Are you looking for an answer to the topic “is it illegal to turn off a street light“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: You will find the answer right below.
Table of Contents
Can you turn off a street light with a laser?
We’re not sure about the legality of this trick in places around the US and the world, but here’s the gist of it: you can turn off certain streetlights by pointing a semi-strong red laser at it.
How do you block out a street light?
- Plant some tall trees/bushes such as Italian Cypress along the wall. …
- Move the trampoline fairly close to where the scope will be and hang a black tarp or something similar.
- Put some other kind of movable screen(s) in place while observing.
Why do they turn the street lights off?
So, why do councils turn off street lights? The main reason why councils are choosing to turn off street lighting is in an effort to save money and reduce the costs that having lighting on permanently incurs.
Can street lights be controlled?
Street Light Control reduces energy consumption and CO2 emission. Unnecessary over-lighting can be prevented by targeted dimming of sectors of the city, roads or individual luminaires. Thus, the SLC can be used to make effective and consistent energy savings – up to 50 % per year.
Blocking light from really close streetlight
The most important facts about the SLC software
The SLC software is the central interface where all information comes together and is made accessible to the user. The entire system is clearly displayed and can therefore be easily controlled, managed and analyzed.
The highlights at a glance:
The user has a wide range of options for controlling the SLC: He can define the switching calendar for lighting groups or individual light points and even set exceptions during construction work or holiday periods. It is also possible to directly control each lamp in the system.
Thanks to the software, the scalability of the system and the individual light points is extremely easy: This enables, for example, flexible grouping of the lights, the best possible prediction of maintenance requirements by evaluating the service life of the light source and automatic signaling of errors.
The analysis function of the SLC software offers excellent transparency and control. All system components are automatically recorded
and visualizes and evaluates them with just a few mouse clicks. The individual analysis reports, e.g. the energy evaluations, are created cyclically, exported and even sent by e-mail if necessary.
Can you dim a street light?
Dimming LED street lights is typically carried out by pulse-width modulation, which manipulates the duty cycle of a signal, so that the amount of ‘on’ time is reduced, but the spectral output of the light is unchanged [10,11].
Blocking light from really close streetlight
1 Introduction
Over the last 60 years, artificial light at night (ALAN) has increased by an average of 6% per year worldwide [1]. Although ALAN is more widespread in developed countries, it is now considered a global threat due to increasing urbanization and industrialization in many developing countries [2,3]. ALAN is the result of a number of artificially lit sources, but streetlights are one of the main contributors as they are installed in most cities around the world [3,4].
Many local authorities across the UK are replacing old lighting stock such as Low Pressure Sodium (LPS) and High Pressure Sodium (HPS) streetlights with Light Emitting Diode (LED) streetlights [5]. LED streetlights offer a number of advantages over older lighting technologies, including increased energy efficiency, flexibility and durability [6]. In the UK, LED lights are expected to make up 70% of outdoor and domestic lighting by 2020 [7]. In addition to installing LED lights, many local authorities are implementing strategies to save money and reduce their carbon footprint, such as: B. Night lighting and dimming. It is relatively easy to use dimming regimes with LED lights as they have a fast turn on/off time [6,8]. Dimming levels can be implemented and adjusted remotely via a central management system (CMS) [3,9]. Dimming of LED streetlights is typically performed by pulse width modulation, which manipulates the duty cycle of a signal such that the turn-on time is reduced but the spectral output of the light remains unchanged [10,11].
Bats are a useful taxon to study the ecological effects of light because they are nocturnal and their response to ALAN varies from species to species. A number of species are considered “light opportunistic” as they feed on the large number of insects that are attracted to light [12,13]: the insect attraction hypothesis [14]. In Europe, these species typically belong to the genera Eptesicus, Nyctalus and Pipistrellus. However, light-opportunistic bats such as Pipistrellus pipistrellus also avoid lighted areas when commuting in urban habitats, preferring to cross vegetation gaps where artificial light is scarce [15]. They also avoid lighted areas when drinking from water sources [16].
Conversely, light-shy bats, such as species in the genera Myotis, Plecotus, and Rhinolophus, appear to be adversely affected by all types of street lighting. It is believed that light-shy bats are often slower-flying, more agile species [17,18] and avoid light to reduce the risk of predation [19,20]. Many are also of conservation concern, as their wing shape restricts dispersal and movement [21], making them particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures such as urbanization and the associated ALAN. Since dimming reduces both the light intensity of the streetlight and the amount of light distributed by the light source, it could create dark havens that light-shy bats could use for commuting and foraging in urban areas [3].
There are many examples of artificial light affecting orientation, reproduction, communication, and foraging in nocturnal taxa [22–26]. However, few studies have examined the biological effects of different light intensities. For example, the reproduction and survival of fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, are negatively affected by increased light intensity [27]. Increased light intensity also adversely affects the activity and melatonin levels of great tits, Parus major [28] and activity patterns of blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus [29], disrupts the immune response of Siberian hamsters, Phodopus sungorus [30], and Swiss Webster mice, Mus musculus [31], but does not affect sleep in parus major [32].
Studies on the effects of light intensity on bat activity have shown that even low levels of ALAN have an adverse effect on the activity of light-shy species [26,33]. Even when LED streetlights were dimmed to low levels (mean 3.6 lux, range 2.90–4.86 lux), there were significantly fewer flybys by the photophobic bats Myotis spp. and Rhinolophus hipposideros than on unlit nights [26]. However, dimming street lights to an intensity below 3.6 lux may not be feasible: street lights are for people’s safety, and when people cannot see their surroundings clearly because the light intensity is too low, it negates the benefits of street lights [ 26:34].
Our aim was to determine whether current street lamp dimming schemes used by local authorities could have both environmental and economic benefits for bats. We tested the following two hypotheses:
(i) bat activity of the light-opportunistic bat P. pipistrellus will decrease with dimmed LED lights compared to undimmed LED lights due to lower insect abundance with dimmed streetlights; and
(ii) bat activity of photophobic species of the genus Myotis will increase under dimmed LED lights compared to non-dimmed LED lights, as the reduced light distribution creates dark havens for photophobic bats for foraging and commuting.
2. Methods
2.1. Experimental design
Fieldwork took place between May and August 2015 at 21 sites using existing streetlights in Hertfordshire, South East England. Each site consisted of three lighting columns (lamp posts) running a range of lighting levels: 0%, 25%, 50% and 100% of the original output. These illuminances relate to changes in duty cycle as described in the introduction. The illuminance values for the four illuminance levels are provided in the results. Since our goal was to assess the impact of different street lighting levels, we used three side-by-side light towers per site to ensure a stretch of street (at least 60m) was equipped with the same lighting level. The experiment ran for eight nights at each site, with the illuminance being switched every two nights, i. H. each illuminance ran on two consecutive nights. Lighting schedules were randomized across sites to avoid ordering effects, and sites were spaced at least 1 km apart to ensure independent sample collection. The illuminance levels we used were representative of the different light intensities used by local authorities. Light levels were controlled by pulse width modulation by a Hertfordshire County Council subcontractor using a CMS.
All streetlights used in this study were neutral LED lights (MIDI, 97W, 4250K, Urbis Schreder, Basingstoke, RG24 8GG, UK) with a height of 10m. We selected streetlights along tree lines containing trees with a height of contained more than 4 m and each site was at least 20 m from the beginning of the tree line [15,35]. All sites were also close to other linear features such as hedgerows, and typical bat foraging habitats such as forest and grassland were at least 35 m from a building and were on (main) roads in suburban areas with similar traffic intensity. To ensure that lighting levels were comparable between sites, both illuminance (lux) and irradiance (µW cm−2 nm−1) were measured. We used a TES 1330 lux meter (ATP Instrumentation Ltd, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, LE65 2UU, UK) at 1.8m above the ground, just below the streetlight lantern to measure illuminance and a calibrated one Ocean Optics USB 2000 spectrometer (Largo, FL 33777, USA), a 7m P400-5 UV/VIS patch cord and a CC-3 cosine corrector positioned every 5m directly under the lantern to measure irradiance. The irradiance measurements also allowed us to ensure that the spectral output of the streetlight remained unchanged and only the intensity changed with each light level (Figure 1). Figure 1. The spectral output of LED streetlights at the three illuminance levels (25%, 50% and 100%) from one of 21 randomly selected locations.
We measured bat activity by monitoring echolocation calls with SM3 bat detectors (Wildlife Acoustics, Inc., Maynard, MA, USA). Three sides ran at the same time. Bat detectors were set to record activity with triggers from 30 minutes before sunset on the first night to 30 minutes after sunrise on the ninth morning. At each site, a bat detector was attached to the center experimental lighting column 1 m below the lantern using street sign and tamtorque sign attachment clamps, with the microphone on the detector pointing slightly down and positioned on the same side of the column as the lantern. Bat detectors were randomized across sites. The files were saved as Wavefile (WAV) audio files. The settings on the detectors were: high-pass filter 16 kHz; sampling frequency 384 kHz; minimum frequency 16 kHz; maximum frequency 120 kHz; maximum recording time 15 s; Release level 12 dB.
Bat activity for each illuminance was measured as the number of passages over each two-night period. Each 15-second file of echolocation calls was considered one bat sweep [36]. At sites 19, 20 and 21, the subcontractor did not change lighting levels according to the agreed schedule, so bat passages were only counted for one night per randomly chosen treatment. To compare feeding rates of bats at different light levels, we calculated the cumulative ratio, i.e. H. the proportion of trials that contained a feeding buzz at each illuminance level [37].
At seven locations (one from each of the three acquisition periods), a 12 megapixel 1080 HD Hunting Trail Infra-Red Camera (SpyCameraCCTV, Bristol, BS5 9PQ, UK) was attached to the light column to estimate the number of insects attracted to each lighting level. Infrared cameras were used to estimate insect numbers when streetlights were dimmed to low light levels (25%) or turned off (0%). The camera takes high-resolution still images (12 megapixels), which means that even small flies can be seen in the images. The camera was attached to the column of light directly below the lantern so that its focus was within the cone of light. A series of three still images were taken once an hour during the night (sunset to sunrise). This data was used to compare the attractiveness of the LED lights to flying insects at different illuminance levels.
Nighttime temperature and humidity were recorded at each site using a Tinytag TGP-4017 Plus 2 Internal Temperature Data Logger (Gemini Data Loggers UK Ltd., Chichester, PO19 8UJ, UK). Mean nightly precipitation (mm) and wind speed (km h−1) were obtained from Met Office weather stations within a 35 km radius of each site (
2.2. data processing
All bat calls were analyzed using Kaleidoscope Pro (v. 3.1.1, Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.) with British Bat Classifiers (v. 3.0.0). Auto-identification of P. pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus has been accepted [36]. However, all other calls were manually assigned to either species (Eptesicus serotinus, Nyctalus noctula, Pipistrellus nathusii, and Plecotus auritus) or group (Myotis spp.); Myotis spp. are usually grouped because it is difficult to separate the echolocation calls of the different species [38–40]. We also manually identified files with a zero margin factor (either Kaleidoscope Pro was unable to identify the call or classified the call as a noise file). Boundary values in Kaleidoscope Pro are uncalibrated confidence values, with higher values being more likely to be correctly identified than lower values. Species identification was verified for 0.5% of the bat echolocation call files (676 files) to ensure that the auto-identification software was working effectively. These files were randomly selected across all sites to account for site differences and included sound files to ensure that all files containing a bat pass were included in the analysis.
Since we did not manually verify species from each file, we calculated feeding frenzy from a representative sample of files. For each site, we separated calls for each illuminance level and then randomly selected 5% of the files to check for the presence of feeding noise (average number of files per illuminance level were 35, 44, 51, and 48 for 0%, 25% , 50% or 100% illuminance). We identified all feed sums from all species, but they were mainly from P. pipistrellus. All sound files were excluded as a bat pass had to occur for a feeding buzz to exist. We calculated the buzz ratio to determine how the proportion of feeding buzzes versus number of echolocation calls changes with light intensity.
Insect activity was determined at each lighting level for a night when there was no rain; This was due to the difficulty of identifying the presence of an insect from an image when it was raining. Each visible white dot on the image was counted as an insect [12]. Only insects that were within the light cone were counted, i. H. directly under the light, and we excluded non-volatile invertebrates, i.e. H. we did not include spiders, many of which build their webs on street lamps [41]. It was only possible to estimate overall insect abundance and not identify any species. The number of insects counted in each image was blinded, i. H. the rater was unaware of the illuminance when counting the number of insects. The number of insects from the three images for each hour was averaged and the hourly totals then averaged over the night for each lighting level. This reduced “noise” that could be introduced if any of the three images were unclear.
2.3. Statistical Analysis
The data was recorded in R Studio with R v. 3.3.3 (R Core Team 2017) analyzed. We used generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) to determine potential drivers of bat activity, insect numbers and cumulative ratios using the lme4 package [42]. Models for bat activity and insect numbers followed a negative binomial distribution with a log-link function, and the buzz ratio model followed a binomial distribution with a logit-link function. The model selection was based on a backward selection based on the second order information criterion (AICc) using the bbmle package [43]. If ΔAICc between the models was less than 2, we chose the model with the fewest number of parameters [44]. The model fit was validated using the Dharma package [45] to ensure that the data was not smeared and to provide plots of residuals. Before fitting the GLMMs, we checked that the predictors, particularly the weather variables, were uncorrelated, i.e. H. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was less than 0.5 [46].
For bat activity (bat passes) we used three models; all species, P. pipistrellus and Myotis spp. For all three models, the fixed factors included lighting level (0%, 25%, 50%, and 100%), as well as standardized weather variables (centered around a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1), mean nighttime temperature (°C), mean nocturnal Wind speed (km h−1) and mean nightly precipitation (mm). Location was included as a random effect to account for repeated measurements within each column of light. The date was also included as a random effect to account for multi-site recording (three sites at a time). Post-hoc comparisons between mean illuminance levels (i.e., 25% versus 50%, 25% versus 100%, and 50% versus 100%) were performed using the multcomp [47] package with one-stage corrected probabilities.
The coefficient of determination (R2) was calculated to compare the goodness of fit between the models for different bat species [48]. In mixed effects models, R2 has two classifications: marginal, which is the amount of variance in the response explained by the fixed effects, and conditional, which is the amount of variance in the response explained by both the fixed and explained by the random effects [49]. R2 values for the buzz ratio model were calculated using the MuMIn package [50], and R2 values for the bat activity and insect number models were calculated as reported by Nakagawa et al. [51].
3. Results
We collected 135,228 files from 21 sites, including 74,965 bat passports from seven species/species groups. Most passports (76.7%) were from P. pipistrellus, followed by P. pygmaeus (20.9%), N. noctula (1.9%), Myotis spp. (0.2%), Eptesicus serotinus (0.08%), Plecotus auritus (0.08%) and P. nathusii (0.08%) (Electronic Supplement, Tables S1-S4). Other species have not been registered. Of the 676 manually verified files, there was 87% agreement between the manual and automatic classification, with 100% agreement with the automatic classification of P. pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus. Kaleidoscope occasionally classified a file as a noise file or could not determine a classification even with a pending call. Since all files not classified as P. pipistrellus or P. pygmaeus were manually identified, we consider our method reasonable given the large amount of data collected and the time required to manually analyze all the data.
At the 21 sites, the mean light intensity for each lighting level was 11.35 lux (standard deviation 3.23, range 8.68–14.9 lux) for 25%, 20.23 lux (standard deviation 3.23, range 16.77– 23.9 lux) for 50% and 35.46 lux (standard deviation 5.94 lux). , range 29.4-44.0 lux) for 100%.
Statistical analyzes were performed on the number of bat passages for all species, P. pipistrellus, Myotis spp., feeding behavior (buzz ratio) and mean insect counts, with standardized weather variables included as fixed factors in the GLMMs. The best models, determined by the lowest AICc values, generally included temperature (°C) and wind speed (km h−1), but not mean nocturnal precipitation (mm). Temperature had a positive significant effect on the number of bat passages, i. H. there were more bat passages when nighttime temperature increased, while wind speed had a significantly negative effect on the number of bat passages, i.e. H. there were fewer bat passages as the night wind speed increased. Therefore, it was important that both variables were included in the model as fixed effects.
Looking at all bat species, there were significantly more bat passages at 50% compared to 0% lighting level, but not between 25% or 100% and 0% level (Table 1). For light-opportunistic P. pipistrellus, the results were broadly similar: there were significantly more passages at 50% and 100% compared to the 0% illumination level, but there was no difference in the number of bat passages between 0% and 25% illumination levels ( Table 1 and Figure 2a). Conversely, higher light intensities had a negative effect on the photophobic Myotis spp. There were significantly fewer myotis passages at 50% and 100% illumination levels compared to unilluminated treatment, but there was no significant difference between the 0% and 25% illumination levels (Table 1 and Figure 2b). Figure 2. Mean predicted bat activity (number of bat passages) inversely transformed across all sites (n = 21) for each illuminance for (a) Pipistrellus pipistrellus and (b) Myotis spp. (c) Mean predicted insect numbers back-transformed over selected sites (n = 7) for each illuminance. (d) Mean predicted cumulative ratios inversely transformed across all locations (n = 21) for each illuminance. In all plots, letters denote groups that differed significantly from each other, and vertical lines denote 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
Table 1. Results of GLMMs for the bat passports of (a) all species, (b) Pipistrellus pipistrellus and (c) Myotis spp., (d) buzz ratios for all species (based on a 5% sample) and (e ) mean numbers of insects. (All estimates were compared to the unilluminated treatment (0%). Significant results are in bold. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.) Collapse model estimate s.e. Z value P value Marginal R2 Curders R2 (A) All types 0.1832 25 % 0.174 0.164 1.059 50 % 0.391 0.161 2.433 0.015* 100 % 0.160 1.810 0.070 temperature (OC) 0.093 *** wind speed 0.093 0.093 HR - 1) –0.191 0.074 –2.572 0.010* (B) P. Pipistrus 0.203 0.851 0.130 0.767 0.443 50% 0.386 0.168 2.304 0.343 0.167 0.040* temperature (OC) (OC) 0. * Temperature (OC) (OC) 0.5343 0.167 2.054 0.040* Temperature (OC) (OC). *** Wind speed (km h−1) −0.252 0.079 −3.207 0.001** (c) Myotis spp. 0.126 0.797 25% −0.408 0.231 −1.771 0.077 50% −0.828 0.237 −3.501 <0.001*** 100% −0.740 0.242 −3.057 0.002*** Rain (mm) −0.340 0.184 −1.844 0.002*** Wind speed −1.05.20 km−06 0.111 –1.861 0.063 (d) BUZZ ratio 0.196 25% 0.689 3.170 0.001 ** 50% 1.371 0.218 6.292 <0.001 *** 100% 1.190 0.406 <0.001 *** INTER * Temperature (OC) 0.427 0.190 0.5406 <0.001 *** Temperature (OC) 0.427 0.190 0.5406 <0.001 *** Temperature (OC) 0.427 0.190 0.5406 <0.001 *** Temperature (OC). * (e) Insect numbers 0.188 0.227 25% 2.686 1.422 1.888 0.059 50% 2.729 1.423 1.917 0.055 100% 2.905 1.415 2.053 0.040* The insect count data also showed significantly higher insect activity at 100% illuminance compared to the unilluminated treatment, but there was no difference between 0% and 25% or 50% illuminance (Table 1 and Figure 2c). At 25%, 50% and 100% illuminance levels, there was significantly more feeding noise compared to the unilluminated treatment (Table 1 and Figure 2d). While there were no significant differences between mean light intensities, i. H. 25% versus 50% or 100% or 50% versus 100% (Table 2) for the bat activity data for any of the species or insect counts, there were significantly more feeding noises at 50% and 100% compared to the 25% lighting level (Table 2). Table 2. Results of post hoc comparisons based on GLMMs for the bat passports of (a) all species, (b) Pipistrellus pipistrellus and (c) Myotis spp., (d) cumulative ratios for all species (based on a 5% sample) and (e) mean numbers of insects. (Illuminance levels were 25 (25%), 50 (50%) and 100 (100%). Significant results are in bold. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. ) Estimation of the collapse model s.e. Z-value p-value (a) All species 50–25 0.161 1.343 0.536 100–25 0.159 0.727 0.886 100–50–0.157–0.641 0.919 (B) Pipistrellus 50–25 0.167 1.53-25777 . 0.213 0.164 1.298 0.564 100–50 −0.043 0.163 −0.265 0.994 (c) Myotis spp. 50–25 –0,420 0,257 –1,635 0,358 100–25 –0,332 0,265 –1,253 0,592 100–50 0,088 0,271 0,325 0,988 (D) Buzz -Verhältnis 50–25 0,682 0,163 4,192 <0,001 ** 100-10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101. 100–50 −0.181 0.161 −1.125 0.670 (e) Insect number 50–25 0.043 0.723 0.059 1.000 100–25 0.219 0.696 0.315 0.988 100–50 0.177 0.689 0.947 0.947 4. Discussion Our results are broadly consistent with our hypotheses that higher light levels (50% and 100%) increased the activity of light-opportunistic species such as P. pipistrellus, but the activity of light-shy species such as Myotis spp. However, compared to the unlit treatment (0%), lower light levels (25%) did not affect the activity levels of either light-opportunistic or light-shy bat species. The 50% and 100% increase in the number of bat transits of the light-opportunistic P. pipistrellus compared to the unlit treatment is most likely due to more insects being attracted to the streetlights at higher illuminance levels. This supports the insect attraction hypothesis as opposed to the artificial light attraction hypothesis, which argues that bats are attracted to light for other reasons [14]. Foraging benefits can also be inferred from the buzz ratio data. The proportion of feeding totals compared to the number of bat passages was significantly higher at the illuminance levels of 25%, 50% and 100% than in the unilluminated treatment. Also, there was significantly more buzz compared to echolocation calls at 50% and 100% illuminance compared to 25%. Our feeding frenzy data suggest that the main utility of some bat species flying near streetlights is to prey on insects that are attracted to the light source. Although the number of light-opportunistic bat transits did not increase significantly either at 25% lighting level compared to unlighted treatment or between intermediate lighting levels (i.e., 25% and 50% or 25% and 100%), the cumulative ratios increased, suggesting that these Bat species increase their feeding efficiency at streetlights. This could be due to reduced anti-predation behavior of moths [52] or because bats may feed near streetlights on large numbers of relatively small insects that have lower energy content than larger insects. In addition, there were significantly more insects at 100% than with the unlit treatment, and the differences between the 25% and 50% lighting levels and the unlit treatment were almost significant (Table 2). While there were not significantly more insects at the 25% or 50% lighting levels compared to the unlit treatment, there were more feeding buzzes relative to the number of bat passages. This could be due to the lack of a linear relationship between the number of insects attracted to a light source and its illuminance [53]. Although the light intensity at 50% (mean 20.23 lux) was twice that at 25% (mean 11.35 lux), this does not mean that 50% illuminance should attract twice as many insects. To determine the attractiveness of a light source, it is necessary to consider the spectral sensitivities of the insects [3] and either calculate the square root of the ratio between the illuminance of the light source and its surrounding background [54] or use a function of the luminance the light source [55]. Der Unterschied zwischen den Insekten- und Buzz-Ratio-Daten könnte auch auf die kleineren Stichprobengrößen für die Insektenzählungen zurückzuführen sein. Die Beleuchtungsstärke schien bei 50 % einen stärkeren Effekt als bei 100 % sowohl auf die Fledermausaktivität als auch auf das Fressverhalten zu haben, möglicherweise weil, wenn die LED-Straßenlaternen bei 50 % ihrer ursprünglichen Leistung sind, es eine Zunahme der Insektenzahlen und damit der Fressmöglichkeiten gibt, aber weniger Risiken durch potenzielle Raubtiere. Alternativ kann die Beleuchtungsstärke Fledermäuse stören, wenn die Lichtintensität über 50 % der ursprünglichen Leistung ansteigt [56], oder bei Lichtintensitäten über 50 % können mehr Fledermäuse von der höheren Insektenzahl angezogen werden und daher von Echoortungsstörungen betroffen sein die Rufe anderer Fledermäuse. Dies erschwert es einer Fledermaus, ihre eigenen Rückechos von denen ihrer Artgenossen zu unterscheiden [57]. Es überrascht nicht, dass wir deutlich weniger Fledermauspässe von Myotis spp. bei 50 % und 100 % Beleuchtung im Vergleich zur unbeleuchteten Behandlung [26,33]. Es ist jedoch ermutigend, dass das geringe Beleuchtungsniveau (25 %) keinen nachteiligen Effekt auf die Anzahl von Myotis spp. would have. geht vorbei. Aus Sicht des Naturschutzes ist dies ein positives Ergebnis, da es Spielraum gibt, mit den örtlichen Behörden zusammenzuarbeiten, um festzustellen, ob es möglich ist, eine Lichtintensität zu finden, die für Menschen akzeptabel ist, sich aber nicht nachteilig auf die Aktivität von Fledermäusen auswirkt, insbesondere für Lichtscheue Spezies. Bei der niedrigen Beleuchtungsstärke (25 %), da weniger Licht von der Lichtquelle verteilt wurde, wurden wahrscheinlich dunkle Korridore geschaffen, an denen lichtscheue Arten wie Myotis spp. entlangfliegen konnten, entweder als effizienteres Pendeln Weg oder sogar zum Futter. Sobald die Intensität der Straßenbeleuchtung jedoch 11,35 Lux überschreitet, wird die wahrgenommene Bedrohung durch Raubtiere zu groß, wodurch die Anzahl von Myotis spp. geht in der Nähe der Straßenlaternen vorbei. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu einer früheren Studie, in der festgestellt wurde, dass LED-Lichtintensitäten von nur 3,6 Lux die Anzahl der Fledermauspassagen von lichtscheuen Fledermäusen wie Myotis spp. und Rhinolophus hipposideros [26]. Dies könnte auf Unterschiede im experimentellen Design zurückzuführen sein: Unsere Studie fand in Vorortgebieten statt, in denen es seit Jahrzehnten Straßenlaternen gibt, und daher haben sich die Fledermäuse möglicherweise an das Vorhandensein von künstlichem Licht angepasst, während die frühere Studie Straßenlaternen unbeleuchtet aufstellte Bereichen [26], und daher könnte die Neuheit der Beleuchtung die Fledermäuse unterschiedlich beeinflusst haben. Unterschiede könnten auch darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass weniger Myotis spp. sind in vorstädtischen Gebieten im Vergleich zu ländlichen Gebieten zu finden (Abbildung 2a,b). Als Myotis spp. lichtscheu sind, meiden sie beim Pendeln und bei der Nahrungssuche vorstädtische Gebiete und bevorzugen unübersichtlichere Lebensräume [17,19]. Unsere Ergebnisse stimmen mit einer früheren Studie überein, in der auch festgestellt wurde, dass die Lichtintensität einen signifikant positiven Effekt auf lichtopportunistische Arten wie P. pipistrellus hatte, aber einen signifikant negativen Effekt auf lichtscheue Arten wie Myotis spp. [33]. Eine Verringerung der Lichtintensität von Straßenlaternen könnte auch Wirbellosen zugute kommen, indem das Flug-zu-Licht-Verhalten verringert wird, wodurch das Risiko der Sterblichkeit durch Erschöpfung und Raubtiere gesenkt und Störungen biologischer Kreisläufe verhindert werden [58,59]. Um die ökologischen Auswirkungen auf Wirbellose zu verringern, wurde empfohlen, LED-Straßenlaternen auf 50 % ihrer ursprünglichen Leistung (weniger als 14 Lux) zu dimmen und eine Nachtbeleuchtung einzuhalten, d. H. zwischen Mitternacht und 04.00 Uhr auszuschalten [ 60]. Zusammenfassend unterstützen unsere Ergebnisse das Dimmen als wirksame Strategie zur Minderung der ökologischen Auswirkungen von Straßenlaternen, da es möglich erscheint, eine Lichtintensität zu erreichen, die sowohl lichtopportunistischen als auch lichtscheuen Fledermausarten zugute kommen könnte [56], wodurch möglicherweise das Gleichgewicht neu ausgerichtet wird die existierten, bevor die Straßenbeleuchtung unsere Landschaften beherrschte. Erwähnenswert ist, dass auf die Installation von Straßenlaternen idealerweise verzichtet werden sollte, da dies aber in vielen Bereichen aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht machbar ist, scheint das Dimmen die geeignetste Alternative zu sein. Wir glauben, dass weitere Studien erforderlich sind, um die Auswirkungen des Dimmens an verschiedenen Orten zu untersuchen, um andere lichtscheue Arten wie Plecotus- und Rhinolophus-Arten einzubeziehen. Es wäre auch sinnvoll, diese Studie unter Verwendung von Wohngebieten anstelle von Bundesstraßen zu wiederholen, wo Straßenlaternen typischerweise 5 m statt 10 m hoch sind und eine geringere Leistung und Beleuchtungsstärke haben. Es könnte möglich sein, die Lichtintensität noch weiter zu reduzieren und gleichzeitig das Gleichgewicht zwischen der Erhaltung der Biodiversität, dem wirtschaftlichen Nutzen und der menschlichen Sicherheit zu finden [61]. Datenzugänglichkeit The datasets supporting this article have been uploaded as part of the electronic supplementary material. Authors' contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: E.G.R., S.H. and G.J. Performed the experiments and analysed the data: E.G.R. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: E.G.R. and G.J. Wrote the paper: E.G.R., S.H. and G.J. Supervised the study: S.H. and G.J. Competing interests We declare that we have no competing interests. Funding The project was funded by a studentship from the Natural Environment Research Council, grant no. NE/K500823/1. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. Acknowledgements We thank Shelby Temple for loaning the spectrometer, Hertfordshire County Council and Ringway (Eurovia Vinci, UK) for their invaluable help with the experiments, particularly Jon Watt and Graham Black, and Neil Rowse and Pauline Smith for their assistance in the field. footnotes Electronic supplementary material is available online at
Do street lights turn off at night?
For the most part, local authorities run street lights from dusk to dawn, or sunset to sunrise. Some will switch off at night (i.e. after midnight) when people don’t need them. Some modern street lights are run based on light sensors.
Blocking light from really close streetlight
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What is streetlight pollution?
Why? Millions of city lamps brighten our cities every night, but only part of their light is used to actually illuminate streets or sidewalks – the rest is lost and emitted above the horizon, brightening the night sky and contributing to what is known as light pollution.
Blocking light from really close streetlight
While there are other elements that contribute to this phenomenon – such as billboards, signs and illuminated facades – much of it is due to inefficient lighting fixtures. Of course, street lighting is necessary in urban environments to ensure visibility and safety. It is therefore not a matter of reducing the number of luminaires, but ultimately of good design, and this is where architects and designers play a key role.
The role of design
There are three steps to minimizing light pollution from a design perspective: use warmer colors, dim the lights, and shield them. First, instead of using blue light – which has a greater impact on circadian sleep rhythms – it is recommended to use low-temperature LEDs that glow in softer, more yellow or redr tones (typically not exceeding 3000K). Aside from being made with the same energy efficiency and at similar prices as bluer alternatives, these scatter less light and are therefore better suited for the night sky. In addition, to indicate long-term sustainability, illuminance levels should be moderate and uniform, adjusted according to use, zone, time and traffic. In fact, most outdoor lights can be dimmed by 25% with no loss of visibility.
Another crucial factor is ensuring that the light is effectively directed to serve its purpose rather than scattering light into the sky. As? All lighting fixtures must be fully screened or clipped to prevent light from escaping above horizontal. This way it’s directed downwards rather than upwards – ideally at a narrow angle that further limits the glow over the city.
With that in mind, we present 15 inspiring examples of streetlights that incorporate one or more of these conditions into their design, thereby actively helping to reduce light pollution.
Consisting of a continuous tubular structure, the luminaire is a simple but functional street lamp that – using multichip LED modules – directs a soft, diffused and angled light into the surface.
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Save this picture! Courtesy of URBIDERMIS SANTA & COLE
This lamp emits a symmetrical downward light that is glare-free. While a top shade made of molded fiberglass prevents the light from escaping upwards, white lacquered reflectors ensure a diffuse and pleasant light distribution.
With a wide range of adjustable brackets for direct or indirect lighting, this versatile street lamp offers precise and energy-efficient light distribution, providing functional luminosity for many urban spaces.
Save this picture! Courtesy of URBIDERMIS SANTA & COLE
Save this picture! Courtesy of URBIDERMIS SANTA & COLE
Equipped with LED technology in a warm, inviting color tone, the design guarantees precisely dosed illumination of the area. This minimizes energy consumption and avoids light pollution.
For a cozy living room ambience, the energy-efficient LED lamp emits a warm light at a precise angle, which prevents soiling upwards or towards the facade.
Available in different models, this tree-shaped outdoor lamp with dual lighting and LED technology directs the light downwards at precise angles.
Combining extreme simplicity with a beautiful and unique character, this sophisticated design offers a directional light that is energy efficient, functional and sustainable.
Crafted from tarred heartwood and steel, the fixture has a precise light distribution that minimizes light pollution. The poles can be equipped with several different lights, with the possibility of aligning the shades.
The design features an elegant minimalist style and functions as a domestic lampshade for urban use. With a shielded light aimed downwards, it minimizes the glow of the night sky.
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Save this picture! Courtesy of URBIDERMIS SANTA & COLE
This contemporary high-tech lamp is encased in a housing that also allows the installation of additional modules. It is adaptable to different LED optics systems and can achieve different energy-efficient performances by simply changing the lamp length (according to the required modules).
This lamp is self-luminous and provides direct, downward lighting that accentuates the shape of the lamp and creates atmosphere and comfort.
Inspired by achieving the right balance between aesthetics, functionality and respect for the environment, the urban lighting system is a circular and extremely compact structure, ideal for preventing glare.
With a minimalist lighting system and striking linear features, the lamp helps bring a sense of order and harmony to urban spaces. With warm LED tones, it offers a variety of light distributions that ensure visual comfort and luminous efficiency without pollution.
Save this picture! Courtesy of URBIDERMIS SANTA & COLE
Save this picture! Courtesy of URBIDERMIS SANTA & COLE
Featuring a sleek and sophisticated aesthetic, this aluminum LED pole folds at an angle of 90° to project the light perfectly onto the pavement, minimizing the amount of light scattered across it.
The anti-glare design with a spun shell and gradient lens directs most of the LED light downward while dispersing it within the shield.
Certainly those who plan should take these measures into account when replacing or recreating streetlights. However, it is also about raising awareness and encouraging the public sector to introduce regulations that minimize excessive and inefficient use of light. In this way we can aim to reduce light pollution and carbon emissions, thereby contributing to healthier and more sustainable cities.
Check out this street lamp catalog for more inspirational designs.
How do you deflect neighbors exterior lighting from your house?
Most outdoor lights (such as those affixed to porches or garage doors) come with shielding or shades to block the light rays from traveling upwards towards the sky or sideways into neighbors’ property; the lamp’s rays should be pointed parallel to the ground.
Blocking light from really close streetlight
When one thinks of a neighbor who disturbs the peace, the first thing that springs to mind is noise: blaring music, teenagers throwing a late-night party, or a creaking old garage door. But light can also be a bothersome and legally significant disruption. Having your neighbor’s house lights, yard lights, or security lights shining in your line of sight can ruin your enjoyment of your property. What to do?
Light pollution can be a legal nuisance
Like noise, light pollution is recognized as “nuisance” by courts in most parts of the United States. A nuisance is any type of behavior that interferes with a neighbor’s use or enjoyment of property. A neighbor playing loud music late at night would be an obvious example of harassment. In addition, many cities have noise ordinances in place that limit the times or decibel levels that residents are allowed to make noise.
While not all municipalities have specific light pollution laws, that doesn’t leave you without legal remedies. You could file a lawsuit on “common law” grounds of harassment.
Most outdoor lights (such as those mounted on porches or garage doors) are fitted with shields or screens to prevent the rays of light from penetrating upwards into the sky or laterally into neighbors’ property. The rays of the lamp should be directed parallel to the ground. If you can see a glowing lightbulb from afar, the lighting system is poorly designed. Instead of the bulb itself, all you should be able to see is the lit floor.
Alert your neighbors to the problem
Your first step should be to walk up to your neighbor’s door, perhaps with a plate of biscuits, and explain the situation nicely to him. It’s likely that your neighbor just doesn’t realize that, for example, the porch light is shining directly into your bedroom window, or that the outdoor security light is partially aimed into your lawn. Keep in mind that these lights were likely installed on your neighbor’s property during the day and the neighbor has never seen the view from your side of the property.
Explain how the light is affecting you, or invite your neighbor over to your home in the evening to see the result. Chances are your neighbor is willing to speak to a contractor about reorienting the lights or installing proper blinds to ensure the light doesn’t “invade” your property.
Perhaps your neighbor is more resilient and refuses to understand why the light is such a big deal to you. You could offer to split the cost of the blinds or the contractor’s consulting fees. It may cost you a few hundred dollars, but that’s at least as much as you would end up paying in a lawsuit against your neighbor.
Send the neighbor a reminder letter
If your neighbor doesn’t take up your offer to help with adjustments, your next step might be to hire an attorney to send a collection letter. A letter of formal notice would outline any applicable local law or housing association regulations that your neighbor is breaking by using the bright lighting and spell out your request that the situation be remedied or that it no longer causes nuisance.
Solicitor letters tend to get more attention than a simple neighborly request; After seeing that you mean business, your neighbor might agree and adjust the lights.
propose mediation
A dispute over lighting could lend itself well to mediation. In mediation, a neutral third party would sit down with you and your neighbor and help you both find a solution. A mediator may be able to help you come up with some ideas as to where your neighbor could have the security lights, but in a way that doesn’t compromise your peace and enjoyment of your property.
To file a lawsuit
If your other requests have gone unheeded, you may need to direct your attorney to sue your neighbor for harassment. Given the time, expense, and hassle of litigation, this should be the last resort.
Who invented the lamp post?
The first public street lighting was with gas (the gas was a flammable gaseous fuel made from distilling coal) and was demonstrated in Pall Mall, London on January 28th, 1807 by Frederick Albert Winsor (lamp posts came as a the relief to the local canine world).
Blocking light from really close streetlight
When was street lighting first introduced?
The first public street lighting was gas (the gas was a combustible gaseous fuel made from the distillation of coal) and was demonstrated by Frederick Albert Winsor on 28 January 1807 in Pall Mall, London (lampposts served as a relief for the local canine world). Gas street lighting was not widespread until the mid-19th century and as late as the 1930s almost half of London’s street lamps were still gas powered. A gas lantern glowed just a few yards from its pole. The brightest lamps provided less light than a modern 25 watt incandescent lamp and were spaced some distance apart – there was generally darkness between the lamps (which was probably a perfect excuse for the intoxicated Victorian alcoholic to relieve himself under cover of darkness after the latest orders at the ‘Gin Palace’ were called up; but not for useful lighting). The light served more to provide distant points of light to target – in parts of London they were 65 meters apart. The lighting time varied according to the season, but lamplighters were seen at dusk and dawn with small conductors lighting or extinguishing the wicks or mantles of the street lamps. The design of the lamppost would commonly include a horizontal bar approximately two-thirds of the way up the post to provide a secure support for the lamplighter ladder.
In some communities, lamplighters filled a role comparable to a town watchman, but this practice was to cease when systems were developed that allowed the lights to be operated automatically. Additionally, the Metropolitan Police Act was passed in 1829, allowing the creation of Sir Robert Peel’s professional police force as a new deterrent to crime and disorder.
Many Victorian gas lanterns are still in use, but their gas cornices have now been replaced and converted to electricity. The use of electricity for lighting really began with a British engineer named Frederick Hale Holmes who patented an electric arc lamp in 1846 and pioneered electric lighting for lighthouses with Michael Faraday in the 1850s and 60s. Arch lighting was found to be overly complicated and expensive for domestic use, but was extraordinarily bright and was used to illuminate Glasgow’s St Enoch railway station.
A variation of this arc lamp was used to illuminate the streets of Paris in the 1870s. These street lamps were known as “Yablochkov candles” and named after their Russian inventor Pavel Yablochkov (he is sometimes translated as Paul Jablochkof). These “electric candles” caused a stir at the 1878 Paris Exposition, which in turn sparked a sharp sell-off in gas supply stocks – the electric light was being taken seriously!
The arch lighting was still too vivid for indoor lighting; What was needed was a light that was practical and burned for a long time with a constant light. A brilliant British physicist and chemist named Joseph Swann is the man credited with inventing the carbon fiber lightbulb. Incandescent light is the light we use today (although there have been recent advances in energy-saving household lighting relatively recently). Incandescent light gives us the warm, even, convenient and clean light source we crave and it has forever changed the way we light up our homes. The problem Swann faced was that incandescent bulbs wouldn’t last very long. Its filaments would burn out quickly, making the lamps a costly indulgence. In 1865, Hermann Sprengel, a German chemist, invented the Sprengel pump. This pump achieved the highest possible vacuum. When this pump was applied to Swann’s glass chambers, the air could be reduced to a millionth of its normal volume, allowing the filament to glow for hundreds of hours.
At the time of Swann’s developments in incandescent lighting, Thomas Edison, America’s leading inventor, was also working on his version. Although it was Swann who is credited with creating the electric light, it was Eddison who had the vision and successfully carried out the much larger and more ambitious goal of creating, producing and supplying it on a large commercial scale. While Swann was making parts in his own home as a do-it-yourselfer, Edison was setting up electrical factories all over the world – what good was the electric lamp if no one had an outlet to plug it into. Within a year, Edison’s plants and electrical systems were powering thirteen thousand electric lamps. He was an exceptional marketer and placed his products in key areas like the House of Commons for maximum impact and publicity.
What does it mean when a street light flickers?
What Causes Lights to Flicker? We’re talking about simply switching out your lightbulb, because a flickering light often indicates that the bulb itself (not the lamp or your home’s entire electrical system) is nearing the end of its life span.
Blocking light from really close streetlight
All you want to do before you fall asleep is finish reading the last chapter in the great book you are reading. But there’s a problem: the light bulb in the lamp on your bedside table is flickering.
What to do? ignore it? Switch to e-readers? Do you take your book to another room? All are viable options, but there’s a better solution — one that might even allow you to continue reading right where you are. Sometimes the solution is so simple.
What Causes Lights to Flicker?
We’re talking about simply replacing your lightbulb because a flickering light often indicates that the lightbulb itself (not the lamp or the entire electrical system in your home) is reaching the end of its life.
“One of the most common reasons, and you should always look for the obvious things first, is that the light bulb is about to burn out,” says Terry Duncan, CEO of Mr. Electric in Inglewood, California. If that’s the case, replacing the old lightbulb with a new one is enough, says Duncan.
You can also try screwing the bulb in a little more tightly to see if that helps. Sometimes a loose light bulb flickers, too, says Christopher Haas of Haas & Sons Electric in Pasadena, Maryland.
The caveat to all of this is what kind of bulb you have in the lamp, Duncan says. The problem of old and/or loose light bulbs usually only applies to incandescent bulbs. If the flickering light in question is an LED, you can certainly try swapping out the bulb to see if that helps. But chances are you need to investigate further.
Less common causes of flickering lights
You’ve replaced your lightbulbs and the flickering continues. What now?
Here are a few things that could happen:
Loose Wiring and/or Electrical Connections: According to Duncan, this is especially likely if you’ve recently had electrical work done in your home by someone who didn’t properly connect or secure all the wiring. If you suspect this, Duncan recommends calling a licensed electrician to help with the investigation, as electrical fires can sometimes occur in these conditions.
According to Duncan, this is especially likely if you recently had electrical work done in your home by someone who didn’t properly connect or secure all the wires. If you suspect this, Duncan recommends calling a licensed electrician to help with the investigation, as electrical fires can sometimes occur in these conditions. Defective lights: has the light seen better days? Flickering may occur if it is old, broken, rusty, or for some other reason (such as a broken wire or loose switch). To test this, Haas suggests removing the lightbulb and replacing it with one you know works. If the flickering persists, it could be your device. You can start installing a new light fixture. Then, when the new light flickers, it’s time to call a licensed electrician.
Has the lamp seen better days? Flickering may occur if it is old, broken, rusty, or for some other reason (such as a broken wire or loose switch). To test this, Haas suggests removing the lightbulb and replacing it with one you know works. If the flickering persists, it could be your device. You can start installing a new light fixture. Then, when the new light flickers, it’s time to call a licensed electrician. Incompatibility with LED bulbs: Some lights, especially ceiling fans, may not work properly when using LED bulbs. If you are using LED bulbs and the device or light flickers, try using a regular incandescent bulb. But that’s not all, which may not work properly with newer LED bulbs. The light switch itself may not correspond to the use of LED bulbs. We’ve found this to be mostly the case with light switches that also have dimmer control.
: Some lights, especially ceiling fans, may not work properly when using LED bulbs. If you are using LED bulbs and the device or light flickers, try using a regular incandescent bulb. But that’s not all, which may not work properly with newer LED bulbs. The light switch itself may not correspond to the use of LED bulbs. We’ve found this to be mostly the case with light switches that also have dimmer control. Large motor-driven devices: When switching on large motor-driven devices, the lighting may flicker temporarily. For example, when the AC unit starts, it draws a lot of current, which can cause the lights to flicker briefly. If you notice a temporary flicker, check what else is going on in your house. Has anyone started a corded vacuum? Does anyone in the shop use a corded power tool or air compressor? Did someone start the dishwasher or the garbage disposal? Momentary light flickering when starting powerful devices or tools is usually not a problem.
When turning on large engine-powered equipment, the lights may flicker momentarily. For example, when the AC unit starts, it draws a lot of current, which can cause the lights to flicker briefly. If you notice a temporary flicker, check what else is going on in your house. Has anyone started a corded vacuum? Does anyone in the shop use a corded power tool or air compressor? Did someone start the dishwasher or the garbage disposal? Momentary light flickering when starting powerful devices or tools is usually not a problem. Circuit Overload: Occasionally, Haas says lights flicker because an electrical circuit has too many amps. If your kitchen lights dim when you use your toaster, your toaster may be too powerful for the circuit it’s on. To check, plug something else into the outlet that runs a similar number of amps. (All electrical equipment should have a label, rating plate, embossing, or similar marking with the voltage and amperage rating. Alternatively, some electrical equipment may be labeled with the voltage and wattage.) If the same thing happens, it could be a circuit overload. Better call a licensed electrician for help. The problem could also be the toaster itself. Try plugging the toaster or any problematic small appliance into other outlets to see what happens. If flickering occurs all over the house, it might be time to throw the device away.
Are flickering lights dangerous?
Aside from loose electrical connections, flickering lights are rarely an immediate threat, Duncan says. However, if changing lightbulbs, replacing faucets and/or investing in a new toaster proves unsuccessful, don’t let it go. Seemingly minor electrical problems can build up over time and eventually lead to a potential disaster.
“Call someone to look at this,” Duncan says. “It’s always best to be safe.”
Why are some street lights purple?
Streetlight LED bulbs would normally appear a little blue, so the manufacturer coats the bulb to turn the blue light into the bright white that comes to mind when you think of an LED. A defect in the coating is causing it to peel away on some bulbs, producing the purple hue, Cullen said.
Blocking light from really close streetlight
Nor is it an extension of Green Bay’s bridge lighting program or an indication that your neighbors were throwing a rave.
Nor is it the work of a renegade Vikings fan.
Yes, you are actually seeing some LED streetlights casting a purple glow on communities in northeastern and central Wisconsin.
The appearance of light, known as color temperature, can be “a little confusing or off-putting” to people, said Steve Grenier, Green Bay’s director of public works. Grenier said residents have called the city about the purple lights on a few occasions. He forwards the information to the Wisconsin Public Service Corp. further, installed and maintains the streetlights in northeast and central Wisconsin.
WPS spokesman Matt Cullen said the utility is aware that defective LED streetlights are turning purple in communities in its service area and is working to replace them.
“Although the color is different, there is no safety hazard,” Cullen said. “The brightness is the same (as with white LED lights). They’re still playing, the only difference is the color of the light, even though it seems someone is a Prince fan.”
But not everyone notices the phenomenon immediately. Sometimes the lights can appear white to those directly below them, Grenier said. Also, the defect that gives rise to the purple hue is rare: Cullen said it has occurred in less than 1% of WPS’s streetlights.
Those who notice the effect love it or loathe it.
A selection of social media comments illustrates the range of reactions: one person said the purple hue gave them headaches due to a previous concussion. Another thought it was some kind of black light.
Fans said it was easier on the eyes when driving or just enjoyed seeing something different.
If you’re in the non-fan group, there’s good news: you can help swap out the purple lights. If you are in the fan group: enjoy it while you can.
And if you just want to know why some streetlights are purple, here you are.
why are they purple
It’s a flaw in the manufacturing process that requires a little understanding of how light emitting diodes work.
LED lamps can emit a variety of colors. For example, Green Bay’s bridge lighting uses a combination of red, blue, and green LEDs to create a rainbow of colors that celebrates special days or welcomes sports fans to the city.
Grenier of Green Bay Public Works said he “learned more about LED technology than I ever wanted to” after the city installed the LED systems on the downtown Ray Nitschke and Bart Starr bridges. He has now bookmarked RGB color code lists.
LED street light bulbs usually appear a little blue, so the manufacturer coats the bulb to convert the blue light to the bright white that comes to mind when you think of an LED.
A defect in the coating causes it to peel off on some bulbs, creating the purple hue, Cullen said.
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How many street lights are affected?
Cullen said between 300 and 400 streetlights have turned purple, less than 1% of the approximately 50,000 streetlights WPS maintains in its service area. The service area includes areas around Green Bay, Oshkosh, Wausau, Stevens Point, Oconto, Marinette and parts of Door County.
WPS first heard reports of purple streetlights in Green Bay in December, Cullen said.
“It catches your eye,” he said. “It’s a little bit different.”
Does this happen somewhere else?
Very much so.
Motorists in the Milwaukee area noticed the purple phenomenon along highways last year. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation received a similar batch of LEDs that were modified last March, prompting a WisDOT official to reassure motorists that the state “is not pursuing a streetlighting plan using purple hues.”
The phenomenon has also surfaced in other regions of the United States. Last fall, residents of Greenville, South Carolina took notice, while Baltimore Ravens fans may have been disappointed to learn it wasn’t for their NFL home team.
Now it looks like it’s Northeast and Central Wisconsin’s turn.
Interestingly, the issue does not appear to have affected We Energies streetlights in communities where it provides electrical service, including the Appleton and Milwaukee areas. We Energies and WPS are both owned by the WEC Energy Group.
Seen the (purple) light?
To report a purple light, contact the Wisconsin Public Service website, which has a streetlight problem reporting page, or call 800-450-7260.
Before you can report a purple traffic light, you must first receive information.
Each power pole is provided with a label or identification number. Cullen said it will be a mix of numbers and letters on a small metal plate. The number helps crews know exactly which pole it is, an important tidbit when you have 50,000 streetlights to manage.
“We can start with crews going out to swap out the device for a new device,” Cullen said. He added that back-up calls are part of WPS employees’ day-to-day work.
And the lights are still under warranty, so WPS and its customers shouldn’t be looking for extra bulbs.
Contact Jeff Bollier at (920) 431-8387 or [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter at @JeffBollier.
Why are street lights on during the day?
The technicians switch on some or all of the lamps in the street. This enables them to see which lamps are not working. They then carry out the necessary repairs. After that, the lamps stay on until the following morning.
Blocking light from really close streetlight
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How do street lights Sense cars?
Active infrared sensors emit low-level infrared energy into a specific zone to detect vehicles. When that energy is interrupted by the presence of a vehicle, the sensor sends a pulse to the traffic signal to change the light.
Blocking light from really close streetlight
What are traffic sensors?
Basically, sensors are used in traffic control systems to detect the presence of vehicles at certain points. Sensors can be used to measure and monitor the number of vehicles passing a certain point, the speed at which the vehicles are traveling, and more. Sensors are used for a variety of traffic control and monitoring situations, including traffic signal control, highway management, ramp measurement, toll road monitoring, and more.
Types of traffic sensors
While some traffic lights operate strictly on a timed system that only changes the light at preset intervals, traffic control systems have become more sophisticated as technology has evolved, allowing systems to control the flow of traffic more effectively. With these advances in technology, different types of traffic sensors have emerged to control traffic in a variety of situations.
Inductive loop sensors
Inductive loop traffic detectors use an electrically conductive loop embedded in the pavement to send a signal to the traffic control system to indicate the presence of a vehicle. The traffic control system can then change the signal to allow traffic to pass through the intersection. You can usually tell if a traffic light is using an inductive loop sensor because a triangular, diamond, or square outline is visible on the pavement at each lane of an intersection that uses this type of sensor. Inductive loop sensors are by far the most common type of sensors used in traffic control signals.
infrared sensors
Infrared sensors are another type of sensor commonly used in traffic signals. Rather than being embedded in the pavement, these sensors are mounted overhead to detect the presence of vehicles at an intersection. The two types of infrared traffic sensors are active infrared sensors and passive infrared sensors.
Active infrared sensors emit low-level infrared energy in a specific zone to detect vehicles. When this energy is interrupted by the presence of a vehicle, the sensor sends an impulse to the traffic light to change the light.
Passive infrared sensors do not emit their own energy, but instead capture energy emitted by vehicles and other nearby objects. When a vehicle enters the passive sensor’s field, the sensor detects the change in energy and alerts the traffic light to the presence of a vehicle so that the light can be changed.
microwave sensors
Another type of overhead sensors are microwave traffic detection sensors, which work in a similar way to infrared sensors. Both use electromagnetic energy to detect traffic at intersections. Microwave sensors tend to be cheaper than infrared models. In addition, microwave technology is less prone to interruptions from temperature extremes than infrared sensors, but both types offer a variety of useful features and are less expensive to install and maintain than inductive loop sensors.
video sensors
With advances in video technology and artificial intelligence systems, video traffic sensors can be used in a variety of ways to manage traffic patterns. Using a combination of hardware and software, video sensors can determine when a vehicle, bicycle, or even a pedestrian has entered a specific zone on the camera’s detection map. Then a signal is sent to the traffic light to change the corresponding signal. A negative aspect of video sensors is that bad weather conditions can affect their functions.
How are sensors used at traffic lights?
There is no single solution that is the best sensor choice for all traffic signals. A combination of multiple sensor types is usually best, especially in high-traffic areas. For example, a microwave sensor could be coupled with an inductive loop sensor to ensure all vehicles are detected, regardless of speed, as they approach and stop at an intersection. In addition, the presence of multiple sensor types means that the traffic light will continue to function even if one sensor type fails.
Traffic light sensors are among the most important components to effectively control traffic flow and reduce congestion in busy areas. They’ve become such an integral part of our traffic management system that we probably don’t even notice them when we’re driving traffic lights all day. However, we would certainly notice them if they stopped working, as in most cases traffic would grind to a halt without proper vehicle detection sensors to help manage the flow of traffic.
How are street lights turned on and off?
Answer: Streetlights are run by photovoltaic (solar) cells. So when the light of the sun comes up, there’s enough electricity generated within the component, which opens the circuit, to make the light switch off, and vice versa.
Blocking light from really close streetlight
A street lamp in London. Image: PA
Do streetlights turn on and off by themselves or are they controlled by someone?
Riddle hour question
How are street lights operated?
Cara, Edinburgh
Name: Tom, Romford
Qualifications: Electrician and I maintain and repair street lighting
Answer: Solar panels are now a fairly old system and many municipalities are now using centralized management systems. In these cases, it’s not just a photocell, but a complicated device that sends and receives radio signals. These central management systems send a signal to turn the lights on and off.
Name: Brandon, Watford
Qualification: Electrical Engineer
Answer: Street lights are powered by photovoltaic (solar) cells. So when the sun’s light comes up, enough electricity is generated within the device to open the circuit to turn off the light and vice versa.
How do you break LED street lights?
Put a big, opaque bag over the light and cinch up the bottom. Open the access plate at the bottom of the pole and break the connection. You could even install a switch so it’s easier and safer the next time.
Blocking light from really close streetlight
Paulo Barros ( pba… ) wrote: HI !
Mission: I need help turning off a blocked street light
: my view of Saturn
May I suggest a .460 Weatherby Magnum with a 500 grain round?
Nose? 🙂
Seriously, you could try a well-focused beam
Light directed at the sensor above. I got lucky
with this. Sometimes the light stays out for ten
You might also find out who pays for the light.
Is it a community thing or do you split the bill
with several other energy supplier customers?
Who invented the lamp post?
The first public street lighting was with gas (the gas was a flammable gaseous fuel made from distilling coal) and was demonstrated in Pall Mall, London on January 28th, 1807 by Frederick Albert Winsor (lamp posts came as a the relief to the local canine world).
Blocking light from really close streetlight
When was street lighting first introduced?
The first public street lighting was gas (the gas was a combustible gaseous fuel made from the distillation of coal) and was demonstrated by Frederick Albert Winsor on 28 January 1807 in Pall Mall, London (lampposts served as a relief for the local canine world). Gas street lighting was not widespread until the mid-19th century and as late as the 1930s almost half of London’s street lamps were still gas powered. A gas lantern glowed just a few yards from its pole. The brightest lamps provided less light than a modern 25 watt incandescent lamp and were spaced some distance apart – there was generally darkness between the lamps (which was probably a perfect excuse for the intoxicated Victorian alcoholic to relieve himself under cover of darkness after the latest orders at the ‘Gin Palace’ were called up; but not for useful lighting). The light served more to provide distant points of light to target – in parts of London they were 65 meters apart. The lighting time varied according to the season, but lamplighters were seen at dusk and dawn with small conductors lighting or extinguishing the wicks or mantles of the street lamps. The design of the lamppost would commonly include a horizontal bar approximately two-thirds of the way up the post to provide a secure support for the lamplighter ladder.
In some communities, lamplighters filled a role comparable to a town watchman, but this practice was to cease when systems were developed that allowed the lights to be operated automatically. Additionally, the Metropolitan Police Act was passed in 1829, allowing the creation of Sir Robert Peel’s professional police force as a new deterrent to crime and disorder.
Many Victorian gas lanterns are still in use, but their gas cornices have now been replaced and converted to electricity. The use of electricity for lighting really began with a British engineer named Frederick Hale Holmes who patented an electric arc lamp in 1846 and pioneered electric lighting for lighthouses with Michael Faraday in the 1850s and 60s. Arch lighting was found to be overly complicated and expensive for domestic use, but was extraordinarily bright and was used to illuminate Glasgow’s St Enoch railway station.
A variation of this arc lamp was used to illuminate the streets of Paris in the 1870s. These street lamps were known as “Yablochkov candles” and named after their Russian inventor Pavel Yablochkov (he is sometimes translated as Paul Jablochkof). These “electric candles” caused a stir at the 1878 Paris Exposition, which in turn sparked a sharp sell-off in gas supply stocks – the electric light was being taken seriously!
The arch lighting was still too vivid for indoor lighting; What was needed was a light that was practical and burned for a long time with a constant light. A brilliant British physicist and chemist named Joseph Swann is the man credited with inventing the carbon fiber lightbulb. Incandescent light is the light we use today (although there have been recent advances in energy-saving household lighting relatively recently). Incandescent light gives us the warm, even, convenient and clean light source we crave and it has forever changed the way we light up our homes. The problem Swann faced was that incandescent bulbs wouldn’t last very long. Its filaments would burn out quickly, making the lamps a costly indulgence. In 1865, Hermann Sprengel, a German chemist, invented the Sprengel pump. This pump achieved the highest possible vacuum. When this pump was applied to Swann’s glass chambers, the air could be reduced to a millionth of its normal volume, allowing the filament to glow for hundreds of hours.
At the time of Swann’s developments in incandescent lighting, Thomas Edison, America’s leading inventor, was also working on his version. Although it was Swann who is credited with creating the electric light, it was Eddison who had the vision and successfully carried out the much larger and more ambitious goal of creating, producing and supplying it on a large commercial scale. While Swann was making parts in his own home as a do-it-yourselfer, Edison was setting up electrical factories all over the world – what good was the electric lamp if no one had an outlet to plug it into. Within a year, Edison’s plants and electrical systems were powering thirteen thousand electric lamps. He was an exceptional marketer and placed his products in key areas like the House of Commons for maximum impact and publicity.
How to turn off a street light – see description below for linked product use plus more…
See some more details on the topic is it illegal to turn off a street light here:
Is it illegal to possess a city street light? – Quora
Yes it is city property. Especially because of the cost of one city streetlight. They dont just sell those at a common hardware store to public because of …
Date Published: 9/14/2022
View: 5548
Street Light shut off | Haunt Forum
No Cool, it’s not legal. This subject comes up every so often, and any tampering with the street light whatsoever is illegal. And it also leaves …
Date Published: 8/29/2022
View: 2218
DIY Turn off your local street light
Yes it has been done and debated here before but you couldn’t possibly want to do something that is……… 😯 illegal. 200mm Newtonian, …
Date Published: 9/1/2021
View: 2320
Street Light help!!! – Halloween Forum
It is illegal to directly counteract a streetlight. You can do things on your own property, but you cannot put a bucket over the light or do …
Date Published: 7/17/2022
View: 5174
all the street lamps may shut off !. I’m not shure if it would work. One reason for it may not work is that the lamp sensor look to the sky (that …
Date Published: 1/3/2022
View: 467
Get rid of street lamp light – LEGALLY! – Cloudy Nights
Even on the darkest of nights, I can walk around in my backyard without ever needing to turn on the exterior lighting. I’m calling this one in.
Date Published: 7/25/2022
View: 5468
Is it legal? – Observing – Discussion – Stargazers Lounge
The chap uses a green laser to switch off a street light. As for the police wasting time – they do spend an awful lot of time arresting …
Date Published: 8/18/2021
View: 3458
Can you turn off a street light? – Can you tile above 4 inch backsplash?
… a laser turn off a street light? Is it illegal to turn off street lights in Chicago? … Locate the photocell at or near the top of the street light .
Date Published: 1/7/2021
View: 2458
Dealing With Street Lights – Digital Pressworks
As far as the legality of turning off a street light is concerned, laws vary from city to city. It is doubtful that any city has a specific ordinance against …
Date Published: 3/10/2022
View: 5724
Is it illegal to possess a city street light?
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A Laser Can Turn Off Streetlights That Interfere With Your Astrophotography
Street lights polluting your shots of the starry night sky? A strategically placed laser might be just what you need.
Destin Sandlin of the SmarterEveryDay YouTube channel recently paid a visit to the home of NASA astronaut (and photographer) Don Pettit, who showed Sandlin a trick to temporarily turning off an annoying street light down the street. You can see this “life hack” in action at 1:04 in the video above.
We’re not sure if this trick is legal in locations in the US or around the world, but here’s the gist: You can turn off certain streetlights by pointing a low-power red laser at them.
Pettit says green ones won’t work, at least in his experience. The astronaut found his surplus red laser in a junkyard and mounted it on a pole outside his home:
Next, aim the laser at the sensor near the bulb on streetlights. These are photosensitive sensors that turn on the lights when the sun goes down:
After a moment, the laser should trick the sensor into thinking it’s day again and the lamp should turn off:
Again, before adding this to your bag of tricks, you should consider the implications for safety and legality in your city. It might be a very bad idea if you’re on a busy street, but then again, if you’re at the end of a cul-de-sac with a personal street lamp in front of your house, it might not affect anyone.
PS More SmarterEveryDay videos can be found here. We’ve also featured Pettit’s photography a few times in the past: here’s a talk he gave on space photography, photos of him floating in space with cameras, and some inspirational videos on footage from the ISS.
(via SmarterEveryDay via Reddit)
Blocking light from really close streetlight
Posted on Apr 21, 2019 – 11:43 p.m
I am in the process of reviving my XT10i which has been in storage for the last 3 years. We sold our old house and bought a new one and the scope has been in storage for over 3 years.
As you can see, there is a street lamp in my backyard very close by that I will be watching from. Is there a good way to block the light from this street lamp?
Note: There is another light a little further down to the right (a tree tends to block this one) and a little further to the left (my house would block this one though).
One more note: there’s a pretty big street on the other side of my block wall. When we bought the house there was only a chain link fence. I replaced that with this 6 foot log wall within the first month after we bought the house.
The only ideas I have so far are:
1. Plant some tall trees/shrubs such as B. Italian cypresses along the wall. But that’s more of a long-term solution.
2. Move the trampoline fairly close to where the scope will be and hang a black tarp or something similar.
3. Attach one or more other movable screens while observing.
4. Use an observer hood/blanket to block stray light.
5. A combination of the above.
Any other ideas? What’s my best option?
Many Thanks.
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