

Intertwined Relationships, Karmic Relationships Forked Line: Heartbreak, Divorce

Heartbreak, Divorce Absent Line: Ruthlessness, logic rules the heart

02 of 12 Head Line Placement: Center of palm head line. The heading represents intellect and reasoning. Basic meaning of the heading Long Line: Ambitious

Ambitious Short Line: Intelligent, Intuitive

Intelligent, intuitive Deep Line: Excellent memory

Excellent memory Weak line: Bad memory

Poor memory Straight line: Materialistic

Materialistic broken line: disappointment

Disappointment Catenary: Mental Confusion

Mental Confusion Forked Line: Career change

Career Change Double Line: Talented, inspired by a muse

Talented, inspired by a muse absent line: laziness, mental imbalance

03 of 12 Lifeline Placement: Mid to lower palm. The line of life begins somewhere between the thumb and forefinger and runs down to the wrist. The line of life is generally curved. Basic meanings of the life line Long line: Good health, vitality

Good Health, Vitality Short Line: It is a myth that a short life line means a short life. If the lifeline is short, look more closely at other signs (broken, deep, weak, etc.)

It is a myth that a short lifeline means a short life. If the line of life is short, then take a closer look at other signs (broken, deep, weak, etc.). Deep Line: Smooth Life

Smooth Life Weak Line: Low energy

Low Energy Broken Line: fights, casualties

Struggles, Losses Chained Line: Multiple Walks (meaning your life path is diverse)

Multiple Walks (meaning your life path is diverse) Fork Line: Different meanings depending on the placement of the fork on the hand. Generally, forks indicate distraction or life change. Although they can also mean scattered or split energies.

Different meanings depending on the placement of the fork on the hand. Generally, forks indicate distraction or life change. Although they can also mean scattered or split energies. Double Line: Partners with a soulmate or another person close (e.g. family member or friend) who serves as a guardian or caregiver.

Work with a soulmate or someone close (e.g. family member or friend) who will serve as a guardian or caregiver. Absence Line: Anxious, nervous

04 of 12 Line of Destiny Placement: In the center of the palm, a vertical or sloping line dividing the palm in half. The line of fate is often depicted as a straight line dividing the palm into two sections, but it is not uncommon to have an arcuate or curved line of fate. This line may look more like a garden path than a direct highway. Neither is better. A straight line can indicate a focused life plan, while a twisted or swaying line of fate could indicate the path of someone spending time exploring or seeking the most appropriate path. Fundamental Importance of the Destiny Line Not as easily defined as the three dominant palm lines (heart line, head line, and life line), your destiny line provides clues to the challenges you may face as you pursue your life purpose. Absent Line: Preplanned Life

Preplanned Life Deep Line: Inheritance

Heredity Weak line: failures, disappointments

Failures, disappointments Forked Line: Conflict or double destiny

Conflict or Dual Destiny Jagged Line: Struggle, indecisiveness

Struggle, indecisiveness Dashed line: trauma, difficult circumstances

Trauma, difficult circumstances catenary: ups and downs

05 of 12 Fame Line Placement: Parallels Fate Line. The line of fame illuminates a person’s fate or destiny, indicating brilliance or artistic ability that enhances one’s purpose in life. Note: This line is not always present.

06 of 12 Love Lines Also called “palmistry marriage lines” love lines. Love lines are short horizontal lines found on the side of the hand under the pinky. How many love lines do you have on your hand? Multiple love lines indicate the number of significant relationships you have had (or will have) in your lifetime. Sometimes it’s easier to see these lines if you bend your pinky slightly toward your palm to see the line creases. Notice the appearance of each line. For example, a troubled relationship is often reflected as a fragmented, jagged, or wavering line. A fork in the love line could indicate a parting of paths through divorce or separation. A deeper groove is usually a solid sign of a strong and lasting bond. Minor or faint lines branching from a love line are the offspring born of a relationship. These child lines are not as easy to spot as they are smaller and often faint lines branching off from the love line. The distance between two lines of love can also tell a story. Spaces can indicate the amount of time that elapses between relationships. A larger gap could indicate several years, while a narrow gap could indicate less time between loved ones. For example: Suppose a young couple gets married, but their partnership ends in divorce within two years. The man remarries within months, but the woman remains single for eight years before committing to another relationship. If you were to look at her individual palms, you would likely find two love lines on the man’s hand, but the woman will likely have a 1/8 to 1/4 inch gap between two love lines on her hand. Your love lines depict significant heart connections or karmic relationships. Remember that palmistry does not distinguish between a legal marriage, a common law marriage, or a love affair. Marriages of convenience are not likely to be depicted on the palm at all. In other words, a loveless marriage or less significant partnership will not show up as a love line on the hand.

07 of 12 Child Line Placement: Vertical lines below the child lines of the little finger. Child lines usually come from marriage lines or love lines indicating births that are the result of related relationships. Lines in the palm of the hand that the children in your life indicate are any vertical lines under the pinky or between the pinky and ring fingers. Children’s lines can be isolated or rooted up (or down) from a love line. The children indicated on your palm are not necessarily born of you, they can also be adopted or foster children. Each child with whom you have a special bond will be marked on your Palmistry Life Chart. These children are not necessarily your biological descendants, but may be grandchildren, nieces or nephews, an adopted child, or even a neighbor child for whom you have taken on the role of mother. Children lost to miscarriage or stillbirth can also be reflected on the hand. These lines look shorter, fainter, or broken. Live children’s lines may also appear broken when the child is challenged with a health problem. Think of a child vertical line as an upright person. The child’s head would be up, feet down. So if you see a break or distraction in a vertical line, look at placement for health cues. Is the mark on the head, neck, chest, abdomen, leg or knee? This would be the place where a child could have health concerns.

08 of 12 Intuition Line Placement: Parallel to Life Line (on either side) Intuition Line. Lines of intuition generally shadow the line of life because intuition indicates a keen insight into one’s life. Basic Line of Intuition Meaning The more prominent this line appears (deeper, longer), the stronger the indication that psychic ability is a dominant trait for the person. Lines of intuition are not the easiest to spot and can be completely absent.

09 of 12 Health Line Placement: The vertical line begins below the ring finger health line. The level of health challenges throughout your life is indicated by the strength or weakness of this line. In addition to a person’s physical health, the health of one’s finances can also be reflected in the line of health. This is not surprising considering that a poor person’s diet and lifestyle would likely be deficient because they do not have access to the health resources that wealthier people have. Stress of any kind is an important factor in health. Exploring the Health Line Breaks: Monetary Worries or Losses

Money worries or losses Criss-cross: Possible accidents (clumsiness, down-to-earthness)

Possible accidents (clumsiness, traction) circles: hospitalizations, surgeries

Hospitalizations, Surgery Fluctuating or Jagged Line: Multiple Health Concerns

Multiple Health Concerns Branching Line: Chronic or Debilitating Diseases A missing health line usually indicates that health is not an issue.

10 of 12 Bracelets Also called “Rascettes”. Placement: Bracelets are the lines at the bend of your inner wrist. It is most common to have two or three bracelets. However, some people only have one bracelet, and it is possible to have four or more. More bracelets indicate longer life, broken bracelets indicate poor health or a reduction in chi energies.

11 of 12 Travel Line Placement: Mid to lower palm under pinky finger travel lines. Lines of travel can indicate travel or simply a desire to travel.

Does a short life line mean early death?

A short life line doesn’t mean an early death. It reflects a high possibility of sickness. People with a short life line are usually practical, down-to-earth, and easily influenced by others.

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

The life line is one of the five main lines read in palmistry. It extends around the thumb. The line of life usually runs in an arc around the base of the thumb, starting between the index finger and thumb and ending near the wrist.

In palmistry, the length of the lifeline has no relation to how long one might live. It reflects health and physical vitality.

As with reading the other major lines in the palm (heart line, head line, money line, and marriage line), the life line of the dominant hand (usually the right hand) is read as a priority in palmistry.

Lifeline length – the longer the better

A long and clear line of life with a large arc predicts an abundance of vitality, enthusiasm, good health and high resistance to disease.

What is a big bow? Imagine a straight line from the middle of the middle finger to the wrist. When the arc of the line of life reaches or crosses the middle finger-wrist line, it is a sign of great vitality and a lot of energy.

The area between the thumb and the line of life is considered the vital tank of the body. The larger the area, the better the health of the person.

If the line of life runs comparatively straight and close to the thumb, the person is usually reserved in dealing with relationships and easily tires.

A short life line does not mean an early death. It reflects a high probability of illness. People with a short lifeline are usually practical, down to earth, and easily influenced by others.

Broken lifeline in the palm

A broken lifeline is not a good sign health-wise. The breaks predict diseases or accidents in the course of life. The length of the broken part provides information about the duration and severity of the illness or accident.

Whether the lifeline is long or short, you can divide it into three sections.

The first section, starting between the index finger and thumb, represents early age.

The second section refers to the Middle Ages.

The third section, closest to the wrist, represents the person’s age or last part of life.

The place of the break in the line of life indicates when an accident or illness will happen (happened).

When the broken lifeline occurs in one of the three ways listed below, the person usually recovers even if they suffer from a serious health problem or disaster. The broken space indicates how long the recovery will take.

A short line parallel to the lifeline break

A square connecting the broken line of life

The broken parts of the lifeline overlap

Clarity of the lifeline

If the line of life is thick and clear, then the person is usually better suited to physical work. He/she is generally good with his/her hands and mostly very good at sports.

People with flat and unclear lifelines usually get sick easily, are not assertive, and are easily influenced by other people. Women should pay attention to gynecological inflammation, and men to prostatitis.

Wrinkles in the line of life with bad meanings

If the lifeline is like a chain from beginning to end, the person was probably born with a physical weakness, particularly in the digestive system.

Rings in the line of life indicate health problems or accidents. The position of the ring corresponds to the stage of life when the illness or accident occurs: youth closest to the index finger, middle age or old age (later life) closest to the wrist. The size of the ring is related to the severity of the problem.

Short lines crossing the line of life indicate unexpected dangers, accidents or illnesses in the person’s life.

Tassels at the beginning of the life line indicate loneliness in old age without children.

A down-forked lifeline that splits down the middle usually indicates a fragile relationship with the person’s family.

A down-forked lifeline or tassels near the wrist indicate gradual deterioration in health and a sense of loneliness and fatigue in old age (later life).

Wrinkles in the line of life with good meanings

A life line that forks upwards shows diligence, optimism and a thirst for knowledge. Maintain these good qualities and your reputation will be proven.

More branches mean more ambition. People with more than two upward branches should avoid thinking too much and not acting when they should.

Double lifelines in palmistry

Duplicate lifelines in the palm are called sister lines. It is a good sign of vitality and a smooth life.

A person with double lifelines will always receive support from others when encountering problems and has a higher likelihood of gaining wealth and prestige.

No lifeline in the palm of your hand

No lifeline does not mean death in childhood.

However, people without a lifeline are usually in poor health. Regular exercise, an annual health check and good sleep should not be missed by people without a lifeline.

Learn how to read the other major lines of the palm>>>

Who is famous palm reader?

William John Warner
Born November 1, 1866 Dublin, Ireland
Died October 8, 1936 (aged 69) Hollywood, California
Pen name Cheiro
Occupation Astrologer numerologist palmist author

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

Irish astrologer, palmist and numerologist

William John Warner (also known as Count Louis Hamon according to some sources [who?]), popularly known as Cheiro (1 November 1866 – 8 October 1936), was an Irish astrologer and colorful occult figure of the early 20th century . His nickname Cheiro derives from the word cheiromancy, which means palmistry. He was a self-proclaimed psychic who said he learned palmistry, astrology, and Chaldean numerology in India. He was celebrated for using these forms of divination to make personal predictions for famous clients and to predict world events.

Personal life and background[ edit ]

The son of William Warner and Margaret Thompson Warner, Cheiro was born William John Warner in the village of Rathdown, outside Dublin, Ireland. He took the name Count Louis Hamon (or Count Leigh de Hamong).

As mentioned in his memoirs, Cheiro acquired his expertise in India. As a teenager, he traveled to the port of Apollo Bunder in Bombay. There he met his guru, an Indian Chitpavan Brahmin, who took him to his village in the Konkan Valley of Maharashtra. Later Cheiro was allowed by Brahmins to study an ancient book containing many studies. After two years of thorough study, he returned to London and began his career as a palmist.

Cheiro did not want to marry but was aware that he was destined to marry late in life. This happened after a woman took care of him during a serious illness. A separate chapter is devoted to this subject in his memoirs.

Career [edit]

Cheiro had a large following of famous European and American customers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He read palms and told the futures of famous people such as Mark Twain, W.T. Stead, Sarah Bernhardt, Mata Hari, Oscar Wilde, Grover Cleveland, Thomas Edison, the Prince of Wales, General Kitchener, William Ewart Gladstone and Joseph Chamberlain. He documented his sessions with these clients by asking them to sign a guest book he kept for that purpose, encouraging them to comment on their experiences as the subject of his character analyzes and predictions. Of the Prince of Wales he wrote: “I would not be surprised if he did not give up everything, including his right to be crowned, for the woman he loved.” Cheiro also predicted that the Jews would return to Palestine and the land would be called Israel again.

In his own autobiographical book, Cheiro’s Memoirs: The Reminiscences of a Society Palmist, he recounted his interviews with King Edward VII, William Gladstone, Charles Stewart Parnell, Henry Morton Stanley, Sarah Bernhardt, Oscar Wilde, Professor Max Muller, and Blanche Roosevelt, the Comte de Paris, Joseph Chamberlain, Lord Russell of Killowen, Robert Ingersoll, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Lillie Langtry, W. T. Stead, Richard Croker, Natalia Janotha and other prominent figures of his time.

The book Titanic’s Last Secrets contains a detailed account of one of Cheiro’s palm readings with William Pirrie, chairman of Harland and Wolf, the builders of Titanic. Predicting that he would soon be fighting for his life, Cheiro spoke about the struggle to sink the Titanic.

It becomes a study not contrary to the dictates of reason, but in accordance with those laws of nature which we observe in the design of even inanimate objects, which, by showing the effect of an earlier cause, are themselves the cause of an after-effect. – Cheiro[1]

Cheiro was so popular as a “society palm” that even those who did not believe in the occult had their hands read by him. The skeptical Mark Twain wrote in Cheiro’s guest book:

Cheiro exposed my character to me with humiliating accuracy. I should not profess this accuracy, and yet I feel compelled to do so. – Mark Twain

Other mentions in the guest book are:

“The study of people gifted with occult powers has interested me for several years. I have met and consulted dozens. In almost every way I consider Cheiro to be the most gifted of them all. He helps and amazes.” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

“You are wonderful. What more can I say” – Madame Nellie Melba.

death [edit]

After a few years in London and many trips around the world, Cheiro moved to America. He spent his final years in Hollywood, visiting up to twenty clients a day and writing a few screenplays before dying there in 1936 of a heart attack.

From Time Magazine October 19, 1936:[2]

Died. Count Louis Hamon (“Cheiro”), 69, celebrated old palmist; after a long illness; in Hollywood. Author of a book on palmistry by age 13, he raised $250,000 from wealthy female clients and owned an English-language newspaper in Paris, The American Register. The night he died, his nurse said, the clock outside his room chimed one hour three times.

His widow, Countess Lena Hamon, said her 70-year-old husband, who had been a friend and advisor to film actors in late life and to European aristocrats and royalty in his early career, predicted his own death to the hour a day before his death.


The occult books Cheiro wrote focused on divination. Many of Cheiro’s books on the occult and divination are still in print today and are available in both English and foreign language editions.

In 2006, the University of Tampa Press published a critical re-edition of his fictional work, A Study of Destiny, as the second volume in the Insistent Visions series – a series dedicated to the reprinting of little-known or neglected works of supernatural fiction, science fiction, mystery, or adventure stories from the 19th century. The new edition is edited with an introduction, afterword and notes by Sean Donnelly.

Numerology[ edit ]

Cheiro’s Book of Numbers ISBN 978-1940849300

Palmistry [ edit ]

Cheiros language of the hand (first self-published in 1894)

(first self-published 1894) Cheiro’s Guide to the Hand

you and your hand

Cheiro’s palmistry for everyone

The Cheiro Book of Destiny and Fortune

Cheiros complete palmistry

astrology [edit]

When were you born?

Cheiros You and Your Star: The Book of the Zodiac

Cheiro’s Book of World Predictions

Cheiro’s memoirs: reminiscences of a society palmist

The Last Mysteries of the Titanic

True Ghost Stories (Authenticated Stories About Paranormal Experiences)

fiction [ edit ]

A Study of Destiny (also published as The Hand of Fate, first published 1898)

What does Y mean on your palm?

With this, the person in whose hands it happens lives happily and auspiciously in life. The person whose palm has such a mark of Y also travels more. It is said that if the branch coming out of the lifeline normally makes a mark of Y, then it is considered inauspicious and it has a bad effect on a person’s life.

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

There are many people who have many types of scars on their hands. At the end of the palm of many people, between the lifeline and the brain, there is a mark like a Y that says a lot. Today we are going to tell you the secret of this Y sign. It is said that this sign on the palm has both favorable and unfavorable effects. So let us know.

Y mark on palm: If a line goes from the lifeline towards Chandra Mountain then it makes an inverted Y mark, but in view it looks like a normal line. It has a lot of impact in a person’s life.

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It is said that when the branch coming out of the lifeline stops by going to Chandra Mountain, the Y sign formed from it is considered very auspicious. With this, the person in whose hands it happens lives happily and happily in life. The person whose palm has such a sign of Y also travels more. It is said that if the branch coming out of the lifeline normally makes a sign of Y, it is considered unfavorable and will negatively affect a person’s life.

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It actually communicates unhappiness in a person’s life and says across the line that a person’s life is degraded. It is said that such people are surrounded by many kinds of diseases and become physically weak.

Work patiently in difficult situations and trust God

What happens if you don’t have an M on your palm?

“If you do not have an M shape on your palm, no hard feelings… you can still have great traits in your personality, as well as your own type of ‘good luck,’ based on the length and depth of your lines.”

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

A scroll through Instagram and TikTok will quickly show you how popular spiritual practices and pursuits have become. From astrology, crystal healing and tarot to Reiki and palmistry, society is proving to be obsessed with these old-school spiritual techniques.

As fascinated as we are by all these transcendental practices, our focus here is on palmistry. After all, how cool is it that the natural line formation on your hands might actually have an underlying meaning? Better yet, could the lines actually help you understand your past and inform your future?

“Palm reading is a great way to find out more about yourself and your future,” says Eva White, a 4th generation psychic, spiritualist and healer of Psychics1on1, a digital platform connecting people with New Age healers around the world connects, opposite HelloGiggles . “When the dominant palm is read, the major lines can tell you your strengths and weaknesses.” What if the lines form an M? Well, that’s a whole different story.

Fascinated? Read on to find out what the lines on your hand mean and if you have an “M” line on your palm.

Palm reading instructions:

According to White, there’s the headline, the love line, and the life line. While the heading represents your mental traits and personality, White shows that the love line shows your emotional traits and the expectations of your relationships, and the life line shows what to expect in terms of health and longevity.

In terms of placement, the lifeline is the long, curved line that extends from above your thumb to below it, effectively separating it. The head line is the straight diagonal line just above the life line, extending down to the outside of your hand. The love line (or heart line) is the curved line just above, extending from below your index finger to below your pinky.

Then there is the Line of Destiny, which stretches across the center of your palm and represents intuition and, according to White, shows that you are an old soul. “But not everyone has one,” she shares. It is the line of destiny that connects this line of head, love and life to create the letter M in the palm of your hand, leading to…

m line, palmistry Credit: Getty Images

What does an “M” on your palm mean?

“When the Head Line, Heart Line, Life Line, and Destiny Line connect, it can create the look of an ‘M’ and means you are blessed with good luck,” says White. “It is also a sign of strong intuition and creativity, as well as determination and career growth.”

While these are all good things, White says people with M palms face their struggles, too. “The M can also mean that you tend to overthink or multitask throughout your life, and that can be exhausting,” she says. “But if you have both palms marked with an M, it will indicate great results in your efforts.”

What if there is no “M” line?

Even if you’re feeling intuitive and creative, you might not have an M on the palm of your hand. “Having the letter M formation on the palm is a bit unusual,” says White, noting that it’s a rare symbol. “If you don’t have an M shape on your palm, no hard feelings… you can still have great traits in your personality, as well as your own brand of ‘good luck’ based on the length and depth of your lines.”

What do the creases on your palm mean?

The lines on our palms are known as palmar flexion creases, and they’re there to help us fold, stretch, squeeze, scrunch and do other such things without excessively stretching or squeezing the skin on the hands. Stop what you’re doing and stick the palms of both hands in front of your face. What do you see?

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

Ashish holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Punjabi University (India). He leads the content and editorial department of ScienceABC and manages the official YouTube channel. He is a Harry Potter fan and tries in vain to use spells and spells (Accio! [insert name of object]) in real life to get things done. He fully understands why JRR Tolkien created a language to be spoken by elves from the ground up and tries to bring that same passion to everything he does. A great admirer of Richard Feynman and Nikola Tesla, he is obsessed with how thoroughly science dictates every aspect of life… at least in this universe.

What is Mercury line?

The normal line of Mercury starts from above the Rascette and proceeds towards the Mount of Mercury without cutting the Life line. This line is also known by several other names as well. It is called the Line of Liver, Line of Health and the Line of Hepatica. However, it is mostly called the Line of Health.

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

Human Hand – Forerunner of Human Civilization – Part 29

The normal line of Mercury begins above the Rascette and continues to Mount Mercury without cutting the line of life.

This line is also known by several other names. It is called the Liver line, Health line, and Hepatica line. However, it is most often referred to as the health line.

It is said that health is the greatest wealth one can possess. For one may have fame, honor, wealth, and comforts in life, but unless one is in good health, fame and fortune would serve no purpose.

The presence of a clear and deeply incised line of health is rarely seen in a hand, especially when the subject is past his youth. This line is absent in most hands. It is not a defect. Palmists agree that without the health line in hand, the individuals are lively and free from liver problems, and they find that life is indeed worth living.

The health line can start from any point on the hand, but to earn the name it should end at Mount Mercury.

This line mainly starts at the following locations:

1. Mount of Venus

2. near the line of life

3. Moon or Luna Mountain

4. Bracelets

5. Destiny line

6. Mount of Mars

If the line of health begins above the Rascette and runs to Mount Mercury without touching the line of life, the subject would enjoy long life and good health (particularly of the digestive system) and success in business.

If the line runs next to the drums, one would mistake it for the line of intuition. The real line of intuition, however, ascends from Mount Moon and runs in a sort of semicircle to Upper Mars. Students of palmistry should use the following rules when making predictions:

1. If the line starts with a reddish tinge, the person would have heart disease in their lifetime.

2. If the line is yellow, the person would be suffering from diseases of the genitals

3. If the line starts from Mount Moon and runs along the percussion to Mount Mercury, then the subject would travel overseas several times in his life.

4. If this line is clear and the head line is strong, the person has a sharp memory.

5. If a person has a long and distinct line of health and a short line of life, the former would compensate for the inadequacy of the latter

6. If there is a rectangle at the end of the health line, the person has asthma.

7. When the moon line meets the health line, the subject is a successful poet and travels abroad several times.

8. When a wavy head line touches the fate line, the subject remains physically weak

during life.

9. If there is a cross at the end of the headline and health line, the person’s life was a great success.

10. A cross near the line of health indicates that the person would suffer several accidents.

11. A cross on the health line indicates the person is insane.

12. If a double line of health touches the mountain of the sun, the subject would receive high political office.

13. If the health line rises like a branch from the heart line and runs down to touch the life line, the subject is suffering from a weakness or heart disease.

14. A dashed line indicates liver and stomach disease.

15. A star on this line at the point where it crosses the line of the head in a woman’s hand indicates a serious gynecological problem or difficulties in childbirth.

What does a forked life line mean?

A downward forked life line parting in the middle usually shows a fragile relationship with the person’s family. A downward forked life line or tassels close to the wrist shows health deteriorating gradually and a feeling of being lonely and tired in old age (latter life).

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

The life line is one of the five main lines read in palmistry. It extends around the thumb. The line of life usually runs in an arc around the base of the thumb, starting between the index finger and thumb and ending near the wrist.

In palmistry, the length of the lifeline has no relation to how long one might live. It reflects health and physical vitality.

As with reading the other major lines in the palm (heart line, head line, money line, and marriage line), the life line of the dominant hand (usually the right hand) is read as a priority in palmistry.

Lifeline length – the longer the better

A long and clear line of life with a large arc predicts an abundance of vitality, enthusiasm, good health and high resistance to disease.

What is a big bow? Imagine a straight line from the middle of the middle finger to the wrist. When the arc of the line of life reaches or crosses the middle finger-wrist line, it is a sign of great vitality and a lot of energy.

The area between the thumb and the line of life is considered the vital tank of the body. The larger the area, the better the health of the person.

If the line of life runs comparatively straight and close to the thumb, the person is usually reserved in dealing with relationships and easily tires.

A short life line does not mean an early death. It reflects a high probability of illness. People with a short lifeline are usually practical, down to earth, and easily influenced by others.

Broken lifeline in the palm

A broken lifeline is not a good sign health-wise. The breaks predict diseases or accidents in the course of life. The length of the broken part provides information about the duration and severity of the illness or accident.

Whether the lifeline is long or short, you can divide it into three sections.

The first section, starting between the index finger and thumb, represents early age.

The second section refers to the Middle Ages.

The third section, closest to the wrist, represents the person’s age or last part of life.

The place of the break in the line of life indicates when an accident or illness will happen (happened).

When the broken lifeline occurs in one of the three ways listed below, the person usually recovers even if they suffer from a serious health problem or disaster. The broken space indicates how long the recovery will take.

A short line parallel to the lifeline break

A square connecting the broken line of life

The broken parts of the lifeline overlap

Clarity of the lifeline

If the line of life is thick and clear, then the person is usually better suited to physical work. He/she is generally good with his/her hands and mostly very good at sports.

People with flat and unclear lifelines usually get sick easily, are not assertive, and are easily influenced by other people. Women should pay attention to gynecological inflammation, and men to prostatitis.

Wrinkles in the line of life with bad meanings

If the lifeline is like a chain from beginning to end, the person was probably born with a physical weakness, particularly in the digestive system.

Rings in the line of life indicate health problems or accidents. The position of the ring corresponds to the stage of life when the illness or accident occurs: youth closest to the index finger, middle age or old age (later life) closest to the wrist. The size of the ring is related to the severity of the problem.

Short lines crossing the line of life indicate unexpected dangers, accidents or illnesses in the person’s life.

Tassels at the beginning of the life line indicate loneliness in old age without children.

A down-forked lifeline that splits down the middle usually indicates a fragile relationship with the person’s family.

A down-forked lifeline or tassels near the wrist indicate gradual deterioration in health and a sense of loneliness and fatigue in old age (later life).

Wrinkles in the line of life with good meanings

A life line that forks upwards shows diligence, optimism and a thirst for knowledge. Maintain these good qualities and your reputation will be proven.

More branches mean more ambition. People with more than two upward branches should avoid thinking too much and not acting when they should.

Double lifelines in palmistry

Duplicate lifelines in the palm are called sister lines. It is a good sign of vitality and a smooth life.

A person with double lifelines will always receive support from others when encountering problems and has a higher likelihood of gaining wealth and prestige.

No lifeline in the palm of your hand

No lifeline does not mean death in childhood.

However, people without a lifeline are usually in poor health. Regular exercise, an annual health check and good sleep should not be missed by people without a lifeline.

Learn how to read the other major lines of the palm>>>

What is Sun line on Palm?

The Sunline is also called the Apollo line. It is considered as the sister line to the fate line. For those who do not have a fate line, this line compensates for it. The Sunline begins from the mount of the moon and runs till the base of the ring finger.

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

The sun line is also known as the Apollo line. It is considered the sister line of the Destiny line. For those who don’t have a destiny line, this line balances it.


The line of the sun starts at the mountain of the moon and runs to the base of the ring finger.

If it goes from the wrist to the headline, it shows the likelihood of stardom at a young age.

According to astrologers, when the sun line runs from the headline to the heart line, it shows happiness between teens and late 30s.

If the sun line runs between the heart line and the base of the ring finger, the person is likely to become famous in their 40s to the end of life.

People who are inclined towards art, literature and writers, this line proves to be a godsend for them. Such people can be gifted with luck and money even without work through lotteries or inherited wealth.

In some cases, the line of the sun is not visible halfway, in such a situation, according to palmistry, the person will most likely become famous in the second half of his life.

Usually, the destiny line is responsible for the share of fortune in life, but when it is absent in the person, the sun line can help in attaining happiness and prosperity.

Variations in Sunline

Star: If there is a star on the sun line, it will ensure the person fame and fortune down the line and even after death. Island: If there is an island on the sun line, the person is likely to be depressed most of the time. Scissors: If there is a pair of scissors on the Sunline by chance, they bring obstacles to professional life. Dot: People with a dot on their sun line indicate that they are surrounded by people who are jealous of their success.

Types of Sun Lines

Too short: A normal life is predicted for people with a sunline that is too short. Absent: If there is no sunline, then there is no scope for the person to achieve success even if they make every effort. Clear Line: People with a clear sun line have an inclination towards art and literature and are a good choice in it. Thin Line: Unfortunately, a thin line indicates a frustrated or troubled life and also a difficult marriage to contend with. Luckily, the latter half of life is likely to shower you with glory.

Types of sunline endings

Line of the sun ends at the line of the heart

When the line of the sun ends at the line of the heart, the person is considered very generous.

Sunline ends with the headline

People with the sunline ending in the title are considered good scholars and intelligent.

Line of Sun ends at Line of Destiny

Luckily, people whose sunline ends at the line of destiny have high chances of being popular at any age.

Sun line ends at life line

People with such a lineage are expected to be very famous.

Sunline divides like a fork at the beginning or end

If Sunline divides like a fork at the beginning or ends, the person is predicted a happy and prosperous life.

Gaps on Sunline

If there are gaps in Sunline, then the person knows many types of skills but is not a master of any.

cross on the line of the sun

If there is a cross on Sunline, it can mean doom and loss of status in life.

Wavy sun line

A wavy sun line shows that the person is a learned person but not very lucky.

A black dot on the sun line

A black dot on the sun line indicates the person likely has a bad reputation.

The rectangle on the sun line

People who have a rectangle on the Sunline save money.

Short or Crossline on Sunline

A dash or dash shows that the person is fickle.

A detailed and personalized forecast, including the position and forecast of the mount and other aspects, can only be achieved by an experienced astrologer.

How do you read a heart line?

When it comes to reading your heart line, it is read on your dominant hand. If you are right-handed, read the line from left to right across your palm, that is, from the pinkie edge of the line to its end below your middle or index finger. If you are left-handed, read it from right to left on your left palm.

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

Palmistry has been used for centuries to reveal people’s potential, personality and future. From believers to cynics, the practice has attracted the attention of many curious people over the years. Practice requires the reader to analyze the lines and formations of a person’s palm.

The heart line, the top line on your palm that runs horizontally from below your pinky to below your middle finger, is the starting point and focus of many divination readings. It deals with matters of the heart including emotions, growth, spirituality, life, friendship, self and romantic love. Reading the heart line is an important step in learning to read palms and can even teach you a little more about yourself.

Where to start

Cassandra Eason, author of A Little Bit of Palmistry, told Mind Body Green (MBG) that your dominant hand is shaped by the experiences you have and the people you meet, and represents your “earned life.” Ms Eason explains that your non-dominant hand expresses your true and potential self.

When it comes to reading your heart line, it is read on your dominant hand. If you are right-handed, read the line from left to right across your palm, i.e. H. from the small edge of the line to its end under your middle or index finger. If you’re left-handed, read it from right to left on your left palm.

Always remember

When you read your own hand or consult an expert to have your future predicted, don’t be afraid if you don’t like what you find. Palmistry is a guide that offers as many warnings as predictions. Ms Eason told MBG: “Nothing is set in stone but with the life map of your palms you can plan the route and avoid obstacles on your way.”

where to look

Is your heart line coarse or grainy? This may indicate sensuality and passion.

Is the heart line long, straight, and ending below the index finger? This can indicate a person who is empathetic and emotionally very intuitive.

Does the line end in three? This trident shape indicates a person who is lucky in life and in love.

Is the line broken or are many branches branching off it? This may indicate that a person is likely to have many intense but fleeting friendships and romantic relationships.

Does the line curve up towards the fingers? If not, it can be an indication of a sensitive person who seeks affection and approval from outside.

Is the heart line crossed with other small lines? This may indicate emotional trauma.

Does the heart line split in two? This suggests that a person is likely to put others ahead of themselves.

Does the line sit higher on the palm? This may indicate that a person has been suppressing or silencing emotions.

Is the heart line deep? The deeper a heart line, the deeper a person’s love and affection. A long, deep line also indicates self-confidence and being in tune with one’s emotions.

Does the line end in a pronounced curve? This can indicate a person who is able to express and communicate their emotional needs.

Is the heart line weak? This can indicate a person who has a sensitive energy and is easily overwhelmed or bullied by others.

Is the heart line heavily chained? This may indicate more than one love interest and conflicting emotions.

Have you ever read your hand? Do you believe that a person’s personality, potential and future are in the palm of their hand? Do you believe in palmistry and other forms of divination, or are you skeptical about the practice?

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Line of Intuition – position and direction – Palmistry – Astrogle

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What does the line of intuition on the hand say. intuition line …

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position and direction

The line of intuition usually starts somewhere near the line of life, low down, and runs diagonally to the left through the palm (when reading the right hand). It may or may not touch and/or cross the Head Line and Heart Line. It can be solid or broken.

The line can also appear only on the head or heart line. For more help in locating, it generally forms a triangular shape with the life line and the head line.

The depth of the intuition line shows the depth to which that person attains their intuitive self. If very deep, obviously a solid connection. This is seen on other readers/psychics and/or natural mediums. A flat or faint line indicates an intermittent connection to the intuitive self, and when it “speaks” it is likely to be often challenged and/or ignored by the person.

For some, the line of intuition is deeper on one area of ​​the palm and not on the other. A strong line on the line of life (low on the palm) shows that their intuition penetrates to them most “at the level of the stomach”. They may just have a “good gut feeling” or often show up in the right place at the right time for no reason.

A strong area near the headline shows a person whose intuitive self is coming through “on the mental plane.” They can often experience dreams that feel more like spiritual visits and experience “flashes” of clear seeing and/or clear knowing (the feeling of “just knowing”) the necessary information.

Those with strong intuition lines at the heart line (the top of the palm) are natural empaths. Their intuitive selves speak through “the heart chakra,” and they may find that their own emotions are heavily influenced by those around them. They can struggle in large crowds because of their natural ability to sense the emotional context of those around them, especially if they are not trained to set up internal filters in such situations. They’re often the people who call us when we’re hurt, as if somehow they “just felt you need to talk” and responded to that.

There are those who do not have this line on their palm. This would indicate a person who has no real connection to their own intuition. About an eighth to a quarter of all palm trees look like this. If we don’t see an intuition line, I usually refrain from mentioning it out of hand while reading. We shouldn’t normally point out their missing attributes as we read, as there *is* a lot to focus on.

The line of intuition indicates a tendency to premonition and shows an inclination to the occult.

The people with the air hands are the ones who most often have strong intuition lines. The earthhands are the least likely, and when they do, it’s mostly a “gut level” line of intuition.

Significations of minor lines – Line of Intuition – Jyotisha News

This line is rarely seen in a hand. When present, it runs like a sister line to the Mercury or Health or Liver line.

This line, if present, is on the side of the hand near the striking mechanism. It rises on Mount Moon, curves inward toward the palm of the hand, and ends on or near Mount Mercury. Its position is near the line of Mercury and is often confused with this line. Its distinguishing feature is its curve.

The lineage of intuition is more commonly found in the philosophical, conic, and psychic hands than any of the other seven types.

A deep clear line indicates the greatest amount of intuition, and when broken or otherwise defective means limitation

the effectiveness of the line.

When assessing the effectiveness of the line, the character of the hand in which it is present should be considered.

In a hand with long fingers, pointed tips, a prominent moon mount, and a sloping head line, the theme would be heavily psychic. He would have visions and strong premonitions of danger and he would believe strongly in signs and omens. A clear line as described above is generally found in the hands of psychics and

Spiritual mediums.

Some distinctive features of the line and their meanings are as follows:

Special feature: line of intuition intersects line of liver (Mercury or health)

Meaning: Indication of severe liver disease.

Special feature: This line reaches the Merkurberg without crossing any other line

Meaning: The subject would rise to a very respectable position in the country and achieve heights in diplomatic affairs.

Special feature: A branch line runs from a clear deep line of intuition.

Meaning: The subject is keen to use the power of intuition it possesses to make a name for itself in the occult.

Special feature: The line of intuition is mixed with the line of Mercury.

Meaning: The exercise of intuitive powers can endanger the life of the subject and affect his nervous system. Such subjects are advised to strictly leave psychic matters alone.

Special feature: Starting from the lower part of the Mondberg near the percussion and more or less in an accentuated arc upwards to the Merkurberg, where it also ends near the percussion.

Meaning: The subject has a special disposition for premonitions and a strong aptitude for the occult sciences.

Present only in the left hand: The talent for occult sciences is inherited there, but not cultivated.

Special feature: A clear line with a high lunar mountain, more pronounced in the upper part.

Meaning: Subject possesses mesmerizing, mesmerizing power

(Be continued)

Palm Reading Guide: How to Read Your Palm Lines with Chart

Palmistry, also known as Palmistry, originated in ancient India and is now popular and fashionable around the world for seeing a person’s destiny and personality by reading palm lines, hand shapes and colors, etc.

There are five main lines on the palm: the Life line, the Heart line (also called the Love line), the Money line (also called the Destiny line), the Head line, and the Marriage line. Different lines correspond to different characteristics.

Lifeline: health and physical vitality

: Health and physical vitality Heart Lin : Love and emotion

: Love and Emotion Money Line : Career and Fortune

: Career and fortune Headline : Intelligence and mentality

: intelligence and mentality marriage line: married life and relationships

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Palmistry for women

There is a saying that the right hand is for women while the left hand is for men in palmistry. This is because in Chinese traditions the left side is associated with men and fatherhood and the right side with women and motherhood (e.g.

Mainstream palmistry ignores gendered traditions. The right hand – the dominant hand for most people – is believed to represent the now and the future and therefore can be changed with time and experience, while the left hand represents the past and the traits the person was born with became.

It makes more sense to prioritize the right hand in palmistry unless you’re left-handed, although most people’s hands are symmetrical (with subtle differences).

Reading palm lines

The first impression of the palm (given by the five main lines) gives you the general picture. A light palm color with clear palm lines reflects the happiness of recent days.

Now stretch out your palm and let’s read the five main lines one by one.

To quickly check what your palm lines are telling you, you can also get your palm reading score here with a few taps.

1. The lifeline – the longer the better

The line of life is the line that extends around the thumb. It’s usually in an arc. The length of the life line is not related to how long a person lives. It reflects health and physical vitality.

If the line of life has a large arc and looks clear, it means that the person is energetic and alive. The longer the lifeline, the better. People with a long life line are usually good at sports.

If the lifeline has a small arc and is close to the thumb, this is a sign that he/she gets tired and exhausted easily.

If there is more than one line of life, it also indicates that the person is very full of life.

If the beginning of the lifeline (near the tissue of the thumb) is broken, he/she is/was usually ailing in childhood.

If the end of the life line (near the wrist) looks frayed, then he should pay a lot of attention to health problems in old age.

If there is a circle (like an island) in the line or the line is cut anywhere, he/she could be physically injured or hospitalized. The size of the circle reflects the severity of the disease/injury.

If the life line is straight and cuts across the palm parallel to the head line, he/she is brave and usually very outgoing.

More details on how to read the life line.

2. The heart line (love line) – the longer the better

The heart line, sometimes called the love line, is the line that extends across the hand just below the fingers. The heart line reflects things related to the heart like feelings, reactions, emotional control, etc. The longer and straighter it is, the better.

If the heart line is short and straight, he/she has little interest in expressing love or romance.

If the heart line is long, he/she will probably be a good lover – sweet, understanding and romantic.

If the heart line starts from the index finger, a happy love experience is predicted.

When it starts on the middle finger, it means that the person usually thinks more about themselves than their loved one.

If the heart line starts between middle finger and ring finger, he/she will fall in love easily.

If the heart line has a big rise and fall, he/she is likely to fall in love with multiple people. Any love story usually lasts only a short time.

If there are one or more circles on the heart line, the heart line is divided into several sections, or some short thin lines crossing the heart line, it usually means that he/she is not very happy with his/her current love life.

3. Money Line (Fate Line) – Clear and straight is good

The money line, also called the destiny line, is the line that extends from the wrist to the middle finger. It reflects the fortune and career.

When the money line and the life line start at the same point, this person is usually ambitious and has strong self-confidence.

If there are two lines of money, he/she could have two jobs together or a side business.

When the money line looks clear and straight, it usually means a bright and happy future. He/she doesn’t usually have to do much to change his/her life and life is stable.

Some people’s money line is divided into two or more sections. This means that he/she will likely change jobs frequently or have major changes in his/her life/career.

If the money line is tight, it means he/she may stop working before he/she retires.

4. The headline – the clearer and longer the better

The headline reflects a person’s intelligence and mentality. It usually starts between the index finger and thumb (below the love line) and then extends to the other side of the palm and looks like it is dividing the palm in half.

The clarity, thinness, and length of the header reflect mental focus and cleverness.

A large slur of the headline tells us that he/she is creatively rich.

A short headline usually means you have more chance of physical success than mental ones.

If there is a circle on the headline, the headline is bisected (or more), or the headline wavers, he/she has a comparatively poor memory, is easily disturbed by others, and doesn’t usually focus on all of that for long.

5. The marriage line

The marriage line is a short line above the love line, starting just below the pinky. It reflects the romantic relationships and marriage.

Some people only have one line at this point, while others have multiple lines. The number of lines means nothing. Just read the clearest.

If there are two equally clear marriage lines, he/she must pay attention to a love triangle.

If there are multiple marriage lines without a main line, his/her married life may not be comfortable.

If the line turns upwards or is short and flat, he/she will not usually marry or marry recently.

If the line of marriage reaches between the little finger and the ring finger, he has high expectations when it comes to choosing a spouse.

If the marriage line extends to the ring finger, it predicts that his/her spouse’s family is rich and kind.

However, it is not good to stretch further than the third finger. Reputation and wealth could be affected by marriage.

If there is an island (like a circle) on the marital line, the couple may live apart for some reason for a period of time.

If the marriage line splits in two under the pinky, he/she should pay attention to love management as the couple may break up.

Rare palm lines: The pruning palm

Cutting Palm (Half Palm): This phenomenon occurs when the head line and the love line are so close together that it appears as if only one thick line is cutting the palm.

There is a saying in China: “A man with a cutting palm will have a good career; a woman with a cutting palm is usually very independent mentally.”

4 palmistry hand shapes

In addition to palm line reading, hand shape reading is also considered an important part of an overall palmistry practice, sharing general fate information about a person.

In general there are 4 hand forms: the earth hand, the air hand, the water hand and the fire hand.

What hand shape do you have? Read on below to find out how to recognize hand shapes and how they relate to palmistry life, career, personality, etc.

Hand Form 1: The Earth Hand


Palm: Square, thick and difficult to touch

: square, thick and difficult to touch Fingers : short, finger length equal to palm length

: short, finger length equal to palm length Color: reddish

Properties of the earth hand:

Practical, down-to-earth, energetic and responsible Earth people are usually strong at following directions and a good help to leaders.

Not very ambitious, Earth-handed people are usually comfortable with a set plan or situation. Their life desires are not as great as other hand shapes. Jobs that require basic skills (without high-tech or complicated operations) are better suited for them.

They do few romantic things and are content with a simple lifestyle.

Health: Earthhand people easily develop dizziness and have problems with respiratory diseases.

Hand Form 2: The Air Hand


Palm : Square or rectangular, dry to the touch

: square or rectangular, dry to the touch Fingers : long, usually with large knuckle bones

Features of the air hand:

Intelligent, good at analyzing and adaptable to change

Imaginative and Curious: Air-handed people want to explore things with their high level of curiosity, which drives their creativity.

Good at social interaction, flexible in spirit and romantic in lifestyle.

Hand Shape 3: The Water Hand


Palm: Long or oval, feels soft and clammy

Fingers: long, tapered and flexible.

The whole hand looks very narrow.

Features of the water hand:

Intuitive, perceptive, personable, imaginative, creative and introverted

Emotional and fragile, people with water hands are easily injured.

They are very fond of beautiful things like art.

Flexible, they can easily adapt to changes.

Hand Form 4: The Fire Hand


Palm: square or rectangular

Fingers: short, fingers usually shorter than the palm

Color: reddish or pink

Fire Hand Features:

Energetic, smart, hardworking, outgoing, optimistic and confident

Sometimes compassion is lacking

A thirst for adventure and a colorful life

People with fire hands are usually very fond of travel. They are always on the move or on the move. They are stimulated by their desires and do things boldly and intuitively.

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