Making Dua When It Rains Hadith? The 139 Latest Answer

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Mufti Menk – Make Dua While It Rains

Mufti Menk – Make Dua While It Rains
Mufti Menk – Make Dua While It Rains

See some more details on the topic making dua when it rains hadith here:

Making Du’a When It Rains: Recommended? – Islam Question …

1- It is recommended to make this du’a when it rains: : “Allahumma sayyiban nafi’an.” 2- There is no proven dhikr or du’a from the Prophet for seeing …

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Date Published: 7/1/2021

View: 6547

Duas For Rain (Hadith and Quotes for When it Rains) – My Islam

If you could take one lesson from this article it would be to not let the opportunity pass to make duaa when it rains. You can ask Allah anything your heart …

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Date Published: 2/22/2022

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Dua when it rains – Muslim.Sg

1) Dua for beneficial rain … It is narrated from Aisyah r.a. that when it rained the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. would say: “O Allah, make it a …

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Date Published: 4/22/2022

View: 8425

Six Sunnahs you can do in the rain – OnePath Network

Ask Allah to make it beneficial … “May Allah grant us beneficial rain”. … Perhaps your sincere supplication will ward off any potential harm of …

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Date Published: 5/26/2021

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3 Short Duas to Make When It Rains| IslamicFinder

3 Short Duas to Make When It Rains. IslamicFinder . Fray January 28, 2022. As Muslims, we do our best to remember Allah (SWT) in all turns of life, …

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Date Published: 7/1/2021

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Best times to make Dua is when it rains –

Best times to make Dua is when it rains · Imam Sadiq (as) has sa: At four times you are supposed to make dua: 1) When The Wind is Blowing.

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Date Published: 12/18/2021

View: 8406

Is it Authentic that Prophet(pbuh) told to make dua while Sun …

ANSWER: This is not authentic. The authentic hadith talks about making dua when it rains as this is one of the times of acceptance of dua.

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Date Published: 12/29/2021

View: 6750

Rain المطر | Daily Hadith Online الحديث اليومي

Hadith on Dua: O Allah, make it blessed rain for us … Aisha reported: When the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, saw rain, he would say, “O …

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Date Published: 12/3/2022

View: 9086

Making Du’a When It Rains: Recommended?

All praise is due to Allah.

Do du’a when it rains

It was narrated from ‘Aishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) rain said: “Allahumma sayyiban nafi’an {O Allaah, (make it) a beneficial downpour).” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1032)

According to a version narrated by Abu Dawud (5099), he used to say: “Allahumma sayyiban hanian (O Allah, (make it) a healthy downpour).” Classified as Sahih by al-Albani.

The word sayyib (translated here as downpour) refers to rain that flows. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Or like a heavy downpour [sayyib] from heaven” [al-Baqarah 2:19] (Ma’alim as-Sunan of al-Khattabi, 4/ 146)

When it rains, you expose your body to the rain

It is mustahabb to expose oneself to the rain and let some of it flow over one’s body because of the verified report of Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: “When we were with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). him). Allah be upon him) it was raining. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) lifted part of his robe to allow the rain to fall on him. We said: O Messenger of Allah, why did you do that? He said: “Because it has just come from his Lord, may He be glorified and exalted.” Narrated by Muslim (898).

What to say when the rain gets heavy

When the rain became heavy, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allahumma hawalayna wa la ‘alayna; Allahumma ‘ala al-akami wa’z-zirabi, wa butun al-awdiyah wa manabit ash-shajar (O Allah, (let the rain fall) around us and not on us, O Allah, (let it fall) the little ones fall mountains and hills, the valley floors and places where trees grow). Narrated by al-Bukhari (1014).

Is there a du’a to say when you hear thunder and see lightning?

Regarding du’a when hearing thunder, it is proven from ‘Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr (may Allaah be pleased with him) that when he heard thunder he stopped speaking and said: Subhan alladhi yusabbih ar-ra’du bi hamdihi wa’l-malaikatu min khifatihi (Glory to the One whom the thunder glorifies and exalts, and the angels do so because of His awe) [cf. ar-Ra’d 13:13]. Then he would say: This is a stern warning to the people of Earth. Narrated by al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad (723); Malik in al-Muwatta (3641). Its isnad was classified as saheeh by an-Nawawi in al-Adhkar (235) and by al-Albani in Sahih al-Adab al-Mufrad (556).

We do not know of any Marfu’ report from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in this regard.

Similarly, as far as we know, there is no proven dhikr or du’a from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for seeing lightning. And Allah knows best.

Is it true that du’a is accepted at the time of rain?

The time when it rains is a time of divine bounty and mercy from Allah to His servants when the means of good are plentiful and it is a time when du’as are believed to be answered.

In the marfu’ hadith of Sahl ibn Sa’d it is said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Two (du’as) are not rejected: du’a at the time of the call to prayer and du’a at the time of rain.” Narrated by al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak (2534); at-Tabarani in al-Mu’jam al-Kabir (5756); classified as saheeh by al-Albaani in Sahih al-Jami’ (3078).

For more information on fiqhi issues related to rain, see these answers: 31172, 106287, and 182416.

And Allah knows best.

3 Duas For Rain (Hadith and Quotes for When it Rains)

Rain is generally regarded as the mercy of Allah (SWT).

It can also be considered punishment from Allah (SWT) if it is excessive or too much.

Therefore, when the rain falls, we should ask Allah to make it the rain of His mercy.

It is also mustahabb (recommended) to be a great time for accepting dua. A time for accepting supplications. You can ask Allah whatever you want as long as it is not haram.

Al-Ghazali reported: Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: “Let none of you refrain from working for his sustenance by imploring Allah to provide for him, knowing that heaven has no gold and silver raining.” Source: Ihya’ Ulum al-Din 2/62

We must actively seek the provision of Allah and rely on Allah. The message Al-Ghazali wanted to convey is that if we want something, we must be the ones who must act to get it done. No magic drop will appear from the sky since “it does not rain gold and silver”.

3 duas for when it rains

Here are some of the duas that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recited when it rained.

Transliteration for the first dua: Allaahumma sayyiban naafi‛aa

Narrated Aisha: Whenever Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) saw the rain, he used to say: “O Allah! Let it be a heavy, fruitful rain.” Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 1032 Book reference: Book 15, Hadith 27

Transliteration: allaahumma aghith-naa, allaahumma aghith-naa, allaahumma aghith-naa

Translation: O Allah relieve O Allah relieve us. O Allah, relieve us. Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 1014 Reference in Book: Book 15, Hadith 9

Related Post: 11 Powerful Duas for Forgiveness to Recite When It’s Raining.

Transliteration: allaahummas-qinaa ghaythan mugheethan, maree’an muree‛an, naafi‛an ghayra ḍaarin, ‛aajilan ghayra aajil

Hadith: People came to the Prophet (SAWS) crying (because of drought). He said (please): O Allah! give us rain that will fill us up, plentiful, fruitful and profitable, not harmful, and give it now without delay. He (the narrator) said: Then the sky was covered. (Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani): Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 1169 Reference in Book: Book 3, Hadith 9 English Translation: Book 3, Hadith 1165)

These are the 3 duas you can recite when it rains based on the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him.

In the next section, you will learn about other stories for istisqa (prayer for rain) based on the hadith.

Hadith about rain

Narrated by Anas: A man came to the Prophet (pbuh) during the Jumu’ah prayer and said: “The cattle are being destroyed and the roads are cut off.” So Allah’s Messenger called Allah for rain and it rained from this Friday until next Friday.

The same person came back and said, “Houses have collapsed, roads have been cut off and livestock have been destroyed. Please pray to Allah to hold back the rain.”

Allah’s Messenger (saas) stood up and said: “O Allah! (Let it rain) on the plateaus, on the hills, in the valleys and over the places where trees grow.” Thus the clouds of Medina parted as the clothes were stripped. Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 1016 Reference in Book: Book 15, Hadith 11

The Prophet (pbuh) did not raise his hands above his head when asking for rain.

Umayr saw the Prophet (saas) praying for rain at Ahjar az-Zayt near az-Zawra’, standing, making supplications, praying for rain and raising his hands in front of his face but not raising them above his head. Degree: Sahih (Al-Albani): Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 1168 Reference in book: Book 3, Hadith 8 English translation: Book 3, Hadith 1164

Allah also withholds rain for those who do not give zakat (alms).

Ibn ‘Umar reported: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Never do people withhold alms from their wealth except that part of the sky is withheld, and without the animals it would never rain.” Source: Mu’jam Al-Kabir 13454 degrees: Sahih (authentic) to Al-Albani

It is also mustahabb (recommended) to let the rain fall on the body.

It rained on us when we were with the Messenger of Allah (saws). The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) removed his cloth (from part of his body) until the rain fell on it. We said: Messenger of Allah, why did you do that? He said: It is because it (the rain) has just come from the Exalted Lord. Reference: Sahih Muslim 898 Reference in Book: Book 9, Hadith 14

Another Hadith that recommends Muslims to set up Duaa at a time when the rain is falling.

Makhul reported: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Seek an answer to prayer at the time when two armies meet and when prayer is performed and when rain falls.”

Ash-Shafi’ee said: “I have learned from more than one teacher to seek an answer to supplications and perform prayers in the season of rain.” Source: Al-Umm Ash-Shafi’ee 419 degrees: Hasan (moderate ) to Al-Albani


If you could learn a lesson from this article, it would be to not miss the opportunity to make duaa when it rains.

You can ask Allah whatever your heart desires. Wealth, dua for health, happiness or parental forgiveness. Just don’t let the chance pass you by.

Dua when it rains

Muslim.Sg is a one-stop online media platform that aims to inspire and empower millennial Muslims with powerful and engaging Islamic religious content.

10/03/2020 • Reading time 8 min

Dua when it rains in English

Rain is an incredible blessing that Allah s.w.t. pours on the ground. It is mentioned in numerous verses of the Qur’an, including the process of its formation and how it makes life easier on earth. This process is clearly highlighted and described in Surah Ar-Rum and Surah An-Nur where Allah s.w.t says:

ا ا ا ا ا سَحَ ا ا ا ا ا يَشَ يَشَ كِسَفً كِسَفً ا ا خِ خِ فَإِذَ فَإِذَ أَصَ يَشَ عِبَ عِبَ عِبَ عِبَ إِذَ إِذَ إِذَ إِذَ يَسْتَبْشِرُونَ

It is Allah who sends the winds and they stir up the clouds and spread them in the sky as He wills and He makes them fragments for you to see the rain coming out of them. And when He drops it on any of His servants He wills, they immediately rejoice.

(Surat Ar-Rum, 30:48)

أَ أَ ا ا سَحَ سَحَ سَحَ يُؤَ يُؤَ يَجْعَ يَجْعَ رُكَ رُكَ ا ا ا خِ خِ خِ وَيُنَزِّ ا ا جِبَ جِبَ جِبَ فِيهَ يَشَ يَشَ يَشَ يَشَ يَشَ سَنَ سَنَ بَرْقِهِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ بِ

Don’t you see that Allah raises clouds? Then He brings them together, then He makes them into one mass, and you see the rain coming out of it. And He sends down from heaven mountains (of clouds) in which there is hail, and He strikes with it whom He will, and turns it away from whom He will. The flash of his lightning almost blinds him.

(Surat an-Nur, 24:43)

Rain is part of Allah’s blessings and mercies sent upon the earth. Therefore, there is no doubt that this is one of the best times to make many supplications. The Prophet s.a.w. encouraged us to pray in the rain. In a hadith he mentions:

ما تُرَدّانِ: الدُّعاءُ عند النِّداءِ، وتحْتَ المَطَرِ

Two prayers (dua) that are not rejected: the dua of the call to prayer (azan) and the dua of rain

(Musstadrak Al-Hakim)

Here are some dua we can recite when it rains:

1) Dua for beneficial rain

It is given by Aisyah r.a. that when it rained, the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. would say: “O Allah, make it a beneficial rain.”

اللَّهُمَّ صَيِّبًا نَافِعًا

Allahummaj-‘alhu soyyiban naafi’an

O Allah, make it a beneficial rain.

(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

2) Dua when you hear thunder

It is narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari in his book Al-Adab Al-Mufrad that the Companion, Abdullah Bin al-Zubair r.a. would stop speaking when he heard a clap of thunder. Then he read the verse from Surah Ar-Ra’d, verse 13 (in prayer):

سُبْحْحانَ الّذِّذِي ا ا وَ وَocket مِنْ ومَ ومَ ومَocket مِنْ مِنْ خِيفِ خِيفِ خِيفِ خِيفِ

Subhaanal-lazii yusabbihur-ra’du bihamdihi wal-malaaikatu min khifatihi

Glory be to him whose praise the thunderbolt sings, and whom the angels glorify in awe of him.

(Al-Adab Al-Mufrad)

It is also mentioned by Abdullah Ibn Umar and his father Umar Ibn Al-Khattab r.a. told. that when the Prophet s.a.w. Hearing thunder, he would say: “O Allah, do not kill us with your anger and do not destroy us with your punishment and forgive us first.”


Allahumma la taqtulna bi-ghadobika, wa-la tuhlikna bi-‘adhabika, wa-‘afina qabla dhalik

O Allah, do not kill us with Your anger and do not destroy us with Your punishment and forgive us first

(Sunan At-Tirmizi)

3) Dua to protect against heavy rain

Imam Al-Bukhari recorded that Anas Ibn Malik r.a. once related an event in which the Prophet s.a.w. was giving the Friday khutbah (sermon) when a man came and said: “O Messenger of Allah s.a.w! cattle are dying and roads are cut off; please pray to Allah for rain”.

So the Prophet s.a.w. Raised his hands and prayed, “O Allah! Bless us with rain. O Allah! Bless us with rain. O Allah! Bless us with rain!”. Anas r.a. then, in that very narration, he mentioned that there were no clouds in the sky that day when suddenly a large cloud appeared coming towards them from behind Mount Sila. It came and rained so hard that they could hardly reach their houses. It rained until next Friday.

Anas further said in this narration that the next Friday during the Friday Khutbah, a person came and said: “O Messenger of Allah s.a.w.! The cattle are dying and the roads are cut off; please pray to Allah to hold back the rain”.

So the Prophet s.a.w. raised his hands and prayed:

اللَّهُمَّ حَوَالَيْنَا وَلاَ عَلَيْنَا

Allahumma hawalaina wala ‘alaina

O Allah! (let it rain) around us and not on us.

(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

After that, Anas r.a. added in the following narration that the rain stopped and they came out and walked in the sun.

4) Dua when it rains

It was reported that the Prophet s.a.w. led the companions to Fajr prayer in Hudaibiya after a rainy night. In this tradition the Prophet s.a.w. informed the companions that there are those who attribute the rain to Allah and that they are really the believers. At the same time the Prophet s.a.w. also warned the companions against ultimately attributing the phenomena to the causal effect of the rain.

The Arabs during this period attributed the rain to the alignment of the planets and stars indicating the different seasons and seasons. However, this would not cause concern if one understood the causal implications while believing with the conviction that the entire order of creation is by the will and power of Allah s.w.t.

From this Hadith, the Prophet s.a.w. taught us to pray when it rains:

مُطِرْنَا بِفَضْلِ اللَّهِ وَرَحْمَتِهِ

Mutirna bifadhlillahi wa rahmatihi

We have received rain from Allah’s bounty and mercy.

(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

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