Major Arcana Only Decks? Top 73 Best Answers

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Can you use just the Major Arcana?

Using Only the Major Arcana Cards in Any Tarot Spread

You can certainly use the Major Arcana for any Tarot spread (as long as it is less than 22 cards!). However, my recommendation is to save these powerful cards for Tarot readings that are of great significance and importance in your life.

How do you use the majors only Tarot deck?

Instead of doing a one-card daily Tarot draw, do a two card draw. Draw one card from a majors-only deck to represent the theme of the day, and the other drawn from a 78-card deck to represent what you specifically need to work on or be aware of during the day.

What is a Major Arcana deck?

In occult practices, the Major Arcana are the trump cards of a tarot pack. There are usually 22 such cards in a standard 78-card pack, typically numbered from 0 to 21.

What are the 14 major Arcanas?

In a general context, the Temperance Tarot card signifies balance, peace, patience and moderation. This Major Arcana card indicates that you have found your inner calm and have a good perspective on things. It is a sign that the relationships in your life are harmonious.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

Balance, peace, patience, moderation, inner calm, perspective, calm, harmonious relationships, soul mates


Upright Meaning Guide

Key Meanings of the Temperance Tarot Card:

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)​

In the general context, the Temperance Tarot card signifies balance, peace, patience and moderation. This Major Arcana card indicates that you have found your inner peace and have a good grasp of things. It is a sign that the relationships in your life are harmonious. You have learned not to get drawn into other people’s conflicts or to let small things throw you off balance. Instead, you adapt to the situation with a clear mind and a calm heart and keep your balance. Temperance can also mean that you have found peace and tranquility and that you feel content. Temperance indicates that you are truly in touch with your inner self, what you value and with your own moral compass and are finding it easier to figure out your aspirations and set goals.​

Love & Relationships (upright).

In a Love tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Temperance tarot card is one of the best cards you can get. It signifies a harmonious relationship where you and your partner find the perfect balance of love, commitment and respect. It is also a sign of soul mates. If you’ve had relationship issues, Temperance is an indicator that the two of you will resolve any issues that have been holding your relationship back to moving forward together. If you are single, temperance is an indicator that you will learn to balance the other areas of your life to make room for a loving partner to come into your life. Once you have done this, you will find the right partner for you.​

Money & Career (Upright)​

In a career context, Temperance is telling you that now is a great time to set goals as you have the patience and persistence to get what you want. Your hard work and dedication will be noted with temperance upright in your tarot spread. If you’re hoping for a promotion or career advancement, Temperance advises you to be patient and not jump at the first opportunity when an opportunity for something better presents itself later. Financially things should be going well as you should have balanced finances. However, be sure to exercise moderation when it comes to money as now is the time to balance and build your savings at a steady pace rather than taking risks with money or making risky investments.​

Health (upright) ​

In the context of health, the Temperance Tarot card shows that moderation is the key to good health. So if you need to get your unhealthy habits under control, you’ll find that now is a good time to do so. If you’ve had health problems, look at the areas of your life or health where you’ve been doing too much or too little. Balancing these areas can give you the healing boost you need.​

spirituality (upright)

In a spiritual context, moderation prompts you to listen to your inner guidance and is an indicator that your spirit guides are all around you. Temperance can also mean finding the right balance between body, mind and spirit. Remember to have patience as you follow your spiritual path and know that everything is happening at the pace it is meant to be.​

Reverse meaning guide

Key meanings of the reverse tarot card Temperance:

Imbalance, immoderation, excess, clash, lack of prospects, discord, antagonism, ruthlessness, haste

General meaning and interpretation (reverse).

Conversely, in a general context, moderation indicates imbalance or overindulgence. This Major Arcana card can be an indicator that you are being hasty or reckless. It can be a sign of many overindulgence or harmful issues, such as: B. Drinking, drug use, gambling, overeating, shopping and the list goes on. The Temperance tarot card in reverse position can tell you that you have lost touch with your own inner calm and serenity, which can lead you to seek gratification in risky, harmful ways. Reverse temperance can also indicate a lack of harmony with the people in your life, to the point that you may clash with those closest to you or get drawn into other people’s drama. You may lack perspective and not see the big picture. You would do well to step back and take a look at your behavior, investigate the causes and work on solving them.​

Love & Relationships (vice versa)​

Conversely, if you are in a relationship in a love tarot spread, moderation can indicate conflicts and clashes caused by an imbalance in the relationship. This can be because one of you feels like you care more than the other, or the love and respect you show your partner is unrequited. There is a lack of harmony in the relationship and you may find yourself fighting with each other, unwilling to listen to each other. You may also be downright antagonistic, trying to score points instead of working together to solve your problems. Try to calm down the situation and find your own inner balance to be able to better deal with the problems you are facing and be more open to solutions. Conversely, if you’re single, moderation may indicate that you’re giving too much of yourself to the people you’re interested in, too soon. This can be simply because you are trying too hard or seeming too eager, or it can indicate promiscuity or come across as downright desperate! Try to be patient when looking for love. Don’t be hasty or try to force a relationship before you’ve really met someone. Just relax, try to find your own inner balance and let each new romance emerge at its own pace.​

Money & Career (vice versa) ​

In a professional context, the inverted Temperance Tarot card can signify an imbalance or conflict in a work situation. You may be working too hard or not hard enough, or you may have conflicts with your co-workers. It can also indicate that you ignore or react negatively to constructive criticism. Whatever the problem, you must look within to rebalance your own energy in order to resolve this situation. If you have financial problems, you need to nip them in the bud right away. Watch out for impulsive spending when you’re looking for instant gratification to distract you from the imbalance you’re feeling inside. You need to slow down and reconnect with yourself to find peace. Excessive spending gets you into debt, not peace of mind!​

Health (vice versa) ​

Temperance reversed in a health context is a very strong indicator that you are out of balance in some areas of your life that affect your health. The temperance tarot card reversed can also be a sign of unhealthy or harmful excesses when it appears in a tarot spread. So be careful what you put into your body at this time. You need to connect with your feelings, identify what issues may be causing you to seek comfort in unhealthy ways, and resolve those issues to restore your balance.​

spirituality (vice versa).

Conversely, spiritually, moderation tells you that you are spiritually imbalanced. You may feel like you have lost your connection to your inner guidance or spirit guides. It is also an indicator of an imbalance between the body, mind and spirit. You should consider doing some energy work and meditation to bring you back into balance. You may want to consider professional help if you find that self-balancing isn’t working for you right now.​

Would you like to continue learning the meaning of the tarot cards with The Tarot Guide? On to the next card…

Do I have to use the whole Tarot deck?

You don’t have to use them for every reading, but it’s a nice way to get started while you learn about the cards. One of the simplest readings you can use to familiarize yourself with the cards is the past, present, future spread. Take the top card from your shuffled deck, and reveal them one by one, left to right.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

Tarot for Beginners

How to read tarot cards

Learning to use the tarot requires a strong mix of intuition and familiarity with the symbols of the tarot. There is no right way to do it and eventually everyone develops their own technique that they are comfortable with. We’ll go through a step-by-step process so you can start reading your cards in no time.

Choosing a deck

Tarot draws on symbols drawn from a wide spectrum of human consciousness. Many decks are available, each with its own unique set of symbols and systems. You need to create stories with the deck’s symbols in your reading, so it’s important to choose a deck whose artwork appeals to you. The most common deck and a good place to start is the Rider-Waite deck. However, there are tons of options to choose from, but we’ve created a minimalistic deck that makes reading a little easier.

Do you have a question, topic or focus

I’m sure by the time you’re here you’re already full of questions. Most people become curious about tarot when they are faced with a great deal of uncertainty in their lives. And when used correctly, the maps prove to be an excellent tool to help you consider other perspectives and move forward in the best possible way. Think about what you want to learn from this reading. It can be as simple as, “What should I learn today?” or “How are my relationships going?”. Here at Golden Thread Tarot, we recognize that tarot is not about revealing a fixed future, but rather about exploring your unconscious self. They are a tool that allows you to project hidden perceptions. We explain the basics of tarot in our app.

Shuffle and reset your cards

As you mix, think carefully about the area of ​​your life where you would like more clarity. Shuffling and dealing the cards is a great way to physically bond with the deck you’re using. Since intuition is an important aspect of a reading, you need to get yourself into the cards. Try to shuffle at least once, but as many times as you deem necessary to “clear” the cards. You can also cut the deck into 3 parts and rearrange them. When you feel ready, keep the cards face down.

Try a 3 card tarot face up

Tarot spreads give you a structure in which to examine your questions. Each position in the range reflects an aspect of your question to consider. You don’t have to use them for every read, but it’s a good way to get started while you learn about the cards. One of the simplest readings you can use to get familiar with the cards is the distribution of past, present, and future. Take the top card from your shuffled deck and reveal them one at a time from left to right.

Get a first impression of your reading

Before delving into the meanings of each card, scan your cards and record your reactions to the images. Start thinking about things like emotions, feelings, objects and symbols, and color – if there are any. What is your immediate reaction to these things? Be aware of this as you proceed with the spread.

Get tarot meanings from tarot cards and their positions

If you’re just starting out, you’ll need a reference to help you with the cards. Usually this can come with the tarot deck you bought or you can use online resources to help you find meanings. As you develop your reading skills, you can learn to let go of these resources and rely more on your intuition. But having a start is a good thing. Consider how the meaning of the card interacts with the aspect of the question you are answering. See if you can tell a story with the cards in front of you. Much of tarot reading has to do with interpreting a random selection of events and giving them meaning. With our Golden Thread Tarot App we have created an easy to search tarot database for you to draw meanings from.

Finish reading

Rituals are an important way we process events, and even if you’re skeptical, following a ritual and treating your cards with respect and meaning can change (and transform) our perception of the world. After processing your reading, be thankful, delete your cards and keep them in a safe place.

Practice reading tarot cards

Over time you will become more confident in reading. And as you encounter the cards, you will also begin to notice systems and patterns in how their meaning is constructed. For example, how the suits of the minor arcana relate to each other and how the major arcana tells a story. All of these things are helpful in guiding you through the reading. And if you’re interested in tracking your progress, our Golden Thread Tarot helps you do all of this from one app.

Coming Soon: A School for Witches and Wizards to Learn Tarot

If you’re interested in learning tarot, we’re building something exclusively for tarot beginners. Learn tarot online with mystical monsters at Labyrinthos Acadmey. Sign up now and you could be one of the first lucky witches or wizards to take our first course.

How do you separate Tarot cards?

You can also “cut” the deck by dividing it into several piles and then combining them into one again. Or you can try spreading the cards facedown on the table and sweeping them into a big, messy pile before tapping them into place again.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, tarot was a simple parlor game. However, within another 100 years it had become a popular tool for divination.

Today, both tarot and oracle cards, which have fewer rules and a wider range of content, still circulate heavily among modern mystics (or anyone looking for a glimpse into the future).

The enlightened soul seeker these days has his or her selection of playing cards, with traditional decks like the Rider-Waite deck first released in 1909 and a variety of cool and creative decks to appeal to the individual.

The trick to finding the right deck? It’s simple – go for one that really speaks to you.

The standard tarot deck has 78 cards, and each has its own imagery and symbolism. The cards are divided into two categories: 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards. Here is a brief overview of each card, but for a more detailed explanation of the 78 tarot cards go here:

How do I find my Major Arcana?

How to determine your tarot birth card. Using a similar process to that used in numerology, a tarot birth card is determined by adding the numbers of the month, day, and year you were born. “With that number, you will find the corresponding Major Arcana tarot card as your birth card,” says Trinh.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

Reading tarot cards is a great, spiritually-focused practice that can help you understand yourself better. Most tarot decks are made up of 78 cards that represent themes common to human experience, and reading tarot cards is a great spiritually-focused practice that can help you better understand yourself. Most tarot decks are made up of 78 cards that represent themes common to human experience, and employing a card reading practice can help you contextualize any given life situation and even strengthen your relationship with yourself. And if you only understand a single card – your tarot birth card – you may be able to use certain parts of knowledge about yourself.

Your tarot birth chart reflects information about your essence, much like your astrological sun sign might. Although a tarot birth card has no direct connection to astrology, it can inform different areas of your life based on when you were born, much like your sun sign. “A tarot birth card…is viewed similarly to how we interpret our astrological signs,” says Ryan Trinh, tarot reader at Los Angeles metaphysical shop House of Intuition. “They point to different facets of ourselves, like strengths, lessons to be learned, and goals to strive for.”

“[Tarot Birth Cards] point to different facets of ourselves, such as strengths, lessons to be learned, and goals to aspire to.” – Ryan Trinh, Tarot Reader at House of Intuition

But not every card can be your tarot birth card. Although the typical tarot deck consists of 78 cards, tarot birth cards can only be one of the 22 major arcana cards (minus the fool, since that card’s number is zero). Major Arcana cards are known for blending life’s lessons with wisdom and reflecting long-term implications. The remaining 56 Minor Arcana cards, on the other hand, deal mainly with everyday life.

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In addition to giving you more insight into your personality and life in general, your tarot birth card can help you identify your purpose in life, uncover potentially recurring themes in your life, and put things into perspective when you are struggling to have .

Learn ahead of time the most common (read: easiest) way to determine your tarot birth card.

How to determine your tarot birth card

Using a process similar to numerology, a tarot birth card is determined by adding up the numbers of the month, day, and year of your birth. “Use this number to find the corresponding Major Arcana tarot card as your birth card,” says Trinh.

For example, if someone’s birthday is February 1, 2003, they would be 2 (because February is the second month of the year), 1 (because that’s the day they were born), 2, 0, 0, and 3 (because you want to add the digits of your birth year). In this case, the total is 8, and the person’s corresponding birth card is the Strength card – which can represent fortitude and courage.

However, if you have a birth date that makes more than 21, determine your birth chart by adding the digits of the resulting number. Let’s say your birthday is January 19, 1989 and your numbers add up to 38. “Because that’s more than 21 [and doesn’t have a corresponding Major Arcana card], you take the extra step of adding 3 and 8, leading to 11, which corresponds to the [tarot] card Justice,” says Trinh.

Best practices for interpreting your map

It’s important to understand the meaning behind the Major Arcana card before applying it to your life. However, there is another, perhaps more important, component to interpreting your tarot birth card: figuring out which meaning most applies to you.

“Each tarot card has multiple meanings, so go through all of the definitions and choose the ones that really speak to you,” says Chinggay Labrador, tarot reader and author of Practical Magic: A Tarot Newbie’s Guide & Journal. You might consider reading books on tarot to find something that fully aligns with you and your values.

Trinh adds that one of the beautiful components of the tarot is that the same card can have different meanings depending on when you read it. This is particularly relevant in relation to a tarot birth card as it will determine when you are born. Because of this, he says it’s “always a good idea to log your tarot readings and practices as it gives you a chance to reflect on your journey.”

Perhaps you’ll take a page from Labrador’s playbook and reflect on your birth card on your birthday to reflect the progress you’ve made since you were last a year older. Or maybe you take a look at your tarot birth card every few months to ground yourself. Regardless of how you interact with your tarot birth card, becoming familiar with it and calling upon it for in-depth knowledge is a powerful tool to have in your wellness arsenal.

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What’s the most powerful tarot card?

In almost all tarot games, the Fool is one of the most valuable cards.
  • As excuse.
  • As lowest trump.
  • As highest trump.
  • As excuse and highest trump.
  • As excuse and wild card.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

Major Arcanum

The Fool is one of the 78 cards in a tarot deck. When reading tarot cards, it is one of the 22 major arcana, sometimes numbered 0 (the first) or XXI (the last). However, in decks designed to play traditional tarot card decks, it is not usually numbered as it is not one of the 21 trump cards and instead serves a unique purpose.

Iconography[ edit ]

A medieval allegory of stupidity painted by Giotto from the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua. This depiction is similar to the jester in the earliest surviving painted decks

The fool is titled Le Mat in the Marseille Tarot and Il Matto in most Italian language tarot decks. These archaic words mean “the madman” or “the beggar” and may be related to the word for “checkmate” in reference to the original use of tarot cards for gaming purposes.[1]

In the earliest tarot decks, the fool is usually depicted as a beggar or vagabond. In the Visconti Sforza tarot deck, the fool wears ragged clothing and stockings with no shoes and carries a cane on his back. He has what looks like feathers in his hair. His unruly beard and feathers may refer to the Woodwose or wild man tradition. Another early Italian image related to the tradition is the first (and lowest) of the series of the so-called tarocchi of Mantegna. This series of prints depicting social roles, allegorical figures, and classical deities begins with Misero, a depiction of a beggar leaning on a staff.[2] A similar picture is contained in the German Court Office Game; there the fool is depicted as a barefoot man in robes, apparently with a bell on his hood, playing the bagpipes.[3]

The Marseille Tarot and related decks similarly depict a bearded person wearing a jester’s hat; He always carries a bundle of his belongings on a stick (called a bindle) that hangs over his back. He appears to be chased away by an animal, either a dog or a cat. The animal tore his pants.[4]

In the Rider-Waite deck and other esoteric decks made for cartomancy, the jester is shown as a young man unknowingly walking towards the edge of a chasm. In the Rider Waite tarot deck, he is also depicted as having a small dog with him. The fool holds in one hand a white rose (a symbol of freedom from base desires) and in the other a small bundle of possessions representing untapped collective knowledge.[5]

In French decks that do not use the traditional emblematic imagery of Italian decks for the trump suit, the jester is typically depicted as a jester or bard, reminiscent of the joker often found in the standard 52-card deck.

history [edit]

In decks before Waite-Smith, the Fool is almost always numberless. There are a few exceptions: some old decks (including the 15th-century Sola Busca) marked the card with a 0, and the 18th-century Belgian decks marked the Fool as XXII. The Fool is almost always completely independent of the trump sequence in historical decks. However, there is historical precedent for it being considered the lowest trump and the highest trump.

Traditionally, the major arcana in tarot cards are numbered with Roman numerals. The fool is numbered with the zero, one of the Arabic numerals.

The Fool could be the prequel to The Joker.[7]


In tarot card games [ edit ]

Skus (right) of The two most common fool cards in tarot decks, l’Excuse (left) of the Tarot Nouveau and the (right) of Industry and Luck

When reading tarot cards, the Fool is usually considered part of the Major Arcana. This does not apply to tarot card games; The role of the jester in most games is independent of both the plain suit and trump cards, and the card does not belong to either category. Therefore, most tarot decks originally made for playing games do not assign the Fool a number indicating his rank in the trump suit. it has none. Waite gives the Fool the number 0, but in his book he discusses the Fool between Judgment, no. 20 and Die Welt, no. 21. The only traditional deck featuring the Fool 0 is the Tarocco Piemontese. Since the 1930s, Tarot Nouveau decks have often used a black inverted mullet as the corner index for the fool. In almost all tarot games, the fool is one of the most valuable cards.

As an excuse[edit]

In most tarot decks originating in Italy and France, the fool plays a unique role. In these games, the fool is sometimes called “the excuse”. Tarot games are typically trick-taking games; Playing the Fool card excuses the player from either following suit or playing a trump. At the end of the trick, the player takes back the fool and adds it to their own trick deck, giving (in most games) the least valuable card from the same deck to the winner of the trick. If there are no cards to trade, the fool is worth one point less and the trick taker gets an extra point. Or at the end of the hand, it can be awarded to a player or team that has won all the tricks. Usually the fool cannot be caught, but in some games it can be won in the last trick, which can give a point bonus.

In a minor variant of the French Tarot, a player has dealt trump 1 but no other trumps, or the fool can make trump 1 behave the same as the fool (petit imprenable). However, under the official tournament rules, a player in this situation must bid their hand and force a re-deal (petit sec).

As lowest trump[ edit ]

The 18th-century Piedmontese game of sedici and its variants treated the fool as the lowest trump.[11] Unlike most games, The Fool is only worth one point. This is similar to the role of the miseria trump in Sicilian tarocchi.

As the highest trump[ edit ]

In most Central European Tarot games, the Fool or Skus is played simply as the 22nd trump, making it the highest trump in such games.[12] In Königrufen the Fool can be beaten, but only if played in the same trick with trump 21 and 1, in which case trump 1 wins; this is called the Emperor’s Trick or the Fairy Tale Trick.[13] In Hungarian tarock, the player who loses trump 21 to the fool is traditionally required to wear a silly hat.

As an apology and top trump card

In French tarot and droggn, the fool is an excuse, but on rare occasions it is the highest trump. If the player holding the fool has won all previous tricks, the fool becomes the highest trump in the last trick.[15]

In Troggu, the fool is the highest trump, but if it is the last trump in the player’s possession, the player can choose to throw in another card instead of following suit. Once this happens, the fool is no longer a trump but an excuse to be reserved for the final trick.[16]

As an excuse and placeholder[edit]

Before and after the trick game of Tarocchini, the fool and the magician are called contatori (counters), a limited form of wild cards.[17] They can be used individually or together to fill in missing gaps in combinations or to extend them, but they cannot fill in two consecutive gaps in consecutive combinations.[18] They cannot replace the highest trump or kings. Both cards can be used in any sequence, but since the Fool cannot be captured while the Mage is vulnerable, the player holding the Mage would want to use it judiciously.[19]

In Grosstarock games, of which the Danish Tarok is the last survivor, the fool can take the place of a missing card during pre-game explanations. However, a meld completed with the Fool is only worth half the points compared to a natural meld. Also, when leading a trick, the Fool can transform into the weakest card of any suit the player chooses, but it is placed on the player’s trick pile as an excuse. However, if the opponents lack the named color, they can get the right to set the color of the trick.


In many esoteric systems of tarot card reading, the fool is interpreted as the protagonist of a story, and the major arcana is the path the fool walks through the great mysteries of life. This path is traditionally known in card reading as the “Fool’s Journey” and is often used to introduce beginners to the meaning of Major Arcana cards.[21][22]

According to the 1910 book Pictorial Key to the Tarot by AE Waite[23] the Fool card is associated with:

Folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, treason. [If the card] is reversed: negligence, absence, distribution, negligence, apathy, nullity, vanity.

See also[edit]



This article incorporates text from the 1910 public domain book Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite. Please feel free to update the text.

Why do I keep drawing Major Arcana?

When a Tarot reading is predominantly made up of Major Arcana cards, you are experiencing life-changing events that will have long-term effects. There are important lessons that you must pay attention to in order to progress further in your spiritual and personal quest.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

The major arcana tarot cards represent the life lessons, karmic influences, and major archetypal issues affecting your life and your soul’s journey to enlightenment. The meanings of the Major Arcana cards are deep and complex – beautifully! These tarot cards truly represent the structure of human consciousness and hold the keys to life lessons passed down through the ages.

The Major Arcana cards, also known as the trump cards, contain 21 numbered cards and 1 unnumbered card (the fool). The Fool is the main character of the Major Arcana and makes his journey through each of the maps, meeting new teachers and learning new life lessons along the way, finally reaching the conclusion of his journey with the world map. This is known as the Fool’s Journey and is a helpful way to understand the plot of the meaning of the Major Arcana Tarot cards.

Why is Capricorn the devil tarot card?

Capricorns are often self-conscious. The Devil represents the dark side they’re trying to hide. The Devil urges Capricorns to lean into their negative feelings in order to become who they want to be.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

(NAPSI) – Here’s some interesting news for the many people wondering what the future holds. The tarot and the zodiac are closely related.

Whether you’re a casual horoscope reader or an absolute astrology fanatic, knowing the basics of the tarot can give you a deeper insight into both.

Here are the twelve signs of the zodiac, along with the cards they are most commonly correlated with.

Aries: The Emperor

Fiery Aries matches the powerful Emperor, indicating strong leadership qualities. Both thrive on trading and have tons of charisma.

Taurus: The Hierophant

Taurus is paired with the Hierophant and represents a love of learning and a relentless search for truth.


Gemini: The lovers

A sign of duality and difficult choices, it’s no wonder Gemini corresponds to the Lovers tarot card.

Cancer: The Chariot

Cancers are very driven. This energetic spirit is reflected in the Chariot’s ambition and strength. Be careful as this can also be a warning of reckless behavior.

Leo: strength

Both are represented by a lion, this pairing is quite obvious. The Strength card is an indicator that challenges must be met with courage.

Virgo: The hermit

Life can be exhausting for the sensitive Virgo. The need for retreat and solitude is reflected in the hermit. Taking time for yourself can help you find peace and wisdom.

Libra: Justice

A Libra often has rigid ideas about right and wrong. Justice says that sometimes people have to accept that things will never be perfect in order to achieve balance.

Scorpio: death

Don’t worry about that, Scorpios. Death represents transformation and progression in life, something Scorpios are very familiar with.

Sagittarius: Temperance

The morally complicated Sagittarius is naturally attuned with moderation, the card of moderation. If you are serious about your mistakes, it becomes much easier to overcome them.

Capricorn: The devil

Capricorns are often self-confident. The devil represents the dark side they are trying to hide. The devil is asking Capricorns to engage with their negative feelings in order to become who they want to be.

Aquarius: The Star

The intuitive Aquarius suits the bright and optimistic Star. Like the star, Aquarians are said to follow their intuition and stand out from the crowd.

Pisces: The moon

Like Pisces, the Moon is associated with idealism and moodiness. The moon tells Pisces to follow their dreams and stop overthinking things.

learn more

For more information, visit, an online resource for tarot enthusiasts.

“Many say tarot cards and zodiac signs can offer fascinating insights into your personality. ”

On the web: North American Precis Syndicate, Inc. (NAPSI)

Is Temperance a yes?

Temperance isn’t a tarot card that only speaks of balance but also confidence in a yes or no reading. If you’re ready to take action, you can do so, but proceed with a sense of caution. Rushing and risk-taking can cause mistakes with serious consequences. Temperance can represent a ‘yes’ in a yer-or-no tarot reading.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

Are you a person who has mastered the art of finding balance at all times? For most of us the answer is no. It is part of the human experience to seek harmony and balance. Finding it can bring great joy and relief.

Although the Temperance tarot card can appear in a tarot reading for a number of reasons, it often manifests when angelic guides want a person to know the following.

You are able to find harmony and feel comfortable even in the face of challenges. The things you need are threefold – persistence, patience and a clear vision of what you really want.

Temperance Tarot Card Keywords

Before delving deeper into the meaning of the Upright and Inverted Temperance tarot cards and their connection to love, work and life, first a quick overview of the key words associated with this Major Arcana card.

Upright balance, moderation, good health, working with others, finding solutions Reverse imbalance, discord, haste, intemperance, risky behavior Yes or No Yes

Descriptions of the Temperance tarot cards

One of the most beautiful tarot cards, Major Arcana number fourteen, depicts an angel standing on water. Known as Temperance, this angle dips one of their feet into the pool of water while the other is positioned on the shore.

Surrounding the water, the background is lush and contains the “ups and downs” of life, such as treacherous mountains and blooming flowers. The general essence of this card is peace and harmony.

In the hands of the angel are two cups with water flowing between them. Dressed in a white robe with a triangle in the center, this spiritual being symbolizes unity as well as healing and the ability to find a middle ground no matter the situation.

Temperance Tarot Meaning

Avoid all extreme situations when the Sincere Temperance tarot card is the focus of a reading. Although there are times to “go on the carotid artery,” that is not the angel’s message.

Some situations are complicated and require patience and extra care, even when your emotions are telling you to react.

Temperance is actually a skill, and like any skill, practice makes perfect. Refrain from making hasty judgments. Resist the temptation to react immediately.

Are there areas in your life where you need to find balance? Could you benefit from learning to stay calm in moments of need?

Temperance is here to help you find the power to do it.

money and career importance

Temperance advises against large purchases, lavish vacations, massive career changes, or risky investments at this time. Since Temperance is synonymous with balance, it usually shows up in career, business, and financial ads when things need better management.

Do you have a budget? How well do you manage time and resources? What goals have you set yourself? If the answers to these questions aren’t clear, this is a place to start thinking.

If you already know what you’re working towards, be patient. Hard work and dedication are always required, but so is good timing. Sit back and evaluate everything related to what you are trying to do.

When you see the right moment, close the deal, get a promotion, or make the investment. Just make sure you’ve planned ahead.

Importance of love and relationships

Especially when paired with the Lovers card, Temperance is one of the most promising Major Arcana cards to fall into a love reading. Temperance represents harmony, which means that a peaceful and beneficial relationship is looming.

If you are single, prepare to meet someone who is the perfect piece of your puzzle. If you are already committed, your partnership is preparing to reach a new wavelength.

The only exception here is if you are involved in a relationship or marriage where there is a lot of fighting going on. If that’s the case, you need to take a very different approach than what’s happening in the present tense.

When things aren’t going right, we tend to point the finger at our partner and complain about every mistake and flaw. This is useless as we have no ability to change another person.

Instead of continuing the fight, the Temperance tarot card suggests putting pride aside to find a middle ground. Encouraging cooperation with your spouse, even if you’re the person who has to say “sorry,” can mean the difference between success and failure.

Importance of health and spirituality

In general, the Temperance tarot card is a sign of good health in the present and future. In health and spirituality readings dealing with physical or emotional well-being, temperance indicates a problem with moderation.

When it comes to alcohol, drugs, unhealthy food, and other things that harm our body and mind, the moderation card suggests cutting these things out entirely (abstinence) if a sense of balance cannot be found.

This will bring healing as well as new energy. When connected to the Fool, unexpected healing is on the way.

temperance reversed meaning

When Reversed Temperance falls in place of traditional positioning, things prepare to tumble down.

Most likely you have been feeling off balance and dealing with discord at work, at home, and in your own body for some time. Maybe you even feel pointless and just don’t know what to do with your life.

If so, don’t worry too much as this is the complete opposite of what the Angel of Temperance would advise you to do. Instead, be honest about things as they are.

Are there areas where you are too risky or too forgiving? You don’t have to make a blanket change. Consider your own interest and start with small changes.

Temperance: yes or no

Temperance is not a tarot card that only speaks of balance but also of trust in a yes or no reading. If you’re ready to take action, you can, but proceed with caution.

Haste and risk-taking can lead to fatal mistakes. Temperance can represent a “yes” in a yes-or-no tarot reading. But what does your intuition say?

Important card combinations

In a spread, the presence of one card can affect the importance of other cards. Certain cards go well together and can change their meaning. Below I have written down the most important tarot card combinations of Temperance. Overall Temperance is a highly spiritual card that advises you to act with wisdom and prudence.

Temperance and the Chariot or the World

Together, Chariot and Temperance embody a move or a trip abroad. If you’re thinking about moving, this combo gives you a thumbs up. Start by researching options for the move, what it takes to make it happen, and prepare a schedule.

The same applies if you wanted to take a trip far away. This isn’t something you want to rush, but a solid plan can make this a beneficial decision for everyone involved.

temperance and judgement

These two cards are often confused, and with good reason. Temperance embodies balance, while judgment is about doing the right thing. Are you facing a difficult decision?

This duo challenges you to make the choice that benefits not only you but everyone else affected by the outcome. In the interests of the common good, you are sure to choose the right path.

Temperance and the Star

When dancing with the star, the angel of temperance brings about life changes. In fact, when this combination appears, that is what Temperance is aiming for – to help you get on with your life. Let’s be honest.

We all have areas of our lives that we need to improve. Maybe you need better communication with a specific family member or need to focus a little more on eating right. Maybe you spent too much money or weren’t that productive at work. The task now is to strengthen these weak points.

Temperance and the Wheel of Fortune

Prepare to go on a journey, but not a physical one. Temperance and the Wheel of Fortune are inherently powerful, especially when combined, as the connection can mean a quest for one’s destiny.

Maybe you feel like you have a good reason for living (we all do) but can’t quite figure out what it is exactly. Now is the time to put your finger on your goal and make decisions that will catapult you in that direction.

moderation art

Although I write all descriptions based on the Rider Waite tarot deck, that doesn’t mean I use other decks as well. Below is a small selection of my favorite Temperance tarot cards. If you’ve made a map yourself and would like to share it, I’d love to hear from you!

Sonja Lazo

Olivia m Healy

Maddy Boone

Laia Amela

Helena Newmyvako

Audrey van der Meulen

Temperance Tarot Questions Answered

I am very grateful for the interaction with my readers and while I try to reply to every message I get, I will also answer the most frequently asked questions about the meaning of the Temperance tarot card and general tarot card questions here.

What is the general meaning of the Temperance tarot card? The upright temperance tarot card tells you to avoid extreme situations. Although there are times to “go on the carotid artery,” that is not the angel’s message. Some situations are complex and require patience and personal attention, even when your gut is telling you to react. What does the Temperance tarot card mean in a love reading? The moderation card in a love reading symbolizes peaceful and beneficial connections. If you are in a relationship, this card is telling you to get ready to reach a new wavelength. If you are single, prepare to meet someone who is the perfect piece of your puzzle. What does moderation mean in reverse? Have you been feeling off balance for a while? Do you feel a lack of purpose, like you just don’t know what to do with your life? Reverse Temperance predicts that things are preparing to collapse. Is Temperance a yes or no card? In a yes or no reading, Temperance is not a tarot card that explicitly represents a yes or no. This card tells you that if you’re willing to take action, you can, but be careful. Haste and risk-taking can lead to fatal mistakes. Therefore, the Temperance card represents a “yes” if you are able to listen to your intuition.

temperance in a reading

That’s all for the meaning of Temperance! If you have drawn the Temperance tarot card in your spread, I wish that you find harmony and well-being even in the face of challenges.

Did the meaning make sense for your life situation? Our community loves to hear about pinpoint metrics, so please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!

What does the tempest card mean?

The Temperance tarot card suggests moderation and balance, coupled with a lot of patience. The Temperance card implies that you have a clear vision and know what you want to achieve. This is an indication of higher learning, which is a critical attribute in the journey of life.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

moderation keywords

Temperance tarot card description

On the Temperance card is a winged angel whose gender is not immediately apparent, suggesting that there is a balance between the sexes. One foot of the angel is in water to represent the subconscious while the other foot is on dry land, a representation of the material world. On her robe is a square engraved with a triangle, another echo of the tangible earth in union with the Holy Trinity. She holds two cups in a way that allows her to mix the water representing the super and subconscious. The water flows between them, suggesting union and infinity.

Everything about this card represents balance, the perfect harmony that comes from the union of dualities. Her advice is to test any new body of water before jumping in at the deep end.

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Upright moderation meaning

In moments of fear or great stress, you could remain calm all the time. You are a person who has mastered the art of not letting things get close to you, and this allows you to make great strides in any area you choose to explore. The Temperance tarot card suggests moderation and balance coupled with a lot of patience. Where this card appears, there is a reminder to avoid extremities in every situation.

The Temperance tarot card suggests moderation and balance coupled with a lot of patience.

The Temperance card implies that you have a clear vision and you know what you want to achieve. This is an indication of higher education, which is a crucial attribute in life’s journey. It reflects that you have found peace with what you are doing and everything is unfolding as it should. In relation to other people, the Temperance card shows that you are able to adapt and work in harmony with your community, colleagues and loved ones. Your serenity in all matters gives them comfort and calms them down.

Temperance can also indicate a time when you need to evaluate and re-examine your chosen priorities. This will help you create a balance between your outer and inner self. At the end of it all, you will find greater purpose and purpose in your actions, for their message is that we cannot fully live in either.

Upright love meaning Upright career meaning Upright finances meaning careful and considerate with love, patience with love or lover Success through patience and moderation, steady and slow progress, diligent saving, slow and steady growth

Upright Temperance Tarot Love meaning

In romance, the love meaning of the upright temperance tarot suggests patience, moderation, understanding, and walking the middle ground. This card indicates that we must avoid going to extremes and be careful and thoughtful in our actions. Consider your actions when it comes to love; and in what aspects your attitudes, beliefs or thoughts may be exaggerated. Are you too pushy with potential partners? Or are you too reserved instead? are you giving too much Or are you not giving enough? How can you balance these qualities? Additionally, your relationship or potential relationships at the moment may require some patience and try to work together to find compromise and harmony.

Career Meaning – Upright Temperance

Patience and moderation can be helpful for you to achieve your career goals. You’ll likely find what you desire when it comes to your work, but it can come slowly and quietly as you go to work each day. Your commitment and ability to calmly handle emotionally charged situations at work can help you get noticed by your colleagues and supervisors. When it comes to making changes in your career path, the Temperance card can remind you to stay patient, steadfast and devoted; all good things take time. Temperance can also signal that you balance your career well with different aspects of your life; it is not an all-consuming ambition, nor is it just a paycheck to you.

Finance Meaning – Upright Temperance

The Temperance card can be a call to ensure you approach your finances with moderation and balance. That can mean you’ve been saving hard, but also occasionally treat yourself to something you can afford. Over time, you can build up your resources through steady, diligent saving.

Order the book now from DK Books. Featuring all tarot meanings and more, this book is a comprehensive guide to using tarot for introspection, self understanding and inner growth. Discover how tarot can help you slow down and reconnect with your innermost self. Order from DK Books

Reverse temperance meaning

Reverse temperance is a reflection of something that is out of balance and can cause stress and anxiety. The true meaning of the Temperance card can be deciphered using the other cards in the spread to identify areas where this imbalance is being caused. A moderation in reversal can also be used as a warning; Going down a certain path leads to turbulence and excess.

The lack of a long-term plan or vision can also be the meaning of temperance reversal. This creates a lack of purpose for you and makes you feel one-sided while searching for what you should be doing here and there. You have to think carefully and consider what needs to change. Temperance reminds us that all things are good only in moderation and that we need to examine what aspects of our lives we are breaking the balance in.

Reverse Love Meaning Reverse Career Meaning Reverse Finance Meaning for love going to extremes, all-or-nothing romances, impatience work-life imbalance, all or nothing at work, hasty work, reckless decisions, default, long-term needs with to reconcile short-term happiness

Reverse moderation tarot love meaning

When it comes to love, do you tend to think all or nothing? Love, like many things in life, is full of gray areas. When Reverse Temperance appears in a Love Tarot reading, your intensity at the moment may come as a surprise. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we cannot force love to arise. You may benefit from being a little more patient while also being careful not to take your own feelings or desires to extremes. When your date does something you dislike, do you tend to dismiss it outright? Are you too demanding of your potential partners so that you can never be satisfied? It’s important to remember that people can never be perfect; Make sure your requests are reasonable.

Career Meaning – Reverse Temperance

Something at work may be suffering from a lack of balance right now. Do you tend to give it your all when it comes to your work, so much that other aspects of your life suffer? Are you always staying up all night hoping it all pays off in the end? Or, alternatively, do you find yourself slacking off, causing resentment among your co-workers? While the former can bring you success, this can harm you in the long run. If this applies to you, try to correct this imbalance. As you complete projects, make sure you don’t rush through them or make rash decisions; the quality of your work may suffer.

Finance Meaning – Reverse Moderation

Are you someone who always has to buy the next nice luxury? Or are you so frugal that you never reward your efforts with a small treat? It is likely that both attitudes will need to be adjusted as they are both unsustainable in the long run. The first always represents immediate gratification over your future comfort and vice versa. Consider your financial goals and make sure you also consider your own well-being; both your future well-being and your present well-being need to find a comfortable middle ground.

Temperance Meaning Tarot Cheat Sheet

Is there an angel tarot card?

Rich with symbolism and imagery—including angels, archangels, unicorns, fairies, and mermaids—the Angel Tarot Cards will provide you with inspiring guidance on your life journey! Previously published as Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

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How many cards do you use in a tarot reading?

It’s 10 cards, so it’s a lot of information and it’s a very clear spread. Personally, I use a modified version of the Celtic Cross where I use the format, but I like to be loose with the positions because I want the cards to be whatever they want to be.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

Still, trying to penetrate the vast world of tarot readings, about which there have been centuries of literature, is daunting. “There are many rules about tarot that I believe were used in the past to make it this secret esoteric thing and keep people away, which was necessary as a protective measure. I don’t think that’s necessary now. I think anyone can read tarot,” Howe says of the sometimes exclusive practices and rules of the practice. “I’ve heard people say that you shouldn’t buy your own deck, you should have someone give it to you. My feeling is I bought my deck and I can read. What if nobody buys you a deck? Then you never learn to read! Anything that feels like there’s some sort of boundary between people who know and people who don’t, I don’t think it applies anymore.”

So, in the spirit of inclusivity, I asked Howe to share some of her tips for new Tarot Club members. If you want to learn more—and happen to live in the New York area—you can attend one of Howe’s workshops in Williamsburg.

Get to know the cards

After purchasing a deck, the first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the cards. “I think it’s important to develop a relationship with the cards. It can be so intimidating because it’s a deck of 78 cards and they’re all different. It’s a lot of information that I think a lot of people feel like they need to memorize,” Howe admits. your tip? “When you’re starting out and just working alone, a lot of people do a daily card turn where they pull a card from the deck and just think about the meaning of the card. If you do it in the morning, you can keep it in mind throughout the day. It’s a nice way to get to know the cards on a deeper level.”

Be ready to speak

“Tarot is really like a tool, a tool to make things easier to talk about. Because there’s that kind of extra mystical energy or kind of mystical connection, you can see people opening up in ways that they might not have if they were just talking about something. There’s something about that special energy that melts people’s walls, and then the conversation can really get in there and make a difference,” says Howe. Therefore, it is important that tarot readers are willing to communicate. That means staying open and trusting your intuition. “Intuition is definitely a big part of a tarot reading; that’s what makes it so special. This is where energy comes in to sense what someone is feeling, thinking or going through.”

How do you shuffle tarot cards?

Commonly seen before your standard card game, this shuffling technique involves simply placing the deck in one hand and releasing a section of cards at a time into the opposite hand, until the entire deck has been redistributed and mixed.

There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!

Is there a correct way to shuffle tarot cards?

Short answer: “There is literally no right or wrong way,” explains astrologer and tarot reader Bess Matassa. She explains that as the tarot has evolved over the years, more intuitive approaches to reading that emphasize guiding with feeling have become popular. So nowadays there are many ways to mix – and all are valid. “My advice on mixing,” says Matassa, “is to forget the preciousness in favor of pulsations. Just feel the weight of the cards in your hands and navigate by touch and/or sight if you want to keep your eyes peeled while shuffling.” That being said, if you’re someone craving a more regimented shuffling approach, here’s one few to try.

3 ways to shuffle and “cut” your deck.

Before you shuffle, it’s a good idea to energetically cleanse your deck. (You can do this by either knocking on your deck like a door while stating your intent, or smearing your deck with dried sage.) Once your deck is clear and your intent is set, you can begin shuffling.

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1. Overhand shuffle

Often seen before your standard deck, this shuffling technique consists of simply placing the deck in one hand and moving a section of the cards to the other hand at a time until the entire deck has been redistributed and shuffled.

2. Shuffle batch

This is a favorite of Matassa’s for its intuitive approach; You can try shuffling your cards in a deck. “Drop them on the floor and spread them like finger paint,” she explains. Shuffle them and match them back together for a freshly shuffled deck.

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3. Riffle shuffle

Another common deck shuffle, gun shuffling, involves “cutting” the deck in half and fanning the ends together until they intertwine. You can get fancy and also try to build a bridge if you feel like it.

How Long Should You Shuffle Tarot Cards?

While poker players will tell you that the correct number of shuffles to get a truly random deck is seven, there really is no right or wrong with tarot: one good shuffle may seem like enough. It’s really about using the time before you draw a card to reflect on why you reached for the deck that day. Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to delve into the wonderful world of 78 cards, each with its own important lesson.

Using Majors Only Decks

Using Majors Only Decks
Using Majors Only Decks

See some more details on the topic major arcana only decks here:

Major arcana only decks? : r/tarot – Reddit

I have my eyes on a themed deck I saw on etsy but I was a little disappointed to find it only had 22 cards :/ 11.

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Major Arcana only decks – Tarot Forum

Major Arcana only decks Talking Tarot. … I’ve seen Dirks lovely Tantra Tarot but its majors only – what do people use thier majors only …

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Majors Only Deck

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Major Arcana Tarot Spreads

Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? Or have you always wanted to delve deep into who you really are? Reading the tarot cards can certainly help shed light on these “soul searching” questions, but one of the most powerful ways to answer these types of questions is through the use of a large Arcana tarot sheet. In this blog post I talk about how you can use the Major Arcana in your tarot readings and spreads in a way that will help you answer some of life’s more important questions.

Understand the Major Arcana

The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, 22 of which are Major Arcana cards. The Major Arcana cards represent a path to spiritual self-knowledge and represent the various stages encountered in the quest for greater meaning and understanding. These cards usually highlight the universal forces and energies that are at play and have a long lasting impact on your life journey. Accordingly, the Major Arcana represent meaningful life lessons and offer deep insights from the collective unconscious.

Using only the Major Arcana cards in a tarot reading is therefore incredibly powerful and revealing, especially when you are looking for answers related to important life events and influences.

Reading major arcana tarots can generally be done in two ways:

Use only the Major Arcana cards for a tarot reading of your choice. Use a tarot reading specifically designed for the Major Arcana cards.

Use only the major arcana cards in each tarot deck

You can certainly use the Major Arcana for any tarot face-up (as long as it’s less than 22 cards!). However, my recommendation is to save these powerful cards for tarot readings that are of great meaning and importance in your life.

We know that the Major Arcana Cards relate to universal energies present in our lives and often reflect the deeper life lessons that we must encounter before we can transform and move on to the next level in our lives. We also know that the Major Arcana cards refer to aspects of our spiritual and psychological selves. When choosing a tarot spread suitable for the Major Arcana, we need to keep these aspects in mind.

Consider using the Major Arcana cards for the following types of tarot spreads:

Spiritual and/or psychological tarot readings

Personal Growth and Transformation Tarot Readings, like the Sacred Mandala

Annual forecast values

The Celtic Cross

You may also wish to use the Major Arcana for questions of significant importance. For example, it may be appropriate to use the Major Arcana cards for a simple past/present/future review when the question is “What life lessons do I need to learn?” or “What do I need to know about myself?” Look for questions related to universal or long-term influences.

Using a tarot spread specifically designed for the Major Arcana

Oswald Wirth’s Major Arcana Tarot Spread

This is a five card cross spread using only the Major Arcana cards. This spread, designed by Oswald Wirth, was featured on Mary Greer’s blog. The original spread is set up as if you are in court and your “case” is being decided by the judge. However, to make it more practical and applicable, I have slightly adjusted this spread. In this form, it can be used for any kind of important decision, decision or situation where you want to know more about the pros and cons and outcome or outcome.

Card 1 (left) – What speaks for the situation.

Card 1 (left) – What speaks for the situation. Card 2 (Right) – What speaks against the situation and hostilities to be avoided or feared.

Card 3 (above) – Weighing the pros and cons and clarifying the decision to be made.

Card 4 (below) – The outcome or solution and what may result from your decision.

Card 5 (Middle) – This card is determined by adding the numbers of the first four cards and reducing them to 22 or less. (The Fool is considered 0 when adding the cards and 22 when it is the result of the addition.) This card is a summary of what happened before and points out what is of utmost importance, on which everything else depends.

Circle of Eight spread

The Circle of Eight spread was originally designed by Charles San, author of How to Read the Cards, and was also adapted by Mary Greer.

Shuffle the Major Arcana and deal six cards face down on top of each other. Turn up the seventh card – this is the signifier and represents you in this present moment. Put the other six cards back under the deck. Deal two cards face down and reveal one card, placing that third card in the 10 o’clock position (relative to the signifier). Do this seven times, placing every third card in a counter-clockwise circle around the signifier. Finally, you have seven cards surrounding the signifier card (eight cards total).

The Circle of Eight spread highlights the ebb and flow of your life. There are no set positions as such, but rather a combination of Major Arcana cards that provide insight into the energies present in your life.

22 card spreads

The idea of ​​the 22 card spread is that you can take an existing tarot spread and increase the number of cards drawn to a total of 22 cards, laying out every Major Arcana card in the reading.

This method can be applied to the Celtic cross, for example. How to create the 22-card Celtic Cross spread:

Draw one card each for positions 1 and 2 (the signifier and the crossing card). Draw three cards each for positions 3, 4, 5, and 6 so that the first card of the three is the strongest while the other two cards mod it. Draw a pair of cards for positions 7, 8, 9, and 10. Consider each card in the pair equally.

Some more alternatives…

The Major Arcana Spread (with the full deck)

Searching I found a great spread that uses the Major Arcana to create the spread itself. That is, each position is associated with each Major Arcana card. The difference, however, is that the entire tarot deck is used – not just the Major Arcana cards. Here is the basic layout:

Map 1 – The Fool – The First Journey

Card 2 – The Magician – Actions to be taken

Map 3 – The High Priestess – Mysteries to be solved

Card 4 – The Empress – Sources of creativity and abundance

Map 5 – The Emperor – Required Structures

…and so on until all 22 cards are laid out.

Major/minor arcana spreads

Rather than just using the Major Arcana cards for a favorite tarot reading, you can choose to separate both the Major and Minor Arcana cards. First, split the deck into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana (resulting in two decks of cards). Shuffle both decks and choose a major and a minor card for each position in the selected tarot face-up. For example, if you’re using the Celtic Cross, place both a major and minor arcana card in each of the positions.

The benefit of this method is that the Major Arcana card identifies the broader energies that are affecting you, while the Minor Arcana card identifies how that is affecting you in the here and now. It’s almost like you’re looking at the situation from both the helicopter view and the more detailed, specific view.

Hopefully you have gained some new and useful insight into using the Major Arcana in your tarot readings. Why not try the beautiful, clear images of the Everyday Tarot Deck?


There are MANY Ways to Use a Majors-Only Tarot Deck!


The Tarot consists of two main parts: the Major Arcana, which deals with broader issues of personal and spiritual development, and the Minor Arcana, which deals more with day-to-day life.

There are many beautiful decks that are majors-only decks (22 cards), and sometimes when an artist creates a tarot deck, they may release the majors as a standalone deck before completing the entire deck. Of course, ANY tarot deck can be a major-only deck by separating the major and minor arcana cards.

There are several ways to use a majors-only deck, and here are some of my favorites.

As a deck for small spreads

For a 1- to 5-card spread, a majors-only deck can be used at any time, and it’s especially relevant when the topic of the reading relates to a spiritual journey or personal development.

As a deck for deep spreads

What must be learned from the current situation? Draw a card from a majors-only deck for insight.

Or use a majors-only deck for any reading related to spiritual journey or personal development.

For example, you could create a chakra stroke (a map for each chakra) or a major-only life lesson or life path track.

Combine with a 78-card Depth: Daily Draw deck

Instead of doing a daily tarot draw with one card, draw two cards. Draw one card from a majors-only deck to represent the theme of the day, and the other from a 78-card deck to represent what you are specifically working on or need to be aware of during the day.

Combine with a 78-card deck for Clarity: Theme Card

Shuffle and draw a card from a Majors-only deck to represent the overarching theme of each tarot reading before splitting with a full deck. Place the Major Arcana THEME card over the spread to serve as an influence in interpreting the spread.

Comparative Tarot

Comparative Tarot draws the same card from different decks and compares them to increase your understanding of the card. This works particularly well with majors-only decks, as they tend to be larger than a standard tarot deck, making it easier to see detail.

For example, pull the Mage card from your RWS deck and place it side-by-side with the Mage card from a major-only deck—especially one whose art appeals to you.

(Magician cards by RWS, the Star Tarot by Cathy McClellan and the Blue Moon Tarot by Julia Cuccia-Watts)

Spend some time in meditation and journaling with both, look at the similarities and differences, and see how the comparison expands your understanding of the mage card.

Focus card on the altar

The main thing I use a majors-only deck for is as a focus card on my altar. I often wish to draw the energy of a specific Major Arcana card into my life.

For example, I may want to work on becoming more organized and aware of how I structure my time to channel my creative energies. This is a common theme for me as I’m more of a creative person who needs a little extra boost to turn that creativity into something productive. So the Emperor card from the Major Arcana is often on my altar.

As an oracle

Another way to use the Major Arcana is as an Oracle deck. Shuffle and draw to gain glimpses, just like an Oracle deck.

Do you have any other ideas for using a Majors-only tarot deck? Let me know!

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