Male Manicure And Pedicure Near Me? Top Answer Update

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Is it OK for guys to get pedicures?

Male pedicures have range. You can go in for what amounts to a basic cleaning, or you can spring for a higher-tier pedicure, and introduce your legs to milk-based creams or green tea-scented lotions. After all, you’re a working man.

What is a male manicure called?

Similar to manicure, a men’s pedicure entails taking care of your nails, cutting back the cuticles, and hydrating – but this time, your feet. Like a manicure, you can easily (and quite inexpensively) do all of these things at home.

What is included in a male pedicure?

Most salons nowadays offer a basic pedicure for men, which usually includes a foot soak, exfoliation, nail clipping, and buffing. Still, Cabrera recommends going the extra mile, asking for a leg massage (for relaxation’s sake) and a clear nail polish coat to strengthen the nails.

Is it weird to get a manicure as a guy?

Manicures for men are more popular than ever before, and for good reason. It’s a prime opportunity to clean up your dirty nails and let yourself be pampered for a change.

How should a man prepare for a pedicure?

Here’s how.
  1. Soak your feet for at least 10 minutes in warm water and Epsom salts. …
  2. Scrub your feet with a foot scrub to exfoliate and then gently remove any calluses with a pumice stone. …
  3. Clip your toenails straight across using a straight-edge toenail clipper.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

The sandal season is upon us. Your feet have spent a long winter in thick wool socks and heavy boots and now they will be visible. “Out of sight, out of mind,” right? Okay, but you don’t want to get little kids (or anyone else) running at the sight of your discolored toenails or flaking calluses. The answer is a pedicure.

Every single one of us should get a pedicure regularly and I’m not just saying that because I personally love them. According to podiatrist Charlton Woodly, DPM, regular foot care is important to your overall health. “A lot of diseases actually manifest themselves in the feet,” he says. “If you don’t take care of your feet and you lose the ability to walk without pain, it can really affect your life.”

These diseases range from uncomfortable to life-threatening. A fungal infection, for example, can cause your toenails to become discolored or even fall off. Ingrown toenails can lead to bacterial infection or painful open lesions. Athlete’s foot can cause itching, blisters, and pain. Some people can even develop dangerous skin cancers like melanoma and basal cell carcinoma (which can be fatal if left untreated).

Regular foot care can help prevent and control foot-related health problems while keeping your feet looking like sandals. Here’s what to do.

Examine your feet daily

A casual inspection in the shower is enough. What you are looking for is something different or strange, like changes in toenail color, redness, bumps, or blisters. “Always check between the toes,” says Dr. Woodly. “Make sure you dry between them and also don’t leave any creams or lotions in between,” as fungi and bacteria thrive in humid environments. If you notice anything strange, call your doctor before attempting to take care of it yourself.

Be careful where you walk

“Always be aware of where you walk barefoot, especially on carpets,” says Dr. Woodly. Carpets can hide small objects that you can step on and injure your feet. And if you have cuts or open sores, carpets contain bacteria that can cause infections.

Trim your toenails straight

dr Woodly advises never cutting too deep into the corners, as doing so could potentially create an ingrown situation that leads to infection. Always cut them straight and not too short. “Your toenails should be right up against the ends of your skin,” he says.

Use a pumice stone to safely remove calluses

Rough, dry calluses aren’t pretty to look at, but they don’t usually mean anything bad. “You’re just dead skin on dead skin,” says Dr. Woodly, “and are usually caused by pressure from a bony prominence or a shoe or some other type of irritation.” They can be painful if left unchecked, so you should remove them regularly. Over-the-counter callus removal patches (which contain dead skin-eating acid) can do more harm than good if you don’t use them as directed, and rubs like the Ped-Ei can cut too deep if you’re not careful. dr Woodly prefers regular foot scrubs and gently removes dead skin cells.

Read more: Manicure for men

Get regular pedicures

A pedicure is the most effective way to maintain foot hygiene and keep your hooves looking fresh. A professional who works regularly on the feet can identify serious problems much better than you. Besides, there’s nothing more relaxing than getting a professional job.

Depending on how fast your toenails grow, you can get pedicures as often as you like, as long as it’s done safely. “The average person should get one at least once a month,” says Dr. Woodly but more power for you if you want to walk more often. To ensure that the place you go to is good, make sure they always use tools from new, unopened packaging for any procedure, that you can clearly see the license of the person performing your treatment, and that you should never try to cut them or remove an ingrown toenail (“It’s not within their remit,” he says.)

You can treat yourself to a pedicure

If you can’t find a time for a professional pedicure in your schedule, you’re missing out. But you can do it yourself if you are so inclined. Here’s how.

1. Soak your feet in warm water for at least 10 minutes and . This will help soften and moisturize dead skin and dry patches for easier removal.

2. Exfoliate and then gently. Then place them back in this water for a few minutes.

3. Trim your toenails with a straight across.

4. File freshly trimmed nails to smooth rough edges.

5. and make sure to massage it well, especially between the toes.

6. Put on slippers before walking around to protect your freshly cleaned feet from getting dirty.

Garrett Munce Garrett Munce writes about men’s style and grooming.

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Do straight guys get manicures?

Uh, yeah. At least, I think of myself as a real man, and I get manicures and pedicures. Guys tend to do dirtier things and get stuff stuck under their nails, so if you get them done, you don’t look like a slob.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

Oh yeah. At least I see myself as a real man and get manicures and pedicures.

Guys tend to do dirtier stuff and leave stuff under their nails, so when you finish them off you don’t look like a mess. And don’t think that people don’t look at your hands at business meetings. They judge you by how you present yourself – including your nails.

How do you know if you need one? If your nails look like shit or are so damn long that you scratch your jacket when you put them on, it’s time for a manicure. And if your feet are so gross you don’t want to be seen in flip flops, or your toenails are so long and thick they’re sticking through your socks, it’s time for a pedicure.

I mean you are not a troll!

So ask a friend to recommend you a good place. If they cut you, that’s bad. And make sure they are clean, that they have equipment sanitizer and sanitizer to kill bacteria. This is important – I got a cuticle infection and it’s no fun.

Once you’re there, they know what to do. You will push back/cut off the cuticle (the skin around the white crescent). They want that to be disclosed. They will also cut your nails.

If you want a shiny nail polish on your nails, I think that’s cool, but I find it a bit ridiculous. I’ve polished mine a bit – it helps keep them from staining. Feet are a little weird. Everyone has different foot problems.

Most often, they clean the nails, do the cuticles, and then rub off dead skin with a pumice stone. If it’s a reputable business, they also know what other corns or calluses to shave. Then rub lotion on any dry area. After the nails everything else is a luxury – enjoy it.

Trust me it will feel really good when you put your socks back on and leave this place.

Shorty Maniace is the owner of J.P. Kempt Barber & Social of San Francisco. Send your questions to [email protected].

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How often should guys get manicures?

There is no strict rule on how often men should manicure their nails, however, some cosmetic beauty professionals say that you should get your nail manicure at least once a month in order to continuously keep you nails and hands in their best condition. Some men choose to get nails colored as well.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

Posted on 08/04/2020

Have you finally decided your nails need some love too? Taking care of your nails is just as important as taking care of your hair, beard and body. Before men become acquainted with regular manicures, they may ask themselves, “Do men get manicures?” While manicures can usually be advertised to women, many men also get manicures. A manicure for men is not a brand new invention. In fact, it was common in ancient Babylon to see men getting manicures done.

If you’re new to this field, you probably want to learn more about it. See why men get manicures and how often you should enjoy this treatment for your health, social and spiritual well-being.

Manicure for men: how often?

Most men entering the world of cosmetic treatments often wonder how often they should receive a particular treatment. The same goes for a manicure. There is no hard and fast rule as to how often men should manicure their nails, but some beauty experts say you should do your nail manicure at least once a month to keep your nails and hands in their best condition on an ongoing basis.

Some men also choose to have nails colored. If you also decide to do this, you will have to visit your beauty salon more often. As your nails grow, you get that nasty spot on the colorless nail surface and the color starts to lose its vibrancy and brightness.

Your nails are constantly growing, as is the skin around your nails. In addition, you expose your hands to various chemicals every day, not to mention the elements, especially the sun. A manicure will help you maintain healthy and good-looking nails.

There are several reasons why men get manicures. Let’s take a quick look at the main ones.

Make a better first impression

Whether you want to admit it or not, your appearance affects the impression you make on others. If you take care of yourself, you are likely to make a better impression on people. This applies to both business and personal (read appointments) meetings.

Rather than highlighting a hand with cracked and dry nail beds, you can benefit from the clean look that only a professional manicure can provide. Chances are that your perfect nails will also have a positive impact on your self-confidence.

It’s good for your physiological well-being

Taking time to switch off and relax is a great way to promote overall well-being and improve health. And that is exactly what a manicure treatment in a beauty salon offers. You can just sit and relax while a professional takes care of your nails.

There is even a study that confirms the psychological benefits of manicure treatment. It reduces the level of anxiety and depression.

Manicure improves nail health

Several conditions can develop if you don’t take care of your nails. These can range from nail infections to painful hangnails. Regular visits to a local barber or beauty salon will help you maintain healthy nails and prevent these nasty conditions from developing in the first place.

A manicure is also considered a gentle hand massage. It promotes blood circulation, which brings nutrients to your nails to make them stronger.

While it may be uncomfortable for a man to get a manicure, you will likely become addicted to it. Remember, you’re not the first man to do this. The procedure is even more fun when performed by an experienced professional. We recommend looking into reputable manicure services near your location to make this relaxing activity a habit.

How long does a male manicure last?

A proper manicure should last one to two weeks. A pedicure should last two to four weeks.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

When it comes to manicures, there’s nothing more annoying than a broken nail or a botched manicure. Luckily, there are a few effective ways to keep your nails looking their best for longer. We have a secret – or eight. Here are our nail polish secrets on how to make a manicure last.

How to prepare nails for polish

Preparing nails for nail polish is just as important as the manicure itself. Here are six prep steps to help extend the life of your manicure.

Moisturize your cuticles

Dry, peeling cuticles can be both ugly and painful, especially when they turn into hangnails. Keep cuticles moisturized, especially during the dry winter months, with a good cuticle cream or oil. (See my list of the best cuticle oils and creams). Once the cuticles have softened, you can use a cotton-coated orange stick to push back the cuticles.

Don’t have cuticle oil on hand? Use a rich hand cream or even a lip balm in a pinch.

Use the shortest nail to determine your length

Not sure how short to cut your nails? Use your shortest nail as a guide. After trimming, line up each finger with the opposite one, cuticle to cuticle, to make sure everything is even.

Prepare nails by filing

After trimming your nails, file them into the shape you want. Consider filing them into an oval shape, mimicking the curve of your nail base. But you can also opt for a square, coffin or almond shape. It really is your preference!

Remove oils from nail before buffing

Should You Moisturize Nails Before Buffing? Yes, but it’s important to wipe your nails with nail polish remover before applying nail polish—even if you don’t have nail polish to remove. Oils left on the nail (like the hand cream or lip balm) prevent the nail polish from sticking.

Wrap the tips of your nails in nail polish

When applying the nail polish, make sure to get it over the front edge of the nail and slightly under the tip. This hack helps prevent chipping.

Two coats are better than one

When applying nail polish, two thin coats are better than one thick coat. You will find that it dries faster! If your nails are chipping, it’s best to remove the paint from the nail and start over. If you don’t have time, dip your finger in nail polish remover, smooth over the chipped area, and reapply a top coat.

How to maintain a fresh paint job

Keep your manicure or pedicure looking fresh by applying a new coat of top coat every other day. A proper manicure should last a week or two. A pedicure should last two to four weeks.

How to deal with nail polish stains and nail stains

Polish smeared when painting? Try this trick: dip your finger in nail polish remover, smooth down the surface and finish with a top coat.

The secret to keeping nails from smudging is proper drying time. Your nails may feel dry after 10 minutes, but don’t be fooled! It actually takes a full hour for the nails to dry completely.

Fingers stained by nicotine, berries or dark polish can be repaired with a whitening toothpaste such as Rembrandt. Brush the skin or nails with a toothbrush.

How to deal with a broken or torn nail

When a nail breaks, it’s best to cut it off. But here’s a trick if the break is deep (and no doubt painful): Cut a tiny strip of gauze from a tea bag, place it over the crack and paint with polish. What broken nail?

How to fake longer-lasting pedicures

Want your pedicure to go the extra mile? Cheat by painting your nails with a neutral or clear nail polish. Pedicures can last well over a month with no obvious chips if you opt for a light pink nail color. It looks great with a tan, and it’s not obvious as the weeks go by that you haven’t had a pedicure in a while. Light pink or red tones show nail growth and chipping more clearly.

How long does a male manicure take?

For men, how long approximately should it take to give yourself a manicure? If your dexterity is good then about 15 or 30 minutes. But if you’re new to this then about an hour or so.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

This article was co-authored by Marta Nagorska. Marta Nagorska is a nail designer and nail art blogger based in London, UK. She runs the blog Furious Filer where she provides tutorials on nail care and advanced nail art. She has been practicing nail art for over 5 years and graduated from Northampton College in 2017 with honors as a nail technician and manicurist. She was awarded first place in the OPI nail art competition. This article has been viewed 221,723 times.

Article overview


A male manicure will make your hands softer and your nails more manicured. Start by filling a large bowl with warm water and soaking your hands in it for 10 minutes to soften your skin and nails. Then scrub your nails with a nail brush to remove dirt and loose skin underneath. If you have a metal manicure stick, use it to clean under your nails as well. Once you’ve cleaned under your nails, trim them as usual and smooth the edges with a nail file. Finally, apply a few drops of cuticle remover to your nails, then push back your cuticles with a cuticle pusher or orange wooden stick. For more tips from our Nail Technician co-author, including how to polish your nails, read on!

Do guys paint their toenails?

As of now, painted nails are no more an exclusive right of women. While some may find this awkward, some guys frequent the nail salon to polish their toenails. What’s more, guys sporting nail polish is fast becoming a mainstream phenomenon in modern-day society.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

There has been quite a bit of cultural hype surrounding the growing trend of men wearing nail polish for men. Many fear this nail polish trend for men will tear down age-old gender norms and encourage more open discussion.

From now on, painted nails are no longer a woman’s exclusive right. While some find this uncomfortable, some men visit the nail salon to polish their toenails. Additionally, men with nail polish are fast becoming a mainstream phenomenon in modern society. Fashion brands are now producing men’s nail polish to cater to the male folk.

You’re here because you can’t understand this trend of men with nail polish. There are several reasons millennials are driving this trend, ranging from the expected to the unexpected. Interestingly, I was able to highlight some of these reasons.

7 Reasons Guys Paint Their Toenails

1. For fun and laughter

Most of the time, guys wear colored nails just for the thrill of it. Everyone has the right to do what makes them happy, even if it means painting their nails. Oddly enough, men with young daughters are prone to having their nails used for practice.

Please make no mistake; the bond between father and daughter grows. In addition, men occasionally find themselves as product testers for their partners. And no doubt men who paint their nails sexually appeal to some women.

2. To improve their outward appearance

Colored nail polish makes hands and toes look prettier for those who pay attention to such things. It not only accentuates skin color but also improves physical appearance. It is becoming increasingly popular to find fashion forward men painting their nails.

Guys wear them to match the clothes they wear. The goth and punk subculture is responsible for the large number of guys with colored nails. The reason is simple – bright colors attract attention and brighten costumes.

3. To support a social impact campaign

Social campaigns for specific causes are usually the reason why most men wear colored men’s nail polish. They see it as an opportunity to give their voice to a humanitarian or global cause.

There have been many campaigns recently ranging from rape to gender based violence. Male celebrities are at the forefront in this regard, spearheading such campaigns. Organizers of such campaigns envision inspiring their fans to become more proactive and join the movement.

4. For artistic purposes

FYI, there is a growing trend called nail art. It is a type of artwork that deals with decorating and beautifying nails. Although associated with femininity in some areas, some men use it to display their creativity and artistic inclinations.

Black nail polish used to be even something acceptable in the past, but now guys are trying different nail art designs and colors. If you see a man with a bold color like blue, purple, or even pink, chances are he’s a nail art enthusiast.

5. Self Identity

Coloring toenails is a way of expressing one’s feelings and emotions without saying a word. This classic trend is primarily associated with the gay, transgender and queer community. The new trend borders on the notion of self-expression and gender identity.

Also, there’s the idea of ​​inclusivity for those who might consider themselves marginalized. We will likely see an increasing involvement of men in the manicure and pedicure salons. People come to terms with the fact that colored nails say nothing about a person’s gender or sexuality.

6. For personal reasons

As with everything else in life, sometimes people do all sorts of things for personal reasons. I’ve seen guys wear colored polish to keep them from biting their nails. Some wear it because it keeps their nails healthy and prevents them from breaking.

Guys who wear nail polish aren’t such a worrisome prospect if it means taking better care of their nails. Additionally, some millennials wear it to convey the message that they can be fun and stylish.

7. Increases self-esteem

Wearing a colored manicure has the same effect on both men and women in the sense that it makes them feel balanced and confident. Widely acclaimed songwriter and screenwriter Varun Grover is known for his colored manicure, which he claims makes him look beautiful and colorful.

Millennials see it as pride in who they are or what they do. Colored polishes could also represent a person’s personality and help them exude some confidence.

frequently asked Questions

What does it mean when guys paint their nails? It’s common to dismiss guys with painted nails as gay, but that’s not always the case. For some, they’re just trying to make a bold fashion statement or go funky. Sometimes men apply color to their nails to show solidarity with humanitarian or political causes, as seen in many cases around the world. Why do guys paint their toenails black? Black nail polish is primarily used in rock and roller goth culture. Furthermore, there could be an underlying political or gender motive for this. There’s also the fun part where kids or partners polish their nails black. Chances are there may not be any rationale involved other than to have fun. Why do guys paint a toenail? It probably has something to do with a social campaign for a charity. In 2015, the Polished Men campaign sought to raise public awareness and much-needed funds to combat child violence. Chaps who took part in the Social Impact campaign were tasked with having a single nail painted to support the movement. Is it okay for guys to paint their nails? This culture began as early as 3,000 BC. B.C., but gradually faded. Thanks to the ever-evolving world of fashion, painting men’s nails is no longer a gender issue. It is normal to find men in public places with their nails adorned with different colors. Male celebrities, especially rock stars, do this frequently. Can straight guys wear nail polish? The common stereotype that only gay men and transgender people wear nail polish is dead wrong. These assumptions are offensive, to say the least, to straight men who love to get their nails done. In addition, painted nails are not an indication of a person’s sexuality. Painting nails also says nothing about a man’s masculinity or sexual orientation.


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Do pedicures remove calluses?

In a usual pedicure, nail technicians theoretically and practically do both callussoftening and removing because they do not just apply the callus softener and leave it on the client for the product to dissolve or peel the callus at home as with a callus remover.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

By Vivian Valenty, Ph.D.

A product that claims to remove calluses is a drug, not a cosmetic. Drugs must first be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before they can be placed on the market. The term “callus remover” is FDA regulated. For FDA-approved drugs, monographs are published in the Code of Federal Registrations (CFR) Title 21.

The latest monograph on corn and callus removal products found in 21 CFR Part 358 Subpart F states: “The only active ingredients that meet the terms of the monograph are salicylic acid at 12-40% in a plaster carrier and 12 -17.6% in a collodion-like vehicle.” Therefore, a product without salicylic acid present at these levels when sold for use as a corn or callus remover is not compliant with 21 CFR. It is labeled as a misbrand and is banned from the market for this use before it receives FDA approval as a new drug.

softening of the cornea

FDA-approved salicylic acid callus removal products do not provide instant results and require multiple applications for two weeks or more. This procedure does not lend itself to being incorporated into a quick salon pedicure where the client demands instant results. Therefore, products are labeled as callus softener, callus eraser, callus remover, callus remover, callus remover, etc. to avoid using the term callus remover. To comply with the definitive monograph on callus removers, these products claim callus softening rather than callus removal and require the intervention of devices to facilitate removal of the softened callus during a single pedicure session.

In a typical pedicure, nail technicians theoretically and practically perform both callus softening and callus removal because they don’t just apply the callus softener and let the client do the work with a callus remover, which dissolves or peels the callus at home.

Types of callus softeners

Corrosive. Caustic plasticizers are usually aqueous gels and contain sodium or potassium hydroxide with a pH above 13.5. These are highly alkaline and should be used with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to avoid skin injury to nail technicians and their clients. Serious injury will result if they come in contact with living skin or accidentally get in the eyes.

Urea. Urea-based plasticizers are typically aqueous liquids containing about 20% urea with a pH of 6-9.

AHA/BHA. Alpha and beta hydroxy acid based emollients are available in liquid or cream formulations. These products are acidic (pH of about 3 to 4).

Some nail professionals prefer alkaline emollients because they dissolve dead skin cells faster than urea- or acid-based emollients. However, due to their safer nature, I recommend urea and acid based plasticizers. For me, safety is more important than speed. The acidic emollients are safe for clients to use at home to maintain their salon pedicures. By selling these acidic emollients to customers with the proper instructions for daily use on their heels, the nail professional makes a nice profit on the retail sale. If the customer follows the prescribed schedule, it will be easier and faster for the nail technician to perform callus reduction on subsequent customer visits.

callus reduction

The next step of a pedicure is callus removal, where the nail technician uses a foot file to reduce the thickness of the callus and gently smooth the newly exposed skin surface. We should call this step callus reduction because some calluses are necessary on the heels and soles.

Calluses are common and develop on the soles of our feet to protect the skin from the pressure of bearing our body weight. Calluses on the feet are therefore essential and we should not remove them completely. However, if the hardened thick skin is allowed to develop unhindered, it can cause discomfort and cracks that can harbor pathogenic microorganisms. Calluses should therefore be regularly reduced and smoothed.

foot files

The best foot files have just the right amount of abrasiveness (aka grit) or no sharp edges. Therefore, they do not cause injury to the foot by tearing the living skin. They must be made of seamless stainless steel for optimal disinfection after each use, or be disposable for single use.

Waterless pedicure

Step 1. Disinfect the customer’s feet.

Step 2. Analyze the feet for any open wounds or abnormalities that could prevent performing a service on the client.

Step 3. Remove old nail polish with cotton swab soaked with nail polish remover. If the client has bare nails, skip this step.

Step 4. Apply a small bead of cuticle remover to all 10 proximal nail folds. Confine it to the cuticle and do not coat the nail plate with the remover.

Step 5. Spray the soles of your feet with a urea-based callus softener and wrap your feet in steamed towels. You can use warm ankle boots. Leave the fabric softener on the soles for three to five minutes.

Step 6. Expose the toes of the first foot and leave the rest of the foot wrapped to retain warmth and moisture.

Step 7. Deactivate cuticle remover by spraying water and wash first foot thoroughly.

Step 8. Gently push back cuticles with a pusher. Never push back cuticles with cuticle softener still on the nail plate as this can damage the natural nail.

Step 9. Do a cuticle trimming.

Step 10. Apply a drop of cuticle oil per foot and massage into each nail.

Step 11. Expose the toes of the second foot and repeat steps 7 to 10.

Step 12. Unwrap the first foot and spray the sole with urea-based callus softener, including the tips of the toes and all calluses.

Step 13. File the bottom of the foot with an abrasive foot file until the dead skin rolls off the foot file and refine with the softer side of the foot file.

Step 14. Unwrap the second foot and repeat steps 12 and 13.

Step 15. Wipe both feet clean with a steamed towel to remove callus softener residue and skin debris.

Step 16. Apply a fruit acid based emollient cream to both feet.

Step 17. Gently clean under the toenails with a precision tool or an orange wood stick.

Step 18. If customer requested polish on toes, add polish application protocol steps here.

Step 19. Massage feet and legs with a no-rinse scrub and moisturizer as a relaxing treatment and a great finish to a wellness spa pedicure.

Note: Our feet can signal potential health problems before they become serious. Diagnosing health problems is taboo for nail professionals, so stay in your field. Be attentive and suggest customer see doctor if anything abnormal occurs on feet or toes during pedicure.

retail options

There are retail options for customers to keep their feet at home between services. These include the moisturizer used in the pedicure, a fruit acid-based emollient to apply to the soles and toes daily, and the nail and cuticle oil used in the pedicure.

About the author:

Vivian Valenty, Ph.D., is the Founder and President of VB Cosmetics, maker of Dazzle Dry. She holds a PhD in chemistry from Penn State University and is passionate about connecting wellness with performance.

Should men do pedicure and manicure?

No need to go over the top, but trimmed, clean, and buffed nails are a great attribute of any guy. 2. Healthy hands and feet: During the manicure and pedicure experience, your hands and feet will be exfoliated to remove any dead skin build up that has potential to cause problems down the road.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

Top 5 reasons why men should get a manicure and pedicure

Many men think that the mani-pedi treatment in a salon is for women only. Little do they know that men can benefit from the services too! Some of the top reasons men should treat themselves are:

1. To get a neat appearance: Let’s face it, women are attracted to men who take pride in their looks. No need to overdo it, but trimmed, clean and polished nails are a great attribute for any man.

2. Healthy Hands and Feet: During your manicure and pedicure, your hands and feet will be exfoliated to remove dead skin buildup that could cause problems later. We also pay close attention to ingrown toenails and hangnails to ensure you have healthy hands and feet.

3. IT FEELS GOOD: With a manicure and pedicure you can step out of the hectic everyday office life and enjoy a little piece of heaven on earth. You can relax in a beautiful massage chair, soak your feet in a warm, jetted foot bath, and enjoy a stress-relieving leg, foot, hand, and arm massage.

4. A Gentler Touch: Men are always on their feet, working outside, and using their hands, right? This causes rough hands and feet and the formation of calluses. We are able to get rid of those calluses and give men a little sweeter touch. (Don’t worry folks, you’re just as much a man, just with softer hands and feet!)

5. You can put the MAN in MANicures: There’s a common misconception that a manicure and pedicure must include polish and “fu-fu” treatments. What they don’t know is that we specialize in manicures for men. We leave the polishing and the “Fu-Fu” to the women! Men have different needs than women. Clean, trimmed and polished is the look men achieve with these services.

You shower, shave and cut your hair. So why not take the time to get rid of those overgrown cuticles, dry skin and dirt underneath those jagged fingernails?

Do men get toes painted?

As of now, painted nails are no more an exclusive right of women. While some may find this awkward, some guys frequent the nail salon to polish their toenails. What’s more, guys sporting nail polish is fast becoming a mainstream phenomenon in modern-day society.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

There has been quite a bit of cultural hype surrounding the growing trend of men wearing nail polish for men. Many fear this nail polish trend for men will tear down age-old gender norms and encourage more open discussion.

From now on, painted nails are no longer a woman’s exclusive right. While some find this uncomfortable, some men visit the nail salon to polish their toenails. Additionally, men with nail polish are fast becoming a mainstream phenomenon in modern society. Fashion brands are now producing men’s nail polish to cater to the male folk.

You’re here because you can’t understand this trend of men with nail polish. There are several reasons millennials are driving this trend, ranging from the expected to the unexpected. Interestingly, I was able to highlight some of these reasons.

7 Reasons Guys Paint Their Toenails

1. For fun and laughter

Most of the time, guys wear colored nails just for the thrill of it. Everyone has the right to do what makes them happy, even if it means painting their nails. Oddly enough, men with young daughters are prone to having their nails used for practice.

Please make no mistake; the bond between father and daughter grows. In addition, men occasionally find themselves as product testers for their partners. And no doubt men who paint their nails sexually appeal to some women.

2. To improve their outward appearance

Colored nail polish makes hands and toes look prettier for those who pay attention to such things. It not only accentuates skin color but also improves physical appearance. It is becoming increasingly popular to find fashion forward men painting their nails.

Guys wear them to match the clothes they wear. The goth and punk subculture is responsible for the large number of guys with colored nails. The reason is simple – bright colors attract attention and brighten costumes.

3. To support a social impact campaign

Social campaigns for specific causes are usually the reason why most men wear colored men’s nail polish. They see it as an opportunity to give their voice to a humanitarian or global cause.

There have been many campaigns recently ranging from rape to gender based violence. Male celebrities are at the forefront in this regard, spearheading such campaigns. Organizers of such campaigns envision inspiring their fans to become more proactive and join the movement.

4. For artistic purposes

FYI, there is a growing trend called nail art. It is a type of artwork that deals with decorating and beautifying nails. Although associated with femininity in some areas, some men use it to display their creativity and artistic inclinations.

Black nail polish used to be even something acceptable in the past, but now guys are trying different nail art designs and colors. If you see a man with a bold color like blue, purple, or even pink, chances are he’s a nail art enthusiast.

5. Self Identity

Coloring toenails is a way of expressing one’s feelings and emotions without saying a word. This classic trend is primarily associated with the gay, transgender and queer community. The new trend borders on the notion of self-expression and gender identity.

Also, there’s the idea of ​​inclusivity for those who might consider themselves marginalized. We will likely see an increasing involvement of men in the manicure and pedicure salons. People come to terms with the fact that colored nails say nothing about a person’s gender or sexuality.

6. For personal reasons

As with everything else in life, sometimes people do all sorts of things for personal reasons. I’ve seen guys wear colored polish to keep them from biting their nails. Some wear it because it keeps their nails healthy and prevents them from breaking.

Guys who wear nail polish aren’t such a worrisome prospect if it means taking better care of their nails. Additionally, some millennials wear it to convey the message that they can be fun and stylish.

7. Increases self-esteem

Wearing a colored manicure has the same effect on both men and women in the sense that it makes them feel balanced and confident. Widely acclaimed songwriter and screenwriter Varun Grover is known for his colored manicure, which he claims makes him look beautiful and colorful.

Millennials see it as pride in who they are or what they do. Colored polishes could also represent a person’s personality and help them exude some confidence.

frequently asked Questions

What does it mean when guys paint their nails? It’s common to dismiss guys with painted nails as gay, but that’s not always the case. For some, they’re just trying to make a bold fashion statement or go funky. Sometimes men apply color to their nails to show solidarity with humanitarian or political causes, as seen in many cases around the world. Why do guys paint their toenails black? Black nail polish is primarily used in rock and roller goth culture. Furthermore, there could be an underlying political or gender motive for this. There’s also the fun part where kids or partners polish their nails black. Chances are there may not be any rationale involved other than to have fun. Why do guys paint a toenail? It probably has something to do with a social campaign for a charity. In 2015, the Polished Men campaign sought to raise public awareness and much-needed funds to combat child violence. Chaps who took part in the Social Impact campaign were tasked with having a single nail painted to support the movement. Is it okay for guys to paint their nails? This culture began as early as 3,000 BC. B.C., but gradually faded. Thanks to the ever-evolving world of fashion, painting men’s nails is no longer a gender issue. It is normal to find men in public places with their nails adorned with different colors. Male celebrities, especially rock stars, do this frequently. Can straight guys wear nail polish? The common stereotype that only gay men and transgender people wear nail polish is dead wrong. These assumptions are offensive, to say the least, to straight men who love to get their nails done. In addition, painted nails are not an indication of a person’s sexuality. Painting nails also says nothing about a man’s masculinity or sexual orientation.


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What’s the point of a pedicure?

A pedicure helps clean and moisturise your feet, and also provides nail care. Getting a monthly pedicure done is advisable, as it’s an effective way to detect early signs of corns and fungal infections, among other things.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

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Pedicures for Men: Everything You Need to Know

Do men get pedicures? We’re a bit shocked at how often this question is asked. Of course men get pedicures – but not enough of them. The self-caterer always has their next appointment and knows the long list of health and therapeutic benefits of good foot care.

The pedicure isn’t about getting a splash of cute colors on your toes—but you can do it if you feel like it. It’s about having healthy feet, which is an area where most of us could improve. Think of how often your feet are exhausted, sweaty, rough, flaky and smelly, or how often your toenails are either overgrown or overcut. If you’ve ever had an ingrown toenail, you agree tenfold.

Here are all the benefits of male pedicures, including some ways to give one to yourself.

Why you should get a pedicure

Be honest with yourself: when was the last time you gave the area under your toenails a thorough cleaning? When was the last time you scrubbed the bottoms of your feet to remove dead skin or calluses? It’s easy to think of a pedicure as a breezy spa activity – it’s definitely relaxing! – You should also consider the hygiene benefits if you really pay a lot of attention to your feet.

If general cleanliness isn’t enough, you might feel like indulgence. Male pedicure has a range. You can opt for a basic cleanse, or you can opt for a higher-end pedicure and put your legs in place with milk-based creams or green tea-scented lotions. After all, you are a worker. Don’t your poor feet, which help you rush to work, pump irons at the gym, and escape death at your standing desk — your damn foundation — deserve the same occasional deluxe care as the rest of your body?

Here’s what to expect from your first pedicure

Whether you make an appointment at the salon at your local mall or at the spa near your romantic getaway, the basic situation is the same: you arrive, roll up your pants and find yourself in a massage chair with your feet in a tub of warm water Water.

In the next 30 minutes to an hour (depending on the chosen pedicure) the following happens:

Getting a Manicure or Pedicure for Men – Grooming Tips

Think you’re too tough, manly or old-fashioned to get a men’s manicure or men’s pedicure?

Bad for you. You don’t know what you’re missing. It’s not for nothing that top athletes like LeBron James are fans of nail care for men. And the growing popularity of all kinds of men’s grooming services is clear evidence that men like this stuff. The market is expected to grow to $81 billion by 2025.

This doesn’t just apply to the rich and famous. If you work on your feet all day or rely on your hands for a living, you really should appreciate them more. After all, they’re your moneymakers – and they deserve a little maintenance and TLC.

Too many men suffer from blisters, deformed nails and other nasty hand and foot problems that are completely unnecessary – and can be treated with a manicure or pedicure.

When your work puts a lot of strain on your hands, it’s important to avoid hanging nails or awkward nails that might get in the way. Adding regular men’s manicures to your grooming routine can help you avoid these annoyances.

Considering a manicure or pedicure for the first time? Here’s a primer to make the whole experience as positive as possible.

Getting a manicure – a step-by-step guide for men

Basically, a manicure for men involves softening the skin on the hands, filing the nails and shaping the cuticles.

It might seem like a lot if you’re new to the idea, but the process is pretty simple. In fact, you can even easily do it yourself at home using a men’s manicure kit (although having one professionally is a much better experience). These are the basic steps:

Step 1: Cut the nail

A manicure for men begins by trimming your nails with nail clippers (here’s one we recommend).

Cut only the white part of the nail and try to do as few clips per nail as possible. Extra clips leave your nail edge uneven and can lead to uncomfortable and unattractive hanging nails.

Step 2: File the edges

First, take a nail file (we like this one) and gently file from one side of the nail to the other. Pretend the file is grinding down the nail.

Use this action to round the top of the nail and stop when you feel the file begin to make contact with your fingertip. It will be easy to get impatient and try to rush this, but take your time so as not to disturb your fingertips. Slow down – nail care for men is self-care time.

Step 3: Trim back the excess cuticles

The cuticle is the area where your nails meet your skin. Remove excess cuticles with cuticle scissors (here’s our pick) – not your fingers.

Ripping a loose cuticle can create a jagged appearance and lead to bleeding, swelling, and sagging nails. Do not do it.

If your cuticles are severely deformed, start by using a cuticle stick to gently push them back toward the end of your fingernail.

Step 4: Hydrate hands

Finally, rinse your hands and apply hand lotion. This will help soothe dry skin and heal scrapes made during the manicure.

Our Maximum Strength Hand Cream is designed to improve the skin on your hands. It’s made with powerful natural ingredients – vitamin E, shea butter and jojoba – and its lightweight formula absorbs quickly.

Does all that nail care sound like a lot of work? We promise you this is not the case. If you’d rather not do it yourself (or just want to treat yourself from time to time), you can always visit your nearest men’s salon to have your manicure done professionally.

Men’s Pedicure: A Simple Guide

Similar to a manicure, a men’s pedicure involves grooming your nails, trimming back your cuticles, and hydrating — but this time your feet.

Like a manicure, you can easily (and fairly inexpensively) do all of these things at home. But it’s really worth treating yourself to a professional men’s pedicure. Depending on where you’re going, it may include a foot massage, a warm water foot bath, and other small luxuries. If you are looking for an easy way to treat yourself then this is it.

If you’re on your feet all day, schedule a monthly pedicure. Your feet will look, feel and smell better.

Regular pedicures contribute to improved nail care. They remove excess dead skin on your feet, reduce sore spots, and remove and prevent sticky buildup around nails.

At least one male professional pedicure in your life – perhaps for a special occasion – is a must. Why? Because they feel amazing and the pros can reach places you could never reach.

Not only that, your feet will look, smell and feel great. Who knows, you might even become a regular in the pedicure chair after just one visit.

Whether you go to a professional or do your own pedicure at home, these are the basic steps. If you’d rather do one yourself at home, grab a men’s pedicure kit and follow these steps:

Step 1: Soak Feet

Use warm water in the bath, a large bucket, or a foot bath. This will soften the skin and allow for a more thorough treatment. Soak your feet for 2-5 minutes.

Adding a little aromatic body wash—like one of our invigorating essential oil body wash scents—can add a nice touch to the experience.

Step 2: Exfoliate the skin

While your feet are still wet, exfoliate your feet with a scrubbing product—like our Polishing Body Scrub made with walnut powder, oat straw, and glycolic acid.

This will remove dead skin that has built up on it. Removing all of this buildup will help prevent bacterial and fungal growth. This will also remove painful calluses that form where your feet hit the most.

Step 3: Cut off the nails

Only cut the outermost white part of the nail and (if possible) make only one clip per nail. This will help prevent ingrown nails, sagging nails, and other problems.

Step 4: File the edges

Using a nail file, gently file from one side of the nail to the other. Round the nail and stop as soon as you feel the file touch the tip of your toe.

Step 5: Clip back the cuticles

Trim off excess cuticles with cuticle scissors – not your fingers. Don’t get too aggressive here, ripping open the loose cuticles can lead to bleeding, swelling, sagging nails and even infection. Nail care for men should be gentle and easy, not harsh.

If your cuticles are really out of shape, use a cuticle stick to gently push them back towards the end of the toenail.

Step 6: Rinse and hydrate

Rinse your feet with warm water and apply lotion – like our Deep Moisture Body Lotion with vitamin E, shea butter and jojoba. This will help soothe dry skin and heal any nicks left while performing your pedicure.

Pedicures for Men: The Complete Guide

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How to do a pedicure at home


While a trip to the salon might leave you with a men’s pedicure par excellence, there are still plenty of ways to achieve similar results from the comfort of your own home.

Tools and products you will need:

Nail clippers (or pliers for thick nails that are difficult to cut with regular nail clippers)

Disposable nail file

Pedicure file with disposable buffing blades

Disposable Nail Buffer

Disposable wooden nail sticks

Epsom salt (unscented is best) or foot soap

Thick foot cream

cuticle oil

Step 1: Bathe your feet

Correa recommends soaking feet in warm water with Epsom salts or foot soap for 15 minutes to soften nails and make them more pliable when clipping. If you’re in a hurry, Cabrera recommends waiting until after you’ve showered to get the same effect. But if you have time, kick back with some quality TikTok and enjoy a good swim.

Step 2: Cut and file your nails

Cut each nail straight, then gently file each nail.

Step 3: cuticle care

Use cuticle oil or jojoba oil and massage into your toenails and cuticles before gently pushing back with a wooden cuticle stick. Remember never to cut your cuticles!

Step 4: Intensive peeling

After cleaning and moisturizing your nails, Correa recommends applying lotion to the bottoms of your feet. Then take your foot file and file the skin in an up and down (as opposed to straight or back and forth) motion to follow the skin’s natural cracks.

Step 5: Rinse and dry

Rinse your feet and dry them thoroughly, especially in the toe area. Correa recommends using a hair dryer to ensure feet are dry, which is especially important when treating toenail fungus or athlete’s foot.

Step 6: Moisten and buff

Finish with a healthy dab of thick foot cream and gently buff nails to bring out their natural shine.

Extra step for athlete’s foot: Correa recommends also cleaning the inside of the shoes, if possible with a UV sterilizer, to kill fungi and bacteria that could compromise the freshness and longevity of your new pedicure.

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