Jennifer Morey Caldwell I Survived? Trust The Answer

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Jennifer Morey – The Dispatcher’s Miracle episode 44

Jennifer Morey – The Dispatcher’s Miracle episode 44
Jennifer Morey – The Dispatcher’s Miracle episode 44

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How Jennifer Morey Survived A Brutal Knife Attack

With her quick-thinking and resolve to fight and stay alive, Morey overcame incredible odds and survived. This is how Jennifer Morey fought …

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What happened to Jennifer Morey and where is she … – 9Honey

“I believe I was in a very, very sound sleep, and when I felt suddenly, as I’m coming awake, someone on top of me,” Jennifer told the TV series …

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Jennifer Caldwell (@jcaldwell6889) • Instagram photos and …

19.2k Followers, 474 Following, 416 Posts – See Instagram photos and veos from Jennifer Caldwell (@jcaldwell6889)

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My Favorite Murder – Episode Resources: 95 – Gesus

Image result for i survived Jennifer Morey. There was a special hometown by Jennifer Morely Caldwell. +Here’s a picture of Karen and Georgia with Jennifer.

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Date Published: 2/30/2022

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My Favorite Murder Is My New Favorite Thing – I AM & CO

Jennifer Morey Caldwell was attacked in her Texas apartment, but unlike so many stories Karen and Georgia tell, Jennifer was able to escape. A …

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10 Unforgettable True Crime Stories Covered By Our Favorite …

I tend to get the most wrapped up in the I survived retellings – the Jennifer Morey Caldwell story and the pregnant “I hate Michael Jackson” …

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Jennifer/Sampson/Norina – I Survived… (2008) – IMDb

When an intruder breaks into her apartment and sexually assaults and stabs her, Jennifer fights back with incredible courage. Sampson is a corn farmer in …

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How Jennifer Morey Survived A Brutal Knife Attack & Rebuilt Her Life

How Jennifer Morey survived a brutal knife attack and rebuilt her life

October 30, 2021 ~ By Shari Rose

Against all odds, Jennifer Morey survived an attempted murder at the hands of a man she could have trusted

In April 1995, a young lawyer named Jennifer Morey fought for her life during a bloody assault by a man hired to protect women like her. With her quick thinking and determination to fight and stay alive, Morey overcame incredible odds and survived. How Jennifer Morey fended off an attempted murder by a man named Bryan Wayne Gibson and worked to build a rich and fulfilling life for herself.

Jennifer Morey attacked in her apartment

In the early hours of April 15, 1995, Jennifer Morey returned to her Houston home after spending the night with friends. The 25-year-old lawyer lived alone in an apartment complex that boasted a variety of security features, including an eight-foot fence around the property line and a security guard on duty at all times.

Morey went to bed and quickly fell asleep. However, she soon woke up to a terrible reality.

“I think I was in a very, very deep sleep, and when I suddenly felt myself waking up, there was someone laying on top of me,” Morey said in an interview with I Survived… “Someone pressing their body weight down and holding it down my body and grabbed my underwear and tried to pull them off. And I was very confused. I didn’t know what was going on.”

Fighting this attacker in the dark, Jennifer Morey had a chilling realization.

“And I reach out my hands and I feel this knife held to my throat,” she said. “And it was the clearest thought that went through my head and woke me up, ‘Oh, I’m getting raped.'”

With an adrenaline rush, Morey began screaming and fighting and kicking her unknown assailant. She says her resistance enraged the man at her and he stabbed her on the right side of her face. At that moment she thought he had cut out her eye.

“I received a very hard blow to my right eye. There was just this explosion of blood, like a hot waterfall pouring straight out.”

After Morey was stabbed, she says she found her resolve to fight for her life.

“I just felt like I had to take him off me,” she said. “I have to stop this. I cannot be raped and I cannot be killed.”

She continued to struggle and screamed. But the man went for her throat next.

“I didn’t think about what the next step might be, not until my throat was cut,” Morey said. “When my throat was cut, I knew – that was the first time I thought I was going to die… I didn’t want to die. I just wanted out of there. And I would have done anything to live in this moment.”

Morey continues to fight for her life

With Morey bleeding profusely from her neck and face, her attacker dragged her across the room and into the bathroom. He left her there and went back to get his knife. Somehow she stayed conscious and thought quickly.

Her bathroom didn’t have a lock on the door and she knew she wasn’t strong enough to hold the door shut while standing. Instead, Jennifer Morey sank to the floor, pressed her back against the bathroom door, and planted her feet against the tub so she could use all the strength of her legs to keep the door closed.

“And I just squeeze and hold as hard as I can,” she said. “In that moment or moments, it’s suddenly quiet.”

Morey could hear the man in her apartment walking around and moving objects. She grabbed a roll of toilet paper and held it to her neck as she waited to see what he would do next.

“Then I hear the sound of his pants closing, only the zipper goes up. And I’m just waiting in there, bleeding so profusely.”

After some time, Morey could no longer hear the attacker in her apartment. And she knew she had to make a choice.

“I just knew I had to get out of there because the option was I was crouched in there and scared of what was on the other side of the door,” she told I Survived… “If I do, go I bleed to death.”

She decided to open the bathroom door. However, her hands were so bloodied that she could not grab the doorknob. Then she realized that the door was stuck because she had been pushing so hard with her legs.

“And I had another one of those thoughts. And it was, ‘I survived the attack, but I’m going to bleed to death in here because I can’t open the bathroom door.'”

But with enough persistence, Morey yanked open the door and crawled out. She tried to turn on the light but it didn’t work. The man had turned off the power to her apartment. She then went to her landline phone, but he cut that off too.

Jennifer Morey’s 911 call

Luckily, Morey had a cell phone in her apartment, a fairly unusual item in 1995. She found it and dialed 911. Here’s what she found:

Morey: Please help me. This guy just tried to cut my throat.”

Dispatch: “Ma’am?”

M: “There’s blood everywhere, I’m covered in blood. He knew my name, I don’t know who it was. I know I locked the door, I don’t know how he got into the apartment.”

D: “Okay ma’am, try to calm down a little.”

M: “Why would anyone do such a thing?”

D: “I don’t know, we have some crazy people in this world. But I want you to stay on the line.”

M: “What’s your name?”

D: “My name is Richard.”

M: “Sorry, I’ll calm down.”

D: “There you are, you’re fine, you’re fine right now.”

At some point during that call, lasting about 10 minutes, Morey tells her 911 dispatcher, Richard Everett, that there is a knock on her door. She thinks it’s the Houston Police Department, but Everett tells her law enforcement isn’t there yet.

D: “Don’t answer the door now.”

M: (calls through the locked apartment door) “Hello?”

M: (speaking to 911) “They said it’s security.”

D: “It’s security?”

M: (calls through the apartment door) “What’s your name?”

D: “Are you looking through the peephole?”

Morey tells her dispatcher that the man at her door is offering to help.

“I reported this to my dispatcher, and he’s like, ‘Jennifer, if you don’t know who’s on the other side, don’t open the door,'” Morey said.

She follows Everett’s orders and refuses to unlock the door, which kept her alive because her attacker was the man at the door.

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A few minutes later, Morey heard a lot of voices in the hallway and Everett confirmed that the Houston police and fire department were there. As soon as she opened her apartment door, she collapsed. Morey was taken to the hospital and survived the attempt on her life.

Later that night, police quickly discovered who had committed the brutal attack: the apartment’s duty security guard, a 26-year-old man named Bryan Wayne Gibson.

Morey’s recovery and arrest of Bryan Wayne Gibson

Although Morey’s throat was cut, Gibson missed her carotid artery by millimeters. The stab wound on the right side of her face grazed the corner of her eye, but ultimately missed.

Morey’s blood had splattered the walls and ceiling of her apartment. She said that while she was recovering in the hospital, she was visited by many emergency workers who came to her rescue.

“The police and detectives all came to the hospital, ER, and post-op,” she said. “And they were like, ‘Girl, you put up a hell of a fight.'”

After Morey was taken to the hospital, Houston police entered her home and found Gibson’s underwear, a belt, a glove, a Pinkerton guard cap and the knife.

While being questioned by police, Gibson told them he was also assaulted, but they quickly linked his possessions to Morey’s assault and he was charged. While at Pinkerton Security for the previous three years, Gibson was continually reassigned to other posts after receiving complaints from customers. Eventually, instead of firing him, Pinkerton assigned him to work nights at the apartment complex where Jennifer Morey lived.

Between 1991 and 1995, 130 Pinkerton guards were convicted of felonies in Texas alone. The Pinkertons have a long and often bloody history in the United States, dating back to the 1850’s. The agency still exists today and recently made headlines in 2020 after a Pinkerton security officer shot and killed a man during a “patriot rally” in Denver.

Bryan Wayne Gibson has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for attempted murder. But Jennifer Morey’s recovery from the attack was far from over.

Jennifer Morey today

She only returned to her apartment to get her things and move out. Although she was a lawyer, Morey hopped from job to job, taking on temp agency positions for which she was overqualified. As with many violent crime survivors, the trauma kept resurfacing. But given enough time, she began to rebuild her life.

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Morey filed a lawsuit against Pinkerton Security, and in 1998 she received an undisclosed amount of money from the agency. That same year she opened her own family practice in Fort Worth and met the man who would become her husband.

Long after the attack and that harrowing 911 call, Jennifer Morey and Richard Everett are still good friends.

“With instinct, intuition and a big heart, [Richard] saved my life,” Morey said. “And for that, he will always be one of the most important people who have ever impacted my life. And I was lucky that he came to my wedding when I got married.”

Today, Jennifer M. Caldwell is an accomplished family law attorney in Fort Worth.

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Jennifer Morey: What happened to Jennifer Morey and where is she now?

In 9Honey’s new series, Women Who Survived, we take a look at the remarkable lives of women who have faced extraordinary adversity.

Jennifer Morey experienced an attempted murder so horrific it sounds like the plot of a horror movie.

On the evening of April 15, 1995, Jennifer, a single 25-year-old attorney, was enjoying a few drinks with friends.

At the end of the evening she arrived home, took the elevator to her apartment and went to sleep. Jennifer lived alone in Houston, Texas. Her home was in an affluent apartment complex surrounded by a high fence, with surveillance cameras and security guards on duty 24 hours a day.

Then, shortly after she fell asleep, she woke up with a strange and painful feeling. It felt like someone was laying on top of her and squeezing her legs to remove her underwear.

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Jennifer Morey experienced an attempted murder so horrific it sounds like the plot of a horror movie. (NZNZ)

“I think I was in a very, very deep sleep and suddenly when I woke up I felt someone was laying on me,” Jennifer told the television series I Survived in 2008.

“Someone was pushing down with their body weight and holding my body and grabbing my underwear and trying to take it off. And I was very confused. I didn’t know what happened.”

She reached down her body and her hands felt someone on her bed. It was a man and he had a knife to her throat.

A bloody fight ensued. Jennifer screamed and thrashed; She tried desperately to escape. She yelled at her attacker and said, “Please don’t hurt me”.

Her screams were so loud she woke at least 15 neighbors – but not one person called emergency services.

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Her attacker raised his knife and stabbed her twice – once in the right side of her face and once in her throat.

“I received a very hard blow to my right eye,” she said.

“There was just this explosion of blood, like a hot waterfall pouring straight out. I just felt like I had to take him away from me. I have to stop this. I cannot be raped and I cannot be killed.”

Her attacker slit her throat, leaving a deep wound. She started bleeding profusely and was afraid she was going to die.

Then he pulled her out of bed and into the bathroom. Luckily, he went back to the bedroom to get his knife, giving Jennifer a chance to escape.

Filled with adrenaline, she pushed herself against the door and planted her feet against the bathtub, using her body weight to keep the door closed.

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When Jennifer was attacked in her own apartment, she had to think quickly. (Jennifer Caldwell)

She was ready for another attack. But suddenly everything was quiet. What was her attacker doing?

She pressed toilet paper against her neck to stop the bleeding and listened through the door. She then heard the assailant rummaging through items in her room and walking about. She also heard him zip up his pants.

Then everything went quiet again. She was pretty sure he had left her apartment and now she was alone and dying, although she feared he might return at any time.

She was faced with a choice – stay and bleed to death, or risk leaving the room to call for help.

Her blood-soaked hands made it almost impossible to grab the door, which jammed after being jammed shut.

Finally she was able to open the door. She went straight to her landline phone, but the line was cut – her entire apartment was without power.

Here she was incredibly lucky.

Although this was 1995, years before cell phones were common, Jennifer’s employer had provided her with an early model cell phone so she could always be reached.

She was called 911 and immediately put through to a dispatcher named Richard Everett.

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A friendly 911 driver gave her life-saving advice. (NZNZ)

Richard calmed her down and explained her next steps. He stayed on the line with her as she walked slowly to the front door.

After a few minutes on the phone, Jennifer heard someone knock on her door. She went to investigate and thought the police had already arrived.

But Richard warned her not to open the door. He knew the police were still on their way.

Jennifer asked, “Who’s there?” and one person replied, “Security.” Jennifer assumed the guard must have seen the attacker or heard their struggle. She felt it was safe to open the door.

Richard said to her, “Jennifer, if you don’t know who that is on the other side, don’t open the door.”

That one piece of advice saved her life. Authorities arrived minutes later to rescue her.

She was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. Her eye was only just spared and her carotid artery was millimeters from being severed.

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While she recovered, police were able to locate her attacker. It was Bryan Wayne Gibson – the security guard.

He was arrested after his belongings were found at her home – his underwear, belt, glove, Pinkerton vigilante hat and the gun he used to attack Jennifer.

He was sentenced to 20 years in prison for attempted murder.

After fully recovering, she moved out of her apartment.

But this story has a happy ending: Jennifer opened a family law firm in Fort Worth.

In 1998, Jennifer filed a lawsuit against Pinkerton Security and received an undisclosed amount of money.

She also met the man who would become her husband.

Jennifer is still friends with emergency services supervisor Richard Everett. He even attended Jennifer’s wedding and danced with her.

Now known as Jennifer Caldwell, she has gone from being the victim of a horrific, near-fatal encounter to a trusted name in practicing civil law to help others.

Episode Resources: 95

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